#it backfired cuz i am feeling a bit crazy but it happens
ghost-of-you · 2 years
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Appreciation post for Calum and his Prince of a made-up country in a Christmas movie era.
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Hey guys. I thoroughly apologize for how I acted the other day. I tend to have overreacted a little bit. So, I took the post down. Recent events have made me realize how stupid I was acting. That dosent mean that it can't hurt my feelings tho. I would just like to be respected, thats all. I dont expect anyone to help me. Not even a therapist probably. I'm just forced to live with it until I can change. Everyone is pissed off with me, and I understand. I tend to overreact over everything. And I wish I didn't. Because it causes people to hate me. I shouldn't have even mentioned it in the first place. Because now everyone is gonna be on my ass to not do that anymore. I'm under enough pressure and stress as it is. But that does not give me an excuse to act like that. Its my problem, not yours, not anybody's. I'm just sick of bottling everything up. I don't want to bother anyone or be a burden. But I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that I'm happy and that I'm enjoying life, cuz I'm not. But I am so afraid to say my feelings that I'll get hate. I really don't know what to do here. Honestly I just wish that didn't happen. I'll pretend it didn't exist. But thats what made me open my eyes and see how much a of a fool I was acting. I dont feel safe to open up my feelings anymore or do anything because I feel guilty. All I do is whine and complain and I wish I didn't do that. My father does the same thing. We both overreact and tend to be oblivious of what we are doing. I'm sorry to all the people I've hurt. I shouldn't be burdening anyone with my problems or anything. Just because I'm stressed dosent mean I gotta take it out on ppl. But I cant just bottle it up. Its one of those situations where you feel like you should say something, but if you do It will all backfire and blow up in your face. And then if you don't say something, you'll drive yourself insane. I just feel like everyone is mad at me and sick of me no matter what I do- and no I didn't write this whole thing for pity, because I don't want it. I dont need it. I dont deserve it for how I acted. I will take responsibility. I just wish I wasn't such a crybaby. I want to be the strong one but I can't, its impossible. I'm to stressed to be the strong one. I need help but I'm afraid to ask for it. Maybe this will all get better, I just gotta find a way to tolerate it and not drive myself crazy. Thank you for reading this, and yes, yet again, I'm really sorry. Please forgive me. :(
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
Riverdale should have been a Disney show
Riverdale should have been a Disney show. There I said it. I'll admit the first season was fine Great even. Self-contained with an intriguing mystery and you waited at the edge of your seat for what will happen next. But then... Part of the problem for me is because I've read the original comics since I was a girl. I still do get some from my mom, and the way they have changed the characters just bug me.Betty used to be the girl next door, always hopeful, smart, trying to figure out the mystery. And it was perfect that she was a reporter because Betty was always someone who valued honesty so her being the roving reporter was perfect. And her taking pills for anxiety or some sort of disorder was also a nice take because she does take on so much, and tries so hard to help and be good and nice and perfect. All the stress. Archie was also great in the first season. A bit horny, but he means well, and he truly is an average American boy so his big trouble of choosing between music and football. He's a klutz and sometimes his plans go sideways but he means well, he's all for family and Riverdale and school spirit. None of this whole Red Hood/semi mafia/wrestling nonsense. I actually really liked their take on Veronica, she still a bit materialistic and thinks she can depend on her wealth to get her out of trouble but I do like their take on trying to be enterneauripal and working to act less high class society girl as she was used to. 
Jughead, I'm conflicted with. Because he's good I guess as a brooding, investigative journalist he's good. It fits the setting of the show. But I do have a soft spot for him as the sane man to Archie. Going about his business, surprisingly philosophical. And you can't forget the most important attribute to him. His love of food! I miss that. Like the one scene in season 1, I forget what exactly but basically he ordered burgers and when Cole Sprouse just protectively held the burger to him...such a nice touch. That sort of guy I can see as a DCOM. The genius ditz I guess it's called. But he's not dumb. He just prefers napping to being awake. 
Now the others...omg.I have a bone to pick when it comes to the other characters in Riverdale. Josie and the Pussycats-- they are such lively musicians who solve crimes, sometimes in space. ABsolutely wasted here. Melody barely had any lines. And they didn't have Alex or Alexandra Cabot which was such a shame. I know, I know they're in the new Katy Keene show but having them be step-siblings who used to date is wrong and weird and bad and no! Stop having the twins in these shows with vaguly incesteous feelings. It's weird!
Kevin Keller, all his storylines revolve around his bfs or lack of bfs or how much he wants a bf. The Kevin of Archie comics was so much more well-rounded. He was head of ROTC, he was class president, he ran marathons, he was Veronica's bff, he was a reporter. He had an appetite to match Jughead's. He even had a brief crush on Jughead! He was so much better than this sham. He was confident in who he was and did his best to help others feel good about themselves too because he knows not everyone is lucky to come out as LGTBQ in a supportive environment. 
Reggie. I think not giving him enough of an arc in season 1 really backfired because if he appears, it's only as Veronica's arm candy. Which is a shame because he is a good contrast to Archie. A bit richer yet a cheapskate. Thinks he's a casanova, loves being the class prankster. A modern day politician with his sweet words when all he cares about himself. Basically like 
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Yet he has his hidden depths with his neglectful workaholic parents and jealousy of Archie's popularity. Cheryl. Omg Cheryl. They have ruined you here. I'm sorry, I do NOT find any of her lines iconic. It's like she swallowed urban dictionary and a gothic novel and came out all jumbled in a google translate. She may be abused but the way she still treats others like shit and gaslights her gf and makes everything about her is just...ugh!!! OMg, comics Cheryl is actually fun and iconic. She's as rich and pretty as Veronica and unafraid to use it. She wants to be a star like a modern day influencer. She's a red-haired Sharpay Evans basically. 
Also Jason, her twin whom they sadly killed off. He was also fun like a meaner, snobbier version of Reggie. But with a huge crush on Betty which I think could have been used to milk such drama. 
Polly also got hit badly. She was a good older sister. She was a reporter, and inspired Betty's enviormental-feminist activities. A sane person. Not a cult worshipping cuckoo. Toni Topaz, ah she was so good in season 2 and then they made her Cheryl's arm candy. Alas. I liked her as a friend to Jughead. In the comics, she was his equal in food contests. That's no small feat. She was cool, and joined Betty's band and... she was her own person. Remember when Toni used to be a photographer for the South Side paper. Yeah. Basically Toni as a 3d character with personality. Please return. 
Dilton. Oh Dilton. Once the smartest person in the Archie universe and they turned you into a survival freak to get killed by the gargoyle king. Or whomever. I just remember he got killed somehow. Honestly, they should have stuck to smart Dilton. They need a smart scientist there, cuz no one is using their brains in Riverdale. 
Chuck. They have done you SUCH A DISSERVICE! So so bad. Chuck was a good person! He was a cartoonist, and a basketball player and Archie's friend. (Yeah, that's right Archie has friends in the comics. Even though Riverdale makes some effort to show Archie and Jug's bond, they're mainly consorting with their gfs. In the comics, they had guy nights. Reggie, Chuck, Kevin, Dilton, Moose. Come on show. Friendships are just as important.) And what did they do, make him a lying scumbag, turn him good and then have him arrested because of what Cheryl did! No, no no. Bad writers. Just no. Ethel Muggs. You have also been wronged in season 3. Making her a crazy freak. Ethel in season 1 was nice. Ethel in the comics is nice. Plain but with a good heart even though she had a slightly obsessive crush on Jughead. Here, making her cult worshipper.... smdh.  Okay at this point I know I sound like a bitter, bitter person complaining how it'S nOt liKE tHe cOmICs. But hey, I admit season 1 was good even if they changed the characters a bit. It’s just that I watched Riverdale because of the property it derived from. Because of the comics. At the least I expected some faithfulness to the characters. Not make them all so inconsistent and crazy. 
It's just the writing is so inconsistent! The plots hop around and so do their moods. Bughead and Choni broke up for one episode and then they got right back together. Even though they had VALID reasons to break up. Nope. That made fans mad. So they had to get back together. Ugh. And Archie got attacked by a bear and was so traumatized that he broke up with Veronica because "he's changed" for like two episodes before forgetting about it and going back to Veronica. Oh which brings me to the ridiculous "love triangle" of Archie/Reggie/Veronica where she couldn't choose. Please, Archie and Veronica were reuniting and planning to go run away for a weekend together. Reggie was completely forgotten until he walked in on them. And Veronica couldn't decide because she loves them both? No, she didn't. She may have felt bad to tell Reggie but it's not because she loved him. Forgetting a guy so quickly...yeah great proof of love. Horniness maybe. But her indecisiveness makes her look bad. Don’t tease a will they, won’t they when the answer is so obvious.  If you're going to do something like that, you should have there be something called CONSEQUENCES! They can get back together but at least wait. Wait 8 episodes at least so they can have character development. But who am I kidding. Character development is not the goal of this show. The character's just move because the writer's want them too not because it fits their personalities. Such as Archie's grieved reaction for baby Teeth in season 3. 
Not only do I have no idea when (the ridiculously named) Baby Teeth appeared, much less why Archie or I should care about his death. But sometimes the show juggles too much. Too many characters. Too many plots. It's all so ugh!!! So my final thought on this is... Riverdale should have been a disney channel sitcom. Archie comics are about family friendly entertainment and sometimes imparted lessons... well so does Disney. I get the appeal of having Riverdale reach a new teen generation, but from what I can see the only big thing Riverdale on CW is that it allows alcohol and gartituous sex scenes. 
Which is another small gripe of mine. I can handle sex scenes (hello Magic Mike XXL) but so many at such inappropriate moments too It's like that scene in an action movie where they suddenly kiss when they should be running for their lives. No teen is that horny all the time. Plus there's always less is more. If one kisses so much it loses the meaning. If you think your shirtless Archie is going to distract me from lack of plot haha. No. Plot and consistency still sucks and shirtless Archie does not make it better.
But Riverdale as a Disney show can work. After all the comic stories are a bit formulaic. It's all high school hijinks. And all the characters fit an archetype. Archie, the protagonist. Veronica, the fashionista. Betty, the reporter. Jughead, the slacker. Reggie, the class clown/bad friend. Cheryl, the Sharpay, Kevin, the sane one. And if people want a season long story arc with dramatics, Disney can actually handle it too. After all they had the mysterious "threat' lurking in the background of My babysitter's a vampire season 2. Or the Juliet and Mason saga of Wizards of Waverly Place. And if people want adult situations, look on to Jessie. Rewatching an episode now, there were so many adult jokes and references that flew over my head so they could sneak those in. Heck, Disney channel is infamous for all the innuendos they manage. And they handle consistency. Cody and Bailey broke up in Suite life on deck, they actually stayed broken up for a good half season. Gabe matured from a prankster tween to teen in love in Good Luck Charlie. Actions have consequences, characters grow. Storytelling 101
And the best part is they don't even have to think too hard for the plots of the week. They literally can build on stories from the comics. All 80 years of it. And I have put some examples right here from my own Archie comics. Like Veronica literally being the fashion police. 
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Veronica and Cheryl teaming up + rolling around in their money. 
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Cheryl changing the Cherry Blossom Festival to the Cheryl Blossom Festival 
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Archie doing his classic Valentine's Day mix up
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Veronica and Betty buy Cheryl’s maid service when her father forces her to get a job. 
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Jughead and Trula (Jughead's nemesis & psychoanalyst in training) get amnesia and become friends. 
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A boy dares to change Veronica
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Jughead falls in love with the lunch-lady 
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Betty and Veronica pretending to be distressed damsels to get Archie's attention (it backfires) 
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Toni and Jughead foil each other in a food eating contest. 
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Betty's cast causes more pain to other students
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Reggie dates Cheryl (for real) 
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Reggie helps Kevin dress for the dance and his mystery date 
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Riverdale Shore. 
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Cabot vs Lodge
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I think all this pretty much illustrates my point. Archie comics equals Disney sitcom all by itself. 
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deku-leaf · 5 years
tangled up - part 2 - “am i naked?” kirishima x reader, bakugo x reader
part 1
author’s note: okay so i was really planning on getting into the details about what the hell is going wrong with y/n’s quirk, cuz i have a plan for it and everything, but then instead of doing that this just turned into a whoole bunch of kiri fluff. so more explanation will be coming.......later
warnings: swearing, blood, hospital/nurse’s office, fluff
word count: 1,394
summary: y/n’s injuries from her own quirk backfiring are embarrassing and painful enough. but when Recovery Girl isn’t available, the school nurse turns to modern medicine and gives y/n a healthy dose of pain meds - to kirishima’s absolute excitement.
“Kacchan, what did you do to Y/N?!”
“Y/N, are you okay??”
“Damn, Bakugo, you hit her with shrapnel or something?”
Bakugo growls as he approaches your classmates, still carrying you like a baby. You feel a million eyes on you and you’d probably be more embarrassed if you weren’t so distracted by the pain starting to set in. The cuts on your arms aren’t too bad, but the lower half of you is bleeding pretty badly. It stings like crazy.
“Seriously, Bakugo. What did you do?” Kaminari says, approaching the two of you and studying your injuries.
“Nothing, you idiot!” Katsuki barks. Your classmates begin to form a circle around the two of you, exclaiming at your bloody, limp body and hurling accusations at Katsuki. You feel him begin to heat up with anger.
“It wasn’t Bakugo…” You say, weakly. Everyone quiets down to listen. “It was…I just.” You search the eyes of your friends and classmates, unable to tell them what happened. Something about your own quirk backfiring on you was so heartbreaking. How did you get into UA and not have complete control over your quirk? How do you explain that to your peers, who are supposed to respect you?
“I lost control of my quirk.” The words feel sour in your mouth. “I don’t know what happened.” A lump begins forming in your throat, and you swallow it down.
“Oh, Y/N!” Mina has taken it upon herself to inspect your body and survey the damage. She peeks underneath your back and gasps. “Your poor buttcheeks!”
You wince as you recall the vines twisting around your hips and squeezing against your backside as they attempted to pull you under the ground. You could feel the blood pooling in your shredded pants, probably dripping onto the ground. The pain was becoming too much to handle. “Oh, god,” you grunt, putting a hand over your mouth and squeezing your eyes shut. “I really...don’t feel good…” The blood loss was making you feel dizzy and sick to your stomach. Your head was swimming with pain.
Aizawa stepped forward. “Bakugo, let’s get her on the ground so she feels more stable.”
“No can do,” Bakugo replies, and starts carrying you toward the school. “Her quirk’s totally messed. I’m not putting her back on the grass, we gotta get her inside.”
Aizawa nods. “I’ll wrap up class quickly and follow you shortly. You go on ahead and take her straight to the nurse,” he says.
“Duh.” Bakugo doesn’t look back as he approaches the school doors. As soon as he reaches the building, familiar hands reach in front of him and pull the door open.
“You got her?” Kirishima asks. Bakugo grunts in response, carefully maneuvering both of your bodies through the doorway. Kirishima follows.
“I can take her if you’re tired of carrying her. Or...bored,” he offers, walking next to the two of you.
“Knock yourself out,” Bakugo says, turning towards Kiri. Then both boys realize at the same time that you haven’t spoken for a while. They look down at you. Your eyes are now closed and your skin is about 5 shades paler than usual. “Hey,” Bakugo says, shaking you gently. Your eyelids flutter, but won’t stay open.
“Agh, that’s not good,” Kirishima grunts nervously, his face creased with worry as sees your pitiful state. The difference between the you from this morning and the you currently in his best friend’s arms were day and night. Both boys turn and quicken their pace to the nurse’s office, no longer bothering to switch who’s carrying you. Kirishima glances behind them as they speed-walk and sees droplets of your blood on the floor every few feet. He swallows thickly.
You suddenly yawn yourself awake. You blink about a million times to clear your vision, and sniffle your nose, looking around. You’re in what you assume to be the nurse’s office - somewhere you hadn’t been before - and you were alone. Wait.
You hear movement to your immediate left and turn your head to see Kirishima watching you with bated breath. “Good morniiiing…” he half-whispers goofily, not wanting to overwhelm you. “How do you feel?”
“Pretty good,” you respond, matching his hushed tone. You think about it for a moment. You actually feel really good. Like, really good.
You hear Kiri snicker next to you and realize that you’re staring off into space past his shoulder, your mouth hanging open a bit. You quickly close your mouth, furrow your brows, and blink quickly at him. “What…” you slur.
“Recovery Girl is gone today, so they gave you some drugs for the pain,” he says, no longer whispering. “The nurse said you might be pretty out of it when you woke up so I stuck around. It’s even better than I imagined.” He grins widely at your dazed face. You slowly lift your hand and stare at it, dumbfounded. Kiri shakes with silent laughter, delighted at the display.
“Am I…” You shift around under the thin blanket. “Am I naked?” You ask.
“I don’t know, are you?” Kiri glances down at your blanketed form, and his eyes search the room for your clothes. You lift the blanket up over your head and peek at yourself. Your dark sports bra is the only piece of clothing left on you. The area around your hips, butt and privates is thoroughly wrapped in bandages, as well as your feet. The rest of your body is peppered with tiny cuts and bruises.
“What’re you doin’ in there?” Kirishima giggles as he watches you lay completely still with the blanket still pulled up and over your head. He’s taken off guard when your head emerges from the blanket with tears filling your eyes.
“They didn’t fix me…” you said, confusion and fear bumping around in your hazy, slowed mind.
“Aw, Y/N...it’s okay! It’s- it’s alright...” Kirishima smiles sadly and half-laughs at your sudden shift in mood. He scoots closer to the bed and you look at him. “Recovery Girl will be back like, tomorrow and she’ll fix you right up! It’ll be okay. Are you hurting?”
You pout. “No, but look…” You pull the blanket up a teeny ways and motion for him to look underneath. He searches your eyes warily for any sign of doubt before peering under the blanket. His breath catches in his throat, eyebrows knitting together and his mouth falling open slightly.
“Oh, man,” he breathes. The cuts that are visible look painful enough, and the bandaged sections are no doubt way worse. With having to wait a full day for Recovery Girl to heal you with her quirk...
“It’s gonna scar…” you lament. You drop the blanket and stare upwards. There’s a ceiling fan slowly turning above you, and you’re instantly entranced by it. You try to follow one of the spinning blades with your eyes, but make yourself dizzy. You start giggling and try again.
“Damn, you’re out of it.” You remember that Kirishima is next to you and, still smiling, turn your head to look at him. He’s staring at you with half a smile, clearly entertained by your drug-induced mood swings. You mindlessly extend your arm to him, wrapping your hand around the back of his head and pulling it towards you. His eyebrows raise. You gently push his head to rest on the bed next to you and proceed to play with his hair. He looks into your eyes and grins again, then sighs and closes his eyes.
“Hmm, feels nice, Y/N.” He’s talking to you like you’re a toddler and he’s indulging you in a sarcastic way, but you don’t really care. Your mind is too foggy, and you’re just thankful that he decided to stay with you. If you had woken up alone in this room, you definitely would’ve panicked. As you tuck his hair behind his ear, you smile, realizing that he probably knew that. Even though he said he was just staying to see how loopy you got from the drugs, you knew he wanted to make sure you felt safe when you woke up.
“Kiri,” you mumble, your hand hesitating. He opens his eyes. “Thank you for staying.”
“Of course,” he says matter-of-factly. He grabs the hand that was playing with his hair and squeezes it, lifting his head again. “You gonna get some more rest?”
“Mhm,” you say, already drifting off.
“Sweet dreams.”
part 3
tag list: @asja-the-hoarder
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 44-45: Kaiba Hallucinates a Dead Woman and Then no One Talked About it???
So, for the record, I am writing a little bit to the future here because I did make a little bit of buffer. And this episode had a Hella Random Thing in it and I just want y’all to know I try to create an authentic reading experience--although it’s not like a blind riffing, I clearly watched each episode twice to make the caps and write all this stuff--and I do it one episode at a time so you get a somewhat close to a realistic live cap experience, but like, believe me when I say I did not see this coming.
At all.
At all.
And if any of you were watching this at home and saw this happening then you are lying OR you have been writing a very creative fanfic and this fever dream was also shared by that one guy on this writing staff who really really really stans Seto Kaiba. Lets dive into it, shall we?
Things start out pretty normal, as we are yet tucking another hospitalized person into Kaiba’s floating coma ward.
I’m starting to notice that this room also has sheets which just means when they got to Bakura, they just didn’t feel like tucking that nasty boy in. They looked at him covered in blood and grime and whatever other sweaty layers are all over Bakura and were like “None of us like Kaiba, but we don’t want to do that to his linens.”
And then the episode starts with Joey literally saying this
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Now in the actual line of the show, Serenity stayed behind because she wanted to be strong for Mai, a lady she looked up to so much for all of 3 hours. She also said that her brother’s strength inspired her to have the courage to stay well below deck and whatever the hell nonsense was going on up there.
I mean courage is a word you could use to describe it, I would just call it common sense.
Also, look at this Christmas miracle.
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I like that someone on the animation team was like “How else are they going to know that Mai isn’t wearing the disk? Draw it on the table. We have to.” and then bam there it is. That is one super random detail.
(more under the cut)
At the top of the blimp, they’ve decided to give Marik a little bit more space.
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The Yuge crew must’ve looked at this situation and been all “I can stand next to Marik, or I can appear to root for Kaiba.” And they made their choice.
Below deck we get to see one of my favorite things, that’s right, it’s fake UI for TV shows.
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these look like windows you pull up in Maya when you’re trying to find the right vertex or something. Maybe that’s what inspired all this? I dunno, it’s very silly that he would need the same image of a card twice, and that he would need one flipped and in wireframe. Especially since all they're doing is translating a language.
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Or maybe he’s just been dogging Kaiba for half an hour before this episode started? Who knows, but honestly, I kinda have to side with Kaiba on this one, moving Mai would be a bad choice since there’s doctors--right there--but like...they should land the blimp though. Like the blimp with a murderer on it maybe needs to land at some point?
But never mind that, there’s cards to be played.
Or...not played.
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It takes Ishizu so long to show up that Roland almost cancelled the game and I was so ready to not have to watch a card duel. I was so ready for that to be the canonical end of Ishizu but of course that didn’t happen.
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PS, Marik is permanently glowing now.
Kaiba still doesn’t believe in magic and this guy has a constant third eye. So did Yugi all of last duel and Kaiba was just like “I don’t get your weird fashion” and tbh that’s a fair assumption to make.
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To be fair, they probably only have once source of not cursed jewelry living underground, and it’s probably why their so matchy-matchy. Like, we all have that one Aunt (I was that one Aunt for a little while) with an Etsy shop and way too much inventory that they just give away to family every birthday and holiday. Judging by how much jewelry these two are wearing, their one Aunt isn’t doing so hot selling her merch.
Anyway, Marik’s good side makes an attempt to reach out and it doesn’t get him very far.
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Honestly, when you look at it, there’s more people here from Kaiba’s extremely close school class than there is from the Ishtar family. And they don’t even know that Odion is also related. Sort of calling the kettle black here.
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Again, ancient Egyptian Samurai with Yugioh cards would have been one hell of a spinoff with so many problems, where is that anime?
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So, the game begins, between a mostly-neutral-antagonist and a protagonist who has done nothing but lock herself in her room in the dark for about 1/4 of a season. I have literally no idea who I’m supposed to be rooting for. Neither does anyone on the show.
Things went about as well as you’d expect dueling a psychic, because Kaiba has learned absolutely nothing from dueling Pegasus.
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*Mokuba still has the whistle*
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Anyway, because Ishizu can read the future, she knew she’d be going up against a dude who relies on very big strong dragons, so she straight up removed every strong card from his deck, leaving only six cards. 
It’s at this point that he only really has one option, to play a Blue Eyes White dragon, which he had in his hand still, or to play the God Card Obelisk which I think was still on field? Again I don’t pay too much attention to the duels but the big thing is that he’s gonna use Obelisk, so Ishizu cursed it so it would hella kill him.
Much like any of the God Cards have done thus far. The worst cards. These are the worst cards and at this point no one should want them anymore. But youknow, hubris.
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This is all pretty run of the mill since every time Kaiba duels, he gets hella dunked on, but then...this happens out of absolutely no where.
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The least dateable guy in Yugioh!? How is it Kaiba--a past version of him mind you--but a shirtless Kaiba who’s got some lady draped across his arms like he’s gotta model for the cover of a Harlequin romance novel for old ladies? Which...I can arrange that.
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Why--out of all of these boys, was it this one that has something the most resembling a fully formed relationship? More so than Tristan, more so than Yugi, more so than whatever was going on with Joey last episode.
This came out of no where like a jump scare!
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And like, here’s the thing, if Kaiba was your slice of pie from the weird ass hair dessert tray that is Yugioh’s selection of husbands, that’s fine. Ship away. But like, imagine with me here, you have a boyfriend--and if you don’t like boys that only adds to this experience--you have a boyfriend and he has the most normal hair of anyone you know, and that’s really great. But his voice ALWAYS sounds like he’s announcing an NBC cop drama. Like you’re eating dinner and he’s like “Can we watch the food channel?” like he’s solid snake.
You’d kill him. You’d kill him way before you end up dead draped across his arms in some weird flashback. You’d straight up kill him.
Sorry, I just made him a lot more attractive for half of you. Whatever, my plan backfired.
But, despite...how...he is, now Seto has one of the most tragic of all the relationships on this show, up there with Pegasus and his dead wife. And so like, I turned to my bro and was like “WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT WHAT JUST HAPPENED??”
Cuz this show that has very, very little dating in it. A show that has had no physical kissing unless you count that time Pegasus macked a ghost. A show where someone almost got married to someone they never dated in their life and they shrugged it off. A show that had Mai and Joey friendzoning the hell out of eachother rather than admit any sort of crush. A show where Tea and Yugi went on a date but then I guess forgot that happened 20 episodes ago and are now in permanent friend limbo. (Tea and Yugi so far having the most realistic dating experience tbh.)
This is just straight up here’s a picture of past Seto, and his dead wife is here too, no explanation! Have fun digesting that!
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(wouldn’t have noticed they forgot to finish Yugi’s necklace if I hadn’t done the cap. hm. So fast I blinked and missed it until I wrote this copy.)
And like, I’m making it seem in these caps as if these characters talked about what I just witnessed in any degree and straight up they didn’t. Of course they didn’t. Kaiba didn’t want to discuss this crazy ass thing that happened. Just me. I am the only one that’s talking about this in 2019. Just me.
So I turn to my bro and was like “you have to tell me what just happened” and bro was like
“Sorry to disappoint you but...I’m pretty sure that dead girl never comes up again.” and then he kind of continued “I’m pretty sure Kaiba sacrificed his one true love in order to get his Blue Eyes.” and I realized “Bro, is this just a headcanon you made up? Are you telling me your spicy Seto Kaiba fanfic as if it’s true just like that one time you told me that Yugi’s Grandpa ate a guy in Egypt and I believed you for 30 episodes?” and bro was like “Mmmmmm It’s probably a headcanon. I’m pretty sure they dropped Kaiba’s dead girlfriend plotline completely off the face of the Earth. Like a LOT of plotlines from s2, Rach, don’t get attached.”
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So, because Kaiba believes that his.......dragon.......told him to play a dragon, Kaiba sacrifices his Obelisk to play a dragon--thus removing the Obelisk curse.
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So if it’s strongly suggested that Kaiba’s love for this dragon is youknow, an equivalent to the devotion you would have a for a dead wife you have cradled in your arms, then -- has Kaiba been dating this dragon the whole time? Is that what the show just seriously suggested to me with this juxtaposition? Because I am an illustrator and if I wanted to make someone look like they had an intense and complicated relationship with a playing card, that is how I would draw it. Just saying.
And like for serious, how is it that Yugioh keeps writing it’s own fanfic? Like, is this dragon infused with the spirit of his dead wife? Is that why his reincarnation has this weird fixation with the Blue Eyes White Dragon? OMG this is absolutely ridiculous, I can’t believe I’m considering that Kaiba was literally married to what is now his paper card of a dragon. Of which he has 3 of.
Clearly I am thinking way too much about this.
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I mean to be fair, Kaiba did save Tea that one time. He also took out a helicopter and a crane at the same time but Tea was just fine.
Oh boy.
That was so freakin random. Well...I’m glad that Kaiba got back together with the dragon. They had sort of a breakup at the beginning of the season and now KaibaxDragon is back in full swing. Good for them.
This was the only guy smart enough not to play a God Card, PS. This guy. I guess if Seto fell in a plot coma the entire tourney would be essentially over, so...it had to happen this way.
But dead wife, amiright?
Here’s a link to read from S1 Ep1
And PS in case you don’t know about the Billionaires and Baby’s books that have--I swear to you, like 400 books in the series--please admire the billionaires and babies books. Never read them. But I like to spread the news of these completely insane and real book covers wherever I go.
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Loving someone with NPD
It fucking sucks! I have bpd and if i was completely untreated, i would have been narcissist chow...more than i already was.
I have pretty decent intuition but it took a long time for me to actually follow it. I met (lets call her Mary) before i listened to it and created a huge blindspot that took me 6 years to fix.
We both arrived on Okinawa Island 24 hours a part, we shared a name and a birthday ( naturally my dumb ass was like OMG SOULMATE- after i stopped hating her). when i first met her, i hated her. I knew she was two-faced and i said so to her face. Few drunken weekends set that unfortunate Trauma bond in place. 
I felt so special. She's two-faced and cruel to everyone but ME. my BPD ate that shit up. she even told me that she thought i was the category of “bimbo friend” until she got to know me.....and i actually took that as a compliment and mentally lorded it over her bimbo friends. it was a disaster.                           love-bomb, cruelty, rinse, repeat.
We were just friends at first, she thought she was straight, and i thought i was a girl- neither are true. We kissed once in a drunken haze and it was absolutely terrible, so it really never happened again. you know justgirlythings. 
I was quite notorious (just because im built like a coke bottle and was put into the marine barracks and you know how boot lickers be) on the island because the Navy is just high-school 2.0. Mary never had my back through it all, she stayed friends with the people who started it and she ditched me all the time at her convenience . I was only on the island for 6 months, and right when i almost cut things off with Mary, i left on an expedited transfer (another tragic story for another tragic time). We stayed in contact via snapchat but honestly we didnt talk much.
Her bf was a bit of a loser and she was planning to leave him while planning their life together...look at that, another red flag that i took as a compliment because she left him for ME. fuck im so needy #narcissistchow. 
I made a joke about her living with me, and she just went full throttle with that shit. So we got an apartment together, twas the beginning of the end and i fucking KNEW IT. i felt it in my gut and i remember thinking...but she’s so mean sometimes... like whyyyyyy dont i just listen to me???? ug anyways
Right before we got the apartment she released my cat into the urban wilderness and he was GONE, presumed dead. Quinn, my beautiful fur-baby, a 13 lb maincoone, fucking HATED HER, and he only hated dicks. so yeah she got rid of him and blamed it on my husband (my life is complex okay). we were obviously not doing great and i didn't think about it too hard until later (even though he has never left the door open, like ever).
It started out so much fun! the adventures and stories that we created together were amazing. she made me feel like it would be like this forever. Bit short-lived.  she would insult, demean, and play fucked up mind games. Luckily for me she didn't get to feed of my pain the way she wanted because i don't exibxit vulnerable emotions (working on that), despite them eating away at me. 
Her toxicity mirrored the way i was treated as a child, so i did what i did as a child. i shut down. I stopped therapy because i was masking too hard for it be helpful. i stopped my medications because idk if they're working because I'm so disconnected. My ocd tendencies that i got rid of as a child came back. Im never not high on MJ (still am because i don't want to FEEL)
And you know why i stayed? because she made me feel special, and wanted, and even more so needed. She is so fucking insecure and i was a constant source of validation and love. we had conversations and conversations about how we were meant for one another and the future we would create together. We even talked about the children we would raise together. we talked about how it was weird that we didn't want to fuck each-other (she looks like an incest muppet lmao) but we were in a beautiful (toxic*) polyamorous asexual relationship.
i was def not perfect in the relationship. i would do so much petty shit (like i did as a child). she would make me feel shitty about something, so i would show off one of my many talents that also was one of her many insecurities. hell, i would fuck up her hair ON PURPOSE. She had this insanely long blue hair that ended in a short red Karen cut lmao i am such a fucking asshole lmao. no regerts
but like also lets not forget the times she literally threatened to murder me....just saying. i may have been a dick, but she DESERVED it.
She kept treating me like shit and i did the non-traditional BPD thing and started setting boundaries for myself. like when she starts being a jerk, just walk away. just leave. also make her jelly with something to feel better lol.obvi that made her MEANER. so i took her out to eat and told her that she was treating me like absolute shit and it needed to sop...she starts bawling...making up shit about how her anxiety this and that and she's not gonna stop being a cunt so shel just move out.
idk why i even tried after that lunch but like whatever. i even sold her my car at a discount price - but now she has the perma reminder lol. i tried. she kept changing the date of her leaving, she just got meaner, and what FINALLY made things click. was she started ditching me and lying about it ( i may have tested it out and made her confess to it without her knowing- she is incredibly stupid). that was the one thing. the one thing i told myself if someone does that to me again, im done. so heyyy at least i stuck to my boundary even though i almost talked myself out of it. so i simply stopped talking to her. for WEEKS. she tried to start conversation, i ended them. she insulted me and i would flip it on her. i was DONE and she knew it. so our 6 year relationship literally ended by me in person ghosting her.
Finally the lease was up and that kinda forced her stupid ass into moving, however. she like half left and half left her stuff. but she left ferret shit fucking everywhere. on the deck, in the closet, smooshed into carpet, random bits of poo strewn about the room. shes fucking Nasty. i cleaned up the ferret poops with her clothes that was left behing...and i rubbed it on EVERYTHING including her dishes. i broke a couple items (some on accident even). stole a bunch of stuff...even a dead mans gift...yeah im PETTY... but i stacked all of her shit at the enterence of the apartment.
Time for pickup! she allotted herself 1.5 hours to pack everything and go to her new apartment that is 45 plus mins away. she comes in- overly exaggerates on thanking me for stacking her shit by the entrance. i immediately ask for the keys ...says okay but then “got distracted”, we did that 3 times till she finally gave me the keys... then i told her about the ferret poo and she claimed that she was gonna clean it today...BITCH IT TOOK ME OVER 3 HOURS FOR THE POOP CLEANUP ALONE...so yeah fuck her.
later that day i hang out with my new friend, lets call her Anna, who is on Marys snapchat- while Mary was putting her stuff in storage (something she swore shed never do) she was saying how pissed she is and how horribly i am for stacking her shit at the entrance. glad to see she's as two-faced as ever.
1) she tried to get rid of everything i gave her but she cant unbuy my car lmao.
2) she got stranded in Texas because she ran out of gas....even though the car tells you how many miles it has before it runs out...like i said, she incredibly stupid 
3) she tried to slither in my life by sending a pic via snap to Anna and then said “oops my finger slipped” ummm its snapchat and thats not how it works stupid ( and this is one of her go to ploys so like lol why?) it was also a pic of a boot that she gave me but its ugly so i gave it back. idk what her whole plan was but it backfire because Anna just blocked her.
4) Quinn came back <3
5) i am obsessed and cant seem to stop stalking her so now imma try just being crazy in blog form to see if my needy bpd self can CHILL. cuz ug i just want to stab her...like 37 times...in the face (it would be an improvement)
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destressjournal · 3 years
DCOM Rankings #95: How to Build a Better Boy
Okay this movie was really cute! It’s has a couple problems but it was really cute!
So I thought I was really going to be comparing this to pixel perfect, and it turns out these movies are actually pretty different, however, I can just explain their similarities and get that out of the way first. Cuz it’s funnnnn.
Okay. So I think the intention behind the creation of the non-human perfect being is the same in both movies. The main character (who is a literal genius I mean they have to be), has an idea in their head of the perfect boy/girl and tries to create a digital version of that. The difference is that in Pixel perfect, the main dude creates her for a specific purpose and ends up realizing that he was in love with her and that he programmed her with all the things about a girl he thought was perfect. In this movie, Mae just got rejected (by an idiot), and was hurt and started going on and on about her dream date night and got carried away. Didn’t think that she was creating an actual robot.
The second main comparison is what the purpose of the robot/hologram was. For pixel perfect, the main guy created her just to fill in for a singer/dancer in his friend’s band, (but also to create the perfect girl because he always found flaws in every girl he was interested in). For this movie, the original purpose of the robot was an army soldier that could kill in seconds if he wanted to. But was instead created as Mae’s ideal perfect boyfriend that was overloaded with information. (Like, I don’t understand how that didn’t backfire, he still came out totally perfect)
But honestly I really love both concepts in both movies, even if they are slightly different!
But when the movie gets going, it takes a different approach to discussing perfection that I also enjoy. While pixel perfect focuses on living up to impossible expectations via music industry/Hollywood standards, this movie takes a more personal approach from the viewpoint of a middle/high schooler. Like, how fantasies are fantasies for a reason, and how one person can’t be everything all of the time, and no matter how hard you try to bring your vision to life, real life is still going to happen.
The point of both movies is that perfection is unattainable. People are flawed and make mistakes. That’s how real life works. And if you try to look for one person that checks every single one of your giant list of boxes, you’re going to miss out on people that genuinely like you. If anyone is “perfect” they are either lying, a robot solider, or a hologram. Everyone has shit they’re dealing with. EVERYONE!
Okay I’ll stop making the comparisons now!
The story I feel progressed very realistically. Mae and Gabby were best friends until Mae realized she wanted to pursue a romantic relationship with boys, but never told Gabby because gabby was all about keeping the duo together and had a life plan spelled out. And I can tell you from personal experience I KNOW how Mae feels in this situation. She doesn’t want to upset her friend and wants to keep the friend ship but is worried if she starts having interests besides math and science, their friendship would be over.
I’m going through something similar with my friend. Not going into details though but I’m just saying that’s realistic. And even when Mae finds out the boy she created was just a robot, and she didn’t care, at first I was like wtf? But after I thought about it, we are talking about a teenage girl who just fell in love with the dude because he is EXACTLY, as close as the fucking tee will get, the kind of guy Mae wants. There is literally no one else that’s going to top him because he is made specifically for her. And if that’s the best that she can get, then why look for anything else. Love (or in this case, infatuation) will make people do crazy things….
Can I just take a second to be like wtf no kissing again??? I mean come on Disney channel! maybe cloud 9 was the last movie to feature a kiss?? I have no idea what these censors are about man, but it’s really confusing. Haha maybe I’ll make a game out of it for the rest of these movies. It’s weird there are only like 15 left…
Okay back on topic.
I like pretty much all of the characters. And the funny ones like the dad and the brother were actually funny, like they were cringey but just the right amount of cringey that doesn’t take away from the characters. I even laughed out loud at a scene, which that hasn’t happened in a long time.
The villains were the only thing I had an issue with just because I thought they would be a much bigger threat. But nah they were apprehended like 20 minutes before the movie ended. and that was that. Kinda wish they were a bigger deal. But other than that everyone else was great! The popular girl was annoying but not AS annoying as the one in Zapped. That was pretty cringe let me tell you! But the two leads were great together. I do feel that Gabby was pushed off to the side a little bit though, I mean I get that was the whole story was her getting sidelined because of Albert but I feel like she still should have had a little more depth to her character and more of a spotlight. But that’s just me I guess.
Can we talk about mae’s outfits though? Who the hell was her costume designer? And why do the outfits on Disney channel shows/movies have to be so complicated and almost ugly? Like NO ONE wears these kinds of things to school on a regular basis. Gabby’s outfits, maybe, but Mae’s, like she’s a literal alien from another planet wearing these things. Why do people think these outfits look good? Ugh. I remember when people would wear dresses over t-shirts, oh wait, no I don’t!
Rant over. But anyway, I felt pretty invested throughout the whole thing, even toward the end when Mae’s first kiss was set up. I thought that was really clever because it only further illiustrates the fact that these things have to be planned ahead of time and are fabricated. It’s all for show, none of it was real, and deep down Mae knew that which is why she didn’t kiss Albert. But I will admit that scene had me glued to the screen. It has similar kids the girl vibes from little mermaid.
I’m also SO SO SO happy that Mae did the right thing and stayed with her best friend the rest of the night instead of hanging out with the boy that wanted to ask her out the first time. I was so worried that would be the case but nope, she cares about her best friend and many years of friendship more than one boy that she recently met. That’s a lesson for all you young hetero girls and women out there! Friends are always more important than dumb boys. And this movie gets it right. But it was also sweet how gabby was like “sorry for putting pressure on you” and now it feels like Mae can talk to gabby about anything. If a friend is bullying you into doing something you don’t wanna do, you need to set boundaries! And also dump them if it gets worse.
In some ways I think this movie is better than pixel perfect because it gets its characters so right. But the theme in pixel perfect is so much better and deeper and the music is better. Oh my god that ukulele cover of I love you like a love song by Selena Gomez. That was also kind of cringe but I can’t pretend that I never dreamed about my crush serenading me on guitar or uke. So….fuck you disney channel for getting into my 13-14 year old mind and making this movie.
How would this score against pixel perfect though? I think I gave that one a B+. Oh boy…I think this movie might be A range…because the here is nothing I outright hated about this movie. Nothing frustrating, hardly any flaws. Oh man…am I really doing this to pixel perfect…? I think I am. I don’t think I’ll give it a plus though. Just a regular A. I know I wouldn’t wanna watch this all the time.
Wow that was shocking I scored this movie higher, but I guess when it comes to technicalities, this one came out on top. Now for the next movie, it stars the girl from ally….something…oh man I don’t remember the show name but it has Ross lynch in the show. But he’s not in this one. Anyway yeah this one might be a cringe for me just cuz of the title but we’ll see!
0 notes
lawchan89 · 7 years
No Matter What
@saveshootingstar wanted a Starco prompt, so I whipped this up at their suggestion. Also for @ghostgetters cuz both of these nerds indirectly challenged me to write a makeout scene. Love you guys <3
“How many packets of airline peanuts did you steal?!” Marco looked over her shoulder with his jaw hanging open as his warrior princess fianceé rummaged around in her purse.
“Chill out, Marco. They got, like, a bajillion of those -- ah, here it is!” Star whipped out a silver glittering scarf she had bunched up in the bag and unfurled it. “It’s for your Abuelita. On Mewni, we have to give gifts to the elder family members of our betrothed as a token of our gratitude for inviting us into their home.”
“Actually, I’m the one that invited you.” He chuckled slightly under his breath, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “I, uh...I haven’t told any of the Diazes that we’re engaged yet.” 
Star suddenly stopped walking up the dusty desert-like road and whirled around before Marco rammed into her. “What?”
“Why not?” she demanded, folding her arms across her chest. “You proposed to me almost a month ago!” 
“I’ve been busy--”
“Oh we’re all busy, Marco, that’s no excuse!” She narrowed her eyes as she peered up into his sheepish gaze. “There’s something else goin’ on.”
Marco chewed the inside of his cheek nervously. There was no easy way to tell her the truth -- that there was a definite vibe that his father’s side of the family didn’t care for Star. That every time they flew down here, he was terrified someone would make that fact too obvious, and they would depart Jalisco in rage and tears. He couldn’t do that to her, he cared about her too much. But they were family, and...well, they at least had a right to know that he was going to become prince consort of a distant dimension.
Star’s boisterous energy and magic usage with her inherent power (thankfully they would never be able to get her wand past airport security) freaked his religious and superstitious relatives out. His great uncle had called her a witch (“Hey, she should take that as a compliment” Janna had said), and his grandmother had muttered “diablo” at least three times under her breath. But the enthusiastic reactions to her powers from his little cousins seemed to have distracted Star from all this, and she was convinced they loved her.
“I...wanted us to tell them together.” Lying to the woman you love. Nice move, Diaz.
Star instantly stopped surveying him and smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek and hugging his arm in both of hers. “Aww, that’s so nice! How should we do it? I’m thinkin’ a flashy fireworks display on the beach -- ‘Mr. and Mrs. Star Butterfly’!”
“Marco, mi neito!” Abuelita Linda didn’t stop peppering Marco’s face with kisses for several minutes after they walked in the door. “Come, we make you lunch -- you’re too thin.” She turned to her grandson’s girlfriend with a tight smile Star read as genuine. “Hola, Star-girl.”
“Hi, Abuelita Diaz!” The princess grabbed the older petite woman into a tight bear hug that caught her off guard. “Hang on, I got you something -- close your eyes.”
“It’s fine,” Marco assured her when his grandma looked at him in slight alarm. She did as she was told, and Star draped the scarf around her, giggling with glee. “Okay, open.” 
“Oh!” Abuelita’s eyes were wide as saucers when she saw the sparkling gift, nearly blinding her when caught by the light of the afternoon sun. “Es muy brillante,” she muttered as pleasantly as she could, squinting.
“Pfft, it’s nothing,” Star spluttered, waving her hand in the air, “Just the most rare and expensive fabric on Mewni that only the royal family has access to.” She gave Marco a quick look, as if asking him if it was okay to pop the news, and he returned it with a “not yet” shake of the head.
“Marcooooo,” came a whining voice from the back living room, and little cousin Nina wandered into the room. “Did you bring the Star-girl with you?”
“Hey girlfriend, what’s goin’ on?!” Star said cheerily, bending down to the little girl’s level and holding up her hand for a high five. Nina half-heartedly slapped her palm to hers, not taking her attention off Marco.
“Papi said he wants to know--”
“Marco, good to see you!” came Uncle Enrique’s bombastic greeting as he flung back the beaded curtains hung in the archway. “Nina, don’t you have cartoons to watch?”
“But you said to ask Marco when he was gonna dump that crazy blonde girl.” 
Star froze, her smile melting off faster than ice cream in the hundred and ten degree weather outside. “Say what?”
“I-I, well you know--a joke! I said it as a joke!” Enrique stammered, chuckling at his nephew who didn’t even crack a grin back.
“And then you said her heart tattoos made her look like a clown and her magic is gonna kill us all--”
“Nina, ir en la otra habitación, por favor!” Grabbing his daughter by the shoulders, Enrique steered her back through the curtain and out of sight.
“They’re not tattoos…” Star finally managed to say, her eyes lowered to the floor.
“Heh, kids you know? Say the darndest things.”
“Yeah, all that honesty must be so hard to live with,” Marco bit out icily, making it clear that he did not want to exchange another word with his uncle. 
“Aiiiiiiii!” At the scream from the kitchen, several heads poked out of the living room to see Abuelita tearing across the front hall, her fingers scrambling at the scarf around her neck. Ripping it off, they saw a deep red rash embedded in her skin.
“Oh my gosh -- Abuelita I am so sorry--”
“No! You stay right there!” the elderly woman shouted, pointing her finger forcefully at Star, who stepped back almost frightened. The other uncles, aunts and cousins who had stepped out to see what happened all exchanged the same look when they saw who Marco had brought with him. “Oh, it’s her” their faces all read.
Star didn’t even acknowledge their stiff greetings or pleasantries, she only saw the glares from Enrique and a few others who were tending to Abuelita’s allergic reaction. She bit her lip as it started to shake, wrenching her purse off her shoulder.
“Here, there’s some ointment at the bottom somewhere,” she muttered to Marco, flinging the bag into his stomach.
“Earth aloe isn’t gonna help that, please just use it.”
But Marco didn’t immediately go to his relatives, who were whispering rather horrible things in Spanish that thankfully Star couldn’t understand. Expression and tone were universal, and she appeared to have finally read those loud and clear.
“Star wait, where are you going?” he called, grabbing her wrist as she headed for the door.
“Away from here.” She sniffled, withdrawing her hand from his. “I’m sorry...I didn’t know…” And then she was gone.
Marco’s chest felt like it was on fire as he turned and marched towards his grandma, the tube from Star’s purse in his hand. Wordlessly, he squirted the purple cream into his palm and gently smeared it around the redness on Abuelita’s neck. Within seconds, it disappeared and her tan skin returned to normal. 
“There, you happy now?” he announced to the whole room, glaring at Enrique in particular. “You finally showed your true colors. You don’t have to pretend when she’s in the room anymore. Don’t you just feel so great?!”
No one dared to answer, so he went on: “That scarf was a gift, a custom in her kingdom. I’m sorry it backfired, Abuelita, but that’s no excuse for the rest of you. You think I don’t hear what you’re saying behind her back?! You think that’s gonna change my mind about her?! It’s not! I love her with all my heart! Star Butterfly is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me! And if you can’t accept her and everything that she is, then you can forget about me speaking to any of you ever again!”
Clutching Star’s purse tightly in his fist, Marco stormed towards the door after her -- but not before delivering the final touch over his shoulder. “By the way -- we came to tell you we’re engaged.” And he slammed the door behind him.
He found her down on the beach, curled up into a ball with her face in her knees, her arms wrapped around her head. Even as an adult, Star still retreated to this position when the world became too much for her to bear. It wasn’t until Marco sat down in the sand beside her that he realized the waves had been drowning out her sobs. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, wrapping an arm around her huddled form and pulling her close to him, his nose buried in her golden hair.
“You lied to me,” Star hiccuped, but didn’t shrug him off.
“I know, I -- I’m sorry.” He literally didn’t know what else to say. 
“Why didn’t you ever tell me? Why’d you let me believe they liked me?” 
“‘Cause I couldn’t do that to you…” Marco trailed off, knowing it was a terrible excuse, but it was all he had. “I didn’t want...this to happen.” He couldn’t stand seeing her cry, it tore him apart every time. And the fact that his own family was the cause of it only made it worse. “I didn’t wanna break your heart, Star. I didn’t want you to feel like you did something wrong. ‘Cause you didn’t.”
She turned towards him, sliding her arms around his waist as his cozy red hoodie surrounded her. He felt his chest dampen from her tears, and he kissed the top of her head with a soft “Shh”.
“I guess I should’ve seen it coming,” Star mumbled in his arms, closing her eyes as evening darkened the sky above them. “Never thought about it when Abuelita or your aunts didn’t hug me -- my mom and her family aren’t huggers either. The kids...I mean, who knows?”
“The kids think you’re cool, trust me,” Marco smiled. “You saw Nina back there -- one hundred percent genuine.” He paused, letting out a long sigh. “I told them about us. I got mad and blew up in their faces and it sorta slipped out.”
“It’s okay. But what’s not okay was keeping all this from me in the first place. I-I feel like the biggest fool, Marco.”
“You’re not. And you’re right, I should’ve told you the truth.” Now it was his turn to glance downward in shame, and Star lifted her head to him. “We should go home.”
“Yeah...maybe we should.” But neither of them moved, the tranquility of their area of the beach surrounding them. Stars began to twinkle in the clear sky, the waves rolled in and out in a steady pattern, and sand got stuck between their curled toes.
No stars were brighter than the ones in his future wife’s eyes, glittering like her namesake as she brought a hand to his face, cupping it as his lips drew nearer. And at once, every care flew from their minds the moment her lips captured his. There was nothing but lips and hands and skin, fingers stuck in thick hair, sand getting everywhere once they realized they were lying in it. Star slipped her hands under his hoodie, feeling his fingers clutch at her bra under her dress as their mouths and tongues continued to work passionately. 
It didn’t matter. It didn’t matter anymore that not all of Marco’s family loved her, it just wasn’t meant to be and she could learn to accept that. She was still loved. She was loved by Marco Diaz, the most wonderful young man she had even known. Who rubbed his lips over the flawless ivory skin on her neck and collarbone as she sighed contentedly, a shiver of excitement rippling through her as his hands passed over her breasts, cupping her slender form delicately and respectfully. Even in the heat of the moment, he treated her like a queen. 
“You’re still crying,” Marco whispered as they stopped to catch their breath, his eyes opening to find themselves lying on their sides, Star staring at him like he was her eternity with tears dripping off her nose.
“I’m just happy,” Star whispered, pressing her lips to his eyes, cheeks, nose and lips again. “Even after all this, I’m happy, Marco. ‘Cause you’re still here.”
“Sure am, I’m all yours.”
“I can’t wait to marry you.”
“We still gotta invite them to the wedding though.”
“They can sit in the back. And they won’t come to the Castle wedding, just the Earth one.”
“Alright, deal.” And their ardent intimacy resumed.
Neither of them noticed the light of the full moon above bathing them in a deep wash of bright blood red.
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Episode #8- “people are going to be blindsided and i'm people”- Vincent
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Holy guacamole I feel terrible. On one end I have four people who decided to work together and on the other end are people they told I wanted out. I am at a bit of a loss here but I always like a challenge! I'm gonna go finish my thinking, see if it sticks, and go then voice it!
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wow how am i even still here because of my strong social connections! just 7ish tribals until the end! that's so much...i have no idea what's about to happen over the next few weeks except that people are going to be blindsided and i'm people a big part of my pitch to rizo and chris was that cheatham is a threat and he needs to go...which is why now that we're all together i'm in an alliance with all of them, as well as austin and noah. this six is absolutely not going to stick together but i'm in the middle so when it falls i'm not taking the hit! annmarie and liam are cool as well, so ideally the merge vote is between sara and kyle. for me i would ideally keep kyle bc he seems less likely to try and blow up the game in a way which is bad for me, like i feel like he may help me down the line. so i'm going to try to push for that. however, neither annmarie or liam are worth saving at this time so if either of their names come up i'm going along with it this is the first time i've merged in nearly a year and i'm ready to overplay and flop!
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Right now Im in an alliance with...Austin, Noah, Rizo, Vincent, and Cheatham by the name of Bottom Feeders. Tbh its just irony at this poiint I am going to end up working with people I wanted out but hey that's Survivor!
My plan of action is to talk with Kyle, consider having a aide alliance with him and Rizo where we get AM/Sara/Liam out and then have BF target Cheatham and/or Noah or whoever in F8/F7..stay tuned!
Mark my words, this week is going to expose Austin! He has Liam/AM/Sara wanting him and then Bottom Feeders so no matter how this immunity goes and tribal, he will be seen sketchy to somebody.
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Wow, So last week I decided what was going on bc i have the idol. If Gwen knew how to stop talking then maybe i would’ve. ANYWAYS, this week. So I got put in three alliances. Big Time Thrush (which I was already in from pre merge) which consists of Me, Noah, Austin, and Vincent. Then there is Bottom Feeders, consisting of Me, Noah, Austin, Vincent, Rizo, Chris. Basically Rizo and Chris made that bc they are on the bottom. I don’t trust it at all. Finally, the one that i’m actually sticking with, is The Frock Destroyers, which consists of Me, Noah, Liam, Austin, Ann Marie, and Sara.... JK i’m not working with that. There is a secret 4th alliance that is the same as the last one but without Noah. I know Noah is probably reading this. Basically, I don’t like the way he talks to me. Outside of the game, I would LOVE to stay friends with Noah bc i’m sure he is a great person. INSIDE the game however, i do not appreciate when someone tells me to shut up, calls me an idiot, or tells me i’m stupid. That is NOT okay. He never listens to my ideas and he acts like this idol, is his. This idol is mine PERIOD. I was his puppet early on because i was so busy with life shit. But now i’m realizing the way he is treating me/ using me. And revenge is gonna be awesome.
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Ugh....this is like trying to choose which puppy is cuter when both are identical!! It doesn't WERK! Fricken the only people I really trust fully is AnnMarie and Liam but we can't get on the same damn page. AnnMarie leans more towards Rizo/Chris/Kyle but I have DEALT with them and I know how they are. And it's been confirmed that Kyle won't split from Rizo...he said it on call that they're tight. I like Kyle...don't get me wrong...but he leaks EVERYTHING (so do I...but that's different, right?) and twists and turns things. Yes, working with OG Thrush is risky AF, but so is working against the idol and with a [new] trio, some of which have ALREADY voted for you. I mean...I've done this before where I completely flip on my old 'tribe' to work with the other side and I've won...so it isn't impossible. I also generally just don't click with the other side (as in Chris/Kyle/Rizo) as well as I do with the noobs....so even if they are tight....I'm either on the bottom of the original Petrel or the original Thrush. Noah fence....but I like Thrush better and would rather lose to them than Petrel. And that's just the way it is!
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So we gave Sara immunity, I want to use it as strategy to possibly have her like me again but we will see if it works. As far everything else, Austin wants Kyle/Rizo gone. I dont know where it leaves me in his ideal pecking order but Im not waiting around long enough to ask.
Nah, Im not accepting this. Im not waiting for Rizo to be voted out to make mends either. Im gonna get this Petrel chat going and maybe it is the one thing that can save him and me. Im not putting all my eggs into the Bottom Feeders basket just yet and sure as heck am not a out to welcome myself to the bottom of the barrel so easily
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Wow...a lot has happened. My alliance with Cheatham, Noah, and Austin supposedly merged with Chris and Rizo to create a super alliance. Guess how long that lasted? As far as I can tell, Noah is targeting Austin but tried setting it up to ensure Chris and Rizo take the fall, using information I gave him (not necessarily important info, but something which incriminates Chris/Rizo which I only told him). Austin heard about this, of course, because he's just so good at this game and everyone is gravitating towards him. I've been completely honest with him, so hopefully he has been with me. Originally the vote was supposed to be Rizo, with myself, Austin, Cheatham, Liam, AnnMarie, and Sara on board. This is why Rizo got vote against him at the challenge. However, Rizo has never targeted me personally. Comparing that to Noah, who I have heard from multiple sources was hoping that I was going to be voted out last round, voting to ensure this happened, and it was clear to me that Noah was the bigger threat to my game. Additionally, Cheatham told me things about how condescending Noah would be with him, so at that point I felt like I had to change the vote. Cheatham was on board with it, and I told Austin as well. Liam, Sara, and AnnMarie don't know (as far as I know) as of when I wrote this, but I really don't see a reason as to why they'd not want to vote Noah. After this, it's 9. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself, just to see how the dynamic is structured to truly figure out whether or not Noah is the best move for me. Liam-AM-Sara are essentially a trio, and they're all good with me bc I voted with them and included them all Chris-Rizo will be an even tighter duo, with Kyle as their auxiliary, and they'll all hate me. However, because I pushed the vote off Rizo (which is evidenced by the fact he got the vote at the challenge), I don't think it's fair to say that I ruined these relationships beyond repair, which I would have if Rizo left. Austin is still the most powerful guy in the room, but he's a powerful guy who fully trusts me. Cheatham has the idol, so keeping him on my good side is essential. To be honest, earlier flushing the idol was my top priority, but now I would not mind if he kept the idol for the rest of the game. Doesn't hurt my game, and as long as Austin is here, why would he take a shot at me? So I think it's fair to say that, based on my current understanding of the dynamic, I am making the best move for my game.
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Im gradually realizing Cheatham is the answer. We majorly messed up by not giving him immunity and now I want to talk to him to fix it. Rizo doesnt want me to with fear that it could ruin things but like I cant just sit here and do nothing. He doesnt wanna talk to Austin, Austin doesnt want to talk to him, OG Petrel doesnt want to talk to us, and so really this boils down to us needing to persuade Cheatham. I dont feel right if I dont talk to explain how bad of a decision it was and I'll work to fix it but for now Im just gonna do what Rizo says and wait
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Merge !! Wohoo this is where the game starts and I must say I’m playing hard. And it’s starting to backfire. Chris not voting AM out our first Petrel tribal really fucked me because it showed where I lied. I was trying to play both sides and unfortunately it’s biting me in the ass. It’s crazy cuz austin is doing the same thing but it’s working for him. I got last in the challenge because my name is being mentioned and the next target. Austin is clearly the snake and I can’t say I’m mad good for him but he is someone I need out. He mentioned my name to Kyle and with a vote on me already I’m assuming I have 5 votes to my name going into tribal. I know I have Chris and Kyle on board to vote with me. Noah is next to go so he is down to vote with me and I saved Vincent so why wouldn’t he vote me. That leaves 5-5 with cheatham being the swing. I’m trying to convince him that I got his back and I truly do he is a power player With that idol and is a great shield. He is upset he wasent granted immunity by our alliance and that is a valid reason but I don’t want that to cost me my game. Cheatham says he is going to try to take the target off my back but I really want him to vote austin out with Us to make it 6-5 blindside. It would be iconic to get out a big player like austin who is playing a Rob C type of game. It just sucks cuz if I go Kyle and Chris my go too guys are next and austin will steamroll you the end. If it’s my time I played the game how I wanted to play. I’m not going to quit until my torch is snuffed but looking at it now, I have a big uphill battle but if I can pull this off, it goes down in the history books.
Oh shit coming back to you with some great? News. Cheatham and austin came to me stating that they will save me and they want Noah out? Is that what I want? NOPE! Will I do that to stay in the game ? YESSIR! Obviously I want noah to stay cuz he is a shield for me and seems to want to work with me but cheatham says Noah has treated him like shit and austin dislikes him. At this rate I have to lay low and just let austin and cheatham make the move to save me. I’ll tell Chris to vote noah and make sure as much votes go to noah as possible. After noah leaves I can regroup and think of a strategy but tonight the goal is to survive no matter who goes besides Chris and Kyle. I need us 3 to stick together to have a chance. But I might have some life in this game !
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Am I a mess for telling Cheatham Bottom Halfs votes in the challenge? Yes. But if it keeps him more likely to want Rizo in then I'll take the consequences
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SOOO. OH BOY. I'm in a pretty good alliance with Sara, Liam, cheatham, and Austin. We are all working together against everyone else. I like the comfort, but it's clear that it won't last for long. Apparently Austin is working both sides, and it's just veryyyy frustrating not knowing if there's another plan you're not a part of. I'm doing pretty good developing the trust I have with others, and I'm happy with how I'm doing right now. I want to nap.
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So much has happened! So glad that Gwen's elimination went to plan and even ended up unanimous against her, she would've been even more scary in this merge. I've been taking a deliberate backseat in this past challenge because it's messy as fuck & I'd rather everyone else take the heat at the end of the day, I've not heard my name at all & both sides are speaking to me decently regularly so I don't feel in danger at all tonight. I'm hoping the votes to get Rizo eliminated are there because as much as I like the guy he rarely speaks to me & I'm not keeping around people who refuse to speak to me, enjoy ponderosa!
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As of now I think the Noah votes over. Noah conveniently is told and only 4 people knew it. So it tells me that Cheatham/Austin probably planned to set us up or something. So now I just want to get Austin to own up to things...which is unlikely
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Fuck Kyle lmao chatting shit at tribal with his fake woke bullshit, I'm so over this tribal & I can't wait for it to be over so we can move on and get the rest of this game underway because there's so many more angles I wanna explore & I need the people I know I can't work with on the jury.
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9 votes Rizo, 2 votes Austin.
0 notes
survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #11: "okay so heres the tea mawmaw henny... anyways" - Bryce
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I guess i wasnt right to be paranoid but doesnt feel good knowing your name was used as a fake target. I really want to win the next immunity but idk. Hopefully i can do well.
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nick tried super hard that tribal i got a tiny bit nervous but i'm glad that things seem to be going pretty well and working themselves out with nathan brian and sharky but i feel like nathan's gonna be pretty upset with me after the season :(
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Welp I blew another challenge. Good times. Hopefully Nathan won't win because I want him out next. Ideal boot order for me going forward is Nathan, Bryce, Maynor, Matt, Anna. So we'll see how this challenge shakes out and then I can create some beautiful mastermind plot to send his ass home. Tbh he's just gotten too shady. It seems like every round it gets back to me that Nathan has been working some plan that he never told me about. And Nick was always the leak so with him gone Idk how I can trust Nathan anymore. But I feel solid with The FB Bois and with Brian's steal a vote in his pocket we should be able to control the majority from here on out. There's a lot of "hopefully"s in my head right now.
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The challenge didn't go so well because I was sleep deprived and reaction time was slow. I don't think Im going to win. It is crazy though that it is the Final 7 already. Im closely working with Nathan in this game. I would totally go to the end with him. This is where we can make a move to keep the majority. Nathan says he is able to get Annabelle's vote and I think I can get Bryce's vote which means that's 4 and enough to send either Matt, Sharky, or Brian home. It sucks cuz I'm also working with Sharky and Brian but both haven't really talked game game to me. They have told me the vote but not really strategy talk. So I feel like I rather side with Nathan, who actually talks to me about strategy. We have to wait and see who wins immunity to really make a plan for tribal.
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i really wanted to uh win immunity but JKFASKJ guess thats never gonna happen. i was like how can anyone flop at this simon says game and well. love simon outsold... i want to get annabelle out this round but now it can be hard without the blanket of protection that immunity brings what if it backfires. we still have brians steal a vote tho so thats 3 votes and we'd only need one more barring another idol. speaking of idols i still have NOTHING.
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Okay now I'm starting to feel a little guilty. Nathan just came to me stressing. He's never made it this far and he feels like he's so close but he's feeling the pressure to build his resume. I get all of those feelings. And I know if I'm the one to betray him and ruin his streak I stand no chance of getting his jury vote. I'm feeling so conflicted. Nathan is a threat and I can't trust him. But I finally understand why he's been such a mess throughout the merge. What do I do?
So remember how I said I felt bad for Nathan? OVER IT. So I wanted to vote him out this go around. But then I was unsure. And I told him it would be easiest to just vote Bryce. AND HE TOLD BRYCE. I'm over it. he's doing literally too much. He's never made it this far and it shows. Like scrambling and betraying your allies who had your back and EVEN FORGAVE YOU WHEN YOU LIED TO US. Like It's not cute.
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ok so heres the tea mawmaw henny. ... anyways i um love stream of consciousness writing NNN so sharky doesnt trust me and wants me out but like everyone tells me why doesnt he trust me ive been nothing but honest anyways gays cant be trusted. but maynor sharky and anna wanna vote matt. and matt wants to vote maynor/anna and i wanna vote anna with brian so idk im just scared that if we use brians vote steal we'll be in danger at f6 maybe voting matt is smarter like if they just voted sharky id be down but i dont want to go into f6 with sharky AND nathan/anna
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So I forgot to vote last round before I literally passed the fuck out after work... how sad!  Nick still did go, just like I had worked on... But I'm OK again because I won immunity //again// (a physical threat...) so therefore I'm safe for yet another round.  It's worrying because if I ever lose I become a huge target for the vote, and I think this round is very risky bisky.... but it'll also finally draw the final lines in the sand with people I want to go to the end with.
I've decided that Nathan's messiness and choice in allies is what strays me away from him.  I love Annabelle, but her relationship with Sharky is what deters me from going further with her.  I like Maynor, but his sketchiness during every tribal is what deters me from going further with him.  If Nathan got over his obsession with voting for Matt... Every.  Single.  Round... then maybe I'd feel better about this all.  If he threw out Sharky, then whew, let's do it!  Nathan is one of my favorite people ever, and he's so enjoyable to talk to... his big ass heart is what's making me feel so fucking bad about this decision, but I think it's what's best for me.
At the moment, I'm seeing a very iffy chance at winning come final tribal time, but I still have a fighting spirit to get there and to dominate final tribal.  I'm just worried about losing all respect from people like Nathan, Sharky, and Annabelle when I vote them out.  I know it's very plausible, so I have to start planning around that.  I have to be able to manage talking about a dominating game and also owning up to being shitty from time to time.
Ideally, I'll be sitting in final 4 with Bryce, Matt, and someone else (it's between Maynor and Nathan/Annabelle).  I know Sharky has to go, but I also have to be ready to work around him making finals with me.  Final 3 situation ideally would be with Matt and Bryce and then final 2 with whomever I see it easier to beat.  And that's all the tea I have for now.
To have tied in the immunity record and also be confirmed top 6... I'm so proud of myself and what I have done given all the time restraints I've had in this game so far.  It's impressive, if I do say so myself.  I really hope I can make people proud of me... and even if I go in 6th, I know I did the damnest fucking thing and fought my ass off.
Annajane, Matty, Jack, Jones, and Drew..., thank you for believing in me enough to cast me for this season.  I hope I don't let you guys down and haven't yet.
Marie, I hope I'm making you proud by still being here!!  I'm trying really hard every day to ensure one of us could do the damn thing.
Zacky, Tobi, Loris, Scott, Justin... and to really anyone out there rooting for me... thank you!  I may not know everyone who is rooting for me, but I really appreciate any support you've given me this season!!
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So I think this vote might be the breaking point for me and Annabelle. If we're really coming after Nathan I can't tell her. I also told her that Matt's idol was the merge idol which isn't true. But the fact that she asked makes me think she doesn't know another idol is out there. Which is a great sign. I feel bad but I'm worried if she has to choose between me and Nathan she may choose Nathan. Ugh
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God I am SO over these people! Like i seem to be the perpetual target every single round! And it is quite demoralising tbh. I seem to be the easy target cause Brian has immunity and Sharky has got close with Annabelle. and we 3 are a "trio!!!" who apparently need breaking up, even though nathan really needs to like fuck off out of here. I appreciate how hard the man is playing but he's just coming off as a dick now. As he has said, he wants to basically be fuck buddies with Brian to the end, which is not a cute look for him, riding Brians coat tails to the end where he will clearly be beaten. I am just SO over it. At least I _should_ be safe (and should is the correct term here) cause we will have bryce with us hopefully going into this vote but if i leave, i leave. I just want these people gone so I can have a stress free game for ONCE. Like please just fuck off out of here and LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE.
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ok so idk whats going to happen sharky threw my name out but now says he didnt and since i want him to vote with me i just say oh ya ofc i believe u. like i want anna out but sharky/matt wants nathan and maynor/anna/nathan want matt. what about what *i* want...
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Today is the day where Nathan and I take majority with Bryce and Annabelle anf get rid of Matt or our plans come crashing down in flames. Either way we are making a move. I just hope we prevail and things go our way and our plan doesnt leak.
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brian is amazing i need another immunity win so we can just have ari stans only winning immunities. i'm nervous because like this tribal is like anyone can really go the next few rounds but i feel like people still don't think i'm a threat but idk we'll see this game is really like i'm not sure.  
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So now Matt is pitching Maynor because we couldn't choose between Anna and Nathan. But they still want to keep it a secret. And that's a terrible idea. We're going to do all this lying and plotting and then vote out the smallest threat. That's a wasted opportunity. I could get behind voting for Maynor but I'm not going to lie to Anna to do it. Plus they want to do it for fear of advantages but like...if Anna or Nathan have anything they'll definitely use it at F6 if we lie to them about the vote. We're overcomplicating this.
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ok so like im gone.. idk its so hard to know whos telling the truth. what if sharky leaks to anna i want her out. like anna/maynor/nathan SHOULD be doing matt which means that like as long as me and brian vote together ill at most have 2 votes against me so maybe 3-2-2 but i really trust matt so i feel like he'll vote with us. i really dont wanna vote nathan out when anna is still here... bc she'll go to sharky so quick and take maynor with her. im trying to think of damage control if things do go bad ill just have to tell nathan i wanted anna out bc i thought he was closer to her than me and then maynor idk what to say NNNN... also sharky made an alliance with me matt brian and him but didnt tell me before hand lol love that.. i feel like the abi maria of the season idk why... or like the gabby who doesnt get her way AJSDHFKJA so sad... anyway im a goner :(
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It looks like Brian, Matt, and Sharky are voting Bryce. While they think Bryce will vote Sharky. Me, Nathan, Annabelle, and Bryce are doing Matt which will suprise them. I think imma have to do lots of damage control with Brian and Sharky cuz last time I voted differently than they did, Sharky was fine since it wasnt him but Brian was made he was lied to. So like oopsie. But hey its the game of survivor and sometimes you have to lie who ur voting for.
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Okay so...I amde a questionable choice...a VERY questionable choice. I told Annabelle everything (almost). She came to me and confessed the Matt plan because she didn't want me to be blindsided. Which verified all me feeling about fighting to save her. So I told her the truth (almost). I said Bryce leaked all of that info to us. I told her the 4 of us came together. I didn't tell her we named it the Fajita Fellas. That's just for us. But then I told her that I had protected her and got the vote on Maynor. Now if there is an idol played it will be on Maynor and Nathan will still go home. I'll send her a PM during the voting and be like SOS it's switching to Nathan. That way I cover my ass. Now I'm just trying to calm Brian down because he is ANXIOUS. Can people just chill out
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Nathan is voted out 4-3.
0 notes