#it feels like I haven't studied anything man 😭
rainofthetwilight · 5 months
in my room. straight up "studyig it" and by it I mean. well. lets justr say. The subjects
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
Failed a social interaction 0 injured 1 killed (me)
#Today has been so long 😭😭😭 I've been out the whole day studying and when I came back I spent more than one hour to cook my probably gone–#bad chicken (and rice and spinach) and then I couldn't even eat it because it was my turn to clean the kitchen at the dorm (which is the–#third following day I'm doing) (worth mentioning I'm running on 5 hours of sleep)#And I was goofing around with my friends but while doing so I. made fun of the landlord. And then one friend told me “hey girl he's right–#outside” and like 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I hope I die painfully. I need to be back next year and he already makes my life hard enough and hhhhhhhhhhh#I wasn't even like. Serious. It was just to joke around with my friends I don't have anything against him (except for the things I do)#hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#And now I feel so embarrassed I have no appetite at all + the chicken (which I had to bring home through one hour walk in summer which–#probably wasn't good for it. And then froze one day past the expiration day) (I really need to get better eating habits) I had been–#preparing despite taking one hour to cook it I got the firing wrong and now it's all hard and honestly not very good and like 😭😭😭#Look at what you did to the (frankly already diseased) chicken#I feel so betrayed by everything 😭😭😭 Can life get a little easier#I'm mostly kidding I'm doing okay. I just need to rant because I CAN'T GET OVER THE LANDLORD THING MAN HOW DO I FORGET ABOUT IT.#This kind of things always haunts me for at least three days so 😭😭😭#I'm dead tired but I really wanted to answer asks today so. Probably doing so between today and tomorrow#Rant over sending lots of l love 💞💞#random rambles#In my defense it's not my fault I'm too poor to throw the chicken away 😪😪 I haven't eaten since forever#It's also not my fault I can't afford a new non sticking pan so I have to stick (ah) to the probably toxic one#It is very much my fault for messing up the chicken cooking temperature tho lol
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11cupids-tarot11 · 2 months
What can help your dreams ★Manifest☆ ?
1 -> 3
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Tarot Deck used: Garbage Pail Kids
Oracle Deck used : The Roast Iconic
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Pile 1- The Devil, Six of Coins in Reverse, The Hanged Man
Oracle cards- "Billionaire: Are you hoarding wealth to fuel your King or Queen Baby dreams? Do not pass Go, do not collect a million dollars, don't even go to jail or pay taxes- think about doing some good and using your hoard to end WORLD HUNGER ALREADY!"
"Black Square: Apparently, you are only down for doing the bare minimum during an incredibly significant time to stand up and advocate for human rights. Drawing this card reminds you that your actions need to not be just performative, they must be based in real knowledge and include follow-through, both online and IRL (in real life). You don't have to be on the front lines, but at this point in history, you can't be silent either."
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Hi my pile 1's 😭 I feel like it's been forever I hate being away from my blog for too long cause I start to miss y'all literally lol.
So anyways for your reading today I feel like Spirit is wanting to draw attention to maybe some addictions, self sabotage is what I heard while shuffling the cards. I feel this heavy energy of someone purposely messing up their own blessings in a way I feel like maybe someone's stuck in this very heavy energy but also not really doing anything about it? Like maybe you know something's not good for you, maybe it's a connection or even a job that's tiring you out, it's something along those lines but you just can't stop it, you know? I heard someone needs to do an energy cleanse! I heard take some time off. Maybe someone's drowning themselves in something like studying too much, there's something about over doing something. Someone could have very curly hair here.
So I'm hearing here someone should take the time off and do something fun, relax a little. I think there's a message here also of feeling like you haven't done enough of something and you're obsessing about it mentally a lot and spirit is saying just take a little break from it and endulg in something else, something that makes you happy and makes you feel like you, you know? Even if it's just taking a walk while listening to your favorite music or maybe reading your favorite book and watching your favorite movie, you know? So with the six of coins here I'm also getting a message of like you've worked really hard already and you've done a great job honestly it's okay to rest and not be perfect already already, Rome wasn't built in a day I'm hearing!
The hanged man is just confirmation you've definitely been making yourself sick and stuck by obsessing over this thing. I also feel like maybe you're stuck because spirit is wanting you to see things from a different perspective, like in my garbage pail kid tarot card Wacky Jacky is hanging and all stuck in a tree but while she's stuck she realizes she sees the world in a whole different perspective and it's then new ideas come to her. Approach your goal from a new angle!
I feel like someone here is also someone very important with a very hard position and that might be why you work so hard, you have a lot of pressure on you maybe. Take what resonates!
Hope you enjoyed this reading! Let me know, I love you and take care ♡
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Pile 2- Queen of Wands Reversed, Seven of Wands Reversed and Three of Cups.
Oracle cards- "Troll: Are you a Necessary Evil? Do you feel you must play Devil's Advocate? Or are you someone who hates themselves so much they feel they have to try to get others to feel the same way? If you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions, please seek help or therapy, or get a hobby."
"Bitch: Are you being a Bitch, or just making sure they can't take advantage of you? Stand up for yourself, but make sure you don't steamroll anyone in the process. Do no harm, but take no shit."
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Hi pile 2's, hope you're doing amazing 🤩
So right off the bat I'm picking up shy energy lol, someone who's maybe more reserved or introverted. I don't want to say basically Spirit thinks you should be loud or more outgoing but I definitely think you'll go through a time period of weird energy and out of the ordinary situations happening that are forcing you out of your comfort zone. You might not get any more extroverted but I definitely do see branching out might help, sitting with your close friends and just letting yourself let loose or just enjoy the company. You might be someone who people look at and not get the big picture right away, like they have lots of accusations about you but you're kind of closed off so these accusations aren't 100% true because there's more to you than people know, you're just not the type to go and give yourself away that easily. You might be someone who prefers to keep a very close knit group of friends, I heard something about trust issues.
You could be petite, someone who doesn't look like they're very strong and that's what surprises everyone when you finally do show them you are indeed strong. You can be loud and extroverted too I think it's a choice to really be in this shell of yours, maybe it's what's comfortable and that's exactly the problem, when we're too comfortable we don't see the point in changing. Like why fix it if it isn't broken? But you hold great significance, you're just a significant person to the universe and I'm not even sure if you're aware but you are lol.
It's crazy because I'm picking up mixed messages lol, with the Queen of Wands in reverse it makes me feel like someone here is very down and unsure about themselves, needs to take some me time and get away from socializing but with the Three of Cups someone here needs to "stop being alone so much" is how I channeled it, advising you to go out more with the people you love and celebrate, have a good time and just have fun so take what resonates as you know yourself best and what applies to your situation.
With the seven of Wands I'm getting a message of someone who's stressed, you maybe have felt very tired, over worked maybe, even dealing with certain responsibilities or relationship makes us feel tired and all worn out so take this how it resonates. You're on the brink of giving up, maybe you felt like it's not worth it or simply just can't find results you've been wanting to see, maybe this thing is literally killing you because Spirit is stressing you drop it enough to take the stress off you. I wouldn't advise anyone to just give up, but Spirit used such words as "drop it" like maybe the thing you're supposed to drop isn't serving you and that's why it's making you feel so bad. I'm just hearing Spirit even ask if you think all of this is worth it? This is something tough that's been bothering you, it could even be as simple as negative thoughts with all of the wands energy here, I think this is a group in their head a lot always trying to hold themselves accountable and very motivated to just do right. I heard a message that it's hard coming up for new creative endeavors because of all of the negativity in your thoughts holding you back, this energy is blocking your ideas. It's like you vs you almost, I think you have the power to help your dreams manifest all on their own just with your thoughts alone so keep a check for your energy, watch who you share your energy with because it's important and powerful. You're powerful I heard!
I hope you find this helpful! Take care angelz love you! ♡
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Pile 3- Seven of Cups, The Chariot and King of Wands.
Oracle Cards- "Black Square: Apparently, you are only down for doing the bare minimum during an incredibly significant time to stand up and advocate for human rights. Drawing this card reminds you that your actions need to not be just performative, they must be based in real knowledge and include follow-through, both online and IRL (in real life). You don't have to be on the front lines, but at this point in history, you can't be silent either."
"Red Flag: No matter how often you try to bleach the red flags white, they only turn back to red. You have been warned- now PULL ANOTHER CARD!"
"Cult Leader: You are not a guru, a Timelord, or a demigod. You are an egomaniac who needs minions so you can feel like an authority to compensate for your own feelings of inferiority. Grow up!"
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Hi pile 3! Hope you're having a fantastic day where you are!
So right away I'm picking up a message of not seeing the bigger picture, this pile feels more like a "How to Manifest more quicker" lol. I'm hearing this very slow moving energy, someone refusing to move on to the next chapter though you might be aware it's time to even but I'm getting a sense of fear. Even if you are unaware of these changes there's still so much anxiety and fear surrounding you at these times because the universe is basically forcing you to move lol! Move or be moved I'm hearing.
So overall I feel like someone in this pile might have lots of distractions, someone might have adhd and a hard time concentrating on tasks. Spirits drawing your attention these times and reminding you to stay focus.
With the Chariot card I feel like there's some movement here that needs to happen, you need to take action. I think that's the best way to help your manifestations right now, maybe someone here even forget exactly what they were manifesting and Spirit is like "Uhh HELLO? DO YOU REMEBER THAT THING??" lol. I heard someone's just been away from the job a little too long, I even get from the Seven of Cups it might've been you were distracted with something else that just sparked your attention better, but all that glitters isn't gold!
So I think you're working on being in this King of Wands energy, someone who is very productive, knows what they want, speaks up about anything, rather it's an idea they have or just wanting authority. I feel like a few of you even might know exactly what this is, I feel like a few of you might not even have a specific dream you want to manifest just clicking on the reading for fun lol but there's still a secretive message here I think you'll understand as you apply it to your situation.
Spirit is asking you to maybe think about the roots you want to plant and start from there, stay true to your craft and perspective and be committed.
I hope you enjoyed this reading! I love you, see you soon ❤️ ★
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cheeseceli · 2 months
Helping you recover from a surgery
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Pairing: ot7 BTS × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: fluff, reactions
Request: BTS x s/o who had to have surgery and is trying to recover with their help
Warnings: mentions of food on Jin, Jimin and Taehyung's; body insecurities on Taehyung's; non sexual nudity on Jin's (barely there though)
A/n: low-key can be read as "they take care of their sick s/o" as well | daily click
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‌You're literally not allowed to move a single finger
‌This man is ready to do everything and anything for you
‌Even the nurses feel a little bit useless when they see him because bro is really doing everything already😭
‌And with that I mean he's helping you move from a room to another if you need, he's giving you food, he's helping you shower and so much more
‌Really just wants you to rest for now
‌And he's so light-hearted while doing that
‌You'd never feel like a burden during this time because he never shows he's tired or stressed with the situation
‌He does everything with a smile and poor jokes, and you just know he's glad to be able to be there for you
‌The best one when it comes to making you distracted
‌Even if you can't do anything besides laying down on bed, you'll barely feel bored with him there
‌Always has the most out of pocket topic to talk about
‌You truly don't know how his mind works but you're most definitely not complaining
‌Also watches all the dramas you wanted to watch with him before but had no time back then
‌Will do his best to not be bothered by work things as he wants to be focused on you
‌Would even block his manager's contact if that helped💀
‌But if he truly needs to work (and with that I mean TRULY needs), he will do it when you're sleeping
‌If he's working on new songs, might even write a song for you during this time
‌Bro was stressing when you were in the surgery😭
‌Talking with every doctor he could find and pacing around the hospital all the time
‌But when the time comes to talk to you after the whole process he just puts the biggest smile on his face
‌ He's honestly relieved to see you well
‌The good thing is that meanwhile he was panicking outside, he was also studying about what he should do once the surgery ended
‌He is almost an especialist now
‌The doctors are trying to give him advice and then he's like "oh yeah I know that, but you didn't mention this"
‌He's lecturing the doctors now
‌Summing up, you are in very good hands, don't you worry
‌He is kinda scared of messing up tbh
‌I see it as in a scenario where you haven't even got sick on the relationship yet, so a surgery is a big change
‌Of course, he wants to take care of you
‌And he will do his absolute best to help you
‌But he's kinda scared of making you feel useless as you really need to rest
‌And he'd hate to end up patronising you a bit or something like this
‌So he ends up helping you mostly in subtle ways
‌Where things are still done for you but not too noticeable, so you wouldn't feel like you're burdening him or something
‌And he would also take a break from work
‌No matter if the company is knocking on his door, he has his priorities set straight
‌You were still under the effect of anesthesia when you woke up, so you were a little confused as to why your room was full of things
‌Turns out Jimin got a little bit too excited when buying you gifts
‌So now you had a lot of your favourite sweets, a lot of different flowers, some teddy bears and God knows what more
‌He got a little embarrassed later but at least you liked it lmao
‌And he'll be sure that your favourite family members/friends got to visit you at least once
‌He'd be threatening your family so they would visit you lmao
‌If your relationship is public, he'd even show Armys comments wishing you a healthy and fast recovery
‌He's doing everything in his power to make you feel as loved as possible
‌Basically moves into the hospital
‌He's happily sleeping on the couch like that's where he lived his entire life
‌And when it's time to go back home, he's still with you
‌If you guys didn't live together back then, now you guys do
‌Either it's on his house or yours, he doesn't care, he is going to be glued to your hip
‌And although he doesn't like the fact that you are kinda ill because of the surgery, he loves to take care of you
‌He will cook for you, help you change clothes, will make your bed as cozy as possible, he's basically trying to make you feel like you're on a cloud all the time
‌After you're healed, if you are insecure of your new scars, he will most definitely reassure you of them
‌He still thinks you are beautiful, maybe even prettier now
‌The type to kiss your scars😔
‌Panics a little part 2
‌Like, he panicked once you told him you'd need to go through surgery
‌But after it I think he'd be alright
‌There was probably enough time for him to plan what he needed to do and to let the information sink in
‌He would try to make it as "playful" as possible
‌Doesn't want you to think of this as a problem, just something that happened
‌But the moment you complain about pain or something he's dialing his doctor
‌And he will do EVERYTHING for you and to you
‌Almost the same to Jin when it comes to wanting you to rest
‌Overall he is a bit lost but determined to make you feel as good as possible
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: when you struggle to eat (read with caution)
Thank you for reading <3
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans @butnotmontana @lelewright1234
Dividers by @saradika-graphics | images 1 2 3
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vhstown · 1 year
miles morales x you headcanons
— 1610!miles x gn!reader (friends to lovers)
warnings: just fluff lol (miles is a dork)
note: normal spider-man au, a little tiny bit long. v self indulgent and oddly specific but i tried to keep them in character + inclusive 😭 wrote this at 3am, somewhat edited
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For context, you were Miles' first real friend at Brooklyn Visions. You kept running into each other, and he had a strong liking to you after you helped him escape the wrath of the hall monitors without question. Becoming fast friends, Miles is quickly involved in every part of your life at the academy, and he even more quickly develops a crush on you. Luckily for you, he completely forgets about the shoulder touch. The man has no game when he's around you, his best friend, though it's not like he needs to.
Miles draws you a lot, to the point where it's almost obsessive. You're in his sketchbook, class notes, a loose scribble on the back of a receipt. You have your hair different one day and he scrambles to capture it somewhere without you noticing. He has it down to a science, and he tries to convince himself it's absolutely normal to be able to draw you perfectly from memory.
When you find out, he wants a portal to open up and swallow him whole. It's more endearing than anything, though. It's not like you haven't been stealing glances of his portraits in the middle of class anyway.
You may or may not tease him relentlessly about it, but eventually, you get comfortable whenever he slips out his favourite pencil and you pretend not to catch his subtle, studying glances.
Miles loves his headphones, sure. He begged his mom to get them for him ages ago, promising he'd put them to good use. They're basically glued to his ears, that is, unless he's talking to you. He always takes them off, listening intently to whatever you have to say, even if you're making small talk or just saying hi.
Sharing music with you is always at the back of his mind until he finally caves and buys a pair of wired earphones. It becomes routine to listen to something together whenever you hang out, pulled a little closer to each other by the wire playing Sunflower between you.
And yes, he made you a playlist. He's definitely embarrassed about it at first, and listens to it a number of times beforehand to make sure you'd like it. It's full of songs that make him think of you and ones you expressed interest in. He's definitely overthought it, but it's worth your reaction and seeing the Spotify like count increase to one. He listens to it more than you do, though.
Miles is nervous about telling his mom about you. About the both of you. Yeah, he's already told her every detail of you and your life, but he's scared of what she'd think of meeting you in person; it's not like she's hyperaware of the boy she's known for all his life suddenly changing when you're brought up, right? Rio is definitely a mama bear, even if Miles gets the brunt of it sometimes, but when he brings you over for the first time you feel more than welcome. Miles' mom and dad are constantly whispering to each other during dinner trying to make you feel comfortable, and you catching one of Rio's half-scowls at her husband when he asks a stupid question. Either way, there are hugs and kisses at the door, and you leave with your heart and your stomach full. They might just be your new parents. (Maybe in the future?)
Miles definitely helps you with school when he can, especially with more technical subjects. He always drops everything when you message him with a math problem or right before your science finals. He's up on call with you til the sun's up, the both of you questioning your sanity and basic reason when it's really just an excuse to spend time with each other (though the circumstances are unideal.) You send him your English essay to read over one day and he painstakingly looks through it to find things to compliment you on; he has no idea what you're talking about.
And calls with you are one of his guilty pleasures. When he's sure Ganke's not paying attention or his mom's checked his room for the last time, he drops you a hopeful message. You're tired, but you find yourself justifying each time you call until 3 in the morning, talking about the same couple of things. He likes hearing about your day, where you've been, what hilarious or strange thing happened in your classes. He likes hearing your voice most of all; it's even more comforting when it's muffled by sleep and your thoughts come out in jumbled repetitions of the same thing. One day, you fall asleep on call. Miles doesn't bother to decline it, pulling his blanket over him and letting his eyes close to the sound of your breathing.
When the two of you actually get together, he's even more nervous than he was bringing you over for the first time. His brain short-circuits when you say you like him back, and he just says "yeah" or nods to everything you say. He can't believe you like him. Outside of being Spider-Man, he's a bit of a nobody (he just likes keeping to himself). Not to you, though. You're his only other friend besides Ganke (more like the sneaker thief) at Brooklyn Visions, and now he's yours. Despite the ample advice from his uncle, he misses your first kiss. (You try again after a lot of laughter and it's all okay when he gets used to it.)
But... he might be getting too used to it. In fact, now that he knows you're okay with the scary concept of kissing, he's always holding your hand, brushing away strands of your hair, even just holding onto your sleeve by his fingertips. Miles always steals kisses, especially before he runs off to his class on the other side of the academy (he insists on walking you to yours. Yes, he's been late multiple times.) You swear you'll get him back for those one-sided kisses, but the debt piles up, and you eventually get used to it too.
When he hasn't seen you in a while (after slinking off for his friendly neighborhood duties), he pulls you into the most enveloping, bone-crushing hug. His head is pressed into your shoulder and arms almost double-wrapped around your torso like he hasn't seen you in years. It feels like he could pick you up, no matter how much you insist he'll never be able to lift you. It gives you a strange sense of security, and you never question why someone of his stature could probably throw you like a tennis ball.
Though, when you do manage to show him affection before he slips away, he totally melts at your touch. It's like his crush forms all over again, like it's your first kiss all over again. You like to bombard him with love just to see him go quiet and flustered and hear that very specific laugh he's had since his crush formed. He likes having you close, no matter what you're doing. Even if you're both on your phones, he always lets you lean against him or has an arm around you. When you catch him off guard with a little peck on the face, you notice him frantically looking through his home screen like it's the most interesting thing in the world.
You'll get him back one day. Until then, you'll chase him around the whole of Brooklyn if you have to. He's happy to be caught, even happier to be your boyfriend. Maybe one day he'll even give you his drawings of you. Or his entire sketchbook, it's basically all just you. Recently, it's been made up of your smiles. Maybe he'll just keep the sketchbook for himself.
thank you for reading ^^ this is my first post so any suggestions wld be appreciated. this is my secondary blog so i can't reply but feel free to drop an ask! (not taking requests atm)
read the rest of my atsv headcanons here!
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Back in my Arms
You can find part one here
Ps. I'm so sorry about part one 😭😭😭 idk what took over me, but I'm sorry sorry sorry. And this is my apology:
It's been years. You wouldn't be able to tell how many. Ever since Jake left, time has been a blur, a long trail of melancholy that eventually turned into numbness.
Your day starts like so many others: dreaming of Jake. Of the look in his eyes that last time. The way you'd felt as you fell asleep in his arms. The sensation of his skin and the comfort of his voice.
And then you wake up. And just like the morning after that time, Jake's not by your side. He's gone.
As you go about your chores, you busy yourself with thinking of anything but Jake. It's a tough task, but after so many years of practice, it's become a little easier. Still excruciating, but easier.
You grab a berry and drop it in the basket.
You think, Maybe I'll go hunting later...
You take another berry.
With my bow. And take the knife—
Your thoughts quickly turn away as you realize that your knife is actually Jake's. One he gave you...
Or maybe I'll stay home. Help prepare dinner.
That thought doesn't lead you to Jake. So you indulge it.
You're deep in your thoughts, lost in a painless world far away when you hear something rustling in the bushes behind you.
You turn around, ready for whatever creature might be hunting you. Palulukan? Ikran? Sky People? You're prepared.
You expected everything but what you find.
At first, you're not sure you haven't lost your mind. And then you don't care if you have. Nothing else matters.
You're rooted to your spot, the basket slipping from your suddenly numb fingers, berries spilling everywhere.
He looks good. A little older, a pain settled deep in his expression. But his eyes are the same. He's the same man you've loved for all this time.
His breathing is labored, eyes roaming over you as if he can't see you enough.
On wobbly legs you stand, heart racing, terror spreading in your chest at the thought that this might be another of your dreams. Another trick. Another morning when you'll wake up without him.
He breathes your name and you're knocked back into reality. For the first time in years, your soul is actually in your body, living in the moment and not in your thoughts.
You run to Jake and jump into his arms. He hugs you, holding you to him, burying his face in your shoulder. Your legs wrap around his waist and you rest your head on his.
You only realize you're crying when you hear yourself sob. He holds you tighter, squeezing you softly.
“I love you,” he says against your skin. “I love you. I'm so sorry. I love you.”
You shake your head, grabbing his face in your hands as he places you on the floor. “Don't apologize. Don't apologize.” You kiss his lips, almost melting from the feeling. The missing piece of you is back. That crater in your chest finally filled. “You're back,” you state the obvious, your eyes studying his, still unable to believe this is real.
He kisses your forehead softly, gently, his hands holding onto your waist. “I am,” he sighs. “I am. I should've come back much sooner. I'm so sorry.”
“It's okay, it's okay, Jake,” you tell him gently. “It's alright. I understand why you had to leave. I do—”
“No, I shouldn't have,” he says. “I should've stayed. My place is here. My family is here. My home is here.” He kisses you again, pulling you against him, resting his chin on the top of your head. “You're here. And I should've never left. I don't know why I thought I could manage without you.”
You kiss his shoulder softly, his neck. You take in his scent. Your hands caress his bare torso and suddenly you feel a familiar, aching warmth pool in your womb.
You glance up at Jake, your eyes meeting his amber gaze, and you can tell he feels the heat too.
His hands softly caress your hips and he pulls you closer. He smiles, one of his hands sliding all the way up to your face, and he can't glance away. “My baby...”
You break. All those emotions you've buried deep down inside of you bursting apart. You cry, sobs starting to escape your lips.
Jake just gently wipes your tears away. “My beautiful, gorgeous baby,” he says softly. “I love you.” He kisses your forehead carefully. His lips are warm and familiar, and a sensation of home that you haven't felt in a long time takes over you. Suddenly you're filled with aching desire.
The way you kiss Jake lets him know what you want, and he wants just the same.
He kisses your lips, his hands moving to hold onto your hips. He leads you to the floor, hands gentle, holding you close. He slides a thigh between yours, rubbing against your clit.
You whine softly. You missed this. Not only the pleasure, that's the least. You missed feeling him with you, his skin to yours, his hands over your body.
Jake's mouth falls to your neck, licking and nipping at the skin. “Angel,” he says quietly, his voice deep and husky.
You hum in response. “Jake...”
He bites your shoulder. “Angel, I...I have something I want to do...”
You nod softly, your eyes meeting his as he pauses his attack on your neck and shoulders. “Yeah?”
He swallows hard, his tail flicking from side to side, obviously nervous. “I...I want to be yours. Truly yours.”
Your eyes widen. “Mine?” you echo, voice breathy, mouth going dry.
He nods, grabbing his braid and holding it up to you. “Baby...if you'll have me, I want to be your mate.”
You can't look away from him. You're ecstatic, your heart leaving your chest. And you just can't believe this is happening.
But it's happening. It's happening and Jake's awaiting your answer.
“Are you—Really? I...On Eywa's name...I would love that, Jake,” you stutter, tripping over your words, trembling from excitement.
He breathes a sigh of relief, his eyes lighting up, a smile spreading on his face.
You timidly reach for your braid, holding it to his. Your eyes are on the tendrils as they lock together. You gasp as you feel a shock of love and desire surge through you.
“Goddamn,” Jake grunts, his pupils going wide until only a thin lining of amber is left of his eye.
Carefully, Jake climbs on top of you. His eyes are warm and loving, and there's a soft shine of predatory desire in them.
“Oh, love. I've missed you,” he groans, one of his hands teasing your pussy through your loincloth. “So much...I've needed you all this time.”
You whine softly. “Me too...I've missed your everything.”
He chuckles softly. “You're so fucking adorable, baby. So sweet...so cute. I love it.” He kisses the tip of your nose. “I missed your everything too.”
Jake removes your loincloth, his hand gently tracing up your slit. He then pulls his own loincloth off, letting his thick cock rest against your soaked cunt.
You spread your legs some more, breathing heavily. He takes the hint and slides into you slowly, stretching your velvet walls, filling you to the brim.
You have the sudden image of Jake smiling, chasing after a few little kids of your own. Neteyam and Loak and Tuk and Kiri playing with your kids...Your body soft and swollen with his baby...
Your heart flutters, quietly yearning for that future...
“Jake,” you whisper through a small moan. “Jake, I want...” You blush, shy, unsure of whether or not you should tell him.
He kisses your lips softly. “Tell me, baby. You can tell me anything.”
You blush more, closing your eyes and quietly saying, “I want to have your babies...” You grimace at the way it sounds, embarrassed about the mere thought of it.
Jake's heart is in his throat. “You...you do?” he asks you, breathless.
You nod. “Yes.” Your voice is small and quiet, a little squeak.
He kisses your lips hungrily, lovingly. “Love, nothing would make me happier than givin' you my babies...Having you be the mother of my children...” He smiles at you, holding your gaze. “I would give anything for you to mother my babies. Nothing would make me happier.” He gently pushes a strand of hair behind your ear.
His thrusts start out slow and soft, fucking you with care. He ensures you enjoy each little movement he makes. Through tsaheylu, he measures your pleasure, softly working your ecstasy into a steady buzz of satisfaction.
You whine softly, legs wrapping around his waist, pushing him deeper. Your cunt flutters around him, making him groan.
You can feel his own pleasure through the bond. It only adds to your own bliss, making your body tremble slightly with a soft warmth.
“Jake,” you whine, eyes rolling back into your head, your sharp canines digging into your soft bottom lip.
Jake can't look away from you. He just keeps his eyes on your face, watching all of your gorgeous expressions, his cock twitching within you. “Fuck,” he gasps, voice thick and clouded with lust. “God-fuckin'-damn.”
Your nails scrape over his shoulders, your heels dig into his lower back. Your body arches, pushing you further against him. He takes the opportunity to softly kiss your neck, licking it and biting it, ensuring he leaves his mark.
You murmur something unintelligible, a moan slicing through your sentence and breaking your words apart. Jake chuckles. “What was that, baby?” he asks softly, placing open-mouthed kisses all over your jaw.
You blush slightly, both from the exertion and from the effect Jake's voice has on you. “I want you t'fill me up,” you beg. “Wanna be so full of you. Please!”
He grunts. You feel the arousal your words send through him and it makes you gasp softly.
“Goddamn,” he moans lowly. He grabs one of your thighs and pushes it over his shoulder, allowing him to fuck deeper into you.
You cry out at the new angle, each thrust sending a coil of unbearable pleasure that tightens in your womb. Your eyes fall shut, eyebrows furrowed as you fight your growing orgasm.
You can feel Jake's not close, know he's got a while longer to go before he comes.
But your ecstasy is growing too much, too fast. You can't keep it down, no matter how much you silently beg, not yet not yet not yet!
Jake laughs when he realizes what you're doing. “Come for me, girl,” he says softly, his voice rolling right into your ear. “Come on my cock, sweetheart. And then I'll give you what you want, hm?”
You whimper quietly. “Jake! Jake!”
He smiles, nuzzling his face into your neck. “I know, love. I know...you're doing so well, girl. Being so good...” He gently nips at the shell of your ear. “Think you can come for me? Just that last little favor, baby...”
You whine, nodding. You allow your body a second to just enjoy the moment, and immediately your bliss crashes over you, sending you into a toe-curling orgasm. You moan and then your mouth falls open in a silent oh! that never gets to leave your lips. You tremble under Jake, soft body shuddering as your pleasure wrecks through you.
And Jake had been prepared to last longer, to fuck you again and again, but the sensation of your orgasm through tsaheylu sends him into a dizzying spiral, and suddenly he finds himself coming, spurting his seed deep inside of you.
You gasp at the sudden sensation of his cum filling you, eyes fluttering shut. “Jake,” you whine softly.
He grunts into your ear, still sending rope after rope of his load deep into your womb. His hips still their rough movements and he gently grinds against you.
“Mmm...” you hum, content. “Thank you.”
He nuzzles into your neck, kissing you there. His breathing is heavy, his entire body trembling and limp, exhausted from the force of his release and the relief of having you back.
He wants to tell you that you don't have to thank him. He wants to tell you he loves you. He wants to tell you that you're everything to him, that the best thing he's done so far is come back for you. That he's complete with you in his arms.
He just can't find the words.
But you don't need him to say it. You already know; you can feel his ardent love for you, and that's more than enough.
A few years later
You're lying on your back by the riverbed, blue skin warm from the shining sun, breathing soft and steady.
You hear them before you see them.
Tuk runs out of the bushes behind you, laughing and gigging, and after her your twins. Giggling and squealing, chasing her, feet still a little clumsy but not enough that you can't send them to play on their own.
And far behind them, Jake. He has an enormous smile on his face, his eyes glowing as he watches the kids play around.
He sees you on the riverbed and his heart skips a beat. He's absolutely certain that it's never going to stop. You will always cause that reaction within him. And he loves it.
He lays down beside you, leaning on his elbow.
“How you holdin' up, love?” he asks, placing a kiss on your forehead.
You hum gently. “Good, actually.”
“I'm glad,” he says. He places a huge hand on your swollen tummy, already big from a few months with another of his children. “And the little one?”
You smile, placing your hand on top of his as he caresses your stomach. “Kicking all morning, fell asleep just now.”
Jake chuckles and kisses your cheek fondly. “Have you gotten any sleep?”
You laugh gently. “Some, yeah.”
He sighs softly. “Baby, you know you should sleep more. It's good for you.”
“I know,” you reply.
My reality is so much better than any dreams my mind can come up with, and I can't bear to close my eyes for too long.
A/N: I apologized already but OMG I AM SO SORRY STILL :((( I hope this part made up for the first one!!!
Also, I was gonna publish the time skip happy ending as a separate epilogue, but since I made you suffer in part one, you absolutely deserved to get the happy ending now.
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11queensupreme11 · 3 months
Everybody fucking minds and always doing it the no sexy way 😞😔
Do love no war babygirls
If we're very decided we can solve all of this in bed! The sexy way
Or play UNO and whoever wins is the top
Sincerely, after watching the dress... Totally would think they're doing some kinky shit 🤣
Beelzebub: we can hold hands if you want 🥺 totally platonic no second intentions here
Percy: *didn't hear anything, cared no shit for what's happening, wants a hot dog with meat that probably is from a rat* what did you say?
Percy watching Sally being happier without her, her friends being happy with some girl... Queen, totally trauma, I'd cry and beg my mom to hold me even if that makes us miserable
Beelzebub, your yandere tendencies are showing. Giving her traumas and comforting her after. Get a man that can do both (please don't get you a man that can do that)
(Give us moooooore I'm starving)
(Waiting for what you're going to do with that, Percy progress- maybe fall is the correct word- is showing queen. Love it)
Anyway, can someone please draw them on their date? 😭 That's so cute, they're literally so perfect together, like that couple that is the black cat boyfriend with his golden retriever girlfriend and they're precious 💞
(Beelzebub worrying about her suicidal thoughts and he admitting he doesn't want to die so much... *Cheff kiss* we love an emo boy that is self aware)
Now, Loki?
Loki, my boy, your panic is beautiful to watch, horrific to endure.
I'm wondering how they are going to deal with being in the same harem? Fight to be the favorite concubine? Seduce their way to Percy's bed?
Percy: you're just a pathetic simp pretending to be an alpha man and you just go destroy mode whenever you're confronted with your own emotions. You love me so much that is making you look pathetic
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Him switching sides in the moment he accepts he loves her is gold.
He may be crazy, sadistic and a psychopath, but by the gods he's not going to fool himself.
He loves the girl, now he needs to kill all the other people that love the same girl.
Assassination! His favorite hobby! She's so much fun and they haven't even had sex yet! Wonderful wife indeed
And starting with Beelzebub is a wise move, you know? From all of them he's the one that she's the most comfortable with, he could play the slow game he's the one she'd fall at the end (you know, once she forgets about the other world, that he could make happen too).
Right now Beelzebub is that best friend that is the one for her (the other, even if I love them, aren't so close to her). He just needs to wait, fool her and she'd be his
(as if the other are going to let that happen, but is the scent, you know?)
Loki is right to be jealous of him, no one (with a dick) is close to her like him, she's herself with him and is the only one that likes him with his depressive tendencies.
He could say: Percy, for medical reasons, undress yourself and let me study your body. It may end in sexy medical porn, depending on my self control
And she wouldn't see no wrong.
Is Beelzebub! Her bestie! She can trust him with her security (poor navy girl, you can't never trust a man that much). Even if he has feelings for her she wouldn't worry about him doing anything to her, just worry about the uncomfortable situation.
Wondering if they're going to guilty trappe her to stay (You made us love you! We are learning to be open and to accept love and you want to leave us? Leave us in a world where we're fated to yearn for you for eternity and be alone again?), Percy would suffer whatever if she thinks she's saving people, such a naive and dumb girl, too good to this world.
This whole situation is pure chaos, they're planning so many things just to crash with each other. Would be funny to see them working together but also don't know how that situation would happen.
Anyway, thanks for the amazing chapter Queen! 👑
im sorry but this part cracked me up 😭
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"for medical reasons we may need to fuck 😔"
"yeah sure ok"
i had a blast writing this chapter lmao, and im currently writing another chapter (not the next one) that's gonna be even better
maybe... idk. all i can say is that beel digs an even deeper grave in this one chapter and i just love watching him lose his shit
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matchadobo · 1 year
KIDD; eustass kidd as a college student
summary: my headcanons of kidd as a college student in the modern world. no dfs here. part two here tw: afab!reader, nothing sussy here dw
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* studies metallurgy or mechanical engineering
* insanely good at physics and chemistry 🫦
* but very emotionally and people dumb
* would wear graphic tees with rolled sleeves, ripped jeans, ankle boots
* eyeliner and lipstick on AT ALL TIMES
* is always late to class
* would be an overachiver
* makes every little thing a competition
* however, not an active student. he's just active when he wants to speak up about something he knows
* the typa student who does last minute reviews before exams and/or quizzes yet still manage to get a high mark
* lives in dorms with the other kidd pirates
* always have boys' nights where they just watch horror and scare each other, play games, or just get drunk
* not active in extracurriculars, he couldn't care less (unless it's related to his course or he's interested abt something it offers)
* know him as "that one hot redhead who always has a frown in his face and always gets into fights with the professors"
* would always banter with profs; not to disrespect them, but he's smart enough to butt heads with the professors. although his intention is to purely state what he knows is right, he always ends up disrespecting them bc of his language and attitude and gets demerits lmao
* kidd as a groupmate is a pain in the ass; he never replies and only does when he feels like it—which is rarer than rare. he replies to comply on the day before the deadline 🤬
* whenever there's debates, he's your man. mans got no filter and actually say stuff that no one wants to (e.g. controversies like church vs state, gray areas, taboos, gov't corruption, etc.), but only with a foul language
* submits tasks late 😫
* his handwriting is like this. he don't care abt pen width, brand, and type
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* would visit nightclubs and bars seldomly, have hook ups and flings here and there but nothing was serious enough for him to go crazy for. he'd be with them one night max, he's the type of guy to leave afterwards 😭
his relationship with you:
* if you were just a blockmate he'd never even bat an eye at you let alone know you exist
- unless you caught his eye bc of your attractiveness physically or mentally
- if you haven't done anything remarkable to catch his attention, you're good as a rock to him
* if you're friends with him and is part of his circle:
- kidd being friends with you means that he can not only tolerate you but you can also measure up to and endure his feistyness
- that is tantamount to him being interested with you
- whenever a topic is blurry to you, he'd call you "dumb, birdbrain, shit for brains, etc" each time he explains and you still don't understand. but he would always accurately and patiently piece it out for you step by step, there's just some harshness that comes with it
- would always treat you to his and yours' favorite place after school whenever he sees you tired and bummed out after classes. would always tell you that "cmon i'll feed you some real fuckin' food, better than those ugly ass instant noodles you always have at your dorms." secretly loves seeing you eat and be full after meals
- each time your circle goes out, he'd always be seated next to you, is always close to you, or keeps an eye on you saying "you'll kill yourself with your dumb ass if i don't keep an eye on you." but that's just an excuse, cuz he likes looking at you
- study dates! well, he refuses to call them dates; just like how he refuses his feelings towards you. but would always insist on regularly doing this
> he doesn't really need the study dates, he's smart enough to excel on his own. he just wants an excuse to spend time with you, be close to you, teach you, make you laugh, and eat with you
- would he confess? he would, drunk. it'd start when you ask him to stop since he had too much to drink, he'll cup your face and tell you with flushed cheeks as his breath stinks from alcohol, he'll proclaim how much he adores you and how cute you are. he'll regret it in the morning and would avoid you for days.
- when you two get together, you two are inseparable. pda is clear as day. he's clingy af, would always link arms with you during lectures, rubbing circles on your soft skin. would let you put your thighs over his lap and stroke them fondly. when you put your head down during class as a result from weariness, his fingers with red-lacquered nails combs through your hair to soothe you. would always have an arm around you, whether above your shoulder or waist.
- his go to destressing activity is game/movie night with you and his circle
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dreamy sighs 0~0
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brittscafe · 11 months
this page is such a safespace for me omg 😭😭😭 can I pls request some fluff with Shunsui/Ukitake with transmasc reader dealing with gender dysphoria?
Aw, of course! I am soooo glad that my page is a safespace for you, much love <3
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Shunsui: This man is soooo damn sweet and understanding. He never forces you to tell him anything, but you end up telling him as soon as you start to feel uncomfortable.
Shunsui is there for you with comforting words and touch. His words are like honey, sweet. If you need time away, Shunsui has no problem with that.
When you need him though, he's there. He looks after you, he is literally your other half. He's scared of losing you, so he does everything in his power to make sure that your mind is clear and you are comfortable.
He always have plenty of sake though if you want to join him and fade away from the reality of your situation and just be with him.
Jushiro: He can tell that you haven't been feeling the best. Your mind is spiraling and every step you take in your body makes you feel so uncomfortable, it drives you insane.
Jushiro's been studying you, trying to figure out what's going on, but he can't. He refuses to assume anything and doesn't push you to tell him.
The day that you finally break down and Jushiro holds you in his arms, tightly. He doesn't let you go and won't ask you about it, unless you bring it up.
Once you do, Jushiro's heart shatters into a million pieces. He wishes he could take away your discomfort and promises to be there for you, every step.
He does research and is super patient. He always says the right things and stands by your side.
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yourlowkeyidiot3 · 24 days
Wait in like a few weeks schools gonna start again
Kill me kill me please I barley survived last year I barley survived all those years actually I can't do it all over again. NO
No no no no no no no no no no
I don't even believe in God but I pray to him some miracle will happen. I don't even know what. Just anything that will prevent school from starting again.
God please save me I'm sorry I'll turn Christian again I swear
Zeus strick me down please
Please I'll take anything I'm on KNEES BEGGING PLEASE I DON'T WANNA GO BACK TO SCHOOL 😭😭😭😭
I can't keep telling myself "just make it till summer/holidays/etc" it's starting to drive me mad I'm not kidding school makes me feel like I'm gonna lose whatever sanity I have left.
The only good thing about school is that I like the food they sell on the...uhhh idk what they're called in English. Uh τα κυλικεία.. Google translate says it's called canteens but Idk
Actually nvm my classmates are worse because I can totally see most of them becoming criminals and drug dealers when they grow up
Classic Greek ΕΠΑΛ school ig???????
Goddamn I have to go back to this damn circle of waking up miserable at 7am with 3-4 hours of sleep wishing a car hits me before making it to school. Basically be non existent in class for like 6 hours and then go home and listen to my mom tell me to do my homework and study while knowing damn well I'm not ever gonna pick up any book? AND THEN REPEAT ALL THAT UNTIL SUMMER COMES AGAIN???? AND THEN WORK MYSELF TO DEATH TO STUDY FOR THOSE FUCKING FINAL EXAMS??????
I quit
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uncloseted · 4 months
following up, do you think Tony is straight? I think the show makes him out to be and I can believe it meant nothing to either of them, but they did seem to act a little flirty with each other even after going back home (the cig lighting scene comes to mind but i haven't watched skins in a long time)
In all honesty I think giving head to one of your gay friends when you're 100% straight "because you're bored" is a wild thing to do and doesn't make much sense, in real life at least 😭 then again maybe I just don't know any people like that
I actually don't think it's as rare as you might expect. This study estimates that 2.8% of men who consider themselves straight have had at least one sexual experience with another man, and that's just the participants who would admit to it. I would guess that the actual number is even higher than that. And I think even more men than that experience some type of bi-curiosity, where they're interested in having an experience with another man but don't know if they'll like it. There are also men who have sex with other men for reasons that aren't really about their own sexual orientation- lack of available women around, a desire for a sexual experience regardless of who it's with, satisfaction that comes from a particular power dynamic, or any number of other things. Sexuality is complicated.
All that said, I do think Tony experiments with Maxxie mostly out of boredom. He's someone who seems to naturally need a lot of stimulation, whether that's in the form of hooking up with people, partying, or doing drugs, and he's someone who's really open to trying new things. When you combine those two factors with the power dynamic that comes with hooking up with Maxxie in front of Michelle (which I think Tony likes because he likes feeling that he's so cool/powerful that he can get away with anything), I think his actions make total sense. We also get some support for the idea that it's about power from Tony's essay in Michelle's episode, where he writes about "the role of sex in power relationships," and says that, "power is the single most important force in the universe. Money and looks mean nothing except for the power they give us. The second most important is sex. So sex plus power equals fun."
As far as how Tony identifies, I do think he would say that he's straight. Saying that he's bi-curious or heteroflexible might be more accurate from the viewer's perspective, or maybe that he's bisexual but heteroromantic, but ultimately the way a person chooses to identify their experience is the correct way to identify that experience.
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 months
Now these are all random thoughts with no order, but I still need to get them out of my system (and my notes lol)
David's thoughts not appearing and him not having a POV makes me so fucking nervous, because the last time it happened it turned out to be the saddest shit ever 😭
WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN ARCAID ARE NOT A CANON EVENT???? AND THEY AREN'T TOGETHER IN IALS??? My mind refuses to accept that😤. Also the fact that Arthur said “We’re destined to be together, Kincaid.”, and they are the couple that is not canon is my 13th reason 🙂
The song rec in Lance's chapter being She by Dodie??? Haven't recovered yet, thanks :)
I remember Arthur saying in IALS that "You were bigger than the whole sky" was his favorite song from the midnights album and now I'm feeling Arcaid feels not in a good way😭😭
Everyone in this gen is a whore and I say good for them!! Theia literally using her travel year to go see Lance, Joan thirsting over Régine, Iris and Hermes, Arthur and Kincaid (both self explanatory), and don't get me started on Cami! I am proud of them😌
I'm still curious about what happened to David's book. I mean, I know it wasn't published, and Max was angry at Rafael about it, but what bullshit excuse did they used???
Rafael and Max's relationship 🥺🥺. Rafael being scared for Max, and Max wanting to protect his family and everything just going to shit because of the Clave... They better fix this relationship or I'm throwing hands!
You should listen to "Fuiste tú" by Ricardo Arjona and "El triste" by José José. They give me IALS vibes. Funny thing is that those two are really famous in my country, and I've heard them a thousand times, but just recently I paid attention and I am heartbroken 🥰
I have a theory Max won't become Other Max after seeing all the damage it created. Like, seeing the consequences, and telling David he can't do it but feeling bad about it. Still not sure because that whore is capable of anything
And I have ANOTHER theory that David will die soon. Like, in a battle or in between the fight with Idris and that's why Max invented time travel. Because he never got to grow old (?) with him. But maybe that would also mean Lance activating the prophecy for him... Besides, Other Max said he took 720 years to figure it out, but he didn't said what year he is from... Idk, maybe it could be because you didn't want to do math but I don't trust you anymore😑
I love Rafael, Anjali and Cami but omfg they NEED TO CHIILL!!! I feel they would judge me so hard LMAO. I am that girl who's motto is "if tomorrow isn't the due date, today isn't the do date". And I procrastinate so much but the worst part is I know I can pull it off because I have done entire projects 20 minutes before they're due and I've gotten 10s, and studying for exams with time?? Nah, I like to study with someone's study cards 10 minutes before the exam AND I also pull that off so yeah... I love Cami but she would probably dislike me 😂
Every time I remember Other Max waited 720 years to see David again, I remember this scene of IALS and feel 80% worse 🥲 “Alec hasn’t spoken to me for two days and I already feel like I’m decaying,” bapak told him. “Decaying?” Max made a face. “Like a corpse?” The man clutched his face. “13 years, Max. 13 bloody years. How on earth did you manage that?”
I would sell a kidney to know why tf Other Max does the shit he does sigh
I'm really curious about the changes from Other Max's timeline and this because of the White Warlock thing Max has going on. Like, we've cleared that the money did have an impact on it, so not only does it affect keeping the institute, I guess it would affect Lance and AJ going to different schools, maybe Arthur not meeting Harry?
Arcaid are together (briefly) in IALS but they don't end up together rip.
She by Dodie is funnily enough a song that perfectly fits Lance and Kincaid - more reasons why they are alike!!!
We'll find out about David's book soon (I think).
Thank you thank you for your song recs. I love them. I haven't been the same since you recced me Tú sí sabes quererme. It's one of my fave songs ever - and so very blackbane too.
And yes, everything is literally because I don't wanna do math. DO NOT MAKE ME.
I guess we'll find out what Other Max does and why he does it when he return to the Other Timeline during the interlude.
And yes, it does affect the schools they go to. For instance, Arthur and Harry meet in a public school instead of Silverstone. You actually get a lil context about this in the next chapter :)
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abysscronica · 2 years
In your scenarios with Birdie being a moth there was that scene when she needed to breastfeed and so she just whipped out the girls without much thought to heat/wire/killer being in the room (which was HILARIOUS btw) so a few questions based on that
1) was she always that bold when it came to feeding her kids when it came to the first two or was it more of a “by the third she just didn’t gaf and wanted to get it done” kind of thing😂
2) so in Captive kid didn’t really seem to have that much of a serious issue with birdie being nude in front of others like killer (like when she went out in his coat) and kind of used it as a way to embarrass and poke fun and her, so when he freaks out at birdie for poppin a tit in front of his most trusted crew members was it an actual “I’m worried they might get lustful thoughts about my girl” thing or more of a “it’s the principle of the matter” thing?
3) did birdie get any particularly weird pregnancy cravings? I know some of them stem from the baby taking too many vitamins or minerals so I can just imagine her spooning salt into her mouth like “fuck it I need something salty right tf now and this is the quickest solution”
Also just some funny thoughts I had: I feel bad for Doc cause being a pirate doctor probably doesn’t exactly require a lot of knowledge on pregnancies so the poor man probably had to study up on it real hard and have to see parts of birdie waaay more often than he would’ve liked to😂 also I can just imagine Heat being the best boy he is getting Birdie a little something as a kind of baby shower gift since she helped him out with getting a lady gift I can see him shyly giving her a poorly crocheted blue baby hat that’s way too big but it’s the thought that counts🥺💕 (also I was the one who originally suggested it so let me again say: justice for kid!! Give the man a little titty suck after the actual kid gets their turn for curiosity’s sake!!)
Hey, thank you for your questions! Let's dive right into them.
Actually, the scene you're referring to happens with the twins, her first kids. So yeah, she didn't care much from the beginning. The thing is birdie doesn't really mind her nudity in general, it's not something she's particularly prudish about. Even before having kids, she mentions that every man had seen her naked at some point. She probably saw them too. If she trusts someone, it's not a big deal for her.
Kid doesn't care about her nudity in the early phases of Captive, when he doesn't have feelings for birdie yet. As his feelings grow, so does his possessiveness. That time with Killer, Kid wasn't actually present and he didn't see the incident. However, when it comes to his trusted men, it's more of a "principle" thing. He's not jealous because he thinks they may try something, or lust over birdie for real, but he doesn't like that they know her body and can picture her naked. He wants to be the only one who knows all of her scars, moles, spots, whatever.
I bet birdie had a lot of cravings. I will write something about it in the future, probably a one shot on her second pregnancy. I also think Heat is the one who indulged her the most, he would get up in the middle of the night to get what she wanted more than Kid would. Killer also would make sure that they're always stocked up on different kinds of food. Kid is less patient, so he'd let them handle it for the most part, probably force some of the other men to be at birdie's disposal too. 😭 But he would be there for the horny phase, that's for sure, he was waiting for it like his personal hot Christmas. ♥️
I haven't really written anything on birdie's first pregnancy because that happened when they were still in the scramble for the One Piece, so the situation was very complicated. I have ideas, but I'm waiting to see what happens with the Kid Pirates in canon because I want to know if/how I can turn it canon for my stories.
But yeah, the doctor would have to dust his knowledge on gynecology and obstetrics a lot, and Heat would be best big bro. ❤️ He'd definitely get a baby shower gift for birdie, probably force the other men to do the same.
ALSO you convinced me, I will write a Breastfeeding 3.0 one shot when Kid finally conquers his goals. 💪
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emotionaldepravity · 1 year
My full thoughts on the Shibuya Incident
Initially I was kind of hyped. With someone as powerful as Gojo, he had to have something done to him for the story to continue. It literally would be impossible to have high stakes if every fight was "we are waiting patiently for Satoru's big cock to get here so we can jerk him off right now!!!" Its great for narrative tension. Combined with the deaths in the first section/ season one of the anime, it really was good. I love that he got jar Douman'd. (A little meme for NA FGO players to enjoy.)
I fell in love with Geto so the fake Geto stuff is sad, but he is so hot. Geto is literally one of the hottest characters in the verse. I don't care that he isn't really Geto. I'm still down bad for him. Him being Choso's dad and Yuji's mom doesn't even bother me. I know it should. Everything about this man should bother me, but I don't think he knows what is wrong with him. He is cooking with the stove off and no oil in the pan, but that's okay. I'll just cook dinner instead. I'll fix him. Maybe... though for real? He is just a good overall "I'm here for chaos" villain. His plan is nonsensical, but DAMN he is PLANNING! Everything has gone right for him! Even better than he hoped sometimes!!! That's hot. You can't tell me that isn't so sexy. He is so fucked up. I need him biblically. Not sure I want to be experimented on, but with that face? I'd probably say yes.
THE DEATHS............................................ I can't think of a single one that was worth it. Mahito was the only person I wanted to die by arc's end, and it wasn't brutal enough for me to be satisfied.
Rip Hanami and Jogo. Best married couple. Dagon, our little creature, rip. You eating all those people were adorable, you did nothing wrong.
At least they can be dead together .....😭
WHY DIDN'T MEI MEI DIE!!!!!!!!!??????? I HATE HER!!!!!! Literally the arc would have been better if she died. I'm not kidding.
Thank goodness Maki didn't die. I just... ahhhh.
The principal dying....................... pointless and stupid. Literally didn't know him and then he died. This felt like Gege wanted to kill off someone else and just did a lottery.
Toji gets a "best dad award!" We love him. 💕
CHOSO IS THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE FRANCHISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING IS BETTER THAN A GUY WHO LOVES HIS BROTHERS AND MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED THIS MAN!!!!!!!!! I NEED HIM NOW AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
I'd do anything for Choso.
Miwa and Mechamaru (I don't know what his real name is sorry.) ........... honestly nothing hurts worse than that subway scene. I wish they could have been together. It just... I get it but I hate the themes of JJK. I might hate the story too at this point. I just am on the train to see the trainwreak.
Sukuna somehow takes sexy evil and makes it unsexy and boring. I want to like him, but gosh its so hard to. He is really... boring... Just like how it took me a while to realize I was being tsundere for Gojo, I just haven't decided how I feel about him. Like okay him blowing away that many people is hot but he made Yuji cry......I'm just kidding I just feel like he has yet to have any qualities I see as redeeming or interesting, and his psyche isn't as bizarre and confusing as fake Geto so I don't want to put him in an observation chamber and study him. I need some information about him. I have no attachment. I think Hidden Inventory made me like Gojo so if we get anything about Sukuna's past I'll feel some way about him.
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rainibao · 1 year
🌟 get to know people game 🌟
Tagged by: @ignitingthesky (thanks!)
Current time: 19:40 (as of posting)
Anything you've been doing lately: Going to work sometimes (ad-hoc), watching stuff on prime video, reading the Good Omens book, duolingo
Anything you intend to do later: Finally tidy and clean my room, put up some of my books for sale, start studying for my literature exam(private), write (starting with either fanfic or an original), continue reading the good omens script book, then read The Metamorphosis. Oh and actually work on contributing to the volunteer groups I'm in :" maybe get after effects and try to learn it within the free trial period. Haven't been reading webtoons in a while, so will perhaps get back into it.
Anything you recently watched or played: In cinema: the mario movie and across the spiderverse. Am caught up with Helluva boss, and now that I have access to my mom's prime video, Good Omens(rewatch), Weathering with you, into the spiderverse (rewatch), chainsaw man(rewatched eps 1 & 2, don't feel like continuing- I'll just stick to the manga)
Anything you want to watch or play: thinking of checking out the Sherlock series on prime video. Might buy omori since it's on sale, or just watch gameplay of it. Been considering playing the updated demo of Slay the Princess, and also finally try out Vincent: The Secret of Myers myself.
Please recommend me movies to watch on prime video :" and other sorts of recommendations too, if you'd like.
My tags: @jpuff9 @lawlietssstrawberryshortcake @cormbrerb (I'm too shy to tag my newer mutuals 😭 feel free to do this and put me under your tagged by so I can see your post <3 thanks for bringing life into my activity tab guys...)
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Hi ma, how have you been? I've been working on my driver's license even tho I'm 18 and tomorrow I have to drive with my driving instructor so I'm super nervous and can't sleep 😭😭😭.
In light of the new information on the haikyu movies. I can't say I regret forcing my family to watch haikyu subbed. My mom and brother liked it but they didn't quite get into it. Unfortunately for them my dad(48) got hooked. Ever since I mentioned there's a two part movie coming out he's been checking for updates whenever he can. Though that isn't the only anime I've gotten him to watch. I sat him down and showed him "Way of the Househusband" (which I highly recommend you watch if you haven't, it's subbed and dubbed on Netflix and I believe it's on Crunchyroll as well) and that probably has to be his favorite. My mom just thinks it's weird lol.
My parents aren't the best, but it's times like these that I enjoy. I'm always afraid of opening up to them, or just anyone in general, about my interests because I think they'll make fun of me or think lesser about me(thank you anxiety 💀) But I just find it funny how my dad got so into it especially since he's 48 and can have some "old fashioned" views.
I want to go to Japan at some point in time in my life (not because I like anime or anything like that, but because I like it for its art, fashion, food and culture) and I've talked about it with my parents a lot now that I'm out of highschool and my dad said if I go he wants to go with me. I've done lots of research on Japan and currently studying some of its art and artists so I've shared this information with my dad and it's some how got him interested as well. It's kind of bizarre to me how I managed to get this super close minded old man into someone who's more open minded and willing to try different things.
I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with all this but ig it's just, people can change? No matter how old they are? Or you can like try new things no matter how old you are, it's never too late.
That's kind of the thing I'm struggling to realize rn because I graduated highschool and now I have the rest of my life ahead of me. I have a vague idea of what I want to do but for me my career isn't a major concern. It's more my social life that is. I have very few friends and I feel like I don't have enough time. It's been a struggle for me to find relationships because it's hard for me to interact with people and get to know them. I've never been in a romantic relationship before and it's difficult seeing everyone around me in a relationship like that and I want that kind of connection with someone, but I'm not good at talking to people. I feel like I'm running out of time to be in a relationship like that even though I'm only 18.
I've been seeing people close to me in relationships since I was 12 and only three people have ever said they wanted to date me. I've never been on a date either. So it's does get under my skin sometimes and it is not a good feeling. I know I have time but man...
Any tips ma? Also, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make this a tangent, but I just wanna get some advice and opinions from you.
Omg hi!!! I’m doing pretty good right now how are you??? I can totally understand the nervousness with driving! I’ve had my drivers license for almost 20 years 😅 (yeah that’s embarrassing) and the idea of someone watching me drive still makes me nervous but believe me, you’ve got this! Soon it will be a distant memory and you will have the freedom to drive as you please!!
Second, let me just say, I love when kids connect with their parents on anything! I’m sure your dad really appreciates you and him having Haikyu to watch. I have two kids and I love whenever my kids and I get into something together. It really makes us as parents feel so close with our kids.
Also, you are very right! People can change no matter their age. It’s not easy to change things but the point is that they work on them and are willing to make the effort needed! I’m really glad you are seeing positive changes and I really hope you and your dad are able to visit Japan!!
Now lastly, let me just say that what/how you are feeling about everything is VERY normal! Being someone between teenagerhood (is that a thing?) and “adulthood” is extremely hard. So many people act like when you turn 18 something automatically switches and you’ve become and adult but that’s not how any of that works. You’re in the age of discovery and finding yourself and this is one of many stages you’ll go through. Society acts as if we need to have our lives together by a certain age when in reality many of us millennials still have absolutely no idea what we are doing 😂 and that’s ok! I got married “young” and had kids “young”. Im also divorced and been through many different periods of my life. Heck, I didn’t start seeing a therapist until I was almost 30! The thing to remember is that there is no right or wrong in the journey of finding yourself. We all mess up, have regrets, wish we would have done things different, but that’s all part of life. If there’s one thing I know it’s that life doesn’t end as you get older, it actually gets so much better! Im way happier in my thirties than I ever was in my teens/twenties. My advice would be to just have fun! If you want to try dating, go on dates and see what happens. Just have fun! If you want to focus on a career, do it! If you want to travel the world, please send me a post card 😂 do what makes YOU happy. It’s really hard not to compare yourself to others because we all do it. We see someone having something we want and we get jealous. It’s natural! But always remember, lives are like icebergs, we only see the surface. So much is happening underneath that we will never see.
Ok my last comment I promise 😅. I’ve always been a person that keeps few people close and develop strong relationships with them. I have many people I talk to and consider “friends” but only 2 people I’d consider my best friends. Those are the ones I put my energy into, the ones who’ve developed deep connections with. Making friends isn’t easy and I’ve always been a pretty outgoing person, so I usually just go for it if I want a friend 😅 however I totally realize many people don’t work like that. My best advice would be to find friends who have things in common with you. Like one of my best friends I found on Tumblr and we connected over writing! The best thing about the online world is that it’s given us the opportunity to meet people from all over and form friendships! Do what makes you feel comfortable and have fun with it!
I hope some of this at least helps! I’m definitely more of like an advice columnist in my response 😂 thank you so much for reaching out and good luck on your driving test!!
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