#it makes me feel insane
fuckbarca · 2 months
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this single handily cured me of my illness thank you mclaren
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handweavers · 5 months
once i learned that every time i have an me/cfs crash what's happening is that my mitochondria are taking permanent damage that is slowly accumulating with each collapse and this chronic cellular injury is making my condition progressively worse and this is because my cells are so injured they're struggling with basic functions so of course everything made up of those cells is suffering (aka the entirety of my body lol) and there's no cure or medicine to stop or prevent this currently and this is like. an actual severe biomedical phenomena that no one takes seriously and is a constant running joke among the general populace and all of the things that are Supposed to make people healthier simply do not work on me because my body's cells function so differently from those without this condition and the only thing i can do to try to prevent myself from getting sicker is by resting and literally doing nothing as much as possible. i am sick i will always be sick i will never not be sick. on top of everything else in my life
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faglander · 2 months
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i <3 the crazy look in her eyes
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korogie · 1 month
what song reminds you the most of dnf?
I'm not really someone who knows a lot of songs so sorry for the super basic answer but
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28mindgames · 2 months
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jayeisants · 2 months
i think about the grave scene so much it makes me feel insane!!! hehe lol! so quirky!
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kissingthebeehive · 7 months
Ear infection positivity. My ear infection is valid. Please. Anybody
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masculinepeacock · 1 year
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lovers and lost things
@paladinbaby // “In the Desert”, Stephen Crane // @hidekomoon // “Love Poem with Apologies for My Appearance”, Ada Limón // NFWMB, Hozier // “Letters to Milena”, Franz Kafka // No Choir, Florence and the Machine // @paladinbaby // Novels, Rusty Clayton // @paladinbaby
[Image Description: Ten images collected together.
1: A screenshot of a discord conversation.
“faun: she wants to sweep her off her feet so so bad
archats: and shania wants to be swept!!”
2: Text on a white background that reads, “But I like it // Because it is bitter, // and because it is my heart”.
3: Princess Leonilla (1843) and When The Heart Is Young (1902) edited together.
4: “I move in this house with you, the way I love in my mind, unencumbered by beauty’s cage. I do like I do in the tall grass, more animal-me than much else. I’m wrong, it is that I love you, but it’s more that when you say it back, lights out, a cold wind through curtains, for maybe the first time in my life, I believe it.”
5: “If I was born as a blackthorn tree // I’d wanna be felled by you, held by you // Fuel the pyre of your enemies”.
6: “Yours (not I’m even losing my name - it was getting shorter and shorter all the time and is now: Yours)”.
7: “But I must confess // I did it all for myself // I gathered you here to hide from some vast unnameable fear // But the loneliness never left me // I always took it with me // But I can put it down in the pleasure of your company”.
8: A drawn photo of a pink-skinned tiefling with short horns and pierced ears. She has her arm spinning a blue-skinned air genasi with her green hair covered by a yellow kerchief. The two women are standing close together.
9: “What if I asked // What if I asked you to stay?
What if it cost // You, your heart and your last name?”
10: Discord messages: “faun: the cowboy shirts are I think the first nice clothing she buys for herself (edited)
archats: SCREAM
shania is so happy about it in the way of like. someone i love is healing.” /end ID]
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dantaliones · 2 years
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napoleon solo is a very handsy man
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hamletbot · 4 months
I kind of need Americans to realize that since they are not only a world power but they effectively “quietly” colonized 90% of the world, that whatever their dipshit right wingers say our right wingers parrot…. And if your president is incapable of doing anything to benefit you or foreign policies then ours leaders wont even fucking try to look like they care to do anything, like if you elect a right wing dumbass we get it two fold bc our right wingers think ‘hey if they can say that we can too’ and then proceed to say some of the most asinine shit on the planet…. Hungary is one right turn from becoming a fundamentalist christian state
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octobergraves · 1 year
i have a class assignment that is “write about something you believe in strongly” and i decided to talk about the absolute scam that is individual sustainability and i have probably rewritten this thing five different times because every time i try to approach it calmly and rationally i very quickly dissolve into absolute rage because it makes me SO fucking angry
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bloooops · 10 months
like sorry not to go on but
what's ever achieved at the end of a full on argument? what has ever been achieved by having a yell about it?
you're just doing what you can to make the other person shut up, that's literally it. you're counting on upsetting them or having them get so frustrated or sick of you that they will concede/shut up. or you're trying to drown out whatever they're saying so yours is the only voice heard. you're communicating exactly nothing except your disrespect for the person you're having a go at.
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miss-fortune-thinks · 11 months
me after watching the most gruesomely horrific intrusive thought play out in my head in public
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rexscanonwife · 2 years
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I'm normal I swear I'M NORMAL I PROMMYYY
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cinnabeat · 7 days
sometimes to entertain myself i try to explain the plot of kingdom hearts in my head to someone if they like saw my kingdom key keychain i have and was like "hey whats that" and would actively sit there and listen to me explain except i never really get far in my explanation bc it starts sounding like that one post that tried explaining like podcasts or whatever but it kept going back and explaining the etymology of certain words
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ozymoron · 2 months
dissociation fucking sucks like im literally real what do you mean it feels like im not real and that theres glass between me and the real world come on now youre being ridiculous
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