#we never saw kenta again
ghostvalleymasters · 4 months
so pit babe season 2 when?
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i swear to fucking god im not a hater but if i see another fucking badly-made thumbnail boring neurotypical straight guy with lame monotone voice talking over buncha mfb clips video of the worst metal fight beyblade takes ive ever seen with the unfunniest jokes im gonna rearrange the DNA sequence of the closest person to me to that of a Doto greenamyeri nudibranch because i swear to god just shut the fuck up.
how the fuck do you meatheads base how much you like a character over powerscaling and win ratio. would you prefer a wild bear over your own mother because the bear is stronger than her? thats how you fuckin sound like. i gotta rant this shit out because i had enough if i hear another fucking "ryūga da goat🥶🐐" "beyblade really is that serious🤣" "This show is so acoustic😵" "did you know that moses split the sea with a be-" WE FUCKING KNOW THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS AT THIS POINT. ALSO IF YOU DEADASS USE AUTISM AS AN INSULT LET ALONE USE THE WORD ACOUSTIC OR ARTISTIC FOR IT STAY 7 KILOMETERS AWAY FROM ME AND ALSO DONT WATCH METAL FIGHT BEYBLADE EVERYONE IS GAY AND AUTISTIC YOU KNOW WHY⁉️ which cishet neurotypical out there makin spinning tops fight with neon green or blue whateverthefuck hair half the cast looks like they been hiding in closet before their debut episode.
PRIME example of these bad takes is , because of powerscaling again the hate on masamune ? i thought people hated him because they thought he was annoying (like how i did when i first watched it when i was little) (FOUR YRS OLD) and like id get that as in he talks alot or whatever but people hate him because. fucking. "he has a low win ratio and claims to be the number one blader" BITCH THATS A 15 YR OLD. or like around that age somewhere you get the point. so what if the taco doritos colour palette guy a little confident in himself bitch you hate fun you hate sillyness. people also use him as like a tool to praise kenta? constantly i see takes like "kenta is like masamune if masamune didnt suck" or something as in they both try to rise to the top and get stronger but one of them doesnt talk shit like did you know you can praise a character without putting down the other one motherfucker. another one is "masamune isnt a legendary blader because he talks shit but cant actually back it up" Hey my brother in Allah lets play a little game. which one of the fucking legendary bladers talks big about himself. you have ten seconds. 10...9...8....KING. KING IS RIGHT THERE .
also saw someone say damian shouldve been a legendary blader⁉️⁉️mf that boy was on rearrangement stereoids the effects of that wouldve already worn off by the time of metal fury how does that even WORKK😭😭 he was probably off with 3 big fucking pet dogs to eat custard pudding or sumn idk .Ryūga dickriding has been a thing for for ever but right now for some reason people decided they didnt talk about that guy enough. theres so many videos on him guys there are other characters to talk about i can write a three billion word essay on damian but i dont think i can say anything about ryūga that hasnt been said at this point. also the people who claim hes alive BECAUSE hes alive in the manga is crazy like yall cant see those as two different universes? im not saying wether if i think hes alive or not this isnt about that dont miss the point. i wanted to make text posts about mfb for forever but i was embarrased for god knows why so i just posted my mfb fanart on my main but i cant take it anymore (eatina burger with no honey mustard) must speak this time im afraid
also sorry if this is hard to read im not good at ending sentences where i should punctuation jumpscare. powerscaling mfs will hear u say u like a character like for example tsubasa or sumn and immediately bring up ryūga like shut the fuck up this shit happened on twitter i dont even use twitter i opened the app for 000.1 seconds. you just jelaous ryūga will never serve like did mf also im not a ryūga hater anyways i reached the character limit fuck
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akacosmic · 4 months
Me the whole second half of Pit Babe finale: Where's Kenta?... Hey, so, where'd Kenta go??... WHERE'S KENTA?!?
Did Kenta kill Papa Tony and then just disappear from the face of the Earth???
At the very least I thought Pete might go console him as Tony was dying and Kenta fell to his knees, but Pete just stood by the rest of the gang huddling around Way. And then we never saw Kenta again 🤷‍♀️
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miss0atae · 5 months
Random thoughts about Pit Babe the series ep 10:
I was really waiting for this episode and I knew it would be filled with sadness and sorrow.
▪️Babe had a fight with Charlie before the race because his boyfriend was concerned about him. Babe thought Charlie didn't trust him and said some hard words to him. He was angry at him and it was their last conversation before the accident. Obviously, Babe was heartbroken. No one would want an argument to be the last conversation you have with anyone, even more when it is your lover. Babe really suffered in this episode. I said it before but I think Pavel really knows how to cry. He is a pretty crier. You do believe in his sadness and terrible loss just by looking at him. Of course, the sorrow was followed by anger and a will to get revenge. I feel sad for Babe because he lost his best friend, his father abandoned him, Tony took advantage of him and he had to lose the only person he ever loved and felt safe with. It was hard to watch him be utterly distraught.
▪️In the middle of all this drama, Jeff made a move on Alan because he has to wait until he decides to do it, he would have to wait an eternity. That kiss on the cheek was cute but I was expecting more! Alan is supposed to be in his thirties but he flirts like he is a pre-schooler. Jeff must really like him because I would have given up. He has been flirting a lot and Alan always seems to have this surprised Pikachu face when he finally understands what is going on. I wish they made their romance start earlier because we still have to wait until next week to get a proper kiss. At least, they are living in the same place. Proximity is the key to making the romance bloom.
▪️Kim finally was out of Tony's clutches. I hope it is because Kenta helped him get to Jeff but we never got confirmation. To be honest, I was surprised when Jeff brought him to Alan's house to protect him. It felt like they made some cuts in the episode and the rescue of Kim wasn't brought smoothly enough into the story. I don't know...
▪️Tony was again very abusing towards Kenta. It is getting harder and harder to see. This kind of constant abuse must be really hard to deal mentally. I wish we got more backstory or explanation about Kenta. I feel bad for him.
▪️Way was trying to drink his sorrow at the bar and was used as an emotional punching ball by Babe, when he tried to act on his revenge plan to get to Tony through the only person he knew worked with him. Way denied any involvement in Charlie's accident. I didn't think we would see him that soon after what he did to Babe. I don't know how they will bring him again into the plot. Will he try to redeem himself by helping the X-Hunter fam when they go after Tony?
▪️Finally, we had confirmation that Dean was working against X-Hunter. He was sus since last episode. He may not be entirely responsible for Charlie's death but what he did was really shitty. He has an ego, he is pretty jealous and can't accept that he may not be as good as he thinks he is. Also, he did try to hurt Babe and was giving some stupid excuses for his behaviors. If you wanted to be outside you could just get out and find another team. Why are you trying to sabotage your previous team just because they never gave you what you wanted?! He was whining and it was annoying to hear because we never saw him try to do anything except complaining.
▪️Of course, we all know that Charlie is not really dead. The trailer gave us the clue, so it's not exactly something ground breaking. It was part of his plan, he talked about with Jeff in the last episode. Now, Babe has his power back and will collaborate with Pete to bring down Tony. Charlie will probably just save Babe's life again because he only thinks about protecting his lover.
Anyway, I still like this series and will be ready for episode 11, next Friday. Let's hope it won't have the curse of episode 11 because Babe has already suffered enough.
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pit babe ep 12 stray thoughts
- kentapeteway here we goooo. oh OH??? i need so much more of them you dont understand
- peteway really hitting like pete just wants to help them get out 😕
- this sad ass guitar plucking
- peteway really hitting might have to pop over to ao3
- jeff’s “aww you’re not too old to give it your all” mdmdjentjrj
- does x hunter have no money cause alan lives alone in a mansion, be honest
- the way north looks at sonic makes me want to eat my computer. he’s constantly shooting his shot good for him
- these absolute clowns. throwing apples at him then bringing up charlie like do you want him to be miserable lmao
- babe’s having kitty thoughts rn isn’t he
- kim being dragged around like the distant cousin who came to see is taking me out i love this lil group NOT THE CHASE
- i’m obsessed with the piano track playing during this conversation does anyone know if they released which instrumentals they use in the soundtrack
- jeff getting kidnapped AGAIN is wild
- idk how i feel about the zipper on kenta’s outfit it looks uncomfy. oh is he having a change of heart? kenta growth moment?? oh no tony saw. his desperate ass is calling winner isnt he....
- pete and way trying their hardest to convince babe kenta can change vs kenta walking in and vowing not to change lol
- will not be commenting on kenta and how he was raised or the cycle or the way he looks at tony or or or or
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- he got kenta on the floor crying TONY YOU WILL CRUMBLE
- not the “i’ve never seen you as a son i raised you as a dog” ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME
- winners cringe ass is here, someone needed to show him kindness or maybe have gay sex with him and let him have control in a safe environment idk i just know he’s not gonna make it more than a few hours god it’s getting desperate for these guys
- i’m really loving way after losing everything, like this man has changed at a fundamental level i dont know what he'll do next i dont know if he knows what he'll do next he has lost himself he has found the person he thought was gone forever....
- and he’s a bulls fan ekejjrjriekek
- why is way just standing there watching babe get his ass kicked go mind control
- kim off to the side sadly staring in space while everyone else talks is so funny to me
- babe and pete in sweats for their heist vs way in his fashion jacket
- winner shut up tony is gonna throttle you
- babe rotting from the inside over missing charlie:
way and his loafers: what are we
- i love tony’s little baby hairs im sorry but they’re kinda hot….
- if Pete and way try hard enough can they explode tony with their minds, like if they work as a team
- babe always getting his head smashed like he should just wear his raceing helmet all the time
ahhhh things are going down next ep!!!!!
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seaside-godzilla · 21 days
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There was no doubt anymore, the legendary god of the cliff was real, and it was terrifying. The two kids kept their eyes on the scene. Kenta saw the big monster smelling the air for a moment and, as soon as he smelled the food it wasted no time, the creature ate all the crates, a bunch at the time, until nothing was left. After that, all the villagers bowed once more and then left the cave, along with the old priestess as soon as the monster laid down its head on the rocky floor and closed its eyes. The two kids went unnoticed to the villagers and, after a while, Momo tried to get closer to the monster, with a big smile on her face.
"What are you doing??"
Kenda shouted to the girl, trying to keep his voice down to not awake the creature.
"Come on Kenta, it's sleeping. We just need to stay quiet."
Momo replied.
"This is a bad idea..."
Kenta commented, while trying to follow his friend. The monster was asleep, it looked lost in its dreams.
"Wow it's so big... Look at these fangs!"
Momo said, trying to look at the monster's big teeth much closer.
"Momo please! This is a REALLY bad idea!"
The boy said, while shaking for fear.
"Oh please, don't be a coward now."
Momo replied, while moving near the closed left eye of the creature and patting the monster on the cheek, in that moment Kenta almost fainted.
"See? Nothing to be scared ab-"
But as soon as she was about to finish that sentence, she saw that the creature opened his eyes. Momo felt like her blood froze, same happened to Kenta. The monster rose up its head and roared. Momo ran to Kenta, but the two ended up falling to the floor, covering their heads with their arms.
"This is the end! We're dead!"
Kenta thought, shaking and crying, Momo was doin exactly the same. But after a while the two realized that the monster wasn't doing anything to them. As soon as the kids tried to look behind them, they saw the creature with its muzzle close to them, it was smelling them. In that moment the creature didn't look that scary anymore to the eyes of the two kids, it was acting more like a big curious dog or something. After a while the monster lied his head again on the floor, looking at the kids with those big green eyes.
Kenta and Momo tried to calm down and rose from the ground, looking at that creature with almost the same stare that the monster was giving them.
"W-what happened...?"
Momo mumbled. The creature tilted its big head from one side to the other.
"I... I think we scared him before..."
Kenta said to the Momo.
"W-WE scared IT?"
Momo shouted.
"Look at it. After it smelled us, it didn't try to harm us, it just didn't know who we are, we never came here before. You would feel scared too if a stranger came to your house all of the sudden."
The boy replied.
"Uhm, i guess you're not wrong..."
The girl said, without stopping to look at that big monster. After a moment of silence, Kenta tried to get closer to the creature. He was still a little scared from before, but now, feeling a bit more confident, he tried to approach the creature and slowly he got close to its muzzle and posed his hand on it. The creature blew some air from its big nostrils, but it didn't do any harsh movement, it looked like the monster was accepting that gesture from Kenta.
"Come here Momo, it's ok."
Kenta said to his friend. Momo wasn't really sure about that, but after a deep breath she filled her chest with courage and waked up to the creature, posing her hand on that big muzzle as well.
"I-it feels funny. It's like petting a big scaly cat"
Momo chuckled, Kenta did the same.
"You're a good boy, aren't you?"
Kenta said to the creature with a big smile, and to him it almost looked like the creature was smiling back at him. In that moment the kids heard a bunch of quick steps approaching, from the entrance of the cave they saw Grandpa Koji and Momo's grandma.
Kenta mumbled, he knew he was in big trouble now.
"Uhm... Hi grandma... Hahahah..."
Momo laughed, with a tense smile on her face.
"What are doing here Kenta! Get away from that creature! It might eat you!"
Koji shouted to his nephew, while the old woman looked at the kids with a surprised expression on her face.
"Come here! Quick!"
Koji shouted again, grabbing Kenta by the arm.
"No grandpa, wait! The monster its-!"
The priestess shouted to the old man, but in that moment, the creature roared furiously against the old man, grabbing Kenta by his shirt with its mouth and dragging him near Momo again.
"No! Kenta! He will eat him!"
The old man screamed to the priestess, but the woman hit him on the head with the stick she had in her left hand. The old man looked at Momo's grandma with confusion.
"You old stubborn sailor! Can't you see what's happening here?!"
She scolded the old man, leaving the kids quite surprised by that reaction.
"The kids won the god's respect! Their pure heart conquered his hunger, his anger! Just like you did many years ago with the other one!"
She said. Hearing those words made the kids feel even more confused, while Kenta gave some pats to the monster to calm it down.
"The... OTHER one??"
Momo asked, surprised and confused as soon as she heard those words.
"Sigh... Koji... We need to tell them. They need to be prepared for what they'll have to do."
The priestess said, in a much more calm, almost melancholy tone to the old man.
"But... They're so young. This is a much greater responsability than-"
But the woman interrupted him, by putting a finger on his mouth.
"I know and i remember that we promised to keep all the kids away from any potential danger until they would become older but... Look at them Koji, look at what happened tonight. They proved us wrong... They need to know what happened to this village and what you did for us."
The woman replied. Koji took a deep breath and then looked at the kids again.
"Come on kids, we have many things to talk about tonight... I'll tell you everything at my place."
He said to the kids.
"B-but what about... Him?"
Momo asked, referring to the big creature.
"Don't worry Momo, we won't forbid you to see the god again. In fact you'll have to stay close to him from now on... We will explain everything to you, come now."
The priestess replied, telling to the kids to follow them with a gesture of her right hand. With many questions in their head, the kids looked back at the creature and gave him another pat.
"We'll be back soon, don't worry."
Kenta said to the monster and then, along with Momo, he followed his grandpa, with the creature doing a lil noise after they left, almost as he was saying "goodbye" to them.
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domoz · 10 months
Had the thought that I rarely saw Itama incorporated into blessed eye AUs and it spiraled into a whole thing (fic)
They send Hikaku to tell him, because Hikaku is the only one of them who knows how to deliver bad news with anything resembling tact.
They've never acknowledged the awkwardness of the situation to his face. He's a Senju, he's their born enemy, and they're supposed to keep him safe and happy and content while at the same time keeping him away from his family, who they're constantly trying to kill.
Well -- they were trying to do that. Now they're trying to make peace with each other, and part of that had involved admitting that they'd had a Senju living, chakra sealed, in their compound for years. He would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that conversation, but he suspects he's only going to get any freedom after he gets moved into the village they've been building, and that really depends on how this reveal goes.
"I'm so sorry Itsuki-san" Hikaku bows deep to him, hiding a face that had, for a moment, twisted in genuine sympathy, "We informed them of your survival and they did not remember your name, nor the names of your family. Tobirama-san said he would look into the records, but in all likelihood --"
"It's alright." He cuts Hikaku off, turning to hide his own expression because he doesn't know what it will look like right now, "I suspected as much."
They think his brothers are dead, and they're not really wrong. Kenta and Jiro have never existed. Technically Itsuki doesn't either, though he's been using that name for so long that he thinks of it as his own more often than he doesn't these days.
His brothers are fine, and he knows it, because Hikaku just mentioned one of them and he certainly would have heard if something had happened to the other. The Uchiha had thrown a whole celebration when they'd killed his father, he doesn’t doubt that someone would at least come tell him if they'd killed Hashirama, too.
"I'd still like to see my clan again." He lets his voice shake, though its nerves, not sadness like he's sure Hikaku assumes, "Is there any way you could get me to see the head?"
He could probably tell them who he really is. In fact, he probably should, but he can't perfectly predict what their reactions will be. They probably won't stop him from seeing his brothers again, but they could, so it's not worth the risk.
Everyone will be mad anyways, waiting probably isn't going to make it any worse.
"Oh that's no problem Itsuki-san," He looks over and finds himself matching Hikaku's weak smile with one of his own, "he practically insisted."
Everyone had been reasonably sure that the Senju weren't going to harm one of their own, but 'everyone' only includes Izuna rarely, and never when he's being paranoid and nosy. His demand to act as an escort is as annoying as it is familiar, but it does have it's benefits. For one he doesn't even have to ask Izuna to try and get them there unseen, and for the other Itama is going to get to see the look on his face when he realizes exactly who he is.
The house doesn't look anything like he remembers it, but it shouldn't, considering it's an entirely different building. There are a few similarities in style, though, and he'd bet that they brought over the old shoji screens and fusuma panels -- but he can't say for certain. All the wood looks new, and it makes his throat close up; not for any nostalgia, but because he can see all the little flourishes and details, and Hashirama had hardly been capable of growing the flower that he'd been meaning to when they were kids. He knows that people apparently call his brother the God of Shinobi, that a house isn't even on the low end of what he's capable of now, but they'd all been just stories. The house is real and his brothers are inside and somehow he's only realizing just now that he's got no idea what he's going to say to them.
Itama runs his hand over the wood of the nearest post and swallows hard, looking helplessly at Izuna who has his arms folded, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else.
"I'm sure he knows we're here." Izuna grouses, "…Tobirama, I mean."
"...I know who you mean." Itama's response comes out a little to weak to be a tease.
Izuna reaches out to knock on the wall and announce their presence regardless. He's was right, though, because the door slides open only a few moments later.
To his great shame, Itama doesn't recognize his brother on first sight.
Time has apart has eroded away at his memories. Hashirama was always kind to him, even when he wasn't patient, and he smiled a lot, but Itama can't remember his face. He can't remember Tobirama's either, but his mind always conjures up a smear of white and red. The man who opens the door isn't colored like that at all.
Tobirama never used to wear the disguise he'd made for them at home -- a deceptively simple seal to darken their hair and eyes, the first one he'd ever mastered so they stood a chance of leaving the compound and being as useful as everyone else. He would always complain about the waste of chakra and deactivate it as soon as he deemed it safe. With it on, he looks like a perfectly generic Senju man: tan skin, dark brown hair and darker brown eyes.
Those dark eyes flicker over Izuna for a brief moment before landing on him and going wide. Izuna chastises him about something -- genjutsu? Something Tobirama just did with his chakra, which Itama still can't feel thanks to the seal on the back of his neck. They don't acknowledge him.
Itama hesitates because it truly takes him a moment to recognize who he's looking at, because his mouth has gone dry and his heart too fast. But even then, he recovers faster than Tobirama, who's gone deathly still.
"Hey, Tobi-nii." Itama's voice comes out rough. He tries for a smile, but in return Tobirama makes a choked off noise, he reaches out, but drops his hand before they touch, fingers twitching. He could have just been run through with a sword and the expression on his face wouldn't look out of place.
"Tobi-nii?" Izuna's voice interrupts them, high and shrill. Itama glances over and knows that he doesn’t really get it yet, doesn't believe it, or doesn't want to. Tobirama's eyes snap to him too.
"Whatever you're doing to seal his chakra, get it off him right now." He's furious. His voice cracks but it makes him sound more like the moments before a glacier breaks apart and starts and avalanche than anything weak.
Izuna whines in response, high pitched and confused.
"Tobi-nii?" He asks again, but does actually scramble to obey, for once. Obey Tobirama, which Itama knows will be a novelty to remember. He bites his thumb deep enough to draw blood and Itama easily bends his head forward enough to allow access to the seal. It's only a temporary solution, Itama knows, he'd managed to convince some Uchiha to do it for him a time or two, when the seal was still new and the sensation of having his chakra bound was still uncomfortable, but it's enough, for now.
The unfamiliar feeling of someone else's presence floods back, a sensation so nostalgic it makes heat prickle behind Itama's eyes. His brothers always had so much more chakra than him, and the disparity has only grown worse since he hasn't been able to train with his in years.
The feeling of Tobirama's chakra wrapping around his, prodding at it, checking it over, is as overwhelming as it ever was. Comforting, too.
"Itama." Tobirama breathes, jerking forward, "Otouto."
They're nearly the same height now, but Tobirama's hug engulfs him all the same. Tight enough that Itama can feel the tremble in his limbs, can feel the damp seep through his clothes where his older brother has buried his face in his shoulder and -- oh, he knows his memory has holes, but Tobirama never cried, did he? He always seemed so strong but the sight of him is enough to have him shaking apart and --
Itama feels the guilt creep in. He missed his brothers, he really had, but…
He'd been under surveillance, yes, and chakra bound, but deep down he knows that he didn't try to get back to them as hard as he should have. It was just… Easier. The Uchiha treated him kindly, for the most part. They didn't expect him to kill anyone, didn't try yell at him for feeling sad in front of them. The longer he stayed with them, the harder it was to think about leaving and going back and having to fight them. And then -- they'd managed to make peace, and he didn't have to, which is great, it really is, but up till now he'd been telling himself that his brothers were so strong that they could get by without him. That they'd grieve and move on and probably be better for it, not having to defend their weak baby brother all the time.
But all the time he'd spent in that plush cage, he'd known they were alive. And they'd thought, really thought, he was dead.
His tongue is too heavy behind his teeth to find the words for it, and before he can try there's another voice.
"Hey, Tobi, is that our guest or --"
Hashirama stops mid sentence, cutting himself off with a low, wounded sound.
He's gotten stupidly tall, Itama notes absently, and he grew out his hair, and even has the beginning of wrinkles around his mouth and eyes.
Itama didn't recognize his voice.
Itama swallows painfully, works his throat enough to croak out, "Hey, Hashi-nii."
Izuna whimpers. No one pays him any mind.
"Itama?" Hashirama says, looking and sounding faint. "I thought --- we didn't hope --"
"When they told us they had a Senju we didn't dare hope--" Tobirama's voice, still muffled in his shoulder, catches. "Even once we found out about the eyes, I knew that you were in disguise. I thought--"
He breaks off, somehow squeezing impossibly tighter.
Itama's eyes are locked over his shoulder on Hashirama, who's tears are already starting to run over his cheeks and onto the ground.
"It failed when I ran out of chakra." Itama's voice has fallen to a hoarse whisper, "They uh -- stopped. When they realized. Captured me instead. I--"
Hashirama been approaching him slowly, as if he were a frightened animal, but he's finally close enough to reach out and cradle Itama's face in his hands. The burning behind his eyes finally gives way and Itama sobs.
"I'm sorry." He wheezes, "I-- I'm--"
"Oh, otouto, no." Hashirama circles around and pulls them both into another hug, but his voice is wavering too, "Whatever it is, you don't have to apologize for surviving, okay?"
None of them resist when Hashirama pulls them all down to sit on the ground right there on the engawa. He's buried his face in Itama's hair, and Itama can feel his lips moving over and over again in some silent prayer.
It's not the first time they've sat like this, he remembers now. The night after Kawarama's funeral--
He stops paying attention who how long they sit there, content and comfortable with the way they've surrounded him.
Itama thinks Tobirama must have gotten control of himself first, he's stopped trembling, but he seems content not to move just yet. Hepulls himself together with a few heaving breaths -- his arms are too pinned to wipe his face, so he does it on Tobirama's shirt instead, and doesn't get a single complaint for it.
They have… A lot to catch up on, he thinks. Them more than him, because his days tend to blend into a lot of reading and crafting and poking at Uchiha -- he stopped pretending he was looking for weaknesses years ago too, but he's a little less ashamed about that. He never wanted anyone to die, even before he got caught.
He glances up from his brothers shoulder and locks eyes with Izuna. He's not remotely surprised that he's stayed but the picture he paints, stiff and uncomfortable, leaning on the wall of the house and looking as far from casual as a man can get. It is, admittedly, a funny image.
"You're name isn't Itsuki." Izuna accuses, frown etched deep. Tobirama turns his head, and whatever look he shoots Izuna has him looking faintly green.
"…I don't think you can go by a something for a decade and a half and not have it become your name, at least a little." Itama ribs tiredly. But gods, he's so exhausted already, and he hasn't even gotten to any of the arguments he knows are going to happen, "But, I know that's not what you're asking, so… Uh… No. My name is Senju Itama."
He doesn't explain anything more. His brothers are still wrapped around him, so he's pretty sure he doesn't have to.
Surprisingly, it's Hashirama who speaks next, voice so controlled and even that it sounds threatening.
"Your clan," He says, "Has been holding my little brother prisoner for years. I really don't know what to do about that, to be honest!"
"He's --" Izuna sputters, going all prickly defensive in the face of the head and heir of the Senju clan staring him down with murderous intent, "We told you, alright? We protect people like him, even from their own clans who think sending out a kid to run messages in a war zone is a smart idea!"
Tobirama actually growls in response, and Itama sighs. He had been hoping to avoid this for a while longer at least, but…
"No one do anything stupid." He punctuates his point by knocking his shoulders into each of his brother's in turn. "They didn't treat me badly after taking me, and they didn't know who I was."
He'd had nearly all of the freedoms of any other blessed one by the end of the first year, and no one had been particularly unkind to him even before then. Most Uchiha considered him a victim of the Senju more than they did person from the clan.
"They sealed your chakra!" Tobirama protests.
"He was still a Senju!" Izuna insists, "Of course we couldn't let him--"
"You're not helping!" Itama cuts him off cheerfully. "My point is, that since the clans at peace now, I'm not a prisoner anymore, right?"
Izuna really doesn’t have the authority to make that decision, but putting him on the spot to flounder over it is as funny as Itama hoped it would be.
"Uh." He says gracefully, "Uh, I--"
"We're not giving him back." Hashirama announces, forcefully enough to shake Izuna from his stupor.
"Wh-- Now hold on." He scowls, "He's still our responsibility, you can't--"
"He's our family." Tobirama all but snarls, "Who you took, you're the one who can't--"
"I think," Itama starts and marvels at the way everyone's attention turns to him, "That this is a great argument for why I should get to move into the village, no?"
Hashirama laughs, loud and booming and still wet with tears. He leans over to rest his cheek on top of Itama's head.
"Yes." He agrees, "Yes, I think it is."
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glitchdecay · 3 months
Suzuki Tatsuhisa Talks Behind-the-Scenes of FFXV: Part 6
This will be the second-to-last part of the series! Start from the beginning here; go here for the previous part. Listen along from 18:22–21:34 here.
In this part, Tatsu talks to host Shimazu Shintarou (video game industry expert) and assistant host Kubota Miyu (voice actor and singer) about the final camping scene and why he's glad that a line from it became a meme in Japan.
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Suzuki Tatsuhisa: We did the same thing [see Part 5 of my translations] for the scene that became the 「やっぱつれぇわ」 meme. [T/N: This line, "yappa tsuree wa", literally "it really is hard'' and localized as "(it's…) more than I can take'' in English, became a meme back when FFXV first released because it could be thought of as a response to criticism of the game and because its casual dialogue made it easy to reenact.] We had so many retakes for the camping scene. 
Shimazu Shintarou: I didn't know that. 
ST: The script for that scene was rewritten a stupid number of times. I don't remember how many times we rerecorded it. Who was there during the recording... 
ST: If I recall, it was Miyano Mamoru [voice of Ignis], Miyake Kenta [voice of Gladio], and me. [Kakihara] Tetsuya [voice of Prompto] wasn't there for the recording. At that point, we were discussing when Noct was supposed to start crying. We tried different points, like the beginning, middle, and end, and even specified which lines he needed to start crying at. We decided on a specific line. 
ST: I think Mamoru and Kenta-san both said, "That's not where Noct should cry." "I get the feeling, like, I know he's all worked up." "The pause in this line. I'm saying this in the most idealistic way, but maybe it's better to start crying from here. This is the best point to start the waterworks." "In terms of nuance, this is the best point for the tears to come." 
SS: Why did you have to have that in mind together? Is it so you know when it is?
ST: It is.
SS: But why? It isn't necessarily the case. The way I see it, the previous take could've been the better one. But when it's like that, it becomes whole?
ST: Whole. 
SS: That's so interesting.
ST: What I find fascinating is how actors have this sixth sense. In other words, it's like an athlete being in the zone**. When you're performing on stage…
ST [to Kubota Miyu]: I'm sure you've experienced it while performing live.
KM: Yes.
ST: When you're in the zone, you can get the audience excited by just looking at them. It's like a mysterious point in time. 
SS: What's going on here? 
SS: It's like there's a common space out here and a wall has appeared between me and that space. 
ST: I don't know what it's like if you're looking at it from the outside. 
SS: You're right about that. 
ST [to KM]: But you get it, right? 
KM: Yeah, it happens in my live shows. 
ST: Like when everything comes together on stage.
KM: When it comes together... It happens, of course.
ST: It happens in the recording booth, too.
KM: Totally. I experienced it while recording.
SS: Interesting.
ST: I don't know how, but all the timings were meshing with each other. We saw where the timing would be. We all concentrated so hard on it that we were like, "It has to be here." We had that in mind together. Everyone on the other side of the recording room somehow got the feeling that it had to be there too.
ST: "It would be the best right here. Could you do it, Tatsu-san?" was what they said.
ST: So the millisecond before I was supposed to cry, I was told to really adjust my emotions and we recorded the line that way.
SS: That's amazing. 
ST: But I was glad. 
SS: Should I play it again? 
KM: Right? I've never played it, but I feel like playing it after hearing about all this. 
SS: I know, I know. 
KM: I really feel like playing it.
ST: Yeah. And to be honest, when I heard that line became a meme, I was so happy I could die. 
SS: Yeah.
ST: We worked so hard on it. It was the result of all of our hard work. Besides, they didn't pick a line from anywhere before that point. If you didn't work your butt off, you wouldn't be able to hear that line.
SS: You're right.
ST: You'd hear that line just before you cleared the game. 
I went back to replay half of Chapter 14 just to hear that line again. It was soooo worth it… By the way, やっぱつれぇわ reemerged as a meme in 2019 when the new Japanese era would be named 令和 (Reiwa) and people came up with the pun やっぱつ令和.
**Not me reading "in the zone" and being like, "Ah, yes, KuroBas reference!" (It isn't.)
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akkivee · 5 months
it is time. stage bat time 😌:
hirono ryouta
HIRONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RYOUTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that’s it that’s the post lmao /j
i’ve btched plenty about kuukou’s writing in the stage but had hirono-san not been at the helm i highly doubt i would have cared for stage bat as much as i do lmao
i’ve fairly recently talked about how he defined the way kuukou moves in auxiliary media and how it brought to life how i envisioned he moved but it bears repeating hirono-san gave me everything and more lmao
like i still think about kuukou stalking up on some guy in track 3, twirling his mic and actually using it as a bludgeoning weapon with utter glee lol he’s so violent 💜
i love love love the feedback loop that quietly goes on behind the scenes with kuukou’s actors lmao
hirono-san mentioned in their cross talk that hayama-san’s 5th live performance was a frame of reference for the kuukou audition iirc, hayama-san a few years later during the 9th live imitated the way hirono-san used to bow as kuukou after nurusara’s division rep battle, and the bat actors took the bat seiyuu’s very cute 9th live blunder, missing their cue to introduce themselves in sync, and owned bat’s chaos by introducing themselves with their individual quirks in their rep live lol
lol during that cross talk, hirono-san mentioned he was endlessly amused by kuukou being tied up and angrily trying to talk in bat’s first drama track and i’m very happy he got to live it for himself after being tied up by dohifu in bat vs mtr lmao
still cracks me up dohifu had their very gay my home duet and kuukou literally went ‘REALLY???? IN FRONT OF MY SALAD?????’ lmao
i’ve been trying my hardest to talk around stage kuukou’s writing but personal bangers despite are!!!!!
him trying to fight jakurai and when the man passed out without kuukou even doing anything he went, ‘bruh🧍‍♂️’!!!!!!!! him getting in hifumi’s face after being called out for his shitty attitude!!!!! him playing the bad guy to bring hitoya and jakurai together!!!!!!
kuukou: *points* HITOYA!!!!!!
kuukou: *points again* JYOOSH!!!!!!
i wish i was normal about bat’s rep live lol like while we may suspect that performance was borne out of his looming graduation, hirono-san snapped off that last remaining chain of sanity and went crazy lol
i think about him butting heads and screaming at kenta-san, one of the ddb guys who is probably the only one who could match that energy lmao, the roaring growing in frequency until he held up his jacket, nagoya side out, and yelling, ‘NAGOYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!’ until he blacked out on stage all the time 😭😭😭
other moments from the rep live i think about lol is that skit where hitoya totally scams kuukou and jyushi lmao but when hitoya told them the statue they ‘broke’ cost like 1000000¥ or some outrageous amount, kuukou started retching and that’s so relatable LOL
and that moment during the host club invasion where he walks in and goes ‘sup btches it’s been a while 😈’ and proceeds to destroy fragrance LOL
and him stuffing like four marshmallows at once in his mouth, expecting to be able to continue being able to speak lmao
and him going so hard his rings flew off and an unplanned mini encore happened as he tried to look for them LOL
saw a report that they were going stoopid one day during their rep live run the crowd was unwilling to let them go so hirono-san convinced the producers to let them do another encore on top of the several they already had 😭😭😭
and can you believe the hype never stopped even when bat wasn’t the focal point lol i heard that man at one point needed to be dragged off the stage during bop2023 bc he staunchly said they’d have to dim the lights on him for him to stop😭😭😭😭
there’s so so many bop2023 moments i think about like his redux rock paper scissors game, or him lifting up sasara only to drop him a second later lmao, him bullying stage posse LOL, the way they let him bring the hype whenever music lulled
and ofc the nb duet lol if the stage doesn’t want to do much by way of ichiro and kuukou’s relationship, thank fck hirono-san was there to carry lmao
crying over that one day when neither ichiro nor kuukou could catch their shared coke bottle to save their lives and kept laughing at each other while performing 😭😭😭😭😭
thank you hirono-san for establishing into stage canon kuukou dropped his bandana at ichiro’s feet after their breakup and that ichiro still has kuukou’s red bandana somewhere. it may not stick but that’s such an amazing take on that bandana’s whereabouts
daigo-san’s jyushi is so BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
THE top line i always think about is him joyfully walking into hitoya’s office in bat’s rep live and going, ‘hitoya-san!!!!! i’ve come to play!!!!! 😃😃😃’
previously that had been me crying anytime i thought about him skipping into hitoya’s office in track 3, cheerfully calling for him only to switch mid sentence into vkei mode once he noticed hitoya has guests lmao
his kuukou impersonation is legendary no joke lmao
that’s the second most bat moment i think about lol
i like how sometimes daigo-san’s default jyushi expression is the equivalent of this lol
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another top moment i think about is him yelling how much he loves kuukou and hitoya during bop2023 😭😭😭
especially when you think about those early days of bat???? his first stage role ever was track 3 and he talked about learning the ropes from ruito-san, late night train rides with hirono-san after rehearsals and sharing his insecurities, bonding with them both despite the two of them being shy and UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH
like I COULD CRY about daigo-san incessantly commenting under hirono-san’s posts after track 3 and finally hirono-san went, ‘bro what gives???’ and daigo-san went, ‘i’m trying to be your friend lol’ 😭😭😭😭😭😭
all that bonding culminated to a point daigo-san can make fun hirono-san in his most trying hours lol (he lost a lot of money gambling LOL)
forever haunted by him commenting he and sakakihara-san had an in depth conversation about jyushi after track 3 and we never had them in the same room 😭😭😭😭
i also think about this one report i read where hitoya and kuukou were beefing as they usually do so he sat himself aside and lol when kuukou asked him why’s he sitting over there he responded, ‘well i didn’t want to get in the way of your flirting 😒’ LOL
jyushi being hitoya’s (current) number one fanboy is my canon lol so i’m happy he got a whole solo about hitoya lol
another top moment i think about is jyushi dramatically crying he’s going to die alone in shinjuku because he got separated from kuukou lmao
will forever and always be bitter the mtc rep live with bat as guests wasn’t available for stream so we missed kuukou bullying samatoki by repeating everything he said, kuukou and jyushi getting chased around by juto and rio while samatoki and hitoya waffled (and samatoki oogled hitoya’s body lmao) and jyushi got arrested by juto so he started crying for kuukou who came out asking what was wrong as he piggybacked rio LOL
idk if you can tell but i like stage jyushi lol he’s very funny
both hirono-san and daigo-san are so down bad for ruito-san it’s so funny but i don’t blame them LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN HIM LOL
it’s so funny to see it bleed into their kuukou and jyushi like we ain’t ever getting over them essentially grinding up on him during one of bat’s songs in track 3 LOL
ruito-san is too peak for hitoya frfr lol ain’t no way we’ll get another hitoya who can do synchronised backflips with kuukou 😭😭😭😭😭😭
i almost forgot lol hirono-san commented that after track 3, he got stuck calling himself ‘sessou,’ kuukou’s personal pronoun lol, and similarly, ruito-san has a hard time not touching his chin like hitoya does LOL
stage hitoya is fascinating, simply bc of how much more adjusted he is than canon hitoya lol
like i cannot stress enough how the best morally grey hitoya was written when he scammed kuukou and jyushi into doing good deeds and favours for him lmao
since he’s so well adjusted, some of his and kuukou’s heart to heart changed in execution, but it was neat seeing him call out kuukou for assuming people can be effortlessly strong like him, and have that thought come back when he’s facing jakurai
idk if i have a preference between the stage vs canon on how they resolved hitoya’s and sensei’s relationship but i still think the stage absolutely cooked lol
will always be crying over kuukou’s jakurai impersonation lol and how he revealed it by teasing hitoya for having a date but kuukou apparently got the details wrong so he confidently corrected him that they had gone out for strawberry milkshakes
and fanboy jyushi fell to his knees crying how cute that was, he gets it LOL
there’s this motion stage hitoya does in his courtroom solo i think, where he stands with perfect posture and tilts his arms that makes him look like a scale ⚖️ and it’s so good lol symbolism in DANCING
so more on hirono-san and daigo-san loving ruito-san lol i always think about them gassing up the role he landed in a drag production 😭😭😭 hirono-san didn’t want to miss it and daigo-san eloquently used 🔥🔥🔥 in his hype, amongst other borderline thirst tweet shenanigans LOL
was that their last interview together……….???? but that video of them painting walls together where ruito spills paint all over hirono-san, daigo-san gently caresses paint onto ruito-san’s face, and hirono-san crushes daigo-san’s balls truly lives rent free i’m going to miss the three of them as bat so much 😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💔😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜
#vee queued to fill the void#BUT THERES STILL SO MUCH I WANT TO TALK ABOUT#KUUKOU AND JYUSHI PLAY CATCH WITH MARSHMALLOWS WITH THEIR MOUTHS#HITOYA (RUITO-SAN LOL) EXHAUSTED FROM THEIR REP LIVE RUN AND BEING PULLED AND GOADED BY HIS TEAM#DAIGO-SAN SHOWING OFF RUITO-SANS LIKE 1% BODY FAT ACHIEVEMENT WHILE HIRONO-SAN WAS ABSOLUTELY GOING BALLISTIC IN THE BG#THE THREE OF THEM PLAYING DARTS ON DAIGO-SANS WEB SHOW#THEY DIDNT DO IT TO EACH OTHER BUT HIRONO-SAN AND DAIGO-SAN GETTING THEIR NAILS DONE#I CAN KEEP GOING I DONT WANT THEM TO GO DONT TAKE THEIR BAT AWAY FROM ME 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#i will say the new jyushi seems to have the vkei spirit bred within their very soul which is hype for him lol#what makes me nervous ig is the new kuukou based on the new encounter mv moves practically like hirono-san#technically that’s good lol i’ll appreciate visages of hirono-san as i sit thru kuukou’s stage interpretation lmao#but what else is he bringing to the table???? just that???? copycat hirono????? hm#i may not agree with management giving us cross talks before we’ve seen the actors do anything but it will help get a general vibe ig#(also here’s to hoping the vision with kuukou was long form character development rather than a more static character approach pls lol)#i also promise to learn their names by each cross talk lol i can’t continue being part of the problem lol#anyway i hope the length of this explains why it’s late lol
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watchinglikeafangirl · 4 months
I hate to say it, but Pit Babe episode 11 is so messy.
It's revealed Charlie isn't really dead which didn't shock me since it was kinda obvious. There were multiple scenes when Charlie says he's ready to die for Babe, so he kinda did... But where did that uncle come from who takes care of Charlie?! Why introduce a new character? We already have too many characters. It's not ideal to introduce some bad guy two episodes before the finale.
Also, this episode is a lot about JeffAlan, so we don't see much of Charlie, Babe, Way and Tony. The whole pacing suffers because JeffAlan's pacing is really bad. It's slowburn but then they hit us with ten scenes and that's supposed to be their whole love story. Sorry, but that could have been written so much better and I'm not invested at all.
North, Sonic and Kim are there once and don't appear since they have no purpose any more. It's not like these three characters were essential to the story but still, they turn into unnoticable sidecharacters and I don't like it.
Babe and Charlie are the main couple, Charlie is the protagonist but they are barely seen. Charlie sleeps and drinks Lactasoy while Babe walks around with an angry face, trying to avenge his supposedly dead boyfriend. I really hate how Charlie didn't include Babe in his plan. There could have been another way and just saying "he doesn't understand" is such an unfair and pathetic understatement, it actually hurts. I feel like Charlie forgets Babe was raised by Tony as well and keeps on thinking he should exclude Babe from everything. But that's not how realtionships work and I do not want to believe the series will be giving us a happy ending for these two when Charlie lied to Babe so drastically. Charlie made Babe believe he died, made Babe break down at his grave, made Babe so depressed he didn't eat, made Babe mad at the world and over all, he made Babe's grief unnecessary and unimportant. Charlie doesn't show that much remorse while holding on to a plan that made his partner say a final goodbye that ISN'T FINAL. I cannot say how much I hate how this all turns out and how much I hope they don't get a happy ending because Babe certainly does not deserve a boyfriend like that. I'm sorry, but it's so beyond me how Babe will accept any apology.
And then, we finally have a PeteKenta scene and some flashbacks I hoped would appear but never thought I would see. The fight scene is very mid, they pull the same stunt three times BUT when I saw that tear rolling down Kenta's face, I was hooked. And now I'm invested. Their relationship and Kenta as a character have so much potential but there's no room since there are too many characters and too many storylines happening at the same time. Kenta is a very conflicted person while Pete knows his believes. It's interesting to see Kenta struggle because Pete questions his morals and I would say, the time they spend apart didn't do them any good. I can only speculate and I'll leave that for next week. There's not much to say from one scene. They never really talk except for the flashback, so I cannot say how much they changed each other back then...
But honestly, what happens in this episode? What happens over all? The series has a bunch of filler scenes and this episode is by far the worst. Nothing happens. The plot can be seen from a mile away and we're fighting against Tony since day one. Babe says "we hit a dead end again" but have we seen him collect evidence until now? He talks like he's been onto Tony since day one but all we have seen him do is trying to beat the Red team, racing in general, having a relationship and staying at home because of his injury. When did he collect evidence? I know, he went with Charlie and they had a bunch of stunt scenes. But I mean before that, in the beginning of the show, he doesn't do anything but living "on the run" in the same house.
I like stories where the bad guy needs to be outsmarted and people investigate but the problem is, the series always TELLS us they are investigating but they barely SHOW us. I can't believe them if it's not something I see. This episode makes pretty clear this so called investigation would have been nothing if Pete wasn't there. Babe had no evidence on his own, so I ask myself, what's the story? What's the plot? Or did the story suffer under BabeCharlie's screentime? I can't explain it to myself but I have issues with the pacing from day one.
My issue is, it's been teased since the first episode that Tony is the bad guy who will be ended once the series ends. The series makes it look like it's inevtably going to happen and it's going to happen soon since Tony is becoming stronger and needs to be ended ASAP. But the problem is, nothing in that matter happens and Tony keeps on being powerful for way longer than the series initially told us.
If we look at KinnPorsche for example, we knew Vegas is the villain. It's obviously about him but the difference is the showdown in episode 10 and the finale at episode 14. He is the villain throughout two plots. The first one leads to the second one but still, it keeps the excitement. Episode 10 is the climax of KinnPorsche. It's thrilling, it's exciting and it's interesting how the "twist villain" is revealed. Pit Babe for example doesn't have such an impactful climax. Tony is barely shown, so we cannot understand how evil or scary he is. There's no first showdown where everyone reveals their true colors and go home thinking about a way to outsmart each other next time they meet. None of this happens and right now it feels messy and stuffed and boring. There's no action or excitment, just relationships that are not really connected to the plot and the story in general, so it feels pointless.
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snugglebeans3000 · 2 years
Chapter 2- The Space Between Stars
It was week since then, and the formidable gloom that hung over the crowd only got stronger as the day to Ryuga’s funeral grew closer. Kyoya was rather more isolated than usual, Tsubasa was definitely on edge, and everyone was in trapped in a heavy silence. Kenta knew that Ryuga had touched the lives of so many… It was a melancholy bond now that he was gone. The only one who seemed high in spirits was Gingka. Kenta guessed it was because he was trying to cheer up his friends, but he couldn’t help but notice that he already seemed at peace with Ryuga’s death. Kenta decided to call him out on it.
“Gingka…” He began as the two were chatting over at the bey park. Gingka had invited him there so maybe they could train together, but the two got caught up in catching up with each other since everything that happened. It seemed so depressing recalling all that he did. But now he had more pressing matters to deal with.
He paused, his eyes down on his lap. “How are you so happy, even though Ryuga is dead?”
The ginger seemed to pause, confused as Kenta continued.
“I mean not to be rude in any sort of way. I’ve just noticed that even though he’s gone, and everyone’s sad about it, you’ve been just like you were when he was alive. Sure, you give comfort to all the rest of the group, but it’s like you’re not depressed about your greatest rival being gone at all… did you really not like him that much…?”
Gingka’s posture suddenly tensed, a stern look coming into his eye. “Of course, I’m sad about him being gone. He was one of the best bladers that I had ever met, hands down. I could’ve never have imagined he would be taken away from this life so soon…” His voice had faded down into a depressed low. “But it can’t be helped. He’s dead. But… But I think he’s at peace somewhere out there.”
Kenta’s ears pricked up.
“I know that sounds insane to say, believe me it does. But after the battle with Nemesis, once we had driven back that evil power, I felt his presence. It was looking down at us from the sky, and I knew in that moment that he was alright out there. Heck—maybe I’m just crazy… But I don’t find a reason to grieve when I know that my greatest rival is still out there somewhere where he’s happy. I mean, if I was up somewhere in the universe, and I looked down on all my friends and saw them crying over me—I wouldn’t want that at all. And I bet he doesn’t want you to be torn up about this either. You were his greatest friend. You were closer to him than any of us were.”
Kenta paused. “So… So, you think he’s in a better place?” he repeated.
“Yeah, basically.” He said, leaning back, smiling. Then, his grin suddenly faded. “But I know this is hard for everybody. Not everyone sees it that way. If I’m coming off as being insensitive you can tell me y’know?”
“Tha—that’s not what I was implying sorry!” He babbled, suddenly flushed with embarrassment.
He felt like such a jerk calling him out on it now. He twiddled his thumbs in his lap and looked down like a shamed puppy.
Suddenly, he heard Gingka burst out and laughter and felt a strong and slap against his back. “Don’t worry about it. I get it, I have been pretty upbeat lately, but that’s mostly because I’ve been trying to pick everybody’s spirits up. Don’t sweat the question Kenta, I’m okay with it.”
Kenta laughed alongside him, but he felt like it was more of a nervous laugh that anything else. The two chuckled a little before a peaceful silence sat in between them again before Gingka broke it.
“Tomorrow’s the funeral.” He mentioned, looking out into the blue sky. “Are you feeling okay enough to give the speech Kenta? I know things have been hard for you, but I want to give you the option to back out if you feel this is all a bit too overwhelming. I know things have been tough… So, if you don’t feel like you can do it, we all understand and support your decision.”
The green haired boy gave his friend a fond yet heartbroken smile. “I’ll be fine Gingka, really. I understand the group is worried, but I’ll be fine.”
Gingka nodded and smiled, convinced. “Kay.” He gave Kenta a pat on the shoulder.
Another pause.
“Do you know who’s flying in tomorrow?” Kenta asked.
At this question, Gingka threw back his head sighing. “let’s see… King and Masamune are coming. So is Julian, Sophie, Wales, and Klaus. Nile and Demure are coming here too. Nearly everyone we’ve met is attending his funeral.”
“Wow…” He let the words sink in for a moment. “I never knew he touched so many lives…”
“Yeah…” Gingka agreed. “Me neither…”
Kenta’s smile brightened despite the pain. “I’m glad people remember him.” He muttered to himself.
Gingka didn’t say anything but smiled. Kenta was finally starting to heal. It was still tender, and it would leave a scar afterwards, but slowly, he felt the whole inside of him start to seal. He leaned back, a small grin on his lips. His green hair sparkled with the bright light of midday as the sun prickled at their skin, gradually making their flesh golden and crispy.
“Do you want to go get some lunch at Madoka’s?”
Kenta turned to Gingka who was already starting to stand.
The green haired boy smiled. “Sure. That sounds like a good idea.”
The two walked back along the hot sidewalk to the heart of the city. As they rounded the corner that led them up to Madoka’s house, a voice called out for them.
“Gingka! Kenta!”
The two boys looked towards the direction of the voice. They were shocked to find Tsubasa sprinting at them, Yu by his side desperately trying to keep the pace.
They skidded to a halt in front of them, both panting like mad dogs.
“Tsubasa—Yu—” Kenta stammered in shock. “What are you doing here?”
“We need you to come to the hospital right now.” Tsubasa abruptly said.
“Wait—” Kenta stammered in shock. “Why—”
“Ryuga’s been found.” Yu spoke solemnly. “It’s not good.”
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feuqueerfire · 1 month
Change2561 Changing Project Lineup 2024 Showcase
I've made posts about GMMTV 2023 and 2024 (pt 1 & 2) trailer reactions but I don't tend to watch other companies' trailers because 1) some shows I'm excited about might not end up happening and 2) even if it does happen... might take 2-3 years lol. We're impatient about GMMTV's output timing but at least they usually release all their shows and withint 1.5 years of the pilot trailer since they're a big enough company with a System.
Change2561 seems to fall into that category as well, since they're kind of like GMMTV's sister company as they're a subsidiary of GMM Grammy? I'm not 100% certain, it's what I've gathered from people's comments. So I think there's a high change we'll get the shows + in a timely manner. I'm excited!
Also, I'm not watching this live, so I know what the shows are + very basic premise.
Most Anticipated:
Goddess Bless You From Death: suchhhh a good trailer and sounds right up my alley, I'm really hoping for a miracle with strong script + acting + cinematography. Currently one of my most anticipated BLs in general.
I'll Watch Depending On Reviews
Affair: let's go rich/poor GL!
Pit Babe S2: please no mpreg, I can't do pregnancy storylines at allll
I'm The Most Beautiful Count: looks hilarious and I like the time travel concept, but I've never been keen on shows with many suitors (even love triangles can get too much for me), so I'll see how it goes.
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans: idk, maybe I'll watch it if it receives lots of praise
Trailer-by-trailer thoughts below the cut.
Title: This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans
Pair: Sailub/Pon
Thoughts: It was released like a month ago but I didn't feel the desire to watch the trailer then and now that I've tried watching the trailer... idk, I don't really care. I was quite into Jeff/Alan in Pit Babe before souring on them in the later episodes and maybe that's bleeding into this. I skipped some of the scenes after the 2 minute mark, long ass trailer. I'll watch it if people Love it.
Title: Affair
Pair: idk but it's a GL :)
Thoughts: Girl, a 7 minute trailer?! I watched like 3 minutes. I'm into it, it's a boss's daughter/maid's daughter forbidden romance across class status. The leads are cute together. I'll add it to the watchlist and hope it's good
Aside: It's from a novel by Chao Planoy, who's also the author of GAP, Blank, Pluto, Us, My Marvellous Dream Is You, and more. People on twitter hate this author so bad, talking about how her books are really problematic and they're always glad when the plot is changed in the show but I also never quite know why they call her problematic, like okay Blank has a big age gap but I'm interested in the show because of said age gap so... lol I guess. Anyway, hope the shows are good, idc about the novels necessarily because many BL novels are also bad or 80% smut or with 0 plot or whatever.
Title: I’m The Most Beautiful Count
Pair: Suppanut harem haha but endgame Ping/Nut?
Thoughts: Nut had a real-life boyfriend for like 7 years, right? Love to see out actors being employed. Oh, a kathoey character.
This is so fun lol Long ass trailer again but I watched most of it cuz too much was going on. I'm not fully sure I'll watch it but it's interesting for sure, mostly for the main character + time travel concept. I don't really care for shows with many different people fighting for the affections of one person. Although people are excited about harem possibilities, I don't know I think it'll end with Ping/Nut rather than harem endgame.
Title: Pit Babe The Series 2
Pair: Pooh/Pavel
Thoughts: I didn't know a season 2 was on the table but I saw an interview with the crew that apparently they just thought of different scenarios over lunch one time for fun and that's how it was born lol. Starting the trailer with the minor bad guys from season 1 in prison and fighting is objectively hilarious. Kenta I fucking love you, I'm sad we won't get Pete/Kenta. Not the Mama/Papa again, please no mpreg plsplsplspls no T.T I don't know if I like that people who were killed in the first season are back again hmm. Again, long trailer so skipped a lot in the second half but watched enough to get the gist + no mpreg in the trailer at least lol. I'd be curious to watch it since I've already watched season 1 but I'll first listen to reviews saying whether it's actually good
Title: Goddess bless you from death
Pair: Pooh/Pavel (or is it Pavel/Pooh in this one? Update: based on some tiktok comments, it's still PoohPavel based on the novel hah fun either way), side couple Michael/TopTen (North/Sonic in Pit Babe)
Thoughts: Watching this one last even though it was released 2nd-last because from the title and poster and people's comments about it being dark, I think this could be my favourite of the trailers. and omg I was correct, it's suchhhhh a good pilot trailer, what the heck?! It's dark and actually gory and scary, I'm sooo excited, it's now one of my most-anticipated BLs.
Also, I'd previously seen this post on r/ThaiBL about the author of this novel wanting Pooh/Pavel to do liveaction for this ghosthunting BL, I'm glad that came to fruition haha
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miss0atae · 5 months
Random thoughts about Pit Babe the series Ep 9:
This episode was packed with many information and twists. I'm never bored when I watch this series.
▪️ First of all, let's talk about Babe. I felt for him so much in this episode. The betrayal he had to feel when he learnt about Way being the Enigma, hiding his work for Tony and basically lying from the very beginning. Babe really saw Way as his best and most trusted friend. It was hard to watch. I have to admit, I never watched Pavel in another series before, but I admit he really know how to cry. He do it beautifully. It's weird to say it this way, but I hope it's understandable. It must be really hard when you can't trust anyone. I'm sad for Babe. He quoted all the people who betrayed him and Charlie is quite lucky that he didn't say his name. Even if I like them together and think they are a cute couple, Charlie took his sweet time to tell the truth to Babe. Thankfully, Babe really loves him and I don't doubt that Charlie loves him back but he hasn't been trustful from the beginning either.
▪️ Charlie had many opportunities to use Babe's gift in this episode. I like how he was the one who had to deal with the consequences before the race. He can now fully understand what Babe was living before. I also found that so sweet how Babe came to me and was so lovable with him. I appreciate all the fluff and domestic vibes they have together. However, I wish Charlie was better at learning from his past mistakes. He told Babe he would tell him the truth but he is still hiding things from him. I wanna talk about when Jeff told him about his vision and they made a plan together but they haven't told anyone else about it. It's again going to break Babe's heart and as much as I find Pavel pretty when he is crying, I think Babe had enough sorrow. He doesn't need to cry more.
▪️ Jeff and Alan... We got robbed again! Yes, they had their little cute moment and it seems that Alan understand now that he has feeling for Jeff (thanks to the love matchmakers that are Sonic and North, they may be bad at rescuing people but at least they are better at being love gurus). I melted a little bit when Jeff called himself "Alan's boy". I thought they would kiss right at that moment... but no! It's frustrating! You like each other, time to have some action.
▪️ I understand now why Pete called Kenta, Ken. It's because he is "buying/saving" all those kids. They may have met this way. It is not said in the series but I haven't found a better explanation. Babe learnt from him that he is actively trying to convict Tony. He also knows him (it seems almost every character is Tony's son now which hilarious) and is the second Enigma. I hope he'll succeeded in his mission but also that he will save Way.
▪️ Now, we need to say something about Way... Of course, he was the second Enigma and he also tried to sexually assaulted Babe. I never liked him but for the first time I felt pity for him. What he did was terrible and there is no excuses. However, I feel like he has a lot of self-loathing. He was threatened by Tony. Way is afraid of him and when you're living in such bad environment it's hard to act rightly. We also learnt that he was homeless before Tony took care of him. I don't know what is going to be his redemption arc but I hope he'll get it. He seems so miserable. Tony is just so toxic. I felt like it was a miracle that Babe, Charlie, Pete or Jeff are not more f****d up in the head because of it. I don't know, I feel like Way could have turned differently.
▪️ We got nothing from Kenta or Kim and I'm starting to think that it is not meant to be. Also, what is Kenta's deal?! He seems to not really be on board with what Tony is doing but at the same time he is doing his work. I need answers!
▪️ Dean is also back in the team? Can we really trust him? I'm not sure. Especially after seeing the trailer.
▪️ By the way, why is Charlie always loosing?! He got special ability and he was trained by Babe. You need to do better Charlie! I wish he won this race. I'm stressed now with what I saw on the trailer.
I can't wait to be next Friday.
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oshi-nakadapiroki · 8 months
Nakada Hiroki Channel Nakacha no Ma #45.5 2023.9.24 Notes [Eng translation]
Apparently he's only got it filled up halfway
The sound keeps disconnecting
He doesn't know the hotel's WiFi password
Takeshi is gonna go to heaven eventually if he keeps having him in the bath
He's going off to search for the password
"'Are you wearing clothes?' No, I'm using the bath, I'm completely naked. Sorry, I went away looking for the password completely naked."
He's got water, vitamin drink and apple slices (no beer while he's working)
He'll get to drink after tomorrow's final performance 🍻
Some cast member is making noise in the room next to his (the mic doesn't pick up on it though)
He's brooding over not being shown on camera alot in the Suehirogari livestreams 🥺
He didn't know the camera missed out on his mini stage during the second half of Viva Carnival
He doesn't want to shit on the camera crew, they're doing their best after all
He did not have a script for his haikus!
He hasn't had a single rehearsal for Furuba yet
He says Kenta has gotten so big since he last saw him
Some reminiscing on being the first Touken danshi from Oscar Pro (then followed Kurumu, Yuuta, Kenta)
Ryousei is bigger than Mt. Fuji confirmed
"Akashi would never have a tanki" 😭
He's feeling really tired now that they're doing the actual performances; it's more than just running
He assures us all he has been getting a proper ridiculous amount of sleep recently
He might be completely naked but he is wearing his glasses
He's having us imagine Akashi for a moment
The enter key on his keyboard is stuck for some reason
Female Takeshi starts talking!
He can't even remember himself who's Takeshi and who's Mayumi
He's rly amazed with the weather they've had for Suehirogari so far
It's been raining for weeks, to the point they even had to cancel rehearsals
He's been practicing his haiku recently
It's not that the dance routine in Enbu is hard, rather it's that there's no space on stage to dance lol
He's been in the bath for the past two hours; as soon as it gets lukewarm, he just keeps putting more warm water in
He finds it surprisingly difficult to do the pop-up and jump on stage given his weight and physique
But he still thinks he's rly good at it
His science and engineering side comes out when he starts talking about the physics of jumping and G force
Because he puts alot of force on his legs when he takes off, he thinks it's more physically draining than running
He still hasn't been on the Takabisha
He was probably having a parfait with their choreographer while everyone was off enjoying the rides
He'd rather be doing pop-up jumps for the rest of his life even if it hurts his legs than ride those attractions at Fuji-Q
We get some low voice ASMR
He didn't know Akashi's standee was placed at the back of the pizzeria
He thinks laying on the pizza would make a good futon; it's soft and if you're hungry, you could eat it. It'd be like a pizza beanbag
He's got more otoko gummies in stock
He doesn't like his singing voice but he likes singing
He hasn't taken any raincoat pics
He'd like to tell us his account number but he doesn't know it
He thinks their new outfits are cool! They're super easy to move in and the range of motion is amazing
He's telling everyone who's coming to see the performance tomorrow to bring a jacket because even though it was sunny earlier, it got really cold at night 🥺
He's gonna have some Chocola BB Royal 2
He wants midnight chicken ramen
This is a completely naked bespectacled unscrupulous livestream
His hands are wet so he can't open his bag of sliced apples
We're all tea leaves so we should all go to sleep together
He thinks he'll be able to do a livestream again next month when things have calmed down after his bday event
Ah, necklace (iykyk)
The hotel's bath is bigger than the one at his house cuz he can stretch his legs entirely
They start their stage checks at 8AM
Someone keeps sending gifts in the chat that keep popping up on screen even though Hiroki has said multiple times he doesn't need/want them
Now he's actually getting irritated
He then goes on a tangent on how we should all be respectful of each other's wishes; we don't have to get along but the important thing is to all respect each other
"I'm me, you're you"
He hasn't been able to keep true to his word of livestreaming this month but he asks us to be patient with him
He thinks the temporary image he set for this livestream is creepy
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Off-shot from his Bday event 2022
He thinks the cardigan is more of a mustard-colour than Winnie the Pooh-colour
He's gonna have his bag of apples (45 calories)
He won't be doing any birthday wishes or rollcall in this stream
But he's wishing everybody good luck with work and school
He usually drinks three bottles of water (1.5 liters) and it always surprises him
Someone in the chat says they're going to cheat on him and he says it's fine as long as you come back
He gets another gift sent in the chat so he's gonna end the stream already
"Honestly speaking? Don't cheat on me please"
If you've come this far into the stream, you're probably not cheating
He thinks it's fine but please support him as much as you can
Madagascar 🌍 Revolution 👓
He finally managed to open the bag of apples (but they're lukewarm now so they're not even that good anymore rip)
It depends on the situation but on rare occasion, he uses the hotel shampoo
His regular shampoo is just an ordinary over-the-counter type that he gets at the drugstore
He ends the stream by choking on some apple juice 🙃
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lyaenidae · 11 months
The best first date
It was only the next day and Kenta could only think of one thing, that whole day... He wanted to ask Miki on a proper date. Something they'd never had, back then. He didn't hesitate for too long.
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"Hey Miki, it's-" "I know who it is, Ken, I've been wanting to call you all day ! How are you ? The aftermath of the fire, all that ?" "I'm good. See I was thinking, maybe we could get together, tonight or tomorrow ? I'd love to go check out that restaurant in the city centre, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me ?"
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"Oh I'd love to ! Dinner and a movie ? There's a movie theatre not far from there, and there's a horror movie I've been meaning to go to, but I'm too scared to actually go on my own..." "That's a date then ! Tomorrow night ?" "Sounds good ! And Ken ?" "Yes ?" "Thank you for calling."
The next day, Kenta came home from work really tired, but having just gotten word of a promotion ! He's happy, exhausted, and goes straight for a shower and chugs two cups of coffee, hoping it'll keep him awake enough in the movie theatre.
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In the meantime, Miki is also making herself presentable after a day at work. She can't stop smiling.
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She still decides to change out of her work clothes though and meets Kenta at the bottom of the stairs, in front of both their townhouses.
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"Am I underdressed ?" she asks when she sees him looking so handsome. "No, you look amazing !" As they make their way to the restaurant right around the corner, they keep trying not to look at each other, act normal. And both of them are failing terribly.
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When they get to the restaurant, they order quickly, not focusing too much on the menus. And straight away, Miki's very eager to hear more about him, what he's been up to since they last saw each other in Mt Komorebi.
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He briefly tells her what's happened during the past two years, he's eager to tell her about his adventures in the forest, his new job here in the city. And she seems so happy to hear how fantastic his life has turned out. But he's itching to know more about what has happened on her side, so he pushes the conversation towards her. "What about you ? Did you get to Selvadorada like you always wanted?" "Believe it or not, I did !" "Tell me more Miki ! What's been going on with you ?"
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The food comes while she's telling him all about her own adventures. He can't get enough, and she's so happy to be there with him, they don't see the time pass. It gets later and later and they don't even notice. They might even miss the movie at this point !
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Sparks are flying, but Kenta does have something still bothering him... In all her stories, she didn't mention anyone special. He just can't leave without having asked. "Miki, can I be honest with you ?" "Of course ! What is it ?" "In all this time we've been apart, with everything that's happened on my side, I've never found someone that makes me feel the way you do... Have you... Have you found someone else ?"
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"Oh, Ken... It's... I would never have dreamed of anyone better than you to share my life with, and I've not even wanted to find someone else to be honest. It's always been you, you know this..." she answers, stars in her eyes, blushing because of how open and honest she's being.
They finished their dinner and step outside, the fresh air helping them both clear their heads a bit. But only a few steps away from the restaurant, Kenta turns to Miki and takes her hands in his.
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"Wait, I need to say this... It's always been you too, Miki. Remember when you gifted me those rainbow fireflies, on our school trip to Granite Falls, back when we were young teenagers ?" "I actually do" she said softly, blushing again. "Well I still have them, at my dad's house, and the whole time I was in Granite Falls by myself, I had a lot of time to think, about life, about you, and about how I want to share my life with you. And I've also had lots of time to look for some of those fireflies !" he chuckles. "My point is, I still love you. I think I fell in love with you that very day, in the forest, and I've been falling deeper in love with you ever since." He doesn't wait a second to get closer and kiss her.
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And they keep kissing. Until the end of the night. Obviously, missing the movie. And who cares, after all, they can always go another night! But they definitely can't miss out on the happiness of this more than perfect first date.
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0 notes
seven--secrets · 2 years
Forgive me for my childish ways || Kaneko || Re: The Choice
Everything in her runs cold as Chioko threatens her. As Sibyl's face turns. As she is met with the fact that her words were wrong. But she wouldn't, she couldn't, take them back. Would she be able to rest if she hadn't at least defended Kenta, Robin, Miyu, Willow? No, that's not who she is. That was never who she was. But--
That didn't matter now as Shigure made her choice. 
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She was going to get Yuka back, she was going to get Robin back. She was going to get her fairytale ending, and yet she didn't feel like she deserved it. Instead her heart sputtered and it clenched as she saw the break downs, one after another. She had been there. She had that moment of desperation as someone was ripped from your arms. The moment where it was so easy to bite and lash out and fight. To become savage, to become feral, because that one moment was never going to be enough. The rings on her hand felt so heavy. 
Opening her mouth, she closes it almost immediately. What can she say? What can she say that'd mean anything. Shigure had only recently come around to her. She had wasted so much time with a fictitious enemy. She wanted so badly to make it black and white. She wanted so badly to be the good and for Shigure to be the bad. But in reality, they were closer to each other than she wanted. The same color of grey. 
"...I'm sorry." Is all she can get out before shuddering her breath. 
What is she sorry for? For being childish, for being naive, for living her life only viewing it from a filter. For never knowing how cruel the world was, for never trying to understand, for standing with those who the world hated and for shunning those those people hurt. She's not sorry for picking Shuuya, she will never be sorry for picking Robin-- but she was sorry for not trying to meet ends. She's not sorry he died accepted by her, she's not sorry for yelling and for fighting. But she's sorry for being selfish. 
"I wanted to be your friend so badly in the beginning. I wish I let ourselves heal before the end...If I just talked to you instead of avoiding. I even...ahaha...I even liked you. Though that was a mess of not knowing if it was platonic or not." Kaneko pushes back her bangs and looks at the idol. Surrounded by love, surrounded by those who took the energy to get to know her. "I--..."
She has no words. She has nothing she can state. She didn't know if she would write, all it would  be would be documentation on the fact that she was living a life Shigure would never get. The right to fight tooth and nail for freedom, the right to love and the right to be loved. She wouldn't hug the idol because she hadn't earned that privilege. 
"I'll miss you."
And of course she would. She'd think of Shigure when the sun shone across the ocean, pinks breaking with the waves. She'd think of Shigure every time her fingers grazed the shells that decorate a part of the shop. She'd think of Shigure every time Ena would cook a spicier dish and she'd think of Shigure whenever she felt weary of dealing with it all. The urge to keep fighting, that was Shigure. 
"And when I think about you, I'll think of you as my friend...And maybe when I see you again, we could really try to be that. I'd really like to be your friend."
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