#it doesn't help that he's attached to one of my favorite ocs either
masked-princess · 2 years
I have such bad Matt Holt brainrot! It’s literally been 4 years and I still wake up thinking about him! HEELP!!
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hirayaaraw · 1 year
Please bother me.
Wonwoo x OC
tags: romance; angst; oc has an avoidant attachment style and can be irritating
This is not the first time you went off the grid. The first time you were unable to be reached was after you had an all nighter at your office, you slept the whole day. Wonwoo was worried sick about you. He doesn't know any of your friends or relatives at this early stage of your relationship. You both decided to keep it low due to his celebrity status. He came knocking to your apartment after his dance practice just to see you and your dark eyebags. After that you decided to let him meet your inner circle just so he can contact someone when he can't reach you.
Second time, it was when he was in US for their world tour. You both constant update each other through pictures of your food or anything random that happened in your day. On the last 3 days of their stay, Wonwoo noticed that you weren't updating as much. No pictures coming from your end. To add on his worry, you only send one liner answers. You also declined video calls with an excuse that you don't look good even though he assured you that he doesn't care and just want to see you.
The nagging feeling that something is wrong won over Wonwoo. He booked the earliest flight the next day. Once again, he was knocking on your door early in the morning. It didn't take long for him to hear movements inside your apartment. You didn't expect any visitor at that hour nor any packages. You didn't even expect your boyfriend who supposed to be on tour in the other side of the world.
Wonwoo thought he will be able to surprise you, but the other way around happened. He was suprised with you having a cast and sling on your right arm. Although you have this cute round eyes and beaming smile on your face that made him fall when you met each other at a cat cafe, Wonwoo can't help but frown at your current state.
Your smile turned into a timid one once you remember your cast. You pulled him in to your apartment. You can't look into his eyes knowing you did something wrong. Just to ease your nerves, you scramble around your kitchen to make him a coffee. Wonwoo sighed and bring down his bags to join you.
"Y/n, what are you doing?"
"Your coffee. It seems like you came from the airport and went straight here." You said as you try to make the espresso machine work with one hand. Wonwoo frown got worse then he took matters on his own hand.
"Can you please take a seat? I'll make my own coffee." Wonwoo said firmly that you let go of the machine but the tension makes you uneasy. You can't stay put so you went to your refrigerator to see if you have some left over food to eat.
"You should have said that you will be coming home earlier so I can prepared something." Wonwoo let a deep sigh before going to you and closing the refrigerator.
"You didn't say about your arm either." You can feel a frost bite from his answer. He handed you your favorite green tea while he guided you back to your seat. Silence ensued between the two of you. Wonwoo reached out to your left hand.
"Why you didn't tell me?" Wonwoo asked you softly.
"I'm sorry." You bit your lips. Wonwoo just nodded. You see the dark eye bags he has and tiredness on his face. "I don't want make you worry. You are on tour and it looks like you are enjoying your time with your team. It will buzzkill your mood."
Wonwoo run his hand though his hair then rubbed his eye in frustration.
"Y/n, it doesn't matter where I am or what I am doing. Let me know. I just..." He let out a deep sigh. "I need to know. It drives me crazy thinking why are you suddenly cold and not texting as much."
"I'm sorry, Wonwoo." You leaned on his shoulder. "I am not used to using my left arm in texting."
"I thought you're going to break up with me." You suddenly rose your head to look up to him.
"What made you think of that?"
"I am away most of the time since we dated." He said softly and so unsure. "You might be getting tired of this situation. I know LDR sucks. I've seen how my some of our members deal with break up because of this kind of set up. We understand that it is exhausting. I wouldn't be surprise if you broke up with me during or after our tour..."
You cut him off by giving him a kiss.
"I never thought Jeon Wonwoo will be a chatter box when jetlagged." You said then you squeezed his hand 3 times. "No one's breaking up with you."
Wonwoo carefully pulled you in a hug and finally resting his head on your shoulder.
"I think breaking up with me is much better than seeing you in a cast."
"Jeon Wonwoo!" He laughed against your shoulder. "I am banning that b word in our relationship."
Third time will be today. You've been with Wonwoo for a year and half. He already met your parents and sister last Christmas. You both love the way your relationship is going on. It was going on so smoothly that sometimes it scares him. It felt too good to be true. He saw how his other members struggle in their dating life because of the nature of their job but not once he heard you complain or demanded from him. It's like you are so close yet so far to him. He felt like you are putting a safe distance between the two of you.
Sometimes he feel that you are adjusting so much for him to the point of abandoning your own need. Wonwoo will be on overseas commitment and despite of timezone differences you will be replying immediately. Cancelling or rescheduling dates never happened until 3 months ago. Looking back, Wonwoo realized he only saw you once last month.
Today is the 2nd day of little to no messages from you. Seventeen's world tour dates has been announced and you two only have numbered days to enjoy before everything becomes hectic. Wonwoo decided to call your mother. It takes 3 rings before your mom picks up the phone.
"Hello, Eommoni." Wonwoo greeted her politely.
"Wonwoo, how are you? When will you visit again?"
"I'll try to visit you before my tour starts, Eommoni." Your mom became excited and Wonwoo heard your voice in the background. "Eommni, is Y/n with you?"
"Oh she didn't tell you? She's staying with us for the week because her dad collapsed the other day."
"Maybe she forgot to tell me." Wonwoo whispered. He licked his lips while trying to think. "Can I visit today?"
"Of course, you can. You are always welcome in our house."
Wonwoo did not hesitate to get in his car and drive two hours just to see you and visit your father. Imagine your surprise to see him on the living room knowing that his schedule. You look to your mom is sheepishly smiling while giving Wonwoo the peaches you were asking earlier but refused to give you.
"I'll go in the kitchen to cook dinner." Your mom said and before she makes her way to the kitchen, she looked at you. "Y/n, take Wonwoo to the lake. You still have time before sunset."
You nodded obediently before looking at Wonwoo.
"Dad had a crazy low blood pressure the other day but he is doing good now." You said softly. You don't know what else to say. "Let's get some fresh air in the lake."
Wonwoo followed you to the lake. The walk to the lake is full of silence and anxiety. It is like you are walking on thin ice even if it is summer season. You know it is your fault whenever both of you are in this situation. You and your avoidant attachment style.
"What is happening to us, love?" Wonwoo looked at you and you can see this shit that you have is getting on him. You were about to say something when his phone rang. You saw that it is his leader. "Give me a sec. I'll just answer this."
You watched him walk away to take the call. You saw how his eyesbrown make a frown. You are burdening him. That's what you thought.
When his call ended, he walked towards you to stand beside you. You know that the world tour is starting so everyone is busy and Wonwoo shouldn't be here with you.
"You should go back." You said and Wonwoo looked at you like you said something ridiculous. "If you leave right now, you can reach Seoul on time for you practice."
"No one is leaving, Y/n." Wonwoo said firmly. You never heard Wonwoo ditching his team or not attending practices even he is sick. You feel like you are dragging him.
"Let's talk about us."
"Let's break up."
Wonwoo was startled with the words you said and you are as surprised as him.
"I though we banned that word." Wonwoo whispered and chuckled bitterly. He gave you a small smile. "Okay. I will leave but I will be back tomorrow. We will talk."
"I've been working with 2 jobs since 3 months ago." You started talking when he tried to take your hand. Wonwoo looked at you but you look away. "Dad's health is getting worse. Complications here and there. My sister needs help in her school fees. I am the only person they have."
"Two jobs?" Wonwoo repeated and you nodded. "Is this why you cancel our dates?"
"I don't have much time as before so it will be the best if we bre--"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"No, Y/n. Tell me why do you always left out these things from me?"
"Because it's not important."
"It's important if it is you." Tears started to flow on your face. You wiped the tears immediately as if Wonwoo did not see it.
"I don't want to burden you anymore."
"When did you ever burden me?" Wonwoo said as if asking you and his self. "You never burden me. In fact you never demanded from me. You always put up from all the troubles my work has."
"You never come late to our dates because you think my time is more important than yours. You will let me leave early if my manager calls. It is fine with you if I don't walk you or drive you home when I leave early. You don't even get mad even if our dates only happen very late at night or in my condo because of paparazzi." Wonwoo bursted out his pent up frustrations. His voice is louder than usual. "Where's the burden, Y/n? All I know is that I am taking you for granted and I am a bad boyfriend for not noticing that you are having a hard time."
"Wonwoo, it's not like that. You make time even with you busy schedule. It's fine with me because I love you."
"Then let me do the same because I love you too." Wonwoo said with conviction. Tears at bay and just one blink away from falling. "Be late at our dates. Tell me to stay when my manager asks me to leave. Ask me to walk you home no matter what. Get mad at me if we keep on doing the same pasta night every date."
You raised your hand to wipe the tears on his face then you pulled him into a hug.
"Burden me. Bother me, love." Wonwoo whispered on your neck. "Let me be part of everything about you."
"I'll learn step by step."
"Let's start with telling me to stay tonight." You laughed at his request.
"Please stay." Wonwoo broke the hug and kissed you. You can feel his smile on your lips.
As you walk hand in hand back to your house, you suddenly remember something on his speech that made you stop.
"I love our pasta night. Can we keep it?"
"Sure, love." Wonwoo grinned at you then you start walking again but he didn't budge. "Can you quit you 2nd job? I'll help you with the expenses."
"Jeon Wonwoo, we are not married for you to do that." You frowned but Wonwoo smiled like you gave him a good idea.
"So will you marry me?"
"Oh god! Wonwoo, okay."
"Okay? As in okay you will marry me?"
"No. Okay as in okay you can help me with the expense." Wonwoo's smile became smaller. "I'll marry you with paper rings but I want a good engagement."
You winked at him before running away.
"Now, that's a fast learner." Wonwoo laughed as he runs after you.
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weirdbeancurd · 2 months
General Headcanons for Miguel and Michelle O'Hara
Michelle is my OC which is basically a more laidback female version of Miguel from another dimension. They have a sibling relationship and love bothering each other lol
Michelle plays dumb as a defense mechanism, but she’s just as smart as Miguel, she likes it when people underestimate her because it she can easily subvert their expectations and turn the tide
Idk who said this but there was a post that headcanoned that Miguel exercises obsessively when he’s stressed or can’t sleep, in turn Michelle does the same, they often wake up in the middle of the night and go to the gym only for the other to be there as well, they force each other to go back to bed, saying it’s not healthy (hypocrites)
They both adore Mayday, but Miguel tries to hide it (he ain’t slick)
Michelle likes to nap or spend the night sleeping on the couch in Miguel’s lair (Peter insisted on there being something for him to lounge on while he visited)
Both have clawed so many holes in their bedsheets (especially on the days they have nightmares), they constantly have to buy new ones
They bicker like children sometimes, it reminds Miguel of when Gabriel was still alive, he gets embarrassed if someone catches him and Michelle arguing over something stupid, sometimes Michelle doesn’t even feel strongly about the topic at hand, she just likes riling him up lol
They work on projects together, spending many days and nights overworking themselves until they eventually pass out in the middle of what they’re doing, they have many photos of the other asleep at their desk, couch, or whatever inconvenient place they conked out, Michelle immediately sends eepy Miguel pics to the group chat, while Miguel saves the embarrassing pics of Michelle for blackmail
Michelle once found Mig asleep with a live soldering iron in his hand, both she and Lyla were not happy, bro needs a little talk about fire safety
All spider people are nerds, even them, they love reptiles and would absolutely have one as a pet if not for them being to busy to take care of it, their favorite is the day gecko, pics of them always cheer the two up, yes, even Miguel, herpetologists rise up
Michelle is out on missions more than Miguel, who usually stays back and monitors everyone, she is great with stealth but goes on other types of missions too
Because she's on the field more often, she gets hurt more than Miguel, who scolds her for being careless, Michelle also got that self-sacrificing tendency that most spider people have, leading to even more injuries, on the bright side, if she's paired with the arachkids on a mission, she will guarantee they come out unscathed, she once took a hit meant for one of the kids and they took turns keeping her company in the medbay, Hobie doesn't have the best bedside manners but it's the thought that counts lol
Michelle is the "cool aunt" to Miguel's "grumpy uncle," the kids always go to her if they need to ask for something
Peter and Michelle like to gang up on Miguel, often to get him to take a break, sometimes even Mayday gets involved, he'll begrudgingly lie there if Mayday falls asleep on him, grumbling all the while, when they check back on Miguel, they find him dead asleep just minutes later
Both can purr but Michelle does it more often, Mig either has to be alone with people he really trusts or too tired to give a shit
They both also love head scritches, it makes them melt and purr, Miguel always tries to stop himself from purring but he can't help it, it's a surefire way to get them to actually relax for once
Since they're the same person, they agree on most things, but can never decide on a show to watch lol
Michelle is proud of the growing bond Miles and Miguel share, but the latter will always deny it, dude can't admit he's getting attached
Michelle sometimes steps in to introduce new recruits to the society when Miguel doesn't feel up to it, it gives him a much needed break from the 2 billion peter parkers that haunt his dreams
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stressedjester · 2 months
Now I'm interested because either rarely hear about ocs from Fallout existing. Please tell me about yours
I'm just gonna go ahead and use this ask to info dump random facts about James since he's my favorite
My Lone Wanderer oc!!! Basically has the mcs backstory for fo3
He's autistic, his special interests are prewar history and electronic/robotic engineering!! He was originally going to be the next doctor for Vault 101 according to the GOAT test but convinced Mr. Broch to let him become a Pip-Boy repairman instead
He doesn't have a favorite food but does have a sweet tooth and a caffeine fixation, he drinks a lot of sweet coffee or Nuka-Cola (his favorite flavor is Nuka-Cherry)
His highest SPECIAL stat would probably be Intelligence
He has near perfect vision and found he has skills as a sharpshooter after he left the Vault
He's trans, he named himself after his dad because he looked up to him so much
Also because of his dad, he has a decent amount of medical knowledge/training (hence why he would've been a doctor too)
His favorite color is "some kind of light purple". He never specifies because it's either lilac or lavender and he can't pick one over the other
He developed claustrophobia after leaving the Vault, and he also learned he has a fear of heights
His Karma would probably be good, he wants to be as helpful as possible and is just generally very caring at his core
Despite being my Lone Wanderer oc, he's also my Courier oc too (idc if it conflicts with canon he's my special guy)
He got very attached to Arcade as he was another autistic queer guy in the Wasteland, they bonded mostly over their knowledge of history
He doesn't like talking about his time in the Capital Wasteland much, it was very traumatic for him. Arcade is one of the few people he's told about it
He likes to draw sometimes, his art style is very much like an old comic book style (ie, 50s DC comics kind of artwork)
He's very organized and likes to keep journals and photo albums. Even if lugging them around the Wasteland is annoying. It means a lot to him
He wears a locket, originally it just had an image of his dad (and late mom) but he ended up putting a picture of Arcade in the second half of the locket
He keeps himself, his clothes, and his items very clean. Many would describe him as a "neat freak" because of how diligent he is with his hygiene compared to other people in the Wasteland
He's left handed so he wears his Pip-Boy on his right arm
He often gets attached to inanimate objects and robots
I feel like I've typed too much already so I'll just leave it here for now...if you'd like to know more about him or maybe about some other characters lmk because I love these little dudes in my brain
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ghost-qwq · 3 months
14, 17, 19, and 20 for the fallout oc asks for Ratchet? And please feel free to dump any other info about him you want to share he's one of my favorite ocs of yours
14. What is their fondest memory?
It's either the only real memory of his biological father,, One where Bayou held him close and told him how wonderful he is. OR It's the first time Flak and Shrapnel called him their son
17. Do they have a job? How do they make a living?
He does!! He helps run Flak 'N Shrapnel's with his dads lmao,, during the events of Fallout 4 he worked as a travelling merchant before settling down to sell arms in Sanctuary!
19. Who (or what) are they emotionally closest to?
for most of his life he's the most emotionally close to Flak (less so Shrapnel but they both try) but once he moves to the Commonwealth he's actually the closest with Sturges and Danse! if those don't count than he does have a slightly odd attachment to the guns he makes! They're like his babies,,
20. Who do they consider to be their family?
Flak and Shrapnel are his dads!! :D If he were to ever meet Bayou again he'd gladly accept him as his father (along with Dandelion as his adopted sister) but all the family he really knows his dads <3
Dropping a few more that I really like because you asked hehe
56. How do they feel about robots? (Eyebots, Mister Handys, Sentry Bots, etc.)
Oh he LOVES them !!! You never got to see very many truly friendly eyebots in the Capital Wasteland so he was VERY excited to see them just floating around some places
27. What faction(s) are they a member of / allied with?
Ratchet doesn't really ally/belong with factions themselves... Flak and Shrapnel would sell to anyone who wasn't clearly a threat to them so Ratchet generally upheld the same practices. by living in Sanctuary is technically allying himself with the Minutemen and Railroad but he wasn't really thinking about that...
If he were in a minor faction he would either be a Tunnel Snake (which Butch would never let him </3) OR he'd be an ally to the Atom Cats... He knows nothing about power armor but Danse and Sturges teach him <3
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booburry · 6 months
WIP title game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
@sp00kymulderr - you are a gem to the tag ♥♥
I thought to keep it on theme and include my Pedro Boy WIP's and I included a littler summary of the plot, or the OC/connection for each.
Double Trouble - Dieter x Javi G - the monster is 15k words already and I have 2 more positions to write and then it's the final edit. I also want to turn this into a Slice of Life series with Reader, Dieter & Javi being a throuple cause this idea has absolutely latched onto my soul
Find Me In the Dark - Din x F!OC (Miri) - they were Din's childhood best friend, force sensitive and taken to be trained (as limited as she could in exile) on the ways of the force, but she left that behind, feeling the pull to the dark side too strong from her past, and instead sets up an orphanage for children caught in war and saving them from being recruited into the many factions across the SW universe.
Heiress - Marcus Pike x F!OC (Izzy/Isabelle) - Marcus gets a lead on an art crime ring him and his European counterparts have been tracking, being told they are targeting a prevalent and wealthy old old money family estate in Belgium. It's to his great shock when he finds the heiress to this estate is the girl he so affectionately had nicknamed 'Waffle Girl' from his favorite diner.
Dream a little Dream (of me) - Outbreak!Joel x F!OC (Annie) - Few years into the outbreak, pre QC, Annie finds Joel in one of her traps, Tommy's leg broken, she agrees to help the Miller brothers out, helping Tommy recover and heal with Joel does manual labor to keep her farm in good condition. With time Annie and Joel's hardened hearts soften for the other, but what's to happen when Tommy feels the need to move on and a group traveling to the Boston QC pass by?
Pedro Secret Santa Fic - [REDACTED]
Also my brain wants me to write a Frankie x OC fic where the OC is a flight instructor and Frankie takes up a job where they work.
It ALSO (very unhelpfully) gave me a SpaceCampCounsellor!Ezra AU idea that I am slowly becoming very attached to where the OC or Reader is the Camp Cook that also teaches the kids how to cultivate food in different space habitats.
Don't know what to do with those two except let them fester.
I keep struggling to think what WIP I will jump into after Double Trouble and I finish my Secret Santa. It's probably either Din or Marcus if Ezra doesn't take me by the pussy first.
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wayhavenots · 8 months
Hi!! If you're taking requests from the Seven forms of love ask, can I ask for Avery: 3 from Eros & Storge, 1 from Ludus & 5 from Pragma👀<33
Thank you for sending these!! 🥰
How do they feel about public displays of romantic affection? Does it make them uncomfortable? How do they feel if a romantic partner kisses them in public?
Avery doesn't mind seeing PDA...anymore lol. I think when she was younger, there was a lot of they're-in-love-where-am-I about it; but now she's like good-for-them about it. As far as being part of the affection, I think Avery likes to keep displays of affection in private for the most part. If something's bothering Nate, or he needs reassurance, or he's being especially adorable, she'll reach out and hold his hand no matter where they are. And if Nate kisses her in public she's way more happy about the kiss than bothered by anyone seeing. And she's not bothered by people seeing, it's just like...not for them, you know? But sometimes the emotions can't be contained and she's okay with that.
How far does parental approval (imagined or expressed) impact upon their current sense of self-worth? What might they sacrifice or attempt to achieve in order to ensure the approval of their parents?
Rebecca's approval meant so much to Avery when she was younger. And she didn't feel like she had it and it completely destroyed her sense of self-worth. Now she's learned, kind of the hard way, that there is nothing she could do to guarantee that Rebecca would stick around and love her. So she doesn't try and doesn't care (or thinks she doesn't) anymore. 🙃 I think she would have done anything for her mother's approval when she was a kid (or even disapproval, as long as it came with attention), and now she can't open herself to that kind of hope. (That being said...I still think she would do anything for her mother's approval.)
...But it's kind of different in the Rook Lives AU. I think she still really cares about her parents' approval, but she's basically had it all this time; she's not starved for it. But she would never want to lose it, either. So there's a reason she still lives in Wayhaven, despite wanting to travel; and a reason she works at the Agency; and it's maybe even the reason she keeps her dating life so private (it's nobody's business! and she barely has one! and also maybe she's a little worried about how her parents would react if she mentioned the occasional entanglement with a woman... sometimes of the supernatural variety). Anyway. I think she would twist herself into knots to keep her parents happy (but of course they love her just as she is!).
Does your OC have any particular favourite chat up lines? If not for themselves then perhaps ones they have suggested to a friend? How effective do these tend to be?
Avery does not flirt very often. But she'll drop a cheesy line on Nate if she thinks of it. Her favorites (my favorites of the ones I just looked up lol): "Are you a black hole? Because I can't seem to resist your pull." "Wanna help me recreate the Big Bang?" "If I were an enzyme, I'd be a DNA helicase so I can unzip your genes." Hard to tell if they're effective because "Please" probably works just as well lol, but Nate thinks they're cute/funny anyway.
What importance or value does your OC attach to marriage? Do they believe that it is important to make a public statement of commitment to another person (or persons)? Or are they more concerned about inheritance rights and security for their family? Or do they not see marriage as a necessary signifier of commitment and loyalty?
Avery only cares about marriage as far as legal matters are concerned. She dreamed about getting married when she was a kid (like on the moon), but she doesn't see it as necessary outside of practical/legal/financial matters.
She does "propose" to Nate when she decides she's going to become a vampire. Which is literally her saying "Do you wanna get married? Before I Turn?" It's specifically in case something goes horribly wrong, not that she says as much. It catches Nate totally off-guard and he's also like "Ah, what a romantic proposal." Totally teasing of course...but later she gives him a whole romantic down-on-one-knee proposal (and a whole wedding not on the moon).
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ballad-of-medusa · 1 year
2020 Huevember
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"The dream of mortals has always been to come and conquer Olympus and the Heavens, and like Icarus, to fly away until their wings burn. If there is indeed a God who knew how to understand and conquer this feeling, it is Hermes: quicker than anyone else when it comes to crossing the sky on either side, the teasing God doesn't waste his time by allowing himself a few moments to simply daydream while fulfilling his duties."
Hermes is known for a God who is finally quite cunning and it is in this that he is similar to Adam. If my OC is not a thief, he is a very good speaker and when it comes to doing business, he is the first present!
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"There is nothing more restful than falling asleep, lulllabied by the sound of the waves. This ebb that goes and comes back, it is so soothing ... That's it, the eternal rest. There is nothing more liberating, more tranquil, than to remain listening to the laments of souls on the banks of the river Styx. From time to time, Thanatos takes a brief moment to simply enjoy this moment when life becomes death and where it begins a new path."
Fubuki was an obvious choice for Thanatos: he has a special affinity with death in general, but most of all, he is a very calm person, even ... slow, to tell the truth. And it's a bit the image I have of Thanatos that is associated with peaceful death.
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"Sometimes it was a small matter to find himself bereft of everything: of the three brothers, Hades found himself with the realm of the dead, alone, without a companion to keep him company while his two brothers went from one love affair to another, both with mortals and nymphs. A few Lampads sometimes try to get God's attention, but Hades remains alone to rule. Perhaps this misfortune is finally not a misfortune?"
And we go on with the deities of the Underworld with Hades! Devis corresponds rather well to him according to me. He is always taciturn, alone, it is really only Coryn who brought some light in his life finally. He has a lot in common with Hades, especially concerning the kingdom of the dead!
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"Space and time are the union of two very distinct forces: Fate and Fatality. One believes in second chances, the other tolerates only one path. More often, the second prevails over the first, but it happens from time to time that Chronos manages to break free from his prison to come and change the course of time for certain mortals: the thread woven by the Graeae is carefully cut and tied to another. Nothing could be simpler, let's see!"
Clearly, Yuichiro, we don't expect him to take on the features of Chronos. But do you know that in our great bestiary, well, it is indeed a human receptacle of the God of Fate? And of course, this one is not a nice God ready to help you: with him, second chances often come at a price ...
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"Ah, how good it is to be considered the Queen of Olympus. Ah, how unfortunate it is to see her beloved being only a womanizer. If Hera was once respected, she is now considered as a divine who thirsts for vengeance with the love affairs of her dearest Zeus. And yet, she happens to be well to be pitied, to be thus relegated to the row of simple jealous goddess."
Eleonor is frankly a beautiful person who likes to have fun in my opinion. She also has a great attachment to Raymond, which give it back to her more or less, depending on his mood. She knows she is lucky to have charmed him but also that he does not leave anyone indifferent. And she doesn't hesitate to remind them that the place is taken!
✿ Last batch of my 2020 Huevember! Chronos is one of my absolute favorite, I must be honest. Anyway, have a good rest and enjoy 2023.
Adam von Friedholf, Fubuki Leichenträger, Devis Hayes, Yuichiro Rowan Shinkiseki & Eleonor Daïan (OCs) are mine. Art is mine.
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o-avosetta · 1 year
Hey oz,
Salamat for tagging! I am so curious about A Nord's Last Thoughts, Shane the Accountant, and the Maru/Sam story.
Any little tidbits/blurbs you can provide? How did you find these fics moving you out of writer's blocks? And what's your favorite of these WIPs?
(I know that's more than required, so don't feel pressured to answer any of these questions if you don't want to!)
Hmm, hard to pick a favorite since I didn't get attached enough to continue them. 😅
A Nord's Last Thoughts
Skyrim prequel fic set in the desert of Hammerfell. Imperial soldiers camp by a fire. Jergen and an OC keep watch. The OC is slow to warm up to Jergen because the latter flirted with his pregnant wife once and is also a werewolf, and there's not much to hunt in the desert, is there? But, all that happens is they talk about fatherhood and the people back home.
(In Skyrim, Jergen is the missing dad of Farkas and Vilkas. Depending on which twin you talk to, he's either a good guy who went off to fight or an abandoner of sons.)
Shane the Accountant
Slice of life thing about the Shane going around in the background of Wardens, studying to get his license back, and being the prickly boyfriend of the two resident artists.
Shane always did Marnie's books. Even when he was hung over, whenever she asked, he mustered his remaining brain cells to go over the columns, balance them out, and fill up the forms every filing season. He hated doing it, day in and day out, at his old job, but for some reason, it wasn't so bad here. Void, it was almost relaxing. Definitely sobering.
His therapist suggested it was because he was doing it for a client he actually cared about, and whose business he actually cared about. Shane just figured it was the least he could do, living on the ranch rent-free. Plus, Lewis took enough advantage of Marnie without skimming her profits. The less the skeevy mayor hung around, the better; Shane liked knowing he could do something about that, too.
He also does Leah and Elliott's taxes because they're hopeless.
Sometime back, there was this post about writer's block going around that suggested you just write to push the block out, like dried-up gunk in a tube, so you can clear the way for better ideas to flow. John Darnielle also said in his podcast episode on "Hand of Death" that he doesn't believe in writer's block. He compared his process to painters doing studies, still lifes, and other exercises — maybe not all of it will be usable, but they're still drawing/painting.
So, this Shane thing was a way for me to get into the world of my main story without trying to brute force my way through the block.
I think one other reason I stopped was actually to avoid comparison to your story, Nuclear Visions. I know they're not the same, but I was trying to be wary.
Maru/Sam story
Was gonna be a short fluff thing, the whole "I think I like my brother's best friend / my best friend's sister" thing. Abandoned because I started to feel I needed to play the game again and romance Maru and Sam for more back info, and I didn't have the time. 😅
Takes place post-Harvey-marries-farmer. Sam runs a summer skate program to keep the local kids, including Harvey's, busy. Every day ends with a trip to the clinic.
As she bent over Sam's arm with antiseptic, she couldn't help admiring the fine blond hairs that grew out of it. They complemented the light bronze of his early summer tan.
"Heh. You and the doc have fixed me up way too many times, I bet," Sam said.
"You're good for business," Maru said, returning his smile before quickly bowing her head over his arm again. She tried not to think about how close their faces were at the moment.
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risingsh0t · 2 years
🌸🌹🌷🌼🌻🌺💐☘️☀️🌈 ☁️ + miss nicole 💕
🌸- What’s this oc’s favorite and least favorite color? Her favorite color goes back and forth between yellow and red! She doesn’t actively dislike any colors, but she gravitates toward pink the least.
🌹- What’s this oc’s biggest fear Losing someone she loves (oops it’s happened 3 times). But it's definitely still her biggest fear as demonstrated by her hesitation to start anything “official” with Steve because she truly thinks that might make a difference. Also demonstrated by her choice to stay in Hawkins past graduation so she doesn't have to leave her stepdad and half-sister.
🌷- How does this oc take their coffee? She actually doesn’t like coffee very much. Her drink of choice is either a coke, cherry slushy, or an orange julius (before the mall was destroyed). If she’s desperately tired in the morning she’ll add (probably too much) creamer and sugar to make it somewhat tolerable.
🌻- What’s this oc’s mental health state? After Nicole’s mom’s death at the hands of the mind flayer she ends up with ptsd mostly in the form of nightmares. At the urging of her stepdad she speaks to a counselor, but it only does so much. Her support system is really what keeps her steady and pushes her to keep working on it! Despite what she’s been through she’s motivated to cope with it as best she can... that isn’t to say she doesn’t have god awful days too though. However…since Eddie was her best friend, the ptsd, with the addition of survivor’s guilt, is going to be in full swing for a while.
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc? My favorite thing about Nicole is that she’s a fierce friend when she considers you one. She’s hesitant to fully open her heart and grow that attached, but once she loves someone - that’s her priority. Also her ability to genuinely cope with this much. I didn’t mean to but I’ve saddled her with a lot of traumatic events… 🤡
🌺- Which family member(if any) is this oc closest to? Nicole had absolutely always been closest with her mom. Despite any disagreements they had, the respect was always there… Nicole was, and still is, always striving to be the kind, helpful, honest woman her mom was. She was very close with her dad when he was alive, as he was her inspiration to get into filmmaking, but it wasn’t the same kind of bond.
💐- Where is this oc’s favorite place to relax? Nicole’s favorite place to relax is either her room or her roof (there’s a way to get up there from her window). She’s cultivated her room into her ultimate place of relaxation and comfort…posters of the movies she likes, her filmmaking equipment, her music, home videos she watches often, and other sentimental things. When she relaxes on her roof it’s usually nighttime and it’s with a friend!
🍀- Around when does this oc get up in the morning? Post graduation Nicole gets up at varying times. Usually it’ll be between 10am and 12pm depending on when she went to bed / when her shift at The Hawk starts, although she often works in the late afternoon or evening. If she has an idea for a film that requires daylight, or just needs inspiration, she might wake up earlier to bike around.
☀️- Does this oc make good or bad first impressions? Kind of a mixed bag! It depends on who she's talking to. Generally, she makes good impressions because she is genuinely friendly and caring. She'll make a neutral impression if she has no interest in speaking to that person or is having a bad day at work, as she might come across as aloof.
🌈- What does this oc like and dislike about themselves? She likes her eye for detail, her hair, piercings, style, and her ridiculous knowledge of horror films. She dislikes that she gets nightmares, that she has to be the one to lean on her friends and family instead of the other way around. Sometimes she dislikes that she cares too much, as that’s part of why her biggest fear is what it is.
☁️- What is this oc’s clothing style like? Casual and comfortable. Nicole wears whatever she’s feeling that day and doesn’t really have one specific style. Though generally, it consists of: converse, jeans (sometimes ripped with fishnets), and a cropped t-shirt that either has a graphic on it or is striped.
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ruvviks · 2 years
🌹- What's this oc's biggest fear? 🌻- What's this oc's mental health state? 🌴- Who is this oc's favorite person?(Can be another oc, a fictional character, a celebrity, anyone) for Vincent
AAA THANK U SO MUCH!!! now i can finally show off my new oc banners tee hee >:)))
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🌹 what's this oc's biggest fear?
vincent walks around with a lot of fears and worries (anxiety on legs and so on and so forth) but i think his biggest fear at this point would be dying alone, especially after everything that happened during the in-game events
"alone" is already a big thing for him nowadays; he prefers to be around people (can also be strangers, and he also doesn't need to talk to anyone), and when johnny was around he was never even truly alone. he and johnny didn't get along too well most of the time, but now that he's gone vincent notices he had started to get used to johnny's presence and he had even started to rely on him in some situations, so now that he's no longer there vincent is just left with silence whenever he's alone, and that silence is deafening
so yeah, being alone is already scary, and dying is scary (he knows that now), so dying alone would probably be double scary :// if he were to die alone, that would also mean he either lost all his friends or they're not with him for other (probably bad) reasons, so he would probably then also spend his final moments worrying about them, which is. also not a very comforting thought to have ;w;
🌻 what's this oc's mental health state?
that really depends on the part of the story LMAO i'm just gonna grab the interlude between the arasaka chapter and the broker chapter for this one because that's kinda in the middle of it all tee hee
all in all, it's pretty good! during the interlude, vincent is recovering from getting stabilized so he's no longer actively dying and he finally has some time to properly take care of himself again :D he's mostly very tired and is susceptible to zoning out randomly, but he spends most of his time at home and takes everything easy for a little bit <3 before shit hits the fan again of course because shit always seems to do that for some reason </3
🌴 who is this oc's favorite person?
vitali, no questions asked. mikhail is a close second :) it helps that all three of them are living together (starting from the interlude between the chapters mentioned earlier) so he pretty much sees the both of them every day! vincent has gotten incredibly attached to them and of course he can be away from them but he just. prefers not to <3
oc asks!
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morrigan-sims · 9 months
23, 24, and 25 for a character of your choosing!
Hi Gabe!! Thanks for the ask!! I'll do this for one story character, and one dnd character each.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
For Rook, he has a hard time processing sadness. Often times it turns into guilt, which he takes upon himself. For example, in our campaign, he has twice now been responsible (in his eyes) for the near-death of a party member. Neither time was his fault, or even under his control, but it still weighs very heavily on him. Similarly, he has a hard time expressing that sadness. Because he tends to turn it into guilt, he has a hard time expressing his sadness without being self-deprecating to some degree. (He also struggles with processing his fear and trauma regarding his time with Captain Wolf, but that's a whole 'nother issue. One that he's going to have to come to terms with very soon in-game...)
Captain Blackthorne also struggles with processing his grief, especially regarding Rosalynn's death. Similarly to Rook, he also blames himself to some degree for that tragedy, even though it was beyond his control. He tries not to express his grief in front of others, which might not be the healthiest choice. But he wants to stay strong, both for Fallon, and also to be a good role model and leader for his guards.\
continued under the cut!
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
For Morana, her life would have turned out very differently had she not chosen to follow the path of necromancy. Following her parents' deaths, she might have turned to full-time thievery instead, or she might have been adopted by some other family. Either way, if she hadn't pursued necromancy, she would never have been exiled from her home city, which would mean she never would have met Razvan. All in all, she would never have met the party, and she would probably have a much more mundane, boring life in the Frostlands.
If Fallon hadn't decided to isolate herself following her mother's death, her life would be similar, but different. RTQ wouldn't be happening at all, because she likely would have found friends or even a partner in a more "natural" way, just meeting people and talking to them, and growing close. She would probably be much healthier mentally, because she wouldn't be bottling up all her emotions or overworking herself. She would probably either be married, or courting someone, and that person would most likely be a noble from either Anvia or Oraine, rather than any of the suitors from RTQ. (Really, the only person she might still have met would be Duncan.)
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
My favorite thing about Rook is well, a lot of things. But I will say that I'm particularly proud of his backstory, as well as his flaws. I especially love his recklessness when it comes to protecting and helping his friends. (My boy dives headlong into the most dangerous situations without a second thought for anyone in the party.) Also, I love his trust. He thinks that he doesn't trust people easily, but in reality he quickly becomes attached to anyone who shows him the slightest kindness. (The effect of never having a good support system in his life.) This means that it would be far too easy for someone to gain his trust and the betray it, potentially harming Rook's new family in the process. (Which he would feel awful about.)
My favorite thing about Fallon is also her flaws. (What can I say, I love flawed characters, and playing with those flaws.) She's loyal to a fault, but she pushes away anyone who tries to get close to her. I just love the fact that she's been burned before, and that she thinks she has to be strong alone. That relying on others is a weakness. It's not. It's a strength, and a skill that she desperate needs to learn. We shall see if she manages to learn it over the course of the story, though...
As a bonus, my favorite thing about Morana is her "negative" traits. Specifically her near complete lack of empathy, and extremely logical thinking. Morana is a chance for me to play with the things people tend to see as negative about me and my autism, and push those traits to the extreme. Make an oddball, potentially offputting character, and still see her find happiness and people who care about her. Getting to take traits people tend to see as bad, and showing how they can be good, or at the very least, not make you a bad person. (as a side note, more low/no empathy characters in fiction, please!! especially ones that aren't villainized for it.)
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Tell me about three of your favorite OCs you’ve worked on!
Thank you for the ask! Sorry for the wait, I've been working on this whenever I got the spoons which have been in short supply.
Three of my favorite OC's: Well one is very much Elena. From her starting point as an atla oc to role-play as, to her own fanfiction, then to multiple short/uncompleted stories, and finally being one of the main charecters for the series i hope to write (Learn To Be) shes been on a long journey with me and has consistently been an oc i fall back to in both writing and drawing. She's overpowered and badass, could kill a man twice her size with her bare hands without breaking a sweat, but doesn't have the average socialization the rest of the world does, and she doesn't like hurting people. She can keep her face completely blank but can't interpret what she feels correctly. She's repressed as fuck and the only way she knows how to let loose is in bursts of violent rage. She loves animals but has no idea how to properly handle any of them (in a friendly way, she can handle them in a her next meal way just fine). She attaches to people very fast. Oh year she also summons and controls fire and her skin can radiate heat at times, but she isn't resistant to burns. She loves her parents but everyone else who knows about them know that they deserve to be burning in hell <3
2. Would probably be Morgan Weasley even though she maybe is only a year or so old. With a lot of OC's i make i focus on one story to write and quickly end up moving on to new ones. But Morgan is one of the few that have stuck. I wrote a lot of her main story in a large span of inspiration, and when that ran out it was from an overwhelming amount of ideas to tweak the story in different ways. I've got a doc dedicated to different random snippets to full blown au's, some with multiple chapters planned. If I hadn't had an au idea for Morgan's story while I was inpatient id have been forced to stay longer because I was bored out of my mind and getting more agitated with nothing to do. Even though I havent written her (or much of anything really) recently I still find great pleasure in playing around with her universe in my head.
3. This is hard to choose because part of me just wants to put the rest of the main Learn to Be cast, part of me wants to say Greenland, and the rest of myself needs to keep reminding certain charecters aren't my oc's no matter how many parts of canon I throw out the window. I guess I'll just settle for malcolm and Jesse, who were created years apart, but have only really started to get developed because of their relationship. Malcolm was a full metal alchemist oc for role-playing at first. I was young and the role played story for him makes me cringe at how emotionally manipulative his actions were without me having any self awareness about it. Im not exactly sure when he started to join in on the short/uncompleted stories with the main five, but I think it was either We Are Salvageable or Crack Oc Highschool. He was mostly just one of my average ocs for role plays until then. Jesse was created for a very ambitious harry potter role play where, if I remember correctly, we were doing eight oc's each per house. At the time Jester was a very new character and I was struggling to think of more slytherians, so I came up with Jesse. Jesse was made to be the nicer version of Jester. This quickly changed to the opposite the more I wrote. Malcolm and jesses relationships has been through all sorts of changes and will continue to do so, but, I do at least have more personal background for Jesse, his internalized homophobia, and how he sees interactions with others. It also made me conclude that whether malcolm is gay or bi won't change the fact that he is out and proud. Their relationship also helped me flesh their insecurities, specifically ones tied to masculinity. Jesse is skinny, lanky, well groomed, formal clothes, and arrogant with large amounts of condescension to boot. He thinks power, sociatal, economical, and power strength is what separates real men from riff raff. To him homosexuality is unmanly, which is oh so terrible thing to be (this boy makes me so tired sometimes). Malcolm has a horrible father as an example and though he recognizes this, its hard to apply to himself. He has to be physically strong, he has to be aggressive and incite violence against people he considers bad, and he very much struggles to reign in his temper. He doesn't judge others by presentation but he does use phrases like be a man and the like.
Sorry for the long wait! Thank you for asking :3
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trash-monkey · 2 years
Ideas I have but I don't know if you want to read:
⭐ Haikyuu:
∆ (Y/N) is teleported into Haikyuu but something is off, they have became a action figure of their favorite anime character!
∆ (Y/N) had recently died by beautiful Truck-san and is quickly recarnated into Haikyuu but as a crow and that's not all they have the ability to shape shift into different animals, let the fun and pranks begin!
∆ (Y/N) has been alive for centuries and decided to change it up by joining the volleyball club when he starts high school once again, how can many people change his boring view of the world?
∆ Gideon (oc) was on a passenger ship to visit his family on his home plants only to have the ship attached by mercenaries, luck was on his side as he was quick enough to get to a escape pod but it quickly ran out when the pod crash land on a unmarked plant. Who finds this poor soul and help him?
∆ My name is (Y/N), my world is fire and blood. The world has turned to dust and sand, very little water survived as what's left of humanity fights over it and gasoline. (Mad Max au)
∆ (Y/N)'s beloved but slightly crazy grandfather had dead, leaving (Y/N) terrified of the world as nightmares that never seems to go away haunts him of what he saw that night standing before his dieing grandfather. Never will his life be the same and the only way to get answers is by diving into his grandfather's past, impossible people his grandfather has talked about long ago that might still be alive.  (Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children theme/au.)
∆ (Y/N) is new to town where he meets a group that will forever change his life while he catches eyes of a certain silver haired and green eyed person. (Fast and Furious, you get to choose some characters.)
∆ The reality that housed a boy named (Y/N) has decided to let another reality take him in and not in his original body for that it believe he can't find happiness but in the body a of dog, (Y/N) wonderd the streets of Japan not truly aware that his reality give him up until a familiar boy with orange hair that smiles like the sun takes him in. With a new start of a different life (Y/N) goal is get as many pets and cuddles from his favorite people while protecting his owner and family.
∆ (Y/N) choose photography to become their career since he has passion for it all of his life, now taking college night classes to become a professional, his professor has assigned all students a project and all photos must be related to each other by one theme either it's gender, sports or weather. (Y/N) just didn't know what to do for his theme not until he saw the perfect models playing volleyball.
∆ Hinata was shocked to see Kageyama standing inside Karasuno volleyball gym on the first day of his highschool but what truly shocks him to the core is to seeing a copy of him standing on the other end of the gym. Kageyama Nova is Tobio's older twin brother who decided to follow him to Karasuno only to have his heart stolen by the third year setter.
∆ Without truly understands the Titles give to both Kita and Suna upon the death of an unknown women when they have helped her bring her child into the world and give the responsibility of looking after the newly born child she leaves behind, soon their eyes are open to a new hidden world.
∆ Akaashi Keiji has a secret that his team doesn't know about, even Bokuto his best friend doesn't know about it and this secret isn't even a secret but it still shocked them. The reason for this is that Akaashi likes to keep his life outside of school private and so when there's two days left before a training camp with many other teams comes up, he walks into the gym with child!? IT'S HIS BABY BROTHER! But that's not all the child is coming with them to this camp!
∆ When his friend recommended an anime about volleyball called Haikyuu, he never thought he would love it just enough to even buy figures of his favorite characters but after an odd event his life will never stay the same for that the figures become alive.
∆ People got sick, deadly sick but once their hearts stops their bodies doesn't stop moving and soon the world ended.
∆ I'm the last one to be alive, in isolation and fear a unknown power has awaken inside of me. Allowing the mind and humanity to return to the dead that has plagued my world for years and even though they still have their dead body it's slowly starting to heal over time, I'm not going to sit back and watch the world to continue to burn when I have the power to save the ones I can. To start over again and hopefully have a better future.
⭐ Naruto:
∆ Dieing is simple but waking up after death is the worst, not only (Y/N) gets teleported into Naruto Shippuden but his dream car followed him.
∆ Gaara is lonely so lonely that someone finally give him mercy by giving him a friend that can't be so easily killed, a friend made out of sand. 
∆ life of a office worker is busy but boring, so when (Y/N) saw a adoption ad for a neko named Shikarmaru he couldn't pass it up.
∆ The glaciers melted causing everything to be overrun by water and what's left of humanity adapted to this new world. (Y/N) is a solo men always sticking to himself, a seven foot man with gills behind his ears and web feet that act like fins when he swims is not always welcome  but that's about to change when he saved two slaves of an aftermath of a smoker attack. (Water World au)
⭐ One piece:
∆ Vos (oc) life is never easy, his abusive Father got on the wrong side of someone in town so by make him a pill popping machine after force feeding him a devil fruit while his father gets to live. Soon Vos is able to escape and live his life but a few years later his luck runs out as slavers catches him only to be saved him from a cruel fate when a tattooed surgeon bought him.
⭐ Harry Potter:
∆ Not everyone is brave so when (Y/N) become Draco after the big battle he did what only a coward would do, he ran.
∆ On the night that Draco was returning home he was grab right off the street to never be seen again by the wizard society but what they didn't know that he was turned into a vampire that night and didn't want to face the disappointment from both sides. He did what he thought was logical and hidden himself while feed off of blood bags until he could control him, to his own disappointment from his unwanted transformation he has little of his magic which the only upside to it was he can uses it without a wand and discovered he has the ability to cover his vampire appearance from humans. So he did what he could only do with his now immortal existence by pretending to be a normal boring human being but that only lasted a few years when he moved to a new town to only have the damn librarian of his new school confront him on his fifth week there. (Harry Potter x Twilight x Buffy the vampire slayer crossovers)
∆ Someone really loves (Y/N) since they give him Draco Malfoy body while putting him in his favorite anime.
⭐ Bandom:
∆ My name is Dominic Harrison but better know as Yungblud and I'm a vampire that's living in Dooms day, the world turned into a large desert while one city stands called Better Living Industries. (Danger Days au, Yungblud x Party poison)
∆ It was clam at first, moving, meeting people, and going to school like anyone else but two people walked into my life, one is an old friend and the other I've never seen before. Then the storm hit before I could even see it, suddenly I was in danger, I realized something and then I had to choose until I saw a unlikely choice, me not choosing but they. (Multiple bands, Twilight but better au)
∆ Anything can happen in a span of seconds, minutes, days,weeks,months,years, in any life time. Fate or destiny can make anything happen the way they want it to without us noticing, they decided who we fall in love with or who dies. They make our lives meaningful to those we're meant for and carve our paths for us but sometimes they need a little fun too.( MCR x male reader, supernatural creatures)
∆ Punishment, Cast out,Mortal life. My name is Parker Price and these are the words that were spoken to me before I was given my punishment of mortal life or I would say my cures. I went to far this time so I was cast out but what I didn't know is that my future is going to change for the better or worse. (Multiple crossover, Parker Price face claim is Andy biersack. Starts in The Little Vampire move.)
∆ The world ended, the dead rise, and a angle has fallen. (Sam and Colby, apocalypse.)
⭐ Twisted wonderland:
∆ One random day Riddle receives a courting letter completely surprising him and not only that but he also receives a gift of a beautiful suit that seems to perfect him perfectly. Should he acceptance or not?
∆ In another path where the carriage didn't picks up Yuu instead a guy named (Y/N) (L/N) but he doesn't become a student no he wishes to stay as a janitor or a librarian if possible since he's done being anyone's student for a every long time.
⭐ Tokyo revengers:
∆ Everyone fears Takemitchy after meeting his giant of a cousin from that states.
∆ Being reborn is never easy as (Y/N) realize when he reopen his eyes to a new but familiar world as a homeless dog, he might can't do much but he'll be there by their side for as long as he can.
∆ (Y/N), a homeless man that lives under a bridge, saves two school girls from a group of men only for him to come up in victory by the end but not without bruises and cuts. Before (Y/N) knows it he's in this gorgeous man apartment, who's parentsly the older brother of the two girls he just saved! (Tokyo revengers)
∆ Takemitchys older hard working brother always says when troubles at the door "I can't fight for shit but that doesn't mean I can't whoop your ass with my frying pan."
∆ (Y/N) moves to Japan as he doesn't wanted to be reminded everyday of the death of his cousin, that his family has fallen apart, and that he was left behind. (Fast and furious 1 crossover)
⭐ Others:
∆ Demetrius (oc), a god like being that become bored of the death and suffering that a lot of the worlds he views have and decided to do some good by helping those that need his help, he leaves his book so they can summon him to their world or let his servants take his place.
∆ (Y/N) never thought that sharing a body with one of his favorite anime characters would be so boring yet so fun at the same time, when Nova gets knocked out it's (Y/N) time to play. (Arcana Famiglia)
∆ You're the son of a mafia boss and your whole family is murdered by your Father's best friend, taking everything your Father had worked for. Being the only survivor you inherited a lot of money but you didn't care about that, the only thing you care about is avenging your family's death and getting your Father's honor back so you created a plan, a plan to make your own family. (Crossover of multiple animes)
∆ JD (oc) has always wanted to become a space traveler, which his parents happily greeted to and his dream becomes true once he complete all of his space traveling courses, after exploring his first planet he leaves with two new family members. (Crossover of animes, games,tv shows, and movies)
∆Every one in the world has a 50/50 chance to have ability called Tor meaning gateway in German, this ability allows the person to open any door to a different dimension that's leads to their soulmate place to what they call home even if they move their door will open to their home. Once the world started noticing that some people has this ability and started investigating, they soon found out this ability started right as the world started founding out about soulmates. Even though at the time they can't explain why only some people have them  but now with this information it explains everything. The people with Tor means that they're soulmate are in a different dimension, so the world made laws to protect everyone. Luckily you are one of these people to have this ability.
∆ It just suddenly happened one day everyone just started going suicidel but those who survived that day learned to NEVER look outside, always have your window covered and your eyes when you're out looking for supplies unless you have a death wish. (Birdbox au, you choose characters.)
∆ Hawthorne (cures,oc) is different then his kin, not only is he older then most but become of his love for humans and a silverish white haired curse speech user catches Hawthorne's attention in more ways than one. (Jujutsu Kaisen)
∆ (Y/N) is on a overseas trip only to have his plane crash on a uncharted island, he meet other surviving passengers and together they survive this island. (Stranded/Lost au, you choose characters)
∆ Shit happens and the world ended but that's not what troubles me, it's the talking zombie that keeps following me around and seems to be in love with me. (You choose characters)
∆ Wanting to get away from a abusive relationship, (Y/N) moves in with his cousin Bubba skinner and started appreciate life again as he gets to know Bubba's co- workers. (In the heat of the night )
∆ When his friend recommended an anime about volleyball called Haikyuu, he never thought he would love it just enough to even buy figures of his favorite characters but after an odd event his life will never stay the same for that the figures become alive.
∆ People got sick, deadly sick but once their hearts stops their bodies doesn't stop moving and soon the world ended.
∆ I'm the last one to be alive, in isolation and fear a unknown power has awaken inside of me. Allowing the mind and humanity to return to the dead that has plagued my world for years and even though they still have their dead body it's slowly starting to heal over time, I'm not going to sit back and watch the world to continue to burn when I have the power to save the ones I can. To start over again and hopefully have a better future.
∆ The world is wild place but none the less beasts of different kinds makes it home.
∆ An old group of childhood friends are united once again as one of the friends of the group has passed leaving behind the clues to the greatest adventure yet. There will be laughter, danger, embarrassment and fun so come join (Y/N) and his three other friends for best time of their lives. (Without A Paddle)
∆ The summer is ending as all campers are going back home leaving behind a small group teen counselors to get ready for their own departure but one of them decided they should stay one more night at camp for a celebration not knowing that this will put them all in danger. (The Quarry but with different people)
∆ People are going missing left and right as no one can find the cause, no they're not dead but have been shrunken down as the size of a ant. Now they have to figure out what has happened to them as they try to survive in a familiar but extremely larger world.
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So, I sent you (@disgruntledspacedad) a pretty long ask a while ago (back when you had anon on) and I'm decently sure Tumblr ate it (or maybe you ignored it, in which case, feel free to ignore this one as well). But then I saw one of those "writers appreciate feedback no matter how long" posts, so I'm back here. Here is my mediocre attempt to rewrite my original review of your work. Bear in mind that English is not my first language, so if at any point my phrasing sounds weird to you, you know why. Mandatory disclaimer/apology: this might get a little too long 😅
I remember being SO mad at myself for not finding this sooner. I binge read it one afternoon with no thoughts for any real life responsibilities I might have had (and no regrets). Javiears is one hell of an unconventional relationship in the beginning, and I really love what you did with them. The whole premise of your story is quite refreshing, and you somehow manage to convey the trust and mutual respect there two feel for one another without explicitly showing us the beginning of their "entanglement".
Also, fuck you for what you did to poor Emilio, that man was a saint and he deserved better! I honestly can't believe that I got so attached to a character that appeared so little in the story, but it happened, and his death kind of broke my heart.
But the Javiears reunion + mild confession was lovely, and felt completely deserved. And of course the sex scene. I won't lie, I expected a bit better from Javi there, but I did like how utterly /human/ it was. Capturing that humanity, the imperfections in each character is something you're really good at (more on that later).
Ah, my emotionally constipated babies who really need to work out their communication issues. I do love them, though. And this short series did a really good job of delving a bit deeper into Ears's and Javi's psyche. Kudos to you for dealing with the medical "aftershocks" of living through an explosion AND using that experience to move your emotional plot forward. These two need to grow a lot before they can get to a stable point in their relationship, and you really manage to convey their insecurity and fear of commitment/intimacy while making it clear that they're in it for the long run and that theirs is a relationship that WILL work out so help them God.
Ouch. Punch me in the gut while you're at it, why don't you?
But seriously, "If I Fall" is SO FUCKING GOOD. Don't get me wrong, it's angstier than an image of Jesus on the cross (don't judge me, it's Holy Week and I just got home from accompanying my grandma to church), but it somehow works beautifully. You, my dear, play heartstrings like they're a fucking guitar and I AM HERE FOR IT.
You're doing an amazing job at making me feel everything these characters are feeling, which is both awful (bc pain) and impressive.
Also, if anything happens to Ana I will cry, because she is adorable and wonderful and has suffered way too much already and really deserves a break and some cookies.
Also also, if anything happens to Ears I will cry, because she is badass and wonderful and has suffered way too much already and really deserves a break and some cookies.
Also also also, if anything happens to Javi I will cry, because he is loving and wonderful and has suffered way too much already and really deserves a break and some cookies.
Basically, I am really invested in the well-being of these characters and can't wait until they're happy and safe again (please tell me they will be, my heart can't handle much more pain).
A quick note on the angst complaints: yes, this story is way angstier than most other fics out there and it can be a bit too much at times, especially considering how many chapters of pain it's been. BUT it's obvious that "If I Fall" NEEDS this amount of angst to get where it's going, to send the message it wants to and to properly develop its characters. The pain is as important to this story as flour is to bread. You may not like eating flour on its own (I don't think anyone does), but you love bread (because bread is amazing) and you must recognize that bread NEEDS flour to work. It wouldn't be bread otherwise. And eating the flour as part of the bread even makes you like the flour because the bread is just DELICIOUS.
I fully understand and sympathize with the people who have elected to table "If I Fall" until it's completed so they can binge read it knowing there's a happy ending in sight, but in case you're feeling a bit self conscious about all the angst, please know that your story is beautiful not in spite of the pain, but rather /because of it/.
PS: No, I'm not high/drunk, I just really like bread
Silly thing to comment on, I know, but I do feel like it's important that you know how useful your ANs have been. There are many details in the story that I simply wouldn't fully get without reading your comments at the end of each chapter, and I appreciate your writing a hell of a lot more knowing how deeply you understand and care for each one of your characters. Plus, it is obvious how much work you've put into researching a country and a time period that are (from what I gather) unfamiliar to you, and I really do believe you've done an amazing job of it.
My boy. I love your characterization of this complicated character, and I have eagerly read each and every one of your headcanons about him. I can't really say if your version is fully faithful to the source material because it's been a while since I saw Narcos, but your Javi most definitely reads like a real person. He's fairly consistent as a character, and I feel like everything he does is perfectly natural for him to do as a character. He makes for an unconventional yet deeply interesting romantic lead, and so far I have thoroughly enjoyed all his POV chapters/scenes.
I know you've gotten some flack for making her into an OC halfway into the story, and while I get why the sudden change may have felt like a disappointment for some, I don't share that sentiment. I firmly believe that this fandom is unfairly harsh towards Original Characters and their creators, and I don't really understand why. Listen, I love Reader fics, and consume many Reader fics. I have read dozens, maybe even hundreds, and I can safely say that I've only ever "inserted" myself in approximately 10% of those stories. Reader characters are not as blank as their writers may want them to be. They can't be. They're characters, and character have personalities and moral values and senses of humor and a bunch of other things. Reader characters may not have a backstory or a physical description attached (and even that's not guaranteed), but they're still characters.
And on a more personal note, pretending they're actual blank slates is naive at best and insensitive at worst. Reader characters are American coded 99% of the time, and white coded 95% of the time. Not every readers is white nor American, even if that's the predominant demographic on Tumblr. When I read a JavixReader fic about a woman who speaks exactly zero Spanish, I know she's not me. The story may be beautifully written and have an amazing plot and character development, but the Reader *isn't me*. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and some of my favorite xReader stories feature a "reader" who couldn't be more different from me, but it's something that enemies of OC fics should take into account. Particularly if they are white and/or American. But I digress.
Your character is amazing. She's strong, smart, confident, independent and an all-around badass. She gets kidnapped while pregnant and still focuses on problem solving and survival. But she's also overly guarded and mistrustful, and really needs to work on her communication skills. There are times when I absolutely love her and even admire her, and other times when I want to whack her with a slipper. She's no Mary Sue, but remains interesting and likeable throughout the story. She feels wholly human and real, and that's no easy task. I like her, I am invested in her, and I can't wait to see what's next for her. She's a compelling and three dimensional protagonist in a complex story who never fails to draw me in. I love her. She's your baby, and you should be proud of her.
Also, quick question about personality types: I know you've typed Javi as ESFP and Ears as ENTP (100% agree on both, btw), but have you given any thought to their enneagram types? I personally have always seen Ears as being somewhere on the thinking triad, maybe a 7 or even a 6w7, but I'm not too sure about Javi. 9w8 maybe? He could also be a 6w5 🤔
Basically, I love your story, your characters and your writing in general. You are a fantastic storyteller and wordsmith. You get into the heads of incredibly different characters personality-wise (Ears, Javi, Berna...) and manage to capture all of their complexities and quirks every single time. And it doesn't feel like it's something innate for you either. To me, it seems that you have put a lot of work and effort into understanding each and every one of your characters, who they are, why they do what they do and what they want. And let me tell you, all that effort has been more than worth it. "Better Love" is a fanfic, but it wouldn't be out of place in a regular bookstore, if I'm honest. I don't know what you do for a living or if you've ever considered writing professionally, but you clearly have the skills and the drive to create some masterpieces.
You are amazing and your writing is a gift. Thank you for sharing it with us, and have a nice day! ~ 🍪
My friend, I apologize for hoarding your first ask. I’ve been sitting on it because I’m not gonna lie, I enjoy going back and rereading it. It gave me a lot of comfort when I was in a pretty dark place, both personally and in regards to my writing, and I was reluctant to send it out into the the abyss of Tumblr where I might never see it again. 
That’s not fair, though. You put just as much effort into sending me that review as I put into my writing, and I apologize for never responding to you.
Okay, anyway, so twice now, you’ve made me cry. In a good way, I promise! 
I absolutely love your bread/flour metaphor. It made perfect sense. I want the emotional release of Javi and Hannah’s reunion to be earned, and in order to do that, the angst has to come first (there are also a few plot “ingredients” that have yet to make their appearances). Thank you very much for understanding that, and for voicing it so eloquently.
I appreciate your comments on my research and characterization. You’re correct that I’ve put a lot of time and effort into crafting a universe. In a lot of ways, I’m doing my best to stay true to the source material (regarding culture and timelines in particular), and in others, I’m branching into my own territory. 
On that note, I’ve never once regretted fully embracing Hannah Aarons’ identity as an OC. She’s stayed consistent in my mind from the beginning, and it was a relief to finally share my vision of her with the audience. And for the record, I totally agree with you regarding “reader” characters. Every reader insert echoes the perspective of their author, no matter how vague the physical description. I can only imagine how grating that must be from the perspective of a non-white, non-american reader. Thank you so much for sharing your insight! I will certainly keep it in mind the next time I write a “reader insert” fic.
Okay, enneagrams! I am much less familiar with enneagram than I am MBTI, but I agree 110% that Javi is a 9 with a strong 8 wing. I waffled back and forth on Ears a little, but eventually landed on 8w7 for her. It came down to the eight’s deepest fear, which is being controlled. That’s Ears all over, and the fact that she and Javi share that eight willfulness means that they might butt heads a little, which also seems very appropriate for them. Big thanks to @remusstark for her insight into the eight frame of mind - our conversations helped solidify my decision on this. :)
Anyway, I’m just rambling now. The big take-away point that I want you to get is that I am so, so grateful to you, both for your insightful feedback and your dedication in making sure that I actually saw it. You are an absolute gem and a deep thinker, Cookie-Anon, and if you ever feel like sliding into my DM’s, I’d welcome the opportunity to get to know you better.
Mad love and soft hugs, 
~ Jay
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noboynocry · 3 years
4 hours late but i am swooping in; oc ask game FOR. yoko <3 🌼🌸🌴⚡💧
🥰🥰🥰 as long as I get attention I'm happy.
also, you're the only one who knows about my ocs, so these answers are specifically for you LOL
🌼- What's your favorite thing about this oc?
Her flaws! It's very important to me that she remains everything but perfect. She's angry, bitter and impatient. She let's her emotions get the best of her. She was a slow learner as a kid. Snaps at the people she loves. Holds on to the past. Honestly, I just gave her all my flaws, and in turn managed to develop a character that feels real and that I love 🥺 I adore her.
🌺- Which family member (if any) is this oc closest to?
Although I'm SURE she loved her mother DEARLY, I think even in her childhood she was attached to her brother's hip. I don't think Yoko tells him often, but I also don't think Kiyoshi needs to hear it. I think he knows how important he is to her. I mean, only he gets to see her at her when she's the most vulnerable. If crying on your brother's lap doesn't say anything about how much you trust him, I don't know what does :/
🌴- Who is this oc's favorite person? (Can be another oc, a fictional character, a celebrity, anyone)
Besides Kiyoshi, I think she probably has a really soft spot for the kids in the village. Though I don't think she, like... knows how to interact with them lmao. I think she's either very quiet, or very awkward. I think the little girls probably ask to braid her hair A LOT and then she just sits there, blushing with embarrassement, but NOT moving an inch.
⚡- How well does this oc sleep?
She sleeps like shit lol. She probably looks tired a lot. Angry and tired. Doesn't help that I already gave the Moko sunken eyes. She likes to go do nightly activities a lot when she can't sleep, too. Sometimes I like to think she and Kiyoshi meet in this little spot every other night and train when she's restless.
💧- What is this oc most passionate about?
Politics lol. The history of her people. Ending war. Justice. It's probably going to drive her insane one day. You already know which path she goes lmao.
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