#is so much deeper than a simple listening of each song
boi-zizzoi · 4 months
Can we talk about the Ever After album by Marianas Trench? I just-- it's beautiful. I used to listen to "Ever After" (the song) on repeat for hours when I was in high school, and while I liked a lot of their other songs, I never realized the absolute EXPERIENCE listening to the entire album in order would be. The song I've memorized all these years essentially continues for about an hour. I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS
#nothing has brought me more joy and intrigue these past few days than this album#I've never ever listened to a full album and enjoyed all of it#it's because it feels beautifully strung together#each song with callbacks to past ones or hints at future ones#and the consistent presence of the choir and those same notes coming back subtly or not so subtly#and the INSTRUMENTATION#OUGHH#it's like a mixture of modern pop/rock (in 2011) and synthesizers and electronic and gospel/choral/churchey music sounds#and the meaning for me#is so much deeper than a simple listening of each song#It's the Human Experience#the complications of love and the way it waxes and wanes in different ways over and over forever after#how there is no one definition#how it isn't always beautiful#how even the awful and torturous parts of it are worth living through somehow#how we just keep keeping on anyway#ik the actual 'storyline' is like fairy tale related#but I can't make that work cohesively for me#i guess for me the fairytale part is more important because it highlights our expectations of love and life#even through the twistedness that can arise from that Right and Wrong way of thinking#until eventually we land in a realization that those golden ideals were never to be trusted and we can only decide our own feelings#grieving for the loss of that golden happily ever after#and yet a confidence in taking ahold of one's own fate in a realistic way#also unrelated to literally everything else but#apparently there's a lute in there somewhere and I have no idea where but I find that hilarious#anyway LISTEN TO IT PLEASE I BEG YOU#OR TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK ABT IT PLEASE#OKAY THAT IS ALL HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY IF YOU SURVIVED THIS FAR
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iovebarca · 10 days
hello hello:) i love your fics! how about a fic where gavi and the reader go on vacation together (like the maledives) and just spend sunny days by the beach, relaxing in each others arms after a stressful season? maybe they go to a fancy dinner in the evenings or something like that, just fluff of a cute romantic couple on holiday:) thank youuu🫶🏼
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Sun-Kissed Serenity - Pablo Gavi
Authors note: only 2 exams left! and i listened to the song SAND by SABA while writing this, such an underrated eurovision song!
Warnings: incorrect grammar (probably), my first language isn't english so if you notice any mistakes please tell me
WC: 800 ish
Summary: In the serene paradise of the Maldives, Pablo and the reader find solace from the stresses of his football season with Barcelona.
send me requests! or just anything if you want to talk:))
The gentle lull of the turquoise waves washes over you as you recline on the pristine white sands of the Maldives, the sun painting golden hues across the horizon. Beside you, Pablo's presence is a comforting anchor, his arm draped protectively around your shoulders as you both bask in the warmth of each other's company.
It's been a long-awaited vacation—a much-needed respite from the whirlwind of stress and pressure that Pablo endured during the football season with Barcelona, compounded by the setback of his recent injury. But here, in this idyllic paradise, time seems to stand still, allowing you both to leave your worries behind and simply embrace the serenity of the moment.
"You know," Pablo murmurs, his voice soft with contentment, "I don't think I've ever felt more at peace than I do right now."
You turn to him with a gentle smile, your heart swelling with love for the man beside you. "I'm glad we could escape here together," you say, reaching out to intertwine your fingers with his. "You deserve this, Pablo. You've worked so hard."
Pablo's expression softens at your words, gratitude shining in his eyes. "And having you here with me makes it all the more special," he replies, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
As the days unfold, you and Pablo spend your time lazily exploring the island, indulging in leisurely walks along the shoreline and exhilarating snorkeling adventures in the crystal-clear waters. Each evening, you dress up in your finest attire and venture out to enjoy romantic dinners under the stars, savoring the exquisite flavors of the Maldivian cuisine and the intimate moments shared between just the two of you.
But it's the quiet moments spent in each other's arms that you treasure the most—the whispered conversations beneath the canopy of palm trees, the stolen kisses as the sun dips below the horizon, the simple joy of being together in a world all your own.
Pablo had spent the afternoon building sandcastles on the beach. With childlike enthusiasm, Pablo had dug trenches and piled sand, his laughter echoing across the shoreline as he sculpted his masterpiece. He had created quite the castle, if you say so yourself.
"You're still a kid at heart, aren't you?" you teased, a fond smile playing on your lips as you watched him adding the finishing touches to his artwork.
Pablo looked up from his sandy creation, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, shut up," he retorted, a playful grin spreading across his face. "You know you love me."
And indeed, you did love him—with all your heart and soul. It was moments like these—simple, carefree, and filled with laughter—that made you fall deeper in love with him each and every day.
As the night falls over the Maldives, painting the sky in a canvas of deep blues and purples, Pablo suggests a spontaneous late-night swim beneath the shimmering moonlight. Eager for the adventure, you both slip into your swimsuits and make your way to the deserted stretch of beach.
The warm embrace of the ocean welcomes you as you wade into the gentle waves, the water cool and refreshing against your skin. Pablo's laughter rings out in the night air as he splashes you playfully, his eyes dancing with mischief.
"Come on, mi amor," he urges, his smile infectious. "Race you to the buoy!"
With a playful grin, you accept the challenge, kicking off from the shore and propelling yourself through the water with all your might. Pablo's laughter fills your ears as he swims beside you, the thrill of competition mingling with the exhilarating rush of freedom.
But as you reach the buoy, the mood shifts, and the playful banter gives way to something deeper—a quiet intimacy that binds you together in the stillness of the night. You tread water side by side, the only sound the gentle rhythm of your breathing and the soft lapping of the waves against the shore.
In the moonlight, Pablo's features are illuminated with a soft glow, his eyes reflecting the depths of his love for you. Without a word, he reaches out, drawing you into his arms with a tenderness that steals your breath away.
And there, beneath the canopy of stars, you share a moment of pure magic—a moment that transcends time and space, a moment that speaks volumes without the need for words.
As you found yourselves immersed in the tranquil waters of the ocean, you couldn't help but reflect on the playful antics of earlier in the day. With Pablo by your side, every moment was an adventure, every memory a treasure to hold close to your heart.
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girl-next-door-writes · 8 months
You Matter To Me
Characters: Steve Harington x reader
Summary: A shared moment before heading into the Upside Down where you and Steve both reflect on what is important.
Word Count: 1000 words
Prompt: You Matter To Me
A/N: I have been going through some ‘real world’ stuff recently and this song showed up on my radar again and despite the million fics I have to write I felt this needed to be written. It isn’t perfect, I couldn’t find all the words, but if you are reading this then I want you to know that you matter.
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Nobody should have this much pressure placed on them, and yet he had taken it almost willingly. The role of leader, of protector, it weighed heavy on his shoulders, and although he hid it well, there were flashes of the truth hidden in those beautiful, soulful eyes; eyes you could happily get lost in, even on the worst days, perhaps especially on the worst days. Their warm richness comforting, even though the slivers of profound sadness swam in their depths. Each horror he had witnessed haunted him, words left unsaid and yet screaming as the two of you looked at each other. Insecurity, doubt, the fragility of his carefully crafted self-confident persona swam in those sad eyes, shattering your heart into a million pieces.
There were no words. The painful realization that nothing said could make things any better, caused a deep ache in your soul. Taking a seat beside him, you simply shuffled closer, tucking yourself into his side and slipping your hand into his. Interlacing your fingers, you looked down at your hands, silently vowing to stay right there by his side for as long as he would let you.
This beautiful boy had gotten under your skin, and although your emotions for him were largely undefined, he mattered to you. He was important. He was…irrevocably connected to you. How do you even begin to tell someone that? It isn’t as simple as those three overused words, and it was deeper than a romantic desire. You saw him, just as he truly was, and knew that he was enough, that your life was infinitely improved by his existence. Did he know that? Was he aware of how he touched everyone’s life? You felt an almost overwhelming desire to grip him by the shoulders and shake him until he understood that he was so much more than he believed; that he truly did matter. But instead, the two of you sat in silence, holding hands and watching the others preparing.
Steve stole a glance at you, allowing himself a moment to just be a nineteen-year-old boy, sitting holding hands with someone he cared about. It was a little addictive spending time with you. There was just something about the way you listened to him, like you heard all the parts he didn’t say out loud, and you didn’t think he was stupid or broken.
He had a close friendship with Robin, he adored his best friend, and then there were the ‘kids’, and Nancy; well, the Nancy thing was complicated. Now he also had Eddie… All these people depending on him, needing him to step up and take the lead. There was a part of him that wanted to run, to just get in his car and drive away from this hellhole and start over. If he’d gone to college then he wouldn’t be here for this shit, this would be someone else’s problem. The guilt of that thought gnawed at him and he subconsciously squeezed your hand. He was scared, but he knew he couldn’t turn his back, he would never forgive himself.
There was something different about this fight, a shadow in the back of his mind that said they might not all make it. Looking around at his friends, he felt his heart clench. They all mattered. Dustin would probably go on to cure some deadly disease or figure out a way for everyone to live on the moon or some shit. Lucas, he had a shot at becoming a pro athlete, if he focused. Nancy had a bright future as a journalist maybe, blowing the lid off government corruption and saving people… Each and every one of them had such potential to make a real difference in the world. The only person he could even consider disposable in the grand scheme of things, was himself. This might be the one thing, the moment where he might be of some importance, making sure the rest of them got through.
He was brought out of his thoughts by your head resting on his shoulder. It was such a small gesture but it grounded him, and he found himself leaning down, his cheek pressing against your hair as he closed his eyes.
“Steve?” Your voice was so quiet that he could easily have imagined that you had spoken.
“You matter to me. More than all this. More than most people.” Your words hung in the air between the two of you and he felt a tear roll down his cheek.
“I mean it. Don’t go doing anything ‘heroic’, because if something happens to you then I’m just gonna have to make a deal with the devil, or bring you back as a zombie or something, and then you’ll be screwed. You will feel my wrath.”
“Your wrath?” he chuckled, an eyebrow raising in amusement as he opened his eyes again.
“Yes, my wrath. I will be incredibly pissed at you for doing something so stupid, and for leaving me, and then making me learn voodoo so I can bring you back to yell at you.”
“Yeah, that does seem like it might be a bit of a hassle.”
“A major one. So, just promise me you will try your best to see me on the other side of all this because, for some fucked up reason Harrington, you really matter to me.”
“Okay.” He said softly, his fingers playing with yours as he took your words to heart. Turning his head slightly, he placed a gentle kiss to the top of your head and let out a deep sigh. “And, for the record, you matter to me too.”
You didn’t reply, you didn’t have to. It was obvious that the feelings between the two of you were simultaneously infinitely complex and so simple. Hopefully there would be time to explore each and every nuance of what it meant to matter to each other, but for now, Steve was content to just sit beside you and feel.
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shakingparadigm · 2 months
Btw have you listened to any covers by the alstg VA? Do you have any favorites ? Just got reminded bcs omg new akugetsu cover 😮!
SO FIRST OF ALL, THANK YOU. it's amazing to get this ask actually because just this morning I was drafting a post about the ALNST VAs and how good they are! They're all so talented, and they fit their roles perfectly. I truly couldn't imagine anyone else playing their roles!
Here's a favorite cover/song of mine from each VA!
(Note: These are all just based on my personal preference, and I haven't gone very deep into each VA's discography yet save for a few. These are just the covers that I listen to most frequently! Please forgive my basic ass taste btw)
Russian Roulette (Red Velvet) by Rubyeye (Mizi's VA)!
I'm gonna be honest, I'm a very simple person. Russian Roulette is just a very cute song! And I think it suits Mizi so well, all bright, bubbly and candy sweet (at least in rhythm)!
I love hearing Rubyeye's voice no matter where it is honestly, she's rather versatile! In ALIEN STAGE, Mizi often sings slower ballads (My Clematis), or in her lower, more mature voice (Ruler of My Heart). She sounds absolutely gorgeous of course, but Rubyeye's voice in more energetic songs is such a joy to hear as well!
My second favorite Rubyeye cover is actually the Mizi version of UTTE! Can you tell that I love hearing Rubyeye's more energetic covers. Can you tell yet. I know it's very unpopular, but I love Mizi UTTE so much. The way that she sings is so incredibly charming to me, she has a lot of spunk in this cover! I love how she sang "ain't nobody but!" I honestly love that lyric more in Mizi's version than I do in the original! It holds a lot of character which I adore.
Catch You Catch Me (Cardcaptor Sakura OP) by C!nah (Sua's VA)!
Once again, I am a simple person. I can't resist a cute and sweet cover.
C!nah's light and angelic voice fits so well into this song! It sounds absolutely lovely. Plus I already loved the song beforehand, so I might be a bit biased lol
C!nah's voice in general is so unique. It has such an clear and airy quality to it! They picked such a perfect voice for Sua.
My second favorite C!nah cover is Sua's version of ROMH! I adore how Sua sings like a whisper. Her voice brings such a haunting feel to the song.
LILAC (IU) City Pop Cover by 6FU;
Being honest, my favorite 6FU; song is actually Drunk and Party.
But if we're talking covers, this one might just be my favorite due to how shocked I was upon listening to it.
Hyuna has a very energetic and rough voice, with such a strong and unique tone. I was expecting it when clicking on this cover, which was why I was pleasantly surprised to hear a much smoother, calmer voice.
And it's beautiful! I haven't listened to much from 6FU; yet, so I might find some new favorites once I do. For now, I'll keep listening to this cover over and over again.
Sweet Dream (Luka Version) by BL8M (Luka's VA)!
OKAY I know this already an Alien Stage song. I don't know if it counts but I'm putting here anyway because GOD.
Was absolutely floored listening to this for the first time. I actually ascended
BL8M is actually one of the songwriters for ALIEN STAGE, and he sang the demo for this song!
You can really hear his expertise. He owns this song.
My "the worst person you know has the voice of an angel" post was literally about this I was going insane
They couldn't have picked anyone better for Luka. He literally kills every song he sings.
유우리(優里) - 베텔기우스(ベテルギウス) by PARK BYEONG HOON (Ivan's VA)!
PBH's wonderfully rich and deep voice. What a blessing.
I love how soft he sounds in the beginning of most of his covers, slowly growing in intensity until he's fully expressing the song.
The ranges he uses in this cover are so nice to listen to. I love the switching between his deeper lower voice and his soft higher voice.
Thinking about Ivan's voice in CURE and how it's probably going to sound more anguished and desperate than this makes me sick btw.
Anyways please listen to this cover he deserves the support.
Um. My other favorite PBH cover is umm. uh. The short clip of a MANIAC (Stray Kids) cover he posted on Twitter.
I actually went insane. Finally got to hear Ivan's lower, rougher voice and I was shocked to my core. Life changing.
Cistus (KOUSEI) by AKUGETSU (Till's VA)!
So this technically isn't a cover. It's an original song that AKUGETSU sang vocals for. Sorry. I'm just so obsessed I needed to share it.
Of all the ALNST VA's I've probably listened to AKUGETSU the most (sorry. Till bias) and this song is still probably one of my absolute favorites from him.
JUST LISTEN TO IT. The guitar in the intro. The quieter vocals in the first verse that build up to a BURST of sound in the chorus. The way he enunciates everything is perfect.
AKUGETSU is such a seasoned singer. He really knows how to work his voice and knock a song out of the park. It's genuinely addicting.
This song is such a fucking banger. Till would sing this. GOD IM SO OBSESSED WITH THIS SONG.
Another absolute banger from AKUGETSU is his cover of I'm Invincible (Ado)! I love the way his voice moves, going high and low in the same line. He's such a dynamic singer.
I adore how AKUGETSU brings an energetic rock vibe to every song he sings. His voice is such a standout.
Sorry for the long ass answer! I love all the ALNST VAs and I really hope they continue to flourish! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about them 🙏
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i-am-beckyu · 1 year
My Monster to Slay
WOOOOOOO! I DID IT! 8K+ WORDS! Here it is! My 100 follower fic special! Thank you all for 100 followers on my blog! I love you all so much and can’t believe we actually hit such a big milestone! You guys all mean so much to me and I love that you guys like what I create!  So without further a do, enjoy! cw: abandonment, child abuse, minor gore scene but no one dies (just a rando animal), fear, fear of death, panic and anxiety, fluff, hurt/comfort, and happy endings (you know me ❤️) word count: 8856
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
It was common knowledge that no one was to enter the Forest on the West end gate of the Village. Those who went in, never came out. What was beyond the shadowy cover of thick foliage was unknown, and those who dared enter were considered dead. So of course Tommy took an instant interest, when it was sung by a bard at the Winter Festival.
  Within the forest of the dark twisted wood,  A place no one can go, or ever should.
Lies a creature of mischief, filled with dire deceit,  Who wanders the woods, hunting to eat.
To the people who enter, full of pride and valour,  Though they see themself brave, will all hide and cower.
For the creature that lurks knows your presence is near.  It finds all who venture, through the smell of their fear.
And as it speaks, hot breathe spilling from their chin,  You know you’ve lost from its treacherous grin.
So listen to my tale, I tell all to thee   Leave the forest alone, let what’s within just be.
For all who enter have never come out.  Each one a strike, in the beast's victim count.
 Well if one song could scream ‘danger’ it was this one, and danger was Tommy’s middle name! The boy at 12 years old knew an adventure when he saw one! A strange unknown setting shrouded in mystery with a potential target to slay? Oh what a perfect opportunity to prove himself to the people of the village if he could bring back the head of whatever lived within the Forest. He’s seen many hunters bring back the heads of deadly creatures from beyond the village walls, and be praised for their services and bravery in protecting the village. But to bring back the head of a menacing monster, preventing the village from expanding their assets to the forest would surely result in an entire parade to celebrate his conquest! 
 The young boy had eagerly gathered his satchel and a wooden sword before rushing to the West end gate. He would prove his worth, he would!!! For no one is greater than the one and only Tommy Danger Kraken Innit! But of course a quest for glory was not one so simple. The West end gate to the Forest was sealed off and had been un-open nor used for a long time. Heavy reinforced iron gates were chained and locked at their operating point, to prevent anyone from venturing out, or anything from getting in. But would this stop the great Tommyinnit? NO! Using all his might, he tried to break the chains, pouring all this strength into breaking the chains with his wooden sword. But after the 13th or 14th try, he decided to spare the chain and look for an alternative exit. 
 “You win this battle chain…” the young boy had muttered, as he began to search the surrounding walls.
 One benefit of the West end gate being so unused was that the walls weren’t attended to or maintained as well as other sections. So it wasn’t long before Tommy had found a gap just big enough for him to squeeze through and onto the otherside. Before him lay the Forest, the tree cover casting an eerie dark shadow. A last chance effort to keep intruders away. Repositioning his satchel, Tommy took a deep breath in and marched forward into the forest's depths, ignoring how his heart pounded as he began to journey deeper into the heart of the Forest. He would find the Beast, and he’d kill it.
 After walking for a while, the thick foliage began to even out and soon light was pouring through the treetops, giving its surrounding a soft, almost magical glow. Seeing this himself, Tommy’s heart slowed as he relaxed and found himself enjoying his new found surroundings. What a wonderful place this would be for the villagers to explore when he returned a hero! When he found a wide enough open clearing, only then did he stop. He’d heard hunters say the best place to find creatures or monsters to battle would be to lure them out into a big open space, and create a false sense of security of having their foe in the open, all the while preparing a surprise attack themselves. When he felt he was ready, Tommy raised his hands to cup around his mouth before shouting:
 He waited a moment, listening intently for the inevitable sound of the monster approaching, but was met with silence. Well that’s okay. They’re probably doing Monster things and are busy. Tommy could wait. He’d be patient if it meant he’d get to make the village proud.
 But as the minutes ticked by, Tommy’s calls were all but left unanswered. He didn’t understand. What could a monster possibly be doing that was more important than battling him? 
 Suddenly a crack sounded from behind him, and Tommy whirled around to face the direction of the noise, hands perched on the hilt of his wooden sword prepared to draw it at a moment's notice. 
 “FINALLY! I’ve been waiting ages for you to show up!” He said in relief before his eyes settled upon a figure.
 Before him stood a tall man with curly brown hair in a long worn trench coat. Upon his nose were gold circle framed glasses that highlighted his sharp glimmering amber eyes.  
“You’re not a monster.” He stated blankly, as his face crinkled into confusion. 
 The man gave him a crooked smile. “I’m afraid not.” He said, his voice melodic in a way. “What are you doing in the Forest little one?” 
“I’m not a child and I’m here to battle the monster. Isn’t it obvious?” Tommy said huffing, crossing his arms in annoyance. The man looked him up and down before a smirk appeared on their face. 
 “I’m not sure a wooden sword is going to be very effective then.” they mused. “Unless the monster you plan on battling is a rabbit.”
 Tommy gasped in offense. 
 “You dare underestimate the power of the Great Tommyinnit?” 
 “Well I’m just not sure it would be very effective on anything else.” The man replied, stepping more into the clearing. Tommy drew his sword and raised it pointed at the annoying man, as he spoke with confidence. 
“It’d be pretty effective at beating up a Wrong-un like you.” 
 The man burst out laughing as he doubled over slightly clutching his middle as he did so.
“What on earth is a wrong-un?”
 “People like you thinking amazing people like me are weak. I’ll have you know I’m the strongest man alive d*******.” Tommy squawked in retaliation to the still laughing man as he tried to compose himself. 
 “Sure sure. You’re definitely the greatest man alive!” The man said as he began to calm down. 
 “I’m sorry for thinking otherwise.” 
 “As you should be. No one messes with Tommy and gets away with it.”
 Tommy re-sheathed his sword as the man continued. “So why are you in the Forest to battle a supposed monster? I thought no one was allowed in here?” 
 “If I kill the monster and bring back its head to the village, I’ll be treated as a hero and praised by everyone!” Tommy replied eagerly, striking a heroic pose as he did so. 
 The strange man's brows furrowed slightly as he looked at Tommy in concern, but Tommy didn’t notice as he continued on. “Then people will like me and I won’t be alone anymore!”
 “Did they send you in here?” The man asked.
 “Nope! I snuck out here all on my own! I had finished all my chores for the day and I wanted to prove myself!” Tommy said proudly. “Why are you out here though? Wait, are you here to battle the monster too?”
 “No, I actually live here.” The man said, raising an arm to scratch the back of his head as he looked away sheepishly. 
 “You live here???” Tommy replied eagerly, practically bouncing on the balls of his heels. “Have you seen it?” 
 “Once.” The man began, eyes drifting down to look into the boy's sparkling wide blue eyes. “It’s not safe to be out here, but I’ve lived here a long time and know this area well. The monster does not come to this part of the forest often.”
 Tommy’s heart sank. He’d spent so long waiting and the monster barely ever even came to this area? How could he fight them if they never show up? And he couldn’t really journey much further than this either or he would be unable to get back to the Village. 
 “Oh.” He said flatly, his shoulders deflating at the realization. The man came forward towards Tommy, stopping till he was just in front of him. They towered over the small boy.  
 “I guess the monster might come back one day..” They sighed. Tommy’s face lit up. 
 “Really??” he said brightly. “You think so?” The man shrugged his shoulders, giving him a knowing smile. 
 “Can I keep coming back until it does?” Tommy asked. The man thought for a moment, looking as if they were debating heavily with themself.
 “I guess so.” Yes! Success! He still had a chance then. With that answer settled, Tommy gathered himself up and turned to leave. 
 “I will be back tomorrow then!” He declared proudly, a bright determined smile plastered across his face. 
 “See you tomorrow then Tommy.” The man said, turning to watch the small boy leave. 
 “See you tomorrow uh, um. What’s your name?” Tommy asked, embarrassed that he hadn’t asked sooner.
 “Wilbur. Wilbur Soot.” The man- Wilbur replied.
 “See ya tomorrow Wilbur!”
 As promised, Tommy returned to the same clearing upon finishing his chores and waited for the monster to arrive. Just as before he called out for them and waited for them to appear. Nothing. That’s okay. Wilbur said they didn’t come around alot. He could wait. He would slay the monster! 
 A little while later, Wilbur appeared. Almost a little shocked to see Tommy at all, as if he didn’t expect them to return. But upon seeing the excited young boy, joined him in the clearing to wait.
 “Any sign of them?” Wilbur asked.
 “Not yet.” Tommy replied, as he scanned the surrounding tree line once more.
 “HEY MONSTER! IT’S ME! TOMMYINNIT! COME GET ME!” he yelled once more.
 “Ouch. Give a guy a little warning before you do that.” Wilbur yelped, clutching his ears. “I’ve got sensitive ears.”
 “Oops. Sorry. I’ll try to remember next time.” Tommy replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.
 “So how do you plan to beat this monster?” Wilbur asked inquisitively. 
 “Well when they get here, I’m gonna cuss them out for taking so long! Then I’ll draw my sword and slice them into tiny little pieces!” Tommy stated proudly, drawing his sword and posing dramatically, his weapon held high in the air. Wilbur laughed at the funny sight before him, as Tommy turned around to face him, stomping his foot in annoyance.
 “Oi! Quit laughing ya b****!” he said, as he marched over a little way away from the man, stopping next to a tree to sit on the mossy ground.
 “So, what's your favourite colour?” Tommy asked, wanting to change the topic.
 “Blue. Yours?” 
 “Red.” They sat in comfortable silence for a bit.
 “You got a favourite animal?” Wilbur asked.
 “Cows are pretty cool.”
“Cows? Seriously?” Wilburs face contorted into an amused look.
“Hey cows are pretty intelligent alright? What about you? It’s probably something dumb like a squirrel.”
“Mmm no but I like rabbits. They taste pretty good.” Tommy turned to Wilbur and gasped.
“I meant that you like to look at or find interesting! Not to f***** eat!!!”
“What! I’m just being honest.” The man said at least looking a little guilty. “I’ve gotta eat something out here! Besides, it's not like you don’t eat cows!”
Tommy fake gasped. “I would never eat a sweet innocent cow. They’re so endedible and loveable!”
 “I bet you’ve eaten beef in the last week.” Wilbur said, giving Tommy a knowing look as he rested his head into his hand, propped up on his knee.
“No…. I definitely didn’t...” Tommy said looking away, face going slightly red as he fiddled with his hands. 
 “At least I don’t think it was beef…” Wilbur just grinned.
 “Alright alright. How about an animal you dislike? Mine’s an Anteater.”
 “What’s wrong with Anteaters?” Tommy questioned.
“Oh Tommy. What’s not wrong with Anteaters?”
        (\_(\           (\_/) ?         (ง•-•)ง    ? (•-• )     ?       o/    |            |    \o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It continued on like this for several days. Tommy would finish his chores around the village, then journey into the forest clearing and call for the monster where he waited. And not long after calling for the monster, would Wilbur appear and help call for the monster too. When they weren’t doing that, most of their time was spent chatting. Well mostly Tommy, with his rambles as he practiced his sword fighting skills, whilst Wilbur watched the wild child wave his treasured wooden sword around. Sometimes he would relax and nap in the warm sun's rays as the child spoke whatever was on their mind. Occasionally, Wilbur would manage to get Tommy to come sit still with him and would hum a melody or sing and a made up song, whilst running a hand through his blonde curls. The man had a soothing voice and it was almost hypnotic in a way. Tommy wished he could listen to it forever.
 Days turned to weeks and soon Tommy was spending almost all his time in the Forest, and while he still called for the monster to fight, he found himself going for a different reason. Wilbur. Tommy had become attached to the man. The man had a gentle presence and treated him in a way that not many in the village did. He treated him with kindness, joy, caring and what could almost be affection, from how often the man insisted they hug before he left after coming to know him. But he couldn’t complain when secretly he loved it. Part of him almost wanted to stay with the man and never leave. But that could not be. He had a mission! Kill the monster and return a hero! That was his mission, his quest! But maybe when he did, Wilbur could come too? 
 He’d asked the man once before about it, his answer being that the village didn’t really like people like him, so he chose to stay away. Tommy wondered if it was because maybe he’d messed up too many times and the villagers had kicked him out? When Tommy made mistakes, he’d get punished pretty badly. Some nights he’d go to sleep covered in bruises and dried blood. But that’s okay! He’d complete his quest and return as a hero and then never be punished again. But if that was the same reason why the village didn’t like Wilbur, he thought that returning a hero with him would perhaps fix all that? Yes! That would definitely fix everything. How could it possibly not?
 It was just another normal day for Tommy, as the young boy made his way to the usual clearing. He'd brought a pastry with him today that the nice baker lady had given him, for him helping her bring the flour bag order into the shop. He set his satchel down and cupped his hands around his mouth as he hollered his challenge to surrounding forest foliage. 
 He was about to call again when a rustle of leaves from behind him had him turning on his heels. 
 “Wilbur!” He called cheerily, not expecting the man to appear so soon. 
 “You’re here ear-ly…” The words died in the boy's throat as his eyes widened to see not Wilbur stepping into the clearing.
 Stood before him huffing in a steaming cloud of rage, was a giant black boar with piercing red eyes. Tommy drew his sword, hands tight around the hilt, trembling slightly at the fierce animal before him. He could do this. He’d been waiting for a monster after all. This was just a uh- a warm up! Yeah a very big, scary looking warm up. But as the boar let out a menacing growl, and Tommy’s fear growing by the second, he took a step back. He-he couldn’t do this. Tommy’s hands loosened on the wooden sword, allowing it to drop to the grass floor below him. The boar taking this moment as its time to charge. Tommy sprinted for dear life. What was he thinking? That he could take on what was supposed to be a terrifying man eating monster alone and win? He’d bought a flippen damn wooden stick to a boss fight! And he wasn’t even trying to escape the supposed monster. It was just some ugly Boar!
 Tears began to stream down Tommy’s face. He didn’t know what to do. The Boar was quickly gaining on him and he had no idea where he was going. He didn’t have a decent weapon and he was getting tired quickly. So he did the only thing he could think of and screamed.
 “WILBUR! WILBUR HELP!!!” He shouted over and over again, in hopes the man was somewhere nearby and would be able to help. 
 Tommy kept running. He could feel the hot breath of the Boar growing on the back of his neck as the sound of hooves got closer and closer. He was managing to dodge his way out of the approaching jaws of the furious animal, but for how much longer?
 Tommy’s luck seemed to have run out, as he soon found himself cornered at the bottom of an overhanging cliffside. He scrambled about looking for a way up, someplace to hide, ANYTHING to help him escape his impending doom, but ultimately was left with nothing. The Boar slowed its approach, knowing its prey had finally been caught. 
 “WILBUR PLEASE!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?” He shrieked in desperation; one last time. 
 “Please.” he barely whispered as he backed himself up against the cliffside wall, breathing heavily as he braced his arms against the rocky stone walls. He heard the Boar grunting and scraping the ground, a sign it was about to charge and deliver the final blow. He scrunched his eyes firmly shut and braced for the end. He didn’t want to see it coming. 
 Suddenly something hit the ground with a heavy thud, creating a small shockwave, causing Tommy to be knocked to the ground from the impact. A blood curdling shriek along with terrified squeals were sent into the air, instantly followed by the sound of several loud cracks and hissing. Tommy lifted his head up and wiped his face of dirt from the ground, slightly dazed from the harsh fall. Tommy’s eyes widened in terror. Before him was a giant brown and yellowish scaled tail. His head followed the scales up, anxiety growing of what was to come as he looked on to where the tail turned to the back of a human torso, of a man with curly brown hair atop of their head. Tommy’s heart stopped as realization struck him.
 A Naga.
 That was his monster. 
 But before him is Wilbur.
 Wilbur was a Naga.
 His Monster is  Wilbur.
 The monster he’d been calling for and patiently waiting all this time to come, had been Wilbur the entire time.
 There was no doubt in his mind that now that the secret about Wilburs’ true form was out, would have them turn tail and devour Tommy alive. After all, that must be why he had come. They probably didn’t want their free meal to be snatched up by some other predator. The Naga had known the entire time why Tommy was in the forest. They knew Tommy wanted his head for the glory it would bring, but had indulged in his wild fantasies. They were probably letting him live till they got bored. That made the most logical sense. Besides, everyone always gets fed up with him eventually. It's how he ended up an orphaned street rat in the first place. People just put up with him till they’re sick of him, then make him get lost. It's why this hurt so much more. Because instead of being abandoned, Tommy knew he was going to be devoured.
 Slowly, Tommy struggled to his feet. He had to get out of here. He couldn’t die. He had to escape! He just had too! The Naga was still turned away from Tommy, the now dead Boar hanging limply in its grasp. Ever so quietly, Tommy crept along the side of the cliff wall, around the Naga. He couldn’t afford to be seen. He kept his head and shoulders down and tried to blend in with the wall, doing his best effort to be as unnoticeable as possible. He was almost in the clear when he glanced back at the Naga. He froze in place. Tommy watched as a giant fist raised the dead Boar up in the air, as the Naga opened its giant mouth. Sharp fangs glistened in the sun as he watched them drop the entire dead animal in the awaiting maw, only to snap it shut and swallow the entire thing whole. Tommy watched in horror, as the large bulge of the boar traveled down the Nagas throat. A thin pink tongue slithered out of its mouth and licked its lips in satisfaction. Oh Prime, he needed to leave NOW. 
 But one wrong step was all it took for a twig to snap sharply beneath Tommy’s foot. The sound rang out loudly in his ears. He didn’t need to look down to realize his mistake. Oh so comically slowly, Tommy turned to face the monster. The Naga’s head had snapped to meet his own, its amber eyes nothing but thin slits. However, upon seeing Tommy, their gaze softened. 
 “Thank Prime you’re okay.” the Naga said, releasing a heavy sigh. 
“I was so worried when I heard you calling that I-” They began to say as they turned to move forward. 
 Tommy bolted. 
 “WAIT! TOMMY!” The Naga cried as he lunged for him with an outstretched clawed hand, the small boy just narrowly dodging the giant appendage before the Naga crashed into the cliffside missing. 
Tommy booked it for the tree line. He needed to get back to the village. He wasn’t going to just wait to be caught and die!! Wilbur had said he lived in the forest and was the monster. 
 This was their forest.
 Its  domain .
 He wouldn’t be able to hide anywhere and not be found. It wouldn’t matter if he’d had a 100 meter head start, the monster knew where to go, where to look. Prime! It probably even knew what he smelled like and could track him! Tommy’s only hope of survival was to get back within the Village walls. He took every tight, confusing, twisting path he could take, ducking through small gaps that blocked off openings for larger creatures, praying that somehow this would slow the Naga down. Tommy could hear them approach from the sound of leaves crinkling from beneath the weight of the serpent that was giving chase.
 “TOMMY, PLEASE! COME BACK! LET ME EXPLAIN!!!” Tommy heard the Naga plea, as he squeezed through the gaps of several fallen trees, stopping the naga effectively as they were too big to follow. 
 They were so close. But he couldn’t stop. He had to get to the village. Had to get back home. He just had too!
As Tommy ran through another thicket of bushes, he stumbled into a clearing, tripping over something, falling to the ground harshly and scraping his knees against the rough surface. He cursed to himself as he looked over the now slightly bleeding scrape, eyes narrowing on whatever he tripped on. 
 It was his wooden sword. 
 He paused as he processed his surroundings; recognition sparking in his head. It was the same clearing he’d first met Wilbur in. It’s a bit ironic? The sword he wanted to use against the big, bad monster used against him. Tommy felt tears bud at the edge of his eyes. It just wasn’t fair. NONE of this was fair. This was the spot he had met his first real friend. The first time he’d had a real connection. The first time he hadn’t been kicked out for being himself. The first time he had felt like someone actually cared, and it was all a lie. 
 “Tommy? Are you alright? That must have hurt.”
 Tommy whipped his head around to see the now human version of the Naga standing behind him. He turned to run again, but he was no match for the Naga’s speed as they shifted form and snaked around him, effectively trapping him within the giant coil walls. He ran to the edge of the coils and tried to climb out, but the end of the snake's tail trailed its way up the boys torso, wrapping itself around his frail form semi tightly and lifted the boy into the air. “Please Tommy. I just want to talk.” The naga said as Tommy began to thrash in attempts to  break free. Instinctually, the tail tightened around him, squeezing the air out of his lungs, causing him to cease his thrashing. Oh Prime! He was going to be squeezed to death! His lungs began to burn from lack of air as the pressure on his ribs slowly constricted tighter. 
 It  hurt . 
 It  hurt so much . 
 He let out a strangled whine of pain.
 “F***!” the Naga spoke above him as the tail immediately loosened, releasing its death hold around the boy, as they greedily gasped for air.
 “Oh Prime. Oh S***. I'm so sorry!” The world lurched as Tommy was lifted and placed on a rough, warm surface. He blinked his eyes open, trying to focus on his surroundings between black splotches from the lack of air. 
 He was in it’s hand wasn’t he? 
 “S***! Tommy! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to squeeze you like that!!! Are you alright?” concern lacing the giant's voice.
 Now didn’t that just make Tommy’s heart ache. The jig was up! He knew what Wilbur was. This sick game or whatever it was was over. He had literally just tried to squeeze him to death. Why were they still pretending to care? 
 “Tommy? Please talk to me!”
“Don’t eat me!” Tommy pleaded, tears freely dripping down his face.
“Eat you?” the Naga breathed, taken aback.
“I don’t want to die!” Tommy cried, as he curled in tighter on himself. He didn't want to see the hungry look of the predator.
The Nags’s eyes widened in disbelief as a gasp escaped him.
 “Tommy! I’m not going to eat you! How could you think such a thing?”
“Because you will! You almost squeezed me to death just then!” Tommy wailed as he began to tremble.
They glanced away. At least they had the decency to look guilty.
 “That was an accident. I didn’t mean to and I’m so sorry I did!” he paused. “But I saved you from the Boar. Why would I want to eat you if I did that?”
“Because you lied.” Tommy whispered, the Naga taken aback; hurt by the statement.
“Please… I just- I can’t- I don’t want to die Wilby.”
 Why did Wilbur have to keep delaying the inevitable? Why did it have to be the first person he’d come to love like that was to be his demise? Why had he been so foolish in believing he could succeed in defeating a monster like him? In a way he’s lucky he hadn’t been devoured sooner. He’d practically been dancing with death every day for weeks. It's not like anyone would even care if he disappeared. No one had cared when he’d disappeared for hours at a time as it was. No one liked him. No one truly cared for him. No one loved him.
 “Tommy, sunshine. Look at me.” The Naga asked softly. Tommy lifted his head slightly as he sniffled more wet tears into his knees. 
“Tommy. I’m not going to eat you. You mean so much to me. I could never imagine hurting you on purpose.”
 “Sometimes, my instincts get the better of me. I didn’t mean to squeeze you like that, I swear.” The Naga spoke gently. 
“I came to save you from the Boar because you needed help. Not because I was afraid he’d eat you before me or anything like that that you might be thinking, but because I was terrified I’d lose you.”
 Tommy’s whole body stiffened.
  He thought he was going to lose him?
 “Yes Tommy, you.” They chuckled almost as if he read the blonde's mind. 
“When humans enter my forest, I usually just leave them alone because I know they're afraid of me. But that day you came into the forest, I couldn’t help myself. I’d been alone for so long, and you seemed so determined to battle a monster, I couldn’t help but be intrigued by you.” 
 Tommy uncurled himself to get a better look at the Naga, them taking it as a cue to continue.
 “And when you found out it wasn’t around, I didn’t want to ruin that precious smile across your face. So I lied about the monster.“
  He had lied because he would have been upset about no monster?
 “I didn’t think you’d come back in all honesty. But when I heard you calling for me the next day and you kept coming back, I couldn’t stay away.” Wilbur lifted his hand up to his face so that Tommy was now at eye level.
“I care about you Tommy. 
 Tommy lifted his head fully, eyes wide looking at the Naga.
 “Really?” voice wobbly, he asked.
 Tommy’s breath hitched in his throat, eyes scanning the Naga’s face looking for any sign of they were lying. 
 But all he saw was the man he had come to love. Despite everything, despite them being a Giant Naga, a Monster: It was still Wilbur. Still his friend. 
 Tommy let his tears pour as Wilbur began to gently stroke his back up and down with his thumb in reassurance. He was okay. They were okay.
    __       /) /) (\ (\   | ♡  >  ( ›.‹) (⋅.⋅ )           o( づ♡  ⊂)o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tommy continued to visit Wilbur even after the incident. The two became closer despite the truth coming out, and they couldn't be happier. Wilbur could be honest about his true self, and Tommy had someone he could depend on. Tommy would still call for the Naga though. While he knew that he didn’t need to (since Wilbur revealed he knew when Tommy entered the forest everytime by his scent and how he walked from his crazy good hearing) he still did it as a sort of tradition. It felt wrong not too. 
 Although, some of his calls were a little less than polite…
 “HEY B****! I’M HERE!!” The 12 year old hollered for the snake.
 “Where the heck did you even learn to curse like that?” Wilbur laughed as he slithered into their clearing. 
 Wilbur didn’t shift to his human form a whole lot anymore either. There was no real need too now that Tommy knew. He would occasionally at Tommy’s request, but the boy rather liked the Naga at his giant size. He’d crawl all over the man’s coils and slid down his tail like a slide. Sometimes he’d laze about in Wilbur’s fluffy hair and ramble on while the Naga lazily dozed in the sun listening. Other time’s when Wilbur was being clingy from instincts, he’d hold Tommy in his hands close to his chest. Tommy would complain, scratch and bite for him to let go, before eventually submitting to hand cuddles in defeat. He’d never actually admit that he loved them though. It’s not like it made him feel completely safe surrounded in the comforting warmth of his hands or anything. Nope! Not big Man Tommy liking some silly hand hugs. Nuh uh. Not him!
 “So what are we doing today Sunshine?” Wilbur asked, as he lowered a hand for Tommy to step onto.
“Something awesome.” Tommy grinned mischievously as he stepped on and was lifted to sit on the Naga’s shoulder.
“Awesome or hey-OW! TOMMY!” Squawked Wilbur, as the boy launched himself off of his palm, grabbing onto one of the longer curls of his fringe, tugging it down as Tommy swung around wildly.
 “Let go, you Gremlin.” 
 “You are such a little menace.” 
 “Little??? I’ll have you know I’m the biggest man alive!” The boy pouted, as giant fingers gently pulled him away from the man’s face, dangling him in the air briefly before placing him back on the ground. “Yes, I’m aware Tommy. You’ve said so many times.”
“So you’ll let me back up on your shoulder then?”
“Ha! No.”
 It was moments like these that really made Tommy want to stay with the giant snake and never return. But despite the bond he and Wilbur had formed, Tommy couldn’t stay with Wilbur forever. He understood why he couldn’t, but he wanted to stay. Wilbur had told Tommy how much he cared for him and he knew that he did, but despite this, Wilbur still made him go home. The forest wasn’t safe for him even with the Naga’s presence, which was made very clear by the boar attack, and Wilbur voiced that he should stay with people of his own kind, within the Village walls where it was safer. He was still so young and he needed the care human’s provided him. Tommy of course had yet to tell Wilbur that he slept in an alleyway alone and all, but that’s okay. He didn't need to worry him like that. What could the Naga do about it anyways?
 Although while he couldn’t stay, Tommy would be in the Forest every chance he could! The villagers, of course, now seemed to take notice of their dear little street rats’ disappearance. They didn’t like how their source of free labor was suddenly not around so much. Didn’t like how they suddenly didn’t have a personal punching bag for when they were upset. Concerned their little orphan wasn’t around to control anymore. So of course, they started to ‘inquire’ about it.
 “Where are you off to?” The Fletcher asked him one day, as Tommy was leaving after helping sharpen the flint for the arrow heads. “Just going to practice my sword skills.” He replied simply as he turned and walked off.
“Disappearing to the West End District again rat?” The Butcher provoked. Tommy tried not to pull a face as he walked passed. 
 He hated that name. “What are you doing down there? Don’t you know what lurks beyond the walls?” “I like that it's quiet sir. Good place to practice my sword skills.” Tommy yelped in surprise, as he was suddenly grabbed by his shoulder. Pointed fingernails dug into his skin, as he was twisted around to meet the Butcher's face and a sharp cleaver poised dangerously close to his neck. “Make sure you stay within the walls, Rat.” Tommy’s eye’s darted from the Butchers knife to their piercing gaze. “When people go into that Forest, they don’t come out. Would hate for something to happen to you.” With a sharp blow to his back, Tommy stumbled forward out of the man’s grip and sprinted for the West End Gate, desperate to get away. He ran all the way to the gap in the wall and crawled through. 
 He didn’t tell Wilbur why he had run to the clearing that day or what had happened to cause the now-forming bruise between his shoulder blades. Simply lying instead about how a heavy book had fallen off a shelf that morning when he helped the Librarian. Wilbur had given him a concerned look before Tommy changed the subject to talk about cows. Tommy hoped that the odd interaction from the Fletcher and Butcher was a one time thing.
 But it continued to happen. 
 Everyday, a different member of the village would question him about where he was going and why. Some would get a little aggressive like how the Butcher had, but he managed to get away with just a mild bruise or graze. He tried to cover them up best he could before visiting Wilbur. The Naga was beginning to get increasingly worried about how many injuries Tommy was showing up with. “Tommy, are you sure you’re alright?” They had asked him one day, when he’d appeared with a poorly wrapped cut across his forearm (a cut he’d unfortunately been unable to avoid from the Cartographers drawing compass).
“Yeah I’m fine Big Dubs. Just got a little reckless with some of the other kids in the village playing swords.” Wilbur raised a brow. “Just, promise me to try and stay out of trouble Toms? I don’t want to keep seeing you show up covered in fresh injuries.” “I promise.” Tommy promised nervously. He hated that he had to lie about this to Wilbur, but it wasn’t worth worrying them over a little scratch.
 It only seemed to grow worse for Tommy as time went on. He’s not 100% sure, but he swore that he’d seen someone following him. Whenever he started to approach the West End District, it felt like holes were being burned into the back of his head. He had started to take back route alley ways to the gap in the wall after that, trying to avoid whatever had been tailing him. But you can only avoid certain things for so long.
 “Haven’t seen you around all that much lately, rat.” The Blacksmith stated, when Tommy was unloading a metal order for him one morning. “What are you up to?” 
 “Nothing of importance sir.” Tommy replied as he kept his eyes trained down. He knew not to establish eye contact. He’d had too many slaps to the face recently to forget that. “Just keeping to myself till needed.”
 “Hmpf. I know you’re up to something rat.” The Blacksmith said, stepping closer to the boy. “We know you’re sneaking off through the West End Gate.”
 Tommy’s neck bristled, as a shiver ran down his spine. So he’d been right. 
 Someone had been watching.
 “No sir. I would never do that.”
 “DON’T LIE TO ME RAT!” The Blacksmith yelled, grabbing Tommy by the collar and yanking him into the air. 
 Tommy grabbed uselessly at the back of his shirt in hopes of getting free, as the Blacksmith held him high dangled in the air. 
 He couldn’t tell them about Wilbur! If they knew he’d been going in there to see him, they’d go after him! They would hurt him!
 “NOTHING SIR!” He cried desperately.
 The Blacksmith flipped him around and threw him harshly to the ground and into one of the furnaces. Tommy jerked his arm back, hissing in pain as it came into contact with part of the hot metal, the skin on his arm immediately turning an angry red. The Blacksmith trudged forward, pressing a heavy boot onto his frail chest.
 “I’ll ask you again. Why are you going in the Forest?” They threatened, venom seeping into every word.
 “I’m not sir! I know not to go in! I never do!” Tommy wailed, as tears streamed down his face. 
 “Fine. Be that way.” they hissed, stepping off his chest.
“We’ll get the truth out of you eventually.” They raised their leg back before kicking him harshly in the stomach winding Tommy, before swiftly walking away. 
 Tommy didn’t visit Wilbur that day. 
 Or the next. 
 For 3 days he stayed huddled up, hiding in the shadows. He was in so much pain that he couldn’t even bring himself to move, let alone leave his little shelter in the alleyway .
 But even after he felt fit enough to move again, he didn’t return to the Forest. He was too ashamed of what Wilbur would say if he saw him covered head to toe in bruises and fresh wounds. He’d be so disappointed in him if he did. He was supposed to be looking after himself and staying out of trouble. Being good, and making Wilbur proud. Instead, he’d had to spend the  afternoon trying to find a shirt with long sleeves that he could use to cover his arms, and hide the would be scars from the Naga, only managing to find a slightly too small red sleeved shirt that was in semi okay condition.
 He was such a disappointment.
 The next morning, Tommy helped the farmer. He didn’t want to go back to the Blacksmith. His arm was wrapped loosely in a makeshift bandage beneath his new shirt and it hurt like hell. He was still finding it slightly difficult to breathe, but the villagers had work for him to do and they wouldn’t take kindly to his ‘excuses’. Especially after vanishing for a few days…
 The Farmer wanted him to harvest some of the carrots today. Normally, he’d be allowed to take a few of them when he’d finished the job, but today the Farmer had come as he was finishing up and was holding the small pile of carrots Tommy had set aside for himself in their grasp.
 “I hear the Blacksmith had a chat with you the other day.”
 Tommy stiffened.
 “Yes-yes sir.” He stuttered.
“We don't take too kindly to liars boy.” The farmer threatened. “So make this simple for both of us and tell the truth.” “But I’m n-not going in, sir. There’s n-nothing in the Forest!” He stuttered, taking another step back. 
 “But-but I-I didn’t go in!!!” Tommy stammered, his voice wavering as he spoke. “I was in my alley trying to rest from my injuries!”
 “B*******! You expect me to believe that?” They spat. “Even if you were, that doesn’t explain why you’ve been going in!!!”
“There’s no rules that say I can’t go in! I’m just going there to practice my sword skills with a friend.” 
 “A friend?” The farmer asked incredulously. “Who on earth would be spending their time with a ratty orphan street kid like you? Stop making things up and tell the truth.”
 “BUT IT IS THE TRUTH! ” Tommy pleaded in desperation. “WE JUST HANG OUT AND TALK!”
 Tommy pushed himself up off the ground and away from the Farmer as they made a move to grab him, and high tailed it for the West End Gate. He couldn’t take this anymore. He had to get out of the Village NOW. He had to leave. Had to get out!
 Even if Wilbur wouldn’t take him in, he had to get out of there. It wasn’t safe.  
 He ran through the streets, the sounds of angry villagers emerging from their homes to come after him and bring him back, trailed after him, growing in volume. He knew what they wanted him for. They didn’t love him. They didn’t actually care. They just wanted to have control over him. He hadn’t realized it at first, but after meeting Wilbur, he’d begun to recognise the choke hold they held over him. Making him work for approval. Making him work to prove his worth when it would never be enough. Using fake praise followed by belittling comments to control his feeble mind. He had thought that if he came back a hero, they would finally actually want him, accept him for him; not just claim that they ‘cared’. 
 Wilbur had shown him what being cared for truly looked like. And he’d take that over the s*** the village dished out any day.
 He ran and ran till he reached the gap in the wall but skidded to a halt when he realized what the villagers had done.
 They’d sealed the gap.
 He pounded on the freshly dried layer of concrete sealing the gap over, desperate to break through before eventually giving up. He turned and sprinted for the West End Gate exit and tried to break the chains once more on the operating point. 
 But it was futile. The Chains remained locked tight, and despite the little bit of muscle he’d built up by practicing with Wilbur, he still lacked the physical strength to even leave a dent in the chains.
 The sounds of angry villagers continued to grow louder as they approached and soon Tommy was surrounded on all sides.
 “Awwww. The little rat wants to go into the Forest.” One woman snickered.
 “Don’t you know you belong to us!” Another spat.
 Tommy turned and ran to the iron gates and began to climb his way up. If he could make it over, he’d risk the broken bones the fall down would cause. “Where do you think you’re going?” The Weaponsmith snapped, grabbing Tommy’s ankle, yanking him back down to the ground. 
 He tried to climb up again reaching for the iron gates but was torn away with a yelp.
“Uh uh uh. You ain’t going nowhere. Not until you tell us why you’ve been going into the Forest.” 
“LET ME GO A******!” Tommy shrieked as he struggled to get out of the Weaponsmith’s hold. 
“Oh we’ll let you go alright. Right after you tell us the Truth. No one goes into that Forest and comes out alive. We’ll find out what you’re hiding: even if we have to break you.”
“SOMEONE PLEASE! HELP!!! ANYONE!!!” Tommy thrashed about, desperate to break free. He felt helpless. No one in this damned village would help him no matter how much he pleaded. He didn’t understand why the villagers were treating him this way. They had never cared about him before, but now that he had entered and emerged from the Forest unscathed they cared? What the F*** was wrong with them???
 “LET ME GO!!” He screeched in vain, as he was dragged along. 
  Why won’t anyone help me? He didn’t deserve this. He just wanted- he just wanted…
 “WILBUR!” Tommy screamed out of desperation. “WILBUR PLEASE!!! HELP ME!!!”  
 He knew the Naga wouldn’t be able to hear him, but he wanted his brother. Even if Wilbur didn’t feel the same, he wanted to be swept up in the giant’s gentle hands. He wanted to be held close to their comforting chest. He wanted to hear Wil’s rhythmic heartbeat and soothing voice. He wanted to feel Wilbur’s fingers card through his hair, as he whispered sweet nothings. 
 He wanted to be with Wilbur. 
 He wanted to be loved.
 “Your imaginary friend is going to come save you rat.” The Weaponsmith mocked. 
 “You belong to us and we will do to you what we see fitting-” The words died in their throat as a thud was heard from behind. A flurry of hushes were sent amongst the crowd, as all turned to face the West End Gate. They watched in anticipation as another loud thud hit the gate’s door causing it to creak, as dust floated down from the upper walls like snow. 
 Something was trying to break in.
 “Oh Prime.” the Weaponsmith whispered, as the sound of hissing began to fill the air.
 “Go-go, GO! GO NOW!” 
 The villagers began to disperse into panic, as the thudding increased and the Gate began to cave in on itself, whatever beyond the entrance desperately trying to break in. 
 Tommy tried to fight against the Weaponsmiths hold as they pulled him to their face. 
 But before he could answer, the Gates flew open, debris flying everywhere. Tommy tried to shield himself best he could, as bits of concrete were flung in his direction. The crowd went deathly silent. 
 Standing tall menacingly within the rubble, was Wilbur; hissing threateningly.
 “Where is he?” The Naga demanded.
 “Wilbur. WILBUR!”
 “Shut up.” Weaponsmith hissed as they shoved Tommy away from the direction of Wilbur.
 “WIL! I’M HERE! I’M MPHF” Tommy tried to call, but a piece of fabric was stuffed into his mouth, muffling his cries.
 But the Naga heard it all the same. 
 “TOMMY! I’M HERE!” Wilbur yelled, as worried amber eyes searched the crowd.
 The Naga’s eyes locked onto Tommy’s form, a warning hiss filling the air.
 “Give him to me now, and I’ll spare you.” 
 “Never.” The Farmer spat. 
 “Have it your way.” 
 Wilbur slithered forward, not caring for who or what was in their way. The villagers scattered beneath him, screaming in fear to avoid the giant snake's tail, some not being so lucky. Wilbur’s eye’s turned to slits, as they let instinct drive them forward. The Naga bared their fangs and hissed in warning as they approached closer. The Weaponsmith trembled as Wilbur raised his torso up, poising themself to strike. Fear had the Weaponsmith turn tail and run, as they hurled Tommy forward trying to put as much distance between him and the boy. Tommy stumbled forward, Wilbur shooting his hand out beneath him to catch him. The Naga’s eyes dilated as they brought Tommy up to their face, eyes searching every inch of the boy. Their frown deepened at the sight of every new bloodied spot, as Wilbur removed the makeshift gag. 
 “What did they do to you?” Wilbur whispered, voice tight as he gently ran a finger over Tommy’s forehead, brushing the hair out his eyes.
“Wil. I, I-I’m so sorry.” Tommy whimpered.
 “Shh shhh. It’s alright Sunshine. I’ve got you.” 
 Tommy felt himself being moved as Wilbur began to slither away. He kept the boy close as they moved through the Village and back to the Forest, Tommy clutching onto Wilbur’s giant fingers tightly the whole way. 
 “I was so worried about you Toms. When you stopped coming, I thought something horrible had happened to you.” Wilbur said, as he stopped to rest in their familiar clearing.
 “I’m sorry.” Tommy whimpered softly. “I tried to stay out of trouble like you wanted! Really! I did! But the villagers were so convinced that I was doing something wrong in the Forest because I came back! I didn’t do anything wrong Wil! I swear I didn’t!”
 “Oh Tommy sweetheart I know. I never should have sent you back. I thought that it would be better if you remained with your own kind. I thought humans looked after their young. But they hurt you. They hurt my Little Brother.”
 Tommy’s whole body stiffened.
   Little Brother?
 “Yes, Little Brother Tommy.” They chuckled, as if he read the blonde's mind. 
 “Every time you went to leave, I didn’t want to let you go. I just wanted you to stay with me. It was so hard to not just reach out and pull you back into my arms.”
 “I thought you didn’t want me.” Tommy sniffled as he looked up at the Naga in disbelief.
 “Oh Tommy! How could I not want you?” I love everything about you! Your smile, your laugh, your personality, EVERYTHING. I want you to come home with me. I want to hold you close,  protect you and never let go. I want you to be my little brother.”
 Tommy could feel tears budding at the edge of his eyes.
 “I love you Tommy.”
 And Tommy? He broke. Sobs ripped from his throat as he threw himself at the Giant Nagas nose as Wilbur brought his hand up to hug him back in an awkward way. 
 He  Loved  him. 
 Wilbur actually loved him. Finally, someone really loved him!
 “I-I love you too Wilby!” Tommy wept, clinging to the giant's nose. “I love you so so much Wilbur. You’re my big brother! No one has ever cared about me like you do!” 
 They stayed like that for a while before Wilbur pulled Tommy back from his face, tears threatening to fall from the giant's eyes as a fond smile grew wider across the Naga's face.
 “Let’s go home.”
            /)/) (\(\            ( . .) (. . )         o( づ 💗⊂ )o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Within the forest by the West end Gate,    Journeyed a boy, led in by fate.
A monster they went a looking for.  A monster he found, but was not so sure.
Some say the monster took them to eat,  Other’s say the boy still searches to beat.
A once monster, fabled in fear,  But not to this boy, who holds them most dear.
For while glory they went, a looking for,  Instead they found something worth much more.
Within his forest home, the boy now sleeps,  With their monster brother, safe he keeps.  There they stay loved, never a part.  The boy who claimed the monster's heart. ❤️❤️❤️
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thesixthcavalier · 7 months
I want to rant for a bit here about some of the gameplay elements of Stray Gods that advance so much of the story and character choices that make this story so amazing. Others have probably noticed these things and put them in better words than I, but I've been listening and relistening to various versions of the soundtrack and have an obsession to feed, so here we are.
Much has already been made of the madly impressive fact that the songs are a complex and winding series of choices, where distinct instruments and styles are made to flow neatly from one choice to the next, and each choice you make can drastically change ones you get down the line. And for good reason, that is crazy and amazing and I love it. But what I want to talk about is the way the choices you have, and how they aren't as simple as you might first think, builds characters and relations throughout the game and enhances the story.
To start with, we all know you generally have three options, or flavors, to choose from: Red/Blue/Green. At the start of the game you choose on of these colors to be the sort of core personality of your version of Grace. Green is charismatic, friendly and well meaning, Red is tough and willing to be brash and bold, and Blue is clever and cunning. The nature of this matching of colors to personality is reinforced with several early choices in your interactions with Caliope, Hermes, and the Chorus.
But as the game continues, it quickly becomes apparent that these options get a lot more meat on their bones and that they are not as cut and dry as it might seem on first glance. Yes, Green tends to be more about being friendly while Red is more about a fighty Grace. But the key thing I think, and what really fascinates me, is that it goes deeper on each of these options in relation to who or what Grace is interacting with. Red choices are often confrontational and direct, but that doesn't mean antagonistic. There are several points throughout the game where Red options are definitely cutting through the bullshit or trying to start a fight, but there are also a lot of times where it's a direct and measured response from Grace to try and cut to the heart of an issue.
Blue meanwhile often presents plainly as the clever, thinky option. Again often very true, but I think it also represents the restrained and strategic option. Several blue options are about weighing what is going on, or Grace stepping back to take in her different paths. Green meanwhile has a lot to do with empathy. In my first playthrough I often found myself leaning towards Green options solely because they were instinctive, gut reactions on how to handle people going through something difficult, or to try and mellow out a situation.
All of this is to say, it is utterly fascinating how these choices interact in different scenes in ways that immediately lean into both the character you are choosing for Grace to be, and those she is interacting with. Take Medusa for example. The pure Red track of that fight is all but an actual fight. Grace is taking this in a very hero vs. monster direction and throughout is almost eager to get to actual blows, meanwhile Green leans much more into the angle of Medusa as a victim, a tool being poorly used by the woman who first wronged her anyway. And Blue is manipulative. It sees the paths before Grace and says "I don't need to fight this person, I can use her hurting to get what I want."
We see this even more clearly in Aphrodite's song, and in your first meeting with Persephone, but in different forms. In those songs, while Red is still extremely antagonistic, it takes on much different contexts. With Persephone, Grace is still spoiling for a fight, but a lot of it comes off as less heated. Yeah she is trying to rev up Persephone and cut her down, but it feels a lot more like a poetry slam or rap battle than lines preceding an all out brawl. Meanwhile with Aphrodite it's Grace trying to cut through flowery words and get to the heart of what she sees as the problem with this whole situation.
And to top all of this off, and not go on forever since this is already more than long enough, the way the latter half of the game has you choose another personality trait for Grace, the story not just telling you she has changed and grown but actively making it an element of the game by expanding your special option choices, is brilliant. It naturally, on a first playthrough, leads you into picking a secondary option that is most in line with the way you have been taking Grace as things unfold. If you started the game eager to fight but have since seen the story unfold and feel a calmer, more empathetic approach is warranted, you'll naturally pick that option because it feels appropriate, and same for any other combination. It not only opens up more gameplay, but entwines gameplay with story, and allows you as the player to feel the journey Grace has been on. As yet another link to classical epic poetry it is a slam dunk, and as a gameplay mechanic that reinforces your connection to the character, it's a double slam dunk.
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writesforfun · 1 year
do you love me too? mark lee
fluff, friends to lover au, mark is a studio/company owner, composer, writer, singer with dreamies, y/n is a cafe owner
You really don't know what it was. It could be his eyes, it could be his smile, it could be his laugh, it could be the way that the darn man could do and nail basically everything, or it could be— as simple as he's Mark Lee.
You and Mark had known each other through Haechan, a extrovert person who's basically friends with everyone anyway. It has been almost 4 years since you two know each other, and you have liked Mark since the third encounter you two have.
He took his precious time to take you back to your house because he was "Worried about your safety if you come back home with an Uber this late."
It was 7 PM, probably even half.
"Y/N? What could you possibly be thinking for you to ignore my words just now?" Mark asks, with a almost cheeky smile never leaving his face. You stopped your stupid little daydream to look at his face properly, then your stupid heart started beating faster than a racing car. Good.
"Oh, uh.. no. I was just thinking if I left the stove on." You answer meekly, which is a stupid answer by the way. But as expected from Mark Lee and his goddamn humor, he starts laughing hard at your words.
"That's really funny. But usually if you think about it, it's not true. Anyways, I was saying if you maybe want to listen to my song demo? Cause you're kind of a reaaaaallyyyyy good music critique." Said Mark. He kind of elbowed you so softly, that like a spell you just nodded.
There's exactly two reasons why Mark would say you're a "good music critique."
First, you and Mark have basically the same taste in music. Second, his first solo album you very strongly said to put out even though Mark was still insecure and unsure about it was a big hit with a whopping 142 million listens on the first day.
And so his hand reaches out to his laptop as he started doing his thing. You took a second to look around his studio, and you then realize he hung the picture of you and him that you two took about four weeks ago from a trip you went with Jaemin, Haechan, Karina, and Giselle. It was just a small trip consisting of his friends and your friends whom happen to be friends with Mark and his friends as well, same goes with you.
"Okay, are you ready?" He asked with a dashingly amazing smile on his face. You answered with a small laugh and a nod, and he's preparing himself by letting out a breath and started playing the song. It started off as a melody— a piano melody that's quite bad you're awfully familiar with. It's you playing the piano. You gave him a look of pure confusion but he didn't spare you any glance. His lips are sealed shut as he drank the coffee you made just for him from your own cafe as he stare at whatever it is in front of him.
You're on my mind again today
What you doing? Are you feeling okay?
I wanna kiss your lips but don't want us to be awkward
You're my everything though I just hope you know
You're the sun to my life
From the very first time I've met you in your cafe
I realize then I've fallen for you
And it's getting deeper every single day
I just wanna be yours every day
But do you love me too?
And then a melody plays, this time a sweeter piano melody which you're sure he played. You don't know how to feel. This all seems like a very you and him situation song and you don't know how to feel. The lyrics are beautiful though, that you just wish it's for you. You know it's a stupid thought, but just perhaps—
"It's for you. The song. I don't expect you to answer or anything but, uh, dude.. I really love you so much and—"
You decided to kiss his lips right away. You took the courage to spare a glance at him, and you saw him wide-eyed with a furrowed brow. It took him a few seconds to relax, and then he started shutting his eyes shut and kissing you back. He smiled a little, his moves are slow on your lips as he started cupping your cheek. You couldn't possibly forget the way you feel. You just know your cheeks are as red as a tomato and as warm as a hot stove. Your heart rate isn't normal either, that you're sure of.
But your heart is full.
He let go of you as he felt your breath starting to hitch, and then he laughed a little and hugged you. "I thought it was a one-sided love story trope and wanted a she fell first but he fell harder trope love story but this works too," You said.
He laughed hard at your word and started to stomp his whole feet. "That's sooooo cute. I love you,"
"I love you too."
"I love you more?!"
"I love you most. Nothing could beat that, Y/N. I'll prove it to you every single day. You're the most beautiful and amazing woman alive. Like, dude, I.. I literally thank your presence every day to God. Like.. s-seriously."
You smiled at that. You hugged him tighter as you kiss his neck. "You are so not gonna release that song. My piano sucks. I didn't even know why you would've recorded that."
He smiled. "I recorded that cause it's you. Anyways no promises!"
"Hey!" You protest as you start to tickle his body. He laughed and hugged you even harder, and your heart warms at that.
You can't believe Mark Lee is your boyfriend now, let alone he actually loves you back sincerely.
But you could get used to this.
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yjyt85r98r · 1 month
Aikatsu song reviews: Hadashi no Renaissance
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Sword idols for the win.
Some fun facts:
If some website is to be believed, this is tied with MUSIC of DREAM!!! for Aikatsu song that used the largest number of live instruments. (8 instruments, although the tin whistle is credited with two different names, so maybe 9 instruments?)
This is my most replayed song in all of Aikatsu.
I saw someone list it as their least-favourite Aikatsu Stars song. All I can say to that is, "you're entitled to your opinion".
But no, I do get why someone might not like this song. It's very jaunty, and if you're not into medieval stuff or high fantasy then I can see that it might not be for you. Personally, though, I am all about atmospheric songs that transport you to another time and place, so of course I love this. Even the melody is perfectly suited to the theme... if you were to hum it with no lyrics and no backing track, it would still evoke that medieval knight vibe.
I initially found the tin whistle in the intro to be VERY annoying, but I think it does a really good job setting up that jaunty medieval atmosphere, so I got used to it. On a conceptual level, I don't really like when the electric guitar plays along with the tin whistle near the end of the outro, because it sort of destroys the medieval vibe, and electric guitars are so overused. But it sounds cool, so I don't actually have a problem with it. It's well-incorporated; it's not jarring like the guitar in "Have a Dream".
I like every part of this song, but if I had to choose just one, I really like the part just before the chorus where the beat turns slow and heavy for a moment and the instrumentals sound deep. On its own, it doesn't sound like much, but when contrasted against the rest of the song, which is faster and higher, it's just special. To me, at least.
While this is clearly an anime song, it's one of the least pop-like out of all of Aikatsu's discography. It fully embraces the medieval fantasy sound and doesn't try to sound modern or danceable, but it still keeps up a lot of energy that makes it feel Aikatsu-like.
I was surprised when Rei started singing, because her singing voice does not sound at all how I expected it to. Every time I watch the music video, I feel a sense of dissonance between her looks and her voice, but I sort of love when someone's voice is very different than what you'd expect.
A lot of people seem to not be a fan of Rie's vocals. I agree that they're not as polished as many of the other singers' vocals, largely because Rie was newer to the group at the time. Her vocals don't have a ton of individual expression, and her breathing is quite audible at some parts. But her voice is just so pretty! How can you hate such a pretty voice?!
Rei and Lily have similar voices, but contrast each other through their personal styles. Rei has a more simple and straightforward style, while Lily's style is more emotional and expressive. It suits their personalities well.
Regarding technicalities... would you believe me if I told you that, out of all the Aikatsu songs I've recorded the vocal ranges of, this one is actually one of the overall highest? It's sung entirely above middle C (most Aikatsu songs go down to at least middle C if not lower). It doesn't have the highest notes ever, but it's sung in a higher range than the other songs. I just found that surprising since it's sung by characters with deeper-sounding voices, one of whom has a more androgynous appearance.
I like Rie's vocals even if other people don't, but for some reason, after the 15th or 20th listen, they start sounding weird and choppy and shallow? Maybe it's just me, though. Or maybe other people heard them like that the first time, and it just took me longer.
They're exactly what you'd expect from a character cosplaying as a knight to express her devotion to one person. Pretty self-explanatory.
There's something about the choreography that reminds me a bit of martial arts. Obviously there's the kendo aspect since part of the dance features a sword. But there are some parts that reminds me of other martial arts, like how a part near the end has the dancer go into cat stance, and the second verse has them sort of punching into their own hand. The dance looks a little odd at times, but it's unique and has a certain something to it.
The duet version of the dance seems a little weak. I think the intention is for Rei to be the main dancer and Lily to be the secondary dancer, but it just gives off the impression that Lily forgot some of the dance moves.
I love the stage, and how it starts inside the castle and ends outside. There are some reused elements, like the fountain from "Start Line!" and the chandeliers from "Kouya no Kiseki", but they blend in well and feel more like a motif than a stolen element. The blue lighting from the stained glass at the beginning is beyond cool. So is the gate opening at the climax. I don't think an Aikatsu Stars stage design can get much better than this.
The outfit is perfectly on-theme, and the rare appearance of an Aikatsu coord with pants is always appreciated. The stained glass look of the boots' tongue, pants' lining, undershirt and wings helps the outfit match the stage without blending in to the point of camouflage.
Lots of people have pointed out how good Lily's emoting is when she performs this song. Her expressions match her vocals really well and add something that Rei's expressions lack.
I once counted the number of swords that appear in Rei's performance... it was 15. I assume that, with the addition of Lily, the number of swords goes up to 16.
Good points: Strong theme/aesthetic Bad points: Tin whistle might be annoying, song is just not for everyone
Rating: 8.7/10 because I can't rate this one fairly; I'm too biased. Personal rating: 9.8/10
(Ever since I gave Glass Doll a 9.6/10, I've been scared to give any other songs a higher score, because what could possibly be better than Glass Doll? But you know what, I can't let that stop me. I don't think this song is better than Glass Doll but I do appreciate not having to sit through a 2.5-minute guitar solo.)
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flamingplay · 3 months
Interview: Everything Everything’s Jonathan Higgs on AI, Education, & New LP ‘Mountainhead’
by Eric Schuster
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Atwood Magazine: Each album you all release has a unique style and theme. I read that Mountainhead draws from an allegory regarding “an alternate society whose existence is dedicated to endlessly growing a mountain by digging deeper at its foot — all in pursuit of a mythical mirror that sits atop its peak while avoiding a massive golden snake that lives in the pit below.” What are some of your favorite sci-fi films or novels?
Jonathan Higgs: Definitely Predator. Definitely Terminator. I like any sort of sci-fi slasher genre like that, like Alien where there’s people being picked off by a monster. It’s not very close to what I’ve written though, for this album. Yeah, I think I was looking for something that was simple enough to say in one sentence, but that could have a huge amount of different meanings if you wanted it to. I guess it would be something like, I don’t even know. It’s way too simple for a film. I think it would have to develop a hell of a lot more, but I think in terms of music, it’s sort of enough to hang everything off without it getting too complex and too bogged down with these rules of the world. It was more like, no, there’s just this big one, big idea and everything is sort of under the shadow of that rather than getting too conceptual kind of puts me off if particularly if albums get too wrapped up in detail and all that stuff. It’s fine for films or novels, it’s essential. But I think when you are making something like an album, it needs to be, the songs need to live without that knowledge. They need to be able to be good by themselves
That’s why it has such a simple setup, because I think anything, I think you can go a bit further, but I want you to keep it really monolithic and simple.
You tackle some big issues in Mountainhead, like the unsustainability of unlimited growth and income inequality and Raw Data Feel tackled the problems associated with AI. Do you see AI helping or exacerbating these issues?
Jonathan Higgs: I think it’ll help a little bit. I don’t see why it would make things worse. It’ll probably be some big tech advances that it’ll help speed up things like sustainability is the big one that everyone’s trying to do, so I don’t see how that could make things worse, but it does, of course, rely on some kind of thing. They keep mining for chips, right? I can’t remember. But there is quite a big environmental impact of making the brains of AI and obviously we’ve seen with crypto what sort of length people will go to improve their computing power and how much energy that uses, et cetera, et cetera. But no, I think it’s probably going to help bring about some of the stuff that we need to happen a bit more quickly, like renewable, wherever that may be. Some kind of advancement will probably occur thanks to ai, but it’s not just a one solution type thing. It’s more like it just looks through the options much more quickly. That’s kind of how I feel about it.
You all are very academic and methodical in your approach to writing music and creating art. Do you have any artists that you are currently listening to that are also pushing the boundaries of music?
Jonathan Higgs: I’m more in touch with what some visual people are doing. There’s this guy called Umami who makes these amazing short videos and he’s made this big long series of them and he does do music in it as well, but it’s primarily like an animation project, and I follow a lot of 3D horror guys. I mean, that’s not music either, really. And I guess musically, oh man, this year has been thin on the ground. It’s only a month in, it’s only a few weeks in. I don’t know. I’m not really tuned into anything new at the moment. I guess it’s because I’m working on other projects, I’m just trying to clear my head of musical stuff at the moment, so I can’t suggest anything.
Your website Edexhell mocked the exam quality that you were issued in school, what do you think of the current state of education?
Jonathan Higgs: I have no idea, is the truth. I don’t have any connection to people of that age. Well, my brother’s kids I guess are teenagers, but it’s Scotland and things tend to be better up there anyway. I don’t actually know. Actually, just about an hour ago I read a report saying that girls are doing better than boys at every age from primary up to uni. And that made me ponder for a moment. I dunno if that’s a problem with education, but there’s definitely something going on there, which is pretty odd. But also my mom, she’s retired now, but she was a teacher and teachers used to get it in the neck so much when I was growing up that I kind of made a soft promise to myself never to diss the education. Well, teachers in particular, I think it’s generally the same as it was. I don’t know, is the truth. I’m not involved.
Did you all see the movie Everything Everything and if so what did you think? How do you feel that they co-opted your name?
Jonathan Higgs: No, we didn’t see it. We were not very pleased with that, to be honest. It meant that 99% of Google searches for us just end up with that. Nothing against the film, but it can fuck off.
What job do you think you would have if you were not a musician?
Jonathan Higgs: I’d be in movies. I think I’d be making them, not in them. I’d be somewhere along the creative line, hopefully directing, but who knows? I could happily do that now. I do that now. I’ve directed, most of our music videos have been by me, so yeah, I enjoy that hugely.
Do you have any favorite directors?
Jonathan Higgs: Yeah, well, there’s a lot of good ones at the moment, aren’t there? I really liked Robert Eggers. I thought The Northman was brilliant. I know it was a bit silly, but I absolutely loved it. I just saw Poor Things. I thought that was pretty good. I think it’s actually a pretty great time for film at the moment. This year’s last year’s Oscar bait sort of, well, not Oscar bait, but just the things that are about to get awards in about a month and lots of really great stuff. I thought Anatomy of a Fall was amazing. I’ll always watch whatever Ridley s Scott’s up to. Yeah, I prefer, I get more excited, not prefer, but I get more excited about movies than albums recently just because I’m not, I feel like I’m so in bed with music that it’s a bit like work sometimes and movies is a bit more like I can be a fan rather than somebody who’s involved.
You mentioned that the mirror at the top of Mountainhead represents the fact that even if “you’ve got it all, what have you really got?” What is your favorite material item that you own and why?
Jonathan Higgs: Oh, my PC, no question. I’ve had a PC since I was in middle school, and then there was a long period where I didn’t have one and then I got one again and I was like, fuck, why did I have that period in my life without one? It’s the best tool a human has ever created, easily outside of the stick. It’s brilliant. I absolutely love it for creating. The power I have as one person now compared to when I was a kid on a computer is just extraordinary. The things I can make, the level of quality that you can make now the consumer can make is astounding.
This album deals with what it means to be a “human,” which is something that has been explored for centuries but has gotten harder to define as technology has infiltrated our everyday lives. What do you think are the best ways to connect with other people?
Jonathan Higgs: Sitting round a fire, the oldest one, it’s always being the best one, but if you can’t do that, then face-to-Face Place with breathable air is probably the next best thing. And obviously you can’t always do that, but doing what we’re doing now is okay.
A lot of songwriters seem to slow down as their careers progress, but you all are as prolific as ever, perhaps even more so now. Where do you find the creative energy (and literal energy) to keep creating such thought-provoking and high-intensity albums?
Jonathan Higgs: Well, I don’t have kids, so I’ve got all the energy I ever had, and a lot of my job is sitting down, so to be honest, I could use up more of my energy. In fact, a lot of my songs are about the fact that I don’t use my energy, don’t use my body. So I’ve never had a problem with that. We don’t really get, well, I don’t really get drained of juice because I don’t think making an album is very difficult. Really. We’ve done it seven times and making another one doesn’t sound difficult either. Making a good album is quite hard though.
You said it's not very physical, but that music video for Cold Reactor, you guys are out there in the cold and that looked pretty physical.
Jonathan Higgs: Well, that was a big day. We actually made five music videos that day.
Oh my god.
Jonathan Higgs: Yeah, we did all the whole album’s worth in one day, and there was a big storm that was coming into the Slate Mine, where we were. So that had a bit of a hard limit on it in terms of when we could be there. We were about to die, so that made it kind of fun.
Manchester is a modestly sized city in comparison to many other major cities in the world, yet some of the biggest and best bands of the last half-century have formed there. What do you think it is about Manchester that makes it such a hot-spot for artists?
Jonathan Higgs: It rains all the time. There’s lots and lots of venues that are good, and I think there’s good unis, so there’s good students starting bands, but there’s also this culture of music that’s already, what, forty years old, and I think people go there with the intention of being involved in music, whereas you wouldn’t get that in a lot of cities. I mean, I’m one of those people. I’m not really from Manchester, and I went there to start a band. I knew that was a place where bands could exist. It’s not like a fantastical idea that you might start a band, whereas there’s plenty of places you can go and no one will join your band. Manchester’s always been good for that. I think it self perpetuates really. Now we’ve got this culture and we’ve got this history. Then it generates more good bands.
You all have accomplished a ton in your Manchester is a modestly sized city in comparison to many other major cities in the world, yet some of the biggest and best bands of the last half-century have formed there. What do you think it is about Manchester that makes it such a hot-spot for artists?
Jonathan Higgins: It rains all the time. There’s lots and lots of venues that are good, and I think there’s good unis, so there’s good students starting bands, but there’s also this culture of music that’s already, what, forty years old, and I think people go there with the intention of being involved in music, whereas you wouldn’t get that in a lot of cities. I mean, I’m one of those people. I’m not really from Manchester, and I went there to start a band. I knew that was a place where bands could exist. It’s not like a fantastical idea that you might start a band, whereas there’s plenty of places you can go and no one will join your band. Manchester’s always been good for that. I think it self perpetuates really. Now we’ve got this culture and we’ve got this history. Then it generates more good bands.
You all have accomplished a ton in your tenure as a group. Is there anything you still hope to accomplish in your musical career?
Jonathan Higgs: Career? Oh yeah, definitely. We want a number one album. We want to headline Glastonbury Asbury, all the things that a band could ever want. I feel like we’ve achieved 1% of it, 8% of it. So yeah, you name it. I’d love to have a whole new chapter of the band.
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kovajean · 9 months
As someone whose favorite movie (second only to Whiplash) is Karate Kid III, I’ll never understand people that think it’s a bad movie.
Although my reasons aren’t entirely objective, it’s still worth writing about. It’s crazy how nearly tailor-made this movie is for me.
The over the top villains in Mike and Silver are perfect, because they have hardly any motive. I love simple shit like that.
Why is Silver doing this? Because his best friend was embarrassed. Why is he doing it in this way? Because he’s evil. Why is he evil? Because he is. Let’s also not forget the fact that he’s a corrupt oil barren. That shit’s hilarious. He’s also hot as fuck and I, as a gay man, am allowed that as a reason.
Why is Mike doing this? Money. Why is he doing it this way? Because he likes beating people up. Why does he like beating people up? Because he does. Who cares that there’s no deeper meaning behind it? I certainly don’t. I like when villains are bad because they like to be. I don’t want anything different. And I especially love that Cobra Kai didn’t retcon his insanity, like they’ve retconned other people’s wrongdoings...
The dialogue is both great and fucking awful at the same time. Here are some of my favorite lines from the movie:
“They made you suffer, so I’m gonna make them suffer—and suffer, and suffer, and when I think they’ve suffered enough, then I start with the pain.” (This line fucking SUCKS LOL)
“When I'm finished with that kid, he'll be begging me to be his teacher. And you know what he's gonna learn from me? Pain. In every part of his body. And fear—in every part of his mind. And here's the kicker: He's gonna thank me for it.” (This is probably my favorite line ever from any movie. It’s so good. The first time I showed this movie to my ex-boyfriend he would quote this shit at me every single day.)
“Johnny, by the time that little twerp steps into the ring to defend his title, I’m gonna have him thinking he’s invincible. Then he’s gonna find out what pain and fear really mean. Right in front of a thousand people.” (This line gives me chills. So good. Would be better if he used something less Disney bully than “twerp”, though.)
“It’s okay to lose to an opponent—Must not lose to fear!” (This along with the majority of Miyagi’s lines are great. I don’t need to go through them all. This is just my favorite one.)
The thing about these movies is that each one has varying levels of dialogue quality. KK1’s dialogue is fucking awful. But at least some of the lines are funny enough to laugh at. There are some good lines in there, but that’s just it. Good lines. Not memorable. Same thing with KK2. The dialogue in that movie is just good. That’s all. I can’t recite a single line from that movie. Because the lines aren’t memorable. Except for, of course, “honk”. Do not get me wrong though. I'm not saying this movie is the best Karate Kid movie. No way. It's just my favorite, and it's not as bad as people make it out to be.
The score had me looping it for 3 months straight. I'm not even hyperbolizing here. The whole of it is just wonderful. The reused and remixed songs like Kata Training are great. But when I get to Silver’s theme, that’s a whole different thing. Listen to this shit:
How is this real? I’m a huge classical music fan, and I could not stop playing this song over and over and over again. Listen to this one:
Did you know that this song wasn’t even used in the movie? This is an alternate version of Terry’s Next Move, which plays over the Kreese and Silver phone call as well as the Mike Barnes Magazine Car Ride. The one they went with certainly works better for the scene, but I love, love, love this one. So much more. 
I never thought I’d be hooked on a series of songs from a Karate Kid movie composed by the same guy who did Rocky, but here I am. 6 months strong, too. I was in a high school theater production when I watched this movie for the first time, and every free moment I had backstage was spent looping each piece with any bit of Terry’s theme in it (such as Terry Silver, Terry’s Next Move, Terry Sneaks In, and Daniel Submits. I also had Terry Owns Daniel on loop occasionally, but that song doesn’t have any real instances of Terry’s theme in it–it just sounds similar. And yes, these are the official names of the songs in case you weren’t aware.) I also listened to these songs on loop while doing an art class project (which was of, you guessed it, Karate Kid characters).
I love Daniel in this movie. Love him. More so than any of the other movies. He’s exponentially sillier, he becomes best friends with a girl instead of dating her, he demonstrates color theory, and his irritability and sass are on full display. I also like that he's not super skinny anymore, and that he actually looks his age. (My love for him may also be aided by the fact that I relate most to his personality and appearance in accordance with this movie versus the first two).
I LOVE JESSICA! You will never meet a bigger Jessica fan than me. I love her so, so dearly.
She brings out the good in Daniel.
She shows us that Daniel is good with rejection. When she tells him she has a boyfriend, his opinion of her stays the exact same. He doesn’t push her. He lets it go, and they immediately become best friends. All because she told him that she hadn’t made any friends yet.
I like that Daniel is protective of her despite the fact that they’re not dating. He really cares about her, and he doesn’t expect anything in return. He’s not spoiled. But I also like that Jessica gets mad at him, because he went way too far. She doesn’t let him get away with it or treat him like a hero. She gets upset. Because Daniel just assaulted someone who hadn’t done anything deserving of violence (yet). And when she leaves, Daniel recognizes his mistake. He recognizes all of his mistakes. All because of Jessica. I can promise you, had she reacted positively, the movie would have ended differently. She was the step he needed to snap out of his power trip. And I love her for it.
She also trains with Daniel! None of his love interests did that!
I’m saving the color theory section for a separate post where I will go over every Daniel outfit and what they mean for the scene because I have the free time to do so and dammit I’m not hyper fixated on Karate Kid III enough already so I might as well let myself get worse. You feel me?
Despite the fact that Daniel's clearly nervous around Silver, he’s still a piece of shit during their training sessions. I respect that. He’s also incredibly snappy towards Mike and his gang even though he knows he shouldn’t be. His morals are also on full display if you think about it. He’s mean to mean people, even if being nice to them will work out better in the long run. Because he refuses to be nice to people who don’t deserve it. As well as vice versa. Except for when he snaps at Miyagi. Hmm, I wonder why he does this? Perhaps, is it maybe, the fact that he’s being manipulated to use anger as a coping mechanism?
People go on and on about how whiny Daniel is in this movie, but they don’t seem to consider why.
Daniel is assaulted over and over again by Mike and his gang, and his new best friend gets roped into it. He stores this anger because he has nowhere else to put it. Then he meets Silver, someone who gives him an outlet for it. He finally has something to do with this pent-up rage, until he’s given mixed signals by the people around him when he uses this newfound coping skill. Miyagi gets upset, Silver praises him, Jessica leaves him. How is he supposed to know what to do? Of course he has a mental break. He rants to Jessica about it, then to Miyagi, and he thinks he has his problems fixed. Then, to make matters worse, he finds out that Silver was tricking him the whole time. Now he has to relearn Miyagi-Do. That fucking sucks. I’d go crazy too. This, along with the fact that he wanted to compete in the All-Valley so badly that he brought it up to Miyagi on multiple occasions, was shot down every time, finally gave up, and then was forced to care again? AND Miyagi refuses to train him even though it’s hardly his decision anymore? How Daniel kept going in this movie is beyond me. He’s not whiny, he’s livid. He can’t catch a fucking break.
I’d say his anger is accumulated throughout the movies. This one year has been more eventful than the rest of his life was prior. Everyone he meets seems to want his head on a stake and there’s literally nothing he can do about it. He just wants to be a normal guy, and no one will let him.
He’s also certainly not weaker in this movie in comparison to the second. He’s been broken down by everyone trying to fight him and he’s at a point where he’s trying not to care. He’s trying so hard, but when Mike shows up it’s difficult for him to keep pretending. The fact that Daniel loses to him is meant to show you that Mike is strong, not that Daniel is weak. Anyone that can defeat Daniel after Daniel’s torment in KK2 deserves to be feared. And don’t forget that Mike had the ability to kill Daniel in the bonsai scene. The only reason he’s less threatening than Chozen is because his acting is bad.
If you want to argue that he’s weak throughout the entire movie, then you’d be half correct, I guess? He’s a different sort of strong for the last half of the movie. This is because Silver teaches him different moves. Daniel stops using what he used to know (the style of Karate that we’ve seen him use up until this point), and is now using exclusively this new style. And when you consider that this new style only has 3 different moves, of course he’s going to look weaker. The All-Valley scene Daniel also isn’t weaker if that’s your argument, because there is genuinely no other way he could have beaten Mike than with Kata. Mike is immune to Miyagi-Do. That’s why Daniel never beat him in any of the scenes leading up to the All-Valley. Daniel is also overcome with fear thanks to Silver. The ineffectiveness of Miyagi-Do on Mike and the lasting fear of the manipulation he dealt with is not a good combination. He beat Mike with Kata because he caught Mike completely off guard. That’s how you beat him. We know that’s how you beat him because it’s the first time we see him genuinely lose, other than when he lost to Miyagi multiple times, which is another instance of Mike being caught off guard and losing, because why would he expect an old man to be that good at Karate (and also, it’s Miyagi, of course he’s gonna lose to Miyagi. He’s not comparable to Daniel). Can you assume that Silver told Mike to be wary of Miyagi? He’d never seen the guy fight.
Anyways this movie has been on repeat in my brain since March and nothing I can do can stop it so why not indulge in it, huh? Just a look into my dark and twisted mind
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iridescentparkers · 2 years
dancing in the dark - peter parker
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➳ pairing: tasm!peter parker x reader
➳ summary: living the bridgerton fantasy may be a little out of reach, but dancing like them with the man of your dreams may be a little closer than you think.
➳ word count: 0.7k
➳ warnings: none
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Your eyes aligned with the darkened sky, moving lazily to the detailed and stoned exterior of the lively home. 
Reaching the grassy fields, traveling miles and miles down secretive forest paths, you watched what was occurring in front of you.
Chatter spread amongst the lively home, and just above each voice lay harmonies from the band. The sounds were so dissonant yet so in tune with one another. Each one created a scene so exciting for those in attendance.
Inside, you watched as young women danced in sync with their partners. You watched as men smiled down at each lady. Not one would move their eyes away from the beautiful woman they had for the night. 
Each man had power in their own gracious steps, but so did each woman. The flow of their dresses moving gracefully with each carefully placed step left you in awe. 
“Why can’t I have that?”
“Have what?” Peter called from the kitchen, finishing the last of the dishes in the sink. 
“A simple life like the women in Bridgeton.” You huffed, pausing the show and throwing the remote on the sofa. 
Peter turned off the running water and placed a final plate in the dishwasher, “You mean like when women were property to their husbands and had to dedicate their lives to their children?”
“Haha, very funny, Mr. feminist,” you remarked, rolling your eyes as you shoved Peter’s side as he sat down. “I’m serious, Peter.”
Peter rubbed his side as he sat up to look at you, “What seems so simple about Bridgerton? From watching it with you, if anything, courting seems way too complicated.”
“If you come from the wrong family, it is. But I want to be like them. Socializing and trying on beautiful dresses each day, and then dancing the night away when it’s all over,” you stated to Peter, pushing your hair further behind your face as Peter rested a gentle hand on your leg. 
Peter grinned, cupping your cheek in his hand, “Really?”
“Ok,” he stated before pushing his glasses further on his face and placing a quick pat on your leg. 
“Where are you-“
“I’ll be right back.”’
You pressed your back to the sofa for a few moments, quirking a brow as you listened to the movement from upstairs. A few clashes and banging of items would pass here and there before you heard Peter again.
“Got it!”
You turned around and watched as Peter rushed down the stairs, then smiled to himself as he held a small black duffel bag. 
“Now, the first thing is a little out of my reach, but I can help you with the second one.”
“What’s that?”
“My uncle's old record player. He gave it to me a while back, but I never got the chance to use it,” he explained as he pulled it and a few records out of the bag. “But you said you wanted to dance, so here it is.”
He placed the bag aside and put the player on the coffee table in front of him,” You ok?”
Your jaw gaped open, and you quickly closed it,” Ye-Yeah, I’m fine.”
“While I move this table, pick a song out of the bag.”
At last…
“I take back what I said.”
“Oh god, what this time?” Peter asked, cheek pressed into your own, slightly slurring his words as you both moved around the room.
…my love has come along.
You chuckled at yourself, arms wrapped behind and upwards on Peter’s back as you danced chest to chest, “Dancing like the Bridgerton’s takes too much effort.”
“I tried to tell you.”
“Whatever,” You laughed, both chuckling and swaying in unison. Peter moved his cheek from your own to your shoulder, leaving his arms around your waist as he pulled you in closer.
My lonely days are over.
“Yes, Y/N?”
And life is like a song.
“This is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me.”
At last, the skies above are blue.
“It is?”
“Yes,” you stated, leaning in deeper to the lazy movements you both allowed your bodies to meld into one another. 
My heart was wrapped up in clover.
“And Peter?”
He laughed lightly, smiling from ear to ear as he felt the vibrations from the outside of your chest, “Yes, my love?”
“I want to know what sent you to me,” you stated, running your fingers through the ends of his hair. 
The night I looked at you.
Peter arose from his leaning position, grabbing one of your hands and linking his fingers with your own, “Because you truly are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
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thebrownssociety · 1 year
Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs Headcanons
1. The toons were created in 1932 - 5 years before the film came out. The final year was spent tidying the film up and spending money and convincing people to see it. The first 4 years? Spent filming it. 
By that point Walt Disney had several toons, prominent ones like Mickey and Minnie as well as many, many back-ground toons. He now wanted to move from short 7-minute cartoons to a feature-length movie. His animators told him this was mad. The toons were good at doing the short cartoons, but for a movie over an hour!? There was no way they’d be able to do it. 
As well as that there was the backgrounds. At that point the animators were drawing scenery and the toons were leaping into the pictures and acting it out. [It’s difficult to describe] What Walt wanted was more of a set, and so the idea of Toon Town was born.
Soon enough [within the space of a year] the palace, the dwarfs cottage, the mine and the forest had been set up. The dwarfs cottage was what would be later described as a ‘3-D’ house - I.E. you can go inside it. Same for the mine, which is a lot deeper than it looks. Snow White’s palace is a bit different, it’s mainly just a painted backdrop, you can move around in front of it near the well and stuff, but there’s not much inside it. There’s actually only a extended ‘stage’ of some sort that will allow a toon or two to stand on it. Even if a Human could get inside it, it would never support their weight.
So for the film when the queen was standing in the window looking down on the courtyard, she was standing on the stage behind it. Now you might wonder - the queen dungeon and rooms? How do you access those? Simple -you go behind the backdrop. No seriously. Go behind it and you’ll see the set for the rooms, built separately. At first it was accessible to everyone [much to the queen’s hatred] but eventually as more magic-users entered Toon Town she managed to negotiate a spell placed on her surrounding that will let no one but her and people she deems trustworthy in. The queen has a book that she writes the names of which she wants to let into her space. No one else can access it, as it’s in the protected space, surrounded by a protective spell. Slightly overkill, but hey, this is the queen we’re talking about. She never does anything by halves.
Anyway, back to Toontown. Walt deliberately placed the buildings quite close together because he already knew he wanted a city. He quickly made a row of houses for the background toons [3-D] and a separate lot of houses - modelled after mansions - for the likes of Mickey, Minnie, Dippy Dawg and Donald. Daisy’s was added later. 
He did get a lock of flack for this, but when Walt pointed out that at the rate he was creating Toons they would soon outnumber the amount of employees, suddenly people were a lot more receptive.
In a surprising move at the time, considering the terms they were on, Walt actually went over to Warner Bros and pitched to the directors there that they join forces and make one giant Toontown. At first W.B. were a bit suspicious, but once they listened to Walt and he point blank asked how many Toons they were planning on making, they saw sense. This is why there is a literal line in between WB/Hanna-Barbera’s side and Disney’s. 
2. Back to Snow White. The film took 4 years to make, so by the end of it they were very good friends, and the dwarfs especially were as close as any brothers. They did live together in that house 24/7 after all. Snow White and the prince didn’t live with them though - that would have been to much. They have their own palace up near Mickey and the rests mansions. 
This is why it may seem a bit odd that in the film the group are singing ‘The Silly Song’ like they’ve known each other forever rather than 24 hours. 
3. On that note [pun totally intended] the dwarfs wrote ‘The Silly Song’ themselves as a way of passing the time. They also made their own instruments - again, as a way of passing the time. It wasn’t actually meant to be in the movie, but about two years into filming Snow and the Dwarfs were meant to be at an appointment with Walt, but he was delayed.  After about half an hour Snow suggested singing a song to keep their spirits up. The dwarfs - who had been listening to Doc and Grumpy bicker for what felt like years - readily agreed and whipped out their instruments. Snow joined in singing and Walt and some people from the bank heard the whole thing from his office. 
Well. Turns out that was the push the bank people needed. Walt had already showed them the script, the set and they’d met the Dwarfs and Snow White already, but seeing them perform like that? It made them happy and the bank people said they’d give Walt the rest of the money on one condition - that song made it into the movie.
4. The dwarfs are close, though you’d be forgiven for thinking otherwise what with the amount they argue. Especially Doc and Grumpy, but 70+ years on and the bickering has gotten a lot less venomous and serious and is now almost friendly. 
Grumpy although, well, Grumpy, is a sweetheart and although it’ll probabaly either take a truth potion or something extreme to make him say it, he does care for his brothers and the prince. [He says he cares for Snow quite frequently.] He’ll come to their aid if needed, albeit with a snarky remark, and is more than willing to put himself on the line if needed.
Like the time that the queen decided to test a speech improvement potion on Doc. Seemingly just for the hell of it, because their was nothing wrong with her voice. She donned a disguise and headed to the mine. As Doc is the one checking the diamonds he’s often out near the front with only Dopey for help. The queen - knowing they’d see through the old women act - modelled herself to look like Snow. She asked to see Doc, he went with her and she kidnapped him. Didn’t take the other dwarfs long to figure out what happened because Dopey was smart enough to follow them because he was getting ‘bad vibes’ from ‘Snow’. 
It was Grumpy who organised the others into getting into the castle and freeing Doc. He even punched the queen out with the immortal words. “No one messes with my brother but me!” 
After being freed Doc hugged Grumpy tightly with a: “Yank thru - tank who - er...”
 And Grumpy’s there completely awkward, like. “Ok, I get it. Now gerroff me! I can’t breath!”
There have been similar incidents throughout the years.
5. Final one. As ‘The Ones To Start It All’ the cast often get other Toons - especially those in feature films - coming to ask advice on how to deal with the stress and the publicity. They normally meet up in Snow and Ferdinand’s castle so they can have a private one-on-one session.
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To the anon who wrote about analyzing and discussing Louis song lyrics in a deeper way, the issue to me is that every single Louis analysis or discussion ends up being seen through the Larry lens. They co-opt every single discussion. All the lyrics have to be fit into the Larry narrative - even if it makes absolutely no sense. His set design and lighting choices and clothing - all must be shoe-horned into his secret signaling about Larry.
I always think about the ridiculous Back to You theory of him supposedly singing “I love him” instead of “it”. First, that song is about an extremely dysfunctional relationship. If you believe in long term Larry love, then that song should make you have doubts. But one little idea that he is singing “him” and the entire song becomes about Larry signaling.
Louis could escape the One Direction lens, he just can’t escape the Larry lens and it’s so sad. He has some of the best written songs of any of the 5.
Louis’ time and craft often go unappreciated, and his team doesn’t bother to make promote beyond the One Direction fanfiction crowd.
Part of the problem is that young audiences no longer have the patience (or capacity) to listen to layered songs. It’s difficult to pick out any popular song that isn’t about gossip or personal trauma… surely there’s more to pop music than sassy clapbacks?
Larries made Habit an uncomfortable concert experience even though the song is mostly an explanation of Louis’ ambivalence toward a solo career. Louis’ reluctance of the facing the stage alone, the explicit comparison of a music career to drug addiction (knowing full well how many musicians succumb to it), and the very mixed feelings toward an audience that both adulates and destroys, this (as Sylvia Plath put it) “peanut-crunching crowd” that treats celebrities like circus acts. All of these contradictions miraculously co-exist in a simple ballad with a one-word title, but the nuance is entirely lost in the screams of “Princess Park,” because (according to Larries) who cares about trauma as long as it’s “gay”?
Back To You is a song about toxic co-dependence, as poisonous and vicious as one can imagine, dressed up in a happy pop tune (later, rock tune). It’s about two people whose relationship has deteriorated so much that they can’t even talk to each other without using the language of physical violence, but they also feel trapped. It’s as much about depressing as it is about love.
But the analysis and appreciation from Louis’ fandom has been driven away by Larries, and by Louis’ team.
There used to be so many smart, articulate Louies in the fandom. When I look at old recommendation posts, the fandom now looks like a graveyard. So many Louies got tired of being bullied or the toxic Larrie atmosphere, or Harries, or waiting for a good team, that they left. There would be good streaming projects and fandom projects to make things fun, lots of art and creative momentum.
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occasionally-victor · 2 years
"Let's dance! (The dance of death)" — Last Life!Grian&Mumbo playlist
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+ songs that are not in the playlist for one or another reason, but they need to be mentioned as they were in the first drafts of a playlist year ago: Madds Buckley - The Red Means I Love You (G); Hamilton - You'll Be Back (G); Tom Lehrer - The Masochism Tango (M); Ferry - anger management – жаль (Both); Hooverphonic - Mad About You (G);
some notes (mostly doing the *points on lyrics* "THEM!" thing):
The part where i do a bit more talking for one or another reason:
Ferry's songs (DEAD HAND, Occam's razor, dopamine_machine, Convergence) are talked about in this post (clickable).
Danse macabre is here because i was describing their dynamic as "some sort of 'danse macabre'" because this tone poem (i looked it up in Wikipedia lmao) was getting recommended to me the whole time and i guess the name of it really got into my head (oooh dance, ooooh of death). The fun part of it, i haven't even listened to it until after 7th session, so i was very pleasantly surprised to hear that it actually fits (here my criteria was "can i daydream about an animatic with this song?" and yes, i could (basically, the pacing and the vibe of the Danse macabre fit the story))
The Front Bottoms - Be Nice To Me & Mumford & Sons - Little Lion Man: so, these two are grouped together. Why? Because when talking about my boys I'm mostly looking at first verses (well basically everything before second verses) of each (as you could see in my little spreadsheet, Be Nice To Me is applied to Mumbo (theres also an animatic (clickable) i found, it basically shows what i mean here) and Little Lion Man is applied to Grian). But hey, what about the second verses? Well, it's just theres another LL duo these two songs fit very well (Ethubs. I'm talking about Ethubs. Be Nice To Me - Bdubs, Little Lion Man - Etho). This makes sense in my head and i needed to explain my vision and it does go deeper than that.
Will Wood and The Tapeworms - -ish: i added it here because of this animatic (clickable). what more do you want from me, i am a simple man.
Unknown Mother Goose - Will Stetson (English cover, og - wowaka): ok, so at first i wanted to just put some lyrics here, but then i realized i just started copying the whole song, so yeah. i will just put this part, because i really like it: "I’ve grown to take it, the pain welling in me, the breaking and hurting//Joy, grief, rage, and pleasure, they all blend together, through every endeavor//If happiness that I cherish is real and is out there somewhere lost on this earth//Will I wander forever and ever in agony in this darkened and cold world//As the blackened, the sheep that will never belong anywhere as I live forever?//--Don’t leave me like that!"
Jhariah - The Great Tale Of How I Ruined It All: "In the lens through which some eyes will see//This tale is one of failure//And though I don’t think I’m your enemy//I’ll never be your savior//And in the lens through which some eyes will see//This tale is one of victory//And though I don’t think I’m a failure//I don’t deserve your sympathy" - this part is totally the only reason this song in this playlist HOWEVER! The whole song is actually very much post 6th-7th session Southlands vibe.
Kenshi Yonezu - Décolleté: funny example of "I'm aware that this song in fact doesn't fit at all (i have read the translation), but the vibes captivated me so much so i just. decided to ignore text at all"
The main part №1:
The Puget Sound - Terrified of You: ok i was trying to get some of the lyrics here (specifically the part from 1:40 to 2:05-ish), but i literally cant understand what some of the words are. Like, i get the meaning of the sentence, yeah, but the words. That's what i get for putting an old ass song with less than 70 views here.
Flira - My Eyes Your Eyes: another one of "bitch i wish there were some lyrics online" because im annoyed that i can't pick up all words. However, i can say, that it was 5:19-5:42 part that made me add this song to the playlist.
Shayfer James - Bayonnettes: "And his eyes speak his past//Colorful, wild and totally ruthless" • "In a fight to the death//Where these broken promises fix bayonnettes" • "And that look in your eye//Is certain to try and divide us//As the sun in it's sky//Is threatening, is threatening violence"
Will Wood - Kill me if you can: "Fix that twitch, it makes me fiddle like a schizophrenic, how am I gonna get through my life like this?//Neurotic and catatonic, idiotic, not enough psychoticism to corroborate the sin" • "Take me towards the light//When it leaves my eyes//Give me a sec to catch my dying breath//Forgive me if I cross the flatline" • "Six-feet deep from six-foot-tall, don't bother, give it some, or lose it all//Please come kill me, kill me if you can"
The Brobecks - Die alone: "Can I die away from you?//What you do, it isn't ordinary too//There's nothing to do, but lie//I guess I'll die, guess I'll die a lonely guy"
Shayfer James - Grind My Bones: "I am a moment slowly dying//Soon I will only cross your mind from time to time" • "Now as the walls around us crumble//Watch all the idiots and hypocrites rebel//You are two dashes and a number//And all of your complaining couldn't save you from yourselves" • "Oh I was lost and nothing found me//You better know that when I go//I'm going fast"
Jhariah - PRESSURE BOMB 3?!?!: "Slow down//Those words mean nothing//My brain just revs up faster//Pressure bomb in a goddamn knife fight" • "Ecstatic pathways runaway, flood my mind//Overstimulation makes me feel like I’m alive" • "It drives me forward every moment//Makes sure I don’t stop too long to//Smell the flowers//I been here too long, I might burn up and explode"
The Crane Wives - Curses: "There's a fire in my brain and I'm burning up//Oh my, oh my//Keep running for the sink but the well is dry//Oh my, oh my" • "Every word I say is kindling//But the smoke clears when you're around//Won't you stay with me, my darling//When my walls start burning down, down, down?" • "Oh ashes, ashes, dust to dust//The devil's after both of us//Oh, lay my curses out to rest//Make a mercy out of me" • "All my aching bones are trembling//And I may yet fall apart//Won't you stay with me, my darling//When the war starts in my heart?"
Des Rocs - Used to the Darkness: "I've made mistakes, the Lord struck me down//Caught in a landslide, lost underground" • "And then my eyes got used to the darkness//And everyone that I knew//Was lost and so long forgotten after you" • "Now would you pray before you twist the knife?//Yeah, would you take my hand and take a life?" • "And now there's no one else left to love//I'm used to the darkness, I'm used to the darkness"
Ricky Montgomery - Snow: "When I go, bury me six feet in snow" • "Here we are wasting our chances for the last time//Oh, and when we go I'll try not to be so slow" • "Say it once, say it twice, try to be nice//Well, let's not lose ourselves" • "Summer's over, love had left her screaming at the screen//Oh, and it's understood that the both of us are no good"
QUEEN - Will Stetson (English cover, og - Kanaria): "Lie, bye Baby//My, my, my life//Give me your hand, we'll dance a tune throughout the night so//Lie, bye Baby//My, my, my life//That's the signal you're fading from the light//My love" • "One, my only self is jumping for love//The dreams are never enough//Too far away to touch" • "Overflowing, Overflowing//It really takes me back into the end we left to die//You never know it, You never know it//It's falling//Cry cry cry" • "Nebulous, abandonment, a weapon//I'm none and no one, never needed I cling//With hazy eyes in the night, loving words to disguise//Stuck crying out for the world that wasn't mine//Those fates all just remain in place, no matter//How hard you fight the future never will change//My vision's starting to fade//Heart's a smoldering flame//They sing in shame for a spark we couldn't make, my love"
Jhariah - Needed a Change of Pace: "I’m so glad I woke up today//A different life in a brand new place//I think I maybe outgrew the last//I needed a change of pace//No more talk of what my burdens say//They’ve been left behind, and that’s where they will stay" • "Oh, how could you love me so?//Oh, with all I’ve done and the things you know?//My dearest, you better never forgive me//'Cause if you forget what I’ve done, I’ll do it again" • "I died that night and killed god in the morning//Left without a warning or even informing the coroner//I was a foreigner//Never belonged in that place, played along in that place//Till I had enough of the games//I couldn’t find the time from the afterlife//To apologize or even say goodbye"
GARANDO/AIRHEAD - djalto (English cover, og - Picon): "So it was just me and you//Such a stupid rendezvous//And now look at us both//Indifferent and disconnect, just barely hangin' on. Just what i thought" • "Sure, I already know what I'm crying for//The same old "goodbye", i've seen it all before//Is it okay if i stoop this low, low, low?" • "Remember those glaring eyes of yours//Just stabbed my soul straight down to the core//While we danced in room number 10884//From dusk till dawn" • "Living life everyday just sucks me dry//Even "sleeping forever" sounds way more fun//Then it's fine for me to stoop this low, low, low"
EYE - Will Stetson (English cover, og - Kanaria): "Pray for me while my mind is flickering, burning//Thirteen, fourteen, rotting and eating spices as we please, see//Watch me sleep with a dagger up my sleeve, hurting//Thirty, forty, stabbing like crazy, smiling as I bleed, see" • "L-L-LIFE, you and me, E-E-EYE, and so we//Play bad and hold on tight and lie and lie and lie and lie//K-K-KNIFE, you and me, E-E-EYE, already//There’s evil deep inside, a lie and lie and lie and lie" • "Without behaving to please//They flow and bleed, all of the words I set free"
Will Wood - and if i did, you deserved it: "and we're alone now//high up and low down" • "you know i'm not the type of guy to turn my back on a knife//it's just my luck these motherfuckers talking smack on a guy//but i'm deserving every word they could begin to apply" • "i really don't care what you think or what you say//i'm a cancer, i'm malignant, yeah, you oughtta stay away//my heart's fucking empty and i trying to fill it up//but it's not big enough for the both of us//no it's not big enough for the both of us" • "if i keep beating myself up//i'll keep on winning the fight//and get my ass kicked//i'm poisonous, not toxic" • ""don't meet you idols"//hey, fuck you, i'm your idol!"
The Crane Wives - Know How: "I am not brave, I am not brave//I blind my eyes to what won't stay//You kissed my mouth, you pushed me out//And now I'm struggling to free myself" • "I gotta wrap my head around//What my heart is telling me//I've been trying to drown it out//Just because I know what I am//I am supposed to do now//Doesn't mean I know//Doesn't mean I know how"
Mother Mother - Burning Pile: "All my style, all my grace//All I tried to save my face//All my guts, try to spill//All my holes, try to fill" • "It goes, all my troubles on a burning pile//All lit up and I start to smile//If I catch fire then I'll change my aim//Throw my troubles at the pearly gates"
The Crane Wives - Never Love an Anchor: "And I tried to do the best that I could//But try as I might I couldn't bring myself to hold you" • "With this heart of mine that's guilty not remorseful//There is love that doesn't have a place to rest//But it would have buried you if it had settled on your shoulders" • "I am selfish, I am broken, I am cruel//I am all the things they might have said to you//Do you ever think of me and my two hands//... //And wondered why they never held you gently//And wondered why they never had the chance to lose you?"
Shayfer James - Godspeed: "There’s many ways to hide a heart that bleeds//But I prefer the ease of rolling up my sleeves" • "I used to be someone that you could believe//But it’s been a while, been a while" • "Let me not make mazes with words//Get yourself, get the hell, get yourself out of here" • "Good luck, godspeed, I know I’ll see you again//I’ll always call you a friend indeed"
Fall Out Boy - Miss Missing You: "Don't panic, no, not yet//I know I'm the one you want to forget//Cue all the love to leave my heart//It's time for me to fall apart" • "Now you're gone, but I'll be okay//Your hot whiskey eyes have fanned the flame//Maybe I'll burn a little brighter tonight//Let the fire breathe me back to life" • "Sometimes before it gets better, the darkness gets bigger//The person that you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger//Oh, we're fading fast, I miss missing you now and then"
Eva - Kuraiinu (English cover, og - Hiiragi Kirai): "I want you who’s dying to look at me//Greedily, I hope for what’s blasphemy//All alone, purity then devours my heart//Oh, I wish I could be the Lord of the Flies and restart" • "Hey, how mediocre//Hey, peaceful time is over//I’m so fed up, I’m burning up//I think I’ve had just enough//Hey, how mediocre//Hey, peaceful time is over//Abandon all, just make your call, I’ll still leave after all" • "Tell me why, ah…tell me why//Like a waterfall, all the pain flows down torrentially?//When I desire all your love to only be for me//But it the end it’s all a fantasy" • "In a moment, daydreams are all destroyed//From the core of my being, they rot me away//Those who persevere and survive today//Worry all about the future—who they’ll be, who they’ll betray//They try so hard, but they can’t deny the human nature calling out" • "Don’t dare to be irrational!"
Jhariah - BAD LUCK!: "This time around’s no different//I’ve played with chance like you//I loved to toy with fate//But, oh, I didn’t have a clue//That I would lose, oh, I would lose//... //“You’re not like me, I’m not like you, I’m not who these things happen to“//And that’s exactly what you say before they do" • "Still somehow they’re looking down on me//Laughing ’cause I got what I deserved//(You got what you deserved)//And I would do it again//I’m not sorry, but thank you for enduring me//As long as you did//That’s more than I’d ever ask of you"
Des Rocs - Don't Hurt Me: "But now is not the perfect time//To say I was lonely//To say I wanted the trouble" • "I bet the stars and stones//One hurts and one glows//I bet you think love was none of your business//None of your business" + honestly the chorus part ("Baby, don't hurt me, baby//...") vibes with them really well
Will Wood - I Can't Wait To Die: "You shook my soda, should've owned it, my mistake//Took my volcano, shifted my tectonic plates//I'm at rock bottom out of options or so I hope//'Cuz if I'm not then how much lower should I go" • "I can't wait to die//You've got me so god damn excited, I've been waiting my whole life//I can't wait to die//Can't wait to die, 'cuz you remind me of what it's like to be alive" • "You're close to me enough to breathe secondhand smoke//My misery's now your disease and it loves your company and" • "Never letting no people before I look through the peephole//See no evil, speak no evil, speak to me, no I don't hear you"
Jason Webley - Dance While the Sky Crashes Down: "We've all begun to die and don't know what to do//Since it hurts to pray to God when God is dying too//Takes strength to laugh when you start to drown//And we dance while the sky crashes down" • "Like that the earth begins to quiver//And all the oceans turn to black//A ship of maniacs with knives are playing blackjack with their lives//To kill the time until the giant rats attack" • "A band of skeletons is playing//Don't act like you don't know the tune//Your part is echoed in the path of every dead leaf blowing past" • "And every one of us is damned until we start to understand//That living is to gorge ourselves at our own wakes"
MIRA - Will Stetson (English cover, og - Kanaria): "Too old that I can't get a shake//From dreams a crumblin' away, a self centered hate//Worn down but I'm feelin' the weight//While slowly loosing my place//Too starved of love to wait" • "A superficial trust, an agonizing touch//A portrait drained of blood//Keep away from me my love//I'm doubtful of my love" • "Keep away from me my love//A lame lying love//Burn away your trust, never feel much"
Shayfer James (feat. Will Wood) - Ferryman: "Never again can be innocent//And everything ends, well, it just makes sense//If up has a down there's another side//In there's an out so it's worth a try//People want each other but they want themselves more//Even when your lover's something new to live for//Is to die for, therefore to kill for//Black has white so go to the light, my love" - if I'm being honest, the biggest reason i added this song here is because i really liked the vibe. Like, it works in my head, plus the vibe is the first thing i look in the songs i want to add in this playlist.
tallyhall - Misery Fell: "Why, oh, why this//Town without love too much faith in above?//Can you feel the//Force that it brings not to worry 'bout things?//Just the stars in the sky all enjoying their time//With a hope for peace" - another one of "based on vibes tbh" songs.
tart - enigma: "here we go again//the devil's watching from below//so just keep writing//see it in my eyes//i never wanted to survive//so i'll show you who i've learned to be" • "i've seen a perfect crime//... //i've seen an angel watching devil with his greedy eyes" • "Next comes the pain of the way//You’re falling into me[You’re crashing into me]//I know it’s closed reign[‘Cause in the domain]//But the flame[Of my brain]//Is sinking in again[I’m getting lost again]//See thousands of words through my eyes//And when you finally realize//That you’re the one holding the gun[That I'm the one holding the gun / That you're the one holding the gun]//I’ll say my first goodbye[just recite my goodbye / I'll say my last goodbye]" • "Time’s still turning, yet my memory is running low//... //Tell me now, how do you want this to go//I’ll cast my hand, don’t wanna know" - i decided to color it because it was getting confusing.
Will Wood - Cicada Days: "She said "It just feels inhumane to lose this much."//'Cause when you leave you know you take more than your love//Just one week of cicada days, we're losing touch//And I know it just feels inhumane to lose this much" • "Let all my red flags fade to white, yeah, I give up//Don't let me leave, I'll only take more than I gave//Okay, I'll pack my stuff//Here at the end of days, my god, what have I done?"
cavetown - Pigeon: "Fuzzy feelin' and I miss you//Why can nothing stay the same?//Fuckin' stupid head, I’m gonna kill you//Melt all your art and drink the paint//I am not a beast, I’m not a monster//I don't care what you say//You can’t have the bad guys without a hero//And I’m the only one who’s got a cape" • "Didn’t give me time to say goodbye in the way that I wanted to//So honey close your eyes and stay like you’re supposed to do//Don’t know how I’m gonna live without//But I’ll stay strong for you"
The Amazing Devil - Elsa’s Song: "Your voice it carries over//The hubbub and the hum//And it paints the sky and circles high//Like the beating of a drum//You will scream "I won’t forget you"//But I’ll cover my cold ears//It cannot be a lie//If no-one hears" • "'Cause although you say good day to me//I know I don’t belong//And although you hold my hand and say//"I love you," you are wrong//Because love does not exist here//In this garden, there’s no feeling//And you say the words so often//That I barely know the meaning" • "And then you’ll cry to our painted sky//"I loved him then, I love him still""
The Crane Wives - How to Rest: "Go on stack the cinder blocks in a cold sweat//Build yourself a citadel amid the foothills of regret//And though you've convinced yourself, you're safe and sound within//The thing you fear the most never need get in" • "Those of us who vow never to love again, to love again//Are making liars out of honest men//It's not something that you put to bed//Hang your head and just forget//No, love don't know how to rest"
Mother Mother - Arms Tonite: "I fell in your arms tonight//I fell hard in your arms tonight, it was nice//I died in your arms tonight//I slipped through into the afterlife, it was nice//White light in your arms tonight//I lost sight in your arms tonight, it was nice" • "And hey, you, don't you think it's kinda cute//That I (I) died (Died) right inside your arms tonight?//That I'm fine even after I have died?//Because it was in your arms I died"
The Vultures - Risk It All: "Do you know this certain feeling//This feeling inside of you//Well, maybe you´re not clearly seeing//But I have that feeling too//I´m living an empty heart//Got no reason to feel unwell//But still I crave for more" • "You only live once//You better give it all you got//Yeah you live only once//So you better take that shot//Again and again and again and again//´Till your time is up" • "Truth be told//I can´t hold that feeling anymore//I´m living a lifeless heart//I feel so outworn"
The Vultures - Get What You Want: "It's that time of the night again//I'm thinking of us//My head in the clouds and then//You doubt my trust//I can't change the way i am//At least i would try to do//I want to be together, babe//Together with you" • "You and me, we could be free//Why is this so hard to see?" - more of "based on vibes tbh"
The main part №2 (these songs are not on english, so it's a bit if a warning: in this post i will just use some english translations i found)
Dirt Poor Robins - Enchanté: "Alas, the muses through their glasses//Drift away as only madness//Drowning in the din//Of our animal skins" • "From chagrin I've been released//Paint me in a portrait sans//The fig leaves, fig leaves//And I will not be concerned//Or ignore the things I yearn//My hunger is the rule I cannot overturn" • "Alas, the virtues through their glasses//Hid themselves from our madness//All we have within//Is our animal skins" • "Greet your beast and let 'em streak//Into the fray" • "Enchanté, enchanté, enchanté, enchanté//Name the powers "meteors"//And let us go insane//It's okay, it's okay, it's okay//If we can't raise the dead//We're gonna raise, we're gonna raise//We're gonna raise hell instead"
mewithoutYou - Everything Was Beautiful And Nothing Hurt: "Heard you call for me//Saw you die for me//Only you'd burn for me//If only you'd come for me" • "And so you'll be to me//Who must obliquely run//Thy firmness makes my circle just//And makes me end where I begun" • "There's nothing wrong//As I'll be somewhere singing all along//No! Tell me, where have you gone, my love//Where have you gone my love"
Arctic Monkeys - The Jeweller's Hands: "Fiendish wonder in the carnival's wake//Dull caresses once again irritate//Tread softly, stranger//Move over toward the danger that you seek" • "And now it's no one's fault but yours//At the foot of the house of cards//You thought you'd never get obsessed//You thought the wolves would be impressed//And you're a sinking stone//But you know what it's like to hold the jeweler's hands//That procession of pioneers all drowned" • "The inevitables gather to push you around//Any other voice makes such a punishing sound//He became laughter's assassin//Shortly after he showed you what it was"
Eve ft. 38ban - Therefore You and Me: "Paired up, they mean something//My avatar!//It's two-in-one//You and me//Don't ever let go of what's beloved" • "Therefore//You and me, you and me//You and me, lovey-dovey//As a result of loving//As a result of forgetting//... //As a result of acquiring//As a result of losing//... //As a result of living//As a result of dying" • "Because, I and myself, we're all ghosts//Very selfish ghosts." • "You and me, you and me//You and me, lovey-dovey//As a result of trusting//As a result of being betrayed"
しとお - 枉ゲラルルラララ: "I want a talking partner who yells and fidgets around, badly//I'd just get bored with a sympathetic person//As partners, we'd talk while making weapons with our hands" • "If someone goes bad, grudges will start//If living at limits is a fun thing, well then...//"So, this is a fun thing?"//So basically, you don't even know"" • "Claw-like bullets replaced words, you know, right?//Hey, rely on me//Tell me if it hurts, tell me what you can't say//... //Well, it's definitely your "right thing", so...//Come on, let's play, like we're gonna throw up and really start living!//While being strangled..."
WADATAKEAKI - Green, Green: "We are just hopelessly//Small to make a difference//No matter how much we cry out and butter up//Nothing will change anymore" • "Not so much anymore, fall in line, loss of identity//Hold hands to each other, just to be saved, just to be robbed" • "I don't wanna die without having done something//No afraid if we all hit it"
Kenshi Yonezu - Flamingo: "I can't even laugh at this cheap and lowly fight//The crimson hair ornament you wear. Hated love enemy//I wanna touch the velvet tail of your eye//And that slight cold smile of yours" • "You're floating with a smile, never to return//Leaving only sorrow and jealousy behind//Thanks as always, darlin', can you love me better next time?" • "Oh King of Hell, i appeal to you//Please judge her charms for me//The story of drunk paper-mache doll//Playing this silly game till the day i die"
Lacrimosa - Alleine zu zweit: "At the end of truth//At the end of light//At the end of love//At the end - there are you//(The heart empties - there goes a part of me )//Nothing has survived" • "Lonely - together//We have forgotten to find us a new//Habit gaggs//Dullness suffocates//Arrogance makes you drunk//and closeness drives to flight"
Mozart l'Opéra Rock - L'Assasymphonie: "Tonight, intolerable insomnia//Madness awaits me//I am what i flee from//I endure this cacophony//Which saws my head//Trite harmony" • "The enemy lurking in my mind//Celebrates my defeats//Without respite, he defies me//I renounce the fatal heresy//That eats me away//I wish to be reborn//Reborn" • "The violins of my life weep//The violence of my desires//Deranged symphony" • "I drown my boredom in the music//I kill my fears in the disharmony//I devote my nights to violent symphonies//To requiems//Killing out of spite what i sow//I devote my nights to violent symphonies//And to blasphemies//I admit that i curse all whom love one other"
Hiiragi Kirai - Galleria: "We have nothing left now//That's why we can't be healthy and well//When i realized that//It was too late//Too late//Theres nothing i could do//That's why there's no turning back" • "Please, give me//The life of my dreams//Even though i have nothing left//And couldn't do anything//Are you still going to corrupt my tower of fantasy?//The room with you in there//Was supposed to connect out future//Like a galleria//It should have been like that//Yet here we are" • "I'm sorry//So sorry//I have finally realised//That it's impossible to fulfill my dreams" • "Now i have lost it all//Like nothing left in our galleria//Shouldn't end like this"
Ophelia's English cover of Galleria: "We've not a thing//So it seems, so it seems//That's just exactly why we can't be healthy and free//Deep within my grief//Late to see, late to see//There's nothing I can do//I can't turn back there and leave" • "Begging you, begging you//Vesting in me//Give me a life of all my dreams//If i can't do a thing with nothing, it would seem//Would you still kill my towered fantasy//You're in that room and you stayed there, my love//Joining out futures in galleria//That should have been, that should have been//How we would live" • "Sorry dear, I realised, i realised//The dreams of my own mind//Would've been impossible to bring to light" • "I have lost everything//Even my love//Empty as ever, a galleria//This shouldn't be us"
Segodnyanochyu - Герда, икай: "Listen to the new CD//Don't build illusions and schemes//We all will end badly//Who cares with whom" • "But what are you gonna do if I stay here//If I go off again, go off the slippery rails again//But what are you gonna do if I stay here//Do you want us both to go off the slippery rails?" - i had to translate those bits from russian myself if you even care.
TOOBOE - oxygen: "“Shall we try defiling each other?”//To say everything about thinking like that is beautiful//doesn’t hit the mark, not even close" • "With my bloodshot eyes, everything around me has gone pitch dark//We put it on the table and enjoyed it as if it were delicious" • "I’m sorry, ah, dear sun, please, if I can see it, show your face one more time//How absurd, to think I could just wash it off//Ah, all my life, I’ve been mediocre. You’ll be outnumbered to confront them//if you think it’s going to be easy down the road" • "My heart grew hotter, making my head spin in an instant//If you want to hear the melody that you’re imagining, let out your voice" • "Ah, the treat that we’ve finally got hold of,//as if it was a dream, disappeared with the fog//We took a long hard look at it as we held our breaths"
natori - 猿芝居: "Weatherbeaten and suspicious of you//Only bittersweet irony here//Not even making the slightest movement//At any rate, I've got no time to lose//Intertwining together briefly, hand to hand to hand" // "Ah, let us play, let me play, towards the sound of the applause//Atrocious, boisterous, fastidious//Without any place to go, that's merely rubbing salt into the wound//Look, this night is making a fuss" • "A restless breeze blowing through the greenery//Locking eyes with the quiet beauty, eye to eye to eye//Is that person my rival in love?" • "The two of us, unable to mix//If you leave yourself in the care of this disordered world//I'll say goodbye for now, let us meet again in a city we don't know" • "Ah, what a shameful sight, saying goodbye forever//Becoming more sinful as we seek for one another//Drink it all, until the end, until it's finished//At any rate, I'll be alone in this world"
MARETU - ナミダ: "Getting hurt, you curse the colorful blue sky//With your sadness, you hope for a stormy weather to come" • "A rusted steel, a slashed and tattered armor//For how long will you be wearing it?//The one and only, crystal-clear sincerity you held//Unable to protect it, you let go of your hand and gave it away" • "What must be finished is this resentment//Flowing out with blood, the tears, the tears//Dyeing you in a dark, in a dark color//Unsheathe and draw out, the blade, the blade//The one thing that hasn't stop yet//is your heart." • "I don't know them//All they do is laugh and laugh//All the things I treasured, they were taken away" • "Over and over//as time passes//you are still//unable to be recovered//Now//let's end it//Why//the pain//the blood//the hesitation" • "Get out of my way, these tears! these tears!//You will be burned into crimson red, crimson red, flames.//Cut and slash them down, with the blade, with the blade.//Let the thoughts of yours, awaken from now on." - i found several english translations to this song with slightly different wordings, so of course ive just chosen the one that fits the most (from this video (clickable))
Superfly - Kakusei: "The black sky is appearing//The repeating thunder pulses//Before the storm begins//I will cast that spell on you" • "I will resuscitate//Your lovely heart//Throw off that body//Now it’s time for you to return to me" • "No mater how many times the thunder hits//I will go beyond the darkness while singing"
Mozart l'Opéra Rock - Le bien qui fait mal: "Now where does this strange feeling//Come from//That fascinates me//Just as much as it disturbes me//I shiver, stabbed by the beauty//It's like a knife in my soul//The wound going right through my heart//And I feel joy in the pain//I intoxicate myself with this poison//Until it makes me loose my mind" • "I can feel//A violent urge//I feel like//I'm sliding towards the ground//If I don't find out//Where this plague is coming from//I adore//Having it under my skin//Bewitched by mad ideas//Suddenly//All my cravings take off//The desire becomes my prison//Until I loose my mind"
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tabinavi · 11 months
Summer in Abaddon - Pinback (2004)
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._. Faux-Nostalgia .-.
I'm a new adult in the world. I had my 18th not too long ago last year. This album is close to my birth month. I'm older, but still young. To younger me, Pinback would've been my band. Little Tabi would eat Pinback's entire catalogue up, satiating a specific feeling and angst that no other band could. It's like millions of others who grew up with the emo-pop and indie rock bands defining their teenage years. Little Tabi would be a little different and soak up this band; I know you would, squirt. And as time passes by, you maybe forget about this band, moving on to do more adult stuff other than listening to music. So what about now? To older me, nothing any different. It's like rediscovering that old band you loved. Only now, you have a newfound appreciation and understanding of why you loved that band. Pinback is just that. I rediscovered my teenage band, and got hit with a wave of nostalgia. But I'm a fraud. I only discovered Pinback late 2022, senior year of high school. Yet, Pinback hit the feelings spanning a decade that never existed. Faux-Nostalgia.
Though, Summer in Abaddon isn't my favorite Pinback. It's just that, listening to this album in bed at the late hours of the night, I got hit with the wave of emotions I had laid out. I had finally realized what made Pinback... Pinback. What Rob and Zach have done here is truly amazing. At a glance, these songs can present themselves simple and playful, with a few clever musical ear-candies. It's easy to replay the hell of of these tracks. Beyond that, with deeper insight, you can recognize the rich and complex music played on this record. The instruments that intertwine and synchronize with each other like a dance, Pinback's captivating and strong songwriting they have displayed on past records, all played on such a technical level. The production is tightly-knitted, yet has room to breathe, leaving you washed up in the sounds that this record produces. For 42 minutes, I have experienced a musical bliss.
[Self-titled] and Blue Screen Life are much more captivating records for me, but Summer in Abaddon helped me realize the answer to what makes Pinback what they are. If I can convince everyone to listen to Pinback, I would, in hopes they experience the same angst and faux-nostalgia I have.
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owenski · 1 year
Music recommendations
Are you looking for opm classic songs? Here let me share my all time favorite opm classic songs.
Don't Know What To Say - Ric Segreto
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This is a crazy good song for all those hopeless romantic people. The song has just its simple tune, so calm but has a deeper thoughts of meaning. For every person who could not tell anyone about their feelings for someone. Hoping that one day they might end up feeling the same crazy feelings inside.
Closer You and I - Gino Padilla
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Closer you and I means in a relationship distance is never an obstacle. Love, trust and open communication are the strong foundations to make things work. This song is highly recommended for couples who are in long-distance relationships to realize that distance is not a problem when you truly love each other.
A Smile in Your Heart - Jam Morales
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“A Smile in Your Heart” was one of the greatest hits of OPM legend of the 80s Jam Morales. This love song A Smile In your Heart means nothing is more beautiful than a woman who is happy to be herself.
With a Smile - Eraserheads
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With a Smile" is a single by the Eraserheads from their second album. This song is about a person reassuring their loved ones that they'll always there no matter what happens.
Forevermore - David Archuleta
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This song is the Theme song of "Forevermore" a 2014 Philippine romantic drama television series directed by Cathy Garcia-Molina. The song is a tragic ballad about a guy trying to cope with a broken heart,” said Leevon. “What he’s trying to tell everyone is that it’s okay to feel bad, but just give me my moment and I’ll be fine afterward.”
When I met you - APO Hiking Society
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When I Met You" is a song by a Filipino musical group, Apolinario Mabini Hiking Society. The Apolinario Mabini Hiking Society, later popularly known as APO Hiking Society, or simply APO, were a Filipino musical group, that comprised Danny Javier, Jim Paredes, and Boboy Garrovillo.
I'll Never Go - Nexxus
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I'll never go is the same as saying I will never leave you no matter what and how hard the situation is. Because love is truly magical, it's such a nice feeling when one sings this song. And today, someone feels like singing this song, and he/she should listen whether he/she likes it or not.
Your Love - Alamid
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Your Love is a song by Alamid, Alamid became popular in the music scene via the first single "Your Love," which the band initially deemed as "baduy" but eventually became their ticket to fame. This love song is my favorite among all the opm classic songs here, This song is highly recommend.
Parting Time - Rockstar
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This song bring out emotion when somebody is leaving you and you can't let go. This song can have different meaning it depend on the person but for me it's a song for you and your lover like telling her you can't leave me, I'm lost without you, I can't leave without you and most important it's telling her how much you love her.
Leaving Yesterday Behind - Keno
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Joaquin Francisco Sanchez, more commonly known as Keno, is a Filipino singer of Leaving Yesterday Behind. This song is about starting again with a new start and an open mind, forgetting the past and starting something new.
OPM songs convey both the simple and complex aspects of life. Listening to OPM songs is a great experience since it is the true essence of the Filipino spirit, which you can emotionally engage with. Furthermore, we cannot deny that music can provide us comfort in times of loneliness or sadness.
This songs is incredibly enjoyable to me; every songs has a deep and lovely message that can make your heart skip a beat. If you wish to attempt different music genres, these recommended songs can help you. This music is highly recommended, so I hope you'll take the time to listen to it.
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