#is it so hard to ask to live during HOTD
Ewan Mitchell playing a bastard
Ewan Mitchell playing someone who hates bastards
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
Teacher's Pet (modern!HOTD)
read the second installment Lessons
pairing: professor!Aemond x student!Reader
summary: A night out during the spring semester of your senior year of university leads to a run-in with your former professor.
warnings: NSFW 18+ (explicit sex, unprotected, fingering, oral fem-receiving, overstimulation, titty sucking, praise, degrading language) mature themes, power imbalance
word count: 4.5k
note: I got a saucy little anon saying y'all needed a student x teacher fic from me, and to celebrate 3,000 besties I had to deliver!! thanks for all the love and support, you all mean the absolute world to me! Excited to keep creating for you all, ilysm 😘
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You and your best friend Sara Snow grew up together, and spent nearly every waking moment attached at the hip. You know those friends you have that are more like siblings than friends? Sara was more like your twin. So when she stayed in your hometown going to Winterfell State, and you traveled to Citadel University, it was like you’d lost a limb. 
Which meant you had to visit each other as frequently as possible. Sometimes you’d travel back home and visit Sara, and other times she’d come to you. Sara preferred visiting you, she loved the wine bars and clubs of Oldtown.
“The vibe is just different here,” she says, sipping her wine, “I love it. Very chic.”
You’d chosen a new wine bar to explore this time around. It’s a super cute place, with low lighting and a chalkboard bar and tables, with chalk for drawing laid out on all the tables. Sara, being mentally 12 years old, had already drawn a veiny cock in front of you. You swipe it away with your hand.
“Rudeness!” she says, pouting as you destroy her artwork. 
“Stop drawing dicks,” you tell her and she narrows her eyes.
“You’ll have to kill me,” she teases, eyes flickering toward a blonde girl who passes on her way to the bathroom.
“You’re staring,” you tell her and she sticks her tongue out at you.
“She’s been staring at me for a while,” Sara tells you, grinning, “I for one, plan to get laid tonight.”
“I love that for you,” you tell her, smiling. 
“This guy at the bar, totally checking you out right now,” Sara says, sipping on her wine. 
Your face flushes and you turn your head slightly to look. Sara makes a noise of disapproval, setting her glass down.
“Don’t look,” she whispers, pushing some dark hair over her shoulders. 
“I’m not,” you hiss, tilting your head.
“You totally are,” Sara accuses.
“What’s he look like?” you ask.
Sara’s dark eyes scan the man, you watch them move seemingly over his form.
“Tall, platinum blonde, like seriously, must have an extensive hair care routine,” she says, nodding, “We love that, love a man with good hygiene.”
You snicker, living for her analysis. 
“He’s lean, but like you can tell he’s muscular,” she glances at you, “I know you’re a hand whore, and I can tell he’s got nice hands.”
“You’re so rude,” you accuse, blushing because she’s right. 
Sara scoots off of her seat. 
“C’mon, we’re going over there,” she tells you.
“Okay,” you agree and she links your arm pulling you from your seat.
You finally get a look at the guy and your stomach drops.
It’s your professor.
Not this semester, but last semester. Westerosis Literature taught by Professor Aemond Targaryen. A great class, hard as hell. He worked you fucking hard for that A. You mean to tell Sara but you’re still in shock as you come face to face.
“Hey there,” Sara says, smiling sweetly, “I couldn’t help but notice you checking out my friend, thought you’d like to buy her a drink? Maybe keep her company while I visit the loo?”
Aemond’s eyes rake over you, clearly recognizing you. You blush furiously, mouth gaping. 
“She likes Sauvignon Blanc,” Sara tells him, motioning to the bartender, “I’ll be back, take care of my girl.”
And with that, she flounces off toward the restroom.
“I’m sorry professor,” you tell him, nervously playing with your fingers, “If I had known it was you I wouldn’t have let her drag me over here.”
“Something tells me your friend would be hard to deny,” he tells you as the bartender comes over, “A glass of Sauvignon Blanc please, and I’ll take another gin and tonic.”
You flush as the bartender nods, getting your drinks. 
“She’s very persistent,” you tell him, nodding in agreement and casting your eyes to the floor. 
Aemond cannot keep his eyes off your glowing cheeks, the way your lashes flutter against them as you avert your gaze. 
“I can just take this back to the table,” you say, grabbing the glass of Sauvignon Blanc he paid for. 
Aemond shakes his head.
“You shouldn’t drink alone,” he tells you, patting the empty chair next to him, “Indulge me for a bit, will you?”
You look back towards the table you shared with Sara, though she has yet to return to it. She’s probably chatting up that girl she had her eyes on. You bring your gaze back to Aemond.
“Okay, if you’re sure you’re comfortable with that,” you tell him, slipping onto the stool. 
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“Because that paper was cruel and unusual punishment, even for you,” you tell Aemond through a laugh.
You’re on your third glass of wine, the hours ticking away as you converse with your former professor. Sara has made herself scarce, though she’s been texting you. 
“You did rather well if I recall correctly,” he says, with a sly smile on his face.
You roll your eyes, taking another sip. You’ve always been a good student. 
“Only because I dedicated a week of sleepless nights to that assignment. Seriously, you should be paying for my therapy after that,” you tease, leaning your cheek against your hand. 
You’ve gotten closer to him during the night, your knees brushing against his thigh, heel clad foot mindlessly rubbing against his calf. You’re not sure if it’s the wine or the ease of the conversation that has you feeling so comfortable around him. 
“Send me the bill,” he jokes back, a soft chuckle rumbling in his chest. 
“I’ll put it in your mailbox tomorrow,” you giggle, taking another sip, “You know, I was really disappointed when your Essosi Literature class was full this semester.”
“Is that so?” he asks, sipping his gin and tonic, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“Now I’ll never have the chance to take it,” you continue, “Unless you teach a summer course, otherwise your popularity has thrown off my entire plan of study.”
“My apologies,” he insists, grinning at you, “My popularity, you say? I thought I was a hard ass.”
“Oh you are,” you assure him, “But that doesn’t mean you’re not popular.”
“How so?” he pushes, a long finger dancing around the rim of his empty glass.
Your eyes follow the circle he traces, up the veins on the back of his hands. How have you never noticed how sexy his hands are? You’ve never been this close to him, his lectures always held in one of the large lecture halls on campus rather than the more intimate classroom settings. You wet your lips, desire pooling in your belly before you meet his eyes once more. 
“You know,” you tell him, unable to keep the secretive smile off of your face, “I mean, you must know.”
“Know what?” he murmurs, staring at you with such intensity it makes your thighs tremble. 
You brush a strand of hair behind your ear, chewing on your lower lip. This will be your last glass of wine, you feel too giddy, too at ease in the presence of your professor. You’re going to regret this little flirtation in the morning, you can feel it in your bones. But the alcohol is liquid courage, and you’re a senior after all. Once this semester is over, you’re out in the real world, done with Citadel University. 
“You’re popular with the ladies of campus,” you tell him, “and the men, and everyone else.”
Aemond quirks an eyebrow at you. 
“Oh really?” he asks.
“Of course, I mean you’re the youngest tenured professor, you are a hard ass grader but your lectures are so enticing, and it helps you’re easy on the eyes-”
You choke as soon as the sentence escapes you. A freudian slip if you’ve ever had one. Aemond’s mouth quirks up into a wolfish grin.
“I’m so sorry,” you tell him, covering your mouth.
“It’s alright,” he assures you, but you’re off on a nervous ramble.
“That was seriously so shallow of me and inappropriate to say-”
“Y/N,” he says, resting a hand on your knee, “It’s alright, really.”
You laugh nervously, enjoying the feeling of his hand on your leg. You can feel the heat it emits through your tights. His hand is huge, and you lose yourself in the moment wondering how it might feel against the bare flesh of your thighs, you neck-
“I should see if Sara texted,” you tell him, reaching for your phone.
You’re greeted by a dropped pinned location and a text from Sara saying she went home with the blonde from earlier. Lucky bitch. 
“And she’s left me,” you say aloud. 
“Everything alright?” Aemond asks.
“Yeah, yeah. This has been great,” you tell him, “Thank you for keeping me company, but I should probably get home, call an Uber.”
“Let me drive you,” Aemond insists, “It’s no problem.”
You bite your lip. You shouldn’t do this right? He’s your professor, your teacher. 
“Are you sure?” you ask and he nods.
That’s how you end up in the passenger seat of his mercedes, the dark leather seats warm and inviting. You know you’re staring as you watch him drive, long fingers gripping the wheel, the other hand resting on his knee. 
As you pull up to your apartment, you swallow the lump that has formed in your throat. You almost want to invite him up. He watches you closely, as though sensing the words swimming around your head. No, you're not doing this.
“Thank you, professor, I appreciate it,” you tell him, leaving it at that. 
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“I think I embarrassed myself big time Sara,” you tell her groaning on the phone. 
There wasn’t much time to debrief the night before Sara had to head back to Winterfell. You brought yourself to the campus coffee shop, settling in to complete some homework while you had some free time. 
You’d been staring at your laptop screen, and the empty word doc that was pulled up, for the better part of an hour before deciding to call Sara. 
“You did not,” she insists, “I don’t care if he is your professor, he was totally into you.”
“He was just being polite.”
“I know polite, and I know eye fucking. Professor Big Dick was the latter,” Sara insists.
“You know I’m right,” she tells you.
“Fuck,” you tell her, placing a hand against your forehead.
“Look, if you’re that worried about it, go talk to him,” Sara says, “Drop by his office or something, bring him a coffee and tell him you’re sorry.”
“You don’t think that’s weird?” you ask, nervously chewing your thumb.
“I think it's weird you didn’t suck his dick when he drove you home,” she answers honestly.
“Bye Sara,” you tell her.
“Love you too bitch,” she says, making a kissing noise into the receiver. 
You decide to take Sara’s advice, bringing Aemond a coffee as an apology for your behavior. You walk through the building; it’s quiet with no classes, not many people pass you on your way to the faculty offices. Most doors are closed, but you see Professor Targaryen’s door is ajar, signaling his presence. 
You’d been to his office one time before, dropping in for office hours the previous semester when working on your midterm. He grilled you hard, and you left feeling frustrated but with a strong desire to please him. You always did crave academic validation. 
You knock on the door, greeted by Aemond’s gentle timbre telling you to enter. He’s seated behind his desk, a book open on his lap. He’s wearing gray slacks, a simple button down shirt and his silver hair is pulled away from his face in a loose, low bun. His violet eye lights up as you enter, blue sapphire prosthetic winking in the afternoon light that filters through his window.
“I don’t mean to intrude,” you tell him, closing the door behind you.
You walk further into the room and place the coffee cup on his desk.
“What’s this?” he asks, closing his book and placing it on the desk. 
“An apology from a tremendously bright student?” you tell him, smiling nervously.
“What do you need to be apologizing for?” he asks, picking up the coffee, inspecting the order on the side.
You chose black to be safe, not knowing this is how he preferred his coffee. Aemond takes a sip, humming appreciatively. 
“I just really didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, I know I was a little tipsy, and I hope I didn’t cross a line or anything,” you tell him. 
Aemond stands, picking up his book and walking over to his bookshelf. It’s stacked with books, classics and other contemporary novels. 
“You’re very thoughtful, Ms. Y/L/N,” he comments, sliding the book back where it belongs. 
“Thank you, professor,” you tell him.
“If anyone should be apologizing, it’s me,” he tells you, walking in front of his desk.
He leans his back against it, resting his palms on the edge. 
“Why would you apologize?” you ask, tilting your head with curiosity.
“Well, if anyone’s responsible for making our interaction inappropriate it's me,” he tells you, jutting out his sharp chin, “I’m your professor, you’re my student.”
You flick an eyebrow up at him.
“You were my professor,” you tell him, “I’m not in your class anymore.”
“Still, that power imbalance doesn’t just go away,” he insists, eyes meeting yours.
There it is again, that look. The one with such intensity it makes your knees weak. You can see his tongue poking his cheek as though he’s contemplating something. Your breath catches in your throat and you nervously wet your lips. 
“I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again,” you tell him, “No more flirting with strangers at wine bars for me.”
“I’m not a stranger,” he says.
“You know what I mean,” you tell him. 
The air between you is warm and inviting. It’s like the bar all over again, you can feel some invisible force pulling you closer to him with every word you exchange. It’s so effortless, this playful banter, you fall into it easily with him. You have to stop, have to stop before you cross another line. 
“Anyway, take the coffee,” you tell him, “and let me know if you decide to run that summer class, cause I’ll totally take it.”
“You’re graduating,” he teases.
“They’ll let me hang around, I can be very persuasive,” you insist, kicking yourself for the insinuation.
Aemond lets out a breathless laugh. 
“I’m sure,” he says smirking. 
You stare a moment longer, appreciating how his tall, lean frame looks resting against his desk. Your gaze drops to his hands again. His hands. You blink, steadying yourself, but he’s definitely noticed the mental lag you had. 
“Goodbye, Professor,” you tell him, “Have a good rest of your day.”
You turn walking toward the door. You reach for the handle, pulling it open slightly before a hand reaches above your head, pushing it shut. He keeps his hand on the door as you turn around to face him. 
“Don’t leave,” he murmurs, bringing his opposite hand to trace a line down the side of your face, before cupping your cheek.
Your breathing turns ragged as his thumb strokes your cheekbone. He’s so close you can feel his breath on your lips, and smell his cologne. His hand strokes the doorframe, following into down until he reaches the handle, flicking the lock into place. 
“I thought we weren’t doing this,” you whisper, hands clenched into fists at your sides. 
“Then why’d you come here?” he purrs.
“I was being nice,” you tell him, as he brings his other hand to your waist, pulling you against him.
“Such a good girl you are,” he whispers and then his lips are on yours. 
Your hands fly to his neck instinctively, pulling him as close to you as possible. His mouth feels so perfect against yours, the mingled taste of spearmint and coffee sharp on your tongue as you greedily drink him in. Your hands fist the back of his shirt. 
You’re practically gasping against his mouth as his hands move to cup your ass, before he bends his knees to lift you up by your thighs. You wrap your legs around his slender waist, continuing to kiss him all the while, moaning as he slips his tongue into your mouth. 
He turns, walking you away from the door and placing you on the corner of his desk, hastily brushing his arm to move loose papers and knick knacks out of the way, sending them crashing towards the floor. Not that either of you care. Your hands work quickly, tearing at the buttons on his shirt, revealing his chest. Your nails rake down his abs, reaching for his belt. You’re desperate and you don’t care, you need to feel him inside you. 
Aemond removes his lips from yours, laughing breathlessly at your eagerness before swatting your hands away. 
“Let me,” he murmurs, sinking to his knees in front of you. 
His hands travel up your thighs and you squirm against his touch as they disappear beneath your skirt. You feel his dexterous fingers loop through your underwear pulling it off of you. You assist him, bunching your skirt in your hands revealing your dripping cunt to him.
“So wet for me,” he purrs, “Are you always like this?”
“Fuck,” you mewl as his tongue flicks out, tasting the wetness between your folds.
He hums with appreciation, as though tasting a fine wine. Aemond pressing his face into you, nose nuzzling against your clit, sending spark waves of pleasure dancing upwards toward your navel. His tongue swirls around your center, dipping into your tight heat. 
“Did you sit through my lectures with your pussy dripping like this?” he asks, voice rough with desire. 
You squirm against his mouth as he wraps his lips around your needy clit, suckling gently and flicking his tongue around the sensitive nub. Your hand flies to the back of his head, foot digging into his shoulder blade. 
His hand squeezes your inner thigh roughly, before slapping the tender flesh causing you to cry out. 
“Oh gods,” you moan, head tilting back in the throes of pleasure. 
“I bet you did,” he answers his own question, smirking at you. 
He moves his attention away from your clit momentarily, dragging a finger through your folds. You can’t see his hands but you can picture them, his long, skilled fingers as you feel him sink one into your tight heat. 
Your spine curves, pushing your pussy closer toward his face as his finger searches for that special spot inside of you. 
“Oh fuck, fuck!” you cry as the pad of his finger pressing against the spot inside of you that paints stars behind your eyelids.
Aemond glances up at you, watches as your brow creases with pleasure, and your mouth forms a perfect O shape. 
“There we go,” Aemond purrs, wasting no time and slipping another finger inside of you. 
Every crook of his fingers has you trembling against him, his pace relentless as pressing against your g-spot. He brings his attention back to your throbbing clit, increasing the pleasure building in your abdomen, tingling up your spine. His tongue laps away, little kitten licks against the sensitive button drawing you closer and closer to orgasm with each flick. 
Tears well in the corners of your eyes and your nails dig harshly into his scalp, not that he seems to mind. Aemond simply groans against you, the vibrations only adding to your pleasure. 
“I’m gonna come,” you pathetically whine, shaking against the desk.
“That’s a good girl, c’mon,” Aemond insists, slipping a third finger inside you.
The wet slurping of your soaked cunt echoes in the room as he never relents the stokes of his fingers, the flicking of his tongue. It’s all too much and the tightly wound coil of pleasure inside you snaps with a strangled sob. As your high washes over you, all the tension in your body releases. 
Only Aemond doesn’t stop.
“Professor,” you moan, feeling the wave cresting inside of you again.
His fingers are soaked, easily sliding in and out of your greedy cunt. 
“Please, please, it’s too much,” you beg, slumping against the desk.
“But you’re such a good girl,” he insists, “You deserve one more, give me one more.”
“I can’t- holy shit!” you squeak, as his lips suck your clit.
You’ve never been treated like this before. One orgasm-if you’re lucky-has been your experience with your past lovers. But you can’t deny him as his fingers work their magic, his tongue swirls around your puffy clit. 
“Yes you can,” he purrs, and of course he’s right as you feel yourself thrown over the edge of pleasure once more. 
“One more,” Aemond insists and you feel tears leaking down your cheeks.
“Professor I can’t-” you tell him, and he shushes you.
“One more, on my cock, huh?” he asks, unbuckling his belt, “Yeah, you like that idea baby?”
Your eyes light up, and you push yourself on your elbows to watch as he reveals his impressive length. Sara’s always told you guys who are lean are usually well endowed. Boy was she right. Your eyes widen taking in his length, as he grips it in his hand, pumping it. You bite your lip, watching precum leak from the reddened tip.
“I changed my mind,” he says roughly, dragging you toward him like a wolf with its prey, “Two more, you’ll give me two more.”
Your eyes are round as he drags his cock through your folds. You wiggles as he drags the tip over your clit, up and down, using your arousal as lubricant. 
“You’ll cum just like this,” he says, continuing the movement against your sensitive clit.
You’re squeaking and moaning embarrassingly, wriggling like a trapped kitten as he holds your thigh tightly with one hand, while the other continues to rub the head of his cock against your clit. Your third orgasm builds quickly and crashes over you just as powerful as the first two, leaving you gasping for air. 
“So pretty like this,” Aemond murmurs, bringing a hand to the back of your neck to kiss you. 
You whimper against his mouth and his hands move to your shirt, breaking the kiss only to pull the material off of your head. You reach around to unclip your bra, leaving your breasts free and hanging heavy with need. Aemond brings his attention to them immediately, his erection pressing against your thigh as he circlies your nipple with his hot mouth, sucking on your breast. 
You’re babbling uncontrollably at this point as he switches, suckling at your neglected other breast before aligning his cock with your soaked entrance. 
“You sure?” he asks, hesitating for a moment. 
“I’m on birth control,” you manage to gasp, “I’m sure, please, please.”
Aemond grins wolfishly before sinking into your wet heat. His jaw slacks as your pussy greedily accepts him, warm walls holding him firmly inside as he stretches you out.
“So fucking tight,” he murmurs, slowly dragging out only to thrust back in, balls slapping against your ass. 
Your head is full of cotton at this point, unable to form coherent thoughts as he plows into you. His hands rest securely on your lower ribs, as your own hands grip the back of your thighs, allowing your legs to bend at the knee. Your back is arched off of the desk, head thrown back and mouth hanging open in pleasure. 
“You like that?” he asks.
You can’t find it in you to reply, answering only in a breathy moan. Aemond merely chuckles.
“Awww did I fuck you stupid, baby?” he teases, causing you to whimper.
He feels so fucking good, sliding easily in and out of your tight walls, the sounds of lewd, wet slapping filling his office. It’s filthy, it’s erotic, and it’s so so bad of you but you can’t help but love the position you’ve found yourself in. 
“I think I did,” he continues, “Poor, silly, baby thought she could handle it her professor fucking her.” 
Desire and humiliation tingle up your spine, spreading across your body like wildfire at his taunts. The pitch of your moans increase as he brings his fingers to play with your clit. 
“She’s all cockdumb now,” Aemond croons, squeezing your breast.
He releases your breast to bring a hand to grab at your chin.
“Look at me,” he demands, and you do so with tears in your eyes.
The head of his cock bullies against your sweet spot, rubbing the tender spot with precise devotion. 
“You’re going to cum all over my cock,” he tells you, “Soak my cock like the good little girl you are.”
He keeps his hand on your face, forcing you to look at him as he plows into you and your fourth orgasm rolls over you. It’s intense, almost painful with the pleasure it brings you as your walls clamp down against his cock. 
“Fuck, baby,” he moans as you tighten around him and he chases his own release.
“I’m going to fill this pretty pussy up,” he tells you, and you feel him spill inside of you, warmth flooding through you. 
You stay connected for a moment, relishing the feeling of him inside of you. You’re incredibly sensitive from the overstimulation as he begins to pull out, moaning slightly with the loss of contact. 
Aemond grabs some tissues, gently wiping down your inner thighs and beginning to clean you up. He glances up at you as you attempt to find your bearings.
“Holy. Hell.” you tell him, breathing heavily. 
Aemond smirks.
“Was that too much?” he asks, a note of concern in his voice. 
You shake your head. 
“That was amazing,” you tell him, shyly looking away. 
You grab your bra, putting it on and reaching for your shirt as he stands. You clip your bra, pulling your shirt over your head as he hands you your discarded panties. 
“Thanks,” you tell him, standing on shaky legs.
You nearly fall over putting your panties back on, Aemond’s arms catch you, helping you stand. 
You chuckle nervously. 
“You sure you’re alright?” he asks, his arms still holding you.
“Yeah,” you assure him, “I should go though.”
“Of course,” he tells you.
You move toward the door but pause, turning to look at him. He’s just finishing buttoning up his shirt.
“Was this…was this a one time thing?” you ask.
Aemond looks up at you.
“It should be,” he tells you.
Your heart flutters in your chest, and a smirk tugs at your lips.
“That’s not an answer,” you tell him.
He smirks at you.
“No, it isn’t,” he agrees. 
You hold his gaze a moment more. 
“I’ll see you around, professor,” you tell him, unlocking the door and leaving his office. 
You walk quickly, heat pounding, desperate to get back to your apartment and call Sara. You hop on the campus bus, holding tightly to the railing, trying to ignore the dull ache between your legs, and the warmth of Aemond’s cum that is still trickling down your thighs. 
Boy are you fucked. 
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note: I hope you liked it my loves! Again, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! For all your support and love. I'm truly so lucky to have such amazing support on this site and a place to post my silly little stories. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! until next time besties 😘
HOTD TAGLIST GENERAL: @bluevxnuss, @thattargboy, @xlilacfrostx, @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed, @marvelescape, @geminithrone, @deltamoon666, @i-killed-ramsey, @tempt-ress, @eddiemadmunson, @zillahvathek, @hangmanscoming, @jojoesq, @f4ll-for-you, @rwdkarla, @cc13723things, @filipiniamultifandom, @watercolorskyy @alexxavicry @sachafirebringer @polireader @jamespotterismydaddy @grv7ay9In35s @sofiaadler @sophielangdonx @doublesparrows, @sophielangdonx, @alitaar, @castellomargot, @paodemorangol1l1, @nik2blog, @arkainea @eddiemadmunson, @malfoytargaryen, @eudximoniax, @targaryen-world, @ghostheartbeat @savagemickey03, @aemondsdaemons, @candypurplebutterfly, @eddiemadmunson, @xxnaly2, @ghostheartbeat, @savagemickey03, @dieg0brandos-wife, @paodemorangol1l1, @hb8301, @padfooteyes, @valeskafics @doublesparrows, @bornbetter, @beyond-the-ashes, @clairacassidy, @aslanvez, @loglady00, @gettheetoanunneryimmediatly, @minami97, @serving-targaryen-realness, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @possiblyafangirl, @shmexie, @winter-soldier-101, @kaelatargaryen, @urmomsgirlfriend1, @floswife, @mizfortuna, @strawberryduvet, @girlwith-thepearlearring, @arryn-nyx, @namelesslosers, @hopelesswritergall
@coldcomputerkoala, @louislouve, @alicetargaryen @fidelias, @earthangels-things, @shinypoetryface, @klara-lily, @ensnaredinwonderland, @bubblyabs, @green-lxght, @cheerbaitromanjosi, @billiesbeans, @hufflepuff1700, @asumofwords, @angelheavensblog, @natashaobo, @zavriocibrouku, @tssf-imagines, @delilah92590, @shit-posts420, @evattude, @heyykarolina, @brie-annwyl, @wondergal2001, @herondale-girl7, @teteminne, @euphoriahoesss, @mercedesdecorazon, @koreofkore, @boofy1998, @targbarbie, @beiigegalx, @borikenlove, @fan-goddess, @schniiipsel, @elissanatok, @achlysyen,
AEMOND TAGLIST: @warmfieldofgrass
drop a comment or DM me for Taglist info!
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lady-phasma · 22 days
It’s me again 💝
I’ve been in the Hotd fandom since the show first aired but got really into it once adult Aemond showed up . I’ve dabbled in a bunch of what I call creator content, fics , imagines even editing videos … I just don’t seem to find my people or I have people and they talk for awhile but then ghost . I try not to stress cause I get it we have lives and that shit comes first but it’s just idk sad when I try so hard and I’m lost in the crowd if you will. I’ve reached out to people via dm and I usually try to comment and give my opinion to get some interaction . Perhaps I’m making a bigger deal than I should . I would love to come off anon and dm but I just don’t wanna be judged and I say this even though I know people reading this will think pathetic . It is what it is
Hi 💝! Thank you for writing again! First, no negative self-talk on my blog. 😊 It's not a rule exactly, but I don't support it. Maybe you follow me, that's irrelevant, but I doubt that the demographic of my followers will think anything about this is pathetic. Outside of them, if they think that, they can block me and then we don't have to worry about their opinions, do we?
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Now that's out of the way, don't worry about coming off anon. You don't have to or you can decide later. I answered another ask and said this and it bears repeating:
Feelings are valid, but they are not always truth.
Maybe it is a big deal to you at this point in your life. It has been to me at other times (not on Tumblr because I was on a near-10 year break from it). I don't like to give advice because I'm not in your shoes. I can only offer an ear to listen and my honest opinions.
Keep creating!! Whether it's in a fandom setting or not. I only write what I want to write. I only make gifs of what I want (or need for a fic). Make things when you feel inspiration or even if you don't. Drop your imagines in here if you want. Especially (but not limited to) excitement you have during the second season! There is going to be so much lovely chaos during the second season. We are all going to have thoughts!
As for your experience on your blog, follow more people, reblog with comments/discourse (if it's kind and not hurtful). And try not to compare yourself to others. I know it's difficult when notes on a post feel so damn good, but they aren't always immediate. And be yourself. I don't mean any of this as advice - it's just how I behave on here. Try not to try, just be.
I am so glad you've been in the fandom since the start! I stared my HotD experience on AO3 because I had been on there for years. Then a conversation in the comments in October 2022 got me on Tumblr for the first time since 2013/14. I'm so glad it did! There has been drama (I took a hiatus from Jan 2023 until March 2024) but there has been more joy and fun than that for me. I do that on purpose.
As I've said before, there were about 9 million viewers for the season 1 finale. That's a lot of people. More than I can imagine. So, if I were to offer advice it would be this: this time around for me I have been looking at the tags I follow more often than I used to. I look at posts that are like-minded: kind posts, funny posts that don't make fun of any part of the fandom, and posts about niche characters/elements. Then I look at that blog further, check out older posts to see if they have my same values (or close), and if so, I give them a follow. People don't always follow back, that's okay. But I get to see their positivity or inclusivity and that enriches my experience. The Nettles community is one of the best out here and I am so glad I get to be a part of it. We don't always agree but it's so fun to find a part of another aspect of the fandom. I throw my net wide because there are so many of us.
Lastly, like I said in a recent answer: what do you do to make others feel heard? Do you comment on posts when people express that they are lonely in a fandom? Do you give them a hug emoji or a "hey, I see you" kind of reaction? I do these things when I see those posts because what we put out comes back to us. Treat others how you want to be treated. That's not to say you haven't been doing this but if you haven't, maybe think about why - are you shy, judgmental, unsure how it will be received, or other motivations to keep scrolling?
I want everyone to have a great time in this or any fandom. This fandom in particular needs more positivity and inclusivity. I didn't get the nickname auntie for nothing. 💕 But it's never forced or fake. Come back to my inbox any time and as often as you like. We don't have to keep discussing this unless you want to! Is Aemond your favorite? Which episode do you dislike the most? Are you excited about something in particular for season 2? But there is no expectation or obligation.
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playlistashton · 27 days
recommend 7 fics you've read this year and then tag 7 people
Ohhh this was hard to choose but these are the ones who really stuck with me
1. Hand in unlovable hand by thickenmyblood
(captive prince fic) This fic is just perfection, immediately became one my favorite. It’s angsty and devastating but also so sweet, i cried so much during my reading of it. It can be hard to read at time and the characters can be soooo unlikable but it’s so worth it, the characterization, the growth, the journey it was heartbreaking and yet wonderful to read. It cover a lot a difficult subject so be careful with that but if you’re a Captive Prince fan (or even if you’re not) go read it now!
2. One More Son by captainpeggy
(The locked tomb)This one is kind of short but so gorgeous. It’s a stunning characterization of Pyrrha and all these complex characters (even the one mentioned in passing!). It was so raw and real and made me cry and laugh at the same time. Also Aiglamene/Pyrrha is a kickass pairing.
3. Obligation of Kings by KaerWrites
Another Captive Prince one! This one is part of an ongoing serie (the author update pretty regularly). It’s an if Auguste lived au but it actually ask what if August wasn’t the perfect guy that Laurent (a child with a hero worship) remember? What would happen to him under the influence of the Regent? and it just works so well. The slow burn is sloooow (at this point Laurent is still young) but worth it, and the characterization is on point. I actually read it entirely in a few hours because i couldn’t let this go.
4. grey ridge (ríl liatroma) by @molter-writes
(Hotd) Rhaenicent being married with kids surrounded by business drama. I’m especially feral for the Otto characterization, this is one if the rare fic i’ve read who does not vilifies him completely and actually get to the essence of this character. Chapter 7 is just etched into my brain, this fic actually made me fully sob for Otto! This is one of the best Rhaenicent fic i’ve read hands down i cannot recommend it enough.
5. A poison tree (ongoing) by @branwendaughterofllyr
(Hotd) Extremely well written and detailed story about the younger brother of Daemon and Viserys returning to the capital with his daughter, after the death of his wife. It's just such a fascinating and original concept which gives the Dance an almost exterior point of view and bring more high stakes. The OCs are very well written, the language is poetic and the worldbuilding is incredible.
6. Our fathers clad in red (ongoing) by @gwenllian-in-the-abbey and @aifsaath
(Hotd) An Aegon II/Baela fic (book canon) that explores the aftermath of the Dance and how House Targaryen is to rebuild in a world without dragons. If you like world building, psychological exploration and good prose this is for you. Plus the illustrations are absolutely gorgeous!
7. the family eats the family by archaic_amnesia (ongoing)
(Hotd) A heart wrenching character study of the dance of dragons which illustrate the violent cycle of blood the Targaryens are trapped in. The writing is gorgeous and the Rhaenicent in it is just *start to eat the wall*
No pressure tag: @ennawrite @gwenllian-in-the-abbey @johannawesterling @branwendaughterofllyr @lemonhemlock @blankfairy @dr-aegon and whoever is interested
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
Sorry for the ranting it’s just nice to meet follow Nettles fans who appreciate her character and don’t try to constantly erase her from the narrative.It’s definitely doubles down with the show but that’s been happening even before that. Why are there so few stories about Netty? She’s such an interesting character who seems to have had a horrible life(can you imagine what it does to a person a young girl on top of that to live all ok her own homeless for many years?)yet the fandom doesn’t bother with her at all. And you can’t blame the show because like I said Nettles erasure has been happening from the begging. Rhaena as much as I love her isn’t the last dragon rider she’s the last Targ one(if N isn’t a Targ/Valyrian)which is an important distinction the fandom doesn’t usually make. Which brings me to D and N’s relationship that always gets erased and I don’t even mean just on a romantic level but on s platonic one as well that’s how you now no matter how the show portrays their relationship fans will hate her no matter what. But talking pre show why are there more stories about Daemon/Laena or Daemon/Rhaenyra even Daemon/Mysaria then there is about him and Nettles. There’s nothing to indicate either of these relationships especially the first two were romantic but for a long time Laena was used as the self insert for D’s true love before they switched to R lol. And I mean self insert because we barely had any idea what their relationship was beyond them probably having affection for each other considering D’s reaction to her dying. No matter how you choose to interpret him and N there’s more info about them together and his feelings for her then there is for the other three women put together yet whenever D’s relationships are discussed N is always cut.🙄
No don’t apologize for “ranting” lol I enjoy these ask’s/discussions. Nettles 👩🏾🐑🐉 is criminally underrated period and she’s one of if not the most interesting characters in F&B.
She comes from less than a humble background and she’s potentially the only non Valyrian dragon riders that we know of in the ASOIF universe. And was you pointed out she is the last dragon rider as well. She straight up rocks!
I hate saying it, but one of the main reasons why she is less talked about/loved is because she’s the only in canon(not partially race swapped) “Black/Blackish” character in the actual books. Nettles is cut from the list because it’s hard for them to picture
In book canon Laena, Rhaenyra, and Mysaria are all “white” so there being more stories on them prior to HOTD makes sense. They could self into them(now they only have Rhaenyra) so of course they would show them more love.
There does seem to be more information on how Daemon felt about Nettles (as well as their day to day lives with one another), but their relationship in general(romantic and platonic) is just glossed over in favor of his other relationships by certain parts of this fandom.
For Christs sake’s some of them are literally calling for Nettles to be cut from the show entirely cause they straight up do not want her anywhere near Daemon in any capacity 🙃 We can see what you are doing when you say this.
There is no way to separate Nettles from Daemon so the next best thing replace her with or girl Rhaena and make sure that Daemon can only be with Rhaenyra.
Mysaria really isn’t that much of a threat in their eyes cause they know he never really was “in love with her”(especially not during the war). They were just f*ck buddies and she was his master of whispers, but whatever romantic feelings he held for her were long dead.
Nettles on the other hand, well they wouldn’t be putting up all this fuss if they really thought that he only saw her as his daughter and not someone he deeply cared about in a less fatherly capacity.
Side note: Them switching up saying Laena is the love of Daemon’s life then switching up to Rhaenyra being the love of his life cause Laena is Blackish in the show will never not be funny 🫠
I do think Laena was the wife Daemon loved the most in the books and I do believe that he at some point “loved” all of his love interests(well not Rhea obviously lol), but whether he was “in love” with all of them 🤷🏽‍♀️
I will stand by the fact that he was probably in love with Nettles though. There was no reason why he was doing all that he did for her when he stood little to gain from it. Nettles would have fought for Rhaenyra whether or not Daemon showered her with attention and affection.
Nettles was honorable/loyal as well so she would have never betrayed Rhaenyra. Which I have seen some of these stans claim who try to justify their queen making the idiotic/insane decision to order a 17 year olds murder without even questioning her🫠
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luthien-under-bough · 2 years
For the WIP ask meme:
- down on my knees, with unquenchable thirst
- these wild, wild creatures
- they say that promises sweeten the blow
Thanks for the asks!
- down on my knees, with unquenchable thirst I'm writing this one for the Dawn of Daemyra Fest prompt "Silk Street." I've shared a couple snippets from it in the 30+ server the past couple Horny Mondays! The premise is that Daemon and Rhaenyra were not seen/caught at the brothel, but Daemon still left her there, and has been avoiding her for his own protection. Rhaenyra, however, developed a taste for brothels, and has been returning on her own. They run into each other one night, and finish what they started. I'm having a lot of fun playing with the power dynamics between them, and the constant shifting of who is in control of the situation.
- these wild, wild creatures This is my NaNoWriMo project. It's a Daemyra Victorian AU/Gothic Romance AU. Viserys and Aemma Targaryen perished in a fire in their King's Landing home, along with Rhaenyra's fiance - Laenor Velaryon. Rhaenyra accepts an offer to go live with her reclusive uncle Daemon on Dragonstone, whose own wife, Rhea Royce, recently died under ~mysterious circumstances.~ There's grief, there's guilt, there's sexual awakening, there's yearning, there's mystery, there's angst, there's...maybe ghosts? dragons? Lots of gothic tropes and slow burn romance. My new year's resolution is to hit the editing hard so I can start posting this!
- they say that promises sweeten the blow The least "in-progress" of my HOTD WIPs, this is an Alicent character study set mostly during the events of episode 4. I wanted to do a deep dive into exploring her feelings toward Rhaenyra - envious of her perceived freedom, angry that Rhaenyra refuses to fall in line, grappling with the intensity of their friendship and wondering if it's something more. I need to get around to working on this one again!
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