#it isn't hard if you pay attention
yume-fanfare · 10 months
knowing it's ok for people to dislike characters for no reason and that they have no obligation of reading stories for characters they don't like vs if they were to read even just one idol story they'd see they're factually wrong about many of their assumptions
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robotpussy · 1 year
im starting to believe people whitewash characters in their art so they get attention
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mad-hunts · 25 days
barton being awkward at first or even completely throughout a whole interaction whenever he's trying to comfort people is so in character for him TBH and let me tell y'all why because i think it's important to his character:
he can fake a lot of things. barton can fake being nice to people, he can fake being innocent, and he can even fake having a much stronger sense of morality around people if he wants to — but whenever it comes to empathizing with someone on an emotional level... barton finds himself often struggling with faking it because of the nature of it. and this is due to it being different than whenever he's trying to feign something easily comprehensible like innocence. but empathy is something that's usually viewed as innate in us as humans and has to do with love, which doesn't depend on logic. it's something that comes from within, so it doesn't have clear parameters as to how you should do it, so whenever barton tries to fake it in the event that he's trying to make someone feel better; he'll stumble. and so although barton can cognitively empathize with someone, his efforts to actually put himself in other people's shoes fall flat, as he just can't physically imagine himself being in someone else's position probably more than half the time.
so if your muse were to ever come to him seeming upset, barton would likely not know what to do / how to comfort them, at least for a bit before referencing back on how he's seen other people do it. because i hate to say it (i don't, in reality, but y'all know what i mean LOL) but barton does actively mimic behaviors that he sees people do whenever he feels the absence of a certain emotion. he especially does this whenever he's trying to appear charming to other people, but like i said, he'll also try to use what he's seen his peers do as a guide as for what he should do in regards to empathy. and sometimes he may even seem a bit flustered before he's able to do this because he knows that it is expected of him to be able to empathize with people and can identify it in other people BUT knowing how to approach faking it has always been sort of hard for him even as an adult.
but yeahhh, that's just my own two cents about how barton sometimes break character that he is quote unquote ' normal, ' though he does try to mask this around people who aren't really familiar with him as simply being social awkwardness. however, it is part of a larger thing with him as despite the fact that he can blend in with the population REALLY well and also is pretty good at manipulating others, i suppose you could say that barton is still not an expert at ' constructing empathy ' because whenever someone is visibly hurt in front of him... he is more liable to act like he isn't sure what to do, than to put on an act immediately since he is likely to feel nothing first before anything else. and i realize that that is a rather unsettling thought, but i think that he is a lot more suspectible to doing this with people he doesn't know well / who he isn't particularly close to, as he's got a lot more practice with being falsely empathetic towards friends and/or sometimes even family members.
#OF MONSTERS AND MEN: musings.#YOUR NEED GREW TEETH: character study.#ANGER'S HELPED ME STAY ALIVE: headcanons.#yeah so i do know that this does bring up some questions because if barton mimics emotions then how do you know whether he's being truly-#genuine or not whenever he's interacting with someone? and wellll that is honestly a rather good question bc i feel like sometimes it IS-#probably hard to tell whether he is actually feeling these things rather than just putting on an act in front of people though i feel as if#it's possible that you'd be able to tell in general if you pay close attention to what his tells are for lying / i think humans just in-#general are able to sense whenever someone is not being 100% authentic and i believe i've mentioned this before BUT barton does sometimes-#give off weird / bad vibes sometimes so that could help another character figure out that he mayyy or may not be being real with them rn.#so yeahhh i know that this isn't the most happy or light thing go talk about at 10:30 in the morning on a Sunday but JSJSJ what can i sayyy#/ j JSJSJ nahhh I'm kidding around with y'all but i did promise you guys that I would post fluff so i still fully intend on doing that#my brain just decided it was time to explain some thing's about barton's behavior / some context behind it bc i always like delving deep-#Into my character like this (':#tw: potentially disturbing content.#tw: discussions of symptoms of a mental illness.#tw: mentions of manipulation.
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thethingything · 1 month
with our ADHD symptoms flaring up it's like, there's the stuff with not being able to focus and not being able to start tasks or even figure out how to do tasks because our brain caan't focus long enough to put the steps together, but there's also like, I can feel myself jumping from thought to thought so fucking quickly while talking to people.
and then it's like, I'll jump between thoughts too quickly to keep track and then suddenly my mind is just blank and I can't remember what I was thinking or doing and I've just completely forgotten and can't figure out what's going on and it's happend like 6 or 7 times so far while typing this but luckily with this I have the train of thought written out to help me figure out what I was doing, but with other stuff I have no fucking clue and nothing to help me
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infectiouspiss · 3 months
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dentist-brainsurgeon · 4 months
Love how my grandma and aunt have the audacity to be mad at me when the first thing she says when I wake up and leave my room is calling the dog a bitch for pissing on the rug and then wonder why I don't want to interact with them
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galmiahthepigeon · 8 months
Hey so is it actually posible to maintain a stable relationship with a neurotypical or am I going to keep failing and crying and trying and failing and crying and
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aberooski · 8 months
I honestly wish my birthday wasn't in 2 weeks. I always get really depressed around my birthday.
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
Sometimes I'm glad AraSawa isn't as much of a thing as MineDai because SOME of what is there already makes Jo super aggressive (towards Arakawa) lol... obviously it's rare, as a subset of a subset of content, but it always reminds me of the post that's like Oops You Fell For The Front The Character Was Putting Up
'rare' is an understatement i aint EVER seen any arasawa outside of my own or not from pixiv/twitter and them mates usually have arakawa as the instigator..
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monty-glasses-roxy · 11 months
You know what? Roxy’s shenanigans growing up in Jurassic Bark/Zombie AUs are probably a fic in themselves lmao
#she's so funny and puppy shaped#teenage roxy just a ball of 'fuck you' as she follows bonnie around everywhere#makes friends with dj because a teacher was being a prick about her chew toy and she started roasting them in sign language#not the most fluently mind you it wasn't perfect and was pretty messy in some places but DJ#with no voice#was fucking DYING behind that teacher#he's never laughed so hard in his life#because they both know this one teacher doesn't know sign and doesn't care for it at all and it's angering the hell out of them#they're just having a conversation where roxy is watching him out of the corner of her eye while pretending to be paying attention-#to the teacher#and they're instant friends over their combined amusement of pissing this one guy off#why would teen roxy know sign?#her and bonnie's grandad is Deaf and he was very close to them growing up so naturally it was taught to them through him#roxy's still a bit clumsy with it though and occasionally mixes nouns up with makaton#which she grew out of using but still remembers bits and pieces of#it's like when you know a few different words in different languages for one thing and you just.#use the wrong language for it once. then correct to a different language and then another#makaton isn't a language though some of the signs are just based on sign language and when she was learning them as a kid#she thought a few of them were for the opposite thing#she knows now but she still uses the wrong signs on occasion#I've forgotten what I was talking about and I can't be bothered to read back so if it doesn't make sense you know why
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peachsunset · 9 months
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me when i try to prevent something from happening and the act of trying to prevent it makes it happen: 👁️👄👁️
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jurassicpark1990 · 2 years
5, 7 and 35 for the book asks :)
5: Which book did you last re-read?
Jade War by Fonda Lee which was every bit as good as I remembered
7: What was/were the last book/books you bought?
i believe it was A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall which is a queer historical romance and i absolutely loved it so highly recommend!!!
35: Name a book you consider to be terribly underrated
i could probably pick a bunch for this but i'm gonna go with The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson which is an adult scifi novel that i thought was ingenious with probably one of my fav romances ever
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dirkxcaliborn · 7 days
Every day of my life someone treats Nazuna like a child (and you can guess how that results in the characterization of his fans) and it makes me foam at the mouth like a wild dog.
Like. The narrative doesn't even joke about people mistaking him for being younger. That's not a thing. He's literally just short. And he's also older than like 90% of the cast.
God forbid an adult man be 5'3" and beautiful. Can't have shit in ensemble square.
#coyo speaks#I just saw a post grouping NazunaPs with like... incest shippers and shotacons#so I'm salty lol#I'm not going to pretend there aren't people who go after him in that way and draw him like that#but when you look at how most NazunaPs engage with him especially outside of Ra*bitsP circles#it's not like that at all#(I can't really speak much for Ra*bitsPs since I'm not really one but as far as I know the unit's appeal is in their cuteness)#(but if you're only looking at Nazuna and taking his whole history into account it's hard to just reduce him to being cute)#(especially if you were initially drawn to him by his time in past!Valk and then you look at how he interacts with everyone around him)#(and the cutesty schtick barely seems like a part of him... like that wasn't even his idol persona originally!)#(he's never been the cutesty one and even in Ra*bits his role has always been that of a mentor)#(I won't say his idol persona in ra*bits isn't a part of him but it's just such a small part of his overall character)#and I think that's where I get really annoyed#I hate seeing his appeal being reduced to him looking cute. He literally has so much appeal if you actually pay attention to him#it's like when people are like 'x fans only like y about character (derogatory)'#and more than anything it feels like they're insulting that character by implying there's nothing else worth being interested in#meanwhile I'm just like how is everyone not obsessed with this guy have you met him
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rivilu · 22 days
see i'm not even opposed to the concept of canon/trickster Ellu surviving but the thing is in order for it to happen there would need to be a second vulnerable conversation regarding his side of things. where he couldn't lie his way out of it either. So basically he's fucked
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Women will just deal with crazy men sometimes. If he fucks well they deem the insanity a fair trade for the orgasms.
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