#it could be about kenta and pete maybe
ghostvalleymasters · 4 months
so pit babe season 2 when?
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pharawee · 6 months
It's Friday Sunday, and that means it's time for more omegaverse shenanigans. 🥳
Sadly, this will be my last Pit Babe novel commentary post for a while because the main story only has 25 chapters. But worry not! Apparently there's a few extra chapters and if anything significant happens you'll be the first to know (but don't be surprised if it's just chapter upon chapter of kinky sex - that's just how Daddy and Papa Charlie and Babe roll).
If you want to catch up, you can find parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 here.
As for this part - expect major spoilers, shenanigans (both omegaverse and not), family reunions, family reunions... and fun card games. But more on that later.
For now, let's get back to Babe, who's apparently rich enough to own a white Ferrari. Show-off. He's currently on his way back to Khun Tony, and he's such a brat about it that he fools the guards into letting him through. Things escalate from there. Babe threatens to bring Tony to justice once and for all, to which Tony reacts with mild bemusement. He's no longer interested in Babe since he's lost his powers, and he even taunts him with Charlie's (supposed) death. No, Tony didn't want Charlie dead. He merely wanted to incapacitate him in order to bring him back home (because car accidents are such a precise science...). It's a pity that Charlie died but, really, at least he's free now. Or something.
This man must have stupid amounts of money to throw at all of his plans because, quite honestly, they're shit. Oh well, at least we know where Way learned his... well, unnecessarily long-winded (TEN YEARS!!) ways.
Babe has heard enough but sadly Kenta steps in before he can get his hands on Tony. This leads to more taunting and the appearance of Way, who casually slings Babe over his shoulder and forcibly removes him from the premises. Which leaves the guards like, "who tf even was that weirdo?" Oh, to be a guard in Khun Tony's employment...
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(photoshop is my passion)
Meanwhile, Charlie (alive and, uh, relatively well) is still busy having his stolen powers exorcised by Babe's long-lost dad (the real one this time). The more he uses a particular ability, the longer it takes to meditate out of him. No, seriously, Reval and Charlie are basically just sitting in a room mind-palacing the powers away. Apparently it's very draining.
They also talk about Charlie's guilt, and how he believes it's best to stay away from Babe as not to hurt him again. Sure, he could leave the final decision to Babe but even that, he fears, might be selfish of him as that leaves Babe with the burden of having to decide in the first place. No matter what he does, it will cause Babe both happiness and pain - just like when Charlie's initial selfishness brought him closer to Babe and then almost drove him away entirely. Charlie's mind is going in circles. He's so protective of Babe that he doesn't realise - no matter his intentions, no matter his inaction - he can't untangle himself from the hurt he's already caused and will cause going forward.
Oh, and by the way? That moment when Charlie "died" in the hospital and Babe thought he was getting his powers back and had to listen in on every excruciating detail of Charlie's body shutting down? Yeah, turns out that was Charlie causing (mass) hallucinations and slowing down his body functions. Poor Alan had to go identify Charlie's body in the morgue while Babe was in such a bad way that he basically stopped functioning.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: what the hell, Charlie, you positively traumatised the poor boy. Could you maybe have kicked the bucket a little less dramatically? Did you really have to enact all of Babe's worst nightmares to make it more convincing? Just because you mean well (and didn't do it over the span of TEN YEARS for weird omegaverse breeding purposes) doesn't make it all right.
But more on that later.
Babe has made his way to a safe house. There, he meets Pete - the oldest of Tony's sons and currently AWOL, same as Babe. Pete is adorable, all sunshine and puppies and right-hand man of a local mafia boss. Or something. Because, you see, Pete figured out early on that the only way to leave Tony was to seek the protection of someone even worse. So he started working with the mafia, as you do. Apparently, he's so good at his job that he's convinced them all to go straight. Now he's studying to become a doctor. Oh, and also planning Tony's demise by preparing a really effective presentation.
That's where Babe comes in. Him visiting Tony's mansion was all a distraction - a sleight of hand, if you will. Even though he complains about Way manhandling him (Pete offers to get him a masseuse for the pain) it was all part of their plan:
While Babe distracted the guards by making a big stink, Way snuck into Tony's evil room of plotting (or something) and stole all of his evil data. When he later dragged Babe outside, he used the opportunity to slip the data stick into his pocket. On it there's evidence of all of Tony's evil business transactions. It would be easy to give it to the police, but Pete cautions against it. The evidence would simply vanish - something that has apparently happened many times before. Instead, Pete plans to reveal all of Tony's evil deeds in a way that makes it impossible for anyone to ignore.
We cut to Charlie and Babe sharing a cute moment. Wait, what?
"I've never loved anyone this much before." Babe's voice was soft, as if he didn't really want to accept reality, but he couldn't help but share those feelings with [Charlie]. "I'm afraid that if I love you too much, it will make you uncomfortable. [...] I'm afraid I can't love you as well as you love me."
Is it a dream? A memory? A (shared) vision? Whatever it is, before Babe wakes up from it, he and Charlie share some fundamental truths about themselves. About how Babe doesn't really know how to act now that he's in a relationship because he's never been allowed to be in love. About how he feels vulnerable and unsure, afraid of taking too much instead of giving back. But Charlie reassures him that he likes Babe just the way he is. He feels very loved, and anyway, he's also never loved anyone before so it's not like he has any grounds for comparison.
Meanwhile, Charlie also just woke up. He's given away the last of his powers and he's very exhausted. Jeff is with him to keep him company. Outside, it's just stopped raining. The rain makes Charlie think of Babe because it accompanied them throughout their relationship: when they argued, when they fought, and when they first became boyfriends.
"And the first day you became a normal person, it also rained," Jeff added with a small smile [...]. "But you couldn't see it in time. Only I saw." "Yes, when I woke up, the rain had already stopped." "Maybe that's a good sign." "A good sign?" "Yes," the young man nodded lightly. "Because the rain has stopped. [...] The sky is clear now."
What is this? Allegory? In my omegaverse novel??
There's always been a shadow hanging over Charlie and Babe's relationship - heavy and dark like a rain cloud, constantly reminding them of their past, their powers and the lies it took for them to even meet. Charlie has worked hard to rid them of their powers, and Babe is busy taking action against Tony. Maybe honesty and trust are all that stand in the way of them getting their happily ever after...
Until then, all they have is last night's dream, because as it turns out Charlie shared Babe's vivid memory. Babe's powers were the last to get exorcised and perhaps it created a momentary psychic bond between them. You never know with these omegaverse x-men.
What follows is the moment we've all been waiting for: the grand finale. The Ides of... whatever month this is but I hope Khun Tony gets stabbed to death by all of his adopted children. Et tu Way!
Meanwhile, Khun Tony is throwing a party. And by party I mean a human trafficking auction where he sells off some of his beloved children to fellow rich people. Charming. Why bother with a plan at all? Why not set everything on fire?
Right, because Pete really, really wants everyone to see his presentation.
Currently, Babe is disguising himself as a waiter. We all know waiting (and retail) staff are invisible to most people so no one recognises him except for one lone guard who's so smitten that he asks Babe out on a date.
Pete is also in disguise while Way pretends to be a good son and accompanies Tony for some good old-fashioned evil mingling. Their plan is to disrupt the auction and reveal all of Tony's illegal machinations.
This is a very questionable idea because I don't know about you but if I was at an auction trying to buy a child I'd probably not care if the auctioneer was evil. I'd probably ask for a slice of the evil pie.
Just as Babe is about to set their plan in motion, he's interrupted by Kenta. Uh-oh.
But, much like Pete and Way, Kenta too has had enough of Tony and was just waiting for the perfect moment to act. He assures Babe that he won't interfere. In fact, it was him who let Way into Tony's evil room of plotting to gather all of the incriminating info on him. Et tu Kenta!
"About helping you guys, this is a personal matter. [...] I have a brain, I can think for myself, and I know what to do. [...] But not everyone has many choices. Especially me. I can't make the same choice as you. [...] So, this is the best I can do. [...] You can handle the rest yourself, right?"
And so, Kenta leaves this story (presumably with some of Tony's financial assets) never to be seen again. What a shame. Kim's existence in the series will hopefully fix this.
Meanwhile, the auction is about to begin. I mean, the... uh, fundraising for poor, underprivileged children who also happen to have powers. Everyone's delighted - except for the poor kids who are led on stage one by one and then sold off like priced cattle. The thought alone makes Babe sick. Would the same have happened to him if he hadn't run away that day (no Babe, I thought we had established that you'd have been part of the breeding program...)?
And now, after having watched episode 5 of the tv series, I wonder if this is where the plot will lead us in lieu of the omegaverse plot. Tony mentioned an auction. I wonder if his goal is to sell Babe (and any other of his adopted children) for profit.
Babe's thoughts are cut short by a guard patrolling in front of Pete and his hiding place. Babe decides to check things out but he's quickly overwhelmed by the much stronger guard. He starts choking Babe and things almost go from bad to worse until someone unexpected comes to Babe's rescue.
That someone is Charlie - and there's a short, sweet and intense reunion between them that proves all of his fears wrong:
"I'm sorry." "It's okay," Babe let go of the hug and immediately responded without stopping for a second, his palms framed the other man's cheeks, before kissing his entire face: his forehead, nose, cheeks and lips. "It's okay, Charlie. Really, it's okay." The beautiful alpha hugged the tall young man again while repeating "It's okay" over and over again until the listener felt guilty.
Well, that was easy. But more on that later.
Charlie, Babe and Pete quickly catch up and then join forces. Pete is amazed that Charlie gave up his powers to escape Tony's clutches, going so far as to even fake his death to protect his loved ones. He's also amazed that he'd even dare come here - powerless and without a nifty presentation.
(And also, how does this whole having no powers thing even work? Did Reval - and in turn Charlie when he stole Babe's powers - rewrite Charlie's whole dna? Because how else would that even affect Tony's evil breeding program? And why am I so concerned about the specifics of omegaverse shenanigans? For all I know none of these characters even know or care about dna.)
It's quickly decided - probably due to Charlie's lack of nifty presentations - that they'll continue following Pete's plan. But wait, where is Jeff? There's no way he'd have let Charlie come here on his own!
Back at the auction, another child is led onto the stage to be sold. It's none other than Jeff. The auction grinds to a halt while Tony attempts to save face. This leaves Jeff with enough time to introduce himself and his powers. His name is Jeff, he's a 20-year-old omega and he can see the future.
"In no more than ten minutes, everyone in this room will have the same future." Jeff looked around the room with a bright smile before saying his next sentence which made the entire meeting room fall silent. "That is, death." The little Omega smiled broadly as if his own prediction was very pleasant.
I love Jeff so much. Make them suffer!
He then adds that there's a bomb hidden in the building and it will go off if even one person attempts to leave. Who even needs nifty presentations when you've got... Oracle Omega (no seriously, this is what the novel - or rather, the machine translation - calls him. Maybe it's his code name).
Everyone is then forced to watch Pete's presentation. I really, really hope it looks something like this:
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I'm not joking, it has talking cartoon dogs. Interactive talking cartoon dogs overlaid with incriminating voice files of Tony.
Turns out Tony's guests are okay with human trafficking and buying children but they draw the line at violence and murder embezzlement. Everyone is all shocked and clutching their pearls and secretly very glad that their names don't come up in this weird cartoon dog powerpoint presentation.
Tony's acting all cool until the cartoon dogs reveal that this presentation is broadcast live and for everyone to see - this includes live footage of the auction.
But it's never too late to fix your past mistakes so Tony draws his gun on Jeff because he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids!
Luckily, Way quickly intervenes before Tony can fire his gun, but even though Tony's many guards are somewhat suspicious of a little guy with a bomb and someone who hypnotises people for a living, they're quickly overpowered. In the control room above, Charlie, Babe and Pete don't fare much better.
Everything seems lost until there's a loud crash.
It's Alan in a black supercar and he's crashed through the doors leading to the auction hall.
They're on the second floor (it is sadly later revealed that Alan didn't drive up the stairs - the car was already parked in front of the doors because this is what rich people do to impress other rich people, I guess).
But Alan isn't alone. He's brought several other racers, among them Six (Babe's old rival who was probably turned into either Kim or Winner in the series). Six is a powerful alpha who can cause mass hallucinations that are so strong that they're banned by law.
Tony's guards are going down!
Meanwhile, Tony has had enough. He locks down the whole mansion so no one can escape. Charlie, Babe and Pete make their way up to the roof because there might be a skylight without security doors. They have guns, the many guards have guns, but it's okay because this is where Pete enigma powers come in.
You see, Pete has super control over his whole body, meaning that he never misses a shot.
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I guess this explains this bit in the series (except for the part where the arrows are all over the place). But also congrats to Way for his future boyfriend with amazing body control.
While Pete is busy being awesome, Charlie and Babe lament the fact that they're probably going to die here when there's so much sex still to be had. :((((
Things are looking dire indeed. They're surrounded and out of bullets. One of the guards takes aim at Babe but before the bullet can hit him Charlie intervenes by jumping into its path. Miraculously, he's okay.
But that's because a few steps away Way has also jumped into the bullet's path and it's hit him instead. Babe is in shock. He hates Way for what he's done but in a way he's still his best friend. While Alan unsuccessfully tries to stop the bleeding Babe comes closer:
"Babe…" Way's dry voice called out his name as soon as he knelt beside him. "This is all I can do." Babe was silent, he just stared at his former best friend's face, tears flowing silently, without him even realizing it. "I know whatever price I pay, it probably won't be enough. But this is all I can do." Way's voice is very soft, as light as his breath. "…. I'm sorry for being a friend like this.."
And then he dies. Babe is inconsolable, sobbing and tightly hugging Way's lifeless body. He's still angry with Way, and he'll never forgive him for what he's done, but he didn't want him to die.
They better change this whole part in the series or I'll riot. I watched Nut Supanut die once in Something in my Room and I still haven't recovered.
Their victory is overshadowed by Way's death. Tony is apprehended alive and taken into custody. His evil alpha trafficking and breeding program is no more.
A little while later, Charlie finds Babe sitting alone in the mansion's garden. They talk, and Charlie apologises once more for letting Babe believe that he was dead. If Babe wants him to, he will disappear from his life and even stop racing cars so that they'll never have to meet again. This is all he can do: give Babe the freedom to decide for himself. But Babe only asks him if he truly wants to leave, and of course Charlie doesn't. And that's that. Babe has made his choice. He has decided long ago that he wants Charlie in his life.
Their long-lasting painful lives ended in the garden of the mansion that raised them to grow up like caged animals, allowing them to meet and fall in love. Today, everything has ended. It ended with the falling rain washing away their blood stains, sweat and tears, as well as a sweet kiss that he had been thinking about for a long time, making him feel able to stand in the rain without feeling afraid.
Oh, the rain allegory (and also oh, the bad machine translation)!
The novel ends quietly with Way's funeral, eerily similar to Charlie's fake funeral a few weeks prior. It's attended by the same handful of people. Even the clothes they wear are the same (which is convenient, I guess, but also... ouch!). Despite his many wrongdoings, people loved Way - and this includes Babe. And as it turns out, it was Way who got rid of whoever caused Babe's racing accident. He never told anyone about it.
Babe stays behind with Charlie and mourns his friend. He recognises that his feelings of friendship and betrayal are both valid and important (and later on it's established that Babe actively works on processing his traumatic experiences with the help of mediaction and therapy - and you know, I really appreciate the novel's nuanced approach to a character's mental health. It's an incredibly rare thing to see in Thai BL and an even rarer thing in most kinky stories). He won't forgive Way but...
"In the next life, please be kind to me. Don't deceive me again [...} Be a good friend, idiot!"
Which is as much of a peace-offering as anyone can hope for - wishing to meet each other again in the next life under better circumstances. Negl, I teared up because it's such a bittersweet thing to say. 😭
Meanwhile, Alan and Jeff have gone ahead and are talking in the car. Their ending is vaguely romantic (with their growing relationship hopefully developing further in the bonus chapters) but for now, all Alan asks of Jeff is to accept him in his heart as his brother. Please, don't phi nong me, novel!
And because this is Pit Babe the novel, we get one last drawn out sex scene that consists of Charlie trying to cheer Babe up by suggesting a game of naughty cards. A bit like strip uno, I guess. Naturally, Babe wins, but Charlie is allowed to leave his glasses on - and wear nothing but an apron while he gives Babe the bestest and longest and absolutely mindblowing (yes, there's a lot of blowing too) dicking of his life. Babe, my man, enjoy. You truly deserve it.
The End.
No wait, the novel actually ends with Babe and Charlie racing again for this year's title of King of the Hollow. Charlie is very skilled now, and it's very close but I'm relieved to say that Babe's experience and talent isn't all for nothing and OF COURSE HE FUCKING WINS.
The End.
Hold on, wait. I forgot about the part where Charlie takes Babe to see Reval - his real father. And of course Babe forgives him and it's all very sweet and they live happily ever after.
THE END. For real this time. Except for the bonus chapters. And unless the mpreg happens there (I mean, Jeff and North are technically available...), that's it for the omegaverse shenanigans.
When I first started writing these commentary posts I never thought they'd become so detailed and long - or that people would actually be interested in reading them. Thank you so much to everyone who left replies and tags. Sharing the insanity and reading everyone's reactions was honestly the best part of it all. May Pit Babe the series treat us kindly, and may none of us ever pop up in a cartoon dog powerpoint presentation. 🙏
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sunshinechay · 4 months
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Gif by @pharawee
Neither of them are sure of what they’re doing. All they know is that they are doing it, tentative and scared. Each knows they want to kiss the other, but neither are sure of the other’s feelings.
Still Kenta leans forward towards Pete, to be close to him. To feel at least a piece of the intimacy that he doesn’t have with anyone else. The feeling of friendship and the small kernel of love that is growing inside his heart. But it scares him more than anything because he knows that all of those things that Tony says about him are true. He knows in his bones that he is not worthy of Pete, that Pete is destined for better. A better life, a better future, a better lover. Still if he can steal just this moment of closeness before Pete pushes him away, he’ll be happier than he’s ever been, more than he is deserving of.
But Pete is the one who kisses Kenta. He leans forwards and oh so gently kisses the boy he might just love. The boy who’s always been with him. The one he wants to protect, but ultimately isn’t able to in his current position. He steals this one kiss and wants so badly to do it again. If only they had more time. If only Pete both weren’t terrified of what could happen if they take even just a tiny half step toward. Pete knows that his status as an enigma is going to get in the way, is going to be a roadblock. He knows he has to be careful in the future, but maybe this kiss means as much to Kenta as it does for him.
Kenta knows what Pete’s silence means. Rejection. Polite but still rejection. Pete is too scared to hurt him because for some reason he cares about Kenta’s feelings. Pete isn’t like Tony. He cares about him, doesn’t want to hurt him.
So Kenta runs away. Because he knows he knows he fucked up. Because he’s scared. Because he knows that Tony will not be pleased. Would Tony hurt Pete if he found out about how Kenta feels? Kenta can handle getting hurt, he’s used to it, deserves it even. But if anything happens to Pete because of him, he won’t forgive himself. He won’t let anything happen to Pete. He won’t let him get hurt.
Tony is the one who gives his life purpose, but Pete is the one who makes him feel alive. He needs to ensure that Pete will not get hurt by his actions.
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myarcadiandream · 3 months
So I’ve been thinking about Sonic clearly being an Omega and I now feel like that’s against the spirit of Pit Babe to assign him that role just because of how he looks. Let’s be honest Pit Babe saw the traditional A/B/O rules and laughed in our faces.
Traditionally Omegas are shown as more feminine and softer than their Alpha counterparts. In this camp I would also throw Kenta and Dean. IF Pit Babe had Betas I would say Winners ass would be in there no question.
To me Alphas dominate a space, Betas are bro dudes, and Omegas are soft sweet baby angels.
Pit babe posits that A/A works. We see this in CharlieBabes dynamic- Babe physically submits to Charlie in the barest of ways while still having the Alpha attitude.
But how do we know A/O works? We don’t really see Jeff submit or be a traditional omega other than being smol.
NOW Sonic is an Alpha in the PitBabe Novel. You expect me to look at this man and say yeah he’s on the same dominating level as Babe or Alan or Pete or Kim or even flipping Way?
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Nope not happening. But looking at North I can’t see it in him either.
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SO after reading every single NorthSonic SonicNorth fanfic I could get my hands on- I say maybe every time North jumps in between Sonic and danger-it’s because of his Omega instincts to protect his family.
AND the reason Sonic doesn’t manhandle him out of the way to protect him instead- is because he’s a Beta.
And with this view I will say IF Kim were to join these 2 then they would truly be A/B/O and their relationship would thrive because that’s how it works.
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pit babe ep 7 stray thoughts
- way made him feel undeserving of love….
- so jeff is like that cause he’s plagued by visions..
- ok now i get the peteway posts. oh ways pathetic nature and whiny bitch demeanor have captivated pete body and soul
- oh way might be my little meow meow of the show
- oh god oh fuck i might be a peteway boy
- kim needs to kiss winner to shut him up
- omg person who hurt protagonist was antagonist pikachu surprise face
- scream this is so dramatic. the scheming it’s all coming together (also peep kentakim this is for you le trash prince)
- ok so this is where we find out tony wants to sell babe for bitching
- do they know charlie’s powers also who WAIT IS THIS A NUTHPHOP BALLADnvm just sounded like ambivalent thoughts
- way seems happy i don’t trust this. is he about to break
- oh he is oh no it’s babe. oh i think someone’s gonna ugly cry it can go either way at this point. babe sweeeeep
- oh… maybe i don’t want this babe babe nooooooo nooooooo. oh he’s gonna close his heart off to other people now isn’t he oh fuck noooooooo SOMEONE STOP HIS THOUGHT LROCESS PPLEASE
- i don’t understand ways face here i need subtitles but for facial expressions
- oh poor puppy
- does anyone know if they make the music in house
- this ep might be my fav so far….
- is way an omega y’all
- there’s been a shift in babe…. i can’t explain it but something changed in the last 20 min
- babe being an easy cryer is so important to me actually
- ooo surveillance being a theme again lets goooo
- charlie trauma enthusiasts let’s gooooo
- tony is so fucking evil i hope charlie rips his face off
- how wild would it be if winner was an enigma. like he’s not but could you imagine
- actually i need kenta to rip tony’s face off
- does charlie know about his power. does anyone
- babe looking like a wet feral cat i need to lie down
- SCREAM HE JUST FLAT OUT TELLS BABE LIKE THAY?!,!?!?! like i’d be scared to get punched like ???? it’s wild he just flat out says i took your power like wow i thought he’d lie at least a little
- these flashbacks can never be happy can they… always gotta leave you horny and destroyed
- charlie being like “don’t worry i can fix this. if you want i can just kill myself” like broooooo
- scream do you think charlie woke up one day like “damn he smells fine today” skejdjfjejrjr
- “can mama not break up with papa 🥺” “ 😒😑😩 fine”
- honestly i get babe if someone took away my sensory issues id still fuck them. much more enthusiastically then before probably. i get him now liking kissing too like this makes perfect sense to me
- oh way….. oh god this pathetic man nothing can go right for him ever ima creaming
- i also get babe because charlie is so cute id fold immediately like so what you stole my super powers look at your cutie patootie self how could i stay mad
- oh here we go car sex scene- are they talking about booty holes rn is this happening on my screen… good for them
- oh way… i’m so sorry my baby boy im so sorry… honestly he’s stronger than me i would’ve been throwing shit THE BOUQUET
- ok so are the only ones with special powers jeff babe and charlie (and way ??)
- NORTHSONIC these absolute clowns. does he not understand adoption i love him. nosrthdaonic aenwwvehtjrngn l. what are these two talking about. way omega confirmation ????
- sonic get your boy on a leash his poor impulse control and lack of common sense is staggering
- kim kinda right like let him cook oh ew fuck tony for that too
well what an ep
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le-trash-prince · 5 months
For lack of better things to do with my life, I’ve been staring at various frames of Jeff’s visions, trying to figure out what is going on/who ppl are in some of the shots, and I figured I'd post about it in case anyone wanted to discuss or guess with me
cut for heavy speculation. No actual spoilers plz, this is just based off of onscreen information, stuff that's already aired (any conclusions I can draw based off outfits in bts footage have been excluded)
okay so in Jeff’s last vision after leaving Tony’s place, we see Kenta attacking someone with a knife
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This person has a ring on their right hand, so at first I assumed it would be Tony, and who wouldn’t WANT it to be Tony, right?
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Except Tony wears a ring on the first finger of his right hand, and this person has it on the third finger. So… not Tony, unless there’s costuming inconsistencies going on.
So who wears a ring on that finger? *cue sinking feeling in my stomach*
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Pete wears a ring on that finger. Which makes it highly possible that this is Pete who Kenta is attacking, which means I could very well get my heart torn to shreds with some friends/maybe-lovers to enemies tragic shit. *stares at the wall*
With Kenta seemingly targeting Pete in the upcoming ep, maybe we’ll see this scene on Friday, maybe not. Whatever happens, if it is Pete, I hope it fucking wrecks me.
Thoughts on this??? The only other person I've noticed with rings is Dean, but he's got two rings on two fingers, and also I don't see why or how Kenta would be attacking Dean.
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This is possibly the same fight scene, possibly not (maybe Kenta just goes stab happy idk), but anyways this person has a dark long-sleeved shirt and a dark jacket on top of that, which matches with what we've seen Pete wear.
I'm open to the possibility that it could be literally anyone and also that it's potentially not as it seems, since the vision of Charlie's death was obviously not Charlie actually dying.
Also, there’s another person in Jeff’s vision that I’m like? Who the fuck is this...
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Random journalist/paparazzi? Jeff’s spy? A spy of Tony’s? Like literally who are you sir???
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And one last mystery person is this, who I am once again assuming to be Tony (PLEASE let this one be Tony for the love of god). We've seen Tony in some brown suits, although the only one I've gotten a clear view of has different buttons than this. He's also the only one we've seen in suits like this at all, so I think it's at least intended for us to assume it's Tony, right? But again, it could be misdirection. But please someone stab Tony, FOR ME THANKS.
Anyways, that's all I've got. Teasers and such like this are often misleading, and we have literally zero context for these shots, but I think it's fun to do the guesswork. First watchthroughs are really the only time we get to speculate, after all.
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katerinaptrv · 5 months
Kenta The Double Agent Theory
I don't think Kenta is fact a double agent right now in the series, he still to mind controlled by Tony. But I think he make decisions to help his brother's.
- Like no telling Tony that Charlie is with Babe even if he knows he will be blamed after.
- Not telling Tony that Jeff is an mechanic on X Hunter, come on, Kenta knows, but when Tony asks Charlie where is Jeff and Charlie lies he says nothing.
- Not putting any guards on Jeff, so he can escape and not telling Tony that they have him captured.
I think last episode will be the turning point when he leaves Tony behind and joins the group in their attempt to defeat him.
He looked absolutely gutted in the last scene with Tony, that Charlie was dead, that could have been his fault, that he could have killed his brother.
And then Tony was screaming at him about market prices, because that's all Charlie's life meant to him. I don't think no one ever died before, i think it shocked him. And he will leave, maybe not for himself, but for his brother's.
Because he cares, he always cared, people say that he only showed emotion with Way and Pete, isn't true. When Babe's tells his story to Charlie, Kenta was shocked when Tony hits Babe and for a few minutes you see his struggle in how to react to it. Just like it when Way was being abused.
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ohanny · 18 days
the gif of destiny landed on bad romance again so I present to you...
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the one where kenta and kim bring out the absolute worst in each other
they start sleeping together while kim is still under red racing, both smelling trouble and thinking maybe this could help them solve it. kim knows something is off with the team and their sponsor and sees kenta as his way in. kenta knows kim is too opinionated and won't take no for an answer and with tony breathing down his neck about keeping the new racer in check, kenta does the math and decides sexing kim up might work better than outright threatening him.
then the kimnap and auction happen and tony dies. kenta’s in prison but gets out through whatever insane means change is gonna spring on us and circumstances push kim and kenta into each others’ orbits again.
they really don't like each other. kim thinks kenta is a bad person and being pathetic about it doesn't excuse all that he's done. kenta thinks kim is an insufferable hypocrite judging everyone on top of his high horse.
but fuck if the sex wasn't really good.
maybe they have no use for each other anymore but they can always use sex to punish and hurt each other. everyone can see they're a toxic combination and try their best to keep them from interacting but… well. there is something nice about being able to go full masks off and be the unkindest, worst version of yourself without the fear of it ruining things and over the time it twists them up until they need each other. they hate it but try as they might - and they do try - no one else compares.
give me sonic setting kim up and kenta crashing kim’s date, staring at him from the bar. kim spends the whole dinner being the perfect, charming gentleman only to fuck kenta nasty in his car five minutes after saying goodbye. give me kenta taking a weekend trip with pete to the beach to visit one of the kids they already rescued. when he comes home kim is sitting on his couch, petting his cat, viciously mocking kenta for thinking pete could ever want him only for kenta to gleefully throw the fact he did in fact sleep with pete back at kim’s face as kim pushes him down on his knees.
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istanchan · 4 months
Pit Babe Finale Thoughts
I can’t believe PitBabe is over. I’ve been watching week by week since November and it has been such a wild ride. I don’t remember enjoying a show and the fandom space of the show so much since probably Kinnporshe.
And I did not have any expectations for this show. At most I was interested because Pavel was in it. But even then I hadn’t watched anything he’d been in in a while. Also I had heard after the first episode came out that it was an omega verse style show where Pavel’s character plays the “bottom”. That definitely intrigued me.
However I still had a lot of doubts. I just assumed Babe would be the typical toxic alpha character. And I keep saying this but I’m so glad I was proven wrong. This show has kept me on the edge every single episode and the final episode broke me and put me back together again.
Before I delve into what I loved I will say I really wish there had been just one more episode. Some parts of the final felt a bit rushed. I would have especially liked to see more of the aftermath of Tony’s fall, more specifically how they handled it with the public. Also I wanted to see some PeteKenta:(( Also I would have liked to see more CharlieBabe communication scenes, because they didn’t really talk that much in the last episode.
But I’m not mad at how the finale was structured and how it played out. Actually I’m quite the opposite with PitBabes finale. It wasn’t perfect but I loved it so much.
First off Kenta stabbing Tony was so powerful but also heartbreaking at the same time.
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Of course he had to be the one to finish off Tony. It’s the way also that Tony can’t believe it. He looks completely shocked. It’s the way that Kenta’s voice is soft he’s completely detached. He’s done enough.
And Way’s death.
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Not just his death but the whole scene where Babe is holding him as he is dying.
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The pain and desperation in Babe’s face made me want to cry. (Kudos to Pavel again) Even though Way had betrayed Babe’s trust and attempted to force himself onto Babe, in Babe’s mind at the moment he doesn’t think of all that. After all they have been friends so so many years. It’s hard to forget all of that
I loved this scene. Their dialogue especially broke me. Even till the end, when Way confesses his love, Babe tells him that we’re best friends. I love you but not the love you want.
And I really think Way redeemed himself, and this is all coming from someone who used to despise him. He gives his life up for Babe. He did something horrible okay yes but in the last few episodes he keeps his distance. He truly loves Babe, and because of the way he was raised he most likely didn’t even realize what he was doing was wrong, but after he realized how much he had hurt Babe he changed and it was clear to see.
See that’s the thing I love about the characters in Pit Babe I realized is that they have faults, no one character is perfect. Because of the trauma they suffered being a part of Tony’s orphanage they don’t know how to live a normal life. They all have their fatal flaws.
It’s why Babe is so desperate for love. And why Charlie is so self sacrificing. It’s the reason why Kenta couldn’t break free and the reason why Pete felt like he could fix those around him.
One last scene that I loved that I want to talk about is Babe and his Dad’s reunion.
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I’m so glad they included this. Babe deserved the closure and he also deserved to be angry and upset. He went through so much and to know that your dad is still alive and he hadn’t even contacted you years after?? This scene in my head is a comparison for Babe and Charlie’s reunion but I feel like because of this scene I understand why Babe forgave Charlie so much easier. First of all Babe suspected Charlie was alive so it wasn’t a complete shock to him. And also Charlie’s “death” was only for a week or two maybe more. Charlie death was a sacrifice for Babe. Charlie literally spends every second of his life fighting for Babe.
But on the other hand, Babe’s dad sacrificed Babe. There’s a clear difference between the two. Yes he was doing it to protect him but he could have tried to get him back?? He could have tried to contact Babe?? He was a coward. And he acknowledges that and Babe eventually does forgive him because after all it’s his dad. But I just thought the dichotomy of the two was interesting.
Now moving on to my favorite thing, Babe and Charlie. I haven’t fervently loved a main couple in so long but these two just do it for me. They are the perfect match. Their confession did it for me.
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Because of course Charlie had only loved Babe and Babe hasn’t loved anyone like Charlie before. They make me want to scream. Also in the final episode I really appreciated how supportive Charlie was. He was there and he understands Babe he doesn’t push. He just wants Babe to be happy. God I love them so much.
My brain is rotting and I feel like I have so much more to say but this post is already too long so that’s all my thoughts for now. I will miss this silly vroom vroom show so much :(((
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mikuni14 · 4 months
Pit Babe - Ep 13
I don't have much to write about this, because with the exception of Way and his potential partners, nothing else really interested me in this series. And it's good that people who know the novel were throwing spoilers left and right without warning, because thanks to this I could mentally prepare for what will happen to Way 😶 Thanks to the fact that Way in this episode just stood there, then jumped, and then died, making it all about Babe anyway, and thanks to spoilers, his death didn't really affect me. It was oddly funny tho, when I thought wistfully again how great Pavel and Nut are together and how I wish they were together as a pair (this is my unfulfilled ship in this series). I watched for a bit after that scene, hoping that maybe Way had somehow survived, hehe, but it was a vain dream 🤡 I honestly chuckled in disbelief when PeteWay was reduced to Pete's little sadness and a montage of some 4 of their scenes, and when I realized that they didn't even have Kenta there to mourn his brother. Tbh I skipped through the rest of the episode, and since I wasn't interested in the rest of it in the first place, that was the end of my adventure with Pit Babe 🥳 Despite knowing the spoilers, I had quite high hopes that Way would survive, because he was actually VERY popular in the Pit Babe fandom, and killing off a fan favorite is always a risky move. Way could have been punished for what he did in many ways, he could have left the team, cut off contact with Babe, left the country, anything. Even go to jail, like in History 3: Trapped! And yet they chose something so final. Nobody even called an ambulance for him....
I liked that it was Kenta who ended The Tony problem, and that he wasn't overwhelmed by his own actions, didn't lose control and stopped Tony when he tried to hit him. It was actually my fav part of this ep. (and the whole Winner and The Boys scene lol) As I understand it, Kenta didn't have any more scenes after that? Even to cry over Way? Am I wrong? I ask, because maybe he did appear after all, and I have missed him by skipping scenes.
If you are a Charlie fan, don't read this part: Even though I'm allergic to Charlie and CharlieBabe, I forced myself to watch their scenes at the beginning because I was curious how Babe would deal with the fact that Charlie was alive, he lied to him in a most fundamental way, broke his heart in the worst possible way, sending him into mourning and a destructive need for revenge. Babe handled it with flying colors like a model grief stricken patient 👌 Can't help but wonder, why there was a ENTIRE episode about the grieving Babe when he acts now like Charlie came back safe and sound from visiting his mean family during Christmas. I don't know if I could be with someone who actively chose the most cruel way to hurt me but "for my own god", I certainly couldn't just forgive it, but that's just me 🤷‍♀️ Babe was used, abused, hurt, never asked for his opinion, for what HE wanted by everyone around him, over and over again, and everyone knows it and everyone continues to use him and hurt him because they know they CAN and there won't be any consequences. When Charlie, beaming happily, announced the reason for faking his death and traumatizing Babe, and Babe was liked, oh ok, I thought to myself, haha, ok, guys, you know what, I actually envy you this simple life of yours. This scene confirmed only one thing for me: yep, Charlie and this pairing irritate me just as much now as at the beginning 😏
I don't know if I understood correctly, Jeff had a vision and knew that Way was going to die? As I recall, he tried to stop his previous visions from becoming reality, and now he did nothing? Can someone confirm this for me or have I missed something here?
So. PeteWay and PeteKenta have carried this series for several last episodes, these ships have been heavily promoted by the series and the show's cast. The ending of these ships with Way's quick death, which is not even about him but about Babe and the disappearance of Pete and Kenta from the plot, in my opinion, is an insult to their fans who have invested their time, energy and emotions in this series (this is not about me, I mean all those people whose hard work I furiously reblogged, I love you besties). It sort of looks like baiting now , I thought Thai BL series of all were above that 😄
Sending hugs and kisses to Pit Babe fans and fans of things that could have been 😘 As for me? I hope there will be a lot of content with Nut from now on 💖
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Pretty pics from @infinitelyprecious
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gayshrug · 5 months
pit babe ep 8 thoughts
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(a peteken obsession was born)
first of all: i cannot believe i have to wait another week for the next episode. how am i meant to focus on anything when The Thing might happen but ALSO the other thing. things are happening. i am stressed and horny.
- i am sooooooo in love with kim. i know i say that every week but holy fuck his strength of character is admirable. i have no idea how the kimkenta thing is going to develop when kenta hasn't even started his redemption arc yet. HOWEVER........ that look™ between them when kim was bloodied, beaten and thrown into the elevator............ yeah.
- ALANJEFF. my angels. so much open communication from them both. i can't believe all it took for jeff to open up was one (1) handsome older guy in a tank top with kind eyes and open ears. that boy needs someone to lean on so badly. he's done so much reflecting. him finding a place of comfort in alan, no expectations or ulterior motives, is so important. (also low key worried alan is gonna turn jeff down at first re: the preview but we move.)
(- unrelated but i'm a nose guy and sailub's nose.......... amazing. can't stop staring at him.)
- GIVE ME MORE OF JUNE. those arm garters. holy fuck. are they a staple in his wardrobe or did they shoot both bar scenes the same day
- way in his villain was to be expected but him straight up implying he's gonna carry out an evil plan to his SPONSOR is insane. like, apparently pete knows way more than he should so he isn't surprised in the slightest but way shouldn't know that 😭 like girl are you so set on your revenge and bitterness that you're willing to throw your team's finances to the wolves as well (the answer is yes) (he's gonna do way worse things) (i'm excited)
- i love jeff and charlie's bond. jeff's doomsday thinking (which.... is warrented, lbr) and charlie's optimism should be clashing but i think they ground each other.
(- Not A Fan of how often charlie expressed that he'd do and risk anything for babe in this episode. yeah it's foreshadowing and He Means It but i love him so much. thinking about what might happen, keeping in mind jeff's visions, makes me so anxious. charlie is my puppy.)
- PETE AND KENTA. listen. he called him ken. those looks. the exasperation from kenta and the calmness from pete. there's history there. FUCK. i wish we didn't already know that pete/way will be a thing because the chemistry in that scene..... holy fuck. idk if they're ever gonna address it but in my mind, they're 100% exes who split due to external circumstances (kenta staying with tony because of his low self-esteem, pete needing to leave because of his conscience and need for independence). there's obviously still lingering feelings. i could eat off that tension for a lifetime.
- also pretty sure that garfield could have chemistry with a tree
- i saw someone wondering why there was so much (undried) blood in kim's hotel room and like. yeah. but, because i like to make excuses for the shows i enjoy, to me it was A Trap. they made it easy for them to figure out where kim had been staying. they left the door unlocked. they staged The Crime Scene to be as dramatic as possible in order for whoever would come to investigate to have Lots To Look At. so they could get them, too, while they were distracted. tony was watching a recording of that hotel footage almost in real time, wasn't he?
- tony seems to be stupid as hell, not gonna lie. are the cogs just now starting to turn?????? girl
- charlie starting to get acquainted with babe's senses is so cool. like, yeah, he can't really utilise them well yet but. baby steps. he is our collective baby after all.
- the amount of charliebabe protecting each other and throwing punches at goons in this episode gave me so much serotonin. dream team with maybe a handful of brain cells between them
- i love jeff but him going back to tony's mansion a) after he just told alan he'd never be dragged back there and b) seemingly without telling anybody about it is sooooo frustrating. babygirl this wouldn't have ended well in any universe
- all i could think when kenta was pressing jeff against that wall and deleting his Exposing Way message was "i wish that was me". the arms 🥴🥴🥴
- i need somebody, ANYBODY, (preferably pete or kim) to give kenta a convincing reason to leave. like, he's obviously conflicted but tony's abuse has its grips on him. tightly. like, i KNOW that man cries himself to sleep every night but maybe the tender touch of another man could heal him
- i had to pause the charliebabe doctor scene sooo many times (and then rewatched it for half an hour). i'm too fucking single for this. their little faces and banter and Visible Love-Eyes. have some mercy on me.
- that being said... we've had public sex. breeding kink. mommy/daddy kink. now medical kink. (scenting is a given.) is anyone doing ao3 tag bingo
- alan noticing that jeff's not there and being worried about him even though it hasn't even been a full day is so 🥺
- i felt so bad for andy like. a fucking GPS bracelet? the guy who's bought him seemed creepy as hell. they named him so i hope we're gonna get to see them free him (and hopefully other kids) too.
- good on way for helping out the boys when they were in a pinch but. i can't help but feel like everything he does has an ulterior motive now, despite (or maybe especially?) because of his talk with babe earlier
- charliebabe looked so fucking good in those maroon shirts 🧍🏼‍♂️
- how i'm tryna be:
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might make this my new header somewhere.
- NORTH AND SONIC. my little gremlins. i still feel so bad about underappreciating them at the start of the show. their romantic tension is so good and silly and they were out there risking their lives with less than zero of a plan 😭 sweet boys
- winner is such a loser. he wins at losing. over and over again. it's so much fun.
- listen........ i get that they had to get away from the goons (thank u alan) but.... could they not have grabbed kim at the last second 😭 there was a truck between winner/the gun and kim and the goon, was there not? it's self-preservation above all else but........ my baby got a kick to the fucking face 🧍🏼‍♂️
- jeff with the sneaky escape plan 👁️👄👁️
[preview talk]
- way being the one (1) enigma basically confirms what he's there to do and. uhhhhhh. if we're also getting The Incident in next week's episode or episode 10 then...... he might actually try. [throws up in my mouth]
- ALANJEFF? jeff being the one initiating contact for once? "alan's boy"?????????????????????
- charlie talking in that deep voice, the Mirror Scene Preview, him throwing his head back. uhhhhhh. i rewinded that more times than i'd like to admit. make that scene 5 minutes long please 💓
- didn't jeff have a vision of tony killing someone with a katana. why was he pulling that while in his office. (hopefully not) while talking to jeff lol
idk how they do it but i'm even more excited/ scared for next week's episode than i was for this one. it's about to get bonkers
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captainshorter · 5 months
Could Pete be the Enigma Tony wants to use to impregnate Babe? (a theory i thought I'd never write involving male pregnancy HAHA) Possible spoilers are marked like *this*
Im rewatching Pitbabe (just because i can) and this suddenly got in my head after episode 4. You figure out Kenta is trying to gather information about Pete in episode 4 and only after Kenta has seen Pete shoot bow and arrow he calls Tony and tells him he found the person they were looking for. It could mean many things because they did not state why they were searching for Pete in the first place *(maybe they were just searching for Pete because he escaped from Tony's house, i read that somewhere and im not sure if it was a theory or not that pete was also adopted by Tony)* but maybe they were searching for Pete because he's an Enigma with powers and want specifically him to impregnate Babe????
Just a theory for fun, i have not read the Pit Babe novel and do not know if Pete is an enigma at all (this is not an invite for spoilers) so yeah.
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zhouxiangs · 4 months
Thank you for not only humoring me but also responding to my angry rants in a measured and thoughtful manner! It's post ep-12 now and tbh I've managed to eliminate most of the full-on Way hate from my feed via judicial use of the blocking tool! Which means I can't tell if the small swell of sympathy I've seen since the most recent ep is because, by using Pete as a conduit, the show is inviting us (and Babe) to, if not outright forgive, at least acknowledge the coercion and abuse that has informed Way's actions, or if general opinion has not in fact changed, but my extensive blocking has merely succeeded in shutting out the angry mob!
It is curious, though, the complete disconnect some ppl seem to be experiencing vis a vis what the show itself - not just us crazy apologists! - is trying to tell us about Way and his motivations and psychology, vs the funhouse mirror version they see: a toxic incel who can only be redeemed by death. And yes, the hypocrisy of those who write essays pleading for Kenta's salvation whilst simultaneously wishing the worst for Way...I don't get it. Well, actually I do have some thoughts as to why.
I think some ppl can't see past - and will never be able to, and I won't judge them for that - the attempted sexual assault, but, more than that, they haven't contextualised it (ugh I know how that sounds but bear with me!). They still see it in terms of Way trying to rape Babe cos he thinks his ten years of pining mean he's entitled to him. They still see his actions as motivated primarily by a twisted version of possession and obsession masquerading as unrequited love. And if that was the case I would be right there with them, baying for blood! But for reasons both of us have discussed in length already, I see it very differently (and I'm fairly confident this is also how the show intends us to see it): I see someone who has been manipulated, abused and groomed for years, who is being held at metaphorical gunpoint, feeling he has no choice but to do this abhorrent thing because otherwise everyone he loves will suffer an even worse fate (insert usual disclaimer here about how this doesn't excuse or justify said actions). We've talked about how Way had TEN YEARS to use his power to assault Babe should he want to, and yet it's only when the walls are closing in, Tony's piling on the pressure, and Way's true identity has been revealed that he finally feels there's no going back and now he has no other choice but to go through with it. I do think maybe the show hasn't been explicit enough in spelling out that this was Tony's plan for Way the whole time - not sure if it's a subs thing, or an attempt not to lean too heavily into the mpreg thing, but they could have been clearer about that (I will be forever bitter that out of all of Tony's 'kids', we didn't get flashbacks of Way's background or his time as a child in Tony's house. I get why, to keep the reveal as a surprise, Way was kept as a bit of a mystery up to that point, but now it's out in the open it would be really useful and illuminating to see how he came to be there, how Tony planted the seed in his mind, how he met Babe, if he'd ever met any of the others, etc. I think show dropped the ball in general a tad after the big reveal - Way's screentime was reduced to drunkenly moping around in bars, which doesn't necessarily engender much sympathy! We could have had more about the meds, seen more of the real life ramifications for him if he's no longer of any use to Tony, etc.).
Other reasons I think ppl are quicker to forgive Kenta than Way: Kenta's abuse and subjugation have been shown much more regularly and explicitly - Way appears to be out and about living life freely, has his own place, his own income, his own friendship group, etc. whereas Kenta is more literally trapped/constrained/manhandled. And although we were told by Tony himself that Way is still effectively a prisoner, it's the ol' show vs tell thing again - that's still nowhere near as powerful as seeing Kenta's very continual and visual degredation. I also don't think it helps that the one scene where we are both told and shown the truth about Way's situation and his treatment at Tony's hands comes immediately after the attempted assault, when most viewers, understandably, aren't exactly in the mood to feel sorry for him!
I also think another possible explanation is that Way's actions specifically hurt Babe, our main POV character, and in a very personal way, whereas Kenta's actions a) had a more indirect impact (well, the trafficked children might disagree but they're only hypothetical so we don't really care about them as much!) and b) weren't personal - he didn't betray anyone's trust or friendship or love - so viewers find it easier to accept mitigating factors.
At the end of the day, I mostly just feel sorry for those viewers who either can't see past their own bias (obviously does not include anyone who for personal reasons may have been triggered)/admit they were wrong, or who lack the necessary media literacy to fully engage with the characterisation the show is offering us (hahahah says the self-proclaimed hater of all things Charlie/Babe!!!), since it's an infinitely more interesting and powerful and tragic story if you see Way, and Way's relationship with Babe, through open, receptive and, most importantly, sympathetic eyes.
my pleasure! i'm happy i have someone to talk with way about; the friends i usually theorise and cry about blorbos with are still way behind so i can't tell them anything bc i don't want to spoil them, and i've been venting to another friend (more like talking her ear off) but she's not watching or really interested so it's not really the same even when she has something to say lol
and yeah, at the end of the day we're responsible for curating our fandom experience, inasmuch as people don't tag hate etc. i haven't blocked anyone bc for some reason i feel bad blocking people which i know is stupid (edit: never fucking mind i am blocking now), but i do follow very selectively bc i get easily overwhelmed by my dash, so everything i've seen was either in the tag or by people i no longer follow. this means i have wonderful moots who provide me with plenty of blorbo feels and are not assholes about other characters <3 (fun? fact: my top blorbos are literally way > kenta > pete which is i think i'm no too bothered by the shipping side of things? as in it's not affecting me as it does sometimes the fact that some people are looking at all of this solely through their shipping goggles or whatever... but idk. i don't deal well with hate generally and after some thought i think that's what's bothering me about the whole way situation, bc the character/media you're hating on won't know bc it doesn't exists but their fans will.)
i totally agree, the fact we saw that scene with tony (even if it's clear how terrified way is in his presence earlier) right after the attempted SA didn't help. i wish we'd seen more of his past, maybe a flashback when he was at the bar… because as you said, once again the not showing/telling/letting people infer things isn't helping. specially when people aren't interested in the first place. idk i just like to understand characters independently of if i like them or not so this is! baffling to me! and yeah exactly, the fact that it was personal to babe plays a big part too, never mind how babe himself feels about way since we're already sympathising with him as our main character so…
as my friend (the one that isn't watching but is patting my back in these difficult times) tells me, sometimes people just let their prestablished idea of a character blind them to what the story is telling them. and honestly, their loss. skill issue if you ask me /j
anyway, the ep is about to start. let's hold hands.
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oldsargasso · 3 months
"Dean smiling is like a little gift because he does smile but sometimes it's so sweet and pretty it can't be anyting other than a present just for Winner." AGH???? MY HEART???? PLZ… DEAN'S SMILE IS A GIFT OH MY GOD.
ONLY SO TONY COULD EXPENSE IT DKFGSDFGDFG I'M SHRIEKING. Kenta the tax write-off 😭 (In another universe, Tony is that boss who pays his employees with UAC gift cards.) And yeah I think Kenta has a very skewed understanding of money! He doesn't know what a living wage is or how much groceries cost. He could make do in a 4sqm or less apartment but wouldn't blink at paying 5x the average market price for it because he just. Doesn’t know any better, and his negotiating tactics have always been “throw money at it” or “knife time.”
I do think there may have been limits from Tony in terms of what Kenta was allowed to spend on himself—for instance, the blazers he wears are of varying quality, the one he wears to the auction, in front of clients, is the nicest, but one of them looks closer to off-the-rack quality, and he only has like. Three shirts, whereas Tony basically has a different custom three-piece suit in every episode. But like Kenta does not look at the price of food when he's ordering at a restaurant (god forbid he make Tony look poor in front of a client) and barely even glances at the check when he's signing it, much to Kim and Dean's horror. He very quickly learns to ask the question "Is that expensive?" when they're out together, until he gets the hang of it.
Yes, let him work with his hands!! BUT GOD THE TINY HANDS HE USED TO HOLD I'M HURTING!!
Yeah sorry I deal with the bookkeeping at work so I am. Not going to be the person to dissuade you from this line of thought! THERE ARE SO MANY QUESTIONS! What happens to everything after Tony dies! How much of it was even on the books! Do you think he ever put things in Kenta’s name without his knowledge, just to keep any consequences away from himself.
But oh gosh Kenta absolutely DOES try to figure out their favorite baked goods without asking (he probably spent so much energy trying to navigate Tony's moods based on nonverbal cues, and it takes him a long time to just be able to ask what people want without feeling like he’s navigating a minefield ☹️)
YES I DO THINK THEY MAKE HIM A BIRTHDAY CAKE??? They ask Pete for his bday, which there's a good chance that Kenta grew up not knowing his bday and Pete had to make one up for him and do his best to gift him something with limited resources. But he wasn't given kitchen access, so this would be Kenta's first birthday cake 😭 (Kenta’s first bday post-Tony passes by unnoticed because Pete has his hands full and it doesn’t occur to anyone that Kenta would simply Never Mention his bday, until one day someone is asking about horoscopes or smth)
As violent as Kim can be when he wants to, it's his tenderness that's truly powerful 🥺 Kenta DOES DESERVE SOFT LITTLE KISSES WHEN HE'S BEING TIED DOWN!!!
Great minds 🤝 Winner thinks his own dirty talk is GREAT and he has the evidence of Dean always getting turned on by it to back himself up LOL. (In all seriousness, I would GLADLY spreadsheet their kinks jkgsdfgdfg)
Kenta 🥺 He'll see it eventually!! Maybe once that happens they can finally (MAYBE) convince him to wear like. Cute lacy briefs or smth. (the bra that deep in my heart I wish to see him wear would take a lot more convincing on their part but by god do those tits deserve to be showcased and worshipped)
Not gonna pretend that I'm NOT physically affected by Kenta's lethal brutality god WHATEVER WHATEVER MOVING ON Winner being soft and caring is gonna be the death of me. The character development… my heart 🥺 From angry, half-satisfying parking lot blowjobs, to Winner looking after Kenta, taking care of him, and Kenta letting him do it. I’M UNWELL.
Kim is the only one with his shit together, of COURSE he is better at laundry. (Also I need him pressing at least one of them crotch first up against the shaking washing machine. for my sanity)
also screaming screaming screaming GOD KIM IS SO… COMPELLING he could probably read the dictionary and make it sound like a command. Goodness. He’s so!!!
[for my future reference this is polycule thread 2]
not Tony with the gift cards 💀 he so would.
I love the idea of Kenta learning the actual value of things. actually I wonder…obviously WE think Winner has a rich family. and Kim is making money from racing. but he stays living in the little serviced apartment - was that confirmed that he got that as part of Red Racing deal or did we just assume that. and we see him driving a nice car. hold on I gotta go rewatch that scene and check. okay so its…a white car. they don't show a badge or anything, there's like a split second of the steering wheel and I THINK it's a toyota (which would make sense since sponsor) ANYWAY. Kim is making decent money I think.
BUT Dean is not? he's not doing the higher level racing (assume prize money jumps considerably given Babe's financial status) and we see him working in a kitchen when he's exiled. that scene lives in my head constantly for so many reasons. anyway all that to say I think Kim would probably also not think too much about spending money on a nice restaurant (he's drinking at the fancy bar spying on Tony and pays for Babe's drink) but Dean for sure would be like. doing the calculation those of us without money constantly do - "this dinner could pay for three days rent" or whatever. and I think that, once he shares that, it would really help Kenta conceptualise how it works. but maybe more like "this knife is worth the same as the jeans Kim picked out for me last week". but it would be hard if like Winner just never cares about what things costs, and Dean really cares - even though the others are like "WE ARE PAYING" - and Kim spend a lot on what he cares about and hardly anything on things he doesn't. also if he did work at Way's car emporium like I think you suggested (until the sales trauma kicks in) Kenta would be like "cars cost this much! :)" and the others have to be like. "well…yes. but also mostly no."
but yes let's talk about Kenta's wardrobe. personal unshakeable headcanon is Kim (and Dean) taking him shopping and being like "you can wear whatever you want!" and Kenta's just happy with his usual all black mostly-comfortable clothes. but sometimes he's just hanging around the house and ~accidentally puts on someone else's jacket. maybe it's colourful, maybe it's not, but it smells like them and it's warm and cosy. it only works with the oversized jackets obviously. but eventually all their wardrobes meld a little bit. semi-related but Kim for sure approves certain people's date night outfits before they're allowed out.
lmao we are KINDRED SPIRITS. give us a special episode where it's just Tony succession planning. I think he kept Babe in the will. but omg yessss Tony dies and a year later a lawyer turns up to Kenta like "and here is your share of Tony's estate. and here is the trial date, you should get a lawyer" wait Kenta definitely goes to prison for killing Tony right? [I typed a whole bunch of stuff but I've taken it out, it's depressing in a real life kinda way and that's not what we're here for] anyway Kenta gets off with a slap on the wrist: time already served plus extenuating circumstances plus Winner's family paid for a vicious lawyer.
it's definitely Sonic and North asking about birthdates so they can do compatibility charts. SHUT UPPPP Pete giving Kenta a birthdy and a little celebration as best he can. do you think he gave Kenta his own birthday so they could share.
don't get me started on a kink spreadsheet!! I used to use one to track all my wips lol I love a spreadsheet.
god yesss give Kenta a pretty bra for his glorious tits it's what he deserves. I think they go shopping and they walk past a lingerie store and Kenta slows for like half a step to look a bit longer and Kim clocks it immediately. it's just the two of them which is lucky because Winner would make a joke about it (and even though it was just for fun Kenta would still feel too shamed) and Dean sometimes jumps he gun between the initial formation of an idea and the full execution of that idea. but Kim is patient. maybe he's like "oh, let's go in here" and lets Kenta hover around while Kim buys something pretty for himself. then it's like. Kim isn't a worse person for wearing it and being enjoyed in it. Kenta wouldn't be either…
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feuqueerfire · 4 months
2024 Anticipated Series & Movies
2022 Anticipated BLs & GLs || 2023 Anticipated BLs & GLs
Shows released in 2024 I’m anticipating: Released, Releasing, To Be Released (with/without release dates)
Release Dates: Watch Via: platform link (free/paid)
Status: 👀 To Watch || ⏸️ Currently Watching || ✅ Watched || ❌ Dropped
Watch Dates: Month x - y, 2023 (#)
Rating: /10
Initial Impression:
Overall Impression:
Also Appears In: [Live Blogging, AO3 link], (Month) 2023 Wrap-Up
These are shows that have ended in 2024 that I’m interested in - ordered by their end date. Note: If it finishes in 2024, it’s a 2024 show for me.
Love for Love's Sake 
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Jan 24, 2024 - Feb 1, 2024
Watch Via: paid, so :>
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Feb 1 - 2, 2024 (#2)
Rating: 6/10
Initial Impression: Positive reaction + Cha Woongki is in it
Overall Impression: It was cute, the concept was nice, the early 2 eps were Very promising and last ep was touching but the middle (esp 5-6) was quite meh for me. There was also a bunch of confusing stuff, esp in the second half, but I guess I won't try to investigate too much. It has people really talking and discussing and dissecting it though, which is a fun aspect.
tags: love for love's sake
Also Appears In: Love For Love's Sake Live Blogging, February 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
Pit Babe
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Nov 17, 2023 - Feb 9, 2024
Watch Via: iQiyi (paid, so :>)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Feb 7 - 11, 2024 (#3)
Rating: 6/10 [May 12, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating shows I’ve watched in 2024: 6.5 -> 6]
Initial Impression: Ahh, the tiktok clips I saw of eps 1 - 2 drove me a bit crazy, I loveee boyish, cute tops and then learned that apparently this is the A/B/O drama? but they’re both alphas (or rather - spoiler from tiktok comments - that Charlie’s an enigma?). and also seems like Charlie’s some sort of spy who will betray Babe? Man I kinda wanna just start watching it lol but it doesn’t end till Feb 9 next year smh give me 2 eps a week smh Anyway idk I feel like it has a lot of tropes I like, so maybe... if they can pull it off... I’d be thankful
Overall Impression: This show had everything: non-traditional alpha/alpha relationship, racecar competitions, x-men like superpowers, child trafficking, pseudo-incest if you think about it (from Kenta's side at least) and more. And it didn't have a super strong script, there were nonsensical elements and plot holes that didn't get addressed and things that happened to just move the plot along, but it was a fun watch nonetheless, both for the novelty and the entertainment factor. Babe was a very compelling character with his past and how he behaves in the present and his relationships with Tony/Way/people in general. Also helped that Pavel did a really good job with him and acted his ass off, there were quite a few emotional moments in there. I agree with some people's comments that I wish Charlie's actor Pooh as a better actor. And his character wasn't as developed or with depth as the other ones either, like in terms of emotions I guess. Although I really liked Charlie/Babe, my true ship winners might be Pete/Kenta in a Not Me ToddBlack fashion, to be honest, with Kenta as maybe my favourite character (2nd is Babe). They gave us like 2 tiny hints that they might know each other and waited until literally last 10 mins of episode 11 out of 13 to lay out their history. They have an interesting friends (-> brothers/crush) -> enemies -> allies again at the very end dynamic where I think that they could become lovers post-canon. Really had me writing a fic idea in my notes app after my few months of no drive to write.
tags: pit babe
Also Appears In: Pit Babe Live Blogging, February 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
The Sign
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Nov 25, 2023 - Feb 11 (24), 2024
Watch Via: Youtube
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Feb 20 - 24, 2024 (#4)
Rating: 6/10 [May 12, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating shows I’ve watched in 2024: 6.5 -> 6]
Initial Impression: Another Idol Factory offering and this time more plot-based. It seemed to have REALLY good reception || The finale still isn't properly available yet so I don't really know how people will feel about the end but oh well, I'm gonna end up watching it either way because of how much people have been loving it
Overall Impression: I think I liked the first few eps and the potential of the series and the possibilities than I liked the actual series oof. Since everybody freaking loved this, I also had high expectations. I thought there would be more focus on the romance and fantasy and past lives aspect and less on the cop activity. I feel like they didn't choose the correct things to show on screen. I think most of the fight scenes and stuff were confusing and not choreographed very well, and some moments needed to have more time dedicated to them or have more gravitas to them. However, some moments were just shot/directed so beautifully. I enjoyed the parallels between Tharn and Phaya or their current life and past life. It shows the cyclical nature of Phaya and Tharn's lives, and it would've been even more impactful if we saw more of their past lives (their OG life or other reincarnations). Highly doubt I'm gonna think of the characters again, I somehow stopped being attached to them about halfway through - probably related to the fact that I liked the first few eps (half?) of the show better. They tried so many things, but I don't think they satisfyingly merged them or chose the correct things to focus on on-screen.
tags: the sign
Also Appears In: The Sign Live Blogging, February 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
Dead Friend Forever - DFF (2024)
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Dec 23, 2023 - Mar 9, 2024
Watch Via: iQiyi (paid, so :>)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Mar 4 - 9, 2024 (#5)
Rating: 7/10
Initial Impression: Be On Cloud production with actors who I'm not super keen on (Ta followed Andrew Tate on Twitter when I last checked…) but it's like a slasher, so I'd be curious to check it out. <- added to Considering when the first ep or 2 were out || 240229 - Added to Watchlist: I’ve been meaning to watch this since like ep 1 came out and I learned it was supposed to be horror-esque/slasher and seems like people have been loving it even more these past few eps. I’m actually so excited to check it out, I hope I love it and it rots my brain.
Overall Impression: I think this show landed the ending which is very satisfying. I was afraid that's where this show was leading because of certain choices in writing in eps 10 and 11 and that maybe they were gonna go for a kinda-happy ending to make it a BL but I really enjoyed it. Also interesting that there were so many predictions but despite them not being true, the finale still managed to be coherent based on what the first 11 episodes had set up for us while still surprising me. I enjoyed the first 4 eps and last few episodes more because it was more about the actual thriller/horror aspects whereas the middle 3 - 4 episodes were just so difficult to get through due to the bullying and police and Non getting dragged in more and more D: It had some good moments like Phee and Non's relationship etc but in general, just sad. I kept wanting it to move on to when Phee (and New) come up with the plan or to just go back to the cabin and the horrors. I think some characters were done really well while others were not, like they are all flawed and varying degrees of terrible but I have some that really compelled me (Tan, Tee, Fluke - liked these 3 enough to write so many words about them in another Tumblr post) vs those who fell flat for me and the main characters (Phee, Jin) kinda fell into that.I'm glad something like this exists in BL (though there wasn't much real romance in it lol). It also made me write so many words and posts on here, really gives you the itch to Discuss because of the different threads and characters and motivations and secrets.
tags: dead friend forever
Also Appears In: Dead Friend Forever Live Blogging, March 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
Jazz for Two (2024)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Mar 26, 2024 - Mar 29, 2024
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Via: iQiyi (paid, so ;>)
Watch Dates: Apr 11 - 12, 2024 (#7)
Rating: 6/10
Overall: Nobody in this drama asks before kissing lol not Doyoon, not Seheon, not the little kiss that Seheon's brother gave to sleeping Taejoon, and the other two, Juha and Taeyi, are experts in being creeps and having internalized homophobia that they direct outwardly to the guys they like as well (Seheon's brother fits here too lol). Yet, I enjoyed it a fair amount, the story was coherent (lots of open strands at the end though...), the acting was fine, I was endeared by Doyoon (is he the Omega X kid?), and the dynamics were enjoyable, if iffy on certain counts. Not super attached though.
tags: jazz for two
Also Appears In: Jazz For Two Live Blogging, April 2024 Wrap-Up
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Mar 8, 2024 - May 24, 2024
Watch Via: Youtube
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Apr 27 - May 24, 2024 (#8)
Rating: 6/10
Initial Impression: We've been waiting on this for so long, the last one from the GMMTV 2023 batch that I'd been looking forward to. Hope it lives up to the hype.
Overall: GMMTV's first GL and MilkLove's first full GL; I was super excited, especially after having watched MilkLove in Bad Buddy and the Magic of Zero special, which is why I started watching this on-air (thought I'd start it even earlier than ep 8 but didn't because of exams). So it's a shame that I feel so... nothing about the show, especially the main couple; I think Aylin/Luna is my fave ship in here. I think I also just wasn't much in the mood for a silly high school romance series right now, which isn't the show's fault but contributed to why I didn't feel the pull to continue watching the show. When I did watch it, it could get pretty cute though, I giggled/gushed a few times, especially about Luna and Aylin. The teachers' storyline was cute too, though barely there. Aylin was the MVP for sure.
tags: 23.5 degrees
Also Appears In: 23.5 Degrees Live Blogging Eps 1 - 8, Eps 9 - 12, May 2024 Wrap-Up
Spaceless (2024)
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: June 4, 2024
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Via: Youtube (free)
Watch Dates: June 4, 2024 (#10)
Rating: 5.5/10
Overall: Got spoiled about the sad ending and what happens, so I prepared myself for that but it was still like you did all this on the first week of pride?! jail!! It did make me look forward to 4 minutes more though, after seeing Bible acting after SO LONG + seeing the natural interactions and chemistry between Bible and Jes. It was also a bit interesting/new to see Bible acting as just a regular guy who has a crush on somebody else rather than Vegas in flashy clothes committing crimes. I would've rated it higher if I felt anything for the characters tbh but I think I knew too much to get involved and also was like man... to both of the characters.
Watched: 7
Ranking of Watched:
7: Dead Friend Froever - DFF
6: Love For Love's Sake = Jazz For Two = Pit Babe = The Sign = 23.5
5.5: Spaceless
To Watch:
I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama (Jpn - Jan 1) : The Conversation podcast mentioned in their 2024 Winter Lagniappe and seems like it's a celeb-related show? they’re actors?
Last Twilight (Thai - Jan 26): Everybody's loving it so far, I'm curious || hmmm people have very polarizing opinions on the last ep (both the disability aspect but also the general storytelling aspect), so I'm cautious but people reallllly love the first 9 episodes. Just adding it here in case I wanna see what the hype was about
Chaser Game W (Jpn - Feb 27): Another Japanese GL and apparently it has toxic-ish workplace romance + post-breakup second chance romance yay. Also, the tweet where one of the characters is like “I’m a lesbian” *thunder* is hilarious
Perfect Propose (Jpn - Mar 1): Originally was curious about it because of the casual (?) hand job gifs from 1st ep and because while I’m not really into the sweet stuff from Japan, something like the tone of this might be appealing. Also, this Tiktok of “We’re engaged” “[...] and we’re both guys” “I’m gay” was pretty funny
Cherry Magic (Thai - Mar 2): It was getting generally good buzz, so I was curious but this Tumblr post talking about the Thai BL landscape recently and saying CM might be better than the original made me seriously consider watching it. I think I’m also more receptive to Thai shows with this sort of storyline/dynamic more than Japanese shows, so hopefully I’ll actually like the series this time.
Blank S1 & S2 (Thai - Apr 07): Only season 1 is out for now and apparently it ends on a cliffhanger, so idk if I should be adding it to the watchlist quite yet but I want age gap GL (w dubious morality? idk what the discourse is about tbh), so I’ll add it and hope S2 is released in May as expected and turns out well
Love is Better the Second Time Around (Jpn - Apr 10): I'm fond of the second chance/post-breakup romance trope, hopefully I’ll like this one
Unknown (Taiwan - Apr 20): I’d been keeping an eye on it since it started releasing and it got pretty high praise all throughout. I think I can get into the we’re-not-biological-brothers-but-we-grew-up-together-as-brothers dynamic 
Deep Night (Thai - Apr 25): I’ve enjoyed First Piyangkul in shows before and am curious about the host club setting in this. This show is such an interesting case because on Reddit and on Tumblr, everybody seems to love it and MDL has some mixed comments but mostly positive there too, and yet the MDL rating is 7.5, I wonder why the discrepancy.
To the X Who Hated Me (Kor - May 8) - 240520: another Youtube kGL short, from the same people as Girlfriend Project Day 1, I think. It has 2 seasons (unrelated couples?)
Lonely Girls (Kor - May 13): finally another Youtube kGL, been a while since a new one. released alongside Blue Boys.
Boys Be Brave! (Kor - May 16): Feels like I didn't hear much about this as it was airing but has a p good MDL rating for now, maybe I'll give it a try.
These are shows that are currently releasing in 2024 that I’m interested in - ordered by their end date. Tracking both currently watching and to be watched
Currently Watching
Wandee Goodday (2024)
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: May 4, 2024 - Jul 20, 2024
Watch Via: GMMTV Youtube (free)
Status: ⏸️ Currently Watching
Watch Dates: June 1 - ONGOING, 2024 (#9)
Rating: TODO/10
Initial: People have been really enjoying it and I wanted to be part of the convo/see the convo in real time, so I started it as well when ep 5 was out.
tags: wandee goodday
Also Appears In: Wandee Goodday Live Blogging Eps 1 - 5, Ep 6, Ep 7, Ep 8, Ep 9
To Watch
Blank the Series S1/S2
To Be Released
These are shows that have are planned for a 2023 release, may or may not have release dates (and some might get moved to 2024 lol)
From 2023 - these are rolled over from plans of being released in 2023
Domundi: The Next Prince and maybe the other ones if people say they're good
Wish You Luck: Sci-fi, post-apocalyptic show :00 seems cool, also has Tonnam who I’ve only seen in comedic roles so far
Flirt Milk the series: I don’t have much faith or curiosity about Starhunter shows but I watched the mock trailer and think the “we both change ourselves to fit the other” thing is funny
Planned for 2024 - these were announced with the plans for 2024 release
GMMTV 2024 Pt 1: My Love Mix-Up! and Pluto are my priorities. The Trainee, My Golden Blood, and Wandee Goodday if they turn out to be good. Keeping my ears open to hear if any of the others are good.
GMMTV 2024 Part 2 Showcase: especially Heart Breakers, The Ex-Morning, Us, and Thame-Po
TODO: update the #gmmtv 2023 and #gmmtv 2024 tags for gifsets when I watch the show
Jack and Joker: Yinwar new show ahhhh!!!!! and seems like a kinda plotty one as well. Need to watch the 12 minute trailer though lol || So fun!!!!! I like that it's 11 minutes of establishing characters and rising action (+ some history) but it doesn't show the resolution and conclusion the way pilot trailers tend to do, the mystery builds up the anticipation. The fight choreo looked good maybe? I'm not an expert in that at all but it seemed better than most of the other Thai BLs. I really hope the screenwriting makes sense and is logical and not non-sensical because pretty much all the plotty/crime BLs require a lot of suspension of belief. I've been looking forward to this since the initial liveshow trailer and now am anticipating this even more, on the edge of my seat!
Change2561 2024 Showcase: Goddess Bless You From Death !!, Affair GL, possibly I’m The Most Beautiful Count and Pit Babe S2
some other high profile ones: Spare Me Your Mercy, 4 Minutes
Hwang Daseul directed kBL, yay! Blueming my absolutely beloved while TMS and WYEL are also good.
kBL: In general, keep an eye on the kBLs and try to watch w/o subs or with Korean subs (or french subs to lessen the reliance on English subs and increase trying to understand by listening)
GLs: The Last Case (mystery?)
Het/non-QL shows
There aren’t as many of these I’m interested in, comparatively, but thought I'd still track them.
Death's Game Part 2 (2024)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Jan 5, 2024
Watch Via: paid, so :>
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Jan 30, 2024 (#1)
Rating: 6/10
Overall Impression: Firstly, fuck the message of the show. In shows like this, where they treat suicide as a personal, moral failure of selfishness and weakness rather than due to systematic issues in society, mental health struggles, or treating the characters with kindness, it's of utmost importance to just roll your eyes and see the story/acting/etc. Eps 1 to half of 3 were interesting and exciting but in the way of "I'm watching a show with murder and gore and people trying to outsmart each other" rather than about this specific show. The ending is... okay, I guess, expected it. In Part 1, Death just left something to be desired for me and this kinda continued here. Don't think I'll think of this show much (except maybe Lee Dohyun?) and the 2nd part didn't have the excellent pacing of the first one. Not as good as part 1.
tags: death's game
Also Appears In: Death's Game Live Blogging, January 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
A Killer Paradox (2024)
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Feb 9, 2024
Watch Via: Netflix (so, ;>)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Mar 29 - 31, 2024 (#6)
Rating: 6/10
Initial Impression: Been waiting for this since literally 2023 after I watched Strangers From Hell and saw in Certified Noonas' 2023 releases that it was from the same director + is an interesting concept [Kdramas mentioned in Certified Noonas 2023 Releases: Murder DIEary (the synopsis is cool and the director is the same as Strangers From Hell but I’m looking at the MDL again and 2024? D: why so far but someone on comments has also been saying that the filming ended recently - Mar 25, 2023 - and it can still come out this year). 2024: Rolled over from 2023 and now it's called A Killer Paradox]
Overall Impression: Really enjoyed the first few episodes (up to ep 4), then eps 5 - 7 were kinda meandering and it felt like not much was happening (that I cared about anyway), then ep 8 was engaging again. In the second half, we focused a lot on Song Chon and his story to me wasn't as engaging as Lee Tang's and we also strayed away from Lee Tang and his thoughts. I liked the fun shots and the imagination scenes, it was interesting. I feel like the show didn't have many twists and turns, like it was all a bit anti-climactic, which dampened it. Had high hopes because of the concept + Strangers From Hell director but that show was a lot more atmospheric and insular and the character focuses were more engaging. Don’t think I’ll ever think about it.
Also Appears In: A Killer Paradox Live Blogging, March 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
To Watch:
A Shop for Killers (Krn - Feb 7): I saw it on the Certified Noonas coming up in January I think? But I also saw it getting good impressions on the r/kdrama on-air threads + pocha playlist's initial impression + it has Lee Dong Wook, even though it's not like I watch all his shows or anything
Lovely Runner (Krn - May 28): Got curious on 240409, I saw this edit and initial good reaction to Eps 1-2. Heard good things all throughout the run of the show and good reception to the ending as well, so I'm excited.
Ranking of Watched: 2
6: Death's Game Part 2 = A Killer Paradox
To Be Released
From 2023 - these are rolled over from plans of being released in 2023
Planned for 2024 - these were announced with the plans for 2024 release
GMMTV 2024 Part 1: Enigma 2
GMMTV 2024 Part 2 Showcase: Hide & Sis, possibly The Dark Dice
Lost Interest
Title (country - release date)
Initial Impression:
Removal Date:
Lost Interest:
Cooking Crush (Thai - 240218)
Initial Impression: OffGun was a surprise but a welcome one during GMMTV 2023. As it's airing, heard kinda conflicting thoughts from people but it seems generally positive, so I'll give it a watch maybe
Removal Date: 240218
Lost Interest: I never actually added it to my To Watch list because the reception was iffy the whole way through but kept my eyes on it because of Off/Gun in case if got better. Seems like it didn't... oh well, hopefully The Trainee will be more liked because I enjoy OffGun.
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le-trash-prince · 4 months
(I'm just want to make it clear that I'm not pressuring you to write anything I just want to share my thoughts) I don't know how to put it on words but I really need to see a meta(?) or a fanfic about how differently Kenta was treated and raised in comparison to other Tony's kids. Like, I need to deepen in it. Maybe a fic about young!Pete realizing that Kenta had too many restrictions and had to actually work despite being a teenager... like, I don't know how explain it
Oh I NEED THIS TOO!! This weighs on my mind SO MUCH ACTUALLY!! I’m grateful that we got even a little bit of baby Kenta, but I’m SO curious about how he was raised. I would watch a 20 hour flashback scene 😭
Like we know the other kids grew up in relative isolation and had limited contact with each other, to the point that they didn’t know everyone who grew up in the house. It feels like Kenta is the only one who knows all of them. I do think he was acting as a bodyguard for Tony even as a minor—given his behavior in the flashback with Babe. So he likely would have interacted with everyone as a teenager, under the guise of that role.
But I also think the isolation was a way for Tony to control the powered children and prevent them from working together against him. And in that aspect, I wonder if Kenta, who he never viewed as a threat (fatal mistake), could have been used as a playmate for more than just Pete—Pete was just the one he connected to the most. So while Kenta had less rights overall, that was one restriction he didn’t have.
Have I also thought about Kenta sleeping in a storage closet or other such space as a kid and only receiving a bedroom as a reward for “good behavior” yes I have and it makes me unwell.
I am also curious about the switch from child Kenta in blue to teenage Kenta in black. Beyond working as a guard—had he already made his first kill by the time Pete left? And did Pete know he’d done it? Did they fight about it? Did Pete hold Kenta when he’d come home shaking and nauseous after the job was done? Their last conversation, before Pete left, spoke to me of the end of an argument that they’d been having for a long time, and I think there’s so much to explore there.
Anyways yes I need all the young Kenta backstory too, thank you for your message anon
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