#it means so much to me to see bokuaka in such a soft light + the color choice is so pretty!
owlyflufff · 11 months
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“I can’t help falling in love with you”
a soft and sweet bokuaka commission made by the lovely kejiyaa21 
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thighridingsamu · 3 years
Left Out
kuroo tetsuro x f!reader x akaashi keiji
content warnings: polyamorous relationship, oral sex (f. and m. receiving), handjob, praise, use of petname kitten, service dom kuroo, a very subby akaashi
word count: ~1.2k
a/n: we all know bokuaka, we all know kuroken, and we all know bokuakakuroken. but what about.. kuroaka? that sounds right but whatever, i fw them as a pair and had to write about it. for my first actual hq post, i dont hate it. hate the title tho but thats as good as it’ll get
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It was a typical night for the three of you. Akaashi had his back against the headboard, book in one hand and his other hand on your head on his lap. You hummed every time his fingers moved in your hair, trying to press your face impossibly closer into his thigh. He could have sworn you truly were part cat from the way you practically purred at his touch. 
All the while Kuroo sat up beside you, his large hand smoothing up and down your side as he watched a documentary on the flat screen attached to the wall in front of him. What was it about today? Exoplanets? Chemical reactions? Fish, maybe?
A typical night, full of loving touches, light hums and soft giggles from the three of you, enjoying the presence of one another. The comfort of your usual routine made your body buzz in warmth, senses fogged from the waves of drowsiness after a long day.
Kuroo’s warm hand on your waist pulled, turning you over and pressing you against his chest. A small sound of protest left both you and Akaashi, making Kuroo laugh.
“My kittens were so comfortable without me, it made me feel left out,” he murmured, calling your other lover over with a small wave and a whispered c’mere Keiji.
Akaashi complied, setting his book down, along with his glasses, and settling himself right behind you. You sighed at the pressure from being pressed between the two of them, body completely lax.
“What do you want, Tetsuro?” 
You laughed at Akaashi’s accusing tone, shoving your face further into Kuroo’s chest. You had also figured he was feeling more than left out.. perhaps a little pent up was the right answer. But the affection was too good to deny, and it would be a lie if you said you weren’t also feeling the same. 
“Wooow, can’t a guy just cuddle up with his gorgeous partners because he loves them so much?” The offense was feigned, the smirk on his face visible to you despite not being able to see it. Akaashi scoffed and reached over your body to touch Kuroo’s arm, a brow raised. “Okay, fine. You got me. You two looked so pretty and...”
He trailed off, detangling himself from the hands on him and your legs between his. He stood and walked to the foot of the bed, golden eyes making the buzz in your chest spread, a delicious feeling flowing through your body. The shuddering breath by your ear let you know Akaashi had a similar reaction.
“.. I was hoping you two would let me have some fun.”
“Meaning?” you heard from behind you. 
“Meaning, my beautiful boyfriend,” his words were dripping with lust, a tone that definitely wasn’t present before, “you and our princess get to cum over and over again, however you want.”
His words left no room for argument, not that either of you would have put up a fight.
Two pairs of striking eyes, an amazing shade of gunmetal blue and a sparkling hazel, met yours, both saying the same thing.
You whined at the contact against your clit, hands flying to the mess of black hair between your legs. You’d just finished cumming all over Kuroo’s fingers, aroused beyond belief from the sight of him working on your other boyfriend. Keiji was in a similar state, hissing when Kuroo’s hand wrapped around his red cock, barely having time to recover from his own orgasm. 
“Tetsu, too much,” you moaned, trying to push his head away. This only made him lick between your folds faster, a smile on his lips. “Fuck, just like that.”
A muffled laugh sounded against your cunt. “Indecisive, are we?”
“Tetsuro, don’t stop your hand,” Keiji whined from beside you, hips lifting to fuck into Kuroo’s hand. “More.”
“Aw, baby, I’m sorry,” he cooed, going back to jerking Keiji off. “I didn’t know I had such greedy little things.”
You and Keiji let out whine in unison at his words, the sounds going straight to Kuroo’s cock. The two of you really did look so breathtaking like this, splayed out before him, allowing him to do as he pleased. After each orgasm you turned even prettier in his eyes, cheeks becoming redder and redder, chests rising with each pant. He could do this forever, make his pretty babies moan his name until they couldn’t anymore. Making them writhe and squirm, pushing him away but so eager to pull him in, to beg for me. And what kind of boyfriend would he be to deny the two of you that. 
With a loud gasp you came for the third?- fourth?- hell, it could have been the fifth even- time that night, tugging on Kuroo’s hair. 
“That was a good one, pretty girl,” he whispered, a genuine smile tugging at his lips. “I knew you could give me another.”
His gaze flickered to your right, watching as Keiji whimpered, eyes shut tight. He was so close,  yo could tell. Your eyes met back with Kuroo’s, understanding what to do when he nodded towards the younger man.
Immediately you leaned over, cupping his jaw and lips attaching to his neck that just happened to be bared to you. You smiled at the gasp he let out, sucking softly at the spots you had memorized since high school. 
You could hear the sloppy sounds of Kuroo’s hand moving faster and feel the weight shift on the bed from where he sat up.
“Ngh- I’m gonna-” Keiji’s moans sounded so pretty, so desperate, heating pooling between yours legs once again.
“Go ahead,” you coaxed, running your tongue over the blooming bruise on his neck. “You can do it, baby. Cum for us.”
A loud groan vibrated through the column of Keiji’s throat. Cum spilled over Tetsuro’s hand and over his own abdomen. He whimpered and twitched as Kuroo brought him down, slowing his pace so the sensation wouldn’t stop so suddenly. 
“Good boy,” he said, large hand smoothing over his boyfriend’s thigh, the feeling making him shiver. 
You hummed in agreement, leaning up to kiss Keiji’s lips. “Very good,” you whispered against his lips. You pressed kisses up his cheek that trailed towards his ear, whispering directions so quietly that Kuroo couldn’t even hear the small murmur of your voice. His hand up your side told you Keiji understood what you said, the squeeze of flesh making you giggle and press another kiss to his face.
With an innocent smile you turned to Tetsuro, opening an arm to beckon him towards you. Even in the dark and in clothes, it was hard to miss the bulge in his sweatpants. 
Kuroo didn’t register when you managed to flip him over so you straddled his hips, not wasting time to grind down on his cock, undoubtedly staining the material with your slick.
He breathed out a moan when Keiji turned up beside him, warm lips finding his. 
“You didn’t think we’d leave you out this time, did you?”
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elysianslove · 4 years
Hello!! I just finished reading In Another Life and I was wondering if I could request some soft Bokuto and/or Akaashi x reader? (I also wanna squeeze in that I LOVE your works, when they pop up on my dash it makes me happy so thank youu)
omg listen i’m not a bokuaka shipper (iwaoi and kagehina supremacy for me hvdshjd) but In Another Life made me cry bruh. anyways! first of all thank you so?? fkn much for your words??? they literally made my day you don’t understand that’s so sweet omfg. thank you! 
i really hope this is what you wanted !! i wrote a scenario for akaashi, and another for bokuto. lemme know if there’s anything else specific you were looking for, mwah! <3 
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akaashi keiji
━━ despite the fact that the warm water you’re submerged in grows colder by the second, akaashi only settles deeper into your embrace. his head rests on your shoulder, the palms of his hands resting above yours. your arms wrap around him, one hand occasionally traveling up to brush through damp curls. the only noise echoing through the small bathroom is the occasional sway of water against the bathtub, and your combined steady, slow breaths. when you glance down at your boyfriend, his eyes are half lidded, but he notices your stare and shifts his head up to look back at you.
the smile he offers is small, but genuine and serene. your smile is wider, and you can’t resist the urge of leaning down and pressing a wet kiss on his cheek. he huffs out a laugh, tilting his head to the side to kiss your lips instead. it’s not the first time you’ve kissed him today, or tonight, or even while in this bathtub with his sturdy back against your revealed chest, but it still excites you to your core. it’s a gentle kiss, slow and steady, careful and calm. his hands fly to the edges of the bathtub, pushing himself up and twisting himself around to face you.
“what, why?” you pout at him, and he chuckles again, inching forward towards you.
with his hands placed on your cheeks, steadying your gaze at him, he mumbles, “so i can kiss you better,” and presses his mouth on yours. you hum contently, sitting up on your knees, lips still latched onto his, as you crawl forward. your actions push him back, but he doesn’t pull away as the kiss deepens, even as his back hits the other end of the bathtub. “so eager,” he teases, breathless, as he pushes you to straddle him.
“can you blame me?” you retort, leaning back to admire him. the way he looks is nothing short of beautiful, with his skin dewy and his cheeks flushed pink, his eyes bright and his hair messy and damp. “how could anyone resist someone so pretty?” you continue, your fingers ghosting over his facial features, dancing across his cheekbones and his pink, swollen lips. he tilts his head to press a kiss to your palm, shutting his eyes momentarily.
“i love you forever,” he confesses, pressing another kiss to your palm. “infinitely.” he presses a kiss to your inner wrist, as light as a butterfly’s touch. “as many stars as there are in the sky.” his kisses travel up to your upper arm, to your shoulder. “as many galaxies as there are in the universe.” a kiss on your collarbone, with your heart in your throat. “till my last breath,” he promises, with a kiss to your neck. finally, he faces you, his lips inches away from yours. “that’s, if you’ll have me.”
to answer him, you break the gap between the two of you, kissing him fully on the mouth. the water’s long gone cold, but it’s not the cause of the shiver that travels up your spine when akaashi’s hands settle on the small of your back.
“i don’t have a really dramatic confession prepared like you,” you admit, earning a laugh from him. “but i love you, always.” he smiles gratefully, and kisses you again, his arms wrapping around your middle and taking you with him as he falls back again against the end of the bathtub.
bokuto kōtarō
━━ usually, you’re very resistant to your boyfriend’s pleading eyes. maybe a few years ago, at the start of your relationship, you wouldn’t have been able to say it with such certainty and ground. but you can safely say you’ve grown immune to it. sometimes. occasionally.
definitely not when it’s his eyes and another puppy’s staring up at you pleadingly.
“look at how cute,” bokuto repeats, his eyes leaving yours momentarily to stare at the small puppy. the labrador retriever puppy whines innocently, and you hold back a mountain of curses at the tightness in your chest. “can you look me in the eyes and tell me he isn’t the cutest thing you have ever seen?” he challenges.
you scoff, crossing your arms over your chest and defying him, “not when you’re the cutest thing i’ve ever seen.” compliments and flattery have always worked in your favor with bokuto, especially to distract him.
when he leans forward to pinch your nose cutely, you think you’ve won, but then he resorts back to playing with the puppy through its cage. “please, please, please!”
you sigh. “kou, you’re rarely even home nowadays,” you argue.
“but that’s the thing!” he responds. “now when i’m away for games, you have something to keep you company when you’re lonely.” it’s a compelling argument, not that you’d ever admit that aloud to him.
if you’re honest, you’re not even sure how you found yourself in this situation to begin with. it’d been a simple date with your boyfriend, a casual stroll in the park, with some pretzels and lemonade. it had been a complete coincidence when a pet adoption centre conveniently appeared out of thin air, and then you’d see it coming as soon as you saw bokuto spot it. it was no secret his love for animals, and you admired every little thing about bokuto, even having come to love any and all his flaws.
but really. who’s meant to take care of a puppy?
“bunny,” bokuto calls for your attention again. the puppy’s paw is resting above two of bokuto’s fingers, patting it softly. god, it’s becoming harder by the minute to resist. “for me?”
fuck it.
time freezes, bokuto with it, until it starts again all of a sudden, and a pair of strong arms are instantly suffocating you. as a high schooler, bokuto had been fairly strong for his age, always so big and muscly. now, as an adult, his strength had tripled, and really, you can’t breathe.
“baby, i can’t breathe,” you voice, lightly tapping at his back. he releases you momentarily, and you’re sure he’s never smiled at you this bright before. instinctively, because bokuto’s smiles and laughter have always been so contagious, you grin back at him, cupping his cheeks to force him to zone into your gaze. “this is a mutual responsibility though.”
he nods seriously, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. “and it’ll be good practice,” he adds, with a kiss to your lips. before you can ask him what he means, he leaves you stranded and confused, going to look for an employee. it’s only when you’re walking hand in hand with him, on your way back home, with his other free hand carrying the small cage your new puppy’s in, do you realize what he meant. and instead of dread, all that bubbles inside you is warmth and excitement.
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keiscait · 3 years
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Edge of Desire [an OsaAka fic]
AO3 link
Relationships: Miya Osamu/Akaashi Keiji (main), Miya Atsumu/Hinata Shoyo (side), Bokuto Kotaro/Akaashi Keiji (angst), others implied
Genres: slow burn, Fluff, Angst, Eventual Smut, Angsty BokuAka, some AtsuHina
Summary: Osamu always knew what it meant whenever he’d see Akaashi’s name light up his phone accompanied by the clock nearing closing time. It meant not closing up Miya Onigiri until probably midnight and opening a few beers before going to bed. It meant not actually going to bed.
It meant feeling Akaashi curled up against his skin, soft and warm, just like him. It meant tasting a kiss reserved for someone else. It meant dreading and anticipating the next night Akaashi would text him again.
‘You still open?’
The answer was always yes, as he gave in to his hunger for more, more, more of this.
A/N: As for my last surprise on Haikyuu day: It is finally heeeere!! The first two chapters of the fic I've been working on with my best friend is up on AO3 (check them out on Twitter @ ohmykeiji)!! I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I loved writing it 🥺 This means so much to me and I'm so happy to FINALLY be releasing it, on 8.19 nonetheless 🥺 HAPPY HAIKYUU DAY, MY LOVES <3
Chapter Index:
Chapter 1: "Um...Akaashi, right?"
Chapter 2: ""I’m hurt, Akaashi-kun (︶︹︺)"
Chapter 3: "[Unsent] Are you busy today?" (18+, minors DNI)
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pearlsephoni · 3 years
BokuAka Week 2021, Day 1: Full Moon
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: G
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairing: Bokuaka (Bokuto/Akaashi) 
Characters: Keiji Akaashi, Kotaro Bokuto
Word Count: 1,735
Summary: Full moons never held much weight for Keiji until he met Bokuto.
A/N: Author’s notes can be read on AO3.
Keiji enjoyed the full moon. There was something comforting about the extra light it gave to the night sky, the cool silver blanket that laid across the Tokyo suburbs. He liked to keep his blinds cracked a little open to let in some of that light while he studied late at night, with the occasional flicker of a shadow from a late night critter. He didn’t mind. In fact, he was keeping an eye out for one shadow in particular. 
It didn’t take long for his special visitor to flutter by. He was frowning down at his math assignment when a clatter at the window made him jump and drop his pencil. In an instant, he was on his feet and drawing up the blinds to peer outside. 
There, perched on a street light, was a great horned owl, grey feathers turned silver in the moonlight, large eyes fixed right on Keiji’s window. Blue eyes met gold, and the owl blinked slowly before spreading large wings and taking off for the trees at the edge of the neighborhood. 
Keiji didn’t need any other sign. As soon as he’d laid eyes on the owl, he was grabbing a jacket and stuffing his schoolwork into his backpack before heading to the front door, where he shoved his feet into his shoes while his mother called out to him. “Keiji? Honey, where are you going?” 
“I’m meeting with Bokuto-san! There’s, ah...some paperwork for the team that we need to go over.” 
“Alright...don’t stay out too late.” 
“I won’t!” 
And with that, he burst out of the door and took off down the street. He could see the outline of the owl disappearing into the treeline, and it didn’t take him long to reach the trees himself, sweat cold in the night air. Maybe he shouldn’t have run so fast without warming up, maybe he should’ve been more embarrassed at how sweaty he was after a relatively short run...but he couldn’t bring himself to care, not when there was an owl hopping from branch to branch until it was at eye level with him. 
“Hello,” Keiji murmured, carefully reaching out to stroke the feathers in between the tufts on the top of the owl’s head. “You’re out early tonight.” 
The owl let out a soft hoot, eyes slowly blinking closed and head nudging against Keiji’s fingers. Even after a few months, it still felt strange, petting and cooing at a bird of prey like it was a housepet. As if it could sense his hesitance, the owl leaned forward to gently bunt Keiji’s cheek, before fluttering down to the ground a few feet away. 
“Ah...now?” The owl let out another, louder hoot, and Keiji dutifully closed his eyes. 
Silence fell over the woods...then there was the sound of feathers, of a choked back groan, of clothes rustling into place...and finally, a proud, “Ok, Akaashi!” 
Keiji dutifully opened his eyes, and there, where the owl had been blinking at him before, now stood a beaming Kotaro Bokuto, hair loose over his forehead and clothes wrinkled on his body. There was a mess of feathers surrounding his feet, though a few stubborn stragglers clung to his tousled hair. 
Every time he’d seen Bokuto like this, Keiji second-guessed the wisdom of picking out the feathers. But every time, his feet carried him forward and his fingers reached for those silver strands before he could stop himself, and every time, Bokuto’s eyes closed and his bright smile settled into a peaceful grin while Keiji’s fingers stroked through his hair. “You didn’t have to shift back,” Keiji murmured as he worked, ignoring the warmth spreading across his cheeks. “I know you want more time as an owl before the night ends.” 
“I’ll shift again soon, I just wanted to say hi!” His eyes opened and immediately found Keiji’s, making the other boy suddenly aware of how close their faces were. “So...hi, Akaashi!” 
“Hi, Bokuto-san,” he answered with a soft laugh. “Do you mind if I study while you shift?” 
“If you don’t mind me bothering you while you study!” 
“If I minded that, I wouldn’t have come.” 
Keiji just flashed a blithe smile in response to Bokuto’s pout before he settled on the ground. His hands started unzipping his backpack, but his eyes watched as Bokuto tugged off his shirt. 
“Why do you let me see you when you shift?” 
Bokuto paused at the question, shirt hanging off his arms as he thought. “Well…you’re the only one who knows about it. And I always like spending time with you! It gets kinda lonely otherwise.” 
The answer was about what Keiji had expected, but it still made a pleased flush rise to his cheeks as he averted his eyes to his backpack. 
Then Bokuto spoke again, making his eyes return to his shirtless form. “Also…you’re kind of…more affectionate? When I’m shifting.” 
“Yeah! Did I use that word wrong?” 
“Well…what do you mean?” 
“Like…” Bokuto’s brows furrowed, making him look unnervingly serious for something like this. “Like usually, you don’t really hug me or anything. You just give high fives during a good game. But when I’m in owl form, you give me pets and scratches and stuff, and it’s really nice! It’s like you’re more comfortable with me as an owl.” 
“Ah…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you think I’m ever uncomfortable around you.” 
“Not uncomfortable! Just…more comfortable than usual?” 
“I see.” Keiji fell silent for a moment, watching as Bokuto folded up his shirt and set it aside before standing in the middle of feathers he’d just shed. He could recognize the way Bokuto shook out his shoulders and hung his head as his preparation to shift, and before he could finish, Keiji called out, “Bokuto-san.” Their eyes met, and he let a small smile curve his lips. “You used it correctly. ‘Affectionate.’” 
Bokuto’s smile could’ve rivaled the full moon in brightness. Then, in a single blink from Keiji, he was gone, and in his place stood the same great horned owl. It only took a single flutter of his wings for him to shake off his pants and reach Keiji’s side, where he gently nudged his hand. 
“Bokuto-san,” he laughed softly, fingers automatically stroking through the soft feathers at his cheek. “Go fly, don’t mind me.” 
Bokuto ignored him, too busy preening under his fingers. It was impossible to resist him like this, but when Keiji thought about it, it was always impossible to resist Bokuto. And yet he’d never tried to express any physical affection with him beyond the high fives that Keiji himself offered. He’d seen Bokuto hug Kuroo and their teammates, but somehow had never stopped to consider why he never hugged him. This whole time…had Bokuto been respecting boundaries that Keiji never even intended to set? 
“Bokuto-san…you can hug me when you’d like to. I never meant to make you feel like you couldn’t.” 
Bokuto stared at him for a moment…then, with a loud hoot, he took off, spinning into the sky in triumphant circles until he was a small spot against the moon. He sang his joy the entire way up, and Keiji couldn’t help laughing. The thought that something so simple could make someone so happy made his heart feel like it might swell out of his chest, and it took everything in him to focus back on the schoolwork in his lap. 
An hour passed, and he’d barely made any headway on his work. But he did have a small pile of acorns and shiny rocks forming at his side. Every so often, Bokuto had fluttered by with a new addition, small trinkets from his flights. He did this every full moon, and when he shifted back into his human form, he would pick out the prettiest rock for Keiji to keep. 
This time, however, when he shifted back, he didn’t immediately join Keiji. Instead, as soon as he was done tugging his clothes back on, he announced his completion with a called out, “Akaaaaaashi!” 
“Please don’t yell, Bokuto-san, I’m right here.” 
“Can you come here?” 
Keiji frowned at him, but dutifully put away his schoolwork and approached Bokuto. “What is it?” 
“Did you mean it? When you said I could hug you whenever I wanted?” 
“Have I ever said anything I didn’t mean, Bokuto-san?” 
There was that smile again, so bright that it almost made the full moon look dim. The next thing Keiji knew, there were strong arms wrapping around his waist and a cold nose nuzzling into the crook of his neck. He didn’t know if it was the force of the hug or the shock of the cold nose that made his heart jolt in his chest. All he knew was that nothing had ever felt as right to him as the feeling of his arms around Bokuto’s broad shoulders and the smell of wind-blown hair. 
Time seemed to stop as they stood there, holding each other, lit by the full moon and surrounded by silver feathers. It was as if they were under a spell, a spell that was only broken by Bokuto’s soft voice melting away the silence that had fallen between them. “You’re a really good hugger, ‘Kaashi.” 
“You are, too.” Maybe it was because he couldn’t see Bokuto’s eyes, but something in Keiji made him feel like being a little more open than usual. “I wish I’d said something earlier. I would have liked to get more hugs like this.” 
Bokuto pulled away at that, just enough for him to meet Keiji’s eyes and share another wide smile. “That’s ok, Akaashi! I’ll just hug you a lot from now on to make up for it!” 
He could feel his cheeks warm at the promise, and he could feel the instinct to wave away the offer rising in him. But he shoved it down, letting a grin quirk at his lips as he instead murmured, “Good...I’ll look forward to it. But for now, let’s go home.” 
“Ok! After one more!” 
Before Keiji could protest, Bokuto was pressing in for another hug, arms secure around him and breath warm against his neck. After a moment, Keiji let his own arms wrap around Bokuto’s shoulders with a small smile. Home could wait a little longer. He already felt as though he could find another home in these arms. 
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sunlycy · 3 years
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+ synopsis ; being a busy bee doesn’t mean you can’t hang out at the cold night
+ pairing(s) ; bokuaka
+ words ; 1.1 k
+ an ; aye, one of my favourite ships again. this time, I fed yall with bokuaka because… why not ehehe. either they’re lovers or not, that’s your choice for your point of view :)
+ available on ; ao3
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Bokuto stargazed outside of the balcony in his room. Hinata and Atsumu were talking in the living room, while Sakusa was cleaning the kitchen. They just finished their dinner for tonight. They had two weeks before their match with the Schweiden Adlers. They had to prepare well to win the match. Bokuto knew that he would be a busy bee for this week and the following week.
“What’s Akaashi doing right now?”
He took his phone, searching for Akaashi’s name. As he was busy for training, he will never forget to call Akaashi every night. He always told Akaashi his daily routine. Even though he went to the wrong stall in the toilet, he did not hesitate to tell Akaashi everything. He missed his junior so much, although he always came to his match.
“Akaashi, do you have a time?”
“Ah, Bokuto,” Akaashi sighed, “I have a lot of drafts to review tonight.”
Even Bokuto had daily training, Akaashi was busy with reviewing all chapters for each manga to be published in the Shonen manga magazine. Day and night, he checked everything, from errors to plots. Sometimes, he slept late due to the coming deadlines.
Bokuto pouted, “Can we go outside tonight? The night looks beautiful.”
Akashi looked at his room’s window, “But don’t you think it’s late? You might get cold and you have a match in two weeks.”
“I know… but, Akaashi- “
“Sorry, Bokuto, I don’t want you to get cold.” Akaashi declined the call.
Bokuto did not give up, instead he will ask Akaashi to go out. He ran into his room and grabbed his jacket. The smile on his face was a sign of he was excited to see his friend.
“Bokuto, where are you going?” Hinata saw him as he went to the door of their apartment.
He turned his head, “To see Akaashi.”
“I heard it will be snowy tonight,” Atsumu told him what was on the weather news. “Are you sure going outside is a good idea?”
Bokuto held his hand on his chest, “Don’t worry, I’ll be okay.” He put a smile on his face. He took out his shoes from the shoe rack and wore them up, “I’ll come back in an hour,” then he went out from the apartment.
  ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Bokuto ran to across the street. The wind breezed the dark night. The breeze touched his skin and made him feel freshening. He wanted some spaces after a tiring practice. What was in his mind is Akaashi. He was thinking of their night activities together. He thought they should buy some hot chocolates. Or coffee? Or maybe midnight snacks? Most coffee shops will be closed before 11 p.m. so he should be quick.
When he reached Akaashi’s house, he rang the doorbell. He waited him for few minutes, but he did not respond the bell. He left him a text.
To: Akaashi
open the door, akaaaashi
But, Akaashi did not reply him yet. Bokuto tried to knock the door again. No answer from him yet. He sat on the platform, finding his name on the phone and called him. The temperature was getting lower.
“Akaashi, it’s me. Open the door,” Bokuto pouted, again.
Akaashi sighed, “Okay, hold up a second.”
Bokuto got up with excitement in his heart. Stretching his back, he felt happy as a lark because Akaashi will go out with him. He saw Akaashi opened the door. Akaashi was not in great state. Bokuto saw the eye bags on Akaashi’s eyes. His hair was messier than usual.
“Bokuto, I told you to not come,” Akaashi got out from his doorway, “What if you get sick?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” Bokuto smiled.
Akaashi gave a relief sign, “Alright, let’s go.”
The happiness inside Bokuto grew more than before. As Akaashi wore his shoes, Bokuto grabbed his hand and he pulled him out from the house lot. Akaashi did not want to hang out with him, not for tonight. However, the desperate in Bokuto’s words made him changed his mind.
“I should have a break for a while.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The city lights were brighter like the stars. Most people went home from work, while some of them had their overtime work. Youngsters went out for having fun, while most couples went out for a date. Even some parents brought their children out for late dinner. Tomorrow is Saturday so everyone wanted to entertain themselves with their beloved one.
“Akaashi, how’s your work?” Bokuto broke the silence after they did not talk since, they went out from the house.
“Well, many mangakas send their works for publishing into the magazine.” Akaashi stroked his soft hair. “It should be published by next week.”
Bokuto’s eyes went sparkled, “I wish there will be a story about me.”
Akaashi giggled, “I’ll look forward for that one for you.”
“Oh, Akaashi,” Bokuto turned his head to him, “Today’s practice, I stumbled on the floor.” He lifted his knee. “Look, I’m fine, like I’m immune to cold.”
Suddenly, he sneezed loudly, rubbed his nose and smiled. “See, I’m fine.”
“You’re not, Bokuto,” Akaashi grabbed the tissue from his pocket. “We should go back home.”
Akaashi pulled Bokuto to the bus stop, hoping there will be another bus will stop for them. The snow started falling from the sky. The dazzling snows were dancing as it fell on the trees, covering them like a blanket. The coldness made Bokuto rubbed his hand, made Akaashi kept blaming himself because he said yes to Bokuto.
Bokuto’s voice became gloomy, “But I don’t want to go now.”
Akaashi looked at him with concern, “But your match is next week.”
Surprisingly, Bokuto busted a gut, “I don’t care,” He slowly held Akaashi’s hand, put them closer to his face, “What important is, I’m with you.”
Suddenly, all of the work tensions were gone in Akaashi’s head. He felt like the world turned slowly, it was like they were in their own world. That was right. They are the protagonist of the world. Soulmates or not, platonic or not., they owned the world. No matter how work can separate them, they will always be together.
Akaashi crinkled his eyes, “You know, I’m happy you’re with me right now.”
He put his head on his friend’s shoulder and he did not realize he had fallen asleep. The face on Bokuto’s face shone bright like the star. The moon was zinc-silver, like the shimmering light in a dark place. Bright as a diamond, the moonlight glowed like it was a lullaby for Akaashi.
A bus stopped in front of them, but Akaashi could not wake up. Instead, Bokuto lift his body up and brought him into the bus. He put him on an empty seat, leaving the bus stop. The bus headed where Bokuto and his teammates lived. He will put Akaashi on his bed after they go home. Even they could not do what he planned to do, but spending time with his friend is the most precious time in a Friday night.
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justwhymsical · 6 years
Witches And Things (BokuAka)
Summary: Five years ago, Bokuto Koutarou promised a child to a witch in exchange for a healing tonic. Now, the witch has come to collect.
Notes: My first foray into writing Haikyuu!! fics, but I love them so much! With minor KuroKen at the end. Also on AO3!
Warnings: None.
The prettiest man in the world is standing outside his door. Bokuto gulps and almost drops his bag of frozen mice. Bokuto has seen the prettiest man in the world only once before, years ago. He seems even prettier now.
“Bokuto Koutarou,” the prettiest man in the world says, before Bokuto can take another step forward.
“H-Hey.” Bokuto winces at the crack in his voice and hurries over to his door. A few seconds later, he has it unlocked and open. “You wanna come in?”
“I don’t think my business here will take so long that that will be necessary. Do you remember me?”
As if he could ever forget. “Akaashi Keiji.”
Akaashi smiles pleasantly. “Good. Your time is up, Bokuto-san.”
Oh boy. “I really think you should come in.” Bokuto places a broad hand against Akaashi’s back and nudges him forward, ignoring the way the other man momentarily stiffens.
When they’re both inside, Bokuto pulls his hand back and turns around to close and lock the door. There’s a flutter of wings behind him and then a weight on his shoulder. He smiles a bit and reaches up to stroke the Ural owl’s back. There’s a strange expression on Akaashi’s face as he faces the other man again, but Akaashi doesn’t say anything.
Bokuto leads them down the short hallway to the kitchen and living room area. Along the way, the owl takes off from his shoulder and glides to one of the perches scattered around the room. Once the bag of mice is safely in the freezer, Bokuto claps his hands.
“You want something? I have coffee! And tea! And cake, I think.”
“Tea, then,” Akaashi says after a moment.
“Sure, sure! Sit down, get comfy!”
Bokuto catches glimpse of his reflection in the small owl mirror on the wall and the corners of his lips droop down into a pout. A good portion of his hair has escaped its style since it’s the evening, and silver-grey strands hang limply across his forehead and against the back of his neck. While the kettle boils, he dashes to the bathroom to fix his hair. The prettiest man in the world is in his apartment, after all.
“Did you-” Akaashi starts when he returns, but doesn’t finish the sentence. Instead, he shakes his head a little bit and leans back against the couch.
“Did I?” Bokuto asks as he sprints to cut off the whistling kettle. Across the room, the owl opens one eye and seems to glare at the kettle on the stove, but Bokuto doesn’t pay it any attention.
“No, nothing.”
They don’t speak anymore until they’re both settled in the living room, a cup of tea in front of Akaashi and a glass of water on Bokuto’s side of the table. More and more nervous energy builds in Bokuto’s body the longer the silence stretches on, and he ends up playing with his phone while he waits for something to happen.
He’s never been particularly good at waiting.
“Is it good?” he asks.
Akaashi lifts the cup to his lips for the first time. His eyes close momentarily as he takes in the scent, but his face is unreadable after he drinks. “It’s fine.”
“Okay! That’s good!” Bokuto laughs loudly and gulps down half of his water.
“Do you live alone?” Akaashi asks. His eyes glitter in the light, shifting between grey and green and blue.
Bokuto stares, transfixed.
He jolts, and a sheepish smile stretches over his lips. “Yeah. Is it obvious?”
Akaashi ignores the question. “I assume that means you don’t have a child for me, then.”
You see, the prettiest man in the world is also the prettiest witch in the world. Bokuto has only ever met one witch, but he’s fairly confident in his opinion. He doesn’t think he’ll ever see anyone, or anything, prettier than the man sitting across from him now.
Five years ago, Bokuto promised the prettiest witch in the world his first child in exchange for a healing tonic.
Bokuto licks his lips. “You see, uh,” he says as Akaashi lifts the cup to his lips again. “Turns out I’m like, really gay.”
There’s no spit take. The cup doesn’t shatter. Akaashi’s eyes widen minutely, but that’s about it. He lowers the cup and places it delicately on to table. “Excuse me?”
“Yeah!” Bokuto laughs too-loudly again, his eyes skittering around the room. “I tried! I knew I was bi at least before and I really tried dating girls and stuff, but it never worked and then it just kinda clicked that I just wasn’t into them for the long term, or even the short term, and…yeah…”
The slightest of furrows appears between Akaashi’s eyebrows. “You have no interest in women.”
“…Not really anymore, no.”
“Were you even planning on having a child?”
Bokuto scratches at the back of his neck. “To be honest, I wasn’t really thinking that far into the future.”
Now Akaashi’s frowning in full. The temperature in the room seems to drop. “You-”
“I wasn’t thinking about tricking you or anything!” Bokuto yelps, his arms flailing out. “I promise! I just really needed the potion and you said baby and like, it wasn’t not an option, but it wasn’t something really solid either. I figured future me could deal with it. I kinda wanna go smack past me now, though.”
Akaashi looks a little bit like he’d like to go smack past Bokuto as well. He opens his mouth, but before he can say anything, the owl hoots from its perch. His eyes flicker to it, then narrow. “Bokuto-san.”
“What did you need my tonic for?”
Bokuto’s eyes slide away from the witch’s form. “Well, uh…”
“Did you use it on the owl?”
“Whoa! How’d you know?”
Akaashi purses his lips. “I can feel trace amounts of my magic within her.”
“That’s so cool!” Bokuto’s eyes are wide with awe.
“Bokuto-san,” Akaashi says slowly, precisely. “Did you trade your child for a tonic to save an owl?”
“Her name’s Fuyuko,” Bokuto says defensively.
Akaashi lets out a soft sigh. His expression smoothes over. He looks serene. At peace. After some moments, he finally speaks. “Why?”
“I couldn’t just let her die!” Bokuto gasps. “I found her while on a jog when she was real young and when I called a vet for advice they said she was probably gonna die and I couldn’t just leave her there!” He holds out an arm and lets out a short, low whistle. “Fuyu-chan!”
Fuyuko ruffles her feathers a bit and turns a blank stare onto the loud human. For a moment it seems as if she’s going to ignore the call, but then she glides over to perch on Bokuto’s head. It’s quite comical, considering she’s nearly twice as big as it and blends in near-seamlessly with his hair. Bokuto squawks as his hairstyle is yet again ruined and has to grip onto the side of the chair so he doesn’t fall over from the extra weight, but after a moment he’s settled again.
One of Akaashi’s thin eyebrows rises. “She’s quite…responsive, for an owl.”
“I guess.” Bokuto reaches up to run his knuckles gently through the feathers on her chest. He lowers his head after receiving a light nip.
“That might have something to do with the magic,” Akaashi murmurs, more to himself than anything. His intrigued expression then schools back into a more neutral one. “How did you even find me back then? You don’t strike me as the type to believe in magic.”
“Oh. After I got off the phone with the vet, I called my buddy Kuroo and he said his buddy Kenma recommended you.”
“Ah. That would explain it.”
Bokuto’s eyes fall to the table, and he starts tracing the rim of his glass with a finger. “What do you need a kid for, anyway? You’re really young.”
Akaashi sniffs. “I’ll have you know I’m almost a thousand years old, Bokuto-san.”
Gold eyes widen. “Oh my god- Really?” The longer he stares at Akaashi’s impassive face, though, the more he can pick out the teasing light in those shifting eyes and he gasps again. “Akaashi! That was mean!”
Akaashi chuckles. “I can’t say I’m too sorry. The look on your face was too good.”
“Mean,” Bokuto repeats, pouting in full now. He has to fight to keep a blush off his cheeks. Akaashi’s laugh is gorgeous, light and airy, but with a hidden throatiness at the very end.
“Mmm.” Akaashi hums as he takes another sip of tea. “To answer your question, though…” He tilts his face down so his expression is mostly hidden. “I suppose I just wanted an assistant, and…someone to be there. Not to mention, it’s practically tradition.”
Bokuto watches him intently. He takes a moment to process everything, then leans back and puffs himself up. “That’s stupid.”
Akaashi’s back snaps straight and he shoots a glare in Bokuto’s direction. “Excuse me?”
“Instead of wanting a random kid for that, why don’t you try and get a girlfriend? Or boyfriend?”
“Do you know how hard it is for someone like me? The moment I tell anyone about magic and my witchcraft, they either laugh or sneer, and always leave shortly after,” Akaashi says bitterly.
“But you’re so pretty,” Bokuto blurts.
They both freeze for a moment, their cheeks pinking faintly. Akaashi recovers first but averts his eyes, glaring off to the side. “How shallow.”
Bokuto deflates at that, and on top of his head, Fuyuko has to flutter her wings to keep her balance. “I don’t mean it like that…” He winces and his shoulders hunch in a little bit.
“…How did you mean it, then?” Akaashi asks quietly after a moment, when it becomes evident the silver-haired man isn’t going to say more on his own.
“W-Well-” Bokuto’s cheeks puff out as he tries to sort through the words flying around in his head. “I mean you are pretty, really pretty, but that’s not all! Your magic is so cool! You saved Fuyu-chan! And I bet it’s really helpful to a lot of other people, too! And you’re a little mean but not in a really mean way, more like a sarcastic way which I fall for a lot, and your laugh is really pretty too! You’re just really cool, Akaashi, and those assholes that laughed or were really mean to you don’t deserve you.” By now, Bokuto has practically melted into his chair, and his cheeks fill with colour now that he’s stopped sprouting compliments. Her perch thoroughly disturbed, Fuyuko hops over to sit on the edge of the couch instead.
Akaashi is quiet for a long while, fiddling with his fingers. He’s ducked his head down again, though he’s watching Bokuto from underneath his fringe. “That sounded almost like a confession.”
Bokuto squeaks and his cheeks go cherry red. He grabs a pillow and shoves it against his lower face, then mumbles something into the fabric.
“I didn’t catch that.”
For a few moments, they stare at each other again. Then Bokuto lowers the pillow and drops his gaze to his lap. “I…wouldn’t be…opposed…”
Akaashi’s brows furrow. “Opposed?”
“If you took it like one.”
Slowly, redness fills Akaashi’s cheeks until he’s blushing nearly as much as Bokuto. “That’s not-” what he came here for. He meant to scold Bokuto for not holding up his end of their deal, but Bokuto keeps throwing one curveball after another at him. It’s ridiculous. And yet… “If you’re going to confess, at least do it properly.”
“A-Akaashi?” Bokuto stares at him again.
The flush fades and Akaashi’s expression becomes closed off once more. “If I’ve misunderstood…”
“No!” Bokuto jumps up and nearly flies over the table and onto Akaashi’s lap due to his energy. “No you haven’t! You one hundred percent haven’t! I just didn’t think you’d want to…”
“Want to?”
“With me.”
The tiniest of smiles appears on Akaashi’s face. “You’ll just have to ask to find out, hmm?”
Bokuto seems to flounder about even more. “Oh! Uh, wow! Geez…” His hands shoot up into his hair, trying to fix it again. As if Akaashi hasn’t seen the mess Fuyuko has made of it.
Akaashi watches as he fidgets and mumbles to himself, trying to gather himself enough to get the words out. The witch’s face is still mostly cool and collected, but there’s no denying the subtle hints of affection present as well. He’s content to give Bokuto as much time as he needs. After a moment, he reaches out and offers an arm to Fuyuko. The owl stares at him, then hops on. Perhaps she can sense the familiar magic. His smile widens fractionally as he brings her close and starts stroking her back. He realizes all other movement in the room has stopped and looks up to see Bokuto staring at him with wide eyes. One eyebrow arches questioningly.
“Oh! You look cute. With her. Together. You look cute together. I mean you look cute too! But with her-” Bokuto’s mouth snaps shut as Akaashi laughs. He grows redder at the sound, but he knows it’s not malicious laughter. “She’s taken a liking to you.”
“I’m glad.” Akaashi’s eyes are warm as he glances down at the owl, and then back to the man.
“She’s not the only one.”
“Yeah! I- I really like you, Akaashi! I think your magic is cool and you’re even cooler and I’d love to get to know you better! Would you wanna get coffee or something sometime?”
Akaashi lifts his arm and watches as Fuyuko flies off to one of her perches. He then gestures to the couch seat next to him. His shoulders tense up a little bit as Bokuto sits down, and he goes back to fiddling with his fingers. “I’m rapidly growing fond of you as well, Bokuto-san.”
“To tell you the truth, I was, for lack of a better word, enchanted when you stepped into my shop. Your energy and drive were infectious. When you agreed to the child, I assumed you weren’t interested in men…” He lets out a quiet gasp as a warm, broad hand comes up to rest on top of his own two. When he looks up, Bokuto’s smile is wide, but soft.
“You know, after I saw you, I couldn’t get you out of my head. I think that’s why most of my dates and relationships didn’t go far. I couldn’t stop thinking about the prettiest guy in the world.”
“I’m hardly-”
“To me, you are,” Bokuto says simply.
For a moment, Akaashi is struck speechless. He then chuckles and ducks his head a bit. One of his hands twists around so he can lace his fingers with Bokuto’s. “It seems unconsciously, we’ve been having the same thoughts.”
“I guess so.” Bokuto hopes his hand isn’t too sweaty. “Is that a yes?”
Akaashi looks down at their intertwined hands. He gives Bokuto’s a small squeeze. “I’d very much like to go out with you.”
Bokuto lets out a whoop and wraps his arms around Akaashi’s shoulders. “I’m so happy!” he yells, right into Akaashi’s ear since the witch has his face smushed into the crook of Bokuto’s neck.
Though Akaashi winces at the volume, he can’t help but to smile more, and even reaches up to wind an arm around Bokuto’s waist. He never imagined that he’d leave with a date when he showed up after a child, but he can’t feel too upset at the turn of events. It feels good to be wrapped up in those strong arms, and he’d happily stay there all night, but before long, Bokuto is pulling away. He keeps his noise of disappointment to himself.
“Hey, hey, Akaashi?”
“Could I kiss you?”
Akaashi closes the distance himself.
Across town, two faces are peering into a scrying mirror. The shorter of the two figures steps away first, his gold and black hair shifting in the candlelight. “Congratulations, Kuro. Your stupid five year plan actually worked.”
A smirk settles over Kuroo’s face as he watches for a moment longer. “Hey, if it worked, you can’t call it stupid.”
Kenma rolls his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the scrying mirror becomes blank again.
“Thanks for dropping all those hints about babies and tradition beforehand, kitten.” Kuroo leans over and drapes a hand across Kenma’s shoulder, his fingertips lightly massaging the witch’s lower back.
“Mmm.” Kenma’s eyes slide halfway shut. “The baby owl was a lucky break, though.”
Kuroo snickers. “Yeah. Without it, who knows how much longer it would have taken. Good thing we weren’t that complicated, huh? And I was so much cooler, swept you right off your feet.”
“I remember you flailing around more when I called you out on your crush.”
“I did not!”
“Did too.”
“Did not.”
“…Did too.”
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fishfurred · 6 years
Love~ Bokuaka
First Person POV Akaashi's Pov:
When I first agreed to date my ex-Captain, it had been raining. It was graduation day for me, and I could see Konoha-san jumping on Komi-san's back, Saru-san was yelling my name and I waved softly at them. They had visited just for me, and I couldn't believe it. I still remember the surprise of someone's hands on my hips, but I didn't flinch.
 I know those hands as much as I know my own and I had twisted to see Bokuto Koutarou, staring up at me with something beautiful in his golden eyes as he lifted me up.
 "Hey, hey, hey Akaashi." He had hooted, grinning at me like I was a star in the sky instead of just another graduate. "I missed you." He shouted, pulling me down into a hug. A laugh bubbled out of me as I wrapped my arms around him back.
"I saw you, not even two weeks ago." I admonished, but I didn't let him go. I didn't want to admit it, but I had felt lost without Koutarou by my side that past year.
"So? Hey hey hey! Akaaaashiiii, you know what?"
"Yes, Bokuto-san?"
"Let's go out."
"Where did you want to go?" I laughed at the way his face morphed with confusion, and for a second he froze. His face melting into a look of dopey affection as he placed me back on the ground and leaned in, pressing our noses together.
"Anywhere you want Keiji. Be my boyfriend." He laughed, eyes brilliant and shining, and warmth filled me. A sense of belonging, of being needed, that I had missed without him
."... Bokuto-san, you can't afford me." I teased, watching him pout, before leaning in and kissing him.
 "MMMMMH!!!!!!" He kissed back, nearly bending me backwards before he caught himself and pulled away, lifting me up again.
"HE SAID YES, OH MY GOD GUYS!" Koutarou hooted, carrying me over to our ex-teammates who were shaking their heads at him. Konoha-san was quietly muttering ‘about damn time’, but Koutarou didn’t notice, too busy attempting to press a kiss everywhere he could reach and still be publicly acceptable.
When I came down from the high, of both graduation and the instinctual giddiness that Koutarou seemed to pull out of everyone, I was filled with fear. Koutarou was a very tactile person, which i had grown used to over the years and no longer minded, but he was also a very… open person. Everyone guessed, even myself, that he would be the first one to blurt ‘I love you.’ And that scared me, even as I agreed to move in with him as our shared college would be cheaper with me renting an apartment rather than paying for a dorm.
I didn’t know if I was in love with him. I didn’t know if I could lie and say I did when he first said it. I didn’t know what love felt like, at all. I didn’t know if the warmth in my chest was love or infatuation, or if maybe it was just joy to be around someone like Koutarou. Someone who lit up the world around me, brought color to it. I was afraid of pushing him away if I didn’t say it, or making it harder if we broke up if i did say it but never truly meant it. The fear seemed to drown me whenever I was alone, and I sat in the darkness, waiting.
But the moment never came. Koutarou never said the words, just pressed kisses to my cheeks, my lips, my thighs. He held my hand and twirled me around when we were alone, giggling and nuzzling at me whenever he pulled me close. He stayed beside me when I was up late, studying for my medical degree. Even when he was dead tired, he’d curl on the couch and lay his head in my lap, just letting me know, in his giant, snuggly, adorable way, that he was there for me. And the fear slipped away.
 I couldn’t believe myself for being so stupid. Koutarou would never leave me for not saying it back. He would never try and pressure me to say it, never force his feelings if I said no. Koutarou was loud, and obnoxious, and vibrant, and he pushed his way through life with hoots and howls and dumb puns, but never had he ever tried to do anything that made me uncomfortable.
I opened my eyes when I finally realized they were closed, staring blankly at the computer in front of me. Why had I been thinking about that? I was supposed to be labeling the different muscles of the human leg.
I barely flinched when something slid onto the couch beside me. Instead I rolled over into the familiar warmth, sliding my hand into Koutarou’s and my face into his neck. He smelled like sweat and salonpas, probably just came in from the gym.
“I was going to bring you coffee, but I think a nap would be better.” Koutarou laughed, but it was soft and he pulled his hand out of mine, wrapping it around me and I grabbed it again with my other hand. The warmth of his hand was nice, soothing. The large fingers, though shorter than mine, that squeezed gently and held tight, that comforted me in my hazy sleepy state.
“Wake me up in fifteen.” I requested, rolling over until I was completely on his lap and curled into his chest with a smile.
“You got it.” Koutarou giggled, and I hummed, letting my eyes slide shut.
I woke with the sound of the alarm, cracking open an eye to watch Koutarou turn off the alarm and go back to typing on the computer. I shifted my head, just enough to see what he was doing. I blinked in surprise when I saw him typing a message to Kuroo-san, telling him that Koutarou was staying in tonight, with me. Something warm blossomed in my chest and I sat up straighter, taking note of my books that had been carefully re-organized from my frenzied search for information earlier and the little doodled owls with notes of encouragement on post-its on each page.
I turned to look at Koutarou, leaning in even as he turned to me. I kissed him, soft, languid, enjoying the slight surprise in those gorgeous eyes of his. I loved the way they softened with affection as he kissed back, the way he pulled me more onto his lap so we were chest to chest. His hands were calloused and rough feeling, but gentle as one combed through my hair, the other cupping my chin and tilting my head down to kiss him again.
Maybe I didn’t know what love felt like, because I had never felt it before. But if love was going to feel like anything, I hoped it was this. The warmth, the contentment, the adoration I had for my best friend. I hoped it was the way I was craving his kisses, the way his touch centered me and brought me balance. I hoped it was the gentleness that I had when I reached up and took his face in my hands, the light in his beautiful eyes that made me want to never look away. I hoped this was love, because if it wasn’t, then I didn’t want it. I wanted nothing more, than this everything that built up as I looked into the eyes of my boyfriend, my partner, my ace, my captain, my best friend.
I hoped this was love, as I leaned down, pulling Koutarou’s face closer, and kissed him, murmuring against his lips.“I love you Koutarou.”
 For a second, the world was silent, and then Koutarou bounded back to life.
“KeJI!” he screeched, covering my face in kisses and laughing loudly, he twisted and laid me on the couch, crawling over me to cover every inch in kisses too.
“Kou-Koutarou, what on earth are you doing?” I blurted, laughing as he dragged his fingers down my sides, tickling me with his fingers and lips and hair.
“Keiji, Keiji, Keiji, guess what?!”
“I love you too!” He hooted, kissing me and scooping me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck, trusting him to not let me fall as I kissed him again.
“Where are you taking me?”
“Well, after a nap, you need to wake up right?” Koutarou grinned, closing the door behind us before laying me on the bed.
“Oh? Wake me up? Is that what we’re calling it now?” I teased, tugging him over me and sliding my hands down his back, squeezing at his ass and smirking slightly when he squeaked and whined about it.
“I mean, I wouldn’t want you to fall asleep on the couch again, would I?” I shook my head at his ridiculousness, kissing him again.
“I love you, so much, Koutarou. Forever.”
“And I love you too! Keiji! Love you forever and ever.” He chirped, and I couldn’t do anything but smile up at him, the man I loved. The man i wanted to wake up every day with, and curl up with. The dumb owl who insisted on watching horror movies so he could latch onto me at night. I wanted to be with him, through every up and down and now, there was nothing to stop me.
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cycyno · 6 years
Valentine’s Day #1 BokuAka
Just the start of a little series I’m doing! Some really sappy Bokuaka, so.. enjoy!
Relationship: Bokuto / Akaashi
Tags: Fluff , Seriously too much fluff, sappy, valentine’s day, first date, Akaashi is sick and Bokuto is there for him
He was standing out there in the cold spring air, awkwardly stepping from one foot onto the other while people passed him, laughing, talking and one or two of them, crying. Koutarou even felt bad for them, of course he did, even though he always managed to overstep other’s boundaries didn’t mean that he didn’t have any piece of empathy left.
Still, he didn’t really have time to worry about strangers at the moment. Instead, he started to fidget with the bouquet in his hand, but tried to keep his hands as calm as it was humanly possible, since he didn’t want to destroy or drop it in the process. After all, it was for someone special on that very special day.
He had waited for a while now on the exact same spot. After 10 minutes, he started to get anxious. After 15 minutes, he could feel himself slowly drifting off to panic and after 15 more, he lost any hope that his date would come at all. So it would have been natural and very much understandable if he would have just left for good, if he would have taken Kuroo’s offer to spend Valentine’s day together at the park, eating some pizza slices on a bench and quietly making fun of the couples around. That had been a great way to spend the past two years, while both of them didn’t have dates… but now? Now that Koutarou actually managed to ask Akaashi out on a date? Now that he actually grew some balls to make it happen?
Seriously, who could have expected though that Akaashi wouldn’t even show up at all?
Koutarou let out a long-dragged sigh, which was just underlined by the little clouds that left his mouth to disappear into the cold air. He could have known, couldn’t he? Why would Akaashi say yes to a date with him anyway?
With a heavy heart, he let his hand holding the bouquet sink and started to, slowly, make his way off the crowded place. Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.
And even though the teen wanted to turn around on multiple occasions, just to see if he could catch a glimpse of those stunning eyes in the crowd, he didn’t. It would just hurt more than it already did. And so his feet carried him further and further away from the place and the spot where they were supposed to meet in a romantic sense for the very first time.
But, even when Koutarou’s mind was lost in depressive thoughts and his hands started tightening into fists, as soon as he could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket, he dropped his act, his eyes wide and his hand moving a little too quick so that he almost dropped his phone. And without looking at the screen to see who the one calling was and with a fast and heavy beating heart, he finally picked up the call.
“Hello?”, he asked, his blood rushing in his veins just so that he could hear it pulsating in his ears. God, had he ever been so anxious? Probably not. But this was something important. This was something that actually meant a lot to him.
And there it was, the voice that would soothe his anxiety and would set it aflame at the same time. Koutarou could feel his palms getting sweaty and his heart was probably ready to jump right out of his ribcage. But still, Koutarou couldn’t find any words to say and just as he opened his mouth to say something, Akaashi started to talk once again.
“I.. I apologize that I’m just calling now.”, his voice sounded hoarse and he was coughing badly after he spoke. Sounding far too real to be a cheap excuse to not see Koutarou. “I t-tried earlier but I couldn’t reach you.”
“It’s okay ‘Kashee-”
“It’s far from okay, Bokuto-san. I apologize deeply but… I’m kind of bound to the bed. I’m not going to make it today.” And there it was, the lump in Koutarou’s throat that seemed to seal it shut. Of course, he wouldn’t want Akaashi to run around town in the cold while he was sick and supposed to be in bed. He could understand but it still hurt. “I .. was really looking forward to today.”
A soft but pained smile tugged on Koutarou’s lips at that little addition. “Me too.”, he replied in a soft tone, but widened his eyes a second later. “Ahh! No! I mean I did look forward to it but you don’t need to feel bad! Really not!”
Koutarou could hear Akaashi huffing at the end of the line, before he coughed once again. “Don’t worry. I get what you mean. Let’s.. Do it another time, okay?”
“Okay.”, was all that Koutarou could say, before, after a short moment more filled with conversation, both of them hung up. And Koutarou was left on the side of the road. Bouquet still in hand and his phone soon shoved back into his pocket. So, that was that. Maybe, he thought, maybe he could still call Kuroo over to watch a crappy movie together that evening. After all, Valentine’s Day was just a label and an excuse for couples to be a little extra, right? Koutarou decided to treat it just like any day from now on.
And so Koutarou waited for the street light to turn green so that he could keep on walking and arrive home in maybe 20 minutes. If he could still catch the train. If not, there was probably an hour ahead of waiting.
Suddenly, a thought came to his mind and, instead of crossing the street at the given time with all the people around him, he started to walk into an entirely different direction. A few destinations in mind, before he would reach his final one for the day. His feet carried him fast through the shopping district while he still held the bouquet tight in hand. Maybe this day wouldn’t end in such a sad manner after all.
Keiji was laying in bed, his phone still in hand even a minute after they ended their call. He was either too tired to put it away, or was still holding onto the day and the date that just couldn’t happen because his system decided to side against him all of a sudden. A shaky sigh escaped his throat before he put the phone down right next to himself. The blanket was pulled up to his chin by now and, even though he felt hot, burning almost, he knew that it was best to stay under the covers.
And with that, he closed his eyes once again that started to tear up. Partly because of this stupid Day and partly because of the flu messing with his immune system.
Another hour passed in which Keiji wished himself to fall asleep, but his flu and a little headache kept him awake. In a constant state of rolling around in bed, from one side to another, always searching for that one cool spot on the pillow that would maybe soothe his suffering a little. And just as he was about to finally fall asleep, he heard knocking on the door, which caused him to groan in annoyance. It was probably his grandmother, getting to him once again to ask if he would need more tea. And, as much as Keiji loved tea, as much did he doubt that gallons and gallons of tea would help him recover quicker, instead of just making him a little more sick.
“Come in?”, he called out as loud as it was possible for him, before his throat was caught up in another row of coughs that seemed to rip his throat open more and more. If there was one thing that Keiji hated, it was sickness.
And so the door opened and whom he saw standing there, caused Keiji to abruptly sit up in bed, causing his head to feel dizzy. “Bokuto-san?!”, he asked in complete disbelief with his voice much quieter than he would like. Much more rough.
Koutarou on the other hand, just started to grin and got over to Keiji’s bed. “Hey. Uhm.. I know we said we can still go out another time but… nah.. I’m impatient.”
“I know you are..”, Keiji couldn’t help but smile a little at the way Koutarou put it and with curiosity he watched as Koutarou started to fumble around in one of the three bags that he brought along. “Still, I can’t ask of you to stay here with me. In the end, you’re going to get sick as well.”
Koutarou though just shrugged at that and grinned a little wider before he started to take some stuff out. “Okay.. so I bought some fruits that will help you to feel better. Then, some tea that I thought sounded pretty nice… uhm… some honey-flavored cough drops… aaand a whole lot of other stuff.”
Keiji was, to say the least, shocked, surprised and flustered at the amount of effort that Koutarou put into all of this, and just as he was about to say something, Koutarou held up a finger to silence him. To his own surprise, Keiji actually closed his mouth at that.
“Also, I’ve got you this..”, and with that, Koutarou held up a bouquet that probably had seen better days already. Some of the flowers lost some to all of their petals while others just seemed out of place. Also, Koutarou held up a little box filled with chocolate and a, especially fluffy looking, scarf. “I also brought around 4 DVD’s so I think this date is saved after all, right?? Right?”
Keiji was dumbfounded. That was the right word. He just stared at the things for a moment longer, before his mind regained the knowledge of using words and he took the things in his hands, carefully. “I.. Bokuto-san I don’t know what to say… thank you. Really. But you didn't have to do all of this. Really not. This.. is too much..”
“Nuh-uh. Don’t. You’re sick. And I’m actually the master of curing illnesses. It’s like one of my many titles out there.”, Koutarou said with a wide grin which caused Keiji to smile softly, before he placed everything onto the bed that he held in his hands to wrap the scarf around his neck. “Also, I practically ran to Kuroo’s to get the DVD’s so don’t worry.” After all, they both had too many movie-nights to not have a giant stack of movie’s laying around somewhere.
“Then.. then I guess it’s a date, hm?”, Keiji asked with a smile on his lips, which caused Koutarou to smile a little softer as well. After a short discussion on where to watch the movie, Koutarou decided it was for the best to just take Keiji’s notebook and bring it towards the bed. Keiji scooped a little on bed so that Koutarou could sit down next to him.
It was probably a different date than they intended to have, but curling up next to each other in bed, eating some chocolate while watching a movie? That was probably the best first date either of them could have had.
“Hey..?”, Keiji whispered at some point, at which Koutarou looked down to the boy that leaned against his shoulder. “Happy Valentine’s Day..”
Koutarou couldn’t help but smile at that, his cheeks flushing in a slight red. “Happy Valentine’s Day..”
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its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
Fic Writers Week Day 3: Small But Mighty
Shine a spotlight on the new/underrated fics you’ve read or written.
Yeeessss it’s rec time! I know there’s also the last day to rec fics in general, but I love the idea behind this day a lot too! There’s so many beautiful fics that I’ve read which don’t receive the amount of recognition/kudos that they deserve! I can’t wait to spread the word about them! Since this might be a longer post, I’m putting it under a read more! Enjoy <3
Also, I want to encourage people to try reading new fics as much as possible! While fic rec lists are a good source to start and get ideas about what to read, often times people rely on them too much, and then overlook newer fics which are just as amazing! So every once in a while, remember to check the ship tags on ao3 for newly posted works, that way you don’t miss any hidden gems! 
Alright, let’s get into it! 
in a flash (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, G
He sees a red beanie covering messy black hair, a soft and boyish smile lit up by the sunlight, and a gray cat.
Okay so this kurotsuki fic definitely needs twice as many kudos/comments, because the writing was downright phenomenal! It was so beautiful and made me feel warm inside all throughout reading it, I couldn’t get enough! The characterizations are excellent, and the whole mood of the fic is so cozy and wonderful. Please check it out if you love kurotsuki! Also make sure to follow @cawnvictofmurder on tumblr! 
a haunting in tokyo (ao3) -- Daisuga, G 
This wasn’t the first time Suga had claimed their apartment had been haunted. However, it was the first time he tried to do something about it. Daichi, as always, is nothing but supportive.
This fic was short, but unbelievably sweet! I loved the mix of domestic daisuga fluff with paranormal shenanigans lmao, it was just a super enjoyable fic which had me giggling constantly. I don’t read much daisuga, but it was definitely a treat, and I’d recommend the fic to all! Please also make sure to follow @bishounen-curious <3
Starved (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, T
Kei can’t make it this week. Next week, maybe, he’ll be here but Tetsurou is all out of patience.
Prompt: “I’m tired of being your secret.”
@ivyfics has too many amazing fics which deserve more attention, but this one I feel especially needs to be read. The writing and emotions are just...incredible, I reread this fic so much because I’m in awe of how well it’s written. It’s the perfect mix of angst and relationship development, and I super appreciate that it’s from Kuroo’s POV! Please check it out if you love kurotsuki! It’s worth the read (and reread lol) ^^ 
Where to Start (ao3) -- TeruShira, G
It's the second date Kenjirou has been on and he can feel Yuuji already figuring him out. He wants to be the boyfriend he wants Yuuji to have, but he doesn't know where to start.
Alright so this author in general just needs more love, yeah TeruShira (or any Shirabu ship really lol) is a rarepair, but gah trust me, after you read this fic you’ll be hopping onto the shipping train so damn fast. The characterizations are so realistic and interesting, and the interactions between the pair are so fun and touching. Please check this fic out, as well as all of SilverAmoebasquid‘s other works! 
A God for Every Season (ao3) -- Matsuhana, T
Mortals have all kinds of foolish tales, like how Hades and Persephone's annual reunion causes the seasons. Matsukawa knows better.
Alright, I don’t have time to get into this because for this fic, I can honestly write a 10 page essay about how much I love it. So lemme just say, the writing and the romance is top notch, like...wow, words cannot describe how beautiful the writing is. You seriously need to read it in order to understand. I also love mythology aus, and this delivered! The retelling of Hades/Persephone reuniting was so creative and enjoyable, I want to reread it all again just from typing this lol. @90stimkon did an incredible job with this fic and all their fics, so please check them all out! <3 
Waiting for Spring (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, NR
Kuroo had only ever been enamored with a person in his lifetime once. And then "The Dream" happened. Everyday, he dreamt of the neighborhood where he lived, and he always saw a stranger with short blond hair, a tall stature, and black-framed glasses in his dreams. He didn't know who he was, but he was determined to find out.
Kuroo had only ever been enamored with a person in his lifetime once. And then "The Dream" happened. That was the second time.
This fic isn’t exactly recent but I’ll never stop reccing it until it’s been read by everyone lmao I swear! It’s a bit on the angstier side, and there’s a warning for mental illness mentions, but it’s a gorgeous fic. It explores Tsukishima’s emotions and character so well, Kuroo’s too! The details about mental health and Kuroo’s feelings/situation are great, it’s definitely a dream fic which flows into reality so well! I loved the ending, I loved the whole fic, so please give it a shot! 
24 Hours (ao3) -- Iwaoi, E 
Iwaizumi, a special investigations agent, finds himself falling in love with someone who may already be dead.
@serviceace is an amazing writer, and this crime au has got me so hooked! If you like crime mysteries and detective!Iwaizumi, this is the fic for you! It’s ongoing, but each chapter is so interesting and fun to read, and the questions keep me on the edge of my seat! Please go read this fic if you’re a sucker for iwaoi and police aus, as I am ;) 
To The Skies (ao3) -- Kacchako, M 
It was supposed to be a typical evening for Bakugou Katsuki. A masquerade ball, a night of serving the royal family as he always did. But when the party goes horribly wrong it's up to servant boy Bakugou to rescue the princess, Uraraka Ochako. His rescue mission is about to change both of their lives completely, and eventually Uraraka will want to reclaim her throne.
Now, older, the two reunite, realizing their lives have gone in very different directions. Ochako, part of the Resistance against the horrible Academy, and Bakugou, a famed sky pirate, traveling the island clusters to find various bounties. Together, they fight to take back the home they once knew and loved.
Okay y’all, lemme tell you, if you love Kacchako, you need to read this! The idea is so damn original, and Rache’s writing is A++ as always. The world she builds and the character relationships that she crafts are so well done. This fic seriously deserves more attention, so please go read! <3 Also follow her writing blog on tumblr @emeraldwaves ! You won’t be disappointed! 
Tacky Shoes and Movie Tickets (ao3) -- Bokuaka, T
Akaashi deals with a lot of stupid people.
He isn't yet certain if Bokuto falls into that category.
In which Akaashi is the manager of a movie theater, Bokuto is the new hire at the shoe store downstairs, and the two of them get along much better than Akaashi could have anticipated.
Okay so I was super surprised that this fic didn’t have more kudos! It’s so light hearted and funny, not to mention perfectly sweet! It’s ongoing, but I can’t wait for more. @worthlesspride writes some of the best bokuaka out there, it’s so fluffy and heartwarming, not to mention the writing flows so well! Please read and support it! 
Alright, so I’m going to do some self promo because why not? This day is for fic writers too after all lmao. 
Perfectly Aligned (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, T
Kuroo didn’t know how he’d made it back here, standing beneath the glistening war machines known as Jaegers. He was the definite outsider, not just at the Shatterdome, but in this world. The world of Jaeger pilots had long since closed its door on him, and now here he was, knocking once again. However, maybe this time, he wouldn’t be alone.
Just a good ol’ Pacific Rim AU. I really loved playing with this universe, and tbh it’s probably some of my best writing?? It didn’t get much attention because I posted it during a busy exchange week, but I’m definitely proud of it and hope more people can read it! 
Ceaseless (ao3) -- Kiyoyachi, E
The life of an assassin isn't an easy one. Devoid of morals and full of the criminal underworld's grime , it's a job Kiyoko has always been weirdly perfect at. She's long stopped thinking about why, but just because she kills without remorse, doesn't mean she doesn't have her own attachments.
I’m including this one because f/f ships do not get nearly enough attention as they should. I live for f/f content, and I hope I can read a lot more in the future and introduce ppl to it through fics like this! This fic did not get many kudos, but I think it was actually pretty good writing/smut, so please give it a try if you like kiyoyachi! 
Let My Love (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, T
For Kuroo, finding love was all about patience. He had no problem with waiting for the right person to come along, no matter how many awkward dinners or weddings he had to endure as a single man until they did. Regardless, meeting Tsukishima was something he’d never been prepared for. The feelings were overwhelming and intoxicating, ones he was sure he’d do anything for. However, it seemed his endless waiting wasn’t over.
While this fic isn’t short on kudos, I feel like it gets overlooked when compared to my siren au for kurotsuki. While this fic is a bit angstier than Slipping Underneath, it’s one of my most favorite that I’ve ever written. Writing slow burn is a challenge, but I think so far I’m doing well lol?? I love writing this fic, so if you want, I hope you can also enjoy reading it! <3
I Search Through the Crowd (ao3) -- Iwaoi, T 
It wasn't uncommon to believe in reincarnation, most people did, but it wasn't some flippant thing. Only people with the strongest of bonds were reincarnated, or so legend put it. Hajime could be dense sometimes, but he didn't miss the meaning Tooru was trying to convey.
"I'll find you."
Lastly, this was my first iwaoi fic, and I was really proud of it even though it didn’t get much attention. It was a struggle to write, but overall, I’m super happy with the result, so I hope you guys can get the chance to read it! I hope I get to write even more iwaoi in the future too! 
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dazais-coat · 6 years
Favorite Fandoms
I’ve been waiting to do this for a very long time and now I can! Just for a disclaimer, I am not talking about the fandom community. Now the reason I’m not gonna talk about the fandom community for each of these because most of the time they're not really shown to be very good. I hope you enjoy my fangirling because I sure do!
Bungou Stray Dogs
By now it’s evident that I love this show. I am such a fan of supernatural anime that can blend comedy with action or make it so serious but also very light-hearted. I have learned that one of my favorite genres is shounen/seinen, Bungou Stray Dogs falls into this category and it was one of my first animes that fell into this category. I really love how the characters are based on real-life authors/poets and how their abilities are centered around a title of their book. I really love the storyline and the various character dynamics. One of my favorites is the relationship between Dazai and Atsushi, just the reason why Dazai took in Atsushi and how much he cares for him is the softest thing. All in all, this is a very good anime if you like action, mystery, and supernatural!
Favorite Character(s): Dazai Osamu and Oda Sakunosuke
Favorite Ship: Soukoku (Dazai x Chuuya)
My Rating: 8.5/10
This show is one that really inspired me in a way that’s semi-complicated. The writing is very well done and it clearly shows because of how well received it is. Now I must point out that some people call Voltron an anime when it really isn’t, it’s an American animation like Adventure Time and Steven Universe. I hate to be overly biased but I must say, the writing for this show is so well done and the plot has turns that are sometimes unpredictable. I can talk on and on about how good the writing is and why I love it but I’ll put it simply; this show has so many theories and the show writers give us so much information about the timeline and the series is barely halfway done! I just praise the writers I commend them for their hard work on this show.
Favorite Character(s): Matt Holt, Pidge Gunderson/Katie Holt, Keith Kogane.
Favorite: Ship(s): Klance (Keith x Lance), Shatt (Shiro x Matt)
My Rating: 9/10
This anime gives me so many fond memories and was one of my first animes. I started watching this anime a little after I started playing volleyball and it somewhat helped me understand the game better and why playing as a team is so important. I personally loved how the main team of the show really had so many trial and errors and you can see their growth throughout the story. What really made this show hit my heart is how the writers made you feel the emotions for all the teams and how you would catch yourself cheering for both sides and end up very conflicted of who you wanted to win. All in all this show was one that I’m glad was one of my first introductions to anime and how intense sports anime can get.
Favorite Character(s): Akaashi Keiji, Oikawa Tooru, Nishinoya Yuu.
Favorite Ship(s): Bokuaka (Bokuto x Akaashi), Kagehina (Kageyama x Hinata), Kuroken (Kuroo x Kenma)
My Rating: 8.5/10
So I just got into the group a few weeks ago and I love their music so much! I’ve never really got fully into an artist or band but recently my cup of tea has been kpop. Their music ranges, it can go from being very lit to soft tunes. I love how their songs have a lot of meaning and how much they love the ARMY because really our support clearly means so much to them. I somewhat knew about them back in 2015 but I was kinda too scared to try it out, but now I’m a huge stan and I do wish I listened to them sooner. I’m also such a big softie for just all of them; J-hope is just such an angel, Suga deserves so much love, Jin’s dad jokes make me laugh so hard, RM is so dorky sometimes, Jimin just needs to be protected, V is so cute and deserves hugs, and Jungkook is such an adorable baby! They deserve all the credit and recognition they get, I am just so proud that they’ve made it so far and I’m sure they’ll keep going farther.
Favorite(s): All of them
Favorite Ship(s): I’ll ship anything, to be honest
Would I Recommend?: Yes!
I grew up watching this show and I always loved watching it with my parents. This show started my obsession with crime documentaries and basically my love for solving mysteries. I always loved trying to figure out who the murder was before they would and it was always fun for me if I ever guessed right. I always loved how each episode was a new case and there was another underlying plot next to it. The dynamic set of characters and how they worked together gave me so much enjoyment. This show had its long run and when I saw that it was ending I was sad of course but I just was glad that I saw it grow and grew up with it.
Favorite Character: Angela Montenegro
Favorite Couple: Angela and Jack
My Rating: 8/10
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ticklygiggles · 7 years
Talk me down
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A/N: Aaaaah, you were my first new prompt, Em! ( @crowswillfly ), thank you for sending it! I really really reaALLY HOPE YOU LIKE IT OMG. I love you, dear ♥
Pairing: BokuAka. (Mis bebés, hermosos preciosos, bubu~)
Words: 1,925 (Under the cut)
Darkness welcoming him back home wasn’t something that happens daily, in fact, this was the first time. Closing the door behind him and closing his eyes to pay attention to any noise, he felt his heart dropping to his feet. He quickly stepped out of his shoes, tripping with his own feet as he ran towards the bedroom.
“Kotaro?”, he probably ran less than 10 metters, but his breathing was fast and his heart was beating like crazy. “Bo, are you okay?”, he turned on the lights of the room and sighed out, placing a hand above his heart to ease it up. “You scared me”, he said and Bokuto poked his head out of the blanket he was covered with. “Long day?”
“Keiji”, Bokuto breathed out and smiled the fakest smile Akaashi had seen ever, he also noticed the slight redness at the corners of Bokuto’s eyes. “Welcome back. I didn’t hear you”
“I’m home, Bo”, Akaashi smiled just like Akaashi would smile and he quickly stripped out of his work clothes, Bokuto keeping his eyes on Akaashi’s body. Noticing the slight red marks around his hips because of his belt.
Akaashi tanned skin seemed like glowing under the light of their bedroom. Bokuto gulped as he looked at Akaashi’s muscles stretching and contracting with each movement. Akaashi is seriously gorgeous… too gorgeous.
“Like what you see, Bo?”, Bokuto looked up at Akaashi’s face and he totally noticed the blush on his lover’s cheeks, but Akaashi was biting his lower lip and winking at Bokuto. Seriously, too perfect for him.
“Like always”, was his answer and he turned on his other side and Akaashi frowned.
What was that… usually Bokuto would answer with a sneaky comment ‘not as much as you like this’, or something along the lines. But now… he seemed like crying. Akaashi sighed softly and he lied down behind Bokuto, wrapping his arms around Bokuto’s body and nuzzling the back of his neck. He felt Bokuto stiffing and slightly moving away, Akaashi tightened his grip.
“What’s wrong, Bo?”, Bokuto held his breath for one, two, three, four, five seconds. “What’s having you upset?”, he breathed out, shaky and moved back, closer to Akaashi and Akaashi nuzzled his nose deeper on Bokuto’s neck, breathing in Bokuto’s favorite cologne.
“Akaashi”, Akaashi hummed, his body curling more and more into Bokuto’s, stealing his warmth. “Akaashi, why are you dating me?”, that caught his attention.
“What do you mean, Kou?”, Akaashi jumped a little, startled by the sudden louder tone on Bokuto’s voice.
“Why are you dating me and not someone in your league”, Akaashi frowned, tightening his grip even more when he felt Bokuto’s trembling in his arms. “Someone prettier and hot like you. Someone quiet and modest and reserved and smart and-”
“I am, Kōtarō”, the first sob ripped out of Bokuto’s throat and then other and other until he was crying like a child. He turned around and hid his face on Akaashi’s chest, soaking up his shirt. Akaashi kissed the top of his head and brushed back Bokuto’s hair as he kissed him again. “I’m dating the prettiest and hottest and smartest guy in the world, Bo. What’s having you thinking so low of yourself?”
Bokuto didn’t answer and Akaashi wasn’t expecting him to, so kissing his head again, he scratched Bokuto’s scalp with his blunt nails. Akaashi couldn’t help the small smile tugging at his lips when he felt Bokuto shivering at the touch, his crying dying down a little.
“I love every single part of you, Bo”, Akaashi kept brushing Bokuto’s hair and massaging his scalp. “I love your crazy hair. It’s so soft and it smells so good”, he nuzzled his nose on top of Bokuto’s head, sniffing. Bokuto looked up at him, his eyes red and his nose a bit snotty. His cheeks slighty red and wet with tears.
Akaashi smiled down at him, cupping Bokuto’s cheeks in his hands and laying his forehead on his. “I love your eyes, they’re always so bright and I can see all your emotions through them”, Akaashi booped Bokuto’s nose with his, making him chuckled a little. “I love your nose, it’s so tiny and lovely”.
Bokuto rolled his eyes, his cheeks flushing a bit more. “I love your lips, they’re soft and taste so good”, he leave a cheast kiss on Bokuto’s lips. “I actually love all of your face”, Akaashi started to kiss all over Bokuto’s face, quick, wet and loud kisses that made Bokuto melt but also giggle.
“I also love your neck”, Akaashi said, tilting Bokuto’s head back softly and kissing his neck, nibbling here and there just to make Bokuto squeak in his giggles.
“Thahat tihickles, Keiji!”, he whined, but he also snuggled closer to Akaashi.
Akaashi pulled apart, smiling at his lover when he saw the happiness coming back to his eyes. “Does it?”, Bokuto nodded, biting down his lower lip. “You’ll have to take it, because I’m not even halfway through all the things I love about you”
“I- w-wahahait!”, Bokuto arched his back when Akaashi creeped his hands under his shirt and started to draw little patterns on his back and shoulder blades.
“I love your back, Kou. It’s so hot and so muscley”, Bokuto scrunched up his nose and giggled louder when he started to feel soft pinches on his waist. “I love how curvy is your wais, Bo. You have an amazing figure”, the pinching and squeezing traveled up towards Bokuto’s ribs and his giggling turned into laughter, as he holds into Akaashi’s shirt, trying not to blocking the way of his fingers.
“Just listen to that laugh. I definately love your laugh too, Kōtarō”. Akaashi smirked, blushing as he saw Bokuto laughing and squirming under his hands.
Akaashi kept saying things he liked about Bokuto and Bokuto was a mess, laughing and blushing. “I love every single part of you, Bo. I love you so much”, Akaashi would whisper softly, and Bokuto heard.
He heard him and he held onto those words and onto this very moment so tightly because Akaashi was making this warm feeling increase and twirl in his chest and he knows is not the tickling, but love. Bokuto has never loved someone as much as he’s loving Akaashi right now. So he holds onto his present with desperate hands because he’s scared this could end. He’s scared Akaashi will find someone better and he’ll leave him. So he just takes all the love he can. He’s greedy with Akaashi and is greedy about this warm sensation on his chest.
“Oh, Kou”, Akaashi giggles. “That was the cutest snort, where did I tickle you? Here? In your tummy?”, Bokuto gasped and snorted and blushed when Akaashi finally found his very ticklish spot, laying right at the sides of his navel.
“P-plehehease, Akaashi!”, he squirmed, trying to hide his face somewhere to not let Akaashi see his smile. “Not thehehere!”, he shrieked when Akaashi clawed his hands around Bo’s navel: digging and wiggling and vibrating, hard enough to make Bokuto cackle but soft enough to make him enjoy the game.
“I’m not stopping until you show me that beautiful face of yours”, Bokuto shook his head, shrieking again when Akaashi latched his hand to one of Bo’s hips, pinching the bone with high accuracy, his other hand occupied tickling the hell out of his soft belly and that was enough to send Bokuto over the edge, his hands flying to grab Akaashi’s as he shamelessly laughed freely: mouth wide open as bubbly hysterical laughter poured out of him, his eyes squeezed shut and his nose scrunching up in the most adorable way,
Akaashi blushed at the sight and his instinct told him to just lean down and drink Bokuto’s laughter out of his mouth and so he did, and Bokuto found this kiss the most hilarious thing in the world as he laughed even harder. His voice becoming raspy and wheezy as he kept squirming under his lover’s hands.
And Akaashi was starting to laugh too, Bokuto laughing right into his mouth was enough to fill his chest with happines, so much happines that it started to come out with soft chuckles at first, but then with full belly laughter as Bokuto tried to take revenge by scribbling his fingers against Akaashi’s waist.
Soon enough they were involved into a massive tickle fight, both of them going for the worst spot of the other: Akaashi clawing with both hands at Bokuto’s stomach as Bokuto squeezed up and down Akaashi’s thighs and hips. Both of them tired but writing down and saving this moment into their memories to live it again tomorrow and in a week and in three months and in 20 years.
“Truhuhuhuce!”, Akaashi shrieked and he blushed because Bokuto had really turned the tables around, he kept squeezing and prodding this frigging spot in his inner thigh that was more than enough to make him want to crawl out of his skin.
With a few more squeezes, just to make Akaashi shriek around his hysterical laughter, Bokuto stopped, collapsing into the bed right beside Akaashi. Their loud breathing filled the room, their arms touching and their fingers brushing until they were tangled together
Akaashi was sure he’ll exploded in any second, it wasn’t possible to hold in so much happiness. He’ll exploit and will let Bokuto widower, even if they aren’t married yet… he didn’t exploit, tho, and the happiness just keeps growing in his chest and Bokuto was right beside him with a big smile on his lips and his eyes shining as he kept scrunching his nose when a soft giggle escaped out of his mouth.
“Kōtarō, you’re the most beautiful master piece I’ve ever lend my eyes on”, Bokuto turned his face, his nose booping Akaashi’s and they giggled. “I love you so much, Bo. There are not enough words to describe how I feel about you”, Akaashi noticed the scarlet color covering up Bokuto’s cheeks and it was adorable, but his eyes were starting to look a bit watery, so Akaashi just leaned and sealed Bokuto’s lips with his. “I love you, Bo. I love every single part on you. All of you.”.
Bokuto giggled. “You Bo-ve me?”
“… I think I love you a little less than four seconds ago”
“Akaaaaashiiii!”, Bokuto whined and Akaashi giggled, but then laughed his heart out when Bokuto wrapped his arms around Akaashi’s arm and wiggled his fingers into his underam. “So mean!”
“I’m sohohorry!”, he wasn’t sorry, though, and Bokuto knew it, but he wasn’t mad either, so as he kept tickling the hollow under Akaashi’s arm, making him throw his head back, he leaned against his ear, whispering loud enough to make Akaashi hear him over his loud laughter.
“I love you too, Keiji. Thank you for being here with me always”. He knew Akaashi heard him when he saw the blush spreading on his cheeks as he kept snorting out his laughter.
Akaashi thought the loud and wet kiss Bokuto pressed on his cheek was so unnecessary, but it let his skin burning and asking for more, however the tickling wasn’t stopping and it was driving him up the wall, but it was okay, because it was making Bokuto happy and if he’s happy, then Akaashi is happy too.
He’ll have a lot of time to kiss Bokuto and get kissed by him, so now listening to his lover’s laughter, (even if it was at his expense), was more than enough.
131 notes · View notes
its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
Slipping Underneath [Ch. 2]
Pairings: Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei
Summary: Tsukishima was in some deep shit he realized, but common sense told him he should have been rather happy about the discovery he’d just made. Of course, that didn’t stop him from freaking out.
“Tsukki? Did something happen?” Bokuto asked.
Dejected, the blond lifted his head, giving Bokuto the flattest stare he could manage. “The neighbor downstairs hates my voice.”
Rating: T
Tags: soulmates, mythology/sirens AU, some iwaoi and bokuaka thrown in bc why not, first meetings, fluff, Kuroo is a nerd and Tsukki can’t help but be charmed, Siren!Tsukki, Siren!Bokuto
Note: Thanks to @emeraldwaves for reading this over as always! This fic continues to be a lot of fun to write so I hope it shows lol. Enjoy! 
From that point forward, Kuroo made sure to get his ass out of bed at the same exact time everyday. Even when he had no classes to speak of, he got up and left the safety of his home, just to go get his mail.
His phone would chime, and he'd silence it instantly, springing out from under his comforter to force on acceptable attire (sweats). He'd fumble and curse, and depending on the day Oikawa would yell at him to shut up from the room next door, but it hardly mattered. He would blink the tiredness out of his eyes, scurry out the door and knock into a few walls in the process (hey, he'd just woken up okay?), and then chose to take the stairs to the lobby floor because the elevator just took too damn long.
All to make it to the dimly lit corridor where a certain blond stood, regal and reserved as ever.
This part never had a plan.
Today was the fourth day of his dumbass new routine, and yet he still found his breath taken away by the sight of the blond staring at him like he had some sort of disease.
Tsukishima. Tsukki, as Kuroo had been fondly calling him in his daydreams.
Even with such a disinterested face, he looked like some sort of model.
"...Hey." He practically squeezed the word out, given his lungs were still a bit winded from the sudden exercise. He leaned against a row of mailboxes, trying to keep his breathing from sounding too loud.
Yeah man, just act cool. You're the fuckin' coolest.
The blond looked him up and down, scrutinizing every detail in a way that made Kuroo feel like he was being graded on something, until he finally spoke up. "Did you run all the way down here just to tell me that?"
"Maybe." Welp, there goes trying to lie. What was wrong with him lately? It was like he didn't know how to talk anymore when it came to Tsukishima. Kuroo was a damn artist with words, for crying out loud. His puns spoke for themselves really, but more evidence existed.
Tsukishima's eyes widened at the straightforward admission, but soon they were crinkling in amusement which made all of Kuroo's embarrassment worth it.
"You're weird, and you obviously need to go back to the bed," Tsukishima continued, wrapping his arms around the books he'd been carrying. Huh, I wonder if he does that when he's nervous. Kuroo had started to notice it on day two, but it hadn't gotten any less endearing.
"What was it this time? Exam prep until two in the morning?" Tsukishima asked, seeing as it was midterm season.
"Video games until four," Kuroo said smugly, like he was oh so proud. It got another snort out of the blond. God, it was music to his ears.
"How studious."
"I know right? Don't you wish you were me?"
"Mmm," Tsukishima started to hum, and Kuroo willed himself not to take the sound and let his imagination run wild with it. He did not need to pop a boner right now.
Then Tsukishima was pointing at his head, unaware of Kuroo's less than decent thoughts. "No, because then I'd have to deal with that rat's nest you call hair."
"What?" Kuroo made a choked noise, stumbling back as if he'd been punched, and Tsukishima rolled his eyes. "Evil and rude."
"Well, it wouldn't be like that if you actually took care of it when you woke up," Tsukishima deadpanned. "Or it wouldn't look as bad at least."
Ouch, nail on the head.
Kuroo had hardly glanced at his appearance apart from his clothes this morning, too preoccupied with making it downstairs in time to see the blond who'd been strangely taking over his thoughts. Their first meeting hadn't exactly been ideal, but Kuroo truly did want to know more about the blond. He was reserved, but his sense of humor definitely existed, and Kuroo definitely liked it. Bad singing aside, Tsukishima's voice was calming, pleasant even. Not to mention he was gorgeous, but that was a given.
Even with those qualities alone, Kuroo felt drawn to him, and yet they weren't nearly enough to completely justify his attraction. Having a small crush was one thing, but Kuroo wanted to talk to Tsukishima and find out even more before acknowledging that he was completely taken by the other.
So...fuck it?
Kuroo always did believe honesty was the best policy.
"Yeah well, taming my hair to an at least semi-acceptable state takes around...eh...ten minutes?" Kuroo began, talking about it like it was one of his many science experiments. And really it might as well have been. He tested and timed himself enough times, back when he'd actually had hope for his unruly hair to sit flat.
Tsukishima brought a hand up to his mouth, concealing a smile which Kuroo had to restrain himself from beaming about. It was a nice distraction at least, putting his effort into that instead of focusing on his own heartbeat.
Ah well, here goes nothing.
"But uh, if I wasted time doing that I wouldn't make it down here in time to talk to you...so...yeah."
The silence was intense enough that Kuroo could hear the leaking pipes dripping, could hear a door slam on the floor above them. Basically, it was awful, but he held his ground. And oh, how he was grateful he had.
Tsukishima's cheeks lit up like Christmas lights, the red hue soft and noticeable regardless of the dim lighting of the hallway. Kuroo felt his lungs deflate as he forced himself to let out the breath he'd been holding, because he needed more oxygen asap.
But he wasn't totally out of the woods yet he supposed. Tsukishima's eyes flitted between Kuroo and the floor, his teeth nibbling at his lower lip (also unfair, Kuroo couldn't take this). He was searching for a response, and Kuroo didn't know if it was a good sign or not.
Maybe he'd been too upfront, as he tended to do. Shit.
Damage control. Damage control would be good. The last thing he wanted was for Tsukishima to be uncomfortable.
"Uh, what I mean is--"
"I don't think talking to someone in front of mailboxes is very traditional," the blond muttered, eyes staying glued to the floor.
Kuroo felt a chill of anticipation flow down his spine, and his stomach churned from the nerves. But again, what was the point in lying now?
Be smooth dude.
"Then...would you like to talk to me somewhere else?" Kuroo asked, feeling suddenly hopeful. It wasn't like he had anything to lose here, other than his pride maybe. But it was worth it. The flush on Tsukishima's face and the stunned look from those honey brown eyes made it worth it.
The blond's grip on his books tightened, but he didn't brush Kuroo off, or turn away. He shrugged, as if uninterested, and began to stuff his mail into his bag. "Depends on where."
Kuroo couldn't list places fast enough. "We could go grab coffee, or go to the movies, or the mall, do you like the mall? I know some people hate it--"
"Bowling is always fun--"
"Or there's dinner, a classic really--"
"Kuroo-san." Tsukishima spoke firmly this time, enough to put an end to Kuroo's babbling at least, and the raven stared at him like a puppy waiting for a treat.
So much for being cool.
Tsukishima rubbed at the back of his neck, and Kuroo felt his heart seize a bit. Ah damn, that's not a good sign.
"I have a lot of studying to do, actually, so..." Tsukishima said, eyeing Kuroo curiously.
So, no can do.
He'd been too pushy yet again. Dammit.
Kuroo all but deflated. His shoulders sagged, and he willed his face not to show any disappointment as he registered the rejection. "Oh..well, some other time then I guess." Even he wanted to wince at how pitiful he sounded.
This shouldn't hurt as much as it did, he'd only just met Tsukishima. But it felt like he needed to down three tubs of ice cream regardless, just to soothe his wounds.
He stuffed his hands into his pockets, the awkward tension around them still hanging in the air like a jerk. The universe hated Kuroo, obviously.
"Oh, yeah," Tsukishima said, turning away, and Kuroo perked up. He almost thought he saw the blond's body sag as well, his eyes seeming a little less bright than usual. Tsukishima wasn't exactly the most expressive person, so far anyways, but Kuroo knew that look on anyone. He could feel it in the air. Disappointment.
Tsukishima gave an awkward wave, making his way towards the building's exit. "Well, I have to go to class. Bye--"
"Tsukki!" Kuroo let the nickname slip, but he didn't have time to be sheepish about it as he grabbed Tsukishima's arm. "What about the study rooms they have here? We can study together later, with breaks of course."
Breaks, as in breaks for talking.
A study date.
It would be his last effort. If Tsukishima turned this down, then he'd know for sure it was because the blond wanted nothing to do with him. But if his suspicions were correct...
If he wants me to keep trying, I'll keep trying.
Those piercing eyes widened, the brightness seeping back into them like a light show, and wow Kuroo was so fucking gay. "You--"
"Like a date, study date," Kuroo clarified, because he'd be damned if things got taken the wrong way. "If you want."
Please want to.
Kuroo realized he was still gripping the other a bit too intimately, and he let go with an apologetic smile. His hand burned, aching to feel the soft skin again. So not the time.
After a few more seconds, the doubt was threatening to invade his chest once more, but he wondered if the blond had done that one purpose. Because as soon as it started, Tsukishima, in all his stubborn, beautiful glory, fixed him with what was nothing less than a full on pout. "I guess. I'll be back from campus by five."
I'll meet you there, went unsaid, but Kuroo heard it loud and clear. What a tease.
But then again, Kuroo loved it.
He nodded, grin way too big for the hour of the morning, and watched as Tsukishima left, obviously late for class. Hopefully the blond thought it was worth it.
All he knew for sure was that he couldn't wait for the evening to come.
"See you then," Kuroo said, his dreamy tone echoing off the peeling walls, heard by no other soul.
"Are you humming?"
Bokuto's sudden entrance nearly made Tsukishima drop his watering can. He cursed as some of the water sloshed out, luckily onto the ground. These particular flowers were delicate, he didn't want to give them more water than necessary.
"Excuse me?" The blond wasn't exactly in the mood to talk, but he'd had Bokuto by his side since childhood, so his friend's loudness and constant chatter was something he'd grown pretty immune to.
"You were humming, like full on Disney princess humming," Bokuto went on, smirking in the doorway to the school's greenhouse. Tsukishima volunteered here because...well, gardening was rather calming, plus no one else was really lining up to upkeep the place. Therefore, it gave him a nice isolated place to sing other than his apartment.
Or, it was supposed to. Bokuto often visited in between his lectures, regardless of Tsukishima's threats to throw fertilizer at him if he did it more than twice a week.
"First off, I have no idea what that means," Tsukishima deadpanned, taking off his gloves. "Second, singing and humming is kind of what we do, remember?"
Bokuto pouted, but didn't give up, trudging forward until he was right beside the blond. "Yes, but you've been humming all day! Not just in private. You never do that," Bokuto said, playfully poking Tsukishima's side.
The blond wretched away irritably, focusing on potting the small plants in the nearby soil. "No, I haven't been," he snapped, and guilt coiled traitorously in his gut when Bokuto flinched.
"I haven't," he repeated, calmer this time as he continued his task. It was all Bokuto needed to perk up again, picking up where he left off.
Tsukishima should've let him sulk.
"Uh huh. In Music Theory you were humming during the quiz, all the guys were staring."
Tsukishima sputtered, eyes widening at the memory of hundreds of eyes on him as he'd walked out of discussion. "That's--"
"And then, you were singing under your breath after lunch, while you were going over your notes!" Bokuto pointed an accusatory finger right in his face, like he was unearthing some sort of conspiracy. "Three guys asked you out in the food court, and that was just before you managed to leave."
Oh right. Idiots. Why couldn't people just leave Tsukishima alone?
Because your voice is the vocal equivalent of an aphrodisiac. Right.
"That happens to both of us sometimes," Tsukishima tried, hoping Bokuto would drop it.
No such luck.
"Yeah but it's rare for you, especially that many times in one day! C'mon Tsukki...you were humming at the coffee shop too, the barista gave you free coffee!"
"He might've just been a terrible employee."
"Tsukki. You know what I'm getting at..."
"No." Tsukishima threw his tools down, pushing soil onto his pants, and his first thought was that now he'd have to go home and change before meeting Kuroo. Stupid.
"There's nothing to get at, stop being insufferable already," Tsukishima hissed, and Bokuto whined beside him.
"It's cute though! You're happy!" Bokuto threw his hands up, cheering, and Tsukishima felt he'd had enough. He began cleaning up at once, eager to move onto the next part of his day. He'd be early for his next class, but whatever. The longer he stayed, the more likely Bokuto was to find out about his study date, and that would make the other's excitement twenty times worse.
Tsukishima couldn't take the teasing. It would be payback for all the jabs and comments he'd made when they'd first met Akaashi.
Nope. No.
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
Tsukishima was getting a damn headache. The worst part was that they tended to do this quite often, a habit they'd forgotten to leave back in their childhood.
Besides, Bokuto was, as they say, full of absolute crap. Sure, it was rumored that a lot of a siren's mannerisms and habits could be traced back to their emotions, but Tsukishima had never busied himself with learning any of that garbage. It was more myth than anything. Sirens sang more when happy, less when upset, faster when angry, blah, blah, blah. There were no concrete facts, so Tsukishima refused to entertain the idea at all.
He didn't believe anything Bokuto said, and he was definitely not blushing.
And he didn't care either way that he had a date tonight. Not a bit.
With that, he shoved his friend out of the way as he pulled on his backpack, stomping out of the greenhouse and leaving Bokuto's dreadful laughter behind.
"Um...you're a..music...major? Wow, that's, uh, great!"
Tsukishima looked about two seconds away from slapping him, his eyes void of any life or amusement.
Kuroo smiled awkwardly as he leafed through his chemistry textbook, as if it would provide him all the answers as to why all of a sudden he was a huge fucking disgrace.
"Uh no, wait--"
"It's a surprise isn't it?" Tsukishima said softly, lips quirking up finally.
Okay, I didn't completely fuck up then.
"Huh?" Kuroo asked, pausing in his efforts to take out his pencil case.
"Because my singing is so awful," Tsukishima continued, his smile growing more and more. "Me being a music major is weird. Right?"
Well, yes. But--
"Is this a trick question?" Kuroo asked, putting his hands up. "I surrender if it is, last thing I want is to offend you."
The blond only laughed, a beautiful sound, waving him off as he too opened up his textbook. "No, I don't mind. I know I'm a bad singer, but I don't think it's necessary. I like what I study."
Kuroo's nerves settled again, and he chuckled lightly. Conversation was never boring with the blond it seemed, he was clever, and his tongue was sharp.
If Kuroo was being honest, he couldn't remember the last time he'd been so attracted to someone, eager to hear whatever came out of their mouth.
"You're just a music major? I know a lot of people double when it comes to the art school," Kuroo asked, wishing they didn't actually have to study so he could ask his questions. How was he supposed to focus on formulas when there was an angel sitting across from him?
Ah shit. He was being cheesy in his thoughts too. He was a goner.
"Computer science too," Tsukishima shrugged. "It's practical and I'm good at it."
"You must be pretty smart then," Kuroo said, and he couldn't help the bit of fondness which leaked into his tone.
The blond tensed up immediately, flushing a bit as he scowled at his book. "I don't think I'm much better than everyone else in the major."
"Oh?" Kuroo couldn't help but smile. Tsukishima was far too humble. Music major or not, carrying two was no easy task, and from how extensive Tsukishima's notes seemed to be, there was no way he didn't do well in his classes.
Kuroo could see the neat handwriting, the gentle scrawl outlining important notes and major points to study, all color coded. Kuroo was no slouch himself when it came to school, but he was impressed all the same.
"Chemistry doesn't sound all that relaxing," Tsukishima said, and the look he sent Kuroo's way was nothing less than expectant.
Oh, he's trying to learn about me. That's so cute.
"Yeah but I've always had a knack for it," Kuroo said, proud as ever. It wasn't that he was arrogant about his intelligence per se, but he took a lot of satisfaction in being skilled at what he loved doing, and helping others learn it. "There's a lot of work, but I guess it'll be worth it in the end. I get crap for it sometimes but, no use listening to it."
"Mm," Tsukishima hummed, seemingly satisfied with the answer, and it only fueled Kuroo's curiosity. "I guess that's well put..."
"Oho, a compliment?"
"Don't read too much into it," Tsukishima said with a click of his tongue, bouncing his pencil on Kuroo's textbook. "We're supposed to be studying remember."
Kuroo laughed, mildly disappointed their conversation had ended. But well, Kuroo planned on taking many, many breaks. So it was all good. "Yes sir."
Soon, they descended into their own quiet worlds, but it wasn't awkward. The gentle scratch of pencils on paper, accompanied with the turning of pages was actually quite comforting. It had been a while since Kuroo had studied with anyone, and while the blond could be distracting every now and again, he was covering a good amount of ground.
They had the small study room to themselves, given Midterm Panic™ probably wasn't for a few more days. Complete freedom, complete privacy. Kuroo had never felt more grateful. 
They were a few minutes past the one hour mark when Kuroo started to feel it though, and he was reminded of how working in the library had never worked for him in the past.
Too quiet. Much too quiet.
Kuroo had never done well with that. While he needed a certain degree of silence to focus, the total absence of background noise jarred him, drove him absolutely nuts. The constant buzz of nothing was making it harder to focus than had someone been chatting it up a few tables down.
Back in his first year, he'd learned he could only study in places where there was at least some degree of noise. Nothing extreme, maybe some whispers here or there, music playing through someone's headphones too loudly, or even the occasional footsteps as people paced the rows of the library. He needed something. The balcony had never been an issue because, well, simply being outside provided all the background noise he'd needed, without being overwhelming. Insects, people passing, cars driving, and whatever else.
Here he didn't have that though, and it was getting to him. Kuroo started clicking his pen profusely, and it still wasn't enough. Then came the foot tapping, then the knocking on the desk, all in an effort to create some kind of illusion that things weren't completely dead in the room.
"What's wrong?"
Apparently, Kuroo was being louder than he thought.
He met Tsukishima's confused stare, and once more, debated shrugging it off as nothing. But again, those eyes on him made him seem incapable of lying, even if he did want to. He sighed, smiling sheepishly.
"Ah, it's nothing. It's hard for me to focus sometimes without background noise," Kuroo explained, knowing it sounded sort of weird. "On the balcony I usually have all the sounds of nature and shit, so I kinda forgot it bothered me."
"Oh, Bokuto is like that too..."
Tsukishima's eyes widened a bit, like he'd spoken without realizing, and the light flush which accompanied it was beyond appealing. "Nothing...my roommate is the same way. He listens to music when he studies. Well, if you could call all the procrastinating he does studying."
Kuroo chuckled. He didn't want to let the conversation die now that it had started. Tsukishima was actually sharing things about his life, and Kuroo drank in every single detail, wanting more. But of course, he had to say something.
To think the day would come where he dreaded being a chatterbox.
"Music is a little too distracting, I need like...ambient noise you know?"
"Do you want my headphones?" Tsukishima barely finished asking the question before he was tensing up, his lips shutting in record time.
Kuroo blinked, weirdly giddy about the offer. God, they were just headphones, not a wedding ring. "Uh, you don't mind?"
Again, Tsukishima looked taken aback, but he reached for his bag regardless. "Whatever, just don't break them. Can't believe this..."
Tsukishima's mutterings were amusing, as was the way he tried to seem annoyed at his own generosity. Weirdo.
"I'll guard them with my life." Kuroo saluted, but as soon as he saw the headphones, he almost didn't dare touch them.
They were nice, and that was an understatement. They were obviously top of the line, those large, noise canceling type headphones that actual singers used. They were sleek and silver, shining like they'd just come out of the box. They must've cost the blond a fortune, and Kuroo nearly refused them. It was like he wasn't worthy, as someone who normally bought the shitty gas station headphones.
"Problem?" Tsukishima asked, watching Kuroo intently.
"N-no, these are just super expensive! Thanks for letting me use 'em," Kuroo said, beaming as he connected them to his phone. Finding some noise app shouldn't be too tough...
Tsukishima blushed again, glaring at nothing in particular. "Whatever..."
Singing on his patio, studying music theory, and the best headphones on the market. Tsukishima hid his adoration well, but Kuroo knew how to read people, knew how to pick up on every single hint and clue. So really, Tsukishima actually wasn't hiding much. Or at least, Kuroo didn't think so. He didn't know much about Tsukishima yet, but he did know this, and it made him all the more enthralled.
"You must really like music huh?"
The comment had been a simple observation, but from the way Tsukishima's eyes brightened, his muscles relaxing almost against his will, Kuroo had said exactly the right thing.
Tsukishima shrugged weakly, unable to do much more, his features softening as he tried to hold in a smile. "I guess."
There was so much more held behind that answer, and Kuroo thought to hell with studying. He wanted Tsukishima to tell him everything, because there was no way the blond didn't have an opinion on it.
He set the headphones down on the table, no longer needing them, much to Tsukishima's confusion. He closed his textbook, and grinned from across the table at the blond's confusion riddled face.
Again, still pretty.
The questions ran through Kuroo's head, a force all their own. There were so many places he could start, it was hard to choose, but whatever, he would be there all night if he had to.
Best to just start simple.
"Do you have any favorite bands?"
They'd scheduled their study date for three hours. They were nearing the fifth.
"I can't believe you actually think that's a good movie, I can't associate with you now," Tsukishima said, blunt as ever. But no, Kuroo was not about to lose this debate.
"The effects were amazing! And we got all that backstory from the previous movie!"
"Not enough," Tsukishima insisted, using his book as a shield instead of reading any of the information inside of it. Kuroo thought maybe it was to keep the blond from slamming his hands on the table, like the raven had started to do.
Things were heated, alright?
"What is that supposed to mean?" Kuroo waited, ready to pick apart any number of points Tsukishima thought to bring up.
Kuroo didn't give a damn if he was being stubborn, he loved horror movies, especially ones of the alien sub genre.
Plus, this was incredibly fun. More fun than he'd had in a long time.
"They kept teasing us with random flashbacks that were twice as interesting as the actual movie's plot," Tsukishima said. "If they wanted to make a better film, they'd make a prequel instead of just giving us gore scenes for the sake of gore."
"What's wrong with gore?"
"Nothing, but without a storyline it just gets boring," Tsukishima said, rolling his eyes. The blond had been getting more and more expressive as their conversation continued, his voice growing louder and more exasperated as they debated. It was awesome. "And you can't seriously tell me you enjoyed the forced romance at the end."
Kuroo winced. Okay yeah, that was bad.
Tsukishima smiled, smug and victorious, and hell, Kuroo was ready to surrender just to make sure it didn't fall.
Ugh. Fine.
"Can we at least agree that it was better than the previous installment?"
Tsukishima pursed his lips, contemplative, before clicking his tongue in defeat. "Fine."
As if to signal the truce, Kuroo's phone lit up with a text from Oikawa, asking whether or not he'd been murdered.
How thoughtful.
He agreed about the lateness though. The sun had set long ago, and while it was nowhere near his usual bedtime, he didn't want to keep Tsukishima longer than he wanted. The blond obviously woke up way before Kuroo normally did. He'd have to ask about his class schedule sometime, if he found a way to be non-creepy about it.
"Guess we better pack it in before my roommate calls the police to report me missing," Kuroo said, pocketing his phone and joining Tsukishima in packing up his various untouched books. He'd gotten through one chapter, which was hardly enough, but oh well. He didn't regret slacking off.
After they'd gotten into the music conversation, Tsukishima had opened up. Not all at once of course, given he seemed like just a cautious person in general. But Kuroo knew what questions to ask, what responses to prod at, and soon he was trusted enough to make Tsukishima spill the goods.
First off, whether or not Tsukishima liked to admit it, the other didn't just like music. He straight out loved it. He had over six hundred songs on just his phone alone, and tons of knowledge about various artists and instruments at the drop of a hat. The trivia was interesting, but mostly it was attractive. Not the facts themselves, but the way Tsukishima's eyes flashed with recognition and concealed excitement every time Kuroo referenced a particular song or album.
If the saying was true, and people became ten times more beautiful when talking about things they were passionate about, then Tsukishima should've been illegally gorgeous.
And he was.
Talks about music, during which Kuroo had been recced several bands (thank you Tsukki), the conversation had bled into movie soundtracks, which led to favorite movies, which to favorite genres, and so forth.
Kuroo's throat protested somewhat from all the talking, dry and in desperate need of water. Tsukishima constantly cleared his throat as well, probably in the same boat. The other still seemed stunned, much like Kuroo, about how much they'd actually talked.
Kuroo was on cloud nine, and he only hoped Tsukishima felt the same way.
As if sensing the weird aura of joy Kuroo was no doubt giving off, Tsukishima looked up from where he was zipping up his bag, making eye contact. They'd been talking face to face for several hours, so it shouldn't have been a big deal, but Kuroo still felt a pleasant chill run through his body.
Yeah, you're a goner dude.
"Um, I'll walk you to your door." Kuroo stood, taking his own backpack as he handed Tsukishima his headphones.
The blond reached out to grab them, his hands landing awkwardly on the sides, close to where Kuroo had gripped them. Their fingertips brushed against each other barely, not even for two seconds, but it made Kuroo's night all the same.
Tsukishima nodded, hiding his face in his coat's collar. "Yeah, okay."
Tsukishima didn't know what the hell was wrong with him.
He'd talked more to Kuroo in the past six hours than he had the entire school year, at least to anyone but his friends. And he'd shared his stupid interests too...
Why had he done that?
Going on and on about his dumb songs on his phone and movie soundtracks, who cared about that kind of thing? Why did he care if anyone cared?
This is annoying.
And offering his headphones? His most prized possession? He hardly let those things out of his sight, much less out of his care. Giving them to someone else was essentially unheard of. Bokuto borrowed them once without asking and Tsukishima had eaten all the other's pop tarts in retaliation, carbs be damned. He hated pop tarts.
Fucking savage.
And yet he'd willingly handed them over to Kuroo without any kind of protest. Something was seriously wrong. Maybe he was getting sick...
Yet, as the elevator opened to his floor, he knew it wasn't the case. The rapid beating of his heart and the strange disappointment welling up inside him couldn't be blamed on the common cold.
He wasn't too fond of the alternative answer either, at least...not yet. Tsukishima kept telling himself Kuroo was still being tested, but he wasn't quite sure where he planned on drawing the line when it came to proof.
Kuroo followed him to his door, their steps being the only sound in the building. They'd been talking just fine all the way up, but now...
The silence was thick, the air around them charged in a way which made no sense. It had been a date technically, Tsukishima had agreed to it. What did people do after dates?
What did Tsukishima want?
He'd never been in this situation before, where a strange yearning kept building in his chest. A situation where something seemed to be missing, where there was an unknown next move begging to be taken.
He tried not to think about it as he dug out his house key. Maybe once he opened the door everything would fade away, though that didn't exactly feel right either.
Why did everything about this have to be so annoying? All because he'd decided to sing freely on his balcony one night...
Kuroo leaned against the hallway wall, watching him intently, his face giving nothing away for once. He was focused, almost terrifying so, on Tsukishima hands as they fished out the key ring.
An excited surge traveled through Tsukishima, making his skin heat up. He often hated being the center of attention, but Kuroo was starting to make him greedy.
And whatever, Tsukishima was fine being a brat, even if he didn't acknowledge the feelings behind it yet.
"See you later I guess," Tsukishima finally said, still debating on whether or not it was polite to thank Kuroo for a study date where they hadn't actually studied. Instead, he bit his lip and shoved his key into the slot.
"Next Friday," Kuroo said, and Tsukishima's hand froze as the lock clicked.
"Go out with me next Friday, once midterms are over," Kuroo said, smiling in apology. "Since it's pretty obvious we can't study together."
Tsukishima, with no other real solution for how fast his heart was beating, resorted to his best skill. "You were the one who wouldn't shut up."
"Where?" Tsukishima asked, unable to contain the stupid question. He refused to admit he was eager, or even elated than Kuroo had asked him out again. The raven was just a chemistry nerd with bad jokes and worse hair, which somehow (probably through witchcraft) ended up looking attractive.
Kuroo, to put it lightly, looked baffled. "Oh, you want to go? Really? With me? Okay, uh..."
Tsukishima couldn't help but snort. "Did you not think this far ahead?"
"To be honest I'm pretty convinced I'm dreaming, so no," Kuroo sighed, his tone almost too dreamy to be taken seriously. Embarrassing. Who was this guy?
Although, I wouldn't be surprised if I was dreaming either.
Tsukishima tried not to flush from his own thoughts.
"Either way, you can still answer the question," the blond muttered, suddenly unsure of what to do and where to look. His hands were still on his keys and the door handle, frozen awkwardly and no doubt clammy as hell.
"Bowling?" Kuroo offered, his grin already growing.
"Bowling?" Tsukishima repeated, squinting a bit. It wasn't a bad idea, just a bit non-traditional, not to mention random. "Why?"
"First off, because it's fun," Kuroo said, like it was common sense. "But mostly because I just wanna kick your ass."
The admission literally made him tense. After all, since when did Tsukishima back down from a challenge?
He hated losing.
He wouldn't lose.
With a smirk powerful enough to intimidate death itself, Tsukishima pushed his door open.
"You're on."
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