#it costs nothing to be kind
intheclearyetgood12 · 9 months
I just love these little acts of kindness 🥹 I've heard many people saying that they would go to a Taylor concert, but they don't want to because of the swifties. These girls here are nice and karma won't forget about them. It does come back around 😘
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 6 months
Michail Savitsky (junior ice dancer) also called out fans in the Anything GOEs podcast:
"Figure skating fans say a lot of mean things sometimes"
So pls anyone be a bit kinder to the skaters because he's just a junior skater and he's aware of the mean comments.
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leychin · 1 month
people should stop making fun of fat people at the gym thats the reason we're all here ... like we all werent born skinny 😭
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dark-elf-writes · 7 months
Do people really not know that bookmarks are public? Like if you bookmark one of my fics and say “____ was kind of cringe and unrealistic” I see it. If you must make remarks like that you can make bookmarks private, but in truth if it was so cringe why bookmark it in the first place? No one is making you. Just like no one is making me change the parts you find cringe so what’s the point in wasting energy in being rude on the Internet?
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eddywoww · 1 year
People will say the most unhinged, disgusting shit on ao3 and be shocked when authors take it personally
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midnightmagicks · 11 months
I really debated if I should acknowledge this at all but I ultimately decided to in my own way
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Idk who wrote this or why but I don't really see the need to send unkind messages like this to people that you aren't brave enough to come face to face with. I'm not mad or even hurt to be honest. It's just disappointing to see people like this somewhere in a community that I thought was pretty good. That being said, you can send things like this to me as much as you want and it won't do much to sway me. I know I'm not a very good writer and I know my character concept might not be the Most exciting but I'm having a nice time with it and my friends seem to enjoy what I make too.
I ask that perhaps you reflect on WHY you felt the need to send hate to someone at 6am for no discernable reason. I'd rather discuss issues you may have with me rather than have anonymous hate thrown into my inbox. I hope this is a one off occurrence because I don't want to have to turn off anon but I will if I must.
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I hate when you say “it costs 0 dollars to be kind” and they respond like a smart-ass with “how much does it cost to be an asshole?”
The point is not that it’s cheaper or easier to be nice, the point is that there is no detriment to you if you are nice to someone and in a neutral situation where there is no cost to you either way but you have the chance to be kind or to be mean, you should choose to be kind instead. If your response to something determines whether the interaction is a net positive or a net negative, why would you choose to make it a net negative. Being an asshole costs you nothing (tangible, anyway) but it costs the person you’re an asshole to? It makes their day worse to interact with a dick?
You’re not funny or clever or edgy, you’re just an asshole!
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fishthegenderwitch · 1 year
There’s a lady who comes into my store on Thursdays and talks to me about things that make no sense. Normal tone of conversational voice, but delusional connections, or “word salad”. A friend of mine said she seems to have schizophrenia. I just treated her like a normal customer? It wasn’t hard to be kind. I wasn’t ever sure what she was saying but she was earnest about it. I helped her try to find out where a book was about (Where’s Williamstown? Which one of the 9 on google maps could it be? We weren’t sure ultimately). But when she mentioned the Stone of Scotland, I fully participated in a conversation with the little info I had.
We don’t talk for long but I like to think she feels safe talking to me where others might be less chill. I’ve seen her 3 times so far since November.
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beautifulbitch-2 · 2 years
Some stranger somewhere remembers you because you were kind to them.
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cockslutpadalecki · 2 years
the influx of sweet/uplifting asks i’ve had in the past few days have really put a smile on my face. i know i’ve not been singled out and they are mass sent to a bunch of people and that’s okay! it’s just so lovely to know that you thought of me enough to include me
makes me happy ☺️😘
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shanoaravendare · 8 months
I hate how being "known" in an online space makes people suddenly forget that you are a human being with thoughts and feelings just like everyone else. I hate how the mask of anonymity makes people brave/stupid enough to say things they would never even consider saying to someone's face.
Call me old fashioned, but I think we need to bring back Etiquette classes. Not just for the real world but also for the virtual one. I'm not saying we need to go back to a stuff system of formalities just that, as a society, we've lost track of how to interact with each other in a non harmful way. Parasocial relationships are on the rise alongside cyber bullying, cyber sexual abuse, Catfishing, doxxing, SWATing, and more that I'm probably forgetting. We've forgotten how to be safe, and kind, and empathetic in how we interact with each other and the world (virtual or real).
Please, take time to consider the effect your words/actions will have on the person you are directing them towards. If in a public space (virtual or real) where others will be exposed to your actions/words consider how they may be affected. Think about how it would feel to have those actions or words directed at you.
This rant was triggered by this post and I didn't want to hijack it.
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kadunud · 10 months
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into-theunknown · 11 months
Attractive things that aren’t physical:
Giving out random genuine compliments.
When someone gives a random compliment, it makes a great impact. People admire attention and getting it randomly boosts their confidence. They start liking you more.
Kinda like how Regina George gives out random compliments in the movie mean girls. It made people like her more.
It also comes around, the more you give, the more you get.
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imperfectlyperfect0309 · 11 months
Life with a Speech Impediment: It Costs Nothing To Be Kind
I’ve had a speech impediment my entire life and it’s made many aspects of my life a lot harder than they should be. Things that in theory, should be quite simple. There’s times where I literally cannot get words out. I did speech therapy as a kid, I needed accommodations all through school when doing presentations and I took all kinds of crap for it because why am I getting special treatment right? I’ve been hung up on when using the phone, I’ve been accused of fraud because I couldn’t answer their questions fast enough (name, phone number etc. things I should be able to tell them without thinking). Drive thrus are a big no for me and one of the many reasons I could never and will never work in fast food, as a result, limiting job options for me. I often need people to jump in and help me when ordering food at restaurants or when giving personal information.
Growing up I had people that were able to always jump in and save me in these kinds of situations. However, it was always a toss up because it didn’t feel right for them to jump in and speak “for me” but at the same time, how long are people supposed to stand there and watch me struggle? Now that I live away from home, I don’t have that luxury anymore. I don’t have someone to make my doctors appointments for me or order food on my behalf or tell the lady at Bath and Body Works my email she is so insistently begging me for. Therefore, I’ve had to develop my own coping strategies and I wanted to share a few of them:
- If there is ever an option to do a video chat over a phone call, I’ll take it every time. I really can’t explain this one. For whatever reason, speaking face to face with someone is a lot easier for me than not being able to see them over the phone. Of course video chats are not always an option but when they are, it’s an amazing strategy to use. So please if someone isn’t able to respond to you immediately, please be patient, they’re trying.
- This is a new one I’ve implemented since humiliating myself with the cashier at Bath and Body Works because I couldn’t tell her my email. I’ve started carrying around a cue card with my name and email on it so when cashiers are insistent on harassing me with emails, I don’t have to worry. I can simply hand them the card.
- Using online booking when making appointments. This may seem like avoidance and of course it’s not always an option but it really is a life saver
- When video chats or online booking isn’t an option and I have no choice but to use the phone, I’ve asked close friends to please just help me get started, get the initial answering of the phone over with and I will jump in when they start asking questions. Again, no rhyme or reason for this one, I can’t explain it but if it works might as well use it. I’m so lucky to have such an amazing support system with people willing to help me do such a thing. I know it seems silly.
- Giving yourself some grace in high stress situations such as doctor’s appointments, therapy appointments etc. It’s inevitable that the “bumpy talk” as we called it, will get worse in high anxiety situations. What I find helps is writing out everything I need to talk about or questions I may have in advance, so I can just read it off the paper. It also ensures I don’t forget anything
I could go on forever but these are just a few of the strategies that work for me. If you or someone you know struggles with a speech impediment and I know there are many different kinds, I encourage you to share these with them. Sometimes you have to play to your strengths even if it seems silly to other people and there’s no shame in asking for help. Please be kind if someone seems to be having trouble getting their words out; because if you come off as impatient or frustrated, it truly does only make things worse for the person. It doesn’t cost anything to be kind
Thank you again to everyone that took the time to read this today and a huge thank you to all of the people that continue to love and support me. You really are everything.
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I've mentioned it before, that I'm not naturally a nice person. I'm sure there's some folks out there like "okay, edgelord" -- but I do mean it, in that my initial reaction/impulse/whatever is usually something cruel and unkind.
Look, I could be an absolute asshole if I let myself. I'm not going to try and stroke my own ego or anything, but I'm just perceptive enough to come up with insults that I know, in my bones, would wreck some folks, you know? And that those things occur to me first, before anything kind or reasonable, is just the state of things.
At the heart of it, I'm a naturally cruel person trying very hard to be nice. That I put forward positivity, as much as possible, is a habit built from the ground up, because I assure you: positivity isn't my first impulse either.
Or rather, positivity wasn't my first impulse, back when I started practicing it. It's habit, now. As is biting back the worst of my unkindnesses.
(note: I'm using nice as a synonym to kind, here -- otherminded. Not like... "nice" the way a fake friend is nice to your face and gossips behind your back.)
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tokenofmydevotion · 2 years
Every time I get frustrated trying to communicate with my assistant manager, I remind myself that she speaks more English than I speak Spanish. And then I try harder to learn more.
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