#it doesn't make sense storywise
allthefakepeople · 6 months
the interaction between wille and malin in ep 6 is super interesting to me because wille is showing a degree of professionalism and confidence that he doesn't show very often. Throughout the series it appears as a way to show that as much as he doesn't see it, he does have the makings of a good Crown Prince, even Kristina has said it
this makes it all the more important that you realize that wille's decision at the end of the episode is because he doesn't want this and not because he can't do it. we've seen plenty of evidence throughout the seasons that wille actually has a lot of solid leadership skills and the right mindset as a leader when he puts them to use in the right places
but none of that matters because he doesn't want that life or that role
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gatorsnot · 1 year
me: (slurring my words and hiccupping surrounded by empty fizzyfaz cans) okAY listen lisTEN LISTEN HERE I GOT SOME RUIN SPOILERS BUT I WANT Y'ALL TO LISTER HERE
i know there's been folks here lately shouting "THAT WASN'T ROXY AFTER THE NORMAL CREDITS IT WAS THE MIMIC" in concerning hearing roxy's voice at the end of said normal credits and - while i'm not COMPLETELY dismissing the possibility - would that really make narrative sense?
once again, nah, this isn't my roxanne wolf bias rearing its head, but i have a couple observations (if anything is contradicted in the tales from the pizzaplex series, please drop them in the comments):
1.) yes, the audio files detail the mimic "stealing" roxy's voice (you can hear it shift through her more visceral sounds even, such as her crying and gasping) but shouldn't it already KNOW what roxanne's voice sounds like, given that she - yknow - LIVED in the pizzaplex vs. a homeless child that was only there for six / seven hours tops?
2.) there is NO damn way that the mimic made it down to the bottom of the shaft THAT quickly. sure, we don't know how much time has passed since cassie fell at that point, but i personally think the mimic would be more focused on escaping its captivity compared to tracking down a little girl that it assumes wouldn't survive such a fall anyway. why go after a presumably dead kid when you're finally broken free from a concrete prison you've been trapped in for god knows how long?
3.) we don't SEE roxy after she attacks the mimic (though the hidden animation shows that the mimic goes straight for her head and holds it tight), that doesn't necessarily mean she's dead. like i said above, i think the mimic would be more hellbent on escaping rather than wasting its time pursuing a "dead" kid. roxy obviously knew cassie previously, had shared a bond with her, and had the heart to dive in to protect cassie when the mimic tried to get her. i think HER goal (hence us hearing her voice) to make sure that she was okay after the fall rather than chase the mimic, given that it's been stated over and over that the animatronics were programed to protect guests, especially children.
4.) steel wool ain't stupid and know that killing off a fan favorite like roxanne wolf permanently would be a call to arms for her huge fanbase and none of them would ever be able to sleep again
just some thoughts though! lemme know what y'all think, i absolutely would love and have a feeling we'll definitely be seeing more of roxanne and cassie in the future 👀
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smile-files · 2 years
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a few more screenshots, featuring cabby imposter syndrome realness (please don't call me out for taking notes in class hghghghghhghghhgh) and a proud painty :)
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voidedgear · 1 year
anons hot take: vanitas should have worked with repliku and xion while in o13 (because evil destiny trio)
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I've waffled a bit on how I should answer this... I'm still sick, and I recently replayed KH3 so I'll just be blunt and say that I completely disagree.
Mostly because I can't see an IC reason why Vanitas would be working with them, but I can see an IC reason as to why Vanitas would be working with Terranort. Recall that Vanitas is able to feel what Ventus feels, to a degree, and it was through this knowledge that Vanitas was able to tell Xehanort that "Terra is the key" if he wanted to get Ventus to leave home.
Vanitas spent four years alone in the Keyblade Graveyard, feeling Ventus warming up to Terra and Aqua. Ven adores Terra; he sees him as his family, his big brother. Also, notice that Terra is the only character in BBS that Vanitas never messes with. Terra never even SEES Vanitas up until the Keyblade Graveyard section.
We know that Vanitas, in BBS at least, is willing to go against Xehanort's orders when he feels like it. He almost kills Ven because he thinks he's too weak to fuse with him because they have Aqua as a backup plan. Even if Xehanort had told Vanitas to stay hands-off on Terra because he wanted Terra to be his new vessel, I can't see Vanitas caring enough to listen without some other incentive.
I feel like Vanitas is, on some level, very curious about Terra! He wants to know more about this guy who his other half loves so much. There's even cut dialogue from Re-Mind that shows Vanitas was intended to assist Terranort at some point.
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Also, breaking up the BBS crew and the Days crew would have just been too messy tbh. Lea NEEDS to be there for Xion to break free from Xehanort's control and for Roxas to return, but he also needs to have that moment with Isa, too.
Likewise, Ven and Sora need to have their moment with Vanitas, and Ven needs to also be there with Aqua for Terra to break free.
The end of the game is pretty jam-packed, and putting those three together just because they look like the main trio is completely unnecessary because they have nothing to do with each other. Xion and Repliku are both replicas, but otherwise have never met and have very different experiences with being a replica. Meanwhile, Vanitas is one of the primordial Darknesses that just so happens to look like Sora because Sora helped out Ven when he was a newborn.
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silence-of-autumn42 · 9 months
The sheer level of negativity towards Destiny 2 I've seen this year is utterly exhausting. And a lot of it just doesn't make sense to me, but I see so much of it, it honestly makes me question if there's something wrong with me for enjoying it still. I had fun in Lightfall. I liked the campaign, I like Nimbus as a character, they're fun, and I adore the location of Neomuna. The story, imo, actually set up the stakes of The Final Shape quite well, by demonstrating that we could still fail.
Sure, Season of Defiance sucked, I fully admit that. It was not good. But every season since has, so far, been an absolute banger. Season of the Deep was great, storywise, and I like the activities for it. Season of the Witch is my favourite season since Splicer. And Season of the Wish has been, so far, great, I really like the Coil activity, I've loved going back to the Black Garden, and I like the story so far.
But when I see people constantly going on and on and on about how Lightfall was terrible, and the game sucks now, and it's not worth playing, and the game itself is killing interest in the game, and that's almost all anyone fucking talks about, it makes we question if there's something I'm missing. Something I'm not seeing that everyone else apparently is. I'm confused by it. Am I wrong, for enjoying the game? Should I be quitting it, throwing my character away? Because I don't feel like I need to.
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monbunnight · 9 days
I have a theory on the new movie that all those "new" characters will probably be the magical version of the original witches in the series especially when Walpurgisnacht will be having a big part in the new movie most likely meeting her magical girl form. I feel like we will also meet the other magical form of the witches in the original series.
I wanted to speculate on what possible witches they might be other than Walpurgisnacht.
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My theory is that it's Uhrmann and Elsa Maria's magical girl form.
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Why do I think these two witches especially will have a bigger part of the movie and might be the "new" characters? Because of who they are as witches, what I mean by that is how their story can connect with the main story of the next movie y'know what connects them as characters to Homura and Madoka's character
Uhrmann with her wanting to be beloved. If we take the story in Magia Record into account, Uhrmann's(Inui) unhealthy relationship and unhealthy devotion to the point she doesn't prioritize herself. It's similar to what Homura felt for Madoka her unhealthy devotion and love and wanting Madoka's love.
Elsa Maria has lots of religious theming which suggests that religion is a big part of her. Which connects lots of very religious things around Homura and her treating Madoka like a worship god figure.
I think one of the new character might he the witch Quitterie.
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This witch loves Kyubey so much to the point where the witch creates a Kyubey costume to wear. She even has familiars that look like Kyubey and in her bio, the witch still thinks she's saving the world which suggests she doesn't see anything bad on being a witch.
I think this girl that is shown in the ball pit after Nagisa was shown in a ball pit is a magical girl form of that witch Quitterie.
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Especially with that expression that is commonly used for villains right beside Kyubey that looks suspiciously fine in contrast at the end of Rebellion. I just think it makes sense perfectly storywise for Kyubey to have an ally who worships him, especially a magical girl right by his side which makes him more of a threat as a character either against Homura or the other character. It also connects with the way that Homura love and worship for Madoka.
(Sorry for the grammar mistake)
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teeth-cable · 6 months
Why Lucifer being a good person is fucking stupid:
So in the show canon Lucifer and Lilith were kicked out because they were dreamers and gave Eve the fruit of knowledge. Based off the lore of Helluva Boss Lucifer 99% is the sin of Pride. In the show Lucifer is just a quirky theatre major who just wants to reconnect with his daughter...
Ok so lets analyze why this does not make sense in the worldbuilding. Lucifer is the King of Hell, a.k.a. a place full of homicidal maniacs and various other people. And since angelic weapons can harm angels (which is stupid btw) and sinners have been stealing weapons left behind by angels... Lucifer logistically cannot be a good person because these people could just decide to try to murder him if he was too weak. He needs the sinners and populace to fear him or respect him. Since Helluva takes place in the same setting Lucifer must have put in the social hierarchy of hell, approved it or doesn't do anything about it. Which means he plays some part in Stolas and Stella being forced to wed and the imps plus hellhounds being treated like garbage.
Then we get into story construction problems. Like if Charlie and Lucifer have a good relationship instantly then almost all the problems in the show can be solved at a snap of a finger because of Lucifer's power level. Its a similar problem with Alastor but worse because Lucifer is stronger. Like Alastor tho is implied to be weakened and forced to do this so there is intrigue storywise and limits on his personality and power. Lucifer is angel and can just like idk zap the Vees. Theres no threat, risk or anything now.
Also this Lucifer may have slept with Eve which either implies he cheated on Lilith or Adam was cheated on twice and Lucifer also agreed with genocide
And what wouldve been better is Lucifer being a shitty dad or person WHICH WE HAD IN THE PILOT. Like Lucifer being awful is actually better for the previous reasons and Charlie's own character. Like Charlie is supposed to be an underdog despite being princess and has an impossible task and if her father doesnt believe in her theres another personal level to then and maybe some of the audience could connect with her. And if Charlie's dad hates her or something you could easily write in and make Charlie struggle more by having him cut off her resources. Heck if her dad is awful then you can write in how Charlie feels about being so morally different. Then slowly build up to when we see Lucifer for the first time and actually have it feel special
This just makes me missed the pilot even more. While it did have it's own problems with the worldbuilding and characters, a majority of its ideas were still believable.
A better angle for Lucifer would be if he was a morally grey character. He can still be a decent father but a terrible ruler. Of course, that angle wouldn't work because everything in this show has to be black and white, where it literally tells you in a song, "Cause the rules are black and white" despite the same show critiquing its Heaven for the same black and white thinking.
I'm not against the idea of Lucifer being a decent father because there are still other ways the show can create conflict between him and Charlie. For example, he does get her the meeting into Heaven but it's at a cost. If she's unable to convinced Heaven, she has to abandon the hotel. Or maybe he is skeptical of Charlie's idea so he makes her overcome the hotel's problems, like the Vees, alone, to prove how strong and passionate she is. Of course, if they hurt Charlie, he can easily kill them, but it can serve as a great character moment for the both of them. Charlie learning Hell is brutal, Lucifer now hating the hotel because it will hurt Charlie, and create a new conflict where Charlie and Lucifer are against each other. Or the fact Lucifer was the one who allowed the exterminations to happened and Charlie has to undo her father's actions.
I'm only focusing on Lucifer being a "good" person through parenting because almost everything else, he's a bad guy. Not only was this the same man who allowed the yearly genocide of the sinners but also he created the classist, racist social hierarchy and system in Hell, and let the pride ring become so awful, the overlords, a group of powerful sinners, are taking advantage of regular sinners daily.
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galactickohipot · 2 months
Hmm so I've seen a lot of ppl say there's no stakes in FFXIV anymore because the WoL is too strong anyway. Like sure, making the WoL a godslayer isn't making things easy, but that's not truly where the issue is imo. Spoilers for DT's msq!!!
The main problem to me, is that the writers now consider that a victory through fighiting is a victory in the story. It kinda boggles my mind that there aren't negative repercutions for using violence anymore... It's especially true in DT: when you fight it's always the right thing to do and all fights have a positive influence on the story. It's pretty much "right is might and might is right" all around. The characters never doubts their fight is a righteous one for a second, and we are never given an ambiguous win either. Wuk Lamat is only able to influence the story because she becomes strong and she becomes strong because she is right and good. It is ironic for a character that is so focused on peace and love. Yet the story will still consistantly reward the characters for crushing their opponents. Storywise it doesn't make sense. It only cheapens your victories, so of course you would need to amp up the stakes. (also please note: these issues were already present when Ishikawa was at the helm, but there were other things to balance it out in ShB though.)
In contrast, in ARR and HW, there usually was a downside to the WoL's victory. It wasn't the entire story!
For example, a part I particularly like in 3.0 is the first time you slay Nidhogg. Not only is this done by Estinien after you've weakened the dragon; but it actually feels like a defeat. The entire game up to this point had your group try to mend the relationship between ishgardians and dragons. Estinien warms up to your group and Ysayle, and you can feel he is slowly begining to hope for lasting peace. However, with Hraesvelgr's revelations, Ysayle's dellusions are exposed and all the progress made towards reconcilliation is reduced to nothing. Worse, Estinien's violent and vengeful ways are proven to be the only solution. Truly, a terrible setback for the characters, and it results in an empty victory over Nidhogg. Sure you beat the baddie, but it's devastating for Alphinaud and Ysayle. It even comes back to bite Estinien in the butt when he gets possessed. There was more to the story than just finally beating a very strong foe, and it is made apparent at that moment. Even though the wol won every fight, it didn't mean that the main characters would be victorious. It could either be a diplomatic defeat, your beliefs could be challenged, or one of your allies could die. Unforeseen consequences were right around the corner. Plus, your character is only one person. Things could still happen outside of their reach, like at the end of ARR. Regardless of your WoL's strength, there are many ways you can create tension for a story!
In earlier expacs, there used to be a feeling that your battles wouldn't necessarily win the war. No need for a world ending threat then, to have stakes.
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epickiya722 · 5 months
Sukuna is Yuji's Biggest Hater... Or He Is??
Oh, he is. He definitely is. There is no doubt about that. Sukuna hates Yuji and has since the get-go. Yuji will cough and Sukuna will go "shut the hell up, brat". (Exaggeration, but you get it.) But why? Why does Sukuna hate Yuji so much?
But give me a chance here!! Hear me out, folks!! Just hear me out!!
Storywise, it makes sense that he would because hello! Yuji is the big good protagonist and Sukuna is the big bad antagonist. That's to be expected. I'm here for it. But let's not mind that!!
Now, here's me just rambling on. I have thoughts, folks, thoughts. I'm not saying I'm totally right on this. Just hear me out. So get ready for a long post!
(NOTE: I started writing this in January before 248 came out! So I added onto what was revealed in that chapter and onward to this post.)
(ANOTHER NOTE: I literally finished and posted this a minute or so before I saw the leaks for 257...)
Off rip, Sukuna no doubt despises Yuji's existence for the fact that Yuji is capable of keeping him contained. He was literally made to be Sukuna's vessel. A cage, if you will. It takes Yuji willingly to give up control, Yuji being fed multiple of Sukuna's cursed fingers at once or a Binding Vow for Sukuna to take control. Other than that, Sukuna is locked up, he ain't getting out. Do not pass go and do not collect $200.
Sukuna's first L of the series came at losing a mental battle against Yuji and no doubt that was a hurt to his pride.
But other than that, why else could Sukuna despise Yuji so much?
Well, I have a guess! Am I right about this? As I said, I'm not saying for certain.
But my guess is that Sukuna hates Yuji the most because he hates how he displays himself in battle. Better yet, Sukuna hates that Yuji isn't him.
Not only he hates that Yuji displays his strength in a humble way compared to others, but as 248 reveals Sukuna hates that Yuji keeps going despite Sukuna constantly trying to break him. I'll touch on that later.
You know the saying "your biggest hater is your biggest fan" or whatever? Yeah, that is Sukuna... maybe.
I'll clear this up because I know you probably went "HOW"? Okay, I touched on this in a post so I'll summarize it here.
Yuji doesn't do something that a lot of other characters do whenever they're out there throwing hands. Enjoying a fight and/or proving their strength. Yuji often fights not to show his strength, but he fights for others. Yuji doesn't think to show off his capabilities because it doesn't interest him to. Yuji isn't a prideful person.
Mind you, even before the cog mentality bit, Yuji already didn't think much of himself. He has called himself dumb at least twice. And, in a small moment, Yuji actually seemed shocked at Megumi's comment how of "adept" he is, almost as if he didn't think he was capable of such a thing even though since day one Yuji has been shown to being able to pick up on things fast with ease.
Yuji only feels weak when he feels he has failed someone. Wasuke told him that he's a strong kid and to help others. Ever since then, what all has Yuji has tried to do? Help others. It probably irritates Sukuna given that he is not someone who helps others, especially if it doesn't benefit him. He doesn't even like requests.
Sukuna probably hates that Yuji goes out of his way to sacrifice his life for people with the power he has when Yuji should be showing it off and enjoying a good fight just like he does. It's what makes Yuji boring to him.
Whenever Sukuna has fought someone (most of the time), it's a battle of "who is stronger" and he praises that person for showing off that potential. He even gets some entertainment out of it. There was even Maki, who wasn't fighting him for the sake to prove she's strong, who he praised.
But out of those he has faced, who does he constantly put down? Yuji.
Here's the thing. We know Yuji isn't weak. Sukuna knows this, too. He knows this firsthand because he has always been there. Sukuna, the King of Curses, was able to be suppressed by Yuji while possessing his body. He has seen Yuji show strength and speed that he was born with. He fought Yuji himself and within that first fight Yuji has managed to throw Sukuna off guard twice.
So Sukuna knows what Yuji can do. He just doesn't acknowledge it to Yuji. Instead, he chooses to call him "weak" and "boring".
But why? What is it about Yuji that really gets at Sukuna to constantly put him down like that?Again, 248 confirms Sukuna hates that Yuji has an unbreakable spirit. Yet, wouldn't that be something Sukuna be impressed by? Wouldn't he be impressed that Yuji's will is so strong that not even the King of Curses can tear it down? Let alone, why would he even care enough to acknowledge Yuji's unbreakable resolve at this point of the story and actually go out his way to be petty to try to break it again?
Why is Sukuna actually wasting his energy being pressed by Yuji who he deems weaker than him?
It's expected for the villain to be irritated by a hero's unbreakable will. But with Sukuna? Villain, he may be, he doesn't cross as the type to actually be that pressed about one person. Like, why does it matter that Yuji, this teenage boy who shares his mutual hatred, opposes him?
In a way, I believe that Sukuna hates Yuji, but also believes in his capability just in his own twisted way. He may, just maybe, sees Yuji as "the next Sukuna". Not in the sense of "I want an heir to live on my legacy" but in a "you should be like me, an epitome of strength and greatness".
What if Sukuna eggs Yuji on over and over to break him to eventually get him to snap and really show him a more bloodthirsty side? But one that he isn't angry on the behalf of others, but for himself? What if Sukuna wants Yuji to be selfish? What if Sukuna hates that Yuji has this unbreakable spirit because he wants to mold Yuji into his own image, and doesn't even know it himself yet?
We don't know much of Sukuna's past except how he was feared and worshipped through his reign of terror during the Heian Era. But what about before all that? Before he became the King of Curses? Or even after? What caused his death? Did he still have people who worshipped him?
We just know he was an "unwanted" child and he brushes that off. I imagine that during his time growing up, he learned how harsh life was and that shaped him into who he is today. He may be trying to project that onto Yuji. Wants Yuji to not be so naïve about how cruel the world is and doesn't deserve selfless people like Yuji. Treating him cruelly so that eventually Yuji becomes what he wants him to be. Just like him.
It's a crazy idea, I know, but anything can happen, I guess.
Sukuna chooses to not help Yuji and even if he does, he doesn't mean to. Earlier in the story, he reacts badly to being used as "a generator" against the Finger Bearer Curse, going as far as to killing Yuji.
[Thinking back on it, I find it intriguing and visual pleasing in storytelling that Sukuna tears out Yuji's heart. Not like I wanted Sukuna to do that! I actually freaked out! What I mean is, Yuji is someone whose actions are influenced by his heart than his head. Opposite of Sukuna who is a heartless monster and in battle, he tends to think with his head. In that scene, it was like saying such. Sukuna is a heartless monster while Yuji has a heart too big for his body. Moving on!]
The next time Yuji asks for his help with Junpei he laughs in his face and denies him that aid. After that, Yuji doesn't ask for Sukuna's help anymore.
Instead, he gets stronger and trains to rely on his own skills and prowess. Probably what Sukuna wants. He doesn't want to be used as some aid Yuji calls on whenever and at the same time, just maybe he wants Yuji to grow on his own the way he probably had to. He's helping Yuji become great without helping him.
Come the Shibuya Incident, this is where it gets interesting to me.
First, recall the fight between Choso and Yuji. We can see just how Yuji has gotten stronger. So strong that Choso did indeed have a hard time beating Yuji. Choso even remarks later after Shibuya how Yuji is like a "demon god" in chapter 139. This isn't him praising Yuji as a big brother. This is him praising Yuji as someone who has faced Yuji before. That was not an easy fight for Choso even though all Yuji fought with was his martial arts, wits, strength and speed.
"Kiya, didn't he lose that fight?" Yes (and some of you won't let that go). But, remember how Sukuna reacted?
He comments how he couldn't believe that Yuji lost to such "riffraff". That wording caught my attention because Sukuna would have normally said something like "You're pathetic, you're weak" or of the nature. He probably would have made a comment of how he expected Yuji to lose.
But he doesn't! Instead, his words are of disappointment that Yuji lost to Choso all while insulting Choso with "riffraff/inferior opponent" comment. Isn't that odd to anybody else but me?
Fast forward just a little to the final battle with Mahito! When Mahito confronts Sukuna for the third time, he tells Sukuna to shut up (and he wasn't even talking) and watch as he kills Yuji. And Sukuna gives him this look. It was smug. He was smirking. It's like he knows Mahito was talking a big game that he indeed did not win. It could be because he knows that at that point, Yuji wasn't going to stop until Mahito was dead. That he was at a breaking point.
(I also felt that Sukuna probably Sensed Kenjaku nearby. The thing is, if Mahito had succeeded in killing Yuji, it still would have been a lost to him somehow because Sukuna could probably just resurrect him again.)
A breaking point that Sukuna started. Let's rewind it back a bit to after Sukuna fought Mahoraga. Ah, yes. That moment.
When Sukuna switches back to Yuji to show off the destruction he did during the fight with Mahoraga. The memories of what Sukuna had done from killing the Hasaba twins, everything he did when fighting Jogo and finally Mahoraga. Once Yuji took in everything, he becomes distressed, nauseous, he falls into this state of self-hatred.
"... I am nothing but a murderer."
That scene is a punch to the gut. It was heartbreaking, especially to Yuji fans, huh? But there is someone who enjoyed it, undoubtedly. Someone who relished in seeing Yuji in such pain. Of course, it was Sukuna. We all know Ryomen Sukuna was basking in being the cause of Yuji's breakdown.
Something tells me that during that fight against Mahoraga, Sukuna realized just how destruction and death was happening around him and thought "Oh, I think the after results should be something for the brat to see"! And when he let Yuji see that huge black space void of life? He was laughing, he had to be.
I touched on this here, but I'm bringing it up here, too.
Yuji being aware of what Sukuna does and vice versa, Sukuna actually didn't have to bring Yuji right to that spot. He could have just switched back where he was and Yuji would have still known what he did. But, no. Sukuna had to be extra cruel. He had to show Yuji what he did front row and center. Almost as if he needed Yuji to see how cold-hearted and ruthless Sukuna is and maybe push Yuji to being just as cold-hearted and ruthless.
Take note of the lyrics of SPECIALZ, the song King Gnu written from the villains' POV. (Lyrics in the parentheses are translated by the music video.)
Shall we dance in the border of the death
Tokyo trenches in the metropolis
Shall we give it our all in between yes and no
Show me a hint of bad part inside of you
Let it all make a mess
Devour everything to your heart's content (Let's feast on the emptiness)
A lifelong labyrinthine rendezvous (Lost in the labyrinth of life, launched on this rendezvous)
To the point of dizziness (Losing my mind), "U R MY SPECIAL"
These lyrics reflect that scene. Yuji is brought to the border of a death scene, a place where many died. "Show me a hint of bad..." Yuji's reaction is the bad part of him that later shape into the Yuji we see for the rest of the arc. His words of "nothing but a murderer" kind of hint Yuji's later words to Mahito. How he'll keep on killing and killing curses. He won't take pleasure in it as it's just seems to be his role in this ongoing war between curses and humans.
"Let it all make a mess", definitely what it all was. A mess that affects Yuji hard. A mess that you could say makes him empty inside. "Let's feast on emptiness/Devour everything to your heart's content", Sukuna pretty does just that. Feasts on everything he chooses to both literally and figuratively. He devours on Yuji's pain and what if he wants Yuji to do the same? To just devour everything to satisfy himself. He had Yuji "feast his eyes" on the empty space.
Take note that in the anime, when Yuji is saying to himself to "die, die right now" his eyes are this red color. Sukuna's eyes are red. To me, that wasn't just Yuji telling himself to die, but also Sukuna, a bad part of him that he wanted to be rid of in the first place.
"Losing my mind", Yuji wanders from that scene as he constantly replays words he and others have said to him. He's in that state of confusion, lost and dizziness.
Now, these set of lyrics also could be Mahito's POV to Yuji. Mahito is a foil to Sukuna. They're both major antagonists to Yuji who mess with him. But in opposite, death isn't something Sukuna is afraid of while Mahito turns tail when it gets dangerous for him.
Let's rewind back to my previous point about the scene between Sukuna and Mahito. Yuji was at that breaking point and Mahito was going to feel that rage and lose against it. He would, and he does, become Yuji's victim. Again, in a twisted way it seemed Sukuna was proud of just knowing Yuji was possibly about to become a killing machine against Mahito.
I described in another post here that Yuji is a toy to Sukuna. In this case, the toy Yuji is to Sukuna is play dough. A modeling dough that comes in vibrant colors that children play with to mold into whatever they imagine.
Yuji is a play dough. He's being molded into whatever Sukuna wants him to be.
But why would he care to do that? Maybe it's a subconscious decision. That somewhere deep down inside Sukuna, a part of him senses that Yuji is that missing piece of him. Remember how twins work in JJK? Two halves of one whole.
It's why he acts and does what he does. He's incomplete and Yuji makes him feel less of such.
Well, I mention before in other posts... probably... but I believe in the whole reincarnation theory, I do. I think it's a fun idea. But! I don't mean Yuji being a reincarnation of Sukuna's twin. I do believe in that though. [As of now, that theory has been debunked.]
What if Yuji was a reincarnation of Sukuna himself?
Could it be that Sukuna may be "Yuji's biggest hater" because of the idea how your own worst enemy can be yourself?
That's really all I have to say for now.
Now I got something to add! As of 257, it's stated that Sukuna did indeed consume his twin in the womb (that bit I was right about) but Yuji isn't the reincarnated soul of that twin. It's his father, Jin Itadori.
But I still stand by my theory Yuji could be Sukuna's reincarnation via soul recycling or other means. Like, this whole time what if Sukuna was trying to shape Yuji into what he envisions because Yuji is him? Yuji is that piece of that's like... "what could have been". He's the good that Sukuna wants extinguished.
Simply, as it turns out if you apply the reveal of 257, Sukuna is like this cruel, evil "mentor" for his "nephew" that's he's looking out in his own weird, harsh way.
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glassofgretel · 1 month
My honest opinion on Evillious Chronicles...I believe the series is truly deep and beautifully written, but there are some personal issues I have with it.
I don't really care about the point and message of the Evillious Chronicle series nor the concept of "morally gray", I only believe in good, evil and the consequences of our own actions. MOTHY has made an amazing story that we all still enjoy ~16 years later, but I have to disagree with his philosophy and outlook on the world, ours differ greatly– Though he has some valid points, it's rather naïve IMO... and while it's compelling storywise and from an emotional perspective, it isn't as much realistically or from a political/social standpoint of right and wrong.
Morality never mattered in the first place, because evil always succeeds if it has enough power or deems its deeds necessary for a "greater benefit"... Good and evil are both necessary forces that exist to maintain the balance of this universe, just as our fate dictates.
Personally, I'm starting to see far more evil and corruption than light and hope in today's politics and throughout our society's history, so I only get pissed the fuck off whenever I see a political debate between self-righteous snowflakes on Twitter or Reddit (Especially the Character rant mfs), with each side claiming that they're right and the other is evil.
Even though morality is literally IRRELEVANT in politics, it has always been about interests and agendas in the end. If anything, there are only two lesser and greater evils. 💀
I'm no Altright-winger either, as some idiots on Discord might say... I'm more of a Pan-Arab nationalist but I just hate politics in general. Because if anything, we humans deserve all the shit that's coming to us. And trust me, I HATE Hitler with every fiber of my being... but if I were in his shoes, I would've done far worse with all the scum and idiocy in this world.
As for Riliane Lucifen, despite her awful deeds, she was still somewhat good at heart. Unlike the two-faced hypocrites over at the USA, Russia, China and Israeli governments, and especially those scumbags Adolf/Stalin... But it still doesn't excuse her actions despite her lack of moral agency, neither does her being possessed and manipulated by the demons.
So let's stop painting her as some sort of saint, she was a broken kid who deserved her redemption and a second chance- but that's all there is...
Because we know damn well that would NEVER fly in our reality, even if she was truly genuine about making amends.And I don't want to be like her or Nemesis lol, I prefer the likes of Frieza, Judge Holden, King Piccolo etc. as role models, because at least they're purely evil and honest about their philosophy, they embrace it to reach their own goals. Unlike most of our world's society...
I would say I am Near Pure evil though, since I have clear moral standards and my own personal law, I can discern right from wrong- But I'm not really much better than Hitler myself, and I am wrong more often than I'm right. I just despise everything wrong with the world, but I don't intend to change it for the better either. I don't even care about ending the cycle of violence and hate, infact I want to keep it going for my own benefit. That is the path I've chosen for myself and I embrace it fully with no guilt or regrets, even if it might be the wrong one.
I'm not just being pretentious or edgy either, I am simply disappointed and frustrated with this reality- I've had enough of this world and want to watch it burn. I enjoy treating evil with even worse evil, fighting fire with fire- Because it turns me on, gives me a greater purpose and sense of fulfilment too.
I'm sorry I really don't know how to answer this, it's the most concerning message I've ever received in my entire life
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dootznbootz · 1 month
Don't get me wrong, I hate the telegony with every FIBER of my being. HOWEVER!! I feel like there's so much yummy angst potential with Odypen.
Like?? Imagine Penelope holding Odysseus' dead body. And it reminds her so much of when he'd fall asleep in her arms, in their bed holding an infant Telemachus. Because little baby Telemachus wouldn't stop crying so he had to be held in his papa's arms :3
But he's still crying to this day,, crying in the background, sobbing, hugging his mother from behind as she's holding her dead husband. Her husband that she waited 20 YEARS for. Her husband that's literally been threw hell and BACK, yet who never gave up because he wanted to see HER and their SON!!
He could've stayed with Calypso, he could've stayed with Kirke, he could've. But he DIDN'T. And I know damn well the moment he came back, and she saw him, she SAW on his face he's been threw shit. And imagine that, imagine the pain of someone you love more than the Sun experiencing that. Imagine that, and they did all of that, to see you.
People undermine that Penelope loves Odysseus just as much as Odysseus loves Penelope. It's been 20 years. She had every right to assume he's gone or get remarried. But she didn't. She had faith the entire time.
And she waited so long, and he went threw so much, just for him to get killed by some borderline (Not fully) rapeling. That's so heart-wrenching.
And for Telemachus, who never even KNEW his father. To suddenly see him again, to see how happy his mother is, how happy he is. Just for some bastard he has to call his half-brother to kill him. Telemachus knew so little of his father, only the stories Penelope told him. And now, sadly, it'll stay that way.
Telemachus and Penelope would fucking despise Telegonus. They've been waiting so long for this man, and this man has waited and had to go threw so much. All three of them did not go threw all that just for Telegonus to kill him. I don't care if it was an 'accident'. It doesn't matter if the killer didn't want to do it, it matter's that the victim's family lost someone they FUCKING LOVED.
Penelope would NEVER marry Telegonus, and Telemachus would never marry Kirke.
But Odysseus death gives us some JUICY angst. I hate it. But good god it scratches that angst-loving part of my brain SO GOOD. 😼
Feel free not to answer since this is a rather long ask/ramble :'D And ye, take care Mad! <3
Oh, also, just so it's not ALL just angst, a few Penelope and Baby Telemachus headcanons/shenanigans? They mean the world to both Odysseus AND me 🥹
So, this is a really fun ask...But I don't think you're going to get the answer you'd like from me :')
As many folks know, I am a big lover of fluff and very soft stuff. I have angst but even then I would consider it more hurt/comfort in a way as I do plan for the "comfort" to be what's most important :) I also just think of "angst" as just the "something that makes sense storywise".
The Tele-GONE-y to me, is just blatent whump. Not really my cup of tea.
Also the Tele-GONE-y has the whole bullshit about Odysseus doing fuck all in random war, getting married and having children with a random af woman, before coming back to get killed. So that's just...ew. All of it is ew.
And I don't even like the idea of Telegonus existing in any form. At most, Telegonus would only exist in my mind as Polites' son. (not based on Epic at all. This Polites is my own special guy. He's my lil weird goober of my own design reeeeee) My dear friend thehelplessmortals is the only person who I feel explores it in a way that makes sense to me and seems canon.
As you put it into words:
"And she waited so long, and he went through so much, just for him to get killed by some borderline (Not fully) rapeling. That's so heart-wrenching."
And it's just TOO heartwrenching for me :') I can't do it. It's honestly such a horrifying scenario that I got nauseous the first time I heard about it. (that's not even getting into the gross out of character marriage circle and Odysseus fucking around away from his family)
For me, I cannot see Circe (my Circe definitely) as a mother regardless. She wasn't made for motherhood. Also Odysseus and her only have sex once in my writing in exchange for his men to be turned back into humans. (as it's only stated explicitly once in the Odyssey)
The Odyssey also says that Odysseus' line only has one son each. That's Telemachus. (OdyPen can have a daughter though! >:3 Girldad Odysseus is very tasty for me)
If you're just into the angst of Odysseus' death, I got a bit of that though :'D
Penelope being 75% Naiads will live a long life. And Odysseus, being her husband, gets the advantages of having a magic Water wifey and that affects him in how he will live a long life as well (Calypso also gave him ambrosia/nectar to keep him alive. as he was nearly dead when he washed up.)
BUT. He is mostly mortal. He lives way beyond what is normal for Mortals but still.
His hair now fully gray. His breathing raspy and slow. He's slow to move...
Penelope lives a bit afterward. Sleeping and taking comfort in their nest that cradles her as she sleeps. She feels him everywhere. She grieves him endlessly.
Their nest starts to wilt. Only when she goes too does it come alive again.
And for some random Penelope and Telemachus headcanons :P
Nereids have lined bioluminescence, while NAIADS have spots. Like the black spots on the beloved rainbow trout 🥹 (they don't have the black spots. they just have spots that glow in their own control lol)
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Telemachus gets "spots" from both his mama (naiad scales/glowbit) and his papa (freckles) 🥹
It's what they use to communicate underwater. And it's nice because even if you're not full naiad and don't have as many scales, you can still communicate as it's about the flickers :3 (Odysseus can understand these to a degree)
Very rarely do they "just randomly glow" as you know, don't wanna give away your thoughts. But it's cute because Odysseus will occasionally have a lightshow when one of them is dreaming.
I know a lot of people have Penelope see Odysseus in Telemachus constantly, and while she does to a degree, she is actually one of the few people who really emphasizes that he's his own person. You don't have to be good at whittling, you make such beautiful pottery. You like green, not orange. You don't have to pick that color when it's not your favorite and because other people simply get excited about you being like your dad sometimes. That type of stuff.
You take care too, Dear Anon! :D
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bruhstation · 5 months
Curious question, what exactly is Spencer's (more lore-y/important) role within CSTM besides from (most likely) being the "storywise a well-written villain, irl just a cocky idiot"
Like I mean he did try to scrap/cause harm to Hiro, but any other crimes he's done to affect other characters' arcs or/and big plots?
( -🧀non)
spencer's most notable influence was in the HOTR arc. story-wise, he is supposed to challenge hiro's values and give the older man a metaphorical slap to the face (funnily enough, spencer chasing hiro around the island reminded hiro that he still wanted to live and gave him a reason to carry on despite losing his family and being a patron of the gold dust). spencer's biggest crime is trying to hunt down hiro. he doesn't get any more worse than that, luckily. I've mentioned his other disrespectful as hell actions multiple times in this blog too but atp it's more annoying than insensitive or offensive to gordon and scott
writing sense I wanted to make spencer gordon's antithesis. the basis is that "spencer is what gordon could've turned out had it not been for his loved ones" and I just wrote what I wanted to write! they represent both sides of the gresley family -- gordon grew up with a loving family, spencer grew up in an environment where his relatives would rip each other apart for land and inheritance. gordon lost his family members bit by bit while spencer's still standing (with a few loses). gordon and spencer both heavily struggled with maintaining long-term friendships in their youths, but while gordon eventually hardened his heart and let his short lived connections come and go, spencer messed with people just to feel some sort of relief in his heart. both gordon and spencer are old pompous showoffs, but while gordon strived to become a better person because he realizes that he doesn't want to lose the people important to him anymore, spencer gave up on correcting himself because he thinks he's way too far gone (and being mean is way easier). then hiro came to view
spencer's a fun character. he makes me a bit sad. then I remember that he visits his cousin's funerals for the food and it makes me stifle my laughter like that one ish*wspeed gif
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will80sbyers · 3 months
I don’t ship anyone and I don’t want to start any war, but I think the situation of the love triangle btw byler and mileven in the canon is so:
Mike loves El, El likes Mike
Mike likes Will, Will loves Mike
And then in the s5 still remains mileven (or maybe they will all be single idk)
See, the problem with this line of thought is that it doesn't make any sense for a TV show, this is not a real life situation, this is something a writer thought for a precise reason, and they introduced it by putting multiple parallels in the story and ''building'' the ship all through season 4
making Mike like Will without making them end up together just doesn't make any sense storywise, introducing Byler to then make Mlv stay together also does not make sense, that's not how TV or stories work
byler will be the endgame relationship simply because of that, there are laws of television and storytelling, you can't just randomly put things in because it doesn't make good TV and until now the Duffers have made good TV, so I don't have any reason to think they would suddenly lose their minds and forget how to write a plot
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glitteryinknotes · 11 months
This face haunts me.
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This poor sweet soul, no different than the unnamed "darling boy". The only difference between them being that when Astarion got to him - he didn't have it in himself to disobey his master's commands anymore.
Sebastian. His life, his joys, his innocence stolen from him. Who was he? Who did he wish to be? Who could have he become in his time? We will never know. He will never know.
This moment in Astarion's storyline hit me in the face unlike any other. More than the hug and the confession. Not only because this is the moment we truly see the abhorrence of our lover's past deeds, but because Sebastian is presented as someone we - as the Tav romancing Astarion - are supposed to relate to personally.
We may not be exactly the same. Astarion's goals may be different, we may not be as naive, circumstances might be different alltogether. We may be smarter, more powerful, more experienced, more careful, whoever you headcanon your Tav to be and how their relationship with Astarion looks like in detail.
But it doesn't change the bottom truth.
We are the same fools who acted with kindness, benevolence and trust when it made no sense to do so. We are the ones who extended our trust and affection without any solid reason to. It paid off in our case - Astarion eventually trusted us, opened himself to us, allowed the morality and conscience he still had in himself to guide him for once, and showed willingness to be a better person - but we didn't know that he would when we invited him to our neck, followed him into the forest and in the first place - invited someone who just threatened us with a knife to our party.
We are the same fools who came to love and trust someone - objectively - probably undeserving of genuine love and trust, as things were back then.
Sebastian is one of the few true innocents Astarion seduced. Not a street drunk, minor criminal, brother patron. Not a degenerate from the city's underbelly. He is the true face of the horror Cazadorr unleashed through his vampiric pawns. This is what we choose to look past, forgive and take upon ourselves as someone caring for Astarion. This is the responsibility we must bear, the burden on our conscience we must now live with. If we truly care for him - and wish to think about ourselves as a person of any morals or a kind heart (which is the type of person who, storywise, pushes Astarion to be better than he was as we first encountered him, better than he himself ever thought he could be) - this is the "burden" that comes with the man we believe in and choose to be with, who we choose to see as someone better than everyone else sees him).
The seven thousand ritual - bound souls are now our burden as well. Our responsibility.
I personally believe that the choice to seek & aid the spawns in the Underdark is the only right choice for Tav & Astarion's story conclusion. To deal with the consequences of our choices; for Astarion to prove (if only to himself) that he indeed "can be better" than the one who made him and creatures like him; to finish doing the right thing. Cazadorr's end is a pivotal moment for Astarion, but even more for all the other unfortunate enslaved souls. For him is the final, decisive step towards healing and growing, for them... It's entirely up to you.
You and Astarion have all the time you need, in his own words. You can travel the world, engage in every kind of delicious debauchery Faerun has to offer, find a way to reverse vampiric curse, settle down in luxury and enjoy each other, probably all of the above, but I myself have been convinced, since the moment I saw Sebastian that tthe spawns should come first.
Help them the best you can. Make sure they have any joy in their tragic unlife, community, guidance, stability, safety, future, if that's even possible. Find a better place for them to settle down than the Underdark. Possibilities are endless, nothing is impossible in a magic - filled realm like Faerun. If Astarion has been lucky enough - they deserve a chance as well. If Sebastian - and those like him - deserve a chance, so do the other seven thousand.
And then you can go and have every fun awaiting two people happily in love.
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schakira · 2 months
yakuza 0 liveblog #1: the start of my yakuza journey
my impressions of my first hour of gameplay on yakuza 0: visually, and game design wise, i really like the graphics and how detailed they are for the simplicity of their models, with the shading as well. i also love how they mix game mechanics with silly stories like how that white man was making me spend money to "invest in myself" to get more combos or how he baited me into fighting dudes, just so i could learn new fighting styles. go white man.
storywise - i just love how it all makes sense and is all so... like the characters have DEPTH and aren't just plot devices. they all have morals and expressions. when kiryu arrived at the dojima house, everyone kinda put the strings together after pressing him; oh this was a SETUP! and yet that knowledge doesn't change much... there's still mysteries afoot. who did this and why? what do they aim to gain? and why kiryu? i also love nishikiyama and kiryu's relationship. i felt it was kinda gay how they went on a walk together, beat up drunkards (i did that for game mechanic purposes), drank alcohol, sang a karaoke, and then ate noodles before learning about the murder. dare i say they're gay and in love? in my little fantasy they def are.
i also sang bakamitai!!!! im playing on my keyboard so it was hard. my score was "karaoke bozo" i dont wanna hear a thing from anyone........
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kassycreations · 6 months
Sally Starlet and the Moon (A Welcome Home Theory)
Welcome Home has invaded my every waking thought and as a result, I've been thinking about a lot of things. One of these things being Home's thespian; Sally Starlet.
Sally is apparently one of the characters the fandom has headcannoned and theorized to be self aware along with Wally and now Eddie. I didn't know this but now it's one of the many, many things I think about. I understand it completely, the character whose character revolves around being an actress and needing to follow a script and things like that. Personally, I like to imagine all the Neighbors are self-aware and it works like a scale or something. But, that's not what I'm talking about right now. Let's talk about Sally and her big head!
In Ms. Starlet's character bio, it mentions how she needs two or more puppeteers to operate her head. This is because her head was much larger than the other puppets. This is not elaborated on why this was necessary, so that could only mean one thing; the reason is plot relevant!
I've never really seen anyone question why Sally needed multiple people to puppet her and, I can see why. There's really not that much incentive to question why that'd be the case. Aside from the Halloween story book record, Sally doesn't do much to stand out storywise which makes sense, we are still in the prologue after all. That is until you pay close attention to her and realize... she's always facing the audience.
Take a look at these screenshots of Sally from the commercial compliation
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Notice anything?
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Anything at all?
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She's always facing us. This is a theater thing I learned in my theater arts class; when on stage, you must always be facing your audience. They can't view you from the side, they always have to see your face. For Sally, this makes sense. She's into theater, she's an actress so why wouldn't she do this? Why wouldn't she face her audience? I'll tell you why! She shouldn't know she has an audience.
Not only does this add onto the self aware Sally theory, but, this is also where my theory came from.
We all know what Sally's house looks like, right?
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It was a Sun and Moon on it which looks slightly similar to Sally's face; red nose, rosy cheeks and blue eyeshadow. It's just that the blue eye shadow is on the moon side. Obviously, this is supposed to be Sally's face. However we don't get to see the moon side of it. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist, though.
My theory with Sally as to why her head is so big, why she needed multiple people to puppeteer, and why she always faces the audience is because she has a moon on the back of her head. Her head was so big because it needed to fit essentially another prop. She always faces the audience not only because of that one theater rule I mentioned but because we as the audience aren't allowed to see the moon side yet. Spoilers, basically. It's like how she's gatekeeping the guestbook submissions because we're not supposed to use them yet.
Side Note; I like how all the characters that are aware currently are all on the guestbook page. Barnaby is somewhere in the middle of not being aware and being aware though so I don't know if he counts.
Another thing I like to think that sort of adds to the theory is color theory. Orange is Sally's favorite color and the one she as well as the sun sometimes is associated with. Blue is the opposite of orange as well is often associated with the moon.
The idea of Sally having another face on the back of her head is really interesting to think about. Mostly because of the ideas of how would the other Neighbors react to it. Like, were they all scared slightly when they first saw it? How long would it have taken them to adapt?
But, anyway, tell me what you think about this theory and if you have any theories about Ms. Sally Starlet.
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