#it has to make sense when i draw them all together because thats what im gonna do!!
atomicpirateperson · 4 months
A fusion I'm excited to see is the fusion between Gumball and Penny. I think it's the only one missing among the three, mainly to complete the chart you made.
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had to make sure they didnt just look like a penball fanchild lol
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avocadoraisin · 9 days
what are your Hoffstrahm werepire! au hcs??
i hope you're ready bc im basically gonna tell you most of, if not all of the sporadic details of their "story" thats been simmering in my head. theyre subject to change on any given day because, well, this is my imagination LMAO i can take this daydream wherever i want
one day parts of it could be a fic? idk. i dont think i have enough of a beginning, middle, and end of a real cohesive "story" so it might just exist as snapshots in the form of little comics forever.
and some of this is, in fact, alluded to in that really horny heat fic i wrote akjhfjb
-He and his sister were both vampires and have been for a little while. not sure for how long. the details of how they turned are also hazy
-but they were alone together and moved cities often, only having each other to rely on. they had to "restart" someplace new every few years. possibly because theyve been around too long and would start to arouse suspicion from neighbors noticing them not aging in 10 years. maybe they were in danger of aggressive rival vampires competing for hunting grounds territory, or anything else making them feel unsafe
-at last they settle on Sawville which seemed to be untouched by vampire drama. (as far as they knew at the time)
-Angelina always had too big of a heart and, as a vampire herself, wanted to believe in the good in people. wanted to believe in someone's ability to change. which is what she tells herself when she falls in love w that asshole Seth
-Mark is not trusting of him at all
-Angelina trusted in Seth too much, trusting him with the information that she was a vampire
-Instead of a slit throat she gets a wooden stake to the heart
-Mark is too shell shocked to leave Saw City i guess. he already distrusted humans in general but now he knew he could never, ever trust his heart in a human. not like she was able to.
-When Seth is released Mark cooks up the pendulum and gets caught by John just like in canon
-blah blah hazy details he and Amanda and Lawrence are stuck under John's thumb. i think in the fic i made it purposefully vague if Lawrence and John are also vampires, im now leaning toward Lawrence also being a vampire (i did draw him as a bat recently after all) and John is still undecided
-He knows werewolves exist, but never met one. He's not terribly concerned with encountering one but knows there's an eternal feud between the species.
-his early days are also hazy to me
-he's been a werewolf since i think teenagehood and it was something he kinda grew up with and learned to somewhat tame over the years
-great idea based on this anon (and everything else in the post, verbatim) but maybe he has troubles remembering his childhood or the time around when he first changed, so really all he remembers from early on is how he trained to control the power to be productive in society
-he can change at-will whenever but on full moons it is involuntary, and hes more prone to going wild. he still doesnt trust himself, so once a month he chains himself up to pipes in the basement.
-he also knows vampires are out there, and that they're bad news. Werewolves instinctually want to kill them for a reason. They have no souls and drain people of their blood, they're vermin to be exterminated. or so he thinks. he's never met one yet.
-maybe he decided to go the FBI route growing up for whatever reasons he did in canon. maybe it was a drive to learn more about whats going on in the undergrowth out there. on the everlasting hunt to find more people like him.
-what will he do when he does find one? what if they're not what he hopes?
-with his heightened senses, he knows he has a tactical advantage at work so he flies up the ranks. he's the FBI's most effective bloodhound, and they have no idea why. they dont question it. he gets shit done and thats all they need.
-some years into their partnership, he tells Perez the truth. She's the closest someone's ever been to him in many, many lonely years, and if there's anyone he can trust with the truth, it's the person he trusts with his life
-it took a lot of prying questions but she accepts him for how he is and they are more effective as a Human and Werewolf FBI duo as ever
-and as best friends, too. a tiny pack, if you will
-their meeting
-Hoffman made a frustratingly good point, and Strahm cant prove anything yet. But he's also just so damn curious. because he's never actually met a vampire before, and he secretly wanted to know which rumors were true.
-they also have an incentive to not immediately just out each other's species secrets. they dont want worldwide panic. they both know trusting humans is difficult and everything about that can backfire. its best that their species drama gets resolved privately.
-They both get a lil too curious about each other
-Hoffman keeps being annoyingly flirty with him too. like "arent u a lil curious lol 🧛‍♂️🍆 you can kill me after, ok? 😘"
-they settle some curiosities one night in a sleepover of discovery lol
-they secretly catch feelings a la most fics out there where they start out with a one-night hate-sex stand
-Strahm realizes that he doesnt really care that Hoffman is the "enemy" species, he seems like a normal guy. hes not soulless at all. he also has a sadness about him, just like him. and its so amazing to meet another creature, to meet someone else that he doesnt have to hide around. someone who isn't scared of him. he's not alone in the world
-Hoffman realizing he also doesn't have to be alone again, though a part of his heart is still guarded. and hes still got the jigsaw thing going on. strahm still suspects it.
-The two of them don't really want to kill each other. Like, imagine a cartoon scene with two characters super slow-mo punching each other like "Im gonna punch you! here it comes! yep! im so.. totally.. gonna punch you!" because neither of them really want to do it. until they're collapsed in each other's arms because they realize they dont hate each other, they need each other. because. im a sap.
-over at team Jigsaw, instead of infighting and killing each other to one-up each other like in canon, the apprentices realize they're all being manipulated and start to band together. vampires together strong.
-hoffman confesses the predicament hes stuck in to Strahm. their whole world is already so insane and wrought with otherworldly violence, he knows damn well that sometimes things are more than meets the eye, so hes more willing to hear him out
-Peter more or less accepts everything. he watches from the sidelines and lends a hand if needed, having grown sympathetic to their cause and seeing that theyre all just trying to escape this cult. but its also not his fight, he stays out of it, just helps them get away with it legally.
-if John is a human, they all corner him and idk probably drink all his blood. Scar vs The Hyenas style. if John is a vampire, maybe theres an epic fight if hes like a super strong elder type who just went deranged with power over centuries, Underworld style.
Post-Jigsaw Life
-when its all over, the vampires are kind of unsure of where they belong now. they scatter a bit but still keep in touch, kind of like a weird little family now, having gone through all of that together. maybe they can kind of help each other survive too. a coven of their own.
-Hoffman still isnt sure exactly of where he and Strahm fall now, now that the reign of terror is done. hes going to need to drink blood again to survive, jigsaw violence or not. will Strahm be okay with the kind of monster he has to be to live? he doesnt drain people dry, but he hates doing it anyway. and the doctor vampire of the group can only smuggle them so much blood from the hospitals.
-they realize theyre in love and can try to make this work, hearts fully open to each other. no more secrets between them
-One day when Hoffman is really starving, in an ultimate show of trust, Strahm allows him to try to drink from him. and they learn that while it tastes bad, it works, and they could have a symbiotic relationship.
-While bearing his throat and allowing Mark to drink is the ultimate display of trust for Peter, being in his extremely vulnerable bat form is the ultimate display of trust for Mark
-They tell Perez the truth about Mark, to loop one more friend into the circle of beloved, trusted people in Peter's life who know everything. Mark also gains +1 family, in a way, in addition to his coven. big emphasis on everyone realizing you dont have to be alone
-Mark helps Peter learn to control himself on full moons so he can fully control himself around the one other person he cares about, like this
-still have a lot of learning to do about each other, navigating their relationship together despite their species differences. thats been the subject of most of my art and the fic and other discussions in my werepire au tag lmao
-sometimes a pack can be a werewolf, a human, a vampire, and the two other stray vampires he kind of picked up along the way
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assassinschaoticcreed · 6 months
Can we get some headcannons about the BOYS? (thats what im calling them)
I like it, from here on out they are the boys.
since you didn't specify for what exactly, I chose random things that I have thought of, too many times before.
Altaïr 🦅
• more than once this man has walked into a glass door, and on a few occasions broke said door. he walked away like nothing happened.
• I've said it once and I'll say it again : this man is terrible with technology. like, the only stuff he's good with is old time, back in the day kinda stuff. keyboard? can't use it for shit. typewriter? this guy is like a damn journalist. laptop? the thing is destroyed because he got so mad when he couldn't figure out where the mouse was, even when desmond showed him where it was. old desktop that's built like a t.v.? perfect, everything makes sense now.
• when checking out at stores and the cashiers say "have a good day" on multiple occasions, an embarrassing amount of occasions this man has responded with: "what's so good about it", "thanks.", "you have good days?", "I didn't even want to get out of bed this morning.", "im leaving now"
• due to the last one: this man never uses a credit or debit card. cash only.
• before he broke the pasta noodles in half in front of ezio, he's thought about doing it way too many times. the reason he finally acted on it was because ezio brought up the many fires, explosions, and overall chaos that has happened when he "cooks". Altaïr internally said "fuck you, AND your pasta noodles"
• has set the microwave on fire before, blown out the front of it. cue desmond and arno running into the kitchen frantically putting the fire out, taking out what was inside it. there was a can of green beans. cue des and arno asking him why the hell he put a METAL can in the microwave. "oh you're not supposed to put metal in the microwave?"
• he is NOT a morning person. if you go to wake up this man and he's in a deep sleep, he's waking up swinging. Jacob has been slugged in the face a few times.
• I feel like Altaïr would like to nap in the sun/warm places.
• believe it or not, he was the weird kid that ate dirt.
• as a kid he was gifted an bald eagle as a birthday present from his dad, he was gifted a little yellow parakeet as his birthday present from his mother. he named her sunflower and the eagle apollo. he came back from training one day wanting to spend time with apollo and sunflower. apollo was there but sunflower wasn't, but there were yellow feathers everywhere. his dad told him apollo ate sunflower. Altaïr plucked all of apollos feathers on his head out. "you really are a bald eagle now aren't you, you little shit" vengeance for sunflower was served.
Ezio 🌹
• this man is a 5 star chef when it comes to authentic Italian food. don't ask him to make American food. anything other than Italian food he can't cook.
• after becoming great friends with Arno, ezio too is now a hopeless romantic.
• ezio and arno send each other memes either during conversations or as conversations.
• doesn't hesitate on the intrusive thoughts. just does them.
• has worn both his mother and Claudia's make up before, and he is flawless when putting on eyeliner. he doesn't go all out, he's more of the natural beauty kind of guy.
• this man can take one look at a person and correctly guess their clothing size.
• he and arno like to get together and have gossip sessions with a nice (few) bottles of wine.
• I whole heartedly believe that ezio is an amazing artist. he and leonardo bonded over painting, sketching, drawing etc. and on more than one occasion has joked with Arno with the whole "paint me like one of your French girls" gets a smack to the back of the head everytime.
• loves teasing Altaïr, he's so easy to rile up and ezio gets a laugh out of it. that is until Altaïr breaks pasta noodles in front of him. fists are up and ready to go.
• hates horses cause they have a long face, it makes him uncomfortable.
Arno 🥐
• has punched both edward and Jacob multiple times for pronouncing "croissant" wrong.
• gossip time with ezio is one of his favorite days of the week.
• when having conversations with ezio its either with memes in it, or how the conversation is being had.
• will not hesitate to roast you. loves roasting people, in fact he deep down hopes that someone will piss him off enough to roast them. even though he doesn't really need a reason.
• is very protective over the boys. (this man has trauma, can we blame him)
• an amazing singer. ezio has asked Arno for tips/lessons and once Arno heard him sing he said "can you hear yourself? no? good, cause trust me, you don't want to."
• he's really good at writing: poetry, songs, stories and even plays, but he's self conscious so he'd never try to get them to actually be put out there. ezio and desmond are his #1 hype team.
• I can see him being a great figure skater. don't know why, but I do.
• is a great baker, another 5 star chef when it comes to making authentic (french) food.
• he and Altaïr like to people watch and judge them like Simeon Cowell.
• this man has a petting zoo of animals, from childhood into adulthood.
• calls animals fur babies, change my mind.
• is another one who is protective over the boys
• believe it or not, he's more in tune with his emotional side like Arno and Ezio.
• loves wearing flannels, not only are they comfy but he likes the way they look.
• wants to build himself a cabin, like the ones you see some youtubers do. chop down the trees, use them to build it and all that jazz.
• wants to have a timber wolf as a pet, it's his dream pet. he truly wants just a wolf, but knows it's not a good idea.
• brought a turkey into the house as a kid, Ziio was not a happy camper. but she didn't want connor to be sad, so she said he could keep it as long as it stayed outside.
• the turkey and Connor were playing outside of their village. it was November. there was a loud bang, Connor turned around and turkey had been shot...and he was shot by none other than Charles Lee. another reason he hates the man so much.
• (for this one we're gonna say Haytham and Ziio stayed together) whenever Charles Lee came over to visit, Connor never liked him. when his parents weren't looking he would do this to Charles Lee; bite, kick, pour salt in his food and drink, make faces etc. Haytham knew, but it also amused Haytham so he said nothing.
• cried while getting his first tattoo, like sobbed.
• Mary on more than one occasion has gotten him (when he's drunk ofc) to cross dress (like she does as james)
• is a huge fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series.
• sings sea shantys when doing things around the house.
• has slept outside many times while drunk. doesn't remember how he got there, when he got there, or why he stayed.
• has wanted to try those swimming like a mermaid trend.
• wants the boys to get a pirate themed tattoo with him.
• he and Jacob like to go out drinking together and watch each other get drunk because of the way they act. unfortunately while doing this since the both of them are drunk neither knows what in God's name is going on, until they wake up outside half naked wondering why they're wearing lipstick.
• has said many times "im never drinking again" yet is holding a cup filled with alcohol.
• has pushed Jacob off the side of the jackdaw when he pissed him off.
• being evies worst nightmare is his favorite passtime.
• teases evie for having a crush on 2 of his best friends, she tells him if he ever told them his manhood will be missing when he wakes up.
• woke up on a roof one time after drinking escapades with Edward the night before. Edward was on the roof across from him.
• has worn his shoes on the wrong feet all day long to annoy evie, but also was too lazy to put them on the right feet.
• he tries to trip evie whenever the two of them are going up the stairs. jokes on him he actually trips himself.
• is the king of intrusive thoughts.
• 95% of the time he gives into those intrusive thoughts, that small 5% is evie being able to stop them before they happened.
• got a drunk tattoo with Edward once, it's a tramp stamp.
• he's the one filling Edward's cup whenever Edward says he's never drinking again.
• even though he's a jokester and does stupid stuff, he's honestly one of the most trustworthy people the boys know. "he may be an idiot, but he's our idiot" and evies like "go ahead and have him. I should have killed him in the womb"
• was adopted by the Auditores when he left the farm.
• when he first started bartending, he broke over half the glasses they had.
• debated on becoming a therapist about a year into bartending, he sure as hell felt like one. might as well get paid the right money for it.
• he doesn't like to drink alcohol very often due to how he's around it so much while he works, and sees how people act. not a favorite pass time, but he does enjoy having a glass of wine with Arno and Ezio.
• he's really good at playing guitar, he and Arno like to do little karaoke sessions, ezio is there but isn't allowed to sing.
• is good at cooking all types of foods, just don't ask him to bake. he's not good with precision so the sweets always come out messed up. leave that to arno.
• wants to get more tattoos, and has tried talking the boys into getting the brotherhood/creed insignia tattooed.
• I see desmond as a piercings kind of guy. what they are, who knows.
• Desmond is the golden retriever friend, everyone loves him.
• Desmond is the epitome of "I didn't want to wake up today, im tired you're lucky I dragged my corpse out of bed today"
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lindalofbroome · 8 months
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original sketches
hello i have finally coloured some rough sketches of some deltoran fashions, a redraw of some really old sketches from ages ago.
im a pretty amateur concept artists and i hate designing clothes so truly was a challenge for me hahah BUT it has given me plenty of time to think of headcanons. im not sure what i've already posted about or not so im just gonna go ahead and rant
these characters were originally just models for me to draw the clothes on, so i didn't need to draw a new person every time; although in some of my earliest sketches of different people groups i did a bunch of people. but naturally these characters have developed a little and some of them are my beloved adin-era OCs <3
[about 4,500 words]
since the jalis are reknowned for their warrior prowess and their signature gold armour, i thought it'd be neat that even if when they're not wearing the full set, they are always wearing their arm guards. it's a sense of pride and identity, they probably receive them as a rite of passage into adulthood. not every jalis is a knight, but they value a heart of courage and great feats and they all have them, and would wear them always (or at least special occasions if one prefers not).
i headcanon that jasmine was gifted her own set of arm guards as an expression of their respect and admiration of her. her relationship with glock grew so much and was cut off, but she earned her "heart of a jalis" and we didnt get to see much of jasmine and gers together, but theres plenty of time post-DQ3. i think my jasmine and the jalis thoughts should be a separate post though, otherwise this post will never end 😂
i dont imagine that the jalis had special party clothes, i think they just turn up in their usual clothes and get drunk and dance their hearts out maybe start a brawl thats none of my business
i cant remember why i've been giving them this geometric sort of pattern tbh. i think i drew someone at some point and wanted it to look different to mcbride's design but im not sure if i like it or not. the plus is that i can make diamond motifs though!!
i also cant really remember how my brown skin gold hair came to be 🤔🤔 wait backtracking i think what happened is that i decided to draw del people as black latinx inspired, so it wasn't that big a step to make jalis also dark skinned since they're both in the south (deltora geography is weird tho so like it's not that deep) and then i think i made them blonde as i "why not??" situation but tHEN i thought maybe it's connected to their jalis gold?
my headcanon is that their armour is made of a unique metal that can only be found in diamond territory, it's super hard, tough, and light etc. so maybe whatever is In The Ground is also in them and their blood and shows in their hair????
🥳 fun fact 🥳 wasn't until i had to draw steven and glock side by side that i had realised what i'd done?? i.e. steven canonically has brown skin gold hair too¹. which now forces me to think about whether it should be a coincidence (like it is) or shall i headcanon that steven and nevets' father was jalis² 🤔 ¹ pretty sure it's about the dichotomy, to show contrast but connection between the brothers. i have many steven and nevets thoughts but that should also be another post ² i am.
these characters are adin-era, so unfortunately this would be when the gnomes still hunt the kin. whats weird is that i realised that i was picturing the caramelly brown fabric that this gnome is wearing was the kin pelt and not the big furry parts?? i usually picture the kin as more like velvetty. idk what the thicker fur parts would be though?? literally any other animal i guess 😅 i dont know it doesn't make sense and it's only occurring to me right now i shall have to think about it lmao
anyway made them green because why not. maybe they come in different colours idk. this gnome is pre-gellick so does go out in the sun, gellick-era gnomes would be waaaaay more paler they probably looked white. this could be similar to the jalis and like theres something in the grounddd
gla-thon claims that the dread gnomes knew that lesser gems had weaker but the same powers of the great talisman gems (sots), but im not sure if they knew it before adin. would be interesting if they did 🤔 and how they figured it out?? (side note but now im wondering about how withick knew what to write about the gems??) would imply that if they got the great emerald than they could deduce there are others surely. unless they thought it was a freak accident/miracle. anyway we know they love gems and gold etc etc so they obviously decorate themselves with heaps of jewellery
triangle motifs in homage to their mountain 💚
i gave them a sort of war paint ritual. i'm not sure if they all do the same markings, but this one was specifically to symbolise a bow and arrow (arrow going up the nose). you can see it a bit better here lol. i also decided that sometimes they wear it for purely cosmetic purposes. im not sure what the substance is exactly though. i think in my head i was imagining something similar to kohl, but maybe not.
🥳 fun fact 🥳 bre-tak and az-zure are lesbians (i make the rules)
oooooh baby this is my guy my babygirl my everything
okay so i think this headcanon developed recently when i last drew sky of rithmere and i thought that mere superstition encouraged them to wear their charms in random spots to avoid them cancelling each other out. it could be construed to be they were inspired by the night sky and the pattern of the stars perhaps. this led them to prefer asymmetrical fashions, mostly prominent in the armour i put badr in
🥳 fun fact 🥳 badr means "full moon" 👀
i think i originally decided the mere had leather armour just to give them something different iirc but the mere characters we see are usually the lithe, speedy, crafty type, so maybe light, mobile armour does work for them lol. anyway the main reason is that i had the image of studded leather, and i was like ohohoho STARS
i generally think of them with muted colours but sometimes they have a bold blue for their prized garmants. like zillah and co, the leaders of rithmere in adin's time were described with bright blue and starry cloaks. (i checked the wiki just to check zillah's name lol and apparently it's actually canon they have leather armour?? so not sure why i thought otherwise) anyway i do currently have minecraft brain but i did vaguely remember that people made ultramarine pigment from grinding lapis lazuli into a powder and im not sure if thats something the mere would do or if there's some strong blue dyes they can get from plants or something native to their territory 🤔
actually im liking that idea now? it would be incredibly time-consuming and labour-intensive but that would add to its value?? real world lapis lazuli has a horrible yield rate of 1kg lapis to 30g of pigment apparently, but it's a strong pigment (unless i misunderstand). alternative name for ultramarine is "permanent blue" apparently so. anyway ultramarine irl is more of a paint pigment, but in roddaverse maybe the mere make a lucky blue dye to use on cloaks and scarfs and shawls etc for good fortune?? me frantically checking that i put badr and luisa's wedding garb in bold blue lmAO oh i did but it's a little muted. they mix in oils and stuff to make the paint, so it doesnt seem like a stretch that they can mix different ingredients or ratio to make a cloth dye (to my very amateur understanding).
so im imagining now that they have a special (probably secret within the mere) process to create bright blue thread speckled with white (also gold to me. im pro deltora lapis with gold) and weave it into their beautiful starry night fabric. the amount of labour and the use of their prized lapis lazuli makes it very special, and maybe some people think it's the lapis that makes the fabric lucky or maybe some people think it's the work of love and time that makes it lucky, maybe both.
🥳 fun fact 🥳 i forgot that "bless your lucky stars" is like a real saying until recently lol
a starry cloak is probably something only the really rich could afford, but i think that they are more like heirlooms and states of office? im not sure if these pieces are things that one would purchase or something they would receive. bit hard to imagine people doing it for free but maybe it's one of those staple things that they revere and everyone else works to support them as well etc like the cooks in noradz are prized. idk. but yeah like a poorer family couldn't get a new one, but they would have one that has been in their family for generations you know? and i think that there would be something about like. idk youre meeting up with your doctor or something and youre nervous and you put on your family's best clothes (the most lucky ones) and maybe youre cynical about the whole good fortune stuff but there's something comforting about wearing the cloak your mother wore and your grandmother and your great grandmother wore, who also had to do such things. something something gives you the confidence to make your own luck because youre no longer pessimistic and allowing avoidable mistakes to happen
this means that the mere giving adin a cloak was a REALLY big deal because they definitely dont just go throwing those around and they would probably only give it to an outsider in trade for a steeeeeeeeeeeep price. which of course means that there would be knock offs with bad quality dye. lmao thats perfect actually. like 10000% there would be merchants in rithmere trying to sell cheaper versions to people that are expensive but still affordable to the average person. some would be different shades of blue, but the more crafty might have dyes that are strong but not lasting.
oh also i headcanon that palace fashion was a conglomerate of aspects from all the tribes but this should be it's own post i think. but i just remembered that i put gold thread in badr's braids in the formal wear sketch. i did that to tie in with the veins/flecks of gold (technically pyrite) in irl lapis lazuli. as such, people at del palace were inspired to weave gold into their hair too.
also gives me another thing to ship badr and luisa lmao. badr can wear some gold and luisa can wear some blue as a treat for me <3 moon and stars ocs beloved
alright. okay so del is definitely very white western patriarchal coded (most just a bias of living in that type of society i reckon) but it sucks and i'm passionate about making del NOT that. i think i've said this a million times now but this should be it's own post too, but most succinctly del is a very vibrant, curious, and daring sort of culture (e.g. their recklessness, exploration, trading). they were already marrying non-deltorans before adin (i imagine that some might have dared to marry outside of del, but it would have been way more politically complex so it was rarer and often kept quiet and rural). people of del were moving to other countries (like dorne) and people were probably moving to del, so del is definitely a big mix of different people and languages and superstitions and stuff.
but anyway i wanted to set a sort of base for before that. i've had art on the wip pile for YEARS about this and i'd flesh this out properly when it's done lol (hopefully we see that day) but since the topaz has the power to summon spirits, i really wanted to develop an aspect of del culture around that? i was inspired by Día De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) and i still want to do some more in depth research and explore it more properly, but i like the idea that del will celebrate their lost loved ones life, coming together to remember, if they were lucky the got to see and even talk to their spirits. maybe pre-talisman they did know about topaz properties and they had a big deposit of gems that they would wheel out for the festival and the huge pile under the full moon would be enough to allow the spirits and people to interact? anyway this is a longwinded explanation of why my sketches of del fashion could be latinx inspired.
circle motifs in homage to the moon. the trim decoration on luisa's scabbards are based on moon phases :D
i also arbitrarily decided that del people love swishy clothes. they're all about the drama of cloaks and twirling in sundresses etc it's fun. not sure if i will actually follow through with that lol or maybe that can just be luisa.
🥳 fun fact 🥳 i think hearing luisa laugh would heal me
there's no particular reason for why i've been drawing a lot of del people as black, other than maybe spite lol. i think i drew jasmine and that got the ball rolling. del is a blank enough slate that they can be anything. im tired of white people being the front runners asldkjfhalsdf. bUT again del is multicultural, so there isn't a particular look for anyone in del. being del is more a state of mind and being part of community i think. you move to del and you participate in their society in one way or another and boom youre del now they adopted you.
hiran attire inspired by french aristocratic fashion. i cant remember who posted about it but pretty sure this was something that circulated around the fandom at least a little bit at some point.
added some subtle rainbow to harlow's outfits because he's the strong silent type. but i suppose there are so much more gaudier and extravagant outfits.
i was going to say this was just hira fashion and not like, rural plains fashion but i guess this is the same for all of them. it's just like a general direction for what someone might wear.
the swirly patterns?? i dont know. i drew them when i did adin's pre-battle speech as the last supper but i dont think there's a particular reason. i remember that i was trying to do something unique because lief recognises the cup in the city of rats as the same/similar to the one in noradz, so there had to be something to be recognisable lol but i probably just did it this way because it's relatively easy to doodle, just takes a bit of time.
🥳 fun fact 🥳 harlow was a cook before the shadow invasion. out of desperation, he and many others had to train to defend hira. he's big with natural balance and reflexes so he excelled and is a pretty adept warrior, but he will always think of himself as a cook first, warrior second.
now the armour!! freshest headcanon piping hot. yesterday when i was colouring i was sitting there like wow you look like a tin can man and you are so boring. we went from pretty colours to blank. im almost certain the hiran soldiers were described as silver with white plumes, so i was planning on doing that but they had intricate details on their armour because they are Extra, so it has the swirly patterns you can see on harlow's coat.
but then suddenly i was like. what if. pearlescent.
and honestly i loved it so much i didnt care i was setting myself up for some difficult work ahead lmao. but my general idea was that they're armour looked like it was silver, but if the light catches it at the right angle it exposes the rainbow in it. most of these headcanons i've had baking for at least a year, but this is very new so i dont any hard details yet. kira mentioned enamel or ceramic and lowkey interested in having a look into that so that theres another armour material. maybe it's gonna be like special jalis gold and special plains silver. maybe something else. i also just remembered bismuth exists (same boat as gold as very heavy and soft) but i think maybe it's too loud, i think im liking the more subtle pearlescent thing aLTHOUGH it's a good metallic rainbow reference 👀 maybe there is an esteemed plains warrior with a rainbow sword
ANYWAY pearlescent armour really hit my heart because oh my god once upon a time the plains had a shore and they could visit the sea,,,, lowkey ocean vibes without an ocean [screaming crying cat spinning in a void.gif]
🥳 fun fact 🥳 i have NO idea what food harlow has made. i think i had ratatouille on the brain at the time????
ruby territory best territory. ruby symbol of happiness. warns of danger AND antidote to poison. double helpful. ralads are so sweet and so smart. architectural and engineering marvels. living in harmony with the land and beasts. D'OR!!! manus and nanion friendship underrated and so special to me. horse girls. AND. broome. god theres so much i could say about broome that i cant say anything. anyway you guys know im normal about broome yes of course. separate post etc etc
i think technically this is a headcanon but it's not that big a stretch surely but as above i always picture ralads as in harmony with nature. never take more than they need, know how to work with not against, theyre not the main attraction but an equal part of the bigger picture.. this isn't even about how smart they are with engineering and their perfectly round houses with bricks that are cut perfectly. im thinking about their knowledge of their world is so strong and wide and diverse. they have the most vibrant and potent dyes and pigments around, they have the most colourful fabrics and clothes around. the plains has many colours but it can't compete, and they have different styles. i think that the hirans would trade for the dyes though (maybe undercutting pre-adin, maybe more equal post-unification). i think that they would also have a pretty decent blue dye but it is still inferior to mere lapis lazuli blue. it is probably a dye that could be used for a mid range mere garment?
maybe it's the anime fault but i do usually imagine ralads as barefoot but i also drew iris with construction tools and just the idea of ralads walking around a construction site barefoot was not fun to me. but it could be a hobbit tough soles situation. anyway i drew some shoes so i had a vague reference if i wanted to draw ralad shoes.
obviously had a problem drawing warrior attire for a non-war race. but i thought what if i leaned into the stories the hirans tell about how the scouts and soldiers they send into the ralad wilds never returned and were often found dead with broken bones or whatnot. definitely big watching but never seen vibes imo. so i decked iris out in some camouflage lol
🥳 fun fact 🥳 im sure the ralads can whistle and whatnot to make birdcall signals, but i thought it was fun for iris to be able to make birdcalls with her flute
HEY ALSO headcanon about ralad hair. i was making some dragon art from a doran pov that i was going to save for that but i cant wait now. but we know from Tales that the ralads had a good relationship with the ruby dragons, could even summon them (unless im misremembering and it was more like a premeditated calling) but i was thinking about how they nest with .. human? hair. and i was thinking what if they grow out their hair? and then they offer it to a dragon when they are ready? i dont know if there's a nesting season for dragons but it could be something like that? ralad-dragon ceremony and party time. this isn't a rite of passage type of thing, just something that they like to do. not everyone does it probably, but most do it once, some people do it several or many times in their lifetime. it's an honour, but not really a sacrifice to them. it's part of the world balance and theyre willing to serve the dragons as the dragons serve them as they water the plants and the plants feed them and they feed beasts and beasts feed them.
also dont remember why i did the hair so bright and orangey??? genuinely perplexed lmao. probably was leaning into irl ginger but like THEYRE BLUE so i could probably make them actual red. not sure if this is also like a "theres something in the ground" situation also that makes their hair red but maybe 😂😂
side note but it's lowkey so wild to me that rodda was like yeah these guys are blue-grey with red hair, and then everyone else is like an average person, BUT the mountain people are short. like they're all just some guy basically???
it does make return to del so so funny because fallow is like AYO look at these MONSTERS they are UGLY and WEIRD
but i guess thats part of the motivation to give the deltora tribes some basic unique traits.
okay so toran robes as inspired by japanese fashion is definitely something that's floated around the fandom for ages. i can't remember if it was before or after seeing posts about it that i started my first concept sketches but i think it probably had a hand in helping me visualise what rodda was talking about when she described their robes as butterfly wings when they speed-travelled. like yeah big deep sleeves and floor trailing hems WOULD probably look like colourful butterfly wings in the wind,,
🥳 fun fact 🥳 azami be always hungry. if only she knew someone who liked to cook 🤔
i don't have much to say design-wise, kinda just did various doodling. they would probably be second in extravagance to the plains, but it's a different sort of detail? they are probably a bit more refined and elegant than the hirans who are probably more bold in their designs. torans grow to be vain and selfish (it's already started by adin's time) so they probably have a high value on the beauty of their belongings, and it probably began with imagery of beasts and plants and dragons in amethyst territory, "true" pictures. but as time went on it probably distorted a bit and became idealised and/or fantastical etc.
OKAY SO my brain bluescreened just now for a moment trying to figure out how a people who use magic to make life easier, were also the ones known for their weaving, a manual hands-on task (lief's cloak is praised as being worthy of toran looms, implying high grade; pretty sure this was supposed to be a hint that his mother is not who he thinks she is also). some conclusions are 1) they weave with magic (sad, horrible), 2) they weave as a past-time, for fun etc (okay) but i took it to a third option
for a long time ive been thinking about toran magic as like, a balance and an energy thing (because i like that stuff lol) they cannot create something from nothing, only change things. they couldnt summon a fire, but they could change a piece of wood to fire and start a campfire, or those more advanced could even change the air into fire. but honestly it's left me a bit unsatisfied. like how does that explain the tora-del highway? hELL tora itself? what happened to the marble that got carved away? also how can that mountain have been so perfect there was no cracks or seams?? or did they carve those bits out lol. questions for another day.
anyway i was thinking about how hobbies are good for you, you dont have to be good at something but it's good to do stuff for fun and when you do crafts you get a cool thing at the end of it that you made. but it's also like skills you can develop? and i wondered what if weaving is a starter skill that they learn, some of them at least. maybe there are different activities, and they do the one that speaks to them the most. there were other types of artisans in tora, just not as talked about (i guess they're robes are pretty iconic so it's easy for people to go wow robes wow weavers who made fabric for the robes so soft) like i distinctly remember barda remarking about how tora was untouched and why bandits wouldn't have stolen the carved box that ended up holding the auto-reply letters from the palace.
so what im thinking is that maybe this builds a foundation to help torans visualise and perform their magic?
it actually solves a problem ive had in my headcanons i feel like ive got seven eyes open rn 😂😂 but in relation to del culture and traditions, i've been thinking about there being a physical and spiritual realm of course, and maybe it's the comfort of threes but it felt like something was missing.
i dont know what to call it yet, but im thinking the third thing is like the glue, it connects all things, it's in everything. it's like a third realm but also more of like a medium maybe? kind of sappy but we can just call this the magical realm for now. i actually used to think of toran magic as being like a subset of the greater deltora magic, but now im thinking it's more like torans are more receptive to the magic realm, as del are to the spiritual, and the ralads to the physical; theyre the experts in these things, which is why unified deltora is important 😂; likewise dread gnomes specialise in gems, jalis in combat, mere in cunning, plains in hope perhaps? literally never thought about it quite like this so maybe i will process it different later and designate different specialties.
so when the torans are young, they learn a craft and these skills help them sort of "tap into" the magical realm. so in the case i first thought of, when a toran weaver starts to see and interact with the magical realm, the easiest way for them to engage with it would be to think of it as weaving. they might see the magical realm as threads that connect everything, and weave things together to get what they want. a potter might see it as a malleable mass and sculpt what they want. a carpenter might see it as something to carve, something to break and put together.
the magical realm is not a concrete thing at all, up to interpretation, perhaps a unique experience to anyone who could glimpse in; don't strictly have to be toran, but they are perhaps naturally receptive to it or it could even be entirely a knowledge thing and that they are taught about it more; someone like verity who had her eyes opened to this realm, and learned to interact with it on instinct. does open questions to what the hell is up with the plains lmao but i think thats another post.
sorry about all the "i'll tell you in another post" i was attempting to stay on track 😂😂 also there's a 90% chance im gonna forget to come back and write about them so if anyone is dying to know feel free to send me an ask or something???
also if you want to know more about these OCs let me know 👀 i can find an ask game or something maybe. it's a case of i know a lot but will forget it all if asked to speak freely, i need specific questions. i have also developed the first four a bit more, but the last three are not without character so they can still be included. maybe it will be a group effort and they will have Background.
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rocksibblingsau · 3 months
The fact that in real life Funk is a sub-genre/borned from R&B and in the troll universe is (implied to be) the opposite makes choosing music for the Funk tribe and assigning irl music to a troll's genre so weird and confusing.
Lets not even start with how Jazz and its different genres, Blues, Disco, Gospel, Soul and others would get mixed into this. It's already difficult to draw a hard line between them in real life since a lot of these genres originated from one another, influence each other and overlap quite often and are even sometimes fully grouped together (R&B been both its on genre, but also the grouping of Blues and Rhythm). It feels wrong to just completely mix them together into Funk or say they are a sub-genre of Funk because how different, nuanced and big each of these genres can be (and how many of them are older than Funk itself), but them being one of the main tribes and R&B already been a sub-genre of Funk in universe doesn't help.
Which leads to the question of again, we're does this leave Jazz? It has many roots in Blues and some jazz sub-genres are often group together with R&B and Gospel (forming the "genre" of Soul music), but most of Jazz can be and IS very different from Soul and Funk. And that is not even mentioning how heavily Jazz influenced Hip-Hop, R&B and even Funk. I think Im having a stroke...
Anyways, it seems that the lesson today is that even though the Troll Tribes are a fun and creative idea it also really simplifies and separates the topic of music genres abd music history, something thats famously complex and interconnected. I didn't even mentioned genres like Rock, Techno, Rock-and-Roll and others that were also pioneered by black american communities and were influenced/influential and share similarities to Jazz, Funk, Blues and R&B.
Aka.: Music genres in real life doesn't exist in a vacuum and wasn't born out of thin air, but they did in the Trolls universe so let's not think so hard about it and just roll with it for the sake of all of our sanities.
(This rant/discussion was born out of me finding a brazillian jazz and soul song that really fitted Funk Branch and researching the history of black-american genres for two hours just to make it make sense some what because I obviously wasn't giving such a good song to fucking Chaz. Anyways the song is De Ontem by Liniker, it's really good and I recommend it a lot - for Branch and in general - even if the translation I found on google was quite bad. If you plan to listen to it, I can write and send you a somewhat better one if you want)
Anyhow, sorry for the insanely long ask. If you take a shot for everytime a mention a music genre, you would quite literally die before the ask was over. Thank you for reading <3
That's kind of a thing with music irl yeah, the genres are messy and almost every song when you look it up has at least two genres it's accredited to. I think part of the point of the movie is that it's hard to stay confined to a single genre and all genres take influence from each other and are born from each other. Pop and Rock were born from the same thing, they just split in different directions.
I take the irl genres of songs as a suggestion. If something seems more like it'd be the Funk Trolls vibe, then it's their music.
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puzzled-pegasus · 4 months
Some Leo and Piper thoughts because I have no outlet for my feelings abt them
These guys are platonically soulmates and I love them dearly
I love the idea of them doing karaoke of or screaming along to pop songs together and especially doing silly duets
Additionly Leo being impressed by Piper's voice every single time she sings bc she has a lovely awesome voice
Im gonna make an au wherein they are fwb for my own mental health lol I just think that would be sweet as heck (maybe also poly with jason idk. or mybe thats even another au xD)
In general though they are usually just bffs
Leo likes to always show Piper things he's working on or asks her what he should make when he's bored lol
Piper also sometimes asks Leo if she looks okay and Leos always like why tf are you asking me I have no sense of style whatsoever lmao
Piper is Leo's main source of snuggles most of the time and she also lets him play with her hair and braid it when he needs a stim or when theyre just chillin
They also write and draw on each others skin w marker wjen they're bored and a lot of times they'll just have their arms covered in random misspelled words in the others handwriting lmao
Leo likes cooking and Piper likes baking and they both try each ofhers stuff that they make and gibe good feedback
Piper is a couple of inches taller than Leo forever >:3
piper has really cold hands and leo has really warm hands in general
Whenever they need to vent they generally go to each other and be frustrated togetehr about annoying bullshit that goes on lol
they also hype each ofher up a lot
both being hyperactive adhd kiddos a lot of their conversations consist of them excitedly interrupting each other lmao
Leo likes to infodump about technical and math stuff or theoretical stuff or really anything that he likes a lot and Piper doesn't get most of it but she loves seeing him excited so sje asks all the questions hehe
Conversely, Piper likes to tell life stories in great detail when she's deep in conversation and Leo gets invested because really she's a pretty great storyteller but also bc he loves her
i think it would be cute if they made jewelry for each other
They like to banter and also fake flirt (and real flirt sometimes, depending lmao)
at some point really soon adter they met Leo was like hey what color are ur eyes and Piper was like actually i have no idea loll and then he just stared st her eyes trying to figure it out for several minutes and idk that image is just cute
piper also does that mom thing where if there's schmutz on Leos face she has to clean it off with anything she can find or sometimes her thumb lol, jason does that same thing and Leo's an easy target cus he gets dirty a lot lmao
Piper sings to Leo to calm them both down in the evening sometimes, not sure what songs she normally sings but they're like calm songs yk or maybe she just makes something up. Sometimes seh puts his name in the song lol
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catofoldstones · 7 months
hi i'm still here :) those things about fandom denying theorizing about jonsa just bothered me heavily since fans accepted almost every theory under the sun but hypothetical j0nsa is where they draw the line they accepted curtain of light theory and 3 heads of the dragons saving the world for years before a hypothetical cousin marriage/bethrodal that ties a lot of plot threads and themes together and resolves so much of the missing plot pieces from the show, i might not personally like it cause of the incest implications but im also consistent with hating all jon's incest ships and still keeping an open mind about j0nerys and j0nsa on a storytelling basis but j0nsa is a theory that intrigued me so much because it did make sense from the drafts,the fact that sansa will end up at winterfell with the vale army by the time jon wakes up and changes into who knows what (again fans straight up ignoring which stark is actually the closest to winterfell will never not make me laugh) to the many gothic literature and historical references george takes to especially the ashford theory thats so unavoidable i call fans extremely blind for being this in denial that it might happen as a plot point and since aegon is most likely going to be busy with dorne/cersei/dany or euron and most likely die in the south (rip son) i highly doubt sansa will tie into his plot unless thats the last targ suitor she's supposed to be betrothed with and again its kinda a big nothing theory to me cause sansa going south would be repetitive and its already been debunked with the AFFC draft leaks unless aegon wants a claim to the north which again im pretty sure he'll be engaged to arianne for martell points and allyship (also her being engaged to a secret fake bastard heir was already done with joffrey and it being completely reversed with j0n feels more complete as an end point to that theory/arc there's no way george would pass that up).
i also don't think this is all jon and sansa have to offer as characters,its what bothers me with other ship fans as well i like them as separate characters and i also feel like looking at the story, if it were to happen i don't believe it would be a fairytale romance or ending or be anytype of normal relationship, i might even be completely wrong and j0nsa might never come up (also feel like george would be wary of doing this now when media literacy is at an all time low but fandom toxicity is high as the heavens), both sansa and jon fandom theories have been through a rollercoster over the years im just happy that fans finally have theories that actually makes sense storytelling wise and not something for wish fulfillment but bias still runs amok in the fandom unfortunately and it still clouds a lot of convo about the characters and plot theories
sorry for rambling in your inbox again
Hello :3 nice to see you again
anon can I call you soulmate anon because every sentiment you’ve portrayed here is exactly what I believe too! I like jonsa too because it’s v compelling and it has good evidence to back it up, but I’m really iffed up because of the incest too. Well not because I’m a pearl-clutching puritan but because it’s not fair to Sansa tbh, as a teenaged girl in a deeply patriarchal society. If she’s the girl in grey who runs away to Jon for protection, it’ll not be as a friend who’s seeing another friend after a long time, it’ll be because she wants protection from her brother. Then comes in the question of her claim to Winterfell. If she marries Jon to smooth out the inheritance crisis, the North would still belong to Jon & not Sansa. They will not be equal in that marriage or as the lord and lady of Winterfell. However, there are far, far too many indications of a jonsa match, textually and subtextually, which I am right there with you anon, are so compelling! It would only be a blind man to not see them. And the fandom collectively vehemently denying jonsa is v funny to me because it sounds so much like
“Do you believe women are humans?”
“Do you believe women should have the same rights as men?”
“Yes, absolutely!”
“So you are a feminist.”
“Eww, no.”
Like, the text is glaringly pointing at something with air raid sirens and neon red lights, but what could it mean, hmm 🤔 Like c’mon guys my cat could figure out what’s going on at this point.
Though, I do believe that the Ashford Targaryen suitor could be Aegon VI for Sansa. While a lot of people believe that Aegon will marry/betrothe Arianne for that Dorne support but that doesn’t make sense to me because
1. It’s like Sansa would marry into the Tully family for support to take back the North
2. The Dornish are already burning to avenge Elia
3. Arianne is the heir to Dorne in her own right (and has had major plot around that), marrying the next King of the 7 kingdoms hardly makes sense for her.
BUT Aegon & Arianne’s plots are barreling towards each other and they very well might just get married to secure another plot point that I cannot think of right now. And I know that Aegon is doomed and Arianne survives (George, pls or else 🔪🔪) so that’s another reason why Aegon & Sansa can’t happen. And Jon being the Targeryen suitor holds so much more literary weight than a rando who has never had an impact on her or her emotions or her plot (apart from your brilliant points). Also, no I am not debating the “Dunk disturbed the Ashford Tourney so Sxn/dxr is the one for Sansa” because we’ve debated to death that even being granted the title of Maid does not mean anything like a betrothal in Westerosi society or has negative consequences (r + l & that whole war it started). Also, just because Dunk got in the middle of the Tourney does not mean that he got the girl in the end. Hope that helps. Moreover, Dunk’s asoiaf corollary is Brienne not sxn/dxr, so by their logic, briensa ftw!!!!!!!!!!
Anon, the way everyone ignored the affc outline just because it showed something the Sansa fandom had been (rightly) theorising for years now has me rolling on the floor 😂 the denial, the denial is so strong with these people, even the “neutrals”. Don’t even get me started on the BNFs. If something like this were leaked about xrya or dxny, it would have been front page news that breaks the asoiaf fandom containment lol.
Stark closest to Winterfell and takes north! C’mon now anon, don’t give these people a heart attack.
Yes well, there have been one too many people in this fandom (as is common in any other fandom *cough* jxnxryas *cough*) to reduce the characters to the ship but the block button is my lord and saviour. Shipping is so that we can bring out the best (or the worst) character traits in the people we’re shipping, not to water down the said character traits.
There’s a chance that jonsa doesn’t happen in the books or happens just in the subtext or whatever, and I’ll be fine with that as long as the stories for both Jon and Sansa have satisfying and empathetic progression. Though I would terribly like for it to happen just to dunk on the haters and the BNFs and the “skeptics” lol. I am trying to be a better person these days, but pettiness is my second daughter 🤪 and to add to this point, if jonsa doesn’t happen, that still won’t erase the heavy foreshadowing we’ve been seeing in the text till now. If some other ship had the Ashford theory, the Byronic connection, JONnel Stark marrying a girl named xrya or an ancestor Sansa Stark marrying a -whoever- in their lineage, the plot satisfaction, the narrative parallels, the textual connection, it would be considered canon by now. But no, since it’s Jon x Sansa and that is still somehow a pretty strong contender for breaking all your ships, they will close their eyes and call it a crack ship. Baby a crack ship is me and Oscar Isaac or Sasuke and Taylor Swift. But if Sasuke and Taylor had all of this evidence, it would, once again, be considered canon. Sigh, just take your Sansa hatred elsewhere man, we’re not in 2006 anymore.
Dude, I found older forums/metas a while back and there is nowhere that Sansa was mentioned w/o sxn/dxr. Sxn/sxn was just a given. It was canon, it was always going to happen and that’s just so reductive tbh. I’m v v grateful that the meta and fandom spaces (maybe just a small corner but that is enough for me) have evolved so much through the years otherwise I would get beaten here every day. It’s still toxic as hell though, with the level of trash metas that will give early asoiaf fandom a run for its money and at one point you just want to scream- you all realise that these are books, right? and we’re the readers! you’re not dxny or jon or tyrion or even fleabottom ragpickers! none of this is real 😭 i should not be coming here, armoured and with a sword, to defend my fav characters, i should be having fun here and exchanging stupid ideas 😭 but asoiaf fandom remains asoiaf fandom however well the ways of hating may have changed.
But please, always ramble in my ask box anon. I love reading your thoughts and it gives me a chance to ramble as well :)
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tinycactusfromarizona · 3 months
How does your depiction of Bella and Alice differ from canon Bella and Alice? This can range form their personality to their fashion style. Info-dump as much as you want! I would love to hear your thoughts on this cause your art is wonderful and I will read your fics! I promise you that!
Okay so like i've wanted someone to ask me this forever!! so the fic Overcast is my canon Bellice, my partner wrote it for me so that's definitely somewhere to go to if you're curious. but i also have my own headcanons to add towards them. so bella is not super different, but definitely a lot more masc leaning. sure she keeps her long hair but in her style. im drawing a lot of inspiration from ellie from the last of us in her style (thats another one of my hyperfixations) personally wise, at first she's very meek and shy. but it's probably because she's new to Forks. she's really come into her own. and calmed down. once she's comfortable in her relationship with Alice she's definitely a lot more charismatic. she still loves to read, she goes through books ravenously. but also she joins Jacob and Rosalie with mechanics. she loves being able to put things together and make them work. And it's a way her and Rosalie get closer. they end up having a really great relationship. and that also goes for her and Emmett. they're probably the closest outside of her and Alice. they're basically long lost siblings. and they get into all kinda shit when they're together. They terrorize Edward it's hilarious honestly.
With Alice, She’s fairly the same in the roots. Much less problematic than how she is in canon. She doesn’t want to dress up Bella like a doll, sure she’ll have an influence on her fashion. But she wont dress her up. She respects her and loves her. I’ve made her kinda self indulgent to my tastes. I made her goth since it’s a style of fashion that i love so much. And personally i think it suits her incredibly well. At first i wanted some E-girl influence but as I got more into developing it I’ve started drawing some influence from trad goth. It makes sense since Alice lived through the inception of the goth subculture. She probably went to goth clubs and danced the night away back then. And honestly i think thats beautiful. I think she probably was attracted to all types of alternative subcultures. Being a little strange herself, she felt a kinship with outcasts. Not only that but also being queer and despite Jasper not being so into the idea of queer culture. (Straight white confederate soldier man, smh smeyer what were u thinking) She like all vampires can’t use modern smart phones due to modern touchscreens use bio electricity to work, since our vampires are undead and don’t produce bio electricity. So they’re stuck with either using styluses or dumb phones. Which I think is hilarious. Due to Alice’s being subjected to electric shock therapy she still has memory loss and on top of that she has developed a reading disability. I think she’ll want to look into her human life and look for her sister Cynthia. But I haven’t thought that far ahead of what goes on with their story. Her relationship with Jasper was inherently abusive, due to him abusing his gift of emotional influence on her to trick her to think they were mates. (Go read overcast if you want more of that storyline) So as expected they don’t last much longer after Bella comes into her life. I think it’s sweet that they end up saving each other in their stories. Alice helps Bella come into her own and gain her confidence, Bella helps Alice escape the abuse she wasn’t even aware she was being subjected to.
In my own personal head canon, vampires can change forms. Depending on anger and bloodlust. They become much more monstrous. Gaining a mouth full of sharp teeth, jaws unhinging, claws forming and body frame distorting into a much more animalistic or demonic body. I want them to become so scary. Not just the pretty marble statues that Smeyer depicts. Vampires are monsters and i want them to look the part when they let their humanity go. I have a few drawings of Alice showing her monstrous side, but not going that far into it. Vampires are one of my hyperfixations so i go pretty in depth on twilight vampires in my head. A big part of why i like them is the creatures they are, the politics of covens and the Voltori. I just think they’re just so interesting. Not only that me and my partner dive into werewolves and the difference between werewolves and shapeshifters in our twilight universe. (It’s all in overcast and full moon so please go read those fics if you want more of that)
I have drawn some personal pieces for them (mostly nsfw) but tumblr is not nice to those kinda drawings so they stay in my personal collection. Unless like y’all want me to start up a Patreon or something idk.
I want to draw more for them but like I’m a bit burnt out at the moment, I’m focusing on stuff I’m hyperfixating on right now. But I’ll come back to twilight, it’s my great love and bellice is my otp so don’t worry, I’ll be back soon. This is everything I can think of at the moment but like if you want me to elaborate on like specifics I’d be happy to talk about more. I love twilight and i love to talk about it. I really appreciate you asking me about my personal headcannons and the bellice i draw, so thank you!!
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blood-injections · 1 year
show pony hcs?
They're Dr D's actual nephew and grew up visiting him and being a little helper at the radio station he's had since the nineties.
No sense of self preservation honestly, okay so this is like my favorite headcanon for them just because its silly and they're a badass. So they grew up visiting LA but dr d took them away from it before the and of the wars so they never lived in it while it turned into battery city, and they've never been captured, but they have indeed been to battery city. Because they've broken in. Solely to be gay do crime. They sneak into the city to graffiti shit and flirt with pornodroids and recruit them to throw bricks into windows with them(not of apartments or townhomes, just the research and bli buildings and occasional business). They wear their skates or bring a skateboard, they dont drive, half the time they bring a boombox, blasting the fucking beastie boys or something in the middle of the night while they skate around the city, and somehow theyve never been noticed by bli or had to fight their way out, theyre crazy and i love them
Punk as shit, you don't grow up with your cool uncle that was openly gay in the nineties without learning that capitalism sucks and cops aren't your friends. Its a big part of why they sneak into the city and be a nuisace, becuse they want to do more than just fight from the zones, because that city was their home once, before bli took it over and put up the walls, and unlike most joys who hate battery city and just want to burn it to the ground, pony wants to save it. They want to cause a more direct change, something physical thats there in the morning, so that the juvie halls and city folk can see it and see bli working to scrub away grafiiti and fix shattered windows and they'll all know theres someone else out there that doesn't agree with bli, fighting for them and maybe theyll be inspired to do more too. And its why they recruit the droids or juvie halls they come across and put a brick in their hand, because the power that comes with that, the inspiration, it spreads, because Pony's read the stories about the Stonewall riots and knows that if enough of the city could unite to fucking fight from the inside, they could make a real change.
Cherri's their older brother, not biologically but they dont care, they were both too young to fight in the wars but thats where they met, when dr d was looking after them and took cherri in when he lost his dad, who was dr d's friend. They grew up in the zones together, learned to shoot together, figured out out who they are together, they're fuckin siblings.
Their gender is whatever annoys you the most at the moment, it also depends on who theyre around around, like with Poison they're like im ur girlfriend vs with Cherri like yeah im your brother. They dont care what people call them.
Childhood best friends with Newsie but you'd never know it. They fight like siblings but they're thick as theives. When the wars started they were kids that thought theyd never see eachother again, but they reunited years later as killjoys
They're crazy friendly, like terrifyingly outgoing. They love everybody and everybody loves them but they manage to stay pretty humble about it
Theyr'e super dramatic and LOVE to gossip
Horrible artist, cant draw for shit. Great at collages though, they make all the zines and posters for radio shows. You can tell when they made one because there's glitter on it.
Has a helmet. Never wears it.
Proud polycule girlfriend of jet star and party poison
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unicornsaures · 5 months
talk. about whatever’s on your mind. aaaanything and everything just in case u needed an invitation to yap today 😻😻
taking this as a excuse to have a yap session about my nonhuman aus because there are SO. many things that are included for very specific reasons(mainly elf laurens cause its my main nonhuman au, but the divinity AU isnt exempt from secret meanings either >:3c) but i just never elaborate on any deeper meanings because technically theyre supposed to be up for interpretation but screw that things are included for very. very specific reasons
OKAY STARTING WITH ELF LAURENS !! Im starting off with his design itself because while its not necessarily a secret, his markings are extremely important to the story because obviously its a massive focus with the whole insecurity thing and attempting to scratch them off so!! In his early design it isnt included, but theres two things i added to either foreshadow things or that make more sense because certain things previously didnt have reasoning. For starters, his voice! I make it *very* clear that Laurens absolutely hates his voice - yknow, with that high pitched nonhuman growl? Theres a reason for that! In my AU, elves arent supposed to have markings on their throat; it fucks with their vocal chords. Yknow who does have a marking on their throat? Thats right, John does! So not only does he have 'two' voices, he also has a big reminder of that just straight in the middle of his throat - so rven if he didnt talk people would know why. Then theres the dots on his head. Thats foreshadowing. Cant tell you what its foreshadowing, but take that information how you will.
Also would like to elaborate on his relationship with Kinloch in the fic because no, Kinloch is not evil or bad or abusive. I try and make it clear that their relationship isnt necessarily healthy, but thats also not Kinloch's fault either way. Its Johns own inability to stabilize his emotions surrounding someone he cares about(ex. begging him to run away with him - when rejected, he runs away himself.) This is a massive mischaracterization of Laurens on my part but like I said in the fic itself, its just me projecting for 4k words. Oh, and he gets that scar on his lip when he's 20 in what i call a 'drinking accident.' Dont ask me to elaborate on that either, John is just a reckless drunk.
Obviously theres the whole art thing, but i think its pretty self explanatory on why hes drawing. I think i stated explicitly it was a coping device but if not i think thats obvious but i never elaborated on his medium of choice; graphite :3!! Its messy. Thats it. He uses the powdered graphite, which i think he would find it was a representation of process rather than product. The point of using graphite is the limited choice of color that only leaves an artist with shades. It also just goes with the theme of his art because idk, hes out here drawing the idea and/or image of death itself in a way its gorey but also gorgeous, so take that as you will.
Also I have had many yap sessions on why exactly John draws the gorey and grotesque but ill save you on insane details and simplify it down to; after his mothers death, he was naturally drawn to the beauty found within something so vile and horrifying.
Okay ive talked all too long aboute the elf laurens thing, so now the divinity AU! There isnt much meaning inside of this other than the very very clear toxic relationship between Alex and John; but its toxic for a reason. As dysfunctional as they may be, they are better of together than apart. Like mentioned in the fic itself, Alex was cruel to his devotees and followers before John came along. I wont go into specifics or anything, he was just cruel. John, on the other hand, was also cruel. Thats why hes a fallen angel, obviously. He fell due to others actions but the reason he followed this other person in the first place is because they were holding something he did over his head, threatening to tell higher deity's and whatnot. But instead, John is a fucking idiot and ended up doing what this person wanted which ultimately ended up in him falling and losing everything. Obviously, this leaves someone scarred because ill just say it, in this AU at least, falling from wherever they may be is not a painless experience.
In turn, he hasn't physically fallen anywhere, but there are physical signs and overall, you can tell by how they act. So, upon finding Alexander - a god, basically - the only other purpose he has in life is to peldge devotion to someone. Hes basically shunned from other angels, and so finding a deity to pledge devotion to is the only thing he can do. Their relationship is not at all healthy. Ive described it as a worshiped/worshiper dynamic because thats what it is. No matter if Alex views John as an equal, Laurens will always view alex as a higher being than he is and in short its a massive power imbalance with how willing John is to bend over backwards for him(ex. ripping off his wings ! Never happens, alex wont physically let him, but like i said, John is willing.) The only reason I say that they should stay together is that other deity's wouldnt stop him from doing this kind of thing. 'Offering your wings to prove your devotion? Yeah, hand em over.' is basically what would happen and it would be 10x more of a corrupted relationship than john and alex have. Alex keeps him in line basically, and John worships him like..well, like the god he is i guess.
Again, this AU is me majorly projecting so take it as you will. But Alex is also completely unaware to why John is a fallen angel anyway. Even being a god, he cant just see peoples sins. He only knows when someone has sinned.
"A shame Alexander may not know his transgressions, he’s sure he couldn't have done much wrong with how much of a pleasure he’s been."
Pulling out the quotes for this story because i personally think its just easier to explain things if its been read.
John nods absentmindedly, leaning into the heat of his palms that make his face contort in a painful type of love.
Its mentioned a few times, but being touched by Alex at all brings physical pain. Mostly because he's not supposed to be touched by a higher being while being a fallen angel, but it also has something to do with the fact he 'swore on his ability to love to prove his devotion.' In short, John didnt think he had the ability to love, much less deserve it. So, being touched by one he fell for brings him physical pain because he shouldnt be supposed to! The love he spoke of when he exempted Alex from this was love a devotee has for their god, not love like as romantic love. Obviously, in a way, he broke his own promise. This is also why the pain goes away after alexander admits he loves him because at that point, 'his god' basically just excused the fact he broke his pledge by announcing any feelings he may have are returned. So yeah! Thats fun.
Anyway, that was my yap session. I talked for way too long uhm..oops! Im not normal about nonhumans :(
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seeingivy · 3 months
bsfs older brother sukuna asks!
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OUCH like you're literally crazy thank you so much. random side tangent that no one asked about but basically my mom has a masters in english literature and likes to read/write a lot (which is where i think i get that from) but basically we were talking about books that are meant to me read as books or other writing that is more like cinematic? if that makes sense.
like some people on here write fic that's really prose based and beautifully written. like truly I think the talent lies in how they choose to string the words together that always leaves me in awe. another irl author that does this a lot is celeste ng (ronnie book rec! everything I never told you is one of my favorite books ever)
but then some books are very very plot driven and kind of have plot as the main thing that kind of draws me in. I definitely think i'm this type of writer more where I know that my talent isn't necessarily in how I string the words together (not that I think it's bad, I just think that the way I build something up and make a plot out of something is kind of where I have the most fun and think I do the best in terms of the stuff I put out) an irl book that does this is the seven husbands of evelyn hugo - where it's very jam packed and driven by the actual events of the book as opposed to the actual wording and sentence structure of how they're written.
anyway this ask just validated what I was thinkiNG LOL bc I do think I tend to write some thats more like sucker punch yolo as opposed to really working on writing that's more prose like (and I admire people who can do that because I literallly fumble with normal words, like @/theragethatisdesire and @/neptuneblue are SOOO skilled at this that it always leaves me speechless. anyways.)
thank you again pookie 💌
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literally that's emotional whiplash. I reread the entire thing myself (which is crazy, because I rarely reread my own works after writing them, but I do find myself reaching to read this one sometimes) and LORD like i actually kind of forgot the stuff in the beginning so PROPS TO YOU and it's so sweet that you felt all the feels that were going on that makes my heart so so warm.
heavy on the poor weird child me. mind you that both of these characters internal monologue/and somewhat of their backstory is based on me in real life and heavy on loving little weird child you and knowing that they're still in you somewhere fighting in whatever way they can (for me its fanfic....which is very on brand when I think about it)
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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! 💌 idk where that all came from in three days but it did and im actually very very proud of it so it makes me so so happy that you enjoyed it!
anyways! idk I hope to write some more soon but someone in my family is having a five wedding events week business going on so i'm like out of capacity all weekend (and already overstimulated from so much interaction)
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alpinezro · 11 months
hi... I HOPE THIS IS ALRIGHT TO ASK but ive admired how you render for a long time and you mentioned a while back in a post that you'd studied light particles n how they work and i have been. deathly curious as to how you went about doing that... drawing from reference and doing studies of course, but was there any particular way you went about it? i hope this finds you well. anyways . sorry ! thank you for your time
no need to apologize, and thank you so much for asking! not sure i can provide the best explanation, but most of what i learned was off of youtube and some blog-ish websites. this probably wont make any sense at all but ill try my best.
The Anatomy of Shadows
a big part of it was learning the anatomy of shadows, specifically the terminator and different varieties. heres a diagram,
terminators are just where the light and shadow meet. you always want to be able to tell where the terminator starts and ends!!! be CONFIDENT and BOLD with them!!!! they communicate so much information about structure
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more on the different types of terminators/shadows. the ones i most use are cast and body.
a great example of these is the rembrandt triangle, composed of the shadow cast by the nose (cast shadow) and the shadow of the cheek (body shadow). body shadows are so so aewsome because they represents changes in planes. cast shadows r just kinda there. but i think they get softer the further away from the object they are since the light particles wiggle their way underneath and create reflection/ambient light
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Ambient Occlusion and Light
SPEAKING OF WHICH!!! ambient light is basically just, the light particles that are bouncing around in a scene. imagine you're at the beach and its a really cloudy day, the shadows arent gonna be dramatic like they would if you were in a dark room with one light source.
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youd think that we're kinda like. enveloped in light by default but no, we're pretty much always in shadow. shadows are the normal part. light is a strange freak that broke into your house and fucked everything up.
more about ambient occlusion. ambient occlusion just occurs when objects get close together and light cant wiggle its way in, as stated earlier. heres a shitty example. AO is key to realism.
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this guy explains it better than i ever could
Lighting Focus or Whatever the Fawk its Called I Forgot But There's Definitely a Scientific/Cinematic Term For This
another thing. level of detail in shadows is gonna be way different than in light and vice versa. u know when u spend a bunch of time outside and u go inside and its just solid black for a few seconds? its a similar idea here, ur eyes are so focused on the lit area they dont even give a shit abt the shadows.
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because of this, i try to keep shaded areas blurred. a lot of detail is implied, just let the viewers mind fill in the blanks.
last but not least,
Subsurface Scattering (on the skin, at least)
can i be so honest with you for a second??? i dont actually know what this means, like in depth. im sure this has something to do with light penetrating through semi-transparent skincells and illuminating blood,, but i cant be sure. thats just an educated guess. past oakley is always smarter than present oakley for some reason.
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i usually combine it with reflected light to create a more cohesive look. burt like... yeah... theres plenty of people who can explain this better than me
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ok thast all i hope this helped at least a little!!!!! LOTS of youtube videos. lots of visualizing silly little particles bouncing around. i probably forgot some stuff.
this video is realy good
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angy-grrr · 2 months
Ppl are worried that ochoizu might become canon while I'm here sitting n thinking that there is a low chance that the writer will include a romance between them. But we should take other factors into consideration, this is a shounen jump series so the editors and the sector may want to include a romance btwn them.
MHA doesnt need such a thing though, tbh the series has been lacking in romance department forever. Like even naruto had romantic pairings and some romance dynamics between its characters. MHA is just not a series like that and ochoizu will seem very underdeveloped in romance if it happens
idk, Bones definetly liked them -or at least some directors for the anime did- but im not sure about shonen jump or the editors. Theres just very little izu///ocha content including in promotions and drawings -the covers they share for example are not romantic at all objectively as far as I remember it was just a festival looking one with other characters as mochis, and the war one where Ochako is looking into a different direction with a determinate look and Izuku is took to the "line me up with Kacchan" promos. Idk, they dont look like huge fans of that ship specifically, and I think the Japanese audience also isnt here loving it with their whole hearts generally. Of course there are dudebros who really, really want them to happen, but its not like the people is here screaming for them to happen.
I think love is a huge thing in BNHA -in any sense of the word, as in the love for your friends, the love for heroes, wanting the love of others, rejection of other's whole person and love... AFO did all of this because of his abusive love for Yoichi after all, so love and society are what drive BNHA in my opinion.
Idk what Horikoshi wants to do in terms of romance -I like La Brava and Gentle together, they are cute!- but im really, really wanting for izu///ocha to not happen as it wouldnt satisfy anyone but dudebros. Before I had an open mind about it, not being surprised if it happened before, but now its so, so bad to make it happen when Ochako was crying and sad. Just- terrible, thats so wrong for at least 4 characters -izuku, ochako, himiko, tomura.
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its-no-biggie · 2 months
you know what, im making this its own post. "consuming media" is actually an excellent phrase for several reasons
a) unobtrusive catch-all term for many activities, including but not limited to: reading books, watching movies, listening to podcasts, watching tv shows, listening to music, and reading comics. there are many ways to take in (i.e consume) different forms of art (i.e media), and having an inclusive and concise term to refer to that is useful. ive seen posts suggesting replacing "consumed" with "enjoyed" or "experienced" or "engaged with", and these are all fine and good phrases to use but none of them mean only "to take [sth] in" the way that reading/watching/consuming does. each one conveys additional meaning, which is good if thats your intention but distracting if it isnt
b) this is maybe where i risk losing people, but personally i do not associate the verb "to consume" with the noun "consumer" - at least in the usage people are talking about when drawing this comparison. a consumer is an economic entity: one who *buys* goods and services. you can be a consumer (buying books) without consuming anything (reading them). of course, there are people whose consumption of art is purely in the economic sense - people who post shopping hauls of books theyll never read, or people who pay exorbitant prices for luxury items purely because of how expensive they are. but personally ive never seen these kinds of activities described as "consuming media" - theres valid criticism to be made here about consumerism and art, but its being misdirected at people using a word that *sounds like* consumer in a completely different context. [like honestly - a lot of people who consume media arent even consumers at all 🏴‍☠️]
and c) beyond the most basic definition (to take [sth] in) and the unfortunate economic association (consumer), the verb "to consume" has EXCELLENT connotations. to consume is to devour. it is to take a piece of art and ingest it so thoroughly that it can never be separated from you. to wring out every last drop of meaning from the text, even knowing you will never be able to understand it in its entirety. to change and to be changed. theres a reason people talk about art with phrases like "i want to eat this" "i wish i could inject this into my veins" "this lives in my head rent free" - we are always searching for ways to say "i love this so much that it has become a part of me". isnt that beautiful? take my hand. lets consume media together
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sunnysideoflondon · 1 year
can i just say i love the demoni album (by joker out)?? every song literally goes so hard even the one i'd rank last if i had to is really goddamn good. i also like how the album contrasts with umazane misli (the album not the song) as its sort of about falling in love whilst demoni is like falling out of love? i haven't listened to the majority of umazane misli so im sorry if im wrong lmfao anyway. i had a thought that was like "the track order is usually on purpose right?" so that prompted me to make a summary of the contents of each song and i was like wait. this is a storyline. sorry again if these summaries are not fully correct i made them with one braincell and i dont have the energy to look up the lyrics again haha ok so katrina is like just post-breakup. "why do you keep on playing me. do you love me or not? i need you and hate you at the same time". ne bi smel is like "im sorry this was all my fault but i didnt have any other choice. i want you back but i know i betrayed you. it's my fault. im sorry". plastika is sort of like a side thing possibly its about hating how you look and having surgery to look perfect and beautiful. "it doesn't matter about anything else, im perfect now". i think this song has a deeper meaning that would fit more cleanly into the storyline of the other songs but im not big brained enough to figure out how exactly if i figure out ill update this. now, massive whiplash as we jump into demoni which is like "i need you here. when im not here my demons play with me" (idk how to better explain it besides just drawing from the og lyrics hah) important to note that this song is the title track. padam is like "i should've believed them instead of going through with us. someone help me. please. where is everyone?" vse kar vem is like "everything ends eventually, you just didn't need me anymore". ona is like "you never cared. but i care so much. so so much". tokio is like "we're not gonna see each other again. only photos will know we were together". note the more peaceful music as opposed to the deeply upset vibe of the others. kind of ironic how ngvot is like "ah, so we meet again. we've both changed albeit differently. we don't talk about it anymore though!" note the incredibly happy music of the song it's so incredibly jarring hearing them repeat "we dont talk about it anymore" with this happy ass music lmfao lastly novi val is like really abstract and could really mean a lot of things. i take it as a general message but it could really be anything. also note that it makes me want to cry so bad. one day im gonna bawl my eyes out because of that goddamn song agh OKAY UM OKAY. so basically the whole album is about a slow acceptance of the breakup but still feeling bitter about it at the end. i think. however this mystery person (probably called katrina) that the singer broke up with could've been anything tbh. you can interpret this really broadly and i think that's why i like the album so much too. it doesnt have to just be about events and feelings post-breakup but also just things in a general sense. so you can find solace in the album regardless of what your situation is. i think thats pretty neat.
or maybe im just overthinking it haha :D
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daphnebowen · 1 year
hsmtmts season four episode six
Gina is just trying to get out of there but coach Bolton is distracting her - and then he says “technically Disney won’t let me spoil the movie but …” and then proceeds to spoil the whole movie! What!
“sweetie” Ricky is really rocking the whole grandpa thing huh
nobody told them about the show?!?! Terrible friends, they are.
I don’t understand how them missing one rehearsal leads to the whole show being cancelled as well as the whole drama department being cancelled??? Like hello??? You can’t take away theater, people. That doesn’t work like that. Or, it shouldn’t.
”I thought you broke up with him because you were so traumatized” help ��
“we both needed lactaid pills” period
”wait so you’re single again??” YES MADDOX GET HER GIRL
aw miss Jenn called in mazzy!!
why does robotics get everything like how is that so different from theater?? They have lights and fancy robot props, like what??
IM GONNA CRY POOR EMMY all of her dreams have been crushed :(
“If you live your life in fear there’s gonna be a lot of stuff to be afraid of” YES KOURTNEY show us what you’ve got!!!! Kourtney is a new woman her therapist is really helping her (meanwhile Ricky: “then why do you look like you’re about to cry?”
please be sentimental Ashlyn I’m begging you I need this rn
poor Kourtney she just doesn’t want to be a third wheel
And poor Ashlyn she just wants to step out from under ejs shadow
Mr mazarra looks like he is about to explode - he really does look like the grimacing emoji 😬
poor miss Jenn is so naive 🥺
THE FACT THAT MAZZY WAS IN A BOY BAND IM CRYING and so is Benny ! He’s apologizing! Next he just needs to confess his love for her!
mr. Funky one I’m crying
spirit airlines is CRAZY (they suck btw)
”crying is encouraged” yes, I love crying, crying makes me feel so good about myself and let’s me release all of the negativity like a balloon, never feel ashamed to cry
The fact that they bullied Carlos and now he’s friends with some of the most popular / coolest kids in school
how do you even draw a cow on a cappuccino??
the fact that basically everyone went behind Carlos’s back to help Seb get the sheet music so he could sing this song is so wholesome “you did what?” “Give him a chance, Carlos.” “That girl scares me.”
OMG I FORGOT NATALIE AND SEB DATED but it totally makes sense, I wonder when they broke up though. and he was on the wrestling team too! I didn’t know that either 😣
“I would leave anyone for you.” AWWWHHH SEBBIEEE
”no. No. No! You’re playing the song. He’s playing the BLEEP song, Carlos.” Yesss Ricky, do it!!
sebs look of astonishment and awe when Carlos starts singing with them
they sound so good together
the fact that they shot it so all the couples were in a screen together - miss Jenn and Mr mazarra, Ricky and Gina, Kourtney and jet, Maddox and Ashlyn, and Carlos and seb
SEASON ONE GINA!!!!! “I am impressed that she didn’t mention the time I set the school on fire though” wonder why Gina wasn’t the number one suspect for that season one theater fire…
“find something you like about this school and try not to kill it” words of encouragement from the principal 😒 BUT THATS RICKYYY and he’s not dead yet so she’s winning!
”love is lame, idiot. That’s why I avoid it.” Well, not anymore! 🤪🤪🤪
okay the fact that Tim and all the writers were able to link it all back together to show us that through it all, through rini and through portwell and through everything, Ricky and nini were meant to be. They influenced each other so strongly without even realizing it. This is why they work. Ricky has a vibe, and Gina has an instinct.
ALYSON REED GAVE MISS JENN HER ICONIC LINE TRUST THE PROCESS!!! And the idea for high school musical! And the idea for the power ballad! Aka wondering! OMG!!
I would genuinely be heartbroken if this were real life and I was in a show and it got cancelled.
Ricky is breaking my heart bro
AHHH OMG YESSS EMMYYYYY I literally still get chills whenever I listen to this song because Liamani sounds so freaking good
”I said it and now it cannot be unsaid” ain’t that the truth
coach Bolton and Mrs darbus really came to save the day!!! <3
so many questions for miss Jenn but it’s ok you’ll figure it out
Kourtney is just interrupting Ricky and Gina’s very important serious conversation like they need to get their priorities straight - and here Ricky goes like he did with nini and assuming things
”I wanted to make sure this was real before I said… something” AHHH WE KNOW WHAT IT IS
”I feel like I always go first” yes you do
okay but miss Jenn and Mike Bowen going behind Ricky’s back to apply to slc college for him is literally how ms darbus went behind troys back to apply for him for Juilliard lol
”okay..” he looks so scared
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