#iseldir saves the day
I need a fic where Merlin doesn’t know he’s Emrys and doesn’t know about his destiny, he’s just a good person who sees someone constantly almost dying and saves him because he can’t just sit and do nothing.
Kilgharrah doesn’t exist. Plot holes aside, the bitchy basement gecko can go to hell.
This all takes place during The Beginning of The End episode.
Mordred doesn’t call Merlin Emrys, he just cries out for help (and for his dad). Merlin steps in, the rest of the episode is the same but Merlin is determined to help the druid boy he found. Without crusty dinosaur harping on, he gets to choose the right thing for his own morals and critical thinking. Gaius is unsurprisingly resistant, so Merlin is being extremely careful, then Arthur finds him in Morgana’s chambers while he’s healing Mordred.
Let’s go with Morgana already knows about Merlin’s magic and he’s been helping her too against Gaius’ advice.
Arthur feels betrayed and is upset because Merlin can’t seem to give him a straight answer about anything. It’s all still new to him, but he’s learning that Merlin is good even if he doesn’t answer any of Arthur’s questions about magic or why he doesn’t use spells or anything like that. He’s angry but he can’t punish Merlin and free Mordred without being hypocritical, so he mostly sulks.
In all the perceived lies, Arthur snaps and instead of punishing him, he doesn’t let Merlin leave his side until he tells the truth.
So when Arthur takes Mordred back to the Druids, Merlin goes with him. Iseldir greets them as “Emrys and The Once and Future King” They’re both confused, but obviously Arthur is the future king so Arthur asks who Iseldir thought Merlin was.
Iseldir reveals their destiny that Merlin is the god of magic. Merlin is silent and Arthur is so confused and hurt about why Merlin didn’t trust him.
Iseldir answers all of Arthur’s questions about destiny and the prophecy while Merlin doesn’t say a word. He takes it to mean Merlin is ashamed or something similar about the truth coming out, meanwhile Merlin is grappling with the fact that he supposedly isn’t human. After days of Arthur picking on him for “lying” and all the unintentionally cruel jibes, when Iseldir tries to say Merlin was blessed with his power and that it was something he should be grateful for.
Merlin breaks down in a Percy Jackson style “I’m not a god! There’s something wrong with me! I get that whatever I am isn’t supposed to happen, I know I’m a monster, believe me. I never even learned magic and every time I’ve tried to get rid of it, it’s almost killed me! So don’t tell me that this is a blessing, that this curse is something I should be happy about because it’s the reason I’ve spent every single day of my entire life terrified!” Then he stops for a second and the tears roll down his cheeks, “I’m sorry, but I’m not what you think I am. You need to find someone else to believe in.”
(Skip to the end for a happy ending, this is angsty. Warning for dark!Arthur and major character death)
Arthur thinks Merlin is lying and banishes him on the spot. Iseldir warns against it, but Merlin is just so tired so he doesn’t fight it. He’s left broken and believing he’s a monster, so be leaves to protect his friends.
Until a month or so later Arthur is on a hunt when he gets separated and lost, then injured by bandits. Merlin finds him, (he’s been sent off by the druids for failing this destiny he knew nothing about, in search of a solution but they’re not very forthcoming with information) and Merlin heals him. Then they get all the diamond of the day moments while Merlin is nursing Arthur back to health until he succumbs to infection.
Merlin gives his life for Arthur, knowing that he’ll be a good king. This leads Arthur to become really dark, he kills his father and takes over Camelot, welcoming magic but killing anyone with a different opinion. No one is safe, war breaks out and Camelot falls. When Arthur dies, young and during an uprising, he meets Merlin again in Avalon. Merlin doesn’t recognise Arthur with all he’s become, and Arthur is punished to watch all his people suffer with his old mind while watching Merlin continuously pushing him away because “he’s waiting for Arthur, he shouldn’t be alone when he gets here. He would’ve been a good king, he needs someone to take care of him now.” And it breaks Arthur’s heart to hear it every time.
That’s all I got so far, it could be that they’re both driven mad waiting, Arthur by watching his people and Merlin by waiting for a man he’s doomed to never recognise again. I’m not sure, I haven’t gotten that far.
Or for less angst, hurt/comfort where Arthur has to realise that Merlin is just as in the dark as he is, he really doesn’t know any of the questions Arthur had and he’s probably been looking for answers a lot longer. They work together to fix everything and while it’s difficult, Merlin still has issues with lying to protect his friends (intent/outcome issues) Arthur is too trusting still and they have to deal with Morgause and all the other threats but they overcome it together. Albion is united and they live happily ever after.
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Arthur throws a tantrum that has severe consequences;
Merlin suffers, and Gwaine just about manages to stop himself from killing The King.
TW: Extreme body horror and blood and grossness.
They're in a cave.
It's dark, and damp, and far too quiet, so despite the fact that their quest was successful, The King, his manservant, and Camelot's six best knights are still slightly on edge.
The traps had been circumvented, the artefact had been collected, the curse had been broken, and they were on their way home, but the buzz of dark magic hums through Merlin and Sir Mordred’s skulls, and the uneasy looks they keep sending each other worry Sir Lancelot and Sir Gwaine, which in turn worries everyone else.
Gwaine doesn’t know about Merlin’s magic, though he does know that the younger man has a lot more to do with Camelot’s (and Arthur’s) continued survival than he lets on. He won’t push, he won’t ask, but he’s an observant man who places all of his faith in Merlin, so if covering for him whenever Arthur casually asks if he saw the servant at the tavern, or supporting Lancelot whenever he makes a loud comment based on Merlin’s subtle whispered suggestion, is all he can do? Fine. He’ll do it.
Merlin’s face when he does so is always a little bit heartbreaking. He’s clearly grateful, for the trust, for the back up, for the belief, but Gwaine can see the desperation in his expression. Guilt and fear and apprehension all rolled into one, covered with a weak smile and a cheeky wink. Gwaine always pretends not to notice, and he can tell that sometimes Merlin is more grateful for that than he is for the original help.
Merlin’s stiffening back and faltered step finally persuades Gwaine that it’s time to step in again, but before he can loudly ask the group if anything feels off, a deep rumble echoes from below their feet.
It’s quiet to start with and the whole group freezes, gazes shifting sharply back in the direction they had come from; it’s only when the rumble suddenly morphs into a loud series of crashes and dust begins falling from the ceiling in aggressive swirls that Mordred yells:
“Cave-in!! We need to go!”
They all begin sprinting down the corridor, desperately hoping that their memory was serving them well; if they were right, if they hadn’t made any wrong turns or miscalculated the distance, the cave exit should be just around the corner. The rumbling only grows louder as they run, and within seconds, pebbles, and soon larger rocks and boulders, are falling from the ceiling. 
It’s only Merlin, pushing himself faster so he can catch up to Leon, grabbing his cloak and pulling him to a halt, that stops the older knight from being crushed by falling debris. The curly haired knight widens his eyes for a fraction of a second before taking Merlin’s hand in his own and pulling him to catch up with the others, resigning himself to thanking the servant profusely when they were no longer running for their lives.
Everyone coughs the dirt from their lungs and rubs it from their eyes, hands out in front of them to stop them from running face first into a wall; Arthur’s victorious yell when they turn a sharp corner to see bright sunshine spilling into the tunnel about fifty feet ahead of them spurs the group even faster.
The ground somehow begins to shake even more viciously, and Elyan trips. He trips, and suddenly finds himself lifted in the air, only for a second, before he lands solidly on his two feet again. The knight knows magic when he feels it, and the others know it when they see it, so when the shaking stops all of a sudden, the dust frozen in the air and boulders shaking above their heads, they halt in their tracks.
Merlin, at the back of the group, lets out a pained groan, and all of their heads whip around, every single one of them panicking at the thought that their friend had been crushed or captured by some evil sorcerer. Their view of him is quickly blocked by Lancelot, though they can all see the servant’s shaking arms above his head, palms facing the no-longer-crumbling ceiling.
Gwaine is the first to step forward, cautious but quick, and he takes in a gasp at Merlin’s golden eyes. Lancelot doesn’t even spare him a glance, hands on Merlin’s shoulders as he lets out panicked whispers:
“Fuck. Fuck, fuck. Merlin, come on, you can’t hold this.”
Merlin just groans again, the sweat gathering on his brow as he grinds his teeth together, barely even paying attention to Lancelot, and paying even less attention when Arthur finally steps sideways, sharply inhaling at the obvious display of sorcery. Everyone seems to have gathered what’s going on now, and their gazes are ripped from the struggling servant when Arthur clenches his fists and harshly sneers:
“You’re a sorcerer! How long? How long have you been betraying me?!”
When the King takes a threatening step towards him, Gwaine moves to be in his way, landing a strong hand on his shoulder and responding with equal anger:
“He’s not betraying you, you arsehole, he just saved all of our lives.”
Arthur throws his hand off violently and it’s only Leon’s quick reaction that stops him from punching the knight, though Gwaine looks as if he’d rather enjoy the fight. Lancelot turns his head quickly, scowling at both of them but not releasing his hold on Merlin as he rushes out:
“We don’t have time for this, we need to figure out how to get out.”
The King doesn’t seem to take in his words, just stares at him with disgust as he notices the way he’s practically holding Merlin up:
“And you knew? You’re a traitor too then?”
The ground shakes, only briefly, but it’s enough to remind everyone of the situation at hand, and Percival jumps in, ignoring Arthur’s anger and Gwaine’s mistrust as he puts a supporting hand on Merlin’s ribs:
“Can you move whilst holding it up? We’re about thirty feet from the exit.”
Merlin just shakes his head, eyes clenched tightly shut and jaw so tense that Lance worries about the state of his teeth. He takes in a ragged breath, sounding as if he has gravel in his lungs, as he stutters out:
“Can’t... you leave.... run.”
Arthur lets out a loud growl, and Gwaine turns to him in anger, but before he can throw an insult (or a punch) the ground shakes again; Mordred only just manages to grab Percival’s hand and sharply pull him down before his skull is caved in by the ceiling falling half a metre.
Merlin lets out another loud whine, and Lancelot releases a sharp breath at the trickle of blood coming from his nose. The knight’s voice is desperate as he speaks:
“Come on, Merlin, use that big brain of yours, how do we get out? You’ve dealt with worse.”
Merlin can only shake his head again, and a crack echoes down the corridor as he screams. One of his arms falls limply to his side and the knights notice with growing horror the odd angle of his collar bone and the lumps of bone under his skin. Tears leak from his eyes as he groans and his breath deepens, only managing to yell one word in his agony:
The shout jolts the knights out of their terror, but Arthur seems to ignore him again:
“You’re a fucking trai-”
Gwaine does manage to throw a punch this time, but Leon pulls Arthur back before he can retaliate, dragging him back a few steps. Mordred grabs Lancelot’s arm, muttering so only the knight can hear:
“He’ll be fine, remember? We will not, we need to go.”
Lancelot gives Merlin a tender kiss on the forehead, muttering whispered desperate apologies to his best friend before turning and shooing Percival back down the corridor:
“Go, go! We need to go, he can’t hold it much longer!”
Arthur is suddenly reminded of the collapsing cave around him, anger at Merlin morphing into anger at the universe for both making his manservant a traitor, and making him find out in the middle of a life-threatening emergency. He stumbles towards the exit, hand covering his mouth against the dust and pebbles that are falling through the air once more. 
Percival and Elyan follow reluctantly, looking back at their tortured friend with tears in their eyes, but move towards the sunlight regardless. Gwaine moves in the opposite direction, planting his feet in front of Merlin and cupping his jaw softly with both hands, resting their foreheads together. He ignores Merlin’s whispered “Go...” and digs his feet in when Leon and Lancelot attempt to pull him away.
It’s Leon that yells:
“Gwaine, come on, there’s nothing you can do!” as the two of them finally manage to force him back, but he thrashes in their hold, screams echoing down the cavern:
They only manage to drag him back a few feet before he breaks free, sprinting back towards Merlin. The servant opens his bloody eyes, glancing over Gwaine’s shoulder to see Mordred, Elyan, Percival, and Arthur falling out into the sun. He looks back to Gwaine when he feels his warm, calloused hands on his cheeks again, letting out a pained sob before grinding out a cracking:
“I’m... I’m sorry.”
He lifts his broken arm with a loud yelp, placing his violently shaking hand against Gwaine’s chest and pushing. His eyes flash brighter for a second, his scream guttural and horrifying, but all Gwaine can focus on is the way his body flies through the air with a force he’d never known; within seconds, he, Lancelot, and Leon are having their falls broken by sunlight and soft grass.
He whips his head up, wiping the hair from his eyes with a hand shaking from adrenaline. He can still see Merlin, now on his knees with agony scrawled across his face and blood pouring from his mouth; Gwaine’s brain supplies the explanation that the servant had probably bitten his tongue clean off, with the way his jaw was clenched so harshly. He stumbles to his feet, an outraged shriek bursting forth when Leon and Lancelot rush to grab him once again, stopping him from running back into the collapsing cave. He pulls against them, but it’s no use, and the last thing he sees before the dust blinds him is Merlin’s tired, bloody smile of relief at seeing him safe.
The impact of the mountain falling, even only a few feet, was felt across the entire Kingdom. The sudden earthquake threw all of the knights to the floor and it was only when the shaking stopped that they could finally stand again. It took a few more moments for the dust to settle enough that they could clearly see, but Gwaine’s breath is snatched from him when he looks to the cave entrance to see nothing but rubble.
He immediately rushes towards the cliff face, managing to evade Leon and Lancelot’s grabbing hands and uncaring of the danger of unstable debris. He hands land roughly on the stone, digging the fingers of one hand into cracks, and thumping his other hand, curled into a fist, against the rocks repeatedly:
His voice almost cracks, but he doesn’t care, continuing his desperate attempt to dislodge the boulders despite the others’ shouted warnings. Percival manages to grip his shoulder tight enough that Gwaine can’t slip free, and yanks him away from the caved-in entrance, but the shorter knight just whirls around in anger:
“What are you doing? He might still be alive in there!”
Percival shakes his head, tears in his eyes, but before he can respond Arthur pushes him out of the way and lands a hard punch to Gwaine’s cheek. The knight’s head rocks to the side, but he’s whirling back again within moments, being held back just in time by Percival before he can retaliate:
“You fucking knew, didn’t you?! You knew he was a traitor!”
Mordred clenches his hands and jaw in anger, but manages to keep any attacks in, verbal or otherwise. Leon and Elyan seem to be ignoring the fight entirely; the past few minutes had seemed to catch up with them as they stare despondently at the fallen debris. Lancelot stands back, looking an odd mix between heartbroken and frustrated, eyes darting around the clearing as if he were waiting for something.
Gwaine squares his shoulders, shrugging Percival off and taking a threatening step towards the fuming King, fists tightly clenched and eyes blazing:
“No. I didn’t know. But he just saved all of our lives, and I bet not for the first time.”
Arthur throws up his hands and turns in a short, angry circle before facing Gwaine again, his voice rising with every word:
“With fucking sorcery!!”
Gwaine takes another step forward, stopped only by Percival’s soft hand on his shoulder as he responds in equal anger:
“Who gives a fuck? Gods, Arthur, get your head out of your arse, he’s been by your side for ten years, sacrificed more than we will ever know for you, and you turn on him in a second when he saves your life!-”
He takes another step towards The King, desperately trying to ignore the tears that suddenly slip down his cheeks, leaving tracks in the dust, as he gestures roughly at the mountain behind him and jabs Arthur in the chest:
“-He’s dead, Merlin is dead, because of you! No wonder he didn’t fucking trust you, look what you did!”
Arthur recoils at that, anger melting from his face in a split-second as his wide eyes move from Gwaine’s face to over his shoulder. His shoulders sag and his eyes finally, finally fill with tears as his gaze darts from one boulder to the next. He gulps, slowly stepping around the grieving knight as his hands begin to shake; Leon finally breaks out of his stupor, stepping towards Arthur and putting his own shaking hand on his shoulder:
“There’s nothing you- we could’ve done.”
Arthur shrugs the hand off, moving closer to the debris as his breathing grows deep and he mutters to himself:
“He... can’t be. No, he’s... he might be alive in there, we... I-”
Mordred, his anger finally boiling over, steps in front of Arthur. The King looks down to his youngest knight and takes a stumbled step back at the snarl on his face and the gold in his eyes:
“My Lord has suffered, once more, at your hands. Part of me wonders if Morgause is right, perhaps there’s no hope left for you.-”
He takes a deep breath and steps slightly away from Arthur again, schooling his face into neutrality as he speaks on a monotone voice:
“-Help is on the way, do us all a favour and keep your sword to yourself when they arrive.”
Arthur is frozen in his shock, as are Leon, Elyan, and Percival, but Lancelot just looks mildly disapproving and Gwaine is too busy unclasping his cloak and unbuckling his belt to notice. Arthur turns around again at the clanging sound, only to see Gwaine dropping his cloak and sword at his feet:
“I quit. I thought you were the exception to my belief that all nobles are corrupt, hypocritical, tyrants... I guess I was wrong.-”
With that, he pushes past the distraught, frozen King, to stand in front of Mordred:
“-What do you mean, help is coming?”
Mordred raises an eyebrow but doesn’t answer, instead nodding over Gwaine’s shoulder pointedly. Everyone turns around, only to take in surprised breath at the group of fifty or so golden-eyed Druids making their way through the trees towards them. Mordred and Lancelot push through the others and jog over to meet them, bowing briefly in greeting and ducking their heads to have a whispered conversation. Arthur is still staring at the cave-in blankly, but Leon stops the others from joining them with a firm wave of his hand. The rest of knights were clearly not in the know, and they definitely weren’t in charge; best leave this to the people who actually knew what was going on.
Lancelot nods to the mountain and Mordred gestures to his own collarbone, a look of confusion on his face. A few of the Druids gasp quietly, staring at the mountain in grief, but their leader, a man that Leon recognises as Iseldir, sighs and nods, looking as though he was giving a short explanation before patting Mordred on the shoulder and finally beginning to make his way to the other knights.
Leon walks up to greet him, and Iseldir smiles and clasps his forearm as if they knew each other far better than they did:
“Good to see you again, Sir Leon, though I regret the circumstances.”
Leon sniffles slightly and nods, trying desperately to keep his professional façade up by ignoring his red-rimmed eyes:
“Indeed. Mordred said you were... here to help?”
Iseldir nods and moves towards the cave-in, sending a short glance to the still frozen King, his expression an odd mix of awed and patient an contemptuous, before gesturing the other Druids forward.
They all raise their hands towards the rubble, eyes golden as they chant lowly. The mountain begins to shake again, though it’s clearly a lot more controlled, and the knights can’t feel it even from only a few metres away; nevertheless, Percival and Lancelot still have to grab Gwaine to stop him from pouncing at them in his confused grief.
The knights all hold their breath, Leon, Gwaine, Elyan, and Percival in confusion, and Mordred and Lancelot in apprehension at what they would see. They know of Merlin’s... abilities. But this... a small part of them prayed that he had died, or that he was at least unconscious. A mountain as a blanket can’t be...comfortable.
After a few more moments the shaking becomes uniform, and boulders slowly begin to extract themselves from the cave entrance, floating through the air serenely and piling up a few metres to the side. The knights all hold their breath as the Druids strain, and Lancelot walks towards the cave with caution. His steps are slow and his hands are held out in front of him, ready to bolt at a moments notice, but he gets to the cliffside just as a narrow walkway through the middle of all the rubble opens up.
He looks back, waiting for Iseldir’s nod of approval before making his way into the darkness. None of the knights follow, despite their desperation to do so, knowing somehow that it wasn’t their place to rescue Merlin. Not this time.
Lancelot is gone for maybe twenty seconds before the others hear his wretched yelp, and it’s barely a few seconds later that he stumbles out of the cave again, pale as a sheet with sweat gathering on his forehead. He quickly staggers to the side, one hand using the wall to hold his weight up and the other resting on his bent knee as he leans over to vomit in the bushes. The knights are frozen in their shock, but tears gather in their eyes once more when Lancelot quickly turns to face Iseldir, wiping a hand sleeve across his mouth haphazardly, ignoring the tear tracks on his cheeks as he speaks desperately, his eyes manic:
“Please, please tell me he died. He... he can’t have lived through... lived through that.”
Iseldir gives him a mournful smile, but before he can say anything, Gwaine makes a dart to the entrance cave. Lancelot quickly steps in his way, digging his heels in and using all his strength to hold the bulkier man back:
“NO! Gwaine, you don’t want to see in there, ok? I swear to you, you will regret it for the rest of your life if you go in there.”
Gwaine pushes against him one last time, but quickly gives up, stumbling back and dropping to his knees with his face in his hands, muffling his cries. Lance’s distraught gaze finds Iseldir again, and the Druid nods:
“His body dies like any other, though we can only pray that it was quick. His resurrection will be incredibly... agonising however; I can appreciate the difficulty in what I’m asking, but might I request you stay at his side as he wakes? Myself and my group have strength in numbers and can hold the passage open for hours if needed, but I imagine he will begin to wake soon.”
Lance nods and moves towards the entrance again. No one mentions his uneasy steps or the way his hands shake. He pauses and looks back briefly at Arthur’s croaking question, but just gives a pointed look to an equally pale Mordred before continuing his journey:
“He’s... he’s still alive?”
Mordred steps in front of The King again, unwilling to let him run anywhere like Gwaine had tried, but it’s Iseldir that cryptically answers:
“No. But he will be.”
The Druid turns back to the cave without another word, re-focusing his magic onto the task at hand.
An odd silence deafens the knights, but if they listen hard enough, they find they can almost hear Lancelot’s gasping deep breaths as he once again lays eyes on... what’s left. Time seems to drag on, the silence getting heavier and heavier, though a long, low groan cracks through the atmosphere like a knife.
Percival lays a comforting but strong hand on Gwaine’s shoulder as everyone tenses, but no one manages to hold in their tears when the low groan gets louder and louder, rising in pitch until it’s an agonized screech.
Leon looks to Iseldir in horror, his eyes wide and his mouth open as he stutters over words he can’t force himself to say; Iseldir looks back at him, and the First Knight sees tears shining in his eyes at his Lord’s pain:
“The vital parts of his body, the skull and brain, the heart, the lungs, the spine, will have repaired themselves first, then he woke up. He will remain conscious whilst the rest of his body stitches itself back together; it is agony like no other.”
The screech halts all of a sudden with a sickening gurgle, the sound distinctly reminding the knights of someone choking on bone and blood. 
Lancelot’s shaking voice echoes down the stone corridor:
“You... you can do this, Merlin. It’s ok, I’m not leaving you. Everything’s.. everything’s going to be ok, you can do this.”
At the horror and grief in his tone, Elyan stumbles forward to kneel behind Gwaine, covering his friend’s ears with his hands and pressing his forehead to the crown of his shaking head. Percival also sits with them, closing his eyes against the tears and attempting to breath slowly. Mordred stands still, but his hands and jaw are clenched tightly as he stares blankly at the grass at his feet, flinching ever so slightly at every groan and scream and cry that emerges from the darkness. Leon takes Arthur’s hand, and though The King doesn’t look at him, the tight way he squeezes his fingers is all the acknowledgement that he was still somewhat present that Leon needed.
The sound of Lancelot hiccupping through his sobs can be heard, but that’s quickly drowned out by sickening cracking sounds and more screaming.
Time seems both to drag and to fly by; anywhere from ten seconds to ten hours could’ve passed by the time Merlin stops screaming for good. The knights can’t help but feel selfish for how grateful they are that they didn’t have to watch it; listening to it was enough to give then nightmares for a long long time.
They finally hear a scuffling sound from within the cave and everyone’s eyes comes back into focus as they look up, not bothering to clear their faces of tears as they see Lancelot struggle to walk through the debris, Merlin hanging from his side with his arm over the knight’s shoulder.
Leon is the first to react, darting forward to help the exhausted, blood-soaked knight take Merlin’s weight. Everyone is frozen in horror at way Merlin’s tattered clothes hang off of him, absolutely drenched in blood; not even an inch of fabric has escaped being stained. Leon and Lancelot lay the groaning servant down in the soft grass as the Druids begin filling the tunnel with debris and rubble, wanting to make the structure as stable as possible before they stop holding the mountain up.
The golden-eyed sorcerers step back slowly, untensing when the mountain settles straight away; there must’ve been some sort of old magical trap in the stone, it would be best not to disturb it again if they could help it.
The knights gather around Merlin’s red form, noticing absent-mindedly that it was almost dark, so they must’ve been here for three hours at least. Mordred pushes to the front, his skin pale but his expression blank as he takes a clean rag and some water from his pack (the horses had been left at the entrance to the cave, so they thankfully hadn’t lost any supplies in the disaster). He made quick, but gentle work of cleaning Merlin as best he could, getting the blood off his face and hands and out of his hair. Lancelot pats him on the shoulder with a shaking hand before standing again and stumbling towards Iseldir; the knights barely pay him any attention as he walks off, focused entirely on Merlin’s limp body. No one attempts to touch him, not with the possessive glares Mordred is sending to anyone who gets too close.
The Druid cups Lance’s elbow, his grip surprisingly strong and supportive as Lancelot tries to gather his thoughts and force some sort of sentence out of his mouth. After a few moments, the quiet question eventually comes:
“What now?”
Iseldir smiles at him mournfully, glancing over his shoulder at the gathering of knights before looking back to Lance:
“That is up to The Once and Future King, I suppose. Emrys is exhausted, now that the pain has passed I imagine he’ll be asleep for several days. Look after him until he wakes, won’t you? I have faith that everything will work out in the end, but remember, Emrys, Sir Mordred, Lady Morgana, and yourself always have a place among us, should you want it.”
Lancelot gives him a small smile and steps back, nodding his gratitude at the other Druids before turning around and going back to Merlin, not looking back as they make their way from the clearing and back into the forest. He comes to stand behind Mordred, putting a hand on his shoulder and waiting until the younger man looks up at him before saying:
“It’s almost dark, we need to set up camp. He should have a spare set of clothes in his pack so you and I can take him to the river to wash and change him whilst the others get set up.”
Mordred takes a while to reply, but finally nods. He goes to pick Merlin up, but Gwaine beats him to it, gathering his unconscious form in his arms with more care than the knights have ever seen him exhibit before; Mordred freezes for a second, about to pounce on Gwaine for daring to touch him, but quickly relaxes as he remembers Gwaine’s reaction to... well... everything.
It doesn’t take them long to find a camping spot, Mordred and Lancelot leading the way back into the forest towards the river with Arthur bringing up the rear. Out of tactical necessity or guilt, no one knows, but no one bothers to ask.
Soon enough a fire is roaring and Mordred, Lancelot, and Gwaine have disappeared into the trees with Merlin. Elyan, Percival, and Leon share the occasional worried glance, both at the events of the day and Arthur’s disturbing stillness. It was maybe half a candle-mark after the others went to the river that Arthur cleared his throat and spoke, his voice croaky from tears and disuse:
“How... how long, do you think? How long as he been a sorcerer?”
His gaze stays firmly on the fire, even as the others bristle in slight anger, mistaking his questions for continued animosity. Leon is the first to answer, his tone slow and measured:
“To be that powerful, and to have Druids at his beck and call... a while, I imagine. Sire.”
Arthur nods, but doesn’t reply, and it’s Elyan that speaks next, his eyes narrowed and his tone far less regulated that Leon’s:
“Still plan on punishing him then? Trying to figure out how you should execute the man who just went through hours of endless agony to save your life?”
Leon looks to him sharply but doesn’t say anything, surprised by the normally-gentle Percival’s nod of agreement. Arthur looks up quickly as well, though his expression is one of shock and pain:
“What?! No! I wouldn’t.. I don’t... I just meant, how long has he had to hide? You... Gwaine, he was right. He’s probably saved our lives, my life, a dozen times pulling stupid stunts like that,-”
Arthur’s cut off by the others walking back into camp, Mordred giving him a blank stare as he says in a monotone voice:
“More than a dozen, Sire. Many more. He’s saved your life directly and indirectly hundreds of times. And never has he sought any credit. The two of you together are meant to be the saviours of this world, or so the prophecies say.-”
They all stare at him blankly as he sits down by the fire, Lancelot settling Merlin in Gwaine’s lap before covering them both with thick blankets and settling next to them:
“-Though I find myself running low on faith in you, My Lord.”
Arthur gulps, but stays silent, turning back to the fire again as the other knights stare at Mordred in confusion. He just huffs and rolls his eyes when he notices their questioning expressions, looking to Lancelot and frowning when the knight just nods at him knowingly. He sighs again, glancing to Merlin, still protectively wrapped up in blankets and Gwaine, before looking to The King and beginning to explain in a tired voice:
“Druid seers have been having visions of The once and Future King, that’s you,-”
Mordred points at Arthur, waiting for the blonde to look up and acknowledge the conversation before dropping his hand and continuing:
“-and Lord Emrys, that’s Merlin, uniting all of Albion under your shared rule, ushering in a Golden Age where the magic and the non-magic are once again in balance. Merlin was made aware of his role in these... fates, when he first arrived in Camelot. I also have a role, as do a few others, though no one else is aware of the... specifics.”
Arthur nods slowly, glancing worriedly to Merlin and Gwaine (who is paying absolutely no attention to the conversation, focused only on stroking Merlin’s hair and periodically checking his pulse) before looking into the fire again:
“The magic and non-magic in... balance?”
Mordred nods, the crease between his eyebrows growing slightly deeper as he slowly responds:
“Hmm. Magic is natural and necessary for the universe to function. You though the Gods wouldn’t intervene when your father started culling it?-”
Arthur blinked and sat up straight in his shock, but otherwise didn’t kick off, which Mordred was taking as a good sign, and continued:
“Magic is not evil, nor is it good. It just... is. Merlin is immortal, some say blessed, I say cursed, to be stuck on this earth, forever alone, until balance is achieved. How long, Arthur, are you willing to force him to wait?”
The knights all hold their breath in suspense, staring at Arthur who in turn is back to staring at Merlin. He gulps, blinks a few times, and shakes his head, before looking to Leon:
“How quickly can we make it back to Camelot?”
Elyan scoffs and Percival frowns, looking to the floor, the two of them obviously thinking that Arthur was dealing with this the same way he deals with his emotions: by ignoring it entirely until it became someone else’s problem (usually Merlin’s). Lancelot and Mordred just stare at him blankly, and Leon tilts his head in question before answering:
“About... five days? If we ride fast and don’t detour to the village like we said we would.”
Arthur nods, takin a deep breath as he stares into the fire again:
“Five days, I’ll make him wait five days. We can send a patrol back to the village when we get home, we’ll be too busy planning a... Golden Age, apparently.”
Elyan and Percival look up in wonder, Lancelot and Leon smile proudly, Mordred nods and grins, and Gwaine... well... Gwaine snores. 
Merlin shuffles in his sleep, his look of pain morphing to a gentle smile as he curls into his knight’s chest, his soul, for the first time in a long time, finding peace.
I think the ending might’ve been a little anti-climactic, but I’ve written so many magic reveals and “magic isn’t evil it just is” speeches that... I didn’t really know how to make it interesting or different😅
I hope y’all enjoyed it!! It took me way longer than I’d hoped to get it finished because I’ve been so busy with work, but I’m relieved I finally got it done :D
My Ko-Fi, which is where I post sneak peaks of upcoming works, check it out and consider donating!!
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antares-8 · 3 years
I was answering reviews on AO3 and thought of a really neat AU idea while ranting at EyeSee: Merlin kills Uther his first day in Camelot by magically pushing him down the stairs.
Think of how much this would change. I’m not just talking about the plot, though obviously that’d be completely different. Imagine Merlin forming a relationship with Arthur when our warlock knows he assassinated his friend’s father. Does Gaius know? Does Gaius suspect, and he gets a subplot trying to figure it out? How does Uther’s immediate death change things between Arthur and Morgana? How does Arthur handle the situation with King Bayard? Is there even a situation with Bayard, or has Nimueh backed off?
And then Mordred shows up just a few episodes/chapters in. Arthur’s suddenly forced to come face to face with a terrified child who was orphaned because of his father’s policies... and he can do whatever he wants to change that. He doesn’t have to sneak around to Mordred, he can actually do something. Does he stop persecuting the druids, and then we have people like Iseldir openly in Camelot trying to change his mind?
Does Morgana feel safe enough to tell him about her magic, once it starts manifesting? Do other spellbinders try to approach Arthur peacefully because his mercy towards Mordred gave them hope? Maybe a druid comes to Arthur’s defense when an angry mage tries to kill him, or Merlin feels comfortable enough to use magic somewhat openly to save his king’s life--it’s obviously magical intervention (yes, even more obvious than the earthquake or the falling branches), but nobody saw who did it. Now there’s rumors that Arthur has a pet wizard or that he has magic himself.
Then there’s potential arcs about grieving and coming to terms with the fact that someone you love was an objectively terrible person and heavy responsibilities and and and
If anybody wants to write this, I will very much read it.
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hayleysstark · 5 years
Words: 2008 Warnings: Swearing Summary: "So," Arthur says, "are you powerful, then?" "Um," Merlin says. "I can hold my own." Arthur snorts. The day Merlin can hold his own, he'll eat his sword. // AU. Post-S4, post-reveal. 
Notes: I had far, far too much fun with this one. Seriously, if you stayed this long, you deserve a medal or something. This was just a heap of shameless self-indulgence, and I'm sorry. Sort of prequel to my other post-reveal fic, Hug. 
Read on Fanfiction or AO3
"So," Arthur says, after a week of fighting, of shaking fists and slamming doors and accusations and betrayals bleeding through all the walls that separated them, and then another week of silence, inflexible and awful and every-kind-of-miserable-there-is silence, and then a third week of I'm sorry and so am I and I didn't want to lie and I know and are you going to banish me and no, that's a bit farther down the schedule, I was thinking I'd lift the ban on magic first, "are you powerful, then?"
"Um," Merlin says. He fidgets with the edge of his frayed sleeve. "I—I can hold my own."
Arthur snorts. Hold his own? Right. The day Merlin can hold his own against anyone, or anything, even with his magic, Arthur will eat his sword and top it off with his shield. Gods help them if Merlin ever has to hold his own.
"Right," he says, dismissively, "so, you're still completely useless."
Merlin doesn't even try to argue—maybe he's too happy Arthur's talking to him again to put up a fight, or maybe he just knows better than to think Arthur would believe him, because he shuts his mouth, and he smiles, and says, "And you're still completely a prat."
Arthur throws an empty wine goblet at him.
"So," Elyan says, through chattering teeth, three weeks after that, after Merlin's completely idiotic insistence that he can hold his own, while they're out on a routine patrol and the weather's turned against them, and now it's started to rain, and everyone's cold and exhausted and soaked to the skin, and Arthur can barely see, "you think you can get us a fire going in all this, Merlin?"
Arthur snorts. "Don't be ridiculous, Elyan. Even magic can't—"
The rain stops.
No, the rain actually stops. Right there. In midair. A thousand crystal-clear droplets hang suspended, for several moments, in front of Arthur's eyes, and then the clouds clear up and the sun comes out and the thousand crystal-clear droplets just—just vanish, just evaporate, just disappear into nothing, and Arthur is left wide-eyed and open-mouthed and slack-jawed, and did Merlin actually just control the weather?
"I don't think," Merlin says, like he just—just picked up a sword, or went up a staircase, or—or something equally unremarkable and ordinary as that, not like he controlled the weather, not like he sent rain spiraling off to gods know where, and he doesn't even—he doesn't even sound out of breath, or anything, "a fire would be a whole lot of use to us in rain like that, Elyan."
"Merlin," Gwaine says, "holy fuck."
Percival nods fervently.
"What?" Merlin says, and looks at the knights, one by one by one, from Leon to Percival to Gwaine to Elyan to Arthur, and a pink flush dusts his cheeks. "What?" he repeats, a touch of real impatience to his voice now.
"You told me," Arthur says, and he can't completely keep the note of betrayal from his voice, "you told me you weren't powerful."
"Um." Merlin fidgets with the edge of his fraying sleeve again. "Surprise?"
"So," Leon says, "I don't believe I ever actually got to thank you for saving my life."
The druid elder, who has introduced himself to them as Iseldir, relaxes his wrinkled face into a wide, warm smile, and shakes his head. Chin-length grey hair drags down his badly-shaven cheek with the motion. "No need for thanks, Sir Knight," he says simply. "We will always help those in need of it."
Arthur steps up. "I know we're a large party," he says, hesitantly—these are people he has hunted and killed in his youth, and there is no word for the impertinence he is about to display, but it's the best chance they've got, "but if we could wait out the night with you—we've lost our horses, and we've lost the trail of the cockatrice out there—"
"Of course," Iseldir waves a hand in welcome, gesturing to the stretch of simple tents and fires at his back, "please, join us. It will be an honor to house Emrys and his companions."
"Em—?" Arthur's tongue catches on the strange sound, the foreign name, and it sits, unfamiliar, and coldness in its unfamiliarity, in his mouth. "Emrys?"
Leon coughs. "Um. His—his name is Arthur. Actually."
"You know what," Merlin says, very loudly, "I think we should take our chances with the cockatrice!"
"You—!" Arthur, boots squelching in the mud as he paces, back and forth, from tree to druid tent to other tree to other druid tent, rakes his fingers through his hair again, for what's got to be the millionth time since Iseldir got down on his knees and bowed to Merlin and called him my lord. "You—!" He turns, on his heel, to jab an accusing finger into Merlin's chest. "You are king," that's not a word he ever imagined he'd apply to Merlin, not once, not ever, but it's the right one, he knows it's the right one—the reverence and respect on the druids' faces is evidence enough of that, "you are king of the druids! The druids! And you didn't tell me?!"
"Um," Merlin says, "king is a—a very, very strong word—"
"Merlin, they were bowing," Elyan reminds him.
Merlin reddens. "I hate it when they do that," he mutters.
"King!" Arthur shouts it again, because now that it's in his head, Merlin with a crown and a cloak and a throne and a castle won't leave him alone. "King! And you didn't tell me!"
"I am not," Merlin says, firmly, "a king."
"Don't worry, Princess," Gwaine pipes up, "Camelot is safe from the neighboring ruler."
Percival sniggers.
"Gwaine," Merlin says seriously, "shut the fuck up."
"So," Percival says, "what do we do now, then?"
"Um," Merlin says, and shifts slightly, rubbing at his calves with a wince—Arthur's seconds away from doing the same, it feels like they've been crouching here for hours, "I might have an idea."
"You hear that, everyone?" says Gwaine, who isn't even close to forgetting their impromptu overnight stay with the druids anytime soon. "King Merlin's got a plan."
"Shut up, Gwaine," Merlin and Arthur murmur in unison.
"Let's hear it," Elyan tells Merlin.
"Erm," Merlin rubs at his legs again, "how are you lot with heights?"
"So," a dragon—an actual dragon, and not just—not just any dragon, oh no, of course not, that would be too normal for Merlin, wouldn't it, too normal for Mr. Emrys, Mr. Powerful-Sorcerer-Who-Can-Stop-The-Weather, Mr. King of the Druids, no, he just had to go and make nice with the dragon that tried to kill everyone in Camelot and is supposed to be dead, "the truth has come to light at last, young warlock."
"Well," Merlin says, "not—not all of it."
"Merlin," Arthur gasps, with one hand on his sword hilt—he's ready to go down fighting, if he needs to, "tell me this isn't the dragon I killed. Tell me this is not the dragon I killed."
"Um," Merlin says. "Okay. It's—it's not the dragon you killed. It's—um. It's his. Identical twin."
The dragon makes a rumbling noise that Arthur thinks might be disapproval. "You haven't told him you're a dragonlord?"
"A—a what?!" Gwaine spins on his heel to look at Merlin, eyes like saucers.
"I—I wanted to ease him into it," Merlin mumbles, red to the tips of his ears.
"A dragonlord?" Arthur repeats incredulously, because no, no, no, Merlin cannot be a powerful sorcerer and a druid king and a dragonlord, he just—he just cannot, it's impossible for anyone to be that ridiculously magical. "An actual—" he snorts. "You're actually a dragonlord, now, too?"
Merlin scuffs the toe of his boot miserably on the ground. "Well—this wasn't—um—exactly recent—"
"Merlin," Leon breaks in, frown creasing his face, "why did you and Arthur go and seek out Balinor, then, if you had the power the whole time?"
Merlin swallows. "Oh. Um. Okay. I—uh—I think Arthur needs to sit down."
"So," the girl says, as she rises from the center of the silver lake in a series of ripples, her long dark hair flowing like a waterfall down her back, and a slightly wistful smile on her face, and she glides to the bank, and places her palm flat to the bleeding gash on Merlin's chest, "can't stay out of trouble, can you, Merlin?"
"Merlin," Arthur says, as the girl whispers a word, and the gash disappears, just like that, in a blinding flash of light, "why is there a girl in the water?"
"Um," Merlin says. He looks at the girl. "Can you put the wound back? I think I liked it better when I was dying."
The girl from the lake laughs.
"How do you—?" Percival looks between them. "How do you two—?"
"About that," Merlin says, uncomfortably, but come on, there can't be anything worse than the magic, and the king-of-the-druids and last-dragonlord thing, can there?
Can there?
"We're—we're kind of—?"
"Married," the girl from the lake finishes for Merlin, with a wide, beaming smile.
Oh. Okay. Apparently there can.
Gwaine whistles approvingly. "Way to pick a queen, Merlin!"
"So," Gwaine says, "we're fucked."
"No," Merlin says, out of the corner of his mouth, and under his breath, "no, I don't think we are."
"Merlin," Arthur hisses, "if you summon that dragon again, you are going to be mucking my stables for the rest of your life."
"No, he won't," Percival murmurs, "he's still got a kingdom to rule."
"Right," Elyan says, "what's the plan?"
"I'm going to loose everyone's ropes—"
"There are over a hundred men in this camp," Arthur points out.
"I love the long odds much as the next man," Gwaine adds, "but I don't think even we've got it in us to fight a hundred men."
"We're outnumbered, thirty to one," Leon murmurs.
"Percival counts as three," Elyan says fairly.
"Really? I'd say five," Gwaine objects.
Merlin huffs. "Listen. I'm going to loose everyone's ropes, and you all are going to run. All right?"
Arthur twists around to stare at him. Surely, surely, even Merlin can't be that stupid. Right? "Merlin," he says, "there are over a hundred men in this camp."
"Yes," Merlin says testily, "I heard you the first time, Arthur, thank you."
"Yeah, apparently not."
"I'm serious—"
"So am I!"
"—I'm going to loose everyone's ropes," Merlin repeated, for the third time, in what Arthur had come to think of as his King-Merlin voice, the one that sounded actually sort of commanding, "and you lot are going to run. Do you hear me? Get to the trees. Don't look back, don't wait for me, I'll catch you up."
"What do you think you're going to do?!" Arthur burst out. "Tickle them to death?!"
"Arthur, for fuck's sake, if you don't listen to me right now—"
"Yeah, come on, Princess, respect your sovereign."
"Gwaine, if you call me that one more time, I am going to personally invent a spell that will sew your lips shut."
Arthur shifts in his ropes. "I don't like it," he murmurs.
"Ah, come on, Arthur, you're still our king, no matter what the druids—"
"I meant Merlin's plan," Arthur snaps.
"Well," Merlin says, "neither do I, but I don't hear you lot coming up with anything brilliant, so, my plan it is."
"So," Merlin says, "I'm going to guess you have some questions."
"I just watched you take down one hundred and twelve men at once, Merlin. Yes. I have some questions."
"Yeah," Gwaine pipes up, "like, is that how you do diplomacy in your druid-kingdom, because yeesh, no wonder no one tries to fuck with the druids anymore—"
"Shut up, Gwaine!"
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ao3feed-merlin · 4 years
The Golden Years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VKgcbK
by PopcornFairy28
Merlin swapped Morgana's life with Arthur's in the Diamond of the Day with that power of life and death that we already know he has, saving the King. Meanwhile, Percival rushed Gwaine back to Camelot, where Gaius was able to save the knight. But now that the war with Morgana has finally ended, one of a more political and courtly nature takes its place as the Once and Future King and Emrys fulfill their destiny together.
Words: 1653, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Mordred (Merlin), Daegal (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Leon (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin), Freya (Merlin), Kilgharrah (Merlin), Aithusa (Merlin), Mithian (Merlin), Hunith (Merlin), Alice (Merlin), Gilli (Merlin), Geoffrey of Monmouth (Merlin), George (Merlin), Eira (Merlin), Queen Annis (Merlin), Rodor (Merlin), Elena (Merlin), Olaf (Merlin), Odin (Merlin), Lot (Merlin), Iseldir (Merlin), Godwyn (Merlin), Bayard of Mercia (Merlin), Celia OC, Emily oc, Amhar OC, Clara OC, Llacheu (Arthurian), Gwydre (Arthurian), Rowan OC, Saria OC, William OC
Relationships: Gwen/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin/Mithian (Merlin), Alice/Gaius (Merlin), Freya/Lancelot (Merlin), Eira/Gwaine (Merlin), Leon/OC (Merlin), Percival/OC (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Arthur Pendragon Lives (Merlin), Alive Daegal, Gwaine Lives (Merlin), Gwaine Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Good Eira, Gwen was pregnant, Golden Age, Court Sorcerer Merlin (Merlin), Episode: s05e13 The Diamond of the Day
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VKgcbK
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