#it did bring back some memories hooooo boy
katyspersonal · 1 year
Heyo! How about sharing some Bloodborne ships opinions/ideas? It's been a while since you talked about those!
To be honest, 'Bloodborne ships' is a concept so boundless and infinite that 'bottomless Sea' compared to it is just a pathetic shallow puddle, because in my monkey brain a BB ship is any character + any character out of consenting adults who are not blood related (and even in THAT case you'll probably have ghosts of people who ship Maria with Annalise trashing your pots at night at least once *eyesroll*). So I think, for the sake of this post having a start AND an end, I'll only touch upon "acknowledged" ships.
THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS, time to recall what is POPULAR! OOOooooOOOOoooooOOOHHHH-
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Mariadeline - I am always back and forth on this ship. It is shifting between 'it doesn't seem to have came to fruition in canon since Adeline addresses Maria as her superior, and also the ship is better in Adeline's Blood Saint stage since the horror of the Research Hall doesn't fit for some uwu fluff, and Adeline seems to be too carried by Arcane to care for simple human happiness anymore' and 'since WHEN canon "evidence" and timeline could stand in the way of imagination and simply enjoying the ideas?'. A struggle between my brain and my pp..... I think I like pretty much any way to go about this ship, but in my heart it will always be superior as attraction that not only never been resolved, but also has been a breaking point for Maria, with Adeline dying in her arms no less.
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I do think they'd make a cute dynamic, it is absolutely the case where one does full autistic ramblings about their special interest (Adeline) and another just listens (Maria). I also do think they both suck at being direct about their feelings and every AU where they DID date needs the third party as a wingman xD
Laudwig (or Holyvicar, as I see often) - I do not have strong feelings on this ship? My engagement with this ship is passive (ie I just see fanart of it on my dashboard/timeline and might like it). It has a huge depth and drama potential, though! Which one became the beast first and how another reacted? How much Ludwig really knew about the Healing Church's nasty secrets; how much Laurence was hiding from him about their impending doom in the name of potential progress? I can say whereas Logarius is arguably a more useful 'pawn' in the grand plans, Ludwig's more knightly, 'naive' honor could more likely win Laurence over. I actually wrote my interpretation of the ship once! Observe:
Not a flawless ship, as Laurence has to keep many skeletons in his closet and Ludwig would have been sick if he learned HALF of the shit Laurence has to hide… Besides, there is no saying if Ludwig would spare Laurence should his precious moon sword call for hurting him. This relationship is more of a game with neigher side being allowed into depths of another's soul. However, despite his higher status, Laurence would be the one feeling more shy, helpless and red in the face because Ludwig is so big and strong and radiates hope and joy, whereas Ludwig would be more of passionate no-insecurity caring lover that had already organized a pretty date before Laurence even as much as had a THOUGHT about one. Alas with canon context in mind, this "ship" works better as a plot device to show messed up things about Church and things people gotten themselves into, to the point of no longer being allowed deep, genuine bonds.
Gehrmaurence (???) - This is canon because Gehrman basically moans his name in his sleep lol
Ok ok or OK seriously tho! I am kind of rooting for this ship and am always happy to see it recognised, I just, yet again, am passive about it and just 'like it when I see it'. It is undeniable that Laurence and Gehrman were close. Gehrman trusted Laurence enough to give himself to the "insidious Moon" in faith that Laurence WILL succeed at his designs while he sustains the Hunt for him, and WILL free him then. I do think that realising he has been failing Gehrman miserably was one of Laurence's most horrible, devastating fears when beasthood was taking him over, maybe even the last cry of his humanity. But it is that situation where character can share very deep and intimate bond without romantic involvement and it is still good; I'll certainly take them as 'friends doomed by the narrative' JUST as willingly as 'lovers doomed by the narrative'.
Gehrmaria - I do not even know whether I want to share my honest feelings about this one... lol OF COURSE I DO because nobody read the post to this point except for you anyway! xD Alright, but upon my arrival in the fandom, when I was digging up my own lore and sometimes comparing it to the fandom popular one, I was content with the idea that Doll creation was Kinda Sus and Gehrman was a bit creepy. Then I found Bellringermal's blog and was like 'OMG CURSED but you go girl!!!!!!'. Then I started to slowly develop the enjoyment of the ship that I desperately tried to deny and suppress because, again, back then I saw Gehrman as a creep, so I just blamed Mal
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Yo but do you remember what actually triggered my researcher streak? OH LAURENCE OF COURSE YOU REMEMBER-
Right, I've had that dream about a snow/ice Great One attacking altered Yharnam, several characters gathering in a castle built-in the mountain, Rom being pregnant from Simon (wtf!!!!!!!) and… Maria was there too. There was that brief moment where Gehrman was awkwardly trying to see her from the shadows and someone asked Maria like 'hey who is that guy following you everywhere :т', from which Gehrman got scared and chickened away, and Maria was like '…nobody important'.
So after that time I woke up with the strange +15 Insight effect, because something about her intonation, her face and the context made me perceive the depth to which that bond went, and the complexity of her resentment. You know how in the dreams you sometimes can just... 'perceive' feelings and information that wasn't directly said? Telepathy. Makes sense, because dreams happen in the brain... or... DO THEY? So, I knew I NEEDED to grasp that exact sentiment and find out WHAT Maria was feeling in my dream. It felt significant. So that day I dived EXTRA deep into research and wrote the 'Let's analyze Gehrman, Maria and the Doll' ( x ) that not only is my real, genuine take on the relationship, but also the girls liked it and some changed previously harshly negative opinion on Gehrman.
I still wish I never poked my nose deeper on the matter and things just stayed that way, because this is the only controversial ship in the fandom and it constantly brings out the worst in fans. Letting people enjoy their ship and have their takes on the old man is far too much to ask from a western community, so for every toxic, mean-spirited, disrespectful hiss towards Gehrmaria shippers, I kept discovering new counter-evidence, new ways to see Maria and new redeeming qualities about Gehrman! Until I've lost the sight of whether I myself actually SHIP it, started to root for this ship to pick-up and prosper as a matter of 'cool people keep winning', lost the creepy but so needed 'darkness' of this ship as a concept... And although PLENTY of people thanked me for "saving" Gehrman's ass and the ship as a concept (not exaggerating), sometimes I wonder: would not it have been better to just leave things as they were and enjoy my own thing in secluded, individualist way?
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Pfffft LMAO mfw you came to listen about ship dramas, but ended up listening about my PERSONAL dramas XD But yeah, my interpretation here is pretty darn simple. Maria might have had a crush but by now is greatly disappointed - based on Gehrman's curiosity that WAS digging through corpses to seek eyes for Willem, but she is disappointed in herself more than in him, he taught her a great deal but she also got her gentler, sweeter side practically ruined by the hunt, he liked her but never dared to approach her because of age gap and he just felt undeserving, he could not even dream of her because of his own regrets and crashing realisation of how much he failed her - including not being there for her to prevent her Minecraft… Another case of ship that never came to fruition in canon. But in an AU where it did happen, I think it would be bittersweet; Gehrman is older and beaten up by hard life, and is a callous brick in emotional situations at times, so their relationship would know some conflicts; not a bad thing, arguments are normal! They're both tough outside and gentle inside, both are capable of great self-sacrifice but also of great war crimes, lol. But Gehrman is just… a bit dead inside? They have enough in common to get along, but not enough to get bored by each other.
Valmura/Valtmura/whatever - Funny enough, they do somewhat remind me of how Gehrmaria is in my head! The 'dead inside', somewhat cruel and callous murderous mentor figure that Seen Some Shit before and might be intimidating with how far he goes and his sensitive, emotional, slightly naive, passionate student with great knightly chivalry that is effectively broken by walking this mentor's path, LOL.
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So the same sort of relationship that is not ideal and almost certainly is canonically SCREWED, only Valtr pulls his big boy pants and sucks the grief up instead of succumbing to despair to the point of madness. I think this is a nice ship, the dynamic is great! Just the perfect balance of 'similar enough to get along but enough differences to have productive conflicts and not be bored' I do not find very often! (Also yes I keep completely disregarding power imbalance of mentor/student for both this ship and previous one, I hope ya'll are still hooked </3 )
Gasgoryk - I used to dislike this ship, actually! No shit, outright going 'grrrrrrr' seeing it because it reminded me too much of my internet childhood during my 12-13 years where the girls would always neglect the male character's canon crush/lover/wife to not "stand in the way" for their gay ship! It just felt like Viola was pushed aside despite being mother of Gasc's children...? And I thought the two ships could not coexist because Henryk MUST be Viola's father (source: younger daughter mentioning 'grandpa'). But I've since seen plenty of good interpretations, justifications for 'grandpa' commentary, and all in all, setting events in the past and AUs still exist! I just don't mind by now, I simply prefer Gascola more! But I think I enjoy the thought that Henryk might have had silent crush on Gascoigne that he never delivered and it was too late when he got engaged with his daughter; but the pain was forgotten when the first child was born!
Gascola - A lot to explore, a lot to speculate (wholesome and not much), doomed by narrative, IS CANON! Everything I love. Will always prefer this ship to Gascoryk or Violeen because... canon... guys this is SUPER canon... and they also have children, guys you don't understand, it is ACTUAL family... (too bad they all fucking die lol)
Micorom/Romicolash/whatever - This, my fellas, was my very first ship when I poked my nose in Bloodborne! I clicked with Rom so much almost instantly, and Mal was my first exposure to the ship, as well! I thought absolutely nothing could be more fun. Back then, my Rom had a different personality (simply she was sassy, bitter and a bit tired from being overworked by Micolash and Willem). I was fully prepared to become a Micorom type of fan and give this ship soooooooooo. muuuuuuuuch. CONTENT. ...but at some point I saw this:
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And EVERYTHING clicked into place.
So yes, Rom being his sister is my official idea now. But- honestly, this is still such a great ship as a concept! It feels like no matter how Rom's personality is written, the two could have a great dynamic! And what is the outcome? Does Micolash end up being jealous and resentful because he hates to see the girlboss win- I mean, that Rom ascended and he didn't? Or he simply misses her and hopes to JOIN her when he ascends? I just don't know what a mf would have to do to not make a ship like this work imo, because these characters are just cursed to have The Dynamic TM no matter what. I definitely cheer people who ship it... Do what I can't! *sobs*
Hunter x Doll -
Ok ok ok listen dfhhdshdf With Bloodborne, everything depends on the interpretation, so it is not excluded there are ways to make this work! But this is just certainly not my thing.
Doll is an interesting case though, because like I said before, I think soul of Maria DOES live in her - without memories and sedated by the Moon, and Gehrman probably doesn't even know that himself. But when Doll is asleep - she is awake somewhere else and vice-versa, yadda yadda. However, before a hunter as much as looks at her the attracted way, she still needs to find a decent connection with her humanity. And there is her perception of her role as a servant for those hunters that will just stand and take it if they hit her. This is just... it is such a delicate matter that I can't even begin to cover it. It is not even the same level of delicate as complexities of mentor/student!
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Rombrietas and Romurie/Yurrom - Perfect ships, nuff said. Though I feel like they are no longer 'popular' and are the thing of the begone era of the fandom (forgotten like Julie x Imposter). But from what I gathered, fandom of 2016-17 enjoyed them. I think that both of these are so likely that I can declare them canon-plaucible. As in, they could actually happen IN canon, not even in alternative/happier timeline. Ebrietas weeps the petrified corpse that looks like Rom when lyrics of her theme refer to Mensis ritual that Rom is covering; meanwhile, Yurie/Julie irrationally fights you on the way to Rom that even Willem encourages you to hunt... That's just two whole women to care about Rom deeply!
Of course not tryna push anything; Ebrietas could lament something else (maybe fate of humanity in general), and Julie could just be winning time for imposter Iosefka to do her experiments. But... why? x) I am very on board with the idea that Ebrietas worries about Rom all the way, seeing Rom becoming a 'spider' (association with Amygdalae and forbidden knowledge). She, who used to be a pawn of the Moon behind her, got in contact with her human side (as an adult celestial larvae), to the point of crying red blood when 'celestial' Kin have it drained of color normally.
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AYYYYY that's why it is called 'Paleblood sky'!
Also an oldie:
She loved listening to Rom's 'epiphanies' and took her 100% seriously before it became mainstream x) Though Yurie was eager - getting angry at anyone that dared to criticize Rom even IF criticism was right! Meanwhile Rom always shared personal info with Yurie before anyone else. Plus they always had many shared interests - singing, nature, stars, bothering teachers long after classes are over with silly questions… Yurie having always been by Rom's side physically and mentally made her by effect keep Willem's teachings at heart even if other former Byrgenwerth students who joined Choir ditched those mostly. When Yurie ends up losing her sanity too, one thing she still holds onto is refusing to agree to harm Rom, completely ignoring Damian's pleading that not only it must be done, but also Rom will come out alright as a Great One.. really sad downfall.
Alfred x Crow - I am not very comfortable with the fact that Alfred... well... listen, it is a rather sensitive topic, so I will try to address it as discreet, subtly and maturely as possible. Alfred, as we can conclude... IS A GODDAMN RELIGIOUS FANATIC THAT THINKS VILEBLOODS SHOULD BE EXTERMINATED AS A KIND BECAUSE OF THE BLOOD HIS RELIGION DEEMS "IMPURE"!!! This ship is just certainly not my thing. I know Crow messed up a little by causing Eileen's death, but I am sure not even he is bad enough to deserve any advances by the guy that dehumanizes (devampirizes????) him by proxy. Sure, ship can fit into hatef4cking territory, but we talk about ship... like, relationship... relationshipies...
Ariadella - Fun fact! Despite this ship being basically the same problem as Alfred x Crow (except worse because Adella DOES kill Arianna), I used to like it initially! These two show the personalities that I can see as type of opposites that can mutually improve and complete one another! ...in a happier AU somewhere. But more often than not I am unhappy with the idea of "erasing" the fact that Adella considers Arianna worthy of being murdered in the scenario where she "dirties" the Hunter with her blood just for some shippy fluff. It is a back and forth for me, depending on how the ship is portrayed, and in what context!
Alfhunter - No strong feelings, it got nice art but I just shrug it off. Like, valid, but that's it. However, I do lay awake at nights and think:
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"Man, but what could possibly make people see that psychotic religious fanatic beat a defenceless vampire queen into a bloody pulp and decide this is the most desirable man ever that they want to hook up their self-insert or mindchild with?" And you might ask: "Wait, doesn't line up, THIS is where you draw the line? But then how do you explain your crush on Micolash who's done much, MUCH worse things?". Well, I actually have an answer to that that will clarify your confusion and prove that I am not being a hypocrite! You see,
*gradually becomes transparent upon spinning around and teleports away like Rom*
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lemonade-juley · 2 years
1, 5, 20, 23 and 25 for both Anya and Allyson?
Hooooo boy that's a bloated ask, here goes:
1- Does your OC have any motifs?
Allyson started with the single minded motif of becoming the Champion. Poor girl succeeds and kinda goes "what now" before heavily getting invested in helping Adrienn with the Reborn Restoration project after the anomalies are largely dealt with.
Anya doesn't really have much of a motif early on, but it quickly ends up being protecting those she loves, but doesn't have much more of plan beyond that (honestly poor Anya is gonna be very lost at the end of her journey when she realizes she didn't have much of a plan beyond that)
5- what was their dream job as a kid, is it different than their career?
Allyson, as mentioned always wanted to be a Pokemon champion of some region. She always watched battles on tv or online and kept strategies to herself for if she ever got the chance to do so. And she did become the Champion! But of course, most of her actual work as champion are for other things as even with her and Adrienn's efforts to make the league more physically accessible (ya know, better roads and routes between cities and gyms outside of those areas, maybe not having a gym in the middle of the desert in a random train car), actual challengers to the Elite 4 are rare at first (if they even make it to her at all)
Anya didn't super have a "dream" job bit she did low-key always wanted to run like a small cafe. She's currently jobless though as being a fate changing person from another time takes up a uh... Small chunk... Of her schedule.
20- a nostalgic memory of their childhood
None really for Allyson besides the small moments of solace she got from watching official league matches or world tournaments on tv and the like.
For Anya some of her more nostalgic memories have to do with her spending time with her younger sister. Trying to be a good role model and looking cool for her. The time she spends with Mosley or Amber brings a similar feeling even if she doesn't fully remember her past until after her Nightmare Realm.
23- biggest flaws and strengths (answered for Allyson already)
Anya, her biggest strength lies in her ability to adapt to situations, especially in battles or other physical situations. Her ability to adapt is what let's her win battles she really had no right winning (Madame X's Yveltal being pushed back in Blacksteeple for example, even if that didn't do much to stop her). Socially she's awful at adapting quickly tho.
Her biggest flaws are mostly her horrible self confidence. She's so successful in areas but she tends to being herself down too much. She gets better of course, and even better at hiding it, but it constantly wears her down.
25- favorite food and color
Allyson's favorite color is pink. She doesn't like wearing it herself too much but she does love the color (and adores her Latias, Valentine, because of how pink she is). Her favorite food is beef and broccoli with warm rice.
Anya's favorite food is just ice cream, she loves it a lot. Her favorite colors are primarily blue bit she also likes pink (doesn't mind the pink fade in her hair from Aevia because of that)
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How long has it last been for a recap mango? shall we see?
((Hooooo boy, it’s been much too long since we did a recap! I’ll do a few, since i got more than one ask about it, and I don’t want any of these to be too god-awful long ^^’))
      (The posts tagged with “#tsrpgau recap” summarize the events of the comic and asks, and lore that has been revealed thus far!)
inter-comic recaps: First  /   Prev  /   Next  /   All.
Contains:  (Recap #20) Asks 97-112
(The Main Story)
Eilistraee warns the party about Virgil’s mutation! 
She explains that he’s been corrupted with Nethermancy -- Dark Magic -- and that’s why his magic is so strange and potent.
(This also means many gods and their clergies, Good and Evil, want Virgil dead, or captured to use as a weapon!)
The three of them accept the challenge; Logan still wants to train him to control his magic, and Roman and Patton insist on standing by their friends! 
Eilistraee warns them that they will also need to find a Sorcerer to help train him, or he will never get his magic under control. 
Roman brings up, celestial-to-celestial, that he thinks Sune is dying. He doesn’t know how to help her, and also can’t even be certain that he’s right, because he isn’t losing his powers: as her Aasimar and Paladin, he wouldn’t be able to use magic if she was in trouble! 
Eilistraee warns Roman that he is right to be concerned, but she cannot help him directly; she promises to lend them both her power tonight, so Roman can receive one of his prophetic dreams from his Mother! 
She also warns him that he needs to reunite with Remus if he wants to be able to save Sune, which Roman scoffs at... 
...And yet, when Roman dreams into their shared Imagination that night, Remus has joined him! 
As is tradition to the two, they greet each other with weapons drawn! 
They engage in some ‘friendly’ combat and banter, and catch up on what Remus and Janus have been doing (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)  
Sune is present as well!
Though she cannot do much in way of communicating besides conjuring plants, winds, and illusions, she hints to you that Ainsliee and Ian are in danger! 
Their fight concludes with Roman as the victor, and the brothers go on to witness whatever cryptic visions their Mother has planned for them!
(Roman relives the memory of killing Virgil as he looks down at Remus’s defeated form, and is thoroughly shaken. But, Remus is able to coax him out of his frightened state.)
In one of Sune’s visions you notice two artifacts -- a sparkling Ruby Blushrose and a Radiant Marigold!
They seem to be important for Roman to decipher, but he doesn’t spend much time on them...
When Roman wakes, Virgil has caused a commotion outside, instinctually using a teleportation spell to try and find him and the others! (Translations) (2) (3)
Patton and Logan insist they finally have that ‘talk’ about what all happened yesterday, though Roman and Virgil are reluctant... 
Virgil is asked about Remus and Dee, and his perception of them seems to have completely changed; he is no longer scared to see them!
Realizing Virgil is a little loopy off healing magic, sleep deprivation, and Faewild magic that keeps him from lying, you ask him to gush about the other boys (1) (2) (3) (4)
You ask Patton why he hides his tail, and get the impression that it’s a sore subject for him... (1) (2) (3) 
The four of them have their talk, and you warn them about Annie and Ian!
They decide that Logan and Patton will go retrieve Annie and the cart, since Roman and Virgil are too injured and exhausted to make the trip, and Virgil seems oddly reluctant to let Roman leave his sight...
(Roman assures you that he can fix whatever’s messed with Virgil’s head, he just needs a day to prepare the spell.)
Virgil instructs Logan to ask for the two soldiers that escorted them here to escort them back out, and safely lead them to a thinner twilight bridge. (They are his friends, and Virgil trusts them to keep them safe!) 
The party splits, and you decide to follow Roman and Virgil first!
(Roman cures Virgil’s madness effect, as promised.)
(When it’s passed, Virgil feels intensely guilty at keeping Roman from joining Logan and Patton...)
Virgil tells Roman that their contract expired because he died, and admits to Roman that he likes him back!
Roman doesn’t know what to think, and Virgil doesn’t pressure him; They decide not to make anything official yet, and just keep being friends for now.
(Virgil makes fun of Roman’s southern accent, starting a running joke about him being a cowboy)
They spend the rest of the day hanging out and getting to know each other better:
They discuss boundaries, Virgil insisting Roman “only needs to ask” if he wants physical affection, and go to a bathhouse together!
They start a long game of twenty questions, which leads to the revelation that Annie is actually Roman’s daughter now??
(Roman grows accustomed to the idea very quickly) (1) (2) (3) (4)
(Virgil is less than excited, citing his “everything eventually ends badly” life philosophy) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Roman and Virgil both privately gush to you about how well the whole bonding thing is going!! (1) (2)
They get some food, and Roman is inexplicably drawn to Moondrop wine (2)
Virgil worries that he’s not doing a good enough job of showing Roman how serious he is, and is reluctantly convinced to be more open (1) (2) (3) (4) 
They return to Virgil’s room and play dress-up! (translation) (2)
Roman is confronted about how he hasn’t yet told anyone about his prophetic dream, and is reluctant to share...
He is eventually convinced to tell Virgil, and they discuss what they think it’s trying to warn them about!
(They don’t look too deep in it, agreeing that they’ll probably need Logan and Patton’s help to figure it out.)
(Roman encourages Virgil to rant about his animal knowledge over dinner, and Virgil tries to be more open about his feelings!)
Virgil makes a realization about Logan and Patton’s trip that didn’t come to mind while he was still loopy on sleep deprivation and madness, and starts to freak out!!
The Faewild causes Time Displacement and Memory Loss!
Roman is able to convince him that they’ll be fine; Logan would have known about that, because he’s smart, and written himself a note in his journal just in case.
Virgil still seems upset by something, but doesn’t elaborate, and Roman doesn’t seem to notice...
They return to Virgil’s room, ready to sleep for the night, and a whisper confronts Roman about how he’s been getting unusually angry any time Virgil brings up Remus. (Meanwhile, other whispers ask Virgil more about Remus and Janus)
Roman is scared that Virgil is going to leave their group for Remus once he shows up. (He still feels inferior to Remus, and is nervous that Virgil won’t like him anymore when he’s back.)
Virgil can tell that Roman is angry, but doesn’t know why; He assumes Roman is mad at him for being friends with Remus, projecting their ‘brother’s feud’ onto him, and quickly gets defensive!
This miscommunication causes a big fight, where Virgil accuses Roman of being self-centered and jealous, and Roman accuses Virgil of being flighty and scared of commitment.
Virgil attempts to argue back that he’s “Not a runaway,” but he is unable to say it, because he cannot say anything he believes to be a lie.
Virgil tries to storm off, upset and exhausted, but Roman calls him back (accidentally True Name-ing him into staying) and apologizes, reluctantly admitting that he has abandonment issues from a previous relationship...
Virgil apologizes as well, and after assuring Roman that he doesn’t have romantic feelings for Remus, brainstorms some ideas for helping Roman with his issues. 
Their fight somewhat resolved, Virgil tricks Roman into falling asleep, then sneaks out on his own!!
He’s still upset about what they said to each other, and refuses to sleep. 
Despite the fact that he can barely walk on his own, he insists on training his aggression out. (1) (2) (3) (4)
(He ends up making several excuses, and it looks like he intends to avoid sleep and Roman for as long as he can...)
...But, he soon ends up receiving a call from Logan about he and Patton’s safe arrival in the Prime Material Plane!! 
Virgil is so relieved by the news that he instantly passes out in the hallway.
And now, we shift POV to Logan and Patton...
(In Other News…)
Some differences between Surface Drow and Underdark Drow: (Holidays and Family Structure) (Showing Affection)
Roman has an army of blink dogs??? (1) (2) (3) (4) 
Virgil talks about why he never takes his gloves off, and exposure therapy (1) (2) (3) 
Virgil talks about how ‘modest’ Remus used to be (1) (2)
You remind Virgil that he promised not to bleach his teeth anymore, and he reluctantly does as he’s told (1) (2) (3)
Roman talks about what being in/going to a theatrical production is like in this world! (1) (2) (3)
Roman talks about Monster Hunters (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Virgil worries about Roman’s past experience with romantic relationships, but won’t ask him about it.
Virgil is asked if he sees any chemistry between himself, Logan, and Patton
They talk about their languages! (1) (2)  
Roman talks about the Iounian Globe, a statistic-recording low-level Artifact, and encourages Virgil to try it! (1) (2) 
They talk about their New Years traditions! (2)
Virgil explains why Eilistraee doesn’t like Archery very much...
(Game Mechanics...)
You have reached your Save File Limit! (2) (3)
You check on everyone’s current Levels (and how to raise them!)
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different anon, but heck yeah u should definitely infodump about lucid dreaming!! im really interested in it
aaaaa okay !!! uh hold onto ur ears yall im abt to talk em off lmao
so !! if u didnt know, lucid dreaming is basically when you become aware that you’re dreaming while youre in a dream. once you’re aware, you can take control of the dream in literally any way u want — u can do anything, go anywhere, meet anyone, all with the knowledge that nothing can hurt u and nothing can stop u
its a fascinating concept and, the feeling when u actually become lucid for the first time? its better than anything else in the world. its the most invigorating thing u can ever feel, i think. but actually becoming lucid is, ,, , , hm. a time and a half. 
putting the rest under a cut bc, hooooo boy this is gonna get long
first things first! you absolutely have to keep a dream journal. forgetting ur dreams is all well and good when ur not trying to accomplish anything in them, but if you become lucid and then wake up with only the vaguest memory of what you actually did? thats painful.
u can either go all out and get a fancy journal and write them down physically each morning, or u can do what i do and just download an app. i personally use the app Dream Catcher, which lets u tag ur dreams for easy organization. just get in the habit of writing down your dreams every morning, and if you really, really cant remember anything, just write down that you didnt dream anything that day. you’ll train your brain to remember your dreams better
secondly! reality checks! are absolutely imperative! the idea behind them is that, if you do something throughout the day that “proves” your reality, eventually you’ll start doing it in your dreams as well. for example, a common thing in my dreams is that i’ll have extra fingers, so i check my hands a lot throughout the day. 
it can’t just be a casual thing, too. if all you do is glance at your hands and b like “yo looks normal, we gucci”, then you’ll do the same in your dreams even if you have Weird hands. trust me, Dream-You is an idiot, you gotta be obvious with this stuff. take a few moments, look at your hands, count out your fingers, and really think to yourself “am i dreaming?”
try to get in the habit of doing that at least 15 times a day, and eventually you’ll start doing it in your dreams too. 
now, if you just stick with doing those two things — which is what i’m doing right now — your chances of becoming lucid will raise astronomically. even just those two tiny things can train your brain into realizing when the world around you is real and when it isnt. you can also attempt something really easy called a MILD — a mnemonic-induced-lucid-dream — which can help your chances even more without upping the effort 
whenever you go to bed, just take a few moments — even just five minutes can help — and just. lay there. and think to urself, again and again “the next scene will be a dream” or “i will become lucid in my dreams tonight” or something similar. get ur brain really focused on lucid dreaming right before you fall asleep and chances are, those Vibes will bleed over into ur dreams and you’ll become lucid
practice those three things consistently, every day, and pretty soon you’ll start becoming lucid. it takes time, though! dont be discouraged if you end up not becoming lucid for the first few weeks, or even months. sometimes your brain just needs a bit of extra training
that’s what ive been doing for the past year or so — bc damn do i Not have the energy to actually put in too much effort — but!!! there are other techniques!!
my personal favorite is the WBTB, or wake-back-to-bed method. with this technique, you set your alarm for roughly 5-6 hours after you go to sleep so you’ll wake up inside of one of your REM cycles, specifically one where your dreams will be the most vivid. dont do anything, just roll over and go right back to sleep. 
you can even use a MILD along with this, repeat whatever mantra u usually use as you fall back asleep. you should start to see hypnagogic imagery — blobs of color and vague shapes floating before your eyes. just observe them. at one point, they’ll start forming more familiar shapes, and places, and maybe even people — and there should be a moment, a snap, where you go from observing these images to actually being in the scene. you literally build the dream around yourself, its magical
i have read that WBTB can cause sleep paralysis, but i’ve never personally experienced any problems with it, aside from the fact that im always tired the next day.
another thing that could severely increase your chances of being lucid but also involves Effort — meditation. specifically mindfulness meditation. the act of bringing full awareness to your Existence, honing in on just Your body, Your mind, Your breath, will make you a more aware, mindful person, which in turn makes you more perceptive of dream signs. also, the ability to clear your mind and center yourself with a moment’s notice really comes in handy when the dream becomes destabilized and you have to take control
if ur an adhd lad like me — or neurodivergent in any way, really — the idea of meditation can be,,,, terrifying. honestly, i havent meditated in like six months now, because it really wasnt?? doing anything for me?? mostly because im absolutely incapable of sitting still for that long without Something to stimulate me
so! loophole! guided meditations. having someone else guide you through the process can make it a bit easier to focus. just find one that works for u on youtube. there are even guided meditations made specifically to prime ur brain for lucid dreaming!
so thats how you get lucid. now for when youre lucid
at first, lucid dreaming is going to be extremely hard. dreams fall apart very easily — if you get too overexcited or if a dream-character looks at you the wrong way or if you cant seem to do what you want to do, your lucidity can fade and you’ll either go back to being your normal dream self or you’ll wake up. dreams are volatile and hard to control, and even harder to master
thats where meditation comes in handy. youll have a much easier time controlling your dreams if you can look at the world around you, take a breath, center yourself, and know that you can control it. that being said, you can absolutely learn to take control without ever having meditated a day in your life. its all about your mindset!
you have to go into it with confidence. the key to controlling your dreams is knowing that they’re your dreams. you cant forget that you’re in control. thats why i feel like learning to lucid dream doubles as a lesson in self-confidence — you have to learn to trust yourself, trust that you can handle any scenario thrown at you and come out on top.
if you can achieve this mindset, you can literally do anything. ive had maybe 50 lucid dreams since i started learning about them — which… is honestly a really low amount, but. i havent really had the time/energy to really throw myself into it  as much as i want to. but just in those dreams, ive flown, ive shapeshifted, ive met my sides, ive teleported to vast, gorgeous lands and seen some of the most beautiful things ive ever seen. anything is possible in a lucid dream; thats why its so worth it to put in the effort
but when youre first starting out, itll be extremely hard to maintain that mindset. like i said, Dream-you is dumb as shit — you’ll forget youre dreaming, you’ll be unable to control anything, you’ll wake up before you manage to accomplish anything. more often than not, the dream will destabilize, which is Not Fun
if the dream starts to destabilize — basically, if things start going fuzzy or vague, if you suddenly cant see, if you can feel ur body in bed, basically anything that points towards you waking up — there are ways to fix it. literally just spinning around helps for some reason? spin around, fall down, run ur hands along anything u can find and feel the texture, or just demand that the dream stabilize itself. most of the time, thatll work
and if it doesnt, dont be discouraged. theres always another night to dream
so basically: start a dream journal, do reality checks, mmmmaybe meditate if youre up for it, and your dreams will become like. at least 10x more interesting. trust me, try flying: its literally the best feeling in the entire world
its just !!! such a huge, incredible thing, and its so fascinating to learn about too. all the different ways you can train your brain, all the different things you can do, all the studies done on the subject. i suggest reading about Steven LaBerge or keith hearne. hearne led the study that proved lucid dreaming existed in the first place! he got a lucid dreamer to signal to him that he was conscious while asleep using REM (rapid-eye movement), because lucid dreaming happens during the REM state. also, robert waggoner’s book Gateway to the Inner Self is really fascinating too!
hm wow i really went ham here lmao
thanku for giving me a chance to infodump im very happy rn
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xiaomomowrites · 5 years
Anything You Can Do [Oneshot]
100 prompts: Rivalry Attack on Titan | Eremika
Summary: Much to the Eren's dismay, it turns out Armin is a better kisser than himself. "Wait, how do you even know this?" Mikasa sighed, "it happened when we were kids. I had always wondered what it would have felt like to kiss you. But like hell I was going to tell you that."
With the horrible looming threat no longer hanging above their heads, Eren has the time and energy to get hung up about the fact that Armin was Mikasa's first kiss.
Find this story on AO3 and Fanfiction! {ampalayeah | levi-nii-san}
A/N: Hooooo boy was this one a treat. Set post-canon, since both the manga and the anime have been driving me crazy and I just want my babies to be happy. I wanted to expand on Eren’s inner conflict when I edited this one because I just love getting into this head, and also I wanted more drama lol. More tea, if I may. Because, not gonna lie, Arumika has been so tempting lately. I also totally projected my own deepest desires (lolol) onto their cute, domestic life in this. I hope you have as much fun reading this as I did writing it hehe.
At first, Eren doesn’t quite know what to do with this piece of information. He doesn’t even think she meant to confess this on accident. It lingered in the air for a bit before he tried his best to swallow it.
Much to the young man’s dismay, it turns out Armin is a better kisser than himself.
Or so, that’s what Mikasa admitted. The silence in the air was biting, and awkwardness followed. Then came his response.
“Wait, how the fuck do you know this?”
Mikasa looked at him, her face flushed red. She hasn’t felt this flustered in front of him in a while. “Eren, please,” she starts slowly, “it was such a long time ago.”
“I don’t see your point.”
“Please let it go.”
“I think I have the right to know!” he seems so intense and invested in this topic, she finds it kind of cute. At twenty-four years old, this is the most riled up she’s seen him in a while.
It has been about a year since the end of the war. After a reasonable number of months spent grieving over their losses, the remaining soldiers were given freedom to choose whatever they wanted to do with their lives. And so, they lived a domestic life in the end. It wasn’t something Eren gave much thought to, given the things he was so preoccupied with for most of his life. She was happy, finally getting to settle down with the love of her life after all this time. And he was finally at peace, after calming down and learning to appreciate life around him.  It was nice, and it felt right, at last.
They were tired, but finally at peace.
And now that there was no horrible looming threat hanging above their heads, Eren had time and energy to get hung up about the fact that his best friend totally stole his girlfriend’s first kiss, once upon a time.
Mikasa hesitated, then she eyed him warily, “as if you’ve told me everything.”
His eyebrows shot upward in surprise. What could possibly be there to know? Instead, he nods in understanding and asks, “What do you wanna know?”
Mikasa didn’t expect it, and she hesitates for a moment, but she'd be a fool not to take the invitation. “Well, okay, when we were cadets in training, in the 104th squad, you and Annie-“
“Platonic,” he interrupts her easily. “I wanted to learn from her, she was cool, I admired her. But nothing happened,” He makes sure to catch her gaze before finishing, “I didn’t like her like that. Next.”
“Er, okay…" she fought the giddy feeling at his eagerness to please her. Something about knowing what he really thought about Annie, even if it's years later, felt relieving. "What about Historia, when we were part of squad Levi?”
“Historia? Who gets mad at Historia?” he was genuinely confused. “She never does anything wrong, how can you feel threatened by-"
Mikasa raises an eyebrow, now less convinced, and he follows her into their kitchen. “Okay, okay, nothing happened either, Mikasa," the sound of her name and the sincerity in his voice made her soft for a minute. "That whole situation was so fucked up anyway. We kinda bonded over it, I guess."
“I see," she says smoothly, grabbing a cup and pouring tea into it. She picks it up from the top, a habit she picked up from Levi. Eren watches, amused, as he felt a pang of guilt in his chest.
"Mikasa…" he starts, his expression gentle. "I had no idea these things bothered you…"
She chuckled bitterly, bringing the cup to her mouth. It felt really nice finally being open with him when it came to these things. "Well you were so nice to these girls, and so fascinated with them. It just...sucked since you were such an ass to me for a while. And I mean, I was young, so it may have made me feel a little insecure."
'I'm sorry'. It seemed to be stuck at the tip of his tongue. He wanted to reach out to her, to gently stroke her hair and tell her none of that shit mattered now that they were together. That she's the only one now that he's so fascinated with. She looked so stoic, unfazed, but he saw right through her facade. And yet, he couldn't say it.
"So uh, anyone else?" He asks instead, immediately regretting the missed chance.
"You tell me," she says, her hard gaze boring right through him.
“Nope, nothing else,” he tells her confidently, and waits until she finishes taking a sip. “Now it’s your turn.”
She lets the warm liquid go down her throat before giving him a pouty face, “I really don’t want to talk about this.”
“Why not?” He’s riled up again; it’s cute, it's harmless. She tells herself she’s not just doing this to get a rise out of him. She also has half a mind to just drop it and stop entertaining him altogether. After all, if you ignore the problem, it might go away.
“Because then you get all worked up, and it stops being a civil conversation. Especially since…you know, your history with Armin.”
“What, because we fought back in Marley?”
She nodded, hesitantly, reluctant to open up that old wound.
“We’re fine, Mikasa. We’re still friends,” he assured her, genuinely. “That’s why he’s coming to visit, right?”
“Hmm,” she hummed in response, taking another sip.
It was true; in fact, that’s how this whole mess got brought up in the first place. They started off discussing Armin’s plans to come visit them for the week, then they started reminiscing over childhood memories, which had eventually led to Mikasa revealing that Arming had been her first kiss when they were kids.
The nail on the coffin was when Eren just had to ask if he was any good, and when Mikasa initially said yes as a joke, it was game over.
She was being stubborn, he mused, perhaps he just needed to gently coax the answer out of her (never mind the fact that he just wanted to get close to her).
“Please tell me,” he takes a step towards her tentatively, waiting for her to completely invite him into her bubble. She sets the cup of tea down on the counter and turns to face him, enticed by this display of gentleness. Eren pushes a strand of hair behind her ear and lightly tilts her head up to catch her gaze. When her wide eyes told him he had successfully charmed her, he continued, “it’s important to me.”
“Okay, okay,” she gives in almost immediately, blushing, and he smirks. “It happened when we were kids. We were…nine, I think. I had always wondered what it would have felt like to kiss you.” A smile tugs at his lips as the discussion takes a good turn. He wants to laugh, and kiss her. But she’s still talking, so he waits. “You were so cute and so nice to me, and we were kids. So naturally, I was curious.”
Mikasa played with the hem of his shirt, since he was standing so close and she needed something to do with her hands. A small amount of embarrassment was creeping up her cheeks. Then she adds, “but like hell I was going to tell you that.”
Eren lets out a chuckle that he was holding back, “Why not? You were a pretty girl, I wasn’t blind to that. I don’t think I would have objected.”
Her eyes narrowed playfully as she jabbed a finger to his chest. “Bullshit. You know how you were as a kid, always pushing me away when I got too close.”
“Ah, yeah okay, fair enough,” his hand shoots up to the back of his neck sheepishly. He did have quite the fascination with Mikasa for a good chunk of their younger days. He was just far too focused on other things to really give it much attention, and he’d be damned if she ever found out. But he couldn’t deny the fact that he had also considered a few times what it would have felt like to kiss her. It ended up being one of those experiences they just missed out on (well, he missed out on).
And now she was telling him that he could have, and probably should have just went for it.
“So wait…so, you asked Armin instead?”
“Yes, hun.”
“Why?” he watched her roll her eyes. “You wanted to kiss me, how is that the same thing?”
“And he just agreed?” Eren scowled at the utter, petty betrayal by his best friend many moons ago, despite it being so trivial and innocent.
“I didn’t ask him to do it.”
“Okay, so he took ‘I wonder what it feels like to kiss Eren’ to mean ‘kiss me, Armin’.”
“See, you’re getting mad.”
“I’m not mad.”
She tried not to laugh; this was ridiculous. “Yeah, I guess so then. Maybe he just assumed I wanted to know what it felt like to kiss anyone, in general. Your nostrils are flaring again.”
Eren rubbed at his nose. This time she does laugh, it’s cute. Her grown-ass, war-veteran boyfriend was being ridiculous. “Okay, so what made him better?”
This time Mikasa recoiled a little, “I was joking.”
“Were you though?”
She thought for a moment, and her hesitation makes him uneasy. “You know I love you, right?” she redirects his incoming attack, picking up her teacup once again.
“More or less,” he jokes, wiping some of the liquid from the corner of her mouth with his thumb. She licks her lips and thanks him.
“Why are you being so insecure?”
He’s caught off guard for a minute, but when he gathers himself, he allows her to dig into these ugly feelings that were causing the issue to be blown up in the first place. A smile tugs at his lips; she always knew him so well. He takes her free hand and plays with it.
“I guess…I just feel…guilty,” he starts off slowly, tracing the scars and calluses on her fingers. “I wasted a lot of time pushing you away, and I know that Armin has always been there for you and with you when I wasn’t. It’s just adding insult to injury knowing he kissed you first. And apparently you liked it.”
“We were kids.” She reminds him again. His face falls at the fact that that was her response, and she gives his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Alright, I don’t know, I guess he was just so much gentler. Like he was trying to show affection, instead of trying to win a fight against me with his mouth.”
Eren raises an eyebrow, his proximity teaming up with his next response to catch Mikasa off guard, “I thought you like it rough. At least that’s what it seemed like last night.”
He watched her tough expression falter and a mischievous smirk played at his lips. He had her right where he wanted her when she ducked her head ever so slightly to hide the cute blush forming on her cheeks. He sees it as an opening to possibly redeem himself and change her mind; so he leans in to try to kiss her (to prove her wrong, damn it – to show her that he was better and there was no competition at all), but she stops him just in time, suppressing a laugh at his frustration.
“Eren,” she reprimands, and he obeys. “Not all of your problems can be solved with more aggression.”
When he realizes what just happened, he pouts, “Mikasa…”
“We’ll talk later, okay?” she downs the rest of the room-temperature tea and drops it off at the sink as she walks past her devastated lover. “I have to finish cleaning for when Armin gets here.”
All he could do was raise an eyebrow, confused, as she kisses him on the cheek and takes her leave.
The first day Armin spends with them was more or less pleasant. Mikasa seemed to be genuinely enjoying his company as they sat down to catch up on life. But there was something heavy residing within Eren, weighing down his shoulders and his smile.
He did miss Armin, and his presence was something nice. It would be such a waste to let this go to shit just because Eren was feeling a little petty and hurt.
"Hey, uh...can we talk?" Eren stands at the doorway of their guest room later that night.
"Oh, hey," Armin looks up from the book he was reading, "what's on your mind?"
Eren steps into the threshold of the room awkwardly and Armin immediately understands something is wrong. "I wanted to ask you something."
"Okay, shoot." He puts the book down to give his undivided attention.
He takes a deep breath before starting slowly, "back then…when you kissed Mikasa…" At this, Armin's eyes went wide, looking like a deer caught in headlights. "Yeah, she told me. What was that about?"
"Uh…" he seemed at a loss for words as his best friend just stared at him, his expression unreadable.
Eren sensed the emotion clouding Armin's thoughts. "I just want to know. I'm not upset or anything."
He didn't buy it, but nevertheless relented, knowing there was no way out of this. And even if escape was possible, there was no point. He deserved to know. "Alright, um...it was just a really bad time, Eren. Things were going to shit left and right. She lost Sasha- one of her best friends; it really messed her up. Levi was dying, and you were...being a real piece of shit."
Eren's expression changed drastically, a mix of confusion, surprise, and hurt fighting on his face. He kept quiet, not knowing what to say.
"Our time in Marley was truly a low point; she was vulnerable, and I guess I was too. It just...happened."
"What…" Eren seemed to find his voice, but his thoughts were still everywhere. Suddenly, images of his two best friends played in his mind: Mikasa, vulnerable, hurting, broken from his mistakes. Armin, confused, angry, touching her, holding her. He must have been gentle and careful too, that's just how Armin is. Why was she with him again? Suddenly his heart was in his stomach, dissolving in the acid of his regrets. He shakes it off and returns to reality. "What are you talking about?"
"Is...is that not what you asked?"
"I meant when we were kids." He sits down on the bed beside him, his legs unable to support him properly at this point. It hurt.
Armin pauses, remembering the correct memory, and he felt foolish, "...ah, fuck."
"What the fuck, Armin?" Eren seemed to have regained consciousness.
"Hey man, relax," He throws his hands up in the air in surrender, reading the hurt on the Titan shifter's face, careful not to poke the bear any more. "Like I said, we were just...in a really weird place, okay? It meant nothing, to me at least. I guess."
"You guess."
"Dude, what do you want me to say? Will it be easier if you tell me what you want to hear?"
The two seemed to have reached an impasse, as Armin didn't want to get any more aggressive and Eren realizes this wasn't the right way to deal with this. The eye contact was intense enough to halt the world into a standstill. The latter takes a deep breath to calm down. A moment passes.
"I'm sorry," he reels back. "It's a stupid thing to fight about. It's not...worth losing your friendship, again."
Armin's face softens, "I'm sorry too, Eren. If I knew it would hurt you later on I wouldn't have done it."
"It's...okay." he says, not sure how else to respond. Then he asks, a little hesitant at first since he knew what he was walking into, "is that all that happened between you two?"
"Yeah," it was an honest answer. Yes, they were close, but it never amounted to anything else with Mikasa's heart elsewhere and the circumstances they were in. "But, if I may, why does it bother you so much?"
Eren laughs sourly. "You've always been better for her," he explained simply.
"Come on, man, that's not true."
"I just don't know if I can ever make up for everything I've done," he completely disregards the comfort that Armin tried to give. "You, on the other hand, have a clean slate with her."
It was quiet for a few minutes, as they both gathered their thoughts. The silence wasn't painful, however, something about sitting in a comfortable silence with Armin in the midst of his issues was reassuring.
"That sounds like something you need to address, with yourself." He watched the expression soften on his best friend and took as an invitation to continue. "She loves you, Eren. She always has. You can't undo your mistakes in the past; all you can do is move forward, and you're doing just fine. Besides, the best apology is changed behavior."
Eren seemed to be digesting his words, resulting in a warm smile. "I hate that you're always right."
"Yeah, I still got it." The air seemed much lighter. "Be gentle with her. She deserves to be treated right."
"I know." He stands up and rests hand on Armin's shoulder affectionately. "Thank you."
It seemed pointless to get angry about it, so Eren resolves to just show her. After all, actions speak louder than words. He walks back to their shared bedroom, just thinking about what Armin had said to him just moments ago. He finds her on the way to the room as well, a full laundry basket in hand.
“Hey,” he stops her. She looks tired- it’s late at night- but her eyes brightened at the sight of him.
“Hi,” she smiles, walking into the room with him. He lets her set the clothes down, and then takes one of her hands in his to pull her closer. His other hand reaches up to cup her cheek, brushing some loose strands of her long hair that had fallen out of the ponytail, out of her face.
Mikasa felt her heart stutter at his actions. Even a gesture this simple was enough to send her up to cloud nine. He loves her, she knows, but being Eren (touch-starved, socially awkward Eren) meant he showed it in his own ways. She never objected to his methods - most of the time this meant nights filled with so much passion and intensity that she’d wake up the next morning wondering if all that was just a dream. That, and little favors he would do for her that just defined domesticity between them and their lives now.
He never really noticed that their relationship was this intense, hot fire that burned brightly all the time. He realizes that ever since they got together, they’ve just been going at it to make up for lost time. Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to dim it a little to make a small, comforting fire to keep warm and cozy. At some point it wasn't even about proving his point about Armin anymore, and one-upping his best friend. He needed her to know how he felt about her, more than anything. He wanted to show her that he was just as capable of being gentle and sweet, for her.
There was no need for any other words; he was determined to show her that he was serious about earlier. So when he was absolutely certain that she had completely succumbed to his charm, Eren tilted his head and leaned in just enough to catch her lips.
Just like that, everything else around them had disappeared to Mikasa. The clean laundry that sat by their feet and the fact that Armin was just in the next room was forgotten. It was only her and Eren, the young man she had loved practically all her life.
She leans into him eagerly, attempting to close the distance between them, but he pulls back just enough to keep her from deepening their kiss. In response, a small sound of displeasure escaped her throat, earning a cheeky smile against her mouth.  
He kissed her slowly, but so full of confidence and love, that Mikasa almost felt light-headed. She felt every little movement of his against her, sending goosebumps up her arms. It was ridiculous how much he affected her, not that she was complaining.
The hand that cradled her face found its way into her hair, and when she took this as a go signal to get closer, he shifted his other hand to her waist to control the distance once again. She let out a small gasp in response, leaving him an opening to deepen the kiss, at his own pace.
Eren tilted his head slightly, smirking at how he knew how much control he had over the situation. He couldn't help but feel so smug that the mighty Mikasa Ackerman was pretty much wrapped around his finger at this point. When his name escaped her mouth in a quiet, desperate manner that almost drove him over the edge, he decided it was a good time to ask.
"Better?" He pulls back, looking straight into her eyes. His gaze was so intense, it was almost intimidating. He held her so gently though, it didn't match the way he looked at her so fervently. Mikasa is caught off guard, and couldn't find the words. Instead, she nods, helplessly. "Hmmm, not good enough, Mikasa," he teases.
She tries to frown, "what do want me to say?" Her voice is soft and breathy, clearly hungry for more, and it sent a heat down through his stomach. He had to keep his cool though, this was his turf.
"Tell me I'm better than Armin."
Oh, there was no doubt about it, Mikasa knew. As sweet and comforting as Armin was to her both times, it just didn't send sparks and warmth through her whole body the way Eren did. But there was no way she was going to give him the satisfaction that he so much needed. Especially when he was just being so petty.
"Eren, don't be ridiculous."
"Yeah, I knew you'd say that," he says lowly, and she almost yelped as he dives in again.
He gives her a little more control this time, allowing her to wrap her arms around his neck to pull him closer. He felt just how much she needed him, and it was getting more and more difficult to hold back just to prove his stupid point.
It didn't matter, he just had to outlast her and have more self control. He opens his mouth a little to graze his tongue against her closed mouth gently, and she accepts the invitation. She was making his legs feel like jelly and his insides were all warm and fuzzy. He wondered how he ever let all his teenage years go by without kissing her before, and he realizes he really couldn't blame Armin for wanting this.
"Say it," he prompted, and it almost sounded like he was begging. Eren's voice was low and husky, and it was clear he was losing his cool. She smiles wickedly against him in response. He pushes forward a little bit, and she gasps sharply as she trips over the laundry basket, pulling them both onto the bed. Mikasa giggles, her soft laugh was music to his ears.
He doesn't waste another moment though, diving in to trail kisses from her mouth and down to her neck, now that she was pretty much cornered beneath him. One of his hands was tangled in her hair and the other one had snuck into her shirt, working its way up. Mikasa moaned softly at his touch, sending chills down his body and calling him back up to her lips.
He looks down at her, and she just looks so delicate. For a second he forgets how this all even started. Instead, he says the first thing that comes to mind, without thinking.
"I love you," he blurts out, caught up in the moment, "and I'm sorry."
"Everything," he leans his forehead against hers affectionately, careful not to crush her with his weight. The way he's holding her explains exactly how he feels about her and makes her heart flutter.
"I love you too," she tells him, her eyes sparkling, and all of a sudden all his previous insecurities seemed so stupid. She pulls him down again and he doesn't object. His newfound realizations fueled the heat between them this time, and the next thing they knew, their hands were everywhere.
She moves to undo his belt and suddenly Eren remembers what initiated all of this in the first place: she still hadn't said what he wanted. He pulled back abruptly and she looks up at his eyes clouded with lust.
"Eren," she tries to scold him for denying her right before they got to anything interesting, but she just looked like an angry bunny to him.
Eren laughs a little, surprised at her reaction and is actually taken aback a little; she actually cracked before him! He reels back, teasing her with a shit-eating grin as he watches, amused, at how utterly flustered she looks: cheeks red, panting heavily. Mikasa’s hair was sprawled on the bed, her shirt was halfway off, and her chest rose and fell as she tried to find words.
If this kid wasn’t so stubborn, he would have given in long ago. But this was Eren Jaeger, and he really wasn't going to give in until he got what he wanted.
"Fine," she growls when she realized it. He doesn't need to ask again. "You're better than Armin."
"Thank you," he breathed, finally at peace, and moved in to finish what he started.
They didn't notice their third musketeer come in, a blanket draped over his shoulders as he stops at the doorframe to tell them to be quiet (the damn walls were so thin, he sighed, it interrupted his late night reading).
"Hey guys," he greets casually, not even caring that he clearly (deliberately) interrupted something.
Mikasa looks surprised, her head snapping over to him. She's at a loss for words, flustered as her lover's hands were so far up her shirt and she was centimeters away from unbuttoning his pants. Armin fights the urge to laugh as his best friends looked like deer caught in headlights, and briefly wonders if this was his doing. Eren drops his face onto her shoulder, unable to face his best friend, ears heating up.
Armin raises an eyebrow, tongue in cheek, "better than me at what?"
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May I request some angst hcs of Bruno’s gang that has a s/o who is getting weaker day by day & are on the brink of death. The gang aren’t able to do anything to help so how would they spend the last days together? I can imagine abbacchio using moody blues to rewatch the memories they’ve shared after s/o died. Btw I love your writings, keep up the good work!!!💕💖💗
HOOooo boy first day on the job and angst already? Here we go I’m prolly gonna cry.
- He’s gonna do everything in his power to at least make you comfortable in your last days. Buys your favorite foods for every meal, tucks you in every time you go to sleep, never leaves your side and is there in your last moments.
- When you’re gone, he will give you one last kiss and with tears in his eyes. He lingers at the funeral longer than anyone else, even longer than some of the funeral home’s staff and later commissions an artist for a painting or sculpture in your memory. He keeps it at home to remind himself of you every single day.
- He... he doesn’t know what to do. He’s already lost someone close to him. He’s not sure he can stand it happening again. But even then he’ll do his best to support you in any way he possibly can.
- He can’t bring himself to attend the funeral. It would be too much. Instead, he goes out to that local restaurant you loved so much, and activates Moody Blues. He reenacts that first date you too had, he holds your hand, laughs, and tries to ignore the digital countdown on your forehead as he leans in for a kiss.
- He is not ready for this. In any way. Although, to be fair, I don’t think you can ever really be ready and accepting of the impending death of a loved one. He tries his damnedest to spend every waking moment with you so that he can at least have good memories to look back on, rather than just upsetting ones.
- He attends the funeral, in tears the whole time. He later returns home and opens an album covered in stickers and glitter and your handwriting. It’s full of photos, photos of the two of you, some of them with the rest of the gang. He looks at these photos and with tears in his eyes he smiles a sad smile.
- “No, no way you’re dying! I won’t let you!” He’s scared, and he’s already tearing up. He’ll never be ready to let you go. At that point he’s incredibly attached. No one in Passione tries to remove him from your side. He’s not leaving you in a time of need.
- He goes to the funeral, but when it’s his time to speak he chokes up and dashes out of the funeral home. He runs back home, shoves his headphones on with such force that they almost break, and spends the day listening to your favorite songs. For the next few days he stays shut in his room, and the members of Passione need to come in to make sure he’s taking care of himself.
- “I will be with you every step of the way. I will love you forever and always. It’s alright to be afraid of what’s to come. I am, too.” He’s scared shitless. He doesn’t want you to go, but he knows all too well that we cannot escape our fate, and that trying to do so will only result in making matters worse.
- When you die, he cries out to the heavens. He feels like it’s his grandmother all over again. At the funeral he keeps his head down and his pant legs are practically soaked with tears. He all but refuses to speak for days, and his temper his harder than ever to control. He feels he could lose himself and hurt someone he cares about so he goes into isolation until he calms down enough to feel it is safe for him to be around people again.
- “Dear, if you would let me, I will do everything in my power to heal your illness. Keep your hopes up, and please allow me to help you.” He tries so, so hard to help you using Gold Experience but...
... It doesn’t work.
- He sits in his seat at the funeral services, gripping a handkerchief so tightly that his knuckles turn white. Why couldn’t he do more for you? Why did you have to suffer for all that time? He sits and he contemplates. For a long time. He continues to periodically for the rest of his days. He’s never exactly the same, never again that bright, vibrant, glittering gold that you once loved. That died along with you.
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S4E20
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post (even though about 20% of this post is screaming and inarticulate flailing)
*imitates the Epic Voice Trailer guy doing the Gotham commercials*
Oh my gosh...
[RIP Jerome Valeska Second Time’s the Charm] Hahahaha!
“To Jerome!”  *tries to toast but can’t do it with a cell phone*
*The Jester rolls up on her motorcyle*  It you... OK.
Oh that costume is awesome...
She has bells!  On her coat!  Oh my gosh!
“Dig me [Jerome] up!  Dig me up!”  *nervously laughs*  Whaaaaaa.....
They keep reusing that same panning shot from the angel statue on...
“I [Jim] don’t need that crap thrown in my face right now.  [Harvey] Get outta here!”  Hooooooooo....
When is Lee going to cut this crap out?
“I’m [Lee] not betraying my friend [Ed].”  Are you serious?
“If the law has lost its meaning, it's because people like you [Lee] are turning your back on it.“  Hooooo....
“I don't want to send you to Blackgate!  That's the last thing I want to do.  Don't you know I wish I could let you walk out that door, turn my head?”  “What's holding you back?“  The laaww....
Guys, c’mon, I want them [Jim and Lee] to be happy.  Not necessarily together but happy.
That’s the same freaking font as the one on the Wayne Enterprises “gift” that Jeremiah got
[PLAY ME]  Oh my God
Oh my God!  That font though [on the screen]!
“I want you to throw me a wake at the GCPD.“  Nooooo...
Air horn!
Noooo-oh my God!
Oh no-oh my God!
*Jerome’s cult brings the casket*  THEY DID IT- WHA-
“I [Ed] would sooner debate you all on teleology versus deontology than leave her [Lee] with that overgrown Boy Scout [Jim].“  Whooohoohoohoo....
Oh my God...
“Team, we have everything?  Bicycle pump?  Can opener?“  Are they preparing a jail break or fixing the TARDIS console?
Pickle jar?!?
Oh I like that shot of Ed putting on the hat
Oh God... ooooohhhhh God.
“But right now, Jeremiah's maze may actually be the safest place for them.“  *nods*
OK, a 2 by 10 (whatever that is) plank is not going to barricade the door!
Did they say open the armory?  Oh my God.
“This wake is just intended to distract us while his followers hit the real target.“  What’s the real target?
*claps hands*  I like this plaaannn....
*sing songs*  [Electricity whirring down]
*The generator turns on*  Oooohhhh.... ooooohhh... wow!
Oh my gosh, there’s a solution poster of the maze on the wall in Jeremiah’s office.
That [generator] is HUGE!
“You’ve kept this project a secret, yes?”  “No one outside of Wayne Enterprises knows it exists”  *hisses*  This just seems really dubious...
“It's the ones who are closest to you that you have to keep your eye on.“  OK what does that mean?  What does it meannn...
“Arkham Asylum sent me [Jeremiah] Jerome’s personal effects.  And amongst them, I found his diary.”  What?
Haha oh my God!
I don’t want to even ask why there’s a glittery ice cream cone sticker on the cover
“Maybe you [Jeremiah] shouldn't spend so much time reading it.“   Yeah....
Oh my God...
Why don’t you actually close it?
*Bruce puts his hand down in the middle of the book*  There we go.
“Your brother is dead, Jeremiah.  It's time for you to come out of this bunker and join the world.“  *nods*
This just seems really dubious!
“Jerome Valeska’s acolytes are kicking off again”  *whispers*  Oh shit!
God, look how freaking paranoid Jeremiah is!  Man!
Is that how it’s gonna kick off?  What happened to his face?  Didn’t it turn white?
“He’s alive and he’s coming after me!”  He’s dead.  He’s dead.
*Glass shatters in the background*  Oh God, please...
*Alfred gets attacked offscreen*  Oh my Goddd!!
“Bruce, I [Jeremiah] need to tell you something.”  Oh, he’s gonna tell him about the gas!
I can’t freaking believe that this is the same actor.  Bravo, Cameron!
“What if I [Bruce] could show you he's [Jerome] dead and buried?“  Is that gonna help?
“Then I’ll [Jeremiah] try.”  There we go!
“You’re a good friend, Bruce.”  *clutches chest and leans back in pain*
Ugh, man, they’re gonna set this up and then it’s just gonna go downhill from there
Oh God, who brought the chainsaw?
Oh my God...
Is that the Jongleur character?
AN:  Yes
“Hi, guys.”  *in best George Clooney Batman voice* Hi guys, I’m Jim!
Freaking Jim gritting his teeth... I love it
Oh my God...
Oh my God, what happened?!?!?  WHAT HAPPENED?!?
“He [Alfred] was on his way to your office. He'll wait for us there.“  Bruce....
“What was that?”  Oh my God, he’s so paranoid!
Oh my God, they actually dug it up...
*Jeremiah bolts*  Haaaaahahaha!  Oh my God!
Yeah, no, Jerome’s dead.  He’s so dead.  I’m sorry, man, but he dead.
Oh my God... they’re [Oswald and Butch] watching cartoons!
Wouldn’t make-up work for Butch?
“Not run apace”.... that’s a new term
“Did you [Oswald] just shush me [Butch]?!?!?”  Hahahahaha!
“Confusion is always an opportunity for the clear-headed.“  Oooohhh, that’s a good line.
You’re gonna interrogate him [Jongleur] with a cattle prod near reporters?!?  Are you serious?
*The Riddler arrives*  Oh crap!
“We need a costume shop.”  Oh my God, they’re gonna go in disguised as some of Jerome’s followers.  Oh my God.
Lee, get up!
I like that dude with the black lace umbrella in the background!
Guys, what are we doing?
Of course he [Jeremiah] hides in a freaking... mausoleum.
That shot of Bruce is awesome.
“You can trust me because I'm your friend!”  *whimpers*
“I want you to be my friend, Bruce.”  *clutches chest*
“And then you came along and offered me everything I could dream of.”  “Because I believe in you, Jeremiah.“  Oh my God...
This is breaking my heart.  This is freaking breaking my heart!
“All we have to do is get out of here.“  *starts singing “We Gotta Get Out Of This Place” by The Animals*
*Jeremiah fires off a warning shot near Bruce’s feet*  WHOA!
Where did he get the gun?
“You can fool everyone else but I [Jeremiah] know you made a switch.”  Oh my God...
*actually clutches hair in stress*  Oh my God...
“And you can't hide, not even behind that new face of yours.“  What?  Wait, what?  What?
“I know it’s you.”  What?
“I know it’s you, Jerome.”  Whaaaat?!?
Oh my God, Jeremiah, noooo....
“You killed my friend Bruce. Now it's time to put you back in your grave.“  Nooo....
*Jerome’s casket is revealed to be actually a beer cooler*  HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA...
*slaps chair in hilarity*  Oh my gosh...
*Lee accidentally knocks out Ed*  Oh my God!
Jiiiimmm..... this is such a bad idea, Jiiiimmmm....
OK, there’s the generator.  They left it on?  Why did they leave it on?  They just wanted to see how long it would run?
Whoa.... what’s going on?  What’s going on?
*Jerome’s corpse is found propped up next to his tombstone*  OHHH MY GOD!
Jerome’s hair looks different... whoa...
*The Jester points a gun at Jim*  Oh my God!
Is he [Jerome] just.. gaslighting the crap outta him [Jeremiah]?
*Jeremiah goes after Bruce with Jerome’s straight razor*  Oh my God!
*gasps when Jerome starts getting strangled by someone offscreen*
Oh my God...
AN:  Take a sip every time I’ve said this during this reaction.  Careful, there’s a lot of them.
“Hold still, brother.  Let's peel off that grotesque facade.”  Oh my God...
What kind of rule is that sharp that it can embed itself in a wall?
OK, what’s going on?  Seriously, what’s going on?  What’s going on, what’s going on, what’s going on...
*jaw drops to the floor*
Whaatt... whaaat...
*Jeremiah shoots one of the cult followers through the chin*  AAAAAHHHHH!!
What’s going on, what’s going on...
*absolutely screams when Jeremiah starts wiping off his makeup*
*absolutely screams again when Jeremiah does the same thing in the video that Jim is watching*
Oh my God, there’s ten minutes left!  WHAAAAAATT?!?
“Other than some mild cosmetic effects...”  Hahaha my God...
Oh my God...
I just wanna know where Jerome found the time to make a freaking journal of all his escapades
Wait, so did he [Jeremiah] set up the whole thing?
Ohhhh my God....
“I [Jeremiah] would hate to be within a mile of it [the generator] if it were to... overload.”  Oh my God...
“Jerome wanted to slather you [Bruce] in honey and have you eaten alive by corpse beetles.“   Eeewww...
Also, whoa there, Jerome.  Calm down.
Can’t believe I’m kink-shaming a dead clown.  What has this world come to?
“Are you gonna listen?  Or you gonna behave like children?”  Pfftttt.....
See, I [Jeremiah] don't want to kill you [Bruce], because I want to show you how much I've changed things. How much we've changed things.”  Oh my God... oh my God....
Bruce doesn’t know about the generators.  Ohhhh shit!
Oh my God, they’re not gonna kill off Jim!
“See those generators that we built with your [Bruce’s] money, they work even better as bombs.“  Oh my God...
*gasps when Jeremiah’s bunker blows up*
“Jim Gordon is dead.”  No Jim ain’t dead.  C’mon.
“In fact, I [Jeremiah] can honestly say... you [Bruce] are my very best friend.“  *through gritted teeth*  Oh my Goddd...
My hands are actually shaking...
“I [Oswald] don't expect you [Jongleur] to betray the memory of that old corpse.“  Hoooo...
Roll credits!
“Is your [Butch’s] plan to gain his sympathy by reciting your tale of woe?“  Pffffttt....
*Butch starts shoving chicken bones up Jongleur’s nose*  AAAAAAHHHHHH!
Hahaha Oswald in the background!
*pumps fist*  Whoo whoo!
So do they [Ed and Lee] actually like each other here?  What’s going on?
“I'm assuming you [Ed] brought one of those [clown costumes] for me [Lee]?”  “Oh.  Now, I would be into that, but they only had one.“  Hahahaha oh my Goddd...
*jams out to “Rockers” by U.K. Subs*
*Ed and Lee share a kiss*   Oooooohhhh....
“Don't just wrap me [Ed] around your finger, Lee.“  That is exactly what’s she’s doing.
“You know, it's funny, it kind of reminds me [Harvey] of my first apartment in Crown Point.”   “How long ago was that?”  “I still live there.”  Heehee...
*Ecco shoots the guards*  OOHHHHH
Wait, are they [Jeremiah and Ecco] holding each others’ arms?  Almost protectively?
I’m.. actually totally down to see where this relationship goes in this show.  I know it was mentioned that Ecco is “devoted” to Jeremiah so I’m not sure how far that goes. 
There’s definitely an implication of romance in this bit but I’m very interested in how this goes down.
Ohhhh my God...
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sevensity · 7 years
Hiya! Can I request RFA/Saeran+MC going grocery shopping together? Could you also include which aisle they would spend the longest time in? I hope that's not too much >.
Here ya go! Grocery shopping is nice because there’s a lot of food and I’m quite fond of that stuff.
Ok but this boy knows what’s up
He’s been to the grocery store so many times, he canprobably finish all his shopping with his eyes closed (or at least one of themclosed if you know what I mean hahahhaha sorry)
He’s like those moms who are into super couponing probablybecause his own mom was too
He has a whole binder full of coupons waiting to beused, and he’s categorized them all according to types and %off.
Even if you’ve been grocery shopping before, goingwith Yoosung is a whole other deal
Jeez is it intense
Though who knew browsing the vegetable aisle with this boy byyour side would prove to be such an enlightening experience?
Unless you tell him you already know most of the stuff he’s saying, Yoosung will not hesitate to stop in front of every single thing and tell you about its various uses in cooking, or just life in general
And by every single thing I mean every single damn thing, even if it’s considered elementary knowledge
“This is a banana—“
“I know Yoosung,I know.”
He’ll also teach you really simple recipes while youload up your cart with food
“If you have trouble sleeping, heat up some milk andsprinkle some powdered nutmeg into it!” actually very comforting imo
“For really brown bananas, if you don’t want to eatthem or can’t use them at the moment, put them in the freezer and you can makeyummy banana bread with them later!”
“If you ever slice apples and want to prevent themfrom turning brown, just dip them in a bit of lemon juice!”
Thank you Yoosung Sensei
Every time you go grocery shopping together, you knowyou’ll return home feeling like you just took an intensive nutrition class
Spends longest time in:
Literally everywhere????
The only aisle he doesn’t really visit is the liquor aisle, but other than that he’ll spend the same amount of time in each place. Occasionally he will steer clear of the milk section after remembering some, ah, unpleasant memories
Okay so he’s not quite a dolt when it comes to grocery shopping that’s for sure, like he knows about the basics, and of course he’s a beer expert
Though he is nowhere close to being on Yoosung’s Godly Grocery level
and Zen will never admit that he doesn’t know jack shit about what he buys most of the time
He’ll try to seem knowledgeable just for you, and he does want you to eat healthy (”Fruits and vegetable ares good for the skin! Though my skin is already amazing enough.” thank you zen that makes me feel so much better about myself)
But he’s not sure what to do with 90% of the stuff he puts in your cart
When you guys go home, he’ll sneak a phone call to Yoosung, list all the items that he bought, and Yoosung in turn will teach him a few possible recipes
Tbh usually such a phone call would sound like some shady drug dealing cuz it starts all like:
“Hey, Yoosung,” Zen casts a wary eye around before whispering, “I’ve got new goods.  Can you hook me up with some plans?”
But it’s okay, you’ll relax once you hear them talking about the properties of lettuce
“Zen, let me get this straight. You bought a whole octopus…without actually knowing how to cook it?!”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Well, I can’t be her knight in shining armor if I don’t know how to deal with a mere octopus!”
When Seven hears about this, he’s all like “move aside fabled evil dragon, the princess in the tower is now guarded by a wriggling, squishy octopus. How will Zen slay the mighty beast?”
Spends longest time in:
Cosmetics aisle! And I mean spends a loooooooooooooOOOng time. He wants you to try stuff on. Then he wants you to give him a makeover. Then he wants to take pictures. Then he finds new products to try. The infernal cycle begins again. 
She never really had any  time to go grocery shopping before, and soshe would just buy her meals from the convenience store
So the first time you went shopping together, oh boy was this girl lost
Although she knows all the fruits and vegetables and different types of meat, so the basics,  she just doesn’t know what to buy because there are so many choices??
She just wants to buy everything and try it all 
And so she does
You’re zooming around all the aisles, and soon each of you have your own cart chock full of food
In the end, two end up buying too much and invite Yoosung over to help y’all cook 
“Okay, I get that you wanted to buy a lot to get variety, but that does not explain why you had to buy 10 packs of meat and a total of 5 types of squash,” says Yoosung, mildly exasperated. 
Spends the longest time in:
The bakery section! She likes to look at their desserts to get inspiration, and will sometimes by those that catch her fancy. Although she also does spend a lot of time in the coffee section, however, there usually isn’t a lot of variety so she tends to be a bit disappointed. 
h a H
Jumin Han grocery shopping?
“Why go to the grocery store when the grocery store could come to you?”
babe PLS
“If you really want to make food yourself, why don’t you just order the ingredients online?”
Because grocery shopping is fun? sometimes
If you’re so insistent about going to the store, he’s 100% down to open one someplace in the building just for you.
Once you turn down all his extravagant ideas and manage to drag his fine ass to the store, Jumin is frowning.
Just like Yoosung, he’ll stop in front of every product there is. But this time, he’ll talk about them from a business perspective.
“If a watermelon costs this much for one pound, then for it to be of a profitable price, the amount of edible watermelon must be equal to—”
“Jumin we’ve been standing here for ten minutes.”
He’ll still occasionally stop to calculate the price per consumable unit though
Mutters to himself the whole time
But he proves to be immensely useful 
You’re comparing two types of dumplings, different companies, slightly different prices
“Jumin, which one comes out to be the best buy?”
Hoooooooh he’ll go all out 
He compares approximate size of dumplings, nutritional values, price per unit, reputability of manufacturer, you name it
So when you go grocery shopping, always bring yourself a Jumin Han to buy the best products in the store
Also because this rich boy is really cute when he wanders around, a little crease between his eyebrows, whispering equations to himself under his breath as he trails behind you like a little kid
Spends longest time in:
Pet food aisle, duhh. Would never dare feed Elly ‘commoner cat food’, though he’ll consider it if you make some brand suggestions. On a side note I feel like Jumin has tried Elly’s food before, especially if it’s something she seems to really like. “Maybe I can replicate this taste but make it something safe for humans to eat?”
First of all, you guys are never both walking.  Either you’re in the cart and he pushes, or the other way around.
Here’s the thing though, he’s not so much in the cart as under it
I saw a picture of this but I can’t find it… you know how there’s usually a rack beneath the cart? Yeah, he just lies down on that.
If you leave him under the cart and wander too far away, he will yell “MArcO!” until you answer “polo” in an equally loud manner
This has gotten you kicked out more than a couple of times
“What do you mean soda and chips aren’t enough to sustain the human body?”
“What’s a vegetable?”
It’s like, he knows of the stuff, but he’s never seen any in person
“Wow…that’s…is that really an orange? In flesh????”
“This is edible?” he says, holding a pack of shrimp in his hands
While in the frozen food section: “I wonder what would happen if we blended a pizza, and then used that pizza to make pizza sauce for another pizza? Like…pizzaception.”
you guys actually tried doing that but regretted it because that shit was disgusting
Food puns
He will try to be more serious if you tell him, but why would you? 
Saeyoung makes grocery shopping seem like an adventure
Spends longest time in:
I mean when he’s under the cart he doesn’t really have a choice so he’ll chill there and contemplate whether or not he should lick the floor while you get the food.  However, if he’s the one pushing you, you bet he’ll head straight to the snack section. That’s his turf. Will glower at those who dare approach his precious chips. “So um Saeyoung are we just gonna wait around here and chase people away all day or…?” 
He’s the type of kid that has absolutely no idea about anything
He’ll point at a cabbage and call it a cucumber
He says carrots grow on trees
You get a lot of stares because he calls everything by the wrong name with so much confidence
The baby is super proud of himself and you don’t have the heart to tell him he’s wrong
That changes when Yoosung goes shopping with him once though.  Yoosung almost cried when Saeran asked him what this weird, round white thing was called (answer: an oinion. HAH SAERAN IS LIKE AN ONION, HE HAS LAYERS HAHAHAHAHHA I’M SO FUNNY)
Yoosung lowkey kidnaps Saeran and they have a study session together where Saeran learns about the marvelous world of fresh produce
But once you go back to the store together after he studied hard, it’s so precious
Saeran correctly identifies most of the stuff, but after every time he names something, he’ll glance at you, as if waiting for your approval
once you give him a tiny nod, a smile playing around your lips, his eyes will just light the fuck up and ;sdfja;lskdfjaslkdfja the baby bean is gonna blush a lil’ because w oW he did it???
Saeran reverts back to a toddler when y’all go to the store, you better hold his hand or he’ll wander off and get lost in another dimension
Spends longest time in:
ya, the ice cream section. you can get ice cream on a stick?? w h at???? a pre made ice cream cone???? w HA t??? I CAN BUY TWO LITERS BUCKETS OF ICE CREAM??? W  H AT?!??!??!?! It’s a Saeran heaven and half the bill goes to his own, full cart of ice cream. 
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