#iss ufo
ufosightingsfootage · 7 months
Why Hasn't The Black Knight Satellite Been Recovered Yet
Black knight satellite sts-88 UFO in earth's polar orbit NASA. NASA could go get it and show us what it is once and for all but they haven't done it. #ufosightingsfootage #UFO #uap
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ufosfootage · 7 months
Why Hasn't The Black Knight Satellite Been Recovered Yet
Black knight satellite sts-88 UFO in earth's polar orbit NASA. NASA could go get it and show us what it is once and for all but they haven't done it. #ufosightingsfootage #UFO #uap
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chariots-r-us · 5 months
🛸Father Ship?
🛸Pictures Of The Kingdom Of Heaven?🌌
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From NASA.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Spy probes of an extraterrestrial origin have been coming to this planet for millennia,but since the very beginning of our space program NASA and the Pentagon have kept it secret after every mission and probes sent to investigate in our orbits and the moon as well.We are all aware of the black night probe that has been in orbit for ages as well as 14 other similar craft currently in orbit believe to be of the same origin.This particular one looking like a sea urchin has been with us for many years of an unknown origin no country has ever claimed to be the creator ,so naturally we assume it to be of an extraterrestrial origin.We only hear from our government the same old story that being these crafts being space debris from previous attempts to put in orbits ,old and discontinued rockets and satellites that never burned in reentry.Lies and more lies ,to cover up their ignorance and fear of approaching such probes.Hundreds of attempts failed after being warned by galactic forces .As of the end of last year ,the Pentagon put out reports claiming that to this very day they have no idea what this renamed UAP phenomena really is. As I sip my brandy by the fire ,I can’t help chuckle of such obscene and pervasive nature of those hybrid humans running the show.They do believe we are all sheep.But the reality is that millions of us know better than to believe their smoke and mirrors charade.It is pathetic and sad to see their agents running like chickens with no head collecting greys and their saucers,threatening like mafia cartels those witnesses in the name of national security even when they are in Brazil,France,and other countries and continents that they have no jurisdiction whatsoever.Sad indeed. Well,enough said.Do your homework and see for yourself .Words and ufo artwork by SergioGuyman Proust.
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eksopolitiikka · 1 month
Tunnistamaton alus kansainvälisellä avaruusasemalla
Tunnistamaton alus kansainvälisellä avaruusasemalla
Kiehtova kohtaaminen ISS:llä 11.1.2023.
Hämmästyttävä ja kiehtova tapahtuma tapahtui, kun massiivinen ja selvästi erikoinen UFO tai alus kuvattiin suorassa lähetyksessä 11. tammikuuta 2023 lentävän kansainvälisen avaruusaseman (ISS) ohi.
Kuvamateriaali paljasti epätavallisen rakenteen, joka koostuu neljästä toisiinsa liitetystä pallosta, jotka ympäröivät keskusta. Havainto on saanut sekä avaruuden harrastajat että asiantuntijat innostumaan ja herättänyt monia kysymyksiä. Havainnon tärkeydestä huolimatta NASA on pysynyt vaiti, joten meidän on spekuloitava tämän poikkeuksellisen kohtaamisen salaperäistä alkuperää. Onko kyseessä tuntematon vieraileva alus vai salainen teknologia, jota testataan avaruudessa?
Kun ISS:n suoran lähetyksen kamera kuvasi rutiininomaista kuvamateriaalia ulkoavaruudesta, aseman lähellä havaittiin kohde, jollaista ei ole koskaan ennen nähty. Aluksen erikoinen ulkonäkö, jossa oli neljä kiinteää pallomuotoa, jotka oli yhdistetty keskiosaan, herätti välittömästi huomiota. Sen valtava koko ja omaleimainen rakenne erotti sen kaikista aiemmin rekisteröidyistä tapaamisista.
Aluksen muotoilu, jossa ei ole näkyviä merkkejä työntövoimasta tai tutuista aerodynaamisista elementeistä, uhmaa tavanomaisen tekniikan konventioita ja haastaa käsityksemme teknologiasta. Sen kyky liikkua sulavasti ja näennäisesti ilman minkäänlaista käyttövoimaa on hämmentänyt asiantuntijoita ja herättänyt spekulaatioita sen mahdollisesta Maan ulkopuolisesta alkuperästä.
Huolimatta tästä havainnosta NASA on päättänyt olla ottamatta kantaa siihen. Jatkuvasta tutkimuksestaan ja tieteellisistä ponnisteluistaan tunnettu organisaatio on pysynyt vaiti tuntemattomista esineistä, joita sen missioiden aikana on tavattu. Tämä vaikeneminen on ruokkinut salaliittoteorioita ja skeptisyyttä NASA:n Maan ulkopuolisia ilmiöitä koskevista paljastuksista.
Asiantuntijat ja harrastajat jäävät spekuloimaan, mutta useat teoriat yrittävät selvittää tämän poikkeavan kohtaamisen luonnetta. On uskottavaa, että alus on huippusalaista sotilasteknologiaa, mikä on rohkea hypoteesi, kun otetaan huomioon aluksen epätavallinen rakenne ja ominaisuudet. Toiset uskovat, että kyseessä on aito avaruusalus, mikä viittaa älykkään elämän mahdollisuuteen planeettamme ulkopuolella.
  Artikkelin julkaissut ufosfootage.uk
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eduloxley · 6 months
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ameentruth · 2 years
International space station almost collided with a mountain
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irnbru · 2 years
At first it looks like Orion’s Belt with three starts in a line, but then the middle star starts to move. She zooms in and it is clear it is not an airplane. She zooms back out so the movement across the sky can be better seen and it goes over the top of a house completely.
The chances are it's just a satellite.
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mysteriesoftheunknown · 9 months
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Sightings – S2E03 – Encounter in Space – September 25th, 1992
“Startling new pictures of a UFO encounter that has top analysts locked in a heated debate. The authenticity of the pictures is above suspicion...because they were taken by specialists aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery…”
“For the past year, the government has avoided discussing what is possibly the most important 30 seconds of footage to emerge from the US space program…”
“You can look at these reports of flying saucers coming around our space ships...in terms of exploration this is very traditional. These are our sea serpents, these are our mermaids. 500 years ago when Columbus’ ships went out and the men peered off at the horizon, they’d see things, misinterpret them, and then come back and tell stories.”
A segment on the supposed alien sightings on the 1991 shuttle mission STS-48, now commonly regarded as particles of ice. Explanations here range from a battle between two alien spaceships, to one ship fighting a secretly functional Star Wars system, which is honestly the least plausible part here.
Interesting for skeptic Jim Oberg's beliefs about how this is just nautical folklore for the space age, and Jack Kasher's belief that UFO disclosure would happen...by 1995.
Oberg resigned from NASA in 1997 to become a "space journalist" full-time; in 2014 he campaigned for space travelers to stop bringing guns onto the ISS, which apparently they do? Jack Kasher, meanwhile, appeared in two UFO documentaries last year.
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wyrmfedgrave · 9 months
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1. The Symmes' Hole at the top of the world. Supposedly 1,400 miles wide, its large enough to be seen regularly from aircraft, the ISS & by satellites!
2. The "scientific reason" why ships & airplanes don't know that they're traveling down into the Earth's crust.
3. Cover of 1, out of many, books exploring the Hollow Earth ideas.
4 & 5. These books focus on Richard Byrd's 'lost' diary, which supposedly reveals his 2 trips 'into' the Inner World!!
6 & 7. Modern books exploring both the Hollow Earth & UFO 'truths.'
1906: The Earth (is) Not Hollow.
Intro: Raymond Bernard's 1969's "Hollow Earth" mixes UFOs (vimanas) with an Inner World. The book was wildly popular & became a cult classic.
Supposedly, this book was based on 2 other - officially suppressed - works!
Plot: "Hollow" gives an 'astronomical' origin for the Inner World & the central sun at the core.
As usual, the civilization under the crust is highly advanced - being the 'true' source of UFOs!!
They are descendants of folk exiled long ago from ancient Atlantis & Lemuria.
Thankfully, these people's motives are to 'save' us from our own destructive weapons - like the atom & hydrogen bombs...
The 'proof' for all of this is supposedly found in Byrd's testimony of his 1,700 mile journeys into the North (1947) & South (1955) Poles.
Byrd is said to have found a warm climate, green pastures & prehistoric animals in the Inner World!
But, then, Walter dates himself by stating that the Northern Lights are actually the core's rays shining thru the Pole's opening.
(Where'd we hear that before?)
Author: Raymond was actually a pen name of Walter Isidor Siegmeister, a NYU professor & alternate health advocate.
Walter was a scientist who studied the health effects of lecithin. But, he also wrote on a large # of other, unrelated subjects.
Things like: virgin births, constipation, atomic survival tips, utopia's, Jesus, menstruation 'cures', Atlantis, bizarre 'diets', sexual abstention & even about the Rosicrucians.
The FBI considers Walter to be the one responsible for the whole UFO mania that began in the 1950s...
Walter died of pneumonia - while he was searching for a tunnel, in South America, to the Hollow Earth!!
Background: The idea for a Northern human homeland actually goes back several thousand years! Especially in Tibet, Russia & Scandinavia.
Walter's version says that Shambhala is Hyperboria's (from the Greek myth of a "land beyond the Northern winds") capital.
The chapter on UFOs states that they are not a modern phenomenon. Proof is given by the use of ancient quotes - which seem to support Walter's ideas.
Finally, the last bit details the amazing maneuverability of UFOs & how the effects of Inertia are under the control of anti-gravity 'screens'!
Criticism: Truthfully, the book is quite poorly written & full of illogical 'facts.'
The modern 'eye' is simply unprepared for the sheer nuttiness to be found in this book...
And yet, it's still enjoyable to read - simply because it's ideas appeal to 1's need for novelty - even about Earth's past!!
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ufosightingsfootage · 2 years
Huge Unidentified Craft On NASA's ISS Live Stream 9th June 2021
The video was filmed on NASA's space station live feed on June 9th 2021. We see in the video object's flying around it also. The smoking gun.
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ufosfootage · 7 months
Disk Rotating Over Brazil Apartments
Probably one of the best UFO videos to be filmed in São Paulo since I can remember. We see it rotating way above the apartment building, that's not a drone on my opinion it's too big.
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chariots-r-us · 1 month
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Probes come in different shapes and sizes.They can be of a terrestrial or extraterrestrial origin.We know of many that we have sent through the years that still sending signals back to us from the edges of our Solar system.But”they”have been sending theirs for ages and our government has kept it secret from us.Many of them are continuously seen from the ISS coming and going to their mother ships station behind the moon.This particular is the size of a VW Beetle was seen several times passing at a high speed into our atmosphere.Similar probes have been seen from earth during electrical storms.Now we assume they are probes because so far no aliens have been seen operating or leaving their craft as in other cases.As to their origin we can only speculate.They often move under the cover of clouds.I get the feeling the Pentagon has more information because navy pilots often crossed path with these crafts.words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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