#it even does it on my laptop sometimes
random0lover · 1 year
Istg if fucking autocorrect doesn’t stop switching love for live I’m going to jump off a bridge
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oscill4te · 9 days
deviantart changed their search engine so that you cannot look up art just by searching up a person's username. this sucks and means if your account(s) was banned over a decade ago, you're probably not going to be able to access that art or those old journals anymore, unless its archived already. dayum =[ ive gotten banned so many times due to not being 13+ lol, they rightfully enforced that rule very well.
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raycatz · 1 year
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archersartcorner · 2 years
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When you meet your ancestor and he’s kinda soft and gentle and you think he’s kinda weak, but he holds you in his arms like you’re frail and breakable and tells you he loves you with all the truth in the world, so you think it’s okay maybe that he’s a little weak. Maybe love requires weakness, you think.
This is an unnecessarily deep caption for what’s essentially a shitpost lmao
IDs under cut!
[ID: Three images done digitally, showing Karkat Vantas and the Signless from Homestuck.
The first image shows Karkat looking at the Signless, who’s off panel, but represented in a small bubble. Karkat looks somewhat annoyed. He asks, in all caps, “Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just want to go apeshit?” The Signless, shown in the bubble, smiles at him, appearing somewhat confused.
The second image shows Karkat being held up by and close to the Signless, who’s snuggling his head against Karkat’s. Karkat continues to appear annoyed, while the Signless smiles contentedly. Both are blushing slightly. The Signless asks, “Aren’t you tired of going apeshit? Don’t you just want to be nice?” There are so many hearts surrounding these two, because the artist loves drawing hearts around tender scenes.
The third image shows Karkat and the Signless again, a continuation of the previous image, Karkat being held closer by the Signless, who’s giving him a big ol’ smooch on the cheek. Karkat is now desperately trying to claw his way out of the Signless’ grasp, expression angry, though more so from annoyance than actual anger. Karkat yells out, “STOP!! FUCK YOU!!” And underneath is written out a little “Smooch,” with another heart drawn next to it.
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guinevereslancelot · 3 months
my sweet precious angel kitty cat who can do no wrong has destroyed my laptop charger with her incredible jaw strength 💖
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leafeonb · 2 months
moral of the story is that i need to replace One of my laptop's fan... sometime soon 🚶
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Could you talk about sandor? Like about the trackers, not communicating about any boundaries between Sophie etc etc
-nash<3 (the one who asked about the Grady and keefe one)
Nash! Hello again! Absolutely I can, thank you for your patience with me as I got to this, I've been busy recently and answering more involved asks has gotten bumped down my list of priorities :)
There's this one category of relationships, which I can't remember the specific name for, but they're a category of relationship where one person has recognized, legal authority over another. A parent has legally recognized authority over a child, for example. This doesn't mean that everything within said relationship is authoritarian, but there's a recognized hierarchy and acknowledgement that children aren't adequately equipped to care for themselves for many years.
Sandor and Sophie fall into that category as well, I would say. He was assigned to her, and he occupies a position she has to listen to, at times. There are things she can't argue, or that are very difficult to argue and must be agreed upon by him to change. She can't ditch him or leave him because she wants to. She has to listen to certain orders--or at the very least, is supposed to.
All of which brings me to your ask. He has recognized, legitimate authority over aspects of her life, which means we end up with him doing things she's not always happy about or comfortable with. Does this mean he shouldn't do them? No, he serves an important purpose in her life and sometimes uncomfortable things need to be tolerated for their benefit. Sophie not liking him being with her through Foxfire when he was first assigned to her doesn't mean he shouldn't have done it or was in the wrong for doing so.
But does that mean Sandor is doing things the best possible way? Also no. For example, the trackers. The ones hidden in her clothes where she doesn't know, and it was shown to make her a little uncomfortable. Instead of removing trackers who serve a purpose, Sandor could inform her of where they are, provided they discuss and agree upon their necessity so she doesn't try to take them out. if she does, then the natural consequence is she no longer gets to know where they are, as they serve a necessary purpose and she violated the terms of their agreement.
The same principle applies to her boundaries. Sandor necessarily has a more personal access to her life given his job, but that doesn't mean he's free to violate any and all boundaries. This is another case where they could discuss the necessity of his actions and find a compromise agreement between the two of them so his job still gets done while Sophie is as comfortable and involved with the arrangement as possible.
This is generally the approach I have to their relationship. He has authority over aspects of her life, and for good reason. He's shown genuine care for her, so I don't think anything he does is intended to domineer and rule over her life, but out of a place of concern to complete his job. Does this mean some things Sophie isn't always thrilled about? Yes, but that's how things are sometimes. They could absolutely work on more clear, agreed upon boundaries and arrangements to strengthen their relationship further, but Sandor takes his job seriously and Sophie understands the importance of it, so I think they're already in a pretty good place.
I kinda focused on Sandor and Sophie's relationship more than Sandor himself, but I hope that still counts for your ask! I sure wish I could remember the specific name for that kind of relationship, but alas, it eludes me
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jorvikzelda · 11 months
In like a month and a week (okay that’s optimistic, fine, a month and almost two weeks lol) I will fully be able to afford the laptop I've wanted for MONTHS and genuinely I feel like I'm staring at such a bright future now. Maybe I'll be able to play SSO at more than 10fps... maybe I can play Sims at higher graphics settings... maybe I can, idk, get more than those two games or even just all my Sims expansion packs because I'll have 8 times the storage space... maybe I can have large spreadsheets open without breaking my laptop... or even two medium-load programs open at the same time.... the possibilities are truly endless
At least one laptop store had BETTER fucking do like a back to school sale or something. Cmon just give me 20-25% off. It's all I ask (I don't NEED the sale I could still afford it but it has been on frequent enough 20-25% sales that I will NOT buy it full price that would just be stupid)
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cosmicmakos · 2 years
imagine your f/o being a welcome distraction from the work you're currently doing (and maybe being annoying in their bid for your attention - but they're cute so it's fine)
#my favorite war criminal <3 would be more on the annoying side to try and get me to smile#she would lay on my bed next to me and shift so that she was leaning on her elbow watching me do whatever#she would either crack jokes to get my attention on her since i wasn't enjoying whatever i was doing or get more handsy w me#she would take my hand in hers and mess around w it which would lead to her trying to put her head on my lap and push what was on it off me#eventually after telling her to knock it off she would huff and sit up so she could put her head on my shoulder and watch what i was doing#she would wrap her arms around my waist and kiss wherever she could reach while pulling me closer to her to try and get my full attention#it would work after a few seconds and her plan a success (it always works but sometimes i make her work for it more)#corporate necromancer would sit next to me and start asking me about whatever i was doing#she knows that i have a hard time listening/responding to people and concentrating on what i'm doing so she does that to get my attention#even if i get a little mad at her for doing that she just wants me to take a small break and spend time w her#so we talk about whatever while we hold hands and one of us has our head on the other's shoulder#she always gives me a kiss before letting me get back to work and stays a while before she has to get back to her own work#director cat ears would sit somewhere near me and watch me in silence until she asked me if i wanted to hold hands for a little bit#at first i would try to take notes/read a textbook or work on my laptop trying to ignore the urge to set it to the side and forget about it#i would eventually give up working one-handed and turn my full attention to her and probably ask her how her bureau work was going#she couldn't really say much besides if it was good or bad since most of it was classified but she'd shift the topic to what i was doing#f/o imagines#imagine your f/o
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chibishortdeath · 8 months
I think I’ve misclicked trying to scroll and accidentally voted on like two polls today (X X; ).
In funnier tumblr news tho, my recommendations are filled with some random guy from Adventure Time because tumblr noticed that I tag the name Simon a lot. I keep getting excited and disappointed seeing posts talking about Simon but it’s wrong one every time lol.
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hartenlust · 1 year
this is also just partially because i got rsd this afternoon from the guy im seeing but also im right and i should get to kill
#op#literally the horror of communicating your desire#and also the horror of people not doing so#anyway yeah let me overshare about the rsd to focus on that it was so silly i walked with him to his work and he said goodbye a bit rushed#which . he was literally late for work and we were standing in front of the open door with us being very visible for the other employees#so makes super sense#but my brain's like no hihi he hates you#like he wasnt the one who invited me over#planning on initiating more physical contact next time i should communicate because he Is autistic but i dont think hes touch repulsed but#yknow communication consent etc#hanging out with him is very fun though#i feel a bit floundering sometimes but ill find my footing and its worth the effort to do so because like i said . its really fun#and hes hot as fuck#if you read this far . does anyone have any date ideas#we're going to bind books together & make . miku binders lol#but thats a bit of a project & more effort#i think just coming over again & bringing my laptop so we can watch hannib/al (filtered 4 tags) further but in the evening is also good#but if someone does have a date idea thats swagalicious#his couch sucks though like his apartment is super fancy because he hires it from like old people who live there#but are now fucked off to somewhere#but yeah its very fancy but the couch is also fancy which means its pretty comfortable but super bad for cuddling which didnt help#anyway im also scared he follows me on tumblr LMAO#if this sounds too like something you did this afternoon. dont let me know <3#i rlly dont have date ideas i started with museum and now im blank#maybe a picnic somewhere. go to the beach#okay bye im gonna finish star/struck now
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matoitech · 1 year
rly unhappy with how much my new laptop sucks i think im gonna have to return it and get a new one which im not psyched about cuz im gonna have to go thru the trouble of transferring and redownloading all my shit but i rly havent had it long enuogh for it to matter that much i guess lol. its been like less than a month i think and basically since i turned it on its had problems that have just gotten worse
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jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
I really miss doing art and I think at this point I've mostly recovered from being overworked with my diploma, I wish I had a desk* so I could draw without having to hold my laptop on my lap and completely busting my spine and knees and wrists
*I do have a desk that belongs to me but my brother keeps occupying it, and if I leave the room for literally more than five minutes while my laptop is on said desk, he will remove it and put his own laptop on the desk
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pipedreams13 · 1 year
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I discovered Richard Siken’s poetry a while back and I don’t believe I’ve ever read something so raw and beautiful. Every one of it is a fucking masterpiece like jesus fuck i. am. in love.
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Scheherazade was the first work of Siken’s that I read and I just knew that I couldn’t leave it there. His words coiled around my heart and stayed there, rusting in my blood.
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I’ve had a distaste for poetry for a good bit of time (you can thank school for that) but i do remember the first time i fell in love with a poem was when i read ‘The Raven’ along with most of Poe’s work.
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The next significant one to come after Edgar Allan was My Papa’s Waltz by Theodore Roethke, months after my unexpected interest in poetry. I'm not quite sure why i remember it so distinctly.
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I’ve read more since then, some of it downright terrible and some, like these, stay.
“So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.”
-Robert Frost
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A single word,
you turn my heart into a beating grenade,
The metallic circle of death clinging to your fingers,
winking as my flesh catches flame.
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guinevereslancelot · 3 months
my sweet precious angel kitty cat who can do no wrong has destroyed my laptop charger with her incredible jaw strength 💖
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My cat is so mad every day I’m on my laptop because he can’t sit in my lap and can’t sit on the computer but my legs are right there and I have a footstool right next to my arm and a shelf for him above the couch but nooo, how dare I have anything else in my lap
#emma posts#I don’t want to get one of those beside the couch laptop desks because it would only be useful for my laptop and cost more than my lap desk#but he’s pushing it#if I start to cave in about my laptop though he won’t take anything else seriously#fuck my sketchbooks tablet and regular books#only HE#he already does this but is worse without the lap desk#and even more mad when i have to use my regular desk#I should probably get a better office chair#I keep falling out of that one and getting back pain#it was 30$ and has pretty much no support#but I still need to buy a kitchen table#my grandparents really want to buy me something for my apartment but I’ve already gotten most of what I’ve needed and have been using#a folding table without issue for over a year#i just keep forgetting I’m using a folding table and chair until someone points it out#like ‘oh yeah. this was something I was borrowing from family that had it for events#but they haven’t had any events that needed it#but I bought my desk and living room furniture and a lot of shelves and kitchen stuff over the last few years#and sometimes family would be getting rid of something old and be like ‘you want a shitty old mattress? it still works but it’s like twice#your age’ and I was like ‘hell yeah free bed’#the town i moved to has a big ass thrift store too. and I have a big family#I know I’m lucky that way#though it would be nicer if people stopped dieing all the time#three downsides to a big family: hard to keep track of new people. some of your relatives will be crazy in a bad way. and people just keep#dying all the time. people are also born all the time. but seeing your family for funerals and being squished together in a church to#try and awkwardly process that the aunt you saw once a year lately just died#feels really weird and overwhelming#at least when grandma died I was a traumatized wreck. everyone seems to know how that works#not that I was happy with that or anything. it’s just weird when you feel distant during the ceremony
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