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ufosightingsfootage · 7 months
Why Hasn't The Black Knight Satellite Been Recovered Yet
Black knight satellite sts-88 UFO in earth's polar orbit NASA. NASA could go get it and show us what it is once and for all but they haven't done it. #ufosightingsfootage #UFO #uap
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regret-breathing · 1 year
last night i had a dream that my ex girlfriend was getting married to Armie Hammer. I was invited to the wedding, and invited to be her maid of honor, because we were secretly sleeping together and she needed moral support from her lover while she got married to her awful fiance. Also because like, even if we hadnt been sleeping together I imagine she wouldve brought me along because in the dream she had like. Just gotten back from the ISS (or dream equivalent, she was an astronaut in the dream, she isnt an astronaut in real life), and was not really prepared to be in a huge public event after being in space for a considerable amount of time. you know how it is when you come back from being in space after a considerable amount of time.
this is loooong so. yeah. the rest is under the cut.
anyway so I’m at this wedding, helping my secret lover get ready and helping keep The Fucking Hammers (who were giving extreme Bluths from arrested development energy) at bay as much as possible. wedding’s being held on this GOOORGEOUS little secluded island off the coast that they own (ew), we’re enjoying the sea air, we’re eating bonkers delicious food that probably cost enough to feed me for a year, when she fills me in about The Book.
Apparently in my dream world the Hammers have this whole ritualistic practice centered around The Family Book, a massive ancient tome supposedly containing the signatures of every Hammer dating back centuries, as they sign some sort of oath or contract when they come of age. Think like. what if the eagens from severance had the same unsettling religiosity but it was more antisemitic blood rituals trope and less corporate strategy. there were holidays about this book there were seasonal traditions about this book they were on some wild shit with this book. according to dream-ex “all old families like them have something like that”. i dunno man this book feels a lil fucked up, and again a little too close to some antisemitic tropes idk why my heavily jewish brain did this to me.
Anyway so she tells me all this because apparently it’s Hammer tradition that as a part of weddings, they have a private ceremony before the legal one where they properly induct those their children choose to marry into the Family, and so have them Sign The Family Book. i’ll be expected to go and serve as Witness, because i’m the maid of honor. she says it like it like it’s some great and incredible honor, to see the book signing ceremony as an outsider (and of course be sworn to secrecy as long as i shall live).
I’m like o.o maybe tell ppl that before they accept being your maid of honor, but fuck it! in the dream i love this girl so i’m like, in for a penny in for a pound i’ll go to your scary blood contract party to help you stay calm during it. so after everyone getting ready, she’s in her beautiful wedding dress I’m inexplicably wearing the himemiya anthy red wedding dress from utena (but without the crown or gloves) and i gotta say this is the first truly unbelievable thing in this dream so far. i wouldve worn a suit it wouldve been great and i got some audacity but i knooow i wouldnt roll up to my secret lover’s wedding in an anime wedding dress thats just gauche. and reeeeally obvious. im a bit buffooonish at times but im slicker than that.
So we’re all prepped and pretty and it’s wedding time, dream-ex is understandably anxious, i’m understandably anxious, and someone waylays us in the halls of the (seriously goooorgeous) venue to let us know it’s time for the Book Signing. we follow them to the chamber, and it is Weird in there. Basically, picture a very large cavernous room, totally dark in there, no windows, inky almost cave-like blackness. at the center theres like a corporate looking metal-and-glass conference table with super tall backed matching chairs, illuminated only by these blinding spotlights that blare down at each seat at the table, a double wide one encapsulating the two seats at the head of the table for the couple getting married. i like just woke up im glad i still remember this because it was an insane visual.
the whole collected living Hammer family is gathered around the table, all looking solemn and almost grim, they turn to us and beckon us warmly to join them at the table, she is seated to the left of her fiance at the head of the table, and i am next to her across the corner because i guess thats where the witness goes. Armie Hammer (first time i see him in the dream) is wearing basically the same fit he wore in Sorry To Bother You, except with the biggest Sonic blue high tops you ever seen. vividly remember these shoes. it’s kinda swaggy. He is also clutching the largest clearly hand bound leather tome i ever seen in real life, with slighly mismatched pages, dark almost black leather, with notably a large brownish stain on the spine where supposedly Grampappy Hammer fatally struck a rival with it and they’ve respectfully never cleaned the stain to remember.. something. i think there was a reason. this was an anecdote people were telling the whole fucking time. heard it like 4 times over the course of the wedding. miserable vibe. So he’s clutching this book tight, barely acknowledging his fiancé (dick move but i guess he was swept up in the ceremony), only occasionally mumbling to his best man, his brother (i have no idea if armie hammer has a brother but my dream said he did so im going with it).
i dont remember how or why but i guess dream-ex made an excuse to leave for a second?? or maybe im misremembering and i got there first and she was late?? or something?? but i pretty clearly remember getting there together so maybe she made an excuse to go to the bathroom or something i dunno. either way she steps out for a moment and im like. pretty heavily spooked by being alone with The Collected Hammers And Their Fucked Up Book in this Creepy Weird Ritual Chamber. the vibes are Off. theres sort of awkward chatter and I try to participate but Armie Hammer gives me a Look when i try so i shit tf up. Eventually dream-ex comes back, and she’s visibly more anxious than before. I try to discretely check in on her and she brushes me off, but sort of slowly takes my hand which is a little weird because we’d agreed not to do pda around the Hammers.
Then. Fucking. Okay. If you’re ever in this situation for whatever reason. DO NOT. DO THIS. TO ANYONE YOU LOVE. But yeah so she’s taken my hand, takes a pause while the Hammers look confused at her, and before the booksigning can begin she says she has something to say, and fucking TELLS THEM ALL THAT WE HAVE BEEN HAVING AN AFFAIR. I am flabbergasted right, we’d agreed that she was gonna go through with the wedding and i was cool about it because i woudlnt want to fuck over the Hammers they scare me. but yeah so she totally blindsides me with this, and i get it right i woudlnt want to sign their fucking book either, she probably made the right call, but cmonnnnn at least let your secret lover know BEFORE you tell the richest people ever that youve been screwing behind their backs WHILE THEYRE CARRYING THE MURDER BLOOD BOOK. So the Collected Hammers are shocked right, i’m surprised but kinda impressed by her absolute audacity, she’s doing a great job of appearing calm even though by the grip she has on my hand she’s freaking out, and Armie Hammer is just utterly confused by this turn of events. And she takes it one step FURTHER. she tells them that she fully intends to marry ME that day instead of Armie Hammer, when we’re on their private wedding island, with a wedding ceremony they paid for, surrounded by 100% of living Hammers and VERY few other guests, and I WAS NOT AWARE SHE WAS PLANNING THIS. and at this point, yknow what, i gotta give it up to dream-ex. brass fucking balls. looking Known Cannibal Armie Hammer in the face and telling him shes been fucking around on him, that hes not getting married today, and that some fucking dyke is gonna steal his girl right in front of him, all while he’s holding The Family Book no less. He’s gone from shocked staring at her, to death glaring at me, and im pretty sure hes gonna murder me with the book, or maybe his family will kill me with their hands because theyre looking Agitated, but he sort of sighs and just tells us to get out. And we do! we leave the spooky vaguely antisemitic corporate ritual chamber and get the fuuuuuck out of there.
admittedly not very far it’s not like we leave the island or anything, all the boats are Hammer boats. we go back to her dressing room and i’m like forreal we’re getting married today?? she seems relieved not to be marrying into the Hammers and doesnt seem like she thinks we’re about to die so i decide not to be unhappy with being blindsided like that. shes like yeah and im sort of giddy, theres some smooching, etc etc etc.
So we go to the much more normal wedding ceremony, which I’m expecting to be empty because like 80% of the guests were Hammers or Hammer adjacent, but it’s a full fucking house, and it is some WEIRD energy in there. We get married by the priest (who I’m pretty sure looking back is the priest from the season 4 finale of Peep Show), irl i wouldve been pretty salty about having a christian wedding but i guess when youre stealing someone else’s wedding and are pretty sure theyre gonna kill you because Armie Hammer is still holding The Book, you try not to be a stickler about it not being a rabbi. So we get married to utter silence from the host of Hammers and a modest amount of dream-ex’s family, it’s awkward, theres a smooch, yaaay woo should be the end of the dream right? right?
wrong!! because my brain hates me and wants to put me through MORE torture, for some reason instead of just getting on a boat to the mainland and finding somewhere Not Full Of Hammers to celebrate, we fucking go to the reception! for some reason!! and inexplicably, so does the entire Hammer family. It’s a nice party, the vibes are BAD but the food remains excellent the drinks are frighteningly expensive and the decor is tasteful if a little bleak, we’re sitting very awkwardly at the Big Table completely surrounded by Hammers and Armie is still holding the fucking Book for some reason, I’m trying not to look too frightened so i can make sure dream-ex is okay, i give us plenty of excuses to leave but dream-ex steps on every one of them, insisting on staying in the Hammer Zone. We do try to stay around her small number of guests though, spending time with her parents, answering lots of bewildered questions about how the fuck this happened, generally avoiding the Hammers as much as possible who for some reason DO NOT LEAVE. I dunno i guess it’s their island so whatever but if i were Armie Hammer and my fiancee ran out on me and then stole my wedding and claimed squatters rights to stay there I think I’d just go home???? maybe that’s just me but I’d definitely bounce if I were the Collected Hammers.
Oh right another awkward wrinkle— dream-ex is an astronaut in this dream right, so she’s been back from the ISS for a while now, and part of why she was getting married at all is because either the following day or two days later or something she was either going back up to the ISS for another shift up there or maybe to the moon??? i remember people mentioning the moon, but i dunno because like, they dont stay on the moon forever, doesnt seem like astronauts stay on the moon for even a full day, so it’s not like a Getting Shipped Out To War thing where you get married before you go because you might not come back and if you do youll be gone a while thing, right?? it’s a moon visit not a moon stay, right??? i think???? but from my memory people kept bringing up the damn moon so i gotta assume it was a moon trip even if that doesnt make a lot of sense to me. I dunno near the end of the dream is where i forget a lot of it. but yeah so she’s getting asked questions about the moon, I’m getting death glares from the family and sniffing my food for poison, we both look fantastic, she’s kind of getting tired of me hovering around making sure she’s alright which isnt a great sign for the marriage but yknow what it’s been a long day no reason to read too far into it.
Eventually, I take a little smoke break because she seems like shes getting overwhelmed by me being there, and I call a different ex of mine (one who i actually talk to in real life as opposed to dream-wife-ex who i havent spoken to irl in like four years minimum) to complain about the Hammers because hahahaaaa they never got to do the ceremonyyyy so i wasnt sworn to secrecy about their boooooook naa naa na boo boo.
And that’s the whole saga. i don’t remember what happened after that but i think i woke up pretty soon after. weird fucking dream.
but yeah if any fancy dream interpreters wanna tell me what the fuck any of THAT means do let me know.
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quenthel · 2 years
💔🛑🔞???? omg im so sorry i didnt see that u were doing these
Hii Ella hiii <3
💔: any hated npcs?
uhhh honestly even the annoying ones I have a fondness for bc they are like... interestingly mean or it makes sense for them etc etc what makes me hate characters if they are stupidly written and with THAT I really hate the battlebliss guy (Irmangaleth or whatever his name is) and the aasimar guy in the abyss he can eat a dick. Also my god the trickster king guy and Socothbenoth i hate those guys
🛑: least favourite quest, or a quest you refuse to complete?
Blackwater and the Fallout reference quest. They are both boring/fustrating AND give no loot at the end. For non-backer content that one puzzle w the treant lost lands or whatever that place is called and the heart of mystery shit bc its too long... cool story beat and we learn more abt my friend Storyteller but experiencing it once was enough lol
🔞: do you have any nsfw headcanons, either for ocs or canon characters?
oh my god i have some... under the cut (also i have a lot to ramble abt sfdgfsdhf)
Ok first abt my ocs:
Bell has a lot of negative connotations w intimacy in general bc of the cult he was in and also towards sex since most of his sexual partners in the cult did die in childbirth (the whole glippothspawn deal). So he is almost scared to have sex with people and tries to live in a way where he does not do it a lot while also struggling with his own desires that he cant properly communicate or cultivate because intimacy is just too wrapped in for him in sex and death (like he finds casual hugs strange etc, very touch starved and isolated). He was also forced a lot into a more dominant role during that time and during the Cam romance he was forced into that again and he did it but he simply just does NOT enjoy that sort of stuff at all but he still needs an outlet etc. Thats why his romance and sexual life with Nocticula works better bc she is the one holding the reins and he cant possibly hurt her bc she is powerful and strong and his equal and likeness etc.
Cass is similar since she was also isolated and affection starved as a child but she was also trained to use intimacy and sexuality as a weapon almost to keep herself in the good graces of her superiors (she was in a s/m "relationship" with some priestesses of Asmodeus who were her employers). She does enjoy exploring that power dynamic tho but she has a hard time being intimate and soft without bringing sex into it so her love w Wendu starts with both of them almost hate fucking eachother a lot lol. Then she opens up and learns to be soft and teaches Wendu along the way and they start to care about each other more deeply its very nice.
Marci is just ig very sexful (high sex drive) and while she is generally very well composed and stable that can cause issues with her. She probably has a lot of casual sex. Like I was thinking abt her having sex w Sister Kerismei (the woman from Woljif's quest), one of her army generals (the elf lady), and having a few lovers in Drezen too. She and Arue can bond over that too while she is in horny jail.
Masha is also pretty horny and she has sex with people before feeding on them (i know...). I had an idea for a scene where Lann catches her doing it and he is so crushed bc the girl he likes is fucking other ppl and eating them but they talk it out. She also probably gets it down a bit w Cam (her bicurios moment) and they drink blood together (weirdo besties for like 2 seconds) before Masha offs her (by sucking her dry) in the Abyss (sorry Cam).
Tessa is generally very chaste and she is more focused on the intimacy sex provides. Not the type of person who feels desire a lot. Also she has some baggage after being a Nocticula worshipper around sex bc she used her beauty and sex appeal a lot to hurt others and she prefers having relationships that are no longer centered around that.
Duncan is just chill. He has no isses anymore, he had many long term relationships in his time. He is like 40 also and he had a wild time being a teen/young adult around sexuality but its like mostly behind him. Like in the relationship w Daeran he is clearly the more well composed and at peace one so Daeran is just going trough it trying to untagle the mess of his emotions while Duncan is just there supporting him, hanging out and smoking weed lmfao.
For canon characters I mostly have thoughts of Woljif, Lann, Wendu and Daeran... less nsfw headcanonc and more of an interpretation of their characters bc i am insane
Like Daeran very clearly cant separate affection and being horny so he always tries to sleep with people he cares about and is attracted to thats why he goes so hard for the commander lmao. He is probably a good lover tho but he has issues. Lann is probably very worried about everything and lets his insecurities show and is generally stiff in those situations so its very awkward. But once he gets over that he has a fucking job to do. Wendu cant separate pain and pleasure properly AND she probably has that specific issue where she does not let herself want casual intimacy and soft affection bc she convinces herself tht she does not need it so she is all sexhorny instead and tries to channel her frustration into that. She is also probably very unhealthy in the S/M relationship too like type of sub who wont rly talk abt boundaries or safewords or shit which causes issues. True love Wendu however learns that those are important and gets better at communication so there is more aftercare.
OK with Woljif... Its less about his sexual habits but his connection towards sexuality ig bc he gets no action very clearly. He is bisexual tho but he is also very insecure and never have been loved. He kind of strikes me as a Denji Chainsawman type character who wants to be loved and cared for but he is also a horny young adult (instead of being a teen like Denji) so he probably conceptualizes those wishes as "omg i need to have sex" instead of him needing love and care yk.
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tommychook · 4 months
NASA Cuts ISS Live Feed of Massive Unidentified Object Headed Towards Earth
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Bungou Stray Dogs Men as Househusbands pt.1 - Sakunosuke Oda
A/N: I’m sorry that this isn‘t a request, but this brain rot has been going on since forever and now I can’t resist it anymore. I totally blame @hanazou for this. There will also be a part two featuring Chuuya, but his part has a completely different feeling to it, that's why I'll post these separately. Besides of that, this is basically an “Way of the Househusband!AU”. Go watch the show or read the manga if you don’t know it, it’s absolutely hilarious! This is mainly focused on them as househusbands, but since you are their spouse, there’s also a bit of reader insert. Also, a lot of Oda as a dad to his orphans. And the whole thing is feat. Dazai. (^^)
Pairings: Oda x gn!reader
Genre: Crack, domestic fluff
Warnings: none
Summary: You, Oda and the orphans move in together. While you become the working spouse, your loving husband stays at home and becomes a full-time househusband.
pt. 2
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First things first - If you agree to marrying Sakunosuke Oda, you are also agreeing to become the parent of five children. Oda loves you and you are one of two main reasons he’s leaving the Mafia, the other being his life purpose. But if he’s leaving the Mafia, he’s keeping those kids in (if they want him to of course, but you can’t tell me they don’t, come on -)
So yeah, be ready.
He only cooks spicy curry at the beginning. The curry shop owner gave him the exact recipe of his favourite plate as a goodbye gift and that’s the only thing he is cooking for days on end. He has some basic cooking skills, but this is the only really elaborated dish he knows how to prepare as of now, so be ready to suffer from the spice. It will go on like that until all six of you you and the kids hold an intervention for him. The kids will paint nice banners like they were going to a demonstration saying "No more curry" that they hang up in the living room and he’ll be greeted by your sorrowful face when he comes back from buying groceries.
“What’s this?” – “Oh honey, I’m so sorry, its just…” – “WE CAN’T TAKE THE SPICE ANYMORE STOP COOKING CURRY ALREADY!” – “…I mean…yeah.”
Of course, he’ll be a bit embarrassed and disappointed. May scratch his neck and look to the side thoughtfully. But he’ll take your plead seriously.
This is also how you bond with the kids for the first time. Congratulations, huddling up against someone is always the best way to bond!
He works hard on his cooking skills after that and becomes quite the formidable cook. He takes suggestions from you and the kids and will try to learn how to cook anything you might fancy to eat. It’s really important to him that all of you are happy and cooking may be the most important job of a house spouse, so he takes it very seriously.
There will be curry Tuesday though. One day of spice hell. Enjoy.
Please picture Oda in his usual attire, wearing a beige “kiss the cook” apron over it and bunny slippers. You’re welcome.
He'll learn how to make anime and cartoon-themed bentos for the kids, so it's highly probable you'll get cutely designed bentos as well. Again, you may drop suggestions, he’ll absolutely take them into considerations. Octopus sausages, bunny apple slices, cute bear faces made out of rice, he’ll learn to do them all. He isn’t too sappy of a person, but if he’s feeling romantic while cooking, your rice could also have the shape of a heart. Either way, your co-workers will be very envious of your food and your husband.
Oda iss the master of negotiation at the food market. He’ll be completely stoic all the time, not aggressive or dismissive at all, but he’ll point out little flaws of the products in a way that most shop owner’s won’t be able to deny and that’s how he gets discounts. He doesn’t want to cheat anyone out of their money, but he does have seven mouths to feed.
He may not look like it, but if any of the kids tag along for his grocery shopping, it's really hard for him to deny them something if they beg for it. He may seem unnervingly calm all the time, but he’s a big softie, especially for those kids and for you, and if they hang at his sleeves long enough, they’ll get that ice-cream they want so badly. That doesn’t work on pricier items though, he can be a strict parent when really needed.
Oda is great at handling the finances. He’s well aware that he has to be thrifty with five kids. Still, there is one thing where he struggles to keep his control: books.
If you agree to it, the apartment will have an absolutely minimalistic interior, but! In your living room, there will be a shelf full of books, so big it covers a whole wall. That’s it, that’s Oda’s only weak spot when spending money.
It’s not only books for him though. He buys books for you when he sees something from your favourite author or genre. He buys books for the kids so they learn the joy of literature. Poems, bed time stories he wants them to grow up appreciating the possibilities of the written word.
You can bet that he’ll read them bed time stories. Only one book for all five of them though, so one kid gets to choose a story each day.
He’ll read to you as well if you want him to. His voice is incredibly calm and soothing, he’s a really good reader. There’s a high probability you’ll fall asleep while he reads to you. You can cuddle up in bed and rest your head on his shoulder or sit on his lap and hide your face in the crook of his neck, feeling the vibration of his voice in his chest.
Whenever he has some time to spare, he’ll retire to your shared bedroom to write. Mind you, that won’t happen often. It happens mainly on weekends, when the kids are with friends and/or you are at home. If you want to do him a favour, consider cooking on the weekends, he’ll be more than thankful for the opportunity to submerge in his beloved writing. But don’t worry, it won’t consume him – he’ll always put some time aside to spent with you, without the kids, as well ¬‿¬.
He's so polite with the neighbours. Will pay all his neighbours a short visit together with the kids to introduce himself and bring little gifts. Just imagine him standing there in the door frame, witih all five kids around his legs, smiling at their new neighbours angelically - what's not to love?
He really wants to maintain a good relationship to all of them. Basically, he’s the perfect neighbour – always polite, always up to a little chat, always ready to listen to neighbour A complain over neighbour B without snitching. He’s mainly concerned for the wellbeing the kids though. He wants them to feel part of the community and often arranges play dates with the neighbour kids. If it's possible at the neighbour’s house because five kids are a lot to handle already…and when they are all out of the apartment, it’s cleaning time.
Oda is an angel of patience and the ultimate multitasker. He isn’t left with much of a choice with five kids, but thankfully, calm lies in his nature. You may see him explaining Sakura her math homework while cutting vegetables for today’s lunch. Then, he’ll take a quick glance out of the window to see if they boys are still playing on the street where he can see them and then he’ll check on Sakura again. Isn’t he lovely?
His ability is unexpectedly helpful for all of this. If he’s in the living room to clean, his ability will alarm him if the food’s about to burn. If he’s around the kids, he’ll know in time if one is about to trip. If you come home from work so tired you fall asleep face first in your soup, he’ll be able to catch you. So useful.
He’s a very attentive and loving husband. His love is mainly expressed by keeping the house as clean as he can and putting a lot of effort into cooking. Your work is hard enough, he takes it upon himself to manage everything else. He’ll also try to have the kids well-behaved so they don’t demand too much from you after you come home from work. Though if you decide to pull yourself together and give them attention and love even when tired, he’ll be more than thankful. He knows it’s a lot to ask to be a parent, especially to not one, but FIVE kids that are not yours by blood. So if you actively seek to have a close bond to them, it will make him so incredibly happy because he knows it’s not the natural course of action for everyone.
Will give you head, shoulder and foot massages after an especially excruciating day of work. His hands are skillful and he knows where to touch to make you moan to release the tension from your muscles.
Likes to lie his head in your lap after both of you had a long day of work. Yes, you may be the provider, but keeping a house clean and five kids under control isn’t an easy job either! So, he’ll seek peace laying his head on your thighs and closing his eyes while you tussle his hair and tell him about your day. Don’t expect more than a mumbled “Mm” or “I see” from time to time, but be sure that he’s listening.
And the Port Mafia? You’re in luck - since he was the lowest-ranking member, The Mafia, by which I mean Mori isn’t bothered that he left. He refused to kill anyways, he’s to no use to them him.
Of course, Oda will try to be absolutely sure there is no hidden reason for Mori to hinder his leave beforehand, or to resent him for it. The last thing he wants is to endanger you or the kids by leaving his job as a criminal.
If he ever meets a member of the PM in public, he'll act as if he doesn't know them. He may give them a polite nod if they make eye contact, but that’s about it. It’s not that he resents them, but he really wants to start a new life here that isn’t connected to killing and cruelty at all. If they approach him he'll be very polite, but try to keep the conversation short, even if they seem to have no ulterior motive.
Of course, there’s one member of the Port Mafia that marks the exception, by which I mean to say that you’ll have Osamu Dazai over for tea regularly. No, he won’t announce himself at all. The first time he appears at your apartment, you’re just finishing to unpack. He’ll tand at your doorstep all of a sudden to tell Oda that Mori already knows where he moved to. Oda will just nod as an acknowledgement. He expected as much. And then he’ll give you a questioning look. If you nod, he’ll officially asking his friend to stay for dinner. You’ll be having curry.
From then on, he’ll just drop by whenever. You may come back home from time to time to find dinner ready, the kids in bed and your husband and Dazai drinking. If you join them, you will have some truly joyful evenings spend together. You’re Oda’s chosen one, so Dazai is a bit more inclined to let you get close than he is with others. You may make a new friend in the process.
It doesn’t take a lot of time for the kids to start calling him Uncle Dazai. He’ll actually be Uncle Dazai before they ever call Oda Dad or you Mom/Dad. It will take them mere weeks to call him uncle, but months, maybe years to call the two of you Dad/Mom. It will happen eventually though, and the day it happens, I assure you that you will see Oda spill tears of happiness. He’ll be looking away, wiping his face with one hand and smiling. He never thought he would want this, but now he knows he does.
Back to Dazai! He’s reserved with the kids at first. As we know, he doesn’t feel all to comfortable around “childish behaviour”. But kids are like cats, the feel drawn to the one that’s most cautious. By which I mean to say that they are all over him. Literally. Oda will leave for five minutes and when he’s back at the living room the kids will have tackled a slightly unnerved Dazai on the floor. Sakura wants him to see the drawings she made, Katsumi, Kousuke and Yuu want to play, Shinji wants to ask him what's under his bandages. He’ll have no choice but to oblige and it goes surprisingly well. Oda may abuse him as a baby-sitter when he visits from then on.
Then suddenly, Dazai stops visiting altogether. You are worried, but Oda, for some reason, isn’t. Even more, whenever you ask him about it, you may catch him smiling to himself in a satisfied, proud way. No, Dazai didn’t tell him anything. If Oda would know, it would endanger all of you. But he knows. He knows that Dazai finally made his choice to leave the Port Mafia and needs to lay low now. And that’s okay.
It takes Dazai two years to come back, which will be just as sudden as him leaving. You’ll be astounded to see him a changed man at first sight. Oda will scold him for not sending any notice and then everything is normal again. And after some more years, he’ll start bringing along a scrawny kid with white hair.
A/N: Wow, this is the first post I put a "keep reading" link in because it's so long! That's kind of a milestone for me. 。゚(TヮT)゚。
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you for reading!
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Game Day
EZ Reyes & Angel Reyes & Sister!Reader
Day 11 of the July Prompts and a request from @cherieann-2001​: football and How about American Football game with Ez/Angel/and Baby sister Reyes? They all like three different teams within the same division so whenever two of the teams play each other there is a lot of trash talking etc. But they love one another at the end of it all.
Warnings: language, alcohol
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: The Reyes Family deserves happy times together and that’s all I have to say about that.
EZ/Angel Taglist: @garbinge @ly--canthrope @noz4a2 @queenbeered @sincerelyasomebody @sadeyesgf @thesandbeneathmytoes @appropriate-writers-name @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @sillygoose6969 @louisianalady @gemini0410 @paintballkid711 @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @sesamepancakes @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @themoonandthewicked @bucky-iss-bae @enjoy-the-destruction @encounterthepast @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo @mijop @xladymacbethx @blessedboo @holl2712 @lakamaa12 @masterlistforimagines​ @kkim120​ @toni9​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @crowfootwrites​ @redpoodlern​ @punkgoddess-98​ @black-repunzel99​ @lexondeck​ @mrsstevenbuchananstark​ @berniesilvas​ @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ @helli4nthus​ @angelreyesgirl​ @starrynite7114​ @lilacyennefer​ @luckyharley1903​
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“You guys ready to lose?!” Angel called out as he flung open the door to Felipe’s house.
You were fast at work in the kitchen, laughing and shaking your head at the dramatics of his entrance. Over the years, despite everything that had ever happened in the Reyes family, all of you still managed to come together during football season. Sometimes it felt like you only came together just to give each other shit over your teams, but it was nice that some things didn’t change, didn’t get lost.
He looked around and quickly realized that you were the only one in the kitchen, if not the entire house. Walking over, he placed a kiss on top of your head, “Hermanita,” he glanced around once more, “you the only one holding it down out here?”
You chuckled, shaking your head, “No, Pops and EZ are out back by the grill,” you looked up from the pan in front of you, “Feel free to go and help.”
“Nah,” Angel chuckled before going and grabbing a beer out of the fridge, “I’d much rather stay in here and bother you.”
You rolled your eyes, “Damn, and here I was thinking that you were actually going to offer to help.”
“You want my help?” he cocked an eyebrow.
Your sigh turned into a laugh, “That’s a fair point.”
“When’d you get here anyway?” he asked before taking a swig of his drink.
“This morning,” you covered the pan on the stove and turned the heat down, “Had breakfast with Pop before you boys could show up and disturb the peace.”
“What are you two troublemakers up to in here?” EZ asked with a chuckle as he walked inside, a plate in his hands piled with food that Felipe had been cooking outside.
“Oh, nothing,” you smile, “just figuring out how we’re going to celebrate when the Chiefs choke tonight.”
EZ scoffed, a smile on his face, “Big talk for a girl whose team is already out of the running,” he grabbed himself a fresh beer from the fridge and took a drink, “Brave of you to wear those colors around here, considering,” he nodded towards your jersey.
“This isn’t gang territory,” you laughed as you leaned back against the counter, “Besides if Angel can wear his, I can wear mine.”
“You can all go change,” Felipe said as he walked in with the last of the food, shaking his head all the way over to the counter.
All three of you laughed, knowing and loving that he always put on an annoyed front when you were all there. You knew that if the three of you showing up and causing a ruckus every weekend was really a problem, he wouldn’t hesitate to kick you all out. But he enjoyed it as much as the rest of you, even if he didn’t want to admit it. Time together with the four of you was rare, and no one knew and felt the value of it all quite as much as your father did. For all his grumbling about the yelling and the shit-talking, and shaking his head at the amount of food that three of you would burn through, you would always show up to a full fridge every Sunday morning when you came to have breakfast with him. And the living room would always be clean and set up perfectly for all of you to hang out there later. You loved him, though, so you let him continue to pretend to be bothered by it. It kept you and your brothers amused, after all.
“We gotta get you one, too, Pops,” Angel said with a laugh.
“One what?” Felipe didn’t look amused at all.
“A jersey,” he gestured to himself, “I feel like these are your colors.”
“No way,” EZ chimed in, shaking his head, “He’s not gonna—”
Felipe interrupted, cutting off the discussion before it could continue, “Is it done?” he looked at you and then nodded towards the stove.
You nodded, laughing at his dismissal of the heated debate that was about to take place, “Yea, all set to go. Was just waiting for you and Boy Wonder to finish grilling.”
“Boy Wonder?” EZ looked at you with raised eyebrows.
“What? Sounds like an upgrade from Boy Scout if you’re asking me,” Angel smirked.
“I’ll demote him again after his team loses,” you laughed.
“They won’t,” EZ shook his head, adamant about his position, “No chance.”
“We’ll see,” your voice was singsongy as you helped get everything together.
You were listening to the two of them going back and forth as you started bringing everything to the table. You might’ve all been grown, with your own lives, problems, and responsibilities, but something about getting together for games at Felipe’s turned all of you back into punk kids again. It was all jokes and headlocks and pushing each other off the couch after dinner. And Felipe would always sit and watch from his chair, fighting to keep a straight face and not feed into your antics but smiling and laughing along with you. But you could always see it in his eyes, even when he was watching you trying to tackle Angel to the floor in the middle of the living room, he’d rather have you all there than anywhere else in the world.
The game was well underway, and the now-empty dinner plates were all stacked off to the side. EZ kept promising that at the next commercial break he’d bring them into the kitchen, but it never happened.
“Oh!” you bumped his shoulder with your own, “Called it! Choked!”
EZ laughed shaking his head as he gave you a shove back, sending you into Angel’s side, “You sound more and more like him every damn day.”
“There are worse brothers to take after,” Angel laughed as he draped his arm around your shoulders, tucking you into his side and preparing to put you in a headlock.
“Angel,” Felipe spoke up, waiting for you all to look at him, and all he did was give a slight shake of his head, causing Angel to let you go.
“You don’t gotta protect me, you know,” you laughed, “He’s not even that strong.”
“Pfft,” Angel shook his head, “That’s it, you’re done.”
Your scream turned into laughter as he threw you in a headlock, threatening to pull you down onto the floor. You turned your body, managing to pull your legs up and press your feet against him, pushing yourself away and getting him to break his hold on you with a laugh. He easily lifted and move your legs back off the couch, shaking his head.
“Not even that strong,” he muttered as he returned his attention to the game, “Bullshit.”
“I mean,” EZ chuckled as he got up to finally bring the plates into the kitchen, “she did get out of that pretty quick.”
“Shut up,” Angel crumpled a napkin and threw it at him, “Aren’t you supposed to be watching your team lose?”
“Don’t make him drop those dishes,” Felipe spoke up, “Or you’ll be buying me new ones.”
“Oh,” you chimed in, “don’t let Angel pick out China patterns. Please.”
“We’re supposed to be friends, you know,” Angel chuckled, “If I can’t trust you on game day, who can I trust?”
“No one!” you laughed as you reached down, grabbing the napkin he’d thrown and chucking it back at him, hitting him square on the forehead.
“Heads up!” EZ called as he walked back into the living room, carefully lofting a beer bottle to Angel. He sat down, handing you one before passing you the bottle opener.
The three of you settled down a little now that you had fresh bottles, not wanting to spill anything on your father’s couch. That ran the risk of genuinely frustrating him. And you knew that the spiller would be the one who either had to clean it, or replace it. That wasn’t a responsibility that anyone wanted on their shoulders.
EZ was in his glory as the game came to an end, his team managing to come out of it all on top. He stood up, holding his arms out, “Called it!” he turned back to you and Angel, “And you thought they were gonna choke.”
“They did for a while, there, Boy Scout,” Angel piped up with a chuckle.
“Still won, though,” a cocky smirk was plastered across his face.
“Shut up,” you swiped the bottle caps off the table and tossed them all at him with a laugh.
You leaned forward, elbows resting on your knees as you ran your hands down your face. It’d been a long day. Good, as they always were, but you could feel yourself starting to get tired. You glanced over at your father, chuckling quietly when you saw that he was passed out in his chair. You nudged Angel with your elbow, nodding over to the chair with a soft laugh.
“It’s exhausting dealing with you two knuckleheads,” Angel said with a laugh.
“Learned from the best,” you shot back with a smile.
You draped a blanket over your father, leaving him to sleep in peace. The three of you all cleaned up the kitchen and living room, restoring it to its former glory. As much as you wanted to say goodbye, you knew that Felipe would just be mad that you all woke him up. So with that, you all made your way outside. Their bikes were parked alongside your car, and there was something so reassuring about the sight of them all lined up together.
“Alright,” you gave them each a hug, “Stay outta trouble. Love you.”
“Love you,” Angel swung his leg over his bike, clipping his helmet on.
“Love you,” EZ smirked as he walked over to his bike, “And you can just call me whenever to tell me that I was right about the game. You have my number.”
You shook your head, smiling as you unlocked your car, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
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soobins--dimple · 3 years
Hot Chocolate and Popcorn❄️💙
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Taehyun X reader 💕
Word count: idk someone pls tell me how to do that🤕
Genre: Fluff☁️
Song recommendation: Sweet Dreams~ Tomorrow by Together
Tonight it was Christmas eve and you were alone. You didn't have anyone with you, as you lay in you bed on you phone. Tonight you and Taehyun we're supposed to be having a say at home date and supposed to be spending the day together because it was Christmas eve.
You and Teahyun we're both supposed to be off but life had other plans, because just that morning when you and Tae we're having coffee together, Soobin called and told your boyfriend that he had to come in and practice with the other boys.
And of course you were visibly angry. Tae was supposed to be spending quality time with you, it was the day before Christmas for fuck sake. But you knew what you were getting yourself into when you decided to date an idol. Especially one as big as Taehyun. So all you could do was say your farewells and hope that your boyfriend would make it back before you fell asleep.
But you really didn't have any hope left by now. Looking at the time on your phone, it was 9:59.
Just as you were about to put your phone away, you heard your front door squeak, indecating that the door was being opened. You know the only other person with a key to you shared home with your boyfriend was him.
So either he was back or you were about to die.
You run down the steps of your house to find you boyfriend taking of his shoes at the front door. "Taehyun”! You yelled as you engulfed him in your embrace. You arms around his neck and his around your waist. his hands resting on your lower back. "well hello to you too" he said as you buried your head into his neck.
He started to feel a little wetness on his neck and quit hiccups from you. "hey, hey are you alright." He asked you worried. You let go of him walking over to your couch.
Talking a seat and signaling him over to sit. As he sat down you claimed onto his lap facing him with your legs raped around his wasit.
"I'm sorry..it's just-" you cut yourself off taking his arms and raping them around your waist. "It's just I was really disappointed this morning when you left...and now that your back I'm...I'm just so happy" Taehyun smiled softly at you before giving you a soft kiss on the lips "I can't help it" you finished looking into his eyes.
"How about this" he said "You find a good movie for us to watch while I get some hot chocolate and popcorn ready for us." He took a pauce and smiled at you "how does that sound?" You nod your head yes as he lifts you up and sets you back on the couch and he heads for the kitchen and you grad the remote logging into Netflix.
You decided to watch 'A Whisker Away'
As Taehyun come back with your drinks and snack you run up to your bed room to get a cover so the both you won't be cold. You came back down to see him press strat on the movie.
You cuddle up with him under the covers holding your hot chocolate as the movie starts.
~tiny time skip to the end of the movie~
Taehyun looked at your calm face resting on his shoulder and smiled. "How did I get so lucky" he said aloud yet quietly as to not wake you up.
He started to lay down on the couch moving you on his chest so that you were comfortable while sleeping. He looked down and kissed you on the forehead "I love you, so fucking much" he whispers as he falls asleep.
In a dark living room with the only the tv light illuminating it. The only word you could make out were
'Are you still watching?'
————————————————————a/n: Helloo, this is my first write so I hope it was good..I couldn't decide which boy to do it on so I had Google choose 1-5 and it chose 4 so Taehyun it iss. I hope this was good, I would love feed back anyway have a good Christmas 🥰🥰💘🤪
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 30.10.20 lb
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lol ishani is suchhhhhhhhh a messy bitch. not even pretending to look less than outright gleeful.
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le, iska rona shuru. god sis, you knowwwwwww these bitches have it out for you, then why do you give them the satisfaction of seeing this reaction???
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yeh aadmi hai ya bhagwaan? koi bhi jagaah koi bhi time marzi se prakat ho jaata hai.
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also, just noticed the set and production design credits and finally have names to put on all the hate mail i wanna send.
naaaah jk, i think it's really nice that they got employment in this pandemic, even with their OBVIOUS lack of taste. so much so, that it seems to be a medical condition! 
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anyway, he said he got this sargi for ishani on behalf of angre, but since she's got hers anyway, this one can be given to riddhima. noice. this fucker be worming his way into my heart with shit like this.
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inka phir se popat bann gaya.
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mummy biting out and giving the worst blessing of all, “sadaa suhaagan raho.” which is just an elaborate way of saying "hope you die before your husband does, because life without a man is worse than death itself!!!!!!"
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“thank you mummyji. aapne ~~sachchi neeyat~~~ se sargi taiyyar kii thi toh dekhiye, mere haath khaali nahi hain!”
lmao nice. where was this riddhima allllll along?????? i've been waitinggggg for this snarky bitchhhhh who doesn't take shit!!!!!
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le, aadarsh bahu mode is back on. sab ke liye koi paath ka intezaam kiya. chanchal chachi was right, she's suchhhhh a annoying suck-up to dadi, honestly.
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husband is like here, no one's looking; sneak some almonds, come on. yes, i approve. this the kinda man* you want ladies. one who's willing to have a few hours taken off his lifespan so you don't get hangry.
(*T&C strictly apply: only in this feeding waala criteria wrt this dude. baaki sab toh disaster hi disaster hai iss mein.)
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“kaisi baat kar rahe ho??? vrat sachchi nishtha se kii jati hai. koi nahi dekh raha par bhagwaan dekh rahe hain!”
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lmao, the most appropriate response. 
wait you guys genuinely need a gif of this moment, coz it’s priceless:
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i can't believe they don't let this dude move his face in this show when he is the MOST ENTERTAINING when he doessssss.
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he's like dude i'll adjust with the 2 hours less in my life, but dharampatni is i won’t let you escape a minute of suffering existence in this flesh prison we’re all trapped in, so help me god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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who the fuckkkkkkkkk is this????? and you know you didn't need a needle on the syringe for this whole thing, don't you???
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vansh's "baaz ki nazar" toh i've long given up on, but riddhima's peripheral vision also seems to be completely shit if she didn't notice a wholeass person wrapped in all black skulking around directly in her eyeline, not 10 feet away.
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lmaooooooo dadi is like tf you doing here, and the hasty retreat he beat. scaryass men soft for their sweet old grandmas is a trend i really do love in tellywood.
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oh i like ishani's outfit.
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blah blah blah KC gyaan idgaf.
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riddhima has lit diya and instant cough attack from the smoke.
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it's her. she's the one who did this. looks like she's okay with bhai dying a few days earlier than fated, as long as it means she knocks riddhima down a few pegs.
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mummy rubbing it in saying dekho yeh akhand paath hai, beech mein rukna nahi chahiye, apshagun hota hai. godddddddddddddd.
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yeh lo ji, parmeshwar prakat ho gaye to save the day and read the paath himself.
all dudes in the world should be in whatever business this guy and angre are in. ki biwi mil gayi toh it manages itself while he devotes himself to her.
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lmao the sheer earnestness with which he's narrating the KC paath. both wholesome and fucking hilarious. looks like those primary school kids at their first public speaking contest.
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i am ishani. god, why won't this scene just endddddddd already, i'm dying of cringe.
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whoooooooooooops. bhai is pointedly asking ki how riddhima's throat got messed up when she was fine like 3 min ago.
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behen is giving earnesttttttt excuses and he's really "sure jan"-ing her.
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dadi's all no matter what issues crop up in these two's lives, i'm sure they'll win over it with their lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrve. yeah, it looks that way rn, but i wouldn't be quite so optimistic yet, dadi.
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literally no one is surprised by this revelation.
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oh god, she has something more planned. man who are these ppl with so much energy in their lives WHILE PREGNANT, to do such scheming and plotting??????? just my period cramps have me taking 2 hours off work to curl up on my heat pad and cry about ouchieeeeeee.
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great. ragini ko ab daure pad rahein hain.
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and poor angre is saddled with getting her treatment. WHY DOES HE HAVE TO DEAL WITH ALL THESE TROUBLESOME WOMEN IN YOUR LIFE VANSH?!?!?! EK ADIYAL BEHEN ISKE SAR PE BAANDH DI HAI WOH KAAFI NAHI THA, KI AB INVALID EX KO BHI ISKE HI HAATH MEIN THAMAA DIYA. i know you got your hands full with that disaster wife of yours, but come on man.
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oh god is he gonna blow up at her again for eavesdropping!?!!?!?!?
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thank the lord above, she had airpods in. (also lmao, ofc she's literally the airpods meme.)
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isn't HE supposed to give HER a gift today???
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i liked his other watch better. but this watch is supposedly riddhima “ke dil ki dhadkano se judi hai” so........ i'm no expert in cutting edge watch technology, so sure. sounds like something that would be available for the wives of billionaire gangster’s wives to buy.
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oh man she got herself a matching one. which ofc is “tumhare dil ki dhadkano se judi hai.” lord, she CHEESY CHEESYYYYYYYYYYYY. and i'm mildly lactose intolerant, so 🤢🤢🤢
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this dude is not though. he falling for this hard and fast. which is....... unexpected. nice, but also suspicious.
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“yeh ghadiyaan chahe rahein naa rahein riddhima, lekin tum mere dil mein hamesha rahogi.”
that's sweet. and i'd believe and squee over it if this was any other show. i would. but in this show, literally everyone other than dadi/siya is out to fuck each other over and i don't trust a single goddamn word out their hissy snake mouths.
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“apni umar badhaake kya karoonga main, agar tum saath nahi ho. main chahta hoon ki tum meri zindagi ki aakhri saans tak mere saath raho.”
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again, very very sweet and all, esp. with these soft melty eyes; but it's this show. and we saw the upcoming promo. sooooooooo, kill bill sirens in my head, i'm afraid.
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both mann hi mann mein deciding to tell each other the truth about their backstories after the vrat. which should work out splendidlyyyyyyy.
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lo ji dream sequence shuru. voot blocked the music but colors put up the scene with bol na halke halke on instaTV so i watched it there.
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yesssssssssss you messy trainwrecks. get it onnnnnnnnnn.
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this is literally alllll i am watching this show for. the moment y'all bang in canon, i'm outttttttttttt. it's always the best time to quit a tellywood show. always. take this protip from wise, old TT. quit the show the episode the lead couples fuck. just trust me on this.
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idk WHOSE dream sequence this is, but lmao it's got the vibes of a not-that-great wedding "promo" thing ppl have got going on these days. which one of y'all is binging these on youtube and thus has their subconscious filled with it/??? it's gotta be riddhima, but it would be absolutely fucking hilariousssssss if it was in fact, vansh.
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yup. it was her dumb ass. i bet she had the exact video in mind for kabir and just cut-copy-pasted vansh's face in there from the last week onwards.
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oh chachi's back from maayka for vrat kholing.
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mans literally do be looking like the chand today. because they eased up on his yellow foundation, thank god.
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poor ishani. god, this is why we need feminism. so our sisters don't get pushed into shit like this against their willllllllllllllllll.
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dadi and siya shipping riansh to the point of making ppl uncomfortable. what next, you gonna be writing mature fanfic about them on IF????? BACK THE FUCK OFF, YOU WEIRDOS.
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“humaare plans kamyaab hote toh vansh iss waqt riddhima ko zeher ki pyaali pilaa raha hota. hmph.”
lmaoooooooooooooooo mummy is an eternalllllllll mood.
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this one is getting overly emotional about her first completed karwachauth vrat. eat a snickers, bitch.
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dadi overpromising and saying shit like evennnnnnnnn god himself can't shake your love for each other, tumhari prem kahaani billlkulllll pooori hogi and what not. oh dadi, did YOU not see the promo?????
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this one got the footage she needed and has duly handed it over to bhai. both of vansh's sisters have the trait for going straightttttt to him with their sordid discoveries, albeit for completely polar reasons.
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lmaoooooo the way she peaced out.
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand he's started growling about how all this KC naatak was fake and and vowing revenge and games for her dhokaaaaaaaaaa. i hate to say it but............ i told you so.
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also abbe oh gobar ganesh. itna CCTV footage mila hai kahin se, toh baaki ka bhi toh dhoond, where you see how she got into the bloody dickey?!?!???! nahi, 2 out-of-context second hi dekh ke paagal saand ki taraah bekaabu ho jaana hai. shit for brains, literally everyone in this show has.
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anyway, if i was vansh’s murti maker, i’d be expecting a call righhhhhht about now. riddhima yahaan rahe na rahe, uski murti zaroor rahegi, which vansh and his next paramour will demolish together as a bonding/foreplay exercise.​
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creepingsharia · 5 years
60 Muslim Refugee-Jihadis Caught in the U.S. Profiled in New Book
“The 60 refujihadis include a Muslim translator for the U.S. Army, cab drivers, gangsters, money transfer agents, janitors, and college students.”
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Here are three facts that the most hysterical voices attacking the Trump administration’s proposal to radically reduce or freeze refugee admissions don’t want you to know:
1) They make billions of dollars off the federal refugee resettlement racket;
2) They are protected by the Open Borders Inc. media, which routinely whitewashes the gobsmacking financial self-interest of the “Let Them All In” leeches; and
3) They are never held accountable when untold numbers of the world’s most wretchedly violent and aggrieved refugees come here to sabotage the American Dream.
While left-wing religious groups, tax-exempt non-profits tied or allied to George Soros, and the amnesty-shilling Catholic Church scream “No hate, no fear, everyone is welcome here!” at the top of their lungs, American neighborhoods are being overrun by dangerous foreign criminals and jihad plotters. David Miliband, president and CEO of International Rescue Committee, attacked the White House plan to slash refugee numbers from an Obama-era high of 100,000 to less than the current historic low of 30,000 as “inhumane.” Is it because cutting the numbers would cut in to Miliband’s first-class travel and business lunch tabs? Malkin Truth-O-Meter: mostly likely true!
What Miliband neglects to mention in his diatribe against President Trump that his organization is one of 9 behemoth government contractors that works with the hostile United Nations and encrusted State Department social justice warriors to import thousands of new refugees every year with little input from the communities in which they are dumped. Miliband earns nearly a million-dollar salary and by one estimate, IRC has raked in nearly $900 million in refugee resettlement profits over the last decade. When you cut through the Statue of Liberty smokescreen of the open borders “charities,” the math is clear:
Reduced refugees means reduced cash flow.
Zero refugees means zero cash flow.
Why should taxpayers continue to see their hard-earned money siphoned away to feed the Trump Resistance Machine and Democrat Party’s Permanent Ruling Majority Project?
There are even more compelling reasons to throttle the refugee flow. According to the logic-twisting, ICE-doxxing cheerleaders at the New York Times, refugee reductions are the real threat to our nation because if we don’t keep importing hordes of Muslim translators from Iraq or Afghanistan, it would “undermine” our national security.
This is just plain ass-backwards.
The Trump-bashers and border-phobes equate any and all criticism of the refugee program as racist, xenophobic hatred. But it’s not all sweetness and light. They’re not all “yearning to breathe free.” Some of them just want free stuff. Some of them want to kill us. Many of them have absolutely no interest in assimilating themselves into our customs, measures, and laws. And many of them have outright contempt for Western civilization. They’re not here to strengthen our nation with their “diversity.” They’re here to destroy it. That’s fact, not “hate.”
In Open Borders Inc, I have profiled 60 of the planet’s most maleficent refujihadis nabbed over the past dozen years. Here are their names (you can learn their full stories in Appendix G of the book) . And remember: these are only the ones we’ve caught.
Nuradin Abdi
Dritan Duka
Shain Duka
Eljvir Duka
Mohanad Shareef Hammad
Waad Ramadan Alwan
Abdow Munye Abdow
Farah Mohamed Beledi
Cabdulaahi Ahmed Faarax
Shirwa Ahmed
Mahamud Said Omar
Abdiweli Yassin Isse
Kamal Hassan
Salah Osman Ahmed
Adarus Abdulle Ali
Ahmed Ali Omar
Khalid Mohamud Abshir
Zakaria Maruf
Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan
Mustafa Ali Salat
Tamerlan Tsarnaev
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Issa Doreh
Basaaly Saeed Moalin
Mohamed Mohamed Mohamud
Ahmed Nasiri Taalil Mohamud
Ramiz Hodzic
Sedina Hodzic
Mediha Medy Salkicevic
Armin Harcevic
Jasminka Ramic
Nihad Rosic
Abdullah Ramo Pazara
Fazliddin Kurbanov
Liban Haji Mohamed
Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan
Abdinassir Mohamud Ibrahim
Mohamud Ali Yusuf
Nima Yusuf
Zacharia Yusuf Abdurahman
Adnan Farah
Hanad Mustafe Musse
Guled Ali Omar
Abdirahman Yasin Daud
Mohamed Abdihamid Farah
Abdirizak Warsame
Hamza Ahmed
Abdullahi Yusuf
Ahmed Ali Omar
Amina Farah Ali
Hawo Mohamed Hassan
Abdul Razak Ali Artan
Dahir Ahmed Adan
Omar Abdulsattar Ameen
Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan
Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab
Abdullatif Ali Aldosary
Bilal Abood
Jamshid Muhtorov
Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham
More than half of these foreign menaces came from Somalia.
The 60 refujihadis include a Muslim translator for the U.S. Army, cab drivers, gangsters, money transfer agents, janitors, and college students. They include convicted weapons felons, confessed aiders and abettors of terrorism, stabbing spree vigilantes, and bombers all sworn to wage war against infidels in the name of Allah – and fraudulently posing undercover as victims of political and religious persecution. Here’s just a small taste of what our blind “welcoming” culture has wrought:
Abdul Razak Ali Artan was a Somali refugee who left his homeland with his family in 2007 for Pakistan and landed in Dallas before resettling in Ohio. In 2014, he became a legal permanent resident. At Ohio State University, where he was a student, Artan raged against America and invoked radical Muslim cleric and spiritual adviser to jihadists Anwar al-Awlaki. In 2016, he plowed his car into a group of students and then broke out a knife and stabbed innocent bystanders. Eleven were injured before police shot Artan dead.
Somali refugee Dahir Ahmed Adan went on a stabbing spree at a St. Cloud, Minnesota, mall in 2016, injuring ten people before an off-duty police officer shot him dead. Police told local media Adan quizzed at least one person on whether the individual was Muslim and made references to Allah while carrying out the stabbings. A local chapter leader of the unindicted terror co-conspirators of CAIR-Hamas disseminated an obligatory condemnation of Adan’s jihad before wailing about “the potential backlash to this community.”
Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham pleaded guilty to stabbing two people at the Mall of America in Minnesota in January 2018. Initially, the crime was reported as an “interrupted theft” in which two men had spotted Adbiraham attempting to steal merchandise at a Macy’s. But Adbiraham made his intent clear in the courtroom when he entered his plea. His attack was a “call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State,” he wrote in a statement. “I understand that the two men I stabbed know and have explained the reason for my attack, and I am here reaffirming that it was indeed an act of Jihad in the way of Allah.” Motive: known. Adbiraham entered the U.S. with “derivative status,” meaning he came here with a relative legally (most likely a refugee or green card recipient).
Mohanad Shareef Hammadi was an Iraqi refugee who landed in Las Vegas before resettling in Bowling Green, Kentucky, in 2009. He was not being hunted or oppressed by anyone. He was, in fact, a bomb-maker insurgent for Al Qaeda in Iraq who had targeted American soldiers on the battlefield and sought to amass high-powered weapons and ship them from his adopted home back to the front lines to assist his terrorist brethren. In 2013, he was sentenced to life in prison for providing material support to terrorists and “conspiring to transfer, possess, and export Stinger missiles,” not to mention making a false statement in an immigration application.
In 2015, a ring of Bosnian Muslim refugees and naturalized Bosnian-American citizens were indicted on criminal charges for sending money and supplies to terrorists in Syria and Iraq. Ramiz and Sedina Hodzic, refugees who had resettled in St. Louis, were charged in a criminal conspiracy involving fellow Bosnian immigrants Mediha Medy Salkicevic, Armin Harcevic, Jasminka Ramic, and Nihad Rosic. They raised money and purchased U.S. military uniforms, combat boots, tactical gear, and rifle scopes, which they sent to Abdullah Ramo Pazara–a Bosnian Muslim refugee who had lived in St. Louis and became a U.S. citizen just days before traveling to Syria in 2013 to fight for Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Pazara rose up the ranks of ISIS; he was reportedly killed on the Turkey-Syria border. Ramiz Hodzic, Harcevic, Salkicevic, and Ramic pleaded guilty to their charges in 2019. In May 2019, Sedina Hodzic pleaded guilty to providing material support to terrorism and is awaiting sentencing.
Open Borders Inc. propagandists and profiteers will do what they always do when confronted with criminal nightmares that don’t fit the Emma Lazarus fantasy narrative: Whitewash them. The vast majority of refugees are law-abiding, they’ll sputter. Only xenophobes dwell on the negative impacts, they’ll seethe. But an untold number of refugees are not just committing ordinary civilian crimes. They are Islamic oppressors masquerading as the oppressed. Never forget: Ramzi Yousef faked an asylum claim to plot the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Never forget: Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer, a Palestinian bomb-builder who entered the U.S. illegally through Canada, claimed political asylum based on phony persecution by Israelis. Never forget: Palestinian jihadist Mir Aimal Kansi, convicted in 1997 of capital murder for the January 1993 shooting spree outside CIA headquarters in McLean, Va., claimed bogus political asylum based on his ethnic minority status in Pakistan. The 9/11 jihad attacks, which every feckless politician will commemorate during next week’s 18th anniversary events with “Never Again” platitudes, should have taught us that all it takes is a teeny-tiny minority of foreign menaces to wreak massive havoc on our safety and civil order.
How many more horrifying reasons do we need to shut off the refujihadi spigot, stop underwriting the U.N.’s sovereignty-eroding agenda, and get our house in order?
Michelle Malkin is the author of Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?, out September 10 from Regnery. Visit OpenBordersInc.com for more information.
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raising a princess ch 8
They all sat down for breakfast together. Mitsuhide looked at the woman in the kitchen and then his daughter. “Sakura Kristy and I want to talk to you about some things.” He said.
“What Daddy?” Sakura’s eyes looked at him.
“Kristy and I are going to date some more. Okay?” he prompted, “Remember what I told you about a date?”
“Yes.” Sakura said. 
“Okay. Kristy is going to be here with us and around us more.” Mitsuhide said. “because I like Kristy and I think Kristy likes me.”
Kristy who was bring food to the table smacked him on the shoulder when he said that. “You think?” she asked playfully.
“I will never put words into your mouth.” He said with a grin.
“Just other things.” She replied and when she turned she thought she saw a hint of color creeping on his cheeks. She smiled at that. “Like ice cream. What are you thinking about?”
He knew that was his cue to leave for a minute. He got up and went to the back of the house where he wasn’t in the room with them. He wanted to listen but he couldn’t find a place he could.
Kristy sat down at the table with Sakura, “Sakura I have a big question to ask you.” She started, “it is a very big girl question though and I need you to think about it before you answer it, okay?”
“Okay Miss Kristy.” Sakura said with her eyes bright and wide.
“Sakura like your daddy said we are going to continue to date but I have to ask you something important. I want to know if you are okay with sharing your daddy with me? If we continue to date it won’t be just you and him anymore but I will be around too. You will still have your special time with your daddy and I won’t ever get in the way of that but are you okay with me and daddy spending more time together and sometimes being alone?” Kristy asked. She hoped she put it in a way that the three year old could understand.
“Like when you are in daddy’s room?” Sakura asked.
“Something like that.” Kristy said trying not to either laugh or cry.
“Amber’s new daddy dated her mommy.” Sakura said with a straight face, “Are you going to be my mommy if you date my daddy?”
“We can’t say that right now sweetheart. I like your daddy. Your daddy likes me but we have to see if we could be good together and that takes time. If your daddy and I last some time maybe I will be your step-mom but I can’t say that now. I can tell you I will always be your friend though. You and I can also go out and do things together.” Kristy said.
“Okay.” Sakura said and kristy was confused to which part was okay.
“Are you okay with sharing daddy?” Kristy asked.
“Yes. And doing things with you. Are you going to live here with me and daddy. I want you too.” Sakura said. Kristy looked at the little girl and saw something in her eyes. Kristy knew then Sakura was planning something. It was the same look her father got when he was up to something. Mitsuhide walked out and looked at Kristy as she nodded her head and he looked up to the sky for a minute to hide his relief.
“Ready to eat?” he asked his daughter who looked at him.
“Daddy I want Miss Kristy to live here with us.” Sakura said and he nearly spit out his coffee. “I asked her too.”
“Sakura we haven’t hit that part of the relationship just yet.” Mitsuhide said as he ran his fingers over her hair.
“Don’t take to long daddy getting there you’re getting old.” Sakura said and with that Kristy choked on the coffee and started to laugh hard. She looked up into his face when she stopped laughing and could settle down and his eyes were also planning something.
“Thirty one is not old.” He said.
“Well to her it is like being the age of dirt.” Kristy said with a small smile.
“And how about Kristy?” he looked at his daughter who he could clearly read her eyes as well. He knew that she was going to be the biggest supporter of their relationship because she wanted Kristy to be her mom.
“Miss Kristy is a girl, daddy.” Sakura said with a bit of sass. “Girls don’t say their age.”
“And where did you learn that?” he asked as he looked at his daughter amused.
“Amber.” Sakura said.
“I am beginning to think Amber is a pain in my.” Mitsuhide said as Kristy covered his mouth.
“She repeats.” Kristy said softly.
“True.” Mitsuhide said with a smile.
“Well after breakfast I should be going.” Kristy said. Four citrine eyes looked at her quickly.
“Why?” the owners of those both sets of those eyes asked.
“I don’t want to change your plans.” Kristy said with a smile, “And I need to change.”
“We didn’t having any plans that I know of for you to change.” Mitsuhide said as he touched her hand. “I am I sure I have something you could wear.”
“We can go feed the ducks.” Sakura said as she looked at her father, “You said we were going to feed them last night.”
“You were asleep, munchkin.” He said. “We could go feed the ducks. “No one there will care what you are wearing if it iss something of mine.”
“I don’t have a choice do i?” Kristy asked with a smile.
“Well you always have a choice, sweetheart. It would just break our hearts if you chose something other than us.”
“You are good.” Kristy said as she tried to look serious at him, “Really good Mitsuhide Akechi.”
“How good?” he asked as he kissed her hand.
“I guess good enough to keep me here.” She said and Sakura started laughing. She got up and went back to her room upstairs to pack her backpack for the ducks.
“Just good enough to keep you here huh?” he asked softly as he pulled her to sit on his lap when she stood to go back to the kitchen.
“Mitsu.” She said softly. “You never know when little eyes are around.”
“What did she say?” he asked as he looked into her eyes.
“She said she would share you.” Kristy said. “I think her awareness of moms and dads is coming from amber and her mother getting remarried. I hate to inform you of a small fact. Amber’s mother is my cousin and I know that Amber is really excited to have a new dad. Sakura sees things and places them almost like an adult would. She sees her friend’s mother dating and she is getting a new dad. Sakura sees you dating and she thinks she will get a new mom. I think in her mind she has made it up and she chose me.”
“I knew that kid had good taste.” Mitsuhide said. “You know I think you are right. She saw you first and told me I should have you over for dinner.”
“Oh she did?” Kristy said. “Mitsuhide the important thing is we keep talking to her. I also explained the what if.”
“What do you mean the what if?” he asked.
“Look Mitsuhide. I do like you and you haven’t hidden how you feel which I like but there is always the possibility that this could work out or it could fail. What ever happens I want Sakura to remain separate from that. I want to still be there for her if things don’t work out between us. I told her we will remain friends.” Kristy said and Mitsuhide looked at her and knew the instant he fell in love with the woman he was staring at. It was that second. He didn’t even have to think about it. He always thought it would take weeks or months or even years but it was that second when she said that to him. He also knew he never felt that way about anyone before. He brushed his fingertips down her cheek and she smiled at him.
“You know when Sakura was left here that night I watched her for a little bit in the basket she was in before I called the police. She opened her eyes and I saw them for the first time and I knew she was then mine. She refused for a week to sleep in her playpen she would only sleep on me while we were on the couch. I never thought there would be another person who would want to help me with her. I never thought I could want another person to help me with her. She is the last piece of my older brother. Kristy I want you to help me with her if you will. I don’t just mean with the girl stuff that I am still at a loss with but everything else in life. I made it three years without any help and I would really like some now.” Mitsuhide said softly. “I want Sakura to grow up and be like you. Full of life and a light that shines through you. A woman who is smart and more intelligent then she lets on but has no problems talking to children at the same time. I can’t think of anyone else I would ever want to help me raise her.”
“I don’t know what to say.” Kristy said as she looked at him.
“Say you will help me.” He said as he brushed his lips on hers. Before the contact became complete she whispered back, “I will help you.”
   Five weeks later…..
Kristy was in the office when she heard a scream coming from the back room. She got up and rushed into the classroom where she saw the two toddlers on the ground and bleeding from what looked to be a run in with each other. Sakura looked at her as the tears fell from her eyes and Kristy went to her without thought. She picked up Sakura and brought her back to the office to calm her down. Kristy got out the first aid kit and started to clean up the cuts and rug burn on Sakura’s little knees.
“Shhh sweetheart. You know it is okay. Does it hurt?” Kristy said softly.
“Mommy it hurts!” Sakura said and she looked at Kristy with wide eyes still full of tears.
“Sakura it is okay my sweet.” Kristy said as she rocked the little girl after she placed the band aid on Sakura’s knee. Kristy kissed the little girls head as she did. The other teacher came to check on Sakura and Kristy told her she would stay with her for a while. It was naptime and Kristy knew Sakura was tired. She yawned as she found a comfortable spot.
“I love you mommy.” Sakura said as her eyelids dropped and Kristy felt her heart soar. She knew that the little girl knew she wasn’t her mother but she was so hopeful that Kristy didn’t have the heart to correct her. She dropped the word mommy every once in awhile and Kristy never thought to stop her. She looked at the girl in her arms and knew she was supposed to be her mother. Kristy loved the man who was supposed to be this little girls father as well.
Sakura slept soundly in Kristy’s arms well passed the normal nap time. Soon Mitsuhide walked in and as he walked by the office he looked in to see the woman he loved cradling his daughter against her as he used to do when she was a baby. He smiled and walked into the office. “What happened?”
“She fell and skinned her knee.” Kristy said as she looked down. “There is an incident report for you to sign in her classroom.”
“How did she end up here?” Mitsuhide asked as he lifted the girl in his arms.
“I cleaned her up.” Kristy said. “I know we weren’t planning on anything tonight but I would like to go to that place we went on our first date.”
“Whatever you wish, my love.” He said as he looked down at her. He went into the classroom and signed the paper he had to and got Sakura’s things. She was waking up as he put her in her seat. “Good afternoon princess.”
“Where’s mommy?” Sakura asked. As she looked around.
“Sakura.” He said.
“Daddy where’s Miss Kristy?” Sakura asked.
“She will be home in a little bit.” He said.
“Daddy.” Sakura started to say and then she went quiet.
“What?” he asked as he was driving.
“Nuffin.” She said as she looked out the window. He could tell something was going on in her head.
 Kristy arrived at the house less than an hour later. She walked in and he looked up. “Honey did something else happen with Sakura today?”
“Why?” Kristy asked.
“She isn’t acting right.” He said.
“When she fell asleep she called me mommy again.” Kristy said. ”Actually a few times this time.”  
“I thought she understood.” He started to say but she put her finger on his lips to quiet him down.
“That is why I wanted to go out to dinner.” Kristy said. “Mitsuhide I want to be her mom.”
“What?” he asked.
“Mitsuhide I want to be her mommy. She cried out for me when she was hurt and I went to her. She fell asleep on me telling me ‘I love you mommy’ Mitsu I want that.” Kristy said.
“Do you know what you are saying?” he asked as he looked at her with a light growing in his eyes.
“I want to marry you.” She said.
“I thought I was the one who was supposed to say that.” He teased as he cupped her face. “Kristy will you please marry me and help me raise a princess?”
“Yes.” She said and he kissed her.
“Now do we have to go to dinner still?” he asked with a gleam in his eye that she had grown to know and love.
“Yes we do.” She said.
  one more chapter to go......
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ufosightingsfootage · 10 months
Controversial UFO Sighting at the International Space Station (ISS)
This is an insane UFO sighting that NASA deliberately cuts the live feed and doesn't even mention it after the feed is reinstated. #nasa #ufosfootage #ufo
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jj-lynn21 · 5 years
The Dinner Party
Warnings: virus social distancing talk, flirtation, heavy drinking,  a dash of Roman & Peter  not so secret infatuation for each other. angst.
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Runners body, long legs, Roman couldn’t use the coffee maker but he could cook and he looked sexy as Hell doing it. This afternoon he informed you Letha and Peter were coming over to get her out of the trailer for a while. You already knew she was going a little stir crazy the first few days. Its almost two weeks in and Peter thinks he might have to tie her to a chair during the next full moon April 7th.
“Letha really needs to get out without actually going anywhere with the rest of society in a big crowd.” Roman stirs the sauce he is making, adds some chopped tomato and Italian seasoning. “Hopefully, she will be comfortable enough that she can stay here when Peter does his thing next month.”
“Yeah, its probably a great idea,” You set the table “They are going to be here over night?”
“Yes, we have plenty of Room, Princess.” He picks the pan up moving it to swirl the contents. “Make sure you put the regular wine out. I am pretty sure we have three or four bottles behind the new bottles of Vee special blend. Who knows what that stuff would make them feel.”
You laugh, “Horny house guesses. That would be a fun party.”
“Hey, I told you before I hate sharing my property.” He chastises you.
“Hey, you already shared me with Bill.” You grinned thinking about that event. “And I shared you if memory serves.”
“He’s different,” Roman mumbled. “I should contact them to see if they have an air strip close enough, I can fly us out to Vegas. It would be interesting to see how they do things there.”
He added ravioli to the boiling sauce. Roman had made the ravioli from scratch this morning with three cheeses, beef and sausage in each one. You put three bottles of regular wine on the table. A buzzer goes off. Roman gets the cheese stuffed rolls out of the oven. You are really in aww of his culinary skills.
“I can’t believe you made all this Roman.” You helped him set the food on the table nicely.
“I told you I wanted to fuck the maid when I was a teenager,” He smirked.
“Well, did you ever get to?” He made you to curious. “I mean I know you said you were twelve, but I’ve heard things.”
“She was with us a while.” Roman rearranged some things on the table not looking at you. “I was sixteen and she was nineteen. Still she wasn’t our maid after that. I didn’t know shit about having sex. I thought I did. And she made me feel good about it, but I didn’t know shit. But now I can really take care of my maid.” He winked at you as the doorbell rang.
“I’ll get the door Mr. Godfrey,” You giggled.
He puts his arm around your waist walking to the door with you, “such a fucking little tease,” He opens the door to his cousin and best friend. “Hey, come on inside.” Roman steps aside pulling you with him.
Peter and Letha walk inside. Peter takes off her coat, “Its fucking freezing out tonight.”
“I’ll hang that up, Peter, and your coat to,” You say happily. “I’m the only maid service here right now.” You wink at Roman.
Roman just looks at you intently. You’re not sure if he is getting pissed or really turned on again. Either way you are probably in some sort of trouble. You hang up their coats and sit on the right side of Roman who is at the head of the table. Letha sits on his left, Peter beside her.
“Quite a spread here without help,” Peter put some ravioli on his plate and grabbed a cheese bread. “I was thinking you two would have take out or basic sandwiches maybe.”
“Roman is a secret gourmet,” you brag.
“Oh, I remember why he started getting into cooking,” Letha giggles. “He had a crush on the maid.” She giggles more. “I hated when I came over and she was gone. No more pasta with loads of cheese and sauce like this. Healthy food all the time sucks balls.”
You laugh at her terminology. Top off everyone’s wine glasses.
“Godfrey you didn’t,” Peter pretended to be surprised.
Roman shrugged and continued to eat.
“Roman we should go to the amusement park.” Letha whined. “All of us with no one else. I wouldn’t come across this virus if it was just us.”
Roman grimaced hating to disappoint his cousin. “No can-do sweet heart.” He sipped his wine. “We need the ride technicians to operate the rides and run the games for us to have a good time. If they are smart, they are all at home chillin’. I’m not going to force them to come out for our entertainment. We don’t even know if they have it. You might get it from one of them Letha. I’m not taking that chance.”
“I agree with Roman, babe.” Peter commented.
Changing the subject, you get up clearing some dishes, “How about some California cheesecake? We had that delivered.”
“Sure,” Letha said.
“Sounds,” Peter said.
“I’ll take whatever your offering, Princess.” Roman was practically salivating as he watched you take the dishes out to the sink. The fact he could see your breasts in the deep V black cocktail dress you wore when you bent down to get his plate didn’t help stirs he was feeling in his pants. He cracked his neck trying to relieve some pressure as he watched you.
“I’ll help you,” Letha got up to help you get the cheesecake for everyone.
“I think you got yourself another hot maid,” Peter chuckled.
Roman licked his lips watching you cut the cheesecake as Letha held out a plate to put it on, “Uh hum.” It was more of a sound than an answer to Peter who he wasn’t really paying attention to.
“Earth to Roman.” Peter snapped his fingers.
Roman blinks, “What man?”
“You really have a serious maid fetish.” He drinks the last of his wine and pours some more out of the last bottle. Tops off everyone else’s glasses.
“You have no idea,” Roman glances back at you and Letha to make sure you’re not coming back. “I bought her this little maid outfit. Best roleplay idea I ever had. It was hot as fuck. We could barely move after the fuckfest.”
Peter shakes his head. “Fuckfest, that’s a gentlemanly way to phase…” He hears you and Letha behind him, so he shuts up.
You serve Roman his cheesecake, “here you go Mr. Godfrey.” You smile.
Roman grins, “Thank you.”
Letha and you both giggle.
“Here you are Mr. Rumancek,” Letha dips her finger in his cheesecake and sucks it in her mouth. “Mmmm I think your going to like it.”
Roman tilts his head watching Letha in an interesting way. He gets some of the creamy cheesecake on his fork and feeds it to you when you sit down. “Teaching my cousin your naughty habits, aren’t you?”
Letha giggles more the wine starting to make her feel happier with her situation not really caring she can’t go outside. “She did Roman.” She took a bite of cheesecake and leaned over to kiss Peter to share in a whole other way.
“Brat,” you laughed. “you’re going to get me in trouble.
Roman chuckles.
“Well, she was telling me how much you enjoyed her playing maid to your boss.” She giggled so much she almost fell out of her seat.
Peter caught her and she was on his lap finishing his cheesecake. “Such a light weight,” Peter chuckled.
Roman and you both laughed. The wine making even you two a little tipsy.
“SShall we retire to the living room to watch a movie?” Roman said with the confidence of a man trying to deny he was getting drunk.
“I’lll get us more vine wine,” giggled Letha. She stands putting her arms out for balance. “Your houssse the the hill iss ssso sslanty,”
“Yeah, I bet it feels that way right now.” Roman chuckled. “You need help sweetie?”
Peter is already up going to help her.
“I got it,” Letha steadies herself, holding straight, walking matter of factly towards the wine rack mini refrigerator.
You and Roman start clearing the table. “You know I wouldn’t normally help you with cleaning Miss.” His eyes glossy like green glass.
“Thank you, Mr. Godfrey,” You laugh so hard you snort a little which just makes you short laugh more.
Roman laughs so hard he almost dropped the dishes he is carrying. Peter grabs the wine glasses. Letha came back with a bottle to fill them. They both carried them in living room sitting on the long couch. Roman and Peter towards the center. Its not like they weren’t right beside each other but as they spread to get comfortable their knees touched. It was a comforting feeling for them both.
Of course, Roman had his arm around you and buried his face in your neck for a time. His hand gliding under your skirt. He had pulled a blanket over your laps. He moved to your ear whispering some of the dialogue from the Romeo and Juliet movie Letha had put in to watch. “Did my heart love 'til now? Forswear its sight. For I never saw true beauty 'til this night.”
“Shit Roman that sounded better than him.” You stared at him biting your lip.
“I have that shit memorized,” Roman looked at you. “Glad you like it.”
Peter and Letha are drinking the wine she poured and getting more amorous than they normally would be in front of you and Roman.  You and Roman hear him growl and glance over. They are making out like crazy.
“Um I think you two should go upstairs,” Roman suggests.
Letha giggled, “Sounds like someone is jealous.”
“Oh yeah,” Peter turns to Roman. “Can’t leave a Godfrey unsatisfied.” His eyes all glossy and slightly closed he pulls Roman to him kissing him. His hands rest on Roman’s hips as Roman turns into him.
Roman grabs Peter’s face pulling away to get a breath, “You won’t remember this man, but I wish you wanted it as much as you think you do.” Roman kisses him again with deep pent up passion.
Letha’s mouth has dropped open with surprise. 
You bite your lip not that surprised. Maybe even a little turned on by the sight. You grab your glass of wine and take a drink. “Oh, shit.” You grab the mostly empty glass from Letha’s hand. “Roman they were drinking the special wine.”
He pulls away from Peter. Let out a big sigh, “fuck, we should get them to a guest room upstairs. They can fuck off their horniness together and sleep it off. Letha is to drunk to remember anything and I told Peter not to. He wouldn’t want to anyway.” Roman’s eyes got a little wet, but he held on to his emotions as he always did about Peter.
Peter starts making out with Letha again.
You put your hand on Roman’s back. “Hey, it’s not like it makes him do anything he wouldn’t want deep down to do. He’s just scared of his true feelings. So, maybe eventually.”
“Yeah, maybe.” Roman gets up and grabs Peter’s hand. “Let’s take the party up stair bud.”
Peter gets up to follow Roman. “I’d follow you anywhere man. To Hell and hopefully back if need be.”
“I know Peter.” He helps him up the stairs.
Peter pulls Letha with him. You walk behind Letha, so she doesn’t fall down the stairs with her faulty balance. She is just giggling the whole time.
You and Roman get them into the bed. As you are leaving, they both say, “Stay with us.”
Roman takes a deep breath. “Not tonight guys.”
You and Roman walk hand and hand to your bedroom. You figure you can clean up the party tomorrow. Roman will need your full attention until he falls asleep. You strip to your bra and panties. Roman to his boxers. And both get in bed.
Roman’s arms are wrapped around your waist. He let’s his emotions fly. Tears stream down his face, “Why can’t I always have everything I want, Princess.”
One hand rubs his back. The other hand’s fingers run through his hair. “I’m sorry the world just doesn’t work like that, Roman.”
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emperorsfoot · 6 years
New one-shot, part of my “Elevator Monologue ” series. A missing scene from chapter 9 of “...Before Its Ever Even...”.
Since its just a short missing scene, and not very plot relevant, I don’t mind posting it here too instead of just linking it. (Although, I do prefer you comment on AO3 if you have comments you’d like to share.)
About as hesitantly as Zed had been when she came over, Devlin extended his fingers. He stroked up one of her pointed blue ears, paused to see if she was going to protest, whimper in fear, or run away. When she didn't, he repeated the motion on the other ear. Then Devlin looked at Kevin. Zed also turned her eyes to gaze at him, as if questioning what they were supposed to do now.
“There.” He said, smiling at them both. Legitimately smiling. Not just at Zed, but at Devlin too. Kevin never thought he would ever actually smile at his son for real. An honest to goodness smile of pride and affection. “Now, was that so bad?”
Zed gave a little wine of admission. No. It wasn't that bad. Devlin wasn't as bad as he was when he was still a new puppy.
Devlin pulled away. “She still hates me.”
“It'll take time.” Kevin assured him. Fixing broken relationships took time. Some more than others. The Osmosian had a lot of experience with that. It was easy to rebuild trust where there was already a history of trust. But Devlin was still newborn when he almost killed Zed. That was their history. That was their only history. There was no friendship before it to call back to or rebuild on.
Gwendolyn came out carrying a serving tray of spaghetti. She looked at both her boys sitting on the couch with the dog. Zed never hung out so close to Devlin. “Something wrong?”
“No.” Devlin said. He looked back at the dog, it was the first time Zed had let him touch her since he came to live with his mother. He glanced up at his father, and it was all thanks to Kevin of all people. “Actually, everything's fine.”
Who would have thought?
Upon seeing that human food was out and available, Zed abandoned the Osmosians in favor of pressing herself up against Gwendolyn's legs. The Anubian Baskurr gazed up at the sorceress expectantly, her crimson eyes big and sparkling. Zed might have become an elderly dog by this point, but she still managed to pull off the 'puppy-dog face' flawlessly.
But Gwendolyn just looked down at her, unimpressed. “If I don't let Kevin and Devlin give you human food, what makes you think you'll get any from me?”
Kevin stood from the couch.
“I can carry that.” He said, offering to take the spaghetti tray from her.
But Gwendolyn shifted her body, moving the tray out of his reach. “Ya know what else you can do?” She said. “Help our injured son to the table.”
“I can walk!” Devlin snapped from the couch. Both parents noted that, to spite his protests, the boy didn't actually make any move to get up under his own power.
Heaving an exaggerated sigh, Kevin came back to the couch and hoisted his son up over his shoulder. Carrying him like a sack of potatoes, the Osmosian deposited him in an empty seat at the dining table.
Gwendolyn set out the spaghetti and the three of them sat down for what was their first ever dinner together.
Devlin looked from one parent to the other at a bit of a loss as to what to think. Sure, he'd seen his parents in the same room together. He'd seen them at Plumbers HQ, and at Gwendolyn's library, and sometimes just out around Bellwood. But he'd never seen them look so... domestic before. The whole picture -the whole idea- was a little too surreal for him.
“Eat something.” Kevin barked at him.
At least Dad was the same old Dad. Bossy and impatient. Good to know a change of scenery and change of company didn't change him. Devlin twirled a string of spaghetti around on his fork before lifting it to his mouth. He knew the sauce came from a jar, but Mom always added her own spices and seasonings to it which made the store bough sauce so much better.
Zed came up beside Kevin's chair and looked up at him expectantly. As if he owed her or something. And maybe because he made her let Devlin pet her, he kinda did. Besides, the Osmosian never had any problem feeding her human food before. This seemed to be no different. Kevin chanced a glance at Gwendolyn to make sure she wasn't paying attention. The sorceress was watching her son eat. Kevin carefully slid one of the turkey meatballs off his plate and onto the floor. Zed quickly scooped it up with her tongue and started chomping on it loudly.
Gwendolyn turned her head at the sound. “What's Zed got? Is she eating something? Kevin!”
“What?” The Osmosian feigned innocents -he wasn't very good at it.
“How many times have I told you not to feed her at the table and not to give her human food!” The sorceress glared at him. “She's not as young as she used to be, she needs to eat healthy. I spend good money on senior formula dog food made especially for Anubian Baskurr. Its not easy to get on Earth and only a few feed stores carry it -feed stores, not pet stores! So, could you please not let her fill up on our food which is full of sodiums and grains that are bad for her!”
“But she likes it.” Kevin argued back.
“You like moldy fluffeloafs.” Gwendolyn was quick to counter. “That doesn't mean their good for you.”
“I'm bad for you.” The Osmosian reminded his Anodite wife. “That doesn't seem to stop you from handing out with me or-” a quick glance at the child at the table “-doing other things with me.”
Devlin couldn't help but snort with amusement at the exchange. “You can say 'sex', Dad. I'm twelve, not stupid. I know what sex is.”
“Just so long as you're not having any.” Kevin brushed off his son's remark. The censorship was more for Gwendolyn's benefit than the boy's. The Osmosian assumed she would like to keep things clean and appropriate for mixed company or around preadolescent children.
“Bottom line: everyone likes things that are bad for them.” Scoffed the younger Osmosian.
“What do you like that's bad for you?” Gwendolyn asked, watching her son from across the table with a critical -almost concerned- look.
Devlin twirled more spaghetti on his fork, unbothered by his mother's scrutiny. His answer was casual, almost as if nothing about it mattered. “Soft drinks, processed foods, and -oh yeah!- the big one, helping Uncle Ben with his stupid alien and monster fights.” To illustrate this, the Osmosian lifted a leg and brought one injured and bandaged foot on the table. “But then, that's pretty standard in this family.”
“Get your feet off the table.” Kevin growled.
The boy slid his bandaged foot back to the floor.
Gwendolyn heaved a sigh. Her son made a valid point. Liking things that weren't exactly in ones own best interests was kind of a standard in their family -on both sides. She and Ben never could pass up the chance to nearly get themselves killed fighting aliens and monsters (or dating aliens and monsters). Kevin used to trade in contraband alien technology, and even after he went legit, would still continue to haggle with warlords and tyrants over the price tea on Khoros. Devlin liked tinkering with machines like his father, and tagging along with Ben on missions and pretending to be a Big Damn Hero -a combination of which lead to his current injury. So, yeah, self-destructive behavior was pretty standard in their family.
That didn't make it healthy.
Gwendolyn decided it was best to change the subject. “Tell me about school, Devlin. I know you were sent to ISS again last week, I hope you're remembering to catch up on the work you miss when they send you out of class.”
She did not suggest that he should amend his behavior so that he wasn't sent out of class anymore. The sorceress already learned that was a losing battle. So long as he wasn't attacking his classmates in the middle of tests or breaking bones for disputing the terms of a trade, she was happy.
“Yes. I am.” He assured his mother.
Kevin cast a sideways look at the boy. “Oh, really? Is that what you were doing with the textbook abandoned on the coffee table while you putzed around on your e-reader.”
Devlin cast his father a scathing look, as if to reprimand the older man for tattling on him. Out loud, he said, “How do you know I wasn't reading a book for school on my e-reader?”
“Well, were you reading a book for school?” Gwendolyn asked, fixing her son with a scrutinizing glare that seem to cut right through him. Dissect him in a way the boy thought only his therapist could. Peer down into his soul with her Anodite eyes.
“Um...” He faltered, suddenly unable to lie to his mother. Devlin opened his mouth, a semi-convincing half-truth ready on his lips. But Gwendolyn only raised a single scarlet eyebrow and the young Osmosian collapsed like a house of cards. “I was reading 'A Song of Ice and Fire'.”
Kevin didn't know what that was.
But Gwendolyn did.
“Devlin!” Her fork clattered onto her plate with a loud clinking of metal on porcelain. “You are too young to be reading that! How did you even get that on there? I put parental controls on it!”
“And I overrode them.” The boy informed her, proud of himself. His pride quickly deflated as her glare of disapproval only deepened. She was not impressed with her child's ability to hack his tech. Devlin sank into his seat. “I just really needed to know what all the memes were about. Okay? I did it for the memes.”
Kevin looked from one to the other, not understanding the objection here. Sure, the kid had been neglecting his homework, but it wasn't like he was rotting his brain on video games or doing drugs. He was reading. Wouldn't Gwendolyn be relieved he was reading? “I don't get it. What's the big deal?”
“Game of Thrones!” Gwendolyn snarled at him, as if he were a moron for also not having an objection. “Your twelve-year-old son is reading Game of Thrones.”
The Osmosian opened his mouth, thought about what he was about to say, decided he did not want to share. Like, yeah, Devlin was only twelve, and yeah, all the sex, violence, and death in the books was a little inappropriate for a normal human child that young. But Devlin wasn't exactly a normal human child and it wasn't like he didn't get his fair share of exposure to violence and death in his real life. Back when it was just him and Kevin, and Kevin was his most insane version of himself -Kevin 11,000- Devlin got a front row seat for Red Weddings, blowing up Septs of Baelor, and Battles of Bastards. Really, the only thing that might be in those books that Devlin hadn't been desensitized to would be all the gratuitous and creative fantasy sex.
Kevin remained tactfully silent.
He looked down at his plate and slid another meatball off it. It rolled off the table and landed on the floor next to Zed, whom scooped it up greedily, once again chomping loudly. Kevin would much rather have his wife mad at him about feed the dog human food than all the bloody, violent shit he exposed their younger-than-eleven-year-old son to over the course of his short life.
“Kevin! Stop that!” She snapped at him.
Zed gave a drawn-out little whine of an “Ar~rf!” As if to say, 'Oh my gawd! Shut up, Gwendolyn! You let me eat my own poop!'
“I want my dog to get the things she likes.” Argued the Osmosian. “As you keep reminding me, she's not that young anymore. She should be allowed to enjoy the time she's got!”
Zed let loose a loud bark of agreement.
“And I want her to have as much time as she can have!” Gwendolyn snarled back. “Don't you want her to have a long life?”
“What's more important to you, quantity of life, or quality of life?” Kevin demanded. “What's the point of prolonging a life if its not being enjoyed.”
“How can a creature enjoy a life that's cut short?” The sorceress evaded his question with one of her own.
Devlin sat there watching his parents argue. This conflict of philosophy really explained a lot about them and their disagreement about him and his very existence. Back when his mother was pregnant and dying because of said pregnancy. Kevin suggested terminating, and Gwendolyn refused to even consider the idea.
“They wouldn't care!” Kevin informed her. “They'd be dead.”
There was a strange kind of comfort to be found in nihilism.
“You are so heartless sometimes, Kevin!” Gwendolyn was raising her voice now. “I really don't understand how you can say these things so casually!”
“Look, I've had a hard life, and you know it. You were there for a lot of it. You got to witness first hand!” They were both using raised voices now.
Devlin couldn't help the schadenfreudian grin that pulled at his lips from watching the exchange. “Mom, Dad, please keep fighting.”
That comment got the adults to pause their disagreement. Both turning their attention to the boy at the same time.
“Eat your food, you need the calories to heal.” Kevin commanded.
Gwendolyn stood from her seat and exited the dining room. “I need to take those books off your e-reader and reset the parental controls.”
Devlin watched her head to the living room and pick up his e-reader. As she overrode the lock screen, the boy turned to his father. Leaning over the table, he hissed. “Okay, quickly, tell me everyone who dies and their method of death.”
Kevin twirled some spaghetti around his fork, unconcerned. “So, I never read the books, and -apparently- they're very different from the show. Just make a mental list of all your favorite characters and assume they die.”
“Thanks, Dad.” The boy groaned, unamused.
“Eat your food.” Repeated the older Osmosian. “Maybe if your mother see's you've cleaned your plate by the time she get's back in here, she won't look too closely at what else you have on your e-reader.”
“What makes you think I have anything else on my e-reader Mom might object to?” Devlin argued back, putting on his most innocent -and most fake- insulted glare.
“Because I was a twelve-year-old boy once.” Kevin reminded him.
The boy continued to glare at the older man for a bit longer, before deciding that maybe it was a good deal, and he should take it. He scooped up a giant wad of noodles and shoved them in his mouth, chewing loudly.
“Okay, but eat slower.” Kevin amended. “Otherwise you're gonna make yourself sick and I don't wanna have to clean up your puke.”
After dinner, Devlin was gassy and had a stomach ache because of it. Gwendolyn was pouring him a dose of Pepto while Kevin cleared the table.
Gathering up all the plates, he was given explicit instructions to deposit any uneaten food on them into the garbage disposer in the sink, and put any untouched spaghetti from the serving tray into a tupperware container. Under no circumstances was he to give any leftovers or uneaten scraps to Zed. At all.
Kevin carried everything to the kitchen, making a big show of ignoring the Anubian Baskurr's wines as she trailed behind him. He paused, at the sink, leaning away from the counter to peer out into the living room where Gwendolyn was standing over their son with a shot of pink stomach medicine and a glass over water.
“This better not be an act to get out of finishing your homework.” She was saying.
Gwendolyn seemed adequately distracted. Kevin set all three plates on the kitchen floor. “Zed,” he hissed, “help me clean these.”
The alien dog was all too happy to oblige. Lapping up the leftover sauce and scraps of meatball and noodle with loud licks.
“Okay, but do it quietly!” The Osmosian tried to keep his voice at a whisper while also putting enough authority into it to get the dog to listen.
Zed paused briefly to look up at him, then back to the living room where Gwendolyn was collecting the empty Pepto cup. She also took his e-reader with her. On her way to put the medicine away, Gwendolyn turned towards the kitchen slightly and the dog walked away from the plates before she could see and get mad at Kevin again.
“Good girl.” Muttered the Osmosian as he gathered up all three plates and deposited them in the sink.
Turning on the water, Kevin meant to just rince the plates off. But then they looked so close to being clean already, the Osmosian touched the lavender dish gloves that Gwendolyn kept there (she always bought them sized for own hands, not his) and absorbed the rubber. Squeezing some soap into the sponge, Kevin started actually washing the dishes. He was just finishing up the last plate when Gwendolyn came up behind him.
Circling her arms around his waist, she peered around his broad body. “Is Kevin Levin washing a dish!?”
He was about to reply with some kind of witty retort, but Gwendolyn had moved by the time he turned around. The sorceress was gathering up the pot and saucepan from the stove and threw them in the sink with the plate Kevin had just finished.
“I'll dry and put things away while you wash.” She smiled.
The Osmosian suppressed a groan. He preferred being the one who dried and put things away. It was the easier job, and besides, Kevin was taller. It was he didn't have to stand on his tip-toes or use mana to put things away in the higher cabinets. Besides, washing was gross. He preferred not to have to do the dirty part of the job.
But then Gwendolyn kissed him on the cheek and thanked him for being so sweet and considerate and, well, he couldn't refuse after that. So, before the Osmosian even know what he was doing, he had already scrubbed through the sauce pan and was currently rinsing soap off noodle pot.
When everything was done, Kevin even wiped down the counter.
Gwendolyn wrapped her arms around his waist again, this time turning him around to face her. Kevin encircled her waist in his own thick arms and pulled her closer to him. She leaned up, and he leaned down, both lips parting. Gwendolyn was ready for a sweet gentle open-mouthed kiss, her tongue waiting to dart out into his. But at the last moment, Kevin turned to the side. Whispering in her ear, breath hot on her lobe.
“Ya know, I didn't bring my pajamas.”
“That's good...” She whispered, back. Her own voice taking on a thick heady quality. It sent a shiver down Kevin's back. “...Because you're not spending the night here.”
“What!?” He pulled away. Looking at her confused, and slightly betrayed. He thought they made so much progress! She let him in the house while their son was here. Devlin was more comfortable with him. “But you said I was doing good. I did do good. I got Zed to let Delvin pet her!” He snapped his fingers at the dog. “Zed, go let Devlin pet you again!”
The Anubian Baskurr just turned her head to look at him, gave a short snip of an “urf”, and trotted through the kitchen dog-door, and out of the house. She let Devlin pet her once already today.
“She still hates me!” The boy shouted from the living room where he was -finally- working on his homework -for real.
“She barely knows you!” Kevin called back.
“I live with her!” Devlin continued to argue.
“Okay, stop shouting across the house!” Gwendolyn grabbed Kevin by the arm and dragged him out of the kitchen. She pushed him down on the couch next to their son. “Now, finish your conversation using your inside voices. After that, Kevin, you're gonna make sure Devlin stays on task and gets his homework done. Then I'll check it over and, Devlin, you can have your e-reader back. I've already taken off all the inappropriate books and changed my Kindle password.”
“Hey, does he get internet on that thing?” Kevin asked. “'Cause you should also check his AO3 feeds. Just to be safe.”
“Shut-up, Dad!” The boy snarled, practically jumping off the couch as he launched himself to his feet. Completely ignoring the discomfort from putting his full weight on his burns.
Gwendolyn paused, glaring at her son and wondering exactly what tags her twelve-year-old son was searching that Kevin thought should be checked for her approval. What was Devlin looking at that she might object to?
“You'll get your e-reader back tomorrow.” She walked back into the kitchen to make up a to-go container for Kevin's portion of the leftovers.
Devlin flopped back down on the couch. “Why are you so terrible all the time?”
The older man only shrugged. “Why do you read instead of looking at stuff like a normal guy?”
“For the plot, obviously.”
Kevin only flashed him a skeptical look. The things that he was reading that Gwendolyn might object to included many things a pubescent pre-teen might be interested in. None of them were 'plot'. But the older man didn't call him on it. Instead, the Osmosian tried to bring his son back to task. “Get back to your homework.”
He was still new to the whole 'responsible and nurturing parent' thing.
Devlin stuck his tongue out at the older Osmosian. But he pulled his textbook onto his lap and got to work all the same. After a few minutes of watching his son fill out short-answer questions on a separate sheet of paper, Kevin got board. He stood from the couch and wandered back into the kitchen where Gwendolyn was just finishing up a sweet little to-go bag for him. Complete with the spaghetti they just ate, some bread, and sliced fruit -because she knew he didn't have anything fresh at his own place.
“I guess this means its time to go?” He asked.
“Only if you don't want to stay and help me helicopter around Devlin for the rest of the night.” She answered.
Amazingly, that did not sound particularly appealing to the Osmosian. “I'll head back.” He took the to-go bag. “When can I see you again?”
“The next day that Devlin has his therapy appointment.” Gwendolyn supplied. “We can grab dinner after work.”
“That sounds nice.” He wrapped an arms around her, pulling the sorceress flush against his body.
This time, she she leaned up and he leaned down, Kevin did not turn away. Their lips met, parted, and Gwendolyn's tongue slithered out to slide along her husband's. The Osmosian pressed deeper, and the sorceress gave a light moan... ...before pushing him away.
“Don't go starting any of that, mister.” She warned. “I already told you, you can't spend the night.”
“Right.” He muttered.
Kevin didn't know why he was so disappointed. What was he expecting? Gwendolyn just barely let him have dinner with them. That didn't mean that everything was fixed in their relationship, she implicitly trusted him again, and would allow him to be around their son for extended periods. It was literally just dinner.
Gripping the leftovers in one hand, the Osmosian exited the kitchen.
“Bye, Brat, I'm leaving.” He told his son as he passed the couch.
“Be a stranger.” The younger Osmosian replied.
Kevin left.
He went home with a tupperware container of leftover spaghetti and meatballs, and a good feeling in his chest. It was nice having dinner with the wife and kid.
But Gwendolyn still wouldn't let him spend the night. She now trusted him enough to be around their son so long as she was present and in a position to easily intervene should hostilities arise between father and son. But she did not trust him to stay in the house over night while Devlin was there. Not when she was asleep and not alert.
After all, it was in the middle of the night when she was asleep that Kevin originally kidnapped the boy in the first place. He understood, and was amazed at just how much trust in him had been restored already. Sure, their relationship was completely and perfectly healed. But it was well on its way there. That was Kevin could ask for.
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Common Questions
• Where are the stars?
 There are numerous cameras attached to ISS and others inside. The cameras used for the live stream have a low light exposure for viewing Earth in daylight, so no stars are seen on the feeds, although the Sun, Moon and Venus can be seen. The Earth or moon on these videos is many hundreds of thousands of times brighter than the brightest stars. The cameras shoot at 60 frames per second - with an exposure that allows us to get a good view of the Earth. This exposure is too short to capture stars which are incredibly faint compared to the brightness of the planet. (Its down to photography rather than conspiracy!)
• Ok, we cannot see stars, but what about all the satellites? 
The cameras aren't sensitive enough to see small dark fast moving objects such as satellites from thousands of miles away. They are too small and too far away.
• What about the space debris? Why are they not visible?
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• Are we showing just replays claiming it is Live Images?
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• Do live feeds get cut when a UFO appears? 
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• How do they have signal on the ISS to send the images?
The ISS communicates with Earth through radio frequency signals using a system of Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TDRS) and ground-based antennas called the Space Network. Read more here: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2019/data-rate-increase-on-the-international-space-station-supports-future-exploration
NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) network provides ISS astronauts with 10Mbits internet, but it's not as reliable as a home connection. Their Thinkpad laptops have wifi.
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Reflection on Luke 24:46-53 THE ASCENSION
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Until we recognise, accept and open into the revelation that the Christ has been from the beginning, not just present in the person of Jesus, that it was this Christ Presence that Breathes Life into all Being, then our narrow and often static theology imprisons us in ways that keep us blind and staggering, when we could be dancing.
If we ‘see’ the Christ as being the very essence of the cosmos and of all Life and Being, including us all, then our understanding of scripture and of Life will be expansive beyond measure. The understanding of WHO WE ARE will enter realms we could never have imagined. Our Gospels leading to Pentecost all have this similar theme.
Imagine if you will: that everything we see and don’t see, everything we experience IS THE CHRIST PRESENCE ALIVE. When we experience this, we meet the ‘Suffering Christ’ everywhere where there is suffering. The Disciples had their minds opened to this reality through their journey and experience with Jesus. When their Hearts ‘awakened’, the ‘Christ arose from the dead’. They entered into true Wholeness.
When we experience such revelation, we come face to face with our own blindness and hard heartedness and how we ourselves have caused the Christ to suffer through our blindness – and where we were often the instruments of our own suffering. In this revelation we come to profoundly experience ‘repentance and forgiveness’. How could it be otherwise, when this Christ Presence can ONLY LOVE? When we face the suffering Christ, we face ourselves, our world, our cosmos, and every moment of it is Grace, and has been since the beginning of time.
From this point we know ‘we are witnesses’ to the Truth, and when we ‘witness’ such almost unspeakable knowing, we are being awakened to who we truly are - the true Lovers of the Universe, where everyone is being drawn into this Mystery by the very nature of Love itself – by the Christ Presence permeating EVERYTHING.
As shocking as it sounds, we cannot hang onto the human Jesus. Just as Jesus told Mary Magdalene in the Garden after the crucifixion: ‘do not cling to me’ (John 20:17), and just as our vision as yet may be blurred, we must also let Jesus go when the time comes for us to do so. The Ascension is the letting go of Jesus and from there, encountering the Christ everywhere and in everything. It is one thing to follow Jesus, but quite another to encounter the Christ. Until we open into the Christ through, with and in All Things then how do we possibly even begin to understand the magnitude of what it is we are ALL immersed in? We are told that on the third day Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. We too must rise from the dead (our blindness) and ascend into heaven – heaven being the Christ Presence here and now. Heaven is not some place far off, it is here, NOW.
It is not about the Jew, or the Christian, or the Moslem and all the shocking divisions we have sanctioned in our world, it is about the Wholeness of EVERYTHING from the beginning of time, so that be it Jew, Christian, Moslem etc. we are all immersed in the immensity and Wholeness of the Christ. The Christ is NOT Christian, but cuts through all denominations, all belief systems, all theologies and reminds us that at our very core, regardless of how or who we worship, at the centre of ALL BEING abides the Christ.
The Christ that we have separated and divided, who we think has ‘arisen’ to some unknown obscure place ‘up above us somewhere’, that will ‘reward’ and ‘judge’ us when we finally die, and then will decide our fate accordingly, surely is not the Christ at the Heart of the Gospels? Are we open to let go of our fixed and narrow images and beliefs, and be totally awakened to the Mystery before us? If so it will be a WILD ride. We will be taken on a journey of ‘unlearning’ (Rohr), of new beginnings, of new horizons, of new landscapes. Initially it will be frightening because so much is unfamiliar. Largely, we do not like our foundations being rocked, and we do not like suffering. But as we authentically search for what we do not know, for what leaves us floundering, for what shifts our belief structures, we come to know in a new and deeper way, that this is a journey we cannot say no to, it is a journey feeding that deepest hunger within us, it is a journey into Life – and as difficult as it can be, WE WANT IT. This is the Christ Presence awakening us to who we all truly are.
Jesus’ Ascension, is our Ascension. We must Ascend from what we blindly cling to. It is our meeting place of the Christ. The human Jesus awakens us to the Christ FULLY PRESENT in our daily lives, and it is Jesus who shows us the face of the One who only Loves. We have made a business out of ‘worshipping’ Jesus, and in the process have not met the Christ. Looking for metaphors, the Christ is something like the oxygen we breathe. Everybody breathes it, everybody lives within it regardless of who or what we say we believe. IT JUST IS. And we all abide in this extraordinary ISSNESS, and yet we are hell bent on dividing it. Can we see just how absurd that is?
Jesus leads us to the Christ and reveals the Christ. Jesus teaches us the Christ. But in all our ‘grasping’, in all our rigidity, in all our fears of the unknown and even in our unconscious divisiveness, Love (the Christ) is NEVER absent. It is this Christ Presence that keeps encouraging us one step at a time, one breath at a time, one awakening at a time. When we consciously meet the Christ, however fleetingly or otherwise, it is as though everything becomes nothing, and this nothing becomes everything. It is here where Ascension takes on a whole new meaning – it is that point where our rigidity softens, our fears fall like autumn leaves, our unconscious becomes conscious and Love enables us to release all our ‘grasping’s’. Ascension is happening (often quietly and subtly) everywhere all the time, if it wasn’t we would cease to exist. ©Annemarie Reiner
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