#it doesn't have to have been said that way rofl
daandova · 4 months
“ Where have you been? ” (from hypatia) - @satellitewar
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firelit eyes blink up to the inquisitor almost incredulously from her spot amongst the stone floor. where has she been ?? last she checked right here. in the armory. maybe it wasn't her usual haunts as of late , sure , but the last venture they'd taken resulted in some adjustments that had to be made to her crossbows. there've been plenty of times the hero had been down and out , hit a snag and was left fighting with nothing but a dagger or shortsword and suffice to say it was not a position she liked to be in. where normally she may hover around the battlements or library , she honestly couldn't tell you the amount of days that may have passed down here where little light seeps through.
" has something happened ?? " is her immediate response. fingers coated in oil , surrounded by pieces of metal and wood , there's signs that she may not have slept the last couple of nights ─── too hyperfocused on tweaking this gods forsaken semi-automatic trigger. " i'd thought i had some time to make some fixes. . . erm [ ... ] unless the table was called and i hadn't heard. "
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austinslounge · 22 days
I don’t know how you can be an Austin fan and said you’d prefer he be with Vanessa again, someone who multiple people have said was not nice to him in public/around other people. There’s a reason Ashley Tisdale “chose” him. Baby V is problematic for more than just that too and would be an embarrassing publicity nightmare for him if they were still together to this day. If people think Kaia has tarnished his image, what little she’s done is nothing compared to what the other woman would’ve done.
I don’t like him with Kaia but spoiled nepo baby or someone that’s been mean to him in public on multiple occasions, is buddy buddy with foreign dictators, was selfish about COVID-19 deaths and defends Hollywood predators like Woody Allen? I choose the spoiled nepo baby any day if those are the only two options. The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend.
He’s nice about her publicly because he’s the bigger person and doesn’t want drama. That’s his choice, but fans can make their own and it’s not just Kaustin shippers that don’t like her. I don’t like either of them and don’t understand Austin fans who feel the need to defend her. Fuck her. I’m glad Austin went to Australia and never looked back.
You're entitled to your own opinion, as are others on here.
I just want to clarify something though.
I never said that I was a huge fan of Vanessa, or that she was the best person for Austin. I'm very well aware of some of the problematic things she's done (and said) in the past.
What I was saying was that from the outside looking in, I'd rather take what Austin and Vanessa's relationship looked like, vs what we know and see of Austin and Kaia's relationship, any day of the week!
Do I think Vanessa is/was perfect? Hell no! But you can tell that she genuinely loved Austin to pieces, and you can't change the fact that Austin loved her deeply as well. You can just look at pictures of them and tell that they loved each other.
Vanessa was also there for Austin during one of the toughest moments of his life, and helped to take care of his sick mom in their own house. I don't care what you say about someone, that's pretty huge.
And these reports of Vanessa being mean to Austin 3 times in almost 10 years? 🥴 First of all, how do we even know these rumors are true? The internet says a whole bunch of stuff.
I can only go by what I see. I can't go by what I haven't seen. That's not to say that these things didn't happen, all I'm saying is that I can only go by what I have actually seen. From all of the photos and video footage that I've seen of Austin and Vanessa in nearly a decade together, I've never seen her treating him "meanly". She always looked super happy with him -- almost deliriously happy rofl 😂
I also look at what Austin said himself about V, not just during their their relationship, but after their breakup. I also look at how he still followed her long after their breakup... even after she stopped following him. If she had been as horrible to him as some shippers now are trying to spin, why on earth was he with that woman for nearly 10 years, and why on earth was he still following her after their breakup?
Wrt to Ashley and Vanessa -- Did it ever occur to you that maybe it was Vanessa who cut friendship ties with Ashley because she and Austin are still close? Maybe it was Vanessa who couldn't handle that. Maybe it caused a rift because Austin is like Ashley's little brother and she's known him the longest, and Vanessa couldn't handle that.
We really don't know all the facts.
All I can go by is what I see. And what I see with my own eyes with how Austin and Kaia are with each other is not a good feeling at all.
Plus, let's not try to sit here and act like Kaia is miss perfect. She's done and said some problematic things herself. Also, the whole kissing other people while in a relationship with someone else doesn't really sit well with me. And I'm sorry, but the way Austin doesn't even look/seem comfortable or himself with her speaks volumes to me.
But hey, to each his/her own.
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yaoisex · 9 months
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Chiaki had an interview about CherryMaho 🍒, and he was asked about BL in general, so that was an interesting read!
Some highlights:
Mentioned how his first BL role was alongside Ryouta with Makonyan as his friend (on the Kare no iru seikatsu BLCD), and that's exactly what's happening in CherryMaho too.
Said he knew 'Yaoi' before he knew 'BL'. When he was on his first year of middle school he was reading a manga that had nothing to do with BL and the word 'Yaoi' came up. He didn't have a smartphone back then, so he was just wondering: "What is Yaoi?" XD A few years later, when he was in high-school, he learnt that Yaoi meant love between men. And when he was talking to a female friend who liked BL he told her: "So you like Yaoi", and she replied: "What is Yaoi?" (because then BL was already the mainstream word for that).
He said that he first appeared on a BLCD as a mob chara, and was impressed by his senpai's work. He said Makonyan was the main in this BLCD, so based on the years, even though I can't remember it, I think he's referring to the Koubutsu wa Mayonakano Uchini Haranonaka BLCD. (At first I thought he meant Kurui Naku no wa Boku no Ban β 3, but that one came a year after.)
He thinks both him & Ryouta were chosen as main for their first BLCD together because it was a pure story so having two seiyuu doing it for the first time was just right. I must agree xD And, he's happy and think it's fate that the three of them (with Makonyan) are together on another project, because it is still very memorable for him <3
"Me and Ryouta have a really relaxed relationship... even during the break in the recording, we felt very comfortable, and I feel like we got to know each other even more through this work." <33
He never once mentioned their 'other' Cherry BLCD rofl, neither the interviewer, he only kept bringing up their first BLCD together. Maybe because it's too hardcore haha.
When recording BL, he's really happy being able to act face to face with his co-seiyuu. What he enjoys about BL is the freedom to improvise ("creating pauses between lines and breaths to match the expressions of the other person").
He's never been to a training school so he had no idea how to make kissing sounds! He learnt from watching and imitating his senpais~
He mentioned the different settings to different BLs, for example Omegaverse and Dom/Sub (he's done both). "it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the worldview before preparing for the role." I felt like a proud mother, really!!
Regarding BL situations: "...I like stories that develop from friendship, so a childhood friend, a high school student, confesses his love just as the sun is setting after school, but it doesn't really come to fruition several years later…" Kyaaa!!
"When people of the same sex have friendship or hostility, they can build a relationship of equals, but when it develops into a relationship, they are forced to lead, protect, and be protected. I find BL interesting in the way relationships change as emotions change. I really like friendships between men, as well as the development of hostile relationships that temporarily turn into cooperative relationships, and I'm even more attracted to works that are an extension of that. I believe that there are changes in relationships and changes in emotions that would never occur between people of the opposite sex. I feel like there's something appealing about that."
Welp, that was almost the whole article, not really highlights LOL But those were my fav parts anyway. (Quotes are not my translations but Google's).
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necrophcge · 5 months
// Meddles here is technically my most active, but I'm doing stuff behind the scenes for my lads Brom ( @of-forossa ), and Samuel Whist ( @fishermcn ) so I'll add them here too lmao.
// Ah hell man, probably a lack of progression when it comes to replies? When I'm writing a thread with someone, I do what I can to make sure they have enough from my own to continue the story we're telling together. So getting a reply in return that doesn't move things forward puts me in kind of a bind y'know? Matching or similar length comes with that as well, though I don't expect folks to match me word for word so much as giving as good as they've gotten!
Communication is also key! I know that it can be uncomfortable or a bit daunting to try to chat with folks you haven't gotten to know all that well, but with threads being something we create together we really should be on the same page. Even just a little update or the like is preferable to total radio silence rofl.
// Shoot, it's probably been about twelve, maybe thirteen years now? Been on here the whole time and have bounced around to a few different fandoms before more or less settling down into the soulsborne community.
// I'm definitely an angst kinda guy, though usually in the sense that things are going down or conflict is brewing rather than interpersonal drama. I live for fight-writing and the tension that comes with lives being on the line. Fluff is usually reserved for one and done replies rather than threads because I feel it's more impactful thst way, while smut is... well. I'm getting better at it, but it's definitely my weakest writing of the bunch. That, and I admittedly can get a bit nervous posting it out here in the wild for everyone to see (////-\\\\)
// Both! Plots and plotting are my preferred go-to for our muses to get to know each other and establish what their relationship will be like going ahead, while with memes I'll usually go ham on a single reply with the intent of further fleshing out what we've pieced together for our muses.
// If you've known me on my other blogs you already know I tend to get long winded XD. Short replies never feel like I've said enough honestly, and by taking the time to get in depth with them I reckon it opens the door wider for potential interactions (memes) or it gives the other person more room to reply with (threads). Least amount I'll do is around two to three paragraphs.
// I'd love to tell you folks that I'm a responsible, orderly guy who keeps a good sleep schedule and has a set time for writing. Unfortunately I'm little more than an animal who's as likely to bump out an ask or reply at 4:00 in the morning as I am to post something mid-afternoon. Ideally though... I prefer the evenings for it. More privacy, more time to gather my thoughts and less demands for me personally to have to address.
// I'm a firm believer in the notion that muns typically have something either in common with or identify strongly with their muses in some form or another, and I'm no exception. Meddles might be a conqueror, cruel and malicious, but struggling against a seemingly impossible task and not wanting to be alone in this world... yeah. Yeah, I can relate to that. It helps me put myself in their shoes and understand them better if there's something about them I identify with.
tagged by: @ferinehuntress (much obliged panda :D)
tagging: @yellowfingcr, @hexenjagd, @bcwblade, @rotten-pest, @izar-tarazed, and you!
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destinyc1020 · 1 month
White male fandoms r a mess and a lot of them do too much when it comes to the gf, Austins fans r the same. Bt Kaia also is *allegedly* a Zionist, does seem to social climb and is seen as a bad actress, beyond the Austin fandom lol so i get why folks dnt care for her. Hating someone is, imo a lot, so i dnt personally condone that tho bt sum ppl just aint going to lik her, it is what it is
Giiiiirlllll.... if you think White male fandoms are a mess, you should see the KPop fandoms rofl 🤣 They make the White male fandoms look like CHILD'S PLAY lol 😆
Re: Austin's Fandom/Kaustin...
Like any fandom, there are some who strongly dislike who Austin is dating rn, but with Austin's fandom, I get the impression that it's more so who they think Kaia is that they don't like. I don't get the impression that they're against Austin dating ANY woman, I just don't think they like him dating her.
Some fandoms out here can get real territorial and don't even want the guy dating anyone.... (like Chris Evans' fandom for example lol 🤭) and that's usually because the actor stayed "single" in the public eye for way too long, so now, when he does start dating someone seriously, his fans don't know how to handle it lol 😅
I don't get that impression from the Austin fans. Most fans were already used to him dating Vanessa for years, so it's not like they don't want him to date anybody. I think most people DO want to see him with a great woman! 👍🏾 Most of us just want to see him dating a genuinely sweet, talented, and kind young woman, who is (preferably) close to his own age 🥴, and doesn't seem like a clout-chaser or attention-seeker. In addition to the things you've already mentioned, some fans also have picked up on certain things re: Kaia's personality that are not congruent with the type of person they would prefer him to date. But that's a topic for another day. 👀
Other fans just don't think he looks as happy in this relationship as he has in others, and they wonder why he's still in this thing when they both sort of seem a little "meh" about each other at this point lol 😆
Idk... if there are any other Austin fans out there 👋🏾 who can chime in? Lol 😅 I can't speak for the entire fandom. I can only say what I've personally witnessed some fans say. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Anyway, I don't hate the girl, I just think they are a bit ill-matched.
And like you said, nobody HAS to like her just because he's dating her. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I def don't think fans should be sending her death threats or anything crazy like that, but I don't think fans have to love her. Most didn't really care about her before he started dating her, and they won't after they break up.
Honestly? #REALTALK I know this is a very unpopular opinion in these parts, but I personally think that Austin and Vanessa should have just stayed together, at least until after the whole "Elvis" press and awards stuff was over, and THEN broken up. 👀
I think he should have put a ring on it, and rode the Elvis thing TOGETHER. But hey, that's just my personal opinion.🤷🏾‍♀️ I'm sure their relationship wasn't perfect, and obviously there had to have been some issues if they broke up in the first place, but I just feel like things would have been very different had they stayed together.
With that said, I'm really happy for V and her hubby Cole and her new baby! ❤️ 🥰
I think she def won the breakup if you ask me lol. 😅🤷🏾‍♀️ She looks happy, thriving, and glowing, and Austin looks....in his relationship 🥴 👀
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jayextee · 7 months
Sonic Heroes
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I said I'd get back to reviewing the crap I play. Nobody asked for it, but I'm not posting art here anymore so ho hum. I'm going to be upfront and say that Sonic Heroes is one of my favourite 3D/"modern" (rofl it's like 20 years old) Sonic games. I'm also going to be honest and say that I'd recommend it to absolutely nobody, ever. Kinda.
On the surface of it all, Sonic Heroes absolutely rocks my worn-out boot-wearer socks. Its art direction is borderline-garish pop-art surrealism in the vein of the earlier Megadrive titles, the music is all banger with no clanger, and the gameplay has entirely ditched the idea of 'earning' mobility tools in favour of a moveset you start the game with and play in its entirety.
Except it's got Other Shit™ thrown in with that. The 'heroes' part of it all, for one. Heroes. Plural. Oh hey, you don't control a character as much as a team of characters; all modelled after the Sonic/Tails/Knuckles archetype trio of speed/flight/power respectively for four teams. They're not all identical, except where they are, and all of them aim to provide different gameplay experiences to tailor all styles of player. Or they would in theory were all four teams not mandatory for Last Story. Bad move, Sonic Team.
The thing is, there's not enough variety or interest here to justify four team playthroughs. And, at that, it's horribly uneven; when played left-to-right as any halfway-sane person would reasonably expect to approach these separate stories (if you can call them that), you get Normal then Hard then Easy (with tutorial!) and then the weird challenge mode category. And at that, we've got special stages so all seven Chaos Emeralds are needed as well. In my not-at-all-useless opinion as a nobody game designer, players should've been able to pick and complete one of these and only require the Chaos Emeralds for Last Story. But I guess that wouldn't have sated the early-mid 2000's desire for MORE CONTENT now, would it?
That's far from my only complaint about the game, though. It's largely a fun ride, until it isn't -- and when it isn't, it's generally because the game hasn't functioned as intended. Homing attacks pointed squarely at mid-chain (over a bottomless gap) enemies flatout missing, grind rail switching turning into a makeshift space program, combat yeeting player characters wildly off smaller-than-they-should-be arena spaces, there are a multitude of ways the game can suddenly stop working on you and when it does that, it's suddenly not fun anymore.
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And, as evidenced by this potato-quality photo of my save file a few years ago, I've sunk like over 100 hours into this game (the above is what happens when 99: 59: 59 is exceeded, in this case by 5 minutes and 15 seconds). And that's because, when it's fun it really is fun. But half the time, it's absolutely wretched; either because it doesn't work, or the levels are heel-dragging affairs with copypasted geometry and occasional object layouts, or you're playing the secondary Team Chaotix missions. I love it to bits for its audiovisual flair, and the fun I can wring out of it between its wretchedness. For anyone else, personages with higher sanity levels than my oddball self, mileage may vary wildly. 3/5
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alovelyburn · 2 years
Was Guts actually in love with Casca? I can’t recall him having any moment thinking of what he feels towards her in the golden age, just like he did so many times with Griffith. Do you think it could have been better if they never were a thing and just being friends by seeing how similar they are?
I watched the 1997 anime and read until the Lost Children arc, and hated everything surrounding Casca’s sa during the eclipse. Because she isn’t actually a character during a long time, her rape isn’t brought up in a way that isn’t because she was Guts’ “woman”. Guts doesn’t make any conciousness about how horrible it was for her, and even though he chose to stay with Gambino and Griffith when they were disabled, he didn’t wanted to when it was her and that’s sad
Guts' feelings for Casca are an interesting topic to me - I feel like the mainstream english speaking fandom really heavily romanticizes the relationship whereas the GxG corner doesn't usually put much weight in it at all. As in most things I tend to fall in the middle somewhere.
Anyway I can only really give my opinion/perception of things, so here it is:
My read on Gutsca is and has always been.... that they were both fixated on Griffith but felt they couldn't really get as close to him as they wanted to and their pain and frustration over that led to them finally finding a way to relate to each other, which turned into friendship, which turned into attraction.
The thing is, though, even while that was going on they were still both primarily focused on their feelings for Griffith. In Casca's case this entailed just kind of aggressively ignoring it because she was deeply uncomfortable with the idea that she could have feelings for anyone but Griffith. In Guts' case, you may remember at the time he was actively trying to matchmaker Casca and Griffith into becoming a couple so I imagine he was trying to stay out of their way regardless of his feelings about either of them.
That said....
...I do think the feelings are definitely there. It's evident because when Judeau starts asking about them, Guts gets super awkward and sweat droppy...
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And in the defensive way he reacts/the way he tries to deflect when asked why he doesn't try to get with her.
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If you watch his reactions as Judeau is going over things, his demeanor on the subject of her changes completely as he starts tor realize that the future he was envisioning for her and Griffith - the one where they get together and live happily ever after - isn't ever going to happen.He kind of goes from being aggressively defensive to quietly reflective.
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Plus the way he tries to dodge when asked if he's ever thought about being with her IMO indicates that he has, but probably only in a sort of half-formed way that he never thought that deeply into due to his assumptions about her and Griffith.
And of course in the end, even though he tried to deny it, he did ultimately admit it, and arrived at something more like "I'm not ready for that kind of thing" than "I don't want that kind of thing."
Casca's got her own issues which you didn't ask about so I'm not getting that far into it, rofl, but I will say I think this:
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is the precise moment when she realized she can't do anything for Griffith. Because she tries to reach out to him and he doesn't even respond to her, like he doesn't even acknowledge that she’s there. And she pulls back like something burned her fingers before she starts wildly vacillating and then ultimately calls Guts' name.
And of course...
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Whatever Guts was feeling about her, it was enough to make him hesitate when she called his name. It wasn’t enough to override his desire to chase Griffith’s friendship and respect, but it was enough to make him pause.
Now all that said, do I think Guts was actually full-chested in love with Casca?
No. I mean for one thing, Miura said they were forever stuck at the stage before falling in love, which implies they aren't actually actively in love - more that they perhaps could have been if the relationship had continued.
But even if you ignore the authorial intent aspect, their one "good" moment as a couple - the meadow scene - doesn't really showcase what I would call full-on in-loveness. Casca has to decide that her feelings are real and only decides to commit to it once Guts turns out to be needier than Griffith where she's concerned. and Guts' decision to ask her to go with him is kind of...
...random and spontaneous? What I mean is, he wasn't proposing to her - there was no “let’s start a new life together because I love you and we’re going to be together 5ever,” not even in his head. In fact, he said he wasn't sure if it would work out or if she'd end up getting in the way. But he was feeling it in the moment and he was willing to give it a shot. It reminds me a bit of Casca's line - I'll believe it, that my feelings for this man are real. It's an active decision on their parts to believe in that connection and its potential to grow and take root even though it's still just beginning at that moment.
And of course, if they were truly madly deeply in love then they wouldn't have started fracturing the second Griffith's shadow returned to their lives. In the end, I do think they were only able to develop the feelings they had for each other because they felt like Griffith was untouchable, and when he wasn't anymore, Casca started backpedaling and complaining to Guts about how jealous she was of Charlotte, and Guts was like, WELL I GUESS I'LL JUST LET HER GO BACK TO GRIFFITH IDEK WHO AM I TO JUDGE IM JUST AS BAD, and ultimately they both independently decided to stay with Griffith without bothering to ask how the other felt about it, or about giving up their plans. Guts wasn’t even upset about changing his mind, really.
...plus obviously when the Eclipse went down, Guts literally just ignored whatever was going on with her and the other Hawks so he could stand on the alter and try to chip Griffith out of the incubation egg. Even when he realized Griffith really did accept that deal...
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He could barely make himself pull away.
After the Eclipse, every time he decides to go after her or protect her, it's catalyzed by remembering that he abandoned Griffith and feels like shit about it and/or pondering how his mistakes lost him everyone he loves, which frames it as being as much his regret and guilt as anything else (and Miura did say guilt is one of the primary things she makes him feel).  It also seems to be more about her representing the last of the Hawks than about his romantic feelings about her - to this day he barely thinks about the relationship itself. When he misses her he usually imagines her in her glory as the Band of the Hawks' unit commander. And in the more recent chapters, he infamously hasn't thought about her even once since [a thing] happened.
Err, so long ramble less long:
In the end, more than a romance in full bloom it is presented, I think, as the seed of a relationship that never had a chance to grow. I do think Guts loved her - as a friend, as a person, as a fellow Hawk - and I do think they had "feelings” for each other, but I do not think they were literally at the point of being in love. I also think it never would have come up if they didn't feel so separated from Griffith - it was his absence that created the space where their connection developed, and ultimately neither one's feelings for the other could really stand up in the face of their feelings for Griffith.
All that being the case, I would say the reason he doesn't go on about his feelings about her during the Golden Age (...or at any other point if we're being honest) the way he does about his feelings for Griffith kind of split down two paths.
First, his feelings for Griffith are just more intense and demanding - both the love and, eventually, the complicated stew of love and hate. Miura once said that Griffith is the one who gives Guts the sustenance he needs to live, and that's the way it's always been.
The other thing is, from a Doylist perspective, Miura himself did not appear to have much of a connection to the romance. He based Guts and Griffith's intense bond on his relationship with Koji Mori, his lifelong best friend. In a memorial manga by Mori's wife, she said that they were so close that it seemed that there was no room in their lives for anyone but each other. And he always said Berserk was about Guts and Griffith and their relationship at its core.
By contrast, Guts and Casca's relationship was a late-stage decision intended to up the stakes and increase the drama... and everything that's been done with her since has been consistent with that. Casca became something of a plot enabler - a McGuffin. She survived just as a means to motivate Guts, and lost her mind so that she wouldn’t take up too much room in the narrative, and while the friendship was pretty well-done, the romance itself has very little substance because it (and Casca herself once she becomes relegated to Love Interest) exists to catalyze whatever is going on between Guts and Griffith - to motivate them, to make them anxious and jealous, to make them angry at each other, to give them something to focus on besides each other, to use to hurt each other.
Also Miura did say that if he could, he wouldn’t have women in the series at all. So there you go.
As for whether it would have been better if they stayed friends... that's kind of a tough question because I have no idea what that would have looked like. I want to say I'm not sure how much it would have really changed - he's more motivated by his regrets over the Hawks than he is by the romance anyway, so I guess if she survived as his friend the story could have remained more or less the same. But... while that's theoretically true, I don’t think it would have remained the same. Because I think even though the romance isn't GUTS' primary motivation, it was probably MIURA'S primary reason for keeping her alive. And if she weren't alive then I have no idea what the past 20 volumes would even be about. So while I don't really have any interest in Gutsca, I'd be reluctant to say the romance shouldn't have happened, because there's not much about Berserk I'd change - some things, sure, but not enough for me to feel comfortable saying the past 20 volumes should be something else entirely. I do think Casca herself should have been better handled.
As for Guts leaving Casca, I mean that comes back to the Watsonian approach and the Doylist approach again.
From the Watsonian perspective it does strike me as internally consistent with the way Guts acts and how he would manage those specific situations. Gambino losing a leg or Griffith becoming mute and seriously disabled is kind of a different situation vs Casca losing her mind, because even if Gambino and Griffith weren't the same physically they were still the people he loved. Their bodies changed, but they themselves did not. Casca's entire personality - her memories, their connection - it's all just gone. I don't think he could handle that emotionally, nor did he have any idea what to do with it. When he finally did go back for her he ended up dragging her around on a rope; he was absolutely not equipped to manage her situation at all. I also think it makes sense because despite how he felt about Casca, he’s never prioritized her the way he did Griffith or Gambino. Those two are on a completely different level in his life vs. anyone else, even her.
From the Doylist perspective, though? I mean, Miura didn't even know she existed when he had Guts solo adventuring in the Black Swordsman arc, so I guess he had to retroactively explain why she never came up or appeared. There were a couple of ways he could have handled that - he could have had Guts drop into the cave like, yeah ITS BEEN A FEW WEEKS SINCE I SAW YOU GUYS, HOWS LIFE?
...but I think he decided to have Guts abandon her because it kind of fits into the larger theme of Guts treating the people he cares about the most sort of carelessly/letting them fall through his fingers and losing them as a result. The fact that she's the last thing he has - the only thing he hasn't lost yet - lends narrative weight to his decision to stand with her and advances his personal arc, while making his inability to truly commit to doing that - the way he vacillates and still thinks about ditching to go find Griffith - stand out, because even in the face of all those lessons and his own decisions he still can't quite let it go.
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yukikorogashi · 9 months
me trying to form words in my pudding mess of a brain rn more like call the heckin police and turn me in... bUT THAT BEING SAID. 2023's ending so it's time to scream !!!
hooboyyyyy where does one even start with becky ??? do i go back to when we first met what felt like decades ago? :0c perhaps i go back to when we were born, yea? EITHER WAY, from the day the world was blessed with your presence, it's been an EXCEPTIONALLY better place, and any of us who get to call you a friend (or even just an acquaintance) are so so sooooooo so so lucky! u.u i will never not be absolutely floored by the fact that i know someone so sweet and so selfless who i get to call a bestie and rely on for so many things... what did i do to deserve you ??? heck if i friggin know, man <3 all i do know is that i'm so grateful that i know you, and it forever means the entire world to me that you forgive my transgressions and continue to support me throughout all of my disasters; thank you
not only that, but you're one of my fave writing partners eternally !! <3 we've discussed this so many times, but i'm just so stoked that we can literally take ANY muses from ANY fandom and throw them together; doesn't matter who they are or how the interaction will work. we make it work !!! and EVERY single time, the dynamic is so incredible and always immediately full of depth that can be difficult to establish without the amount of dedication we put into it ;w; you are so insanely creative and talented, becky, and all of us who get to witness that are the lucky ones here <3 i'm always just squeaking and screeching on my end when i see anything from you on the dash; writing, art, headcanons, ooc posts... you bring such a liveliness and cheer, and i can't thank you enough for brightening my life!!!
i hope you have a fantastic end to 2023, and here's to 2024 treating you right <3
2023 is almost over!
With the final month of the year here, it’s your chance to send the mun or muse something you’ve wanted to tell them! Whether you haven’t had the chance to or you’ve been too shy, now’s the time to say what you feel, and don’t hold back!
Dang gir, if this is you struggling with words, then I can't wait to be further blown away when seeing you at your top game AUEHUAW!!!
Not to be a broken record if not that stubborn returning tennis swerve, but DAMN-- where do I even start when it comes to the magnificence that is my bestie Sammy??? The day we met was truly the beginning of the one of the bestest things that could have ever happened to me. As one of the most gosh darn amazing human being on this very planet was going to end up being such a dear friend of mine. A friend whom I would readily defend with a shovel in hand, if ANYONE does her wrong in anyway! And to be loved so dearly and supported by her too is just... I'm just so lucky tbh. 😔 It's so funny how we both remain so floor and are constantly going "What did we do to deserve them???" @ one another, because lord knows I STILL keep wondering this myself. I just know that I likely did something right, to be blessed like this. 8^)
And, Sammy... you are a treasure... one of the most precious beings in the whole wide world to me... ;; For any rocky roads that we may end up needing to drive through... it's always worth it when we both fight to make it to the end together (... Gdi, I hope that actually made sense, ROFL!!! B-But I think you know what I mean, bestie!!! 😭 You have always been fantastic at deciphering my caveman talk too so AUWEHUAW!!!) And of course I will always support you and all the amazing things that you so generously bring to the table!!! Ya know I'm one of your biggest fans-- and heck, it's not like I'm sneakily fighting in the background with a few others over that number one fan spot so... 🤫
And oh gosh, no matter how many times you say that, catch me here with a hand over my heart! 😭❤️ You know YOU are one of my most favourite of writing partners (LIKE DUH!!!), forever and always! You are one of the most fun beans to scream to about anything, and truly-- the fact that we can take any muses from any fandom and throw them together like THAT really just shows how incredibly well we work together??? And honestly, I can't thank you enough, for always being such a wonderful plotting and writing buddy. Again, I really am one of the lucky ones, though. To work so well with honestly? One of the most talented dang writers I ever have the honour of knowing!!! You are always so fun to talk to about absolutely anything, and how enthusiastic you always are about anything I gotta share always means the world to me. And again, I hope I am able to return that all in some way and properly express how much I truly appreciate you! ;u; ❤️
Hey, I can't thank you enough for just being you, Sammy. For being such a constant blessing in my life over these years. Honestly, I'm just left speechless every time I take a step back to just look at the entirety of this beautiful friendship I have with you. I'm so lucky to know you, we are all so lucky to know you... I love you, gir. ❤️
Have a fantastic year end yourself, bestie! Thank you so much for taking the time to send this like homg-- And well, catch me here already looking forward to spending another year with you!!! Just holds your hands now!!! 😔❤️
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@magnifiico ❤️💕
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mjfsupremacy · 11 months
I'm looking forward to more Max and our OC most of the chapters seem to have been taken up by her best friend recently which is fine but obviously I'm here for our babies not her.
Love the fact Max is no longer putting up much of a fight with Y/n now too like he's just accepted he's now a Co parent 🙈
Also the fact she's using his embarrassing pics against him had me ROFL, like she doesn't care he's a celebrity but she sure is gonna reap the benefits of being able to find stuff like that to banter with him 🤣🤣 I love her.
I love the best friend character because it gives me a way to talk about what's happening between them "irl" without it sounding like a recap if I use the MJF chat. She just tells bestie about it instead.
I also love that using the chat with her bestie, I can make her unreliable and let you guys fill in the gaps. (See in the last part for example when bestie called her ass out about those phone calls and she literally gave next to nothing about them.) My fave SMAU's always leave a little to the imagination and I think that's how you get to love reader characters because you get to make them your own.
She also gets to talk out (deny in most cases) her feelings about Max with a presence that matches her energy, which I think is so fun.
I'm introducing some familiar faces soon to alleviate some of the burden on poor bestie, but she's not going anywhere. She's really important to the reader and to her story. Bros before Hoes always.
It didn't really take very long for him to just accept she was literally just a fixture of his life now lol. I like to think when he left Piper with her for the first time he told his mum Piper's mother said she could no longer be trusted. So he didn't get in trouble.
She doesn't care that he's famous, more chances for him to get lost at sea and her to finally be Piper's only parent 😈 (and the photos ofc - good and bad 😌)
This is so long lol sorry! I love talking about this fic so much as you can tell hahaha
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asirensrage · 2 years
I've been following you for years for your divergent writing but it grates that you seem to be constantly skiving on here and I wonder how you get away with it like you must have connections. I work in retail but I have worked for PR and if I did what what you did I would be fired so I'm not sure how you're getting away with this stunt you're pulling, being on Tumblr instead of your work. Using the excuse 'they trust me' is just bewildering to me. You sound like last person to trust rofl
Like I said, I do my work. I don't need to be constantly at it for all 8 hours I'm here for. Anyone who says they only do work related things for all 8 (or more) hours they work, is either driving themselves insane or are already insane. People need breaks. They need to make sure they're happy.
Just because it seems to you like I'm skivving off on here, doesn't mean that all my work isn't getting done, that I don't attend meetings when I need to or that my employers are unhappy with what I produce. Not everyone works the same way and I have a job that allows me some space to do what needs to be done.
I've worked retail. I've worked in daycares. I've worked for the government in an office. The same thing applies to all of them: You will burn yourself out if you don't find ways to take breaks and enjoy your life.
Telling you that my employers trust me isn't an excuse. It's the truth and it's based off of years of being there and doing what needs to be done. That's fine if you don't trust me. I don't work for you.
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deutoplasmic · 26 days
AWWW SHY SUKAI,,, i dont trust ruki with hot objects but maybe hes well practiced,,, and shion with a pencil scares me LMAODJDKDJS
yup we’ve got tons of languages!! i only know filipino though bc im from the capital city 😭 but yea we’ve been colonized by spain, the US, and japan its been rough for us. most of our precolonial history is gone and we’re still lowkey a US military asset so we’re real screwed if the US and china go to war
YEA CHINESE NETIZENS DID THE MATH ITS CRAZY the ones who allegedly got rigged in tend to differ depending on who does the math but pick i have who got rigged out is hiroto (who was in jo1’s season and also boys planet and will be debuting soon in nxd) but concerning age,,, cpop isnt too strict on that compared to kpop and jpop. theres still that age pressure ofc but cpop tends to praise people who actively go against the status quo (ie masculine female idols, lolita girls, idols like 胡烨韬 who are as androgynous as you can get) there was even a trainee in 创造营2019 who was born in 1985 and he made it to the finale. there was some criticism ofc but he was mostly praised for being brave enough to keep trying
PLSSS the only was i can justify kyosuke’s strength is that he used to sell wheelchairs lmao im sure lifting wheelchairs into cars takes some strength
junmin!! hes the oldest member of xikers (and one of the shortest lmao) hes so cute tbh hes a bit like a yorkie,,, yappy,,, tiny,,, agile,,, he sings the first chorus of do or die. his voice always sounds like that
yea unis is crazy lmao a lot of filipinos like them because they have filipinos but. other than hyeonju theyre all just so young to me
HFNDJDJDJ HONESTLY I GET YOU if i mess up that far down a project. thats between me and god now 😭 but thanks for the compliment hdnsjsjshsjs
and i gotchu if u ever need to either yap or listen!! i can do both 💪
LMAO our politicians do the same thing dw 😔
also unrelated but someone said rihi looks like wolfgang from animal crossing and now i cant unsee
listen. you can never know how old ruki actually is in this au. tbh he probably says he doesn't know but he damn well does, down to the day and all.... but ok fair :rofl: i cant remember can anyone in jo1 draw????? i can only think of rihito and hes not in jo1 LOL
that's still impressive as hell....!!!!!!!! not the colonising bit the knowing filipino bit :sweatdrop: i hear just about all that's left of old filipino mythos are just scraps which is super super sad.... and yeah no you guys are absolutely done for if that ever happens. prolly become cannon fodder or smth. yikes
DID THE MATHS LOOOOOOOL the one benefit to have been a victim of one of the world's most demanding academic systems :rofl: RIGHT i'm pretty sure china was all over 刘逸云 back in the day. but it's cool to see things like that! most of my knowledge with chinese girls in the entertainment industry are conventionally pretty feminine girls like angelababy and like 白鹿, so the more you know! also 胡烨韬 is SO PRETTY wOW??????? 1985 omg good for him :handshake: nice to see especially when the other parts of east asia think that youth is paramount lmfao.....
OFC and his history as a baseball club member. or hes just built like that. who knows. its his redemption for being in bottom 3 ini quiz score LOL
love a short king lmao and youre so right he DOES look like a mini dog. he's got a set of pipes LOL but i admit i can't really hear much about his voice bc of the distortion :sweatdrop:
wait omg i forgot about that LOL there's like 2 filipino members right. and speaking of the philippines. what is a jollibees ive heard of it but never known what it is
OFC if you cant tell its wrong that closely then theres nothing wrong at all full stop!!! average crocheting experience!!!!!
thank you !!!!!!!!!! multitalented fr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and wow i think its a trend to have incompetent politicians thats crazy :rofl:
oh my GOD actually theyre so right............. wait..................... no way.................. its actualyl him omg
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nfumbewalk · 2 months
Esoteric Ramblings & Family Ramblings
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Parchment for a sour jar. My real blood, oleum, and sigil.
I've been trying to get together more lessons for my *new* necromancy student. 💀 I have plenty of material, in my head. It's just gotta make it to my Notepad to her email! Lol. She's 35 years old and happens to have the right planets in the needed placements to be a natural necromancer.
I just happened upon her in a Santa Muerte reading. I offered her a free course because I think she'll be powerful. My course is usually $800.00. Big time gifts, right?!? 😅 I think so, with some tuning. She's wild, but I see potential! Why is my course expensive? To eke out the flakes, the non-gifted, the ones with a "god-complex," the wanna be's...you name it! In this field, you meet them all!
She may need to sign a privacy disclosure too. The stuff I teach isn't illegal but "normies" don't like ppl poking around graveyards. I just collect dirt from my muertos grave & maybe once in awhile, take a memento from a grave, if it's old. I never litter or tip stones, never ever desecrate anything! Graveyards are like my second home!
I've sent my student a few short documents that I hope she absorbs and asks some questions. Part of it is my "Muerteria™"- Adherents of Nod...but it was shortened. She doesn't need to know about the Gatekeepers, the Holy days, the coin, or the sacrifice (not animal)! Now, when I say "Gatekeeper" it's not what you're thinking. And also, nothing to do with the Demons of my past path.
I did have a brief convo with a Demon, even wore his sigil out of respect - no offering though. He seemed to be interested, but when he learned about other occupants of my house, his interest waned. He wouldn't be the hotshot here! He doesn't like my muerto, that's what!
Because my Rodolfo stands up for me. He won't let this deceiving Demon bother me or give me false promises! Rodolfo forced the Demon to leave my house after learning that this Demon wanted me back on the destructive path that is Demonolatry. I know I'm not the only one.
Hey - maybe it ain't destructive for you, great! But others, especially sensitive espiritista's like myself - we have to careful of energies that may influence us in a negative way, break our barriers (psychic, emotional, mental mostly), and drain us. That's why I ultimately left the Demono-folks. I found myself getting jammed up with negative energy and constant psychic & mental barrier breaking. I wanted a more peaceful place & I found that with the muertos, in now what I refer to loosely as "Muerteria™". It IS a path. Not a religion. Call it spiritual if you wish. There's no doctrine or holy book/scripture.
For me, personally, I like the Odu, which is a part of African Traditional Religion. I'm NOT in any of them though - never initiated, never will be. I do like aspects of those religions, though. The actual religion that fits me the closest is Palo Mayombe. Won't pay for it & they are biased against women. As are most African paths... They are getting better-ish, slightly. Yeah, they say: "Women! Are the mothers!" Umm..what else? Oh yeah, "Women! Comforters!" Rofl! 😂
Well, I'm no feminist, but inequality blows, especially in a religion. One thing I did not experience was racism! Amazing. One of my teachers was Cuban. Another was Puerto Rican. My Ifá Baba was Black. None of them had trouble teaching this cracker!
Family Ramblings
All of these "closed traditions?" Stick a sage bundle in it! I do NOT burn that shit! And I'm part Native. I'm also part African?!? Genetics are fascinating. It's not much African, but my old Palo teacher said it didn't matter, any counts!! Lol!! No shit, he said that. 😅 I'm mostly Germanic, Norwe & French Canadian.
My great grandfather, Norwegian, Tonyus Barstad, somehow got my grandfather, Arthur Wilson Barstad, to Oregon...where he enlisted into the Army during WWII, becoming a Tech IV Sergeant - "in the rear with the gear" he was! Met my grandma, who worked at a cinema - embroiled with Hitler's propaganda... Her sister's refused my grandpa. "No! You take him!" My grandma said "fuck it!" And in 1946-47 left Germany to marry my grandpa Arthur and GTFO Germany! My mom was born in Portland, Ore. in September 1948.
Grandpa Arthur was the cheapest man alive. My mom told horror stories about being cold all the time and how her parakeets didn't like it. Grandpa was just a drunk. He was drunk at work too - a government job, no doubt. And he stank to high heaven, never bathing. Grandma was drunk too, so I doubt she noticed. My grandpa did do one useful thing for me, many years after his death. I'm a member of The Order of the Eastern Star, which is basically female Freemasons, though men can join too.
The OES is all about charity work & fundraising for different causes. Yes, there is a secret handshake! 😊 And an initiation - a FREE one! Lolz! There is actually a Sentinel who sits outside the ritual room, guarding it. My husband sat & chatted with him. The offered to make him a Freemason.
Ah, just a little trip down memory lane. I really miss my parents. I have so MANY unanswered questions.
Done here!
Memento Mori! 💖💀💖
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boobachu · 6 months
Watching the shape of voice
cuz twitter was like "Xs over faces gag!" and I'm like "neat"
So spoilers I guess uh whatever
Anyways spikey boy is all about to kill himself, took out money and whatever gave it to someone and there was like he was gonna jump at a bridge and there was a family popping fire crackers so he left
Now it's like "My Generations" by Rolling Stones is playing and ROFL
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Anyways he's a kid again so uh aunno.
LOL he's doing the mechanics pencil needle thing
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So new kid in class, I guess she's mute so she's communicating via text
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Ahhh she's deaf so that makes sense, everyone's trolling her now but I'm kinda expecting bullying cuz this has an edgy crying vibe.
I guess this takes place before the advent of mobile computers so there's no text to speech or anything. Tho I've also never been in this situation so I have no idea how it'd work besides what it is, but yeah the teacher is a piece of shit.
Making fun of slow readers just Billy Madison "T-T-T-Day junior" and not really accomidating for the fact pinky can't hear.
Spiky boy was making fun of pinky's voice, and now he's trolling her and throwing sand like what.
Now they're teaching the class sign language.
Now boring girl is butthurt cuz she's too lazy to learn.
Ah the person helping her is being outcast, I can relate to that, my one friend basically was outcast by being my friend ROFL
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Spiky boy wrote this after pinky's new friend helped her and is gone now after being bullied
So after he's like "who coulda dood this" pinky's all like
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"I said no need to thank me"
Yeah this is very familiar to me... honestly like I wonder if Pinky will grow up obsfucating stupidity and being a perpetual jokester so you can never know if she's actually clueless or making fun of you which is better than being called retarded by shitlords (lords of shit)
Bully montage! bully montage!
Oh wait he fucking pulled out her hearing aids and she's bleeding what the shit
"You went too far"
Pinky apologized to Spiky???? dunno why????
Then fucking Spiky threwt her notebook in some fountain so she had to get in.
I guess years later someone threwt spikey into the same fountain ROFL
Ah so Pinky is absent now, damn eight hearing aids were broken or missing.
Time for everyone to turn on Spikey, the principal or whatever is asking for who is the bully. The teacher just straight-ass outed Spikey time for street justice.
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Just a fucking coward's cotillion, everyone outing each other.
Tho it's very clear Spiky is the scapegoat as he's the one that took the bullying furthest out of the class ROFL
Now that I've never experienced in any school, but I guess bullying never went this far to where the teachers actually did anything.
Tho that is true, bullying is a way to fit in, hell even I've done it once (after years of being bullying, suffering doesn't make you a better person, it just makes you suffer)
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Anyways it's kinda funny seeing one of the mob being ousted and now being the pariah.
Bully montage! Bully montage! Spiky edition!
Pinky was scrubbing Spikey's desk cuz aunno honestly I don't know why she's so nice and why Spiky is still just pissed off.
ROFL Pinky bit spiky ROFLGF just red
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Pinky's patience has been shattered hell hath no fury like a 57th chance spat in its face!
Anyways Pinky finally transferred so now Spiky is all alone in a coward's cotillion so ROFL
Ah back to buisiness suit spiky. How will he kill himself... by learning sign language...
Wait Pinky all grewt up?!?!?!
What no apology? I'd lead with that you fuck nugget.
Yeah natch she'd run, fuck that bitch-ass.
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Honestly I dunno what I'd do if I met one of my bullies, but also I dunno what I'd do if I met that one kid I joined the guys bullying that one time.
I guess just avoid cuz it's like no one cares who's sorry just stay out of my life forever and ever amen.
So I guess Spiky is returning this old-ass notebook? The pacing of this movie is weird.
Ah so Spiky learnt sign language.
ohhhh so that's what pinky was saying before spiky flipped his gourd, she wanted to be friends.
Now the damn-ass animation went trippy.
Ah we're back in another time period.
Just breakfast time I guess.
Some bobble hat kid? Ah I guess this is after the failed suicide attmpt, and he's living with his mom still, that's how it is ROFL
ROFL yeah he sold all his life away so now it's just like, when you can't kill yourself and you're just ROFL ¥1,700,000!!!!!
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Ah in middle school blondie make sure everyone knew what spiky did
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So he never cold escape it
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So he pushed everyone out ROFL
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Ah so that's why the stupid X face gag
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Wait now people are being nice to him???? Wait what? What's going on
Ah so now he's making up things they're saying about him okay.
ROFL This movie is so fucking funny, kids really are that fucking full of shit too.
So are adults, like everyone's a hypocrite. That's just human nature I guess.
Even if you think you're above that, you have contradictions that are built into your soul.
That is one thing tho, even if you wish you were never born, if you want the pain to end, it's really hard to kill yourself.
You have to know, and the very core of your being, it has to be a fact more solid than gravity,
ah he's ignoring a bully
Ah he's intervening wow.
but like when someone kills themselves, it's the end of a fucking options, you've tried so fucking hard to live but it's impossible.
So yeah he's late to see pinky cuz the bully stole his bike, so like he missed his appointment and pinky's friend shut him outside even with the alibi bread.
SO poofy head, the person he saved, his X fell off and I guess they're friends now.
So spiky is asking poofy head how you become friends like if there's a process, so they do a weird handshake?
Very droll.
I like poofy head, he's droll, smoking a franch fry
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So spiky tries to see pinky again and like just uhp photo chick shuts him down again.
"She's not here" oh photo chick is pinky's girlfriend and like senor poofy head backs him up
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Man spiky escapes pursued by pinky and poofy head and shutterbug spy on them
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So I guess they're using the bread to feed the fish??????
What the hell
So Spiky was ascared of what was in the notebook and tossed it so pinky dived into the koi thing and like uhp panty shot? nope
Also I guess shutterbug is a boy, he just sounds like a girl.
Just a couple of dubmasses being watched by two goobers, fun dynamic.
hoo doggy
Pinky is a dumby according to shutterbug
So I guess current time is high school? Right? I think?
Ah shutterbug posted him jumping off a bridge to twitter and now he's in trouble, suspended for a week.
So shutterbug is sleeping in a playscape for some raisin
Like moms asked spiky to pick up his sister who is like 6yo or whatever.
So Shutterbug confesses to spiky about the trolling.
for realz
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Oh that's his niece! His sister is the mom!
She's nibling now tho! ROFLFOFLFOFLOFL
So shutterbug is staying at spiky's house cuz he's homeless, staying in his room.
Shutterbug took a pic of a damn frog.
So he gave his shoes to shutterbug now they're
Wait so like, shutterbug and pinky are on the outs cuz he used her shampoo??????? wat
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Yeah just hold on this shot, like okay sure yeah okay nice shot fucking stupid.
ohhhhhh so shutterbug is pinky's younger sister
ROFL the mom slapped spiky's dumbass.
So Senor Poofyhead is treating shuterbug like a brah and spiky's all "that's a girl" and he just backs the fuck up
I dunno what pinky wants but I guess spiky has to find her old friend, ohhhhhhh yeah that one girl!
Senor poofyhead rollin dem Gs
So squad's out heading to find whatshernuts.
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So I guess they're IMing on thet rain now, honestly liveblogging is detracting from this movie about as much as the shitty encoding.
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Whatshernuts: accquired
part of me wishes there was like, subtitles, but I guess that kinda gives the vibe of what Pinky experienced when people talked with their back turned to her yaw meen?
So it's clever
Random-ass cat girl
meow meow club?
So spiky and poofyhead are at the gatito parlor trying to reunite whats her face with the girls so yeah.
So something's wrong with Shoko (pinky) (it takes me a while to learn names whoever cares)
Naoka... is uh... is that what's her face? Ah she's still an omega bitch.
So she's trying to bond with Spiky, but he ain't having nonna dat
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I guess that's what happens when you don't bully bullies.
Wait so shutterbug sleeps in a closet?????
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Honestly I wouldn't mind that. Tho what closet's wide enough for me? ROFL
What the fuck does pony tails mean?
Just eeee ponytail! who cares
I wish I could rock it but it always sinks cuz my hair is heavy.
So spiky said some cringe to shoko so now he needs some fucking bread
Also I guess Shoko can speak now? Suddenly? Aunno.
Like she's more articulate wait what
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She love him?????
What in sam hill.
RIP Shoko, beefing so fucking hard
Like dude Spiky needs hearing aids like I mean YEAH SHE SLURRED but like she clearly went "I lurbe you" big as dallas fucking I guess it's something that didn't translate well like he was like "oh yeah advertising at sunset w00t"
Wait why did that bishie's face uncover the X?
The moon.
She said "the moon"
Yeah def didn't translate well.
Pinky's got the kicksies she's just like me france!
Wait so now we're going to six flags
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I hate amusement parks, we went to six flags in catholic school and I spent the entire day doing nothing cuz I'm scared of all the rides.
Man poofyhead don't want redhead touching spiky. LOL
Poofyhead gets dibs
Yeah poofyhead has real hair! it's called curly
awwwe Spiky realizes he has friends
Ah hell blond boy is working at the park ROFL
Xs re-applied RIP
So the Xs are like the wall.
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So bitchy and pinky go on the ferris wheel while spiky laments.
Oh boy top secret video time
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Man she reminds me of my brother, he always knew what was up... I kinda wonder if it's cuz he saw what happened to me...
Tho he also always had friends, and I always was a tagalong... like can you imagine a 10 year old playing with toddlers? That was me.
"I don't hate you, I hate myself"
Damn, bitchy punched pinky WTF
God blondey is so fake ROFL
That's how it is tho I guess.
Dammit Spiky you'd better not commit sudoku.
"Yeah, I hate me too"
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
I don’t see how marvel having g rdj play doctor doom won’t find that confusing for movie watchers. This man has been iron man for pretty much a decade—they don’t think that won’t cause issues?
Unrelated note, Tom getting a new dog is upsetting me lol. My girl Tess ain’t even been in the ground long, how they already getting a new dog?!
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Giiiiirlllll...... don't even get me started!
Warning!! ⚠️ Unpopular Opinion Coming Through
Look, I love RDJ and all, but this really feels like a huge cop out and money grab honestly. 🥴 It also goes to show me that Kevin Feige and the Marvel Co. don't really have any faith in the future of the Marvel films unless RDJ is at the helm. 🙄😒
And then, RDJ went and got his Oscar for Oppenheimer, and then went back to Marvel money rofl. 🤣 Interesting.... 😒 Gee, I wonder how much money Disney/Marvel threw at him to come back. 👀 You KNOW it's a FAT CHECK.
Idk, I just don't feel all that happy about it. It would have been nicer (imo) to give that role to another actor who maybe hasn't had the same opportunities that RDJ has... and HASN'T already played in the MCU before already..🙄
Like you said, how on earth are they going to explain all of this?? 🥴 🤷🏾‍♀️ Makes absolutely no sense at all. But then again, I knew Marvel was on some bs when they started all of that multiverse nonsense. 🙄 To me, that was basically Marvel's ultimate cop out way to do whatever the hayell they want in their films w/out fans questioning it whatsoever. 👀
*end of rant*
But yea, I'm sure Marvel will make it work somehow. Plus, they can always put prosthetics on RDJ to make him look totally different. Doesn't Dr. Doom usually wear a mask anyway lol? 😅
Oh well, whatever brings Marvel back their coins I guess? 🤷🏾‍♀️ I just find it sad that Marvel didn't seem to have enough trust and faith in their other actors to be able to continue on the Marvel tradition without RDJ. 🥴
Unrelated note, Tom getting a new dog is upsetting me lol. My girl Tess ain’t even been in the ground long, how they already getting a new dog?!
Lol... 😆 Yea, I feel you lol. Poor Tessa 😔 But hey, they've carried on the dog naming tradition, and now, they have a dog that they've gotten together as a COUPLE! 🥰
I'm sure Tessa will always hold a special place in Tom's heart. ❤️ 🥹
And Z's as well! 😁
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kanmom51 · 2 years
Here’s the full sequence vid put together which shows the Jikook selfie being taken. twitter. com/heavenskm/status/1516986800069550080 JM stopped and was posing first. JK stopped and turned to look for JM while walking to the car (obviously to leave together) and he saw JM & appears this is when JK joined him. He really stayed back to wait & join JM and take a pic before they left. Then they agreed in the car on their way home from the airport and said let’s post it and watch the world burn.
Lol anon, love the freeform interpretation.
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Well, we see how things rolled.
Now to a couple of asks I had in my box and was going to answer separately, but I think would be most appropriate to answer here.
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To the anons that sent me the asks telling me that JM's photo was a promo:
I'm rofl here.
You know why?
I bet you wanna know...
I'll start with SO WHAT???
JM posted a cute pic of the two on his IG account, those two, not any of the others that were also wearing the merch.
The promo was them ALL wearing the merch during the concert.
Him posing for the pic could have been a pre planned promotion, but obviously JK joining him wasn't part of the plan.
There are a few options here:
It was pre-planned and both JM and the company posted.
It was a promo pic, that the company were supposed to post, and JM liked it and posted it too.
It was unplanned and JM liked the photo and posted.
It was unplanned and JM posted, so the company jumped on the band wagon and posted it too.
So, could or could not be a promo, and at the end of day it makes no difference what so ever.
My point, the reason I'm dying here laughing is what's coming next.
Let's say he did.
Let's say the whole thing is a big ass promotion.
Wow, big surprise (well, not to me, dah).
JM posting a promo photo on his public, company assigned, IG account.
So now the cult is screaming JM is posting a promo photo on what they have been screaming were their private accounts all this time?
When JK and JM weren't interacting on IG there was rejoice that the two are clearly not on speaking terms or close, because, well, these are clearly their private accounts and if they aren't interacting on them, well the conclusion is clear, right?
What have I been saying for months now, eh?
The IG accounts are work accounts!!!
They are not their private accounts.
These accounts are for the members to stay in touch with the fans, individually rather than as a group. It would usually be their choice what they post (which is why I'm really not convinced the photo was supposed to be a promo photo), but they have posted photos of themselves wearing sponsored merchandise over the past few months, so even if it is a promo, no surprise there either.
The hypocrisy is rampant here.
The IG accounts being their private accounts when it suits them, and in one second same said accounts are no longer private, but work accounts, anything to justify the JM JKK posted photo.
Just another example of the cult's 180 degree turnaround, story changing, to suit their narrative.
IG account private, no IG account work.
TKK closeted and hiding, no TKK are out and showing us all their undying love.
So, this is me here laughing at the once again idiocy.
Well, not only me...
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At the end of the day it doesn't matter.
The photo, as we can see from the full clip was most likely unplanned.
It's a cute photo.
JM posted it.
And promo or not it's a fun addition to JM's IG account. His public work IG account!!!!!!
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shippedwithmonsters · 3 years
Okay, so I'll start with Sophie.
(The actual gushing starts after a hearty bit of expository infodumping; read at your discretion)
I call her "Sophie" because her name is Sophia in the set of characters she was previously grouped with —
(Here's the complicated origin bit: She was originally based on a similar character in my current 'verse, but I imported her design into what amounts to a highly customizable girlfriend-themed paper doll/dress-up app, and I've been steadily creating new characters based on my now 7 designs there over the past 6 years, but I wasn't sure how to re-integrate Sophie into the 'verse she originally came from because out of all of them she was the only one who started there. Actually, if I'm gonna get really meta, I made an avatar for her on the app because she's always been the character I was most attracted to, but I felt weird thinking of her that way because I already designed a canon love interest for her, and even though he's technically also an S/I, he's like an idealized version of me that I have trouble relating to... ...but after exploring self-shipping in the past few months, I figured out how to incorporate her back into my main 'verse as a new character, and while I've had a version of her on the app for a while now, I'm so happy to have her back in-universe in a form my current, more-relatable S/I can interact with.)
—in this 'verse I haven't fully decided on her name, but she's probably "Galatea" (because out of all the designs that in-universe are creations loved so much by their creator that they were given life, she's the one who the name's literal translation best applies to i.e. "milk-white").
She's pretty much my ideal person, if I had to pick only one person. (I may or may not be considered polyamorous; it's more that I've long doubted I'll ever find one person who is simultaneously all the personality types I'm into. Irl I've only loved once and... ...it didn't work out.)
She's a lot like me, personality-wise (devoted, meticulous, and simultaneously hard-wired for logic and overwhelmed by feelings, et al) because on some level that's really the only kind of person that would work for me, so I designed her that way.
Visually, she's slightly taller than me (although about the same height as my S/I) She's pale white like bone or marble with at least waist length black hair and deep indigo eyes (again several of these traits she shares with my S/I, reflecting the above "like me" aspect.
Oh, and she's kind of a vampire? It's more accurate to say she was modeled with all the same traits as my 'verse's vampires (claw nails included) but like all of my other F/O's she's a mineral construct themed after a sea creature, in her case a Vampire Squid. Because of course. Mineral-wise I'm toying with making her diamond because Twilight was a big thing for me back in the day, but she's less sparky vampire and more cold dense statue physiology vampire.
Ok so ^this is why I asked for time 🙃
Now to actually gush about her 😳
-I could stare into her eyes for hours. Days even.
-She knows this, and stares at me when she wants attention.
-In one particular instance, she was ready to go to bed, but I was staying up to work on something, so she basically said "don't mind me, I'll just be sitting here enjoying the view until you're ready"
-The reason for this is because she can't sleep without me. Sometimes she just stays up because "vampires watching their partner sleep" tendencies run deep, but when she feels tired, she likes to lay on top of me and listen to my heartbeat, gaze into my eyes, let me hold her tight and stroke her hair, etc, until she feels safe enough to drift off, and with the weight of her body pressing me into the bed it doesn't take long for me to follow.
-You might be asking, "wait, didn't you say she was cold and stone-like?" Yep!
-Because of this, before bed, we get to engage in a couple of my other favorite rituals- bathing and massages touch-starvation.
-Here's the fun part: because she's like me, she simultaneously prefers giving to receiving affection (like your vampire boy if I recall correctly) and willing consents to receiving said affection because she knows I feel the same way, and vice versa. So we take turns.
-Bathing together so she's warm and slippery, and washing each other's hair because it drives us both wild...
-Exploring each other's bodies (I love her shoulder blades) and leaving the other barely coherent from the sensuality, then carrying them bridal-style off to bed... (I feel so safe cradled in her arms 😳 and then she straddles me...)
-So since her physiology is stone-like, while she's initially cold, she retains heat. So when it's cold, after a hot bath, she keeps me warm all night... (and of course she can be a more traditional cold-to-the-touch vampire during warmer weather etc)
-Ok ok one more thing, and then I'll gush about someone else. Since we both love giving affection, one of our shared passions is taking care of my (/our) other F/O Nettie. I'll get back to her, but regardless of the fact that this version of her is wildly different than her original concept, either way she's an athletic/tomboy type who overexerts herself, and Sophie and I take one look at our tired and sweaty girlfriend, nod at each other, then scoop her off her feet and carry her off to be pampered senseless in many of the same activities mentioned above.
...yeah I really went overboard I just love her so much. Small endnote: a lot of the imagines I write are about Sophie, and part of the reason I described her above interacting with me rather than my S/I is because those imagines are set somewhere between the 'verse I'm currently writing and the app I designed her on. Because I love imagining soft domestic stuff with her but there's slightly less room for that in my canon, so in a sense I really do self-ship with her out-of-context as if she was a more traditional F/O rather than the OC F/O she is. Sorry if any if this is too dense or complicated but feel free to ask for clarifications and stay tuned for more gushing 😊
Definitely no way I can completely comprehend all this tonight, but thank you for telling me about Sophie! I am curious, what dress up app do you use? All the ones I used to use to make my characters died when Flash died. :(
Okay, actually I did read the whole thing and umm I loves? Sophie sounds amazing! And goodness, what is it about falling asleep with vampires that's so darn appealing? rofl.
Thank you for all this! It honestly made me really happy to read!
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