#it doesn't matter what universe they're in
martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Legitimately cried for at least 5 minutes today when I was reading my new Twisted Fairytale book “Unbirthday” because I learnt that this universe’s Hare is dead and I couldn’t handle the idea of reading an entire book where there’s a Hatter without his Hare
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i3utterflyeffect · 23 days
How selkie!alan adopt the rygb?? Did they just appear in front of his porch and refuse to leave? Or tsc bought them home one day?
i figure it's something closer to the second one! the rygb are old enough to at least walk i think, so it's most likely that either SC found them and brings them to alan (who is baffled by this. he looks away for 2 seconds sc suddenly has several more friends.), or alan finds them like, trying to steal snacks from him or something.
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It tugs, sometimes. Curious and foolish.
That traitorous heart mana of his, reaching out, drawing in, seeking connection in the way that's in their blood, their soul, their nature. Synchronicity.
Rei's not known it, before.
Where other demons might be attuned to family, Rei has no one to claim the spot. So, his heart mana sings, unblemished, its lonely little sonata, the song of his homeland. All there is to him, granted by air and earth and starlight.
He has so much to give, and yet, it isn't good enough. Discordant, they say. Human, they snarl, disgust evident in their tones.
Thus, growing up Rei learns to compose himself. Pushes himself to the brink in order to rewrite his heartbeat's melody. Puts himself out there, gets stronger, richer in experience, whenever he draws back. Over and over and over again.
Until one day, pushing himself past reason, he almost doesn't return.
But while he hasn't been looking, a new melody has taken residence by his side. Soft and steady high notes, barely perceptible.
Morofushi Hiromitsu, faded, yet giving himself so generously.
Rei hears him, takes him in and amplifies the notes he's given, until others may do so, too. Until Hiro may do it himself.
Their hearts mana, separate but inseparable, resonating in response.
And Rei's called back home.
Rye is low notes, a deep bass, slow and steady.
He could enrich their harmony, if only he wasn't so gratingly offbeat.
Rye's unrefined and ever-contradicting himself. Cold and uncaring, yet bleeding red like the rest of them. A long-ranged combatant, always too close. The smartest fool Rei ever has had the displeasure of meeting.
He takes Rei's heart mana greedily, gives it back tenfold.
Then he takes Scotch's, and their tentative song, not yet given voice, dissolves into dissonant whispers.
When they meet again, Rei doesn't want to feel Akai's heart mana for the longest time.
It's too painfully familiar, echoes of the past still trapped reverberating within. Misery-in-resonance almost dusts Rei.
It's his duty to be here, and so he stays, but there's others to preoccupy himself with.
So, he remains a careful distance away from Akai. Doesn't see the muted melancholy wrapped around him until it's too late, until Akai's almost gone dark and quiet.
When he heals Akai, he pours all of his heart mana into him. Their hearts still sing the same tune, after all these years, discordant notes and all.
The journey is too perilous to allow them senseless grudges. Their lives are one. If either falls, the story ends.
They rely on each other's mana like air, sharing desperate breaths like drowning men in a land that wants to drag them under.
What even is left of their individual songs? It doesn't matter, anymore. They've shared so much it really is one and the same, disjointed notes smoothed out through time and touch and trial, into an elegy for Scotch.
As they finally reach tentative harmony, they rip themselves apart.
There is dissonance in Demon Lord Furuya’s heart. A furious ache that even Hiro's return can't soothe.
But he has a duty, to his land and his people. He can't stop to rest. Besides, the one to replenish his heart mana, he who's grown so good at it over the years, has left, exiled by Rei's own hand.
Akai is a fool, but so is Rei.
He clings to the thrum of Akai's low warm notes, barely an echo within himself.
Da capo al coda, the cyclical rhythm of life remains the same.
Rei's still not good enough.
He's bested their best. He's saved the realms. And all that matters, in the end, is that they see his heart mana, and find it lacking.
But he's no longer the lonely manaspawn he once was. His song no longer just his own.
He's holding the position through skill and strategy, through force of personality. With the help of friends and allies gathered on his journey.
They'll have to listen to his tune, this time.
The key, of course, is an argument.
Their feverish crescendo crashes into mellow adagio - along with their lips.
Rei knows, then: if no one else accepted him, the boundless love in Akai's heart would be enough to supply his heart mana for as long as he lives.
It's exhilarating, to share every last bit of himself, to accept all of Shuuichi in turn. Synchronized in full, for now and as long as they live.
Pulsating, between them, the potential to compose a new melody, together. Point and counterpoint. Bright and warm and vibrant and home.
When he takes Akai's hand, leads him to the dancefloor, the festive joy of friends and family soaking the ambient mana with joyous ringing, it's enough to put pressure even on Rei's heart mana.
He can't help thinking that this should've been so much easier. But theirs has never been the easy way.
And it's not the conclusion, but the overture to their new life, together.
The waltz of their future, a thunderous symphony.
@floofiestboy's Demon King Furuya AkAm AU is giving me too many feelings. Go read it here.
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marc--chilton · 2 months
(mgv) what if like. cuddy susses out that when house is on his cycle he's both more erratic AND more controllable?? he's more of a pest (small scale tyranny in the clinic) but if she pulls her voice on him he tones down against his will -- which opens her up for more retaliation pranks later because house HATES the fact he's susceptible to biology like that. BUT if she sends wilson to tame him, house isn't nearly as frustrating afterwards. she gets less complaints about him for a few days, too. cuddy jokes that wilson is her secret weapon against house antics but soon realizes that she can only pull it as a last resort because once it happens, it stirs wilson's hormones and since they're both alphas, they have to have some distance or he'll start growling. everything's back to normal when the cycles pass at least and by that point cuddy is too relieved to question anything (like why their heat/rut absence notices were on her desk the same day)
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martyrbat · 10 months
when people who have ‘i block liberally’ in their bios learn they actually have to block people & cultivate their own dash:
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zilabee · 2 years
Read an old post of yours about "what if the Beatles were androids built by Brian" and just wanted to share the thought that it sparked! Please consider:
First Brian builds John, not to revolutionize music but to be the perfect boy (by Brian's standards, you know, which is why John is rough and mean on the outside and soft and sensitive on the inside). The musical subroutine was an accident! Brian thought he deleted that chunk of code! And at first it's all fine, but soon John gets lonely being a musical android all by himself, so Brian builds him Paul, to be his ideal friend. (This time the musical programming isn't an accident. That's why Paul is Like That.) And of course android John and android Paul get on like a house on fire, as they were meant to, and get so into making music together that they decide they need to form a band…and every band needs a proper good lead guitarist, right, so they gang up on Brian to cajole him into building them George. Only it turns out that they're rather volatile as a trio, so by the time the three of them demand a drummer Brian can tell they need someone to provide stability! So finally he builds them Ringo, to be their Beatle glue.
(And of course as soon as the band is complete they go and get runaway famous, which Brian didn't code them to be able to cope with! Because he wasn't expecting it! He wasn't actually trying to make history's greatest band, you see, he just kept building more androids to make the ones he already had happy.)
Oh anon! Yes yes. Yes. Like maybe he initially made John to help out at NEMS, and he only gave him a basic musical subroutine so that he'd know what he was talking about enough to help people in the music section, but working there he absorbed everything he heard and fell in love with music and Brian was all soft on him and couldn't make him work when all John wanted to do was play music and paint and be Ridiculously Cool, but then he couldn't leave him home on his own all day either. So then you have Paul - and ksjdofiwjefsd I love that it makes sense for him to be the way he is, because the music had to be hard wired into him <333. (Also beautiful android John seeing the blue prints and being like '... maybe just a little bit like Elvis?' and Brian sighing but agreeing to try.) And then I love the idea that he makes them a George, who is absolutely 100% going to grow up feeling like 'so you made them to be soulmates basically and I was just an ADD ON AFTERTHOUGHT????' Like I can't even imagine the brilliance of the chip on his shoulder if he was literally built just to support them. I love it. And all that time, Brian's watching them with hearts in his eyes because they're his boys and they're so beautiful and young and bright... but he comes home from work and they've set fire to stuff, and stolen records, and reinvented rock and roll, and spearheaded a british invasion, and the neighbours are furious because they play nine hour sets in the backgarden, and crowds gather in the street to listen to them, and they're just playing until their chips overheat and they get louder and more obnoxious until eventually they start fighting and throwing things at the crowds. And at first he'd be like 'no the neighbours will kill me if I build you a drummer' but they threaten to kidnap a real live boy if he doesn't, so he's like 'fine just a little one then'. And you're so right because by then he's had lots of practise, so it makes sense that he could finally programme in things like calm and ease, but he can't offer the others any upgrades to their own emotional disaster areas because it sounds like criticism and obviously it's wrong to pretend any one of them isn't already PERFECT.
(Also love the idea that John at some point sort of realises he's an android, or more than that, suddenly understands that not everyone else is - maybe when he meets Stuart and realises how different they are and decides that he can never be as ~real as Stuart - and he'd get all angsty and melo about it, and probably blame Brian for making him, and then decide it means nobody could ever really love him. All while Paul is just watching him confused, because he knew he wasn't real from day one, so he doesn't know why it matters, because he's like John and John's like him, so that's the best way to be. And George feels like he can very easily be an android and still be real, so he's fine too. And Ringo's okay so long as he's drumming and doesn't have to think about any of it or what it means, so John is all hidden pain and lonely confusion while he pretends to be Just Fine. I love how much themselves they are no matter what you do to them.)
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mintytrifecta · 4 months
Anyway Parallax is so Rebellion Homura Akemi-coded
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theheadlessgroom · 1 year
There was something inhumanly beautiful about her, the more he gazed upon her: The way her scales glittered iridescently, even in the dim light of the room; the way her eyes seemed to glow, a pirate’s treasure in the bottom of a sunny bay; the way her blonde curls hung so elegantly, framing her face. She may not look the way the way all the old paintings and illustrations portrayed sirens, but Randall couldn’t deny that she was beautiful nonetheless, in her own way.
Seeing she was watching him (and was no doubt getting nervous), he tried to break the tension by gesturing to himself, saying, “My name is Randall.” To emphasize it, he repeated the gesture, saying, “Randall. I am Randall.” They hadn’t exactly been properly introduced yet, so it seemed only right to him that he try to amend that, hoping that, if she got to know him a little better, she might not be so nervous around him.
A light went off in Randall’s head, and he darted from the room, only to return with a small blackboard and a piece of chalk, tools his mother used to teach him when he was a boy. In spidery scrawl, he jotted down “R A N D A L L” and held it out for her to read (could she even read?), before pointing to himself again, just to hammer the point home. When he noticed his parents peering in shyly from the door, he coaxed them in (at least to stand beside him, so as not to crowd her), introducing, “This is my mother, June...”
He then scrawled out “J U N E” on the board, pointing between it and his mother, before doing the same with his father, writing down “W I L H E L M” and introducing, “And this is my father, Wilhelm!” Perhaps, if she knew the names of the people around her, it would help her settle down-maybe, if he was lucky, she’d be able to help him put a name to her face too...
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kuroshirosb · 9 months
thinking about the sinnoh trio when they came out of the distortion world
they didnt come through the spear pillar
they fell out of the sky
and during those moments surrounded by a sunset
they all just held hands together. watching the sky.
announcing to each other how much they treasure each other and want to be together and how much they think their lives have changed because of the journey they had together
and even if they're doomed to live eternally
they'll all be ok
because all they need is each otehr
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Once again turning the Three Frat Houses Extended Universe over in my head. Conclusion: I am obligated to incorporate Shadows of Valentia in somehow, despite the timeline complications it creates by going parallel to Shadow Dragon when I already have the Awakening characters in Ylisse. I'll figure that out later.
The important thing about Shadows of Valentia in this universe is not necessarily Alm and friends trying to overthrow the government, or Celica and friends going on god's weirdest road trip, but the presence of the Duma Faithful. I think it would be very funny to have every single secret evil cult led by a crusty old guy all existing at one time.
Like. You've got Jedah and the Duma Faithful, proclaiming that the whole world must bend the knee to Duma; you've got Validar and the Grimleal, who believe that Grima should return and destroy the world and that Jedah should shut the fuck up about Duma already. Hell, bring in Manfroy and the Loptr Church, who want to bring back Loptous and rule the world, and fuck those other gods and their sects trying the same thing. Then there's Thales at Shambhala, who was personally offended by one dragon goddess but honestly is probably down for killing all the gods and so doesn't like any of Jedah, Validar, or Manfroy either.
None of them get all too far in their evil plans because they're all busy hating and sabotaging each other.
Also I think Sonya could be friends with Robin's little goth mage collective of herself, Hubert, Leo, and Soren. I think that would be funny. Robin's trying to be a better person than her father and rise above him and Sonya's like "fuck that, if I see that bastard it's on sight."
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percyjacksonfan3 · 2 years
ok DONT think about Eddie smoking after, yk, with Chrissy while she rests her head on his chest
Nonny, I need you to know that I have been unable to stop thinking about this idea since I saw this ask, and, more than that, I love this concept so much that I am tempted to go back and rewrite the morning after scene I already have just to make this a fanfic reality
However, I have decided that instead I am just going to use it in a future fic for these two, because I am under no illusions that I am going to stop writing for this pairing any time soon and it's so in character for them that I want to cry
Bless you for sharing <3
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just-miru · 2 years
kinda funny how thanks to this hellsite (affectionate) i am finally starting to make some changes in my life
#i have always had the mentally of 'you can push through this and u can rest after' and it fucked me up so much u sillies have no idea#it's come to a point when even if i wanna study i just can't bring myself to#i am way too exhausted all the time and even when i relax /do things i enjoy i am eaten by guilt#'why are you doing that instead of studying?'#and that doesn't make things any better ya know? i just end up more exhausted#if it weren't for this silly site and all the posts i have seen and stuff#i would have probably kept on trying to push myself despite not being able to do so#like-#most advice i see on other sites is to 'push through it' or 'to force myself to study regardless' - and that's just not it#i can't do that. i just can't#tumblr helped me see there's another way - taking things slow it's ok#thanks to this hellsite i made some good decisions actually!#i decided not to apply to university this year since right now i am not in the best mental state to focus on so many exams#(the ones at the end of my final year of high school as well as the university admission exams (? - i think that's how they're called))#decision my parents see as 'giving up' for some reason but i can't give a single fuck about what they think right now#my biology teacher was way more supportive of my decision actually! she understood me and my reasoning and i just-#i can't thank her enough for all the support she has offered me :D#not only that but i will make sure i start therapy this year as well#no matter what#i really really need it#it's gonna be with the school therapist since it's the only available option i have#because my parents have a 'normal and healthy child' if ya know what i mean :/#but it sure is better than nothing!#idk sillies#i am just really happy and i hope things will work out for me in the end
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as ever like: no two things Need to be juxtaposed, much less like material vs material deathmatch Only One Can Be Good, much less am i thinking i have thee objective word on fuckall b/c who does and it's like perfectly boring & unserious whenever someone just throws out Takes that are just "i think...[xyz] is [adjective]" like okay.
but anyways thinking of how, though differing in execution in a lot of ways ofc, deh & bmc start out in a v similar place & explore a journey to self-acceptance from a despairing starting point....it feels like a lot of the hindrance in deh's exploration of its own Theme there is in like, hey. :) hand on your shoulder. it's okay b/c you'll be able to be more normal. whereas w/bmc it's that it's okay b/c you'll be able to be more abnormal
#like hell yeah. and Normality is fake the way that things like Gender is fake so. what's more universally relevant here#versus like. the idea that a winning takeaway re: deh is Talking With Your Parents / Kid like#yeah that could be an improvement? in other situations; that Talking is dangerous &/or just not going to happen / be irrelevant#meanwhile nobody is ''normal'' & the idea of Normality & its Moral Goodness / Requirement does affect everyone#meanwhile that bmc is clear on jeremy's gaining supportive relationships means support for his relationship w/himself#whilest he's also able to feel better insulated from feeling Defined by whatever instance of feedback/input#whereas with deh it's like. All These People....but log off & all you need is at least one parent who doesn't hate you No Matter What#including your unfortunate abnormality....Just(tm) make the phone calls am i right? well now he at least has a part time job#meanwhile difficult to compare w/e's going on w/zoe/evan vs mpdg4mpdg jeremy/christine. latter are cute & a coherent relationship#former are [nothing] to [i'm taking psychic damage] & fuck if i know what's going on besides The Ultimate Romance(tm) (negative)#he was a boy she was a girl they could politely tolerate each other's presence. maybe forever :')#i really don't know what's supposed to be going on there so like. for real share Any reasons you like each other in Either love song abt it#anyways like No Need To Compare but for me the juxtaposition is natural b/c it Does feel like they can be looked at re: a v similar Essence#but one is fumbling around w/it & really Not sticking the landing especially while the other just does exactly what it's trying to do#and ofc it could only help that deh had to go so far from the original [???] ideas & more Farcical approach#vs i don't think bmc's envisioning ever changed so fundamentally along its development at any point#like deh's story does feel like it still has the remnants of the earlier farcier versions even in its bway form#story of A Bunch Of Wild Shit Happens To Our Protag Whaaat & sure ppl are humanized but you still never made room for like a quarter of the#alana & jared? they're alright but they died#anyways & in all these things it's like It's Not A Big Deal lol i am not here to strive to have thee true & final word#right tf on if you as well know them both & like deh more / think It was the more successful execution of its story#though i have natural enemies like say [trt loyalists who are Like That] or forever [deh haters who are Like That]....we're different#erased a tangent also mentioning how i like the Parent Approach of mr. heere's arc better than any parents in deh lol. like of course#it's Not about his Feelings or being Imperfect or Human. like ofc he has the feelings & is human & imperfect#but he just gets energized & focused like welp bummer but ofc i gotta give my kid more support w/whatever he's going through rn#like hell yeah. one fun song we're good to go#bmc#deh
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
the only person who was actually right about the world and human nature was Max striner everyone else is a fucking moron
Striner? I hardly know 'er!
Anyways, I'm not a philosophy expert. I'm just some guy. I like the egoist belief that there isn't a universal moral truth. I like the absurdist belief that, because nothing matters, we should be radically sincere. I like the christian belief in a place without suffering after this life. I like the Universal Random Number Generator idea my therapist and I talk about
All of them have their flaws though. Egoism gets used to condemn social movements and civil rights advocacy. Absurdism and the RNG can create a sense of existential dread and a loss of motivation. Christianity encourages the loss of identity and free will
I'm just some psych student with a weird ass therapist that understands my weird ass brain. He encouraged me to look into absurdism since I took a class on absurdist literature my freshman year of college and he said I might enjoy looking into the actual philosophy. And I do! At least a lot of it! I like the idea of a chaotic universe and us humans trying our best to control it. I like the idea of letting that go and living authentically instead of with a direct purpose. There's chaos and mayhem and entropy and I'm just here to react to it. And I can react in ways that makes others happier if I wanted just because I can
Egoism/egotism feels too disconnected from the human need to connect to me. It traps me into that feeling that doing something good for someone is selfish if you're doing it to feel good. I'm actively working to get out of that spiral Christianity put me in now
I don't know, though, anon. I'm just some college student with an ex-christian tumblr blog and a lot of trauma. I like to believe there's some Universe-sized Abstract Computer with a random number generator that causes the chaos we call home. I skim wiki pages and reddit posts and decided if I want to engage any further/look for textbooks. I could possibly be looking at the wrong page about the wrong philosophy. I'm honestly just on this earthly plane for the bit
#if y'all are into philosophy I encourage y'all to look into it still just because it's interesting#As I understand it egoism/egotism is the belief that you only control one's own actions and awareness#and that all actions done by one's self is meant to benefit their own well-being#For me it sends me into a guilt spiral of worrying I'm not a good person because I feel good making others happy#because that would be selfish and that would make me bad actually#all of which I know if black and white thinking and we're all a little selfish sometimes. it's good for us#Im just not at a place where I can really dive into that#Im a fan of absurdism because of my commitment to the bit#It's essentially the idea that the universe is chaotic and life doesn't matter/there's no purpose to life#And you can respond by finding a higher power/religion/purpose. endgame. or live life pushing against the chaos#Modern absurdism gives further options but I haven't quite learned enough to fully explain them yet#And given the nature of my blog I obviously didn't like religion nor am I secretly a ghost#So I like the idea of having no actual purpose I have to follow (like being christ like)#but this belief is also not for everyone. it's known to cause existential dread and crises#I loved absurdist literature though. My favorite is Beckett's plays they're so fuckin funny in a dark way#I love finding humor and committing to the bit in times of stress. That's essentially what this blog is lol#also there's 750 of y'all now that's fucking wild#anyways I hope y'all enjoyed my ramblings about philosophy since it's been a bit of a growing hyperfixation lol#don't take this as a conversion attempt I actively am saying don't look into these things unless you enjoy philosophy#If y'all really like my absurdism rambles tho I'll write more about it but only if y'all ask. i'm not tryna influence y'all lol#ex christian#religious trauma#ask tag
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You meet god and she's mostly dead fish. You ask her why and she says most of the world is dead fish, and she's made herself to appeal to the most common denominator, the everyman funnyman comedy show that runs for eleven seasons but with the entire universe in mind. You ask her how much of the dead fish is your fault, she says it's far less than you'd think, in the grand scheme of things. You ask her if you matter at all. If you can do anything. She shrugs her rotting shoulders and says mattering is a made-up concept, like life, but sure, you can matter if you want to, on some scale. She has many scales. She doesn't know what you mean by 'anything', but you can do everything you can. You ask her if it's enough. She says there's no base requirement for deserving to exist. She's smoking a joint and the smoke filtering out of her gills gathers and forms gas giants and red dwarfs. You ask her if there's any hidden secrets of the universe you should know and she says it's not a secret if she tells, plus it's fun to let you figure it out yourself. You ask her if any of your questions were right questions and she says you worry about being right so much it might keep you from fucking around, which is as close to meaning of life as she ever bothered to make. You don't ask but she says she loves your hair, also your whole being, also your planet. She says she figured out what love is yesterday and is trying it out, which explains the ten thousand rainbows and sudden influx in rains of fish. She offers you a drag of her joint and you wake up half past midnight behind a chain restaurant clutching a smoked salmon. The new stars are winking like they're in on some joke and you're sure if you try hard enough you'll remember what it is.
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radiodaemon · 23 days
For the first time in many years, Lucifer's back was pressed against the wall, a soft groan leaving his vocals as it connected. "Oh ho! Did I hit a nerve?" As he'd hoped.
He wouldn't lie. This was getting exciting. All others simply bowed their heads, doing anything and everything demanded by their king. Convenient, yes, but oh, so boring. But Alastor? He was defiant, honest, and quite entertaining. A refreshing change.
But he would still know his place.
Despite his size, Lucifer was terrifyingly powerful. With a swift lash of his whip-like tail, it wrapped around Alastor's leg, yanking it forward. The king took this moment to shove the demon back onto the floor, where he planted claws on either side of the demon's head, seating himself in the other's lap. He lowered his head, their lips but inches apart.
"You think me weak because I'm small, don't you? Go ahead and try overpowering me, my dear. I welcome you to try..." he purred, leaning up to bring his lips to the demon's fluffy ear.
"Show me what you're capable of, sinner~"
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--- shit, shit, SHIT!
Oh, so RARELY does it slip his mind that, while he is feared for the power he possesses and the REPUTATION he has built from it, he is still somewhere in the upper middle part of the food chain... and Lucifer?
Lucifer is at the very top.
With a swiftness even Alastor cannot register, he's seized of his balance and left DEFENSELESS on the castle floor, barely biting back a groan as his back hits the ground and Lucifer takes up residence atop him. He half expected the king to take him out right then and there... to FINISH HIM OFF for such unheard of defiance, yet moments go by and his head is still on his shoulders. How much, he distantly wonders, WOULD it take for Lucifer to dispose of him? How much pushing, how much insubordination? Really, what masochistic FOOL besides Alastor would even CONSIDER playing a game like that?
" Who said I thought you weak? No, no, no, my liege... " Heated breath brushes against a crimson ear, and Alastor internally CURSES himself at the way it, so swiftly, brings a faint, albeit dizzying heat to his own body. If anybody looks weak, in this moment, it's Alastor, much to his own, self caused chagrin, " I do this because I know you are all powerful. Because I like to see what it takes to make you... explode. You are very small, dainty, delicate... "
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" ... but what more is there to our... fair and just king, I wonder? What makes him tick, what gets those sunshine strands ruffled, what makes those pretty eyes darken with ire? Hm? I want to see every single side of you... for reasons you couldn't get out of me now matter how much you play the power card. " A hand dares to raise, slithering its way up Lucifer's body -- tauntingly, teasingly -- against lithe waist and backside, until he can feel and play in those aforementioned sunshine strands. The pieces on the board have shifted... shrouded in shadow, Alastor's own, but unlike MOST of his opponents, he's quite enjoying THIS one, " You haven't killed me yet. Haven't tried. Clearly, I've not pushed ENOUGH buttons yet... "
@the-nexus ;;
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