#bokuaka fics
msjdott · 11 months
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Dream A Little
↳ Word Count: 1k
↳ Main Ship: BokuAka
↳ Summary: Relapsing can come unexpectedly, thankfully Akaashi has Bokuto with him to brave through the long, desolate night, in each other’s arms.
Edit on the cover was made by yours truly.
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↳ Author’s Note: To those who are struggling with the same pains I’m fighting through, know you are seen. We will someday win this war, and we’ll look back on all those sleepless nights and hard-fought battles with pride. Keep living.
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Dream A Little
↳ Read it on ao3 here!
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↳ Check out my Masterlist for more!
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hijinks-n-lowjinks · 1 year
Title: kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again
Author: hijinks_n_lowjinks
It’s one thing to be freezing your ass off on Christmas Eve all alone in your apartment but it’s another thing entirely to be freezing your ass off on Christmas Eve all alone in your apartment after drunkenly sending a risky text.
Akaashi laments his impending doom after a drunken confession but Bokuto has other ideas.
Fandom: Haikyuu! | Chapters: 1/1 | Rating: General Audiences | Pairing(s): Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou | Content Warnings: N/A
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dizzybizz · 18 days
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some haikyuus
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sktsficrecs · 15 days
are you a “libero chasing after their troublesome ace” son or “spiker that has their setter wrapped around their finger” daughter
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miyasstan · 5 months
"Samu, I found a new artist" Rin 🤝 "Oh yeah, tell me about them" Osamu
Ps: Rin's love language is sharing playlists, we all know it duh hehe
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naofairy · 15 days
Haikyuu!! May fic recs
Happy Pride, everyone! I hope you enjoyed May and the movie premiere! I’m happy to share with you another one of my fics selections!
Let me know if you read any of the fics and feel free to share your own recommendations - we can always scream about them together!
As always remember to show the authors if you like their work by leaving kudos and comments!
keep these longings locked by naofairy
I had the pleasure to finally share my first one-shot with you, I love seeing you read and comment on it, it means the world to me!
Louder, Lauder by paperwetwithink
Circadian by paperwetwithink
Arrhythmia by paperwetwithink
Let the Light Out by UhohShouto
In Full Bloom by casastella
Secrets We Hunt by Pawtiful
Your Love Should Be Celebrated by MakeMeStagger
Animal Instinct by pietrotheclown
you can put an ocean between our love (it won't keep us apart) by escapist_090807
i was tired and you were standing in the best light by keishn
you’re all i see, you’re all i need by DailyMelody
Fly into your Heart by Sildurin
Where He Should Be by Zzxya
Smells like Quaffle Cleaner by Mery
if i can't have us (i'll just stay down bad) by kiroiimye
Make you mine by Anadiilua
ampersand by infantblue
Just the Same but Brand New by blowsamu
Hoshiumi Kourai is Whipped by daedalust
lark's head by per__sei
My fic recs masterlist
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otomiyaa · 11 days
Better Setter!
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[Fic Reupload] - Posting this oldie requested by anon, thanks to @wertzunge who still had it! I'd forgotten how wild this one is.....
Summary: A very crazy situation from Kenma’s point of view; Bokuto and Kuroo suddenly feel very determined to prove to each other that their setters - boyfriends - are more ticklish than the other. Things escalate, not just a little. (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 2.2K
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“Look look look! And I go baaamm!” Kenma and Akaashi both exchanged tired glances when they heard Bokuto’s loud voice again. Who thought it was a smart idea to get together at Kuroo’s place and watch the recording of their latest Nekoma vs. Fukurodani match? Not them.
“HA! No that, your look was priceless when I almost smashed the ball into your face!”
Yeah. The game result was a draw, and since it was a simple practice match their coaches did not see the point in dragging it much longer to determine a winner. A draw. Draw! Of course that didn’t satisfy the dork captain duo in the least, and both Kenma and Akaashi ended up getting dragged along so that the captains could ‘see on their own who had won the match’.
“That point wasn’t a point!” Bokuto protested. Both of them sat glued to the screen while Kenma and Akaashi lounged on the big couch, each on one side. Kenma playing his games as always, and Akaashi lazily reading the news on his phone app.
“It was,” Akaashi said, and Kenma nodded, both of them intelligent enough to just be able to hear which part of the match they were at.
“Shut up Akaashi! God - look look! Isn’t Akaashi and my teamwork the greatest?” Bokuto’s snarl at Akaashi was instantly forgotten, and Kenma couldn’t help but snort at this. This couple was so cute.
“Nothing like what Kenma and I are doing. Here, look at that. He’s the best setter ever,” Kuroo said, and Kenma felt a subtle blush heat up his cheeks.
“Pardon me? I am 200% certain Akaashi’s the best setter.” Oh no. Was this really going where they thought this was going? Akaashi and Kenma exchanged glances again and both sighed. Here goes.
“No, Kenma is a much better setter. No offense, Akaashi,” Kuroo continued. It was Bokuto who took offense though, and he suddenly stood and shouted through the noises that came from the recording.
“Akaashi is the best! And he is also the sexiest cutest and most handsome setter in the world!” 
“That’s not relevant Bokuto, but since we’re at it, have you ever seen Kenma’s smooth and silky skin? He is what you could call sexy. Nothing can beat that.” Talk about relevance! Kenma blushed like crazy and could see Akaashi was doing the same.
“Hohoho. Then you haven’t felt what Akaashi’s skin is like. I just have to…” Bokuto made a long swiping move with his finger into the air and closed his eyes with a dreamy smile “…do thiiiis and his skin feels so soft and smooth under my touch, and he’ll even share his angelic laugh because you see. Akaashi is very sensitive,” Bokuto continued as if he was promoting something in a commercial video, and Kenma felt embarrassed for Akaashi.
Poor Akaashi, why were they…
“Sensitive? You should see how ticklish Kenma is man! His laughter will make you pregnant!” Kenma’s face exploded. No fucking way did he say that!
“Kuroo!” he finally yelled, lowering his game and glaring at him while he breathed heavily.
Big mistake, since the two only now seemed to realize their bae’s were in the same room, and the smirks that appeared on their faces were anything but reassuring.
“What are they…” Akaashi mumbled, slowly lowering his phone as well.
“You dare say ‘ticklish’ without telling me Akaashi is the champion at being tickled?” Bokuto asked, slowly rising on his feet and walking over to where the setters were sitting.
“Why not let me demonstrate it then?” Kuroo asked, and Kenma swallowed as they started to circle around them. Oh no.
Both he and Akaashi ended up overwhelmed by the situation and jumped up from the couch, but before they could even flee they both got pulled back down onto the couch, each of them on a captain’s lap, opposite each other with Kuroo and Kenma sitting on the corner part of the seat, and Bokuto with Akaashi facing them and only inches away. 
Both victims’ eyes made contact with each other and they trembled in anticipation.
“Bokuto, let me go…” Akaashi told his boyfriend calmly, and Kenma could see him squirm uncomfortably, but Bokuto pulled him tighter against his chest and trapped him with his arms.
“Heh Bokuto. What do you say, shall I show you my Kenma’s the most ticklish setter in the world?” Kuroo asked as Akaashi’s plea was ignored. He circled his arms around Kenma and pulled him closer onto his lap while he nuzzled the back of his head.
“K-Kuroo! This is silly! Don’t-” Kenma gulped when he noticed the way Bokuto moved his hands under Akaashi’s shirt, moving it up over his chest and making the latter squirm.
“Nothing matches how sexy and charming Akaashi is when I do this, Kuroo dear,” Bokuto lectured, and he made a claw of his hand and wiggled his fingers down Akaashi’s chest and toned tummy.
“HAahh!” Akaashi arched into Bokuto and threw his head back, his hand quickly shooting up to cover his mouth.
“Oh but watch this then.” Kenma was unprepared for when his own assault began. Kuroo wiggled his fingers up his sides and instantly went for those oversensitive spots in the hollows of his arms.
“Kuroooaaahh!” Kenma yelped, jumping suddenly in Kuroo’s lap but unable to escape his clutches.
Kuroo pulled him closer against his chest and Kenma’s mouth opened wide when he felt the demanding fingers ask for more.
“Ahaha nohoho s-stop it! Why are you doooh-aahaha wait!” Kenma gasped when his shirt was also moved all the way up as well, half-stripping him right before the eyes of Bokuto and a laughing Akaashi.
Kenma thrashed and bucked against Kuroo who continued to drill his fingers into his armpits, thumbs prodding and index fingers wiggling mischievously in a way that made him want to scream.
“STAhahap! Kuroo you know I’m - aahaha nohoho!”
It was embarrassing, very embarrassing to be tickled like this and actually witness how Akaashi was suffering from the same, and Kenma had to admit Bokuto was right about how sexy and charming he looked. There was just something about watching him laugh like that in such a helpless state, and it made his own heart flutter.
He’d probably enjoyed this immensely if it wasn’t for himself being tickled into a puddle of embarrassing laughs and tears. What was remarkable about Akaashi was how he was barely struggling at all, and that while Kenma was thrashing about like a wild animal and being totally uncharming unlike the ticklish guy in front of him…
From his point of view, Bokuto was winning this game with golden prizes.
“Your Kenma’s a wild one eh?” Bokuto asked as if he was reading Kenma’s mind, and Kenma automatically sucked in his own stomach when he saw the way Bokuto made a surprise claw-move at Akaashi’s stomach, making the exhausted guy choke on a laugh and mewl adorably.
“I know, right? You gotta know how to handle the wild kittens,” Kuroo said proudly, and without warning Kenma’s waist and sides were next to fall victim to some devious squeezing hands.
“FHAaha! Nohohho!”
He kicked his legs and threw his head around, his blond hair flying all over the place, while Akaashi was merely squirming charmingly and laughing at Bokuto’s equally assaulting fingers.
“Can I try?” Bokuto asked, and Kenma’s eyes snapped open. 
“Sure.” Wait wha- 
“Waahhh!” He squeaked when suddenly he and Akaashi were each thrown towards the other as both devil captains switched partners. Before he could comprehend what was going on, his arm was in a steady grip and Bokuto pulled him onto his lap.
“Heyheyheyyy Kenma, so how ticklish are you really? Why not show uncle Bo!” Kenma’s eyes opened wide when he felt Bokuto’s clawing hands he’d seen on Akaashi’s body earlier do the same to him; huge hands grabbed his sides and ribs and fingers wiggled in a rougher way than Kuroo would do.
“Shihihit no p-plehehease!” He struggled and thrashed and ended up flipping on his stomach so he was hanging over Bokuto’s lap.
“Wild he is, indeed,” Bokuto judged, and he proceeded to attack Kenma’s sides and hips with quick spidering fingers and squeezing movements that had Kenma buck like a wild animal on his lap.
“HEhehe K-Kuroohohoho hehehelp!” he laughed, tears pricking in his eyes and his breath running short. This was different. He was used to Kuroo’s tickles, not Bokuto’s and somehow this was even harder to deal with. And that said a lot.
“How are you so calm? Ah coochie coochieee coo!” Kuroo was having full attention for Akaashi who was squirming in his lap now, snorting, laughing and giggling at his mercy.
“P-Plehease Kuroo dohohon’t!” Akaashi laughed, and he gulped when Kuroo suddenly threw him onto the couch and pounced on top of him.
“Come on, laugh for me Akaashi!” Kuroo sang, and from his position on Bokuto’s lap Kenma could see how Kuroo released his worst tickle monster powers on the poor Fukurodani setter.
“AHah! NOT Thehehre!” After wondering where Kuroo was tickling him to get Akaashi that hysterical, Kenma was suddenly a lot more worried about his own situation when Bokuto moved his hands down and gripped the sensitive flesh of his inner thighs.
“Gahhh oh nohoho pf-plehease! C-Can’t breheeathe!” Kenma warned through his wheezy laughter and giggles. Bokuto had the energy he feared he would have in a situation like this. Merciless tickling, a loud voice that told him playful taunting words, and on the background Kuroo’s voice that did just the same while Akaashi laughed just as loud.
This situation couldn’t get any crazier.
“Stoohohohp!” Kenma’s laughter had turned very whiney when Bokuto switched to tickling his sides and ribs again while his loud mouth blew raspberries on his bare back, down his spine, lower back and sometimes partially on his side.
“Eeeheheek!” Kenma squeaked, his legs kicking weakly and arms making one final flailing move before he felt his body go limp under Bokuto’s touch. The lips on his skin sent tingles and chills through his entire body all at once, and he gasped tiredly and giggled when he felt the tickling slowly come to its end.
“I have to say, Kenma is very ticklish and he’s a real cutie. You were right,” Bokuto said, and Kenma blushed when he felt how he was wrapped in a couple of strong muscled arms and cuddled against Bokuto’s chest.
“K-Kurooo…” he whined, but he didn’t struggle, feeling rather comfy in his boyfriend’s buddy’s arms. His eyes found Kuroo’s who was snuggling a very tickle-tired Akaashi closely, and the smirk on his face reassured him that this was going to be just fine.
“And I am amazed about Akaashi. He’s a lot better than I expected,” Kuroo said as if he was talking about sports rather than a person getting tickled, and Kenma was surprised how good his boyfriend and Akaashi looked together like that. 
“So, it’s a draw again?” Bokuto asked, and Kenma felt tingles from his breath against his neck, and he scrunched up his shoulders.
“Yes. Let’s call it a draw.” And then it was proved that the situation could definitely get crazier than it already was.
Kenma felt how Bokuto hugged him closer when Kuroo and Akaashi joined them on their side of the couch, and he felt lips kiss his own sweetly and passionately. His head was still a little cloudy and his eyes still teary from the tickling, and only after opening his eyes he noticed he had been kissing Akaashi.
“Heh. How’s that?” Bokuto asked, watching Kenma snuggle closer to his own setter, and Kenma blushed. After witnessing Akaashi getting tickled like that in front of his eyes, kissing him had definitely been on his guilty mind. But…
“Kuroo will…” Kenma started, shyly watching his boyfriend and seeking consent, but Kuroo grabbed him closer and kissed him as well “…absolutely kill you,” Kuroo finished for him with a sinister wink, and Kenma could barely even blink when Kuroo started to tickle him mercilessly again.
“K-Kurohaaa-hmph!” Yes, that was Bokuto kissing him while Kuroo tickled him to pieces and suddenly Akaashi was joining in by nuzzling Kenma’s stomach.
“Gahaha-Guuys! Wahahaait!” It was probably because he was the smallest that they ended up teaming up on him, even Akaashi whose cheeks were still adorably flushed from his earlier predicament.
“Meheh-Mercy!” Kenma gasped when Bokuto and Kuroo took turns in blowing raspberries on his tummy. He then ended up kissing someone again, and he honestly thought he could recognize Kuroo’s kissing style in there. 
It was as if he had gotten drunk, not from alcohol but from getting tickled too much, and no matter how stupid and crazy it would seem, it was how in the end Bokuto and Akaashi practically joined his relationship with Kuroo. 
Now with suddenly two boyfriends more, Kenma could only chuckle in delight at the funny thought that Bokuto and Kuroo had never come to an agreement about who was a better setter. Looked like they were meant to play for a draw at all times, which was, of course, not necessarily a bad thing!
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sp9culation · 7 months
okay but
imagine the angst potential in “i would live for you” x “i would die for you”
and imagine they each keep their promise
imagine the one who wants to jump off decides to stay on the cliffside for the other
imagine the one who loves life more than anything decides to give it up for the other
i don’t know how to write this or flesh it out completely, but it’s a nice thought
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shoukohime · 6 days
does anyone have bokuaka fic recs? I feel like fics where bokuto is not overly stupid and too dependent on akaashi are so hard to find
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yourteght · 2 months
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» WELCOME TO THE MATO — flyhighpjct
⟅18.04.2024 — eu tava feliz da vida com minha capinha divertida dos kenhina e eu pensei: eu agora consigo fazer toda tipo de capa divertida que eu quiser, ninguém me segura, eu to todo todo. Peguei o meu primeiro pedido do fly-high e tinha que ser uma divertida, óbvio, me achando o tal. Spoiler: eu passei as três horas mais tristes e deprimentes de toda minha vida. Eu fiquei tanto tempo cortando a cabeça do Bokuto, que eu me senti a própria rainha vermelha de tantas cabeças que cortei dele. Apesar disso, eu me diverti horrores depois da base pronta, tava que nem pinto no lixo de tanta felicidade KKKK botei até um capim na boca do Bokuto para dar um charme de caipira aesthetic e é sobre isso, eu aproveitei cada segundo. Mais uma divertida pro port.!
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flyingwargle · 1 month
bokuaka fanfic recommendations!
i am uncharacteristically nervous about posting this haha i read a lot of fanfic and always enjoy looking at other people's recommendations, so i thought, why not share some of my favorites?
all these recs are sfw!
banana bread by leuralo_1 gen. 2.1k words. bokuto pov. bokuto and his roommates have too many bananas and akaashi takes the train overnight to make banana bread with it. that's it, that's the fic. it's so cute, i'm begging you to read it.
spending all, spending all my time (loving you) by hyeyu gen. 3.4k words. bokuto pov. akaashi is a dimension traveler and gets nailed in the head by bokuto's serve, so he stays until he fixes his dimension travel device. one of my first bokuaka fics that i read, very cute and the pining is palpable.
in the same room, at the same time by quel_nightmare teen. 21.5k. alternating pov. marriage proposal fic! i read this all in one sitting and my heart was ready to burst by the end. very cute, i won't spoil anything other than that <3
astronomy in reverse (it was me who was discovered) by flumes teen. 22.1k. akaashi pov. a non-linear narrative about akaashi pining over bokuto from high school to the future. very poetic and lyrical, with the boys discovering their feelings for each other in the end. i also read this all in one sitting.
background check by ghostystarr gen. 2 chapters, 8k words. msby4 changes bokuto's lockscreen picture for fun since he doesn't lock his phone, but the game changes when he changes it to a picture of akaashi. a very fun and cute fic with the msby4 gang helping their bro out.
truth is such a violent force by inaminute teen. 8 chapters, 41k. it starts with akaashi's 1st year at fukurodani and explores his dysfunctional family, growing relationship with bokuto, and deals with homophobia. i love the fukurodani boys in this, and how supportive they are of one another. there's also a sequel that is just as heart-wrenching as this one! (both have happy endings, don't worry)
flightless owl by volleydorkscentral teen. 31 chapters, 57.6k words. bokuto gravely injures his leg and has to sit the rest of his third year out. this fic focuses on his recovery, his relationship with akaashi developing, and overcoming the pain of his injury. has a happy ending, as well!
the way you look at me by mocaw teen. 36 chapters, 79.2k words. bokuto sees train guy every night on his commute after practice until he decides to take the first step and introduce himself. this fic is the reason why i ship bokuaka. it's slowburn, deals with anxiety and ptsd, developing relationships, and is just beautifully written (i am also extremely biased because this shaped my undergrad years). please read it, i'm begging you.
the death of our hands by bershlate teen. 25 chapters, 109k words. this longfic explores akaashi's ocd, his dysfunctional family, and an amazing oc older brother, along with his relationship with bokuto. i read this recently and finished it in a few days because of how gripping the story is <3
i'll let you shatter me with your pain by kuromantic teen. 23 chapters, 160.4k words. akaashi is an empath and when he brushes against bokuto, he gets the biggest shock of emotions of his life. this fic is very heavy, dealing with abuse, malnutrition, trauma, and homophobia. it has a happy ending, and our boys do get together <3
i'll reblog this from time to time to add more recs as i keep reading! of course, feel free to check out my own bokuaka fics >:3 i might post more?? for other pairings and general recs?? and for genshin too since i have a lot there haha okay enjoy bye!
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hijinks-n-lowjinks · 7 months
fic recs masterlist
since I was thinking about rereading some of my fav fics, here's a massive list of my favorites include haikyuu, jjk, bsd, etc
frankenstein's monster by starbeyy: sakuatsu fic where they both are diagnosed with OCD. this is the fic that is my instant rec, it's my roman empire. "you were the first beautiful thing i couldn't stop thinking about"?????????? this is a MASTERPIECE
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle by kittebasu: THE iwaoi fic of all time, permanently altered my brain chemistry, my friend made me a gift of an embroidered hercules beetle and a quote from this fic and it's one of my most prized possessions
The Chosen One by moonyfest: one of my all time favorites, it's just so good and I love how their relationship develops, it's one of the fics that I reread every few months, nsfw in later chapters
Miya Atsumu, Adored By All (loved by some) by honest_pebble: the sakuatsu fic of all time, my inner atsumu kinnie came out while reading this and I cried multiple times while reading it but holy FUCK was it amazing, I reread this every few months as well, I have it downloaded on my phone lol
i wanna ruin our friendship by roseknight: highschool iwaoi fic, one of the first hq fics i ever read and it's very close to my heart because of it, make sure to look at tags for trigger warnings
i'm a house with no windows, you're the flowers on the front porch by miracleboysatori: a phenomenal childhood friends to lovers ushiten fic that has not been given the love it deserves, one of my favorite hq fics of all time, nsfw in later chapters
butterfly in the subway by bigspoonnoya: You've Got Mail au daisuga fic, a ton of background ships that are all super cute, I reread it all the time it's one of my favs!!!!!
the spirit of the resolution by starbeyy: this is my fav sunaosa fic of all time, osamu's complicated relationship with his self esteem really hit me especially when they're getting late night take out, i adore this fic and it's one of my favorites
can i be close to you by radian: kuroken fic where they don't know each other at first but slowly become friends and it's all lowercase but it's so good i promise, super fluffy
Vienna Waits For You by Pouler (poulerslashes): asanoya timeskip fic that's sooooo good in talking about what it's like to grow up and feel the pressure of the world on your shoulders and living up to your potential and expectations, nsfw in later chapters
Black and Blue by MTrash: daisuga au fic, i was obsessed with this fic when i first read it, it's really sad but really good, make sure to look at the tags for trigger warnings, nsfw in later chapters
you're the brake lines failing (as my car swerves off the freeway) by ghostpot: kuroken fic where kenma realizes he's in love with kuroo and spends the entire fic freaking out about it
campfire in your chest by deanpendragon: tsukkiyama fic where tsukishima realizes he's in love with tadashi before kagehina realize they're in love with each other and it's super cute, all of this author's tsukkiyama fics are so good
Liebesträume (Dream of Love) by emivance: sakuatsu rivals to lovers musican au, their dynamic this entire fic is so funny and they're obviously intro each other but are in deep denial about it, nsfw in later chapters
surfacing by meeks00: bokuaka au where they find out their bfs have been cheating on them with each other, one of my fav bkak fics they're so precious, nsfw in chapters 2 and 3
daisy rings and frivolous things (i am deliriously in love with you) by gabstar: bokuaka one shot that I am OBSESSED with, the way their relationship speed runs is my favorite aspect of this fic because its exactly what i imagine their relationship doing
Similar Creatures by h_lovely: iwaoi Pretty Woman au that's soooooo good, i really liked how their relationship developed and grew throughout the fic, nsfw all over this fic
Kiss Me (Like You Wanna Be Loved) by kazzydolyn: bokuaka friends w benefits fic where they fall in love with each other at the same time but akaashi doesn't know what to do about it, nsfw
Guiding Stars by daedalust: hiruhoshi fic that y'all will devour once we get more of hoshiumi and hirugami in the anime, they have one of my fav friendships in the series, hirugami is enamored with hoshiumi who asks for dating advice
Behind Bricks by DeathBelle: bokuaka au where akaashi is a sex worker and they become friends but bokuto falls in love with him instantly, a lot of nsfw obviously
Hard Times by mooifyourecows: daisuga au where olympian daichi pays con artist suga to be his fake fiance during a cruise, my FAVORITE daisuga fic ever, i was chomping at the bit for each update, nsfw in later chapters
Valor with Honor, Fealty with Love by radiantradish: daisuga medieval knight au, they slowly fall in love as rivals and it's suuuper cute yet angsty, mild nsfw in later chapters
In the Armpits of Spring by Paintbrushyy_Ducky98: iwaoi au where they meet in high school and oikawa confesses to iwaizumi before they ever really meet, iwaizumi's growing curiosity about oikawa is soooooo cute their relationship is developed really well
The Space Between Stars by leuralo_l: bokuaka fic where everyone but bokuto knows that akaashi is in love with him, I was so impressed with this fic especially since the author said it was their first fic pls give it a read!!!!!!
wait (I'm on my way) by viverella: sunaosa fic where they're both oblivious to each other's affections and are quietly pining, their relationship is super cute and adorable
Close to the Chest by darkmagicalgirl: kyouhaba fic where they bicker but slowly fall for each other during high school along with background iwaoi, i loved this fic it was so good, some mentioned and blatant homophobia
beautiful monsters by gravitates: ushiten fic with slight angst but damn did it make me feel emotional, ushijima is so soft and tender and loving to tendou, another one of my favs
Cool, detached, casual by fluorophoring: kuroken fic where they try to have casual sex but it doesn't really work and they both spiral lol, nsfw
Breakers by ftld: sunaosa 90s au, god I LOVED this fic and how obvious of a simp osamu is, it's sooooo good, some mentioned/blatant homophobia
Special Relativity and Years by buttonstuck: mega angsty iwaoi fics with the second being an alternate ending of the first fic that has a sad, bittersweet ending that made me cry harder than I have in YEARS, some mild nsfw in the first fic
your whole life on your play by emleewrites: kagehina proposal fic that goes exactly how i picture it would go in canon
make up your mind by sketchedsmiles: sunaosa fake dating au where osamu asks suna to be his fake bf in order to one up atsumu who's dating sakusa, i absolutely loved this fic lol
Jujutsu Kaisen
Caesura by cielelyse: suuuuuuch a good rivals to friends to lovers satosugu fic about their first year in jujutsu high together and the mission that made them friends, probably my fav jjk fic ever
And every day, it's changed since then. by BotanicalBites: inuokka college au where yuuta is an artist trying to escape from his growing fame in the country and meets farmer inumaki
What Instinct Can't Teach by kiyokosturtle: chosoyuki and it's sooooo good how to author develops their relationship before the smut lol, nsfw in the last chapter
The Long Con by lyrebirdswrites: an itafushi no curses au that isn't finished yet but is soooooo good, this fic is currently being plagiarized by another author so it's on hiatus for now but I'm hoping the original author gets everything worked out!!!!
Bungo Stray Dogs
where your loyalties lie by writingfromtheshadows: soukoku yakuza au, this is by far the best bsd fic i've read so far, their relationship is just so believable and their characters are wonderful, nsfw
the art of burning bridges by sanguinekitten: soukoku fic from chuuya's perspective about different times in their lives together, it's so good
i think he knows by sanguinekitten: soukoku 5+1 fic where dazai knows that chuuya loves him but the latter refuses to admit it
Threats Made in a Hotel Room by moonrice (moonyeyes): soukoku fic where dazai pisses of chuuya so much they start making out
A Lesson in Thorns by arkastadt: soukoku beast au fic where they're in an arranged marriage and slowly fall in love, similar premise to where your loyalties lie but an entirely different plot, I still have ten chapters left but I'm really enjoying it so far, nsfw
i'll be your biggest kept secret and your biggest mistake by sascake: mha tododeku fic that I instantly fell in love with, the way the author writes both of them is so well done, not finished yet, mild nsfw mention
sore must be the storm by Pouler (poulerslashes): mha tododeku fic where they're trapped in a collapsing building and they have a deep talk about their lives
Until my Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya: yoi viktuuri au fic that I binged like crazy, yuuri and viktor's first interaction goes differently and yuuri is determined to hate viktor, nsfw in later chapters
seraph's nest by phile: csm akiangel fic where they slowly become friends and fall in love with each other over the course of the manga's plot
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touchlikethesun · 5 months
i’m trying to break out of it but, when it comes to their relationship dynamics, so far no fic has managed to top the one skiing au where bokuto and akaashi try and convince kuroo and tsukki to be in a poly relationship that i followed religiously back in 2015, like. (almost) no other fic has managed to tap into what i find so appealing about that group’s whole dynamic, their humour their earnestness their chaos as four, the way akaashi and tsukki balance kuroo and bokuto’s energy (except everyone knows the real trouble is tsukki and bokuto), and like the individual dynamics are incredible too, every pairing just worked so well, even ones i wouldn’t have considered before like kuroo and akaashi. like how in 100k words did this author manage to develop every relationship just so damn well??? there should be way too many moving parts, at least one of the dynamics should have fell flat or fell to the background but none of them did ughhhhh oh my god it’s so good i just need like. a dozen more fics exactly like it rippppp like i’m watching s2 (again yes ik) and all i can think about when i see the four of them interact is “wow that author really nailed their dynamics, what they wrote is exactly how those four would be in 10 years time” god fanfiction is incredible
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rose-tinted-vision · 1 year
Rose's favourite fics
(in no particular order)
part 2 here
Apparently I've linked about 50 fics so I'm sorry, I'm not going to add all the summaries for these fics.
Blue Lock
For Blue Lock I'd recommend checking out smallghosts and explorerseel8's profile
pride hath no place by vani_em (NagiReo)
raison d'être by explorerseel8 (ReoNagi)
Take Five by explorerseel8 (ReoNagi)
truth or drink by smallghosts (ReoNagi)
AITA for “abandoning” my best friend by smallghosts (ReoNagi)
fall forward/spring back by nagireo (NagiReo)
as long as I'm with you by okonomiyakein (NagiReo)
Player 2 by explorerseel8 (HioRin)
Kuroko no Basuke
Please read literally everything by umisabaku
A Kinda Sorta Fairy Tale by Lys ap Adin (MidoTaka)
But I Lived by exuberant_imperfection, kate882 (MidoTaka)
Designation: Miracle (series) by umisabaku (KagaKuro, KiKasa, AkaFuri, AoMomo, MidoTaka)
as small as a world by umisabaku (MidoTaka)
in the liminal darkness by 100demons (MidoTaka)
(the sad thing is that I read a ton of Haikyuu and KnB fics before I got my ao3 account so it's a slow journey finding all my fav fics again)
I put my hand out, unfolded, into the sunlight by carafin (BokuAka)
I'll give a bouquet to these unending days by sparksandsalt (BokuAka)
love in the time of wifi by dalyeau (BokuAka)
tea-stained polaroids by dalyeau (BokuAka)
video games and gold rings by gnomeo (KuroKen)
Ear to Ear by darkmagicalgirl (AoFuta)
Yaku and the Beanstalk by Mysecretfanmoments (YakuLev)
One Piece
For my fellow ZoSan fans: literally everything by Hazel_Athena, Harubo, 8ball, donutsandcoffee and three_days_late are worth checking out
More Ace-centric: Dezace and stormy1x2's fics that make me Feel Things
Wanted by Hazel_Athena (ZoSan)
Disoriented Envy by Hazel_Athena (ZoSan)
Can you hear me now? by Alexis_C (ZoSan)
Learning to Listen by three_days_late (ZoSan)
this, at least by adietxt (ZoSan)
come on, come on (turn a little faster) by donutsandcoffee (ZoSan)
Late Night with Sanji Black by Harubo (ZoSan)
Love's First Blush by Hazel_Athena (ZoSan)
they said love is reaching blindly at a pit full of snakes by summermidnights (ZoSan)
Complex Buddies by threesipsmore (ZoSan)
you and me somehow by losingcontrolnow (AceSan)
Cryptid Sightings Volume #1: Portgas D. "Fire Fist" Ace by Dezace (Gen, Ace-centric)
Spades On-Screen by stormy1x2 (Gen, Ace/WB pirates-centric)
whatever you can still betray by midnightluck (Gen, Ace/WB pirates-centric)
Hide the Knives by SrirachaBunny (Gen, Ace/WB pirates-centric)
The Wanderer by MaiKusakabe (Gen, Badass!Marco)
Genshin Impact
For Genshin, I'd recommend heartslogos and smallghosts
Burgeon by gloomyparfait (HaiKaveh)
Forget Your Name (Replace it with mine) by princesscas (Thomato)
the purest form of water by eversall (XingYun)
to be unbroken and brave again by magicities (XiaoVen)
Chonghua's Layered Frost by pureofheart_rareofpair (XingYun)
cloudburst by smallghosts (XingYun)
keep the caffeine away from kids by shynkai (scara-centric, slight HaiKaveh)
The Verdure and the Puppet by kimekosu (Gen, Nahida & Wanderer)
truck, barter and trade by Seungshi03 (Established HaiKaveh, them raising Wanderer)
James Bond (Craig movies)
I remember really liking anything by Jen, skylights, scioscribe, pdameron, and opalescentgold
Memos from Q branch by AviaCarter (Gen, background 00Q)
Sic Pravis Magna by blackidyll (00Q)
ordinary, everyday things by pdameron (00Q)
Dramatic Arts by scioscribe (00Q)
Ordinary Numbers by BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria (00Q)
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miyasstan · 5 months
Bokuto the bf who's oblivious 🤝 akaashi the bf who literally adores him like he hung the stars in the sky (canon)
(In this house, we love bokuaka 😭)
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naofairy · 2 months
Haikyuu!! March fic recs
If you’re hungry for more, here we have my March hq fic recs! These are my favourites chosen from many fics I read in March, I hope you find something to your liking and remember to leave kudos and comments for those wonderful creators!
This time I wasn’t able to add my notes on time because I’m still down with a cold, but as always you can chceck the summaries and tags through the 🔗 to the fic
3-way smash bros by mysterioustrumpet
corrupt by sumuviolet
worth a shot by dogmad
The Mystery of Ushijima Wakatoshi’s Chocolate-Making, Paris-Living Boyfriend by crookedsilence
Creepin Inta Yer Heart by 221bornotobe
Keep your enemies close (And your clients closer) by mor
ATSU101: how to fall in love with your fake boyfriend by solyn
hold on, who’s got a boyfriend now? (yea right) by akitasan
vintage by winterwaltz6
new love in old places by stormhund
never the same love twice by lettersinpetals
Onigiri for the Broken Hearted by novocaine_sea
Still. Always. by sinkat_arts
Temporary Insanity by WritingMyOwnHappyEnding
astronomy in reverse (it was me who was discovered) by Flumes
Nino Bo vs. The World by sparrowrites
an interim of a thousand years by viverella
in the same room, at the same time by quel_nightmare
The Reason I Miss You by WritingMyOwnHappyEnding
no time for rewrites (we couldn't help it) by akaashism
getting it right by akaashism
fic rec masterlist
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