#is this hyper specific enough or no? we'll find out
miwtual · 4 months
*and this song is still referenced by my parents to this day
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meowjaa · 10 months
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✧ handcuffed together ✧
context: levi ackerman x fem!reader, handcuffed together, experiment, hange's enthusiastic self, undeniable tension ;))
a/n: yes yes being handcuffed for 24 hours like those youtube videos but its a cute little scenario cause while writing this I really thought of one of those titles that are like "HANDCUFFED TOGETHER FOR 24 HOURS?!?!" by a random youtuber living in los angeles its very specific but anyways enjoy <33
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"Hange, unlock these handcuffs right now or so help me…" Levi growled, holding up his right wrist shackled to Y/N's left.
"Not a chance, my little lab rats!" Hange cackled with delight. "You two are stuck together for the next 24 hours for my experiment."
"What kind of half-baked experiment is this?" Y/N asked incredulously.
"I'm so glad you asked!" Hange exclaimed. "I want to observe how two subjects are affected by being in forced close proximity for an extended period of time. Will they learn to cooperate? Or kill each other? So many possibilities!"
Levi lunged for the key around Hange's neck but they danced out of reach. "Nuh uh, these handcuffs stay on for the full 24 hours. No getting out of it."
Y/N sighed heavily. "Fine. But you better believe we'll get back at you for this, Hange."
Hange just waved and sauntered off, leaving a fuming Levi and irritated Y/N shackled together.
The first few hours were awkward, to say the least. Every little movement pulled at their wrists. Levi refused Y/N's attempts to help make tea, resulting in spilling hot water. Y/N got in Levi's way while cleaning, earning her icy glares.
Sitting down to dinner with the squad was a challenge with their hands bound. They bumped elbows and knocked over cups clumsily.
"Need a hand there, Captain?" Jean quipped.
"Say one more word and I'll have you cleaning the stables for a month, Kirstein," Levi spat back.
Things went a little smoother when it came time to bathe. Y/N kept her gaze averted as Levi disrobed enough to wash up, her own cheeks flaming.
Getting ready for bed brought a whole new predicament. After arguing over sleeping arrangements, they reluctantly agreed to share Levi's bed out of necessity. Y/N got in first, sticking close to the edge. Levi slid in carefully, hyper aware of her presence. They shifted awkwardly trying to get comfortable.
"Your elbow is in my ribs, Y/N," Levi muttered.
"Well, I can't move with you hogging all the space," she shot back.
With an aggravated huff, Levi shifted onto his back, giving Y/N a bit more room. Their cuffed hands rested uncomfortably between them. Sleep did not come easy.
But in the early morning hours, they unconsciously rolled toward each other, hands settling gently together between them. Y/N's head found a spot on Levi's shoulder, his chin tilting to rest lightly on her hair.
When Hange barged in to wake them, they were met with amused laughter at finding the captain and soldier still fast asleep and cuddled up together.
Levi and Y/N jerked awake, faces burning red. But secretly, neither really minded the forced closeness. Maybe Hange's insane experiment hadn't been an entirely bad thing after all.
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silly-inky · 1 year
Can we have more sibling banter between Mario and Luigi? Have some of my thoughts on them
Mario and Luigi def insult each other (this next part I will take directly from one of my head canons posts because I'm too lazy enough to think of more stuff lol) :
Mario: Luigi you’re looking extra ugly today. What did you do? Get a shower? Your skin looks like it’s melting off like the wicked witch of the west
Luigi: Look who’s talking you red bowling ball, you look like a love child between Danny DaVitto and Golem from lord of the ring, who's very existence makes god weep knowing he has to look at your face when you die
Mario: We have almost the same face you you dried out celery stick
Luigi: You’re the one that started it ‘jump man’
They pull pranks on each other all the time, such as Mario hiding Luigi's stuff around the house on their birthday, making him think he misplaced or simply forgot to out it back in its right place, until he looks at/in the object which will have a little note that would say something along the lines of "loosing your marbles already old man?", it's tradition at this point. Luigi would be a bit more smart and creative though, such as loosing all the screws on Mario's chair, so when he sits down on it, it falls apart, or putting tiny rocks under the insoles of Mario's shoes, so he feels them, but every time he tales his shoes off no rocks come out.
I headcanon that Mario has ADHD and Luigi has autism, so imagine with me, Luigi info dumping about his current hyper fixation, and Mario loosing his train of thought a lot through their convo
Luigi: and then ther is this thing about it!
Mario: that's cool, it reminds me of... Ummm.... Oh what was I gonna say!..................................................................................What were we talking about just now?
Luigi: * specific thing* I was on about
Mario: oh right! Go on
It works both ways, but Mario prefers to listen to Luigi, of course sometimes he just gets annoyed though
Mario: Luigi I love you, but I'm not interested right now, I'm trying to watch something here
Luigi: we'll screw you too (in a joking matter)
They both stim, with Luigi it's more vocal stimming such a screeching (he mainly does it in a more comfortable setting, such as at home) popping, clicking his tongue and random Jiberish, he likes to rock and jump when he's standing either when excited or bored, and occasionally will grab Mario's arms and flail his hands about, Mario is chill with this and laughs a little whenever Luigi does it, it's justbhis way of showing hebis excited and wants to share that with people
Mario stims through Echolalia (repeating certains words, phrases or sounds) visual stimming and tapping, he likes to stare at fire and flashing/ colour chnaging lights, he watches little ants on the floor move, we will watch the clouds slowly change in the sky, and he will move his head side to side looking at how the lighting changes on the jewels in Peaches crown. In meetings when he's bored an can't speak, he will tap his fingers or a pen and bounce his leg
They both know eachothers stimming, and encourage eachother doing so, so they don't get overwhelmed, but also as a way of showing his they are feeling to their friends without actually saying what they are feeling
Mario will randomly wake up in the middle of the night to go to the kitchen for something, only to find Luigi already awake and doing something in the kitchen
Mario: what are you doing up bro? Nightmares again?
Luigi: a little it's more of the phantom pain from my burn scars again (headcanon of him having burn scars from holding the man hole cover to protect mario)
Mario: shit, that doesn't sound fun
Luigi: it isn't, but I can't go back to sleep, so I made cookies, their on the cooling wrack
Mario: thought I smelt something good. Do you want me to stay up with you?
Luigi: nah, it'll pass eventually, currently talking with Rosalina over text to keep myself occupied, she says hi by the way
Mario: alrighty, I hope it goes away soon, and tell Rosie I send my love. Goodnight
Luigi: night bro
Peach often keeps Luigi up to speed on Mario's condition when he's not at home, and Luigi does the same for Peach, they have a running joke of calling Mario anything but Mario when talking about him, so he doesn't really understand they are on about him
Mario def jokes about Luigi's love life, when he does this however, Luigi reminds him of how he has not even accepted his own feelings about a certain princess, which quickly shuts him up
In the end, they make fun of eachother a lot, but are eachothers biggest fans, no one will ever love Luigi morebthan Mario, and no one will ever respect Mario more than Luigi
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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mollysunder · 8 months
Jinx Doesn't Work Alone
I know a lot of the audience sees the hexgem heist as a spur of the moment thing Jinx did to reassert her value to Silco, and that seems partially. It's just that the whole heist appears extremely premeditated.
To pull of the heist, Jinx would have needed to know where the guards would be posted, whether any assistant(s), admin, or custodians would be around in the general building. Then she'd have to know how much time she'd need to not just collect the gem and key notes related to it, but also GRAFITTI the place where Jayce first presented the gem to Heimerdinger. On top of that Jinx would have needed to locate an unoccupied warehouse in bustling Piltover, plant her timebombs, grafitti that place too, and set it on fire with enough gas to catch the Enforcers attentions from a distance, but not burn hot enough to prematurely set the bombs off. I get Rule of Cool exists, that protagonists can pull off extraordinary feats, and some things don't need to be explained if they're sufficiently intuitive and satisfying to watch... but this all happened in one day! Jinx's loss on the ship and her hexgem heist were all on Progress Day, and that’s a massive turnover in planning and execution.
You could argue it's a callback to how she robbed Jayce and blew up a building accidentally, but even then she had help. Ekko was the one to follow Jayce and case his apartment for Jinx and the gang in the first place. What I'm getting at is Jinx couldn't have done this alone, she had to have had a support team, there's way too many moving parts that had to go right. And that's how practically all successful heists work, it's a team effort.
It would also explain how Jinx knew that there was a top secret hexgem in Jayce and Viktor’s laboratory. I'm sure Silco had a network of informers both in Zaun and Piltover that both Jinx and he used. Jinx and Silco must have been informed about the hexgem earlier at some point, because when she hands it to Silco, he instantly understands what it could do. I'm sure everyone was aware of what a regular hex crystal could do, especially with the launch of the hex gates. But instead of stealing the surplus of hex crystals that Jayce and Viktor likely had, Jinx knew where to go in the shop to find the gem. If they both knew aboutbthe gem, it adds weight to when Silco said Topside is leaving them behind. The hexgem would have been the crowning jewel to Piltover's hyper advancement away from Zaunite labor. Jinx understood that concern and decided to make a gambit for the hexgem and Silco's favor, and I argue she probably planned to frame the Firelights from the start.
Also, Jinx's animal motif, the crow, they're often seen in groups, whether she's specifically around them or not, like the Enforcer funeral. In some scenes it appears like they're encouraging the traits she excels at and her own choices. The crow she shoots calls to her from the shooting game she was the best at rather than the boxing game Vi dominated. Jinx later uses the crow's feathers to help her succesful recreate Hextech technology. Later another crow will cry out to her the second Jinx drops the hexgem she chose to steal. This is a long way of saying crows are incredibly social animals that travel in flocks and effectively work together to hunt and fight predators. Jinx has always been a crow and maybe next season we'll see her flock.
Tldr: The more you think about the logistics of the capers Jinx pulls, the more reasonable it sounds that she has a team behind her. Crows are also more team oriented than ominous in reality.
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lousymoonwalker · 1 year
Little rant about live action remakes, specifically HTTYD
Okay, so sometimes when I am reminded that HTTYD is getting a live action remake, it kinda makes my stomach hurt. Why? Let me tell you.
I watched HTTYD as a kid and kinda forgot about it, but in 2020, when the world was falling apart, I turned to it and fell in love. Like obsessed. I hyper-fixated on it for months. I watched all three movies, the short films, RTTE, and a few episodes of DoB that I could find for free lol. I read the fanfics and have obsessed over fan-art (seriously guys, whoever is talented enough to draw, keep it up! I love y'alls fan-art so much!!) I listened to John Powell's music while I completed my online homework, it felt so stable to me. The characters, the music, the beauty of the animation, it was comforting. Especially during such an awful time.
When I heard that there was a live-action film in the works, it literally made me sick. I refuse to watch the D*sney remakes because they're all soulless cash-grabs. But, I also admit that I have never been as attached to any of the Mouse movies as much as I have been with HTTYD. One of my friends asked me why I am not happy with this because he knows I love the series. So here is my little rant and reasons as to why I am dreading this so much.
1) Did the fans ask for this?? No. It's not as simple as, "just don't watch it". When this movie inevitably makes a ton of new changes (like all live action remakes) those changes will become actual canon. Whatever changes are made will affect what we know about the world of Berk and the characters of it. We as a fandom, have done a pretty good job of appreciating these characters for who they are and the story for what it is and growing it through some pretty great head cannons. Well, guess what, that could all change. Whoopie doo!
2) The degradation of Animation. Animation is an art form. Not a genre. It is a medium. Yet, time and time again it is presented as something childish and something that cannot be taken seriously. (I've recently had an argument with my friend because he thinks he's much too mature to watch animated movies). Each and every-time an animated movie is remade, it is a slap to the face of every animator who worked their butts off to make it as beautiful as possible. And in an effort to make the remakes more realistic, they are often washed out and use bland colors. Can you imagine the unholy offspring we'll get with Toothless and the other dragons when they are made "realistic"??
Let's appreciate scenes like this:
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and this
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or this
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also, can't forget about the hidden world,
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these scenes are GORGEOUS. They are not realistic, why should they be?? This is a series about dragons, not taxes, it doesn't have to be realistic. The colors, the textures, every element works together, beautifully.
Some honorable mentions: the scene in HTTYD 2, when Stoick is walking into the blacksmith shop,,, the way the light shines on him as he walks... ugghh BEAUTIFUL
the sand on the beach in THW when Toothless is drawing a picture of the Light Fury, I swear that sand is real. The animators went HARD and for what?? for the company to come in only a few short years later and decide that it is too unrealistic or not valid enough as an art form?? i'd be pretty upset.
3) This will cause unnecessary trends on social media. (This is specifically a rant that stems from my own lack of confidence, sorry in advance) Look, I hate to say it, but I naturally gatekeep stuff. I like to feel unique and like my interests are my own, so it pains me when the internet will find something niche that I love and ruin it with unnecessary trends. For example, I love Avatar, (yes... the "blue one" :/). So for years, the fandom was kinda controlled, I appreciated the artwork and content from real fans and honestly I liked when nobody even really knew the Avatar fandom was still going strong. But, with the release of The Way of Water, all of a sudden, everyone on TikTok and Instagram became the biggest fans ever or at least pretended to be. One of my friends is an aspiring makeup artist and she did the Na'vi look despite never having seen either movie. All of a sudden, this special thing I was interested in, blew up. That is what is going to happen to this fandom at least for a while. I won't be able to find real fans because everyone will just post all kinds of things and create new trends using John Powell's music. I'm all about getting new fans and being welcoming to actual fans. But it won't be all fans, it'll just be content creators needing to stick with the trends. People who haven't seen any of the HTTYD films since they were children are going to act like they've been waiting for this moment their entire lives. Idk, I'm kinda cynical, if you couldn't tell. I truthfully like ppl actually becoming fans and I don't want to discourage that, but I don't want to lose the real fans to the internet trends. and I am afraid that I will. At least for a few months after the release.
4) Dreamworks only really exists as a middle-finger to Disney. With Disney really sucking it up with their live actions in the past few years, and Dreamworks KILLING it with their new and exciting animated movies (Puss in Boots anyone??), I really thought they would continue trying to capitalize on honing their skills as animators. But, it makes sense that Dreamworks is trying their hand at something Disney does, but trying to make it better. I actually think Dreamworks will be better. I mean, we still got Dean DeBlois, which is a major win. Plus, in general, Dreamworks tends to take their time and create something actually good. So, I don't think the quality will be the problem, I just wish they wouldn't stoop to Disney's level.
5) We're wasting time instead of making a new work. Okay, let's say that Dreamworks HAS to create a live-action film. Create a new story. We wrapped up HTTYD with a pretty bow, now, let them sleep. Leave the story alone so you don't f- it up. Because as we all know, the more you f- around, the more you find out.
Look, as I said earlier, I don't think it will be crap quality or even a bad movie. I'm glad we get Dean DeBlois again and I really think that is going to make a huge difference. I'm not even upset by the casting of Hiccup and Astrid. I just don't want to lose one of my favorite franchises to watch it become a deflated, boring, bland reenactment that continues to be just another cash-grab. It makes me genuinely sad.
As long as the series is over, I feel like nothing can touch it. Nothing can ruin it. But, the second it is resurrected from the dead, it becomes fair play for anyone on the internet to regurgitate it and ruin the magic and now, this entire fandom is at the mercy of a few writers and one big corporation determined to one-up the competition as well as content creators looking for a new trend to get-in on.
Anyways, I love that as a fandom, we're all still here. I am proud that y'all are still making art and fanfics (keep going, pls). If we stick together, we can weather this storm. And maybe, if we all cross our fingers, we might get a decent new movie that is fun to watch and is respectful to the original material and is something us fans can approve of.
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blueeyedrat · 4 months
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Steam Next Fest, winter 2024. Just when you're starting to get into a groove with a project, something new comes up to distract you. So it goes.
This one was all over the map — some games I really liked, a few that were kind of a letdown, and a few that were just sort of there. I think this is the first time a batch of demos has removed more items from my Steam wishlist than it's added. More detailed (though perhaps less organized) thoughts under the cut.
Okay so Balatro doesn't really count, I've been playing the demo for this game for months at this point, but I want to mention it anyway. It's a deckbuilder in the purest sense: you're given a plain deck of cards and tasked with scoring points via poker hands, accumulating a variety of buffs and modifiers to literally rig the deck in your favor. It is perhaps the most make number go up game I have played in a good while, and it's addicting as heck. I know some folks who will be playing the full version nonstop when it comes out later this month, and I might be one of 'em.
As far as city/settlement builders go, I don't think Synergy is jumping to the front of the queue when it has to compete with the likes of Laysara or The Wandering Village, but it does have some neat ideas. I do enjoy when I get to treat this sort of builder like a puzzle of sorts, fitting all of the pieces together, and the ways this demo asked me to do so on both small and large scale were just interesting enough to pique my curiosity. Might be worth a look in the future.
Now, a quick rundown of the demos that didn't land quite as well: Planetiles and Kamaeru had charming aesthetics, but the UI in both games felt a bit clunky and the gameplay left me wanting a bit more substance. Train Valley World moved away from the gameplay I enjoyed in the previous two entries in the series, in favor of something I'm not particularly interested in. There were a few other games I found while putting together my list this time around, but either bounced off of (Electrogical, Bounties of Babylon) or didn't get enough to pass judgement (Omnibullet, Overmorrow), so I may need to revisit them later.
Somewhere in the middle, I'd say, was Aarik and the Ruined Kingdom, a Monument Valley-esque puzzle game. It was… alright. I liked it, I just liked most of the other stuff I tried more. I need to sit down and play Monument Valley at some point.
There are two games on this list I'm torn on. Flock is a cute exploration game that reminds me of Sky: Children of the Light and charmed me in very similar ways. Customizing a character, flying around, and observing the game's colorful ecosystem was a lot of fun. Botany Manor is a puzzle game somewhere between The Witness and Return of the Obra Dinn, where you gather clues in your environment and use them to piece together answers to a central puzzle — in this case, figuring out how to make various plants grow. Some neat ideas to be had here.
I really liked both of these demos! But both of them ran into the same problem: I get motion-sick kind of easily, and there's a small subset of video games that make me dizzy if I play them for too long (and sometimes "too long" is, like, five minutes). To its credit, Botany Manor acknowledges this and has options to make it more accessible… but if there's a specific configuration of camera settings that doesn't give me a literal headache, I didn't find it. It's really frustrating that some of the games I enjoyed the most in this list are ones I'm not sure I can physically handle in the long term. I'll keep an eye on them, but… we'll see.
Moving on. Duck Detective is another "fill in the blanks" mystery in the vein of Case of the Golden Idol or the aforementioned Obra Dinn. It's a much more humorous and lighthearted take on the idea, and while the demo was pretty short, it gave a decent enough look at the gameplay and style that I'm interested in what lies beyond.
#BLUD immediately stands out for its hyper-cartoony art style, which it definitely leans into (it's got episode title cards, for crying out loud). It backs up that style with some charming writing and a decent Zelda-ish mix of exploration and dungeon crawling. I'm not sure the combat entirely clicked with me, especially early on before your character gets a proper weapon, but I still liked the demo well enough overall.
Crypt Custodian also took some time to grow on me, but when I did get into a groove I wound up having a pretty good time with it. It's a top-down 'vania — my closest comparison would be Hyper Light Drifter, with character progression and looser movement closer to something like Ori or Hollow Knight. It was a bit of a gauntlet at first, and didn't always give you a lot of direction (apparently that's an upgrade you need to unlock), but once I got a few more options for movement and combat it felt like I could handle most of what it was throwing at me. Seems fun.
For a more direct comparison to Ori, we close out with Tales of Kenzera. This was one of the other highlights of the bunch for me. The movement and combat felt good and offered a lot of options up front, and kept adding more throughout the demo — similar to Ori, it's not the tightest and prioritizes spectacle over precision, but the level and encounter design never asks for too much. The art, animation, and voice work are all excellent, and the story (drawing inspiration from Bantu folklore) shows a lot of promise. I'm interested to see where this one goes, for sure.
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glenechoslasher · 2 months
Welcome to my side blog!
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My name is Tina (she/her) 32|| and this is the side blog I run where I'll post random things I'm hyper fixating over, writings that don't particularly fit my main blog, and my traditional/ digital art♡
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* My main blog @tinalbion which is where I'll be following any accounts from~
I currently accept art commissions, which you can find any information about here If you're interested, please DM me and we'll talk specifics! All of my art will be posted on my Instagram, where you can find much more BTS for sketches, commissions, etc.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Any character writing ideas sent to me will be completed when I have the time to do so, I am an adult with a full time job, so please do not constantly check in, I will work on them when I can✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You can find my character writing masterlist here, which will be updated on a regular basis. I WILL accept recommendations for characters if asked and if I feel confident enough in being able to channel their character properly.
🔞 I DO write smut and I will not tolerate underage readers interacting with me or my works. If you do not have your age in your bio, you will be blocked. 🔞
Even when my asks are closed, you are more than welcome to send me questions, compliments, random thoughts, or anything you'd like. I truly appreciate anyone who interacts with me on here.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*My writing tag can be found here if needed~ My art tag can be found here if needed~
I will encourage everyone to read this before sending in asks so you have all the bases covered.
Character x Character unless I am comfortable with said ship
Extreme fetishes including but not limited to: scat, piss, watersports, etc., and anything else I find uncomfortable writing. 
NSFW, SFW, fluff, angst, etc.
Gender neutral, male, female, non-binary, trans, etc. readers unless I feel as though I won't be able to correctly write for xgender (being a cis female, the last thing I want to do is offend anyone, but I will try my best for you guys!
x Reader
Headcanons, imagines, or drabbles if the topic is simple and straight to the point. Some things don’t need an entire fic dedicated to it, so sometimes I resort to using shorter written requests.
Suicide/self harm. The mention of suicidal thoughts are okay but writing out the actual event will not be happening. 
Also, please be sure to list every character you want included in your ask, I will not know if you list a few followed by “etc.”, so please be SPECIFIC!
Don’t hesitate to ask any questions!
Also, if you want to be added to a specific character’s tag list, please let me know in my DMs, askbox, etc.!
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fuzzydreamin · 10 months
What The Companions Say About... Mirelurks!
I'm posting these just because I find the companions in-game reactions to things rather interesting. You might be surprised by what some of them have to say about certain things.
These are just their dialogues for during combat and after combat or walking through areas inhabited by this enemy type. It does not include anything from specific areas, quests, or other dialogue.
⌨ Ada
⌨: If radiation hyper-evolved the horseshoe crab, I wonder how it's affected the rest of the ocean's inhabitants. ⌨: It's fascinating that the mirelurk's social order resembles a caste-like system. ⌨: Never aim for the mirelurk's shell… it's a waste of ammunition. ⌨: My olfactory sensors are catching the scent of rotten fish. Quite revolting for you, I'd imagine. ⌨: Gather all the mirelurk meat that you can, it's actually rather nutritious… if you can get past the slimy texture.
☘ Cait
Regular ☘: Crab feast! ☘: Concentrate fire on their soft spots! Royal ☘: Holy shite, look at the size of that beast! ☘: 'Lurk King! Take 'em down!
☘: I've heard of gettin' crabs, but this is somethin' entirely different. ☘: All we need is some drawn butter and a squeeze of lemon, then we'll be all set. ☘: Damn 'lurks… this whole place stinks like the sea. ☘: Try and hit the 'lurks in their soft spots… don't waste your time shootin' at their shell. ☘: 'Lurks are the main reason you won't catch me skinny dippin' anytime soon.
⚙ Codsworth
Regular ⚙: {Neutral} Mirelurks, mum! ⚙: {Neutral} Crab cakes for dinner, mum?
⚙: {making a joke with bravado / Amused} Crab cakes for dinner, mum? ⚙: {thinking aloud} Mirelurks. Horrible creatures. ⚙: {making a terrible joke with bravado / Amused} Mirelurks are no stroll along the beach, eh mum? Haha. ⚙: {(with bravado) giving advice} When beset by mirelurks, clock 'em in the squishy spots. ⚙: {Concerned} Keep a look out for mirelurks, mum.
⚕ Curie
Regular ⚕: Even the crabs have mutated. Their carapace provided no resistance. ⚕: We must defeat these… mirelurks. For science. ⚕: Tissue samples may provide theories as to these mirelurks genesis. ⚕: These mirelurks, they were not in the Old World, right? Royal ⚕: The mirelurk queen must play a vital role in their reproductive cycle.
⚕: It stands to reason that aquatic animals would succumb to the ravages of radiation. ⚕: Are mirelurk claws a great delicacy? ⚕: So their carapace did not protect their ancestors from mutation. ⚕: The aquatic ecosystem is worthy of study. The mirelurks' role in this, I am sure, is quite fascinating. ⚕: I hypothesise that the initial cause of many animal mutations was mankind's research. The mirelurk, for example.
♞ Danse
Regular ♞: Mirelurks! Take them down! ♞: Aim for their heads! Royal ♞: King, huh? We'll see about that! ♞: Watch for their blasts!
♞: {Sarcasm} Mirelurks. What's next? Giant fish with sharp teeth? ♞: These creatures are one of the reasons why the Brotherhood travels by air and not by sea. ♞: {rhetorical} Is it just me, or do you smell the ocean whenever these things are around? ♞: I wonder if the Brotherhood could adapt the mirelurk's carapace for use as armoured plating. ♞: It's ludicrous to name their leaders "kings" and "queens." Mirelurks are nothing but disorganised rabble.
🕶 Deacon
Regular 🕶: Time for crab cakes. 🕶: Great. How many clips is it going to take to kill those things? Royal 🕶: Oh no, it's a big one. 🕶: Just once I want radiation to turn something into a giant fluffy bunny instead of the Grand Poobah of all mirelurks. Hail.
🕶: I would've paid 50 caps to be with you the first time you saw one of the crabs. Must've thought you'd walked into a B movie. 🕶: I hate 'lurks. Piercing their shell is a bitch, let me tell you. 🕶: Hit the 'lurks in their soft spot, if you can. Then grab butter. Yum. 🕶: Can we just steer clear of the mirelurks next time? They chew through my ammo. 🕶: Because, you know, the world wasn't screwed enough. So sure, bring on the giant nearly indestructible crabs. That'll be good.
☠ Gage
Regular ☠: Try and hit the face! ☠: God I hate these stupid shells… Royal ☠: You ain't king of shit! ☠: Nice fins, show-off!
☠: {SinisterSmile} You like crab? Me, never cared for it. ☠: {SinisterSmile} Ever wonder what it'd be like to have claws?… Me neither. ☠: {SinisterSmile} Mudcrabs sure do have a certain… odour to 'em, don't they?
☣ Hancock
Regular ☣: {Irritated} Come on, handsome. Show me that face. ☣: {Stern} Aim for the eyes! Royal ☣: {Neutral} So long, your Majesty. ☣: {Stern} I'm your king now!
☣: {Neutral} You know what mirelurk shell doesn't protect against? Mines. ☣: {Neutral} Folks'll pay good money for 'lurk meat. Never a fan myself. ☣: {Neutral} Everywhere there's water, there's damn 'lurks. ☣: {Neutral} Keep an eye out for burrows. Mirelurks like their meals surprised. ☣: {Straightforward, changing to "I have seen some shit." / Neutral} I saw a mirelurk spawning once. Can't eat shellfish to this day.
☸ Longfellow
☸: {Sarcasm, punctuate with a laugh} Fightin' mirelurks always makes me hungry. Smell like seafood, all of 'em. ☸: {Grim} Seen a mirelurk's claw snap a man in half once. ☸: {Safe old hunter giving advice} Mirelurks are damn quick for their size. Wouldn't recommend tryin' to outrun one. ☸: {Safe old hunter giving advice} Fightin' mirelurks ain't complicated. Just like most critters, you aim for the soft bits.
⨁ MacCready
Regular ⨁: Mirelurk! Take it out! ⨁: Shoot for its head! Royal ⨁: Time for some regicide! ⨁: Heads up! Mirelurk king!
⨁: Okay, I've officially lost my appetite for seafood. ⨁: Some people eat mirelurk meat, but I never got used to the taste. ⨁: If there was ever a sign that nature's pissed at us, this is it. ⨁: You're going to need some high velocity ammo if you want to punch through mirelurk armour. ⨁: Hope you brought a mallet and bib with you.
♥ Nick
Regular ♥: {Stern} Watch it. Lurks on the loose. ♥: {Neutral} Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyestalks. Royal ♥: {Confident} There's a new king in town. ♥: {Neutral} Careful. These kings like to serenade their supper.
♥: {Neutral} You see any burrows around? Mirelurks usually like to scare the hell out of their prey before eating them… ♥: {Neutral} If you're really looking to tick off a mirelurk, fiddle with its eggs. ♥: {Neutral} And this is why I don't swim. ♥: {Neutral} Anywhere there's water, there's mirelurks.
✉ Piper
Regular ✉: {Irritated} Come on, lurk. Show us that underbelly. ✉: {Stern} If you like your limbs, I'd keep my distance. Royal ✉: {Neutral} Careful. These things know how to wail. ✉: {Stern} So long, your Highness.
✉: {Neutral} You can make a pretty penny selling mirelurk eggs, so long as you're not too attached to your fingers. ✉: {Neutral} I wouldn't stick a toe in water for years because of these things. ✉: {Conspiratorial} The secret to dealing with mirelurks? Mines. ✉: {Neutral} With the right spices, mirelurk meat can taste just like an old shoe. ✉: {Neutral} You know what fact never fails to give me chills when it comes to mirelurks? The world? Seventy percent water.
☀ Preston
Regular ☀: Mirelurks. Aim for the face. ☀: Let's see how your shell stands up to this. Royal ☀: It's one of the big ones. ☀: Damn, look at the size of that thing.
☀: Keep an eye out. 'Lurks could be hiding anywhere around here. ☀: Mirelurk meat is pretty tasty, if you don't mind the smell. ☀: Damn, I hate these things. ☀: Remember, you're just wasting ammo shooting at a 'lurk's shell. The soft underbelly's what you want to aim for. ☀: I hope you like seafood.
☢ Strong
☢: Mirelurks. ☢: Mirelurks smell fishy. Strong hate fishy. ☢: Smash mirelurk face. It softest part. ☢: Mirelurks smell bad but taste good. ☢: Strong smash mirelurks.
☾ X6-88
☾: {Concerned} I've seen a mirelurk crush a cement block like it was nothing. ☾: You want to keep a mirelurk at range, ma'am. Fire, fall back and repeat. ☾: Mirelurks are slower on land. That's where you want to fight them. ☾: Mirelurk shells are as hard as rock. Aim for the eyes, or between the plates. ☾: {Disgust} We're going to smell like seafood for a week.
My Notes:
Codsworth makes the same joke both when entering combat and exploring a spawn area.
Curie thinks humans may have played a part in the creation of Mirelurks, and not just natural radiation exposure - that said, it could be alluding to the additional polution of FEV from the bombs and sites hit by them, not that Curie has any knowledge of that though.
Danse really hates mirelurks, and probably everything that might come out of the ocean. No wonder he was so glad to join the BoS and get out of Rivet City. Don't take him to a beach, he'll be sour and on alert the whole time.
Deacon also no likey the big crabs. Except for eating. Bring him it pre-killed.
Gage calling them mudcrabs is cute.
Hancock is scarred. Man's seen some shit.
Guess it's good Mac doesn't have a taste for crab, seeing as fish gives him gas.
Pretty sure crabs have black eyes, so... Guess Nick doesn't want us to shoot them at all😂
Piper will eat mole rat meat, something most seem to hate, but thinks Mirelurk is bad? Guess she wouldn't fancy a trip to Fah Hahbah.
Mirelurks smell bad, but taste good.
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servarreginam · 1 year
the crownless king in the frigid north
For mirae, who wanted some thoughts on Saber in Rigel. And oh boy do I have thoughts.
(Cut for length. I mean it.)
First and foremost, let's look at some stats. "But tches," I can hear you say, "it is literally the first sentence of this meta". I know, I know. Now, as far as his role as a unit and as a character in the story, Saber is most easily compared to Lukas in Alm's story: he's the experienced older man who leads the plucky group of kids from the start of their journey, and keeps them safe along the way. They're meant to be bulkier and easier to use units to allow the player some leeway in their playstyle in the early chapters of the game, but if we look a little closer we find something interesting.
Here I'm going to show two sets of bases and two sets of growths:
Set One:
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Set Two:
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Just by looking are you able to identify which is meant to be the speedster sword unit, and which is meant to be the armored tank unit? I'd forgive you if you aren't - both sets are remarkably similar, and both have a notable emphasis on HP and DEF, which is the Armored archetype's wheelhouse. (If you were curious, Saber's set is on top giggity)
Now why did I bring out the stats so early? These are his base stats to start Celica's journey, and we're here to talk about Saber's time in Rigel.
Well, I think when Saber was in the Rigelian army, he was an armored unit. And I think this shapes his entire skillset and even the development of his personality as he went from hotshot armyman to hotter shot mercenary extraordinaire. I even think it has a factor in him losing his eye.
But we'll get to those in a minute. Let's take it back all the way to the start of Saber's military career. Or rather, his father's.
We learn from the Accordion book that Saber grew up as part of a poor family. Well, we learn he grew up in a family that wasn't noble - but from everything else that we learn about Rigel, especially with regard to its outlook on the caste system, we understand that the nobles consider it to be a very "us vs them" situation, and we can infer that anyone who is not a noble (or even a specific class of noble) was quite poor. And historically, those who could not farm and were not of a merchant class ended up in the military, ergo it's incredibly likely that Saber himself came from a long line of hard Rigelian military men.
During Saber's recruitment conversation, we learn that despite his reputation, he's hesitant to put his life in danger - while that seems like an obvious statement, Saber finds it noteworthy enough to bring it up twice in the span of a couple sentences. And then again when the group decides to fight the Pirate King (which he is very vocal about avoiding). This leads me to believe that he has some disdain for the sorts of men who lay down their lives easily, for grand ideals or for a supposed grander purpose or otherwise - which further leads me to believe that his father died in battle.
It might seem like a stretch, but given the hyper-masculine, battle-focused society that we understand Rigel is, I feel it's a logical conclusion. There are only so many routes available to a military man, after all, and I feel like Saber's hyper-vigilance of his own mortality isn't just a consequence of being his own boss.
This is not to say that I think Saber is without ideals, and certainly not when he enlisted in the Rigelian army. His face-heel turn from army man to private contractor has a certain feel to it that seems most analogous to "grew up Conservative, became disillusioned by how bad things are, becomes Libertarian" in modern contexts - indeed, he would have needed a reason to join the army to begin with, or at the very least a justification beyond simply "this is how things are done".
When Saber joined, I believe he truly thought that he'd help make a difference - either the Rigelian propaganda machine is very strong, or he was naïve and optimistic, or both. Regardless, because he's described as an "ace" in the army, it's clear to me that he tried, he put forth genuine effort during his enlistment, and due to a combination of perhaps some natural talent and this own enthusiasm to make a change in the world, not to end up like his old man, he rose in the ranks quite quickly.
Probably too quickly.
Once more from Accordion, we learn that an unnamed noble set a trap for him which resulted in the loss of his eye. Since Rigel is so stringent about its belief in divine right of kings and hierarchy of nobles, it's easy to see what happened - Saber was a hotshot and performed well in his role as a soldier, and this pissed off someone who was richer but less capable. It is unclear what the trap is or how it was set, but I don't believe it was meant to be a fatal trap - I think it was meant to be something that put a man of lower status in his place and failed terribly.
I've mentioned already that I believe Saber was likely an armored unit, due to his stats, and I have more thoughts about this which I will go into in a bit, but with regard to the trap, I believe it was most likely an ambush using crossbows - a one-on-one ambush wouldn't have gone well for his rival, and I think he knew that, and arrows wouldn't have been effective against someone with Saber's defensive capabilities. Crossbows, however, can pierce most plate armor. Ergo I think it's likely that when Saber was caught in this trap, one missed, and ended up taking his eye out with it.
We learn that this was a separate event from his departure from the army, and Rigel at large, which tells us that this incident - while it surely infuriated him - wasn't enough to make him want to leave. If anything, this likely spurred him on further to reach even greater heights.
And since I mentioned his departure from the army, let's talk about that really fast. Once again citing Accordion, we learn that Saber was "betrayed by someone he considered his best friend", who he then challenged to a duel. Since dueling was illegal, Saber became a criminal because his opponent died. And while it's all very Aaron Burr, this is quite a dense couple of sentences, so let's unpack it a bit.
First, let's address the fact that this is clearly after Saber has been mutilated, as he lost his eye before leaving the army. This means that this asshole, even after losing an eye, was still so good at what he did, that he couldn't (or wouldn't) hold back just enough to prevent his opponent dying during battle.
We don't have much of a timeframe, necessarily, but we do know that Saber is 34 when Celica recruits him, and he's been doing the mercenary gig for quite a while by that point. We can reasonably narrow the window of his time in the army to probably around 20-25, give or take a few years on either end. If we assume that he was rising through the ranks the first couple of years of his enlistment before losing his eye in his early-twenties, this still means that he recovered and retrained himself and rose back to his previous skill level in only a couple further short years.
I cannot emphasize how insane that is.
Second, let's address the fact that he challenged this man to a duel. Duels, especially illegal duels, are an incredibly interesting plot point to put into the history of a man we're supposed to believe is a mercenary lacking in scruples. Duels carry such a heavy insinuation of the concept of honor and the preservation thereof, and adherence to fairplay.
Accordion is specific that Saber was the one who was betrayed, and Saber was the one who challenged his once-best friend to a duel, which emphasizes to me that there was still some lingering idealism in him - not defending his life, which we understand he is more than capable of, but defending this intangible concept of his honor. This is Rigel, where combat is king, and Saber is combat-tested - he could easily have stricken the man down (we know he could, because he did that thing). But instead of simply lashing out, he challenged the other man to a duel.
For those who don't know, historically, dueling isn't just an opportunity to kill someone. They're highly ritualized humiliation, designed to spank a man and do him dirty in front of his best friend (the second) and make him bear the burden of shame forever. The challenge tells me that Saber wanted the other man to live with the knowledge of exactly how badly he fucked up - the death, and his subsequent flight, tells me that his rage wouldn't let him leave the other man alive.
Which is strange, to me. Up to this point, with all of my overthinking, and with his following turn as one of the better units in Celica's army, how could a man as skilled as Saber have overdone it so much, when it's clear that his intention was otherwise? Was it arrogance, was it his opponent's ineptitude?
Or was it really rage?
Which brings us to point number three in regards to the duel: what are they fighting over? This was Saber's best friend, someone who fought alongside him, understood him, saw the warrior on the battlefield and presumably got to know the man underneath the cocksure battle prowess. To give us a hint, let's harken back to Saber's mutilation: a noble, angered by this hotshot peasant, jealous of the good name this nobody was making for himself.
Further, I think that his best friend was a member of minor nobility - not of high enough station to avoid the army, but perhaps of good enough pedigree to easily get into an officer's academy (hey, that's us!). It's certainly unlikely for those of lower financial straits to betray someone they consider a comrade - studies have shown those with less money to be more generous, and vice-versa - and with Saber's stratospheric rise in the army, I believe it's likely that he ended up rubbing elbows with quite a few nobles of similar rank to him.
What do best friends betray each other over? What else but love? Could it have been an event less than this? I struggle to come up with something that would be so important to both parties - both for the betrayal, and for Saber's insistence on defending his honor. I believe that as time went on, Saber caught the eye of a woman outside of his station (or vice-versa), and they fell in love, and frankly I think this pissed some people off.
Now, I connect the two events (Saber's mutilation, and his betrayal leading to his flight from Rigel), but they're marked as separate events, presumably with some time in between them (as I mentioned earlier). However, they're some of the most important events that a young Saber could possibly go through, and at the hands of people who want to push him down and force him to see his proper place, a commoner allowed to exist amongst nobles.
Between his mutilation, between the nebulous betrayal (which I think led to a loss of love for Saber), all the humiliation that must have been attempted to drag him down - by this point, Saber must have been well and truly furious, blinded with his rage and his disillusionment of the army, of Rigellian society as a whole. It's easy to see why, even though he must have initiated the duel in good faith, he lost control.
And so we come to the final arena of his life before he meets Celica - the journey from Decorated and Capable Army Man to a man who "smells like a tavern floor" on an island in a different country.
I mentioned at the top of this essay (pensiveclown) that I believe Saber started his combat career as an armored unit, due to his stats being so similar to Lukas's. I believe it's around the time he leaves the army that he, slowly, piece by piece, starts to abandon the identity of a Rigelian soldier in full plate. In a practical sense, what this means for a man who's already trained in combat is that he's suddenly going to seem a lot stronger and a lot faster in comparison (but with perhaps a little less control over his swings, indicated by his slightly lower base Skill).
As a man who's already trained formally in military combat and tactics, and been tested over the course of several years (enough to rise head and shoulders over his peers, even handicapped), the transition from soldier to mercenary must have been an absolute cakewalk.
Very suddenly, this man who has spent his entire adult life thusfar being commanded to kill (and possibly die) for another person's higher ideals, has the option to say fuck that, and he's quite at his leisure to take whichever jobs he chooses - and we see that he does. We see that he's quite choosy with what he does, but that he doesn't shy away from jobs that others consider too dangerous.
Because, I mean. Look at those stats. With a skillset like that, how could he resist making a name for himself again, as a middle-finger to the country that failed him so horribly.
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dragon-wisteria · 4 months
OC Interview: Introductions (Adelle)
(Questions from this post)
Today we'll be interviewing Adelle Fairchild, one of the main characters from my story Blue Butterfly!
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1. Describe your character's appearance. What do people notice first about them? Are there any aspects of their appearance that they hide from others?
The first thing people notice about Adelle is her bright blue hair, and the fact that she dresses almost exclusively in blue. She has almost unnaturally pale skin and a round face with big blue eyes. She's short and petite, and wears cutesy outfits with a fondness for short skirts and sweaters.
2. Describe your character's personality. What are people's first impressions of them? Are there parts of their personality that they keep hidden? How hard is it for others to get to know them?
Adelle is bubbly, extroverted and hyper-active. She talks a lot, is curious about everything, and is cheerful and friendly to a point that people can find either endearing or annoying. She's a pretty open book, but has a chaotic element to her that can make her hard to predict.
3. What is your character's occupation? (job/school/duties/etc.) Do they enjoy it? What would be their ideal occupation?
Adelle is a member of Dove, an organisation that combats magical crime (I'm currently lowkey restructuring how Dove works exactly so for now that's as specific as it gets)
Her ideal job would be the in-universe equivalent of one of those Youtubers who just make videos explaining and analysing whatever thing they happen to be interested in at the time.
4. What does your character do for fun? Do they have any hobbies or special interests? Are there any activities they'd like to try but don't have enough time/resources for?
Adelle has about a dozen hobbies that she bounces between like a maniac but her biggest ones are gaming and fashion. She really likes putting together new outfits and playing around with different hairstyles.
5. Where does your character live? Do they like it there? How do they furnish/decorate their personal space?
Adelle lives at the Dove Organisation, and has since she was a kid. It's a bit of a weird place to grow up but she really likes all the people there. Her bedroom is decorated to the max, with posters and photos on every flat surface and shelves of books, games and collectibles. For furniture I think she has one of those bunk-beds with a desk underneath and a bunch of comfy chairs.
6. What is your character's family situation like? Which family members (if any) are they closest to, and which ones do they have conflict with?
As far as Adelle knows, the only relative she has is her mother, who she only remembers vaguely, though she knows she's a Fairy.
7. Who are the most important people in your character's life? Do they have any close friends? Are they in love with anyone? Do they have any enemies?
Out of everyone at Dove, Cass is probably the closest to Adelle. After the story starts, the other members of Blue Team become her most important people.
8. What are your character's best skills and virtues? Did these come naturally to them, or did they have to work hard to achieve them?
Adelle's best virtue is probably her compassion, which comes pretty naturally to her, though she did have to work on figuring out how to actually make people feel better when she knows they're unhappy.
9. What are your character's worst flaws and weak points? Are they working to overcome their flaws, or do they let them fester? Is there anyone they rely on for help with their weak points?
Some of her flaws are that she can be quite naive and oblivious. She's also a little too complacent when it comes to working on improving herself.
Her main weak point in combat is that she's pretty much useless in close quarters or without her magic, and she relys on the other members of her team to make up for that and keep her protected (mainly Jackson and Marianne)
10. What are your character's goals? Do they set long term goals for themself or do they prefer to live in the moment?
Adelle's main goal is to reunite with her mother, though she doesn't have a very clear idea of how to accomplish that. Besides that, she's not much of a long term planner, preferring to just go with the flow.
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Ichiya definitely has ADHD
One of his prominent symptoms is just memory
he will put down a guitar pick and then destroy the whole tour but just to find it seconds later
but we'll also remember a human tooth necklace (similar to a shark tooth necklace) that ikkan bought a couple months ago and knows exactly which drawer he put it in
Sometimes he gets these random urges to clean the whole entire tour bus and wash everyone's clothes and have the place spotless by 6:00 p.m.
Sometimes he comes off his very rude to people but in reality he's just very blunt and truthful he's not really good at lying
Ikkan is always the first one to arrive but ichiya is the last one to arrive because he has to go back to his apartment multiple times cuz he always forgets something and he is the last one to leave because he has to go back to the studio because he forget something
Nami Make a list of chores the band should do to keep themselves organized and busy when they're not on tour but Ichiya I'll spend 30 minutes staring at nothing because he gets overwhelmed not knowing what he should do first
He was in school for music theory but dropped out cuz he could not concentrate at all and was practically failing every class but he did have a passion for music and he felt like he didn't need a degree to be successful if you're hyper focused enough you'll get somewhere
His memory is very selective he bought Murasaki a pack of his favorite calamari chips in bulk because he said that was his favorite snack three years ago but will ask him how to spell his name again
He will pick up these random hobbies and get obsessed with them he bought a bunch of those RPG board games thinking he'd get into it it's collecting dust in the corner of his room
He has a notebook app on his phone and has random sticky notes around so when he thinks up of random lyrics and he quickly writes him down cuz he knows he's going to forget them if he doesn't
During solo interviews with a talk show host or with the reporter he will come in expecting to talk about his music in band stuff and somehow they end up having a conversation about turf war end ask the interview what weapon they mained in school, asking about their jewelry, are they married, is that their natural ink color usually he ends up interviewing the interviewer
He's very popular with a specific talk show and become a regular he even has his own segment where he interviews other celebrities about random things that just pop into his head
He doesn't want to go on medication because he believes that will ruin his ✨sparkle✨ and his charm
also also he zones out a lot when people talk to him & needs a constant stream of background noise to function/always has headphones in && he remembers people by their voice and striking characteristics like weird hair cause he cannot remember names and faces very well. also will either be earlier than ikkan to appointments or just multiple hours late. oh and his notes app is an abyss of thoughts that remain forgotten until he randomly has the urge to sort all his notes into categories and gets distracted by trying to figure out what half of that meant and/or adding more stuff to the song lyrics. on comcerts he jumps around and paces across the entire stage. and when hes thinking he bites his tongue (this ones just a. normal ichiya headcanon not adhd rel8d)
thats my 2 cents because you just. read my mind with most of these.
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theharrowing · 2 years
18, 25, 26. can i ask 18, 25 for "collateral"? if not, its ok!
18 on ch 8 of "collateral" with the fight club. this arc of the ch is so good. it's brutal. Theres a lot of good parts in it but I like this one.
I like the context with hobi and jin here but the quote gets too long lol.
"At Seokjin’s words, your body trembles harder, and you feel ridiculous. You are not a scared little lamb, you tell yourself. You’re a fucking wolf. This is not your first time seeing the blood of a man spilled from a blade, and it will not be your last. 
You inhale deeply and do your best to relax in Hoseok’s hold, and as the screams from Hyunwoo come through the glass, shaking you to the bones, you keep your eyes on Yoongi, who fully removes the first finger." 
hello, anon! i hope i haven't kept you waiting for too long! 🥰
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
that whole scene is so brutal and was an absolute delight to write lmao why am i like this.
seokjin and hoseok are quite the pair, and we will get to know both of them much better in the upcoming story arc. i think namjoon summed them up best, "Double Seok is double trouble; never cross either of them. They grew up learning that with enough money, you could hold the world in your palm and crush it into dust if you so choose. Yoongi loves them, but sometimes I wonder if it's a keep-your-enemies-closer type of situation."
everything they did that night at the casino was a mix between intimidation tactics, and acting like cats playing with a mouse before devouring her. should mc have crumbled entirely, they would have delighted in knowing that the bosses new lamb didn't have big enough guts to run with the big wolves. luckily, she didn't crumble. or, perhaps unluckily...we'll find out soon. 😉
how i came up with it...honestly, it just kind of flowed out as i was writing the scene. i don't plan much ahead, i just let it all come to me as i write, and i had an idea of how i wanted the reader to really see all of the family men in this moment. especially yoongi, namjoon, and jungkook. i don't think it changed at all during the writing process; i was very happy with everything as it flowed. since it's fanfic, i try not to edit the life out of everything, and i really give the story to you wonderful readers in the rawest form i can.
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
Collateral Taehyung was definitely the captain of his high school forensics team, and although he's so far been shy and unassuming in the story, he is a master at commanding an audience.
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
i feel like i live inside their heads, and they all take up space inside of mine, full time. sometimes, even after i have finished writing them. i don't think i ever fully get out, and often i will carry on remnants of past characters to put into the new ones who share the same name and likeness. the only character whose head i could really use a vacation from is Boy Blue Taehyung. i think he is a personification of all my negativity, but amplified a million times. would i ever do the things he has done to people? absolutely not. would it feel incredible if i could? yes.
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beggingwolf · 2 years
18 25 28 32 for the writer asks!
18 - Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
ooo okay I'm going to go with one of my favorite sections from ADiC:
His thumb lingered over Anya’s name.
They spoke sparingly these days. With Anya, it was easy to fall into a familiar rapport. Her tongue was a rapier and Zhenya enjoyed sparring. It could feel a bit too much like it had when they were together.
He’d enjoyed sparring with her a lot of ways, before it had gone sour, their relationship pulled thin across the ocean.
Sid, Zhenya saw, was wandering near a lonely copse of palm trees. His shoulders were hunched up around his ears, the KT tape a stark mark against his skin. Had Zhenya not seen the dark tape on his skin, his eyes would have slipped past Sid entirely. Sid wandered, anonymous and listless, further away.
I LOOOOVE a waffling-over-emotional-infidelity moment. I knew that I wanted a scene with Sid and Zhenya on the beach (something that is Zhenya's preferred activity) but it going wrong, being all bent out of shape and not what Zhenya really wants. This moment, them doing something FOR Zhenya that Zhenya doesn't like, because Sid is being secretive so Zhenya will be secretive back at him, was a really clear feeling in my head as I went in to write this scene. Something I kept coming back to as I wrote it was the image of Sid literally getting further away, so I leaned into it, and the focus on the KT tape—Sid is WOUNDED, he is HURT and Zhenya can't notice over his OWN hurt—was so delicious to write. I love rereading these passages even now.
25 - What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
oh jeez. um, let's see... it's not hyper specific, but since my memory is bad I'll go with the fact that Ovi in TKK isn't attracted to Sid at all. He uses Sid to rile Zhenya up, that's all.
28 - Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
OKSANA. ALWAYS OKSANA. I have 40k of unusable draft material (the plot is weak and the vibes aren't good enough to save it) about a failing Zhenya/Oksana relationship and a rising Sid/Zhenya one and I love writing Oksana so, so badly. Brutal, sharp women are so fun to write. I need to write more of them.
32 - What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
we'll go with novel on this one, and I'm going to put a read-more for those who have not read The Raven Cycle who may want to give it a try, as it's spoilery:
this is sort of the Prototypical Favorite TRC quote, so I don't think this is particularly unique, but I'll tell you and then tell you why I like it so much:
“Adam lived in an apartment located above the office of St. Agnes Catholic Church, a fortuitous combination that focused most of the objects of Ronan's worship into one downtown block.”
I don't just love it because I love Ronan and Adam and Ronan's love for Adam. I find it to be such an exquisitely crafted sentence that conveys so much about the dynamics at play and Ronan's and Adam's characters.
Adam lives above a church office, a strange place for a teenager to live. He is out of place there (not being Catholic nor a member of any Church) and "stored" there in a way that Ronan sort of retreats to, always finding Adam at this church like Adam was sort of placed there like an old keepsake. The fact that it's a Catholic church, and the church Ronan attends, and the church Ronan wrestles with in his own quest against nihilism and self-hatred and his difficulties in accepting his gay identity, makes it this beautiful weird little nexus of COMPLICATED ISSUES THAT COLOR THEIR RELATIONSHIP and specifically how Ronan views their relationship.
I'm aware that, if you are reading this and have not/will not read TRC, none of this is very exciting. But, I do think it's an absolute banger of a sentence that conveys so much about who these characters are and the complicated issues that exist between them, and I'm obsessed with how neatly Maggie conveyed that in a single sentence. It's just Really Good Authorship to me. I love it. I aspire to it. Ugh it's so good.
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navdurga32 · 30 days
Where can I get quality mobile app marketing services?
In today's hyper-competitive app market, getting your mobile app noticed amidst the sea of competitors requires a strategic and comprehensive approach to marketing. However, finding the right platform to deliver quality mobile app marketing services can be a challenging task. In this article, we'll explore the landscape of mobile app marketing services and highlight why CPIDroid stands out as one of the best platforms for delivering exceptional results.
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Finding quality mobile app marketing services is essential for app developers looking to achieve success in the competitive app market. With its comprehensive suite of services, expertise, advanced targeting capabilities, transparent reporting, and ethical practices, CPIDroid stands out as one of the best platforms for delivering exceptional mobile app marketing services. Whether you're launching a new app or looking to boost the visibility of an existing one, CPIDroid provides the tools and expertise you need to achieve your marketing goals and drive sustainable growth and success.
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sportyconnect · 11 months
Golf is a game of precision, patience, and strategy. But it's also a game that requires the right gear. And while the clubs and balls you choose can certainly impact your game, there's another piece of equipment that's just as important: your shoes. In this guide, we'll help you navigate the world of women's golf shoes, so you can find the perfect pair for your needs. Understanding the Importance of Golf Shoes Before we dive into the specifics, let's first understand why golf shoes are so important. When you're out on the golf course, you need stability and balance to make accurate shots. This is where golf shoes come in. They are designed to provide you with the grip and stability you need when swinging your club. "A good swing starts from the ground up. If your feet slip or move during your swing, it can throw off your entire shot." This is especially true when you're playing in wet or damp conditions, which is why many golf shoes are also waterproof. Factors to Consider When Choosing Golf Shoes When it comes to choosing the right golf shoes, there are several factors you need to consider: Footwear type: There are two main types of golf shoes: spikeless and spiked. Spikeless shoes are becoming increasingly popular as they offer good traction without the need for metal spikes. However, spiked shoes may be necessary in wet or muddy conditions. Upper material: Golf shoes are typically made from leather, synthetic materials, or a combination of both. Leather shoes are more durable and provide better support, but they can be more expensive and require more maintenance. Synthetic shoes are lighter and more breathable, but they may not be as durable as leather shoes. Outsole material: The outsole of a golf shoe is important for traction. Most golf shoes have a rubber outsole, but some may have a more specialized material such as Vibram or Pebax. Fit: Golf shoes should fit snugly but not too tightly. You should have enough room to wiggle your toes, but your heel should not slip. Comfort: Golf shoes should be comfortable to wear for long periods of time. You may want to try on a few different pairs to find the most comfortable ones for you. Price: Golf shoes can range in price from around $100 to $300 or more. It is important to set a budget before you start shopping. Now that you know what to look for, let's take a look at some top picks for women's golf shoes. These shoes are highly rated and come in a variety of styles and price points, so you can find the perfect pair for your needs. FootJoy HyperFlex Golf Shoe: These shoes are known for their comfort, stability, and performance. They have a waterproof upper and a spikeless outsole that provides excellent traction on wet and dry surfaces. Adidas Codechaos Women’s Golf Shoe: These shoes are lightweight and flexible, making them ideal for walking the course. They also have a durable outsole that can withstand even the most demanding conditions. G/Fore Gallivanter Shoes: These shoes are stylish and comfortable, making them a great choice for both on and off the course. They have a waterproof upper and a spikeless outsole that provides good traction. Duca del Cosma Giordana Golf Shoe: These shoes are made from high-quality materials and construction, making them a great investment. They have a waterproof upper and a spikeless outsole that provides excellent traction. Foot Joy Pro SL Women's Golf Shoe: These shoes are designed with a lightweight cushioning and a spikeless design for versatile traction. Skechers GO GOLF Elite 4 Hyper Golf Shoes: These shoes are lightweight and comfortable, making them a great choice for walking the course. They also have a durable outsole that can withstand even the most demanding conditions. Ecco Biom Hybrid 4 Gore-Tex Golf Shoes: These shoes are waterproof, breathable, and supportive. They have a spikeless outsole that provides excellent traction on wet and dry surfaces.
Adidas Tour360 XT SL 2.0 Golf Shoes: These shoes are 100% waterproof, so you know your feet will stay dry in wet weather. They have a premium full-grain leather upper with a waterproof membrane. Remember, the best golf shoe for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Consider factors such as your playing style, the climate where you typically play, and your budget when making your decision. The Importance of Proper Fit Finding a shoe that fits properly is crucial, especially for women with wider feet. A shoe that's too tight can cause discomfort and even lead to foot problems over time. On the other hand, a shoe that's too loose can lack support and cause your foot to slide around, which can throw off your balance and stability. When trying on golf shoes, be sure to wear the same type of socks that you plan to wear on the course. This will help to ensure a more accurate fit. Also, keep in mind that your feet can swell throughout the day, so it's a good idea to try on shoes later in the day when your feet are at their largest. Wide Fit Golf Shoes for Women For women with wider feet, finding the right pair of golf shoes can be a challenge. That's why we've put together a guide to help you find the perfect pair of wide fit golf shoes. These shoes are designed with a wider toe box to accommodate wider feet, providing comfort and support without sacrificing performance. "The right golf shoes can enhance your performance, while the wrong ones can distract you from your game. For women with wider feet, a shoe that's too narrow can cause discomfort and even pain." Spikeless vs. Spiked Golf Shoes There are two main types of golf shoes: spikeless and spiked. Spikeless shoes are becoming increasingly popular as they offer good traction without the need for metal spikes. However, spiked shoes may be necessary in wet or muddy conditions. For instance, the Adidas Tour360 XT SL 2.0 Golf Shoes are 100% waterproof, making them an excellent choice for wet weather. They have a premium full-grain leather upper with a waterproof membrane, ensuring your feet stay dry no matter the conditions. Material Matters Golf shoes are typically made from leather, synthetic materials, or a combination of both. Leather shoes are more durable and provide better support, but they can be more expensive and require more maintenance. Synthetic shoes, on the other hand, are lighter and more breathable, but they may not be as durable as leather shoes. The Importance of a Good Fit Golf shoes should fit snugly but not too tightly. You should have enough room to wiggle your toes, but your heel should not slip. For women with wider feet, the FootJoy HyperFlex BOA Women's Golf Shoes are a great option. They are waterproof, breathable, and supportive, offering a comfortable fit for wider feet. Comfort is Key Golf shoes should be comfortable to wear for long periods of time. You may want to try on a few different pairs to find the most comfortable ones for you. The Ecco Biom Hybrid 4 Gore-Tex Golf Shoes are known for their comfort. They are waterproof, breathable, and supportive, with a spikeless outsole that provides excellent traction on wet and dry surfaces. Price Considerations Golf shoes can range in price from around $100 to $300 or more. It is important to set a budget before you start shopping. However, remember that a higher price tag often means better quality and durability, so it might be worth investing in a more expensive pair if you plan to play golf regularly. In the next part of our guide, we will discuss some of the best golf shoes for women according to expert reviews. Stay tuned! "Golf is a game of precision, strategy, and mental strength. It’s a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels." - SportyConnect Remember, choosing the right golf shoes is an essential part of your golfing experience. The right shoes can enhance your performance, provide comfort during long games, and help prevent injuries.
So, take your time, do your research, and choose the best golf shoes for your needs. Happy golfing! In the quest for the perfect pair of golf shoes, it's essential to consider the opinions of experts and other golfers. Here are some top picks from various sources: FootJoy Women's Hyperflex: Described as a stunning golf shoe that bridges the gap between style and performance, the FootJoy Women's Hyperflex is highly recommended by Golf Monthly as one of the best golf sneakers on the market. Adidas Womens W Tech Response 2.0 Golf Shoes: These shoes are praised for their overall quality by Money.com. They offer a balance of comfort, style, and performance that many golfers appreciate. FootJoy Stratos: Today's Golfer includes the FootJoy Stratos among the best women's golf shoes. They are known for their comfort and durability. G/FORE Welt Stud Gallivanter Women's Golf Shoe: This shoe is listed as the top pick by Study Finds. It's praised for its stylish design and excellent performance on the golf course. Skechers Go Golf Max 2 Women's Shoes: According to The Left Rough, Skechers offers some of the most comfortable shoes both on and off the golf course. The Go Golf Max 2 Women's Shoes are no exception. Remember, the best golf shoe for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Consider factors such as your playing style, the climate where you typically play, and your budget when making your decision. In conclusion, choosing the right golf shoes can significantly enhance your performance on the golf course. By considering factors such as the type of footwear, the material of the upper and outsole, the fit, comfort, and price, you can find a pair that perfectly suits your needs. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned golfer, investing in the right golf shoes is a step towards improving your game. For more information on golf shoes and other golf-related topics, visit SportyConnect, your go-to source for the latest and most accurate news for any sports organization.
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yomiurinikei · 3 years
okie. pride hcs uhhh im just gonna do dra for now kiss kiss
under the cut for length! i'm not discussing theeee ch1 killer in this post everyone else is here tho, and! mentions of internalized homophobia/transphobia, aaand minako being a bad parent- ALSO k1nj0ma3 mention in the last section, i don't know anyone who needs it tagged but yk
kiyoka: bi! i think she'd just like.... not even consider that she could be anything but her for a long time, then when she finally realizes, it's because she's crushing on a girl, and she assumes that like "oh ig im a lesbian then bc i don't like any guys!" it. takes her a moment, but she does eventually realize she doesn't have to actively be crushing on a guy and a girl to be bi. also shes cis i'm sorry i think. she's one of those characters who's like... their experiences can be seen as an allegory for being trans but it doesn't work for their character for them to be trans. obvi all trans kiyoka hcs are so so so valid! i just don't see it
kizuna: lesbian. i'm sorry her entire thing with guys is literally just because of how she was raised/it's entirely comphet. she hasn't even considered she could be a lesbian and prolly has some internalized homophobia tbh. i also think she's cis just because i. Do Not think minako would go "oh yes obvi if ur trans that's fine u just have to find a rich boy to seduce ☺️" it does not fit. however i think if she felt safe enough to question she may end up id'ing as a demigirl
ayame: trans wlw. she doesn't put a label on her attraction beyond that, she knows she likes girls, she knows she is a girl, and that's all that rlly matters to her rn. she's still working out how to even talk with people, let alone pretty girls, so she doesn't need to stress out about semantics
kanata: trans bi!! briefly considered trans het but i do think she'd like girls, i just see her as having a male lean? she's generally not very interested in relationships, just because she doesn't really socialize a lot with people who aren't patients, so...
kakeru: iiid say bi? i don't have a lot to say here i think he's just chill about things and takes any crushes or anything that happens as it happens. he knows and understands he can't control who he likes, so he's just. waiting for his person :] also i kinda see him as nb anywyas
kinji: cis gay but also if you asked him abt his gender and like..... gave him cause to think about it he'd definitely have a crisis over it. ultimately just can't find the words or anything consistent so he. decides to ignore it. he uses he/him, likes guys, and if/when he's with a guy, it's a queer relationship. that's all that matters to him
haruhiko: the thing with satsuki was comphet on his end and my proof is his ftes. why do you care so much about getting a girl, haru? so you can be closer to your bros by the shared experience? okay haru. he's so fucking gay and so oblivious. i think. he's another one who's not really huge on crushes though, he finds people rlly attractive sometimes, but it's mostly. appreciation, not a desire to be with them. also he's trans but i don't really have anything to say there he just. Is ftm
satsuki: trans bi. ik ive hc'd her as a lesbian in the past but i just think she's got a slight female lean. who knows what i'll end up saying next year!! ig we'll find out. anyways she did. like haru but also it never really felt right to her? didn't feel bad or anything, but as much as being all lovey-dovey with him made her happy, she just never rlly saw it going further/lasting . she's another one i can rlly see as being nb!
yamato: like.... mlm? nblm? not to get into like.... hyper specific stuff this is the first time i've felt the need to do this for this post so i feel a bit bad put. id honestly put him as genderflux. sometimes he id's as non-binary, sometimes a demiboy, sometimes hes solidly a trans guy, but since it usually stays in that range, and too him, it feels like a spectrum between those labels, he just sticks with genderflux masc + gay
mikako: lesbian also i'd say demigirl. i don't. have a lot to say here tbh. i can also rlly see her as pan but??? idk!
akane: lesbian. i can also. see her as bi but idk i kinda think that the utsuro thing would put her off guys. not that it was necessarily,, traumatic? she's rlly solidly at peace with what happened there and she's moved on from "he saved me i must devote myself to him i guess this is love" but she just... hasn't rlly been into a guy since/doesn't think she'll feel that way again, so she generally calls herself a lesbian, for the ease of it. also i have 0 thoughts on her gender identity oop-
utsuro: . ???????? tbh ive never.... really had utsuro ships (this is.... very close to the truth so well let the small lie slide). he's one where i don't rlly see him with girls, but also yk i don't. think he'd label himself or be into anyone. i also wouldn't say aro????? he's just completely abstained from having any thoughts or feelings on relationships whatsoever. ,,,in fact, would be really be able to have one? we all know. how he feels abt his luck, couldn't he pull anyone he wants? i don't think that would make him happy, and that doesn't make for a good relationship. he really just can't connect with people properly irregardless of love so. anyways he's ftm
teruya: COMPHET LEVEL 100 only kizuna beats him for level of comphet. he definitely gets really bad crushes on guys really easily but he can't.... recognize them as crushes, and latches onto any guy like crazy. but. yk. he prolly doesnt realize this for a while so......... rip. i think he's amab and like.. doesn't particularly feel like a guy, but calling himself anything else feels Wrong, whereas being a guy is just like. a thing to him so. it's fine by him!
rei: she's like. canonically celibate and i'm 90% sure linuj said she'd like. abstain from all relationships if she ever felt attraction and tbh i'm not.... gonna comment on that whatsoever but also she's definitely a lesbian. she's cis i think i don't see her as trans ig
tsurugi: gay. i know i've made a lot of the guys on this list mlm but it's not.... my fault i'm going off linujs writing and my vibes and i've written a whole essay about how you can read the entire franchise and track linujs shifting queer views so.. it's not my fault that all the guys in dra are limp in the wrist. anyways back to tsurugi. he was totally into kouhei he just didnt realize and it wasn't until his ftes with maeda. wherein he started to crush on maeda. he rlly is my poor little meow meow but anyways he prolly finds a good husband one day so it's okay. also we started off with "you feel so trans but it does not work with your story" and ig we're ending with it too.
im hungry now and also kinda dizzy i might go have grapefruit. if u read this far: make sure to eat ur fruits and get ur vitamins 🥰
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