#is this the most provocative pic I’ve ever posted?
gmaledotcom · 1 year
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Missing the mirrors I had in my apartment in Japan, why are mirrors so expensive to buy in the US??
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Why does Ostrander's Suicide Squad kick so much ass? And why is it that most people think that's when the Squad peaked? I'm not disagreeing, but I feel if someone were to ask what comics they should read post-Gunn film, most comics heads would just hand them Trial by Fire and leave it at that.
Because Ostrander understood that while yes some of the Squaddies need to die, you need to care about them first before they do.
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The Ostrander Suicide Squad was full of villains nobody cared about, so he got free reign to develop them. That combination of actual character development and tense stakes is why his run is the best, because Ostrander could make you fall in love with a character and then kill them. And because they were characters nobody cared about, if they died, there was a good chance they'd stay dead. Current Suicide Squad writers can't do that anymore, just look at the pic I posted.
Of the characters featured, which ones can meaningfully change? Or are at any real risk of dying and staying dead? Maybe Enchantress and Katana? Certainly not the Batman Rogues of Harley, Deadshot, and Killer Croc. Anyone outside of that core you know is cannon fodder who are just there to die to show there are "stakes". I get that Deadshot is currently dead, but does anyone care? Does anyone think that will stick? Unless they create a new black Deadshot to tie in to Will Smith and the game, then nobody seriously thinks the original Deadshot is gone for good.
WB and DC are really pushing the Squad, to the point they're basically being positioned as DC's second most prominent team. Unlike the Justice League they actually got another movie (that because of how awful the first film was and the pandemic, seems to have flopped despite reviewing well admittedly). They're getting a video game before any Leaguer besides Batman where the League and Brainiac are probably going to job horribly to fucking Harley Quinn of all characters. They've gotten animated movies that I've heard were pretty good, yet Flash and GL can't get squat. It's crazy to see how hard of a push they're getting.
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For the most part I get why. Unlike the Titans, JSA, and Legion, which all exist in the shadow of the JL and frequently come across as irrelevant in said shadow, the Suicide Squad is it's own beast. Composed of villains who would happily stab each other in the back, none of the actual team members give a shit what the long term goal is, all they care about is surviving. Their "leader" Waller is happy to send them to the slaughter as long as it accomplishes her objective, and will blow their heads off at the slightest provocation. Their stories are gritty, dark, violent, funny, political, and frequently bizarre. In other words they're utterly unlike the JL, a DC team that does it's own thing and has it's own niche. They would be my choice for a franchise to elevate were I an executive, DC has a much stronger villains roster than Marvel does in my biased opinion. The SS lets you show their roster off, and explore corners of the DCU you don't get to see otherwise.
Kinda curious what their future looks like since it seems Gunn's film reboot flopped. I expect the SS game to do well unless Rocksteady truly fucks up on a spectacular level, so I think that will keep them from falling off. But their comics sales don't seem to be benefitting from their push at all, and for reason I outlined above I just don't think they're ever going to be as good as they were under Ostrander. Getting elevated ironically ruined the concept because now it's a "premiere" team that needs to have "faces" in order to build up the brand.
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Oh well The Suicide Squad was good, I'm enjoying Azz's take on them in SS: Kill Joker, and despite struggling on the film and comics side it looks like they're sticking around. Fans of the team need not fret, I don't think they're going anywhere anytime soon.
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notyobabygirl · 3 years
How do you feel about boyfriends following/liking other girls pics? I’ve been with my boyfriend for over a year and he unfollowed every girl when we started dating (I didn’t ask him to), doesn’t ever like bikini pics or anything weird. But he manages this business page for a business he works for and he’ll follow girls on that page that are affiliated with his business. There’s very few that he follows and I actually have met most of them so it’s fine. But there’s one that he recently followed on that business page and she’s affiliated with the company but I notice he liked her most recent photo. And it’s one of her and Idk some of her posts are more sexy and she posts alot of provocative stories and stuff. I’m kinda torn because she’s not someone I would want him to follow on his personal account, and since he’s the only one who runs the business account I find it weird that he followed her on that. Even though I know it’s business and I don’t think he’d do anything weird I still don’t really like it. I’m not used to seeing him liking girls photos so seeing him like one of her bothered me too. I know it’s such a cliche like some girls go crazy over their boyfriend giving other girls attention on social media, and others do not care at all. But I’m torn since this is a business account but he doesn’t have to follow her or like her things. Like she’s only affiliated with the business she doesn’t work there or even really matter for it. So Idk if I should say something about it or try to push my jealousy aside and let it be.
i think its ok for a boyfriend to follow girls he knows on Instagram but i wouldn't like my boyfriend to be following a bunch of those insta models who post practically naked. if he knows these people then i think its fine and esp if its on his business account and not a real account. if he just liked one picture then i wouldn't say anything. my boyfriend likes every picture he sees on Instagram and i honestly dont care. we will be scrolling on his Instagram and he will like every posts he sees. also im sure the girl doesnt even notice. i never ever go through to see who likes my pictures at all. im sure that girl couldnt care less that ur boyfriend liked her picture (no offense lol). soo i dont think its really worth mentioning. ily
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seijorhi · 3 years
asks :)
sorry for being a little mia yesterday/today - i’m bad at answering stuff :(
Were the team like "Meian we have an idea for a team bonding exercise hear us out" or was Meian's idea? A way to get their manager undercontrol before they got the team in deeper trouble? Did Meian get his turn??
I love your stories!
people seem to have fundamentally misunderstood the ending of unprofessional. when meian said the others were coming, he meant they were comin’ for their turn with their pretty lil manager 👀asdfgfcghjhjkl no, but meian was definitely on board with the plan - it might not have been his idea, but he certainly wasn’t objecting. it’s for the good of the team, after all. 
and thank you!
Sakusa walking alone with manager-chan: it’s free real estate
where is the lie??
ahhh thank you bby!! and i hope your exams went well!! i’m sure you kicked ass!
POOR LITTLE MANAGER CHAN. I never thought anything could make MSBY boys hotter, but mean!Meian takes the cake~ I want him to act like the good guy after all this is over, to pretend to be the one looking out for their dear sweet manager, all the while he conspires with the boys behind our back 😊
y’all should know better than to trust any man in my fics. meian would 100% stay back to ‘clean you up’ and take care of you. he’ll be the one making sure you don’t neglect your duties, while also making sure you’re not being treated too roughly by his boys. mostly. well, you can take it.
THE MSBY FIC IS SO GOOIID. Would u mind me asking what’s gonna be ur next fic?
bold of you to assume i know the answer to that
I love the idea of Sakusa getting to stake his claim first. Sending the rest of the boys a couple of pics. You snooze you lose! It was the perfect opportunity, how could he not take advantage? I for one would have probably got in his car like a naive idiot!
This is one thing about your fics I love. There is so much side plot and nuances we can explore. I dont know how to describe it, I just love the depth! Plus the smut is hot as hell 💕
sakusa might not film it, but he sure as hell ain’t against sending some pics of the aftermath, just as a less than friendly reminder of who you really belong to. out of all of them, i definitely think he’s the most possessive. 
and i’ve joked with some of my moots before that i am incapable of writing anything, much less smut, without throwing in a fuckton of backstory, even if i don’t actually write it all in. it’s always fun to write about tho, and i get super excited when somebody picks up on a little thing and i get the excuse to ramble on about it a little more! anyway ily, thanks for the ask!
not me laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about Tomas, Inunaki and Meian having their turn with me 🧎🏼‍♀️
i was tired and wanted the fic posted but rest assured anon, it happened
I just wanna say your protectivecop!Daichi makes me feel things I didn't know I had but also physician!Ennoshita getting quite handsy during the hour where he's helping you stretch and I'm just .... whoa like I would love to have Ennoshita look after me and also Daichi 🥰🥰- @itishebihime-samaforyou
hhhh i don’t write nearly enough ennoshita.... or actually... none at all, which is a disgrace! because yes!! he’s just so sweet and calming isn’t he? you trust him. even when his hands touch places you don’t think they’re supposed to, even when they linger, squeezing, he’s just doing his job, right?
Settle Oikawa bringing his perfect little family to his games and showing them off before the crowd and his opponents 🥺
he’d have to trust you to behave before he’d let you do that ;)
On the wiki page it says Osamu, with enough provocation, gets angry and physical, and spews profanity. Led to me thinking Osamu's poor gf trying to break up with him for some reason, she's moving away for school, he's getting too clingy, or letting atsumu's hang around too much and being a bit creepy, or what ever. Just GF saying enough is enough we should move on and Osamu, sweet chill Osamu just going apeshit. It would be terrifying!
angry atsumu is one thing, angry osamu is a whole other ballgame! but yes, he’d lose his shit, you’re not going anywhere and you’re sure as fuck not leaving him.
rhiiiii 🥺 would the soulmate nastyboy miyas ever show you a smidgen of kindness? like the thing thats coming to mind for me is if reader was delirious and sick with a fever or something and she was in a lot of pain and they like 🥺 did one ☝️ nice thing in their horrible little miya lives
(I ask this because I have an infection in my jaw thats making my wholeass head hurt and I’m pretty mmmmm sick rn, so I’m mindlessly daydreaming about evil miyas being Nice™ to my heavily-medicated ass AHFIAHHD)
first of all, i hope you’re doing okay bby! please take care of yourself, gets lots of rest - i’m sending you all the love!!!
secondly, absolutely! don’t get me wrong, no matter how good you are, how much of yourself you give them, they’re never gonna be soft and sweet with you all the time, but they do love you. if you did get sick, osamu’s gonna take time off work to stay at home and cook for you, trading off with atsumu over who looks after you. and i think if you were heavily drugged out of it, they might just let their guard down a little - you’re not fighting back against their ‘affection’ so they don’t have to act so harsh about it. there’s just something about you being all soft and pliant that’s almost domestic. expect a lot of smothering cuddling.
Hi! I just read Final Girl, (absolutely loved it btw 💖) but I was curious, if she was pregnant but in the tent with her boyfriend did he assume it was his or did he know? I was just curious and thinking about the back story! Thank you :)
so there’s actually like a few months that pass between when the reader’s campsite is attacked (and her friends/boyfriend are all hunted down and killed) and the scene where she’s pregnant and running through the woods - so the baby daddy’s one of the trio 👀
Bless your brain and all its glorious lewd genius UwU - @beany-goes-dark
ahh bby, you give me far too much credit but ily!!
Please take of yourself and stay safe ily we can wait 💖✨
on a physical level i understand this, but my monkey brain drives me to write until 4am in the morning i am not the one in control here (but shgjhjkfgjkl thank you you’re so sweet!)
Hey! I was wondering if it's okay if I talked to you about my kin list and showed it to ya? I've never made one and I genuinely have no one to talk to about it or show😅 thank you in advance
w-what is a kin list?? 👀
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Hey, it’s me again! ^_^ I hope I don’t bother you too much with my requests, but your posts are so cool I just can’t help it. Upon completing Yakuza 4 I’ve had a lot of thoughts and feels about Daigo and how his character was handled across the series. To be honest, at first I didn’t like him much, because he seemed pretty bland (and his screen time leaves much to be desired), but soon enough he’s really grown on me. What is your opinion on him if you don’t mind me asking?
I definitely do not mind requests! Meta is my bread and butter c: I’ve just been busy for a few days, sorry ^^; And... my opinions on Daigo are not going to be as mindblowing or exciting as my opinions on Kiryu, I’ll be real ^^; And there’s a big advantage in Kiryu being the protag, All of the content is about him ^^; I do love Daigo, I think he’s a super interesting character, but his tragedy is just what you pointed out, he’s underutilized. And he isn’t set up very well to have the position he holds. 
But, so saying, let’s get into my essay on Daigo ^^; 
So, we meet Daigo properly in game 2. There’s little side stories with baby Daigo in Zero which helps build Daigo’s and Kiryu’s relationship and set up for what would later happen, but we don’t really know him until game 2. And game 2 is a LOT about Daigo and his arc and what he’s meant to be! There’s a tumblr text post meme somewhere with a pic of Daigo depressed in his little puffy white coat that says “And I’ll probably become the next chairman of the Tojo Clan. Things like that just happens to guys like me.” and that is totally accurate! Like, it’s a funny thing to complain about, but that’s obviously the struggle Daigo’s having, understanding from a young age that it was obviously his destiny to succeed Sohei, the only problem is uh... well... Kiryu. 
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Dojima Sohei never became chairman of the Tojo Clan. And that’s really wild thinking back to Zero and how powerful he was, he was all but a shoo in for chairman. But then, uh... Kiryu. Kiryu happened. Kiryu, and Majima I should say, are the reason Sera becomes chairman, not Sohei. Forever upsetting the wheels of fate. Given where we see Sohei next, I can’t imagine that he ever really recovered from that upset ^^; And I’m SURE it made him bitter towards Kiryu the rest of his life. And considering, again, where we see him next, I think the canon supports this ^^; 
So what becomes of Daigo’s destiny then? His father had victory snatched away, destiny denied, and everything he had slowly crumbles over time, leaving his son with less and less to inherit, but still with the ideology that he should take this over. That’s an awkward position to be in. 
And then Sera dies. Ooh, golly, I wonder who the next chairman’s gonna- it’s Kiryu. Of course it’s fucking Kiryu, how could it not be? It OBVIOUSLY should be Kiryu. He’s the strongest, the bravest, and who inspires the most loyalty. It doesn’t matter that Kiryu’s never been in leadership before, he TURNS people. Kiryu could get anyone on his side through sheer force of personality, which is hilarious to say about a guy with maybe 3 facial expressions. But tell me I’m wrong. I cannot count the number of part-time antagonists who turned on a dime because Kiryu beat their ass. And anyone who can do that can rule the world. Kiryu was absolutely the best pick for chairman and I will fight the world on this.
(Abbreviated for length, this is a LONG post)
But... then Kiryu makes the stupidest decision of his entire fucking life and renounces the chairmanship. And he has his reasons, feeling unworthy, traumatized from the events of Kiwami 1, unsure if he even wants to stay in the yakuza or if there’s maybe something else he wants to do with his life... he’s going through a lot of intense self-reflection and self-doubt and, I hate to harp on it, but fucking trauma. His brother blew himself up in front of him in a bid for redemption after all but telling Kiryu that all of his mistakes are Kiryu’s fault. Yeah, no, I’m sure Kiryu’s doing FINE with that. So, like, I can see why Kiryu said no, but it was still... fucking nuts. And it irrevocably changed the trajectory of everyone in this universe. Which Kiwami 2 goes out of its way to explore. Kiryu’s leaving? Majima fucking retires, Terada’s suspect, there aren’t any old, loyal hands left to lead the families, and we see how vulnerable the Tojo clan is on every side because Kiryu just up and fucked off. 
(I have A LOT of feelings about Kiryu being chairman and someday I will have the strength to write the AU we all deserve where Kiryu stays as chairman)
So... the wheel of fate turns and oh yeah remember Daigo? Dojima Sohei’s son Daigo? The kid who’s been raised his whole life to take over the clan only to be denied at every turn? How’s he doing? Not great! It turns out, not great! Kiryu, his father figure, killed his ACTUAL father, but didn’t really, took the blame for some other weird guy, leaving Daigo with one badass mother and very little direction in life. Daigo’s been brought up thinking he’ll take over a great kingdom but all that’s left now is a broken wreck about to be demolished and picked apart by scavengers. Great, yeah, just what any kid wants to inherit. And he wasn’t trained to fix this, it’s kinda shitty to saddle him with destiny and then not train him for the thing that actually has to be done and then do it anyway. It’s real shitty actually. And not many people help Daigo. 
Daigo couldn’t have taken the chairmanship directly from Sera, he was still just a teenager then. But it probably would have been nice if Kiryu checked in with him even fucking once since getting out of jail. But no, we never explain on screen to Daigo what happened as far as I can remember. Which, I feel, is a pretty fucking big oversight. How the fuck is Daigo supposed to trust you Kiryu? Or we’re supposed to believe he just figured it out off screen and holds no grudges? Like, I’m sure knowing Kiryu didn’t kill Sohei helps, but he couldn’t fucking tell you that himself? He couldn’t trust you with that information or that conversation? Fuck this. Very understandably, Daigo has his own crisis of faith about the yakuza, very much in parallel to Kiryu’s. Why the fuck SHOULD he go to bat for a crumbling organization that has only proven itself to be a dog chasing its own tail, willing to devour itself at the slightest provocation? It took his father, both his fathers, and he didn’t really get either of them back. Why the fuck should he try to fix that? 
And to its credit, Kiwami 2 does a decent job of articulating Daigo’s motivations there. I could have done with even more, but I think they do him credit in showing him as disenfranchised and lost. And I think it’s refreshing to see someone have to confront the consequences of what’s happened since Kiryu left. Because the games don’t do a good job of showing that this is Kiryu’s direct fault. They never like to make Kiryu’s decisions have consequence, which is poor use of a protag. Rightly or wrongly, their decisions ALWAYS have consequence, or they’re not the protag. You can’t have it both ways. If this person is going to matter then, guess what, their consequences matter. Kiryu turned away. Rightly or wrongly, he did that. Daigo will never get that opportunity. Child of destiny. Not only was he bred and raised for this, he doesn’t know how to do anything else either. He doesn’t have other options the way Kiryu does. And we’re in a terrible vacuum of power. Terada’s namely in charge, but no one’s loyal to him. Even if he wasn’t deliberately fostering this, the Tojo Clan can’t survive without faith in their leader. Daigo, by fact of being his fathers’ son, can bind what’s left. And he has to because Kiryu won’t. Which is... really shitty. So either Daigo does this, or we all hang. And we never quite articulate that this is on Kiryu’s say so. Kiryu could still take over now and fix it he just... won’t.
And on top of this already comfortably stressful situation... we set Daigo up to come into a stable situation of power, where his transition would be smooth. We didn’t give him the tools to know how to salvage. He’s not practiced negotiating with hostile entities or even just people who will resent him because he’s young. And he’s lost a lot of faith, without even charisma and willpower on his side, this is a massively uphill battle. If he doesn’t believe, who else will believe him? Daigo knows this. And we watch that struggle go on, all while Kiryu just cheerleads. He hasn’t decided yet if he’s gonna stay in the yakuza either and he’s lowkey depressed after Kiwami 1. Lowkey he’s just suffering depression and can’t do as much as he normally would. Not an excuse, but I think an important way to read how tired and reluctant he is. Some therapy would really fucking help. 
Anyway, we manage to get through Kiwami 2 and install Daigo as chairman, at which point Kiryu fucks off for good. Now, he kinda/sorta leaves some supports for Daigo, in Majima specifically, but also in Kashiwagi and I wanna believe in Daigo’s mom too. She was so cool and then we just... never talked about her again ^^; Laaaame *sigh* So, I guess, Kiryu did try to fulfill his remaining responsibilities as Daigo’s living father, but mostly it was just an excuse for him to leave and not feel guilty. Mostly it was him foisting off his duties onto someone else. He didn’t stay to teach Daigo everything he knew about the people Daigo would have to control. He didn’t teach Daigo and Majima how to talk to each other, a thing which REPEATEDLY comes back to bite us in the ass. He’s not there for Daigo to ask advice and help. Kiryu is full of confidence for Daigo, he’s not TRYING to make him fail, but Kiryu’s so caught up in his own need to leave, he neglects to people who need him. 
And Daigo, to his everlasting credit, does his best to get by without Kiryu’s help. As much as possible, he never calls to ask Kiryu for help. And he does grow into a quite competent chairman! He does successfully rehabilitate the Tojo Clan, he makes them profitable again, he insists on respect and people don’t run amok under him. He does it, he salvages a dying organization. And he may not even really believe in it, but he has such a sense of responsibility, he does it anyway. He knows there’s no one else. He knows if he goes to Kiryu and says I don’t want this, Kiryu won’t help him. Kiryu didn’t mean for it to happen this way, he didn’t mean to be selfish and put others in a bad position. But he wasn’t there to listen. And I think Kiryu eventually comes to rue that. 
The very unfortunate thing about Kiryu is... he is a dragon. Even though he is kind and generous and not greedy in a conventional sense, he is greedy. As much as Kiryu is a powerhouse because come hell or high water, he does what he thinks is right... this also makes him extremely selfish. He can be blind to other people’s needs and refused to be tied down. Again, for the best of reasons, because he’s trying to raise a family, because this environment is triggering for him, but he just hauls off and does things instead of talking to anyone which... makes him impossible to have a working relationship with. He has to learn to talk and to listen and that he can’t make all of the decisions by himself. The great irony being, Kiryu never wants to, but he doesn’t know how to ask for help. He’s so used to have everything put on him, he doesn’t realize it doesn’t have to be that way... but anyway, I’m getting caught up ^^; The point is, he thinks because he ditched the Tojo Clan they no longer care about him. Which is... naive at best. Of course people still care about you dumbass. Which makes Kiryu a massive vulnerability to the Tojo. In 3 and 4, Daigo makes stupid calls trying to protect Kiryu and trying to protect his interests. And because Kiryu hasn’t left open an avenue for them to talk, Daigo has to make these decisions on his own with bad information and he does his fucking best. But... he doesn’t know how to make the best of what he has, not like Kiryu would, and he fucks up sometimes. 
I really, really love game 4 for that reason. Daigo’s fuck up is SO understandable, SO reasonable. It sounded like a good idea, it sounded like peace and harmony. And he was left without a leg to stand on before he knew it. In many ways, it wasn’t his fault. Kiryu himself says as much. And I may never forgive the end of 4 for letting Kiryu REALIZE he defaulted on his responsibilities but then, instead of changing his behavior in any way, he fucks off back to Okinawa. God... *siiiigh* ANYWAY. 
And this struggle, this lack of communication, but unstated loyalty, comes full circle in game 5. When Daigo is literally drowning, literally knows he’s going to fail this time and there’s nothing he can do, and even when he’s with Kiryu, he can’t bring himself to ask for help. He knows Kiryu won’t or can’t. Instead he asks for absolution. He tries to tell his dad he’s just been doing his best and... he’s sorry for the terrible things that are about to happen. How gutting that Daigo can only see himself as a failure because... he’s not Kiryu. No one’s Kiryu. Even Kiryu refuses to be Kiryu. But Daigo knows if he was just Kiryu, things would be better. He’s not a legend. He’s not a god. He’s not all-powerful or crazy or impossible. He’s just a guy, doing his best because he had to. Because there was no one else. And some days Daigo does great, but a lot of days, he doesn’t measure up. And that eats at Daigo like mold. Kiryu would NEVER look at Daigo this way. Heck, most people at that point would never compare them. It’s in Daigo’s head, but it still hurts. He’s still, even now, looking up to Kiryu and he’ll just... never quite get there. 
This is the only good thing I will ever say about game 6, and it was still 2 or 3 games too late, but Kiryu finally acknowledging Daigo as his son was good. Kiryu saying he was proud and saying he was grateful was good. Again, several games late, but... it still mattered. It still mattered that, in the end, Kiryu recognized his legacy in Daigo. That he understood so much of what Daigo did and does and is and was is for him. That mattered. 
Daigo is a great chairman who takes care of his clan. But he was robbed of his relationship with his father. The games never work on the relationships that exist, strong relationships, for reasons I will never understand. Games 3, 4, and 5 would have been SO much more interesting if we had just like Kiryu talk to his fucking friends. Two would have been SO much easier if Kiryu had just been fucking chairman like he was fucking supposed to be and the transition of power to Daigo came later and smoother, with Kiryu helping to make it. Daigo tries his hardest every day and he’s an incredible negotiator and savior after all the shit he’s had to pull the Tojo Clan through, kicking and screaming and fighting to tear itself apart every damn day. The generation above him is all legends, Majima and Saejima and Kiryu. Daigo isn’t one of them. But he’s better because he was here and because he tries and because he succeeds. We need Daigo. We deserve him. 
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
So... Abby responds to her family's intervention by obediently telling them she'll stop (ie. lying to them). She then immediately tries to find ways to keep the blog in secret, hiding behind various usernames, lurking on her coven's blogs, more time deleting posts from both blogs we know about. Meaning, instead of getting help, she spends even MORE time online engaging in more batshit crazy crap to cover her ass. Yeah, sure, that doesn't signal dire need for mental health intervention AT ALL.
It looks like that is what is happening.  We will have to see what the future holds. What does Abby do? 
So far the fandom is flailing. Cassie got a couple of anons- one that reads like those anons Abby used to send herself as it covers all the issues they are most upset about so perfectly well (My comments in parenthesis and italicized:: 
Anonymous asked: Even if I am unsure about CC itself, I don't buy M*arr*n. I just don't. And the other side is using doxing and the fact that you and others say things they don't like about M as an excuse to do so and as a way to detract from the fact that their couple goals have some pretty big, glaring plot holes in their love story. I've not seen anyone on this side of the fandom out or dox anyone publicly as a way of humiliation. M gave up her privacy by dating D, but Abby didn't and they were wrong. Period. 
cassie1022 answered: Nonnie, I swear every time they diagnose us as mentally ill or say we’re bitter hags, an LGBTQ angel gets his or her wings. We all know my beliefs, but there are MANY people that are like you and don’t know for sure about CC but sure as hell know Miarren isn’t a normal, healthy relationship. (Funny thing, I don’t remember anyone diagnosing Cassie as mentally ill. Cassie is alwasy the wallflower that nobody wants to dance with and she tries so hard to be part of the fun people. Last week she was sad because I hadn’t sent her a “hate” message (See comment in last post below) 
Even if I remove D from the situation, I would still think M is a lazy, spoiled toddler with no discernable work ethic coupled with a superiority complex that rivals the Cheeto in Command of the US.
You are absolutely correct. Our fandom just wants to be left alone. We don’t send hateful asks to the other side. We don’t have to. They feel they have the right to dox CCers because they don’t like what we say about M, a woman that would light a cigarette from the flames engulfing them and not call 911 to help them. I mean, honestly, it doesn’t get much lower than mocking someone’s death. Plus, as you correctly said, M put herself in the spotlight “dating” D. If she didn’t want that attention, she would have stayed in the background. There are plenty of celebrities married to non famous people and we don’t see them at every event like we do M. (It is BAFFLING to me that they can’t comprhend something as simple and obvious as the reasaon they “see Mia everywhere” is because they fucking stalk her and they hyperanalzye every photo Darren is in looking for her. If they started stalking Ben Feldman they would see his wife just as much as they see Mia).    
Bottom line is what they did to Abby was deplorable, but, just like their kween, they feel justified in doing whatever they want. This isn’t the first time they’ve crossed a line with regards to my friend, but it was the worst.
notes-from-nowhere Anon, they love to throw the guilt of their actions on our shoulders, it’s how they justify what they do to themselves. They need us to be the bad guys otherwise what is the only option left? (I never know what the hell Notes is trying to say- throw the guilt of our actions on their shoulders? I’d love an example of that. I can’t imagine what guilty action I put on their shoulder. As for needing them to be the bad guys or what do we have left? OMFG are you kidding me? We critcize the cc fandom for being misogynistic, homophobic, bullies who attack  Mia, Darren, Ricky and their own Nonnies. They have viscioulsy attacked people in their own fandom who dared to question them. But the biggest reason we push back is because THEY LIE. All the damn time. So what do we have left? Being on the right side, being correct, not lying, not needing to lie, and the joy of watching Darren live his best life)   
Leka got a couple of asks but her answers were weak, confusing and pointless. It’s clear she isn’t ready to take over as their leader. She repeated Abby’s main talking points, tried to use big words to sound smarter and basically ended up not making a lot of sense:
Anonymous asked: I could be wrong, and I hope I am, but I think the character on the HW poster holding the girl is D's character, it would fit if you look at the other guys on the poster, maybe this is already the first hint to show D's character is not gay and so technically not breaking the no more queer roles rule his team set for him. It won't make it any better because it's still a career on the bag of LGBTQ+ people with it's teams but it's technically not a broken rule. I just really need for things to change, I want them to so bad, it kills me seeing someone so kind in a situation like that, and I truly believe D is one of the kindest people in that horrible town. He deserves better than M, I wouldn’t even mind if he goes onto another beard but she and RR just need to go. I really think it’s crazy people still think everything HW is real and PR relationships don’t exist, I wished that place was just better and had a moral compass, people deserve more it kind of shows just how jaded this situation has made me, I can’t even enjoy amazing promo material without directly twisting it into something negative, I don’t want to be this way and if I feel like this I can’t even imagine how D must feel. He is stronger than I’ll ever be living through hell every day, even if he’s not ok he’s still here and holding on, I don’t know if I could in his position. Sorry for the long message and the unneeded negativity, I guess I just had to vent a little
Leka answered: So let’s look at the way HW is described:
“Each character offers a unique glimpse behind the gilded curtain of Hollywood’s Golden Age, spotlighting the unfair systems and biases across race, gender and sexuality that continue to this day. Provocative and incisive, HOLLYWOOD exposes and examines decades-old power dynamics, and what the entertainment landscape might look like if they had been dismantled.”
I do consider this the very intriguing thing about the news. (And it just goes to show that believing everything you’re sold is being utterly and completely ignorant.) Let’s say you’re right because ofc it’s possible. How does R/aymond fit in here? Given the excessive way team shit has pushed that article, a technicality won’t be good enough. There has to be a better plan. This doesn’t match what’s been said in his name.
What I think is this doesn’t necessarily have to mean much. You know very well what you see doesn’t have to be the (full) truth. That doesn’t just apply to the real HW. Especially considering the time period of this show. And let’s not forget the pap pics we got at a gas station. This doesn’t rule out SB as an inspiration. I would advise anyone to read up on him. We don’t know at this point. As we keep saying, the best thing to do is to wait and see. I’m certainly interested in finding out more.
As time goes on, the danger of this situation keeps becoming even clearer to me. D deserves much, much better. He’s incredibly strong, but the most toxic person in his life needs to go and she’s more than welcome to take the jumping jackass with her. That’s definitely the most important thing right now. (I’m curious what the danger of Hollywood is?)
awesome-fanfictionada: @leka-1998I’m just wondering - it must have been D who got himself this job on HW, right? Couldn’t this have been done on purpose to counter that ridiculous statement - which wasn’t even accurate, if the source was that interview where he stated that he wouldn’t want to be a casting director? Could in this case RM be a friend?
leka-1998:  @awesome-fanfictionada Yes, he did that himself. Again. And he said the show’s been sold late in 2018. According to an article that came out later, it happened in February 2019. Not true.
HW has been a thing before that statement was made, which is indeed very different from the answer D himself gave during the interview. That’s what makes the article seem like sabotage by team shit. And standing in RM’s way is never a good idea. So while I will obviously never like him, I’m reserving judgment on his current role until we know more.
Anonymous asked: The underlying issue in general is really that social media has made it so people think they get an accurate glimpse into the lives of celebrities, when in reality social media, like everything else that is publicly released about them, is used as a marketing tool. People are actually more inauthentic than they've ever been because they feel pressure to maintain a certain image for social media at all times. So anyone who decides D is living honestly, it's because they want to believe he is.
Leka: True, nonnie. Just look at the text lines that are becoming more popular again. Not nearly as genuine as people want to believe. In D’s case, what has to be brought up? M. Oh Halloween and her amazing shopping skills praised on SM. The work fam honeymoon pic promoting the place they stayed at. Coa/chella for the H&M ad. Mardi Gras posted shortly after the mockery to promote the designer. I could obviously go on. Most of what we see on SM shows the person the 10 year crew wants him to be. And what looks like a split personality if you compare certain posts. Which brings me back to ‘they want to believe’, as what you’re saying clearly isn’t a secret. Anyone can choose to ignore it but at this point, if that’s the case even though you’re more or less paying attention, it’s really a conscious decision.
Oh btw, there’s a HW IG account now and it already has a D follow. Imagine that. R/oyalties co-stars, anyone?
Flowers didn’t get any asks. Amazing since she has more followers than I do and she bragged about getting more “notes” than me.  She did answer azscc who posted an odd rant that baffles me.  Who the fuck is azscc and who is posting anything about her? I realize I am not the only person in this fandom posting about ccers But I just checked all the blogs that I know of and nobody is talking about her; 
azsc  its so weird how chillarrens call me a bully while i only say something rude towards them if they write bullshit towards me. and its just ironic how chillarrens go around calling people bullies while they are the reason why tons of cc accounts use their accounts private or don’t post their opinions and etc. the real threat to the fandom are people like you. so instead of going around throwing shit on people and calling them “mental, delusional...” get a life. no cc believer goes around hunting for chillarren pics and insult the account owner so why don’t you all grow up and realize no one has to agree with your opinions. every crisscolfer blog/twitter page/insta acc basically stan accs never asked for your opinions on their pages so why don’t you just let it go? no one cares about what you all say or do so why are you forcing it this much?
call me a bully i am pretty much okay with that. its obvious that people are unable to understand basic sarcasm and irony and i am not judging because to actually understand what people say you have to at least have an average IQ level. and if you don’t have it, it’s okay but that doesn’t mean you can twist people’s words and post them all over the internet. but its lowkey really funny that i only had my instagram acc for something like 4/5 months and i received over 300 hate/insult/blackmail/death wish messages and etc. and who are you people to call us bullies? (Nobody is a Chillarren. Darren and Mia are married and Chris and Will are in a long-term relationsihp,  Nobody has to “ship” them in order to believe they are together. In America, we accept that when someone introduces their wife or their boyfriend they are telling the truth. It is customary to address that person as their wife or boyfriend respectively. The crisscolfers on the other hand, must use a fandom ship name because they are shipping two people who are not in a relationship and never were. All evidence indicates Chris and Darren are no long friends; they are nothing more than former co-workers-friendly and polite when they see one another but no longer involved in one another’s lives. Chris and Darren both have denied (more than once) that the were ever in a relationship).  .   
flowersintheattic254 I have never in my whole time here posted an anon to a Miarren account. I have no desire to. I’m confident in my beliefs.
The interesting thing for me is that I’ve been here for about four years now and in that time I’ve seen the head of the fandom disappear, other people disappear because their families have been doxed, established long-term cc blogs with a wealth of history deleted without warning. I myself have had my daughters threatened.  This sort of stuff doesn’t happen anywhere in the fandom but here here. If we are a bunch of delusional crazy middle-aged women then this shouldn’t happen. (Who was doxed? Who dissappered? It’s all “liar liar” with everything ccers say. In the last 4 years Abby has been the only leader of the cc fandom. Michelle left between 4 and 5 years ago because her outrageious cc comments threatened her ability to raise money for her little Klaine-fanfic rip-off movie. I vaguely remember someone asking flowers how her daugther’s would feel if they read what she writes- hardly a threat. If there was something more she never posted any proof. As for blogs being deleted- so was D-Criss News.  It happens. The only cc blog that I know of that disappeared was DisneyPrincessModelWorld’s original blog which had was a hot mess of lies and catfishing. She visciously bullied Mia. Hardly someone to mourn their blog being deleted). 
It’s shocking that an actor may lgbt causes such drama. (HUH?)
Flower’s comment is so disingenuous. While it is technically true -she hasn’t sent me anons, she HAS instead publically ridiculed me and frankly, I can’t see how that is any different? I’d say it’s worse because they wanted their followers to see what they wrote and the only way to ensure that is to post it on their blogs. Flowers and Abby posted many public “Michy” posts.  Here is her most recent: 
flowersintheattic254Oh and I guess Michy sent us all some hate today.
I guess I have way more followers than you and only about 4 that send hate. You haven’t for ages.
I think I have over 70,000 hits currently to my blog. I must be saying something interesting.
He’s been married allegedly for a year and people still doubt. That’s gotta hurt you. Anyway......
ajw720 Michy told me today today that the outing couldn’t possibly be promo, because JS was only cast in September!  What a moron who clearly doesn’t know how HW works.  Sweetheart, it was ANNOUNCED in September;)
I was waiting for a few more months, but in 4 years, since i have been tracking, i have almost a million! (976,695 to be precise).
It is amazing that so many people care about what us bat shit crazy, irrelevant, psychologically unstable, threatening, hateful tin hats have to say!  And that does not include people reading on their dash or that hit you on the app!  So yep, Michy, clearly what we are saying is being monitored by someone.  And clearing making people think!! But you keep wasting your time writing for your audience of 4:)
cassie102 I feel left out, Michy didn't come at me today. Must hurt like hell knowing you're a joke that perpetuates a bigger joke.
leka-1998 Birds of a fake feather flock together. When the right person says tomorrow’s Christmas, tomorrow’s Christmas. Get ready, everyone.
If I narrow it down to the last six months, about 10,000 btw. Hm strange.
flowersintheattic254 @ajw720 the number of hits you have give me oxygen. If Michy thinks they are haters then she is delusional. People know when they are being sold something fake and they look for answers.
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nostalgic-blood · 6 years
so i went to california a few weeks ago and...
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No, I didn’t go ham. I had friends who were like “HERE HAVE THIS” and then I had this thing, and later went to a convention and THEN I went ham. 
Also this was my first non-family trip so I sort of bought a souvenir anywhere I deemed important enough to do so... America, you took a lot of my money. Oh and Disneyland too. 
...also I couldn’t fit some things and forgot others in that top pic.
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this wall scroll my cat is trying to destroy
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a backpack I bought solely so I was able to even bring all this back, and the posters/prints I STILL needed a friend to ship back anyway...
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and this cute koishi i bought, all of three of which were from fanime, yes...
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Disneyland souvenirs! A friend (Souless) bought the one of the left. You may have noticed Minnie Mouse ears on the first photo! I didn’t actually get them from Disneyland itself, t’was a gift from our Disneyland veteran who led us to many-a-ride and the least amount of waittime possible, Souless’ fiance Kat. :)
And yes Inside Out is my favourite Pixar movie. Watched Coco recently which was really good, but it’s only second to Inside Out. P:
Let’s start off with my ridiculous friends who decided I needed to own more merch:
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All of this was bought by my friend Cannibalfood AKA Akira who went to cons and saw stuff I might like but never got around to actually shipping them to me.. and then, came with me to California and brought this stuff. This is why Negima is on there. It’s been that long.
Oh the non-weeb stuff is souvenirs I got with her while we were in San Fran, including Alcatraz touristy photos since we have few pictures together, a taxidermy place where we each got matching stingray barbs, how romantic. The rock was my very first souvenir. I wasn’t expecting on buying anything else in that shop, so it is the most boring thing here.
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Here’s a look at the Touhou artbooks!
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One of two CDs, this one with best 2hu on it. I recall from reading the back that one of these has some TAMUSIC on it, which has lovely classical pieces. 
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Here’s a semi-random page with some artwork. I recognize some of the artists!
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The other one! I cannot read anything in these books, and yes there’s plenty of text as well as the art.
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Some sample of the art! I’ll have to revisit these books later but from first glance I think I prefer the art of the first book? Idk.
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Next is stuff given to me by various people. The gacha is from Magus, the guy who I stayed at for about half the trip and spent the entire trip WITH since he also went down to SLO and I also shared hotels with him for Fanime. Awesome host, will do again. 10/10. I have another button from someone else but I accidentally included it wit my fanime merch pile photos, so it’ll be along shortly.
The dreamcatcher was made by SlimeMush’s friend who I paid $10 for, and for some mysterious reason it kept being returned to him every time he tried to send it to me. I couldn’t get a good pic of it alone because my cat kept attacking the feathers. SlimeMush also gave me the Flareon button! Apparently all the Eeveelutions he had went to those whose favourite was so-and-so, and apparently there’s equal amounts of love for all of them except for the two he kept himself because he loved them the most. Yes. Flareon is my favourite. :D
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The gacha is a ditto + a ditto version of Sableye. 
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This Monster Hunter blindbox was given to me by Wolfe, whom I’ve had a few MonHun merch exchanges with so far. I also gave him a MonHun figure from another line, which I’ll elaborate further (because I gave them all out similar to SlimeMush giving out the Eeveelution buttons) and kept whichever was left behind. This is Monoblos! I didn’t fight him all too often so I don’t have much impression of it as a monster, also I thought he was white but w/e, still very cool looking to add to my collection!
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Now of all my loot THIS is the stuff I really could have done without in terms of when and where I spent my money. I bought that Incineroar evolution line figure sort of on a whim at a random city in the middle of nowhere, California while on the long drive down to SLO. The Touhou blindboxes, Digimon CD, and RWBY manga came from Kinokuniya in Japantown. Just wanted to buy them because. Even if the Tri series was mediocre in the end the nostalgia still has a strong grip on my heart, especially that music with Kouji Wada. ;_;
And the most touristy thing was buying this wind chime at a gift shop in a spa that I really didn’t need but it was pretty so w/e.
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See? Pretty.
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The results of the blindboxes. Not the luckiest result as I wanted other characters but you CANNOT SAY NO TO WEEB MERCH!
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As much as I have been distancing myself from the show, RWBY’s manga has wondrous art. It also decided to focus on some random unknown side character named Ruby instead of the main characters, which I thought while was quite the bold move, was rather refreshing. 
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DELICIOUS WEISS BACKSTORY. I recall posting something about this particular chapter on here before. YEEEEE!
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So yeah I went to the island prison in San Francisco where AAAAAALL the tourists go. In my defence I have a genuine interest in prisons. Just ask my 300k RWBY fanfiction in which the first quarter of it is set in a prison. It is also not my first prison fic. I put lots of research in that setting to write that kind of shit. 
Also all the souvenirs were the most gimmicky things possible that I didn’t think I’d ever use or would just be paperweight. Except this bag! I may actually use this bag! I know!
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And excluding the stuff that is too big or I forgot to take a pic of near the beginning of the post, THIS was the Fanime loot! Magus got me the Monokuma onesie which was extremely nice of him and now I am no longer perpetually cold. Ah yes the warmth of the hide of a psychotic bear. So good.
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I could not believe the artist who made one of my favourite Aya pics EVER was at the artist alley. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT. Obviously this was an instant purchase. This was my phone background for the longest of times. She had Touhou artbooks too but they sold in the first twenty minutes of the first day of the artist alley. Wow. My friend may try to snag me some at AX in July, so here’s hoping!
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I didn’t see a lot of specifically Weiss prints there, and this was the best of the lot IMO. My only wish was that it was a brighter print, or that Weiss herself being so white would stand out more because it’s the least noticeable thing on my wall atm, which is a shame. 
I say this when I saw precisely ONE Aya print (jackpot) and one of another coming up in this bombardment of pics.
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THIS IS PERHAPS THE MOST PROVOCATIVE ONE HERE LOL. But it was the only Tenko, and DRV3 merch was the most difficult of everything I was looking for to find. Unlike 95% of Tenko art SHE ACTUALLY HAS VISIBLE ABS HERE, which according to the official artbooks she’s supposed to have, so bonus points for that. I had a brief discussion with the artist too and we both agreed Tenko was the best and Ouma was overrated. He has great taste.
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Overwatch on the other hand was all over the place in this con, from merch to art, to cosplayers. There were so many cosplayers they didn’t even have enough time to run through half of the tanks and all the supports at the shoot! So sad, so sad. This piece of Widowmaker is beautiful though, so I had to have it.
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I saw this online a while back and really loved this image of all the Overwatch ladies being formal. There was a suit-version too, but for whatever reason I preferred this one. Sadly this print is quite small, as it probably would have benefited the most in being larger what with the many characters and thus detail.
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Out of all this mess the one thing I wanted the most and hunted for the most was charms. I found NO GOOD CHARMS that fitted my taste and interest, and the closest were these buttons. Oh, and I met my good friend Raphyninja at Fanime and he gave me EXCLUSIVE RAPHYNINA MERCH! Thus that button being here and not in the friendo pile. ANYWAY. There was a deal, 3 for 5, so aside from the obvious ones I grabbed Kork. I love Kork. I didn’t think I would for that type of character, but somehow DRV3 managed it. He will of course be very far away from Tenko and Himiko though. >_>
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Here’s a page from one of the Touhou doujins I got, which in hindsight I maybe should not have got? Way too late I noticed that I recognized the seller who I think showed up on a Tumblr post warning of a creeper at the Touhou shoots. He’d try to take pics of cosplayers in a private hotel room at weird, uncomfortable angles as far as I remember, so uh, oops? I was just so excited at finding Touhou doujin for the first time ever that I paid zero attention to the person selling so hopefully I am wrong and they were just someone that resembled that person.
Also I recognized this artist for their cute Satori Koishi content, but could not find any of their Koishi doujins. Sadness.
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I bought two Monster Hunter blindboxes at Fanime because CLEARLY I need more, right. I got a Nargacuga, including the box left remaining in the pile I gave away and the one I already have...  I now have three Nargacugas. That’s quite a lot for something I never fought before...
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I also got this tiny Zinogre. If we include my buttons I have FOUR Nargacugas now and FOUR Zinogres. The difference is I have fought Zinogre multiple times (I have no idea exactly because I have 600 hours in 4U >_>) and actually really like him! Sadly, in grand tradition like the last time I visited San Francisco (when I was five) I lost something, that being my favourite MonHun button, Zinogre. It is now in the wild with my teddy bear and my hat, forever gone in the California abyss. ):
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I got this at the swap meet for 6 dollars. It may not have a stand and is rather dusty, but damn is that a bargain. My only regret is not having the GIGA DRILL BREAKAAAA model instead. I also got that Monokuma bag there too, but that was just because I went there and couldn’t find a single thing I wanted until I saw the bag, which I was on the fence on but wanted to buy SOMETHING from there and got it, thinking that was it ... but then this and the Touhou doujins showed up, soooooo...
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Finally this other Nargacuga that was left behind became my monster in that line of figures, the rest in the hands of my friends. It’s actually cuter than I expected, and barely fit in this cheap crappy display case I bought at a Daiso. I moved my dresser a nudge and the Pokemon fell over, so yeah. 
You may have noticed a drop in quality in the photos and that’s because I cannot be bothered to touch up such a gargantuan amount of images anymore, not with the time I have. Would be nice tho. SO, THAT IS THE GIANT POST OF SPOTTO’S MERCH, NOW WITH 100% MORE QUANTITY THAN BEFORE! I spent too much money so I might as well get something out of it by BRAGGING about it! Right? 
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I will go on a concept rant here cause I absolutely loved this, as a creator.
Now that I finished Re:Zero 2 part 1 I can say it...Besides the whole mind fuck and how much I've cried during the whole thing, I got crazy over the way the witches were portrayed in this anime.
The 7 deadly sins are always portrayed in a specific way. Every single movie and anime I have watched, even art I've seen, portays each one in a specific way (with various differences but still pretty much the same concept, I too did that in my work). Whoever wrote this mindfuck of an anime though, obviously was determined to change that. Maybe I haven't seen a lot I don't know, but I found it genius to portray Greed as someone who is always hungry and greedy for knowledge of the truths of the world. Greed is always about material possession in most of the stuff I have seen, but here, it takes Greed to another level. This bitch wants a taste of the entire world, without moving the least from where she is. In a way, I can relate to that feeling but yeah, we’ve been having Envy as the bad girl in our head the whole time, when this bitch was using people and spirits to gain knowledge on not only material stuff but also emotions. She doesn’t really know some emotions so she tried to put people under them so that she could observe them and feed her greedy curiosity.
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Then we have Wrath. Seriously, who would portray Wrath as a pink girl that gets constantly angry because people don’t get along or because they are being stupid. I love it! It’s so refreshing to see a creature that you usually expect to be in favor of war, being like that. I would add a pic, here, too but tumblr doesn’t let me post pics today and gif search can’t find a gif of hers.
And last but not least, my favorite re:zero witch, Carmilla, the witch of Lust. Mind you, this one I know is not as innocent as she looks and it will turn around in time, but for now, i love how innocent she is, even though it is Lust. Poor baby was only doing what she was told and she got yelled at for it. She is not even provocative (which i was spoiled that will change too), but yeah totally opposite from what I am used to. I was expecting the Witch of Sloth to be Lust, but I was fooled.
All in all it’s such a good anime, concept wise, emotionally wise...and it’s hyping you up for what else is coming all the fuckin time. Let me not talk about the messages thrown around. If you are an overthinker like me, you might have thought most of the subjects mentioned in this anime and find interesting how the characters perceive it. Many people talk about this anime only for Rem and I am so surprised. While she is an interesting character, there is so much more than that in this anime and it’s really worth a try in my opinion. I am so glad I waited to go past the 5th episode, cause I usually give up early when I get bored, and there has been no rest ever since that episode, in this anime hellhole.
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ewh111 · 6 years
2017 Annual List of Favorite Film Experiences
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With each passing year, I find it harder to keep up with new release films, as well as the growing queue of ones on my “To See” list. On the other hand, it feels like quality films are sequestered till the end of the year (nothing against summer blockbusters, but with a few exceptions, many are forgotten by the time you get back to your car) and the growing appeal and abundance of quality television fostered by its broader canvas for in-depth storytelling and character development is another distraction. 
But that brings me to one of my favorite things about the holiday season in Los Angeles. The last six weeks or so of the year is filled with many appealing options as films jockey for exposure ahead of the awards season. And I have a great deal of appreciation and gratitude (and a bit of jealousy) for the many artists and others who have the passion to make these visions come to life for us to enjoy.
All the best for a wonderful 2018 and hope that you get a chance to see some of the films below that moved me in some way, sometimes filling me with emotion or awe, or provoking long-lasting thoughts, or just trigger the desire to re-experience and see it again. So, here they are, in no particular order.
Cheers, Ed
P.S.–I’ve gotten many requests to also review favorite meals of the year, so that might come in another post. :)
Indelible Coming of Age Tales
Call Me By Your Name — Northern Italy, summer, 1983. Having read the André Aciman novel, this was my most anticipated film of 2017. And it did not disappoint. This beautifully told and lushly shot coming of age romance features a remarkable and revelatory (and perhaps best of 2017) performance by newcomer Timothée Chalamet (also in Lady Bird), who achingly captures the universal yearning, passion, heartache, and torment of first love. Kudos also to Armie Hammer and director Luca Guadagnino. While many moments stand out, including the empathetic and compassionate speech by father Michael Stuhlberg (also in Shape of Water) that is the dream of every LGBT kid, it’s the minutes-long reactive close-up on Chalamet as the credits roll and song of yearning plays that devastatingly endures. My favorite of 2017.
Lady Bird — Sacramento, 2002. A semi-autobiographical coming of age in the suburbs tale featuring the humorous, turbulent, and affecting relationship between mother and daughter by Greta Gerwig in her directorial debut. With a fabulous performance by Saoirse Ronan as the head-strong teen who calls herself Lady Bird, a terrific Laurie Metcalf as her mom, and HW alum Beanie Feldstein ’11 as her best friend, this is the rare comedy that is smart, witty, and endearing.
Compelling Period Piece True Stories 
Dunkirk — Dunkirk, France, 1940. A visually and viscerally compelling piece of filmmaking about the miraculous evacuation of 300,000 British troops from the doomed beach at Dunkirk, masterfully crafted by director Christopher Nolan via three intertwined timeframes (a week on the beach, a day by sea, and an hour in the air) that intersect and fold back and ultimately, come together in the end. 
The Post — Washington, DC, 1971. Spielberg + Streep + Hanks = a highly timely and relevant telling of the Washington Post’s saga to publish the Pentagon Papers. Resonant on so many levels with urgent themes of today—the need for a free press, the role of women in a man’s world, and a judicial branch independent from an overreaching executive branch—all told with briskly entertaining and thrilling pace. 
All the Money In The World — UK/Italy, 1973. I’ll admit that I was initially attracted to this pic to see how director Ridley Scott erased Kevin Spacey and recast Christopher Plummer in the role of billionaire J. Paul Getty and reshot major portions of his film six weeks before its release date. Hats off to him for pulling off a very engaging thriller depicting the notorious kidnapping of Getty’s grandson. Michelle Williams is spot-on as the mother who goes toe-to-toe with her infamously frugal father-in-law who refuses to pay ransom for her child. 
Dark Master Works By An Irish Playwright and a Black Comedian 
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri — Ebbing, MO, present day. Loved this very dark dramedy whose story emanates from a tragic event in a small town. There’s plenty of levity and wonderfully drawn characters via Martin McDonagh’s clever screenplay that mixes revenge, redemption, and moral ambiguity, featuring a trio of tremendous performances by raging mother of deceased raped daughter Frances McDormand, small town police chief and target of McDormand’s ire Woody Harrelson, and racist, violent, alcoholic mama’s boy police officer Sam Rockwell. 
Get Out — Suburban countryside, present day America. A creepy, twisted, funny, scary, and subversive version of “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” crossed with a little bit of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” for the post-Obama era. A brilliant, provocative, and unnerving nexus of sophisticated horror, comedy, and extremely biting social satire by Jordan Peele in his directorial debut.
Strange and Untraditional Love Stories 
Phantom Thread —London, circa 1950s. I love Paul Thomas Anderson, and he’s made one strange but riveting movie here. A gorgeous Jonny Greenwood score swings from elegantly jazzy to intensely haunting, setting the mood for this darkly humorous film featuring hard to describe relationships (I hesitate to call it a love story) between an obsessively demanding and fastidious fashion designer (Daniel Day-Lewis supposedly in his last film role), his muse, and his ever-lurking sister/business partner and their respective emotional/psychological (and ultimately perverse) gamesmanship. And one may not listen to water-pouring or toast-buttering, or mushroom omelet eating in the same way again. 
The Shape of Water — Baltimore, circa 1962. Mix in a large dose of Cold War thriller and Creature from the Black Lagoon, plus a little Busby Berkeley, and you either get a political allegory (marginalized “others” whether mute, black, gay, or non-human vs. the Man) or romantic fairy tale. Leave it to Guillermo del Toro to bring us the more “romantic” one in this strange love stories category, an oddly beautiful and enchanting interspecies romance between two mute and isolated beings, one a cleaning woman (a wonderful Sally Hawkins) and the other a Creature From the Black Lagoon-inspired merman kept in a top secret government facility. Arguably, the “monster” in this story is the intensely sadistic government agent played with gusto by Michael Shannon. 
Bizarre Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction Tales 
I, Tonya —  Portland, OR, 1994. A stellar Margot Robbie plays the hard scrabble, trailer-trash, and ultimately disgraced Olympic figure skater Tonya Harding in this unbelievably crazy but true story of her life leading up to the infamous incident before the 1994 Winter Olympics. Told in zippy mockumentary style that is fun to watch, Allison Janney as her zany, abusive mother leads a supporting cast of inept characters involved in Tonya’s dysfunctional life. Directed by Craig Gillispie who also directed the offbeat gem, Lars and the Real Girl. 
The Disaster Artist — Hollywood, 2003. Another bizarre, but true real life story about the enigmatic writer/director Tommy Wiseau who made one of the most absurdly bad films ever that eventually turned into a cult classic (The Room). Humorously portrayed by James Franco, who also directed this offbeat but unexpectedly poignant movie about making a movie, though it’s ultimately more about the importance of friendship, having dreams, and America’s fascination with celebrity and movies. (And the side-by-side comparison of scenes from the actual The Room and recreations in Franco’s film are hysterical.)
Docs About Felines and Cheating Russians 
Kedi — Yes, this a documentary about cats, but it’s not just about cats. Rather it’s a meditative and heartwarming look at the community of felines that inhabit the streets of Istanbul, delving into their centuries-long symbiotic relationship with humans in the old city. The city is teeming with cats that are neither feral or domestic, each with different personalities and lives they share with the people they adopt. And therein lies the heart of this film, as the locals share their bonds and therapeutic experiences with these complex creatures, ranging from the mundane to the profound. 
Icarus – Putin + mysterious deaths + performance-enhancing drug conspiracy = A fascinating and crazy documentary that plays like a spy thriller. It starts out as an odd personal experiment by the filmmaker/amateur cyclist mimicking Lance Armstrong’s doping regimen, but through sheer dumb luck and serendipity, he develops a friendship with Gregory Rodchenkov, the affable, eccentric, and charismatic camera-loving head of Russia’s Anti-Doping Lab…and, as it turns out, the country’s mastermind behind its decades-long state-sponsored doping program. It then becomes a terrifying race to uncover the world’s biggest sports conspiracy, implicating everybody including the Russian president (resulting in the NY Times exposé) while trying to save whistle-blower Rodchenkov’s life from the clutches of Putin. 
Docs about Life and Death 
Obit. —While it may sound morbid, this behind-the-scenes look at the NY Times’ obituary staff writers is enlightening and fascinating, and in fact, quite lively (even its peek into the “morgue,” the paper’s clipping archive). Beyond celebrities and notables, who makes the editorial cut in the pages of the NY Times obit section? And how does one get appropriately celebrated in death, warts and all. Now you can find out.   
Chasing Coral – A wake-up call to the accelerating world-wide death of entire coral reef ecosystems by “coral bleaching.” This remarkably emotional doc follows a team of biologists, including a self-proclaimed “coral nerd” in a race against time to document this die-off with powerful visual evidence, and the result is an inspirational eco drama that moves you to act before it’s too late. 
Others Worth Mentioning 
Baby Driver (the soundtrack and editing alone are worth the thrilling 112 minutes of this stylish heist story about a young getaway driver); It (I don’t generally like horror films, but this retelling of Stephen King’s classic was one of the most engaging and well told of its genre); Star Wars: The Last Jedi (my favorite of the series); Loving Vincent (every frame of the film was hand-painted in the style of Van Gogh); Mudbound; Spider-Man: Homecoming (loved Tom Holland as the new Peter Parker); Beach Rats; The Big Sick; War for the Planet of the Apes;The Only Living Boy in New York; Wonder Woman; Spielberg; Battle of the Sexes; Stronger 
In the Queue
Coco, Darkest Hour, Detroit, Film Stars Don’t Die In Liverpool, Downsizing, Molly’s Game, Florida Project, Victoria and Abdul.
Binge-Worthy Television
13 Reasons Why, Stranger Things 2, The OA, Mindhunter, Big Little Lies, Grace and Frankie 
All the Money in the World: https://youtu.be/KXHrCBkIxQQ
Call Me By Your Name: https://youtu.be/Z9AYPxH5NTM
Chasing Coral: https://youtu.be/b6fHA9R2cKI
The Disaster Artist: https://youtu.be/cMKX2tE5Luk
Dunkirk: https://youtu.be/F-eMt3SrfFU
Get Out: https://youtu.be/sRfnevzM9kQ
I, Tonya: https://youtu.be/OXZQ5DfSAAc
Icarus: https://youtu.be/qXoRdSTrR-4
Kedi: https://youtu.be/w9fwhVx9zR0
Lady Bird: https://youtu.be/cNi_HC839Wo
Obit.: https://youtu.be/BgpMNerK9cU
Phantom Thread: https://youtu.be/xNsiQMeSvMk
The Post: https://youtu.be/nrXlY6gzTTM
The Shape of Water: https://youtu.be/XFYWazblaUA
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri: https://youtu.be/Jit3YhGx5pU
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petri808 · 7 years
The Hunted
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Nalu Love Fest days: 10/25 & 27/17  Prompts - Games & Piercings @nalulovelovefest
I’ve posted the pic before but it works for the story, yes it’s mine and I wear it on occasion.  I’ve never seen one sold in stores but a phone charm and a dangle piercing tweaked does the trick ;)
Lucy, Levy, Juvia, and Cana are standing in front of Fairytail’s gift shop one afternoon checking out the newest trinkets.
“Hey Max,” Lucy points at some new charms in the display case, “what are those things?” Staring at one in particular…
“Oh, those are a new fad popping up all around Fiore; it’s called a belly button ring.  We’ve made charms of a bunch of the guys and our guilds logo to sell but if anyone wants one of the girls it’s a special order.”
Lucy, “And people have been buying them?”
“Oh yeah, the two most popular ones are Loke and Gray.  In just one week I’m almost sold out and I’ve had to put in another order for more of them; the pink Fairytail logos are pretty popular too.”
Levy, “Is that like a clip or something?”
Juvia, “No, it’s like earnings, see,” she lifts her top to reveal a Gray charm hanging from her belly button.
Cana smirks, “Figure’s you’d get that one.”
Levy, “So it’s an actual piercing?  Does it hurt?”
“Juvia didn’t think so, no more than regular earrings.”
“We should all go get our belly buttons pierced!”
Levy, “Seriously Cana, I don’t know…”
“Why not, most of us show off our mid sections anyways, we might as well decorate it too!”
Lucy puts her arms around her Bf’s shoulder, “Come on Levy, let’s go, just us girls...”
“Just you girls what?”
“Erza!  Um we were just talking about getting our belly buttons pierced.”
“What is a belly button piercing?”
Cana, “Juvia show her.” revealing her stomach and Gray charm.
Max, “It’s just the latest rage all around Fiore.”
Erza, “Rage?  Why would that make people mad?”
Lucy, “Aiyah, no he means it’s the popular thing to do right now.”
Erza, “Well if that’s the case, let’s all go get it!”  She grabs all the girls and starts pushing them towards the nearest piercing shop.
Angels & Demon’s Salon
“Wow, look at all the different charms!!”  Lucy and Cana squeal as they rifle through the selection.
“I like the pink crystal one!  Oh, a key!  A flame!  A dragon!  Hey Levy, there’s a book one…”
“Geez, how many you gonna get?!  Ha, look there’s one with a beer mug, I’m so getting that!”
“Duh Cana!  To have selection so I can change them to match my outfits.”  
“Can I help you ladies?”  Asks the piercing artist.  “Hey Juvia, nice to see you back, how’s your piercing; healing nicely?”
“Oh yes, Juvia followed your care instructions.  I just put a new charm on yesterday.”
Erza, “Sir, we’d like to get this new belly button thing.”
“Of course, I can give you those.  So, which of you are getting one?”
“Me!”  Lucy and Cana screech
Levy, “Um…”
Erza, “Me and this girl too,” grabbing Levy by the arm.
“Very well, follow me.  You can have a seat right here,” he points at some benches.  “I just need to set up my station.  In the meantime, decide what order you guys are going to go in.”
Erza, “Cana you go first, Lucy next, then Levy, and I’ll go last.  Okay?”
“Alright ladies, all done.”
Cana, “This is so cool!”  
Lucy, “I love it!  See Levy it wasn’t so bad.”  
Levy, “I guess so.”
Erza, “I don’t see the big deal but the sword one I found will match me nicely.”
“Well ladies, here are your care instructions.  Make sure to keep the area clean.  Use an anti-biotic ointment on the area so it doesn’t get infected for at least a week; longer if you feel it’s not healed yet.  Don’t change the starter ring until you’re healed.  If you have any other questions feel free to drop by again.”
“Thank you, sir!”
“You’re very welcome!  Send your friends okay?!”
“We will!”
A week and a half later all the girls are back in the guild hall having dinner.
Cana, “So how are your guys belly button rings?”
Lucy, “All healed.”
Levy & Erza, “Mine too.”
Cana, “Yeah me too.  Did anyone change the charm out yet?”
Lucy & Levy, “Um yeah…”
Erza, “I put my sword one on a couple of days ago.”
Cana, “Cool, everyone it’s time for show and tell!” she lifts her shirt and reveals her navel.
Juvia laughs, “You did get the beer one?!”
“Of course, I did, that was made just for me!”
Erza reveals her stomach.  “That’s a pretty cool sword.” Exclaims Cana, “Well, what about you guys?!” she looks at the last two girls.
Lucy and Levy both look at each other, hesitant to show what they have on.
Erza, “Come on, it can’t be bad.”  she raises her eyebrow.  “Do I have to do it for you?”
“No, no!” they both slowly lift their shirts.  
Cana, “Oh guys you didn’t!”
Just at that moment Natsu, Gray and Gajeel walk up to the table, their interests peeked as to why the girls are all lifting their shirts.
“Hey what are you guys… doing….”  Their jaws all drop.
Lucy has a Natsu charm on, Levy a Gajeel charm, and Juvia her Gray charm.
Natsu points at the blonde, “Um Luce why do you have a thing of me hanging from your belly button?”
Gajeel, “Yeah Levy, same question.”
Gray, “Juvia… never mind, I know the answer.”
“Juvia wanted to show Gray how much she loves him!”  He rolls his eyes.
Lucy, “I um…”
Levy, “Well…”
Erza, “It’s just the latest rage, or so they tell me about these belly button piercings.”
Gray, “Yeah, you and Cana have normal, well sort of normal ones but they are wearing us.”
Fully red in the face, Lucy stands up and rushes out of the guild hall with Levy not far behind her, both mortified to be caught by the guys they have crushes on in this way.
“What was that all about?”  Natsu and Gajeel ask at the same time.
Cana, “Are you two dense?!”
Gray sits down and props his head on his hand, “Yeah they are.”
Natsu, “Watch your mouth popsicle!”
Gajeel, “Yeah snowflake, I’m not an idiot.”
Cana, “Uh, Yeah, you are.  Don’t you guys get why they ran off all embarrassed?”
Natsu and Gajeel shake their heads.
Gray, “Idiots.  They like you guys!”
“Oh Crap!” Gajeel mutters and rushes after Levy.
Natsu cocks his head to the side, “I still don’t get it.”
Cana, “Natsu, Lucy has a crush on you.”
Cana hits her forehead with her palm.  “Ugh, Gray do you think you can explain it to him!”
Gray, “It’s like how Juvia is in love with me and that’s why she’s wearing a charm of me.  Lucy is wearing the charm of you, cause she likes you.”
After processing the information, Natsu’s eyes widen and his face pales, “Oh!”
Cana waves her arms above her, “He finally gets it!”
“I better go.”  The fire slayer had a long-standing affection for his best friend, but he’d been keeping it secret from her.  He never thought or had any idea that she may have felt the same way…
He sprints out of the hall and heads to where he thinks Lucy would go; her apartment.  But when he gets there sees the lights off and no sign of the celestial mage.  Sniffing the air, figuring that she wouldn’t go too far, he tracks her to the moon lit park where he finds her sitting, leaning against their favorite trees trunk with her knees up and her head down on her arms.
“Lucy?!  You were starting to worry me when I could find you.”
The scent of salt and tears linger in the air, “I just wanna be alone Natsu.”
“But why?”
“Of the belly thing?”
He sits down beside her, “Or is it because of how you feel about me?”  but when she doesn’t respond, he puts his arm around her shoulders.
Squeezing her, “I think it’s cute on you.” That makes her sniffle.
“I think…. I look good on you…”  Now she turns and looks at him with confusion.
Natsu brushes a few stray hairs away from her face, “I think…. We look good together.”  Her eyes start to water again.  “Oh, Luce don’t start crying!  You know I hate when you cry.”  
Stammering, “W-Why’d you say we look good together?”
“Because I think we do.”  
“You mean just as friends, right?”
He shakes his head, “No I mean as a couple,” caressing her cheek, “Lucy I wish I had realized you felt that way about me sooner….”
“…Cause, I like you too…”  Her eyes are about ready to pop out of their sockets when he cups the back of her neck and pulls her into such a tender, romantic kiss, it surprises the young blonde to experience a more sensual side from the slayer.  When he lets her go, the expression on her face is dazed and dreamy.  Leaning his forehead against hers, exhale, “I like you a lot more than you probably realize.”  His voice growing steadily huskier, he straightens up but continues to peer into her brightened eyes.  “Why do you think I’m always around you, barely letting you out of my sight, sneaking into your apartment and crawling into your bed…”
Tilting her head, “But you said you sneak in cause you like my soft bed more than your own.”
“Yeah, well yours is better cause you’re in it, or even when you’re not home, your scent is all over it.”
“My scent?”
Just thinking about the high concentration of her arousing smell teases his mind.  Closing his eyes at his memories, “It’s so intense, so soothing, and provocative all at the same time, I love to wrap my body up in your blankets,” he can’t help a moan that escapes his lips, “it drives my senses crazy.”
Lucy blinks, dumbfounded by his confession and a very lustful confession at that, “H-how’d you hide this all from me?”  she stammers, “I can usually read you like a book, but I’m…  I’m stumped by how to respond...”
“Trust me, it wasn’t easy.  Ever notice how during specific times of the month I’d sometimes disappear for a few days alone?”
“Yeah, I just figured you needed your space…”
He shakes his head, “I can smell the changes when your hormone levels peak…and you’re um, I forget what you’d call it, in season…” he blushes, “…if I don’t leave my dragon might have tried to claim you by now.”
‘Claim me?’  her eyes widen as she makes the connection, ‘Oh!’  “I had no idea you could smell that too.  But wait, that would be, she gulps, “about now…” when his grin widens.  
“I know and I can control that side… somewhat, as long as nothing tempts me.”
“It’s not like I haven’t thought about it…” she mumbles, “but since I didn’t think you wanted me that way I,” her body flushes, “wrote them into my stories instead…”
His eyes flash, “so, that’s why you won’t let me read them, huh?”  she nods her head as pink blotches appear on her cheeks and chest.  Grinning, “So, tell me my beautiful one, what have you fantasized about?”
“I wouldn’t call them fantasies…” looking down, “Just things I think I’d like, or h-how I’d like things done…”
“Like what…” he prompts for more
“W-well I…”  ‘Oh, my Mavis I can’t believe I’m about to say this!’  “…I wanna be surprised or controlled… and maybe…”  exhale  “… try being a little naughty in public...”
“Hmm, naughty huh?”  He leans over and whispers something in her ear.  Lucy’s face flushes crimson but she nods her head.  Gripping her thigh, his voice grows even deeper, almost a growl that makes her shudder, “I’ll give you a 5-minute head start so…  Run.”
Squealing, Lucy takes off out of the park and heads, well she’s not sure where to go.  Hide-n-go-seek meets Tag…  The thrill of the chase, yeah thrilling for him cause he’s got the benefit of that super sniffer of a nose!  But still the idea that it’s Natsu that’s chasing her down is kinda exciting, ‘oh who am I kidding!  It’s exhilarating!  And what is he gonna do when he catches me?’  As she hangs a left out of the park and beelines it for the forest around Magnolia, different scenarios filter through that writer brain of hers.  ‘will he take me wherever he finds me…’ she hears a noise behind her, but it’s just a cat.  ‘That could be fun, a little dirty maybe…’  Lucy makes into the tree line.  ‘Pin me up against…’  
“Gotcha!” Natsu grabs for her waist but she slips through his fingers.
Lucy pivots and takes off through a dense thicket of trees giggling.  “Not yet!  Catch me if you can Baby!”
“Oooh you!” he’s got a bemused grin on his face.  “I’ve got all night Luce!” and takes off after her.  
The truth, and even she knows it, is that if he really wanted to snag her he could have but what’s the fun in such a short pursuit!  Besides, the longer this cat and mouse game continues, the more fired up he’ll get, she’s absolutely sure of it.  ‘Imagine him… all out of breath, panting like a wild animal…’ shuddering, ‘sweat rolling down his body…  that toned 6-pack abs of his flexing…’  The mere thought of his body causes heat to swirl in her lower regions.  ‘Mmm...’ she licks her lips, ‘and that tight ass of his…  I’ve been dying to just squeeze it!’  When she reaches a small stream, she pauses for a moment.  ‘It could throw my scent off…  Nope, doubt it, not his nose.  Plus, it’s kinda cold.’  Instead she looks for a way around it and finds a fallen log.  Once on the other side she back tracks towards town again.  ‘Hmm, sex, in water could be fun… especially since he can steam it up…’ chuckling in her head.  ‘note that one for later…’  It’s a little uncomfortable, but Lucy can’t help the moist feeling developing in her panties…    
When Natsu gets to the stream he sniffs again and locates her scent heading back towards town, but something has changed.  ‘Damn she’s gone and done it now!’  
By the time she reaches the edge of the city, Lucy is starting to run out of steam, her calf muscles on fire.  After bracing herself against the wall of a building, she listens for any noises while trying to take a break.  Breathing hard, ‘Whew, this is pretty tiring…’  
In a flash something drops down from the roof in front of her and pins her against the wall.  “You really thought you could get away…” Natsu’s voice rumbles with a smirk on his face and an absolute look of hunger in his eyes.  With one hand restraining both wrists above her head, he leans in to taste her salty skin and his hips push roughly against hers.  “…especially after secreting some of your essence…”  
“Ess…ence?” she moans when his teeth graze the nape of her neck.
“Essence…” Natsu shoves his hand under her skirt and rubs the damp part between her legs sending more of her intoxicating scent wafting into the air.  Her knees wanna buckle but he holds her firm.  “You’ve woke him up Luce…” eyes rolling over for a second and he growls from deep within his throat.  Groaning when he clamps down on her earlobe, Lucy shudders again when his hand grabs hold of her ass.  “I should take you right here…”
“Do it…” she purrs, “…but you might wake the whole neighborhood.”
“Wouldn’t you love it if I was screaming your name, my fiery dragon?”
“Yes,” he nips her ear, “but I thought you wanted the excitement of having sex in a public place.”
“Fuck, you’ve got me there Natsu… it could be fun…” she raises one of her legs around his hip, “…for a little while to try.”
“Tch,” his hand moves from her ass to the thigh and squeezes, “Fine, then I’ll finish plundering you at my cottage.”
“Sounds like a plan…” she purrs.  
He tears off her panties, sharp nails sure come in handy in this situation and she reaches in to give his cock some freedom; benefit of drawstring pants...  After letting go of her wrists, he braces her against the wall and lifts one of her legs off the ground where she lines the head up with her moist entrance.  Just that light bit of contact for the two soft surfaces is enough to send Natsu’s animal over the edge.  He pushes through the tight hole, stretching it wide for the first time in her life and his.  “Damn…” letting out a growl more from surprise of how snug the fit is.
Lucy digs her nails into his back, for the initial pain was tense, but luckily, once her body adjusts to his girth that shock goes away and is replaced with a much more pleasurable pressure release.  “Natsu…”
He rocks his hips, slowly at first to gauge her reactions.  The whole idea of being out in the open wasn’t really a fantasy of his, but he wanted to give her what she wanted and frankly, there was no way to contain the carnal desires he had for her.  Over and over he drives the shaft against her walls till skin slaps against skin.  “Luce…” he moans, “So, Is this…  what…  you wanted?”
“I thought so…” she responds back, though her voice is strained.  “I mean…it is…  you feel…  amazing but…  I think…  your cottage would be better…”
“I agree…”  As much as he doesn’t want to stop, he knows he better do it now before it goes any further and won’t be able to so he pulls out and lets her down for a second to shove his rock-hard dick back in his pants.  But before she can do or say anything, he picks her up and throws her over his shoulder taking off at a sprint towards his home like a caveman with his prize.  Fortunately for the them both, she had stopped very near to it and within minutes he was through the door, stopping only when he reaches his bed where he drops her.  “Now you are gonna get it!”  He grins and proceeds to unceremoniously tear off the rest of her clothes.  Once his are off too, he plows right back in, picking up where he left off.
Sitting back on his haunches he lifts her hips and lines up, snapping back in roughly.  “Fuck!” she curses from the hard and quick thrusts, grunting and like a wild animal.  With his back arched he pushes over and over driving deep into her cave and by the look of his face, it’s clear that he’s aiming for a minute man march rather than a marathon.  “Natsu…  Slow… down… or you’ll finish too soon!”
Damn it she was right!  Growling, “But fuck Luce, this is so much better than I had imagined!” he squeezes her thighs with a final push, then slumps over to latch onto her breast.
“Me too…” she moans as his tongue pulses and fondles her nipples.  ‘If this is really a dream, I hope I never wake up!’  Lucy’s mind is on overload.  Hell, just a couple hours ago, she had donned a simple piece of costume jewelry to have him with her all the time and now… she had the flesh and blood man screwing her senseless!
Natsu attempts to slow down by focusing on other areas of her body, wanting to worship the golden goddess as he had done so many times in his dreams and daydreams but in reality; the sheer potency of her being there, really being there, in his arms and in his bed, finally becoming his…  was just too much and the spirit within him demands he complete the task at hand and stake his claim.  
Resuming his invasion with a reinvigorated fervor he works her swollen pussy from the missionary position.  She goads his hip movements, and partially controls it by keeping her legs around his so he grabs one of her thighs and lifts it higher above his waist.  With just that slight adjustment, his reach into her core increases but it also rubs the blonde in such a stimulating manner, she starts to writhe beneath him.  “Natsu…” she cries out.  “Don’t stop…  Don’t… stop…”  He’s unwittingly found her g’spot.  
“But Luce…”  he groans, “I’ll cum if I don’t slow down again…”
“Natsu don’t you dare stop…” she screams, “Don’t…” her voice strangles in her throat and her body seizes up in a mind-blowing orgasm.  “Natsu!!!”  
The walls of her channel constrict around his shaft and squeezes the slayers final pulses right out from him.  “Whoa!  Shit!!” he cries out as he explodes too, but manages to keep rocking his hips through the throbbing waves until it’s over.  
With his chest heaving he slumps on top of her completely spent but pinning the blonde while he normalizes...    
Pushing himself to sit back on his haunches, he notices the charm’s silver edging glinting from the moonlight that filters in.  “It’s like I’m cheering myself on…” he chuckles.
“Seriously?”  The blonde laughs but it dies out when she notices a new look on the slayers face, “Why are you staring at me like that?”
A flash of red in his eyes, “You belong to me now Luce…”  When he smiles she notices his canines seem longer, “and I’ll never let you go…”
*The cheering myself on line is a quote I took from my husband, the idea for this story came from him.
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thotyssey · 7 years
On Point With: BibleGirl666
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Arguably the country’s most famous queen who has never been on “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” this entrepreneur and genuine pop scholar has captivated legions of fans the world over with her social media presence, including an especially-devoted Instagram following. She came of age in an era where lowbrow culture was championed by the expansive bombast of MySpace. BibleGIrl666 -- who tellingly drag named herself after her own provocative social media handle from that time (a somewhat misleading one, since this native Floridian and current Brooklynite is actually a Nice Jewish Girl) -- built an entire celebrity persona around the equal-parts celebration and satire of the best of the worst of what pop culture had to offer. Now a more seasoned stage performer at the ripe old age of 24 and the founder of the incredibly successful DragqueenMerch online company, Bible is very much a queen that you need to know. Drag Con, you ain’t ready for this!
Thotyssey: BibleGirl, thank you for talking to us! You were just in London, right?
BibleGirl666: Hello! Thank you for the opportunity to rock out here with you! Yes, I was just in London two weeks ago for DragWorld UK.
Is it surreal to meet fans across the ocean, who only know you from social media?
It transcends surrealism, in all honesty. I go into any kind of convention / travel situation with no expectations because it's like, 'Well, who the fuck am I,' if that makes sense; then once at the event, to be faced with a line of people who just "get" what you do without question is really dope.
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It’s always interesting for me to hear from a performer about how much of her drag persona is fully her, and how much is a created character. In your case, BibleGirl is very much a fully-realized character based on those white trashy MySpace girls that came up in the Britney Era: colorful, selfish, messy, fun.  Do you think those traits fascinated you on a personal level, or were you just so exposed to that growing up in in that time that that’s all you knew?
I feel like, more so than ever, the character is at her most fleshed-out point to date. The genesis personality, which was that of the aforementioned trashy girls, took hold because that's what I was super intrigued by at 15 on the internet. 2007 was the era of trainwrecks and unapologetic tabloids! Seeing the public's fascination with the tragic headlines fueled by A-listers really resonated with me.
I sometimes miss MySpace! That network sort of encouraged one’s individualism, whereas social media today tends to streamline you to be like everyone else. You can’t even use your drag name on Facebook! But scrolling through peoples’ MySpaces got ridiculous in the end, with all that music and animation people posted on them. Anyway, do you miss MySpace at all?
LOADED QUESTION! I miss the aspects you described, but I don't miss it entirely for the clunky interface and cesspool breeding ground for the cyberbullying which really took root there, in my opinion.
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The best way to follow you on social media today is Instagram. Do you consider yourself to be very picky and choosy about what images you post there, or is it always spontaneous?
I used to be super haphazard with my posts, but realized there is an algorithm and a process of finessing an "aesthetic" if you will. I have found that following my own set rules for my account has allowed me to explore character development on more of a multimedia platform rather than in a club.
I do my best to maintain levels of spontaneity, to show who I am on a more personal level, through the Instagram stories feature nowadays.
Recently, Instagram temporarily took down your account under very mysterious circumstances, during a period when it seemed like social media was maybe cracking down on gay content. 
The experience was really bizarre, and one of the weirder ones I've had this year. I was in Canada for a couple of shows, and was waiting for a flight to Winnipeg for night #2 at 6 AM, and I watched my account get suspended in what was essentially real time. I woke up before heading to the airport, and checked Instagram with no problem. I got through security, found my gate, and grabbed a seat... only to check Instagram and watch an auto-log out happen. I checked my email thinking I was hacked, but instead had a message saying I violated terms and conditions and was indefinitely suspended. I joke that it's the trip that never happened because I virtually couldn't document it. It took an interview with Unicorn Booty after a week of suspension, and two days after the article’s release, for my account to return with zero explanation.
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You have kind of a rabid fanbase, based largely on your amazing pics and your relatable personality that comes through. Can you kind of empathize with a young celebrity queen like Drag Race’s Valentina, who might’ve been overwhelmed by her fans aggressively trolling other queens from her season and then got heat for not regulating it? Like, can a single person even regulate a monstrous online movement like that?
I can empathize with Valentina on more of a level of we are both people that know what we want, and stay in our respective lanes when reaching our goals. I think it's fucked up that people use a reality TV villain narrative to scapegoat micro-aggressions, but maybe that's just me. I do think a more immediate condemning of the trolling from her fanbase would have done everybody a little bit more benefit, but I did find it in bad taste when people were going to her meet-and-greets just so they could film whether or not she hugged fans.
You do get into some trouble now and then for “hurting someone’s feelings” online, be it another queen or whomever. But your drag persona kinda dictates that you have to be a Heather once in awhile for authenticity, right? Are there lines that you don’t cross when it’s time to take a bitch down?
After a lot of trial and error, I've learned to not go for the lowest hanging fruits, as they tend to be the most personal and internally damaging.
I've fine-tuned the infamy channels, and have kept a lot of my humor more pop culture-centric since it's what I know best. Anything pop-adjacent are gifts that keep on giving.
My motto to troll by hails from Brazil: Se me atacar eu vou atacar [you attack me, I attack you]. It proves handy!.
Have you had a “favorite” feud with another queen, if that’s possible?
It's impossible. They're all great when you're the one getting booked.
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As far as today in Pop Divadom, fans are having wild and polarizing reactions to Taylor Swift’s new music and videos, and Katy Perry’s as well (but we all seem to be on Team Kesha). Where do you stand with these ladies… who are you loving and who are you hating?
First and foremost, always Team Kesha.
Ultimately, I ride and die with Katy if it’s between her and Taylor. Although problematic, I have never seen Katy as somebody with malicious intentions. Her music has always been really fun, well-executed pop, and that's what originally made me love her. I find her recent public reception rather upsetting, considering how on top of the world she was, re: Prism World Tour. She was always just somebody who did her thing and was inclusive of everybody; I feel that it's been a consistent trait of hers since I first discovered her, like, 10 years ago.
I also feel like noting that she was publicly campaigning for Clinton in 2016, and what 2017 yielded was an avalanche/barrage of god awful press majorly hailing from the likes of Page Six & TMZ, -- both of which are backed by CEOs who have vocalized support for Trump. This also happened to coincide with her album promo release cycle, and that created some weirdly fulfilled prophecy of failure. It just all seems strange to me.
I DIGRESS...I really fucking love Katy's most recent album, Witness, amongst all the flack she's gotten.
Circling back to Taylor: she's somebody who at this stage of the game has been nothing but self-gratuitous / indulgent. As a woman, more power to her for living her best goddamn life in what has been a male-dominated industry in terms of those who can make or break you. That said, now is not the time to be rehashing old fights with celebs. Now is not the time to show the world that squeaky jar of mayonnaise TayTay has a bad girl streak "for a reason” now. There's so much going on in the world, and I think her message misses the mark this year. 
That goes without saying that I'm not marginalizing sociopolitical situations via the behaviors of pop stars.
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In the past you’ve emphasized that you’re not a “strong” performer -- that you’re like a regular girl feeling her fantasy lip synching into a hairbrush. But I’ve seen clips of you giving very high-energy, fun, splits-and-drops-and-all stage performances recently. Have you become a better stage performer over time, in your opinion, or have you maybe discovered more joy in performing?
In the past I feel like I had been allowing people's opinions to manifest my performance style, and it created a sense of complacency where I thought being bad was all I was capable of. Through growing into myself, and taking some choreo lessons from my friend, Nick Laughlin, I was able to really channel my performance style into being more about exactly what a song makes me feel in that moment, rather than a fully rehearsed number where you can tell I'm counting steps on my face.
After enough time, I've learned drag ain't so serious. If I'm having fun, people vibe off of that. That's the atmosphere I try to bring on stage nowadays, something just bursting at the seams with bright colors, crazy faces, and good-ass time.
What’s your favorite number to do these days?
Kesha's "Let 'Em Talk" of Rainbow is definitely a fave hard-hitter of mine!
One New York venue where you performed in a lot over the years, Easternbloc, has just closed and will be revamped as the much-different Club Cumming very soon. You and Ruby Roo hosted a fondly-remembered party there called Hellfire Club, and most recently there was Bible Study (hosted by Cameron Cole, Cedric Antonio and yourself). Are you quite sad to see Easternbloc go, or do you think Club Cumming will offer something special? 
Easternbloc was the first real gay bar I had been in ever, right after moving to NYC 6 (AHH!) years ago. It was also the first bar to take a chance on me with a reoccurring party. It will forever hold a special place in my heart, where I made so many friends and lost so many memories! I welcome the evolution of the bar; I like being Glass Half Full.
Do you know yet if you’re gonna be involved in Club Cumming after it opens?
I've heard nothing in terms of official return on my end, and that is totally a-okay. That doesn't mean I won't happily be a patron and support a local queer space.
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You’ve been hosting / performing at several monthly installments of the “Wallbreaker” benefit shows at Macri Park in Brooklyn, which features a new charity cause and lineup of guest performers each month. 
The experience of working Wallbreaker has been nothing short of amazing. It's less about me, and more for what the party is and stands for. I'm happy to see an entire community come together to help support those facing oppression.
What’s in store for the next one?
The next Wallbreaker is on September 14th, and its the ninth installment! Super wild that we're this deep into 2017, period. This month we are raising money for the benefit of Brooklyn Defense Committee, which is an emergency response network for those facing harassment from ICE, whether it pertains to deportation or unannounced home raids.
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Aside from Instagram, you’re best known for the wildly successful and essential company you started, DragQueen Merch. This is basically an Amazon for the t-shirts and other promotional items that drag queens sell to fans, where items are printed and directly shipped to order -- eliminating the need for queens to worry about stock and supplies. How long have you been doing this now, and how much of your time does it consume these days? Do you have a large staff?
The business has been running for nearly three years, which is mind-blowing! A lot of my time during the day (aside from my freelance graphic design job) is invested into the site, whether it's strategizing for what's next or setting up pages for queens. Our staff consists of no more than ten people, as far as infrastructure is concerned!
I recently had a queen tell me that she didn’t want to get on your bad side because she wanted to sell her stuff on your site. Are personal relationships / interactions ever a consideration for putting a queen’s stuff on your site, or is it simply that if they agree to whatever the business arrangement is and have the collateral, then it’s all good? Point blank: it's one thing to have an opinion on me. It's another when you have no problem utilizing a non-expense startup system which was founded on wanting to help our industry on a grand scheme outside of TV, and then marginalize me as just some chick who can't actually do drag makeup or dance. I won't allow a negative opinion to dictate who is or isn't on the site, but I always see everything and note who says what. I like to know who's afraid of the “@” symbol.
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Okay, let’s talk about this weekend. First of all, Drag Con! What will you be doing at the convention?
Dragcon NYC is gonna be the fuckin' tits. I will be at Booth 557 w/ Rubber Child, Lisa Limbaugh, Trixie Mattel, Amanda Lepore and the House of Avalon! The entire DQM team is going to be on deck as well. Together, we are meeting-and-greeting, along with selling our respective merch ranging from apparel to enamel pins!
Who are you excited to see there?
Honestly? Rubber and Lisa. We only get to see each other during con seasons, or on the off-chance I get to escape to Florida for a weekend. There isn't ever enough time with them.
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And you have a stellar lineup in store for a Drag Con afterparty and show you’re hosting at Stonewall on Saturday night: Super Smash Kweenz!  We’ll see you there with Lisa and Rubber, plus Brooklyn’s own Daphne Sumtimez, Hystée Lauder, and Cameron Cole, in addition to famous out-of-town performers like Lucy Stoole and Soju. 
YES. What gags me the most is that we are throwing the coolest party comprised of local talents of NYC and afar (without an emphasis on drag and TV crossover as the main attraction) at a muthafuckin' gay national monument! All of the performers (including Cameron as DJ) are some of the best and most unique that I have had the pleasure of experiencing shows of and working with!
PS - we don't have a cover or tickets because Drag Con is already corporate enough. If you want a damn good drag show in a rad location, Super Smash Kweenz at Stonewall Inn on Saturday the 9th is where you want to be!
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What else is going on with / coming up for you?
At this point in time, I am bound and gagged by contracts until announcements are made! Just note: lots of travel for the next few months, and I couldn't be happier or more excited!
You’re always on many lists as a favorite candidate for a season of Drag Race. Is this something you’re actively pursuing?
It is not something I am currently pursuing. It'll always be a childhood dream, and something I enjoy. I'm a believer in timing, and if my life is circular, I'm not going to try and make it fit within the square hole of reality TV.
Oh, you seem like a good person to ask about this, as an internet-famous and pop-savvy entertainer: what do you think about Lactacia, the 8-year old drag queen? Is she fabulous and wonderful? Is she annoying and demeaning to the art of drag, or a true prodigy? Is she being exploited, or are her parents good role models for what the parents of a drag child should be? Should an extremely underage kid be turning numbers and sass in bars on the stage with Bianca del Rio?   
Ohhhhhhhh, I say let the kid live! I love her and what she represents. It doesn't feel exploitative. If anything, it is celebratory, and should be shown as a class act of how to accept your child for who they are -- no matter what they are or how they represent. I think Lactacia is punk as fuck -- and like every good drag queen, is getting into venues underage. She'll be seasoned well before any of us industry-working heifers are.
Okay, last question: What’s the single best piece of advice you can give to anyone, anywhere, who wants to break into drag in 2017?
Do it for you.
Thank you, Bible!
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BibleGirl666 appears monthly at Macri Park for the “Wallbreakers” benefit concert on second Thursdays (10pm). Check the Thotyssey calendar for upcoming area appearances, and follow BIble on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr and DragQueen Merch.com.
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theantibridezilla · 7 years
Pantone 2018 Color of the Year:  Ultra Violet Translated for Bridal Beauty!
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Last week Pantone, the authority on all things color, unveiled the 2018 Color of the Year, Ultra Violet. The color authority described ultra violet as “A dramatically provocative and thoughtful purple shade...inventive and imaginative, Ultra Violet lights the way to what is yet to come”.
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And while this vivid purple is certainly on-trend for bridal fashion (heck I even incorporated it into my own wedding color palette), it can be a bit intimidating when you translate it to beauty. No matter what Instagram is claiming is on-trend for beauty, bridal beauty continues to be a fairly neutral friendly territory that prefers a fresh faced bride to one who’s “doin’ it for the ‘gram.” At most we’ll see  the occasional red lip for the bold. So, how do you rock ultra violet in a way that won’t have you cringing in a few years when you look at your wedding pictures? Well, between this December and next January, I’m going to be digging into that very question by highlighting purple friendly makeup and how to use it.
To kick off this beauty miniseries, I’ve collected a few items I currently already own that fall into the ultra violet family. Depending on your aesthetic, these can be a fit - of course in varying degrees of intensity. So, let’s start with the Kevyn Aucoin purple palette at 12 o’clock and work clockwise!
Kevyn Aucoin Neo-Limelight Ibiza Highlighter (gifted)
I’ve waxed poetic on this highlighter a thousand times. It gives an awesome subtle soft purplish shimmer that gives you the perfect glow. Perfect for brides, I’m currently using it to fake my pregnancy glow!
ELF Cosmetics Highlighting Holographic Duo in Blue Lagoon (gifted)
The duo contains a half pan of soft purple shimmer and a half pan of pale green shimmer. When powers combine, it gives you a very neutral shimmer highlight effect. This is a super subtle option for the highlighter averse crowd.
Erborian Glow Creme (gifted)
This is literally Kevyn Aucoin’s Ibiza in a lightweight yet ultra hydrating facial lotion. Apply all over or strategically to the apples of your cheeks, brow bone or bridge of your nose. It’s super subtle and on the very rare day when I don’t want to wear makeup, this is an awesome substitute to give me a slight glow. Note - it is scented, but the scent is very light.
Wunder 2 Prime & Behold Primer (gifted)
Although this is a primer, if you apply it to your entire lid and don’t apply eye shadow to your complete lid, this primer will peep through with an iridescent subtle purple shade. I used it in a previous look I posted and you can read my review of it here.
ELF Cosmetics Lip Lacquer in Purple (gifted)
Definitely, this is for the dramatic bride. If you don’t mind having a bold pout, this shade will most definitely do the trick. Although it doesn’t show up in my pic, it has a subtle shimmer to it. ELF’s glosses don’t have the staying power like other brands (even within the same price range) so be prepared to reapply throughout the day. Note though that this isn’t a dupe shade for Ultra Violet but more of a berry purple.
Make Up For Ever Eye Shadow in #92 (eye shadow pan under ELF duo highlighter) (purchased)
Although I don’t wear this shade often because it is so bold, it’s definitely got that look-at-me flair. Make Up For Ever offers highly pigmented makeup so whether you’re fair or darker, this shade will show up true on your skin tone.
Lit Cosmetics Glitter in Disco Diva (center below Kevyn Aucoin) (gifted)
I’m not much for glitter because it makes my eyes itch just thinking of all the possible ways it can get in my eyes and cause irritation. But if you’re seriously committed to Ultra Violet, Lit’s Disco Diva is a great accent for a bold purple look.
Milk Makeup Holographic Stick in Supernova (gifted)
This is literally a creamy stick version dupe of Kevyn Aucoin’s Ibiza. It applies very bold so apply sparingly and be prepared to blot if you feel it’s too intense.
NYX Cosmetics Lip Luster in Violet Glass (purchased)
This is a richer, high gloss faithful dupe for Ultra Violet. It definitely offers staying power and is IMO more of a buildable intensity versus a one and done coat. Note though, NYX’s vibrant lippies have a tendency to stain so be sure to use a very good primer before you apply.
NYX Cosmetics High Voltage Lipstick in Twisted (purchased)
This is like a more moisturizing, low gloss version of the ELF shade. It is a shockingly bright purple, but it’s not exactly Ultra Violet. But, like with the other NYX lippie, be sure to use a good primer.
Colourpop Creme Gel in Descanso (above the NYX lippies) (purchased)
Looks are deceiving with this gel liner as when you first receive it, it looks matte purple but once you begin using it, you see a noticeable iridescent shimmer.
ELF HD Blush in Showstopper (purchased)
Sadly I didn’t realize until after I took the pic that this is a discontinued color (at least online). However, I have seen it in Old Navy and various other retailers that carry ELF. But if you happen to come across this this shade, it offers a very gorgeous deep berry stain for your cheeks.
ELF Cosmetics Highlighting Holographic Duo in Mermaid Tail (gifted)
Okay so this is IMO the MVP of this Ultra Violet makeup roundup. It’s a near perfect dupe for Kevyn Aucoin’s Ibiza and the Milk Makeup Holographic Stick. Especially as a Kevyn Aucoin dupe, ELF’s duo pans combine the lightest and darkest shades of Kevyn’s ombre. You can of course play with intensity by adding more of either the soft purple or the rosy shade. And as an added bonus, this is a budget friendly alternative coming in at at only $8 compared to Kevyn’s $58 and Milk’s $28.
Some entries in this post contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive compensation.
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gaiatheorist · 7 years
Pretty vacant.
Monday, 3am. I ‘should’ be typing up the four pages of carefully categorised and expanded notes for the PIP tribunal, but the ‘limbo’ of DWP instructing the tribunal panel to decline my request for a hearing, and the demonstrable unreliability of the Welfare Rights Advocate are impeding my motivation. I know, I’ll have a look at the news, I don’t have to check in at the Job Centre until mid-morning. (Which, with my completely knackered sleep-pattern will feel like evening, I hope I’m not too ‘verbally disinhibited.’)
I’ve just deleted a long, waffly, part-finished blog I started yesterday, reflecting on the similarities and differences between ‘my’ experience as an adolescent, and the furore whipped up by Jamie Oliver’s terminology about his daughter’s Instagram use. ‘Backlash ensues’ keeps popping up occasionally on my Twitter ‘trending’ panel, which makes me either nose-snort, or shake my head. Backlash does indeed ensue, The Internet, and I’m now over-expanding that line of thought, due to the increasing number of news articles I see that are essentially words sandwiched around quotes from Twitter or Facebook.
My assessment of the Oliver/Instagram thing? Some adolescents crave attention and affirmation, some don’t. Some of the ones who do count ‘likes’ will post photographs which are deliberately provocative, some won’t understand why they’re copying a particular ‘look’, and end up imitating an unlikely duck/dachshund hybrid that’s accidentally become wedged in a plumbing fitting. I have nieces aged about 9 and 12, I daren’t look on their Facebook pages, because I’d feel compelled to ask their Mother or Father to monitor them more closely. (They shouldn’t even BE on Facebook at that age!) Jamie Oliver’s terminology was awful, but impactive. He’s a celebrity chef, not a Designated Safeguarding Lead, he’ll no more know the correct legal-compliant phrases than I’d know how to make a perfect souffle. (Yes, it did take me ages to think of something I’ve never tried to cook.) 
I thought I’d finished being moderately grumpy about the aesthetic-approval angle, wedged in this weird world where women want to be ‘pretty’, but not so pretty that builders can’t help wolf-whistling. Nope, a quick flick through Facebook this morning, and I have a few fully-grown women ‘friends’ who only EVER upload new profile and background photos. If I see another ‘Swit swoo’ comment, I will frisbee this knackered Chromebook out of the window. We’re 40-ish, not 14. “Frogmella Biscuit-Tin updated their profile picture” in the activity bar thing. I don’t care, but, at least if they’re doing that, they’re not doing the ‘Like and share to win a year’s supply of goats!’ data-mining nonsense. I think I last changed my profile picture in 2013, and I haven’t used a photo of myself for years. I ought to stop looking at Fakebook, but I’m still obsessively checking my ‘on this day’, to remind myself how far I’ve come. (Bin-reminders, and the lurgy on three different years ‘on this day’ today, oh, and the ex’s band, I ought to have invoiced him for the publicity.) 
I’ll get my personal whinge out of the way, I don’t like-whore NOT because I’m not conventionally attractive, and worry I might not clock up as many ‘likes’ as Frogmella. I choose not to fish for compliments because I am more than the sum of my parts, I have two eyes, a mouth, a nose, and some hair, most people do, it’s just meat no-one eats. (Ew, that unpleasant sensation when you realise you have a hair in your mouth, and have to NOT start maniacally licking your own jumper and such, like a bad cat.) 
My stompy-rage wasn’t quite triggered by the ‘swit swoo’ Facebook-nonsense, so I didn’t throw one of my mega-tantrums about the type of woman who sulks if you don’t notice their hair-do, or that they’ve started using a face-crayon a hemi-demi-semi fraction of a shade darker than the one they were using last week. I flicked through the BBC headlines, and then looked at The Guardian, it’s what I do at 3am, rather than bother insomniac/different time-zone Twitter. Dear Gods, the Mariella Frostrup advice column. “My husband has sex with me, but never says I look nice.” Where to even begin with that? Well, the letter writer begins with a list of her husband’s positive attributes, NONE of which are in any way, shape, or form descriptive of his physical attractiveness to her. A grown woman, complaining that her life-partner is perfect in many ways, but doesn’t say she looks ‘nice.’ (Maybe she doesn’t look ‘nice’, maybe she’s a moose?) Mariella points out that him still doing the sex to her is an indication that he still finds her attractive, I’m not even going into the comments-section, because I’ll be tempted to type “GROW UP, YOU’RE NOT 14!”
Why, some-women? WHY must some-women insist on being ‘told’ that they’re attractive? It’s ‘pics, or it never happened’, but on a massively worrying emotional level. These needy-women are Part Of The Problem, getting up at the crack of dawn to iron their hair, and colour in their faces, I know I’m the oddball here, I don’t even iron my clothes, and I deliberately avoid social interaction where-ever I’m able, because I am SHIT at compliments. In part, that’s the trained-British thing, “Smashing blouse!”, “Oh, this old thing, I’ve had it ages, I LOVE your cardigan!” ad infinitum, until it’s time to go home, and you’ve done no work at all because you were busy back-and-forth-ing with how you ADORE what they’ve done with that paperclip. In part, it’s the “What do you want?” element from my dysfunctional development. Part of it is my warped sense of humour. “Have you done something different with your hair?” usually generates the response of “Yes, I’ve combed it.”, and “You look nice today!” means I have to bite-back “Did I look like I’d crawled out of a bin yesterday?”, and switch-substitute “You ALWAYS look nice.”, which is probably just as bad. 
I wash every day, and I dress for practicality not provocation. I do have sexual desires, but I don’t feel the need to display my wares to all and sundry for validation. The children that Jamie Oliver was wittering on about, with their ‘luscious’ and ‘porno’ aesthetics didn’t pull that ‘look’ out of thin air, they were influenced by others that ‘that’ was desirable. I’m going to go out on a limb here, and speculate that those women-children might well have mothers who do the filtered-pout-with-shopped-on-doggy-ears on social media, these ‘looks’ don’t spring out of a vacuum. That shit, along with the “Who’s sexy?” nonsense-babble that some women are STILL sausage-roll-crumb-blethering at their pram-contents on public transport is Part Of The Problem. I KNOW that construction site workers have free will, and independent thought, but they also have social conditioning, and, if you’re going to wiggle past them in leggings and a crop-top, with 3 inches of make-up on in the day-time, you’re Part Of The Problem. They choose whether to wolf-whistle, but YOU choose whether to display yourself as ‘available.’
I have very little influence in this sphere. I deliberately don’t compliment people on aesthetics, with the exception of a very specific set of circumstances, if I tell you that you’re beautiful, that’s because you’re SO awesomely attractive that you’ve captivated me, deal with it. I’m not ‘pretty’, I’ve had various conversations recently where people have said that, decades ago, I was ‘stunning’, ‘mesmerising’, and very much in the ‘would’ category. Much good that does me now, gravity has not been kind, and my physical body isn’t so much a temple as a ruin now. Decades ago, I had ‘all the gear, and no idea’, now, the gear has slipped somewhat, but I know how to work it. More-so, I know how my mind works, so I’m not returning the obvious play of “You fancied me then, what am I now, chopped liver?” I’m not ‘pretty’, and I accept that, what I accept more is that I’m not vacuous-vacant enough to need validation. 
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enemylegal55-blog · 5 years
The Weekly Roundup: Your Go-To Guide For Everything You May Have Missed This Week & More! 8/25 – 8/31
Welcome to Ben Greenfield’s Weekly Roundup and Cool New Discoveries!
Ben Greenfield’s discoveries from the latest news from the fronts of fitness, nutrition, health, wellness, biohacking and anti-aging research. I also recap my upcoming events and special announcements so you can keep up with giveaways, discounts, and more!
New Discoveries Of The Week: Cool New Things I’m Trying, Books I’m Reading, And More!
– Book I’m Intrigued With: Bioregulatory Medicine
As a pre-med student who wanted to be a doctor, spent hundreds of hours in college in physician’s clinics, hospitals and surgical wards “shadowing” docs and eventually wound up getting accepted to six medical schools (but opted to instead dive into the fitness industry), I’m still pretty enthralled with medicine. As a matter of fact, up until launching Kion a couple years ago, I still had thoughts of going back to school for a degree in natural or alternative medicine! So any book on advanced alternative medicine tactics or retreats like this that I’m leading in the Swiss Alps next year definitely pique my interest. This latest read of mine, a book called “Bioregulatory Medicine“, doesn’t come out until November, but you can pre-order it now on Amazon and it’s a wonderful, wonderful treatise of a host of medical tactics I was previously unfamiliar with. It introduces a model that has proven effective for decades in other more forward-thinking developed countries, including Switzerland and Germany – a model based on the fact that our bodies have many bioregulating systems, including the cardiovascular, digestive, neurological, respiratory, endocrine, etc. and that use of natural healing methods to support and restore the body’s intrinsic self-regulating and self-healing mechanisms (as opposed to simply treating symptoms with integrative therapies) can provide disease prevention and early intervention of illness through noninvasive diagnostics and treatments. The book incorporates the use of over 100 different non-toxic diagnostics and treatments from around the world, and forward-thinking patients and integrative practitioners alike will dig this one, I think. Grab it here from Amazon.
– Dessert I’m Obsessed With: HaloTop
If eating an entire pint of dairy-free, vegan ice cream only costs me about 300 calories and brings me extreme enjoyment at the end of the day, I’m all in. Sure, everything in moderation, but considering it’s been over a decade since I’ve bought ice cream from the frozen foods section of the grocery store, I was overjoyed (and admittedly felt stupid being so slow on the uptake) to find HaloTop ice cream on a hot day in Florida a couple weeks ago. My wife and I destroyed a pint while lying in bed watching a dodgeball competition on the hotel TV (not joking), and I’ve mowed through four additional pints/flavors since then. My favorite flavor thus far is “Peanut Butter Cup”, which contains: coconut milk, prebiotic fiber, organic cane sugar, erythritol, peanut butter, rice protein, vegetable glycerin, pea protein, natural flavor, organic carob gum, organic guar gum, high fat cocoa, sea salt, organic sunflower lecithin, organic stevia leaf. Not too shabby. And I must say, when topped with a frozen Kion bar chopped or broken into chunks, it is an absolute culinary nirvana. Bon appetit. Order HaloTop from Amazon here or find at your local grocery store frozen foods section. May I also recommend “Cinnamon Roll” and “Oatmeal Cookie Dough” as additional mind-blowing flavors.
Podcasts I Recorded This Week:
Every month, Ben Greenfield releases never-before-seen videos, audios and PDFs inside the BenGreenfieldFitness “Premium” channel (just $10/year to access!). You can click here to go Premium and access an entire vault of protected content!
–How To Find Your Purpose In Life In 40 Days Or Less: Dissolve the Hidden Blocks That Keep You Stuck & Finally Thrive Based On Your Life’s Unique Purpose
–389: Is A Low Carb Diet Bad For You? Coconut Oil Controversy, Inulin In Energy Bars, Reversing The Damage of EMF & Much More!
Articles I Published This Week:
– Sunlight Makes You Skinny & Blue Light Makes You Fat: 11 Ways To Biohack Light To Optimize Your Body & Brain.
Get The Low Carb Athlete - 100% Free!Eliminate fatigue and unlock the secrets of low-carb success. 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My full article feed and all past archives of my articles are here if you want to check out past articles.
Articles & Podcasts Ben Greenfield Was Featured In This Week:
– Nutrashatives: Ask an Expert Series – Ben Greenfield on His Eclectic Interests, Career Path, Family and More!
– 10 Celebrity Five Minute Journalers
– Here’s What Happened At A-Fest Sardinia 2018
– Ben Greenfield Interviews Dr. Amy Killan About Stem Cells, PRP, Exosomes & P-Shot
Special Announcements:
::: Kion Labor Day Sale! Save 20% On Your Order with Code LABORDAY20 :::
My company, Kion, is having a Labor Day Weekend Sale. Save 20% on your order from our website with code LABORDAY20 at checkout. Some exclusions apply…Don’t forget free shipping is available on domestic U.S. orders $100 and up…offer expires Monday night Sep. 3, at 11:59PM MST. Try Kion Aminos, Kion Coffee, or the all-new Kion Clean Energy Bar! Shop now.
Upcoming Events:
– October 14 – 16, 2018: SPARK BioHacking Conference, Toronto, Ontario. The 2018 SPARK Bio-Hack Conference features a series of talks by leaders across a range of fields with an eye on optimizing human performance, recovery, and longevity. Researchers, medical specialists and other biohacking experts will share provocative, informative, and inspiring presentations meant to amplify your life. Registration is now open, secure your spot here.
– October 11 – 14, 2018: 2018 RUNGA California Immersion Retreat, Napa, California. Runga is going to Napa! Join me, my wife, Jessa, Joe DiStefano and a small, intimate group of like-minded individuals for a weekend-long getaway. We’ve rented a beautiful mansion located in one of the most iconic countrysides in America– Napa Valley. We’ve thought of everything that you could possibly need to gently “press the reboot button” on your body and completely tune in to your heart, mind, body, strength, and spirit. Join the waitlist!
– November 1 – 4, 2018: Live It To Lead It Health Centers of the Future Seminar, Las Vegas, Nevada. Create the life you want, the marriage you want, the family you want—all fueled by a practice that radically changes the lives of your patients. this three-day event, you’ll learn the latest medical discoveries in cellular health, get a marketing plan for scaling your practice and find ways to build residual passive income. Join me!
– December 2-8, 2018: RUNGA Retreat, Dominican Republic. You’re invited to join me at RUNGA in December 2018. Join me in the Dominican Republic, one of the most beautiful places in the Caribbean, for this retreat. In all RUNGA activities, RUNGA invites you to come home to yourself. To see everything you’ll be getting into, just click here. Use code BEN when you register so you get your gift when you arrive! I’ll be there, too. Join the waitlist here.
– December 13-15, 2018: World Congress 2018 Hosted by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. If you attend any conference this year, make it the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine’s 26th Annual World Congress. The fact is, in an era of andropause, low drive and deteriorating men’s health, it’s shocking that both practitioners and the public aren’t aware of ancestral wisdom and modern scientific and medical tactics that can be used to optimize male physiology. It’s time that changed, and I’ll be teaching exactly how to make men, men again. Join me!
-View the Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Calendar Here
This Week’s Most Popular Instagram Pic:
This Week’s Most Popular Tweet:
Probably the best sleep tips ever (see #24 especially): https://t.co/XjXGgbENjq
— Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfield) August 28, 2018
This Week’s Most Popular Facebook Post:
Here Are 11 Ways To Biohack Light To Optimize Your Body & Brain—-Chris Masterjohn, PhDLighting Science…
Posted by Ben Greenfield Fitness on Tuesday, August 28, 2018
This Week’s Most Popular Snapchat Story:
This week on Snapchat I showed you how I combine HVMN ketone esters with Kion Aminos for a satiating, energizing, very low calorie elixir that keeps me going for hours. Holy moly! Add me here on Snapchat for more unique tidbits!
This Week’s Most Popular Pin from Pinterest:
Ben Greenfield Fitness saved to “Ben’s Nutrition Advice.” Read the article here.
Featured Product:
I created the *NEW* Kion Clean Energy Bar because, unfortunately, most energy bars are HORRIBLE: full of sugar and starch, which can cause dreaded sugar crashes. Or, if the sugar is removed, it’s often replaced with nasty artificial sweeteners that kill gut bacteria and cause neurotoxicity.
Each and every tasty bite of the Kion Clean Energy Bar gives you the guilt-free confidence and guarantee that you’re biting into:
a clean-burning bar that will “hold up” under rigorous conditions of people living hard-charging, high-achieving lives…
a low-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein bar with zero dairy, zero whey protein isolate, and instead contain a clean hypoallergenic protein source…
a bar that is low in lectins and free of gluten, saponins and other notorious gut assailants…
a bar that has plenty of minerals and electrolytes along with perfect amounts of fiber to keep you from getting the notorious “energy bar constipation…”
a bar that supports recovery with sufficient levels of all essential amino acids and antioxidants, without excess protein that can result in gut issues…
a bar that contains just enough carbohydrate for liver and muscle glycogen restoration and appetite satiety, without sugar crashes…
In short, Kion Bar will give you all the nutrients, minerals, deliciousness and appetite satisfaction that you desire in a bar, with none of the harmful ingredients. Try Kion Clean Energy Bar today.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
Need Help Fully Optimizing Your Brain & Body? 
Did you know you can consult one-on-one with me so that I can personalize a nutrition or fitness plan for you to reach your goals? Are you training for physical performance? Trying to shed fat or gain lean muscle as fast as possible? Ready to tap into the most cutting-edge health, fitness and longevity protocols? Contact me so I can get you exactly what you need to reach your goals as safely and quickly as possible.
Leave your comments below – and any news or discoveries that you think I missed!
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Source: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/weekly-roundup-articles/weekly-roundup-8-25-8-31/
0 notes
deadlyarcanist · 7 years
13 reasons why.
I just finished the Netflix's show "13 Reasons Why", after spending the past two days literally doing nothing with my free time but watching it.
This show, based on a book series, caught my attention (and so many of my friends) for being one of the most realistic, hurtful, ugly portrait of what having emotional and mental issues can do to you. What people can do to you. What men can do to women.
One of my best friends told me she couldn't keep watching, because it brought up things that she buried inside herself a long time ago. Another friend told me he would feel anxious everytime he tried to watch it. Many others told me they got their mental illness smashed on their faces within every episode. And I lost count on how many tweets, reviews and facebook posts I read where girls would share their deepest traumas regarding sexual abuse and slut-shaming and how the show opened up those wounds a little bit, all over again.
As for myself... I try to not talk about my personal life, and specially about my past, on social media. Or in life, to be fair. I always divert attention to other situations, maybe social interactions, maybe other people, so I can avoid talking about me. I might even pretend to talk about myself a lot - without actually telling you anything that matters. I'll talk about my exchange program, I'll talk about my travels, my music, my make up; I might even talk about my religion or even some of my friends. But, in the end of the day, I didn't said anything about myself, really.
My point with this is, first of it all, to take some weight out of my chest. To make my mind a little lighter than it's been, to maybe get someone who is going through shit (or put someone through shit) to understand how everything can change and how much small things can affect you while growing up.
Or maybe, if you can relate to any of this, you'll feel like you're not alone.
I wanna try and discuss a few of the topics that the tv show approached, and how it affected me and might be affecting people you know or even yourself.
Today's subject will be sexism, the rape culture and the slut-shaming shit we face everyday, regardless where you live in this world.
Let's start saying that if you're a male, when it comes to the sexual part of this, you won't ever understand. Not completely. But I appreciate you're trying.
EVERY girl has been put through some kind of abuse, at some point of her life. I know I did.
I was the girl who wanted to grow up really fast. I had more boyfriends than I could count, I made out with people I don't even know the name. I was the 15 year old kid dating a 23 year old guy. Guys, actually. I lost count on how many older dudes I dated between my 15 and 17 years. That's not only pathetic, it's fucking revolting that I had male adults all over me when I literally just got out of middle school. As you can imagine, none of this turned out that well. I was a child. I was imature, I had no idea of who I truly was and I had no idea on how I should be treated. I let men, full bearded men, take advantage of me (and i'm not even talking strictly about sex here), but to influence on how I grew up.
I grew up with this fucked up sense of needing a male to be by my side or else I would be meaningless. I thought I was weak, dependent. Older males. Adult males taking advantage of a fucked up teenager. They made me believe I was their property. They made me believe I was nothing without them. That this messed up sense of protection was all I needed to be happy. And let me tell you this: some of those guys now play on some of your favorite bands and preach about respect on stage.
So, to all of the guys who walked in my life at that time: I hope you understand that what you were doing was abuse. That I was a fucking girl thinking I was a woman. Who thought it was awesome to have a 20-something boyfriend to tell my friends how cool I was. I didn't knew any better, BUT YOU DID. You were the adult and you should have walked away.
And to all the creeps in their 20s (or over) who think it's okay to flirt, interact or actually date an underage girl: I hope you understand you're a scumbag. And honestly, just to think about all that shit makes me want to throw up.
Still in the subject abuse, now let's talk about rape, about consent. I was lucky enough this one never happened to me, but it did happened to more than one of my closest friends, and to a extremely close family member.
And this haunts them every single day.
They were blamed for their own abuse, they were laughed at, slut-shamed. They had to hear that if they didn't drink that night, it wouldn't happened. If they wouldn't walking by themselves at night, they wouldn't have been abused. That maybe they should have dressed better if they didn't wanted male attention. This is no news to you, i'm pretty sure. I'm 100% sure you heard all of this kind of shit, if you didn't said it yourself.
I just want to tell you that this moment, those five, ten minutes where those girls were being abused, they marked them forever. They changed because of that. Some of them could never get close to a man again in their lives. Some of them have nightmares about being raped again, some of them lost the support of their families, some of them lost their loved ones. All because one guy couldn't understand the concept of NO. Because that one guy couldn't accept the fact that they didn't wanted him. Because the couldn't control himself. Or because he didn't cared. Because they, my friends and my family, weren't people to his eyes at that moment - they were a thing; a piece of meat.
You know, I never been raped and I thank God everyday for it. But I've been abused in so many other ways. I've been touched against my will, I've been forced kissed, I've been chased on the street, I've been pulled by my hair in the middle of clubs, I've been cat called, I've been stalked, I've been sent many unrequested dick pics, I've been threatened to have my private pictures leaked. I almost got thrown in a car by four guys when I was only 14, while I went to one of my school friend's house, literally 5 minutes away. I was wearing my school uniform, which was an oversized tee and boy shorts. Was I "asking for it"? Was my way to dress to provocative to those pervs? I've been called a whore, i've been called a slut, I've been called crazy, I've been called easy. The most recent one is that I post sexy pictures because I seek male attention and that "isn't that what I wanted?" when I got unrequested nudes. Oh, also that i'm a "homie hopping whore", because I liked some pictures on the instagram account that happens to be friends with a guy I went out last year.
My point here: if you're a girl, i'm pretty sure you've been through some sort of situation like that before. You might be going through it right now. That shouldn't be a routine, this shouldn't be normal.
If I didn't had the right people coming to my life, I would never understand how strong I really am, who I really am; I would never be independent and well resolved with my own terms. And more important of it all: that what people did to me, what I believed it was just fine, was completely wrong. And how that made my life as a teenager so much harder than it needed to be.
On the show, Hannah (the main character) commits suicide after being cyberbullied, slut-shamed, objectified and, ultimately, raped. But this is a tv show, right? But I'll get you wondering... How many real Hannah's are out there? How many young girls gave up their lives over unkind words, over mean comments, over being violated? How many girls had their feelings - and their bodies - so hurt that they decided to stop all that by opening their wrists, hanging out their bedroom ceilings, jumping off buildings? How many cis, trans, old, young, black, white, rich, poor girls were so emotionally and psychologically destroyed that their thought that suicide was their only option?
Think about it. Do your research.
Your words, your attitudes, showing your support to friends and people you might not even know can change their whole life. It can be the difference between another day at school or a funeral next morning. It can change the mind of a girl who thought she was nothing more than a piece of meat to actually realizes that she's worth something. That she has more to offer than her body. It can build up or completely destroy someone's self-esteem and the way they cope with daily struggles. Your words and your attitudes can stop your friend from taking advantage of that drunk girl at the party, or to get justice for a victim. It can help your "bros" to understand what's right and what's wrong.
You have no fucking clue on what's happening on someone's life, so be kind. Be patient. Be respectful. Don't cover up for sexist, predatory attitudes. Don't judge, don't blame the victims. Be there for them.
13 notes · View notes
afrojonathan · 5 years
Day 1: Doha, Qatar
Dusting off the ol’ blog to send along daily recaps, musings and photos (mostly for myself for posterity, but if you’re reading this and you’re not me, well hello there! Thanks for the eyeballs).
I could prattle on forever about what a 13-hour flight in business class on Qatar Airways entails, but I’ll just list the most ridiculous things in bullet form in a separate post. I will say, all the pampering and unlimited food and such led to me getting about an hour of sleep, landing in Doha, Qatar at 6am. They announced the weather was 96 upon landing (remember this was 6am?) I knew that my day was going to be rough.
First, I popped into the lavish and large Qatar Airways lounge, complete with fountains, chandeliers, 2 restaurants, and of course, a prayer room. This is a Muslim country after all. I changed into my Doha gear (white linen shirt, a blue keffiyeh [scarf], and light khaki pants [still tight, as loose clothing is simply anathema to me). This was me dressing “un-provocatively” to respect the culture. I was told I was not allowed to leave my stuff in the locker room if I left the airport, but I just did it anyway. I knew I was going to be so hot without a heavy backpack. Plus, it would cause (more) wrinkles in my linen shirt).
Upon stepping outside of the airport, it was like getting hit by a giant hair dryer of hot air. It had an actual impact. I got in an Uber and took off to Education City to check out the Qatar National Library. On the way I passed a lot of suburbs with light-colored (due to the heat), run-down, identical housing units. It actually reminded me simultaneously of Mexico (with the shops and such) and the outskirts of Vegas (had that kind of look of a suburb in a blazingly hot place). Of course, neither of those places have minarets all over for the Muslim call to prayer. They were everywhere, and the first time I’ve seen them since my time with Joe and Becka in Bosnia.
The library was modern and sleek. I entered by saying “a salaam alaikum” meaning “peace be with you”, and my confidence in my pronunciation was promptly affirmed when I got the response “alaikum a salaam” (“and also with you”). Feeling good about that, I would use this a lot in the day.
The books looked like they floated on shelves, and apparently, they had about 2.5 million. I explored, got a coffee, and took a nap on a bean bag chair thing (wasn’t sure how this would be received, but I was too tired to care).
Afterwards, I figured I’d explore Education City a bit. This was a mistake. Of course, it was so hot, but also oddly laid out. Lots of new buildings, but some weren’t open, some seemed abandoned and some had just a few folks milling about. Perhaps it’s summer vacation? The main issue was how hard it was to get around. I was on a campus of sorts, but it didn’t seem well-designed for pedestrians (or maybe [likely] I was just being an idiot). This led to me walking around a lot in the unrelenting and oppressive sun. It was like the sun in Super Mario 3 that always chases/attacks you. It’s somehow ever-overhead. I had sunscreen on, but I’m pretty sure this was scorching my actual bones. I eventually went back to the library to cool off and get some water, as I was starting to feel sick.
After some recovery time, off to the Museum of Islamic Art. I called an audible and did this as opposed to an outdoor activity because A) heat B) no one else seemed to be doing outdoor activities, which I was quickly starting to understand. The museum itself was beautiful, with views of Doha across the bay. The exhibits were fine, very historical and Met Museum-ish, which isn’t my favorite type of art. But it was well worth the price of admission for the architecture, views and cafe.
I explored the bay a bit (a very little bit, have I said it was hot?), and then took a cab to the Corniche area, a different part of the bay closer to the downtown. Both places had lots of similar looking boats, and I couldn’t figure their purpose as no one seemed to be using them. It all felt a bit deserted, as smarter people were likely away from the heat. I figured I’d walk from here to the downtown, but it was both very hard to do (terrible city for pedestrians) and there wasn’t anything to do. There weren’t shopping promenades or cafes or anything. Just construction skyscraper office buildings. I hope they think to make the downtown a bit more pedestrian friendly. At this point I was wearing my keffiyeh (scarf) around my head, hoping to look cool but definitely looking like a grandma.
Off to the Souq Waqif market, to do some exploring. Still pretty dead, as the activity apparently picks up at sundown. I sat for a mint and lemon juice, apparently a thing here. Quite good! I also found a spot for a coffee that had 3 Filipinos working there (I recognized they were speaking Tagalog, thanks to Chris and Teeny). I called them all worms (one of the only Tagalog words I know), and we all had an awkward laugh.
Off to the National Museum of Qatar, just to take some pics of the outside. It felt like a building that would be in the desert of Luke Skywalker’s home planet. Very cool place, and now that the sun was down, I headed back to Souq Waqif to see the action. On the way I went to the water to see the Pearl Monument (an oyster with a Pearl), and the skyline at night. It was really colorful and beautiful, but it seemed so fake given I don’t think there’s much to do (and no real nightlife, given it’s a Muslim country).
The souq was certainly livelier, and I snapped some pics (somewhat surreptitiously) of the streets and shops, unclear on whether this was acceptable. I went to the adjacent Falcon Souq, which was closed. That one is all dedicated to falconry, which I wanted to see. I did, however, see a few men with falcons on their arms at the main Souq. And I saw lots of small birds for sale. It was strange to see the cages out in the open, as well as cages for other pets. The souq as a whole was a cool experience, but I got the sense this was just giving me a taste of what’s to come in Morocco.
As I realized I was nodding off while standing and having a tough time walking straight (I was inadvertently bumping into walls after ~32K sun-scorched steps), I headed back to the airport for some rest before my next 8-hour flight to Johannesburg, en route to Namibia.
0 notes