#it happens like that with cakes sometimes
lessi-lover · 1 day
feather light love II l.williamson x l.walti
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this is a filler story for the series, start of the little stärnli series 🫶🏻 ★ feather light love II l.williamson x l.walti
you had begun to notice that leah seemed to have moved herself into your house to live with you. her things started to appear more frequently around your home, it was her coat hung on the rack near the front door, or her favourite mug that had nestled its way next to the others on the shelf.
you'd spot her waiting with a smile, her hand stretched out for your own when she started to pick you up from daycare with mummy on most days, and you could tell that she had been coming over to sleep more than the rest of your mummy's friends.
at first you didn't quite understand why leah couldn't play with you like mummy could. you had been to a lot of your mummy's matches and leah could play really well there. so it was weird that at home, or at least for the last few months, leah wasn't able to play with you in the garden like she had been able to when you first met her when mummy moved to arsenal.
besides, leah had become a constant presence in your life. she helped you with so many things; she helped you bake a cake when it was mummy's birthday, she took you out the park to play at the playground, and when you struggled to speak in english she would help you practice your english when you reverted back to swiss, playing games with you whenever she got the chance.
sometimes you wondered if mummy and leah were more than friends, even if you wanted to believe that they were just really close. leah, just like your mummy, was able to see when you needed a hug and you deemed that she gave the best hugs in the world. you loved the way leah made your mummy smile and the way she made you feel safe and loved.
you were fine, though. you loved leah as much as leah seemed to love you, and you would have had no issue if she and your mummy did say they were together. but you didn't fully understand the complexity of relationships yet. sometimes, you wished they would just tell you outright. it felt like a secret everyone knew but you.
in truth, lia and leah were definitely something more than friends. the pair by now knew that they were creeping into the deep end in which soon enough they were going to have to tell you, even if things didn't work out between them.
they had been tipping over the edge for months now, and to be honest lia had thought that maybe you already knew about the couple and were just waiting for them to break it to you themselves.
but lia was adamant that she wanted to continue giving you a stable environment and that she wouldn't expose you to her relationship in fear that it wouldn't last, she didn't want you to become attached and experience withdrawal because of a breakup.
for the past few weeks you had seen leah's sore knee slowly heal, or what you saw as a progression when she stopped needing the crutches to walk around and was now able to lift you up high in her arms like she did before.
you, mummy and leah often had movie nights, where you would lay between the couple and watch a film until one of them carried you off to bed when you fell asleep halfway. you would cozy yourself into your mummy's lap, leaning on leah's body as your eyes began to droop in tiredness.
you would wake up every so often, giggles sounding as you watched whatever was happening on the screen. leah's laugh soft in your ears as she brushed away loose strands of your hair, her head nestled with lia's behind you.
"are you tired little stärnli?" your mummy would ask, her nails scratching your skin lightly as you pressed further into her chest. "no mummy." you mumbled in a sleepy voice, your breathing almost even as you tried to stay awake.
your exhaustion was obvious as you fought the fight to stay awake but surrendered at the feeling of your mummy's hand carding through your hair. "bedtime lovie?" leah chuckled, watching as you basically crashed out of pure exhaustion on her girlfriends lap.
"think so." lia grinned, smiling in admiration of the love she so clearly saw swelling in leah's eyes for you. lia gently lifted you up of the couch, her arms cradling you softly as her girlfriend moved to turn off the film as they made their way to your bedroom to tuck you soundly into bed.
now in your bedroom, lia gently lifted the covers and lowered you into bed, tucking the warm, fluffy blanket up to your chin as you breathed softly. "out like a light." lia giggled, bending down to place a light kiss to the top of your head, her lips lingering as she whispered to you quietly.
"oh, her stärnli." lia cursed, knowing she had forgotten your teddy in the living room and she rushed to retrieve it as she knew you couldn't sleep without it by your side.
as she left the room for a moment, you stirred soundly in your sleep, the faint air brushing over your face as your mummy left in a hurry to find your stärnli. blinking sleepily, you found yourself tucked comfortably into bed, when only moments before you remember watching the movie in the living room.
the light of the stick on stars on your ceiling gently glowed down on your face, lia had bought them when you started to show an interest in stars, asking her questions one night when you were out late on the balcon just looking at the sky.
"leah?" you called out, your sleepy voice barely above a whisper, tinged with how tired you were. your eyes scanned the room, seeking out the familiar figure of your mummy's girlfriend.
to your surprise, leah was still there, sitting at the edge of your bed, her body illuminated by the soft light coming from your night light plugged into the wall. she turned to you with a warm smile, her hand reaching out to rest on your blanket.
"hey little star," leah said softly, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from your forehead. "are you having trouble going to sleep?"you nodded, a small yawn escaping your lips as you shifted in bed, your gaze fixated on the blondes face.
you waited in silence for a moment, your eyes blinking tiredly as leah let you speak to her first. she didn't want to overstep because she knew if you needed something you would ask for help from her.
"leah, do you love my mummy?" you asked, your voice tinged with curiosity. the question had been lingering in your mind for some time now and with how safe leah made you feel, you felt okay to tell her.
leah bent down to kiss the spot where your mummy had kissed a few minutes ago as her hand grazing down the side of your face. "yes, little star," leah replied, her voice soft as she matched her smile down to yours. "i love your mummy very, very much."
you nodded in a somewhat approval, a sense of contentment washing over you as leah's words sank in. she really did love your mummy and you knew that now. with a satisfied sigh, you settled back into your sleep, your eyes just drooping closed as you almost fell back asleep once again.
leah looked down at you, her gaze softening as she watched you drift off to sleep, a fond smile playing on her lips. she brushed a gentle hand over your hair, tucking a loose strand behind your ear.
and as your mummy returned to your room, you opened your eyes once more, lifting your stärnli teddy out of your mummy's hand and tucking it underneath your chin. you clasped your hand with your own and lifted it up next to your teddy. sinking into the sheets you allowed sleep to overcome you, your breath evening out.
"goodnight mummy and lee." "goodnight little stärnli." "goodnight little star."
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moonlightazriel · 2 days
Epilogue /// Azriel X F!Reader
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Summary: Everything is as it should be, no more villains to defeat, no more threats lingering around, just peace. Nothing can happen to disturb their peace, or did she spoke too soon?
Word Count: 602
Warnings: None for this part, except a slightly spoiler from the end of Crescent City 2.
Notes: All I can say is that you guys can expect one or two bonus chapters hehehehe
Main Masterlist
Worlds Apart Masterlist
Meraxes huffed, petals flying around with the motion, releasing their perfume over their heads. Y/N giggled, the wyvern jumped around, the movement making the ground shake whenever he landed. He chased the flours with his huge tongue poking out of his mouth and his tail wagging around.
Azriel smiled at that, indeed a giant puppy. His eyes drifted to her, how the sun hit the side of her face, making her glow like a goddess. Azriel wondered if she wasn’t in the wrong court, Day would really suit her better.
Despite the shadows in her eyes and the way she sometimes stops laughing, getting lost in those hunting memories, she was made of pure light, brightening his days and pulling him out of the darkness.
He grabbed her hand, grazing his lips over it, like he did once in a dream. Those beautiful eyes locked with him, pinning in his place, and in that moment he knew he wouldn’t want to be anywhere if she wasn’t with him.
She was his life, and he would handle her with care, love and admiration. He loved her desperately and he just hoped that one day he would be able to show her all of his love.
“What are you looking at?” Her voice was as soft as the breeze pulling the strands away from the low bun she chose to wear today.
“You. There is not a prettier sight than this.” She lifted the plate filled with cake and moved it around, motioning for the field where they sat.
“To me it looks like there’s far more prettier views to look at than me.” She took a bite of the chocolate cake, icing smearing across the corner of her mouth.
“Not to me. There’s not a single thing in the whole creation that could beat your beauty.” He leaned forward, his thumb cleaning the icing from her lips and pulling her in for a passionate kiss.
She loved him, and now she wasn’t afraid anymore. He wasn’t like anyone she had met, and she wouldn’t be afraid to show him her heart, he had accepted her fully, the bad and the ugly parts she was ashamed about.
“Who would’ve guessed you’re that good with words?” She joked as they parted the kiss, their eyes still glued to each other like nothing else mattered in the world.
“I’m way better with my hands.” He smirked, his gaze darkening with lust. She discarded her cake as he pulled her closer, straddling his lap.
They started to kiss, heat pooling in between her thighs as she grinded her hips down against his. His cock started to throb in his too tight pants. Meraxes growled in annoyance, walking away from the scene and making her giggle in between the kiss.
She felt that familiar wave of power wash over the Earth, making her heart beat faster with each passing second. She was out of his lap, Godslayer in hands when she appeared. Dressed in weird clothes and covered in blood.
Azriel was behind her in a second, a blindfold in his hands, Y/N groaned, knowing that the blindfold was meant to be used on her later. The female spoke in a language neither of them could comprehend.
“We have to take her to Rhys.” He spoke, looking apologetically towards his mate, after all this was their day off.
“Is it a normal thing for females to just pop out of thin air?” She groaned, getting up and started to pack their things.
“Not before you did, my love.” She laughed.
“Let’s get over with this then.”
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
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richeeduvie · 1 day
Eladio, in the middle of the Princesas's birthday party, grabbed a piece of cake and fed it to her, then wiped the corner of her mouth with his finger—all while Lalo and Ignacio watched. Inside, both of them wanted to beat the shit out of him, but on the outside, they kept up appearances since he's the boss :)
I like this. I really like this. I like men with no boundaries and Lalo's murder fantasies. Just Eladio's audacity and obliviousness....and you are a genius for having it being him feeding Princesa a piece? Lalo loves to feed Princesa! And it's just an intimate thing in general.
Lalo's trying to have a good time after that car present. That ugly, pink thing in his garage. Princesa's never gonna drive it, if she ever learns how to drive. But they're cutting the cake!
He feels his hands burning, wanting to hold Princesa - kiss her, but...not with Eladio.
"Open wide, Princesa!"
The cake is to her lips before she can do anything but eat it. Eladio smiles wide.
Lalo's eyes go wide, but it's slow. Nacho stills - it's all awkward and cheery, but Lalo's silent.
"What a way to celebrate a good friend's birthday. Getting messy. Don't worry, sometimes-"
Eladio takes his thumb to wipe the corner of Princesa's mouth, just before sucking the cake pieces off. Just what Lalo does.
The Salamanca stares. Nacho watches him.
Eladio starts talking, but Lalo doesn't hear any word that comes from his mouth.
Princesa feels sick. And it's just nerves in her hands. Nacho crosses his arms. Jesus Christ.
The party gets a little less awkward as time goes by, Ciro plays with Barn - Eladio talks to Lalo's guys. Lalo breaks a plate in the sink, it's nearly silent. That thick crack.
"You glad I'm a good boss, Nacho?"
Nacho doesn't say anything, he knows he doesn't have to. And for the first time, he doesn't hear Princesa coming his way.
She's so...she's so much, you know? She makes him feel so much. And Princesa may deny bad intentions or oblivious, bad choices, but she knows what happened here. What Lalo's feeling.
She hugs him from behind. Nacho blinks down to the tile before leaving and he doesn't know he'll dream about killing a man he couldn't ever say no to.
Her face nuzzles into his spine.
"Thank you for the party, Lalo."
Princesa's touch, it's heaven - it's a cool coming over Lalo, but he holds her hand to his chest and looks at her fingers, sees Eladio and the cake. He can't stop himself from breathing hard, but evenly.
She accepts the suffocating, long squeeze to her hands.
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mars-ipan · 2 months
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happy birthday you weird little freak. it's finals season so i can't afford to make a full drawing for u rn but i can at least give you your favorite thing in the world
bonus drawing + og imgs under the cut
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cannot believe that crucified!komaeda is the cuntiest i've ever drawn him. call it divine inspiration
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movedtodykedvonte · 9 months
My personal feelings in the Fionna and Cake ending is that it was perfect.
The story showed about how we can only control what is in our very personal and small world and not worry about or take on the responsibilities of that outside ourself.
We will make mistakes and wish we could rewrite them over and over and over until it’s perfect but we can’t. We will hate aspects of our lives and adore aspects of lives we don’t know the intricacies or hardships of but we can not insert ourselves. We have our own lives to live and rather than define it by a given purpose let us define the purpose as we go along. Not everything is revealed when it’s over, you may not get the answers but it’s okay to go somewhere and not know.
Some endings are happy, some are sad and some are just that, endings. They don’t have neat little bows or a “The End” on the last page but they allow us to put the past down and move on to whatever else lies ahead.
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musubiki · 10 months
mochi thinks its kinda hot but kinda annoying how much lime eats. on one held he works out regularly and as a tall young man has one of those ridiculously high metabolisms where he can eat like 12 donuts and 3 blizzards and still be in shape, so she gets it. also he looks really good so she cant complain. but on the other end there are (a bit too frequently occurring) mornings where she wants like. spam and eggs or something. and theres like 1 egg and zero spam since lime needs like 6 eggs for breakfast and they havent gone grocery shopping yet
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astriiformes · 2 years
Honestly pretty emotional about where things are at with my family right now.... at one point in time I really didn't know if things would look healthy between my parents and I again, but my dad especially has grown a lot as a person (and, importantly, is still willing to have me and even Scribe, who he absolutely sees as family at this point, sit him down and tell him to do better), and even my mom seems to be coming around more on certain things than I ever expected.
Things are rough for me right now, but it means a lot that I can reach out to my parents and say I need their help, and that we've collectively put in work to make that a sustainable, healthy option for me instead of a painful last resort. And it also means I can focus on the things they're doing right -- like how my dad has been phenomenal about my transition from the start, and both my parents have accepted Scribe as a part of the family (and both really genuinely like her!) without asking me to explain myself having a queerplatonic partner. And as far as I know my dad seems to get on great with my sister's girlfriend and it sounds like even my mom (which is huge, recent news!) is starting to accept her as a part of the family, too, which marks a pretty significant change.
Both my parents came from really difficult family backgrounds with a lot of problems and at time I've excused their behavior too much, and there's still a lot they need to work on, but I'm proud of them for at least dampening that cycle, and for my sisters and I to get even better at it and turn it into something we can work on as a family. That's pretty cool.
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luxraydyne · 1 year
me stacking fear and hunger 2: termina right on top of paper mario: the thousand year door just like the new town being built over the remains made into sewers with landmarks that curiously map over each other topographically and thematically like aw yeah it’s all coming together now
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threegunbrainrot · 1 year
I look at the 98 anime with a fond fascination. It’s based off of only the original couple issues of Trigun plus like I want to say the first 4? Of trimax. And bc of how many things get developed and revealed much more down the line in the manga, it’s so interesting to think about this offshoot of the original source material where things didn’t quite ramp up to the same scale but still got to the heart of things anyways, where everyone’s backstories played out just a little to the left and led to a similar but different tale. Trimax is definitely my favorite, bc just everything about it is so well done to me, but 98 holds its own unique spot in my favor
i definitely agree anon ur So right
it's practically a branching timelines situation, where everything is so, SO close to being the same, but thanks to the butterfly effect everything got skewed ever so slightly and now the whole world is just that much more different
call it parallel universes, alternate dimensions, alternate timelines... i really love it all. there's so many specific parts of both trimax and 98 that shine brighter and dimmer than one another. unique pieces of the narrative that were either expounded or brushed aside.
like in 98, meryl didn't want to believe that vash was the legend she was looking for. it was a ridiculous notion that such a friendly, goofy guy could be the bloodthirsty killer she hunted for
but in the manga, she and milly took to it instantly. in fact, they jumped into it with AGGRESSION- actively getting involved in the fighting and PUSHING to calm the situation down. this panel in particular i think sums it up very well lol:
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they meet him with confidence and they're not afraid to fire upon others for the sake of collective peace. vash is caught off by how readily he's approached and even defended, in a way. when the automatic reaction to learning his identity is usually either hostility or fear, it makes sense.
and i dont have a convenient shot of any particular moment in 98 that portrayed their early relationship well, but it's easy to see the differences anyway.
instead of steady confidence, meryl met vash with confusion and outright denial for awhile. she and milly both got involved in fewer fights overall i think? but i might be wrong. i won't speak much on this since i don't remember 98 very well, but i get the sense they sought out vash's fights much less in that rendition (at least early on. they went CRAZY toward the end- meryl especially).
and there's countless little differences like this.
so yeah, even if trimax is the source content, 98 is this funky little spinoff that treats vash just a little bit more nicely lmao. the whole thing is a little more watered down, i think; intentionally to make it more palatable. i still love it regardless, of course. it just oozes charm <3
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varjopeura · 8 months
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veneskaa · 9 months
Just saw the MOST unhinged take about the aita cake guy and im honestly kind of shook about it. Basically that making fun of cake guy and calling him TA is an essentially ableist thing to do, because plenty of autistic people have extreme food sensitivities, ranging from not being able to eat the thing to "will be extremely upset if i have to eat the thing when i wasn't expecting to have to" and we shouldn't assume that cake guy isn't autistic or that he has another mental disorder that would make a layer of vanilla inside his chocolate cake a traumatic event. And it's like. Absolutely nobody is just coming after this random guy for having food sensitivities. Nobody's actually making a comment on food sensitivities at all. Rather, this is a 34 year old fucking adult male who of his own free will posted this story - without any mention of food sensitivities, autism, etc - to the internet, the famously "coming after random guys" place, literally asking for feedback and looking for justification. This isn't pointing and laughing at a stranger for having food sensitivities in the privacy of his home. This is, in a bitchy way or not, answering a question that he willingly asked the public. It's so odd to see someone completely bypassing that initial act of agency on his part, like, pretending that he didn't make that post. And i honestly can't believe it's real
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
"It's his birthday," Izzy says. "So..."
"A cake?" Frenchie suggests. "We can probably do that. Jim agrees with me."
"I agree we can bake a cake, but I can't agree that I believe it'll be edible," Jim says. "Is this really the most important thing for us to be doing for the day, Izzy?"
Izzy frowns. "Well...no. Yes, it is! Not for the ship necessarily, actually there are barnacles that need scraping-"
"Again?" Frenchie scoffs.
"They don't stay away after the first time you scrape them off!"
"They could!"
"Okay," Jim gently pushes between and past the two of them. "I'm going outside to scrape barnacles. You two have fun with the cake."
"Well," Frenchie hesitates. "I could do that, the barnacles thing."
"I'd actually marked myself down for that task," Izzy adds, but Jim doesn't slow down or look back as they leave the galley.
"We can do this," Izzy says.
"Where's Fang?" Frenchie asks. "Or Ivan, maybe they-"
"They're helping Ed hang the new drapes," Izzy interrupts. "He feels the windows in the captain's quarters let in too much light."
"That's barely any light though!"
"I know."
They pause, and stare at each other.
"So...just us and a cake," Frenchie sighs. "Okay. We can do this."
"Right," Izzy nods. "We can do this."
"In theory if the original cake didn't taste of enough orange," Frenchie says. "Then I'd think we should put more orange AND the orange marmalade in as well. Ooh, orange peel in the batter, and then marmalade as filling? That feels like something Roach would do."
"The batter practically is orange," Izzy frowns at said batter, sitting in the wooden bowl on the counter in front of them. "How did this cake use so much fruit, and still supposedly not taste anything like it?"
"To be honest," Frenchie replies. "I didn't even have any, so maybe it did and Captain Stede was being picky?"
"It's a surprise," Jim snags Ed's shoulder. "Come on, let them finish it."
"I'm fucking hungry, and this is my fuc-" Ed stops mid-stride and sentence. "Do you smell oranges?"
"Yes," Jim smiles. "I do. On second thought, your surprise might be ready. Let me peek in first, okay?"
They open the galley door, and lean in.
There's batter in places they didn't know one could get batter. All of it extremely orange in color.
Frenchie and Izzy give them matching thousand yard stares.
"Nearly done!" Jim chirps happily and slams the door shut. "I'm gonna bring you your lunch!"
"Oh," Ed says. "I mean, that's nice, but I'm literally right here. Like, the Kraken doesn't kill people because he needs to have his food brought to him, that's not like...my sort of thing, so I could just get it myself!"
"Yeah, but even so," Jim continues. "Take the break and enjoy it!"
"You know I'm suspicious, right?"
"You'd be an idiot if you weren't," Jim sighs. "Just. Please?"
Ed frowns, but saunters off towards his quarters.
"Oh," Fang breathes in deeply. "Oh wow. How did you two do this?"
"If we knew," Izzy's voice breaks. "We'd have undone it by now."
"Okay," Fang says, gently moving Izzy to sit on the floor by Frenchie. "You two sit here and get to cleaning all of...this. I'm going to see how the rest of the batter looks."
"Avert your eyes," Frenchie sighs sadly. "I mean, I'm not an amazing cook like Roach; I'll own that. But even I've never fucked it up this bad before. Mate, I swear I don't know what happened."
"You two did your best," Fang says, voice full of kind pity. "It's okay if your best is...look, the important thing is that Jim got me to help before this got any worse. They're gonna give Ed his lunch now, and they'll work with Ivan to keep Ed occupied till this is done, okay?"
"It's just a fucking cake," Izzy mutters, then hiccups. He and Frenchie have both clearly been crying.
"That's so sad and pathetic," Fang says gently. "Anyway, get scrubbing. Let me fix this."
"Holy fuck," Ed smiles. Actually smiles, for the first time in a good while. "You guys all helped with this?"
The cake, decently sized despite the lost batter, sits on a plate in front of him. Shaped and coloured to look like an orange, with a couple of new and nearly overfilled orange marmalade containers at each side to go with it.
"Fang did most of it," Frenchie volunteers.
"But you and Izzy made the batter," Fang adds. "And Jim and Ivan-"
"Kept me away so it would be a surprise," Ed interrupts. "You know..."
Ivan flashes them a nervous look. His one stipulation to helping keep Ed out of the galley was that they would make sure not to upset Ed to the point he might maim anyone. Like, say, his own short staffed crew.
"Since..." Ed swallows hard. "All of the recent changes, I've been hesitant to let myself be happy. About anything, for any reason. And I really wasn't looking forward to my birthday..."
Frenchie nods along.
"I should add, if any of you tell anyone about this moment," Ed continues. "I'll keelhaul all of you."
"Understood," Izzy says sharply.
"That said," Ed smiles again. "I needed this. I love it. Thank you guys."
They nod, but there's a thick tension in the room that keeps their mouths shut. No one seems keen to break it.
"We'll leave you to it," Izzy finally says, gesturing to the cake. "Leave any leftovers and we'll get them put away for you. For breakfast, maybe."
"Maybe! And yeah, barnacles still need scraping," Ed agrees, taking a fork from Fang. "Ivan and Jim got some of it done, but you and Frenchie could finish it."
The bit of levity, the inkling of a less hurt Ed, disappears with them out the galley door.
But, they exchange exhausted small smiles.
He had a good birthday, he liked the cake, and he didn't even notice the batter dried onto the galley ceiling.
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
Happy birth month Emile I hope it’s going well so far!! (⊃*´ ▽ `*)⊃ 🎉🎂🎈🎊🎁 And speaking of birthdays, What do y’all do on each other’s birthdays? o( ^ w ^ )o Like, for starters I can’t begin to imagine how amazing the food Teruteru makes for y’all’s birthdays! :Oc
It's a blast so far thanks!!
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What a very sweet ask! Though I'm afraid the answer may not be what you were expecting.
You see, Teruteru and I don't actually spend our BirthDAY with out partners. I spend mine with my students from my year as a teacher, cleaning up the mountain and classroom our time together was spent on. Teruteru spends his with his mother back home, and on top of that actually has a LOT of other Partners he spreads his time around with! Even Taishiro, when he can get the time off, goes back to his little country home to spend his birthday with his family.
When we do celebrate it can be anywhere from a day to a week after the actual Date of Birth, with the exception of Emile who's family live back in America, so he usually sticks around.
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But yes, when we DO finally celebrate together Teruteru makes a GLORIOUS feast of whatever we could ask for!! Anything at all; Turkey, Chicken, Tempura, Crab, Piles and piles of pasta and meats and cheese! Oh and the Cake!! ( ⓛ ω ⓛ *) THE CAKE!! Better than any bakery I've ever been to I'll tell you!! Absolutely DIVINE!!!
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disengaged · 1 year
sometimes i hallucinate bugs when i am very tired. & it makes my life very difficult
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trekkele · 1 year
fun fact both my older sisters lived at home when the hunger games were happening, one was a Gale/Katniss shipper and one was a Peeta/Katniss shipper.
They had me weigh in despite not being able to read the books att.
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tariah23 · 5 months
Also, my sister told me that some dude pushed her on the train platform today
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