#it helps to also know i'm usually 🍃 at this point
serious-goose · 1 year
me explaining to someone how spirk shaped media, modern fandom and fan culture
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annawayne · 4 months
Hi it’s Luca here! 💚💚 What do you usually do to change your headspace when you feel stuck while making art/writing? Or just nervous/anxious in general? 🍃
Hello, Luca!
And oh, thank you a lot for asking, and I hope you're doing fine!
It's a good question, actually, since my usual problem of being stuck is more on the physical level when I'm simply tired. Truth to be told, I don't have situations when I was stuck because of no ideas/no understanding how to approach art/writing.
Therefore, my usual solution is, firstly, never to push yourself. Having a nice schedule or deadline is good, especially for someone like me, for example, who loves to keep everything in order; but also, it's another pressuring factor who literally takes from us the air to breathe. So, if I feel like my head is exploding from a headache or I see that my strokes or the sentences building is wobbly, it's always better just to close it, and not push it.
As a change, I really like nature (actually, the🍃 emoji you've sent really suits it here!), and I try to go out in the parks (since I live in a big city) - but the ones with are more natural, only with the alleys amidst the grass and the trees (but mountains are my love T_T). As well as the jogging or workout - really clears my mind.
And also - reading. As much as I love cinema, reading is something that is rather quiet, the activity of some kind of "solitude", that just took my attention to something else and nourishes my mind.
This is what I do if I feel very tired and not being able to draw/write (sorry if it's very banal :D)
As for the nervous/anxious, also good question!
It all depends on the situation itself, but usually I'm capable of taming the avalanche of anxiety by the simple question "What will these feelings are for you? They only play with your mind and insecurities, so stop, take a breath". And it helps me to stop myself right at the beginning, where I can think more clearly, cutting the roots of growing anxiety. It's also difficult, it's quite easy to fall for all the tricks my mind can play with me, but I know the moment my thoughts are about just falling into the anxious abyss, so I try to catch them before it. It's also some kind of "keep everything in order", but well. I think it's honestly important to just stop at some point - it's a real effort, yes, but it's worth it. To stop and take this breath, and while your lungs are flooding with the oxygen, you have a few seconds to ask yourself about the purpose of this anxiety and what will happen if *something happens* (depending on the situation), what is the worst scenario of this situation that makes me so nervous. Usually, the answer is not as scary as it might seem when you're flying down right into the abyss. Sometimes, the answer also hurts but you know that it's worth it, just like looking at the sun - it's blinding, but it gives you the warmth of life.
Thank you a lot for asking, Luca! Sorry if it wasn't really interesting :D
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Hello hello again!!!! :3
I loveloveLOVE your Lucius/Viktor post!! Once again, you brighten my noggin w your thoughts (:
Umumumummmmmmmm so is there anyone else you want an excuse to yap about LOL Idkidk I just want to hear your thoughts about everyone and everything!!
Idk if you have any/many thoughts about them, but maybe we could hear about the Averys and Sinistras? Especially Edmund's unnamed fiancée !!!!
Ahhhhhh your brain is just so !!!! /Pos
- 🍃
Ahhhh I'm so glad you liked it,, it fully helped fuel my Xenophilius post!!
I think I might take this time to talk about some good old Pebill!! I saw this one tiktok a few days ago and I've been so obsessed since. Welcome to Pebill City, population ME!!!!
I am,, far too fond of giving ships fun little names so I bestow upon thee,,, ratseer lol
I specifically love these two in a band au. I'm gonna write one eventually and I'm gonna make them so happy and sappy and cute and just like the tiktok says they'll have a daughter called Rosemary. I'm just so in love with them. Peter who plays the second guitar in the band and like the occasional trumpet and sometimes he thinks it's kinda silly that he's in the band but also he's just so happy to be there. He saved all his money from his part time job to buy the most run-down Volkswagen T1 when the band started getting big enough to have to travel around for stuff and he shows up like "TADA!" all proud of himself cause he solved their problem. He meets Sybill at one of these travel gigs. They're playing at a wedding and maybe she's like the bride's sister or just a bridesmaid or something and she's wearing a really flowy dress and she's spinning around right in front of him having the time of her life and her thick curls are bouncing and you can just see Peter melt while he's on stage playing cause he misses a cord or something. And the guys notice and they insist that the has to talk to her and he's all nervous and shit but then Sybill comes to talk to him because she thinks he's really cute and they hit it off. They call at each stop they have and a few months in they go pick her up before moving onto a bigger gig and she just stays with them.
He wants to settle down at some point when Sybill ends up pregnant and he almost leaves the band but Sybill insists that she's fine travelling around with them because that's the life she loves and she wants their daughter to be born a free soul and she sees in her cards that she's supposed to be born a certain place and Peter is just like [scout's salute] "yes ma'am" and I just think they're so stinking cute vjnfgjbngjbngj
I need to figure out this band au at some point cause it's been rotting my brain lately, I just have so many long fics I wanna write I don't feel like I can start a new one now even if I want to vjfnbjgnbj
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I have,,, far too many thoughts on both the Averys, the Sinistras but especially Edmund's fiancee!!!! I've been waiting for a chance to talk about her honestly,,,
Let's start with the Averys,,,,
Edmund Avery Senior, the only child of Herschel Avery and Miriam Avery, is Edmund's father, in case that wasn't clear from the name. Edmund Senior works as an archivist for the Ministry of Magic and he's got a spot in the Wizengamot along with his father Herschel. The two are not close and if you didn't know you wouldn't think they were father and son. During most of Edmund's Senior's childhood his mother was heavily sedated and he was more or less raised by the family house elf, Dotty (usually called Dot and Dorothy in muggle aus). Dot is also the house elf who helped raise Edmund Junior. Edmund Senior attended school with Tom Riddle and was sorted into Slytherin and was one of Tom's dorm mates. They were also just close friends (as close friends as Tom could have). Edmund Senior was part of the reason Tom managed to open the Chamber of Secrets as he showed him a book featuring hints of the Chambers being real. To sum Edmund Senior up he's an incredibly nerdy insecure man. He loves history and in a muggle au he collects model aeroplanes. He's got a good handful of childhood trauma, a difficult relationship with his family and most of his peers and the only thing he's really got going for him is that he's an incredibly devoted husband who's down bad for his wife. She's luckily incredibly wooed by what I can only describe as his autism rizz lmao (I hate that so much ew actually)
Edmund's mother and Edmund Senior's wife is Esther, a very attractive recovered alcoholic. Rumours fly around frequently about her being unfaithful to her husband though she could never dream of it. Most of what is known about her is fabricated, which is entirely intentional as she's hiding things about herself such as her country of birth. Esther lost her family during the Holocaust. She met Edmund while they were both in their mid-twenties and they got married a while later and eventually had their only son Edmund Avery Junior. Their son has inherited his father's looks save for his mother's hair colour and many beauty spots as well as her eating disorder.
Due to Esther's alcoholism and a slight strain on their relationship over the years due to Edmund Senior favouring his work too much, Edmund Junior had much more to do with Dot, their house elf, than what would be considered normal as she would have to step in where Esther sometimes lacked. Despite this Edmund was an incredible mummy's boy and still is, something Esther cherished immensely as she loved being both a mother and wife. He would cling to her at any given time, he'd rather have tea with her than play with other children, he'd come running to her crying at the smallest inconvenience, he was so proud of wearing fancy clothes like his father and getting a spray of his mother's perfume.
The Avery family is resembled by Barn Owls similar to how the Malfoys are represented by (albino?) peacocks. Edmund Senior gifted Esther a taxidermied rat when they first started dating, similar to how Barn Owls gift their mates prey and while others find it incredibly weird they now have a shared love for taxidermied animals and he will gift her more on their anniversaries/on Valentine's Days/etc. Edmund Senior and Esther seem like an incredibly unlikely pair to everyone else but Esther fell for him in part because he was one of the only men who could see her for her mind and her heart rather than just her looks (even if he's down bad for those too lol)
Idk where else to mention this but they're both pureblood wizards,,,
They're probably my favourite of the parents,,, which is why they're the only knights of walpurgis era characters that have their own pinterest collection for pictures,,,, I would have shared it but,,, I have used all my pictures up for one post T-T
Onto the Sinistras I have considerably less but I can fill you in a bit,,,
Aurora is the only daughter of Altair Aseel Sinistra and Nazareth Sinistra née Lubilanji. Nazareth is Sierra Leonean albeit has lived in England for her entire life. She's also a half-blood. She's one of seven siblings and when she attended Hogwarts she was sorted into Gryffindor. She is incredibly fond of cats and puzzles. During her time at Hogwarts, she was part of the Slug Club. Altair is a pureblood wizard and the second son of Aseel Najm Sinistra and Sidra Ahyam Sinistra and the younger brother of Tariq Aseel Sinistra. His family is Egyptian but they've lived in England for the past two or so generations I'm thinking?? Like his daughter, he was a Ravenclaw when he attended school and he became Prefect during his fifth year.
Taking a bit of a side step here since this ask was after all about all the Sinistras,,, Tariq marries Salma Al-Mashriq, a pureblood Hufflepuff and together they have three children; Rashid, Hisham and Samara who are all younger than Aurora (Rashid (Slytherin) and Hisham (Ravenclaw) are third and second years when Aurora is in her seventh year and Samara is not yet attending school). Salma was part of a handful of extracurricular activities such as being a School Paper Writer, a member of the Gobstones Club and the Orchestra. Tariq similarly had a lot of extracurricular activities as well. He was a Slug Club Member, Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain and Chaser and School Paper Manager.
I'm still playing around with this idea so it's going to get more polished at some point but I think Altair and Salma had a thing going on at some point but something happened,, Salma married Tariq and Altair who'd been friendly with Nazareth and already was fond of her for other reasons ended up marrying her. He was able to mostly push his feelings aside after Aurora was born. He would have loved at least one more child for him to dote on and focus on, but Aurora was not an easy child and while it not being the same obviously, they got have a cat, Moonbow, that both Altair and Nazareth love like she's their second child.
Now onto Priya,,, my beloved < 3
Edmund's fiancee is Lakshmipriya Mohanraj also known as Priya. She was born October 13, 1960, and she's the only daughter of Siddarth Mohanraj and Rajeshwariammal Mohanraj. She's got two brothers, Raja and Dhananjay, though both have sadly passed, one of them in a motorcycle accident they were both in and the other took his life about a month later.
She is a mean lesbian who doesn't quite know she's a lesbian yet. She's tired of Edmund's shit and having to deal with him and it's her mood like,, 85% of the time. Her family are all loyal Death Eaters which is part of the reason why they got engaged in the first place. The Mohanraj family was also just a nice connection and if there's one thing Edmund Senior values it's connections.
She ends up marrying Endmund Junior and after A LOT of trial and error, they have a son, Siddharth Avery and later a daughter, Esther Avery (Junior technically I suppose,, since she's named after Edmund's mother). It's very clear that Priya favours her son while Edmund somewhat hesitantly ends up favouring their daughter.
Little Siddharth thinks his dad is super cool and he thinks his dad's friend (Severus) is even cooler which Priya always finds incredibly annoying cause she cannot STAND Severus,,, like at all
Priya and Edmund have some moments of bonding together but for the most part, the two cannot stand each other. They come together to judge other people and oh boy do they do it well. They're big on their children having nice manners and not being a bother to others.
I am actually in love with Priya,, she serves so much cunt and still, she's stuck with her loser husband. She probably hoped he would get caught for being a Death Eater and get sent to Azkaban and she was so annoyed when he successfully convinced people he was under the Imperius curse,,,
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This became,,, soooo long which is just becoming the norm at this point honestly lmao but I hope you enjoyed all of this!!! I'll definitely come back and talk more about both the Averys and the Sinistras cause I've got other asks about them vjfnbjgnb (at least the Sinistras I think,,, I can't remember if the Averys are in there ooop)
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lowimpactlady · 4 months
🍃"Don't let your disability define you."
Hello, my name is Edith, and this is my new blog. I'd like to preface with what has led me to create this space. I have been physically disabled and chronically ill for nearly a decade of my life. At this time, I still possess the ability to both walk and drive, most of the time. I definitely have my off days where those daily activities of living are difficult or unsafe for me to engage with. However, through the eyes of a more able-bodied person, I may come off as more able-bodied than I actually am because I'm able to mirror some of the activities that they are able to perform. But I'm not. I have often been told over the years to not let my disability define me, primarily by more able-bodied people, as if being disabled and addressing life from a disabled perspective is inherently negative. Which I can understand to a point. The loss of your independence is a scary thought, and for a more able-bodied person, the process is difficult to conceive. When I hear a more able-bodied person discuss their perspectives on disability, it is usually framed as a possibility in some distant future where all growth, curiosity and will just ends because you might not be able to control your bowels anymore. Something along those lines. The reality of a chronic illness truly being chronic, existing for decades, and slowly integrating into your life is terrifying. It's a loss of control that people don't want to deal with, don't want to have to learn to adapt to, and people will try to suppress it so deeply that they will do anything to make disabled people seem more able-bodied to them so that they don't have to face it.
I have done more damage to myself over time, listening to the clichés of able-bodied people, trying to live a life where disability doesn't define me. Here is the truth, and here is my intention in starting this blog. Disability is a defining factor in my life. Living with disabilities and adapting to the world with disabilities takes a grand amount of skill, and in suppressing those skills or painting them in a negative light we are doing a disservice to other's and also ourselves. Allow me to paint an analogy for you. I buy a beautiful house, and over time I run into several issues during my home ownership journey. I talk with other home owners and experts about how to manage these issues. I become a carpenter, I fix my own plumbing, I understand my wiring, and now I have knowledge that I can pass onto other home owners. I tell you that I am a carpenter, you respect that I am carpenter. You never tell me to not define myself as a carpenter. I understand that there are differences here, but hear me out. I am an expert at being disabled. I understand how to navigate and file paperwork that would have people ripping their hair out in frustration. I know of services, or how to find services when people feel like they need help. I have knowledge about all sorts of different devices and aids that help make activities of daily living easier. I know how to get a doctor to stop bullshitting you, or at least how to fire them and hire a new one. I know how to find, request, and set up appointments with specialists I need which is difficult for a lot of people to do in the first place. There's a lot of things that I don't know, but my doctors almost always look shocked when they get into health conversations with me because they don't expect me to understand a lot of what they are saying, and I do. My life as a disabled person has been made easier by other disabled people who talk to me about disability with the same relaxed nature in which people would discuss the weather. They are experts in the field of living in a home that require attentive upkeep, and I respect them for their knowledge and those skills that they possess.
With this blog, I hope to redefine what being "defined by disability" means, because able-bodied people have taken that line and surrounded it with so much negative connotation that it can evoke guilt and shame around simply admitting that you have limitations, or feel sad about it. It doesn't have to. Being disabled means that you possess skills in living and surviving that other people don't. It means that you are probably a MacGyver. You know how to do things a different way to make them possible, you know how to eat a different way, you know how to experience things a different way. You experience life from a perspective that a lot of other people are afraid of experiencing, and are able to find happiness, love, and pleasure from a place that people on the outside looking in might consider a dead end. This is my journey to discovering and loving that about myself. It's never ending. Here, I will share my low impact adventures, my low impact hikes, low impact recipes for when you're feeling low energy, low impact exercises, helpful tips, tricks and devices I have discovered along the way. This is just the beginning and I hope that over time I am able to create resources, and help other people out there who need help navigating life this way. I am the Low Impact Lady. Welcome to my blog.
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the-lost-beast · 5 months
About: Chapter 8
Hello ! First, for those of you who are aware the blog exists and the fewer of you who have noticed I usually update the next chapter's release date on the pinned post; I have lied. Again. Geez. How does that keep happening.
Okay but now Chapter 8 is up and I'll try to update a new chapter every month (but we'll see how that turns out).
Meikko 🗻
(munching on popcorn) Oh, how I've been waiting for this.
Meikko is Oak's antagonist. I can't wait for them to actually show up. They're a very complex and conflicting character (well imo lol). I'm just unable to hate them despite them having done and doing lots of bad things. I am drafting a prequel to the story set during the Hebra/Rito war, througout which we follow the story of Kiran, Bellam, Reyn, Meikko and Revali's parents. But hey, i should slow down. That story is not for another thousand years.
Rev and Oak 🍃
I struggled finding Oak's personnality and voice. Like. A LOT. When I started this they were very childlike and impulsive, but now I've taken another direction for them and it feels much more right. They're resillient and try hard to avoid useless conflict, but they're so proud, stubborn and impulsive they really can't help it. I relish seeing them DRIP with internal conflict and I like their dynamic with Rev and Kiran.
We get a glimpse at how Revali is not as much as an insensitive bastard as he'd like to make everyone believe : just as he tried to comfort Bellam after their talk in Chapter 6, he's now trying to make Oak's defeat a little less bitter. Yeah, the bitch actually cares. Gross.
About the fight ⚔️
I didn't want Oak to be weirdly overpowered despite being partially sighted, but they still have to be skilled enough to be taken seriously as a Champion later in the story (no spoilers here). So I had to come up with ways to disadvantage them :
Although they fight by the evening light, which is better for Oak's sight than midday sun, the mask obviously is a huge disadvantage. But of course, they're not about to take it off and expose their face to Revali, who's being enough of an asshole as it is. Also, but we'll see that in the next chapter, the huge feathered edge is far from being a comfortable weapon for Oak, which is the main reason why they're really struggling here, on top of all the power play/frustration. Revali knows how to push their buttons 😏
This being said, Oak's advantages are : their strength, ability to take punches, and ability to adapt quickly.
Showing Revali's skills was easy ; finding his weak points were not. As we know he is extremely good with his bow, I figured he would be comfortable in distance combat than in a hand-to-hand fight. Hence the spear rather than a sword : he uses it to keep his enemy at bay. He has less strength, given he is a bird and bird have thin, fragile bones, but he is ten times quicker than Oak.
Also, I made sure Oak had seen his weak point before (his beak).
Oak and Kiran 🍂
So here we have our first heart-to-heart scene featuring these two. The only other time they shared a moment when they were so vulnerable was they met, when Oak first arrives in Rito Village. But that scene was cut, it was too revealing.
Since then, they've been awkwardly trying to build a relationship, despite there being so much standing between them. They rarely ever talk of the sensitive topics, for they're both afraid to lose the other again.
I'm also trying to show that Oak is definitely a different person with Kiran, and the same goes for him. They're each other's sole landmark.
Now that Meikko has been brought up to the conversation, things might get a little trickier for them. Can't hide your head in the sand forever.
If you are liking the story
upvote / kuddo it ! Leave a comment ! It has been scientifically proven that more kuddos > more frequent chapters. Why are you giving me this look, it's true--
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heshoes · 3 years
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In which Harry is quite literally the strong silent type and y/n was taught that not speaking when spoken to is impolite. When you run into each other in the most unexpected of places you start to wonder is he just rude or is there something else going on that’s deeply rooted.
warnings: these characters smoke that gas 🚬⛽️, selective mutism, mentions of anxiety, floof, smut
word count: 11k
Pairing: Y/N x Harry
Idk man. Im at work. I'm bored and I met the sweetest non vocal person and got inspired. I looked up some things about this specific type of anxiety and tried to do it justice so I hope not to offend or get it too off kilter. Also the Denver show helped with that little hand gesture he made in reference to trees being blown while he was preforming  (🚬💨🍃🍃) If you like it reblog and let me know, but for now it's just a blurb (also I wrote this on my phone don't come for me about how weird it might look 😫)
You pulled up early to your lab class yet how you ended up being this fucking late was humorous. An unwarranted giggle escaped your lips as you began a search for body mist and hopefully your drops that could help conceal how bloodshot the whites of your eyes had become. Your room mate insisted that you needed to relax more and you could kind of agree with that because you had been kind of high strung between working and studying, and just being you so she suggested you smoke a little just to take the edge off.
The two of you didn't go to the usual spot on top of the parking garage near your dorm to light up, instead, Anise suggested you hotbox in her car.
"Look, we both have class in this building and if we do it right here at least we won't be super late, you get me?"
The apprehension you’d had about the idea was overwhelming to say the least. It was way too close to the science department and there was no way that the two of you wouldn't get found out, but you took the joint in between your lips and inhaled the smoke anyway to stop your pesky thoughts that had you question everything. You expected to relax and you did, what you did not expect was to be so relaxed that you fell asleep in Anise's car. It must have been your circadian rhythm that woke you up and fuck, thank God for that, but clearly it was just as foggy as you were at the moment because you didn't reach your lab class until 20 minutes after it was set to start.
As you opened the door to enter the busy workshop you did a silent prayer that your sweet peach body perfume disguised the stank of sour diesel, the strain that was supposed to give you a burst of energy yet somehow did the complete opposite for you, clearly. Your professor looked in your direction irritatedly so at the disruption. He was speaking loudly to the class and pointing to an empty lab chair simultaneously, signaling for you to have a seat and as you did a thought hit. You didn’t think you knew anyone in this class.
You walked past several students wearing goggles and even though the thick eye-safety wear served as a disguise you knew that you wouldn't recognize anyone even if they were removed. The class was big you'd admit, but was it really so large that you didn't know a single soul? Were you so high that you'd walked into the wrong lab space? That was your professor in the from of the classroom, but was this in fact your class? Were you walking fast enough to get to your seat? You felt for a moment that you moved in slow motion even though you tried to put pep in your step. Paranoia ensued interrupting your languid high with a vengeance and you cursed yourself as you took a seat with a grin on your face that showed quite the opposite of what you were feeling.
Digging in your book bag you took out your goggles and your lab manual, turning to the page written on the board. You took deep breaths to calm yourself before you turned to your partner for the day hoping to get insight.
"Sorry I'm late. How much did I miss?" Your eyes met with the side of his face as he sniffled and sighed morosely, however, he didn't even look at you or answer you question for that matter.
"Hey, do you mind filling me in a bit? I can help you just as soon as I see what step we're on." You spoke again and again you were met with silence. He continued to work but this time he at least looked your way, taking a bacteria culture out of a test tube and placing it on a Petri dish. Once again your paranoia rose along with your embarrassment.
Maybe you just thought you were talking to him and you were saying all of these things in your head? Maybe he was a transfer student and didn't even speak English? He looked at you out the side of his eye and then back at his lab manual pushing it toward you slightly. Silently you swore to yourself that you would never smoke so close to class time again to save yourself the embarrassment. Normally, it was fine if you did it early enough in the day so that you could revel in the settling, energizing, effects, but now you were off. You would also be sure to make a mental note to ask Anise if she was indeed sour diesel and not some other kind of paranoia inducing strain, if that even exists.
Your lab partner had since dived back into his work focusing on the chemical reaction in front of him. Just as you were about to tap him for his attention in a final attempt to catch up to the rest of the class, he balled up small piece of paper tossing it at the boy that sat across from him.
"Harry, what's up man? There are better ways at getting my attention and you know it." The boy spoke lifting up his goggles to look at the one he called Harry, only causing him to grin. They both chuckled as they made eye contact and the boy spoke again, this time more amused.
"You're such an asshole. What?" Harry tilted his head toward you before turning his head haphazardly to look at you up and down. As he did, the amusement left his eyes and you were met with a blank stare. Clearly he was annoyed that you were late. His friend looked at you before looking back at Harry whose gaze quickly dropped from your eyes down to his book, tapping at it in a very specific place.
"Hi. So look he's on step... ten? Yeah step ten. You can jump in there."
"Oh...okay. " You spoke slightly confused, wondering why the one known as Harry didn't tell you this himself, but instead of dwelling on it too long, you jumped in. You tried to talk to him the entire time and reassure him that the assignment would be just fine even with your tardiness. You asked him several questions. You even tried to crack a joke or two. Hell you started to get on your own nerves, but Harry said nothing. Not even a chuckle left his lips at your bad dad joke and you knew that not everyone liked those kinds, but damn.
Regardless of the lack of communication you worked together well, finishing the 20 step lab assignment and getting the desired results. You could have sworn that Harry took a step back and let you do the majority of the rest of the work alone, but even if he did you couldn't really blame him, he did do all of the beginning without you.
By the end of class you couldn’t help but notice how loud his silence actually was. You tried not to but you glanced at him a few times and he had the same expression every time you looked. The man was deadpan focused to the point that it was almost off-putting. You removed the goggles on your face and put them back in your bag as you watched Harry do the same. It was rude to stare at him and you knew it but it was even worse now, because now he’d caught you staring.
"Thank you for not being too pissed for me being late. I mean.. You aren’t right? I’m kind of grasping for straws here..." You spoke to offset your panic as Harry stood and looked at you plainly, grabbing his lab manual and gathering the rest of his things in tow. This has to be the first time you were able to fully face him and take in his appearance.
He was tall when he stood at his full hight, however he only did that briefly to stretch before slightly slouching back down in bad posture where his spine felt more comfortable. He continued to look at you without a word and that's when you noticed his eyes were a pretty sage green, the kind that would make a person stumble over their words if he caught you in an intense gaze. He looked you up and down again, slowly, still with nothing to say. The once over made you uneasy however causing  your eyebrows to knot.
"What?" You asked shaking your head slightly, annoyed now with him. You wanted him to say something, anything and for a moment there seemed to be a build, only for it to end anti-climactically. His head tilted to the side before he puckered his pink lips, only to make a smacking sound  with his lips and turn back to the desk that both of you sat at during lab.
"Do you know how rude that is? I've been trying to ask you questions and talk to you this whole time."
He ignored you once again as he scribbled something hesitantly onto a piece of paper left on the table. You shook your head and you turned to leave but just before you could take a second step, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. Taken off guard you turned back only to be handed the paper that Harry was writing on, reading the message that was left on it.
You're high.
Your eyes widened in shock and the paranoia that began to settle was awakened from the dust and Harry walked past you exiting the room quickly, leaving you in your panic without so much as a word.
"So you mean to tell me that he just gave you this note...and then left?" Anise asked cackling finding humor in the situation where you found red flags. She sat on her bed eating spinach dip out of the jar with a family sized bag of chips as the munchies effect kicked in.
"Yes! And if he knew then what if the professor knew?"
"Y/N, so?! So what if he did? The only disruption you caused was coming in late. You went in, you did the work, you left. That's all they want you to do. And you have a medical card. People know now that some weed is used for medicinal purposes...in some cases anyway.
You rolled you eyes as you sat on the bed next to her grabbing a handful of chips from the bag, still bothered that Harry wouldn't speak to you.
"I mean, I guess. But what about the other stuff I told you? That's weird right? I was trying to talk to him the whole time and it was like I was talking to a wall."
"Maybe he's deaf?"
"He doesn't wear hearing aids and he didn't have a translator."
"Not all deaf people need hearing aids or a translator. Not to mention that hearing aids are expensive if insurance doesn't cover all of it.  Maybe he’s shy…Maybe he just doesn't like you?"
"Or maybe he's just insanely rude? I get that I was late I get that he did the majority of the work but like, the least you can do is speak."
"Why do you care so much, anyway?" Anise asked scooping out the last of the spinach dip, but the question stuck with you.
Did you care? perhaps care wasn't the best choice of words, you’d just met him after all and you knew too little about him to care really. Did it bother you? Yes, without a doubt. You found yourself to be a likable person most of the time or at least you hoped you were, and for him to outright not speak made you feel some type of way. Was it something you said? You’d kept your line of questioning to the project at hand, or at least you thought you did. You tried not to be overtly annoying. You knew that you were already pushing it by being late so you busied yourself right away, jumping in and finishing where he’d started thanks to the help you received from the guy sitting across from you. For at least 10 minutes you sat in silence staring into space replaying the encounter in your head, but for the life of you, you couldn't figure it out and you’d be damned if you let it wreck your brain any farther.
“What?” you pulled yourself out of your trance at the sound of Anise’s voice.
“Damn. I called your name 5 times. Let’s go get something to eat. This spinach dip barely scratched the surface.”
You stood to go with your friend and roommate to get food from where ever the shitty college town had to offer and blamed your extreme focus on the herb even though you knew deep down that though Harry was rude, you were slightly intrigued by his silence.
A week had come and gone and it was Thursday once again, it was lab day once more. You’d gotten to class just on time not giving you the best pick of seats. Knowing now— since you weren’t even the slightest bit inebriated—that this was indeed your correct lab block, you took the same seat that you had last week since there weren't many to choose from anyway. You wouldn’t say that you were looking for Harry exactly, but you did spot him as soon as he walked in.
It was kind of hard not to see him really, and you wondered to yourself how exactly was it that you’d been in this class for two months and not notice him. It had to be that he was here and in his seat before you every time you came in to class. It had to be that you were so focused on your work because rudeness aside and unworthy god complex out the way, at the very least Harry was very attractive. He was the epitome of tall dark and handsome and wether you liked it or not, he had an air of mystery about him simply off the strength that he must not have found you interesting enough to talk to.
He was on his phone, head down, texting vigorously while chewing gum, clearly not paying attention as he continued his stroll to the lab table in the back where he sat last week. When he finally did look up and see that you were to be his lab partner again, he stopped in his tracks quirking an eyebrow before he hesitantly took his seat next to you.
“What was that face for?” You asked as he rested his elbow on the desk, putting his head in his hand.  It was almost as if he froze up completely.
��Harry?” You questioned again and you could have sworn you saw him raised his eyebrows in response. Maybe he was just hard of hearing? Maybe if you spoke a little louder?
“Can you hear me? I said what was that face for?” You foolishly spoke louder and slower, annunciating your words more in case he needed to read your lips. Harry jumped at the change of octave and looked at you quizzically before his stare went blank again, giving you the same expression that he gave you last week as his friend came in with his lab partner taking their seats across from you and Harry.
“Hey, Y/N is it? He’s not deaf you know? He can hear you just fine. No shouting needed.”
Harry said nothing, only lowering his head at his friends reveal and you were left mortified yet again. So then he didn’t like you. He must have found you annoying, so much so that he avoided general communication or recognition of you as a person. So you'd decided that this class you'd try your best not to say anything to him just as he didn’t to you. Thankfully this lab assignment didn't necessarily call for active partners to help each other. You each had your own microscopes so you didn’t have to ask him anything, but part of you could feel him looking at you.
You continued your work as if Harry wasn’t there, until the lab let out. Gathering your belongings quickly you stood from your chair in preparation to leave. You had half a mind to tell him off. You’d thought about a retort the entire class, but the embarrassment and anxious feeling you had about being made a fool of held your tongue. You knew you shouldn’t let little things like this get to you, but for some reason your brain enjoyed tormenting you. Having you think for hours about a situation, about what you should have said in certain scenarios such as these long after the opportunity to do so had come and gone. You picked yourself apart about shit like this to the point where it would cause you to lose sleep and be high strung much like you were last week and you hated it.
There was nothing that you could do but take your anxiety medication and you didn’t like that. You didn’t want to be on pills the rest of your life. It was hard enough remembering to take your birth control, so when you got your hands on a medical marijuana card and you found strains of the weed that relaxed your mind and gave you energy in a ‘cool way’ sans the pills, you jumped at the opportunity. You were pretty sure that you would take a hit tonight and maybe share a little bit with Anise if she was free. You could feel yourself trying to self sooth your anxious mind before a hand rested lightly on your shoulder.
You turned to look at him again and it was as if you had deja vu, but instead of him passing you a note, he raised his eyebrows in concern as he glanced at you. You started to open your mouth to tell him to leave you alone before an automated voice came though his phone shocking you slightly.
Hey, are you...good?
You listened to what the phone had to say essentially knowing that it was speaking for Harry as you tilted your head to the side. You had half a mind to just walk away, but at least he was sort of checking on your well being?
“So you could hear me last week?”
Harry looked at you putting his pointer finger in the air signaling for you to wait a moment as he typed on his phone again replying to your question. He looked super focused and it was slightly endearing, but you were still annoyed.
“And you can hear me clearly now?” Harry looked back down at his phone typing again only for the same reply to come.
Yeah. The phone answered you in its staccato  robotic way as its master lifted his eyes ever so slowly to meet your face.
“Good to know because you’ll hear what I'm saying now. You’re rude. I know that I came in late but you didn’t even acknowledge my existence when I was clearly asking you questions on an assignment that partners have to ask questions about. I just wanted to be of some help to you and do my part, but I got the hint. I won’t bother you next time I promise. ”
You turned quickly to walk away on a high because you felt you said what you needed to, but your anxiety about the whole ordeal was still higher than you thought it would be. Harry didn’t try to stop you, but why would he? He barely even liked you. At this point you feel as if he only said anything to clear his conscious since he could obviously tell that you were frazzled during class.
You found yourself reporting back to Anise as she got ready for a date or to have her back blown out as she modestly put it.
“So he does talk, just not in the traditional way” She stated as she checked her lip gloss and pushed her boobs up towards her neck.
“Yes he speaks, only when he feels like.”
“Don’t most people speak, only when they feel like? But once again why do you care if he talks to you or not? I think you might have a crush.”
“A crush?” Your face contorted at first because it was mentioned and then because the idea wasn't horrible.
“I’ll let that simmer with you Y/N, but I think I might be right.”
Anise left the dorm and you pondered long and hard over what she said, completed a corse work assignment and then pondered more before you finally decided that this could be a fact. You could have a crush on Harry even though you've only been around him two times and perhaps that's why it bothered you. Finding out that you had a crush on someone who was outright rude was like finding out that your favorite celebrity is an asshole. And you didn't want asshole to be the type that you were drawn to, even though it seemed inevitable. You'd been with enough assholes in the past maybe only 2 of them were sweet and it just didn't work out, but why you were thinking of your past relationships and connecting them to a man you'd just met was mind boggling to you within itself.
You could feel your mind beginning to race and negativity sneaking up on you and that's not how you wanted your night to go. In order to put a stop to it you opened your medicinal case and saw that your stock was running low and  that alone made you anxious, not that you were thrilled to feel like you had to depend on anything to keep you calm but you would rather refill the weed than refill the pill bottle. When you looked at the time you could feel yourself relax a bit. If you left now, you could make it to the dispensary just before they closed.
Grabbing closest cardigan that you could get your hands on you left.  It was almost like they had a dispensary on every corner now that smoking was just as legal as having a drink recreationally; though you never really did it to have fun as others did, you never really minded sharing what you did get with Anise who— to your understanding anyway— does not have a problem controlling her anxiety.
You hopped out of your car and walked in just 20 minutes before closing time and was helped right away, taking your pick of medical strains in edible form and the actual herb that were more potent than that of the kind simply used for a good time. You took out your card to pay when you heard the bell go off that was tied to the doors handle and when you looked a lump formed in your throat.
It was him. It was Harry and here you thought you wouldn't have to see him until class next week. You put on a stoic expression and averted your eyes back toward the counter to hand the cashier your card when the employee smiled in his direction and spoke to him as if he were an old friend.
“Hey Styles! I’ll be with you in a minute man, alright?”
You glanced out of the corner of your eye to catch Harry smile and nod at the man behind the counter before his gaze rested on you, this time with a sense of interest instead of the blank stare. You didn’t want to admit that you could feel your heart flutter in your chest when he smiled at the cashier. His pearly white bunny teeth and the dimples that pitted his cheeks only added to his attractiveness, but it was too bad— you thought. An ugly attitude can spoil even the most beautiful of people.
“Hmm”  You looked up at the sound. It was the first sound from his vocal chords that you’d heard him utter since being around him twice in the two hour lab class.
He noticed that he’d gotten your attention as he stuffed his large hands in the front pockets of his shorts and his mouth went into a flatline when the two of you held eye contact for a period of time that was less comfortable than normal. Before the time drew on to a full 30 seconds he’d pulled his phone out of his back pocket, typing into it and making the robotic voice sound for him again.
Your eyebrows furrowed because he was directing the question towards you.
“What do you mean what? You know what it doesn’t matter. Don’t talk to me now.”
His eyes rolled as he began to type again and you were handed your receipt to sign.
Well technically I’m not talking am I?
Your eyes cut to him quickly to see that he had the nerve to be grinning at his own joke. Placing the pen back on the counter you grabbed your bag to leave just as Harry approached it. When he pulled out his medical card to be scanned your eyes widened in shock. Initially when you saw him walk in here you thought for sure that he had to be a recreational user, but you were quickly proven wrong.
You paused slightly curious as to what it was that he was getting as the employee moved towards him, showing him strains that you knew for a fact to help with anxiety, drowsiness, and loss of focus...some of the very same strains that you have had yourself. You slowly edged closer and closer, curiosity quickly getting the best of you until a robotic voice startled you out of your thought.
Invading my space again I see. May I assist you, in some way Y/N?
You jumped at the sound of your name leaving the phone especially since Harry hand’t used it before. For all you knew you weren’t even sure that he knew your name until now. Ignoring his question you leaned on the counter for support, trying to remain as cool and casual as you possibly could. A scowl was present on his lips and though you knew he was irritated this time without having to question it, his look of disdain was still very...beautiful.
“I’ve gotten that before...” You spoke quietly before glancing up at him. He let out a deep sigh as his eyes looked down to meet yours briefly, very briefly before averting his gaze back to his phone to type again.
Good for you, stoner. I would appreciated if you gave me some space though. I wasn't breathing down your neck when you were getting whatever you did.
“God,” you sighed irritation evident in your tone, “Why do you have to be such a snippy asshole?” You waited for his reply patiently. It took him a while as he took out his card to pay for his purchase and had to type his response so that it could be heard, but you waited regardless.
You’re one to talk. Entitled much?
You scoffed to yourself before closing your eyes, resting your pointer finger and thumb on the bridge of your nose in exasperation.
“You know what? Am I doing this? I don’t have to. If you want to be left alone, fine.”
You turned on your heal hastily, leaving Harry in the shop, daring to glance back as you opened the door to exit. It was almost as if he were hurt by what you’d said as the look on his face was solemn and long, but how could he be? He was the asshole in the situation. You’d tried several times to display friendliness and be as kind as you could. If he was hurt, you thought, it would serve him right.
You'd  got in your car to drive away, but as soon as you did, your brain begun its torment. Were you really entitled? You didn’t think that you were, but for him to say it he must have truly thought so. You thought that you were just trying to be friendly initially, but the more you thought about it, the more you noticed how there could be some truth to Harry’s accusation. You were irritated that what he'd said bothered you but mostly you were irritated that he was right.
You made sure you got to lab early and you sat in a different seat this time around. Somewhere that you could keep to yourself. What Harry said kept you up all night because it was fact. You did have a very entitled air about you. The way you felt as if he had to talk to you, like you, tell you why he uses his phone to speak for him it was all so intrusive so presumptuous and what made it worse is you truly didn't even know him.
So today you sat at a lab table in the middle of the room, back to where you would normally sit, back to the lab partner that you would normally have to be sure that you didn’t step on his toes or he on yours with repetitive rejection of friendship. Perhaps it would be for the best, you thought as you rested your head in your hands while your peers began to trickle into the room taking their respective seats. You found yourself searching their faces looking for one in particular because though you wouldn’t bother him anymore, you would still guiltily admire his features. Spotting him was easy now as he sauntered slowly into the room. You took in what you could of him without making it awkward, but when he sat next to you willingly your eyes widened like saucer bowls.
He glanced over in your direction actually looking at you rather than blank staring before he took out his pen and his notebook writing something down before the notebook was slowly passed your way.
I'm sorry I was mean last week. You're not that invasive I guess. And I don't want to be "left alone" as you put it...I feel alone enough of the time.
You read over the words in his unique hand writing and it caused your hearts strings to pull and your soft spirit to pour out.
"No you were right. Sorry for pushing. You don't have to be alone and I'm sure you won't be. That was a shit thing for me to say.”
Harry grinned a genuine grin before he pulled his notebook back toward him as class begun and you couldn’t help but admire his side profile. Anise was right. There was no point in questioning it. You had the smallest crush.
Class went on and though you continued to work silently like you did the previous two times in working with him, the silence this time was now more comfortable. You didn’t feel the need to fill the void with conversation or question, instead you and Harry worked in tandem until your assignment was completed. Once class had let out he gathered his things as he would any other time, however, you didn’t want to have to wait whole week before you saw him again. Swallowing down any anxious thought you had at this sudden turn of events, you put yourself out on a limb and hoped that it didn’t break.
“Hey, uh, can I ask you something?” Your voice was timid as you spoke, but you caught his attention. He turned to face you slowly and nodded before he quickly obviated his gaze towards the ground.
“Would you like to, I don’t know..go to a movie or something? Only if you don’t have another class though. I was just going to go home, but I figured—“
Y/N...are you asking me on a date?
Your eyes went wide but so was Harry’s as he nervously kept his gaze on his phone.
“Uh— I mean, a platonic one, yes... I guess so."
The question took you aback as the look on his face grew suspicious, but you decided to be as honest about it as you could without admitting that you thought that he was cute. "I’d like to get to know you in a non intrusive manner. I’ve kind of wanted to get to know you since the first day we worked together, but you know...”
You exhaled negativity and inhaled-self respect. You were proud that you'd done just what you wanted to, however, when Harry had yet to respond you thought you’d done something wrong. His eyes stayed wide stuck to his phone and it wasn’t until you touched his arm that he escaped his trance.
“Hey, we don’t have to go. It’s okay. It was just a thought... I’ll see you next—”
No. Wait...we can go. I’ll drive.
The ride to the theatre was filled with good music, glances and a familiar smell that you didn’t want to blatantly point out. Sure you know he smoked it too. He was at the same dispensary you were after all, but because he used his medical card asking him what the smell was, to you, was like asking what he smoked it for and you didn’t want to dig too deep. Not on the first time hanging out.
He parked and you both decided on a movie titled Malignant that had just come out. He unlocked the door for you, but before you put your door on the handle to leave you were caught off guard by the robotic voice.
You go ahead. I’ll be in in a second.
Warily you nodded your head in response getting out of the car and walking towards the entrance. You couldn’t help but look back however, and when you did, your feet carried you towards Harry’s Jeep again, pulling his passenger door open.
“I knew it,” You spoke as Harry froze with the joint in between his puffy pink lips. He was ready to light the end, but hesitated from being caught. You took the lighter from his hand sparking it and lighting it for him as he inhaled. He held in the smoke before releasing it to do a French inhale and passing the joint to you.
“I’m good.”
A slow smile crept on his lips before he took up his phone again, texting a reply to your rebuttal.
But you said you’ve had this before. I wouldn’t give you something you’ve not had, Y/N.
“I don’t really smoke recreationally though...I mean my friend will do it with me sometimes, but I'm more so doing for a purpose while she’s doing it for fun.”
It will be fun. Especially since we’re seeing a scary movie. We’ll be fine. Peer pressure. Peer Pressure. Peer pressure.
The robotic voice spoke repetitively causing you both to chuckle before you looked back to Harry, pulling the joint from between his finger tips and taking two hits. He smiled in triumph before he took the joint from you, putting it out on a small tray that he kept in his glove box before you both went inside. As you paid for your tickets and the cannabis settled in your system you could feel yourself relax more. You both went to the snack shack to get popcorn and candies for the inevitable munchies that would be soon to follow and when you found your seats in the crowded theater, the previews were still running.
“So I smoke because I have anxiety...I mean, everyone gets anxious right? But I have trouble controlling mine and I don’t like pills. The weed leaves me way more relaxed than the pills do actually.” You stuck your hand in the popcorn bag and crunched on the salty snack as Harry looked at you grinning before his head turned back towards the big screen.
“Why do you smoke it? I mean besides to get high? Does it have anything to do with why you don’t talk?” You weren’t going to ask him, but you figured since he did smoke with you, might feel more comfortable now.
Harry chuckled inaudibly before taking out his phone and typing a reply, turning down the volume in consideration for others around the two of you.
Jesus Karen, you can't just ask people why they don’t talk.
You both started to giggle at the classic Mean Girls response, as Harry leaned over to grab a handful of popcorn himself. You started to apologize just as the movie began though he didn’t seem offended by the question.
"Sorry I-"
"Shh." Harry shushed you before pointing to the screen as the movie began and it was a dud to say the least. The two of you barely paid attention to it, instead you flung popcorn and threw it in each other's mouths, giggling gleefully when one of you would miss the movie snack.
And that's how it went for the rest of the semester. You began to spend more time with Harry and become more comfortable around each other, finding out more about him, his eclectic taste in music, his favorite movies and books. He was a sweet soul and you immersed yourselves in each other sharing things with him that you thought you only could with Anise. Everything was good so far but if you had to complain, there was only one thing that bothered you. You did most of the sharing.
Harry was a great listener. You thought it was because of the way that he didn't communicate in the mainstream way, so instead he took time to process how you felt and write you something or have the message come out of his phone that you know would make you feel better about your anxiety or about general things. Though you were grateful, you didn't just want him to be your sound board and every time you would ask him how he's doing or what's going on his world he would always look at you for a period of time. It was as if he wanted to tell you something big but couldn't bring himself to do it, so instead he would write a shortened version and it would always be the same thing, I have no complaints. Pretty good when I'm hanging with you.
You always wanted to ask for more but you didn't want to pry and you could visibly tell that your patience settled him.
On the last day of the semester you decided to celebrate and go to the annual bar crawl with Anise and though you were having fun you knew you would enjoy it more if Harry were here with you. You'd decided to share some of your joint with Anise before you came out to calm yourself and you'd had a few drinks before you decided to send him a message so to say that you were slightly buzzed was fair.
I miss you. Wish you would have come out today.
Just as quickly as the message was sent you got a reply causing your insides to do flips.
Are you at the bar crawl?...Miss you too-H
I am.
I'm here too. Let's meet?...I want...I need to talk to you.-H
We are talking you clown. Which bar are you in? Your eyes lifted from your phone and you walked outside in search of him as soon as you were sure that Anise saw you signal that you were going to step outside.
No.I don't think you get it...This is pretty major. Feel so comfortable and safe with you.-H
Your hazy mind didn't understand it all but your heartstrings pulled for some reason when he mentioned how safe he felt as you continued your search for him. Walking down the string of bars you peered into various windows as you went looking for your lanky friend in the crowds. When you found Harry you couldn't help but press you hand to the window and tap it to pull his attention. When he spotted you outside, he placed his hand on the opposite side of yours on the thick shatterproof glass and pointed to the entrance.
Showing the security guard your wristlet, you were granted access inside the pub, giving Harry a hug as soon as you got through.
"Who are you here with?" You spoke loud over the crowd and music to be sure that he could hear you.
"Franz." Harry spoke, pointing in the direction of his friend that helped you in chemistry class.
Franz raised his beer tipping it toward you as a hello as he watched you with mirth, waiting for the realization about his friend to hit you like a ton of bricks. And hit you it fucking did.
You snapped your gaze up to Harry's face as he looked at you with slight concern. Grabbing his arm you pulled him outside so that you could hear him properly, if it was actually him that you'd heard that is. Alcohol did have the tendency to cloud your thought and processing but you've never had you hallucinate before.
"Did you just...Harry..." you were shocked, overwhelmed, but mostly excited as you hand covered your mouth in awe. You've wondered for so long if he was capable of vocal expression and if he was what did he sound like? You were embarrassed to admit how much you fantasized about what he would sound like if he could speak. Would his voice be deep? High pitched?Was he soft spoken? For some reason you didn't even consider if he would have an accent. He told you that he was from England when he would use his phone to talk for him, but for some reason you thought he was joking. "You just...You spoke. You talked to me."
Harry looked at the space around the two of you. The street was filled with college students loud and boisterous, enjoying themselves as they dipped in and out of bars. It was loud enough to make the setting between the two of you more intimate, letting him feel free enough to speak but just quiet enough for you to hear him.
"I did, but in my own defense I never said that I couldn't.” His words were slow coming and his voice was deep shocking you beyond belief. He sounded nothing like this in your head and you were grateful for the actual sound.
Your head began to spin as you tried to understand and it was as if Harry knew your next question. He looked at you nervously before he dropped his eyes to the ground to speak. For you to be upset with him is the farthest from what he wanted.
"I have a form of anxiety too. I wanted to tell you, but I literally couldn't at the time. I freeze...I honestly can't speak to everyone, just Franz, my therapist, and my family. Sometimes I would rather have people think that I can't talk so that I don't have to explain what selective mutism is later, but it makes me end up alone a lot of the time. I didn't want you to think that I was faking. I'm not...I'm not faking. Doing this alone is a lot for me, but like I said you make me feel safe. I feel like I can share things with you."
Harry took hold of your hands hesitantly. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest and he hoped he hadn't lost your trust with his confession.
"I'm sorry it took so long, but it takes me a while to feel like I can express myself the way I wish I could all the time. And I like you, Y/N. I like you a-"
You’re not sure if it was the buzz of the alcohol, or the way that the cannabis you smoked before you came quieted your overly apprehensive thoughts, but you allowed yourself to be in the moment and threw you inhibitions to the wind kissing Harry fully and strongly. He could speak and he felt confident enough in the friendship you built to speak to you. It must have caught him off guard by the way he jumped slightly at the contact.
"I'm sorry. Is this okay?" You went to take a step back only for him to rest a hand on your hip, keeping you close. His forehead rested against your own and his bottom lip pulled in between his teeth as he nodded his head at you before answering your question reassuringly.
"It is definitely okay."
Harrys lips lowered back to yours smoothly, falling back into the passion that you felt when you initiated the kiss in the first place. As his grip tightened on your waist you found yourself wanting him to touch you freely and not feel hesitant about where his fingertips landed, but you knew that the middle of the street was not the best place to have him explore your body
"How'd you get here?"
Your hands snaked into his hair before you lips drew back to his again. The two of you spoke in between kisses that left you both breathless, separating only to answer the odd question and take in oxygen before going in for more.
"Uber. Franz wanted us to drink and have a good time. Figured driving wasn't the best option. "
"Smart...just not ideal right now...I want to take you home."
He grinned against your lips at your confession and his tongue danced with your own in a manner that made your pussy contract and your clit ache for attention because if he was this good at using it in your mouth, you could only imagine the way that he would use it on your cunt. Your mind began to race and your panties began to soak. Maybe you needed to slow down, but it was the last thing you wanted.
"Call for an Uber?"
"Intrusive and bossy." Harry joked as he opened the app on his phone, knowing full well he wanted to get you to a bed, a couch, a table for all he cared just as much as you wanted to be on one.
"It will be at the corner in 5 minutes. Should probably head that way."
You began to walk through the crowd following behind him but you were distracted as you watched him subtly readjust his cock in his jeans. It was enough to make you want to drop to your knees right then and there but you would take it slow, or so you told yourself.
He moved through the bar crawlers with ease, looking back to be sure that you were still following close behind him and when you made it to the corner he pulled you to him again. His hand crept slowly up your side, taking its time with barely there touches before it rested at the base of your neck momentarily. Harry's bottom lip drew in his mouth before his hand was on the move again, this time only going up far enough for his finger tips to rest at the nape of your neck while his thumb caressed your jaw. You could feel yourself standing on tip toe in order for your lips to meet his, but he playfully rejected you and pulled away chuckling just as a black sedan slowed and stopped near the two of you.
Opening the door, you slid in quickly followed by Harry and almost instantly you noticed his change in demeanor.
"For Styles?" The uber driver asked peering through the rear view mirror at the two of you only for Harry to drop his gaze to his lap and nod his head slowly. You vocalize a quick yes to the Uber driver before he starts with polite chit chat for the ride. Respectfully, you speak back the driver while simultaneously your hand slides up Harrys thigh and rests between his parted legs. When your pinky and ring finger discretely rubbed against his dick that was semi hard and tucked as best as it could be in his tight skinny jeans, Harry snapped his legs closed and grabbed your hand in his, holding it tightly.
You swallowed the lump in your throat hoping that your little tease hadn't ruined the mood before you spoke again.
"Damn. Probably should have told Anise and Franz that we were leaving." You were met without a response causing you to turn your head to look at Harry whose gaze had since gone out the window.
It took about ten minutes to get to the off campus apartments and it made sense as to why you didn't bump into Harry more often. When the car stopped you both got out and you thanked the driver audibly as Harry's only form of thanks was tipping him on the Uber app.
Harry fumbled with the keys until the door was opened and you followed behind him allowing you negative thoughts to begin their vicious torment.
You'd ruined the moment. Perhaps you were too forward? He doesn't even want you here now.
You followed Harry down the short hall to his room after removing your shoes and when his lips connected with yours again the biggest sigh of relief left your nostrils.
"What?" Harrys voice was barely above a whisper as if anything louder would cause the tension you'd just let go to rebuild.
"I thought I fucked up when I touched you in the car."
You kissed him again not appreciating the loss of contact as he backed you up further in his room. Your knees hit the edge of the bed and you sat down very much enjoying the eye to cock view before Harry took a seat next to you.
"That wasn't your fault. Nothing is ruined...It was just too quiet in the car. I got in my own head like I usually do and when you touched me I was just, kind of shocked."
A smile made its way on your lips and you kissed Harry, pushing him back on his bed as you did so.
"Shocked you, huh? I shock me too sometimes. Strong silent type like yourself, you must not get down that way. Must be pretty modest.” You spoke partially teasingly but mostly serious as you swung a leg over Harry's lap. The last thing you wanted to do was make him uncomfortable, but the way you could feel his cock under you as you lightly grind against the bulge tells you he was anything but that.
"You’d be surprised.” Harry chuckled at your teasing as his fingertips ran lines against any skin that he could get to.
"Would I?" You taunted him before your lips made their way to his ear, suckling at the lobe causing Harry to take in an unsteady breath while shaking his head yes.
You tugged at the lobe gently noting that it was pierced before you slid the tip of your tongue into his ear canal causing the most animalistic grunt to escape Harry's lips. His fingers tightened on your hips and it was sure to leave little crescent moon marks from his short finger nails on the skin that became exposed from the way you were stretched over him, but you didn't mind. He urged you down on his lap wanting to feel more but all you wanted was to hear that sound again.
"Should have asked you if it was okay before I touched you like that in the car." You whispered in his ear causing a shiver down his spine from the way that your breath tickled him. It was an ASMR response that made his dick rock solid now and you couldn't be more happy with the result.
"Can I touch you?"
Harry nodded his head, and normally you wouldn't push for vocalization, but in this case you needed to know that he was still okay.
"Please say? I want to hear you say it. I want to hear you always."
Harry held eye contact with you as he unzipped his jeans and grabbed your hand. He gently guided it to the outside of his boxers, but when he wrapped his hand around your own and had you gently squeeze his boxer clad cock your throat went dry.
"You don't have to ask, Y/N. I want you to touch me. I've wanted this for a while now, but I couldn't bring myself say it."
Your lips connected again as you stuck your hand in his pants. The weight of Harrys cock made you even more wet and you cursed yourself for deciding against the first skirted outfit that you put together for tonight that would have provided easier access. You pumped him hard enough for it to feel good but light enough as to not hurt him through fabric, much to Harry's moaning approval.
Your lips met with his once more and you continued to pump. Light pants filled the space of the room but the sound that you longed to hear the most hadn't been made again. Taking it a step further, you stuck hand beneath the band of his boxers.
His tip was wet with pre-cum and the skin of his dick was velvety soft in contrast to how hard he'd gotten. It was only then that you realized that your hand didn't fully close around the girth of him and the animalistic sound that you wanted to hear from Harrys throat now came from your own. He was going to wreck you and you couldn't wait.
"Jesus. It's always the quiet ones." You spoke you thoughts out loud causing Harry to chuckle and blush as he switched your positions on the bed.
You pulled him on top of you, slipping your hands under his shirt and feeling the warmth of his skin as your fingers splayed greedily over the surface of his back. Every muscle under his heated skin tensed and contracted as he moved above you, pulling away enough only to take off the shirt and discard of it. Waisting no time you took off your shirt as well allowing Harry’s eyes to roam over your naked breasts greedily before his lips pressed to the skin on your neck and made a trail downward.
You could feel your nipples tighten and erect as his mouth drew closer to the sensitive peaks. The warmth of his breath on the nub as well as his lips surrounding one as he groped the other caused your back to arch and your hands to grip at his jeans and boxers, pushing them down below his ass before your hand found his cock again.
Harry pushed into your hand moaning lightly as he did and it made your mouth water. You wanted nothing less than to suck him and hear what other sounds he would make. You almost went into sensory overload knowing that you were one of the assumingely few people that has ever heard them. The thought of it alone made you undeniably horny, so much so that you could smell your own arousal.
His lips dragged languidly lower with a combination of nips and pecks, making it feel as if jolts of electricity were being sent down your spine. You had no complaints in the direction he was going except that as he got lower and lower, you had to let his cock go.
He held eye contact with you as he pulled your jeans and panties down your legs, stopping just past your knees before he refocused his attention on your glistening wet folds. You were slightly embarrassed about how wet you'd gotten and this was just the start of it. Feeling mildly self conscious you opened your mouth to fill the quiet that fell, but before you could get a word out, your knees were at your chest.
"Hold these." Harry spoke in reference to your legs and you did as you were told, peering around them to get a look at the seemingly shy individual.
The street light from the parking lot provided the only light in the room, but it hit Harry just so allowing you to see that he was a man possessed. His pupils were blown and the sage that you would normally see was only a thin line around the dark of his eyes as he licked his lips and moved both of his hands to rest on the backs of your thighs rubbing them lightly.
Bringing one hand to your center so that his middle and ring fingers could collect the moisture that your pussy seeped out before he brought it to his lips to taste your wetness on those fingers was all you needed to know that this Harry and the quiet to himself Harry that you met in Chem Lab had to be two separate entities. His eyes closed as he sucked his fingers clean and before you knew it both of them were back inside of you causing your arms to tighten around your legs.
"You're so fucking wet. You get this wet all the time?" The sound your cunt made as Harrys fingers massaged your g-spot emphasized his point and you could only moan in response as your eyes rolled shut.
"Oh fuck!"
"Please say? I want to hear you say it. I want to hear you always." Harry used your words menacingly against you as he continued to stroke at the spongy spot within you that was sure to have you make a mess on his sheets. He grinned knowing that you could barely compose a thought let alone an answer to his question.
His fingers of his right hand continued to massage and edge you as his left removed your jeans aggressively. The clothing was tossed to the floor leaving you completely bare as he used his free hand to spread your knees wide before instructing you to hold on to the back of them again simply because, "I want to see how pretty that face is while I make you cum from just my fingers and mouth. Keep your eyes on me, Y/N. Can you do that?"
Your back arched and you legs shook under your hold when you felt his tongue on you clit, leaving open mouthed kisses and suckling on the bundle of nerves as his fingers continued to fuck into you. It was hard to keep eye contact but you did for the most part. It was only when your eyes would roll into the back of your head that Harry would verbally protest.
“Mm mm keep your eyes on me, Y/N. All the way until you cum. Pussy tastes so good, I'd hate to have to stop licking you out to tell you again."
Harry started again, flatting his tongue out on your clit and lapping it up before using the tip of his tongue to apply more concentrated pressure that you could no longer endure. Your vision blurred and your hands tightened behind your own knee caps as your orgasm shook you to the core. You were a moaning mess as you could feel your already wet pussy drip down your crack, surely a heady mix of your cum and Harry’s saliva as he continued to lap you up and ride out the aftershock with you on his tongue. You could barely breathe as your vision made a come back, blinking slowly and wiping the side of your weepy eyes as Harry wiped the cream that leaked from you cunt from the corners of his mouth.
You looked at him with your knees still tucked to your breasts, hoping that this wasn't it. You needed more from him and definitely wanted to give more to him. He sat back on is knees at the edge of his mattress with pre-cum dripping from the tip of his thick shaft, the noises you made while he tongued your cunt enough to edge him on.
Sitting up you stroked him, keeping the eye contact he asked of you as you did so. Dipping you head down you spit on the base and shaft of his cock before you took the crown of him between your lips, knowing full well that you wouldn’t be able to deep throat on the first go. While you sucked at his tip your hands worked his shaft, gently tugging and pumping up and down as you gradually lowered your mouth closer to his base.
His hand went in your hair, sure to muss it up as his jaw dropped and sinful moans escaped his chest. Drool fell from the side of your warm, wet, mouth and your eyes began to water as you pushed yourself farther down, taking his foreskin into your mouth and going from two hands jerking his shaft to now only one. You gagged as he hit your tonsils and your eyes widened wondering if you’d ever be able to take him all. He was nearly down your throat but you were only halfway down his rod.
The look feel and sound of him hitting the back of your throat was enough to send him into orbit, but Harry had other plans.
“Sss fuck! Y/N...baby...Fuck! I don’t want to cum this way. So good, but please you have to stop.”
You mewled at the sound of strained curses coming from his lips and it was enough to make you cum again. Pulling his cock out of your mouth, you kissed the tip of him, missing the feel of him down your throat already.
“Condom” you spoke demanding as Harry quickly reached in his drawer.
He tore the wrapper and slid it on as you grabbed the pillow from the head of his bed to support your own head and neck. Slapping his heavy cock on your clit was all he had to do to get you begging for him to fuck you, and you thank god it didn’t take much. The push of his dick into your your dripping wet cunt was a feeling of euphoria that you hadn’t experienced with anyone else that you’d slept with and your jaw dropped open as your body tried to quickly adjust to the welcomed intrusion.
“Fuck, Y/N.” Harry spoke before peppering kisses from your jaw to your lips, allowing you to compose yourself as best you could before he pulled out to his tip and delved back in. His hips rolled, thrusting his cock in and out of you deeply leaving you a mess with each movement.
“You feel so fucking good. I can feel your little cunt gripping my cock. Jesus fuckin Christ” All you could do was moan in response loving how vocal he was in the privacy of his own room while reveling in the warmth of your pussy.
“So fuckin wet, Y/N. You get so soaked for me, baby.”
“Yes! Oh my fucking God yes!” You finally could breathe enough to get a word in edgewise but it didn’t last long as Harry continued to fuck into you and speed up the pace. Moans and the sound of your bodies roughly connected echoed in the space of the room, and you were sure to wake the neighbors. Being too loud during sex was a thought that used to make you anxious before. You didn't want to disturb anyones peace, but currently you could give a fuck less who heard you as Harry railed you, causing your back to arch and your breasts to push into his chest.
“You’re so close. I can fucking feel it. I can fucking see it.” Harry spoke to you again causing a fire to ignite within you as you saw him look at his cock disappear and reappear in your folds. He was sliding in and out of you easily now as your wetness covered the inside of both of your thighs and the tops of his. His statement surely wasn't wrong.
“Come on Y/N...” Harry pleaded as his movements became more rugged repeatedly hitting a spot deep within you that made you see stars.
Your legs wrapped around his back tightly restricting his movement and pulling him closer as you came, leaving Harry not far behind. Your walls clenched and contracted around his cock making him cum thick spurts into the condom, moaning deeply as his movements slowed and then stopped completely.
The two of you laid frazzled on and in the messy sheets of Harry’s bed and a comfortable silence fell over the room again. Though you were thoroughly satisfied, you still had as many questions as you did earlier tonight, if not more now. You watched Harry reach into his drawer for his lighter taking a hit of the pre rolled joint before passing it to you and though you don’t normally smoke recreationally, having your back blown out you thought was justifiable cause to do so. Harry watched as your lips wrapped around the bud and your chest rose as you inhaled before putting it out and back on his night stand and though you didn’t want to spoil the moment you used your post orgasm bliss to and lightness of the room to delve deeper.
“I want to understand you better, if you give me the chance to. I hope that this wasn’t just a one night thing.”
Harry sat up on his elbow looking down at you with adoration and though he took his time to answer you, gathering his thoughts carefully, when he did respond you thought your chest would explode.
“You’re the one person right now that I want to understand me the most and for the first time in a long time, I feel comfortable with sharing.”
584 notes · View notes
meanscarletdeceiver · 3 years
Traintober Day 6: Favorite Place 🍃🌳🌿
Yeah, I'm barely making the deadline so I have no time to edit or rewrite this. That's Xtober, though.
Consider this the messiest of "sketches," in fic form!
Also, please enjoy some HCs I've sprinkled in here that will hopefully help to ease Rev. Awdry's eternal spinning in his grave. 💚
The fitters finished their work, and Henry sighed with deep contentment. It was a warm summer’s evening, and he didn’t miss the fire that his crew had dropped upon parking him in the yards. Letting his eyelids get as heavy as they liked, he settled the grooves of his tyres deeply into the tracks.
Sometimes, he thought, there is rest for the weary.
He thought about soaking in the sunset, then leisurely watching the stars come out. It was a real treat to know he did not have to wake the next day in the small hours before dawn. Perhaps predictably, he instead drifted off as soon as he had learned to tune out the fitters, the rolling stock, and the sounds of a distant purple tank engine cracking bad jokes.
He slept soundly and well, and that was lucky, for the following morning he found himself rudely awoken when a certain pannier tank buffered up to his front!
“Wha’the’ll…?” muttered Henry. Before he’d found his bearings, he was coupled up and Duck began to tug him forward.
It was scarcely any lighter than midnight blue, the points were set for them to exit the yard, and—oh, no—his fire was being built up again. Duck eyed him with his own special brand of wary, judgmental sympathy. “Mornin’, Henry…”
The green engine’s immediate response is not recorded for posterity. Suffice it to say, he was full of sleep and swears.
“Where?” was the first spellable word he spluttered.
“Oh,” said Duck innocently, “you know that new wait siding they’re putting in, near Kellsthorpe?”
“Hullo, Henry,” said the driver in his cab. He wasn’t Henry’s regular, and only vaguely familiar. “Cowfern here, ol’ Robby Cowfern. I think you’ll remember, we did the Easter trains last year. Up and at ‘em?”
“This is supposed to be my day off!” Henry wailed.
He heard the response he was all too familiar with in his life: unsympathetic laughter.
“The inspector said that you’re in tip-top shape,” said Cowfern, brightly. “Cleared you for work last night, ’n fact.”
“They barely looked me over!”
“They did the usual inspection.”
“Did they notice the clinker in my firebox? The build-up this terrible Polish stuff does to an engine—”
“Ah, actually, Inspector commended your crew for the excellent state of the firebox.”
“—and the squeak in my left cylinder—”
“Inaudible,” put in Duck. He tried with substantial yet limited success to keep a straight face. “Tough luck, Henry, but it seems the permanent way gang is down an engine today. There’s orders for us to send you.”
“You know how these things go, mate,” the driver said, patting the side of his cab. “Needs must and all that.”
“But WHY?”
His crew left Duck to explain that, and Duck needed a moment to wait patiently for the points to be set once more. He was steering Henry through rows of rolling stock that held supplies or that needed repairs of their own; they loomed as odd, threatening shadows in the pre-dawn mist.
Henry knew that the siding to the main line was still a bit away. It was hopeless to try to talk the entire railway out of this cockamamie plan, but then, when had he ever had hope?
As soon as Duck was clear, Henry hastened to make sure his question was not forgotten. “Ugh, idling about that old forest all day? What a waste of my abilities. Why not have Thomas do it! He’s always banging on about how he helped to lay the rails we run on. I can’t help but notice that lovely side of him never finds its way into those storybooks!”
“Thomas has his usual trains to run today, on a line far too light for you,” Duck reminded him. Yes, the Great Western engine was enjoying his upset a bit too much. As usual. “You’re the only engine available.”
“I am not available,” muttered Henry rebelliously, “as it’s my maintenance day.”
He’d scarcely ever had a maintenance day scheduled, just as an ordinary course of events rather than as a concession to some definite fault that required immediate attention. Life had become quite different on the railway, since the acquisition of both Donald and Douglas.
At least, it had seemed that it would become quite different.
He had been promised a day off.
And, he if needs must, surely he could do something better than this! It was both tedious and embarrassing, being stuck on maintenance. Henry had done more than his share of this sort of thing back in the old days, when his weak steaming often left him the member of the fleet who was easiest to spare for permanent way workings. Gordon and James had made plenty of commentary on it back then, and Henry was not looking for a repeat.
Much less to spend a load of time in isolation, stuck listening to other trains whoosh by on the main line.
No, thank you.
“Well, I should fill in for something more strenuous,” argued Henry. “Permanent way duty on the most boring stretch of the line? Sounds like a job for Douglas!”
“Funnily enough,” said Duck evenly, “he opined that it was a job for Donald.”
“And Donald,” the pannier continued, “said it seemed more like a job for Edward. And he—”
“Said it seemed like a job for Douglas?” Henry finished, voice dull. He was in no mood for mild ironies.
“No,” said Duck, “he said he thought you would probably enjoy it.”
“Oh, so I would, would I?” Henry’s brows knit as he scoffed.
It seemed to him that Edward must be slyly paying him out for past slights!
“You might,” said Robby Cowfern, piping his head out the cab window hopefully. “Change of pace and all that! You’ve never really seen the forest, have you?”
“Excuse me?” spluttered Henry. “I’ve never really seen the forest? I? I am a main line engine!”
“Yes,” grinned the driver, “but, see, those long patches of green rushing by? Well, when you actually stop, you’ll soon see that they are actually trees—”
“Thank you, I KNOW what a tree is!”
Henry’s anger had the effect of setting his fire to a sudden roar. Ironically, he was now by far readier to make the journey to the forest construction site than before.
“Yes, Henry, of course you do,” said Duck briskly… very briskly. Presumably, had he been less so, his lips might have twisted into the same laughter that the substitute crew had succumbed to, high within his cab.  “Well, Douglas has morning milk and then midnight goods, Donald is delivering coal to all branches, and Edward has his usual timetables. But they did say that they would swap, if you wanted.” Duck eyed him, as if to say Because they’re far too nice to you, really.
Still snorting smoke and indignation, Henry considered. He didn’t care to be out that late, not when he had the Flying Kipper the next morning. Coal deliveries were deadly dull. And branch line passengers were all dyed-in-the-wool Sudrians, and they were loony. Henry often felt the level of mayhem in his coaches lessen every time he let off passengers at a junction.
The fireman who had once scolded Henry about cocoa while Henry was lying on his side, off the rails, in multiple pieces—he lived and commuted from Brendam.
Enough said.
“Don’t the Works have a utility diesel?” the big engine demanded, a distinct whine in his sometimes commanding voice. “Why don’t they send it.”
Driver Cowfern took that one. “Ah, I hear that was their request—’no diesels’. Something about it being too loud, scaring the birds and wildlife and fings.”
“Oh, yes,” retorted Henry. “You know what they say, if you want peace and quiet, bring in a steam engine!”
Duck was compelled to crack a smile here, however disapproving of the cheek. The driver only laughed.
“You were inna bit better of a mood last time, mate. Y’know how loud their engines grind even when they’re idling. The conservationists they brought in reckon, anyway, the animals there have had decades to grow used to steam engines. The Pack—”
Henry groaned. Duck grinned, this time in full solidarity.
All the engines found the construction vehicles of the Packard Company rather tough to take.
“—is only sending a couple of their crew. They’re using as few machines as they can, and the least disruptive—“
“I’m disruptive!” Henry chimed in, hopefully.
“You’re to take a flatbed with Terence!”
Henry eyed the pannier tank skeptically. “Who?”
“Terence. The tractor. He’s based on a farm in Hackenback! I’ve met him before when I covered Thomas’s line. Very fine, hard-working machine. You’ll like him.” Duck’s enthusiasm died slightly towards the end, as he considered Henry with a dour look that seemed to imply Or else. “Trevor the traction engine is on this job, too!”
Henry knew Trevor mostly by sight and their acquaintance thus far extended to Henry’s learning one fact about traction engines.
They were the only thing in the world as slow as… well…
As slow as a permanent way train.
“How long is this job going to take?!” Henry’s whistle went off involuntarily.
“Relax.” Duck wasn’t smiling now. Clearly, he assumed Henry knew nothing about manners and was bracing himself for the start of an oily new feud that day at the job site. “At least a fortnight, but you’re only to be there for a couple of days.”
“Couple as in ‘two’ or couple as in ‘indefinitely’?!”
“Dunno. Ask the Fat Controller? C’mon, Henry. Do you expect to argue your way out of an assignment? Surely you’ve already found by experience that doesn’t work…”
Henry glared at Duck with his best imitation of Gordon’s thunder. (Duck did not appear abashed.) “I am not skivving out of anything,” he retorted, suddenly finding his sense of pride. “Believe me! If I wasn’t willing to go, you’d not be able to move me. It’s just,” he added, a plaintive note immediately destroying the dignity he had briefly managed to achieve, “it’s just the unfairness of the thing! I haven’t had a day’s rest in ages,” he added, pitifully.
And, surprisingly enough, for a moment Duck indeed showed a flash of pity. “You lot here are run a bit harder than most of British Railways,” he agreed, and then added briskly: “But buck up, Henry—it’s well worth it. There’s nothing like this place anywhere, and we’re well taken care of, for our trouble.”
“Our trouble as in you and me, perhaps,” said Henry, darkly. “I notice Gordon never gets stuck on these sorts of jobs… oh, he runs into ditches at the height of the season with a rush order to wheel, and then gets given royal trains to make him feel better about himself… but do you ever see him doing his share of—”
“Goodness gracious, Henry. That was before I even came here! When are you going to let it go?”
“Oh, I don’t know, Duck. When is he going to stop boasting about it?”
Duck had to crack another smile. “Not until you’re both grouchy, rusty, tender-less engines in the scrapyard—and pro'lly not even then!”
Henry groaned. “And thank you, Montague, for that image. Really cheers an engine up before a long day’s work, that does.”
But, ironically, it did. Duck whistled briskly at him as they were uncoupled, and Henry noticed how much the world had already lightened into a thoughtful silver-grey. There was a bit of a chill, but it seemed to promise that the day would be clear yet not too hot, and Henry was struck by the realization that it might in fact be a very beautiful one.
Terence turned out to be a polite yet sleepy tractor, as quite suited the ungodly early hour, and try though he might Henry could not take an instant disliking to him even after Duck shunted Terence’s flatbed in place.
Whoever this fireman was, too, he knew how to rekindle the dying spots and make a nice even flame. Henry sighed contented steam from his cylinders as they waited for the guard to finish inspecting their train—and then he caught himself.
He forced a lordly scowl, and then, finding his voice, made sure that everyone in earshot understood how ill-treated and put-upon he was, all the way to the construction site.
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k1nky-fool · 2 years
I'm that bitch. Been that bitch, still that bitch.
Devo- ❤️🌺🍃✂️💧💌🎭📖🙈
(obligatory) Maeko-❤️🍧⚾🎡💧💖
Rihzo- ❤️☕️⚾✂️❇️💧💖🙈
This took me 3 hours to complete, but damn, I love making these. Send me more!
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Devo - Her receiving and offering love language is Quality time. She doesn't care what she's doing, just that she's with the person she loves. In fact, usually it's best for her if Devo and her partner are doing separate things, just sitting next to each other for the sake of being near each other.
Mania - Her receiving love language is Acts of Service, but her offering language is Physical Touch. Mania had to figure out how to survive on her own very fast, and it's most impactful to her when someone wants to give her a hand when she needs it. Though, in order to let people know she acknowledges them, and cares for them, she prefers to offer a brief touch on the shoulder to let them know she's there with them, or on the more intimate side, run fingers through their hair or trace shapes along their skin.
Maeko - Her receiving and offering love language is Acts of Service. Maeko is a simple woman, she wants to help others with what they need, and for other people to return the favor. She feels most loved when someone helps her with something she could do on her own, but they just wanted to make life easier for her; she loves most when she wants to make someone else's life easier for them.
Minute - Ironically, with how little Mita talks, her receiving love language is Words of Affirmation. She likes when people get to the point, and the way she likes people to show they respect or love her, is by telling her exactly what they mean. When it comes to affection, it's the same: tell her you think she is beautiful, that she's kind, or that you just like her, and she's damn near putty in your hands. Her offering love language is Acts of Service, but she really likes Physical Touch for more intimate relationships. If she likes someone, she'll make sure to try making their life easier, but if she has fallen in love with someone, she'll make their life easier and find any reason to be I'm physical contact with them.
Rihzo - (wow, you really went and found an OC I hadn't even planned to write a fic about, but you thought of her, so I'm not complaining).
Rihzo's receiving love language is Receiving Gifts. Her favorite thing in the world is when someone brings her an object that reminds them of her. But her offering love language is Physical Touch; something about letting someone sit in her lap while she sketches tattoos, or brushing and braiding someone's hair is very intimate to her.
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?
Devo - She's allergic to some brands of perfume and cologne, and while she can name the brands, she has no idea what ingredient(s) cause it, so it's hit an miss with products she's unfamiliar with.
Minute - She's lactose intolerant, but she's also not a coward or a quitter.
🍃 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
Devo - Being very familiar and obsessed with the stars, she often goes down to the beach to stargaze and enjoy the night-time ocean scenery. Devo chose to study the stars because they were so far out of reach, and she wanted to solve every mystery about them.
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
Devo - Honestly, it takes very little for her to decide someone doesn't belong in her life. Devo has a habit, good or bad is for you to decide, of cutting someone off as soon as they become more of a burden than an acquaintance or friend. And she notices the shift very fast if it ever happens.
Rihzo - The thing with Rihzo, is that she very rarely lets people know where they even stand with her at any given moment. What the last straw is completely depends on what you notice first. She goes off vibes for the most part, and if she doesn't like the cut of your jib, she's cutting you out. When that happens in your relationship with her is entirely up to you.
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon - get ready for this to hurt, bitch.
(Warnings: arson, threatening of loved ones, death of a parent, graphic descriptions of scars (not SH), death by lung cancer from smoking.)
Devo - She burned down her own house in the Undercity because she didn't want anyone to be able to track her existence back there. Not a lot of good memories come from her time in the undercity, and destroying that nexus of horror for her was the only thing she could do to sleep at night, knowing nobody would ever find it and wonder about the girl that lived there.
Mania - She has to assume that her mother and brother were dead before the invasion of Earth ever began. The Lazarus commanders on Mars would often keep her quiet and in line by threatening to go after them if she said anything to the personnel outside Lazarus, or if she did anything to interfere with their research. But now, she realizes that they were probably dead less than a week after she was brought to Mars because that's when they stopped trying to contact her. She wanted to believe the Lazarus commanders just started blocking their messages, but she sees that as only the wishful thinking of an angry and scared prisoner.
Maeko - Her mother died when she was very young, and her father was married to his new husband only a few years after. While she loves both of her fathers, she can't help but wonder more often what her mother would say about her son. Would she like him? Would she spoil him rotten with all kinds of toys, sweets, and outings? Would she disapprove in any way? Maeko knows she'll never have the privilege of knowing what her mother was like or if she and Kazu are missing a truly beautiful part of life without her.
Minute - Mita has a lot of scars along her skin that she covers up with her long-sleeved shirt and long skirt. She has so many because she got hurt a lot when she was young, and was never taught how to stitch herself back up, only relying on anything she could figure out with a sewing needle, twine, and alcohol in order to stop the injuries from getting infected. So most of those scars are jagged and much bigger than the original injury because the wounds weren't properly cared for.
Rihzo - She picked up a smoking habit from her uncle that ran the tattoo shop before her. Despite the fact it's definitely what killed him, Rihzo can't seem to kick the habit, because doing so would be like kicking out the one part of herself she knows is most definitely from him.
💌 LOVE LETTER - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner?
Devo - Well, because Devo and Viktor are almost always on different schedules, they leave each other a lot of notes. The way they met was by Viktor leaving mathematical problems on a board for her to find and solve, so it's not like it's new to them. Though, Viktor gets creative; like, if she wants to know how long until he gets home, she must solve the math problem on the note to get the time. She likes to steal his notebook and leave little jokes at his wording or handwriting in certain spots, even correcting mathematical mistakes. They don't really write traditional love letters, but these are letters that show love.
Mania - She's never been the type to write a love letter, and she certainly never received one until Slayer gave her one. She supposes it's because he's literally old fashioned, but he also often has trouble conveying his thoughts and emotions through words. It's easier for him to write it down when he has a few tries to get it right, and she likes receiving them. It's nice to read exactly what she means to him when he might not be able to show it through his actions like he wants to, or if the words couldn't find their way from his brain to his mouth coherently.
Minute - More the type to write them than Vander is. Mita typically just doesn't have the courage to say it to his face, so she prefers to write it down and disappear before he starts reading it. Vander finds it fucking adorable, and she gets so flustered if he mentions something she wrote in there. Most of the time, he just tells her how he feels too. He's a lot better with speaking than he is writing, and Mita likes to hear him say it.
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
Devo - Most definitely. Devo trusts Viktor, and likes to poke fun at him. Their relationship definitely looks mostly platonic to someone that has a stereotypical image of romance, but they only really romantic in private. Something about Jayce just rubs her the wrong way, and it's not even about Viktor because she doesn't have any issue with how Viktor likes to spend his time, whether that's with her, Heimerdinger, Sky, or Jayce. She just has a personal problem with his vibes and acts like a feral cat whenever he tries to interact with her. Heimerdinger is a mentor to her, and she really just treats him like he's not a threat, with just a dash of going to him for advice. Grayson took on a motherly role for her when she got to Piltover, and she treats her like one might a parent. Mita and Vander are kind of like an aunt and uncle she visits sometimes. Strangers only ever see the surface level of her personality, like her the rigid neatness of everything she presents as herself.
📖 OPEN BOOK - do they like reading? what's their favourite genre?
Devo - As an academic, she really can't stop reading. Her profession usually involves books about astrophysics and whatnot, but in the time that Grayson was caring for her, she got a taste for true crime stories, and unsolved mysteries. Devo and Grayson would talk for hours about what it was like for Grayson to actually be in a similar case, or their theories for the unsolved mysteries.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
(Warnings: In Mania's there's a brief mention of abusive exes, but nothing explicit or graphic.)
Devo - There are many things that she does not want people to know about her. But the side of her that is most commonly hidden is her anger. Devo does not tremble in or dwell on fear. Her fight, flight, freeze response has completely been taken over by the fight option as complete rage sinks in. She has spent more than enough time in her life feeling scared and hurt, so when something offends her, or has the audacity to scare her, she shoves that anger in a bottle until the pressure is too much, and she might end up punching a motherfucker in the face.
Mania - She has a habit of giving a false sense of vulnerability to cover up the things that she's actually scared to open up about. For most people, talking about an abusive ex, or talking openly about their sex life is embarrassing or a difficult thing to do. Mania has no problem talking about stuff like that, and she uses the social connotation of the topics to hide what she's really afraid to talk about. She's terrified that if someone truly knows her, that they'll hate what they see, or that if she isn't useful, she'll be abandoned.
Rihzo - She absolutely hates even the vague feeling of someone feeling sorry for her. Rihzo doesn't want anyone to see her struggle, because she would spit that pity right back in their face. So she doesn't like to talk about her uncle. She won't ever really talk about her troubles and struggles. To Rihzo, it's her emotion to have, not theirs, so she just doesn't mention it. If word goes around that she's fallen on some hard times, she'll even go as far to play excessively loud music so people can't talk while she works.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
Mania - Hot drinks are easy to come by on a hellscape with plenty of fire, so her favorite drink is a cold beer. She has a preference, but it's not like she really has many options in a post-apocalyptic demon rave.
Rihzo - Hot coffee all the way. She's tried cold brews and they just taste wrong to her. Rihzo is also the kind of weirdo that doesn't add anything to black coffee.
⚾ BASEBALL - can they play sports? what is their best position if they play a team sport? what's their strong suit (speed, power etc.)?
(Warnings: my apologies for being American and saying "soccer")
Mania - I think I've mentioned in They Called Her Mania that she was a national parkour champion in high school, and competed as a hobby in college. She still uses those skills. As far as team sports go, the only one she really liked was Dodgeball. Something about getting rewarded for knocking the wind out of an annoying bitch with a playground ball was just so satisfying to her.
Maeko - She would hide this information with her life, but she was vice president of her school softball team in middle and high school. It was definitely a major player in her bisexual awakening too. But her strong suit was definitely running.
Minute - Mita never had the time for sports as a kid. And even now, her work doesn't allow for much playing at all. But if she has some spare time, she might play goalie for some of the kids playing soccer, because all you really need for it is a ball and two opposite lines.
Rihzo - Sports are a non-starter for Rihzo. She was artistic and reclusive as a kid, and she's artistic and reclusive as an adult. Girl probably wouldn't know a ball if it hit her in the face. Please don't try it, she likes her face bones where they are.
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
Mania - Twig. That baseball bat with all the nails in it is probably the most comforting object that has ever graced her life.
Rihzo - There's an old rusty coin that's kept on the lip of the cash register at her tattoo shop. Someone gave them a counterfeit silver coin, and her and her uncle only found out because he spilled a bunch of orange juice all over the register. The two got to calling it "Ol' Rusty" and never got rid of it. Some of the buttons on the thing still stick, and honestly, Rihzo thinks that if she tried to pick up the coin, it either wouldn't come off or it would take a chunk of paint with it.
🍼 BABY BOTTLE - what are their thoughts on children?
Mania - She knows the possibility for kids is there. She might even want some one day. But if the opportunity were to come now, she would have a choice to make. Either she terminates the pregnancy and waits for a better and safer time to raise a child, or she has the baby because she won't get another chance. She could go either way and her opinion is somewhat influenced by who might raise the child with her and their willingness to have a family, but Mania just wants to be prepared for either outcome. In the end, it's always a choice for her.
Minute - Mita is not really comfortable with the idea of being pregnant, so having biological children is just immediately out of the question. Though, she does love kids, and adores listening and talking to them, and she always tells kids how to find her if they need help and need a trustworthy adult. Mita would defend any child with her life, and in that way, she's basically already a mother figure to many wayward kids in the undercity.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Maeko - Her dads have kept some of her awards and memorabilia from her softball days in school, and many photo albums of her childhood, but Maeko herself doesn't really keep anything. Not that she doesn't want her stuff, but she has given Kazu a toy boat one of her dads made when she was little. She's amazed it hasn't gotten lost in any of their various moves.
🎡 FERRIS WHEEL - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
Maeko - Yes, deep down she is a hopeless romantic, that would melt into a giggling mess for something as cute as this.
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover?
Maeko - She thinks she's subtle, but her skills in leaving out certain truths to avoid lying does not translate well into her love life. She tries to do little things to show love, but in her romantic life, she tends to go above and beyond, leading to it being somewhat showy and quite obvious what she's doing.
Rihzo - She actually is subtle. If you're already her lover, her asking to put a small tattoo on you just to experiment might not set off any romance alarms, but you probably already know it's just an excuse for her to be touching you for long periods of time. Is she just tired or is she purposefully falling asleep on your shoulder? Did you have something on your face, or was she just making up an excuse to hold you by the chin for a moment? You will never know, but what you do know is that Rihzo loves you.
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Hi , can I get a matchup for marvel , lotr/the hobbit , narnia and hp ( with a male ) ? . I'm a girl with brown wavy hair and brown eyes , I'm midsize , an ambivert , INFP , Gryffindor , curious , creative , brave , compassionate , clever , homey , funny , loyal . However , I can be a bit stubborn sometimes . I'm very protective of my loved ones . I'm bilingual. I like adventures ,reading , writing ,stargazing ,the smell of the rain and Christmas time.Take all the time you need and THANK YOU !💞
Hello dear thanks for requesting 💖
For marvel I ship you with:
Thor 🌩️
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- the man loves your personality you are brave at heart and honest he fell for you after you joined the avengers. He started to act nervous and couldn't help but stare at your beautiful figure.
- your the bravest person there is and compassionate even being friends with Steve the first time he met you. Mind you Thor can get jealous of Steve at times because you guys are a little too close.
- your a agent working for Sheild when on missions he would often try to protect you. This can lead to Loki even trying to kidnap you. He says your like his brother in many ways.
- the man is just a giant bear to you. Hugging you is something that'll end up with him overtaking you. He loves you a lot.
- when you and Thor try to go out in secret it usually involves Natasha trying to figure out why your interested. She thought you were a spy but later she accepted you.
- adventures would involve him taking you beyond asguard, Stargazing would involve him talking about the stars with you, he would spend his days inside your house cuddling you as it rained and he would spend Christmas with you.
- your marriage would be on the helecarrier with the rest of the team cheering you on. You helped him after jane dumped him. Your child is a demi god being the next heir to the throne. They would have Thor's hair and your brown eyes with the sense of adventure.
- your theme song:
For Narnia I ship you with:
Edmund pensieve ✨
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- he would often fall for your bravery despite himself being mean at first. He wasn't the most kindest but through you he became someone of passion and commitment or love.
- he would try to fight for you thinking of you as you bravely fight back anyone who hurts your man.
- he would travel on many adventures with you being the kind man he is. He would let you ride around on the horse.
- you would teach him about stargazing since he doesn't know it very well. You would lay there in the forest pointing out the stars of Narnia.
- he would often spend time with you trying to impress you with every bit of strength he can.
- your wedding is in Narnia whether you choose to stay or leave. You would be the queen and he would be your king. Your child would also be of royalty whether they choose to stay in Narnia or leave. They would have brown hair and his eyes.
- your theme song:
For lotr/the hobbit I ship you with:
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- he is the prince of elf's knowing you he fell in love with your confident, kind personality he was stunned their and then. You have reached out to him knowing humans aren't all that bad.
- you taught him about the stars and the night sky. You note that the world is bigger then he thinks legalos was fascinated by you since then.
- your brave and he would teach you how to shoot an bow and arrow. You would be a fine archer with skill although occasionally you prefer a soward.
- your his queen standing up for your rights and family having known the forest you prefer to train within it.
- he would propose to you by the forest and his father would think your worthy due to your bravery he admires you.
- your wedding would be by the castle as your crowned a queen. He would be in your debt loving and adoring you. Your child would be a human elf hybrid. With his blonde hair and your brown eyes they are the perfect archer. They are the next in line of the throne.
Your theme song:
And for the last one for Harry potter I ship you with:
Fred Weasley🎉
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- your brave at heart and this boy loves you for it your his ideal fit of a perfect woman. Everything you have is beautiful your personality and looks is what he's attracted to.
- you have the perfect gift of being a bird animagous. You taught yourself how to become one after Fred helped you.
- you were a powerful, proud Gryffindor witch you knew everything from head to toe. Your even a seeker on the team above Harry's year.
- you often complimented Fred after every quidditch game he would gaze at you. He would even try to flirt with you often acting goofy.
- the Weasley family would adore you, you have the good morals which means they would accept you for who you are.
- Molly would treat you like a second daughter, your best friends with ginny and Goerge even admits he would've dated you. Arthur Weasley loves your curiosity for the muggle world.
- the Malfoys despise you Draco would attack you with hexes every moment he gets. Fred would defend you although you got your pay back by punching him defending your friends.
- you would go on adventures around on the broomstick even trying to fly higher at one point with fred.
- your marriage was at the Barrow Molly picking out your dress and you being in love with fred. Your child would be a half blood with his hair colour and your brown eyes. They are sorted into Gryffindor.
- your theme song:
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta💫
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