#it haunts me at night in my dreams
jaegerisim · 1 year
This scene will forever not make me cackle, snort, laugh, giggle, kick my feet, flap my arms, wave my hands, shake my head, roll on the floor, throw something a the screen, scream, shout, yell, snort, scoff, stim, cry, bark, make a hole on the wall, bang my head against the nearest solid object, subject my mind to memory erasing and laugh.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 10 months
do the macarena in the devil’s lair 🕺
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ghosttotheparty · 2 years
if you'd let me want you
also on ao3 thank u @lunaraindrop for the help <3 cw: angst <3 arguing, brief panic attacks
“I’m just saying, man,” Eddie says lightly, leaning against the counter, watching Steve lift a box and set it on a cart. He lets himself watch. Steve isn’t looking at him. He can practically feel the ground shake as Steve rolls his eyes to the ceiling. “You guys make sense together.”
“Just because something makes sense doesn’t mean it…” Steve rips the box open. Eddie wills his face not to flush with heat. “Make sense.”
“That didn’t make sense.”
Steve shoots him a look.
“I don’t like Nancy like that anymore,” he says, almost grumbling. His mood shifted as soon as Eddie brought her up a few minutes ago. He smiled when Eddie showed up at Family Video, greeting him with a bright, “Hey!” but the second Eddie asked if he’s seen Nancy recently, the perpetual soft smile that lingered on his face faded and he looked away. His cheeks flushed pink. So Eddie doesn’t really believe him.
“You know I don’t believe you, right?”
Steve sends a look over at him. But it’s not really a look. He glares at him.
Eddie’s eyebrows raise as Steve looks away again, his stomach twisting.
“You don’t have to believe me, Eddie,” Steve says, his voice twinged with annoyance. “It doesn’t make it… not true.”
“Well, you get all uptight and stiff every time I bring her up,” Eddie says, crossing his arms over his chest like he’s defending himself.
“Yeah, maybe I just don’t wanna talk about my ex with you,” Steve says, his voice firmer, annoyed and slightly louder. Eddie’s chest tightens, and he furrows his brows, his breath caught in his chest.
“This is the kind of thing friends talk about,” he says defensively.
“Maybe I just wanna hang out with you without talking about my fucking love life,” Steve snaps, putting a tape up on a shelf a little too hard. Eddie blinks.
“Why are you pissed?”
“I’m not pissed.”
“You sound pissed. You look pissed.”
“I’m fine, Eddie,” Steve says, sounding even more pissed. “I just don’t wanna talk about it.”
Eddie has a problem. He’s had this problem his whole life.
“Why don’t you wanna talk about it?”
It’s gotten him in trouble before. Many times. At home, at school, with his friends, the assholes that shoved him around in the hallways, against lockers.
“You talk about it with Robin,” he says. “Why is it such a big deal to talk about it with me? What’s your problem?”
He pushes. And prods. And pokes. And annoys the fuck out of whoever he’s talking to, until—
“Jesus, Eddie, I don’t fucking know, just fuck off.”
Eddie stares at him as he looks up at him. His eyes are gleaming, his brows are furrowed, and his cheeks are red, and he looks angry, and for some fucking reason it just pisses Eddie off.
“I wanna help you,” he snaps. “I know you like her, and you guys would be perfect for each other, fuckin’ mister and missus America—”
“I don’t fucking like her,” Steve almost shouts, and Eddie almost flinches back, the volume making its way under his skin, pulling at him and making him ache.
“What’s your fucking deal, Harrington?” He matches his volume.
Steve recoils like Eddie’s slapped him across the face, his eyes wide, and he blinks, his shoulders falling.
“Don’t call me Harrington,” he says weakly. Eddie exhales, staring at him. “You never call me Harrington.”
The door opens across the store, the bell shoving it dinging brightly, and Robin greets them with a cheerful, “Hey, dinguses.”
Neither of them look away, their eyes locked, and Eddie barely even heard Robin’s tentative, “What’s going on?” Steve looks like he might cry, his cheeks still flushed, his eyes shining, and Eddie scoffs, shaking his head and tearing his eyes away from Steve, ignoring Robin and heading to the door. It slams shut behind him.
His hands are shaking as he fumbles with his keys, biting his trembling lip as he slides into the driver's seat, and he looks up into the store as he starts the van. Robin is looking at Steve, confused, still holding her bag in her hands, and Steve is covering his face, holding a tape before he shouts something Eddie can’t hear and throws the tape across the store.
Eddie’s vision swims and he pulls out of the parking lot without buckling his seat belt.
He doesn’t see Steve for another four days.
He doesn’t really have to. It’s not like they tend to hang out every day. (Every other day, maybe. Sometimes more. But they don’t have a strict schedule, and Steve doesn’t come inside when he drops the kids off at Eddie’s for Hellfire on Thursday.)
Four whole days.
Is it pathetic that he misses him? Probably. It’s only four days, but Eddie feels hollow, like something is missing just because he hasn’t heard Steve’s voice.
Steve seems to feel the same way, which doesn’t really make Eddie feel better, even though his heart fucking soars when he opens the door to his apartment to find Steve standing there, his hair damp from the rain. He’s somehow looking up at Eddie despite being almost the exact same height as him.
“Hi,” Eddie says quietly, holding the door open. Steve rocks up onto his toes, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket, and he glances past Eddie into the apartment.
“Is Wayne here?”
Eddie blinks, his heart falling, and Steve seems to notice it, because he hurriedly says, “I’m not— I just wanna talk to you, like, alone. I just… wanna make sure.”
“Oh.” Eddie blinks again. “No, he’s— he’s at work.”
“Okay.” Steve pauses, swallowing, swaying. “Can I… Can I come in?”
“Yeah,” Eddie says after staring at him for a moment. “Yeah, come in.”
Steve exhales as he enters, pushing his hair back. His jacket is spotted with rain. Eddie forgot it was raining at all. He can’t hear rain much in this apartment. Unless it’s pouring.
“Talk,” Eddie says, heading into the kitchen. The kettle isn’t boiling yet, and he feels underdressed next to Steve, who’s wearing jeans and a tucked-in button-down, his jacket neatly pressed except for the rain. Eddie’s just in sweatpants and a grey sweater that’s two sizes too big.
“I, uhm.” Steve hesitates, taking a breath.
Eddie leans against the counter next to the stove, crossing his arms, looking up at him.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you,” Steve says, leaning against the wall across from Eddie. It’s a small kitchen. Their feet are almost touching.
Eddie doesn’t say anything.
“I was…” Steve pauses, swallowing anxiously, his hands shifting in his pockets. “I was upset, and I lashed out at you, and I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.”
Eddie looks into his eyes. They’re shining again. They always are.
“I don’t get why you were upset,” Eddie says quietly, feeling like he’s confessing something. He often doesn’t get why people feel certain things. Why people get annoyed at him for the things he does when he isn’t hurting anyone. Why people laugh when there’s nothing to laugh about. Why people get upset when he tries to help them.
Especially with something like all this with Steve. He and Nancy would be perfect together. Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington. White picket fence and a soccer team of children and yearly vacations and everything someone like Eddie Munson could never have.
He hasn’t told anyone that he doesn’t understand what they’re feeling in a long time. The last few times he told them they’ve scoffed and rolled their eyes and accused him of lying to get away with being an asshole, even when he was so adamant he worked himself to tears.
But Steve doesn’t do any of those things. He looks at Eddie and believes him.
“I don’t like Nancy anymore,” Steve says. He sounds close to tears. “And it just… pissed me off that you just didn’t believe me.”
He must see the doubt on Eddie’s face.
“I don't like her anymore,” Steve says. “I swear.”
Eddie looks back and forth between his eyes.
“I see how you look at her, Steve,” he says softly, and he wants to go throw himself out the living room window. Because he sounds so desperate, so fucking honest, and Steve can probably see right into him.
“How do I look at her?” Steve asks desperately, his head tilting forward.
“Like she’s perfect,” Eddie says, his arms uncrossing. The kettle is starting to boil, the whistle low and quiet. “Like she’s fucking flawless, like she’s… the fucking sunset or something.”
“Eddie,” Steve says weakly, his shoulders slumping.
“I don’t get it,” Eddie says adamantly. The whistle is growing in pitch. “I don’t get why you don’t like her, she’s— she is perfect, she’s the one for you—”
“No, she’s not,” Steve says angrily.
He doesn’t even seem to notice the kettle whistling loudly, screeching at them, and Eddie huffs, turning away.
“Jesus,” he mutters, turning off the burner. “What do you want from me, Steve?” he asks, pulling the kettle off the burner, feeling it vibrate as it whistles.
“I don’t want anything from you, I want you.”
The kettle falls quiet.
The kitchen is silent.
Eddie blinks at the kettle, the words washing over him like cold water, and he almost drops the kettle as he sets it down heavily. It lands loudly on the stove, clattering on the burner, and he turns around to look at Steve.
Steve’s eyes are wide as he realises what he’s just said, and Eddie isn’t breathing, and he’s trembling, and Steve takes a sharp breath before he turns away.
Eddie reaches out and grabs his shirt, pulling him back.
Except he doesn’t do that.
He yells, at the top of his lungs, as loud as he can, I want you too. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything.
Except he doesn’t do that either.
Steve leaves, slamming the door shut behind himself.
Eddie lets him.
Six days.
Six fucking empty days.
Wayne notices that something is off, but he doesn’t ask, because he knows Eddie won’t tell. If he were to ask, Eddie would probably just burst into tears, and Wayne had never known what to do when Eddie cries. It’s not like Grandpa Munson was a touchy-feely guy. Wayne’s always just brought him tea and tissues and given him a hug if he wanted one.
Eddie covers it up when the kids come over to the apartment to hang out. Lucas tells him he asked Steve if he wanted to come up to say hi, but that Steve has errands to run. Eddie just quips that Steve is a big boy, all old and mature. The kids laugh, living in their sweet, sweet ignorance.
When the kids aren’t over, and Corroded guys aren’t over, he’s holed up in his room, staring at the ceiling with his headphones on. (He can’t use his speakers anymore because of complaints from the neighbours.) Trying to let the music drown out the words that are bouncing around his skull like a pinball.
I want you. I want you. I want you.
On the seventh day, Robin calls him.
He doesn’t want to answer the phone, but he trudges up out of bed, pushing his hair out of his face. He’s still wearing the same sweater.
She tells him the Party’s having a movie night at Steve’s.
Eddie’s chest aches at the sound of Steve’s name.
You’re gonna be there, she says, because she seems to know how his brain works better than anyone else he’s met. You’re gonna be there gets him to change his sweater.
His eyes meet Steve’s when he goes inside, but they both look away, and Eddie immediately swerves to the other side of the living room, scooping El into his arms and cackling evilly when she screams his name.
Steve sits with Robin on the sofa. Eddie can tell Robin knows something is up, but he can also tell that Steve hasn’t told her anything because she glances at Eddie, then at Steve, and Steve ignores her, his eyes trained on Dustin as he argues with Will about something.
The lights shut off when the movie starts.
Steve leans against the armrest of the sofa, Robin leans against him, and Nancy leans against her. Jonathan and Argyle are on the floor, Jonathan’s head on Argyle’s shoulder. The kids are all on the floor, tangled and piled on top of each other like a litter of puppies.
Eddie doesn’t even know which movie is playing. He keeps looking at Steve.
He feels like his veins are filled with wax, his body tense and stiff and so anxious he’s shaking a little bit.
I want you.
Eddie looks over at him again, the words echoing in his head, in the exact cadence and emphasis that Steve spoke in, adamant and angry and desperate.
Steve’s eyes meet his across the room. They’re shining. Reflecting the flashing lights of the movie.
Eddie tilts his head, gesturing silently, weakly, toward the kitchen.
Steve inhales, his jaw working, and he sighs quietly, squeezing Robin’s arm and moving to get up. She looks up at him, then at Eddie, then at Nancy, moving so Steve can get up, pulling Nancy closer.
Eddie gets up quietly, stepping behind the sofa so he doesn’t get in anyone’s view of the movie before he follows Steve down the hall to the kitchen, shutting the door behind them.
Steve crosses his arms when he enters the kitchen like he’s protecting himself, looking sulky and upset and so small it makes Eddie want to cry. He leans against the island, looking at the floor, biting his lip, and Eddie steps to be in front of him, leaning against the wall.
They're both quiet. Eddie can almost hear the movie, muffled and quiet through the door and down the endless hallway. Eddie can almost hear his own heartbeat. He listens to Steve’s breath.
“Did you mean it?” he asks softly, almost whispering.
Steve looks up at him, his eyes flicking back and forth between Eddie’s before he looks away, at the floor, his eyes moving like he’s looking for something.
“Steve,” Eddie says weakly when Steve doesn’t say anything. “Did you mean it?”
Steve takes a sharp breath, his lip trembling.
Eddie exhales.
The floor is solid beneath his feet.
Holy shit.
He steps forward, looking at Steve’s face. His eyes are squeezed shut.
Eddie reaches up to his cheek, wiping away a tear, and Steve startles, his eyes flying open to look at Eddie, his eyes filled with tears, scared and desperate. He’s breathing hard, blinking.
“I want you too,” Eddie whispers.
“Don’t fuck with me right now, Eddie, please.” Steve’s voice squeaks, breaks and chokes, and Eddie reaches up to hold his face between his hands, wiping away the tears that fall from his eyes. Steve is gasping for breath, and Eddie presses a hand firmly against his chest as it rises and falls quickly.
“I’m not fucking with you, Stevie,” he murmurs. Steve’s hands grab at Eddie’s waist, gripping the fabric of his sweater. (This one is black.) He’s holding him too tightly, but Eddie doesn’t mind. “I want you, I’ve wanted you for so long.”
Steve closes his eyes hard, his brows furrowing as he pants, and Eddie leans close, pressing their foreheads together, murmuring to him. Breathe, Steve, slowly. You got it.
It takes a while for his breathing to slow, and Eddie slides his hand up his chest when it does, moving it up over the collar of his sweatshirt, over his neck, to his cheek.
“Why’d you push me to go with Nancy?” Steve chokes, blinking tears out of his eyes, and Eddie’s eyes burn, aching because he can’t explain it.
“I don’t…” He hesitates, shrugging weakly, holding Steve’s cheeks carefully, tenderly. He sighs, letting his head fall forward so their foreheads meet as he thinks. “Because boys like me don’t get things like this,” he says softly, quietly.
“Yes, they do,” Steve whispers.
Eddie’s eyes squeeze shut.
They’re quiet for a moment, sharing breaths, until Eddie slowly slides his hands across Steve’s neck, hugging him tightly, and Steve’s arms wrap around his waist, pulling him against himself harshly, strongly. A soft sound escapes Eddie’s throat, and his eyes burn more, and he buries his face in Steve’s neck as Steve’s shoulders shake.
Their friends are down the hall. Anyone could come in for chips or soda or water, and find them here, crying in each other’s arms, and the thought of the absurdity of it makes Eddie laugh. Steve’s hand slides over his back, holding him so tightly Eddie can barely breathe.
“Holy shit,” he breathes, burying a hand in Steve’s hair. “Holy shit, holy shit.”
“Eddie,” Steve says softly, pulling away and looking at him, and he lifts his hands to Eddie’s face, wiping his tears away so tenderly it just makes Eddie cry more.
Eddie’s eyes flutter shut when Steve pulls at his face, pressing a hard, lingering kiss to his mouth, and when they part, Eddie gasps, opening his mouth for him and pulling him closer until Steve kisses him again.
Steve’s hands reach down and pull at Eddie’s legs, picking him up with unfair ease, and Eddie clutches at him desperately as Steve turns to set him on the counter. Eddie’s legs wrap around him tightly, whimpering when Steve’s hands press to his back and waist and his hips.
“‘M sorry,” Steve breathes between frenzied kisses. “‘M so sorry.”
“Me too,” Eddie says, panting. “I’m sorry, Stevie, just… I need…”
“Breathe,” Steve says weakly. Eddie closes his eyes. He didn’t even realise it, but he’s gasping for breath, each one getting caught in his throat, hiccupping and choking, and he grips Steve’s shoulders tightly, so hard it probably hurts, but he can’t let go, and Steve doesn’t say anything except, “Breathe.”
Eddie hugs him tightly, desperately, and Steve hugs him back just the same, pressing a hand to the small of his back. Eddie is swaying back and forth, which he doesn't realise until after a few seconds, and he stops himself. It makes people seasick, distracts them, he's heard it all, and he's just gotten Steve's arms around him. He doesn't want to mess this up.
But Steve tugs at his back, stepping closer to the island so his chest is pressed to Eddie, and he starts to sway. Eddie buries his face in Steve's neck, his eyes stinging, and he lets Steve move him, weight dropping off his shoulders, his breaths coming out easier and easier until he's breathing normally. They don't stop swaying together, rocking back and forth slowly, carefully, until Eddie lifts his head and touches his face. His skin is tacky with drying tears, the streaks shining in the dim light of the kitchen. Eddie wipes them away before he leans in and kisses him softly.
"Do you wanna go finish the movie?" Steve asks when they part, his lips still brushing Eddie's as he speaks.
"I don't even know what movie it is."
"Me either. Do you wanna go be confused together?"
"Yeah. That sounds nice."
They pause to sip at a glass of water together before they head back to the living room, their fingers laced. No one pays them any mind except Robin, whose eyes catch their hands, and she raises an eyebrow, smiling up at Steve as he sits next to her again. Robin moves, nudging Nancy so she shifts to lean against the opposite armrest, and Eddie squeezes in between Steve and Robin. Steves's arm makes its way around Eddie's shoulders as they look at the television. (Eddie can't even guess what's happening in the movie.)
Eddie closes his eyes, leaning against Steve, pressing his face into his chest, and he pulls one of his legs up, setting it across Steve's. Steve pulls him in closer, tighter, his cheek resting on Eddie's head.
Eddie shifts to face him, nuzzling into his chest and wrapping an arm around his waist, cuddling as closely and as tightly as he can as he takes a long, deep breath and exhales slowly. Steve smells like his cologne. Eddie wants to keep the smell. Maybe find it on his pillows.
He falls asleep to the sound of Steve's heartbeat.
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writeouswriter · 1 year
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ID: A 4 panel digitally drawn horror comic depicting, in order: a shadowy figure pressed against a door's window at the end of a long hallway, a closeup of the figure staring directly ahead, a small child on the other end of the hall with a vaguely eerie silhouette behind them, and an extreme close up of a pair of terrified eyes reflecting back the figure in both of them. White hand-printed text in each panel reads: I had a nightmare twenty years ago... of something tall and shadowy, waiting for me at the end of the hall. And sometimes, I worry... I still haven't woken up. End ID]
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souredfigs · 10 months
Me,a starstruck 15 year old reading the Odyssey for the first time : *sighs* wish I was born in 12th century BCE so I could see Troy and-
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crybaby-bkg · 10 months
omg just remembered having a dream last night that I was dating gojo and everything was fine and dandy until he had to leave for an indescribable amount of time and when he came back he was just so off and weird???? and I remember like sitting beside him on the edge of the bed and tryna reach out but he just looked at me from the corner of his eye and it scared the fook outta me so I backed off. and he was wearing that tight ass black top and his back was hunched over and his eyes literally illuminated the wall in front of him. and he reached his hand over to mine and whispered “if you ever leave me, I’ll break your arms clean off your body” and it scared me so bad I woke up in a cold sweat ajshdkdfj
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taegularities · 3 months
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64-jungle-planks · 6 months
Night at the Museum: Redesigning Characters 1/4(?)
Character profile: Frank "Noses" Capone
This character is based off of and takes inspiration from the historical Frank Capone.
Real Name: Salvatore "Frank" Capone
Nickname and Meaning: Noses - He got this nickname from being inquisitive and being unafraid to stick his nose into other people's business, even if it gets him into trouble.
Age: 28 (July 16, 1895)
Time Period: Frank is from America's Prohibition in the 1920s, to be exact, hes from April 1st, 1924 Chicago, just before he and a group of Mafioso's went to the polling station near the Western Electric Hawthorn plant.
Family: James "Jimmy" Vincenzo Capone, Raffaele "Ralph" James Capone, and Alphonse "Al" Gabriel Capone + Three younger brothers and one sister that wasn't brought back.
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(Headcanons under the cut)
Based on/taken from History:
involved in the Five Points Gang with mobster John Torrio as a kid
Rumored to be queer because he never had an open interest in women/having sex with women like his brothers
Had a kid??? But then took it away from his fiancé??
Nickname was Noses?
Smartest of the eldest Capones
Killed when 70 plain clothes police officers arrived at W 22nd St & S Cicero Ave, Cicero, IL 60804 on April 1st, 1924. He didn’t have time to pull his gun out and was shot so many times, two other bystanders were killed/injured
described as mild-mannered, intelligent and immaculately-dressed
Thought to have ordered 500 deaths since joining the Chicago outfit (1919-1921 to 1924)
“you never get no talk back from a corpse”
+ Intelligent + Social + Hard-working - Quick to anger - Unstable moods
My own silly headcanons:
Can be level-headed, but usually his anger gets the best of him.
His presence calms Al down a lot. His brother really loves him and missed Frank. Frank reminds Al of simpler times when they’d run errands for their old boss Torrio… now Al’s boss.
Represented by clover/clubs. The club symbol represents the summer season and the earth element. The club suit in cards indicates youth, a phase when a person focuses on education, and recklessness.
Frank has matching pins with Al, Jimmy, and Ralph, each brother taking a playing card suit. The brothers made them together with old scrap metal they found in the Navy yard.
Sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong. He likes putting himself in the middle of gossip circles. When he’s not purposefully antagonizing Napoleon to get a reaction, they get along really well because of this.
Wiggles his nose when he thinks hard
Tallest of the Capone brothers (6’1)
Broken out of the museum in search of the closest liquor store out of pure boredom. They tried to pay with greyscale $50s and promptly got kicked out.
A little bit of a sadist.
Gets very violent when he’s upset and enjoys it. Frank doesn’t usually feel bad about his previous actions
Frank: My furby died in my arms when I was a child Ivan: I’m sorry to hear that..? Frank, grinning and joking slightly: Don’t be. I’ve never felt more like a god.
He’d be on Booktok
Like his brothers, Frank will flirt with anyone. Unlike his brothers, Frank is mostly doing it to tease and have fun.
Sucker for hallmark movies
Jerma vibes
His ears turn red when he lies (credit to @frombottlealleytotheharbor for this one)
Frank’s Tommy is a replica whereas his Smith & Wesson Model 10 is from a photo/cutout. His Tommy doesn’t work at all, but his handgun can- he just doesn’t have any bullets.
The Model 10 is named Peggy and the Tommy is Doll
….. don’t call him Frankie unless your family.
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Jimmy Consentini belongs to @all-yn-oween. I had to draw him and Frank together because (I think) they both have two-piece suits.
Plain clothes Napoleon is inspired by this and something I have scheduled.
Al, Ralph, Napoleon
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fuzziemutt · 3 months
Sorry now I'm thinking about a William Afton with like clear smile line wrinkles...
Markings on his face that would indicate he was once a happy man and it etched itself long enough to denote this history to everyone years later
And staring into his empty, miserable eyes knowing what they once held...
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inseasofgreen · 13 days
was going to work on a intro for my new wip but ended up incredibly busy on my days off. going to try and get it up by sunday. been in a funk lately where i want to write but writer's block is hitting me so hard. manifesting creative thoughts for myself, and all of you
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mirineii · 9 months
Crazy christmas doodles
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Skyblings in their respectful christmas attire +impulse cookie
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candyredappledragon · 9 months
Fun fact: if you get lost in the woods you may become a Phantump
....thank you anon for telling me something i already know and be reminded again of this info.
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i am now shaking with excitement. cant you tell? you made my day, anon.
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hyunpic · 6 months
OHMYGOD i literally just remembered how last night i had a dream /(maybe nightmare can’t really decide tbh) that skz was having a comeback and they would only wear leggings as their pants. it was like very anti baggy jeans of them. the leggings would have all kinds of patterns like zebra print and one stage everyone had different neon colored leggings
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
If the doctor were a woman they would have written her and Tom together (ultimate sitcom married couple duo)
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sorrowsaint · 4 months
im going to bed
heres a song i like goodnight
#......................#.............................................#..............................................................................#thats probably enough of a buffer.#last night i dreamed i was in the hollow below the tree that my body was in. when i woke up in the morgue all i wanted to do was curl up#my bones remember i think. even if i dont. sometimes i feel a phantom emptiness on my chest#like the arrows. like the knives.#its scary. its so scary.#im just a kid#will i remember it forever? how long will it haunt me?#people die all the time. people die and come back. people die and come back and they remember but it doesnt haunt them#i was trapped in death and i think thats... its not gone. maybe it is magically but i still feel it.#all i had for so many months was the vague knowledge that i was dead and this overwhelming sense of sharp coldness#my body remembers. i remember. how does anyone forget things like this? i dont want this. i dont want to remember.#i like it under my bed. ive put pillows and blankets down here. the vent that blows in cold air is here too so it feels comfy#and maybe it reminds me of being under the tree. and i dont know why but thats something im actually okay with#my body was under something for so long. the soil was cursed but i loved those woods. i miss the woods. my body hurts.#my mom is missing a leg and sometimes she talks about phantom pains. like her leg realizes it isnt there and screams#can you feel that way about a hole in your chest and your neck. can you feel that way about a tree above you.#can you feel that way about death#maybe i should get angry. but alone. so so alone so i dont hurt anyone.#i cant prove him right. because he was wrong and everything he ever said was wrong and he sucks and i hate him#im not like him.#im like gertie and my parents.#im so tired. im so tired. i want to sleep in dirt for a few more months. maybe sort myself out somewhere dark and quiet.
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taniushka12 · 7 months
there needs to be more Barry fics fr fr fr, I know the last time he appeared in game was 12 years ago but cmon, he is So important
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