#it literally haunted me through my dreams 😭
uhbasicallyjustmilex · 6 months
do the macarena in the devil’s lair 🕺
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srvbryn · 4 months
i have been in severe luke distress after rereading titans curse. maybe like you could some reassuring luke? bc him and thalia used to have something and now reader and luke are together but not officially and she’s afraid he’s might still like thalia but he doesn’t ?
Luke Castellan. So if you need to be mean (be mean to me)
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Luke Castellan X f!reader
Summary: wherein it is impossible to simply forget the past as if it never happened
Warning: none! I'm literally Shakespeare, “I love you”, there's barely any plot because what??, my grammar is veryyy bad
A/n: 😭 Pls I'm running out of ideas and this probably isn't the same as what you request I'm sooo sorry 💔💔
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Luke stirred, caught in the vicious grip of a gruesome nightmare, as the night unfolded like a tapestry of sorrow.
Instinctively, you drew him in closer as you tried your hardest to protect him from the sinister figures that prowled in the corners of his disturbed dreams..
"Luke, it's all right. You're safe here," you whispered, your voice a fragile rhythm in the deep silence that enveloped the room.
You felt the tremors going through his body as you held him, they were all evidence of the nightmares that continued to haunt him while he slept.
His eyes revealed a deep-seated agony that defied description in the soft, ethereal glow of the moonlight peeking through the curtains. "The memories of what happened with Thalia follow me everywhere. (Name), She haunts me."
Your voice was like a soft stream trying to wash away the scars of the past, and your heart was aching for him as you continued to murmur words of consolation.
"The past is something we cannot change, but despite everything, we have created something lovely together."
He let out a trembling breath and his voice showed the weakness he rarely showed. "Do you ever think I still have feelings for Thalia?"
Cupping his tear-streaked face, you held his gaze, the depth of your love reflected in your eyes. "Luke, our journey has been marked by pain, but it's also been defined by our healing. I love you for who you are now, not who you were."
The room hung heavy with a somber silence, broken only by the echoes of his sorrow. "I love you too," he admitted, the weight of lingering doubts evident in the sincerity of his confession.
The room seemed to get colder and the shadows darker as you clung to each other in the stillness, showing the scars of the past every second that went by.
You two unintentionally turned into warriors against the approaching darkness in that moving moment; your love was a weak but resolute light trying to mend what the world had broken.
The night lingered, and so did your embrace, a bittersweet refuge against the haunting echoes.
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queenofallimagines · 7 days
Alexis ness x witch reader
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TAGLIST: @priv-rose
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Alexis Ness:
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- I am SO excited for this🗣️
- First of all fuck Harry Potter and fuck JK rat ass Rowling
- Good now That’s that’s out of the way
- He would literally be star struck like he def wouldn’t tell you he believes in stuff like that bc of his childhood
- But like when he sees your so chill he might joke around with superstitions
- But when you know more of them than he does,,,,?
- “Don’t forget! Salt over your left shoulder!”
- “Plant rosemary by your garden gate,lavender for luck and blow cinnamon into your house on the first of the month.”
- “I- what?”
- Putting some sigils for focus and luck in the shoes
- In the inside of the compression suit
- Reading incantations before a game to help(aka mumbling them while pressing kisses to his face)
- Putting a hex on the other team or players you don’t like (Kaiser)
- Kisses as a good luck charm
- Kissing isagi eyelids and forehead so he can smell his goals😔💕
- Charming a necklace he wears during games
- Putting something in his phone case for good measure so he can accidentally not respond to his family or kaisers texts💕
- You could put a little soccer ball charm on your altar for him🥺
- Alexis ness: Love please don’t hex the opposing team I want to win on my own
- Also ness: so like if you COULD hypothetically make isagi twist his ankle,,,,,
- He’s so funny and silly
- Asking you to turn people into frogs
- “It doesn’t work like that beloved”
- I like to think he would go to haunted places and drag you along
- If this is before he knows you’re a witch
- He pretends he just wanted to see the location and he don’t belive in ghosts n stuff
- Even tho he researched like 600 ghost protection methods before yall got here
- The two of you go in, joking around and having fun in the worn down building but the two of you stop dead in your tracks as you hear something?Footsteps...that aren't yours or his.
- Ness clutching you like a damn lifeline
- Your hearts are both pounding in your chests as you walk through the halls, unsure of what is making that noise that doesn’t sound like it’s coming from an animal…
- Mama ain’t raise no Bitch
- So you just straight up yell💀
- “Fuck off! go bother someone else!”
- Poor baby Ness quickly clamps his hand over your mouth, his eyes wide at your outburst. Whatever was making noise in the abandoned hospital immediately stops making noise tho 💅🏿
- Ness gives you the “you’ve lost your damn mind” look
- “Hey! Maybe don’t make whatever it is more pissed off-!”
- “That’s how you banish ghosts! so unless it’s something more dangerous you can tell them to kick rocks! We’re technically on their territory but like same thing I guess. They can’t do much but scare us and I’ve got like 10 protection charms they can’t really do much.”
- Pause
- Rewind
- Excuse me?
- “Y’all got about three seconds to get the fuck up out my way and two of ‘em are already gone because I don’t count shit but money so get to stepping Casper!”
- He’s going to propose to you
- “ Wait! You’ve got protection charms-!?”
- Ness is side eyeing you hard asf rn😭
- Not in a bad way but a “when was this??” Type of way bc he knew nothing of this
- “Ok then…but what about those ghost hunting shows! like there’s those that say that if they get pissed off they can hurt you for being on their ‘property’ if I remember correctly..”
- Like he’s pulling out his ghost busters encyclopedia lmao
- “Those are fake and I’m a witch they can’t fucking touch me. I’ve talked to demons🙄Some old grumpy spirit can’t do much but give me nightmares and even then they’ll have to box me about it”
- Lmao he’s like full stop staring at you wide eyed
- Kaiser baby you’ve been dethroned I fear
- A new emperor about to spin the block😔✊🏿
- Oh! And not let him hear you WORK with deities
- He will be like a kid in a candy store
- Like trauma suddenly gone lmao
- His ugly ass momma saying all that vile shit to him as a baby suddenly never happened
- He’s living his Peter Pan dreams!!
- Ness’ jaw drops to the floor as he hears you list out the demons you’ve worked with.
- Kinda thinks you’re making fun of him at first so he bristles at you but when he sees you’re not even smiling about it he’s even more shocked
- “So..you made a deal with them or something-? If you did that’s like….your soul is basically his now, right!?”
- “Not really? I just had to ask nicely.”
- Lmao he’s like trying to rewire his brain right now
- Nagging voices at the back of his head telling him
- Magic isn’t real and there’s probably a logical explanation for all of this like you’re so clearly kidding
- “Y-You’re like…a legit witch? Like you can do magic and summon stuff!?”
- “Yep”
- He stares for another few seconds before a smile creeps onto his face, his eyes going wide with amazement?
- Like you can actually see the stars
- “Dude this is SO COOL! You’re like a bad ass witch! Wait…CAN YOU DO MAGIC RIGHT NOW!?”
- Dragging you through the hospital as suddenly he done forgot about the shorts or whatever
- You flinch at something dripping but he don’t even turn around to look at it he’s rambling to himself for the most part
- “Alex baby It’s not like Harry Potter but I do curse people and do old ancient spells and stuff. Like I’m technically doing magic right now? I have a protective charm on us so nothing can try anything funny-“
- Lord
- He grabs your hand and starts yanking it
- Chill out???
- he’s excited about this magic stuff and as he holds your hand, he seems so innocent and curious about all of this now.
- “Show me some magic…PLEASE?”
- “Like what spell do you want? And again not like flying magic. It’s more…I guess stuff close to that? Still within the realm of reality. But I mean technically your parents do magic too right? They’re scientists. And just before you know how something works doesn’t mean it’s less magical yknow?”
- Ignoring the fact that last part is what sparked this entire head canon I’m right leave me alone
- “Eh..scientists are just nerds who figure out how things work, not really magical.”
- He’s gunna start pouting, he didn’t really believe in his parents nerdy sciencey stuff
- but your magic that’s WAY more interesting! Magic! Actual magic! How cool is that!
- “Magic isn’t just something you can’t understand. Like think of it. We don’t know shit about gravity and it’s still just a theory but if I drop something it falls right? Same principal. Things seen and unseen in this earth are magic. Like you can use chemistry in spell work all the time. like urine and bleach make chloramine gas and I’ve used that in curses.”
- See he only heard that last part I’m afraid
- was DEF not expecting the last part to come out from your mouth
- “I’m….You…put piss…into your curses?”
- “I WILL call the ghosts to come jump you on my behalf…”
- That got his ass In check real quick lmao
- “like the possibility that I CAN. Like it could be for a nightmare curse. Throw in some poppy seeds for mental unrest and nightmares, vinegar to sour their mind and maybe black pepper to get them to leave your life really fast.”
- “Huh…so piss, seeds, vinegar and black pepper in a mixture makes a nightmare curse…”
- “Why did you write that down….”
- Hope your grimore or whatever isn’t like private bc he WILL dig through that every chance he gets
- Got all the books on your shelves unorganized and fucked up be he done ran through them
- Like can you have some class??🙄
- Sits and stares at your altar for hours
- Like he’s looking at everything on it to see if he can figure it out
- No that table cloth is blue because that’s all I had leave me alone!!
- Back to deities
- He will always be polite
- Nothing if not a gentlemen
- Will say hello to them before YOU walking into the crib
- Like you know when a boy is so polite he talks to your whole family before even remembering he came there for you?
- That’s him
- “Hi great grandma! I bought you some of that liquor you like”
- Leaves more offerings then you I’m afraid
- He’s so baby deer coded they love him
- Everyone and they momma will ride or die for him.
- So like don’t let Kaiser be within a one Mile radius of your house and talking bad to him
- Matter fact? Don’t even watch his games in your home
- Bc now everyone mad
- “Why is he disrespecting my baby like that?”
- Like house is in shambles
- “Go give this to him”
- “What? But wasn’t this mine-“
- “Did I stutter?”
- He’s so beloved
- “I call him old man a lot. Or like Lucy-“
- “Lucy….king of hell, devil incarnate, Lord of the Underworld, and one of the most infamous fallen angels. And you call him LUCY?!”
- Jokes that your food is made with love but like now he’s not sure it’s a joke at this point….
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rainofthetwilight · 2 months
In addition to Evil Arin, another thing that is potentially the saddest of all is if you compare his situation with the rest of the kids.
He always wanted to be a ninja, Sora and Wyldfyre didn't, and yet they're still "better" than him. They manage to contribute to the team more easily because they have powers while he has to work twice as hard to feel useful with a skill that he hasn't even mastered yet.
Sora finally found a real family on the team, Wyldfyre still has Heatwave (and she has begun to get closer to the team), but Arin can't allow himself to feel happy there because his parents are STILL missing.
The others can allow themselves to be happy with their new family, but for him, the guilt is overwhelming because his other family is still missing and he feels like he is failing to find them and be useful to both sides. And it's unfair because the one thing everyone keeps telling him that makes him a valuable member of the team (being a spinjitzu prodigy) is no longer enough to keep up with everyone else.
I want you to know that all your posts has inspired me to make a short comic of the poor boy because I love the potential angst of this so much
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like. Oh my gosh. do you see how much happier and playful sora is in s2? she's so more animated, more cheerful, more like herself, as she finally let go of the past. so when you compare her to arin this season, who's grief has been attacking him in every waking moment, who everytime he speaks he's full of nothing but hopelessness and denial, still having his past haunt him more than it ever did. he still cannot find his other family, he still can't adjust, while sora already did, letting go of the other...
and wyldfyre, she still has her own family while adjusting to the new one, and she's happy! she's so happy, she has good dynamics with them (especially with kai), and is even told by rontu how much potential she has!!!
while arin, who's whole dream was to be a ninja, to be useful and worthy, was immediately crushed. the skill he was once praised for is now suddenly not enough, it's suddenly too weak and sloppy and unmastered. while sora and wyldfyre easily fit in, despite them not wanting to do anything w/ the ninja at first, he's still off in the corner, the jealousy consuming him even tho he doesn't want it to
they easily adjusted to their new families, while he still can't, because just like you said the guilt is overwhelming him so so much because he still can't find his other family and it hurts. he feels useless to both families, literally the first thing he said when he thought he saw his parents was that he wasn't good enough dude...
and all of these? these are all motives for him to snap, to crack his facade and become someone no one knew before, his self doubt absolutely eating him up and he succumbs to ras's words about the ninja holding him back....
ALSO I'M GLAD I INSPIRED YOU!! :D you better thank everyone that sent the asks for that, you are all feeding me with all this angst bro 😭 also would you mind tagging me when you finish that comic? 👉👈 👀 I need more arin angst despite the fact I'm about to explode rn OUDHDHS
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hiiiii 💞💞 😭 Has a fic ever left you inconsolable? 🏆 What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about? 🌍 What is your dream AU?
Timmy! Timmy!
😭 — Right now, it's His Right Hand by @villain-crown. Generally, i live my day to day life haunted by the shit @rizzulusarcturizz sends me. Loml is a psychopath.
🏆 — a regulus-positive, moonwater fic. Laughing at the 'regulus positive' aspect. BUT YEAH. There are a lot of tropes and set ups with regulus as the half of the main pairing but it's literally just this one, big horrible experience for regulus where the other characters periodically take a dunk on him and it's supposed to be meta or realistic or some shit. ~ooh his brother hates him!~ ~oohhh his boyfriend will literally leave him for other people~ ~oohhhh regulus is unloved by anyone and has to grovel and that's just character development~ NO.
Fuck that.
BUT WHAT IF Regulus-positive as in, there's a point to the shit he goes through even if they're batshit insane. Regulus-positive as in, there's integrity to his character and not just a glorified vehicle for whump, or foil for other characters.
AND YES, MOONWATER PLS. PLS. PLS. Ahhhhhhhh i love Moonwater. I love remus lupin and i think regulus would love to dote on him. I have so many drafts of them saved. I'm in my moonwater phase, excuse me.
Literally @queerregulusablack and @rizzulusarcturizz 's shit are the only consistent things that fill this void in my soul.
I LOVE MOONWATER. I LOVE IT. It's feral, it's sweet, and so disarmingly compassionate to both characters (or at least that's how i envision them, despite their ups and downs). Something about two monsters who think they're the only ones to prowl in the darkness. And when they meet, they see the exact opposite of how they think of themselves. But also, they see each other. In darkness and in light.
🌏 — supernatural!au with the black brothers as the focus. I have an entire not-fic in the works. I love sam and dean. I love sirius and regulus EVEN MORE.
When i say the black brothers are the most important thing to me, LISTEN. BECAUSE I AM NOT LYING.
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lovelyangelxxx · 11 months
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catch me… | various paradox live characters x reader
→ a beautiful relationship that comes to a sudden end
→ angst, g/n reader, tw; mentions of death and blood
→ iori suiseki, kanata yatonokami, yohei kanbayashi, yeon hajun
i apologize for this one being so terribly written…it was better in my head😭
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iori suiseki ♡
~ the words “catch me” came from your lips as you were dancing on the stage. you were happily dancing when you decided to lean towards the edge of the stage and fall. iori caught you while thinking you were the most beautiful and bright person in the entire universe. the happy incident had occurred on the first night that you met him, however those same words would forever haunt him as he heard you mutter that phrase once again on a hospital bed. in that moment he heard nothing else but your melodic voice and unstable breathing, but watched the electrocardiogram go flat in agony and heartache, once again feeling the pain of losing a loved one. 
kanata yatonokami ♡
~ kanata never needed nor wanted a relationship until he met you. you lit up every room you walked in and (literally) fell into his arms. you came to a paradox live concert and walked through the crowd only to trip and fall, crying out for help, and asking someone to catch you. by happy coincidence, kanata had caught you and surprisingly, that moment would bring him something he never imagined he could ever obtain. unfortunately, only happy endings occur in fantasies. walking home together on a cold, dark night, you see a shadow creeping towards you, then feel them brush past you. you suddenly feel your vision start to go blurry and your legs go numb. you calmly glance at your beloved, asking him to catch you as he sees a dagger and the crimson liquid pouring from your chest. he sees the light fade from your eyes while holding you in his arms, with those same words running through his mind. 
yohei kanbayashi ♡
~ yohei remembers seeing your figure run up to him as he entered your shared apartment. the words he heard as you leapt into his arms. “catch me.” he had never felt so happy in his entire life, to be with someone who trusted him and loved him. however, those happy moments did not last forever. while climbing up a flight of stairs, someone had rushed by you, causing you to lose your balance and fall over the rail. the same words that had brought him so much happiness would also cause him to feel immense pain and guilt. his hand barely brushed yours as he watched you fall, tears of sadness and regret pouring out of both of your eyes, knowing that this is your last moment together. 
yeon hajun ♡
~ it was your first date with hajun where you were skipping around a flower field and lost your balance. you asked him to catch you which led to him also losing his balance and tumbling down a hill with you in his arms. the occurrence ended in much laughter, happiness, and peace. however, that sentence would not just end in a happy accident, but a fatal tragedy as well. a terminal disease had plagued you for the past few months without you knowing, and it had finally peaked. you suddenly lost balance and with the fall, lost your consciousness too. whispering that same phrase which would leave hajun devastated and empty. after hearing the news from a doctor, hajun held your hand only praying that this was all just a bad dream. 
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remnant-verse-if · 2 months
Ahhhh.... so I read the update for before the incident....
Not that I wanted to... but I kinda had to choice because you forced me to by updating the damn thing 😑
I have aloot to say so welcome to a rant! 😏
1. I loved the update. Reluctantly so.
No seriously I really realllly reallllly enjoyed it!
2. And it was so long!
3. I loved the fact that you actually referenced A if you confessed and having guilt when it comes to picking any romance options.
4. Lots of action and The flashback with MC and A in high school was actually so great and I love the lore.
5. Love how MC and literally just be a vengeful little goblin.. it's alil scary but I like it.
6. I adore your humor in certain passages and the fact that MC doesn't just go along with everything but questions things.
7. I actually like Syo and tenth so much the dynamic between them is very sibling like.
8. Being told I'm not a rebound was tough. 🤦🏻‍♀️
9. I kinda am hugely crushing on H tho knowing you they are gonna be a villain and I'm gonna hate it 😑🙄
10. That dream about A was too sad..why the hell would you do that 😭
All in all this game is becoming a bit of me. I really do love your writing and I enjoy it more with each update. It almost makes up for the trauma you put me through losing A and then making me sad with each flashback with them.
I do have one question tho:
Is it at all a possibility to have a bit of unintentional romance? Like an obliviousish MC. Gentle touches, weird connection, very much in denial we are just friends/i dont care/antagonistic type MC. Not even noticing they are even falling inlove or care about anyone especially the MC that confessed to A. Because they aren't ready to move on, they don't intend to fall for anyone. It just happens.
I get that the shyish MC options when you aren't boldly flirting especially again if you confessed to A or they confessed to you are there. But to me that's more of an MC that just wants to move on, rebound as you said it that just wants to kind of forget. And throw themselves into someone else to help them heal leading them to actually caring for real. Some of those options like asking H out just screams let me see if I can pretend none of this happened and feeling guilty about it. Because asking out someone to dinner like right after they died seems kinda.. like it's a bit quick. Same with the Shy 💜 options with syo. Which is why it actually perfectly screams rebound vibes and where ROs would be rightly cautious to get involved with a still grieving MC that romanced A.
This is all just my opinion tho so if not I completely get it. I just had that thought. But thank you for the really great update and sorry this is so long. Like I said when I like something I tend to over analyze it 😅🤣♥️
Ooo, I'm really happy that you're invested in this IF! It shows me that it's worth working on 😁😁
It's good that you like the new characters! I'm also happy that you appreciate the extra effort I went through to add extra lines if you romanced A and then tried to flirt with someone else. It just felt right to include because it would be super jarring if the MC just moved on without acknowledging their past relationship. It was kinda satisfying writing a character calling out the MC about the rebound thing haha 😁
I'm surprised about your point 4. I thought it was minimal action since I only included one fight in the update which is much less compared to my other IF. Although, I definitely approached fights a lot more intelligently when I was writing this IF.
For your point 5, all I can say is that the journey will be as arduous as the other MC in Remnant 21 : V
For your point 6, I'm surprised you caught that. It was an additional scene I added since I wanted the MC to go to the fog, but ended up in the haunted house. At first, I planned to make the MC just go with it, but then I thought it would be nice to add a little friction with MC and Syo. Good eye!
Me reading point 9: 🌝
For your point 10, the angst has to be there 😔😔😔
As for your long question, that would be interesting to explore (Where an MC slowly realizes they are falling for someone). I would say there's a possible chance for a character to do this. Probably not all the ROs would have this option, but maybe one or two. Like a choice with [❤ ?] next to the option. That would be interesting.
As for your mention of H's date offer, I realized I should have probably changed it to lunch rather than dinner. I forgot the implications of dinner vs. lunch in that context :V I definitely will change that to lunch!
Thank you again for reading my story! Do not worry about sending long asks, it shows me that you're invested in my story which I really appreciate ❤ Not only that, it's nice that you caught all the small little details I added to the story. I hope you enjoy the next update in the future!
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lebythesimp · 4 months
Spoilers for the event
so when Solomon took us on adventure in our dreams I feel so bad because my dreams are WEIRD. I would not get that cute dream adventure 😭
Once I dreamt about the obey me cast and we were having a sleep over in some random college in like tents??? But we were in a classroom??? Anyway at some point the dream went from this cute sleepover thing to some horror shit. Like we needed up in a house that was apparently haunted and throughout the dream I was literally trippin balls. I kept having hallucinations of some grudge looking person murdering me through the stay in the mansion from time to time like when I was walking down a hallway or taking a shower and at the end of the dream someone ended up dead cause the grudge looking person only ends up killing one person per group who stays in the house.
Anyway I firmly believe he would be horrified and try to give mc shit that makes his adorable apprentice have good, normal dreams.
P.S. that dream left me confused when I woke up and I questioned my sanity for a moment but maybe watching all those crime documentaries started finally affecting my dreams. A couple years late but that won’t stop me from watching them still.
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xhdream · 5 months
It is insane how much I'm enamored with Gunil's voice. When he sings and talks, especially in English. That one haunted house episode in rtw where he's telling ghost stories and the members are jokingly over him for talking too much like NO, LET HIM CONTINUE PLS. I could listen to him talk for hours and hang on to every word. And that video when he sang dancing with my phone on Live, I was gone. I literally melt every time I hear his vocals in mitb. Being able to fall asleep to him singing for you would be a dream 😭 -🍑
i laughed so much at that moment where he just kept going 😭😭😭
but!!! agree, it’s so soothing listening to him talk. he can make any topic interesting tbh, he’s also very good with emphasising the interesting details and his stories easily spark ur attention
makes me think about how enjoyable late night talks with him would be… you laying on his chest in bed, jumping through different topics; making silly little plans for your future. his fingers play with yours while his other hand is caressing your hair. at one moment in the middle of his story he has to check if you’ve fallen asleep, but you’re not, you’re just so immersed in his honey voice
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juzorei · 2 years
Okay, let me start. You guys have to hear me out because this episode had me screaming and crying my lungs out. The emotions felt in this episode were unexpressable.
Let's start from the beginning, where Sky's past is shown. It shows what he went through. The boy was so in love that he didn't know he was getting abused. He was forced to do things he didn't want. Even when Gun's friends started to force themselves on him, he was begging Gun to stop. He was abused so badly that he was left broken. It still haunts him in his nightmares. We can't imagine what he had to go through all these years with those memories. And in this scene, he called Pai as soon as he woke up from his nightmare, which shows Pai is his comfort place now. When he heard Pai's voice, he was relieved. And saying to come to him with this trembling voice...God, I just wanted to hug him. 😭❤
We can't avoid mentioning the acting done by Peat here. He conveyed every bit of Sky's emotion here. That crying and looking around in fear—everything was just so beautifully done!❤
Pai ran to him when he heard Sky was having bad dreams again. He left the race to meet his beloved. Pai changed a lot after falling in love. He is so caring. And when Sky hugged him from behind, it was the most beautiful thing ever. My eyes are blessed.🥺❤ Pai held him with such love and the smallest detail where Sky gave a little peck on Pai's shoulder when he hugged. And that kiss was fire! 😫❤
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This scene felt so comfortable. Oh my god, not to mention Pai cleaning Sky. Hehe, I mean, he should clean him when he tired him out. I really want someone like Pai! 🙂Also, Sky is saying, "I just want to be with you." People, my boy is confident in his love for Pai. He is talking his heart out now. This shows how much he is comfortable and in love with Pai. He has hope now. Pai will love him. My poor boy simply wishes to be loved. And now he has Pai.😭😭❤
And the hug! Pai squished him.😭😫❤🤌 Oh my god, I felt so single. Pai is so in love. He adores his little Sky.I loved how he squeezed and kissed his forehead. Pai always gives forehead kisses to Sky. It's his way of comforting and assuring Sky that he will always be there for him.❤🥲
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From this point on, the story takes a turn toward the worst thing that happened. I can't even watch it for the second time because the scene was so hard to take in. They used Pai's name to break Sky even more. But Sky still hung on to the bit of hope that he had. He couldn't even resist anymore because things kept happening to him. When Sky cried for help, it broke me hard, like really hard. It was too much to take in for real. 
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After that, Pai called Sky so gently and shouted the moment he didn't get any reply from him. Pai was fucking scared at that moment, looking at his love on the bed in that state. He was horribly scared and Sky asking Pai not to give him to anyone else. God, how are we supposed to feel? I screamed and cried. How broke is my boy? Those fuckers broke him in the worst way. He literally begged Pai not to give him to anyone and said he would do anything he could. My boy just wants to be loved. Imagine being abused by the same person again and again and you felt so helpless right there and watching your world broke before your eyes. Its something nobody should experience.
Pai making sure of Sky that he us right there for him is what I love the most. He calmed him down and was gentle with Sky, even though Pai wanted to beat the shit out of them. He tried not to traumatise Sky even more. He made sure Sky knew that he was right there now. And the forehead kiss!
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(PART 1)
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wrongcaitlyn · 5 days
hellooo! ok this is quite a long message so i completely understand if it takes you a while to get to it / if you don't listen to all the songs - no pressure at all!!
i have given you song recs before but i cannot stop obsessively thinking about your fic and so i wanted to share more ✨nico di angelo songs ✨ (or at least ones i think would fit interestingly)
firstly!! 'everything to help you sleep' by julien baker (i reccomended one of her songs last time to but they're all so nda coded) and this one fits esp with the recent chapter where nico had a nightmare. it has quite religious themes but feels a lot like it could be him talking to bianca 'thought i made out your reply / the seconds between sound and light' and 'if i scream a little louder, i know you would have heard it'. her song 'turn out the lights' also has a similar idea of not being able to keep away nightmares (that one is a bit more self-deprecating though - but also one id highly recommend!!)
and more by her!! 'good news' is from her first album and i love it a lot - it doesn't fit perfectly but some lyrics really do - 'your long hair, a short walk / my biggest fear and a slow watch' and then straight after 'always scared that every situation ends the same' only for the song to end with 'i ruin everything i think could be good news'
and then 'repeat' (still jb) is also very nico to me and maybe aimed more at will? 'say i miss you like a mantra til i forget what it means / doesn't matter what you tell me i just need to hear you speak' - i feel like it kind of has that same of theme of how nico feels like bad things will just keep happening to him over and over again.
also!! this might not fit super well as a nico song but 'cartwheel' by lucy dacus is so so so solangelo to me (my goal in life is to write a will solace-centric fic called 'skin scarred and sun-kissed lol) especially in your universe with nico's father - not so much the second verse though.
okay then 'dream state...' by lucy dacus could potentially be a devestating nico song about bianca. i mean it literally begins with 'we woke up to the thunder' 'and then the water came / and washed it all away' and then she says 'without you i am surely the last of our kind' (this song also has a sequel in '...familiar place')
then (final song lol) 'keep the rain' by searows (he even has a song called haunted which is also kind of nico and i thought was a funny parallel) feels very much like nico + therapy + talking to will: 'i don't know what steps to take / i do the easy ones until it helps' and then THE RAIN MOTIF comes through again 'when you keep the rain from coming'
and i would just overall highly recommend listening to lucy dacus and julien baker!! i love them both so much as artists + they both have some of the best lyricism i have seen + their work is just very masterful
ok thank you for letting me take up your time and babble on so much!! <333
okay now onto these!!
everything to help you sleep is SO nico oh my god 😭 can never have enough religious imagery and the "if you scream a little louder, i know you would have heard" is making me think specifically of smth in nda3 and AHGLSKDF this is so perfect omg😭 i NEED to listen to julien baker's discography istg i will at some point
turn out the lights is also. so. oh my goddksjf "is it real or a dream? which is worse?" and "i just wanted to go to sleep" is so😭 i wanna cry ik i put this angst on nico so really i'm the only one to blame but like this is so so perfect and fitting :((
and honestly i think those lyrics you quoted from good news was able to convince me on it's own but then i listened and looked at the lyrics and "when i stay up and throw my voice about you or less about you and more about how i ruin" is just SO him like going to the studio late at night all the time and justGOD THIS SONG IS SO PERFECT😭 it's literally just him constantly getting his hopes up that that's the last time and then these things keep happening to him and ahgskdf :((
(sorry i'm so incoherent i'm having a hard time conveying how much i love these in ways other than keysmashes)
anon. you recommended repeat. and then i searched it up and looked at the lyrics and listened to the song. and then i saw "ALL MY GREATEST FEARS TURN OUT TO BE THE GIFT OF PROPHECY". WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCKJSKGJASKLJTLAWE
sorry i need to find a way to include that somewhere ANON YOU'VE GIVEN ME TOO MANY GOOD SONGSJSDFDS i love this one so much😭😭
honestly cartwheel to me seems so will pov but also both of them like "and i remember when you used to call holed up in the closet in the hall scared you wouldn't live to 45 the same age as your father when he died" is so😭😭 i love this </33
(also i would 100% read a fic called skin scarred and sun-kissed)
dream state IS THE BIANCA AND NICO SONG WTFSKJDFD the lyrics you quoted are literally so so fitting and HEARTBREAKING but that's just the way it is with bianca tbh (also i'm a sucker for repeat lyrics so i love that ending with the slow build and the production and ahhh)
you're so right with the "i don't know what steps to take i do the easy ones until it helps" it's literally him :// this is perfect😭
and i most DEFINITELY HAVE TO listen to julien and lucy bc like. those songs hit so hard. i swear i'll get around to it at some point i have so many artists i've been meaning to listen to and then i just go and listen to ttpd for the 35023809328th time😭
thank you so so much for the recs!! now to once again rearrange nda3
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celestie0 · 3 months
IT’S CELESTIEFAN3000 i have to say i like tumblr way more than ao3 so i’ll be using this to comment from now on 😋 But i would like to personally thank you for writing chapter 9, your author voice is genuinely so appealing and HONESTLY you could pass off as a literal professional author if I didn’t know this was fanfiction!
Now for the uglier feelings: (please ignore typos or other mistakes i wrote a lot. I am very normal about kickoff, obviously)
I SOBBED LIKE A BABY MIDWAY AND BECAME A CRYING SOUND EFFECT AT THE END OK OK OKAYYYYYYY 😭😭💫💫 I’m still dizzy and lightheaded from the effect ur writing gives me (THIS IS A GOOD THING) it’s so addicting i need more😭‼️ UGHHHH the way you build that exact RIGHT amount of comfort to compensate for the suffering you’ve but us through but still managed to EDGE US AT THE END . I WISH YOU WEREN’T SO GOOD AT THIS FANFICTION THING, BECAUSE DAMN! 😭😭😭😭
The scenes were so fucking beautiful, I love the peaceful atmosphere that rain gives and how you were able to contrast that as an escape from that horrible loud and noisy bar to just a horrible man!!!!! You really know how to direct scenes and i can not express in words how much they mean to me 🥹🥹😭😭😭
I feel like I’ve overused the crying face emoji too much in my ask BUT I ACTUALLY MEAN IT HERE EVERY TIME I can fill an entire glass up of my tears that kickoff caused me to shed alone 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Everything was just great vegetables, this chapter will definitely be haunting me while I sleep but it ended with an amazing scenario to build off of and dream about RIGHT?☺️ Anyway, my last words here are that I admire how you’ve been working on this project for around a couple months now nonstop, but the quality has not dropped and has instead improved despite it getting really tiring the more you carry on with it! Maybe that’s just how I feel about finishing what I’ve started LMAO but it’s so impressive every time I see someone able to pull that off, I’ve seen some fics succumb to the tragedy of “i-just-want-to-get-this-over-with-because-the-concept-no-longer-interests-me-anymore”-ness 😔 BUT WITH KICKOFF! I’m so happy that the author is as passionate about the characters and plot in their fanfiction as I am, and hard work really does pay off! (for the reader, hard work is waiting 3 weeks for a new fic— but the read’s always better the longer you wait 😉)
My ADHD really came out here I deeply apologize but my ACTUAL final words are: I wish I had a bf like gojo, Oh My God You Are A Legend Ellie, You are most deserving person of meeting Gojo Satoru FIRST if he ever comes to life, it is 1am haha so i’m sleeping now ☺️🤍 Celestiefan300 out!
thank you sm for the compliments on the writinf omg i rly feel comin into my own now n finding my voice as i continue to write more so seeing u say that esp as a long term reader is just ssooo dhddldfk 🥺💕 brb gonna cry
PLS IM SO SORRY FOR THE SAD EMOTIONSS aaa yes the baby steps to build their relationship has been……baby stepping indeed LOL but it was so nice to write the scene at rhe end where gojo comforts her 😭💕 so excited to write lovey dovey gojo now
OMG STOPPP w the nice words i will literally eat u for breakfast🧍🏻‍♀️the contrast w the soothing rain & hectic bar scene 😭 u pointing that out just made me soooo freaking happyy and wahh im so glad the scenes resonate w you :””) <33
awhh thanks darling im so happy kickoff has ur continued interest and AW to hear its improving means sm to me 🥺💕 im so passionate ab it, it has been so cathartic to write, and although its also hard to write sometimes bc of the personal aspects, it’s so joyous to me and i look forward to seeing it thru to the end w the same amt of passion. HAHAHA its hard work to read tho damn 😮‍💨 ur not wrong!! and also yes i too will be daydreaming of what happens next 🤣
my final words: i love u sm, YOU deserve a satoru (but i will gladly have him too if u say so🙈), so blessed to have u as a reader, and please get some good sleep my love <33
eeeeeee 🫶🏼💕
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getting-messi · 1 year
I'd love for him to go back to Barca too but like you said, barca prob can't even afford him in any capacity right now, and the less said about laporta the better. what pisses me off is how leo, uncharacteristically, has actually spoken about how much what laporta did and his barca exit in general negatively affected him and basically made him doubt his career and capabilities for a while (also i heard he apparently asked for a few days to process, which iirc would've made the farewell with some fans since spain was rolling back restrictions at the time, and they told him no and made him do that presser 🤡) but a lot of barca and even messi fans choose to ignore that and act like leo should meet laporta halfway or something. as if laporta is even waiting halfway, all he's been doing is spreading rumors on his own adn through cronies like that weirdo romero to make leo seem like the bad guy shunning them and they'd just love to have him back at any time 😐. that being said, i actually agree that i'd like him to renew with psg, esp since the copa is next year. neymar MIGHT be leaving but also paredes is probably coming back and we know marco's staying so i think it's possible honestly regardless of all the rumors. i don't want mls either, but as long as he makes it to the copa idm anything tbh 😭 and newell's sounds perfect tbh, i hope we get to see it!!
Absolutely, like despite it all, I am still holding out hope that Messi goes back to Barca one more time before the end of his career. I've been hearing a lot of chatter online of apparently his dad meeting with Laporta and hypotheticals of some players like Busi, Alba and Roberto having to lower their wages if Messi does come back.
Lord, I haven't seen the Messi fans saying anything but I have seen a lot of petty Barca fans being like "oh it's such a great thing that Messi left", "we're able to rebuild and focus without him", "it wouldn't be financially smart if he came back". Like okay first of all, Barca went without ANY trophies last season and have literally been playing in Europa for the last two years - so shut the hell up. And second, Messi dead ass offered to take a 50% (!!!!!!!!) pay cut to help the club. Any other financial struggles we have are Barto to blame or the backward ways we've been promising to pay back clubs that we've signed players from.
And omg, I am so serious when I say i actually think about how much Laporta disrespected Messi during his last season. The fact that he said during his acceptance speech after becoming presidency that his first plan of action is to keep messi at barca in front of cameras and putting him in the spot???? He was bringing it up at random press conferences that he DREAMS about Messi signing his extension contract. He just KEPT bringing up Messi and keeping him at Barca whenever he could. It will always break my heart when I remember that Aguero said Messi had a barca jersey with him during Copa America because he was so excited to pose with him when his contract renewal was announced🙁 Like I'm actually HAUNTED when i think about Messi crying at that BS press conference.
Laporta absolutely needs to be on his damn hands and knees apologizing to Messi. Even the fact that he tried to lie on his name after he left the club and Messi had to come out and dispute what he was saying and then Laporta admitted that he lied about asking Messi to play for free. LIKE WHAT AN ABSOLUTE JERK. Like no offence, I agree with what Matias Messi said in his rant, not about Messi making Barca famous but that Laporta is just an idiot.
But yeah, staying at psg is the ideal option right now. Exactly, Copa America is the aim here and so ill firm a few more seasons at 🇫🇷😵‍💫
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winterrhayle · 11 months
Ive been watching you and Bea go back and forth making each other rank Taylor albums and Im going to miss it SO MUCH Could you two rank the taylor swift tour videos please? I love looking at you guys' takes on things (even if yours are just complimenting every song and Bea is the one who knows how to actually criticise things 💀) love you guys <3 - an anonymous observer😉💗
TYSM :((((( SOBBING LY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @deprivedmusicaljunkie look we've been percieved ! anon ur slight diss at me for not being able to criticise things is KILLING ME HAHAHHAHAHA (ur right though)
okayy heres my tour ranking (note that there isnt an official tour video for red OR eras so this probs affects my ranking,,, more for red than eras bc i see eras content every single day online anyway)
speak now world tour - okay i may be biased because this is my favourite album,, but even if it wasnt this would be her best tour (in my opinion),, i feel like in her old concerts she was so theatrical, and parts of it kinda looked like a full broadway production,, also the iconic elements like the lyrics on the arm, also shout out to the live album recording of this bc i listen to it soooo much and its amazing and perfect and show stopping etc etc im literally gonna list a bunch of iconic moments right here: THE HAUNTED BELL, the fireworks during dear john, the koi fish guitar with the light up tree, the gold fringe dress (DROP EVERYTHING NOW) the ballgown, just the wholle thing is the best thing i have ever seen
eras tour - this tour actually is killing me with all of the nostalgia watching her sing through and acknowledge all of her old albums and past selves (except debut, rip😔). and i especially love all of the details from past concerts she has (like the fearless spins, the sparkly & koi guitars, the over head hand heart) and also the new visuals for existing tours (like the old taylors in glass cages for rep) AND the visuals for the albums that hadnt been toured before (lover, folklore, evermore, midnights) i just think that she really did her albums justice (again, apart from debut☠️) and its insane that the show is so long 3+ hours
reputation stadium tour - karyn the snake is the coolest thing ive ever seen. also the ready for it intro with the hooded bodysuit outfit is ICONIC,,, i love the choreo on this tour, like the part of i did something bad where taylor gets lifted up like a cheerleader (AHHHHHH) and i love the quiet long live / new years day moment on the piano,, its so nice
the red tour - like i said before, there isnt a tour movie for this one so i dont know as much about it, but i loveeee how fun it is, i love the ringleader outift and circus theme for the closing song, we are never ever getting back toghether (my favourite part of the show) and i love the unnecessary hairflips during all too well😭
the 1989 world tour - this tour feels like her biggest one (even though it isnt), its like the most pop artist thing ever, its less theatre-production like than any of her other tours and it feels less personal? that being said its obviously very iconic, im forever obsessed with the wildest dreams/enchanted mashup, and that one out of the woods bodysuit that she only wore once for some reason, + the FOREVER iconic rock version of wanegbt BUT THE WAY THE TOUR MOVIE IS EDITED IS SOOOO ANNOYING LIKE IT SWITCHES TO A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE EVERY 2 SECONDS😭 anyway i really do appreciate this tour bc taylor really did give it everything she had, and looking at the miss americana documentary, u can tell it was really hard to have put on that show with what she was going through
fearless tour - this is ranked last but i actually really like this one, its cute. her vocals werent as good as they are currently but idc because this show was so funny,, it had the iconicccc throwing of the red chairs in forever & always and shoudlve said no in the rain!!!!!!!!
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pensiveant · 9 months
The way the guy with long hair is presented through dreams/visions/etc. in twin peaks is genuinely so terrifying to me like I haven't had a visceral reaction this strong to something that is arguably not even that scary in recent memory. The shot of him at the foot of Laura's bed literally haunts me, I can't get it out of my head 😭
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glendover · 2 years
watch ghost files with me eps. 3
it’s Friday so you know what that means, watching ghost files with me!!!
(obligatory freak out over the place we visit even tho I don’t know it)
nuns do be seriously scary tho just saying
concentrated horror
never thought about it but a lot of people do die in hospitals
bro I will say it again but I’m a big fan of the blueprint!!!
fortune tellers do tell the truth (even in twisted ways) so bad for you
the awkward silence 💀💀
starting the journey where it ends for the most - is such a good trope for a book or something
well some people have probably stayed in a lot of morgues bc it’s their field of work
not remembering the first morgue; sad, not remembering the last morgue experience; sad (in a funny way)
at least there is good wifi
“an IRL orb” lmAo
mini body chute, my beloved
kinda lost in the hospital 🥴
one of these days a ghost will touch Ryan after he ask for it to do so and that’s the day we see him die on camera
uhhh there is the guest!!
THE BOONKER - that’s so cool
would be creepy if the ghosts actually say their names back
little bitch & big bitch 🥰🫱🏻‍🫲🏼
not the ghost lol-ing at ryan and shane
and then calling them a Nerd
the ghost is flirting with Ryan again lmAo
all these people always notice they have evidence once they get home, kinda sus
no not the noice 🥹
and then that long floor
bro paranoia is kicking again 🤩
not the old ass polaroid omg
spirit box hide & seek!!!
ryan really can’t win, literally and metaphorically
the awkward hug after shane says ghosts are real 💀
I honestly love how Ryan always explains each of the things they use to investigate
DJ spirit box
why’s the spirit box being weird?? 😭😭
lmAo the moving stick figure has me in serious tears
why is the little dance so funny to me 😭💀
bro if I were a ghost I’d be proud of me for turning off the light too
I’d even dance a little
rose is really trying
honestly, rose is a really cool ghost
THAT was smooth advertisement for too many spirits
rose has a friend in her room!!
sleep over or whatever ghosts do at night
flies are friends of demons
“zaddy ghost“ i’m screaming
just two men discussing what a hot man looks like
Michael has it harder bc he can’t walk my dudes
and another one
now it’s three, four, five, six - they are all over the floor!!
new fear unlocked: getting squished
I only now noticed that this episode is 1 hour long
bro the photo 😃
Shane is spending too much time on the internet 💀
no bro not the voice 😭
but to answer the ghost’s question: the world best ghost hunters are there
rip pigeon
the ghost really likes calling them nerds huh
I love how Ryan and Shane are als ways bullying the ghosts lmao
not the ghost calling Ryan god 💀
they really are all fielding with Ryan this season (as they should)
family bonding is killing god together
“You see that nun, you’re done”
nunthing & nunsense
the ring is rather adorable actually
Tina had cancer 👀 and then won what?? leaving us high and dry
Pinky 💀
not the ghost telling them to stop
ghost just leaves them with a casual ‘later’ lmao
Ghost has the hots for mark
possessed mark make it happen ghost
well that was a let down ghost you had so much potential
solo investigation!!
Ryan watching over Shane via the security camera
Ryan making sure we get his death on camera lmao
Shane will be disappointed again if the ghosts don’t hang out with again
Bro the dolls are fucking creepy 😭😭
hope the doll actually haunts Shane in his dreams
isn’t Ryan always trying to not freak out during solo investigations and then ends up having 5 mental breakdowns
“Come on, sisters”
lmao fast food is what gets Ryan through this 💀
understandable tho I’d do almost everything for nuggets too
look Ryan is always overwhelmed before going in
not the noise before Ryan goes investigating
the mantra is back 💀
not not voices again 😭😭
the scream 😃😃
bro absolutely not, that was horrifying
nun of your business 🥴
Ryan is just a little guy frfr
“the vibes weren’t great in there I’m leaving that room” me whenever I’m invited to a group meeting
bro I told you the doll is fucking scary 😭
how is Ryan supposed to see stuff without light?? 😭
but honestly Ryan is so brave for turning off the flashlight
not Shane wanting to buy the hospital 💀
Ryan in his self confidence era 😌
and that was St. Ignatius Hospital now filed away in
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