#it gave us ian
magnetothemagnificent · 8 months
2023 objectively sucked but it did give us some of the best Captain America comic characterizations so.....you win some you lose some
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alchely · 2 months
I think we all fundamentally take Ian and Mickey's final episode in S2 wrong...
If we just take the "warm mouth" scene alone at face value then sure, Mickey is absolutely being deliberately cruel to Ian.
But let's look at how Ian takes it in the wake of that exchange, he talks about it only once in the next few episodes, and he says to Mandy that "Mickey thinks I pussied out" [on killing Frank] and he thinks he 'kinda' did.
This is Ian and Mickey soulmatism "we just get each other on a molecular level", so their thought process is somewhat inscrutable to us on the outside, but I think, in a way, that Mickey was already pretty serious about his relationship with Ian in season 2 and seeing Ian not willing to "fight" for them to be together felt like the ultimate betrayal.
Let's not forget that in that initial scene right after Frank discovered them Mickey was talking in plural, 'we do this, we do that'.
Seeing Ian refusing to help him the way he needed to be helped was definitely something that hit Mickey hard and caused him to lash out.
And it's not like Ian wasn't trying in his way! He was going through what he thought was the safest route to keep Mickey around cause he also cares a great deal about his not-boyfriend (let's not forget that the point of not killing Frank isn't that he turns his nose up at patricide but that he didn't want Mickey to go to juvie).
By misunderstanding his actions and not giving him time to explain Mickey jumps the gun and says what he says, and he's only able to see reason months later when nothing happens from the safety of prison.
There's obviously that other layer to the conversation, that Ian fundamentally doesn't understand the severity of the risk for Mickey and just how afraid he is ('we've got nothing to be ashamed of' 'what fucking world do you live in') because their families are so different, which will bite him in the ass later.
Mickey coming back to Ian in S3 the way he did, I know some people found it weird that Ian was immediately on board when their last interaction was what it was (cause we're fixated on the "you're nothing but a warm mouth"), but what they don't get is that this is Mickey forgiving Ian and giving him another chance, not the other way around.
Edit: I also don't think that that whole situation was swept under the rug either, Mickey learns pretty quickly that Ian isn't at his beck and call anymore at the beginning of S3, despite what their initial reunion suggests, that he's got "options" (yes Ian was doing it to make him jealous, but he doesn't know that) and I think that was him learning that in S2 he had pushed Ian too far away, that his words and actions had consequences in the relationship.
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deedala · 11 months
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Timestamp Gif Roulette ⇆ 06x07: Pimp's Paradise ↳Cyan + 7 for @too-schoolforcool
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untouchedsoap · 1 year
there is something sooo fucking good about early seasons ian and mickey, about watching this summer fling turn into something more, the fear that elicited from mickey but him being unable to stop, finding those little moments hidden away and taking all this meaning from small gestures and persevering in dugouts and under bleachers and barely pressed confessions in the back of a church that is soo good for my brain
like i am very glad mickey gets to shout his love for ian from the mountain tops and also beat his love for ian into his dad's face but when he was clenching his teeth shut and his love for ian was coming out regardless ohhhhh baby i was eating
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romidoes · 5 months
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— my heart is yours to take
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Helping Hand
My first RD fic! I haven't written proper fanfic in a hot minute but the little pixel people grabbed me by the throat and opened my google docs
Also shoutout to @nightmun for helping me visualize Ian's silly little mug
Summary: After seeing Ada struggle with the rhythm treatments, Ian comes up with a way to help her out.
Fic under the read-more :)
Dr. Edega loomed over her, his eyes boring into her back over the top of his clipboard.
"I expect better from you, Dr. Paige. Times are changing. If you can't keep up, then maybe you're not cut out for this job after all,” he said lowly.
Ada couldn't meet his gaze. Instead she stared down at her hands, balled into trembling fists, as her heart pounded in her ears. Burning tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, and she immediately felt ashamed, like a child being scolded.
She had messed up. She had been treating a patient with the rhythm defibrillator and started to panic as soon as she lost track of the tempo. Ian had frantically swooped in to take over and finished the treatment smoothly, while Ada had watched, feeling numb.
She was distantly aware of Ian pushing past her, positioning himself between her and Edega.
"D-Dr. Edega, sir—this is a very new, experimental treatment method. We're still working out the kinks and—and no one's going to be perfect at it right away."
"That's no excuse. There's no room for mistakes when lives are on the line. You both know that."
"N–Not every case we get is life-threatening," Ian said, and she was faintly surprised at the edge of anger creeping into his tone. "And she'll practice. She can—"
Edega pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
"I don't care what she does as long as her performance improves. See to it that she receives more training as soon as possible. And keep looking for any bugs in the program in the meantime."
Ian opened his mouth to say something else, but was silenced by a single look from Edega. He shrunk into himself.
"Y–Yes, sir. Of course."
Edega turned on his heel and strode out of the room, leaving a heavy silence behind him. Ada didn't realize that she was still shaking until Ian placed a tentative hand on her shoulder.
"Ada?" His voice sounded so far away, as though he were speaking to her from underwater. She attempted to pull herself back, focusing on the warmth of his hand as a grounding point. She placed her own fingers unsteadily over his and gave him a tremulous smile.
Ian watched her face, brow furrowed in concern.
"He—he shouldn't speak to you like that. I—I hate it."
She sniffled and quickly swiped at the tears that were threatening to spill under her glasses. She took a deep breath and straightened, attempting to look professional instead of pathetic.
"No. He's right. We can't afford to make stupid mistakes in this line of work. And it’s not…it’s not just him.” She remembered the way the patient’s heart rate had spiked on the monitor when she missed a beat, and let out a shaky sigh. “I just...can't stop thinking about what might have happened if you weren't here."
Ian frowned.
"Ada. You can't go beating yourself up over what might have happened."
"Sure I can," she joked weakly. Ian didn't laugh.
"We're—we're all trying our best here," he continued. "And Edega doesn't see how much you do for the patients every day. He barely comes out of his office, and when he does it's only to—to reprimand us for something or other. Everyone else in this hospital loves you. You—you're a good doctor, Ada."
As she stared at him, all of the tears that she had swallowed came rising back up in her throat. She let her head fall against his shoulder with a soft thump, and a quiet sob escaped her. She felt Ian freeze for a moment, uncertain, before he awkwardly wrapped an arm around her. She leaned into the warmth.
"Sorry," he whispered. "Not really a hugger."
Ada let out a watery laugh.
"I know, doofus. Thank you."
She pulled back and tried in vain to wipe the tear stains from his coat.
“Ugh, I’m sorry. I’m crying all over you. This is gross.”
“Yeah, a little bit,” Ian said. “But that’s okay.”
Ada collapsed into a nearby chair, suddenly feeling indescribably exhausted. She pressed the heels of her palms into her eyes before letting out another long sigh. Ian sat down next to her, awkwardly rubbing the back of his hand.
"Personalized care, comforting patients, that's what I'm good at,” Ada said. “You're the one who’s amazing at all the technical stuff.” 
She stared up into the harsh light of the overhead fluorescents, letting her vision go blurry. 
“All Edega seems to care about is getting people in and out of treatment as quickly as possible. Seems like if he has his way, pretty soon everything will be done remotely. I guess I just feel kind of useless,” she muttered.
“You’re not useless,” Ian said quietly.
Ada made a noncommittal sound.
“Like you said, there’s so many other things you’re good at. Trust me, Ada, we—we’ll always need you. You’re everyone’s favorite doctor. Otherwise, they’d all be stuck with me,” he joked.
She attempted to muster a smile, but she knew it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Ian frowned again and fell silent for a long moment, seemingly lost in thought. Then he stood abruptly, nearly startling her out of her seat.
“Oh! I—I might actually know a way to help you!” he cried, pacing excitedly. “M–Meet me in the basement when you come in tomorrow.”
Ada blinked up at him, baffled. “Oh…um…okay? What—?”
Ian was already gone, scurrying down the hallway towards the door that led to the basement. Ada shook her head bemusedly, before scooping up her clipboard from the nearby table to see which patient she needed to check on next. She took a moment and closed her eyes, mentally preparing for the rest of her shift. 
Deep breaths.
She heaved herself onto her feet, and set off in the other direction towards Cole’s room.
When she came down to the basement the next morning, Ian looked haggard, yawning and rubbing at his eyes under his glasses. When he saw her, however, he lit up in a smile and eagerly waved her over.
“Ada! Hey! C-Come here, I have something to show you.”
On his desk was the rhythm defibrillator device, and attached to it was a new button that she didn’t recognize.
“...What’s this?” she asked as she slowly descended the stairs.
Ian spun around in his chair to face her, gesturing enthusiastically.
“I was up all night testing this, but it—it works! Basically, it modulates the detected heartbeats to—to simplify them on our end, and then it translates the button input back to the original complexity to match the patient’s heart pattern. S-So you’ll still be administering the same treatment, but it should be easier to—”
Tears welled in her eyes all over again, and Ada practically fell forward to pull him into a hug, grinning from ear to ear. Ian stiffened uncomfortably, and she suddenly remembered herself.
She stepped back and laughed sheepishly as she wiped away the tears.
“Right. Not a hugger. Sorry, I really need to be better about that.”
Ian looked at her for a moment, sighed, and then smiled. He stood from his chair and wrapped her in another hug, tighter than before.
“I’m willing to make exceptions,” he mumbled into her shoulder. Ada’s heart swelled, and she squeezed him back just as tightly. Then Ian let out a yelp as she lifted him off his feet in her excitement, and she quickly set him back down. 
“Too much?”
Ian laughed weakly, smoothing down his rumpled coat.
“Too much.”
“It’s okay.”
She returned her attention to the new button, running her fingers over the smooth surface. It looked fairly similar to the standard one, though slightly bigger. She gently pressed it down and it made a satisfying click.
“Thank you, Ian, seriously. This is…incredible.”
Ian scratched the back of his neck bashfully.
“It’s the least I could do. You already work so hard. H–Hopefully, this’ll make your job a little easier.”
Ada suddenly remembered his words from yesterday. You’re everyone’s favorite doctor. Otherwise, they’d all be stuck with me.
“You’re doing a good job, too, by the way,” she said softly. “Edega’s an idiot if he doesn’t see that. I know that a lot of your work is behind the scenes, but it’s just as important.”
“Oh. Thanks.” Ian looked away, embarrassed. “Y-You don’t have to say that.”
Ada smiled fondly.
“Just want you to know that you’ll always be my favorite radiologist.”
“I’m quite literally th–the only radiologist that we have.”
Ian finally broke into a smile, too. “Okay, okay. H-How about we test this thing?”
A week later, Ada told him that she had a gift for him, and produced a small white coffee mug from her coat pocket. Ian burst out laughing when he saw it.
“Wait, d-does that say ‘number one radiologist?’”
It was a “Number One Dad” mug from the dollar store that Ada had drawn over with a permanent marker. She had added two lines under the first D to turn it into an R, and had scribbled “-iologist” underneath, along with a little smiley face at the end. The mug soon became a permanent fixture on Ian’s desk, and she grinned to herself every time she passed by it.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 3 months
do you think we were supposed to take ian’s comment about hating debbie seriously? cause it just seemed like him being an annoying sibling but i’ve seen people scold him on twitter. I just think it’s weird that almost everyone else that szn was being aggressive or fighting with her but it’s ian that gets singled out and criticised again. I hate when people pit them against eo cause they are my favourites 🥲
no, i didn’t. and i’ve said this before. it wasn’t ian’s words THERE i took seriously, it was the intent john wells had, and the fact that it was a common pattern in s11 to have her be the punchline of every joke when before, it was nothing like that.
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rat parts
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Don't you guys think it's fucked up when Fiona starts dating and sleeping out of the house, leaving Debbie, Carl and Liam kind of for themselves?
Once she started dating Mike she would sleep at his place sometimes which I think it's okay, she was paying the bills and would leave dinner ready and communicate Debs and she was still looking out for them, they had health care and she took them to the clinic and all that. She needs to take care of her, live a life, sleep at her boyfriend sometimes, that's fine and healthy. But then she marry Gus and is often out of there, get together with Sean and doesn't even know what's going on with them anymore (aka "why there's nothing to eat in the fridge" "cause no one is doing the shopping" dialogue with Debbie, not knowing when it's their first day at school, letting Sammy move in and run things after her trailer got fucked by Frank), and then she gets her apartment and moves out completely and like, okay, Ian was a EMT, Lip is a mechanic already I think, she did said she wasn't going to support Debbie after her pregnancy (fucked me thinks), Carl's at military school, but Liam is still a kid! And Debs and Carl are still underage! And they are her responsibility.
It just doesn't sit right with me that Liam didn't at least moved with her.
Specifically Fiona defenders, I would love to hear more about it.
#i could he talking a lot of shit cause i only watched s6 and ahead once and it was some months ago but#i dont think im wrong. i dont there was any sort of explanation or reason or anything like that#she straight up left all behind to start fresh with her apartment her money her expensive chair didnt she#and i want fiona to grow! to do her stuff! to be only a sister to her siblings and not their mom! but she is their legal guardian#yes lip and ian definitely has to help family now. she didnt had to raise them the way she did until s3 but she did and they own her big#at least i think they do. she sacrificed herself out of love for them. made them go to school. gave them a life and some sort of stability#so now its their time to take up the responsibility with her. but thats it. with her. she dont get to abandon them.#mostly cause she is their legal guardian yk. and it was very strictly imposed and explained s3 its from here on until theyre ALL 18#and i somewhat think its okay for her to want liam to be in chicago when she left. she gave them money and he had there more stability#like she had no job yet no place to live he wouldnt have any family around to support him he would have to move to another school is a lot!#but to not make this move legally? to i dont know transfer him to lip or something? to not call and get to know how hes doing?#to not send liam $ once she gets a job or a share of her 50k every month? to not offer him to move with her once she gets her shit together#i dont like it. actually i hate it.#shameless#shameless us#fiona gallagher#og.#s9
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gidakata · 1 year
DPR Ian is a comedic genius simply for the fact that like. ok mr insanity is this joker/harley quinn type. got it. great happy aesthetics, unsettling smile, having fun causing chaos and wrecking things (THAT HE SET UP) and then like. just dragging this faceless green dude around. ok. got it. that's his shtick that's what he does.
and then mito, who we've seen have some pretty serious moments in MVs up until now, but in like a more emotional kind of way, is all of a sudden like. dressed like a cowboy out of a sci-fi western and every time he appears in this mv mr insanity just has this little cartoon "uh-oh!" moment and a delayed reaction while everything goes to shit and it brings me joy because why do you give the "oh we're fucked" look while ROBBING A BANK... and then immediately go shooting the only entity that could hurt you EVEN THOUGH he just took even MORE power from one of the objects in that bank!??!
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LIKE!?!? ALL OF A SUDDEN THE MV GOES HARD AND FOR A SPLIT SECOND MR INSANITY LOOKS PETRIFIED AND THEN HES LIKE :D NO ACTUALLY. I LIKE THIS. (which is hilarious considering not even 5 seconds later he and his faceless bank robbing husband dip like??)
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like im so. im so fond of these two in particular. mr insanity who does not at all register the actual threat mito poses and MITO who goes so hard the MV changes visuals and the music changes its tone and rhythm completely like this is so fucking funny to me please. I need more content of just this pure emo tom and robbing-a-fucking-bank jerry
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lilac-hecox · 3 months
Okay, but the little end card they did for Flashback with Smosh made me even sadder! It wasn't even around a year! And making a big show about turning off the light. STOP HURTING ME.
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allnightnausea · 4 months
carmichael haig i HATE u. carmichael haig is satan himself. its called late night w the devil because car is on it. carmichael hate squad unite
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literaturebf · 6 months
i know ian was manic but ohhh my god i will always hate that they made mickey's coming out on ian's terms. ian KNOWS how scared mickey is and he knows why and having ian call him a coward and force him into an ultimatum is not the greatest way to have ur gay character come out, especially not when he gets bashed by his father in the next scene. it's a great line and i love that mickey was able to do it, but the way it happened and the reasons behind it are just. so icky
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
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when do you think they first 69'd? please submit your headcanons in the tags! then, go check out this fully insane 69/upside down rimming husband art that @psychicskulldamage blessed us with...
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day 9: sixty-nine (69) for kinktober 2022 by @gallavichthings
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You think it’s fucking stupid, but Gallagher’s into it, and you’re into Gallagher, so fine, whatever, you’ll try it.
Feels weird to scoot your ass towards his freckled face, to come face to face with his cock.
Shit, it looks massive from this angle.
He gasps when your dick hits his chin, then sucks at your tip. You stifle a groan with your own mouthful.
It’s a lot of sensations at once, the two of you feasting on each other—licking, sucking, all messy and sloppy and really fucking good.
His finger slips past your rim and you see stars.
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untouchedsoap · 11 months
i know this is mostly just my preference and my protective nature of mickey but it's like uncomfortable for me when people write him new oc partners. and it's so weird because usually i'm someone who does like to mix and match and see how different people fit together etc not necessarily with ocs that's less my taste but still with mickey it's like absolutely not. he knows where he wants to be
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xxmoonch1ldxx · 1 year
Anthony: "You guys are dicks!"
Ian: "You are what you eat."
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