#is there a ship name yet lmao
olessan · 1 year
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haha. nerds
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xxcrystalinerose · 21 days
Going back to Zag's romantic relationships from Mel is extremely hilarious to me because of how comparatively well-adjusted he was.
Sure he done fucked up with Meg in the past and they had to kill each other as part of the job description, his sudden leaving seriously hurt Than while also having communication issues w/ each other, and there's the matter of Dusa being a lowly servant of the House. But in the end, he sorted everything out with 0 grievances from all parties involved (that one dialogue where Than admits Meg is the one who tells him to finally pursue Zag seriously warms my heart). Got the Mom(s) Seal of Approval™ even, and from Achilles too!
Meanwhile I look at Melinoë and she has a frankly criminal amount of situationships. Her rizz level is insane and she goes straight for the throat when flirting yet somehow her dating life is simultaneously a mess and nonexistent. Nemesis regularly kicks her into the dirt verbally AND physically but is the only person to acknowledge how fucked up it is that Mel is sent out alone in the hopes of killing an all powerful Titan that took SIX gods to kill in the past. "Fuck you and fuck your stupid frog in particular" then turns around and gives free Death Defiances. Her and Moros try to flirt with each other but they kept missing the mark because sometimes one of them says something totally unhinged like it was normal (I don't think watching people die is an appropriate bathtime conversation topic, my man). Her and Eris are a hot mess—literally with all those rounds she shot at Mel AND without a basis of workplace professionalism. Icarus is one shot nerve away from accidentally proclaiming his undying (literally) love to her but his guilt complex is hanging on to that nerve. And then there's Arachne and her not so little crush warring with the fact that said crush is family with and is helping the gods who cursed her.
Never have I realized how important it is that Zag has become a minor god of relationship counselling until I look at his baby sister and think, "yeah girl you definitely need help for all that shit".
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seventh-district · 1 month
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 6
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 2] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5]
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valeovalairs · 2 months
Various TMAGP doodles from across my school work. Because for some reason those always come out really nice?
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boydykedevo · 9 months
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The Steeplechase crew are all legally married and it is for this ^^^ reason
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a-stars-art-blog · 14 days
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Izzy canonically going on a date with her soulmate is so based of MLP
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qmorningcrew · 1 year
i have to ask okay
clarifying this is the characters not cc!s and to interpret this however you want romantic or platonic
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theearloftophats · 11 months
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ULTRAKILL MORE LIKE ULTRAGA-[a small red dot appears on my chest. I freeze in fear. but its too late. Before I can react, I am silenced by the government. Blood splatters. Screaming erupts from the crowd. Multiple people are trampled in the ensuing chaos]
I love painting actually what the fuck
W/O the overlay layer =]
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
Wizard 101: Hey kid, you just got pulled into Wizard School, and it looks like you're ready to start. Go down that path and someone will teach you to fight. Oh shit, that's Malistare, uhhhh, *one minor battle later* Good job kid. Go and do some little quests and beat up some fairies, you're doing great! :)
Pirate 101: You're in jail. Pirates are breaking you out of jail! They're... asking about your trauma. You're a pirate, an orphan, the son of a whore and a scotsman, you were raised by another group of people, now you're pulling a jail break and helping other prisoners escape! A uhhh, a guy threatens to murder you. He's the one who locked you up. The pirate guy almost dies and you have to drive his ship??? *one stressful sail later* Hey kid, go beat up this guy who stole from me. I'm gonna cheat and scam you, btw, just so you know. :)
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toshkakoshka · 1 year
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sonknuxadow · 2 months
on one hand i think it should be mostly games with Actual intentional lgbt rep and themes being tagged as lgbt because tagging a bunch of random games as that makes it harder for people wanting representation to find what they're looking for. and ive also seen a lot of people who dont know how steam tags work spreading misinformation or getting their hopes up for nothing because of people tagging random games as lgbt . but on the other hand i think every new sonic game that comes out being tagged as lgbt on steam is hilarious . sonic lgbt icon forever
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turtlele · 4 months
No one:
My sister:
Still no one:
My shower thought: What if you shipped Emily x Cherri
Me: The frick?! HOW DOES THAT WORK?!
Me: I would let them in the kitchen
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mrm-pachypoda · 17 hours
I binged all of Death Note in one day! Here are my thoughts.
Spoiler warning for obvious reasons
Yagami spelled backwards is im a gaY
I feel so bad for Misa especially. She was the obsessive one at the beginning, but Light spent their entire relationship manipulating her.
Gotta love an aita situation where everyone is the asshole
Also Misa’s question to L on if he was “on the other side of the fence” (read: gay). You know she wouldn’t’ve minded if it were a throuple situation, she only got uncomfortable with the third wheeling after the gay accusations were denied.
I really liked the subtle jokes throughout. Very nice.
After L’s death I was slightly less interested, but the whole playing-with-your-food ouroboros that played out afterwards was very amusing.
I’m sure many people have mentioned it, but in episode 25, that scene where L and Light were in the rain? And the scene directly after???
“I am almost certain that Light is Kira at this point, and these are probably my last days with him…. What if I brought him out into the pouring rain so his white dress shirt could get soaked, and then we could towel each other off.. hm, maybe I could even give him a massage…” <-L’s inner dialogue at the time (source: bro trust me)
Also. The fucking. I couldn’t’ve screenshat it but in the toweling scene, that moment where Light.. cups L’s cheek with the towel?? In the guise of drying his hair?? Am I going insane I know other people saw that shit
Also wtf was their sleeping situation. Was it a Goldilocks situation (two separate beds that were kinda close together) or??? What. The public must know.
Loved all the stupid fisheye lens shots
“Light, it seems i must finally tell you what this investigation really was. It was never to find Kira; it was actually all a ploy to figure out if you were gay. Your father, the chief of police asked for my assistance. When we installed the cameras in your room, it was already clear as crystal. You bought that porn magazine and read it in clear view, but you laid there kicking your legs looking so disappointed in the material you were reading. You didn’t even bother to crank your chain. Then, through various means we kept eyes on you and your dating life. You dated multiple girls at a time, yet you never truly showed interest in any one of them. You even openly admitted your disinterest in Misa Amane. Along with your clear willingness to be close to me, in spite of my supposed investigation on your identity as Kira? That’s pretty gay, Light. I could go on, but you get the point, Light I’m-A-Gay.”
Ok I’ll stop lmao i got way into writing that dumb ass monologue. I can almost guarantee that someone else has written something like it before me.
I love engaging in long-finished pieces of media.
Also the old brainrot from DanganRonpa definitely is trickling down into this new brainrot.
Bye for now ε:
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shou-jpeg · 3 months
Me to me: ahh oh dear. I guess the KimChay hyperfixation is finally leaving me. I'll miss it, it's been real.
Me 4 days later: nvm I'm still weirdly obsessed with this ship.
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
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Holy trinity
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aceredshirt13 · 2 months
no one should watch the Biggles movie but everyone should watch this homoerotic scene from the Biggles movie
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