#it isnt harmful i just personally find the whole thing silly
arofulboyfriend · 2 months
I find this crusade against the bot spam in the asexual tag(s) a tad silly but like do whatever but can ya'll please chill with the transphobia? I've seen like 5 posts today alone toeing a dangerous line of transmisogyny and like I get it the bots are annoying but you do realize those are stolen images, not real accounts, and they're choosing photos of trans women specifically to bait people/Tumblr into ramping up their transmisogynistic violence, right? We do realize that? And we're gonna agree to not fall for it, right?
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goatpaste · 1 year
id like to hear more of your thoughts on hato! shes my fav jojolion character and no one else talks ab her i love her sm
wAHH i love Hato I really really do love herrrrr
she's defiantly probably my fav character in that part which i know is a bit silly because she really didn't get as much screentime as a lot of others but i really just like what we did get of her. she's just delightful. i really wish we got more of her, in general but also in replace of Joshu. I would have love Hato and Yasuho friendship
then theres the part of me that reads too much into her!!! i know iv overanalyzed her but i did and it sits in me!
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Hato rambling under the cut lol
This idea of her oldest daughter, but second oldest child. Her parents love her and her siblings but dad works on their family business and as much as mom never lets you forget she loves you, she clearly has subconsciously picked a favorite in your older brother. Theres something between them you could never have with your mother or brother. This special clique just between them. Then your mother is taken from the picture, your brother is older than you and even if she isnt there his best friend is mom, and its not long now that he's working with dad. You have a younger sister but the age difference is there and she's become quite the daddys girl as dad's stepped in to be both parents. So your left with the sibling closest to you in age, Jobin. He isnt great but you get to have your moments, but even then he's busy being self entitled and chasing some girl who doesnt want him around and constantly doing his own thing.
Despite all this your the odd man out in a house where everyone is the odd man out of each others relationships.
Some time goes by and you find out about your absent mom, and with that disconnection from everyone else, you don't say anything. You dont want to upset them, you simply have to digest the truth of the matter, the bond of your mother and brother. Your the oldest daughter, your not going to stir shit up. But you can't help but feel a bit of resentment toward the whole thing... maybe jealousy that it wasnt you? Its stupid to feel that way on the topic of the death of a child, but she missed out on having that connection with either of them.
Your considered silly and air headed, and you are you guess, you like to have fun and things escape you sometime. But your finding a nice well off boyfriend, the perfect first boyfriend to bring home to your family. Someone thats yours. Plus, shows everyone your a responsible adult who can have an adult relationship. You can step up you can be someone people rely on and trust, your going to be a good person who brings no trouble to your family. Your not your mother, your not your brother and your not going to let personal feelings lay harm.
Then despite all that, all that you've tried to do right backfires and you've put everyone in danger. Your misjudged and it caused everyone to get hurt. Maybe you are air headed..
All this business with these people trying to hurt her family, her mom back in the picture, jobin acting more distant from the family than ever before, falling back into this way with their mother, secrets just for them while you just have to sit and watch and stew in your own feelings.
... then their gone. It's all over and their gone, and your left with having resented your mother for the last years. But you dont hate her, well.. maybe you do. you just hated that she wasnt as attentive to you as you wanted. You hate that you couldn't have had a proper relationship with her or your brother and now it's too late.
But its not too late for family.
I love to picture after the events of Jojolion, Hato going on to pick up Jobins work. She steps up as the eldest child of the family and starts working closer with her dad, helping with the family business, as well as her and everyone else stepping up to help Mitsuba with Tsurugi and the new baby.
Hato finding some peace in the new flow of the family, through strengthening her bond to family finally, finding some sense of connection to the ones they lost through them.
miss growing pains!!
also this comic i love it soo much on twitter i think about it a lot with miss hato
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s6ider · 5 months
a bunch of random ass peter hcs i thought about at work because i really had nothing to do
hes an advocate for the lgbtq+ community particuarly in youths dont worry bookie ur not alone (hes also been seen at the ny pride parade several times but only as spider-man)
has been to comic con before to see what the hub bub was about was rather surprised to see dozens of cosplays of spider-man whether it be his current suit or ppls own renditions (yes the hello kitty / pink special was present). when someone complimented his 'cosplay' he responded with 'this suit isnt a cosplay'. needless to say that cosplayer didnt believe him
he doesnt have a favorite artist hes just the type of guy to listen whatever sounds nice
typically when asked for the type of interview that involves a live audience + camera he responds with 'no comment' and swings away but the rare off chance he amuses them, hes awkward in the way where he gives a hesitant wave and an unsure glance between the crew and the microphone only to lean as close as he can to speak.
this isnt a hc but damn peter and i are not the same if my extremely hot and badass girlfriend stole from the rich of artifacts they claimed in an underground auctions / just to have it as a social status i would support her whole heartedly and not change her i would do anything for her in fact
sure hes attracted to mj and harry and felicia and finds the whole crew of the avengers attractive and sable and
hes a fan of tony stark (in terms of how cool he thinks tonys suit is and is very interested to know the intricate designs even idly thinking about if he should apply that to his own + avengers towers) and natasha romanova (a russian SPY? he could rly learn a thing or 2 from her + hes slightly afraid of her shes just so badass)
helps introduce miles and tony as a favor that was long owed while he cant help in 'spidey training' / thinks miles is ready to rly prove himself
his favorite thing about being spider-man is getting to know everyone personally it helps cement is morality
speaking of that with his undiagnosed ptsd he has night horrors and goes days without sleep to help sway those bad thoughts to do patrols but he doesnt know this his harming him instead. running from ur thoughts and not addressing them doesnt help (ill go deeper into this in another post)
he so desperately wants to believe everyone can be saved in some form but hes accepted that those who refuse the hand thats offered is of no help if they refuse to accept change; its along the lines u cant save everyone whether it be physically or morality
he cant take therapy because then he would have to go thru all the things that have given him trauma (will hit them with 'yeah im fine... i think') and intrusive thoughts because hes spider-man so he did the next best thing that mj had suggested: yoga
he makes silly little status on twitter to help communicate with his followers as a whole and is the type to take a picture on top of a tall building and something silly like 'good morning ny'
in addition to that he saves random fanart he finds and saves it to his phone he even as some as his wallpaper on his phone
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penguin--person · 10 months
Solstice (srs/lttm from rain world)?
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im so fucking normal about them you have no idea im so fucking normal im so normal you have to believe me i swear im normal i fuckings wear man im normal im so fucking normal
going along with the popular 'suns is treated like a god in their colony' headcannon, i dont think suns liked being worshiped - but, i do think he misses it. he knows it wasnt healthy, but he still does. this isnt me saying he wants moon to worship him, No, he Doesn't . and i mean that. slash serious. in my headcanon, moon's colony was religious too, but unlike suns' 'we can indulge in wordly pleasures as long as suns is ok with it and as long as its for him', there were more monks there. didn't starve themseleves, no, but. they did deprive themselves of lifes joys n shit . like the typical ancient. so. nothing irregular.
i think they'd date before the events of the main game
they meet through pebbles, maybe. suns mentions talking to pebbles not long after he was activated in one of the broadcasts in spearmasters campaign. maybe when pebbles talked about moon, how he wanted to be independent n all that, he went and spoke to moon herself.
and! while he understood pebbles' frustration. i think. m. he foud moon's kindness comforting. sweet lady. i headcanon them to be somewhat of a group senior, too, though maybe like.. not the oldest. moon gen1, suns gen2, smth. so. i think he'd find her comforting. and. he'd keep talking to her.
he'd maybe mention it once to pebbles, but wouldn't mention how their friendship is turning into a romantic one !! though like. qpr. ive got so many thoughts on how iterators perceive relationships you dont even know... like, i think the lines are blurry for them, what is platonic and what romantic. so i think it's not comparable to any relationship any human being has had.. though, maybe.. in the neolithic age n shit.. broken femur... "life is cruel but i'll stand by you and love you even when you're doing bad" n shit. whateverrr no one look at me. though efel free to ask me about my thoughts on the iterator relationships:3
so !! so . i think. moon would find him silly. she'd be happy pebbles has someone as kind as him as a friend, tutor.. . she'd see that suns is hurt, that they're depressed, don't see much point in trying to find the solution, but still try, because, what else is there to do? i think she'D try to help them see the joy in life. and maybe she'd succeed a bit. but, you can't drag a person out of depression on your own, ya know? not to say moon doesn't have her own problems - she also defineely has some kind of depression, i'd bet all iterators do, even if they don't know it. they've got mental illnesses we can't even fahtom.
so !! m. i also think they'd just be silly. moon would give a lot to the relationship, but, she's bad at setting boundaries, yea? like. take the whole pebbles thing as an example. she didn't force communicattions until she absolutely had to . i think she lets a lot of things slide, but, she's not oblivious! she just. i dont knowww i dont wanna mischaracterize her. shes not stupid. shes not dumb. she tells suns if he goes too far. but i dont think she's mean about it. moon never kills the slugcat. i don't think she'd ever really get angry with him - upset, yes, but she understands what he's going through.. and, as group seniour, even though they're not in the same group (but considers him part), wants to help him get better.
i don't think it'd be interely healthy, but, it'd be interesting! like. like. when you're climbing out of depression, you sometimes latch onto something that brings you joy soo much that you don't even care about the side effects. like. you don't fcare if you're depriving yourself of sustance, you don't care if you're harming yourself or the thing, or if the thing is harming you, you don't care if its unhealthy. it brings you joy! and joy is so hard to come by. for me, at least. this is filled with so much projection and self indulgence if u couldnt tell lol
but. they do love each other! they care for each other!! suns isnt using her, and moon isnt stupid and ignoring his faulst ! she knows they are there! but she trusts he'll get better. and suns hopes he will, too.
he'd help moon, too. he'd listen to her frustrations, encourage her to share her feelings. and she would. i dont think suns would know how to help her, really, but he'd listen - and sometimes, even that is rlly helpful.
he sends spearmaster to her, one cycle, with a pearl. an engagement:) old ancient way, exchanging jewelry.
he feels even shittier when the main events of the game happen. because. they weren't publically engaged/married/dating/qpr/whatever the fuck theyve got going on. so he can't. talk about it that much. he does tell nsh eventually n they're like, "why didnt you tell us. like literally its fine. i get pebbles would be upset, but, its fine" . and. m. so. relationships were tabboo in ancient culture, yes? ties you down to the cycle, turns you into an echo and shit. karma three, family and friendship. moon wouldn't be as aprehensive - she knows the local group wouldn't shun them, or at least would come around eventually. but she respects suns' boundary !! i think. he'd be scared. that the ancients would be disapointed in him or something. that iterators would shun and hate him.
i can't explain more of that without evolving this into a longer rant than it already is. so i wont. but feel free to send more asks:3
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fefairys · 3 years
im gonna be honest... i think it isnt really tacogrande's problem. im sorry you went through what you did but ultimately their jokes aren't bigoted or hateful and they don't need to accommodate one person who doesnt like what they post on their blog. the healthier option for both you and them is to just block and move on. they arent obligated to change themself because of your trauma and it sucks to hear but its the truth
"one person" like. its being cheated on. im not the only fucking person who's been cheated on. just because i'm the one that's calling them out doesn't mean i'm the only one who cares. im not asking them to "change themself" i was trying to tell them that a lot of people might find what they're saying harmful and tasteless and that making ha ha silly jokes about being cheated on is a shitty thing to do. a lot of people do it and it's really fucking annoying because it's not a fucking joke like memes n shit that are like "when she catches u with ur side chick 😳" or whatever the fuck. like, those aren't funny. being cheated on is like the second worst emotionally painful thing i've ever experienced and it still affects me, four years after the fact. for some people its way way WAY worse than my situation, even!
like honestly sometimes i think i shouldnt even be upset about what happened to me because it's so mild compared to what a lot of other people experience :/ so like. it's really not just about me. i'm just giving my story as an EXAMPLE im not trying to say that it's the most important thing in the world like y'all want to think im implying. just that its an EXAMPLE and many people have been through similar things as me and would be hurt seeing those jokes as well.
is being off anon too personal, maybe? i went off anon because a lot of people tend to get defensive and read anons as like bad intentioned, and i thought if i was like. mask off, they'd recognize that i'm like. a whole person. but maybe that made it seem to personal and if it was anon it would have a more 'shouts from the general public' vibe idk im just rambling.
anyways i dont know how to tell you that you should have sympathy for other people etc etc
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rosenmarille · 4 years
First of all: that One Day bit is quality content. Second of all I read "3.5 for Holly" and am Highly Interested
HI yes! i will explain, however i first have to correct myself. its actually a part 2.5, not 3.5. like i mentioned in the other post, the part is called “heart unbound”, this is about 25 years after battle tendency, when holly is in her early 20s!!
the rest of this im gonna put under the cut
so the setting. joseph (43), suzie, and holly (21) live in new york, smokey is in georgia, lisa lisa (75) is Somewhere in the states, erina and speedwagon have passed away (sad). its 1963! the speedwagon foundation has continued expanding, with joseph and lisa lisa closely involved after speedwagons death. they’ve mostly moved their attention into new territory, but still have all their old research kept. stands aren't a thing yeeet, but its been long enough that the pillarmen have faded into unpleasant memory.
until one night the power at the swf hq goes out for just a moment too long, and santana manages to escape.
joseph and lisa lisa are contacted asap, and they decide to travel down to texas and find him (preferably take him out for good this time). holly, who has grown up hearing about jojo’s wild escapades, really wants to come along. she knows some hamon! she can defend herself! come on!! (yes i said it, holly learned hamon, do you think having lisa lisa for a grandmother would result in anything less?) anyway, joseph and lisa lisa Really don't want her to come since it could be really dangerous and they'd rather not put her in harm’s way.
so holly (rich, unsupervised) books a plane and goes after them.
we skip to texas!! joseph and lisa lisa investigate at hq and the surrounding area and find practically no trace of santana or where he might have gone. when holly arrives, she decides that since she can't look into hq without getting caught, she’ll ask around with locals, and manages to hear rumours about a new sort of cryptid (only appears at night, weird anatomy etc), both cattle and people have been disappearing, but on a very small scale. she looks into similar stories and realizes that santana must be moving south, though what he's planning, she doesn't know. but she will follow!! (and leave breadcrumbs for her family to pick up on this pattern too, she guesses. not so helpless now, huh?)
so this goes for a while, taking her down into mexico, until she is pretty sure that she can triangulate the missing people reports accurately enough to actually Find him. holly isnt stupid, she doesnt think she can win in a battle against a pillarman. what she’s hoping to do is prove herself to joseph and lisa lisa by prepping and helping out enough for them to then take care of the problem. she's an adult now and she doesnt appreciate being treated like a child. (you may say this contradicts how she behaved towards joseph in part 3, but to that i counter: she's in her 40s in that one, and her being an adult is established enough that she knows she can act a lil silli without that being put in question)
but hey!! she does find him!! she decides to stalk him for a bit, see what he does. so she happens to be there when santana attacks a young woman (midnight snack), who pulls a KNIFE instead of running away, so Holly rushes in and deflects an attack with a quick hamon swipe. santana has learned from his previous hamon encounter and instead of sticking around, he decides it isn't worth it and absconds instead (smart). (at this point you might notice this is the first fight of the part. yeah it be like that in this one. call it battle untendency) 
holly and the woman (who later introduces herself as Maria (no last name yet; but named after Maria Maria by Santana (lol)) also get out of dodge and hide out in an alley, where maria decides that she needs to know what the fuck that Thing was, yesterday. magic?? sparkling?? hello??? and hollys like uhh hah yes so. that's an ancient semi immortal vampire creature? and this is sunlight breathing magic, which he's allergic to. yea. and maria is like ................yeah okay i buy it. teach me sunlight breathing magic, i wanna come.
maria side paragraph! she's our oc and we love her. remember that awful scene from the santana arc with all those prisoners and the one kid who doesn't get sacrificed? that's her older brother. he was “let go” but “let go” basically did just mean “free to wander the desert and find civilisation maybe”, so when he did eventually find his way back home, he'd been severely traumatized, plus on death's door. other prisoners had been turned into vampires to test on the pillarman discovery, so the word “vampire” is something he'd have heard and conveyed to his family, who didn’t. really believe him. he also hasn't really recovered from that experience :( then the war happened and maria's dad served in it, and afterwards decided that his other child needed to know how to defend herself, and maria learned how to handle a knife, as well as how to physically fight. their family managed to avoid post war financial problems for the most part, and maria was able to finish her studies! she's a pilot :)  she is, however, harbouring very deep anger and resentment for what happened to her brother, and has not really had a face to direct that anger towards, so it's been on a relatively low burner for the most part, but now there’s talk of vampires and a person she can blame for her family’s trauma.
they exchange notes and she realizes that yeahh, that is pretty much exactly what her brother had told them, so it was true. hah :) yes actually, i would like to learn vampire killing magic please holly. and holly, who didn't really want to bring someone with her, but kind of does believe in accidents not being a thing, decides that yeah, she probably should bring maria along. and sure!! if they have to deal with sanata again, why not teach her hamon!! they share stories and continue to follow the trail while they train together, and become really close friends! jobro time.
we've now reached the first third of the story.
we travel further south!! soon, holly begins to realize......... ohh..... the temple they found santana in.. that's south of here, isn't it? oh huh. what could he want there?? the masks have been destroyed as far as she knows?? she doesn't know enough first hand to know what significance there could be, but the girls prepare for anything. maybe a big weapon the researchers had not been able to identify?? MOre pillarmen, secretly living underneath the temple??? 
(there are gonna be some scenes that involve lisa lisa and joseph figuring out where they need to go, and maybe also realizing who set that trail, maybe they have smth else going on, who knows) 
holly and maria follow santana and eventually do find the temple, and prepare to stake it out, hopefully hopefully not alerting him to their presence, because that would be.........bad. (tho tbh marias kinda itching to try out vampire begone magic. wouldn't You want to if you suddenly learned how?) neither of them have ever been here so they're honestly pretty floored by the temple interior, the tunnel that leads into the main chamber dark and uninviting, with who knows what hidden dangers are lurking about. 
and then they see him. santana is investigating the place where the pillar had been cut out of the structure, the stone masks crushed and broken, strewn around the floor, running his hands over the broken stone. Then he walks to one of the murals carved into the wall, a large one, similar to the one speedwagon had been investigating, with the 4 faces representing the pillarmen, and he lingers there. dips his head, then walks back to the empty space of the pillar and sits down where it was, crosslegged, and closes his eyes. and then he stays still. what does That mean?? 
the girls decide this is enough, they should fall back and formulate a proper plan, maybe wait for joseph and lisa lisa to catch up. buuuut we can't have that be the end of it, and so something happens, maybe one of them trips? steps on rubble that falls loose? they make a noise. and get noticed. 
change of plans! fight now! except there isn't an attack? they stay still but “i know you're there.” damn it. battle formation, stances ready, they make their way into the chamber, where santana hasn't moved at all. he's still sitting there, but he's looking at them now. holly asks what he's doing here, he asks the same back. she says not to play dumb, hes been killing people this whole time, he has to answer for that! and to that, santana honestly looks a bit confused because. has he? in his defense, he's not human, his prey is humans. pillarboy has to eat.
marias like “well? aren't you going to attack us?” and he's like “not unless you bother me.” and closes his eyes again. the girls aren't sure what to make of this.
santana side paragraph: first of all, this is a santana stan account. name one (1) thing he's done wrong, canonically. woke up in a strange place. captured?? got his bearings, tried to Leave and was accosted! shot some nazis (go king), and finally only snapped when joseph got mad he didn't laugh at his clownery. anyone would get murderous as a result. tried to escape further, ultimately was stopped and detained Again! morally, he's above joseph. 
so they're just standing now. since their earlier encounter where holly used hamon, santana refuses to talk more at first, but holly has the bright idea to get his trust by having maria restrain her and then stand back with her weapon -- a show of putting herself in a helpless position and promise she wont attack. that’s enough for santana to agree to come closer and have a proper conversation.
holly asks again why he's here exactly? what's here? and he tells her that if she Must know, he's waiting. waiting for what, she asks. and maria looks back at the carvings and realizes “oh. there should be 4 of them.” now santana looks mildly uncomfortable, and holly rememebers that “oh fuck, dad killed all of them.” and then “wait they were evil tho??” and then again “wait fuuck, didn't the leader guy say they left this one behind in mexico on purpose? oh man does he Know?” holly finds herself in the position of “not only do i have to tell this guy his friends aren't coming because they're Dead, they also kinda abandoned him.” yikes.
meanwhile maria is kinda pissed that her one chance at revenge might have just been taken from her. she still blames santana for what happened to her brother, and she refuses to let that go. she’s too stubborn and proud for that. and now, especally since holly seems to be focused on creating a bond, it feels like a slap in the face. so she kinda… snaps, ruining their chance at resolving this peacefully and causing santana to run off again. she and holly have a fight. it sucks.
soon after that joseph does find holly and he Does send her home. maria, after explaining her intentions, stays with them. holly is heartbroken :( after shes gone, joseph and lisa lisa make a plan to trap santana, aimed to go off in a few days prep, and during this, maria is starting to realize that that... really isnt the right thing to do... shes now had some time to sit alone with her guilt and regret about how she handled the situation, ssso she gets an idea on how to make up for it...
meanwhile holly is sitting at home and is sad, until suzie drives her somewhere in guise of going to a fancy lunch with smokey (whos in town), but really she drives her to the joestars airpad where her friend marua(!!) is already waiting in front of joseph’s plane, which, turns out, she hijacked in the south and flew all the way up here, and suzie tosses holly a bag with clothes and stuff and tells her to hurry up and get going :3
and hollys all "but what about lunch with mr smokey? :o" and suzie winks at her and says "don't worry, he's waiting for me to tell him everything went well at the restaurant ;)" and then holly gives her a big hug, runs to her friend and hugs Her, and they are off to fly back south to save some lives. on the way, maria apologizes and explains -- how she had harboured this resentment for so long that the sudden target for her blame put in front of her, plus the immediate removal of it were so jarring that she acted impulsively... she knows santana isnt at fault for what happened with her brother... and now she just hopes they make it in time.
as luck would have it, they catch up with joseph and lisa lisa just in time to jump between them and santana (maria accidentally cuts off joseph’s prosthetic hand in the process and freaks the fuck out before realizing it’s fine) and try to talk it out. it’s a tense few minutes, but holly is determined and stubborn, and she manages to get her dad and grandma to see her side of things and santana is saved! they find something for him to eat, giving him the energy to heal his wounds. pillarmen absorbing shit never gets old.
And from there it’s mostly just everything getting settled down and smoothed out. they get back in touch with the swf and tell them the problem is handled. santana turns out to be a relatively peaceful dude when his life isn’t being threatened, and he becomes a good friend with all four of them, but especially holly and maria. they help teach him about the modern world and he decides that he’s going to do some travelling and learn about the history of his culture and other ancient mesoamerican cultures he interacted with in his youth, and he shares the things he learns with the swf so they can get the info about where theyre needed etc.  maria gets hooked up with one of the many therapists we decided work at the swf that has experience with the supernatural things she and her brother have gone through. holly, maria, and santana stay in touch and go on regular trips together. holly receives many post cards.
it’s all really good and happy :) thats heart unbound baybee!! <33
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masterturner · 6 years
long drawn out personal post
this is a bit stream of consciousness, so if you’re reading this and trying to make sense of it, im sorry. its okay if youd rather not. its a lot and its emotional labour to even read it probably. it’s been almost a year since the breakup now. every day closer to the anniversary of it, i feel a little more broken. i’ve had two suicide attempts since then, a prolonged IOP thing, and i no longer see a therapist (though i really should start again). im not crying about borderline personality disorder though. this is all breakup shit. still.  im still holding together somehow. i dont really know how, some days. ive gone through the whole cycle of grieving multiple times now, cycling again and again through denial and bargaining and all that, ‘til i reach acceptance and think the hurricane is at its end. then i find i’m just in the eye of the storm, and it’ll soon pass as i get caught up in the winds again. then i do the whole cycle over and over again. thats what the therapists in the IOP said it was. a grieving process. you can grieve the terminus of a relationship the same way you grieve a dead person. it sounds so silly when i make that comparison. they also said that progress and healing are nonlinear and that it’s not really necessarily going to be as simple as passing through the grieving process a single time.  i said it sounds silly. its not silly though. its real, and i have to remind myself of that from time to time. i dont usually talk about anything personal on here, and its a little weird that im doing it now. but i guess im doing it because i dont know where else to do it. i could do it on facebook, but it feels attention-grabby, needy in a way i always feel weird being. doing it here under a little ‘read more’ thing feels less obtrusive and private, but not so private that im completely trapped in my own skull again. i hate feeling trapped in my own skull.  the anxiety bubbled up and got bad again pretty constantly. it got that way tonight. i felt my heart race while i tried to sleep. usually the worst points stemmed from me looking my ex up and seeing how their life was progressing along without me. unlike me, my ex has a drive and interest in the performance of social media that i generally lack. my social media experience begins and ends in shallow ways: i look at cute butts on tumblr, reblog dumb memes and get vague impressions of things going on in the world and such through the sometimes nonsensical things other people reblog. thats about it. my ex, though, shes the kind of person that does things like update her facebook profile picture at least once in a 6 month period, unlike yours truly.  i dont even follow her or have her friended anymore on facebook. heaven forbid i had an instagram to see what kind of stuff was going on there. it always got the worst when i saw her with her new SO. now i get to look at that every time i get the nerve to message her. its literally painful to even look to the extent i have to archive or delete every stray line of text we send to one another afterward.  i was seriously in denial - i talked myself into believing the SO wasnt an obstacle, wasnt a big deal, he was just a rebound and it didnt invalidate me. it didnt make me lesser, and it didnt mean that i was being replaced. after all, what stranger can replace 5 years of memories and experiences together? but i was a rebound too, and that led to a deep and intense relationship. why couldnt it this time too?  i was naive, i think. hopeful and naive, and i really wanted to believe this and that. ‘i know her’ i’d tell myself. ‘i know her, and i know she wouldn’t think this’ or ‘she wouldn’t do this’. but it’s wishful thinking.  maybe a part of me always did know better. maybe i stopped listening to that part of my own psyche because i started to recognize how harmful it was.  it’s kind of messed up how that works though? like... you can be happy with someone, but also be terrified of that day when they realize they can do better. and then it becomes a sort of twisted, fucked-up self-fulfilling prophecy because that thought sucks the life and passion out of you. it’s insidious and slow.  and it’s tempting to look at it like ‘i was right all along, everyone will leave me’, but that’s not really how it necessarily is. thats just the trauma talking, the fear, the part of my mind that’s lazy and resigned to suffering and collapse. it was that fear that made it real. maybe if i’d learned to manage that fear, though, things could have been different. would have been different.  it’s pointless to speculate on that though. the reason i say it isnt to speculate though, it’s because im trying to remind myself that it can apply to right now. the friendships and relationships i have now - few and far between as they may be, stretched thin as they may be, damaged and in dire need of repair as they may be - aren’t doomed to failure just because i’m afraid of loss and abandonment. the collapse doesnt have to be inevitable.  maybe talking like i’ve learned and figured something out from all this will make me feel better. maybe believing it all had a purpose will make it feel like it was worth it. eventually. right now, though, it doesnt.  i’m still so upset. i’m still miserable and i still long for things i can’t have. i miss affection. i miss being touched, even in a plain and nonsexual way. i miss being kissed and i miss being hugged. i miss being wanted, and every day i wonder if ill ever feel that again. and then i get to thinking, would it be enough to feel that from just anyone again? why do i feel so starved for... any kind of affection at all? why do i feel so desperate for something - anything like this? could anyone ever love me the way my ex did? i guess the cynical and plain answer to that is no, but thats okay. and maybe someone else can love me better. and maybe that desperate longing to be loved, cherished, cared about, touched, anything is just a symptom of an addiction that’s yet to pass. kind of a cold and clinical way to put it though, and i dont know if thats really me. yet i dont want someone else because its not enough to just have anyone. my ex left me, and now i still have that feeling of being invalidated, devalued, abandoned, and ultimately replaced. even if someone else came along and professed undying love for me, no matter how i welcomed it, that feeling of being tossed aside would remain. and i dont know how to come back from it.  i hate how much my mind... fixates on it. like... everything makes me think of it. i cant make a status on facebook without wondering if my ex will see it, what she might think. i cant leave my house and go somewhere without wondering, what if my ex sees me? what would she think of what im doing? would she approve, or be proud of me? would it impress her? or would it disappoint her? it saps the joy out of almost everything i do. i cant watch an old show without feeling bad im watching it without her. i cant help but wonder if she feels the same, or if shes gotten over it. and a part of me doesnt want to know the answer to that wonder. does she still listen to mili? coheed? does she listen to ‘old flames’ on repeat like i do? when ‘sweater weather’ comes on, does she think of me or someone else?  even now as i write this, i wonder if my ex still stops to peer at my dumb blog from time to time for a hint of how im doing and what im thinking. and i dont even know if id want to know, because seeing this message in that light casts a pall over it that makes me feel sick. i didnt want my ex to see how not okay i am. i didnt want her to see the part of me that feels so sick still. and i dont want to know that she doesn’t look at this either. so here i am at an impasse, writing words and tossing them into the void of the internet, hoping for and expecting only silence, while also hating and fearing the very same. id like to think that maybe this is a sign i dont care anymore, but i think i know better than to really believe that.  i force myself every day to just... not reach out. not say anything to her thats real or vulnerable - the few times ive talked to her it feels forced and fake. and it feels like ive cut off a limb, because im so used to leaning and relying on her. but i feel like i have to, because expecting that level of emotional labour from someone that has cut those ties with me seems silly and foolish... not to mention selfish.  why? maybe a part of me thinks that by hiding it, i’d win her back someday. or maybe im just afraid of being burdensome and difficult. or maybe i just... genuinely do want her to be happy without me. i wish it was that last one. i wish i could just back off and be happy that shes with someone else that maybe will treat her good in a way that i couldnt, or didnt.  i dont know what i want, though. i know what i dont want though. i know i hate feeling like this and i wish i could make it stop, but i cant. its not really getting easier. i had the borderline shit before this, and i could end up meeting the criteria my whole life for all i know. the breakup is just a massive complication in that whole mess, but i dont know if id even know what was wrong with me if i didnt have that relationship in the first place.  there was a day a few days ago, or maybe a week or two ago (i dont remember) where i wanted to hurt myself (not physically though for whatever reason), and in order to do it, i made myself do something i was starting to break the habit of doing. i browsed her facebook profile and scoured it for anything that’d make it sting again. i succeeded - it didnt take much. a few pictures, a relationship status change, that was pretty much it. my mind filled in the blanks after that because of course it did. it snowballed into full blown catastrophizing. they’re probably madly in love. they’re probably moving in together, if they havent’ already done so. they’re probably making plans to get married. they’re probably this and that and this and that - like it matters. like it affects me somehow.  but it doesnt. not really, not physically anyway. i dont have to look, and its like i hope not looking will make it hurt less. but not looking makes me hope, and hope has bred more hurt than anything else in the past year.  since i last looked her up in that fog of need to hurt myself emotionally, a lot of that dreadful hope i had that i could win her back drained away, and i want to believe that the pain will go away now. i havent talked to her since then. i still think about her. i still dream. i still fear and i still wonder and reflect. but i havent talked to her. is that good? is it bad? is it anything other than what it is? does it matter? maybe someday ill be over this. a part of me yearns for that. and a part of me is afraid to ever let go, because what if love wins in the end and all the time we had together meant something after all?  did it not mean anything if it didnt end up taking the shape i wanted it to take? no, it still meant something, but does that matter now?  i dont know. all i know is that to this day it hurts and... that’s all. thats all i know.  eleven months later and it still hurts. but i guess expecting it to be all better after 5 years of dating is a little unrealistic. i thought we were gonna be together forever. forever is a long time, though, i guess.  she makes it look easy, but maybe it isnt for her either, even if she’s better at making it look a certain way. i have no way of knowing and thats maddening in its own way. if i had the ability to close that distance... hear her out, be there for her, could i do it? could i get over my own fear and hurt to build a connection again? id love to find out. but i cant seem to get that far.  it doesnt matter though. its her life, and she has every right to move on without me. its easy to say ‘poor me’, but theres two sides to every story. a lot of pain that led up to the end. questions i still have that will never go answered, and closure i might not ever obtain.  ctrl+a, delete, backspace. that’s all it’ll take, tyler. then maybe you can sleep.  but no, instead you’re going to post this. for what? why? is it a cry for help? complaining for the sake of complaining?  i dont know. i cant leave it all in my own head though.  but the silence that i get back in response is liable to be deafening all the same  
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wildgeese2017 · 3 years
i dont know whether i want to hav sex with her like if i cud. i think that shes into me she smiles at me and she seeks me out and she laughs at my jokes and compliments my outfits? ive known her so long and i trust her kindness. i think shes cool and sweet and interesting and like she really listens to what i say and is childish like me like she isnt embarrased to act weird and silly and get excited about little things. she seems like she wants to be around me. and i hav convinced myself that i like her. for years shes been my go to crush. its just when i imagine being touched it makes me feel weird?? i know shes had gay sex b4 i think shes hot and pretty and i love her style. i wouldnt mind touching her but the thought of someone touching me in that way scares me i worry that it would repulse me. but i want it so bad. i want her to kiss me and rough me up a bit push her fingers into my thighs u kno stuff like that , is that what attraction is? my relationship to my sexuality and body even is so warped and abstract at this point so disconnected from what reality can offer me. i think she is closer than most people to what i cud actually even attempt to experience something with tho. like she gets me im afraid of men so women make me feel safer to try stuff with i only hav experience w girls anyway not that its actually substantial or like in that romantic serious context. i just i want to be wanted so badly i know that i have been at least once. i get so confused i cant possibly be that bad but noone has ever loved me for my body. i can timagine what its like to experience the reverse. sure i am granted the privilege of not bein specifically disliked automatically for my body but it isnt worth much more as social currency beyond basic decency (which everyone deserves but doesn’t get). maybe i need to be less in my head. but im scared ill try intimacy with her and i wont like it . and that will mean a few possible things which would fuck me up and scar my self perception. firstly, it could mean that im not capable of normal intimacy that i am really genuinely fucked in the head like the rabbit hole i fell down when i was 11 genuinely messed me up like i gave into some evil shameful thing inside me when i was a child and now i can never be acceptable normal healthy or loved securely. second it cud mean i dont actually like women ive been playing as part of the lgbtq community this whole time how can i face myself or my friends being straight is shameful to me its so lame and uncool i know this sounds so like weird and fetishistic or performative but thats exactly what im afraid of i dont want to see myself like this i wasnt ready to label myself but i did i labelled myself so young and now it feels scary it feels wrong for me to say i dont like it when people are like you;re bisexual right? i feel that thing when you share too much too soon like your skin is peeled off all raw and exposed. i hate that. what if im too messed up i dont know it for sure what if intimacy proves im broken. or at the very least very unique in a way that could lead me to living my life alone without partners or lovers i want so desperately to be someones favourite someone who makes me feel good when they touch me and anxious and annoyed. i want to care about someone so much. too trust someone to see my body like my weird moles and self harm scars my veins and hair and teeth i want someone to see me all of me and still decide they want me. that i am worth the effort that they would seek me out. i dont know if that will happen.
i drive myself crazy looking in the mirror in different angles wearing all these colourful frilly lacey outfits agonizing over how i must look. i make myself soft and sweet and loud and excited and loving so others will seek me out im like a duimb tropical bird and it hurts so much because it doesn’t feel like its working.
people say be true be authentic but they dont say how much it hurts to do that and not be idk rewarded? desired? like i am expressing myself and that is pushing people away even subconsciously? sure it would feel amazing for someone to see that expression and see that fragment of my inner world and think i love that i want that i want her i love her but it isnt happening not as far as i know not in a way which satisfies my lonely soul. 
i just dont want to be disgusting i try so hard to smell good and look sparkly and fun and bright and loving i think the manic pixie dream girl trope really damaged my psyche  
i think i like other people too i feel different when they touch me like it feels more intense more like its getting through.
as far as i can tell my type is funny, creative, nice boobs dark or curly hair usually, i like people who are kinda sad bc i think we are alike which sounds cringe but people who are just living in a way which seems at least to me in a non-judgemental way to be unexamined i just cant really relate to i cant open up to someone who wont understand. i need people to say the right things or at least say nothing and only respond with touch.
is it weird that i carry on asking myself if i was touched as a child ? like i dont htink i was but i carry on feeling like it could have happened or i convince myself i did and then i mistrust people for no reason. but something must have happened i had such messed up thoughts maybe it was all the sex on tv i watched as a really young kid my parents would show me stuff with full nudity and relatively graphic sex my relationship to modesty is confusing i think i find people more attractive with their clothes on? i just see naked people like ok? thats a body its normal i dont get porn.
one thing i regret was being drunk and telling M that i cant watch porn i like weirder stuff and she was like bdsm? and i was like no its so weird it cant be in porn but i didnt mean it like that i meant i cant just feel stuff from nudity without context and i am into weird shit i dont know why i think maybe my mums mental health issues which she projected on me im worried i was just made wrong like im just a bad seed like i was destined to want things which dont make sense. but then i consider my whole warped desire hinges on the way it could be percieved by society the way society views people and their intented state of being. i am attracted to corruption addiction to transformation to giving into desire to showing desire physically with your body in a way that everyone can see and you can no longer control.
everything in my life boils down to my relationship with control. maybe its because i felt i didnt have any control as a child. my life was shifted against my will and i have this learned helplessness both from having my needs met without asking and from having my needs ignored or at least met in a lacklustre way. but then i think who really had control as a kid? kids dont control their life they dont make the decisions that what a guardian is for ?? but maybe its because i felt as though i did have to make the decisions like i didnt have clear boundaries and i dealt with that by punishing myself for overstepping rules i made myself. bc i had no control not really it felt like nobody had control there was noone to blame so i made things up new problems i cud blame myself for or i saw the problems my parents had said to myself i have that problem too and punished myself for it with feelings or pain or exercise or silence. i couldnt trust anyone. or at least i loved people but i couldnt open up. maybe thats why im so weird and territorial i keep things secret i hide stuff in my cupboard its like i invent things to be ashamed of i create problems for myself to distract from the problems i didnt have control pver the conception of. when i think of my childhood i think of feeling bad and ashamed of myself for taking advantage of my father like he was vulnerable and all i did was take money and time from him and he was struggling so much financially but he would still spend so much on leasiure when i think of it now i realise that spending time with me and making him happy must have made him feel good i get it more now that i do that with other people but at the time i felt so guilty all the time for the price of my clothes my food my life. and my mum would always say how terrible things were with money how tired she was how stressed she was how it was affecting her body. she would talk about how much she hated her body her fat her sagging face her pale skin her poor health i asked her once what superpower she’d choose and she said i want to be healthy all the time and i was confused then but i get it now. 
i just felt like i had to pretend to be happy or like i wasnt bored or the time like i didnt feel bad about how my stomach looked how yellow my teeth were how tangled my hair was the bags under my eyes and when i look back i realise no one was looking after me noone was making sure i brushed my teeth and hair twice a day i barely did it once a day i used to hate myself so much that i couldnt do my homework but nobody ever sat with me and made sure i did it past like the age of 7 . i remember feeling so scared of asking for help i remember having nightmares or being sick and standing on the landing listenning to my mother breather through her door being petrified of asking for help like she needed the sleep and i was a bad person for waking  her up like i was lying and then i actually started lying bc she wud just accept it let me fester on my own in bed all day if i said i wanted to if i said it hurt too much. i just im so scared of feeling that way again of feeling so scared so tired so useless so guilty so dissapointing so stupid so dumb so shallow so selfish so unworthy so dishonest so lazy so manipulative i look back and i think how could a child have been so awful? how could i have been as bad as i thought i was? it doesnt seem possible. the point at which i became irredeemable seems to shoft forwards each year like its chasing me and i become more and more of a villain stealing a bright future from the innocent child i used to be. i used to fantasize about going back and doing it all perfectly. when people asked me about my choice of power it always had to do with avoiding the consequences of my mistakes either immortality or time travel to be able to change what i did or to be able to move on without losing my future without losing my finite time. i want to be free of these constraints that feel so self inflicted. i spend so long in these mind prisons i construct labrynths in my head and get stuck there all alone with no way of asking for help without admitting how i got there in the first place.
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I know you need time...
And im listening, and im hearing you. I now understand, and this was my doing and honestly it’s the least I deserve. But I miss you, and I love you on such a level it’s hard to be without you - I know the past near 11 months since we got in contact again have not all been smooth sailing, but we have had some more than good times, you’ve become my safety in a world full of so much bad stuff.
You are my soul mate, and I will forever stand by that, it destroys me knowing that I’ve put us through this and all that echos in my head is you apologising for breaking my heart, well what about yours? I seen the look in your eyes today and I know you’re hurting just as bad as I am for being away from me, it feels so so wrong to be apart but I know that you deserve the time and space to establish your own life - so do I - so we can find the perfect way to fuse our lives together and settle down properly. by choice. without any rush or stress. Honestly we both deserve that - i so desperately need the stability of my own strength and i so desperately need a support system in place to turn to when things feel low - and despite getting there without having you 24/7, you will always be and are the centre of that support system, you’re my safe haven and the person I trust the most. In your arms with your voice soothing me, feeling your toastie tootsies at the bottom of the bed - that is the core of my support system and nothing will ever change or replace the feeling i get with you.
ive just taken that for granted too much. I like to think that in time, as I prove to you just how serious i am, and just how capable I am, that you will let me be yours too - i dont want to be the cause of your pain and suffering and i simply wont be any longer. i refuse. if it were down to me we’d be in a home together, taking a few days to ourselves but knowing we have the security of eachother at the end of it. because that’s something we both need, security - knowing that the other person has us 100%, and you’ve proven yourself to me time and time again and even more so in the last two days with your honesty and openness and willingness. and now it’s my turn.
honestly i know me and I know my personality and I know my ability to overcome in situations where i risk losing something i hold close to me. Ahead of me I’ve got 7 weeks of CBT over that period will cover a range of talking therapies based on the idea that thoughts, feelings, what we do and how our body feels are all connected. If we change one of these we can alter the others. so in turn, improving the way I view situations, and improving the way i treat my body will impact how i feel and how i act massively - especially in a situation where i can often feel way too strongly about stuff.
with the idea of CBT, it works based on the idea that ‘When people feel worried or distressed we often fall into patterns of thinking and responding which can worsen how we feel. CBT works to help us notice and change problematic thinking styles or behaviour patterns so we can feel better.’ and i’m already at the point I can physically list the toxic reactions i have when i feel overwhelmed and I know some ways in which personally ive learn to avoid that happening, for example:
Explosive anger / breaking things/ slamming things - walking away to my own space, to play games or blast music or just cry. I would like to have my own little space to do this in, be that just my princess tent. It is not ok for me to react so strongly to being angry, but i do need a healthy way to vent anger as this is very much a normal emotion. 
Emotional outbursts/ crying - this is ok to do, but what’s not ok is to drag others into it. it’s ok to break down and be sad, but at this point i need to ask for comfort, a cuddle, a phone call, reassurance, i need to ASK for these things and not assume people instantly know what i need, especially as anger when crying can look a lot like sadness. and in that situation i have very different needs.
Jealousy/ insecurity/ paranoia - TALK. COMMUNICATE. TRUST. Inevitably, I can be paranoid, its arguably the most annoying symptom of them all. once someone gets a doubt in my mind i worry endlessly. by talking, communicating i can get the reassurance I need and drop it - by being open and honest and ASKING before I assume it can avoid any emotional overwhelming. as stupid and unrealistic as some things may sound, my brain will often find a way to find some logic too it no matter how far fetched, so please be patient with this as i’d rather sit down and be able to talk to you no matter how silly you might think it sounds, i dont mean to sound accusing at times i know i have done - but i need to insure i question rather than accuse in a way that isnt attacking, as to not stress or panic you. I know its inconvenient and a pain but i want to be able for us to both communicate and whilst i dont worry or get paranoid all the time, it does happen and the best course of action is just reassurance and patience, being calm with me and listening.
snapping and raising voice - this is usually the tell for any incoming outburst of explosive emotion. the typical result of so much from being tired, stressed, hormonal or simply just born from frustration.  This will happen from time to time as with any couple, however its how its handled that matters, we’re both guilty of raising our voices or snapping or coming across blunt and more often than not without really realising. It can be all to easy to get triggered by this and respond in a bad way, but this can be shut down and resolved by a simple ‘there’s no need to snap, or raise your voice’ and i know in the past that has then led to more issues, this is from me taking offence because it sometimes feels like you’re trying to invalidate my feelings and thoughts. this is my issue to work through, and learn to stay calm in situations. which this is all stuff i’ve done before, and let slip when i let my whole life kinda spiral. so its an uphill battle for sure, but its also a very winnable one.
Lack of appreciation - I’m very guilty of this, i’ve been trying more recently to show you that i appreciate the things you do but on reflection actually, it’s all the small things which actually are second nature to you that i feel i dont show enough appreciation for, making juice, making the effort to talk to me and tell me about your day after you’re clearly exhausted. there’s so many things that in just two days of not being close to you that im realising need and deserve that level of appreciation. and this comes with time, it’s so easy to forget as time passes and things become the norm that actually - it’s not the norm and it deserves thanks. This is a two way street and sometimes i feel the same, but at the same time you go more than out of your way to thank me for basic tasks like washing up, changing the bed etc.... and when i feel so low in myself that makes a huge huge difference to my day. so i recognise the importance to express thanks, but i also know sometimes its not always possible or simply gets forgotten. 
self care - This is without a doubt something which has a huge impact, I’ve been desperately clawing at life and the things i love trying to drag myself along with my hair and nails and dye and clothes, but honestly? its hard. i hate myself. i disgust myself. and you make me feel so wanted and loved, it changes everything when we’re going so well. but i know that it’s not healthy to be dependent on you like that, there’s no harm in boosting each-others confidence or making each-other feel good but the reality is for me that self care is the thing that will always give me a fighting chance at a good day. be it regular shaving/ bathing/ hair washing/ skin care/ nails it just makes me feel good. i like to get dressed up and look fiiine, but putting the weight back on has made it so much worse. I do want your help and advice about food, eating and working out and I know i often seem to turn my nose up but honestly i worry about being condescended to, its one of my triggers because no one likes to be made to feel stupid. and that’s also something i need to remember. i’ve under estimated you so much. that’s not ok though. but yes, the plan of action is to get my eating back under control (which is going good given the fact i cant keep any food down haha!) and take measures to get into a daily routine, even if i’m not going anywhere - just so when i catch a glimpse in the mirror i dont get low. my weight is a huge contributor to everything self care related, it gets me down massively and its a huge trigger for anxiety and paranoia for me when you make comments about people you see online etc about their weight or call people fat, because i worry you judge me the same way and it sounds pathetic but it does genuinely hurt because sometimes it sounds like size is a huge issue for you and it sends me spiralling downwards, but this is a trigger that needs to be made clear to you as i know deep down you’re just messing most the time. 
unfair divide in chores/ laziness - Washing up. when we progress and work through this, can we just get a dish washer? I will hand wash all my fluffy plates etc and the unicorn ones on a fair amount, for example if i use a plate and there’s one waiting to be cleaned i wont just dump mine on top for you to do, providing there’s time i will ensure it doesn’t build up, and obviously this is a habit we should both get into really to avoid any stress over the kitchen area being unclean. especially when you’re working 13 hours a day, i cant imagine i’ll be working that long of a day! so it makes more sense for me to do that when you’re out etc. 
Snide remarks - Im the worst for this. think links in massively with the snapping and the outburts. I feel at times i do this because im over whelmed, and i know this is wrong. the solution to this i feel is just pure mindfulness, and respect more than anything else. I feel CBT will help with this massively. I wish I knew more about WHY this is my go to defence mechanism but honestly I have no idea myself. 
Passing the blame/ playing victim - I feel I do this more than you, sometimes when i get triggered i feel like my reactions and thoughts are out of my control... which is just stupid. because ultimately it’s my job to decide what i think about something. end of really, it’s my responsibility and after talking i realised that by me blaming you, or making silly comments that made it feel like i was blaming you hurts you, massively. Unless your direct actions has led to something bad happening, for example if you throw something at me and it hits me in the eye and i shout oH FUCK or something, then that situation i would feel that your actions would be the reason i raised my voice for that haha :P the reality of the situation is that on a personal level we’re each responsible for taking responsibility for our own wellbeing - in the sense that while i’ve got every intention of looking after you fully, if you dont open up to me like you have recently then i dont know how to fix it and won’t be able to fix it for you and vice versa. 
Invalidation - This I think we’re both very guilty of at times without meaning to - or even noticing we do it. it’s so so important that we listen and understand each-other without judgement. I sometimes do not acknowledge how upset or stressed or tired you are to the extent i need to, i can be dismissive and selfish especially when you’re so late home from work etc.  I can get over excited and a little self obsessed to see it from your perspective. With BPD a lot of my triggers are caused by me feeling invalided like you don't understand or take things seriously when i try to express myself and it leaves me frustrated or upset, i know now that it’s not always the case and sometimes you panic and cant deal.  I feel this is something we need to work on together. and learn about each other as time passes. 
The need for reassurance/ attention/ care - Sometimes I feel like I ask for attention openly and it just kinda gets brushed off or last for a short period of time before you pick your phone or something up. When I ask for attention I mean I’d like to spend some quality time with you one on one, no distractions just me being able to enjoy you. You’ve never spoken to me about needing attention or care really so I would like you to be open with me when you need something, be that for me to help with your food, run you a bath or just get things for you when you’re not feeling so good. I do feel I am a lot needier in this sense with the whole ddlg stuff, and there’s a lot more expectation and pressure for you to care for me, but please know I am more than capable of looking after you when you need it, or simply just want it.
Sex and intimacy - This is a huge huge thing for me because for the first time in a very long time i’ve actually wanted to be physically close to another person. I dont really tend to like people touching me it makes me feel uneasy to actually wanting to be close to you feels amazing. The past few months obviously have been really bad for this, and i feel at times i’ve pushed for you to want to even cuddle or be near me. the lack of interest in me ruins that ‘you make me feel good about myself and wanted and loved’ from earlier and just fills me with safe hate like there’s something wrong with me, like im ugly and gross and you just cant stand the thought of being near me. this hurts me massively. obviously I know now that this was a direct result of everything that was going on but even now in my mind all i can hear and think about is you ‘how can you expect me to want to have sex with you when you say such horrible things’ and it’s like i shut down so much when i feel unwanted and pushed away it becomes a vicious cycle for us both. I know sex isnt something immediately on the cards etc and you need time to heal, but i think it would do us good to talk about what it means to us and stuff. and reasons why or why not we’d do that yknow? i know it’s a bit of a weird one but i feel so close to you when we do that like as weird and twisted as it sounds it feels like reassurance - at this point in my life I associate sex with love, and there isnt one without the other. so in my mind, no sex = no love so when we are intimate and stuff it relaxes me and puts my mind at ease. Regular intimacy is a huge thing, even if that’s just naked snuggles and touching yknow. 
Cuddles and sleeps - I have no complaints, just moar pls. all the time. every day. 24/7 ;p I do get though that sometimes it’s too hot to snuggle properly, but similarly to sex i feel that if i dont touch you then i’m not wanted. it might sound stupid it’s just another form of validation i guess. 
Money and savings - I don’t really know where to go with this, I find it uncomfortable that you’re still on a joint account with Jezi and are paying off finance items in her house. Personally I don’t want to make any commitments money wise until you sort this situation out which has been nearly a year long now and you said you would sort something out in December. I personally think the situation is weird and not ok. I don’t pay for Ben’s sofa, so why are you paying for hers? This is something that should have been sorted out when you left and i feel that it’s putting our life together on hold still. I don’t want to move forward knowing you’re still on someone elses joint account etc because that isn’t fair on me. I want us to work together as a team and once we take that next step to joint assets for it to be joint between US not you and anyone else. This i feel is a massive personal boundary for me. I want to commit to you and start our life, our home, our savings and bills etc together. 
Children and family - Obviously, this is a huge one and i’ve had a pretty shitty attitude to date with this and some stupid shit i’ve come out with. I think we need to draw the line with making rude or offensive comments about each-others families. See the line becomes a bit blurry when you make offensive jokes or comments about your children etc, so the expectation that others dont when you do it isnt right. I do also think we should both have a set routine and more open conversations about this. I think that effort needs to come from both of us with each others families, obviously you dont need to make effort for any of my children because they’re all furry and have four legs. ;p 
I don’t want to feel like my whole life has been shaken up, and you’ve always said it wouldnt be like that, or feel like im being pushed out because like i’ve said from the start i want a life with you - and whilst yes it fully involves luna and celestia i need your word that it wont effect the things we do together, like move in or get married or have our own family etc. because ultimately these are things i want for us in the future, sure not the foreseeable future but I DO want that life with you, and i want it to be just perfect and I feel ive spent so long trying to adjust by myself, trying to educate and calm and sooth myself with a situation that you frankly just dropped me in and left me in that it’s been a struggle. There’s a lot of stuff that I thought I felt to begin with that was just a part of the process for accepting and understanding. I love having fun days out and stuff, and I do want to be apart of their lives and make a positive impact on them and be another person in their support system, but i also need to know that in difficult situations where anyone acts up or misbehaves that you will deal with that, because it stresses me out feeling like it’s not my place to say or do anything, i just feel helpless and confused because this is a LIFE, a CHILD we’re talking about and it’s not my place to do right or wrong. it was hard coming to terms with the fact they’re not something I gave you. i wish so hard that things could have been different and a part of me will ALWAYS hurt that you gave that part of yourself to someone else and not me. but the fact is that it’s done. and there’s nothing I or you or anyone can do to change that. so it was just a case of learning to come to terms with the feelings i had about it, and process them in a way that I could move past it and get on. It’s at the point that my thoughts about everything changed completely. of course i still hate the fact its not something we share, but the reality is that if its important to you then it’s important to me, and whatever your thoughts and feelings I will do nothing other than support you in that. I think my perspective even until recently was a little limited to say the least, it felt like it was a case of me or them, and that you could only be there for either me or them in life, it just felt like a competition for you attention and love because from my experience when we have them you pretty much ignore me and give me the complete cold shoulder and im not ok with that. i know its hard for them to adjust but the reality is that if you want us to be together in the long term then sooner or later they’ll have to get used to seeing us together and honestly it’ll just become the norm if we act normal.
Honesty and openness -
Approachability -
Changes in opinion and feelings -
Worries -
Moving forward - 
boundaries on a personal level / exs/ porn/ stupid shit - I will do a whole new post on this! But it’s so important we both have our boundaries with things, or are at least aware of what makes each other uncomfortable or upset. Being aware of this will stop us triggering each other. 
dating - 
Home - 
0 notes
Its been a LONG time since I’v done anything regarding Anita Sarkeesian.  And to be honest, I wasnt going to make a response to this.  But I feel like he actually raises some interesting points that are worth discussing.  
to the skeptics and anti sjw's she'sseen in all ways as a force for bad adishonest critic opportunist a scamartist and ideologue a huge dick 
I guess thats fair.  At this point I dont think most anti-sjws really care about her though.  I will say that, I, personally never got on board with the whole idea that she was a scam artist(though I can see why some people came to that conclusion).  Imo, even if its true(and I doubt it), its largely a red herring.  
so what I'll call the Internet left however she was broadly understood as an all-around decent critic who was unfairly maligned harassed and abused because she was a woman who spoke about feminism and about her unfair treatment on the Internet
Since you are part of the ‘internet left’ I’ll take your word for it.  
I genuinely like Anita sarkeesian I agree with lots of her points and thought she was pretty cool before I knew she was somebody who everybody hated
I’m gonna be honest: Even if I was inclined to agree with anita’s criticism(I’m not), I dont know if I would really like her as a person or say she was ‘cool.’  Her videos and public appearances to me just come across as boring and uninspired.  
To be fair though, my only interaction with her has been through those videos/appearances.  So its possible she’s actually really nice and funny in person.  
even if I didn't like her though I still wouldn't think she deserved the ire of the public you know threats and harassment from people who hated every fiber of her being
Looking back I’m actually somewhat inclined to agree with you.  Aside from the obvious that nobody deserves threats and harassment(although those were grossly exaggerated), I actually think the attention given to her was unwarranted.  That said, I think most of was less hatred for Anita as a person, or even as a woman, and more concerns about her potential influence and how that might affect games(and other media) we love.  
Looking back that influence turned out to be ‘basically none’ but you know what they say about hindsight.  
I'm gonna be looking closely at a few people mostly Thunderfoot and sargon of akkad
I’m going to point out at this point that I’m not really that interested in defending Sargon or Thunderf00t(especially not Thunderf00t).  I have my quibbles with their takes on Anita.  
the first big argument that Anita sarkeesian wants to make that looking at games we can see a general tendency toward centralizing narratives of male and particularly straight male empowerment and what's more that this narrative tends to place the women of video games into some pretty weird positions women are less likely to be the protagonists of games they're more likely to be presented as sexually appealing to have their bodies put on display they're more likely to take on passive or victimized positions as damsels their to be rescued by predominantly male heroes
You cold argue that there are games that do this.  I could point out loads of counter-examples of games that dont.  
But, more importantly, I think, is that she doesnt really make an argument for why this is bad.  And even the limited attempts she does make, you explicitly reject later in this video.  In other words, we’re left with no reason to accept this as a criticism, unless we’ve bought into feminist ideology prior to clicking on Anita’s videos.  
If you want to argue that these videos were meant to be specifically for a feminist audience and that its silly for non-feminists to care, I guess thats fair as far as it goes.  But I dont think thats what you are getting at with this video.  
not being an expert in games myself I can't really go through er work fact-checking each and everyone of those examples besides that's not really something that interests me
I guess thats fair as far as it goes.  I’m actually glad you acknowledge that you dont know that much about games(unlike anita).  But I think you’ll miss a lot of the criticisms of her in that case, which tended to focus on how fairly she was presenting the games she looked at(not very in most cases).  
He then posts and summarizes a Thunderf00t video here, I’m only gonna respond to one point then pick up later(watch the full video for context)
Jamie's girlfriend didn't need to get beaten up we didn't need to see her panties as she was taken away
I pointed this out when I responded to Anita, but compare the amount of Marion porn, to the amount of Chung-li porn, and then tell me how much men desire weak or disempowered women(granted this isnt overly relevant to anything he said, but it was something that always bugged me about anita’s arguments).
Double Dragon might be a story about heroism in some broad sense but it's also a male power fantasy it makes you feel good because you get to play as a badass
No, it IS a story about heroism.  I can agree that the game sidelines and ‘damsels’ Marion(although again I’m not sold on the idea of that being inherently a bad thing).  But the fantasy isnt just about beating people up for no reason, its about being able to protect and save the people you care about.  I’m seriously skeptical that Double Dragon(or most other games) would resonate as much without that aspect.  
I’m skipping most of the rest of the Thunderf00t stuff, because I dont think thunderf00t made the best arguments, and dont have much desire to defend them.  
here's her second and much more important position that games being like that that's a problem Anita isn't just here to make a bunch of neutral statements about what video games are like she wants to say that video games have some relationship to things like sexism misogyny the patriarchy negative and pervasive stuff she sees in our culture
And since I’m not convinced that games can cause people to become sexist or other have other negative views(and neither are you as we shall see).  The only problem is that the games in question offend her feminist sensibilities.  
[these youtubers] nitpick small errors in her analysis see she spoke too broadly about hitman her general observations about video games must be totally off-base
Its not just hitman.  That was just one of many, many examples of her misrepresenting or deliberately using game mechanics to painting games in a worse light than reality is.  Also she shows no understand of how gameplay affects player attention and focus(presumably because she doesnt know as a result of not playing them)
cultivation Theory cultivation theory is an area of research and psychology that attempts to study and demonstrate the impact that media has on people the sorts of behaviors and dispositions it cultivates and when these youtubers talk about this theory it is always to point out that the research has proven it false
Not so much that its been proven false.  But that the effects shown are much more subtle than is commonly portrayed, tends to reinforce previously held beliefs rather than implanting new ones, and may not even apply to games.  Liana Kerzner(funny how you dont cover her despite the fact that she got a decent amount of attention for arguing with Anita), and AydenPaladin have both discussed this extensively, so I’ll just leave links to their videos.  
let's say for the sake of argument that these people are absolutely right about their science every study we've done shows that video games cause no shift in behavior or disposition our research into cultivation Theory has given us nothing but a bunch of bummed out psychologists now assuming all this let's ask a question what exactly would these findings mean to Anita sarkeesian's claim that video games can be harmful
It would mean she’s wrong.  Actually she’s wrong even in the real world where cultivation is a thing, just more subtle and might not apply to games.  
but to me it would mean absolutely nothing and why is that well here's one big reason I don't think that science is actually capable of disproving obvious facts about the wa ypeople work media's abilities are cultivate behaviors emotions and dispositions isn't some incidental point about it that requires further proof rather it's the entire reason why media exists in the first place
You’re conflating two very different things here.  Nobody denies that media has an ‘effect’ in the sense of causing an emotional reaction or giving some new information to people.  But thats a VERY different thing than saying media can alter peoples long-term attitudes, beliefs or behaviors.  
I agree the former is obvious.  The latter isnt.  And in fact the effect media has is pretty small.  
let's do a little thought experiment say a film is made that is unabashed Nazi propaganda let's call it Lubin'sLubin
You obviously dont speak German, but okay.  
every moment in this film conveys an anonymous and an explicit hatred of Jews let's say that this film is so horrendously racist that nobody in society can possibly be influenced by it to become Nazis the vast majority of people watch it critically tear it apart maybe even reflect on how silly and gross Nazism is
So you’re saying this film may, unintentionally, have a net positive effect on society.  Go on.
now if what's argon and Thunderfoot says is true if the only way to say a work of art is toxic is to look at its literal impact on society then we would be unable to condemn Lubin sh Lubin since the film has no tangible effect on anyone's behavior
Oh we could absolutely condemn the film, say its gross or bad or stupid or whatever.  What could not do is say its harmful.  Because it isnt.  
everybody with a brain knows that this movie is bad politically not in a way that means we should ban it but in a way that is worthy of our scorn and disgust
Sure such a film would be disgusting.  But disgust isnt harm.  And to conflate the two is not only disingenuous as fuck, but potentially dangerous.  
By this logic, Anita Sarkeesian’s videos are harmful, because lots of people are disgusted by them.  
watching Anita sarkeesian's videos she does site cultivation Theory a few times says there's a causal relationship between video games being the way they are and people being sexist and to be honest I kinda wish she hadn't said those things
Do I even need to comment?  
you can see that she means something very similar to what we described in our thought experiment we can see this whenever she talks about games it's pretty obvious
Indeed.  Her main reason for condemning video games is that they offend her feminist sensibilities.  So non-feminists have no reason to accept her criticism.  
she didn't wait for the Double Dragon studies to come in and prove that the game causes regressive behaviors and of course she didn't do that because she doesn't have to she is a person who experienced this work of art and she's claiming here that what she saw in it
Or in other words:
Tumblr media
it stipulates that violence against women can be understood as erotic
Again, who is the bigger sex symbol: Marion or Bayonetta?  hint: its NOT the one who is passive recipient of violence.  
it just doesn't make sense to reserve our judgments of media to only those things that the work is actively calling for we also have to look at subtext and coding
And the subtext here is ‘kidnapping and beating up women is bad.  And real manly badasses protect and care for the ones they love.’  
keeping with our Nazi propaganda theme which I guess we have here let's use let's use this boy as an example:
Tumblr media
image posted for reference.
this image obviously sucks because in the society it was used in it conveyed terrible ideas it serves to implicitly justify racial hierarchy and to normalize the idea that Jewish people were subhuman it
The difference here is the image in question was used in explicit anti-semitic propaganda.  There is a history here that directly links this imagery to Nazism and anti-semitism more broadly.  
Video games dont have such a history.  Even the tropes anita discusses that pre-date video games, such as the damsel in distress dont really have such a history.  The story of Saint George and the dragon(one of the earliest DiD stories, and the oldest anita cites) was about faith and knightly duty, not gender relations.  Hell Double Dragon isnt ABOUT how helpless your grlfriend, but about being the hero who is willing and capable to protect her.  
Skipping some more, because I dont care:
what he[thunderf00t] seems to have forgotten is that you can buy cigarettes under capitalism and you can buy an apple under capitalism cigarettes kill 400,000 people every year but apples they don't do nearly that much damage it's actually said that they keep the doctors away you might think that cigarettes should remain legal and I'm sympathetic to that idea but you'd have a hard time convincing me that they're not harmful to the people who use them
The difference is that we have loads of evidence that cigarettes cause real, tangible harm.  The same cannot be said for media.  Even cultivation theory says that media tends to reinforce existing beliefs than implant new ones.  And its not always clear that those beliefs translate into tangible actions.  
And I’m gonna say it again before anybody brings it up:  disgust is not harm.  
you may think that you can talk about the worth of art from a political or moral perspective but in fact that's just a mirage anything you say about media is just an unverified and likely unsupportable position and you should probably forget about
I would phrase it differently:  You can talk about media from a moral or political perspective all you want.  However, anybody who doesnt share your perspective would then be perfectly justified in simply dismissing what you have to say.  
hate Anita sarkeesian not because of what she says but because of who she is and the damage she causes
More precisely the damage we thought she might potentially cause.  Which admittedly in hindsight was an overreaction.  
they talk about how she sucks because she released her video slowly
Usually its less about her being slow, and more about she failed to keep her kickstarter promises.  I dont really go in for that because because I frankly dont think its that big a deal.  
didn't like being harassed on the Internet
Look, what she has shown as harassment is no worse than what most people(men and women) experience.  The vast majority of it wasnt even harassment but responses and criticisms.  
I guess you could say that online harassment shouldnt be a thing at all.  But I also dont think thats very realistic.  
talk about how she's a fraudulent grifter who gets her lackeys to phony bomb threats so she can make more money
I dont know about the bomb threat thing specifically.  I DO know that she used the harassment she received(real or not) to get attention and money.  
about how she's a fake gamer and so she shouldn't be talking about games
Thats a perfectly valid criticism though.  Media criticism is best done by people who actually have knowledge of the media in question.  
these guys are unapologetically anti-feminist and because of that they see no reason to change media to make it more feminist
So you DO get it!  
and they don't criticize and Anita sarkeesian's work because of cultivation theory I mean where are the studies that show that these videos are causing murder rates to increase
I honestly dont know what you’re getting at here.  The only reason anybody ever brought up cultivation theory is because Anita did first.  
And they dont criticize Anita  Sarkeesian's work because she explicitly calls for immoral actions
Nobody said she did?  Although I think if you read between the lines she has some really negative views towards men.  
and they don't criticize Anita sarkeesian's videos because they exist outside some benevolent capitalist structure I've got some hot news for you Anita sarkeesian's work is actually facilitated by capitalism
I’m not sure what you’re getting at here.  But it does make Anita a massive fucking hypocrite.  
no they hate Anita sarkeesian's work mostly because she says stuff they think is bad she's a feminist who wants various things about games to change and they disagree with her vehemently about it
And more importantly, that with all the attention she was getting at the time we thought the kind of changes she wants might actually start to happen.  Not that her videos would turn game developers into feminists(because lets face it, theres basically zero chance of her videos turning anybody feminist).  But because they might become convinced that there is an audience for the kind of games she wants.  
Like I said multiple times:  We were mostly mistaken about that.  
Theres not really much else here.  he just repeats himself.  so thats all for now.  
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 6 years
as hell breaks loose in the slums, shinra and company face a powerful foe
later on, the practical exams for class 1-A take place
Adam: *carrying a grocery bag* "...Is something burning?"
Gogol: "It happens--someone microwaves popcorn too long--" *turns the corner, sees smoke everywhere* "...Big bag of popcorn..."
Adam: .____. "...This seems..."
*The face of someone with eyes missing appears*
Adam: "Gah!" *covers his face*
Gogol: "??? What's with you?"
Adam: "I-I...saw something?"
Gogol: "..."
sasori: .........
panda: im telling you, lets go home already, you agree with me, right sancho?
Sancho: *nods* "_We_ aren't fire people, Inka! _We_ can't do this!"
Inka: "……Fine...I survived one fire, I can survive this. Sasori, let's go..."
*Someone tall, hulking, and wearing a bandanna over his eyes appears*
Charon: "Long time, no see...Inka."
panda: ??!!! um.....
Inka: *freezes, tenses...turns...* "...Oh no..."
sasori: *defensive stance* who the hell are you?
Charon: *bumps into Sancho* "Inka, you saw her, didn't you? Did she tell you that you are the new Pillar?"
Inka: "Wh-What the hell...How did you--"
sasori: ??? pillar? what are you on about?!
Sancho: "Hey! Watch where you're walking--" *reaches for Charon's arm* "That's really rude--"
Inka: "!!! Wait!" *sees a fire line--*
*--piercing through Sancho*
sasori: !!!!
Sancho: "..."
panda: !!!!!!!
Sancho: *blood pours from his mouth, his chest and arm not just torn but eviscerated...he collapses, blood draining from him*
Inka: *stares blankly*
panda: *too paralyzed by fear to move, hyperventilating*
sasori: (this is bad.....)
Inka: "...How?"
Charon: "Oh, that? You get used to it."
sasori: ....INKA! *grabs inka's wrist* LET'S GO! *runs with her*
Inka: *too stunned to do anything but follow*
Charon: "?!! Hey! Come back with the Pillar!"
Charon: "??? Who--"
shinra: owned.
Charon: "..." *just tilts his head* "..."
shinra: .w. eh?
Charon: "..." *pulls back his fist--and slams it into the side of Shinra's head*
shinra: !!!! *knocked back* um...what the hell?
Charon: "Ah, Shinra Kusakabe. Excellent. This shortens my work. You're coming with me to the Preacher."
shinra: um. yeeeah that isnt gonna happen, buddy.
*It sounds people are marching up behind Shinra*
shinra: *rolls eyes* oh great.
*There are Hoods lined up behind Shinra, marching*
Hoods: *chanting* "One, overwhelm! Two, assault! Three--" *howl*
shinra: what is this a parad-
Charon: *slams his elbow into Shinra's side*
shinra: OW!
Charon: "Now, come along quietly, then we'll pick up the other Pillar--"
shinra: fuck no, you guys are assholes!
Charon: "Perhaps--but we have God on our side." *marches towards Shinra...and something explosions behind him with each footstep*
shinra:.... *nervous smile* (uh oh)
Charon: *reaches for Shinra's head*
shinra: OxO *gulps*
Charon: *clutches him by the head, lifts him up--thne flings him forward through the slums*
shinra: *SCREEEEEAM*
-elsewhere in the slums-
tamaki: =~= *now without the habbit hat*
Takehisa: "They are awful creatures..."
nozomi: *setting up equipment* on the bright side, you didnt have any lewd incidents.
tamaki: *cold stare*
nozomi: oxo.... ^^;;;;
tamaki: *grumbles* lets just get this overwith- *trips and faceplants* OW!
iris: *helps her up* ^^;
tamaki: today sucks.
nea: what the hell is going on here?!
Burns: "Stay back, please. We are dealing with this fire..."
nea: my friend is in there! if you wont go after him, i will! *storms past him*
*The homeless shelter is burning down*
Bystander #1: "He's still in there! He pushed us out and held up the roof so we could escape!"
Bystander #2: "He's going to die!"
Burns: "?!!! Hey!"
Burns: *stops at the building, trying to pull her out--*
nea: *GUT PUNCH*
Burns: "UMPH!"
*The fire is roaring inside...There is debris...*
Burns: *lets go, knocked back*
*Is that debris...on fire? Not from outside...but inside?*
nea: ?!
*A moan...or bird caw...comes from under the debris...*
nea: showtaro?!
*An arm pops out...it has talons...and is on fire*
Shotaro: "Help..."
nea: !!! hold on! *moving debris*
*Shotaro is...on fire! And kind of looks like a bird...He has a bone in his 'beak'*
nea: that's-
Shotaro: "I...may have found a phoenix bone?" *weak laugh*
nea: how did-...n-nevermind. *lifting him up* lets get out of here... *flees*
Shotaro: "Thank you..." *passes out*
nea: !!!!....(at least he's breathing....)
Infernal #1: "UUAUUUUUU..."
karin: *FISTICUFF PUNCH* return to the flames!
Infernal #1: *moans*
*Infernal #1 starts shattering...*
karin: how're things on your end, commander?
Akitaru: "Working on it!" *slams the spiked Halligan Bar into another Infernal*
nozomi: we just got word that other brigades have sent squadrons out to the slums!
Akitaru: "Great! Where are--"
*An Infernal breaks through the building behind him*
lisa:...*shaking* *pant*
Infernal #3: *knocked back*
Vulcan: "Lisa!"
lisa:...i-im ok....commander?
Akitaru: "..." *smiles* "I'm fine. Thank you. Can you hold up?"
lisa: i-i think so....
haumea: *whistling*
Hood #5: *radio signal* "Lady Haumea, this is the 27th person we have turned. They are not a Pillar--but they are now an Infernal."
haumea: well damn.
Hood #6: "We may have a Flame Demon coming..."
guruna: on the bright side, i managed to recruit some followers, kururu~@
haumea:....*smirks and turns the corner*.....!!!!!!!!!!
Gogol: *walking* "--and so I said, 'Every short-cut is just a journey you haven't appreciated--'" *spots Haumea* "...What a goofy outfit..."
Gogol: "???" *looks at Adam*
Adam: "... ... ..." *opens his mouth* "...Who are you?"
haumea: dont play funny with me you little shit! get over here this instant!
Adam: "..." *looks at Gogol* ._. "...She seems to know me?"
Gogol: "Yeah, but she's kind of cranky. Plus, I think she's blind--"
haumea: you incompetent OAF!! *electro shock at adam*
Adam: *shocked* "GAH!!!!" *clutches his head*
*Something hits his brain...an image in a mirror*
Adam: "A-As-Ass--"
haumea: YOU! who are you, and why do you have assault with you?!
Gogol: "?!!! What is she doing to you?!" *turns to Haumea* "He's my buddy! Sort of! Kind of! Wait, who are you anyway? Are you from the museum? Did you steal from the Egyptian exhibit?"
haumea: did _you_ run away from the circus? and get a shitty braid to boot?
Adam: *groaning, clutching his head* "Ass...Ass...ault..."
Gogol: *shaking for a few seconds* "..." *coughs up smoke* "Hmm...You vape, too, then?"
Gogol: "Fool!" *leaps, landing on a rooftop* "No one makes a coat but me! Or my name isn't Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin!"
Gogol: "AND IT'S NOT!" ^w^
haumea: .....this is stupid. assault, let's go home. you're grounded when we get back.
Adam: "Assault...Assault...ASSAULT!!!" *lights up on fire*
Gogol: OwO "Oooooo~ That's new."
haumea: good boy....finish him off, will you?
Adam: *summons a giant fire bullet* "ASSAULT..."
Gogol: OwO;;;; "..." *leaps down, holds Haumea in front of him* "Now you see me..."
haumea: ?!!
Adam: "DAMN CAT GIRL!!!" *flings the bullet...towards Gogol...and Haumea*
Gogol: *opens his coat--and a steam roller explodes out at Haumea*
haumea: O_O …well cock.
Gogol: *stands, the fire blast blowing by him...along with an eyemask* "Oooh, souvenir!" *pockets it, takes out a tea tray, sips fresh brewed tea*
haumea:....*covered in soot*.....*cough*......*cold glare at them both, but covering her eyes*
Adam/Assault: *panting* "Assault...kill...nun!" *looks at Haumea* "...CROWBAR!"
Gogol: ^w^ "I think Ass-y is not happy with either of us~"
Assault?: "... ... ..." *looks* "...Lady Haumea? ...Why are you underground? And on fire?"
Adam?: "..." *smiles* *waves* "Bye, Ratman!"
haumea: *drags him away by the ear*
shinra: rrk-....ugh....what the hell....*sitting up* THAT....WAS OP! NOT COOL MAN!
Charon: "Stand down, boy...or I'll make it hurt."
shinra: *flips him off* *RAPID KICK*
Charon: *no reaction* "...Time to discipline you..." *grabs his ankle* "Then find where that girl took Inka--"
shinra: !!!! LET GO OF ME, YOU BOULDER!!!
Charon: "Haumea said I had to bring you in alive..." *grins* "She never said whole..." *tugs on his leg* "Discipline..."
shinra: !!!!!!
Charon: *lets go* "What?!"
ryuuko: *fires another row of feathers*
ryuuko: no problem! go find that girl!
shinra: WILL DO! *flies off*
Charon: "What manner of bird or human are you? You're not an Adora Burst, are you?"
ryuuko: no. just a soldier protecting people.
sasori: *pant pant* i dont think...we were followed....
Inka: "..." *falls back against a wall* "Wow...Sancho..." *puts a hand over her heart*
sasori: inka come on, we have to keep going!
{Charon: "You get used to it..."}
Inka: "What did he mean?"
sasori: lets worry about that later and get out of here.
shinra: hey
sasori: *SLASH*
shinra: *dodge* yikes!
Inka: "?!"
sasori: what do YOU what?!
Inka: "..." *looks down* "No shoes?"
shinra: heard you guys were in a bit of a pickle, well, im here to help you out and get you somewhere safe. ^^
sasori: how can we trust a fire brigade member?
shinra: uhhhh cause fire brigades _help_ people?
Inka: "...'Help'? ...What you charging?"
shinra: im not charging anything. scouts honor. ^^
sasori: .....
shinra: it's dangerous to stay here now, so let's get you somewhere out of harm's wa-
Inka: "No fun, no thanks."
shinra: ._. pardon?
Inka: *her hand is still over her chest, as she smiles* "It hasn't stopped beating..." *silly laugh* "This...is exciting."
shinra: ma'am? are you ok?
sasori: inka....
Inka: "Back off, soldier-boy!" *looks at Sasori* "You don't trust this guy, right?" *takes Sasori's hands* "Let's get out of here! Let's keep running!"
shinra: h-hey wait!
sasori:..... *follows*
Inka: "Ha ha ha!"
shinra: *runs after*
maki: ok, that takes care of this section-
tamaki: ??!!
karin: what the hell?!
*From the smoke...a horned figure is seen*
dahlia: it appears a demon has awoken...
Jonah: "Neat!"
guruna: kurururururu~@ how exciting~@
Jonah: "What next? I could disguise some Hoods..."
guruna: let's see how the handle-..... O/////w///////O TAMAKIIIIIIINS~<3 SHE'S SO CUTE IN HER NUN OUTFIT I COULD DIIIIIE~<@3
tamaki: *cringe* i just felt a chill up my spine....
Jonah: .w.;;;
Vulcan: "In this heat?!"
horned flame human: *CHARGES*
Vulcan: *aims a sonar ball--but the Demon smacks it out of his hand* "Gah!" *clutching his hand*
???: "Freeze."
tamaki: ??!!
*An ice blast encases the demon*
???: "Come on!" *someone picks up Tamaki*
tamaki: WOAH!
Yotsuba: *carrying Tamaki* "Long time no see, bestie!"
tamaki:.... oh greeeeeeeat. just who i wanted to see =_=#
guruna:....who....the fuck....is..._THAT_?! OvO#
Yotsuba: "No worries! Your commander called ours, then Burns said, 'I'm not doing that! Send Fulham and that annoying girl--' He's so funny like that!" *giggles*
nozomi: father fulham, miss yotsuba, glad to see you.
tamaki: =_____= *siiiiigh* (at least burns and i agree on _one_ thing)
Fulham: *nods* "You as well." *looks at Tamaki* "...You had no other nuns?"
tamaki: ........i had the habit hat.....a bird shat on it.
iris: we're still recruiting. ^^
Yotsuba: OwO "I can help!" *holds up...matching...bedazzled...habits*
iris: .____.
Yotsuba: ^w^ "I carry these for just such an emergency."
guruna:.....i'm going to burn that little sow until she's nothing but ashes. hehehehehe....i wanna kill her so muuuuuch~
Jonah: *changes his face into Fulham's--and starts making Muppet mouth movements* "MAH MAH MAH! I'm frigid and make dumb ice puns!"
guruna: HAHAHA im gonna go murder that bitch now.
dahlia: guruna, no.
guruna: GURUNA YES!
Yotsuba: "It looks super!"
Fulham: "...They look like the 1980s vomited. Ziggy Stardust weeps."
Jonah: "Guruna, no! ...We need ropes and razor blades."
guruna: *POUTS* i want sparkle bitch and knight boy dead.
Jonah: "I know...but first I want to cut off their faces for my collection~ Knight Boy already unmasked my GLORIOUS ART, AND I STILL HAVEN'T FORGIVEN HIM!" *stamps his foot*
dahlia: children, lets not be too hasty with obsessive crushes-
-another vehicle pulls up; the firefly-
miwa: we late to the party?
misora: =3= this heat is frizzing my hair up!
Jonah: *heart eyes* "...Oh yes."
dahlia: .........................................................................
Vulcan: *clutching his hand* "Yeah, we could use more help..."
Fulham: "And that ice is not going to hold against a Demon..."
nayumi: woah there, lay off the bull.
misora: nice outfit, tamaki.
misora: ._.
tamaki: ._.
Yotsuba: "Hello, new friend--I'm Tamaki's friend, Yotsuba!" *stares* "...Are you a bitch?"
Victor: .____. "..." *collapses*
misora: who are you talking to?
sayu: im not a doggy.
Yotsuba: *points at Misora* "The bitch."
misora: EXCUSE ME?! i mean. nope~ just everyone's favorite idol, forever 17 years old, misora hina~<3
Yotsuba: "...Yeah, I don't like your music~" ^w^
misora: ^w^........ OwO# the fuck you say?
Yotsuba: ^w^# "Yep."
Jonah: "...Oh, I want her head now."
guruna: let's murder her.
Jonah: "YES!"
Fulham: -__-# "No wonder you need our help...And no wonder Burns punishes me with this 'good luck' charm..."
miwa: time out everyone, lets focus on fighting the flame humans instead of each other, ok?
tamaki:...*sigh* she's right. iris, nayumi, help me with this nun stuff.
nayumi: any time
iris: right.
Fulham: "I need muscle to tackle any Demons, someone who can provide me cover, and some shields..."
fang-hua: *throws a bomb at a flame human*
fang-hua: damn, this is a lot of them.
Tsukiyo: *hops down next to her, pants* "I saw...10 more...or maybe 15...up ahead..."
fang-hua: darn. commander?
Benimaru: "...It'd be easier if we were back home--we could just burn it all down."
fang-hua: tsukiyo and i will check for survivors and evacuate them.
Tsukiyo: =n= "This is exhausting..." *follows*
Benimaru: *cross his arms, looking at the fire*
fang-hua: tsukiyo, did you want to try out your new weapon?
Tsukiyo: "..." *smiles* "Yes!" *opens her shoulder bag--and somehow pulls out a mallet three times as big as it*
flame human: o_O
Tsukiyo: *pulls back* "Let's dance!" *swings*
-several flame humans are knocked back-
shinra: darn, lost them again....
ryuuko: *flying over* d-damn..he's relentless....
*Someone is...running _through_ buildings--slamming through their walls*
*The ground is shaking*
shinra: ._. oh no
ryuuko: !!!!
shinra: !!!
ryuuko: i'll handle him from above! you take the ground!
Charon: *knocks into Shinra*
shinra: GRK-
ryuuko: not what i meant!
Charon: "You are coming with me, Pillar!"
shinra: DUDE! STOP PUNCHING ME! it's rude.
Charon: "Fine--" *lifts his foot*
Charon: "?!!! What the h--"
*Charon is knocked back*
shinra: HA! how do you like me now!?
Charon: *knocked down* "..." *sits up...his jacket is on fire* "..." *stares at Shinra*
Charon: *stands...flings off his jacket* "STEP!" *puts one foot forward--and an explosion snakes up towards Shinra*
shinra: !!!
-something lifts him up-
shinra: eh?
tao: *lifting shinra with a monkey tail* hiya ^^
shinra: you're that one girl from the 6th, right?
Charon: "?!!! Get back here--" *sees something pass him by* "..." *looks*
*it's...a bubble?*
Charon: "Wha--"
shinra: WOAH!
vivian: cheers lovelies~ the cavalry has arrived~<3
Kishiri: "Sorry..." *holds up a convenience store bag* "Needed to get my ammo."
takeru: .~. s-scary..
ryuuko: be careful, he's not natural...
Kishiri: "What, and we are? We're awesome!"
Charon: "GIVE HIM TO ME!"
vivian: we can give you the bird if you'd like~
Charon: "What?! I wanted pillars! What bird do you even have?!"
vivian: *flips him off* ^^
ryuuko:....*glares at kishiri...punch to the arm*
Charon: "!!!! Vile!"
Kishiri: "OW! What was that for?!
ryuuko: you're a bad influence.
sasori: *slashing at hoods* damn. there's no end to them...inka? how're you holding up?
Inka: "..." *points at one* "You! What do you want?"
hood: our mission is to bring you back to the preacher, 5th pillar.
sasori: i dont know who this preacher is, but im not gonna-
Inka: "Why do you keep calling me a 'pillar'? Why do you want _me_? Why am I so special?" *starts seeing something around one Hood...it looks like...light?*
sasori: they're talking nonsense! let's just go alread-
Inka: "Wait! Charon--that guy from earlier...Why did he kill Sancho?"
sasori: i dont know...all i know is he's dangerous and we should stay away from him or get ourselves murdered.....
Inka: "... ..." *smiles* "It's exciting."
sasori: ??
Inka: "...I'm not going to escape them, am I?" *sees something around the Hoods...a light snaking through them...but then a word appears* "??? 'Start'?"
sasori: 'start'?
hood: ??
{???: "What you doing, kiddo?"}
{Five-year-old Inka: *has a coloring and activity book in front of her* "Playing maze!" *smiles*}
Inka: "..." *points at 'Start,' and follows it--*
hood: ???
Inka: "Aaaaaaand 'Goal'?"
Inka: *taps 'Goal'*
hood: wait-
Inka: !!!!!
hood: *SCREAMS*
Hood #2: "MY EYES!"
sasori:....inka wha-what the hell did you just do?!
Inka: "I-I don't know! ... ... ..." *smiles* "Heh."
sasori: ......
Akitaru: "How you holding up?"
padma: that takes care of those ones. now we just have to take out the horned one.
Akitaru: "But we need more help with evacuation..."
Relan: *bandaging bystanders*
nozomi: anyone have any ideas?
???: "There they are! Commander Obi!"
Akitaru: "???"
nozomi: ???
taguchi: *salutes* it's a honor to be working with you sir!
Akitaru: *salutes* "Great...Um, I don't know you?"
Tokuyama: "Captain Tokuyama, sir! Company 5! Big fan! You are not the gorilla Commander Hibana says you are!"
Akitaru: "...Hibana has male captains?"
Tokuyama: "Ha! Good one, sir!" ^_^
taguchi: ^^;
himari: *shivering* Q~Q k-keep it together, himari....y-you can do this....
Akitaru: "..." *goofy grin* "Yes! The Fire Forces got our message!" *spots Himari* "???"
himari: Q_______Q noooooooo i cant do this! there's too many people here! im gonna pass out!
Akitaru: "Commander, it's gonna be okay..." *shoulder pat* "You command the Third. And I appreciate your presence here."
himari: *shaking* t-t-t-THANKYOUMROUBI!!
Akitaru: ^^; "Now, then, let's get to work! Tokuyama, Taguchi, please evacuate, and get Relan and my soldiers more medical supplies. Himari, you're with me--we're holding the front!"
himari: y-y-yessir!!
taguchi: got it!
Tokuyama: "Angels, lead survivors to the ambulances!"
angels: on it!
Victor: *counting the fires on Vulcan's tablet* "Too many, too many..."
misora: what's the hold up, scruffy?
Victor: "At this rate, the slums will be destroyed--then it will spread to the other sectors, then take over the city--"
misora: OxO what was that?
Victor: "Oh, yeah--and that Horn Demon will get out of the ice in 13 minutes, 27 seconds."
Victor: Q_Q "...I forgot to carry the 2. 2 minutes, 21 seconds."
Fulham: "Shit..."
*defensive stance*
shinra: damn, he still wont go down.
Charon: *pants* "STEP!" *moves forward--but no explosion*
ryuuko: *observing*
shinra: ideas?
ryuuko: physical attacks seem to increase his damage....for now, let's just watch and see.
takeru: >~<;;;
Kishiri: "We could encase him in gum--but he'd rip it off pretty quickly."
Charon: "..." *walks to a wall--and starts banging his head against it*
Kishiri: .___.;
shinra: well, we're pretty much in a rut. anyone have any ideas?
tao: maybe we can trap him?
shinra: hmmm but how?
Kishiri: "...More gum?" O~O
Charon: *roars* "That's the stuff!" *slams his foot* "STEP!" *explosion in front of Shinra and the others*
vivian: O.O;
tao: i ever tell you the story of the carp that swam up a waterfall and became a dragon?
shinra: what does fish have to do with-....(fish....fishing....bait...bait!) guys, i may have some part of a plan. it's gonna sound crazy, probably suicidal, but hear me out...
Charon: "PILLAR! I am bringing you with me! Our leader demands it!"
shinra: *steps out, hands up*
Charon: *smiles* "Good...You are surrendering."
shinra: *he says nothing*
Charon: "Step over..."
shinra: *one step forwards*
Charon: "CLOSER!"
shinra:...*step to the side*
Charon: "?!"
shinra: *RAPID KICK*
Charon: "!!!" *knocked down*
shinra: *grins*
Charon: *slams into a building--through its wall* "..." *a dress falls on his head* "..."
shinra: that was easy...
Charon: "..."
*The ground shakes--exploding a window behind Shinra, sending glass shards behind him*
shinra: ACK!
ryuuko:.....sir, you are a 3rd generation, yes?
Charon: "..." *smiles*
ryuuko:.....second generation, then?
Charon: "How'd you guess?"
ryuuko: i didnt. you told me.
Charon: "Hmph...Just a matter of subterfuge..." *slams his foot--ripping another hole in the ground*
ryuuko: fascinating. how _does_ that ability work? asking for a friend who researches abilities.
Charon: "Ah, trying to ask me questions to extend your life before I kill you and take Kusakabe with me?"
ryuuko: you didnt exactly answer my question. please?
Charon: "Hmph...Isn't it obvious? I _absorb_ fire-related attacks, store it, then release it with my attacks." *marches forward, the earth trembling under each footstep*
ryuuko: i see.
shinra: .....*glances at a glass shard* .....*picks it up*
Charon: "I told you mine...What is yours? It'll be part of our song of the dead when I return to my people..."
shinra: *sneaking up*
ryuuko: is that literal or metaphorical?
Charon: *cracks his knuckles* "Literal song...Your literal death..." *pulls back his fist--*
shinra: *stabs charon with the glass shard*
Charon: *he yells out in pain* *looks down at his abdomen, where he's been stabbed*
shinra *SLASH*
Charon: "You...stabbed...ME?!"
shinra: so as long as we dont use fire, we can beat you?
Charon: "..." *smiles* "Yes...if there weren't other fire users nearby..." *puts his fingers in his mouth--and whistles loudly* "ASSEMBLE!"
shinra: oh shit-
-no one arrives-
Charon: "... ... ... Well...Crap."
vivian: oh, those were friends of yours? it seems they've had a....shocking revelation, fufufu~ ^w^ *fans herself*
Charon: "...You weaklings are more shrewd than I gave you credit..." *turns to face Shinra*
shinra: *already flying off*
Charon: "GET BACK HERE!" *shifts, ready to leap after him--*
tao: *jumps out the window, using her bowstaff as a propeller before slamming it down onto charon*
Charon: *SCREAMS*
vivian: *FAN SLASH*
Charon: "AH! AAAH!" *swings his arm*
taguchi: keep firing!
soldiers: *shooting at the horned infernal*
karin: damn, this one's a tough customer.
nozomi: any ideas, victor?
Victor: "CRAP CRAP CRAP! We needed the Seventh! We don't have them! They are the ones who have _the ONLY PEOPLE WHO PUT A HORN DEMON LIKE THIS TO REST_! The First didn't! Not the Second! Or the Third!"
karin: damn.
maki: that'd be a lot of fire power...
Victor: "...Fire..." *looks everywhere* "Fire, fire, everywhere, and not...not... ..." *points at Maki* "MAKI!"
maki: yeah?
Victor: "That fire tornado story you told me about!"
tamaki: oh yeah, i remember that.....and it came to bite me in the ass *mumble mumble*
maki: what about it?
Victor: "WE'RE GOING TO MAKE A FIRE TORNADO!" *waving his arms*
maki + tamaki: eh?
Victor: *drawing on the tablet* "Get me every Second Generation in this city!"
padma: what are you planning?
Victor: "We...are going to put out every last fire in this sector _and_ put that Infernal to rest ALL IN ONE GO!!!"
maki: *focusing*
padma: ....
Tokuyama: *over incom* "We are in position, over."
taguchi: in position!
Vulcan: "Both teams, in position!"
Akitaru: "Draw him out, Hinawa!"
Takehisa: *firing*
horned infernal: *ROARS*
Victor: *over incom* "Maki! Second Generation! Everyone! Begin, now!"
maki: HAAAAH!
padma: *concentrating*
-all the other 2nd gens are focusing on the center until.....-
fang-hua: huh....looks like you got competition, commander.
Benimaru: "...Hmph."
Tsukiyo: "Translation: 'Not terrible.'"
horned infernal: *CHARGES AND SCREEECHES*
Takehisa: "!!!" ("Bullets are not slowing it down--")
Akitaru: *roars, tackles the Infernal*
karin: commander!!
miwa: what the hell is he doing?!
Akitaru: "...HOOOOOOOOOOOT!" *his mask his catching fire*
horned infernal: *SCREEECH and backs up*
miwa: what were you thinking, man?! this isnt playtime!
Akitaru: *flings off his mask* "I was taking matters into my own hands!"
Vulcan: *calling in on radio* "Hello? Is anyone there?"
karin: what's up, vulcan?
Vulcan: "We're on our way--clear traffic!"
lisa: *honks on the horn*
Takehisa: "??? What is the plan?"
Akitaru: "..." *Excalibur face*
Vulcan: *points* "Park it there!"
-epic drift parking-
Vulcan: "Awesome! Lower the anchors!"
yu: you got it!
Vulcan: "Lisa, stay on the wheel. Yu, the controls." *kicks open the door* "Grab the Commander!"
Akitaru: "Wait--what?"
-le yoink-
miwa + karin: *pulling him in*
Akitaru: "Hey!"
Vulcan: "Commander, you're on top--you'll aim the water cannon."
Akitaru: "WHAT?!"
miwa: *teasingly* like you havent used a big ol hose before.
karin: *snickers*
Akitaru: >\\\\\< "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!!!"
yu: ??? am i missing something here?
Vulcan: -_-#
Vulcan: "Commander, get up there!"
Akitaru: "St-Stop pushing me!!!"
karin: want one of us to do it?
Vulcan: "No, the Commander is the best bet--given the blow-back on the cannon. And with my hand injured, I can't help..."
Akitaru: O~O *staring at the controls* "UUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMM..."
miwa: need help?
Vulcan: "He shouldn't--Yu is handling the controls in the cockpit so--"
Vulcan: .___.
miwa: yeesh. _someone_ didnt get enough sleep last night.
lisa: *driving forwards*
karin: you got this commander!
miwa: yeah, think of it like a game from the carnival?
{ami: *trying to use the water gun game at a fun fair*}
{chitose: you got it?}
{ami: it's heavy mommy.}
{chitose: there's a trick to these things, you just got to aim and hold 'er steady.}
{ami: holder steady?}
{Akitaru: "Yeah, hold on, and don't move." *smiles*}
{ami: ok papa! *pulls the trigger*}
Akitaru: "...N-No..."
ami?: you can do it, papa!
Akitaru: "...YES!" *grips the water cannon* "HOLD 'ER STEADY!"
Akitaru: *aims* "Locked on!" *shivering over the trigger*
horned infernal: *ROOOOAR*
lisa: FIRE!
Akitaru: "FIRE!" *presses the button*
-the infernal is knocked back into the fire-
lisa: GOT 'EM!
Takehisa: "Cannon loaded..." *aims* "Fire!"
padma: *FIRES*
*The cannon shot fires, Takehisa guiding it*
Takehisa: *focused* "Almost..."
maki: ok good. lets finish this off quick, im not gonna be able to hold on much longer!
*The shot follows the Infernal--and strikes!*
pearl: karim! now!
Fulham: "Leave it to me!" *fires a cold blast*
maki: success!
Fulham: "...Great. A lifetime supply of ice."
pearl: you did it!.............*hugs him and...*
Fulham: "..." .\\\.
pearl:....s-sorry. i got...carried away... ./////.;;;
-the radio on the matchbox plays 'everybody loves somebody' by dean martin-
Fulham: "..." *smiles* "Don't be."
pearl:... .////.
Vulcan: "???" *looks at the radio*
karin:...thought i'd set the mood ^^
Vulcan: "Sneaky, but apt."
karin:.....*ahem* *turns the radio off* good job everyone.
lisa: *sweatdrop*
sasori: what the hell was that?
Inka: *looks* "...Heh...Dangerous city, huh?"
sasori: this whole place is insane....
???: ooooi!
-shinra lands next to them-
shinra: pretty cool, right?
Inka: "...Sasori, who is this dork?"
shinra: D8< we just met several times today!
Inka: "But what's your deal? Sasori seems not to like you."
shinra: well, it's a bit of a long story.
-he explains the situation-
sasori: adora burst? i think i heard hibana mention that during my time in her custody...
shinra: (she knows hibana?) yes. these hoods are very dangerous people. we can keep you both safe from them.
nka: "And we're supposed to go with the guy who did..." *gestures* "...this to Sasori?"
shinra:....(oh, she must be....) look, i understand you have beef with hibana, but she's different from when you met her...mostly.
Inka: "..." *looks at Sasori*
sasori: ...as much as i dont like you, you have a point.....if you really can keep inka safe, then you're our best bet...right inka?
Inka: "...Hard pass."
shinra: ?!
sasori: what?!
Inka: "What, you think you tell me some 'hero' story, I go with you? I'm not some damsel in distress."
shinra: im not saying that you are, but if the hoods capture you, a lot more people are going to get hurt! they took my brother and are using him like a weapon. dont let them do that to you!
Inka: *suddenly up in Shinra's face* "BORING."
shinra: !!!
Inka: "I. Want. Freedom! I go with you, what happens? 'Fire thief arrested, forced to repay money, goes to jail'? No. Thanks!"
shinra: it'd be a hell lot better than being possibly killed!
Inka: "... ..." *her eyes widen--something appears in her pupils...*
*She sees something...*
shinra: *reaching out for her* he-hey...kiddo?
*There's someone...crawling on the floor, her body mangled*
Inka: (It's...me?)
{Vision!Inka: *reaches up a hand* "..."}
Inka: "..." *goofy grin* "Dangerous."
shinra: ???
sasori: inka?
Inka: "I...can't get away from either the Hoods or the firefighters...So which is more exciting?"
shinra: what are you talking about? the hoods caused all this to get to you! they dont care who gets hurt! men, women, others, children, the elderly, it doesnt matter to them!
Inka: *grips Shinra's shoulders* "I don't care!"
shinra: ?!
Inka: "I care about _my_ life!"
sasori: ......
shinra: !!!
Inka: O_O(\\\) "...Sasori?"
sasori: *grabs inka by the neck* ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO YOURSELF?! you're talking about risking your life to some cult....i dont trust either party, but at least the fire brigade will protect you!
Inka: "And I don't want protection! I want to live life to the fullest--I want to put myself in _danger_!" *grabs Sasori's cheeks, pulls* "Why are you fighting me on this?!"
sasori: .....when my parents saw me like _this_? they called me a monster.....you're the first person that actually accepted what i became....*she's crying* dont you DARE take that from me!
shinra: .....
Inka: "..." *stares* "..." *turns around...walks*
sasori: where are you going?!
shinra: ??.....!!!!
Inka: "I see the line...where it takes me." *points to a fire line she sees--* "It's like...electricity--"
*Electricity crackles along the floor, missing Inka--and striking Shinra*
shinra: GAHH!
sasori: ?!?!? *scorpion tail*
*Haumea walks out*
Haumea: *smiles* "Hello~"
sasori: *glares*
Haumea: "Hello, Pillar. And Pillar."
sasori: i guess even the hoods arent safe from their own flames.
shinra:...*getting up* RUN!
Inka: "..." *smiles* "Someone really fucked you up, huh, Charon's friend?" *walks up*
Haumea: -_-# "You have no idea..."
Inka: *bouncing* "Was it exciting?!"
Haumea: *sneers* "Incredibly~"
Inka: "...Could I die?"
Haumea: "Hmmm...Not yet. But you may be a little worse for wear when we're done."
Inka: "..." *holds out a hand* "Let's go."
sasori: INKA!!
Haumea: *grips Inka's hand* "Let's~"
Inka: *smiles...tears falling*
sasori: …..HEY! BAG LADY!
Haumea: *grips Inka's hand harder, frowning* -_-# "My name is NOT BAG--"
sasori: i'll go with you! under two conditions.
shinra: you too?!
Haumea: *smiles* "I'm listening..." *turns Inka around to face Sasori*
Inka: "?!! Wh-What?"
sasori: condition one; help me kill hibana and the scorpion witch shaula.
Haumea: "Hmm...I know Hibana, but not the other. Still, we can certainly get rid of Hibana easily enough~"
sasori: as for the second condition; if i join your ranks. place me as inka's bodyguard.
Haumea: "How can I trust you'll do a good job?" *smiles* "Do you love her?"
Inka: "Sasori..."
sasori: as stubborn and insane and stupid as she can be, im not leaving her side.
Haumea: "...What say you, Pillar?"
Inka: "..." *looks away* "I protect only _my_ life. Whatever she wants is none of my business."
Haumea: "WE ARE TALKING, PILLAR! Scorpion, first order: bring Kusakabe with us--"
???: d-dont....m-move...
panda: *holding a gun, shaking and crying*
Inka: *looks* "Panda?!"
Haumea: "...Who's this weirdo?"
sasori: so that scrub didnt die? to be honest, i never liked him. or the other one.
Inka: "..."
panda: d-dont you DARE talk about my bro like that!
Inka: "...If they want me to run...the lines would've told me...but all I see...is a line around him."
panda: ???
Inka: "I guess it's my destiny...I have to cut loose the dead weight..." *points at Panda*
panda: inka-
Inka: *smiles* "Goodbye." *drags the finger along the line, and--*
Inka: "I'm ready, now. Haumea, lead me."
shinra: !!!!! shit! *runs over to help him*
Haumea: "Excellent...Come along, bodyguard."
shinra: wai-
*They're gone*
panda: *SCREAMS*
shinra:....FUCK! *grabs panda and tries to snuff out the flames*
Artur: "Shinra! Where is the plasma woman--" *spots him* "?!!!"
shinra: help us out, will ya?!
ryuuko: *flies in* that man escaped......??!!!
Arthur: "..." *takes out a fire-proof blanket*
-and so-
shinra *in hospital waiting room* ............
Akitaru: *walks up* "..."
shinra: i...i failed....i couldn’t convince her to-....all this went for nothing!!
Akitaru: "Shinra!" *puts his hands on his shoulders*
shinra: *looks up at him, teary eyed*
Akitaru: "Think: how much worse would this have been without you? Without all of us? That boy back there--you saved him."
ryuuko: dont blame yourself for failure. if you do that, then you'll only tear yourself to pieces.
Akitaru: "I know...We'll find her. And Sho."
shinra:...yeah....thanks, ryuuko.
ryuuko: any time.
shinra:....h-how's everyone holding up?
Akitaru: "The others are continuing evacuations until new temporary housing is available."
shinra: i take it that ice pillar was commander fulham's doing?
Akitaru: *nods* "And...it's kind of become a new Death City attraction." ^^;
ryuuko: at least 7 people have gotten their tongues stuck to it. -_-;
shinra:... *chuckle*
Akitaru: "We'll have a briefing when you get back to HQ. Take your time."
Akitaru: *pat pat* "...Doctors see you yet?"
shinra: j-just wanted to make sure that guy survived....im ready to go home now...
setsuna: *tightly hugs showtaro, crying* i was so worried that you were hurt....
Shotaro: ^^; "I'm okay, Mom--just burnt. But the Phoenix Bone and Nea saved me!"
nea: well, just glad you're not dead...
setsuna:...thank you so much, nea...
nea: =///=; hmph. you owe me a new jacket, kid.
Shotaro: "No problem! I saw a great one at consignment!"
george: *shaking* (that could have been the kids....)
higuchi:...gin? ryunosuke? you going to be ok?
Akutagawa: "..."
Death the Kid: Gin: "It's...certainly shocking."
hans:.....*her hand is shaking, but she holds it tight*.....
goethe:...hans, you're tense....come to bed with me, ok?
hans:....t-thank you....
Akutagawa: "..." *walks to the gym*
marie: *helping to set up rooms for the evacuees*
mami: so many of them....
Crona: *hands more blankets*
child: t-thanks.
Crona: *weak smile* "Y-You're welcome..."
mami: *she smiles* good job, chrona.
Crona: ^\\\^
yana: so you lost adam-er,...'assault' to the hoods?
Gogol: ^^; " 'Lost' is the kind of word that suggests this is my fault. I prefer to say 'misplace.'"
yana:....oh well, he's not a major priority. did you at least get those things you were instructed to get?
Gogol: *opens his coat* "Right here~"
yana: good.....*siiigh* damn, i need a drink...
Gogol: "Tea, then?"
yana:......sure....(oh right, i keep forgetting im younger than i think i am...)
Gogol: *pulls out the tea tray--and it's scorched* OwO;;; "...Darn."
Yumi: "More resources are coming in..." *looks up from her phone* "Funny how it's you already here to 're-build.'"
Fitzgerald: *smirks*
louisa: ^^;
Yumi: "Hmm...?!" *looks down*
Toby: *sniffing*
Yumi: -_-#
shiori: ??
Haumea: "Hello, troops~ And great success from you all."
guruna: =3= dahlia scolded us.
arrow: and you almost drowned assault when we got back.
Haumea: >w> "He's fine..."
{Assault/Adam: *glub glub glub*}
{Haumea: *holding his head under water, humming*}
arrow: how's charon?
kagu-tsuchi: *worried*
Haumea: "He's fiiiiiiiine~ Just a little cut up..."
kagu-tsuchi: WHAT?!
Haumea: "You know, broken glasses, stabby-stabby. Just a few knicks and cuts--"
guruna: sucks for him lol
Haumea: "And we got new recruits."
guruna: ^w^ your welcome, kururu~@
Haumea: "Of course~ As well as a new bodyguard for our special guest...the newly acquired Pillar!"
sasori: =~= my uniform's kind of baggy....dont you have anything smaller than this?
Haumea: "Well, leave it to soak in the wash--it'll shrink. Like you. Squirt."
sasori: .....
Kishiri: "We're back..."
ryuuko: *phew*
mikami: are you alright?
ryuuko: y-yes....
Kishiri: "..." *looks* "We did our best. And Tokuyama will have a report soon."
gabriella: glad to know.
Kishiri: *salutes* "Well, I'm going to eat..." *leaves*
Fulham: "..." *walks back to the First's courtyard*
foien: congrats today!
dia: an excellent job, father fulham.
Fulham: "Thank you. But it was a team effort."
foien: likewise.
pearl: *smiles*
Fulham: *looks at Pearl* "..."
pearl:.... .///.;
Fulham: "..." *clears his throat* "Well, Pearl and I have training to continue..."
dia: ...
Burns: *observing from afar* "I see sending a few of the First's best was enough."
amy: i saw...on the news.....it was cool.....i guess....
Emma: *smiles* "They did great! I wish I had gone along, too."
amy: maybe next time.
Emma: ^_^
Burns: "When you're ready. For now, we review procedures."
Honda: "LINE UP!"
-several soldiers have lined up-
hito: ...
takeru: >~<
Honda: "After the fight against those crummy no-goodniks, we will be re-organizing! Prepare for some changes!"
hito: ??
Honda: "More news is coming soon--but for now, we're on the move! Prepare the new rooms! Get the blankets! Pull out the translation books!"
Asako: "More injured coming in..."
kayako: thank you...damn those hoods...
Asako: "...It's like before..."
kayako: yeah....you did a good job today, girls.
vivian: ^^
tao: thanks commander.
Asako: *nods...still looks worried*
kayako:...*pat pat*
Asako: "S-Sorry...After Grandfather before..."
kayako: it's alright.
Asako: "I'm glad it isn't as bad as before--but this is still horrible." *wipes her eyes*
Tsukiyo: *collapsed on the floor, hugging her mallet* =w= "I'm exhausted...Good work, Mallet."
fang-hua: *siiigh* i dont want to see another of those hoods for at least a year....
Konro: "Given the great work you did, I'd bet on it."
kirei: ^^; *giving beni a shoulder rub*
Benimaru: =\\\\\\= *pleased grunt*
kirei: ^^
Benimaru: "At least the slums wasn't as wrecked as it could've been..." *pats Kirei's hand*
Vulcan: *pats Yu's shoulder* "Good work on the controls."
yu: ^^
Vulcan: *smiles at Lisa* "And for saving my butt."
Vulcan: ^^
Kurogiri: "With so many of their hideouts destroyed, this is an opportunity to open our doors to those villains."
tomura: yeah...(and hopefully this whole _stain_ craze has phased out...)
twice: ??
himiko: ~?
*Someone dressed like Stain enters*
twice: what-
tomura: the fuck?
???: "My name...is Spinner! Now, where's Stain? I came to meet Stain."
tomura:.....excuse me. *exits....and starts screaming violently*
himiko: you wanna meet mr stainy too? OvO
Kurogori: ._.
Spinner: *nod nod nod* "Very much so..." .\\\.
himiko: YAAAAAY NEW FRIEND!!! ^u^
fang: guba!
Spinner: ^\\\\^ "That kid yours?"
himiko: he's my son. ^^
Spinner: "Hey, Little Man!"
twice: ._. (he isnt even phased.)
kurome: *peeek.....staaare*
Spinner: *waves at Kurome*
kurome: *clings to kurogiri's leg*
Spinner: "D'aw, she's shy."
Kurogiri: -_-; *pats Kurome*
Inka: "..." *sneaks out of her room, enters Sasori's*
sasori: *making her bandana*.....
Inka: "Didn't know you could sew." ^_^
sasori: a skill i picked up, even though im not really good at it.
Inka: "Hmm...Looks like it's coming along..." *looks at her* "...Can you at least look me in the eyes?"
sasori: *looks at her*
Inka: "...Before everything went down, you didn't give me a chance to give you this..." *holds up a necklace, with some bead on it that looks like a scorpion tail*
sasori: ah....i've heard of these things, it's a magatama, right?
Inka: *nods* "Nicked it during a house call..." *puts it into Sasori's hand*
sasori:.... 7///7; t-thanks....
Inka: ^_^ "You're welcome...You cool with this?" *walks over, lies down on Sasori's bed, looks up at the ceiling*
sasori:...what do you mean?
Inka: "I mean, this is a cult. I'm _thrilled_ with it! But...Well, I didn't exactly welcome you along in the nicest way."
sasori:....i dont have much of an opinion.... (i dont trust those people...)
Inka: "...But you seem irritated with them. Don't you think we'll have fun?"
sasori:....i guess.
Inka: *smiles* "Good." *sits up in bed, hugs a pillow* "Want to have some fun? I was thinking of breaking into that Sho kid's room."
sasori: is that a good idea? he _is_ kind of the figure head here, at least that's what i heard.
Inka: *gets out bed* "And I'm a Pillar, too. They need me. And I'm going..." *puts an arm around Sasori's shoulder* "So I need my bodyguard with me at all times."
sasori:...*sigh* fine, but dont blame me for what happens.
Inka: "Great!" *leads her down the hall* "He should be right...here!" *puts an ear to the door*
Inka: "..." *tests the door--it's locked* "Hmm...Sasori, tail it."
Inka: "Why, thank you~" *pushes the slashed door open* "...Dark in here..."
sasori: *flips a switch*
???: "STOP THAT!" *someone suddenly pulls blankets over themselves*
sasori: ?!
Inka: "Huh...He's playing blanket fort, I guess." *walks up* "Hello, Sho--I'm Inka, the new Pillar."
Sho: *growls* "Go away...How do you even know my name?"
sasori: inka, maybe this is a bad idea-
Inka: "Because I fought your brother, Shin--" *suddenly, Inka sees a blast of light--which immediately disappears* "...Wait, what was--"
sasori: !!!
*What Inka saw...was what was going to happen before she had time to react, when facing someone who can defy time itself…*
Sho: *stops time, picks Inka by her head--and throws her through the broken door*
Inka: “?!!” *smashes into the door* “FU--��� *and slams against the hallway wall* “Grr…” *barely moving*
sasori: what the hell?!
Sho: "How dare you!" *suddenly disappears, now in front of Sasori, screaming, standing in sleepwear* "I’ll kill you!”
sasori: *scorpion tail*
Inka: "...Heh...Just what...I wanted..." *lifts a finger, aimed at Sho*
Sho: *pulls out a blade, aims at Sasori--*
Haumea: “Ha ha--no.”
sasori: ._.;
Sho: "HAUMEA! Give me back my--"
Haumea: *finger-flicks Sho's head*
Sho: "..." X_X *collapses into her arms*
sasori: ._.
Inka: ._. "...What? Do I still get to blow him up--" *still dragging her finger--*
Haumea: -_-; *sends an electrical discharge at Inka*
Inka: "..." X_X *collapses on the floor*
sasori: -_-;
Haumea: *looks at Sasori “...Bodyguard, take her to her room. I’m going to put Sho to bed~”
Relan: "Welcome back..." *standing with Iris*
shinra: hey. *rubs his eyes*
iris:...*pap pap*
shinra t-thanks...
Relan: "...We made some tea? Want to sit?"
shinra: y-yeah.
Relan: "...Any word about the injured person?"
shinra: he's....he's gonna make it.
Relan: "..." *nods*
Anya: "It's awful..."
tsugumi: maki was really cool, though. i should call her.
Meme: "Hm-mm! There's a clothing drive going on at school..."
Anya: "..." *walks into the closet--pulls out a stack of clothes 1.5 times her height*
ao: oh my. ._.
mio: how-
Anya: *holds up a princess dress* "Is this too common? It seems to be of poor quality."
tsugumi:... *sweatdrop*
mio: (these goddamn rich people...)
Meme: "...I think it'll be fine." ^^; "I'm still working on quilts..." *holds up hands, which have marks all over them* "But it's going slowly."
mio: i've never made a quilt before, or anything really but...do you want us to help?
Meme: "That'd be great! There are plenty of small tasks we can divide that are easy to learn but would go faster with more people."
tsugumi: project helping hands is *sentai pose* GO!
Anya: "..." -_-;
Meme: ^^ "Yay!" *poses*
Akitaru: "--then she picked this giant duck stuffed animal."
miwa: aww, cute.
serina: ^^
Akitaru: *smiles* "I think she was helping me back there with that goofy cannon..."
miwa: *smiles*
Akitaru: "...But now I need some help."
miwa: whats up?
Akitaru: "As long as we are only hunting down whoever the Hoods target, we're going to fall behind. I want to know how this all started."
serina: meaning?
Akitaru: "I'm going to assign my researchers to learn the origins of flame powers. And they need protection."
miwa: consider it done.
Akitaru: "Thanks...Keep an eye on Nozomi and Victor, then."
miwa: will do.
Akitaru: *nods, stands up* "I'll go tell them." *heads to the lab*
tamaki: um....iris? you have a moment?
Iris: "???" *sets down her book* "Yes, Tamaki?"
tamaki: i was wondering....*bows down* please teach me how to be at least a decent nun!
Iris: "..." *smiles, head pats* "You don't have to bow--I'd be happy to work with you!"
tamaki: QwQ thank you.
Iris: "Let's start with reading some prayers."
tamaki: *nod nod*
Iris: *opens her book, points* "This is the traditional 'Ratomu' prayer, but there are others, whether to put the Infernals' souls to rest, or to provide encouragement to us and our peers."
tamaki: *listening intently*
Iris: "This is one I had to spend a long time interpreting, after...well, after I left..." *clears her throat* " 'Let our fiery spirit be a light in the darkness.'"
tamaki: like a beacon of hope, right?
Iris: *nods* "Death City is a place for second chances. And much like other cities have been, I think, after something like what happened, this city could be one such beacon." *small laugh* "I didn't think an ice pillar would be that beacon, though..."
tamaki: ^^;
Iris: "How about you try one?"
tamaki: *looks*
Book's Page: "The rising sun allows us to start anew."
Joker: "Well, Victor had some interesting information..."
misora: oh?
Joker: "While the Eighth is off investigating how Flame Humans came to be, looks like the Hoods not only got a Pillar--but an experiment."
ivy: and with luck, they'll use it to kill hibana....not if i do it first...
Joker: "Heh...The Fifth...Hey, that's not a bad idea."
scarlet: let's see. 'Ria Marchelo' also known as 'Sasori'. age; 16, filipino heritage, 5'2"...
Joker: "And yet, after ruining this girl's life, Hibana is scot-free."
ivy: im going to find this girl and adopt her.
Joker: "That would require, first, finding the Hoods, and second, busting her out."
misora: i can get you to the hoods....but i risk seeing....*excalibur face* hiiiim....
scarlet: *smirk* your boyfriend?
misora: aww, i'd rather be dead~ ^^#
Joker: "Hmm...Well, we all have to take risks."
scarlet: and find out what you can about adora burst.
misora: you have a lot of interest in that.
scarlet:.........i have my reasons..
Joker: "..." *slow drag* "Misora, see if you can also learn where the Hoods are heading to next."
misora: can do, mr manager~<3
Joker: "Heh...Red, Ivy, I'm going to need to learn all you know about Hibana."
Joker: *opens a closet, pulling out a business suit* "Let's start with some of her favs. What does she look for in a job applicant?"
Izuku: *sets down his notebooks* "Just about ready..."
Aizawa: *making a chart*
midnight: is this really such a good idea?
Aizawa: "It is not unreasonable that we will soon see more hero vs villain fights--they have to be ready."
ectoplasm: what do you make of this, headmaster?
Nezu: "I do not disagree with this argument. However, for the safety of the students, constraints must be put into place."
snipe: understandable.
Nezu: "And pairing students together will give them a better chance--once we apply physical limitations onto their opponents."
Iida: *walking, and spots--* "Momo?"
momo: ah! oh, t-tenya, you startled me. ^^;
Iida: "Sorry...How are you?"
momo: been well. studying for exams.
Iida: *nods* "Likewise. How is it coming?"
momo: a bit nervous, but alright.
Iida: "I hope the study group helped."
momo: i think so.
Iida: *nods* "...I was going to do a few more refreshers."
Shotaro: *bandaged like a mummy*
Emine: *finishing cutting gauze* "There. Done."
Shotaro: ._. "...Hee hee."
mana: comfy?
Shotaro: "Yep! I'm a mummy now!" *wiggles his arms*
sasori: *grabs inka by the collar* what were you thinking?!
Inka: "UMPH! What the hell?!"
sasori: you could have gotten us into serious trouble, and on day one no less!
Inka: "Yeah--it was dangerous. And why not test the rules on Day 1? Better to know from the beginning than get surprised later!"
sasori:... you really are crazy...
Inka: "..." *smiles* "A crazy genius. How else would I have kept us alive?"
sasori: you're unbelievable...
Inka: "Sasori...I'm, like, one of their chosen people. Do you really think they'd do something that'll kill me off that quickly?"
sasori: what if they do? do you know what happens when you're killed? you die! that's what happens!......wait.
Inka: "??? What?"
sasori: n-nevermind. but just remember this, im your bodyguard. and it's my duty to protect you, even if i have to protect you from yourself.
Inka: "..." -3- "You're no fun...What about you? You think you'll be able to actually kill Hibana? That doesn't sound 'safe,' either."
sasori: ......
Inka: "...You're scared, aren't you?"
sasori: ....*she doesnt answer*
Victor: *flips through a book, sets it onto one stack--flips through another books, sets it onto a second stack--flips through a third...and tosses it into the trash can* *sighs, spins his chair around* "Nozomi, find anything?"
nozomi: *examining history books*
Victor: "???" *looks*
nozomi: hmmm...
Victor: "Huh...East Asian history?"
nozomi: apparently the first recorded incident of the great flame disasters occurred in one of the chinese peninsulas.
Victor: "Oh? Was there a fire at that time at that location?"
nozomi: seems to be.
Victor: "..." *opens his laptop* "Let's coordinate instances of flame disaster by time and location--we might map the best place to start the search."
nozomi: right.
Victor: *typing over a map, showing dots* "The larger ones are where there were more instances...Now I'll add to the programming to show migration over time to follow paths these fire-starters traveled to..."
Sakuya: *carrying groceries* "Donation center, dead ahead."
naho: *humming*
Sakuya: *opens the door* "After you."
lilac: l-lots of people...
Sakuya: "...Would you rather one of us go in and one of us stay here with you?"
lilac: i...um....y-yes please....
naho: i'll wait out here with you, ok?
Sakuya: *nods* "I won't be long..." *walks to the counter*
mahiru: *helping out* hey sakuya. ^^
Sakuya: "Oh, hey! Didn't expect to see you here. How's it going?"
mahiru: pretty busy.
Sakuya: "Figures--getting used to the school still?"
mahiru: yeah. it's gonna take a lot of that. ^^;
???: *someone bumps into Mahiru* "Sorry." *they're wearing a hoodie*
mahiru: i-it's fine.
Sakuya: "???"
???: "..." *looks at the basket* "...They let you bring a cat in here?"
Kuro: *curled up in yarn*
mahiru: *awkward look at sakuya* o-o;;;
Sakuya: "Rather broad standards about 'service animals' in this town."
mahiru: y-yeah, that ^^;
???: "Hmm..."
???: *siiigh* so exhausting.
mitsuba: come on akane, it's not that bad.
hyakuya: i know, i know.
???: *tenses...glances*
shinoa: even in the heart of tragedy, it can bring out the best in some people.
hyakuya: i guess......
???: "..."
Sakuya: "Um...Did you want something, dude?"
???: "N-Nothing..."
mahiru: ??
???: "I have to go..." *pushes through*
hyakuya: ??
Sakuya: "Well, he seemed asocial."
Kid: *lifts Shiori*
shiori: *laugh*
Kid: "What can you see, Shiori?"
shiori: kiddo!
Kid: "Yep! And I see Shiori!"
shiori: ^o^
lord death: ^^
Kid: "And look who else is there?" *turns her to Lord Death*
shiori: paba!
lord death: hello~ ^^ *hug*
shiori: ^u^
Kid: *smiles* "Tickle hug!"
Akitaru: *hands a list to Shinra* "Up for getting some items?"
shinra: what all do we need?
Akitaru: "Well, quite a bit. Get your passport updated, some translation books--"
shinra: ??
Akitaru: "How's your Chinese?"
shinra: um....i'm gonna need to make a phone call. ^^;;;
Akitaru: "Sure, go ahead."
shinra: *dialing*
fang-hua: yes?
shinra: fang-hua we need you to teach us.
-one explinaton later-
fang-hua: ah, well i'd be glad to. ^^
shinra: thank you, you're a life saver TTwTT
Akitaru: "???"
shinra: i scored us a teacher/translator.
Akitaru: "Oh, good! I am still figuring out the final team roster, but I know I want you, Arthur, Victor, and Nozomi, and we'll need a nun, so--"
tamaki: i volunteer!
Akitaru: "Tamaki? Oh...Um...Well, I was thinking of Iris--"
tamaki: i'm learning to be a sister too! plus i have good combat skills, so i can be like a battle-nun! *shiny eyes*
shinra: so like a war cleric then?
tamaki: see? he gets it.
Akitaru: "...Well, you would take care of two items on the checklist, which would save on travel costs, so, sure! I'll add you to the roster."
tamaki: YAY! ^u^ *peace sign* victory!
Akitaru: "Make sure you're fluent in the language, know how to put a soul to rest, can administer proper religious techniques so not to offend people abroad--"
tamaki: ok. i'm gonna do a lot of studying huh?
shinra: i got it covered. ^^
Arthur: *speaking Chinese* <I will be the best ambassador to a foreign country as possible.>
shinra:...not even gonna question it.
Akitaru: "Uuuumm...I didn't catch any of that, but okay. Get those supplies, we'll check in after."
Steinbeck: "Hello..."
oscar: ^^; we-welcome back, dearies! ^^;;;
lovecraft: there was a small incident.
Steinbeck: "??? What happened?"
lovecraft: i tried to explain a point to oscar by detaching a tentacle and as a result-
-a small, albino girl stares at them-
Steinbeck: "... ... ..." *shiny eyes* "You spawned!"
lovecraft: i've become a mother.
emily: ._.
baum: ...
twain: hey kiddo, what's your name?
girl:.........*INHUMAN SCREECHING*
emily: >~<
lovecraft: her name is lavinia.
oscar: *dead eyed stare* i've seen things that i can never unsee again.
Steinbeck: ^w^ "Neat-o!"
emily:......im just going to go to sleep now.
baum: same here, i'm bushed.
dorothy: try not to collapse in the hallway like last time.
Hemingway: "...I need a drink."
Victor: *setting up school chairs and a blackboard before taking a seat* "Okay...I'm ready to learn Chinese, teacher!"
fang-hua: <good morning.> good morning. i hope you're ready to learn everyone, because we have a lot of material to cover.
Arthur: *reading his textbook* "..." <I found a typo.>
fang-hua: *checks it* huh. well i'll be. <thank you> arthur.
Arthur: ^_^
shinra: *mumbling* 'teacher's pet'...
fang-hua: hope you're all still paying attention. because not only will we be learning the language, we'll be learning about chinese history and culture. hopefully these lessons show you there's more to know about china than kung-fu, chinese food, and pandas.
shinra: *nod nod*
Victor: "Excellent! We look forward to the education!"
Chuuya: "Sonia, lunch is ready."
sonia: ok papa.
Chuuya: *opens the refrigerator, spots an egg carton* "... ... ..."
sonia: *sitting down*
Chuuya: "..." *hums* "Piyo, piyo, piyo..."
sonia: *giggle*
Chuuya: *bows, serving the plate of lunch* "Nice to meet you, Piyo-chan's eggs!"
sonia: *laughter*
Chuuya: *smiles* "Okay, that constitutes lunch and a show--eat up!"
Rin: "...You know, they could probably make the biggest shaved ice in the world with that thing."
izumo: i'd probably not recommend it.
Bon: "It's been collecting a lot of birds..."
Dr. John: *sits down* "Some patients are getting released--some, a little more slowly."
sachiko: ah.
Dr. John: "That boy, Shotaro, is heading out."
sachiko: ...he's a good kid.
Dr. John: "Yeah--it's rare to see someone so innocent in this world."
Tanizaki: "And that makes at least 20 children missing."
odasaku: *his hands are shaking*
Kyoka: "...We've interviewed some teachers, trying to find descriptions..."
Lucy: "..." *pats Atsushi's hand*
atsushi: ....
Kyoka: "We'll be doing another search in a few minutes...I'm not sure police will continue."
sylvia: ....
Kyoka: "...Sylvia, maybe Tanizaki and Naomi need help with paperwork."
sylvia: o-ok...
Tanizaki: *smiles* "We can start with alphabetizing some files."
sylvia: o-o-ok!
Kyoka: *small smile* "Atsushi, coming?"
atsushi: yeah.
Lucy: "I'm going, too."
atsushi: the more the merrier!
Kyoka: *nods* "We'll divide up to question anyone who may know where the children are..."
Dazai: *petting Mii*
mii: *purrr* =w=
Dazai: *small smile* *sighs*
mii: o^o?
Dazai: "It's crazy...This city, life..."
*looks out the window at the ice pillar*
kirako: yeah, this is a crazy place to live. but never a dull day goes by here, huh?
Dazai: "True...Guess that's a good part to it...Where you wanted to settle?"
kirako: well, i was hoping to live in Los Angeles, but that seemed too problematic, so i moved here.
Dazai: "Ever wanted to vacation?"
kirako: there's a few places i've wanted to see. ^^
Dazai: "Maybe abroad?"
kirako: i guess Luxembourg is a place i've wanted to see.
Dazai: *smiles* "Maybe on a return trip to Germany..."
kirako: maybe. ^^;
Dazai: "...This time without getting pummeled..."
*smash-cut of Dazai's humiliation conga against Sturm*
kirako: yikes.
Bakugo: *pushes open the cafe door* "Where's our table?!"
tsugumi: um...
itsuka: *pats bakugou's hand* we made reservations under 'bakugou'?
tsugumi: ah, right this way.
Bakugo: -\\\^\\\- "Yeah, that's what I thought...Got to get some food and studying in..."
itsuka: ^^
Bakugo: "Where're the others..."
eijiro: we're here!
Bakugo: " 'Bout time! Sit down, open the book to Page 281!"
Kid: "I think you'll enjoy dessert."
stocking: oooh~ *shiny eyes*
Kid: "What would you say...to cake, with buttery frosting, topped with fruit and syrup?"
stocking: yes please~
Kid: *smiles* "Then..." *reveals a covered plate*
stocking: *mouth watering*
Kid: "Chambord raspberry Dutch chocolate cake~"
stocking: you know me so well.
Kid: "I strive to..." *cheek smooch*
stocking: hehehe~...arent you gonna kiss the other side too~?
Kid: "Oh, dear--are you asking me~?"
stocking: *smooch*
Kid: ^\\\^ "Mmm."
Mr. Uraraka: "I'm home..." *holds up take-out* "Sorry--work held us up."
ochako: hey dad!
hagakure: hey mr u!
Mr. Uraraka: "Hey! How are you, Toru?"
toru: doing good.
satou: studying hard, sir!
Mr. Uraraka: *smiles* "Good to hear it!" *hands Ochaco some food* "Make sure to eat healthy--you'll need the energy for the test."
Victor: @w@ "...So many words..."
shinra: still, the terracotta army sounds pretty cool, right?
tamaki: two languages....im gonna die.
Arthur: "I will confirm whether the army's remains rest inside the terracotta--"
nozomi: i wouldnt recommend that. ._.;
Mika: "..."
lacus: how was recon?
Mika: "Nothing...I mean, fine."
lacus: ??
Mika: "..." *rubs his eyes* "I have something to do."
lacus: oh?
Mika: *walks to his luggage*
lacus: need to change? gotcha. *exits*
Mika: "..." *doesn't close the door, pulls out a photo*
-it was of yuuichiro's first day at the hyakuya orphanage, some time before the vampires attacked. yuu seemed rather grouchy, while the others looked quite happy-
Mika: *sighs* "Why now..."
{Mika: "..." *nudge, smiles*}
{yuuichiro: *mumbles*}
{akane: doesnt say a lot, does he?}
{Mika: "Maybe not in so many words..." ^^; }
{yuuichiro: i can talk just fine. >n<}
{Mika: *laughs* "See? Although, doesn't hurt to say more than five words now and then."}
Mika: "...Why now..."
Pan: "Here is the mission summary..." *hands a folder*
ogun: overseas, huh? neato.
juria: *rolls eyes*
Pan: "The Commander is putting you through some language-development, cultural training, and a last bit of combat training--"
juria: *pulls out a cigarette* are they just seriously understaffed or something?
Pan: -_-# "The Commander considered you best for this job...Don't be rude, put that away."
juria: *snuffs it.....pulls out a cigar*
ogun: ._.;
Pan: "Put it out, then run 40 laps!"
juria: tch-
Benimaru: "...Why the hell should the Seventh send anyone?" ((Someone, convince him))
maki: well, a translator would be helpful.
fang-hua: plus i've already offered to help them with lessons.
Benimaru: "...Keep them out of trouble, and be ready to work twice as hard when you return."
fang-hua: understood, sir.
Benimaru: "Who is leading this overseas trip?"
maki: i believe the supervisor/chaperone will be captain pan of the 4th.
Benimaru: "Hmm...The Fourth are more traditional firefighters: they can put out a fire, but can they handle a fight?"
maki: well, from what i've seen. ogun and juria are pretty capable fighters. and pan makes a good support unit.
fang-hua: plus, shinra and arthur both trained at the 4th's school.
Benimaru: "...Fine. Maybe there's hope for this mission yet." *looks at Fang-Hua* "Be safe, Kohana."
fang-hua: *sweatdrop* will do, sir.
Benimaru: *nods* "Excuse me--I'll continue patrol."
Honda: "THIS WILL BE GOOD FOR YOU!" *pat pat* "Enjoy the trip!"
takeru: t-thank you sir! hopefully i'll get to see mom too.
Todoroki: *dragging a huge chunk of ice behind him...looks like someone is frozen inside*
jirou: ._. um....
Todoroki: "I can explain..." *points inside*
*Mineta is frozen inside*
jirou: perfect. good job, todoroki. *walks away*
Todoroki: *nods* "..." *looks at the ice* "..." *shoves the iceberg in front of some lockers, walks away*
Mineta: 0_0 *muffled yelling*
-no one helped him-
Tanizaki: *opens the car door* "Heading to your appointment, Haruno?"
kirako: yeah.
Tanizaki: "Well, buckle in--I'll get you there on time." *turns on the ignition* "How are you feeling?"
kirako: doing well.
Tanizaki: *nods* "Work keeping you busy?"
Akutagawa: "..." *sits in the corner*
sonia: ?? uncle ryuu?
Akutagawa: "??? ...Yes?"
sonia: *hug*
Akutagawa: "...Um...What is happening?"
sonia: you looked sad.
Akutagawa: "...Well, I suppose I am...Thanks?"
sonia: ....
Akutagawa: "..." *ahem* "I'll be fine...Thank you. You can go play..."
Akutagawa: "..." *curls up*
higuchi: that girl's a natural empath, huh?
Akutagawa: "...Yes."
sonia: *takes a seat and watches the others, not saying much of anything*
Jakob: *pushing a shopping cart*
Motojiro: *pointing flowers out to Leo*
Kafka: *furiously typing* "This damn budget..."
leo: ^///^
leroux:...? did you need something, young one?
sonia:...im good for now.
Walter: "We could make you a snack."
sonia: ok.
Walter: ^w^ "Many pizza rolls?"
Joker: "Hmm..." *looking over a birth certificate and ID with his photo on it*
ivy: how is it?
Joker: "Looking good...I think it'll pass."
ivy: thanks, i had a contact on the inside help me out.
Joker: "Good contact...Now to wait for Victor's report."
Fulham: "Good work...Take a break?"
pearl: yeah...
Fulham: *hands her a bottle of water* "..."
pearl: *takes it, accidently touching his hand slightly* .///. s-sorry about that.
Fulham: "...It's fine..." >\\\\>
foien: *whistling*
Fulham: -\\\\-# *grunts*
-one week later…-
ochako: *gulp*
Aizawa: "Take out your pens, keep the test face down..." *passing out the test*
ochako: ...
Izuku: *lets out a sigh of relief* "Well, that's done..." *looks around--* "!!!" O_o; "Um...You all okay?"
mina: im dead.
Koda: *signing* <It was too much...> Q___Q
denki: and then there's the practical exam later today. Q___Q;;
Izuku: ^^; "I mean, it'll just be like the entrance exam, right? If we could handle supervillains, we can handle that, right?"
-and so-
Aizawa: "Okay, you're all here."
Izuku: ._.; "...Why are all the teachers here?"
hagakure: there's like....8 of them? maybe more?
Aizawa'a neck: *muffled* "I'm afraid there's been a change of plans."
sero: what the-
*Out of Aizawa' s scarf pops up--*
Nezu: "Hello, students!"
ochako: *struggles not to laugh*
Thirteen: "...Um, cozy on there, sir?" *helps him down*
mina: must be nice...wish i had fur...
jirou: probably kind of smelly in there.
mina: i havent slept in days.
Aizawa: -_-# *Death glare at Jirou z
jirou: 737;;;
Nezu: "Quite. Now, then, I'm sure you heard the rumor you would fight robots--"
Denki: "Gonna zap them bots!"
Nezu: "Actually, no."
momo: eh?
Denki: "Say wha?" QwQ
midnight: you're gonna be fighting us~ ^^
mina:. .__________.
Nezu: "But the good news is we have made it more of a fair fight."
momo: how so?
Aizawa: "First, you'll be in teams of two. And no, you don't get to pick your teammate: yours has already been chosen."
everyone: (please dont let me be on a team with mineta, please dont let me be on a team with mineta)
midnight: QUIET YOU.
Mineta: "YES, MISTRESS!"
-death glares at mineta all around-
Aizawa: "You're paired with Sero. You can apologize to him later. Now, let's review who is teamed with whom and which instructor they are facing..."
*Looks cloudy...or like something is falling from the sky...*
tsuyu: kero?
Aizawa: "Let's see...Midoriya is paired with Bakugo--"
*It feels...hotter right now...*
Bakugo: *burning rage*
ochako: ._.;
Izuku: Q___Q
*A shadow looms...*
???: "Against me!"
*It hits the ground*
mina: woah.
*All Might lands...*
All Might: "...Sorry! Did I scare you?"
-and so-
momo: *following behind todoroki*
Todoroki: "Yaoyorozu, make small objects--it'll let us know when Aizawa is near..."
momo: r-right…
Todoroki: "...So, my plan is I'll draw him out, you run for the exit..."
momo: .....
-with bakugou and izuku-
izuku: kacchan, wait up!
izuku: listen, it'd be wiser to escape than to fight him! (and if all-might runs out of time before then, then it'd be bad....)
Bakugo: "Bullshit! Let's exhaust him, distract him, play possum--THEN END HIM AND WIN!"
izuku: ..still, e-even with the handicaps, this is all-might we're talking about, there's no way we can beat him-
izuku: *just barely dodges*
Bakugo: "You think I'm weak?!"
izuku: if we want to pass this exam, you need to listen to me, kacchan.
Bakugo: "No, I don't! I don't need you, your powers, or anything from you to win this! I'm going to stand out this time--for the right reasons! So out of my way!" *shoves him*"
*Sounds like wind is blowing through...really quickly...*
izuku: ._.
Bakugo: "?!" *turns*
izuku: (aw, biscuits)
*All Might stands blocks away*
*All Might stands blocks away*
All Might: "Oh, are you two in for a bad time..."
izuku: come on, lets go!
All Might: *rushes*
Bakugo: "..." *frozen*
izuku: !!!!
All Might: *right in front of Bakugo* "YOU'RE DONE HERE!"
*Light explodes into All Might's eyes*
All Might: "URK!"
Bakugo: *aims again--*
All Might: "..." *sniffs--then reaches, grabbing Bakugo by the face*
Bakugo: "!!!"
All Might: "Did you think I couldn't predict where you'd stand, boy?"
Bakugo: *muffled* "I expected that..." *shoves his hands at All Might's ribs, and fires small bursts of fire*
All Might: "Ow ow OW OW OW OW OWIE!"
izuku: (he's relentless...)
All Might: *swings Bakugo over his head--then slams him to the street, forming an outline in the pavement
Bakugo: "ACH!" *coughs up blood*
All Might: "Sorry about that! But those stung a bit...Now, where is..."
izuku: !!!! *full cowl, jumps back*
All Might: *goes to move--then stops* ._.; "Oh...This is going to be bad..."
izuku: ??!!
*Bakugo has already leapt...into Izuku's path*
izuku: !!!!
izuku: GAH!
*They slam down onto the pavement*
All Might: "...Ouchie."
izuku: urk-
Bakugo: *gets up* "I'M NOT DONE!" *rushes towards All Might*
izuku: bakugou, i told you, you cant beat him head on!
Bakugo: "It doesn't matter! I'm gonna win--because heroes always win!"
izuku: ....
{young!izuku: *shiny eyes*}
{Young!Bakugo: "WAM! Look at him go! All Might's so cool!"}
izuku: i know, but right now isnt the time for tha-
Bakugo: "I said back off--" *looks up* "?!!! Guard--"
izuku: o____o (aw, double biscuits)
*All Might is leaping down from a roof, carrying a guard rail--which he slams down onto Izuku, trapping him*
izuku: !!!!
All Might: "You say run? I say STAY DOWN! BWA HA HA!"
Bakugo: "..." *facepalm*
izuku: (that just....killed the mood.) *sweatdrop*
All Might: "...Oh, right! Villain-stuff. Um--" *slams his fist into Bakugo's abs* "Does that work?"
Bakugo: *coughs up blood and more* *knocked down the street*
izuku: !!! KACCHAN!!
{boy: you saw that one, right?}
{Young!Bakugo: "Four against one--but nothing that All Might can't handle! Look, he knocked them down!"}
{young!izuku: wow!}
{Young!Bakugo: "No matter how bad it looks, All Might always wins!"}
Bakugo: *coughing*
izuku: *trying to get out* (you’re a real jerk, but it’s true…no matter the challenge, you always try to win, that’s what i…)
All Might: "I understand your frustration, Young Bakugo--but please, stop comparing yourself to Midoriya. I get it--he's advancing quickly, but he's still at Level 1, and you're at Level 50. Naturally, you'll have different rates of progress, so don't throw it all away. What you should focus on is--"
Bakugo: "SHUT UP...ALL MIGHT!"
izuku: !!
Bakugo: "If you're about to tell me to work with him, that I need _his_ help...I'd rather lose!"
Izuku: ………
All Might: "...I see." *pulls back his arm* "As long as you have no regrets..."
Bakugo: *stands, panting*
All Might: "?!!"
Bakugo: *knocked back*
izuku: 'you'd rather lose'? that's not the kacchan i know! *grabs him and runs*
Bakugo: "Let go of me!"
momo: *popping out matryoshka dolls*
Todoroki: "...Really, Yaoyorozu?"
momo: 7.7 i-it's sentimental...
Todoroki: "Hmm...Can't argue with that...Any change to your ability to produce them?"
momo: not yet...im amazed you came up with a strategy so quickly...im rather envious of your strong judgement.
Todoroki: "??? It was nothing special--"
momo:......we both got in on recommendations, but i've barely shown any practical hero skills...
Todoroki: "Yaoyorozu, I think--Wait...Your matryoshkas!" *looks around*
momo: !!!!
???: *above them* "You should've noticed sooner--"
momo: !!! todoroki!
Todoroki: *swings, trying to get out of the way--*
Aizawa: *sends scarves around Todoroki* "Too slow..." *eyes open*
Todoroki: "Yaoyorozu, run!"
Aizawa: "That's the best you geniuses came up with?" *tightens the scarves, roping Todoroki up over the ground*
Todoroki: "When I get loose--!"
Aizawa: *tosses something along the street*
Todoroki: "...Caltrops? I didn't take you for a ninja, sir."
Aizawa: "I didn't take you as so oblivious not to listen to your classmate."
Todoroki: "???"
momo: (the gate cant be much farther, right? im sure he's fine, right? is this ok? can i really run like this? where am i even running to? what am i doing? is this ok?)
young!momo?: just where _are_ you running?
momo: ?!
*A scarf wraps around her wrist*
momo: !!!!
Aizawa: "Hook, line, and sinker.”
momo: *frozen*
Aizawa: "Still reeling from the Sports Festival?" *tugs on the scarf*
momo: !!! (wait...he's not blocking out my quirk....)
young!momo: this is your chance, take it!
Aizawa: "..."
momo: *wrist wheel and escapes, running to where todoroki is*
Aizawa: "...Still running off to Todoroki, huh?"
momo: ...
young!momo: you're really going to help him?
momo: (of course, he's my friend!)
young!momo: (you know he's better than you. you've seen him, and decided that, right? thus you lost your way, right?)
momo: .....
young!momo: you arent going to say anything?
momo: (just shut up. i know, he's better than i am...but that just means i have to improve myself, right?}
young!momo: now you're catching on.
momo:...*nods and runs*
Todoroki: *hanging around* "...Idiot...She was holding back, but I didn't say anything..."
momo: todoroki!
Todoroki: "Yaoyorozu? What are you--"
momo: im really sorry for getting distracted! *looking around*
Todoroki: "We can apologize to each other later--but Aizawa is coming back! You have a plan, right?"
momo: ....yeah, but if your strategy failed, then mine will-
Todoroki: "Then do it! I know you can! Remember the two votes you got for class president?"
momo: yes, but-
Todoroki: "I voted for you!"
momo: !!!! really?
Todoroki: "Yes! Because I knew you would be perfect for it!"
???: "You done?"
momo: ......*pulls something out* TODOROKI, CLOSE YOUR EYES!
Todoroki: "!!!" *closes them*
Aizawa: "GAH!" *covers his face, but took late...*
Todoroki: "..." *slowly opens his eyes--can see fine*
momo: *helping him down* let's go! i have a plan! for now we need to hide. his eyes havent been well recently.
Todoroki: "...Right! Especially after USJ..."
momo: for now, we just need to escape his line of sight. So just keep using your ice.
Todoroki: "Trying, but he's following..."
momo: well, he's still human. he has to blink sometime...
Todoroki: "..." *his skin starts crackling* "Got some!" *launches an ice wall*
momo: *creating something from her stomach*
Todoroki: "??? Next step, yaoyorozu?"
momo: just got to finish this, then we can move to step two...
-they look like....bandages?-
Todoroki: "Aizawa's scarves?"
momo: sort of. i dont know the exact material, but i improvised with a little something extra...
-and so-...
-two cloaked figures dart for the exit-
Aizawa: *on rooftop, facing the ice wall, blocking the path to the exit gate* "...So, cloak themselves so I can't erase...Simple, but effective..." *leaps, wraps the scarves around the figures' "heads"*
momo: *ducks down, revealing a catapault*
Aizawa: "?!"
momo: todoroki! now!
Todoroki: *blasts fire through the cloak--*
Aizawa: *leaps, dodging* ("They knew I would dodge...What kind of a plan is this?")
momo: ever heard of nitinol alloy? when heated, it temporarily reverts to its original form.
Aizawa: "..." *drops like a lead balloon* "...Zzz..."
momo: .... ._. *check's pulse*....he's alive....*phew*....thanks todoroki......awkward fist bump?
Todoroki: "Uuum...Sure, after we get the cuffs on him..."
denki: MOMMYYYYY!!! Q~Q;;;;
jirou: 0-0;
satou: that's...pretty terrifying.
Nezu: *pouring himself some tea* "Mmm...Something's missing..." *reaches for the sugar--knocking a lever in the wrecking ball* "Whoopsie!"
*The wrecking ball knocks down a building*
hagakure: *she has a bandage on where her nose would be* do you think the others are having trouble too?
tsuyu: who knows.
Nezu: "Hmm...Well, there are no mistakes--just happy little accidents..." *sips* "...BWA HA HA HA!"
ochako: *hanging on for dear life* Q_Q;;;
Thirteen: "I really dislike to fight--I prefer waiting to catch prey..." *using Black Hole*
Aoyama: *hanging on next to Ochaco* "Oh, my~ That quirk certainly...sucks."
ochako: NOW ISNT THE TIME FOR BAD JOKES! THIS IS A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION! (come on ochako! think! ah, if i were on a team with todoroki, or deku, or momo, GAH! WHY COULDNT THEY PUT ME ON A TEAM WITH A GOOD TACTICIAN?!)
Aoyama: "Pardonne moi--"
ochako: aoyama i swear to-
Aoyama: "Let's see...You were thinking of Midoriya, and Yaoyorozu..."
ochako: what are you, a mind reader?!
Aoyama: "Aaaaand...Todoroki?"
ochako: 7///7; t-that's none of your-
{Todoroki: "You’re radiant."}
ochako: o////////////////o EH?! *her fingers slip* !!!!!!!!!
Aoyama: "Oh, no~"
Thirteen: "What?!"
{Gunhead: "Remember your attacks!"}
ochako: !!!! *takes a stance* *winces*
Thirteen: *throws off Black Hole, trying to swing an arm, but--*
Thirteen: @___@ "Ow..."
Aoyama: *lets go, applauds* "Magnifique!"
ochako: *opens her eyes* ah...im...i....(im...alive....).....ah! cuffs! cuffs!
Thirteen: *coming to...* "Ugh..." *swings an arm, but--*
-le cuff-
-later, after all the exams were finished-
mina: Q-Q
sero: TT~TT we lost.
eijiro: *pap pap QwQ
Denki: *blue-screen-of-death in his chair* X~X
Mineta: *humming* ^w^
Mineta: "Hello, classmates. Wonderful time was had by all, was it not?"
Denki: *muttering* "He's wearing some fedora, isn't he?"
Mineta: "True...but when we face off against a sadistic goddess, is that _really_ losing?"
jirou: *grabs him by the neck* ARE YOU EVEN _FUCKING_ LISTENING?! do you ever wonder why people dont like you? because you're garbage! you treat women like sex objects and follow your own perverted logic over any morals you might possibly possess! maybe, if you werent such a piece of shit, and started treating others with a shred of decency and respect, then _MAYBE_ we might take you seriously!
Mineta: "..." QwQ "B-B-But I love women! What do you mean I don't show them respect?! I admire, appreciate, and celebrate their beauty in all forms--"
jirou: NO YOU DON’T! what you call ‘respecting’ is just objectifying them for your dirty fantasies! if you want to be a hero, you need to check your fucking values. Society is gonna keep on changing. And its our job as the next generation to make sure it changes for the better…
Mineta: Q___Q
Denki: "..." *looks down*
satou: *claps*
-in the hallway-
ochako: *wobbling slightly* ...... *remembering how close she was to being sucked up into thirteen’s black hole*.....*shaking and collapses to her knees* i...im ok...im alive...im breathing...i..im....*cries*
Todoroki: *walking* "!!! Ochaco..." *kneels down*
ochako: !!! t-todoroki! *wipes her eyes* c-congrats on the exam... ^^ *trying to smile, but she's still shaking bad*
Todoroki: "..." *holds her shoulders carefully* "What's wrong?"
ochako: just....h-had a near death experience today.....
Todoroki: "...Ochaco..."
ochako:....*sniff* it was really scary...i thought i was a goner for sure... and....
Todoroki: "..." *hug*
ochako: !!!!
Todoroki: "I'm sorry...I'm glad you're safe--that shouldn't have happened."
ochako: s-still, i won, right? so that's something....
Todoroki: *nods* "...Um..." *pulls back* "Right. That's great news--so, surviving is just even better."
ochako: y-yeah.....
Todoroki: "...Maybe something to eat would help?"
ochako g-good call....thanks. *small smile*
tomura: *grumbling*
shaula: so that's basically what all went down.
Kurogiri: "No word on this 'project'?"
beatrice: nothing.
tomura: and we just keep getting run of the mill villains and stain fanatics....
himiko: lots of new friends!
Kurogiri: "Give them a chance--they at least increase our numbers."
tomura: hmph.
himiko: we got mr spinner, mr muscular, miss magne, lil mustard-
Kurogiri: "???"
-a woman dressed in black with black eyes enters-
woman: this is where the league of villains is, yes?
Kurogiri: "Who are you?"
woman: *hands him a card, 'banshee'* i heard through word of mouth this is where all the villains are gathering these days.
tomura: this is a group for professional villains, not some evil employment agency-
Dabi: "Let her talk."
banshee: thank you, hun~ *wink*
Dabi: "???" -\\\\-
tomura: =____=# (pathetic) let me guess, another stain fanatic?
banshee: hmm? i've heard _of_ him. never met him myself. but that's not why i'm here. im simply looking for a place to stay and get on my feet, you see.
tomura:...she's tolerable.
Kurogiri: "Your quirk?"
banshee: the name 'banshee' should give it away.
himiko: do you like babies? OvO
tomura: too many people....im going to bed....*grumbling*
banshee:....well _someone's_ in a sour mood.
himiko: dont mind hiiiim, shiggy's a bit of a mr grouchypants.
Kurogiri: "He's fine--if he didn't kick you out, you'll be okay."
ochako: *sipping her slurpy*
Hyde: "How you holding up?"
ochako: a-alright. better, i think.
Todoroki: "It's okay...It's understandable."
Hyde: "..."
ochako: ....so, a-any interesting things happen today, hyde?
Hyde: "Usual customers--including someone hunting through the milk to find the latest expiration date."
ochako: ah.
Hyde: "So, Todoroki, you and Ochaco are in the same class..."
Todoroki: "...Yes, this has been established."
Hyde: "...Hey, Ochaco! How about some donuts, too?"
ochako: sounds good. *goes to get some* and i need to stock up on cocoa moo.
Hyde: "Ha! Good one..." *looks at Todoroki...takes off his glasses* "I see how you look at her...You like her, right?"
Todoroki: "?!" 7///7 “W-well-“
Hyde: *smiles* "If you hurt her, I'll hunt you down and cut out your liver."
Todoroki: "...You're a villain or something? If you hurt her--"
Hyde: *holds up his hands* "Nope! Just looking out for my buddy."
Todoroki: "...I won't. And you won't lay a hand on me. My power--"
Hyde: *absolutely calm* "--is nothing compared to mine." *smiles*
Todoroki: "..."
ochako: im back.
*Hyde and Todoroki are staring at each other*
ochako: is everything ok?
???: oi, shit rat, what are you doing?
Hyde: "Licht! Come on in and say hi to Todoroki!"
Todoroki: "..."
licht:....*up in todoroki's face* todoroki?
Todoroki: *serious face, but sweating* ("What the hell is with these two?")
licht: *hugs him to his chest* baby brother.
Hyde: OwO; "??"
ochako: um ._. i-i think you have the wrong todoroki family, mr licht.
Todoroki: "??? Uuuuuuuuuuum..."
licht: *pat pat* i'll keep you safe now, because i am an angel. and you can be an angel too, lil bro.
Todoroki: "...Thank you?" ._.;
Hyde: "A fire and ice angel?"
ochako: *looks at hyde* your BF is something else, hyde.
Hyde: >\\\\w\\\\> "I know..."
licht: *KICKS HYDE INTO THE CIELING* dont lie to your coworkers, shit rat.
ochako: D8
Todoroki: ._____.;;;
Hyde: "Not here in public, Licht~"
ochako:....*shrugs to say 'dont ask me;*
-too violent to show-
Todoroki: "...I feel like as heroes we should have stopped this."
ochako: somehow....i feel like hyde was actually enjoying this.... im not gonna judge.
Bakugo: *unconscious in infirmary bed*
{izuku: ngh....}
{All Might: *lifting Izuku by his arm, while his foot holds down Bakugo*}
{Bakugo: *struggles to get up--*}
{All Might: *presses his foot down more*}
{izuku: !!}
{Bakugo: ("Damn it! I thought I could tire him--but no, he doesn't stop! His spirit is too much...") }
{All Might: "Well, Young Midoriya, that's a face that conveys fear--when you realize the best plan you had is not enough..." *tosses Izuku*}
{izuku: GAH!}
{All Might: "I'm sorry...but it's over. You've fail--"}
{Bakugo: "CRAM IT!"}
{All Might: "?!"}
{Bakugo: *opens his hand--releasing one of the last explosions he has stored up*}
{izuku: !!}
{All Might: *shields himself*}
{*In the explosion's light, Bakugo grabs Izuku*}
{izuku: huh-}
{Bakugo: "Okay, fine! He's too strong for us! So this is our last shot..." *aims for the gate, pulls back, ready to swing Izuku*}
{izuku: WOAH!!}
{Bakugo: "If you screw this up, I'LL KILL YOU!" *toss with an explosive BOOM*}
{izuku: !!!!!!!!!}
{*Something is running very quickly towards Izuku*}
{izuku: !!!!}
{???: "New Hampshire..."}
{izuku: !!!!!!}
{All Might: "SMASH!" *slams his back into Izuku's*}
{izuku: URK-}
{*Izuku goes stumbling towards the Gate, just stopping in front of it*}
{All Might: "Too naive, Midoriya! You knew I would be too fast--"}
{Bakugo: "ALL MIGHT!"}
{All Might: *turns* "?!"}
{Bakugo: "You're right...We can't beat you...without taking risks..." *pushes off his shattered gauntlets*}
{izuku: kacchan-}
{Bakugo: "Run, you nerd! 'Cause without those gauntlets, I'm firing at full blast!"}
{izuku: ... *watching*}
{Bakugo: *down on the street...his wrists look broken*}
{izuku:....*powers up a full cowl and jumps back*}
{All Might: "Now, to deal with Midoriya--" *turns--* "?!!!" ("He's...smiling?")}
{*All Might is knocked off his feet*}
{Bakugo: "..." *he's knocked out*}
{izuku: *hoists him up, and full cowl jumps for the gate*....(take it easy, kacchan...) }
izuku: *coming to* huh?
Bakugo: *he's breathing...his wrists are bandaged*
???: "Don't wake him up..."
izuku: *looks up*
*All Might, in his depowered form, waves*
izuku: *wave*
All Might: "Where does it still hurt?"
izuku: still sore everywhere, but recovery girl helped out...
All Might: *nods* "...You unleashed a fully powered attack."
izuku: yeah....h-how did i do?
All Might: "Well, you made me cough up blood..." ^^;
izuku: sorry about that. ^^;
All Might: "And you got Bakugo and yourself out of the Gate: you passed."
All Might: "You've done great...Looks like you're getting better control over your quirk."
izuku: thanks. *glances at bakugou*.....he really went all out....
All Might: "Yes...I suppose that, for all the differences between you two, that's at least one thing you have in common."
Iida: "Momo?"
momo: *smiles* hey tenya. how was the exam for you?
Iida: "Passed! You?"
momo: yeah.
-she explains what all happened-
Iida: "...Momo...I'm sorry. Do you feel more confident?"
momo: i think so.
Iida: *nods* "It's good to have teammates to remind you of your strengths."
momo: *smiles*
Iida: *smiles--then dirt falls off his armor*
momo:...you need a duster?
Iida: "...Sure." ^\\\^
Tokoyami: "Good work."
tsuyu: thanks.
hagakure: you did great, tsu!
tsuyu: ^^...what happened to you?
hagakure: mr snipe accidently hit me in the nose Q_Q
Shoji: "He apologized--and will probably be disciplined."
ao: you've been doing a lot of training lately, miss anya.
Anya: "I need to..."
ao: well, try not to over-exert yourself
Anya: *sigh* "I know..." *pushes her hair back*
ao: do you ever cut your hair?
Anya: "What?"
ao: in certain cultures, cutting one's hair is considered an act of changing one's self.
Anya: "...Huh. Really?"
ao: a way of 'cutting away past mistakes' as it were.
Anya: "...Have you cut hair before?"
ao: when i was younger, yes.
Anya: "Hmm..." *gets up, walks to the bureau*
ao: ...
Anya: "..." *picks up a pair of scissors...looks up at the mirror*
-her reflection stares back-
Anya: "..." *keeps staring into the mirror, as she grabs her hair, making it taut as she takes the scissors and--*
tsugumi: anya? you up? ...oh.
Anya: "..." *sniff*
tsugumi:...new look?
Anya: Q_Q *nod nod*
tsugumi:....looks nice. ^^
Anya: T\\\\\T "Thank you..."
noriko: *looking at upcoming events for death city* hmm...
???: "What do you think?"
noriko: oh lord kishin...what is our best opportunity for us to perform your miracles and spread your message?
noriko: *muttering a prayer*
???: *joins Noriko*
-red moonlight shines down through the gaps of the ceiling, shining on one article...-
noriko: ???
-seems to be a flyer for a spring festival-
???: "Hmm...Odd."
noriko: then it is decided...we will make our move then...
Hibana: *shiny eyes* "Shopping trip..." *holds up the Spring Festival article*
mikami: *smiles*
ryuuko: it's that time already?
Hibana: "Yes! And I think morale needs a boost here!"
Hyde: *his head is bandaged* "Hello! Is this where I can apply to work at the Spring Festival?"
nygus: why yes it is.
Hyde: "Super! Here's my resume! I also have letters of reference..."
Chuuya: "Zzz..."
{rain: *brushes her hand against his hair* *smiles*}
{Chuuya: =\\\\= "Stop that..."}
{rain: you look peaceful when you sleep.}
{Chuuya: "Well...knowing who's with me helps."}
{rain: hehe ^^ *nuzzle*}
Chuuya: *groans, pulls the sheets closer*
Chuuya: "..." *sniffles*….. *hugs his pillow*
mito: *mew*
Chuuya: *sits up* "Mito?"
mito: *hops up onto the bed and nuzzles against him, purring*
Chuuya: "..." *pets her*
mito: =w=
Chuuya: *crying*
sonia: *pokes her head in*
Chuuya: *glances at her with tear filled eyes*
sonia:...*gives him a flower crown* we made these today.
Chuuya: *sniff* "Thank you, Sonia..." YuY *hug*
sonia: love you, papa. *hug*
Chuuya: *pat pat*
chie: ^^
toru: gah!
Yohei: "Smile for the camera, Toru!"
toru: ^o^
chie: such a big boy! >u<
Yohei: "Yep! Wait until you get your presents!"
Hyde: *carrying his books--spots some girl with short hair at DWMA* "??? Huh. She looks familiar."
licht: good morning, princess.
Anya: O\\\\O "H-Hello, Licht."
Hyde: "... ... ..." *light bulb* "Oh, snap! New hairdo, Anya!"
Magaki: *nods* "Rowena."
rowena: how's everything adjusting for you?
alice: are you....comfortable?
Magaki: "Slightly better, thank you. Still getting used to the school given my...medical needs."
rowena: ah.. meet any new people?
Magaki: "Some...Not sure they all like me. Some seem a little scared."
rowena: want us to back you up?
Magaki: *nods* "Don't misunderstand--they aren't bullying me. I'm more worried for them--they sweat, turn...run really fast, sometimes into walls."
rowena: hmmm...
Magaki: "It's how I look, isn't it?"
alice: well, your eyes may be a slight bit off-putting.
rowena: *chop* alice!
Magaki: >_> "I didn't ask for them to look like this..."
rowena:.... ^^; m-maybe try contact lenses?
Magaki: "Hmm...That could help. Thank you."
Todoroki: "Many people are still absent due to injuries..."
fuyumi: sounds intense...
Todoroki: *nods* "I'm glad for some reprieve, though--the training for the next step will also be exhaustive..." *sighs* "Some people felt like they were going to die..."
fuyumi: i could imagine....
Todoroki: "...She looked on the verge of a breakdown..."
fuyumi: *listening*
Todoroki: "Ochaco had explained that she was facing Thirteen, the hero with the quirk Black Hole. She lost her grip and...almost got sucked in."
fuyumi: yikes.
Todoroki: *shakes his head* "If I lost her..."
fuyumi:...*pat pat* you like her, dont you?
Todoroki: "..." .\\\\. "Um..."
fuyumi: 7u7
Todoroki: "...Yes."
fuyumi: awww, how cute. my little brother's got his first crush! ^^
Todoroki: =\\\\= "Stop."
Bakugo: -_-# "I look like Mickey Mouse..." *his wrists are still bandaged*
itsuka: well, it could have been worse. *feeding him*
Bakugo: "..." *nom* =\\\n\\\= "Stupid Deku..."
itsuka: *pat pat*
Bakugo: "I wasn't even awake, and he's dragging me like some ragdoll. I don't need saving!"
itsuka:....*knowing grin*
Bakugo: "...What?"
itsuka: you still consider him a friend, dont you?
Bakugo: "A weakling like him?! Trying to steal _my_ spot as Number One?!"
itsuka: *raises a brow, grin still on her face*
Bakugo: "..." *looks away* "I'm not friends with him or anything..."
itsuka: then where did he get the nickname 'deku'?
Bakugo: "?!! He brought that on himself! I mean, it was so obvious! Look at the letters and who he is!"
itsuka: did he really?
Bakugo: "Well, yeah? Why, what are you saying?"
itsuka: i think part of you still cares about him, in one way or another...
Bakugo: "..." >\\\~\\\> "That's stupid..."
itsuka: *chuckle and cheek smooch* you can be really aggressive and kind of a dick, but i know you have your heart in the right place.
Bakugo: >\\\\\n\\\\<;; "...I'm not that much of a dick."
Kyoka: *looking over maps*
sylvia: *peeek*
Kyoka: "I can't find where they would have gone..."
sylvia: .....
Kyoka: "...Sylvia, if you were hiding, where would you go?"
sylvia: a-anywhere they wo-wouldnt find me? i used to hide a-a lot, but i always g-got found....
Kyoka: "...Sorry." *looks at her*
sylvia:....a-am i....gonna be a burden? i-im not really useful, a-and my ability just hurts people....
Kyoka: "We'll find how you are useful, whether through your ability or your other skills."
sylvia: i-i dont h-have any skills. e-except crying maybe..
Kyoka: "Well...you look innocent, so people may underestimate you."
sylvia: ....
Kyoka: "How about we try ways to trick someone into giving you information? Let's start with the puppy eyes..." *starts the puppy eyes*
sylvia: Q~Q;;;
Kyoka: "...Not bad. Now, let's try it on someone..." *points at Tanizaki...*
Tanizaki: *filing papers*
Tanizaki: "...What are you doing?"
Kyoka: *stereo puppy dog eyes*
Tanizaki: "... ... ..." Q_____Q "Oh, no, what do you want from me?!"
sylvia:....*pathetic tiny crying*
Tanizaki: Q________Q *pulls money out of his wallet* "H-How about ice cream?"
yosano: ._.;
stocking: =w=
Kid: *smiles*
stocking: last night was amazing, kiddo~ *swirls a finger around his chest*
Kid: ^\\\\^ "I'm glad...I wanted to help."
stocking: *kiss*
Kid: "Mmm~"
stocking: *crawls onto his lap*
Kid: O\\\w\\\O
stocking: *tongue kiss* mmmn~<3
Kid: "!!!" =\\\\= *meets her kiss, his tongue passing along hers*
stocking: kid~
Kid *holding her* "Yes?"
stocking: im getting turned on again, you know~
Kid: "...Really?" *slides a hand, just barely touching the skin along her side*
stocking: *shudder* ahhh~
Kid: "You sound like it...But how do I really know~?" *he kisses her shoulder*
stocking: i want you to do me so hard that the sheets get soaked.
Kid: "Oh, damn..." *his hand rubs her inner thigh, as he pulls down the bedsheet*
Akitaru: "How's studying?"
tamaki: tiring, but interesting.
Akitaru: "And nun training?"
tamaki: coming along.
Akitaru: *nods* "It's a lot, but I know you can do it."
tamaki: thank you, sir!
Akitaru: *salutes*
Victor: *looking over news reports out of China* "Hmm...That's weird."
nozomi: oh dear. will we need gas masks?
Victor: "Looks like it--no idea what produced it. Maybe industry, or some natural--or supernatural?--event."
nozomi: well, it seems to have caused reason for evacuation to other areas, in any case.
Victor: "And if there are cops investigating, that'll make it more difficult to get there...Better check with the Commander about getting authorization to go in there..."
Motojiro: "PHOTO. SYN. THESIS!!!" *holds up a plant*
bessy: woooah.
philip: neat.
Motojiro: Yes, 'neat' indeed! By the power of the SUN--" *holds up the plant higher* "--its light is converted into energy to allow the chlorophyll--green pigment inside the plant--to generate its food!!! ..." *gestures at the grass* "And the chlorophyll puts happy smiles inside every blade of grass."
bessy: ^^
tom: wowzers.
Motojiro: "Now, let's take a look under microscope..." *sets one out, attached to his tablet* "This electronic microscope will let us all see what is in the plantlife!"
-the kids all peek-
sonia: ...
*Inside the grass are tiny smiling faces*
-the kids seem excited.-
Motojiro: ^w^
Poe: *hug*
rowena: ^^ *hug*
Poe: *awkward sibling pat*
rowena: how was work today for you?
Poe: "Okay...Just a bit draining."
rowena: ah. are you alright? did you eat well?
Poe: =~= "I was too anxious to eat..."
rowena: why dont we go to the hotel's restaurant then pick lana up from work?
Poe: *nod nod* "I would like that..."
rowena: *smiles* ^^
Poe: ^^; *opens the door, puts on sunglasses...pulls out an umbrella* "Too bright..."
rowena: i do have a friend with a similar problem. alice and i have been doing our best to help them fit in.
Poe: "Oh? That's sad...They have sunglasses?"
rowena: they're a bit sensitive to light...^^;
lenore: -_- _that's_ a way to put it.
Poe: "I think I could help--I know a lot about avoiding the sun!" ^^
rowena: im sure' they'd appreciate it.
Kid: *whistling, heating up food*
shiori: *drinking from her sippy cup*
Kid: "Hungry, little sister?"
shiori: ye.
Kid: "Let's have some carrots, then."
Aizawa: *pushing a cart of tissues*
namiko: TT~TT t-thanks....
Aizawa: "Any time...I needed some for when my students hear my decision about their exams."
namiko: you wont be too harsh on them, will you?
Aizawa: "I don't anticipate any problems..."
sero: TT~TT
mina: *CHUG CHUG*
Eijiro: "I have let down all who were counting on me!!!" T____T
Sato: *pat pat* T~T *not having milkshakes with the others--"designated driver" and not wanting to activate his Quirk*
sero: damn you minetaaaaa! TT~~~TT
Master: *watching* "..." *sets out another tray of milkshakes* "Here. On the house. You look like you need them."
mina: you're a kind person. TTuTT
Eijiro: "Thank you, Master..." *chug* "WHEN THIS IS OVER, WE'RE GOING TO DO BETTER IN THE NEXT EXAM AND BE THE MAJESTIC HEROES WE KNOW WE HAVE TO BE! And we're going to pound Mineta into the dirt!"
Master: *his hair is blown back by the shouting* "..." ("The manly youthfulness of heroes...")
Sato: "YES!" *smashes his fist down on another table--breaking it*
Hiro: Q_Q "...My sandwich was on that table..."
Sato: "..." *bawling*
mina: *pap pap*
Eijiro: *sniffles* "Maybe we at least passed the written exams...Then I would feel like I'm less of a failure."
mina: finger's crossed!
yana:....*spinning around in her chair*
Ivan: *dusting* *humming*
elizaveta: *with a bug net, looking around the wooded area around the house*
Gogol: *over her earpiece* "Find it yet?"
elizaveta: <not yet>
Gogol: <Just a bit more...>
elizaveta: <i caught it!!> ^o^
Gogol: "YAY!"
lydia: ??
Gogol: "Show it to the camera!" *he had her wear camera-eyeglasses*
Gogol: ^w^ <So proud...>
Katai: "I think that's the last box..."
keek: thanks a lot for this.
Katai: "Anything for a friend..." *sets it down* "That leaves setting up your bed, right?"
keek: yeah.
Katai: "I'll get on that--hold her for me." *hands Keek his futon*
keek: o-ok... ._. um....hello yoshiko.
Yoshiko: -silent, because she's a futon-
keek:... *sweatdrop*
Damon: *posing his doll* ^w^
becky: dad? do we have a camera?
soul: what for?
becky: pictures.
soul: ah.
Damon: "??? For keepsakes?"
becky: smile. ^^
Damon: "..." *nervous grin* "Um, cheese?"
Gin: *guarding the door* "..."
higuchi: has he said anything?
Gin: "Little. Requests for food, some books."
higuchi: *listening*
Mori: *muffled muffled--* "--Shizuka, why--" *muffled*
Mori: *he hasn't shaved...he's holding something...*
higuchi:....*closes the door*
Gin: "...That bad?"
higuchi: define 'bad'
Gin: "...Is he dead?"
higuchi: unfortunately, no.
Gin: "Hmm. This is trying."
Gin: "At least it seems Goethe is containing him..."
higuchi: y-yeah....damn....i hate this.
Gin: "I know. For now, we can only make sure he isn't going anywhere..."
higuchi: he looked so pitiful....it makes me sick to feel sorry for him! after-....after all he's done...*shaking*
Gin: *holds Higuchi*
higuchi: *cries into her chest*
Gin: *strokes her head*
higuchi: *hic* r-rain...*hic*
Gin: *sniff* "I-I know..." ("I can't leave this post, unless I find someone else...")
naoya: want me to stand guard?
Gin: "Could you?"
naoya: sure thing. take all the time you need.
higuchi: t-thanks naoya.
Gin: *walks away with Higuchi*
0 notes
isaacathom · 7 years
why do i keep going w this stuff dude
like what id have to do to justify what happened to the travelling partner is.... like... itd be a character thing. youd have the Survivor right there, and his personality would already establish he’d be capable of nasty shit (mostly because he literally does nasty shit during the story, yknow). but the hunters have to characterised as able to do it posthumously, which is difficult, because typically shit gets rose tinted. there’d be few people who’d be willing to say bad shit about a dead person. though its possible we’d get that insight from the people the Woman befriends, as they’re unlikely to be super close to the hunters (or theyd be keeping distance) and it means theyve got distance and more objectivity about their actions.
then i have to decide why. like, whhyyyyy? why do it. why do that. why attack an exhausted woman and kill her while her friend watches? a personal ‘quirk’? did she say something? did they do something and she reacted negatively? what happened. theres a couple of possibilities which i guess ill detail for future/current pickings
- ~just a prank~. possibly some sort of stupid action involving hurting the woman that went too far and resulted in her death? difficult to justify, but if the hunters are young enough or established to be immature enough, it could work. maybe the idea was that theyd injure her and then bandage her up and bring her back to the village, like they wanted? kinda fucked up but this is also Murder so i guess fair game
- more nasty shit. like, yknow.... assault? pretty young ladies wandering the forests, shit gets nasty, eeeewwwww. i dont want it, but it could explain stuff. itd especially help explain why the Survivor would hide the body, beyond the obvious. kinda gross, kinda dont want it because of my personal preferences, but it COULD work
- genuine accident. itd make it less questionable, but itd also ruin the idea that the Woman acted out of ‘self defence’ if it was an accident. shit gets rough and goes too far? like they push the girl around and she trips and hits her head? but again, ruins the narrative if harm wasnt intended. harm has to be intended to the girl in order to justify the Woman’s actions
- honestly dunno. to keep her quiet? like, the idea here is that the hunters are doing Bad Shit, possibly the above or something not directly related to the women, that they end up bearing witness too. like, illegal shit. or just very damning stuff, character wise. such as. idk.... honestly dont know. maybe something related to status? burying something they stole? it could work that way. Then the idea is that the girl is specifically outspoken in calling out and not taking their bullshit excuses, and the hunters decide to keep her quiet, resulting in her death while her friend (the Woman) watches in fucking disbelief. itd be interesting if the hunters had committed a crime that led them to commit that crime, yknow?
thats about it. ofc it needs a lot of though. i think the accident angle is out, though an aspect of it can be included in others, especially for some characters. for instance the Survivor, who was clearly not strictly involved, hence him being spared. he was complicit, hundo percent, but he could easily see the whole thing as a tragic accident. perspective and stuff. i think the Prank is also out because thats fucking stupid. leaving Gross Nasties and Covering Up.
both could easily justify the Womans actions, i feel. Nasties would be her friend being yucked while the woman is prevented from intervening, and when the yuck goes too far and the woman’s friend dies, she flips (understandably). and in that context, the argument can also be made for them possibly doing the same to her, yknow. that’d play in.
cover up would be the two of them coming across something suspect that the hunters have done/are doing, and the woman’s friend being attacked for witness. in that, the woman would be simply held down quietly because shes a much more quiet character and would submit quickly to prevent danger, while her friend would refuse despite her exhaustion. so then the hunters would pull their weapons to force her to submit, and then it goes too far (theres the accident angle) and the woman flips. and again, the aspect of whether or not after essentially torturing her friend, whether theyd do the same to her. 
i think Cover Up might be easier to spin w/ murder, as itd be easier to prove. as in, the woman’s body would show clear signs of this, bloodstained gashes in clothes and shit. whereas Nasties could be a little harder to prove as murder, since, well, i know exactly what Nasty im thinking of and idk how long that sort of evidence would last in a ditch. i mean, there shit down there that at least partially preserves her, but STILL.
the issue w/ Cover Up is that i need to work out what started it. as in, what the hunters were doing. like, theyre out hunting, yea, but what are they hiding? it has to be something worth killing over. it cant be too petty. its not another murder, thats for sure. a theft? a theft of a valuable item? either personal or general monetary. but it also couldnt be TOO important, because then theyd look harder for it. though, if it IS valuable, would they go looking in a ditch? probably not. cause the idea is that they were gonna bury it, right. but with the whole murder thing, the Survivor is disposing of evidence. chuck the body, chuck the goods, they arent worth it now, clitter clatter crack. plus, the idea is that the Survivor is more a lookout than actually perpetrating anything. still a cunt, but a lesser cunt. hes not invested in it personally, more on his friends’ behalf, and his friends are dead, so what does it matter? down the ditch, clitter clatter crack.
that could work. it could even explain how they finally find the body in the ditch - the body was more carefully disposed of, and the goods were just chucked. one of them missed, or remained closer to the surface, buried lightly under leaves and dirt until its found. meaning multiple goods. could work. what they actually stole isnt the important part, though - just the fact its worth killing a complete stranger for. OOH! oh fuck i had an idea. ok keep Cover Up as an idea but heres a second idea.
Robbery. they were robbing the two of them. theyre foreigners, a long way way from home, and well dressed beyond dirt and grime. maybe they were carrying something valuable, or valuable enough. nice jewellery, that sorta thing. the hunters, encountering this well dressed tired duo in the woods, offer to take them back to the village, but instead take them further with the intend to rob and kill. make the death look like an accident, claim they discovered the poor women, or just dispose of the bodies and sell the goods on the down low with no questions asked. both good. the former has the accident angle in, too, both deliberate and in how it ended up being incriminating.
so the women get taken further into the woods, and then the friend realises this, she makes a break for it. the Woman is quickly held so she cant flee, because she didnt react fast enough, and the girl is tackled to the ground and held down. the man holding the Woman quickly rifles through her pockets for her goods while she looks on in terror, as the other hunters hold her friend down and forcefully keep her quiet while robbing her too. ofc, as i said earlier, the friend is a lot louder and ‘feistier’ than the Woman, and shes not gonna let them rob her blind without a fucking fight. kick, scream, bite. eventually they start pulling weapons and threatening her with them, and its at this point that the Survivor starts having second doubts. this is when he steps back. he was probably gleefully robbing her, taking off jewellery and stuff, but oh shit, oh dear, oh god, this is going far. but, ofc, the friend isnt letting weapons stop her, until it HAS to stop her, because they start like. cutting and stabbing her. The Woman screams, the Survivor cries out, and thats the point where locals start going ‘hmm did you hear that martha? sounded like screams’ ‘i bet its just the boys being silly’
of course the screams will quickly escalate when the friend stops. brief silence as she stops struggling and screaming. the hunters proceed to rob her blind and gloat as the Survivor cautiously moves in closer. ‘You.... you killed her??????????’
crack. foosh. scchrrk. hunters dead, survivor yelling in terror, the Woman screaming in rage before running further into the woods. Survivor checks his friends, works out fairly quickly its too late, and proceeds to dump the body and clumsily toss the goods before starting to head back to the village, trying to carry one of his less-injured-but-still-totally-dead friends. open shut.
fuck. that works well. and its make the survivor at least a lil sympathetic while still being a cunt. a young man out of his depth, surrounded by older friends with more force. the thing is that its not premeditated. they didnt plan this encounter. they decided to go with it. so the Survivor is similarly trapped in it and mostly non complicit. he starts helping rob the friend because his friends say so. ofc, that doesnt excuse the fact that once everything is said and done, he disposes of the body and the evidence of their crime, and frames it all on a woman they attacked. perjury and shit. broke the law. cause like, yea, hes doing it to help his friends, but his friends ARE dead, nothing is actually keeping him there, because he checked on his friends before disposing of evidence. still a cunt, yknow.
this works. i like this. well, ok, i dont, its fucking murder, but narratively i mean, i dig the shit out of this idea, make the hunters actual criminals here. means the posthumous establishment of character has to establish their forcefulness and violence.
another thing - how many hunters? based on the scene above, at least 3. one to hold the Woman, one to hold the friend, and another to rifle her pockets. the Survivor helps to rifle pockets, but hes separate. thats 4 guys overall. that seems a fair amount for a hunting party. fuck. this is good. i like this. initially, in the dreams and shit, there were 4 dead hunters, but 3 works just as well and makes less work for me as a writer. i like this a lot.
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