#it is he. the boy lucky enough to be apart of a beloved trio because i probably wouldnt do this much for him otherwise.
chidoroki · 6 months
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March 21st - Happy Birthday Norman - ft: his tvtropes
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
Day 2: Truth or dare
Bench trio my beloved XD And so day two begins! This one is actually going to come back in a different day to be finished,,, but you’ll have to see which prompt it’s for. hehehe Again, the only warnings I can think of are teasing and this one in my mind is irl. 
“Truth or dare”
Tubbo debated the question for a moment. He was playing with Tommy and Ranboo, so no matter which he chose there was bound to be trouble, he was just doing damage control at this point. “Um,” He wondered out loud, the two boys beaming at him while they waited for his answer. 
He tried to think about it logically, Tommy had been the one to ask and so far he’d given out the worst dares, plus he was already looking for revenge from where Tubbo made him drink a little bit of every drink they had all put into one glass. It hadn’t been pretty, but he and Ranboo thought it was funny. So not dare then, “I’ll choose truth.”
Tommy deflated a little at that, though Ranboo still waited excitedly to see how things would turn out. “Alright,” the youngest of the trio whined, “I want you to tell me your biggest weakness then.”
“What, like a fatal flaw or some shit?” That wasn’t that bad, Tubbo thought. He could just say something along the lines of impulse buying or overthinking and be on with it. Would that count as ego, or be different. People always said they were vain, but what all did that mean?
Tommy shifted to sit up properly, hands flying while he talked. “No! Like, like your biggest weakness man. How can I take you down in a fight, because I can guarantee we are going to fight before this night is over Big Man. I want to know what strats to use.” 
Tubbo quirked an eyebrow at the declaration, and off to the side, Ranboo snorted into his hand. “I am pretty sure I could take you in a fight, Tommy.” He said though Tommy wasn’t looking at him anymore. Instead, he was squinting at Ranboo with a decidedly suspicious look. 
“What, have you got something you want to say then Boo Boy?”
Ranboo shook his head, smiling against himself. “No, I was just thinking about a, um, a tactic to take Tubbo down.”
That right there was when Tubbo should have known things weren’t going to go his way, but he didn’t make the connection to what exactly Ranboo was thinking of yet. Tommy rounded on him, holding him by the shoulders as he interrogated him. “How? You have to let me know, Ranboo. Have you seen him? He’s jacked, but I have to fight him, it’s the only way. Did you see the Buffbo pictures on Twitter, I don’t stand a chance. Please, please, please, tell me! I don’t want to have my ass beat Ranboo, I’m too pretty and funny for that.”
Ranboo laughed along with his ramblings, but in the end, agreed to lean down and share his secrets. If Tubbo didn’t think things were about to take a turn before then, seeing how Tommy’s smile lit up and his eyes went wide would have clued him in. 
“Oh ho ho, Tubso, is that true?” Tommy asked in his ‘All-knowing big man’ voice. 
Tubbo knew he was probably screwed, and started to inch away from the duo, but he didn’t know what exactly they were planning. “Is what true?”
“It’s okay, actually. I want to test it out myself.”
Tubbo tried to stand up, but Tommy collided with him before he could even make it off the couch. Immediately Tommy’s hand found his side and started squeezing. 
Tubbo kicked out and shoved at Tommy, but couldn’t manage to force him away. Ranboo was a traitor he decided! “No! Tohommy! I whihill kihill you.”
“Ohho! You were right Ranboo, this is perfect.” Tommy cooed, “Is Tubbo a little bit ticklish then? I am so going to take advantage of this information.”
Tubbo grabbed at Tommy’s wrist and shook his head. “Youhu’re twice as bahad.” he called out. He’d seen Wilbur absolutely destroy Tommy on more than one occasion, it was pretty funny if he said so himself. 
Tommy’s cheeks tinted pink and Ranboo laughed at him in the background. “Oi! Shut it, no I’m not. I just need to find your spots first.”
Tommy shifted around with a renewed interest, moving on to squeeze at Tubbo’s hip, and smiling evilly when the older teen kicked out. “Hey, don’t kick me Bitch! Does that mean this is a bad spot? Ranboo, Ran-boo, tell me what his worst spots are.”
Tubbo whipped his head around to glare at Ranboo, though it didn’t look quite as deadly as he wanted with his bubbly laughter. “Naha, he-he’s nehext,” he threatened. If Ranboo thought he could spill Tubbo’s secrets without getting it back at him then he was mistaken. It seemed to have landed because Ranboo visibly weighed his options.
“He’s probably going to get it next no matter what, now tell me, or else I won’t go easy when it’s your turn.”
Ranboo curled in on himself a little already, but it wasn’t much of a decision anymore. “That’s- okay. I won’t tell his worst-worst spot, but you should try going a little lighter at first, it makes him melt and relax more, then come in with harder ones later.”
“Trahatoir! TOhohmy No!”
And suddenly Tommy’s fingers were fluttering around his waist and Tubbo was lost in a sea of giggles. His eyes squinted with how much he was smiling, which only made it worse because he couldn’t see what was happening. “Tohohmmehey!” He squealed, still trying to kick at the boy and push him away. “Rahanboho why!”
“Oh that’s good,” Tommy says, looking over to Ranboo as if he didn’t have Tubbo starting to fall apart under his fingers. “I can already tell this works a lot better. Are you sure you don’t want to tell me what the best spot is? It might make things better for you when it’s your turn.”
Ranboo wrapped his arms around himself and shook his head, “I’m already going to get it bad from Tubbo, I don’t want to make it any worse.” he said with a tiny laugh.  
Tommy grunted, clearly not pleased with Ranboo’s self-preservation. “Okay then, your funeral. I’ll just have to find it on my own then unless you want to let me know Tubbo?”
Tubbo shook his head, like hell he was doing that. “I’m nohot going to hehelp yohou!” 
“Fine! How about here then?” Tommy huffed in half-hearted frustration, it was obvious he was still having fun with this. “What’s your Tub-belly like?” He slowly moved his hands closer and closer to Tubbo’s stomach, watching how he grew more and more giggly and squirmy the closer he got. 
Tubbo couldn’t form words even if he wanted to, they came out much more like babbles than anything else. His hands found Tommy’s wrists and clung loosely. “Awee, look at him Ranboo! Isn’t he so cute, this must be a good spot then. Tub’s got a ticklish tummy? You’re so giggly and shit, how did I not know about this before?”
His cheeks flushed bright pink at the comments, they really weren’t necessary, he thought. Tommy seemed content to just stay there though and piled on the taunts. If there was one thing he had learned from Wilbur, it was that sometimes words are more efficient than anything else.
By the time Tubbo had completely melted into the couch cushions Tommy was exploring again, though his attack seemed to be tapering off. He gave a quick flutter up at Tubbo’s neck, not bothering to try to hold his head in one place. He could just flutter his fingers under his chin or on one side of his neck to get him to move how he wanted him to. He didn’t fully stop until after he had hit a spot behind Tubbo’s ears that made him start shaking his head again trying to get away, a shift from the lazy head turns and scrunches.
“Okay, okay. That’s enough for now. Count yourself as lucky that we still have to get Ranboo tonight too so I can’t have you too tired. Hey Ran- Ranboo?”
Tubbo peeked through tired eyes and looked over to where the other boy had been perched on the couch the entire night only to find him missing. 
“Ranboo? Oh, that bitch! Come on Tubbo, get up, up, up! He’s escaped. Oh ho ho, he’s so in for it now. Oh Ran-boo, we’re coming for you!”
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palaceofpassion · 3 years
Breaking Ren Ch. 2
Not for the light of hearted!
Warnings, forced feminization, spanking, mean spirited talk.
“MMMmmm♥  You’re amaaazing~”   “Oooh Jaune~!♥”
“Mmmph~  Not Nearly as MMmph~ Amazing as you Pyr~”
As the light of day peered into the room of team JNPR, two bodies rocked back and forth.  Hands held together as their lips met one another.  The leader knight and his beloved champion paused, their hearts filled with love and warmth as they peered into one another’s eyes.
With every consecutive thrust, every time their lips met little pecks here and there, his heart swooned.  He really was lucky to have her, he’d make sure to never take her for granted.
Pyrrha watched the boy of her dreams, the one who hadn’t known who she was, the one that helped her belong and made her feel loved.  There were few who understood just how wonderful he was, and honestly at this point?  They were just missing out.
“Mmmm~ OooOH Jaune~  I’m so close♥”  She felt his fingers lace and lock with hers, through his palms she felt his pulse, felt his breath, they were in sync as one.
“MMmm me too Pyr, I’m almost there~”  The two continued to move, their hips bucking in rhythm with one another.  Their bodies rocked and jerked in unison.  Both of them felt the powerful burning sensation at the pit of their cores.
“OOoOOH!”  Together they came, Pyr’s pussy quivered, her juices squirting from her core.  Jaune’s cock twitched, pulsed and convulsed as his cum erupted.  Both of them groaned as the felt their respective orgasms hit a fever pitch, relaxing as they finally came to a conclusion.
“I love you Jaune~  I love you so much~  You’ve brought me so much joy, more than any other person has ever done~  Because of you I’m not alone, I’m not someone's idol, I’m just yours.”
“Pyr~  I feel the same way, I owe you my life.  You’ve been there for me, when no one else was, when I didn’t believe in myself you did.  I love you so much.”  Once more the two lovers pressed forward, their lips meeting, a passionate kiss was shared between them.
Only to be interrupted by the stifled sobs of the individual on the bed next to theirs.  Nora had nearly broken down, her mouth gagged with Jaune’s used underwear, her arms bound by powerful dust controlled cuffs meant to hold her in place.  She sobbed as she watched her teammates, two people she thought were friends, currently use the love of her life as if he was nothing but a toy.
Her eyes clenched tightly, the last week had been hell for her and Lian.  While she did her best to hold on, Lian had almost completely stopped, he didn’t fight or struggle but he didn’t give into their demands.  He simply used his semblance to mute himself.  Even now he did his best to hold on, his anus filled with Jaune’s thick seed, a constant occurrence nowadays.    His face was currently buried in Pyrrha’s ass, forced to pleasure her as she and Jaune shared an intimate moment.
“Nora… stay quiet, you’re ruining this…”  Jaune turned to her, a part of him hurt, watching his normally bubbly teammate so down.  But she had to learn, he needed to train her, and using Lian was the best way.  “You just keep there, looking pretty okay?  Enjoy my boxers, after all, it’s the only taste of a real man you’ll ever get.”  He released a low hearty chuckle, followed by Pyrrha’s sweet giggle.
“It’s not all that bad Nora, Jaune’s got an excellent taste~”  Her voice was low and husky, her eyes glancing back to her beloved who gave her an appreciative look.
Before they could get back to it, the alarm went off.  Both eyes turned towards the Alarm, ah it was about time to get ready.  “Right well… time this day started.”
“Awww~  Okay.  You get a shower first okay?”  Jaune smiled and nodded, pulling out of Lian.
A thick glob of cum oozed out of his constant gaping ass, “Well I’ll go get Lian ready too then~  Someones gotta get him looking pretty for the day, and I’m obviously the prettiest one here~”  Pyrrha rolled her eyes at her beloved’s sarcasm, though… he wasn’t wrong.  Hopping off of their gasping toy she took the time to appreciate Lian’s new look.  Apparently Jaune’s cum was something intense, Lian had somehow become even more feminine lately.  His waist had slimed, his muscles had begun to diminish, and his face had become smoother, more round.
Pyrrha watched as Jaune tugged on Lian’s collar, pulling the leash they had gotten for specific in dorm use.  They weren’t quite ready to make Lian’s treatment public just yet.
As the boys entered the bathroom; Pyrrha turned her attention to Nora.  She moved towards her smaller friend, removing Jaune’s boxers.  “There we go~”
“W...h...y?”  Pyr watched as Nora began to sob, her eyes red from her fresh and old tears.
“Why what dear Nora?”  Tilting her head she gave Nora a questioning look.  “Why Lian’s being punished in your place?”
“He’s not Lian!  He’s Ren!  My Renny!”  Pyrrha simply shook he head as she gently stroked the ginger’s hair.
“No, that’s not right Nora.  You had your chance, Jaune gave you so many to just behave.  But you spat on his good will.  And well, Lian let you get away with everything, so as Jaune’s said, Lian had to be punished.”
The two paused as loud grunts and thumps started to go through the bathroom.  “Oh my~  Jaune just can’t help himself, he’s got such vigor~♥”
“Whyyyyyy....”  Nora struggled against her restraints, “I… I thought… I thought we were friends.”  She felt gentle arms wrap around her, pulling her into a tight hug.
“Oh Nora~  Of course we’re friends~  Just now… now Lian’s our toy too.  You have to understand, it’s her place, and she’ll be happy once she realizes that.  Besides~  you two would have never worked out.”
Nora felt fear as Pyr continued to stroke her hair, where had the kind Pyrrha gone?  Why were they doing this!  She didn’t want them to treat her so badly, she missed her old team!
“Don’t worry~  I’m sure Jaune will let you join one day, you’ll be our pretty little toy too~  You’ll get to have his babies!  Oh it’ll be so wonderful!~”
Fear seized Nora, she didn’t want that!  She wanted Ren’s children!
“Come on, let’s get you ready~.”  She felt a gentle kiss against her chee as Pyrrha stopped restraining her with her semblance.  The old Nora would have jumped at the chance, but she was just so tired, she hadn’t been sleeping and she was mentally and emotionally exhausted.
She followed Pyrrha as the boys finally came into the dorm.  Ren was once again dressed up in a girls uniform… one that they had made for him.  It fit his new curves well, his hair was tied to the side again, and his slim face was far more appealing.  Nora hated herself, she realized how good Ren looked as a lady.  She glanced at Ren’s skirt, knowing full well that Ren was going commando, Jaune didn’t allow Ren to wear underwear in the case he needed a nice quickie.
Though… to her confusion she noticed jaune hadn’t been wearing  clothes.  His cock free and hard still, he watched as he grabbed Pyrrha and her by the hands pulling her in.  “Hey Lian!  We’ll be back in a while, going to show Nora what a man can do.”  Fear, absolute fear filled her heart as she stared at Ren, whose face was filled with terror, and hurt.  But she watched as he used his semblance to mute his emotions, he wasn’t going to help her…
Ren was doing his best!  It’d been so hard since they started mistreating him, they’d been using him as their personal toy for all their twisted pleasures.  He wasn’t even sure if they’d had sex yet and were just using him.  He hadn’t given in, he wouldn’t, but as he watched Nora get dragged away, powerless to fight against his situation he felt his heart sink.  No… they couldn’t take Nora from him, she was the last thing keeping him together.  He felt his semblance activate automatically, a form of defense he’d been using recently.  His heart broke as he watched her teary eyed expression.
The door closed with a loud thump, he felt fear in his hearts as loud moans filled the bathroom.  Crawling to his bed he moved into a fetal position, he hadn’t broken yet and he definitely wouldn’t now.  But he still felt hot tears flowing from his eyes.
Nora’s breathing became ragged, her pulse erratic and her skin began to crawl.  She was currently pinned between Jaune and Pyrrha, both of which were much taller than her.  Her face was buried between Pyr’s impressive bust.  Though, what scared her was the thick rod that was currently resting in the cleft of her ass.  She felt it pulse, heat radiating from the meaty shaft, panic filled her as she tried to cry only to realize there were no more tears.
“Don’t worry Nora~  You’ll love this.”  She felt Jaune’s hands at her hips, his cock repositioning itself in the gap between her thighs.  She felt his hips move.
“No please… please Jaune, I want Ren to be my first, pleeeease.”
“Now Nora~  You know Lian can’t give it to you, she’s just not big enough.  But me?”  She felt heat between her thighs, something was prodding at her entrance, her outer lips splitting apart.  “Me I can give it to you, all of it.”  She felt his voice, hot against her ear, he pulled back and her grip on Pyrrha tightened as she prepared herself.
Instead of something piercing her though, she felt the veiny rod slide across her quivering pussy.  The head bumping and rubbing against her clit, shivers of pleasure and disgust went through her body.
“Mmm~  You feel so good Pyr~”  She felt the two above her move, pressing her against them tighter as they began to kiss.  They were using her but not using her, this was horrible.  Was this how Ren felt?
She did her best to stifle her moans, but everytime Jaune quickened, his pace becoming rapid, she lost a little of her resistance.  By the end she was moaning loudly, her body betraying her as she felt Pyrrha’s lips against her neck, biting down on her.  Jaune’s hands had moved grabbing and plying at her ample bust.
Being the least experienced of the trio she orgasmed first, it so happened to be the strongest one she’d ever had.  “MMMOOOOOOOOOH GAWWWWD!♥”  Shame filled her body as she wailed loudly, but even then Jaune didn’t give up, his thrusts constantly sending pleasure through her body even as she went limp.
This continued for a few more minutes, she’d lost count as her mind blanked, she was so tired.
By the end of it, she was on her knees covered in Jaune’s thick seed, afraid that it’d scald her flesh.  Her orange hair was covered in white, and her face was drenched in his scent.  She hated it, she hated it so much!  She wanted Renny, she wanted her Renny to hold her.  This was absolutely awful.  ♥
She felt Jaune draw closer to her,  “Heh~  Don’t worry, I’ll let Lian take one thing from you at least.”  Joy, that was good!  Ya… they still cared right?  She was just tired, but she wasn’t broken.  She wouldn’t break, not ever, a defiant flame rising in her heart.  She’d save her Renny, and they’d be away from these two monsters.
She felt their hands all over her body as they washed her, toyed with her, prepared her for the day.
As the trio came out of the shower Jaune watched Ren bowled over on Nora’s bed, his body was completely grey, obviously from his semblance use.
Making his way over, Jaune raised his hand, giving it a good SLAP , this caused Lian to come to attention.
Ren’s eyes glanced over to Nora, his fears seemingly confirmed as he noticed how exhausted she was.  So they did it… they’d taken Nora’s first.  He felt another part of him crumble.
“Alright, enough moping, come on let’s get going.”  He felt Jaune pull on him, forcing him to his feat.  He followed mutely behind Jaune, though he noticed Pyrrha specifically kept him away from Nora.
As the four members of JNPR began to exit the dorm, they ran into the members of RWBY.  Ruby had been having trouble keeping the rest of her pets under control, Weiss, Yang and Blake had all become more defiant, and it was obvious she was tired.
“Hey Rubes, you alright?”  He could hear the sounds of faint buzzing, at least they hadn’t rioted just yet, but it looked like she could use some help.
“Yeah, just tired, these three are such a pain to handle.”  Ruby paused as she stared back to Jaune, “Hey Jaune?”
“Ya Rubes?”
Jaune noticed Ruby’s hands which began to twirl around one another, “Can you… can you help me train them?”
Jaune cocked an eye as he looked at his meek friend, he noticed the dash of red on her cheeks.  Pyrrha noticed it as well, a grin on her face as she elbowed her lover.  “Ya, ya we’ll help you.  Might as well get our pets tamed right.”
“Tamed?!  Pets?!  You indignant bastard, what do you think we are!?”  Jaune didn’t say anything instead turning to Ruby, even as Blake drew closer, he noticed the scowls that on Weiss and Yang as well.
Turning to Ruby he patiently asked, “Ruby?  Do I have permission to discipline your pets?”
Blake was cut off by Ruby’s fervent nodding.  “Yes please!  They’re so terrible!”
The remaining members of team RWBY looked at their leader, shock apparent in their eyes.
“Like this idiot could even…”  Weiss was quickly silenced however.
Both her and Blake stared at Jaune, each holding onto a different cheek.  “Both of you will be QUIET!  Do you understand me?”
Yang was about to say something, step forward when she felt the vibrator in her pussy strengthen.  Pyrrha had felt it earlier, their little toys had been made of metal, something Ruby had probably done intentionally as she was currently smiling at Pyrrha.  “UHHGGGG YOU BASAAASTARD!”
Jaune made haste, grabbing Yang by the hair and pulling her close, “You will be quiet, do you understand me?”  If he had been paying attention to his beloved and his red headed friend, he would have noticed their faces turning crimson at his domineering tone.
“Let me Go you BASTARD!”  She was about to strike him when she was suddenly pulled into an Armlock, Pyrrha had moved already pinning Yang to the ground, applying pressure to her back.  “OW OW OW STOP PLEAsE!”  Aura was great, but it wasn’t so great when it came to being held.
As for Blake, she’d barely been coming through from her shock, though that ended once she felt Jaune’s hands against her ears, her faunus ones.  Fear filled her chest as the ribbon that hid her ears was stripped off.  “You… you will show your real ears, you’re just a pet, not a person.”  She was about to say something else when she heard a click.  Turning to Ruby, she had noticed she was recording this.
“Sorry Blake, but you’ve caused us the most trouble, you need this.  Now be a good girl.”  Blake was about to say something else when she felt Jaune’s hands at her waist, underneath her skirt.  Pulling down she felt him strip her panties off, with a tug he simply tore them from her posh rear.
“Pet’s don’t need their underwear.  Pyr?”
“Take Yang’s.”  Yang began to panic as Pyrrha wasted no time tearing her pure white panties from her plump bottom.
Blake was about to pounce on Jaune once more when she felt the vibrator’s power increase, turning to Ruby she saw her with the remote in hand.  Strength left her as she used the wall to balance herself, before she could compose herself once more.
She felt four powerful slaps across her bare ass, “AYEEEE!”  They were hard and painful, strong enough to draw tears from her eyes.
“You, will, listen.”  She whimpered softly as she nodded her head.  Jaune pocketed both her panties and the ribbon.
Turning to Weiss he saw her freeze, before he could do anything she gave up.  She’d never been hit before, and honestly she had mixed feelings.  On one hand it hurt, on the other though… “I’ll… I’ll get them myself.”
Jaune watched as she slipped her panties off, a pleasant white color.  Weiss flinched as Jaune’s hand came close to her face again.  “Good girl…”  She felt his hand rub against her cheek, scratching her gently.  She nodded.
“Well we have to go to class, I doubt this will keep them calm, but when everything’s done with the day we’ll get to training our pets okay Ruby?”
Rubbing a streak of red from her nose she nodded.  “Good let’s get going.”
And the group followed behind, Jaune, Ruby, and Pyrrha leading the way.  Weiss, Ren, and Nora just behind them, and Blake and Yang behind them.  Only four people seemed to be in a semi good mood that morning.
Glynda smiled as she watched her students pile out of her class.  After her previous talk with Mr. Arc and Ms. Rose, their teams have been rather well behaved.  With that said, she wasn’t blind, she’d seen the changes in their teams demeanor.  From Miss Nikos sparklingly face, to Miss Valkyries downcast demeanor.  The way that Xiaolong and Belladonna seemed unable to stay still, to Schnee’s oddly pleasant look.  Though, what caught her attention was Ren’s change in clothing and continence.  She hadn’t been the only one to notice, as she’d seen several boys, and even some girls eyeing the young man.  Well young woman it seemed, she wasn’t one to judge.  Though, she had a feeling that the change hadn’t been one of their own choosing.
She watched as the leaders of both teams seemed to hold themselves a little higher, their teams muting whenever they received their glances.  A small smile touched her lips, so they had taken her talk about discipline seriously.
As the day came to end she noticed only Rose, Xiaolong, Arc, and Valkyrie stayed.
“You two know what to say.”  It was Arc who spoke these words.
Glynda watched as Xiaolong and Valkyrie approached her, Xiaolong seemed angry but muted.  Whereas Valkyrie seemed emotionally tired.
“We’re Sorry Ma’am.”  Oooh~  This was pleasant.
“I see… well so long as you learned your lesson.”  Both girls nodded and waited.
“Alright!  Let’s get going!”  Ms Rose was the one to take command this time, the two girls nodded and followed her out.
“Actually~  Mr. Arc, Ms. Rose can you stay behind?”  Both students stared at each other in confusion, though they relented and sent their teammates on ahead.
“I’ve noticed the change in your teammates.  Don’t think I don’t know what’s going on.”
She watched as her young pupils froze, fear obvious in their face.
“Now now, I’m not going to scold you, in fact.  Good job.”
“E...excuse me?”  It was Mr. Arc who broke the silence.
“You’re doing exactly what needs to be done, both of you have done praise worthy work.  Though… it seems that you’re still ‘training’ your teammates.”
Once again the students paused, Rose was the one that answered next.
“Yes… ma’am… Jaune’s going to help me ‘discipline’ my team a bit more.  They’re still a little unruly.”
Glynda nodded, she knew how difficult it must be for the younger girl to keep her team under control.  With a smile she pulled out a receipt.
“Here you go, this is for both of you.  I noticed the changes early on but I wanted to make sure first.  This is from a special shop of mine, consider it a gift for outstanding leadership.”  Both students looked at the tag, it was for a domination shop in Vale, TIED A KNOT .
“Ma’am?”  Both students looked at the professor.
“These… things happen from time to time.  Professors tend to give gifts to their favored students.”  She smiled as she made her way back to her desk.
“The expenses have been covered, you just need to pick up the products~”
Both students nodded as they made their way out.
Jaune didn’t know how to feel right now, he had expected to be scolded, to be shamed, but instead their professor had given them the okay.  Apparently their hands off approach extended even this far.  Turning to Ruby he saw the girl practically vibrating, a smile on her face.  Instinctively he placed a hand on her head, giving her a gentle pet.  He felt her lean into his touch, a smile on her face.
“This is so exciting Jaune!”  He agreed.
“Yeah… yeah it is.  My team will go and get the supplies, do you mind bringing your team to our dorm?  Get them ready?”
“Sounds good!”  He watched as the read reaper burst into a flurry of petals, grabbing her three teammates on the way out.
“What was that about?”  Smiling at his beloved he held the receipt out, grasping it Pyrrha let out a small gasp.
“Seems we have permission.”  Placing his hands behind his back he began to walk out, “We should get going, no need to change our uniforms will do just fine.”
Pyrrha frantically nodded as she began to practically skip after him.  Without a word both Nora and Lian followed.  Lian was forced to stand on Jaune’s right, while Nora was on Pyrrha’s left hand.
“I suppose~  We’ll be making this official soon.”  Jaune’s hand slipped past Lian’s skirt, lifting it so he could give her a good squeeze.  He felt Lian flinch under his touch, his cock twitched in his pants.
Strange things had been happening recently, Velvet had noticed a change in her friends from the year below.  She’d seen Jaune and Pyrrha become closer, finally they’d gotten that across it seemed.  But she’d seen the change in their teammates, Ren had started to dress like a girl, and Nora wasn’t as peppy.  She wasn’t sure what was going on but something had to be, though there was another thing.  As a Faunus she had a heightened sense of smell.  And lately she's been smelling something addictive coming from the four.  Specifically from Jaune, Ren, and Pyrrha, rather she could smell Jaune on both his teammates.  She’d seen the way he seemed to take complete control of Ren, how he was holding and domineering him.
She wasn’t sure what it was, but it was exciting, and she wanted to know more.  Her eyes trailed downwards as Jaune’s hand moved to Ren’s lower section, she almost gasped in surprise when she realized the other boy wasn’t wearing any underwear.  Even more so when she noticed Jaune squeezing, his finger sliding in between the cleft of Ren’s ass.
Continuing her spying she found them at a well known Bondage shop, TIED A KNOT.  This confused her, but she continued to watch, unnoticed so far.  As they left the store she pursued once more, finally stopping when they took a detour down a dark alleyway.  Silently she followed, her ears picking up on movement, muffled voices, and something else.
“Shit~ You’re so tight Lian, you wanted this didn’t you?”  Vel felt a million emotions at once, fear, lust, jealousy, arousal, but more importantly, the urge to join in.  Before her eyes Jaune Arc the dorky leader of JNPR, was currently smashing into Lie Ren’s ass, the rather pretty boy who no longer looked like a boy.  No she saw a woman, nay a slut, one that was currently pinned against the brick wall of a building, their ass sticking out.  She watched as Jaune’s pe… no his massive cock!  Slammed in and out of Ren… no Lian’s plump ass.  Their bodies bucking back and forth in sync.  Her eyes gazed away briefly, Pyrrha was recording everything, a smile on her face, her tongue flicking between her lips from time to time.
She wasn’t sure where Nora was, at least not at first.  Glancing back at the boys, she noticed Nora below Lian, Jaune’s hands were actually on her hips holding her close as he continued to thrust into what was once her boyfriend.  She could hear her soft sobs, as if she’d lot something precious.
Normally Vel should have stopped this, she should have gone in there and made sure that none of this happened.  But there was a part of her who watched this in awe, she felt desires she’d never experienced before, ones that were lightning an unknown flame in her belly.  Before anyone would notice her she left, her direction back to TIED A KNOT.
Ren felt humiliation, he did his best not to show it, not to give them satisfaction. But even with his semblance it was hard to ignore the looks he was getting.  He knew why though, he could feel it too, every step he took more would slide down his legs.  Jaune’s semen which dripped from his ass had started to leak out as they made their way back to the dorm.
He felt even worse when he realized he couldn’t see Nora’s expression, was she ashamed of him?  He wasn’t sure, but he knew that things weren’t going to end any time soon.
When the team got to their dorm they found Ruby already waiting outside, her teammates nowhere to be found.  “There you guys are!”  Dashing towards them she stopped just ahead of Jaune, handing his scroll back to him.
“Thanks for letting me borrow this!”
“No problem Rubes.  I’m assuming the girls are inside?”
“Alright let’s get going.”  Pushing open the door he smiled at what awaited them.  All three girls were currently stripped of their clothes, bound and gagged with their own underwear it seemed.  “Nice touch on the gag.”
“Thanks!  I figured they wouldn’t be needing them anymore so might as well make use of it.
“Ooh!  That’s creative Ruby.”  The red heads stared at each other, giving one another a warm smile.
As everyone filed into the room Jaune began to strip, EVERYONE’S attention was drawn to him.  Even those that had already seen him nude before.  He’d grown a lot since coming to beacon, not quite on the level of Sun, but he had muscles that begot his loose clothing.  Then there was the other thing, the other members of JNPR had seen it before, but for RWBY?  This was a first, different emotions went through the girls.  Yang was one of unbelief, Blake was one of an odd sense of fear, Weiss while unsure of herself felt something she couldn’t quite touch on, Ruby?  Ruby felt an intense thirst enter her body, she wanted some of that.
“Right then, let’s get started.  Lian, strip.”  All eyes turned to Lian, who did their best not to look at anyone.  Slowly she took off her clothes, revealing that she too wasn’t wearing underwear.  But to the surprise of the members of RWBY, he also wore a small cock cage, one made by Pyrrha.
The girls felt pity for him, but that didn’t last long as they realized similar fate’s would befall them.
Jaune grabbed the bags from Nora, tossing them onto his bed he began to fish through them.  5 collars were retrieved, each with a tag, and different animal symbols.  A mix between cats and dogs, “These are gifts from Goodwitch.  From now on you five are officially recognized as our pet’s and bitches.”
Blake tried to interject again, but her underwear prevented her from doing so.  Jaune simply turned to her and grabbed her by the hair dragging her to Nora’s bed.  Even as she struggled she couldn’t find the strength to fully fight back.  “Ruby.”
“Yes?”  She asked, her face red and excited.  “I’m going to start with this little bitch.  Is that okay?”
Ruby nodded enthusiastically, she failed to see the sorrow in Yang’s eyes.
Removing the gag from Blakes Mouth he pinned her to the bed.  “YOU FUCKING BASTARD!”  SLAP  Once more he struck her face.
“I told you to shut up Blake.”
“I don’t like using violence, I hate it even, I won’t punch you, but you need discipline.”  Turning to Ruby he smiled, “Ruby can you hold her down for me?”
The younger girl nodded eagerly.  In a flash she was sitting on top of Blake who struggled under the weight unable to breath.
“See, it wasn’t just these collars, no~  Goodwitch ordered us some more.”  From the bag he pulled two things, one was an anal plug with a black cat tail.  “This one was for Blake apparently.”  The second item?  It was a studded paddle, “And this is for anyone who misbehaves, I suppose Blake gets to test both those out.
Blake couldn’t see what was going on, she could barely breathe, but she wouldn’t let these bastards do what they wanted!  She wasn’t an animal, he was a proud Faunus, not some… some human bitch!  Before she could really get defiant though she felt Ruby hop off of her.  Her eyes widened as she saw Jaune with the paddle in hand.
“Here you go Ruby~”  He handled the paddle to Ruby, her eyes practically going.
“Can… can I really go first?”
“Of course!  She’s yours after all~”  It was Pyrrha who spoke up.
“Ruby… please no?”  She couldn’t believe how excited her teammate was.
“Sorry Blake, but you’ve been a bad girl.  And you need to be punished.”  A chill fell down her spine, in a flurry she tried to get up and run, but she was grabbed by Jaune.  She felt his hands on her shoulders.  In a flash she soon found herself face first on the bed, a hand held onto the back of her head.
“Alright Ruby, give her a few good swings.”
A few good swings meant way more than just that.  Blake’s eyes clenched as she felt the paddle hit her ass.
It wasn’t once or twice, it was over and over.  Blake lost count, her mind numbing from the pain she was going through, her ass red and on fire from being hit over and over.  She blanked out not too long after.
“Well shit… she couldn't even last five minutes.”  It was Pyrrha, a sinister smile upon her lips.
Ruby smiled, attaching the black collar with a cat’s paw onto Blake’s unmoving body.
Yang was at a total loss!  What was going on?!  WHY WAS HER SISTER DOING THIS!  WHY WAS PYRRHA?!  WHY?!  She felt her heart shatter when Blake stopped moving.  She didn’t want them to do this to her, no please make it stop.  She wanted to shout and yell, but before she could she was interrupted.
“Master, mistresses?”  All eyes, including Jaune, Ruby’s, and Pyrrha’s all fell upon Weiss in shock.
“Weiss?”  It was Ruby who spoke first, surprised the heiress had managed to remove the gag on her own.
“I’ve… I’ve been a bad girl, can you… can you please discipline me?”  Well now that was surprising.
“Yes.”  It was Jaune who spoke first.  “Yes we can… though seeing as you’re being a good girl.”  He paused and brought Pyrrha down on the bed, having her sit.  “You’ll get the honor of having Pyrrha spank you with her bare hand.”
Weiss' eyes lit up, she was getting special treatment!  “Yes please!  But… but can you spank me later too?”  Her eyes were needy, hungry, so much so Jaune couldn’t help but smile.
“Sure, so long as you keep being a good pet okay?”  She nodded slowly.
Yang couldn’t believe her ears, this wasn’t the same Weiss she knew!
Weiss made her way over to Pyrrha, who couldn’t contain her joy, there was more to just being a dom in this situation.  Pyrrha hated Weiss, she hated her so much.  Not just because she had held Jaune’s attention for so long, no it was more than that.  She hated the way that she used her position to leverage and berate Jaune when they first met.  She hated how she often used her own position to trample on those she thought ‘lower’ than her.  Then there was the way that she tried to use Pyrrha early on, she’d heard the whispers after that, that they could end up as a power couple.  Her and Weiss?  Yeah right, she’d rather be incinerated than let that happen.
As she felt the flat girl below her she couldn’t help but feel excitement, “You know Weiss~  I hate you.”
Pyrrha’s hand came down upon Weiss’ smooth pale bottom.  “I hated how you treated Jaune!”
A soft whimper escaped Weiss lips as tears formed at the edges of her eyes.  “I HATED HOW HE LOOKED AT YOU!”  Jaune felt guilt at this one, he really was an idiot.
More tears formed, Weiss ass began to turn red.  “I HATED THE WAY YOU LORDED MY POSITION, NOT YOURS OVER HIM WHEN WE MET!”
“That you have Weiss, but that’s okay, cause now you’re our good little pet, our little bitch, isn’t that right?”
Weiss shivered at Pyrrha’s soft touch, the way she rubbed her reddened rump.  “Yes… yesss I have mistress, I’ll be good~”
“Good girl~”  Slowly Pyrrha pulled Weiss back, planting a gentle kiss on her lips.  Her eyes glanced towards Jaune’s twitching cock.  “I see someone liked that~”
“Shit that was hot… how could I not?”
Giggling Pyrrha began to gently lay Weiss down on the bed.  “You’ll get your chance to have fun with her too, but she’s still new at this and pretty tired I think.”  Weiss though exhausted had a rather stupid smile on her face.  Pyrrha slipped her collar on, one with a small fox paw.
“Now then… your turn, you stupid cow.”  It was Jaune, grabbing onto Yang’s hair he flopped her onto his bed, back against the sheets.  He saw the panic in her eyes, she wasn’t defiant any longer.  For people like Yang hitting her friends was the best method of breaking her.  Slowly his hands traisted her toned belly, his fingers slipping up to her breasts.  His fingers pinched and twisted her perky nipples, “You’re just a huge slut aren’t you?  Look at these milk bags, you’re only as good as a milk cow you know that?”
Yang wanted to fight, but she was so scared, fear had gripped her heart and the once brave girls were gone.  “Glynda got us some toys for you too~”  She felt Jaune move, the sound of a paper bag ruffled.  She watched as he pulled out what appeared to be two rings, with small weights dragging off of them.  But then it hit her, those rings had needles.
“Noooo”  She muffled through her gag, fear starting to reach every bit of her.
“Pyr, Rubes?”
“Yes~”  Both answered in a singsong voice.
“Hold the cow down for me please.”
“Of course!”
Yang felt her body held down from her sides.  The air was soon knocked out of her lungs as she felt Jaune sit on top of her chest, his entire weight upon her body.  She flinched, a heavy thick musk filled her nose.  His massive cock lay just below her chin, resting between her breasts.  She had already thought it was huge before, but now?  Now it was terrifying, if that entered her, it’d break her… maybe that wasn’t so bad?  Maybe… maybe she didn’t need  Blake?
“Now… this is going to hurt.”  Her attention snapped back to him, but she couldn't find his hands.  Then it happened, an intense and sharp pain shot through her right breast, unable to clearly see she still knew what happened.  The needle pierced her nipple droplets of blood slid down her breast.  “There we go~”
She squirmed under his weight unable to move, though a heat formed in her core, her pussy began to moisten.
She struggled under his touch, feeling him pull on the ring once it was in place.  “Mmm~♥”  She hadn’t meant to moan into her panties, but it happened.
“Wow… what a freaking slut.”  It was Ruby, Ruby!  “I can’t believe we’re related… Bet you’re mom was the same way.”  Yang wanted to cry, but she wasn’t given the chance as her other nipple was pierced, once more pain and now pleasure burned through her body.  She nearly blanked out like Blake had, once more Jaune pulled.
“Now don't be that way Ruby~  You can’t fight your blood sometimes, let Yang be a slut, it’s all good.”  She felt his breath near her ear, “Don’t worry though~  I’ll be your daddy.”  Her heart thumped in her chest, he did remind her of her dad… Why did she think that?!  “You won’t be needing Blake anymore.”
Panic filled her chest, but then she felt him pull on her rings, pain filling her body, she blanked out as she began to pee in fear and pain.
The trio got off of the broken mess of a girl, turning back to Nora and Ren, Nora by this point had stripped as she felt they’d want her to.  They had done almost nothing to her, not in comparison to the others.
“Now then you two…”  He paused smiling, however, he was interrupted at a knock on the door.  “Huh… put a pin on that.”  Slowly he opened the door, on his face peering through, it was Velvet who seemed oddly anxious.
“Hey Vel.  Whats up?”  Velvet could smell sweat and fluids from her side, oh god did she come at a good time?!
“Uhm… uhm.  Hey Jaune.”  She smiled at him, Velvet was definitely cute, “I… can I join?”
“J...Join?”  Before he could ask more, he was presented with a collar, a brown one with a bunny rabbit on it.  A smile began to cross his face.
“Yes… yes you can.”  Opening the door wide, Velvet couldn’t contain her excitement, a huge smile on her face as she looked at the stunned faces of Ren and Nora, or the broken bodies of WBY.  Her tongue slipped past her lips as she walked in.  “Welcome my dear bunny.”
“Thank you master~”  Jaune closed the door behind them.
The night was going to be so much fun~  Good thing he had the camera set up in his room, it’d make recording all of this so much easier.  As Velvet walked towards the bed he gave her ass a good firm slap, squeezing her tight rear, his fingers slipping through her underwear.
“Mmm~♥”  Her cheeks flushed red, his cock twitched in excitement, though he wasn’t the only one.  He watched Pyrrha and Ruby eyed Velvet, lust and hunger obvious in their countenance.  He wasn’t the only one looking forward to the next few hours.
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Virgil's Birthday (Prinxiety)
Virgil was, very lonely for someone who lived in such a vibrant society.
But that was most likely because he'd never been outside in his afterlife, at least, not legally.
The doctor was a strange man, he'd only brought Virgil back with the false impression of gaining a wife, or husband as Virgil reprimanded him for soon after being brought back.
But Virgil learned things fairly quickly, like which potions produced the most pro-longed sleep, so he could sneak out.
And what a time to sneak away, the night of halloween, decorations everywhere, singing and dancing.
And rising from a fountain, in all his skeletal glory, Roman Prince-Duke, the ruler of halloween. Virgil couldve fainted on the spot, gods he was hot.
"That's the second time you've slipped deadly nightshade into my soup," Virgil froze as he heard his doctor's voice.
"Third, actually," Virgil replied as he tried to wrench his arm out of the doctor's grip.
And then he heard a tear, but he was running to fast to care about the stub where his arm had once been stitched.
And then he heard singing, something sorrowful and lamenting. He expected to look up and see one of the sirens, only to be taken aback by the sight of the skeleton king.
He doesnt want to rule halloween anymore?. . . Virgil thought silently. He could hardly remember the last time a halloween ruler had felt unhappy with his position, but this, this couldnt lead to good things.
Virgil followed him as closely as possible, until he went beyond the gates of the town, at which point, Virgil had lost him.
So he followed the only other option he had, return home and to whatever awaited him there.
"So, you came back," was the doctor's first snide remark.
"I had to," Virgil replied, tilting his head to the side which had stitching hanging off of it.
"Looking for this?" Virgil couldnt see much of the doctors face, it was always hidden by gray and black smoke, save for glasses, and a broad fanged grin, and he held up the arm Virgil was missing, which waved pitifully.
"You cant keep leaving, it's not safe out there, you know the rules," said the doctor as he stitched Virgil's arm back to the socket. Virgil hated this part of his adventures, the bright lights directly in his face along side the patronizing glare from the doctor. He hadnt even asked to be stitched back to life, much less in a fashion that was basically a prison.
"I'm restless I cant help it!" Virgil shot back, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.
"You're mine you know. I made you," the doctor snarled.
"Well I didnt ask you to." Virgil said, shrinking back as the smoke of the doctors form intruded on his own breathing space.
He was relieved when it was finally over and he could go back to working on the doctors next meal, which would of course, be poisoned.
"And now for the final touch," Virgil coughed slightly as the fumes of the frogs breath entered the concoction. He was lucky to keep a straining spoon in his boots, otherwise he would've been screwed when the doctor asked him to try it first.
But lucky it worked, because it seemed that his beloved Prince Roman hadnt been out for ages.
So he decided to send him a basket. It took a few tries to get him to notice, but the smile he cast Virgil was enough to make even the coldest hearts melt.
Of course Virgil couldnt stay for long, he had to make sure he didnt get caught.
He wouldnt have to wait much longer, soon enough there was a town meeting called. Roman went on for hours about something called "Christmas". And everyone else seemed sold on the idea, but Virgil wasnt so sure.
"Roman I'm not sure I-" Virgil had tried his best to dissuade Roman from the idea when he'd asked for a costume, but Roman was stubborn, very stubborn.
"You'll do great! See! The red goes here, and this part is white, its easy!" Roman said, shoving Virgil in another direction, Virgil had to dodge quickly as the doctor entered his field of vision, that was a confrontation he certainly wasnt ready for.
"This just doesn't feel right. . ." Virgil muttered to himself, running a hand along a nearby set of bushes.
And then he noticed something off about one of them, a star and brightly colored ornaments, which promptly burst into flames. Virgil jerked his hand back, eyes wide with fear, and rushed back toward the hall to warn Roman as quickly as he could.
"Roman!-" Virgil skidded to a halt before he ran into the trio of trouble makers that was Apate Hera and Adrestia, or as the town liked to call them, the Trick or Treaters.
"What is it Virgil?" Roman placed his hands over Virgil's shoulders, boy was he glad he didnt have enough blood to blush.
"I dont think this is a good idea- I've been thinking it over and- oh Roman there has to be something else! This is insane!" Virgil pleaded.
"Of course it's insane! That's the point!" Roman said, smiling at him.
"Roman I'm serious! This is dangerous!" Virgil continued.
"Virgil my friend I swear to you this is all perfectly safe! It's only one night! Maybe more if it goes well!" And once again Virgil was being ushered out the door.
He avoided the celebrations for the most part, just thinking about it made him want to vomit.
And then it was December 25th, and Virgil couldnt take it anymore.
Roman may have wanted to take over Christmas, but Virgil knew better, hence why he had decides to make his way to the forbidden isle, upon which lived the disgraced former king of Halloween, and upon which, Santa Claus was being held captive.
Virgil snipped the stitches on one of his legs and allowed it to hop away. It would be difficult to preform a rescue mission minus one leg, but Brennan wasnt exactly smart.
Or so he thought.
"Well well well, isnt this a surprise? Come to rescue Christmas, ragdoll?" Virgil froze halfway down the ladder as he heard Brennan's voice.
"Put your leg back on." Virgil was pulled off the ladder rather unceremoniously, leg shoved back in one hand. Virgil fell back on the floor, heart racing. But he did as told, it wasnt as if he could run after all.
He'd forgotten what Brennan was like, it'd been so long since his rule. He was a gambler, a crooked one at that.
"One more roll of the dice outta do it~" Brennan purred.
Virgil wasnt paying much attention at that point, currently focused on begging for Roman to show up.
And then the table to which he was tied began moving backwards, he screamed, and he fell. But only for a moment, before he was tossed off to the side, and face to face with Roman, who motioned for his silence before latching himself to the board.
Virgil had never been more terrified than he was while watching Roman dodge everything from swords to guns to axes, he let out a wince and reached a hand over his own stitching as Brennan's began to fall apart with a switch.
"Are you alright?" Roman rushed to Virgil's side as soon as he'd finished, holding Virgil's face gently in his hands.
"I'm alright- just a little shaken. . ." Virgil muttered.
"Well I for one have had it with place. Next time you have any bright ideas of taking over someone else's holiday. I'd listen to him, hes the only one who makes any sense around this insane asylum!." It was odd to see a character like Santa so angry, but at this point, Virgil was to tired to focus on much.
He barely flinched when he saw the doctor with another creation, this one more wispy and feminine.
Instead, he went up to Hangman's Hill and lay across the grass.
"My dearest friend, if you dont mind~" Virgil shivered when he heard Roman's voice.
"I'd like to join you by your side~" Roman sat down.
"Where we can gaze into the stars~" and their hands were intertwined.
"And sit together, now and forever, for it is plain as anyone can see," Virgil joined his chorus, resting his head against his chest.
"We're simply meant to be~"
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teamhook · 5 years
A Chapter A Day... Savage Heart CS AU
Almost finished...
A love story between a pirate and his savior. An innocent, beautiful, selfless woman meets a man with no manners, no formal education and not even a last name. Will Emma fall in love with Killian once she discovers that beneath his tough exterior lies a heart-wild, but a heart of gold? This is a Captain Swan AU
Beta-ed by the awesome @ilovemesomekillianjones​​
Cover by @xhookswenchx​
|AO3| |FFN| previous chapter
|AO3| |FFN| current chapter
Chapter 28: Reunited
Emma arrives sometime before Killian. She slowly opens the door to her home, unaware that he is not there, and hoping to surprise him. She is startled to see Tink, asleep on one of the couches in the living room. Emma shakes her head as she smiles at her friend. Killian had gone to get her because he knew it would make her happy. She gently rouses Tink from her sleep.
Tink blinks a couple of times before her eyes adjust and she realizes she is not dreaming. Emma is back.
"Emma? Is that truly you? Tell me I'm not dreaming," Tink urges her friend as she rushes to her feet and embraces her.
"It's me, I'm home. Where's Killian?" Emma looks around the room.
"He shouldn't be long. He went to go pay your ransom," Tink answers.
"My ransom? Oh. I escaped from the kidnappers. Rufio helped me. I hope it wasn't too much money." Emma gives a sad smile.
"Wait, Rufio? Was Felix with him?" TInk can't believe it. Killian was right.
"Yes, and he doesn't like me very much. I think my cousin was involved somehow." Emma shrugs.
"Killian found out the boys had left with an older man. DId you see anyone else with them?"
"No, they were the only ones that would come to feed me. I heard voices but that's all. The only ones I saw were the kids when they approached me."
"Oh, maybe we should send a message to your parents to give them the great news that you are home."
"Actually, my friend, the one that helped me get home, he went to let them know. I just wanted to come home but I know my parents are worried sick so I asked him to go."
Tink smiles, "Killian is going to be so happy. Emma, I'm truly sorry I was such a brat when you told me of your plans to marry him. I've never seen him in love, and I've known him for a long time. He was so worried for you."
"It has been forgotten. I'm happy he wasn't alone."
Snow looks out her window as she worries a hole in the floor from continued pacing while waiting for news. She quickly opens the door when she notices movement outside. An oddly familiar man stands on her porch smiling.
"Graham, is that you?" she gasps as a smile forms.
"Yes, it is. I come bearing good news."
Snow quirks a brow. "Good news, seeing you is great but I'm waiting to hear news about my daughter."
He nods, "A young blonde that shares your chin and her father's charming personality? The family resemblance is uncanny."
A silent Snow opens the door wide enough for him to enter.
"I came across your daughter and she is now safe at home. She asked me to come and give you the news. Is David here?"
"Emma is home?" Snow hesitantly asks, but the hope in her eyes is evident.
"Safe and sound. She couldn't wait to reunite with her husband. Do you have any idea who would want to do such a thing?"
"No, Emma has always been a light to everyone she knows. There is no one I can think of who would want to harm her, but that husband of hers is a different story." Snow purses her lips. If that man was responsible in any way for her daughter's disappearance she would never forgive him. "Cora Booth and her son have actively been involved in trying to find her."
"That is good to have powerful people helping. She is no damsel. Snow, you should be proud. I have a feeling no one saves her but her."
Snow smiles as she realizes she will soon be able to hold her daughter and relax.
He smiles, "You can relax now, I'm sure she will come by soon, and we could find out more about her captors."
"I'm just happy she is okay, I've been worried sick," Snow sniffles.
"Snow, a word of advice. I haven't known your daughter long, but she loves her husband. If you truly believe he is somehow responsible, I would suggest you keep it to yourself."
Snow's memories fill her mind. She knows he is right, things with Emma had been difficult once she announced her plans to marry the pirate. She also remembers how distraught Killian had been since she'd disappeared. They were in love and for a second she let the fear of never seeing her daughter ever again cloud her mind. Graham's words reassure her that she can let go of that fear.
Milah and August get dressed after their activities. She had noticed her husband's attitude was darker and somehow she found it arousing. That thought surprises her. Somehow the menacing quality that engulfs Killian and makes him dangerously attractive had emerged in the very proper August. They await news in their bedroom.
Cora eagerly waits for Malcolm to return. She is happy things have gone her way. Soon Emma will be returned and Snow will keep her mouth shut. If only she can find that damn letter, she'd have all her loose ends tied up..
When Malcolm reaches his destination, Golden Cove, he remembers how much he truly hates the place. He enters the old house and everything seems in order. Now to return the girl. He makes his way to the room the boys were sharing and knocks The door opens and there stands a beat up Rufio, his eye barely open. The bloodied bruises on his face don't go unnoticed. "Rufio, where's Felix? And who beat you up?"
Rufio winces, "Mrs. Jones escaped. The last time I came to check on her she got the upper hand and beat me. Felix found me on the floor knocked out. He and the doctor left to go look for her. They've been gone for a while now."
Malcolm paces the room. "She got the upperhand?" He approaches Rufio. "I'm here to take her back. Now what am I gonna do? If she is not found, I cannot return her home safely. There will be powerful people after us."
Rufio hopes Emma had gained enough of a head start. Once he regained consciousness he was interrogated by the doctor and Felix. Felix had gone into a rage and the doctor had to stop him from making his injuries worse.
The duo returns empty-handed shortly after Malcolm's arrival. Rufio hides his relief as best as he can.
Malcolm glares at the trio. "I have to go back. If by some miracle she made it home, everything will be fine. Did she see you Hyde?"
Hyde shakes his head, "No, she didn't."
Malcolm turns his attention to the boys, "She only saw you two?"
Felix glares at Rufio, "Yes, we fed her. Rufio here was quite fond of the new Mrs. Jones."
"Did you say anything to her that might come back to us?" Malcolm turns his focus to Rufio.
"I didn't say anything to her. She already knew we know the Captain when we approached her. She just talked about him."
Malcolm seems happy with the response. "Hyde I think you should go home. You two are coming with me."
"Why can't we stay here?" Felix asks.
"Because I said so, let's hope your absence went unnoticed. I have to go back to find out if the girl arrived home or not. If she is home, I'm sure everyone will be happy and perhaps she will want to just forget the ordeal. For your sakes, I hope that's what happens." Malcolm points to the boys. "If she is still missing, or something happened to her on her return. We might not be so lucky."
Rufio nods his agreement and adds, "The Captain might not be as forgetful as his wife. He will want to know what happened."
Felix glares, "This is your fault, you let her go. You wanted to because she was nice to you."
"I didn't let her go!" Rufio returns the glare, "she hit me with that cup." He points to a discarded bloodied cup on the table. "Yes, I liked her because she was nice but that doesn't mean I would let her go."
Malcolm's voice booms, "It doesn't matter anymore. We are going back and that is final. Grab your things and we will be on our way. Hyde, thank you for your help. I will send word if the girl returned safely home. I know the reason you agreed was to ensure her safety."
"Thank you old friend." Hyde smiles and makes his exit.
The boys grab their few belongings and soon they are on their way back to Misthaven.
Killian returns from Port Hook brokenhearted, not only was his wife missing but now his ship is gone as well. He has to believe that the kidnappers would be true to their word and return his wife. He doesn't care as long as he has her. He is about to walk into his home and hopes to avoid Tink. He doesn't want to talk about anything right now. His Emma would tell him to have faith, and that thought makes him smile.
He doesn't expect to find what greets him once he crosses his threshold. His beloved Emma, with a simple smile upon her face.
"Did you miss me?" she greets him.
He doesn't need words to express his answer as they rush into each other's arms and reunite with a tearful kiss.
Killian is just happy that Tink has vanished to her room. He doesn't want anyone to have any part of their reunion. They quickly make sure their reunion is complete and the days apart melt away as they merged into one.
The day after her return Emma wants to do nothing more than spend it with her husband in bed, reconnecting. But she also knows that a visit to her parents is inevitable. Killian agrees with her assessment and is getting dressed begrudgingly. While she waits for him, TInk announces the Priest's presence. Emma is surprised when he requests to speak to her alone. He is waiting for Emma in the living room.
"Good day, Father. How may I help you?" Emma quickly greets the priest as they exchange pleasantries.
"Emma, I've had a disturbing visit." He stares at her.
Emma furrows her brows in confusion. "I'm sorry father but I don't understand."
"August Booth paid me a visit on your behalf, and it left me concerned for your well being."
Emma is now more confused then ever. "I'm sorry father but that doesn't help me understand. I was kidnapped and I've barely been back home. I have no idea why he would go see you and make you worry about me. Sure, my ordeal was not pleasant but I'm okay. I'm home with my loved ones."
The priest smiles, "I'm happy you are back and safe. August mentioned that he felt Killian coerced you into the marriage."
Emma's eyes widen. "Killian would never coerce me into doing anything I don't want to do. Our life together is as much my choice as it is his. He has been wonderful. He encourages me to be me. I don't have to let a man speak for me because I'm a woman. Like August did by coming to you. If his claim was true, shouldn't I have come to you? Why would I need him to talk to you? Perhaps if I would have married someone like him, someone who sees me as a weakling, I would need to, but I married someone that sees me as an equal." She is pacing the room like a caged animal.
The priest's small smile tells her he understands. She slowly starts calming down. "Emma dear, I believe you. You are positively glowing with happiness. Even if I've managed to upset you, for that I'm sorry. I will take my leave now."
She smiles and walks him to the door. She is just happy Killian didn't hear any of the nonsense August told the priest.
Killian joins her minutes after the priest has left and wraps her in his arms whispering in her ear, "Darling, I'm not letting you out of my sight, ever again. I cannot lose you, my love." They go visit her parents together, holding hands, possibly more in love than before.
Days later the families come together for a "family" dinner to celebrate Emma's safe return. The only reason Milah is excited about the get together is because she can use it to her advantage. She will get to spend time with Killian. How she hates her cousin. She rolls her eyes at the way everyone goes out of their way for her. Doting on princess Emma. She has made her dumb cousin into a martyr.
The dinner had been pleasant only because she was seated so close to Killian. She could smell his scent. She missed him so much. His voice took her out of her thoughts many times, thoughts where they were the only ones. No Emma. No August. That thought makes her smile.
After dinner everyone is scattered into small groups. Snow, David, Archie, and Graham catching up.
Cora and August in the opposite corner talking. Cora occasionally inspecting her surroundings.
Killian and Tink had opted for the garden to get some fresh air, most likely to avoid Milah.
Milah excuses herself to go to the powder room. Emma wants to keep an eye on her to make sure she isn't going to follow Killian, but is distracted by August.
Emma is not as happy to see him as he is to see her. The dinner had been her parent's idea. What was she supposed to say? Mom, Dad, I don't think it's a good idea. Milah wants my husband because she had a relationship with him before she married the man I was supposed to marry, and August tried to annul my marriage because he thinks I need to be rescued.
August hesitantly approaches Emma. "I'm happy you're home safe." He smiles at her.
Emma sighs, "I'm home safe and extremely happy." Her normally sweet voice is annoyed.
August quirks an eye.
"The day after my return I had a very interesting visit from the town priest. He said you paid him a visit. An uncalled for visit in my opinion."
"Emma, I only did it because you are not safe with Killian. He is the reason you were taken. Don't you see?"
"The only thing I see is that it's not your business. You had no right. How dare you?"
August's eyes are blown wide and he stammers for an excuse.
Emma shakes her head furiously. "Remember, you're the one that called off our engagement. You're the one that fell hopelessly in love with my cousin."
"Emma, wait a second. You said you were happy I called off the engagement because your true calling was the convent. Then later it turned out you had an illicit affair with Killian while you were engaged to me."
Emma turns her face to the side. "The point is, you had no right. We are not married. You married Milah and I married the man I love. I have no idea why you suddenly dislike Killian so much, but this ends now. If you want to be welcomed in our home, your attitude will have to change." Her gaze pierces through him and she turns to walk away.
Cora notices the exchange and slowly approaches them. "Is everything alright?"
August is still shocked by Emma's attitude and mutters a response, "Yes mother, everything is alright."
Cora smiles and lets her gaze follow Emma's retreating body.
Milah attempts to approach Killian in the garden.
"Killian, we need to talk."
He tenses, "We've nothing to talk about." His eyes never meet hers. He looks around to make sure no one is watching them.
"We do, Killian. I know you still love me, you're still angry because of what I did." Her voice cracks with emotion.
Killian glares at her. "Milah, I'm sorry, how do I have to say it? How do I make you understand? I love Emma, my wife. You were a mere dalliance. Lass, please forget about us, about me."
"Killian, am I interrupting?" It is Tink with the drinks she had gone to obtain for them. Her voice has a bit of bite, he hopes it's for Milah and not him.
"How long do you think the company is going to stay?" Tink asks, ignoring Milah's presence completely. She hopes she will get the hint.
"Let's go find out." Killian holds out his arm for Tink to take and they enter the house.
Milah's eyes water as she stands in the dark.
Not long after, Milah finds a moment alone with Emma. "Cousin you should know I took very good care of Killian in your absence."
Emma squints at her cousin as she studies her. "Just come out with it, what are you trying to insinuate?"
"Oh dear, if you want me to be blunt, we fell into bed together. I told you he would never be completely yours. Deep inside, he still wants me."
"Is that so, I find it hard to believe since my father told me he was with Archie and him most of the time I was away, and later on with Tink. I know for a fact that Tink would toss you on your behind if you tried something while I was away." Emma leans into Milah's space. "And just to be clear, I know you had something to do with my kidnapping."
Milah's eyes widen and she tries to quickly hide it. "Did I? Why not tell everyone? I know, because you want to protect your true love August's reputation."
"Oh, please, you know this is about your reputation. Our family, the one you seem to care so little for. I loved you like a sister, but that didn't stop you from dishonoring our name, and on top of that, you married August knowing full well who he was to me. You are a selfish brat, and the most ungrateful person alive. You are just mad. I have something you want and you cannot believe he wants me and not you. Your deceit will eventually come out. In the end, all treachery is revealed. So no, I'm not falling for your lies. I know Killian loves me as much as I love him." Emma walks away as Milah stares at her back.
Cora is brushing her hair getting ready for bed. The evening had been a bore to her. She was concerned with August's heated conversation with Emma. She'd wondered what had happened, but when she asked him he had brushed it off. There's a light knock on her door that brings her out of her thoughts. "Come in."
Enith stands embarrassed in front of her boss, "Ma'am, I was wondering if you needed anything before I retire for the evening?"
Cora waves dismissively, "No, I'm fine, but maybe check in on my son."
Enith stands still, she's nervous. "Ma'am?"
Cora rolls her eyes, "Dear lord, Enith, I don't have all night. Just spit it out!"
Enith takes out a crumpled paper and a vial from her apron's pocket and hands the items to her.
Cora smooths out the paper and when she realizes what it is, the damn letter, her heart pounds, Cora can't believe it. "You've had this all along? Why give it back now? What are you after?"
"Ma'am, I don't want anything. I was afraid of your reaction, that's why I didn't return it sooner. Ma'am you were so upset at Mrs. Snow."
Cora cooed "Alright, I suppose that's plausible, but why now?" she enunciates.
Enith's whispers in a low voice, "I just wanted you to stop worrying about it, if you must let me go for not handing it over as soon as I found it, I understand."
Cora tisks, "Yes, I would have preferred you return my property as soon as you came across it but you're doing it now and I'm just relieved. What about the vial? That is not mine." As she starts to open it, Enith stopped her, "Please, don't do that, it smells like old blood."
"Blood? Why are you giving it to me?"
Enith's nervousness returns, "I found it right after Mr. August's wedding, I saw Miss Milah burying it. I didn't know what it was so I dug it out."
Cora tenses. "Milah had this? That harlot, you can retire for the evening after you check on my son."
Cora is unable to rest after Enith's visit. The letter should have been a relief but the vial, she's no fool. She knows what the vial means. It was not uncommon, she had been a young widow at the time her match with Brennan had been made, so there were no illusions there. There was no doubt in her mind why Milah had used the blood in that vial. Now, how was she to deal with her whore of a daughter-in-law? She had not been pure when she first laid down with her son. She had made fools of them all and that was not acceptable. Her first thought is to expose her, but August would be ridiculed. Sure Milah would be shunned but the damage to their name would be done.
The next morning Cora looks for her son. "Enith, where is August?"
Enith answered swiftly, "He went riding."
Cora smiles, "Thank you, Enith, what about Milah?"
"She left to go visit her family."
"Let me know when they return. I'll be in my room."
Felix and Rufio had been returned to the docks where they had been admiring the Jolly all those days before.
Felix had begged Malcolm to take him along but the older man simply said that they couldn't be seen together or suspicion would arise. He did give them some money so they could stay in a room rented from one of the old maids.
Rufio understood better than Felix that they should avoid the docks. He also hoped Emma was able to convince Captain Jones that he had helped her.
After the dinner, Emma had wanted to express her worry for Rufio to Killian without him threatening bodily harm to the boy. They had briefly talked about her abduction right after her return. She had insisted that the subject could wait for now since Graham, Archie, and her father had gone back to find any indication as to who was involved and why. Graham is a great tracker and was able to find the house she was held captive at, but there were no signs of anyone.
That worries her when she is informed no one is there. They find that the house belongs to a woman named Fiona Black. So far it's the only information they have. Emma confirms Killian's theory about Felix and Rufio. The anger that clouds his blue eyes makes her think it'll be best if she waits to talk about Rufio in a positive way. She had promised the boy she would give Killian a good word about him.
Emma smiles at Killian as she tries to think of a way to bring up the subject of Rufio without her husband muttering explicits.
Nottingham's Office
Milah stands outside of the Sheriff's office. She has no idea why she came here but she needs Killian to pay for rejecting her. Actually she knows why she is here. She knows the good Sheriff is not a fan of Killian.
Knock, knock
"Come in," a strong voice says.
Milah enters slowly and Sheriff Nottingham stands when he sees her.
"Mrs. Booth, please come in, take a seat."
She laughs, "Mrs. Booth is my mother-in-law. Please, call me Milah."
It's his turn to laugh, "I imagine you are happy to have your cousin back."
Her face must answer for her. "Let me ask you, something Sheriff."
"Please, call me Keith."
"Well, Keith. How would you like it if the person that gets everything in life had done it again? To answer your question, no I'm not happy Emma is back."
"May I ask why?"
"Growing up with Miss Perfect wasn't easy. She had everything given to her. Even the perfect match to a rich powerful man to marry. She always gets everything."
He understands her, "I know someone like that."
"Who would that be?"
"Why your cousin's husband of course. Jones is lucky beyond belief. He has escaped capture each time I've attempted to rid the town of him."
"How about we make a deal, Keith? We can do something about it."
"What do you have in mind?"
"First, let's seal the deal, Keith." She smiles and approaches him, and sits on his lap.
After sealing their deal and making themselves presentable once more, he tells her that he has the Jolly. He was able to confiscate it since no one claimed it, it was fair game.
Snow and David are eating breakfast. "Honey, dinner last night was nice, wasn't it?"
David offers his wife a charming smile. "It was nice, but I sensed that something was bothering Emma. She was upset. I was going to ask what was troubling her, but I didn't want to pressure her while there was company."
Snow sighs, "She looked fine, maybe she was just nervous about the dinner. Which I think she did an amazing job hosting by the way."
He proudly adds, "She did an amazing job. I hope Emma and Killian are ready to host another dinner party soon."
She quirks a brow. "Why soon, is this about the infamous brother?"
David smiles, "I think you will like Liam, he is a good man."
Snow starts to fidget nervously.
His eyes bore into her. "Snow, why are you so nervous?"
She shakes her head, "I can't say but can I ask you something?"
"What do you mean you can't say?" Since when can his wife keep secrets from him or anyone for that matter? He decides to indulge her. "Ask away, my love."
"Does Killian remind you of anyone? An old friend perhaps."
David ponders the question. "I can't think of anyone."
Snow is getting frustrated because she made a promise. A promise in exchange for help to get her princess back home safely. Now that she thinks about it, Cora didn't really do anything. Emma found a way home on her own. She couldn't say the words but she could plant the seed. "Well, Killian reminds me of one of Archie's dearest friends. There used to be a portrait at the Booth Estate, and now it's gone."
"Wait, are you talking about Brennan? Cora's dead husband."
"Yes!" Snow finally relaxes, "Killian looks so much like him, and I found it odd that right after Killian arrived at the Booth Estate the portrait disappeared."
"Sweetheart, that is not something one can say without any sort of proof."
Snow bites at her bottom lip. She is pretty sure that she had that proof in her hands. Oh dear, Killian is Brennan's son.
The Nautilus is one of the fastest ships. Its captain had avoided a nasty storm but in doing so it had deterred their arrival. Finally, the ship docks at the Misthaven harbor, and the port is overwhelmed by activity.
Captain Nemo had offered passage to his former Lieutenant and his companions. The old captain had become the father young Liam Long craved during his earlier years.
The passengers emerge from the ship, Liam setting foot on his birthplace, decades after the passing of his mother. After reading the message he knew he had to be there for his brother. He could finally be the brother he desperately wanted to be. Sadly mother nature decided to make it hard for him. He was happy he bumped into his former Captain after getting the news. His superiors didn't even bat an eye when he asked for time off due to a family emergency. They were still upset about him letting Captain Jones slip through their fingers. The fact that the young captain had claimed Jones as his surname didn't go unnoticed by his superiors.
His love Elsa jumped at the chance to accompany him. Then Ingrid invited herself, saying that they wanted to support David in his time of distress. The group found transport, and a guide to the home of Killian Jones.
A thundering knock is heard in the house. An irritated pirate captain swings the door open. "Buggering-" Killian's insult dies at the tip of his tongue once he realizes who the visitor is.
Liam's smile broadens, "Hello, brother."
The brothers Jones are once more reunited.
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@hookedonapirate @kmomof4 @searchingwardrobes @seriouslyhooked@profdanglaisstuff @let-it-raines @revanmeetra87@snowbellewells@hollyethecurious@kymbersmith-90@branlovestowrite@thejollyroger-writer@shireness-says​@ilovemesomekillianjones​@thisonesatellite@thesschesthair@winterbythesea@stahlop@resident-of-storybrooke​@superchocovian@lfh1226-linda@artistic-writer​@thislassishooked@shardminds@winterbaby89@xhookswenchx@ultraluckycatnd@gingerchangeling@laschatzi@wellhellotragic@xemmaloveskillianx@courtorderedcake@pirateherokillian@optomisticgirl@darkcolinodonorgasm@sherlockianwhovian @andiirivera @djlbg @nikkiemms @jennjenn615 @scientificapricot @officerrogers @imlaxdris71 @therealstartraveller776 @kday426​
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dawnquafam · 7 years
Who asked for this one? Nobody! I just saw this post and the idea hit me and it hurt so much I had to share!
Tagging @my-glasses-are-dirty and @the-flightoficarus just to spread the pain! Because I’m feeling evil right now! Cause writing this hurt!
Pepper remembers the moment she told Tony. She remembers the light in his eyes, brighter than she had ever seen. She remembers the grin on his face, larger than it had been in a long time. She remembers the way he hugged her, his ecstasy palpable in the contact, but his grip as gentle as if he were holding the world.
She sits in front of a monitor now, hand clapped over her mouth to stifle a sob, wondering how such joy was possible from the man she hears now.
“Peter?” Tony rasps. “Peter, please. Come- come back to me.”
The helmet footage is showing her the teenager. He’s pale as a sheet, blood smeared across one cheek. His eyes are closed, almost like he’s sleeping. But he’s not. If Tony weren’t shaking him, he would be still in death’s clutches.
“No,” she breathes to herself. “No. No no no no no.”
Steve is already gone. So is Vision, Tony’s last connection to his beloved Jarvis. And now… now this? Now Thanos has taken Tony’s protégé from him, the boy who might as well be his own child?
One of his own children, part of her mind whispers. The part connected to the news she’d imparted before everything went so, so wrong.
Tony’s screaming, crying, and Pepper’s stuck in front of a monitor. Her husband, her everything, is stuck on some battlefield in the fight of his life, his slowly healing heart shattering to pieces practically in front of her eyes. And Pepper is sitting in front of a monitor.
He’s not your everything. Not anymore, that same part whispers.
Pepper spins her chair around, gaze landing on the suit behind her. Tony built it specifically for her, but it’s explicitly for emergencies. She’s never had reason to touch it, not in the five years it’s been sitting there. Tony’s had Jarvis and Friday take it out for unmanned flights just to keep it from being rendered useless by lack of use.
But Tony is suffering, and a purple giant is threatening the entire universe as she knows it.
She presses a hand against her stomach. “There’s no point protecting you if you don’t exist,” she whispers.
Setting her jaw in determination, she kicks off her heels and steps into the suit.
This is the first time she’s thought it lucky that Thanos is attacking New York. As she’s nearing the battle, Tony is still kneeling next to Peter. Rhodey is with him, trying to talk him out of it, and over the comms, she can hear him succeeding. Rage is edging out the grief in Tony’s tone. And rage means recklessness.
Not today, Tony. You don’t die today.
Flying the suit is weird, but Friday’s compensating for Pepper’s inexperience. She’s under orders not to alert Tony to Pepper’s imminent arrival, so she hears a scream of “Pep, what the hell are you doing?” as she crashes down beside her husband, taking out an enemy sneaking up on him with a single punch.
Maybe I should use these more often, she muses, flexing her metal-encased fist.
“Pepper to the rescue,” she manages to tease. Now that she’s here, surrounded by the din and stench and horror of vicious battle, she realizes maybe this wasn’t the best idea. Her stomach heaves.
Tony’s face mask snaps open. Her heart skips a beat. He’s bruised and bloody, tear tracks mingling with the red fluid to create jagged tracks of pain. His eyes are equally red, bloodshot from the tears he’s already shed today.
“Get the hell out of here!” he hisses, scrambling off Peter to grab her shoulders, twisting to put his body between her and the worst of the fighting.
“You need help,” she states, firing up her repulsors.
“I- You are thinking for two!” he snaps. He points fiercely back in the direction of the compound. “Go!”
“We do need- Wait, what?” Rhodey exclaims as Tony’s statement sinks in.
Pepper pushes Tony off – she’s here now, and she’s not leaving. “Like Rhodey said, you guys need help. I’m here to help.”
She takes off before he can protest, and after an exchanged glance, both men are following her. She does make sure to stay above the fighting, avoiding landing if she can help it. Friday is helpful in dodging bullets and energy blasts gently enough not to jar her. It’s Friday doing most of the fighting, really, but Pepper chimes in occasionally with good old human ingenuity.
For a while, all goes relatively well.
Until something like a soundwave ripples across the field, and suddenly she’s falling. Everything’s offline, she’s watching the ground rush closer out the eye slits, she can’t tell if she’s hearing wind whistling or her voice screaming, oh God, she can’t die, not like this-
Strong arms catch her with a strained grunt. The person sets her gently on the ground and yanks off her mask. Relief washes over her as she recognizes Thor, soft-hearted smile still there and reassuring even with the stark haircut and intimidating eyepatch.
“Thanks,” she tells him. Tony and Rhodey are nearby, saved by Loki and Hulk.
With Hulk’s help, Tony bursts out of his suit and comes sprinting over to Pepper; Rhodey’s a heartbeat behind, looking a little weirded out at the idea of Loki saving his life. They both drop to their knees beside her, Tony pulling her close and tight.
“Are you ok?” he demands, holding her out. He pats her down with one hand, his other clutching her shoulder. “Damn it, Pep, this is why-”
"I’m fine,” she assures him, cupping his face for whatever good that’ll do through the suit. “We’re fine.”
“Wait,” Rhodey interrupts, staring at her. “You’re actually pregnant?”
“Yes,” she and Tony reply in unison. His tone is more of a frustrated growl; his eyes are darting around the battlefield, watching every stray blast and bullet. But Thor and Loki have taken up positions to guard the trio, and between the lightning and magic, she feels relatively protected.
“You’re insane!” Rhodey exclaims.
“Of course I am, I married him,” she retorts, pointing at Tony. He purses his lips at her, badly hiding a smirk, and it’s when she’s smiling back that she sees it.
A massive wave of violet energy racing straight towards him.
“Duck!” Loki yells. His arm’s outstretched, flinging out an emerald shield. Rhodey’s grabbing Pepper’s shoulder, shoving her to the ground as carefully as she can, but he can’t quite reach Tony.
She’ll never quite know why she doesn’t trust Tony to duck. Maybe it’s because she knows him so well, knows that he’ll be hunching over her. Maybe she does trust him to duck, but she thinks her still-suited body will be enough protection for her entire family.
Regardless of why, she does it. She tears free of Rhodey’s grip and smashes Tony down into the ground, bending to flatten herself over him.
She’s not fast enough.
The wave breaks through Loki’s shield, sending him sprawling hard enough to make Thor scream his name. The energy floods forward, coloring everything violet.
It slams right into Pepper’s head, snapping her entire torso backwards.
The last thing she feels is burning in her stomach.
The last thing she thinks is I made my baby cry.
The last thing she hears are Tony and Rhodey’s raw screams of agony.
And in that moment, surviving this godforsaken battle is the absolute worst fate Tony can imagine.
And that’s exactly what he’s forced to endure.
Life mocked by tombstones. By photos of the happiness he almost had. By one ragged ultrasound.
That night, when the battle’s over, when the universe is saved but his family is safe nevermore, he holds that ultrasound in his burned left hand and he falls apart, never to be whole again.
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teamhook · 5 years
Savage Heart CS AU
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Chapter 28: Reunited
Emma arrives sometime before Killian. She slowly opens the door to her home, unaware that he is not there, and hoping to surprise him. She is startled to see Tink, asleep on one of the couches in the living room. Emma shakes her head as she smiles at her friend. Killian had gone to get her because he knew it would make her happy. She gently rouses Tink from her sleep.
Tink blinks a couple of times before her eyes adjust and she realizes she is not dreaming. Emma is back.
“Emma? Is that truly you? Tell me I’m not dreaming,” Tink urges her friend as she rushes to her feet and embraces her.
“It’s me, I’m home. Where’s Killian?” Emma looks around the room.
“He shouldn’t be long. He went to go pay your ransom,” Tink answers.
“My ransom? Oh. I escaped from the kidnappers. Rufio helped me. I hope it wasn’t too much money.” Emma gives a sad smile.
“Wait, Rufio? Was Felix with him?” TInk can’t believe it. Killian was right.
“Yes, and he doesn’t like me very much. I think my cousin was involved somehow.” Emma shrugs.
“Killian found out the boys had left with an older man. DId you see anyone else with them?”  
“No, they were the only ones that would come to feed me. I heard voices but that’s all. The only ones I saw were the kids when they approached me.”
“Oh, maybe we should send a message to your parents to give them the great news that you are home.”
“Actually, my friend, the one that helped me get home, he went to let them know. I just wanted to come home but I know my parents are worried sick so I asked him to go.”
Tink smiles, “Killian is going to be so happy. Emma, I’m truly sorry I was such a brat when you told me of your plans to marry him. I’ve never seen him in love, and I’ve known him for a long time. He was so worried for you.”
“It has been forgotten. I’m happy he wasn’t alone.”
Snow looks out her window as she worries a hole in the floor from continued pacing while waiting for news. She quickly opens the door when she notices movement outside. An oddly  familiar man stands on her porch smiling.
“Graham, is that you?” she gasps as a smile forms.
“Yes, it is. I come bearing good news.”
Snow quirks a brow. “Good news, seeing you is great but I’m waiting to hear news about my daughter.”
He nods, “A young blonde that shares your chin and her father’s charming personality? The family resemblance is uncanny.”
A silent Snow opens the door wide enough for him to enter.
“I came across your daughter and she is now safe at home. She asked me to come and give you the news. Is David here?”
“Emma is home?” Snow hesitantly asks, but the hope in her eyes is evident.
“Safe and sound. She couldn’t wait to reunite with her husband. Do you have any idea who would want to do such a thing?”
“No, Emma has always been a light to everyone she knows. There is no one I can think of who would want to harm her, but that husband of hers is a different story.” Snow purses her lips. If that man was responsible in any way for her daughter’s disappearance she would never forgive him. “Cora Booth and her son have actively been involved in trying to find her.”
“That is good to have powerful people helping. She is no damsel. Snow, you should be proud. I have a feeling no one saves her but her.”
Snow smiles as she realizes she will soon be able to hold her daughter and relax.    
He smiles, “You can relax now, I’m sure she will come by soon, and we could find out more about her captors.”
“I’m just happy she is okay, I’ve been worried sick,” Snow sniffles.
“Snow, a word of advice. I haven’t known your daughter long, but she loves her husband. If you truly believe he is somehow responsible, I would suggest you keep it to yourself.”
Snow’s memories fill her mind. She knows he is right, things with Emma had been difficult once she announced her plans to marry the pirate. She also remembers how distraught Killian had been since she’d disappeared. They were in love and for a second she let the fear of never seeing her daughter ever again cloud her mind. Graham’s words reassure her that she can let go of that fear.
Milah and August get dressed after their activities. She had noticed her husband’s attitude was darker and somehow she found it arousing. That thought surprises her. Somehow the menacing quality that engulfs Killian and makes him dangerously attractive had emerged in the very proper August. They await news in their bedroom.  
Cora eagerly waits for Malcolm to return. She is happy things have gone her way. Soon Emma will be returned and Snow will keep her mouth shut. If only she can find that damn letter, she’d have all her loose ends tied up..
When Malcolm reaches his destination, Golden Cove, he remembers how much he truly hates the place. He enters the old house and everything seems in order. Now to return the girl. He makes his way to the room the boys were sharing and knocks The door opens and there stands a beat up Rufio, his eye barely open. The bloodied bruises on his face don’t go unnoticed. “Rufio, where’s Felix? And who beat you up?”
Rufio winces, “Mrs. Jones escaped. The last time I came to check on her she got the upper hand and beat me. Felix found me on the floor knocked out. He and the doctor left to go look for her. They’ve been gone for a while now.”
Malcolm paces the room. “She got the upperhand?” He approaches Rufio. “I’m here to take her back. Now what am I gonna do? If she is not found, I cannot return her home safely. There will be powerful people after us.”
Rufio hopes Emma had gained enough of a head start. Once he regained consciousness he was interrogated by the doctor and Felix. Felix had gone into a rage and the doctor had to stop him from making his injuries worse.
The duo returns empty-handed shortly after Malcolm’s arrival. Rufio hides his relief as best as he can.
Malcolm glares at the trio. “I have to go back. If by some miracle she made it home, everything will be fine. Did she see you Hyde?”
Hyde shakes his head, “No, she didn’t.”
Malcolm turns his attention to the boys, “She only saw you two?”
Felix glares at Rufio, “Yes, we fed her. Rufio here was quite fond of the new Mrs. Jones.”
“Did you say anything to her that might come back to us?” Malcolm turns his focus to Rufio.
“I didn’t say anything to her. She already knew we know the Captain when we approached her. She just talked about him.”
Malcolm seems happy with the response. “Hyde I think you should go home. You two are coming with me.”
“Why can’t we stay here?” Felix asks.
“Because I said so, let’s hope your absence went unnoticed. I have to go back to find out if the girl arrived home or not. If she is home, I’m sure everyone will be happy and perhaps she will want to just forget the ordeal. For your sakes, I hope that’s what happens.” Malcolm points to the boys. “If she is still missing, or something happened to her on her return. We might not be so lucky.”
Rufio nods his agreement and adds, “The Captain might not be as forgetful as his wife. He will want to know what happened.”
Felix glares, “This is your fault, you let her go. You wanted to because she was nice to you.”
“I didn’t let her go!” Rufio returns the glare, “she hit me with that cup.” He points to a discarded bloodied cup on the table. “Yes, I liked her because she was nice but that doesn’t mean I would let her go.”
Malcolm’s voice booms, “It doesn’t matter anymore. We are going back and that is final. Grab your things and we will be on our way. Hyde, thank you for your help. I will send word if the girl returned safely home. I know the reason you agreed was to ensure her safety.”
“Thank you old friend.” Hyde smiles and makes his exit.
The boys grab their few belongings and soon they are on their way back to Misthaven.
Killian returns from Port Hook brokenhearted, not only was his wife missing but now his ship is gone as well. He has to believe that the kidnappers would be true to their word and return his wife. He doesn’t care as long as he has her. He is about to walk into his home and hopes to avoid Tink. He doesn’t want to talk about anything right now. His Emma would tell him to have faith, and that thought makes him smile.
He doesn't expect to find what greets him once he crosses his threshold. His beloved Emma, with a simple smile upon her face.
"Did you miss me?" she greets him.
He doesn’t need words to express his answer as they rush into each other's arms and reunite with a tearful kiss.
Killian is just happy that Tink has vanished to her room. He doesn’t want anyone to have any part of their reunion. They quickly make sure their reunion is complete and the days apart melt away as they merged into one.
The day after her return Emma wants to do nothing more than spend it with her husband in bed, reconnecting. But she also knows that a visit to her parents is inevitable. Killian agrees with her assessment and is getting dressed begrudgingly. While she waits for him, TInk announces the Priest’s presence. Emma is surprised when he requests to speak to her alone. He is waiting for Emma in the living room.
“Good day, Father. How may I help you?” Emma quickly greets the priest as they exchange pleasantries.
“Emma, I’ve had a disturbing visit.” He stares at her.
Emma furrows her brows in confusion. “I’m sorry father but I don’t understand.”
“August Booth paid me a visit on your behalf, and it left me concerned for your well being.”
Emma is now more confused then ever. “I’m sorry father but that doesn’t help me understand. I was kidnapped and I’ve barely been back home. I have no idea why he would go see you and make you worry about me. Sure, my ordeal was not pleasant but I’m okay. I’m home with my loved ones.”
The priest smiles, “I’m happy you are back and safe. August mentioned that he felt Killian coerced you into the marriage.”
Emma’s eyes widen. “Killian would never coerce me into doing anything I don’t want to do. Our life together is as much my choice as it is his. He has been wonderful. He encourages me to be me. I don’t have to let a man speak for me because I’m a woman. Like August did by coming to you. If his claim was true, shouldn’t I have come to you? Why would I need him to talk to you? Perhaps if I would have married someone like him, someone who sees me as a weakling, I would need to, but I married someone that sees me as an equal.” She is pacing the room like a caged animal.
The priest’s small smile tells her he understands. She slowly starts calming down. “Emma dear, I believe you. You are positively glowing with happiness. Even if I’ve managed to upset you, for that I’m sorry. I will take my leave now.”
She smiles and walks him to the door. She is just happy Killian didn’t hear any of the nonsense August told the priest.
Killian joins her minutes after the priest has left and wraps her in his arms whispering in her ear, “Darling, I’m not letting you out of my sight, ever again. I cannot lose you, my love.” They go visit her parents together, holding hands, possibly more in love than before.
Days later the families come together for a “family” dinner to celebrate Emma’s safe return. The only reason Milah is excited about the get together is because she can use it to her advantage. She will get to spend time with Killian. How she hates her cousin. She rolls her eyes at the way everyone goes out of their way for her. Doting on princess Emma. She has made her dumb cousin into a martyr.
The dinner had been pleasant only because she was seated so close to Killian. She could smell his scent. She missed him so much. His voice took her out of her thoughts many times, thoughts where they were the only ones. No Emma. No August. That thought makes her smile.
After dinner everyone is scattered into small groups. Snow, David, Archie, and Graham catching up.
Cora and August in the opposite corner talking. Cora occasionally inspecting her surroundings.
Killian and Tink had opted for the garden to get some fresh air, most likely to avoid Milah.  
Milah excuses herself to go to the powder room. Emma wants to keep an eye on her to make sure she isn’t going to follow Killian, but is distracted by August.
Emma is not as happy to see him as he is to see her. The dinner had been her parent's idea. What was she supposed to say? Mom, Dad, I don't think it's a good idea. Milah wants my husband because she had a relationship with him before she married the man I was supposed to marry, and August tried to annul my marriage because he thinks I need to be rescued.
August hesitantly approaches Emma. "I'm happy you're home safe." He smiles at her.
Emma sighs, “I’m home safe and extremely happy.” Her normally sweet voice is annoyed.
August quirks an eye.
“The day after my return I had a very interesting visit from the town priest. He said you paid him a visit. An uncalled for visit in my opinion.”
“Emma, I only did it because you are not safe with Killian. He is the reason you were taken. Don’t you see?”
“The only thing I see is that it’s not your business. You had no right. How dare you?”
August’s eyes are blown wide and he stammers for an excuse.
Emma shakes her head furiously. “Remember, you’re the one that called off our engagement. You’re the one that fell hopelessly in love with my cousin.”
“Emma, wait a second. You said you were happy I called off the engagement because your true calling was the convent. Then later it turned out you had an illicit affair with Killian while you were engaged to me.”
Emma turns her face to the side. “The point is, you had no right. We are not married. You married Milah and I married the man I love. I have no idea why you suddenly dislike Killian so much, but this ends now. If you want to be welcomed in our home, your attitude will have to change.” Her gaze pierces through him and she turns to walk away.
Cora notices the exchange and slowly approaches them. "Is everything alright?"
August is still shocked by Emma's attitude and mutters a response, "Yes mother, everything is alright."
Cora smiles and lets her gaze follow Emma's retreating body.
Milah attempts to approach Killian in the garden.
"Killian, we need to talk."
He tenses, "We've nothing to talk about." His eyes never meet hers. He looks around to make sure no one is watching them.
"We do, Killian. I know you still love me, you're still angry because of what I did.” Her voice cracks with emotion.
Killian glares at her. "Milah, I'm sorry, how do I have to say it? How do I make you understand? I love Emma, my wife. You were a mere dalliance. Lass, please forget about us, about me."
"Killian, am I interrupting?" It is Tink with the drinks she had gone to obtain for them. Her voice has a bit of bite, he hopes it's for Milah and not him.
"How long do you think the company is going to stay?" Tink asks, ignoring Milah's presence completely. She hopes she will get the hint.
"Let's go find out." Killian holds out his arm for Tink to take and they enter the house.
Milah's eyes water as she stands in the dark.
Not long after, Milah finds a moment alone with Emma. “Cousin you should know I took very good care of Killian in your absence.”
Emma squints at her cousin as she studies her. “Just come out with it, what are you trying to insinuate?”
“Oh dear, if you want me to be blunt, we fell into bed together. I told you he would never be completely yours. Deep inside, he still wants me.”
“Is that so, I find it hard to believe since my father told me he was with Archie and him most of the time I was away, and later on with Tink. I know for a fact that Tink would toss you on your behind if you tried something while I was away.” Emma leans into Milah’s space. “And just to be clear, I know you had something to do with my kidnapping.”
Milah’s eyes widen and she tries to quickly hide it. “Did I? Why not tell everyone? I know, because you want to protect your true love August’s reputation.”
“Oh, please, you know this is about your reputation. Our family, the one you seem to care so little for. I loved you like a sister, but that didn’t stop you from dishonoring our name, and on top of that, you married August knowing full well who he was to me. You are a selfish brat, and the most ungrateful person alive. You are just mad. I have something you want and you cannot believe he wants me and not you. Your deceit will eventually come out. In the end, all treachery is revealed. So no, I’m not falling for your lies. I know Killian loves me as much as I love him.” Emma walks away as Milah stares at her back.
Cora is brushing her hair getting ready for bed. The evening had been a bore to her. She was concerned with August's heated conversation with Emma. She’d wondered what had happened, but when she asked him he had brushed it off. There’s a light knock on her door that brings her out of her thoughts. "Come in."
Enith stands embarrassed in front of her boss, "Ma'am, I was wondering if you needed anything before I retire for the evening?"
Cora waves dismissively, "No, I'm fine, but maybe check in on my son."
Enith stands still, she’s nervous. "Ma'am?"
Cora rolls her eyes, "Dear lord, Enith, I don't have all night. Just spit it out!"
Enith takes out a crumpled paper and a vial from her apron's pocket and hands the items to her.
Cora smooths out the paper and when she realizes what it is, the damn letter, her heart pounds, Cora can’t believe it. "You've had this all along? Why give it back now? What are you after?"
"Ma'am, I don't want anything. I was afraid of your reaction, that’s why I didn’t return it sooner. Ma'am you were so upset at Mrs. Snow."
Cora cooed "Alright, I suppose that's plausible, but why now?" she enunciates.
Enith’s whispers in a low voice, "I just wanted you to stop worrying about it, if you must let me go for not handing it over as soon as I found it, I understand."
Cora tisks, "Yes, I would have preferred you return my property as soon as you came across it but you're doing it now and I'm just relieved. What about the vial? That is not mine." As she starts to open it, Enith stopped her, "Please, don't do that, it smells like old blood."
"Blood? Why are you giving it to me?"
Enith’s nervousness returns, "I found it right after Mr. August's wedding, I saw Miss Milah burying it. I didn't know what it was so I dug it out.”
Cora tenses. "Milah had this? That harlot, you can retire for the evening after you check on my son."
Cora is unable to rest after Enith's visit. The letter should have been a relief but the vial, she’s no fool. She knows what the vial means. It was not uncommon, she had been a young widow at the time her match with Brennan had been made, so there were no illusions there. There was no doubt in her mind why Milah had used the blood in that vial. Now, how was she to deal with her whore of a daughter-in-law? She had not been pure when she first laid down with her son. She had made fools of them all and that was not acceptable. Her first thought is to expose her, but August would be ridiculed. Sure Milah would be shunned but the damage to their name would be done.
The next morning Cora looks for her son. “Enith, where is August?”
Enith answered swiftly, “He went riding.”
Cora smiles, “Thank you, Enith, what about Milah?”
“She left to go visit her family.”
“Let me know when they return. I’ll be in my room.”
Felix and Rufio had been returned to the docks where they had been admiring the Jolly all those days before.
Felix had begged Malcolm to take him along but the older man simply said that they couldn’t be seen together or suspicion would arise. He did give them some money so they could stay in a room rented from one of the old maids.
Rufio understood better than Felix that they should avoid the docks. He also hoped Emma was able to convince Captain Jones that he had helped her.
After the dinner, Emma had wanted to express her worry for Felix to Killian without him threatening bodily harm to the boy. They had briefly talked about her abduction right after her return. She had insisted that the subject could wait for now since Graham, Archie, and her father had gone back to find any indication as to who was involved and why. Graham is a great tracker and was able to find the house she was held captive at, but there were no signs of anyone.
That worries her when she is informed no one is there. They find that the house belongs to a woman named Fiona Black. So far it’s the only information they have. Emma confirms Killian’s theory about Felix and Rufio. The anger that clouds his blue eyes makes her think it’ll be best if she waits to talk about Rufio in a positive way. She had promised the boy she would give Killian a good word about him.
Emma smiles at Killian as she tries to think of a way to bring up the subject of Rufio without her husband muttering explicits.  
Nottingham’s Office
Milah stands outside of the Sheriff’s office. She has no idea why she came here but she needs Killian to pay for rejecting her. Actually she knows why she is here. She knows the good Sheriff is not a fan of Killian.
Knock, knock
“Come in,” a strong voice says.
Milah enters slowly and Sheriff Nottingham stands when he sees her.
“Mrs. Booth, please come in, take a seat.”
She laughs, “Mrs. Booth is my mother-in-law. Please, call me Milah.”
It’s his turn to laugh, “I imagine you are happy to have your cousin back.”
Her face must answer for her. “Let me ask you, something Sheriff.”
“Please, call me Keith.”
“Well, Keith. How would you like it if the person that gets everything in life had done it again? To answer your question, no I’m not happy Emma is back.”
“May I ask why?”
“Growing up with Miss Perfect wasn’t easy. She had everything given to her. Even the perfect match to a rich powerful man to marry. She always gets everything.”
He understands her, “I know someone like that.”
“Who would that be?”
“Why your cousin’s husband of course. Jones is lucky beyond belief. He has escaped capture each time I’ve attempted to rid the town of him.”
“How about we make a deal, Keith? We can do something about it.”
“What do you have in mind?”
“First, let’s seal the deal, Keith.” She smiles and approaches him, and sits on his lap.
After sealing their deal and making themselves presentable once more, he tells her that he has the Jolly. He was able to confiscate it since no one claimed it, it was fair game.
Snow and David are eating breakfast. "Honey, dinner last night was nice, wasn't it?"
David offers his wife a charming smile. "It was nice, but I sensed that something was bothering Emma. She was upset. I was going to ask what was troubling her, but I didn't want to pressure her while there was company."
Snow sighs, "She looked fine, maybe she was just nervous about the dinner. Which I think she did an amazing job hosting by the way."
He proudly adds, “She did an amazing job. I hope Emma and Killian are ready to host another dinner party soon.”
She quirks a brow. “Why soon, is this about the infamous brother?”
David smiles, “I think you will like Liam, he is a good man.”
Snow starts to fidget nervously.
His eyes bore into her. "Snow, why are you so nervous?"
She shakes her head, “I can’t say but can I ask you something?”
“What do you mean you can’t say?” Since when can his wife keep secrets from him or anyone for that matter? He decides to indulge her. “Ask away, my love.”
“Does Killian remind you of anyone? An old friend perhaps.”
David ponders the question. “I can’t think of anyone.”
Snow is getting frustrated because she made a promise. A promise in exchange for help to get her princess back home safely. Now that she thinks about it, Cora didn’t really do anything. Emma found a way home on her own. She couldn’t say the words but she could plant the seed. “Well, Killian reminds me of one of Archie’s dearest friends. There used to be a portrait at the Booth Estate, and now it’s gone.”
“Wait, are you talking about Brennan? Cora’s dead husband.”
“Yes!” Snow finally relaxes, “Killian looks so much like him, and I found it odd that right after Killian arrived at the Booth Estate the portrait disappeared.”  
“Sweetheart, that is not something one can say without any sort of proof.”
Snow bites at her bottom lip. She is pretty sure that she had that proof in her hands. Oh dear, Killian is Brennan’s son.
The Nautilus is one of the fastest ships. Its captain had avoided a nasty storm but in doing so it had deterred their arrival. Finally, the ship docks at the Misthaven harbor, and the port is overwhelmed by activity.
Captain Nemo had offered passage to his former Lieutenant and his companions. The old captain had become the father young Liam Long craved during his earlier years.  
The passengers emerge from the ship, Liam setting foot on his birthplace, decades after the passing of his mother. After reading the message he knew he had to be there for his brother. He could finally be the brother he desperately wanted to be. Sadly mother nature decided to make it hard for him. He was happy he bumped into his former Captain after getting the news. His superiors didn't even bat an eye when he asked for time off due to a family emergency. They were still upset about him letting Captain Jones slip through their fingers. The fact that the young captain had claimed Jones as his surname didn’t go unnoticed by his superiors.
His love Elsa jumped at the chance to accompany him. Then Ingrid invited herself, saying that they wanted to support David in his time of distress. The group found transport, and a guide to the home of Killian Jones.
A thundering knock is heard in the house. An irritated pirate captain swings the door open. “Buggering--” Killian’s insult dies at the tip of his tongue once he realizes who the visitor is.
Liam’s smile broadens, “Hello, brother.”
The brothers Jones are once more reunited.
Tagging: My Beta:@ilovemesomekillianjones
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