#it gives me hope and i will cling to it
puppyeared · 11 months
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personal character design headcanons + brainrot
Note: the re-bound!au does NOT belong to me, it belongs to @chipper-smol I’m just not normal about it lol
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#I SAY PERSONAL BC ITS MY OWN SPIN ON IT. NOT CHIPPERS CANON UNLESS THEY DECIDE TO OR NOT YOU HEAR ME /LH#I made a banner and everything this time. PLWEASE send them your questions not me JAJFHDSF#I thought it would be cool if macaque has two separate forms as a shadow and inside a mindscape. like I wanted his shadow form to reflect#him in his prime and then the mindscape form as what he looked like when he died. or a more vulnerable state at least#based on LBD appearing to MK as the ivory lady when she died in the S3 special. I don’t know exactly what it was but my first thought seein#the white void was she was appearing to MK in his mindscape to talk to him. so I built on that#I wanted to give him a more ‘Smokey’ look as a shadow just based on how he manipulates them in the show like in shadow play. I hope this#makes it look cool and immaterial. and then his mindscape form would be more battered up and tangible#the last couple images are chippers ideas though since they said the monkeys are drawn to MK when macaque is possessing him lol#and the fact that macaque doesn’t have any senses unless he’s possessing someone + literally sniffing out wukong in the scroll 🤨📸#I also have a vivid image of macaque moving from the mindscape to physical form like umm. kind of like when he passes the boundary between#physical and spirit/mind(?) it’s like the shadow covers him like ink. or pulling Saran Wrap over your face and it clings to your skin#so it kind of makes the shadow seem like a sort of shell or covering.. and I love the idea of MK meeting macaque in the mindscape for the#first time too. like the moment mac rescues him from LBD and MK sees him all battered and tired looking brooooooo#I’m not even sure if that would count as a mindscape but it rattles around in my brain like loose marbles#god I fucking love this au. gives me imagination fuel swear to god#my art#doodles#lmk#Lego Monkie kid#Monkie kid#lmk au#re-bound!au#rebound au#lmk sun wukong#lmk swk#lmk macaque#lmk six eared macaque#lmk mk#lmk xiaotian
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anxiouspark · 3 months
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the things you do for love ~
Queen of Tears (2024), dir. Jang Young-Woo, Kim Hee-Won
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dearabsolutelynoone · 2 years
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An Offer From a Gentleman 💙
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3-aem · 9 months
going to bed early so i can be well rested for tomorrow at gojos farewell party 💕
edit: been informed that its next week but still going to bed early bc im a tired btch 💕
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amethystina · 5 months
If you had to put Yohan and Gaon in a parallel universe, what would it be? Bcs I've been thinking about how would they be in a zombie apocalypse scenario (it's definitely very angst)
I can think of several and my brain tends to let the ideas percolate at the back of my mind whether I want them to or not x'D So, at random, it'll present me with fully formed stories complete with a complex plot and everything that's been slowly pieced together while I wasn't looking.
Admittedly, I haven't thought of a Zombie AU, though, probably because I don't like the doom and gloom of it (she says while having written a 100k Zombie AU for another fandom where one of the main characters is a literal zombie x'D ).
ANYWAY. Here are some ideas that have been living in my brain rent-free for a while:
Soulmate AU:
While everybody believes in soulmates, not everyone is lucky enough to dream of their fated other half. Yo Han does, however. They start during his teenage years, as is customary, and he can't say he's surprised when it's Isaac's familiar face he sees. He's quite relieved, in all honesty, since he'd much rather have a platonic soulmate than a romantic one. It's less messy that way.
Fate proves him wrong the day Isaac dies in that godforsaken fire and Yo Han devotes the rest of his life to avenging his soulmate's death. That seems to be the only way to fill the void inside of him.
But then, just as Yo Han is getting ready to set his ten-year plan in motion, everything gets thrown on its head.
He meets Kim Ga On.
Suddenly, Yo Han isn't sure who he's seeing in his dreams. Is it Isaac or this young, idealistic judge — who Yo Han soon realises has been sent to spy on him? And, even if it is Kim Ga On he's dreaming about, does that truly change anything? Everything has already been set in motion and, soulmate or not, Yo Han wants revenge for what happened to his brother.
And what's to say that Kim Ga On — so brilliant and righteous — would even want Yo Han as his soulmate? His despise for Yo Han is evident so, clearly, fate must have made a mistake this time.
Someone that pure could never love a monster like him.
(Ga On dreams, too, and they're always the same. He never sees his soulmate's face, only roaring flames and a crumbling building. Ga On assumes that means his soulmate is dead. Why else would he find himself trapped inside that burning inferno every time he dreams? Surely he would have seen something else by then if the person was still alive?
Not once does it cross his mind that, maybe, his soulmate just needs to find a reason to start living again...)
Black Knight AU:
Joining a group of rebel refugees wasn't so much a choice for Ga On as a necessity. He hates to see the suffering around him, people dying from lack of oxygen and food, their numbers dwindling by the day.
Ga On wants a better future for all of them and he'll fight tooth and nail to get it — even if that means tearing down the old world order and demanding a new one.
Fortunately for the rebels, they have someone on the inside helping them. Ga On has never met this person — known only as the Benefactor — but it's clear that he must be from the core district. Only someone at the very top would have the kind of power and influence that the Benefactor does, providing the rebels with information and supplies through the network of deliverymen and military personnel at his disposal. Ga On doesn't know why someone at the core district would want to bring down the very system that keeps him rich, but Ga On will take whatever help he can get.
And then — as if Ga On doesn't already have enough to deal with — things get complicated the day the rebels intercept what they think is a supply delivery but turns out to be a travel convoy. And the man at its centre is clearly from the core district judging by his pristine suit and flawless appearance. Usually, that would make him a valuable hostage, but there's something different about this man.
Not only does he not seem the least bit afraid to find himself in the midst of a group of armed refugee rebels, but he also fixates on Ga On in a way that's downright unsettling. Ga On doesn't understand why.
Nor does he understand why he keeps feeling an inexplicable and wholly inappropriate pull towards the man. Ga On knows absolutely nothing about him aside from the fact that he's clearly very rich, unnervingly intelligent and, as it soon turns out, incredibly dangerous. How can Ga On be attracted to someone so ruthless and selfish?
The only core district dweller Ga On feels even the slightest bit of respect for is the Benefactor and this Kang Yo Han is the polar opposite. Ga On shouldn't feel drawn to him.
And yet, against better knowledge, he does.
And it feels more like a question of when he'll succumb, rather than if.
(This story has everything! Rebels! Eating of the rich! Delicious identity porn! Explosions! Elijah calling Ga On literal trash that Yo Han dragged in from the gutter!
... it would probably also be pretty long so let's hope I don't succumb to the urge to write it)
Historical Vampire AU:
After Ga On's parents die, he fully expects to end up on the streets and starve to death. Fortunately for him, a local scholar takes him on as an apprentice instead, teaching him how to read and write.
He feels incredibly indebted to Scholar Min and so, many years later, when Ga On is asked to accept a position as assistant to a rich but mysterious lord just outside the city, he of course does so. The position is a mere cover, however. In actuality, Ga On will be spying on Kang Yo Han in hopes of finding out if he's secretly supporting the uprising that's brewing in their region.
More than once, Scholar Min tells Ga On that he must be careful — that the mission is incredibly dangerous. But it's not until he actually arrives at Lord Kang's estate that Ga On understands why Scholar Min kept repeating all those dire warnings.
Not only is Kang Yo Han aloof and deeply unsettling — his gaze filled with something that could only be described as hunger whenever he looks at Ga On — but he doesn't seem to eat, rarely sleeps, and never ventures outside during the day. Only once darkness falls does he leave the estate and, sometimes, he doesn't return until just before dawn.
Before long, Ga On begins to wonder if Kang Yo Han isn't just involved in the uprising, but might also be the cause for the dead bodies that have been found strewn around the city the past couple of months.
And, somehow, Ga On has to find proof to support his theory — preferably without becoming a target himself.
(A.k.a. if you thought Ga On's neck kink in Who Holds the Devil was bad? Think again, bitches)
Aside from these, there are also the two parallel universe stories I have already started: Gravitational Pull which is basically meant to be a series of one-shots that divert from the original canon by changing one small detail in each installment. And then The Devil's Due which is a Different First Meeting AU where they meet when Ga On is still a teenager and that throws everything out of order (because Yo Han accidentally kickstarts Ga On's gay awakening a lot sooner than usual and, after that, all bets are off)
So yeah. I could probably think of several more but let's stop here for now xD
(And don't ask me why I chose to write these ideas as if they're fanfic summaries because they definitely aren't fanfics yet)
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whyismangososour · 1 month
okay but is anyone in the stranger things fandom going to ever talk about the weird phenomenon that is byler shippers’ propensity towards falling into conspiracy theories????? I’m not saying it’s bad or anything (if you’re gonna fall into a conspiracy theory I’d much rather it be over fictional characters than over thinking taylor swift is a lesbian or anything even remotely related to qanon or something like that) I’m just… I’m so confused like where is this coming from
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miodiodavinci · 10 months
well in any event today is the day i gotta go clothes shopping for my Professional Internship Outfits™ and as much as i want to remain optimistic i also foresee the fact that i might die
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hopeinthebox · 11 months
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tagged by the tastemaker @cordiallyfuturedwight for the july list 💕 Category 5 Breakdown in the tags as per usual but tagging some favs if you fancy a go @aprylynn @thvinyl @monismochi @banghwa @pauls-mccharmly @avizou mwah
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eru-iru · 1 year
part of bedman is in the bedframe and nothing will sway me from that I am clinging on to that interview and after story. I am in hell with bedman
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space-spring · 4 months
This is a long-overdue Lanselot LUTC appreciation post but. I love this guy. Every scene he's in is a banger
I'd say these are my favorite moments that revolve around him but. tbh this is pretty much every moment that even mentions him lol. But he's just that good!!! Just a really good solid dude!!!!
We've got this conversation with Denam from way early on where they talk about fear and death (not pictured is him reminiscing about his late wife and pulling out her music box which he apparently!! just carries on his person!!!):
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And this part before a certain battle (after it's been established that he's working with Leonar + Vyce):
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And this scene from after that same battle where he acts openly against the Dark Knights:
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And now I just got to this bit where he's speaking with other Lanselot:
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And!!! idk!!! Lanselot doesn't get a ton of screentime (these scenes are I think the only ones he's actually present for so far in all of Chapter 2 and beyond) but every time he comes up in the story it makes me want to cry a little bit. He's just a genuinely good guy!!! So much of the game is about letting your morals slip, and while Lanselot IS forced to make imperfect choices, he also continues (more than any other character, including Denan imo) to try and be a good person.
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emdotcom · 2 months
Shout out to folks suffering with eating disorders. I hope you know that whatever body you have is worthy of love, & I hope your next meal is filling.
It's hard to quit, once you start to starve yourself, but even if you can just start small by getting a snack when hungry, I think you can & should break out of that. I've been hungry, in this life, & I don't think anyone deserves what it does to you.
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swordsonnet · 2 months
not to brag but i've read no less than three books with gay stabbing scenes so far this year 😎
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crescentfool · 3 months
bonerattle arena fucks severely. i was not expecting it to rival my love for jammin' salmon junction, but wow. this map feels like a love letter to people who love and enjoy salmon run. (i ended up playing the rotation for around 3.5 hours... which you can watch here if you like!)
the map's circular shape on normal/high tide effectively makes the spawns from this map come from every angle. it's a test of awareness and movement skill- and the walls + inkrails really, really make rotating around the map feel so fluid and easy.
and low tide's hexagonal two-ring design is so fascinating too! instead of testing movement, it tests your team's ability to make judgment calls on luring and making sure you don't overwhelm basket from luring too much.
i also feel that every special in salmon feels really rewarding to use on this map- even reefslider! i've played enough to see that most specials bring so much utility and value, and i just love that no special feels like it's "useless" on this map.
there's also a few flyfish tech on this map that echoes the bomb tricks on jammin' salmon junction and spawning grounds (and i guess gone fission too), it feels really intuitive on what spots can pop two baskets at once (it's the grates and the rails) and i just? feel really rewarded for playing as much salmon as i do.
i feel that the map's inclusion of the ink rail mechanic evokes a lot of similar vibes to ruins of ark polaris- and i really liked that! there's definitely some things i want to fine tune and understand better about them, but they're really fun.
i still need to see how other weapons feel on this map, but it feels like both mobile and stationary weapons can exceed here- there's nice perches for long range weapons, lots of walls for quick weapons to use to escape situations... it's so swag...! a very good final map, i think!
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piplupod · 6 months
it is all just so sucks
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monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
Ya know, every animatronic in Meteors (turned or not) would absolutely have a collection of random things from the outside world. I'm not sure what everyone would end up favouring specifically, but I know that every single one of them has at least a temporary fascination with plants.
Look at this little flower! It's so tiny! How can something so small grow like that? What do you mean the trees were once like little sticks in the ground?! Grass just... Grows?? On its own??? How's it do that...??? How does it survive the winter??? THIS is where food comes from???? Wait, you can just... grow stuff on your window sill???? How do they grow if they don't eat...? HOW'D THIS PLANT GET UNDER THE CONCRETE?!
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infizero · 9 months
shut UPPPPPPPPPPP someone just put the clip of tiny manticore telling betty "maybe you're going after someone who doesn't exist anymore" with simon trying to bring back betty back ohhhh i feel sick
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