#black knight satellite ufo
ufosightingsfootage · 7 months
Why Hasn't The Black Knight Satellite Been Recovered Yet
Black knight satellite sts-88 UFO in earth's polar orbit NASA. NASA could go get it and show us what it is once and for all but they haven't done it. #ufosightingsfootage #UFO #uap
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toaarcan · 7 months
The Black Knight Satellite
Alright I want to talk about the 'Black Knight Satellite' because it's funny as fuck.
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This image is claimed by many to be "the Black Knight Satellite", and it's the centrepiece of a conspiracy theory and very popular with the "unsolved mysteries" sector of the Internet. If you've ever watched a YouTube video about "ooo spoopy" things that people don't understand, you've probably heard of it, and seen this photo.
Like a lot of "unsolved mysteries", the unsolved mystery of the Black Knight Satellite is actually completely solved. We know exactly what it is. We knew what it was before any of the videos about the 'mystery' were ever uploaded. We knew what it was before YouTube existed. We knew what it was from the moment that the photograph was taken by the crew of STS-88 in 1998.
But before I tell you that, let's talk about the claims that conspiracy theorists and UFO-nuts make about it, so we can laugh at them!
The claim is that the object in this image is an artificial satellite of alien origin that has been orbiting the Earth for 13000 years. Supposedly, Nikola Tesla made contact with it during his 1899 experiments with radio waves, but its purpose remains unknown. Spooky! Also, complete bullshit!
In actuality, the strange radio pulses that Tesla picked up were most likely pulsars, which hadn't been identified by science yet. Pulsars aren't machines, they're a type of neutron star, so they're not aliens.
The figure of "13000 years" originated with a Scottish author who was making shit up and later said that he was, in fact, making shit up.
The name "Black Knight" is most likely derived from the Black Knight rocket, a British test-bed rocket/ballistic missile intended for testing the re-entry components of the Blue Streak missile, as part of what would become the Black Arrow program.
If you've never heard of these British spacecraft, it's because the government cancelled the program after just four flights, the last of which put the Prospero satellite into orbit, making us the only country in the history of the world to attain and then abandon the capability of putting satellites in orbit. Because we've been playing "Rule Britannia" on an out-of-tune kazoo for decades and we're unlikely to stop any time soon.
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This is a surviving Black Knight, on display in Woomera, Australia, where the program launched from. The last Black Arrow rocket, along with a spare of the Prospero satellite, is on display in the Science Museum in London.
Contrary to what it's name might suggest, Black Arrow looked like a giant flying lipstick. No part of it was black except for the hazard striping.
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(This is a mockup, also at Woomera. The real thing is displayed on its side with its fairing open, so it's harder to see its lipstick-y glory)
Basically, all these unrelated elements were glommed together to create the mysterious "Black Knight Satellite."
But what about the object in the photo? What is this mysterious satellite orbiting our world?
It's a thermal blanket from the STS-88 mission. They talked about it as it floated away from Endeavour, and this is readable in the transcripts of the mission. They also took not just the iconic photo, but six photos of the "Black Knight", showing it on course to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere and burn up, several of which clearly show it to be just a floating piece of space junk.
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letsgethaunted · 2 years
Episode 67: The Black Knight Satellite Conspiracy Photodump
Image 01: A close-up image of the alleged “Black Knight Satellite” Image 02: The full image as posted to NASA’s website. Officially, NASA classifies this photo as nothing more than a piece of “space debris” Image 03: Some theorize that the famous photo is actually of a thermal space blanket lost during a space walk in the 1980s. Here’s a photo of one; they normally come in silver or gold. Image 04: Astronaut Gordon Cooper discussing his experience with UFOs (part 1). Cooper is alleged to have seen The Black Knight Satellite during his time in outer space. Image 05: Gordon Cooper discussing UFOS (part 2) Image 06: The New York Times article that started it all when astronomers claimed to have spotted satellites orbiting the Earth 3 years before the launch of Sputnik 1 Image 07: Nikola Tesla’s article published in 1901 where he claims to have intercepted intelligent radio signals coming from outer space in 1899. Image 08: Alleged video of the Black Knight Satellite caught on camera in 2016. Image 09: Alleged video of the Black Knight Satellite caught on camera in 2020.
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AI-Focused Black Knight Satellites, Up Close And Personal, UFO UAP Sight... NOTE: SatelliteS...as in, SIX alien satellites up there! Ancient Astronauts were/still here, people.
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ufosfootage · 7 months
Why Hasn't The Black Knight Satellite Been Recovered Yet
Black knight satellite sts-88 UFO in earth's polar orbit NASA. NASA could go get it and show us what it is once and for all but they haven't done it. #ufosightingsfootage #UFO #uap
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donniebrooke · 3 years
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The Black Knight Satellite: Fact Or Fiction? The Black Knight Satellite, According To NASA, Doesn't Exist 🤔 If The Black Knight Satellite Doesn't Exist, Then Why Did NASA Post An Image Of It On Their Website(s)? 🤔 It Has Always Been Said That "N.A.S.A." Stands For "Never A Straight Answer". For An Organization To Be Given A Nickname Like That, That Tells Me The Organization Is Obviously Hiding Something. In A Way, I Can't Blame NASA. If NASA Discovers A Space Anomaly It Hasn't Ever Seen Before, They Do Have To Deny Discovering It Until They Find Out What They Are Dealing With. Saying That, It Makes Absolutely No Sense To Publicise Something That You Are Going To Deny Later - It's Almost Like Watching A "Movie" #Q 👍 The UFO Community, Over The Years, Have Collected Numerous Pieces Of Evidence Of "Unknowns" In Space That SEEM To Be Monitoring Humanities Development - Especially NASA's Development. I Believe The Black Knight Satellite Is Very Real - See The Attatched Images, I Have Attatched The Image Of The Black Knight Satellite NASA Made Public - Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction...Q - Trust The Plan / Question The Narrative 😉
Donnie Brooke
Grovetown, Ga.
USA Republic 🇺🇲
Sent from my Android phone with mail.com Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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pwopaganda · 7 years
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The Black Knight Satellite
*Images captured from astronauts*
This by far has been the conspiracy theory that has gripped me most. From Nikolai Tesla in 1899 monitoring possible transmissions from deep space to TIME magazine article in 1960 reporting:
Three weeks ago, headlines announced that the U.S. had detected a mysterious “dark” satellite wheeling overhead on a regular orbit. There was nervous speculation that it might be a surveillance satellite launched by the Russians, and it brought the uneasy sensation that the U.S. did not know what was going on over its own head. But last week the Department of Defense proudly announced that the satellite had been identified. It was a space derelict, the remains of an Air Force Discoverer satellite that had gone astray. The dark satellite was the first object to demonstrate the effectiveness of the U.S.’s new watch on space.
The US government and NASA have claimed it’s simply a loose thermal blanket but the fact that it’s changed it’s orbit and position in the past makes this theory even juicier in my mind. 
Who knows? We’ve had government officials and GENIUSES in the not to distant past say we’ve encountered and possibly even been visited by extraterrestrials, so...Something super neat to ponder over and discuss.
Click this link to astronaut photos and tell me this is a fuckin’ BLANKET: LINK
Just remember when you are out at night: Someone is watching. . . 
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ancientufo · 8 years
Black Knight Satellite
We've been getting some messages about the supposed attack to the Black Knight satellite by an unknown craft.
The video reveled by secureteam10 is a hoax and like the US president would call it: fake news.
The footage is related to Hayabusa capsule reentry by JAXA (June 13, 2010), recorded from NASA DC-8 over Australia.
Our field of research has been severely damaged by these click-baiter-sites that check no information and even create some fake one to get the views.
Spreading this kind of fake news is prejudicial to a serious debate about UFOs and Intelligent Alien Life.
Choose your sources careful.  www.ancientufo.org
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bunnywand · 5 years
ellie’s list of interesting things
ok a lot of ppl were interested, so here’s my list of paranormal and unexplained or otherwise just interesting things!! i wrote this a few yrs ago (it was probably around the time i started watching x-files, and i was V into paranormal stuff and watched a lot of top 10 videos abt this stuff sndsfhgsf 😅) when i was planning 2 like, write a book on these things!! the plan was 2 have it like, v organised and colour coded and stuff, w/ pictures and everything, but like a lot of things i do i got more carried away w/ the planning and then never actually did anything w/ it 😭 i’m probs never gonna do that now, but so i can still get some use out of it, here it is!! it even has a key (which is probs the part i’m most proud of!!) and is like, loosely organised by similar things!! (it’s mostly links 2 their wikipedia articles, w/ a couple of youtube vids in there too, there’s a few things i took out of the list 2 post it bcos i couldn’t find a good source for them 😔)
aliens - 👽
creatures - 🐾
events - 📅
history - 📜
objects - 🎱
paranormal - 👻
people - 👤
places - 🏠
internet - 🌐
ocean - 💧
space - ⭐️
pictures - 📷
videos - 📼
mysteries - ❔
amelia earhart 👤❔
lead masks case 👤❔
tamam shud case 👤❔
paris catacombs lost man 👤📼
exorcism of roland doe 👻👤
anneliese michel 👻👤
great amherst mystery 👻🏠
enfield poltergeist 👻🏠
the amityville horror 👻🏠
the island of the dolls 🏠
annabelle 🎱👻
the hands resist him 🎱👻
levitating girl 👻📼
cottingley fairies 👻📷
the jakarta angel 👻📼
fallen angel of catalonia 👻📼
fresno nightcrawler 🐾📼
bigfoot 🐾📷
skunk ape 🐾📷
chupacabra 🐾
british big cats 🐾
devil’s footprints 👻
black-eyed children 👻
overtoun bridge 🏠
moberly-jourdain incident 👻🏠
spectre of newby church 👻📷
brown lady of raynham hall 👻📷
bélmez faces 👻
hook island sea monster 🐾💧
the fiji mermaid 🐾💧
loch ness monster 🐾💧
bloop 💧
wow! signal 👽⭐️
arecibo message 👽⭐️
solway firth spaceman ⭐️📷
lost cosmonauts ⭐️
black knight satellite ⭐️📷
alien autopsy 👽📼
belgian ufo wave 👽📷
mcminnville ufo photographs 👽📷
falcon lake incident 👽📷
battle of los angeles 👽📅📷
roswell ufo incident 👽📅
men in black 👽
disappearance of frederick valentich 👽❔
madonna with saint giovannino 👽📜🎱
shugborough inscription 🎱
beale ciphers 🎱
toynbee tiles 🎱❔
who put bella in the wych elm?❔
kilroy was here 📜
voynich manuscript 📜🎱❔
dead sea scrolls 📜🎱
ararat anamoly 📜📷
baghdad battery 📜🎱
baigong pipes 🎱🏠
antikythera mechanism 📜🎱
phaistos disk 📜🎱
starchild skull 📜
toumai 📜
ardi 📜
java man 📜
lake mungo remains 📜
red deer cave people 📜
lovers of valdaro 📜
eve’s footprint 📜
toba catastrophe 📅📜
cretaceous-paleogene extinction event 📅📜
chicxulub crater 🏠
tunguska event 📅🏠
centralia, pennsylvania 🏠
dyatlov pass incident 📅🏠❔
ss ourang medan 💧❔
numbers station 📅
d’agapeyeff cipher 🎱
webdriver torso 🌐📼
markovian parallax denigrate 🌐
cicada 3301 🌐
the deep web 🌐
the dark web 🌐
satoshi nakamoto 👤🌐
babushka lady 📅👤📷
umbrella man 📅👤📷
chaplin’s time traveller 👤📼
time travelling hipster 👤📷
jerome of sandy cove 👤❔
d.b. cooper 👤❔
max headroom incident 📅📼
i feel fantastic 🌐📼
ever dream this man? 🌐
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know4life · 5 years
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‘Black Knight Satellite UFO’ Seen Zooming Over Earth in NASA Images Fuels Conspiracy Theories (video) https://t.co/ttpg3YJpBy
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ufosightingsfootage · 2 years
New Black Knight Satellite UFO Video Is Real And Historic
The Black Knight Satellite UFO is designated with STS088-724-66 Gordon Cooper Astronaut saw it in 1963. Here's the best video of it.
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reanemus · 5 years
Thoughts about article, "5 Alien Species Already Walking Amongst Us" by in5d
Link to the article: http://in5d.com/5-alien-species-already-walking-amongst-us/ 1. The Lyrans: That is a picture of Kate Blanchett as Lady Galadriel in The Lord of the Rings movies. "Mr. Meier reports that, “They have described their ancient ancestry, and consequently ours, as originating in a far sun-system in a star group near what we now know as the Ring Nebula of Lyra, for which we have called them Lyrans in the same manner as we refer to human beings from what we call the Pleiades." The quote fron Billy Meier reminded me of a Secret Sun blog post about the Ring Nebula of Lyra. "Anyway, even in the crudely observed form of 1782, the Ring Nebula was considered important enough by Masonic occultists to be included on the Great Seal." from https://secretsun.blogspot.com/2018/04/the-great-seal-decoded-finally.html?spref=pi The KGB Alien Races Book mentioned a race from Lyra that call themselves "Afim Spiantsy". 2. The Arcturians: That picture is of the 9 foot tall inter-dimensional from the movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. This article says the Black Knight Satellite was one of their probes, but according to this article, https://www.disclose.tv/the-black-knight-13000-year-old-alien-satellite-orbiting-earth-309398, "When its signals were decoded, it stated that this satellite originated from the Epsilon Bootes star system some 13,000 years ago." Either way, it would have originated in Bootes. The KGB Alien Races Book mentioned a race from Bootes called Elffaf near Asellus Primus not Arcturus. 3. The Telosians: The picture has already been all over the internet. On Tumblr: https://ufos-and-aliens.tumblr.com/post/112143187642 The story about the picture can be read here: https://shadowsineden.blogspot.com/p/a-nordic-anunnaki-alien.html?spref=pi The article mentions Mt. Shasta and Admiral Richard Byrd already featured prominently in stories about UFOs from underground. The fourth and fifth species listed were the Alpha Centaurians and the Pleiadians. Sharing insight is welcome.
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Article: Black Knight Satellite UFO Like You've Never Seen It Before
Black Knight Satellite UFO Like You've Never Seen It Before
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Lapis Gagate, pietra del fiume Gages
Avete presente la pietra che gli inglesi chiamano “jet” e che noi chiamiamo “giaietto”? https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giaietto  Si tratta di una resina fossile, dicono si tratti di “legno fossilizzato di una conifera della famiglia delle Araucarie esistente in Europa 180 milioni di anni fa”, ma a me sembra piuttosto il fossile delle radici della liquirizia Perché nascondere che si tratta di liquirizia?  
Il punto é che si tratta dello stesso nero lucido del satellite (artificiale) Black Knight, ma anche lo stesso nero lucido di molta radiazione che ritrovo dentro lo pneuma E se la “tenace pece" di cui parla Dante fosse della liquirizia fossile? È sicuramente molto più logico che si tratti di bitume, però non riesco a capire perché fanno risalire ad una conifera estinta l’origine del giaietto, come se volessero nascondere qualcosa di importante, ma cosa? 
Se dovessimo seguire la pista del colore nero temo che il magnete sarebbe da escludere, rimarrebbe però la pece, il bitume, la liquirizia e il giaietto e molte altre pietre nere che sicuramente esistono e di cui sconosco l’esistenza
Qui stiamo un po’ fantasticando e cercando là dove nessuno ha mai cercato prima (la quale cosa non assicura migliori risultati né fa di noi dei furbi più furbi di chi ci ha preceduti) E se il Black Knight fosse tutto fatto di pietra fossile di liquirizia? Avremmo la casa della strega (cannibale, quindi una orchessa) di Hansel e Gretel: una casa tutta fatta di zucchero, e perché non di liquirizia? Non lo so, penso ci sia qualcosa di interessante in questa fiaba ma forse il nome dei due personaggi é ancora più interessante: ansa e greto E se l’ansa del fiume é la parola in codice per nominare l’acceleratore di particelle cosa sarebbe il greto di un fiume? E perché la casa dell’orchessa é di zucchero e dolci (marzapane o pan di zenzero?)?
Per ritornare al termine inglese “jet” sapreste spiegarmi da cosa ha origine il termine “jet-set”?
Un’altro dubbio riguarda la capacità che hanno gli esperti di chimica di ottenere immediatamente una pietra dura da una massa di polvere, come accade per il cemento a presa rapida Secondo alcuni sia i megaliti sia i blocchi che compongono le piramidi sono stati ottenuti aggiungendo minerali e acqua a una massa di terra o sabbia scaricata (rapidamente e facilmente) dentro dei contenitori di legno che venivano smontati non appena la terra si fosse solidificata Mi chiedevo se i chimici che conoscono il segreto della pietrificazione istantanea della terra o della sabbia (e di molti cristalli con i quali fanno le pietre preziose, che non sono così rare come vogliono far credere) non conoscano anche la sostanza o la frequenza sonora o la radiazione che fa indurire e accorciare tendini e muscoli deformando o uccidendo il corpo umano
Vi invito a leggere Hansel e Gretel, la fiaba dei fratelli Grimm, poiché finisce con i due bambini pieni di pietre preziose In effetti cosa vuoi che ci sia dopo un’ansa se non delle pietre triturate, quel che noi chiamiamo ghiaia? (Greto: da ghiareto, der. di ghiara, forma sett. di ghiaia •sec. XIII  Vorrei anche farvi notare che in tedesco greto si dice Ufer e ghiaia si dice Kies e per quanto riguarda la parola Geröll traduce piuttosto “detriti” Impossibile conoscere l’etimo della parola Geröll poiché la lingua tedesca sconosce l’uso dell’etimologia... La parola “Ufer” mi ricorda tanto la nostra espressione “mangiare a ufo” cioé a sbafo, ma soprattutto il racconto di Primo Levi “Oro” nel romanzo “Il Sistema Periodico” dove il compagno di prigionia racconta di come da padre in figlio arrotondavano lo stipendio raccogliendo pepite d’oro nell’ansa del fiume che avevano scoperto )
Qui potete leggere in tedesco la fiaba dei fratelli Grimm “Hansel und Gretel” e aiutarvi con il traduttore di Google sapendo però che non traduce alla perfezione quindi là dove la traduzione vi sembra non esatta dovete tradurre voi parola per parola https://www.projekt-gutenberg.org/grimm/maerchen/chap069.html
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eksopolitiikka · 9 years
Virvoitusjuomamainos viittaa pian tapahtuvaan UFO-paljastukseen
Virvoitusjuomamainos viittaa pian tapahtuvaan UFO-paljastukseen
The Black Knight Satellite, kaikki alkoi kun Nicola Tesla muutti Colorado Springsiin toukokuun 17. päivä 1899, jossa hän tutki ilmasähköä, havainnoi salamasignaaleja vastaanottimillaan ja väitti vastaanottaneen omituisia radiosignaaleja. Tesla päätteli näistä että signaalit saattaisivat olla peräisin avaruudesta.
Muutama vuosi myöhemmin Guglielmo Marconi vastaanotti samoja radiosignaaleja avaruudesta.
Vuonna 1928 radiotutkijan Hollannin Eindhovenissa ja radiotutkijat Etelä-Kiinan merellä vastaanottivat samoja viestejä.
4 vuotta ennen Sputnik I:n laukaisua vuonna 1953, havaitsi Dr. Lincoln La Paz New MExicon yliopistosta Black Knight -satelliitin, ja vuonna 1954 useat sanomalehdet, mukaanlukien St. Louis Post Dispatch ja San Fransisco Examiner, kirjoittivat Black Knight -satelliitista sen jälkeen kun UFO-tutkija Donald Keyhoe sanoi että USA:n ilmavoimat olivat raportoineet havainneensa kahden satelliitin kiertävän maata. Tähän aikaan maailmassa ei oltu tehty vielä yhtäkään satelliittilaukaisua avaruuteen.
Lisää Mustan Ritarin satelliitin historiasta toisessa artikkelissamme.
Nyt kuitenkin tuntuu siltä että mystinen Mustan Ritarin satelliitti on tehnyt paluun kollektiiviseen tietoisuuteen. Virvoitusjuomayhtiö on uudessa mainoksessaan (yhteistyössä Levity Entertainment Groupin kanssa) tehnyt lyhytelokuvan nimeltä Black Knight Satellite.
Epäilemättä filmi on markkinointistuntti jolla promotaan firmaa, mutta monet varmasti miettivät miksi he ovat käyttänet oikeaa informaatiota ja faktoja mieluummin kuin olisivat tuottaneet viihdepätkän joka olisi keksitty päästä? Tai sitten he työskentelevät yhdessä hallituksen kanssa jotta meidät saadaan totutetuksia UFOjen ja avaruusolentojen olemassaoloon?
Alla kyseinen pätkä.
Tullessaan takaisin STS-88 -missiolta, alla on alkuperäistä ja uniikkia videokuvaa joka on nauhoitettu avaruudesta ja jossa väitetty Mustan Ritarin satelliitti näkyy.
NASAn mukaan esine on Trunnion Pin lämpösuoja joka irtosi vahingossa STS-88 -lennon aikana.
Lisäksi alla on muutama linkki alkuperäisiin NASAn kuviin missä näkyy tuntemattomia esineitä jotka eri tahot ovat määritelleet Mustan Ritarin satelliitiksi
 Artikkelin julkaissut  UFO Sightings Hotspot
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