#it reminds me of when I'd show my sister a song or movie i liked and she'd call it awful the whole way through
skunkes · 10 months
You probably get this asked a lot but do you have any particular things you keep in mind when writing in your journal? I started recently and it's been great but I find that Only recapping my day gets to be a bit tedious (esp when I don't go outside much lol) so I was curious what you do to keep motivated with it ! Ur sticker layouts are always so cutes btw I'm very inspired by them ^_^💖
Yeah! I mainly journal for Memory Keeping as i have a weird obsession with wanting to keep track of anything/everything, so i just think of what future cheye would want to know, instead of just recapping day.
Makes me really sad bc in college all i had energy to write was like "ate x went to class went to mailroom went to class 2 had x for dinner 1 am now goodnight" and its like. What about. The whole rest of it!! What did u do who did you talk to when was it that you saw a raccoon irl for the first time!!! Were you stressing over assignments?? Which and why!!! I have 0 tangible, meaningful, memories of what happened now. Just sterile clinical ones. :(
I do track things consistently like my rating for the day, the time i woke up and the time i go to bed, what i ate, if i cried, along wit other personal stats (i like the numbers!). Sometimes I also dont Do anything in a day so i just focus on other things, like taking the opportunity to write about feelings a little bit, so future cheye Knows the state of mind i was in on a given day, or maybe talk about how I bought something and am excited to wear/use it
Not much happened today so I wrote about and included how my dad described the plot of to, and showed me, some scenes of The Untouchables 1987 today because a song always reminds him of that movie...
yesterday I wrote about how my sister and I are planning on trying some pillsbury cocoa rolls on thursday, since we couldn't today, and that I am Excited.
I don't know, its small things that I feel I'd appreciate in the future even if they seem silly or pointless right now...(and also good for keeping track of personal growth, as Im hoping I at one point get to pinpoint where my complaints about Not Wanting to Drive fade away from the entries. Ykwim?)
ITS KIND OF LIKE THAT ONE POST ON HERE...like "if you see this tag one delight from your day no matter how small". You ""force"" yourself to come up with something to pad the entry with, and I think it's small things like that that will be really telling of your time here, in the future ^_^ time capsule of the old you
like. Did you see something insanely funny? Did your best friend say something weird... Did the internet platforms you browse all rally over a war criminal dying... Is it still rainy and chilly like it was yesterday? Are you excited for your birthday even if its many months away... What series did you start rewatching? Did u get scared by a shadow while walking your dog...idk! Anything, everything
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darlenicy · 8 months
1, 3, and 26 for the character ask game for Darcy!
thank you <33
My first impression of them
As I said in the ask about Icy, I don't remember my first impressions on Winx or the characters. It's like it has always been a part of my life. What I can remember ist, that I shipped Darcy and Riven very early. Already as a kid and before I kinew what shipping actually is. They were the couple I found the most interesting and I loved them interact. In Germany we had a children anime magazine which didn't only feature animes but also shows like Winx. In one issue one could vote for one's favorite anime couple and I filled in the form with Darcy and Riven. But I never sent it in.
3. A song that reminds me of them
And again I have to go with driven because the song that immediately comes to my mind is Getaway Car by Taylor Swift. So iconic. If I had to pick one only for Darcy, I'd again look back at my childhood and the early years of YouTube which had at least 2 videos with Darcy and the song Angel of Darkness.
I know a lot songs that give me Darcy vibes though. Here is another example: Pretty in the Dark by Ellise
Relax It’s only magic
I want All the power and the pain I’ll love you in the flames Just tell me that you're mine
I’ll be your beautiful obsession Center of attention That’s just what I like
Run through your veins Got your heart to keep Calling my name Get down on your knees
I’m cold as ice Get what I like Won’t stay till morning cause I am the night
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most.
I think this is whenever her true self shows through the illusion she gives of herself. Darcy is seen as a shady and devious character whose power's sources are illusions and the psyche of her victims. She knows how to dissimulate her true intentions and she comes off like the calculating queen of darkness. But sometimes her mask slips and we see that she is a vulnerable character who hides her fears behind her powers. This can be seen for example in 1x8 where Darcy shows concern for Riven who is about to have an accident because of that helmet. It can also be seen in 2x11 where she tries to make Icy put the feather on the scale because she is afraid, it might be the wrong item and doesn't want to be punished by the scale's power. (Icy looked through this of course because she knows her sister) Another scene is in the 2nd movie when the Trix take over the Tree of Life and Darcy is shown to be unsure and a little afraid of what might happen to them. She plays cool but is actually a careful overthinker and these scenes are only some examples.
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love-songs-for-emma · 6 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💛
OMG ty adrey!!! i love any excuse to share my music!!!!
1. With A Little Help From My Friends (Remastered 2009) by the Beatles :3
2. death bed (coffee for your head) by Powfu & beabadoobee
3. How To Never Stop Being Sad by dandelion hands
4. Sitting, Waiting, Wishing by Jack Johnson
5. Ocean Man by Ween
This was not apart of the task but im using this as an excuse to talk about these songs below the cut:
1. Beatles songs fill me with such warmth. Hugs. My sister loved them sm and anything my sister loved, I loved. She was ten years older than me. I was raised on the Beatles. Plus they remind me of my beloved emma ( @love-songs-for-maria ) and her family/her mom. My second family being a Beatles household is so nice c: I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends :')
2. There was a time period where i could Not stop listening to this song. I started making art about it back then; this is absolutely reminding me to finish it omg. Also, this song actually /sampled/ beebadoobee's song "coffee," it's not just like a song they made together. So check out "coffee" for a song about healing that makes me CRY and also feel like I'm being HUGGED. Love u beebadoobee
3. Wow. What a classic. How To Never Stop Being Sad was my ULTIMATE cry song when I was like 13. I still think about some of lines (it reads more like spoken word/poetry with backdrop) more as How To *Stop* Being Sad, yknow? Motivational. Like "Become a background character to your own motion picture" -> Be the main character in your life. Take up space. EXIST. ♡
4. The album this comes from, "In Between Dreams," sounds like childhood. Like sitting on the lil fold down square seats in the back of my dad's old lil red pickup truck as we drive to other side of the island to go dirtbike riding with my mom and brother. It's also become something I dont /have/ to associate with that. I got a vinyl record of it when I was about 15/16 and used to play it while dancing around the front room and making breakfast (various friends and partners over the years there or not). It's also mine. My solo drive peaceful music. Sittin, Waitin, Wishin :)
5. This is the sound of the Spongebob Squarepants Movie ending. That's it. That's what it is. First credits song. One of the rare movie endings where the credits actually go SO HARD and I actually prefer letting them play out. I watched this movie a billion times since it came out when I was a kid. The end credits when this plays show waves crashing and it looks like you're surfing and reminds me of Hawai'i, which is where I was still living when it first came out and I'd watch the DVD endlessly!! Perfect song. 0/0 notes. Ocean Man, Take Me By The Hand, Lead Me To The Land That You Understand
Lastly,, I probably would have skipped a song if I didn't like it bc I've been unliking a lot of my Liked Songs on Spotify lately so that my shuffle on Liked Songs is better and bam! There's the payoff! Didn't even skip one for this ask! Wahoo!
If anyone read this to the end, thanks for sharing these memories with me. :) Much love, always. I'll send this out to a few peeps, but if anyone wants it sent to them specifically so they too can be involved and/or ramble on, DM me/let me know! MWAH
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talas-first-lady · 2 months
Uno reverse: Character ask thingie, a Legend of your choosing but you must answer ALL the questions
Ok, Charlie time because somebody already asked some Zari questions
My first impression of them: I don't remember? Positive, I assume.
When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like): I mean, as soon as I realized that Charlie meant Maisie's face was back, I was on board. As soon as she and Zari start getting things to do together, she gets pretty great.
A song that reminds me of them: Charlie would hate this answer, but Cassiopeia by Sara Bareilles.
How many people I ship them with: There are 3 main ships but the full list would be infinite.
My favorite ship of them: Zarlie 1.0. Perfection.
My least favorite ship of them: I don't know if Behrad counts because literally nobody ships them, but like... that was a dumb thing to do, show.
A quote of them that you remember: "If I die, I'm going to come back and haunt you."
Your favorite outfit of them: The Ship Broken outfit was pretty amazing.
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Your least favorite outfit of them: Disco Amaya
Describe the character in one sentence: Your annoying little sister is actually a goddess.
What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character? Making heart eyes at Zari.
Sexuality hc! Charlie has all the sexualities. All. Of. Them.
Your favorite friendship they have: Can I choose Zari again? Because I just love their dynamic in every way.
Best storyline they had: The whole being a Fate thing was so poorly planned but so good. It hurts and I love it.
Worst storyline they had: Sleeping with Behrad and then being awkward about sleeping with Behrad.
A childhood headcanon: I don't know that Charlie ever actually was a kid, so I'm going to skip these.
What do you think their first word was?
How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
The most random ship you've seen people have with them: Again, I really think the actual writers of the actual show were the most out there with Behrad.
A weird headcanon: She definitely hooked up with a very early incarnation of Kendra way way way way way back.
When do you think they were at their happiest? Late season 4, when she was starting to get her powers back and was hanging out with Zari and Mona a lot.
When do you think they were at their lowest? When she went back to her sisters.
Future headcanon: Now that she can't shapeshift anymore, she goes for a lot of tattoos.
What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone? There's still a lot we don't know about what pushed her to break the Loom and how she did it. I'd imagine it cost her a lot.
When do you think they acted the most ooc: She went along with the plan way too easily in the Shakespeare episode.
When do you think they were being "themselves" the most? Late season 4 again
If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet? We all know I need her to hang out with Saira from We Are Lady Parts.
The most unnecessary thing they ever did? Telling Zari to hook up with Nate, probably.
How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?) Very, very permissive.
The funniest scene they had? Legends of To-Meow-Meow in general.
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
Can I have Law for your ship game?
I am gonna assume you mean the character ask game? Since the ship ask game I'd reblogged was fandom centric and not character specific? ^^
My first impression of them: I'm sorry is that a polar bear sitting next to this guy? Tell me MORE???
When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like): when the three captains teamed up outside the auction house that was like "Oh HELL yeah"
A song that reminds me of them: I got nothing xD
How many people I ship them with: one, honestly, just this one, very OTP
My favorite ship of them: Luffy :3
My least favorite ship of them: Law and Robin is a thing and I don't get it
A quote of them that you remember: sorry I don't do these
Your favorite outfit of them: I MISS HIS ORIGINAL HAT!! ;-; but also Punk Hazard coat my beloved
Your least favorite outfit of them: stupid timeskip hat with the weird cap :/
Describe the character in one sentence: traumatized surgeon who gathers misfits in his crew and is weirdly obsessed with Luffy
What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?: Bepo. Sorry. Just. THIS character, with everything else given his design, to get a bestie polar bear is so wild I love it
Sexuality hc!: gaaayyyy
Your favorite friendship they have: BEPO
Best storyline they had: for sure Dressrosa, the background the angst the awesome
Worst storyline they had: incapable of bad storyline sorry
A childhood headcanon: he loved his sister so much
What do you think their first word was?: no
How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc): a bit too serious but still so adorable
The most random ship you've seen people have with them: I just still think Robin like where what
A weird headcanon: I don't think I have a weird hc for him
When do you think they were at their happiest?: when his family and country were still alive and he was just a happy child, beloved by his parents and sister
When do you think they were at their lowest?: RIGHT after he lost everything like holy shit he was so small, and deadly sick and everyone else was dead damn I can't wait for OPLA to let me introduce him to my bestie
Future headcanon: he names his daughter after his sister
What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?: I don't know
When do you think they acted the most ooc: got nothing sorry
When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?: I... don't know?
If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?: I really want to say some doctor/surgeon but deadass I can not think of a single one right now
The most unnecessary thing they ever did?: his stupid ass disguises. so bad. I love him
How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?): strict but loving
The funniest scene they had?: When he got carried around like a sack of potatoes by Luffy. But also when he proposed the alliance to Luffy and thought Luffy would take that as a serious actual alliance and not as a "oh we're besties now ur gonna tag along to all my bad decisions like my nakama do <3" that was so funny of him nooo
Character Ask Game
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cha0ticr0b0tic · 3 months
holy shit i love red dragon
watched Manhunter with my sister (her first time) and during the part with Dolarhyde and Reba attempting a relationship, she mentioned that it felt like a genre shift from noir procedural to romantic drama. She's so right to say it!
She also astutely pointed out that this section of the film felt like a fantasy – something sweet in the moment, but it's not like a real relationship between the characters could actually happen. In a way, Dolarhyde's conflict between being unable to balance career (if we can call it that) and his desire for domesticity reminded me of Frank's big dilemma in Thief, which came out a few years prior. He longs for a wife, kids, and a house with a yard, but of course his criminal past and present prohibits him from a chance at the American Dream. (As a side note, @rocket-eighty-eight has some REALLY GOOD fic about Frank and you should read it.)
In a lot of ways, Frank is a prototype of Neil McCauley: a master criminal who's somehow maintained his principles and a code of honor (yeahhhh boi love a good code hero, or antihero in this case). Neil says he doesn't want to live a normal life, he wouldn't know how, but Heat 2 shows us that he had it all and watched it all crumble. Neil definitely isn't cut out for a regular-type life, in his words, but that doesn't mean we have to believe him when he says that he doesn't want it.
But back to Manhunter – Dolarhyde fights against his impulses, but goes back to what he knows when his heart gets broken. The song choice Mann uses, the Prime Movers' "Strong As I Am," is so perfect for his character that when I first watched the movie I thought the song was written specifically for it: "Strong as I am / there's something 'bout this thing that scares me." Associating those lyrics with his character also helps to make him sympathetic in that moment. He feels rejected and he's fighting the monster on his back, to paraphrase a line from Bryan Fuller's Hannibal. When he gives into the monster – or, like I said earlier, his "career," his vocation, whatever you wanna call it – he cuts himself off from domesticity for good.
Dolarhyde is a different kind of "bad guy" than Frank or Neil. They don't kill unless they have to, they've got codes they live by. The only reason Will is able to kill Dolarhyde before Dolarhyde kills Reba is because of inner conflict – he still loves her, even if they can't ever have a future together. Twas beauty killed the beast, or something along those lines. It's a monster movie trope as old as time.
It would be easy to compare Dolarhyde to other Mann canon serial killers like Waingro or Otis Lloyd Wardell or even Vincent from Collateral (there might be something about that latter comparison, but I'm gonna have to sit on it.) I just think it's interesting that Mann took the conflict he used for Frank (a sympathetic, antiheroic protagonist) and gave it to the antagonist for Manhunter. It also shows us how lucky Will Graham has it, and how much he's willing to fight for and protect his family's well-being. The ending is the happiest I've ever seen in a Mann movie, even if I get the sense that Will's been changed by that case. I'd say he's earned that happy ending.
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shadowbrightshine · 3 months
Gen alpha? You kids are ok our stuff was just as weird in many ways. I just can't really bear to listen to it. I refuse to ever interact with that toilet. I hate the song, I hate rizz, and I hate gyatt.
I'm not gonna hate on the kids. I'm not going to say gen alpha is doomed or their brains are rotted away or they're stupid. They're children. Half of gen z are still young. We need to stop. They're little kids. They can be held accountable for some things but people keep putting adult thought processes onto kids. (Some people covering some of it don't blame the kids and I appreciate that)
What I am "hating" on is the high schoolers I had to spend years with who used it all the time. My own story is here but past it is other stuff.
Mostly because whenever I hung out with my ex, who has been my ex for over a year, and we are just friends now: there would be a guy laughing and claiming he was "rizzing me up".
I would get angry. So would he, he hates being reminded by others about our break up. He initiated it but I was going to as well. He's a wonderful guy, it just didn't feel right.
Anyways another time I was incredibly hyped up for the horror thing I'd been writing. So happy I was jumping in the lunch room, tapping my feet, cheering, all of it. My friend was blown away by my work and that made me even happier. Cue the table next to us, full of a mix of freshman and senior boys who called.
"You two rizzing each other? Or are you already dating him?"
We both informed the whole table that no. To both accounts. Also they're not a boy and I'm heteroromantic.
I've been accused of "being rizzed" half of every interaction I had with guys where I showed a modicum of excitement.
It's "ooohhh is that your boyfriend?" "Smoochy sounds" "he's got you bad!" But shorted to two words.
I hate that. Also it was always I was the one being, which like. Never mind.
Kids? You kids are shaped by the internet like we were, and with all the platforms combining and pushing you into spaces without an alternative, you're getting concentrated amounts. Kids are online more than ever. It's content farms and algorithm lucky stars. I don't blame the kids for singing things like that, usually not understanding what it means.
I don't blame the little kids for going nuts at makeup stores. They shouldn't be watching beauty or anti aging content in single or early double digits. It's getting harder for parents to moderate what their kids watch, but it is up to them to help. It's up to the parents to teach the kids that their screen is not always telling the truth, and that they're young. That they don't need expensive makeup or moisturizers. It's up to the parents or who is in charge to not cave about 70 dollar makeup when the kid is 12. It's up to parents to disallow the kind of behavior they were seeing. And to stop them from ruining displays.
I don't blame kids for copying what they see online. I missed vine but I watched clean comps growing up (came to the internet a little late) and would copy them constantly. My cousins and I still quote videos we watched as little kids at each other. We also, reenacted Garfield comic strips and referenced those because everyone had Garfield comic 3 book compilations, I had 4, our grandma had a bunch of small books and Sunday editions, ect.
Kids copy. What is a problem is that they're watching things that are not meant to be repeated out loud. And that was a problem for us too. My little sister is gen alpha, though we don't call her or any of us our gens. When she 3 she kept repeating "somebody kill me!" From muffin time asdf movie. We had to stop watching asdf around her so she would find something else. Not everyone has the space to, but we tried to avoid letting her see stuff we knew she'd repeat or copy.
They're kids, young teens at the oldest.
They're going through their cringy and silly and figuring out themselves parts of their lives. But now instead of it being in physical diaries as often, or on now long deleted dead platforms where plenty of our "cringe" or bad stuff we thought or did was lost to time, they're visible. They're being filmed too. If we aren't supposed to be filming strangers (without a good reason) that applies to children.
Especially to kids! Remember when old internet guides told kids not to show their faces online? The internet has changed but now with all the platforms combining and the loss of places for kids only, we should be careful. Kids are gullible! Like yes children are much smarter than we think but there's also a studied threshold age before kids learn to separate media from reality. That's why kids advertising had to be regulated. That's why companies also target kids.
These are small human, living, thinking, emotional children. We mourn the loss of "good media" in terms of old youtube or whatever. The kids can still watch it. Show them those old things. Vine died a few years before I joined the online world and I still watch and quote vines. People quote movies decades older than them. It being old never stopped people before. If it hasn't been lost to the void, try showing them that instead.
Read to them. Maybe kids nowadays really just don't want to read. That's been said for other gens, but hey I read way less than I used to after getting my phone. So use audio books. Find something with their hands they can do and play an audio book. Or read to them if you have time. There's also lots of audio dramas! Not like soap dramas though if you like them I'm happy! Like audio books with sound effects and multiple voice actors. Or fully original ones. (Think things we call podcasts like camp here and there, or night vale, or the Mourgue files. But you know, not horror focused)
And remember that many of the kids just aren't online anyways. Plenty of parents don't let their kids post online, they don't post about them much, they're literally just in places without internet or they're busy. Remember that the online world doesn't reflect reality as well as some think it does.
I've been thinking about this for a while. I'll never hate the kids. I might hate some of the media, but I'll never hate those kids.
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flowercrown-bard · 11 months
thank you for the tag, @lokibus💕
Name: Riya (i also went by Valentine for a while with some friends and i really like that name but no one calls me that anymore)
Sign: taurus
Time: 20:46
Last movie: uhh good question. I started watching Pride and Prejudice (2005) yesterday and got distracted after 5 min by remembering that apparently jeans were worn in that time period already and then i had to google some stuff. The last movie i remember watching in full was Barbie at the cinema where i can't just gez distracted and turn the movie off lmao
Last show: season 2 of atla but in a language i don't speak bc that was the only version i found on YouTube (I own the dvds but i dont have a way to use them with my laptop)
When I created this blog: idk. I think the year before Covid? Or maybe shortly before it? What even is time
Other blogs: i got two. One i only used for a secret santa thingy so i won't reveal it in case i need a secret santa blog again. And then there is @brotfrevel. I created that blog when i was very deep into my ed and not comfortable with talking about it where people i know irl might see. I had this little project where each day that i resisted my i healthy habits, i added one element to an embroidery project (I'm happy to announce that I got much much better and the result of this silly little project is now a constanz reminder of that on my wall)
Do I get asks/may you ask me something: i love getting asks! (I've just been really inactive lately so if i didn't answer, I'm sorry. I've literally not been on tumblr for more thwn like five minutes in the last month or so)
Average hours of sleep: something between 5-7 hours i think. I tend to wake up at 1:30 am and then I'm unable to fall back asleep for a while and then i wake up again at around 3:40. So no idea how much sleep i actually get
Instruments: singing, guitar and violin. And technically i have my grandpa's old mandolin and know enough chords to play a couple of songs but the stings haven't been replaced in over 40 years and it's horribly out of tune so i don't play
What I’m wearing: yellow turtleneck sweater (an old one from my sister), an ugly but super comfy jacket (i think it's an old one from my other sister), jeans, pink socks with bees and I'm also gonna count the comfy blanket I'm wrapped into
Dream job: i meany I'd love to publish a book one day and have at least one person buy it but that's pretty unrealistic. So I'll go with being a kindergarten teacher
Tagging (no pressure): @combatbootsfemme @parttime-creative @dhwty-writes @mondglocke @lycanbucky @rebard-main
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wordsinhaled · 1 year
For the character asks, what about Morpheus himself? 👀👀
a song that reminds me of them: so, so many songs remind me of morpheus! "nine while nine" and "temple of love" by sisters of mercy always remind me of him
what they smell like: i have this headcanon that morpheus smells (and tastes) like whatever scent/taste the person perceiving his scent/taste was daydreaming of last. my take is that he probably doesn't bother smelling like anything for himself alone or when around his fellow endless siblings - and that retired!morpheus would have an entire adventure realizing he can now pick cologne, perfume, body care products, etc. for himself and he has no idea what how he would prefer to smell when asked to have his own opinion. (you know that scene in penny dreadful where dorian gray shows off his entire shelf of perfumes/colognes? i imagine it would be a bit like that, once he figures it out, haha)
an otp: dreamling! also dream and calliope but in a more bittersweet way?
a notp: i don't ship corintheus (though i love the corinthian!)
favorite platonic/familial relationships: i love morpheus' relationship with his ravens & with lucienne. i also love his relationship with death and with delirium <3
a headcanon that is popular within the fandom but that i disagree with: hmmm. i'm not sure what to say for this one! when the show first came out a lot of folks were interpreting dream as cold/emotionless and i strongly disagreed with that but i haven't really seen that take since tom came out and talked about how dream is actually the most emotional being who just suppresses all his emotions to be able to perform his function. bless him for saying that <3
the position they sleep in: morpheus doesn't sleep. but retired morpheus is a fetal position/stomach sleeper who likes to be piled under a million blankets and gets cold easily especially in his extremities. (bonus dreamling opinion: retired morpheus loves to be little spoon but realizes he also really enjoys being big spoon after the first time he has to care for hob while hob is sick with a cold, and after that they switch off)
a crossover AU i'd like to see them in: hmm... i just thought of this, but if anyone has seen the hugh grant movie "mickey blue eyes" - i think an AU of that movie would be HILARIOUS, with hob being the unwitting fiancee marrying into the endless family
my favorite outfit they've ever worn: for show!morpheus - has to be 1489 i think... it's just so goth, he could rewear it for 1989 and do great <3 for comics!morpheus... i do love his "grey t-shirt and jeans while barefoot" combo. certainly not the most elaborate thing he's worn but honestly i think it is my favorite <3
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yarrystyleeza · 1 year
Happy 200 Sleepover Celebration! Kiss Marry Yeet: Matt Murdock, Tristan Thorne, or Michael Kinsella. This or That: Breakfast or Dinner? Comfort Movie or Comfort TV show? Milk to Dark chocolate? Reading or Writing? Girly talk: Tell me about your favorite childhood toys, accesories,books, etc you wish you still owned. Rate This Music: Melt by Shaed
Thank you so much my dear, I loved the colorful header so much 😆💞💞💞
Oh my god this is so phucking hard, I'm cryinggg 😭😭😭
I would kiss Tristan, he's just so tiny and cute, I just can't imagine anything bad happening to him he's such a baby 😭😭😭
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I would Marry Michael, I can't even express how much I want him to wife me, he's the perfect man. 😩💞
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And unfortunately, I will have to YEET Matt (don't yeet me please I can explain 🤣🤣🤣). Matt can survive this, he almost died twice before (s1 and defenders), I'm pretty sure he could survive me yeeting him. 😬
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I love you Matt I'm so sorry 😭😭😭😭😭
This or That
Breakfast or dinner:
Basically dinner, it has more tasty options LIKE CHIMKENNN
Comfort movie or comfort TV show:
It kinda depends on how much time I have, but I would go for comfort movie here.
Milk or dark chocolate:
I'd go with milk chocolate, it's softer and is something in my comfort zone, I eat dark chocolate for fun.
Reading or writing:
Reading in general is easier for me, but writing is my hobby, so... I guess I'm choosing writing this time
Girly talk
Things I wish I still owned:
This actually reminded me of a little Pikachu rubber Keychain I had when I was 4, unfortunately I lost it back in middle school, I cried a lot that day 😂😭😭
Another thing is the top part of my One Direction merch pj's that I lost on vacation 7 years ago, I LITERALLY LOST THE TOP WHICH HAD ALL 1D BOYS FACES IN PINK HEARTS LIKE UGHHHHGHGHGH. I'm still so mad about losing it, it was Hella expensive and also a gift from my mom, I still think it was stolen idk I have trust issues 😂
I had a little rubber ball when I was seven, it jumped in the toilet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 very terrible fate
Also I had a transparent blue horse toy, it would literally shine in the light, I lost it in my grandparents house, it was never seen again, like it had vanished into thin air.
MY DAREDEVIL PIN, IT WAS ONLY 6 MONTHS OLD, AND MY FRIEND PAINTED IT FOR ME. I was coming back home from a very exhausting shopping day for my sister's wedding, and it was pinned on my denim jacket, and suddenly it wasn't there. 😭😭😭😭😭
I just went down a memory lane and that was a hell of a ride 🤣💞
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Melt by SHAED
I listened to the song last night, it's actually good, her voice is really good, but the type of beat is not really my type of music so I would give it a solid 8/10. Would listen to it again surely.
Thank you for coming to my sleepover, you're one of my favorites 🥰🥰🥰
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Who is your most loved person?  I'd say my parents. I'm *really* bad at expressing it but I really think this is the case. They were the first people I thought of, too.
Have you ever been bullied?  Oh you have no idea how much you can be bullied over a name.
Who makes you the happiest?  I'd be lying if I didn't say BTS.
What is the most heroic thing you’ve ever done?  I like to think I saved a life once. I won't delve into it much but I had an orgmate who tweeted something in an extremely distressed yet decided tone and I caught it the second he posted, so I took it as a sign to reach out privately even though we weren't close outside of org work. Stayed with them for like half an hour until they calmed down. It doesn't matter to me whether they still remember that night or not, but I do like to go back to that moment when I need a little self-reminder that I can do nice things too.
What calms you down when you’re upset?  BTS bro.
Have you been betrayed in the past? How?  Yeah I have had a friend spill secrets of mine. Yes multiple ones, and yes it's the same person. I've had her blocked everywhere since 2009 and have no plans to ever talk to her again.
Who do you miss the most?  Nobody in real life.
What’s one sweet/candy you miss from your childhood?  Coffeebeat from Meiji. We used to have a local convenience store that would sell this bundle of Meiji candies - idk how to explain it but it was like a sampler bundle? So like tiny portions of different candies, and sold as one product - and I would only ever eat the Coffeebeats. All the other candies in that bundle, I gave to my sister.
Also, I FOUND WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE OMG. It's this one!!!
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Do you have a favourite celebrity chef?  Baek Jongwon :D I get so excited when BTS does stuff with him or when I see him on my favorite Korean variety shows.
Do you prefer diamonds or pearls?  Diamonds.
Is there anything coming out soon (books, albums, movies, video games) that you’re looking forward to?  Oppenheimer is already out but I have yet to watch it...maybe this Saturday! I've been meaning to take myself out on a weekend. As for music, just Taehyung's and Jungkook's albums.
How do you go about finding books/movies/music to read/watch/listen to?  Books: I never really read anymore but I'm bound to check a book out if it's related to my interests, like if I find out a favorite wrestler is coming up with a memoir.
Movies: I can pick up movie recos from anywhere. All I need is a plot that resonates with me or with my type of movie (read: drama).
Music: I listen to solely BTS these days but if any of the members share a song reco then I'm likely to check it out. So far my favorite music taste has been Joon's.
What’s a band/musician you were really into for a while but who you don’t care about or hardly listen to anymore?  Banks and alt-J.
What is something someone recommended to you that you disliked/hated?  It wasn't recommended to me per se but I was once invited to a birthday gathering where we were treated to watch Me Before You, and I remember not liking it all that much.
Do you find it difficult to keep up with online friendships?  Yes, which is why I quit that life many years ago. It's hard when you're on different timezones, and even harder when you drift apart. After losing my circle of friends from my wrestling fandom, and after experiencing Carley go on and off the radar 1 billion times, I've been too scared to make online friends again.
Has there ever been a person you regret ever being friends with?  Kind of.
Do you think you have a good understanding on love?  I don't know. What counts as 'good'? I don't think I'll ever understand love completely; all I know from it are my own experiences.
What do you want to do on your honeymoon?  I'm not sure, actually. Never really thought about it. First thing that came to mind is to go to South Korea but I feel like I'm just saying where I want to travel HAHAHA
What do you think of your parent(s)?  They are very hardworking and have always done the most and best they can for us.
I do wish my mom did not inflict/pass on so much of her mental anguish on us when we were kids, and I wish she didn't treat us and talk to us and get frustrated with us as if we were adults when we were like 5...but the older I get, the more I understand where she was coming from. I get it. But just because I'm able to empathize now doesn't mean I've forgiven all that happened in the past.
If your best friend confessed that they can see the future, you would…?  I would tell her to get real.
What’s your least favorite pizza topping?  Pepperoni, salami, beef, pork, pineapple.
What’s your dream pet?  I don't have a dream pet. For me, all I need are dogs.
Most unattractive male name, in your opinion?  Bob or Mark.
Is your pet dog male or female?  I've only ever had male dogs.
Have you or would you try shark meat?  I would.
Do you know anyone that’s pescatarian?  I'm pretty sure I do - I think Joanna may be? - but I just wouldn't be able to identify who off the top of my head.
Do you think the government has a cure for cancer, but is hiding it from public?  I highly doubt that.
Do people normally describe you as sexy? No.
Was your ex born in America?  No.
Has your best friend ever made you cry?  Um, only happy ones. She kept me alive when I couldn't do it for myself, and I tend to get emotional when I think about those days.
Do you still talk to the person you liked six months ago?  I haven't liked anyone in nearly three years.
Has anyone ever talked you into doing something you didn’t want to do?  Isn't that the experience of everyone with an Asian parent ever?
Are you smiling in your Facebook profile picture?  The biggest smile I've ever done, yes. I was in Bangkok, posing right in front of the arena where Yoongi was performing that evening.
Be honest, does the person you like actually deserve you?  I don't like anybody.
List 5 things that have been on your mind most recently.  Considering resigning before I get my next promotion; Our family vacation in December that I really don't want to happen; Work-related reimbursements that I need to request ASAP; Figuring out when to be firm and when to be loose as a manager; Taking my dogs to their next vet appointment.
Would you ever wear black lipstick? Do you know anyone who does?  I never wear black lipstick and no I don't know anyone who does.
If you wear eye shadow, do you put on a dark colour or a light?  I don't really wear eyeshadow.
Do you combine your socks and underwear in the same drawer?  Yes, I do.
Does the last person you kissed live within walking distance?  No.
Is there someone you could hang out with all the time, without ever getting bored of them?  Probably not. I love my friends, but at some point I'd also prefer my own company. I was overseas with my close friends for just 5 days, but after that I couldn't wait to be on my own hahahaha.
Do you know a girl named Beth? Tell me about her.  I used to. She was a semi-online friend from the wrestling community; like we weren't close by any means, but we were part of the same community 'clique' and would always be cool with each other whenever we'd interact. She's from the UK and had a CM Punk-related username. She's very pretty, too.
Do you think the last person you kissed has ever lied to you?  Yes.
Have you ever been hit on by somebody way too old for you?  No.
First kink tried?  Choking.
First time doing oral?  I was 18.
Do you send nudes? Do you like receiving them?  Well, not these days, but yes I used to. Yeah I like receiving them too, as long as I'm actually *with* the person; otherwise I imagine I would be grossed out.
How much teasing do you like?  It's not my favorite thing in the world but I can play along. I'd rather be teased than do the teasing, though.
Are you okay with name-calling in bed?  I don't think I've ever experienced it...but I'm open to exploring and figuring out if I'm actually into it.
How often do you do unprotected sex?  I used to be in a same-sex relationship so this wasn't really something I worried about.
Do you like wearing/seeing people in lingerie?  Honestly not into it.
Are stockings/thigh-highs a turn on?  Not for me.
How many other people know your bra size?  I doubt anyone else does.
Do you have any friends you’d sleep with?  Nope.
Does the person you like have any flaws?  I don't like anyone.
Has anyone ever given you a ring? Why?  Yeah, just for funsies.
Creation theory, evolution or the Big Bang theory?  Anything but creation.
What was your last serious conversation about?  I'm so sure and I'm too exhausted to try to remember.
Have you ever been into a real cave?  Yes.
Have you ever posted mean comments on YouTube?  I don't think so. I rarely comment on YouTube anyway.
Name the strangest game you’ve ever played (video game or real game):  I'm not a big gamer but something that comes to mind is that Flash bartending game lol. Strange, but very nostalgic and very very fun.
Who was the last person to play with your hair? Are they cute?  I can't remember...maybe Angela? She's the likeliest to do so anyway.
Who was the last person close to you that died? Did you cry?  Marisse's dad. I didn't cry, but there was a heaviness even though I haven't seen him since I was 7. He and my grandpa used to be close, and seeing him after all these years, but just at his wake, reminded me of those memories I have of them together.
Do you know anyone who uses medical marijuana?  No, that's not legal here.
Do you know anyone who’s died in childbirth?  I have a cousin who apparently passed on, but I'm not sure if what happened was a miscarriage or death in childbirth. We don't really tackle Sophia within the family, but I wish I could know more about her. I only learned about her to begin with from Facebook, although I wish I didn't have to learn about a dead cousin that way.
Do you agree with the “they’re just being kids” excuse?  Idk I feel like this is such a vague statement. There are some things that can be excused, but if a kid is like committing arson or beating up other kids or abusing animals then I'm not letting that slide.
Have you told your parents all of your secrets from when you were a teen?  Never.
What’s the worst name your mom has ever called you?  She has implied that I am worthless in a million and one expressions.
What’s your stance on spooning?  It's cute, until a certain point. I prefer cuddling so I can face the other person :)
Do you currently want a new computer?  It'd be cool but I'm not too pressured to get a new one. Like I've said in previous surveys, I only ever use my personal laptop for taking surveys now. Spending 100k for a new laptop is just such an expensive way to take more surveys LOL
How would your parents react if you got a tattoo?  I feel like they would be nonchalant. I'm 25 and they mostly leave me be at this point + they have their own tattoos so why complain about mine?
Who is your truest friend?  Angela.
Who is your oldest friend?  Angela.
How long have you known them?  18 years.
Where are they right now?  I'm guessing she's at home.
Have you ever dated a friend of one of your siblings?  Nope.
Have you ever dated someone who had a child?  I have not.
What has been your biggest failure in life?  Hmm, probably my first and last relationship.
Do you trust yourself?  For the most part.
Would you ever consider getting an abortion, under any circumstances?  Honestly, no. If it happens, it happens; I support abortion as a choice but it's personally not for me.
What was the last bug you killed?  An ant, I think.
Do you prefer profile pictures by yourself of with someone else?  By myself.
Has a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s parents ever gotten mad at you? Why?  No idea.
What is the funniest thing a child has ever said to you.  Not to me but my aunt once told me a funny story about my then-10 year old cousin; apparently the two of them had been going grocery shopping and were stopped at the alcohol section. My aunt, bless her heart, was asking my cousin what flavor of soju to get, to which my cousin exasperatedly replied, "I don't know mom, I'm 10." one of my favorite stories ever looooooool.
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jakeperalta · 1 year
Ya but I think I Can See You still fits Speak Now cuz of the guitar and rock vibe. Like I saw some people say it was more 1989 or Midnights..which I kinda don't know where that's coming from. Anyway I am excited to watch the video later..especially cuz I used to love Taylor Lautner lol. Ya it's true she dated him from 2009 to 2010. They are in a kinda weird movie I'd recommend called Paperman that's kinda about loneliness. but she also met Andrew in December 2010. I know that's after Speak Now came out..but it still fit the era..cuz they went to her show together..idk. and the way the end of the song says she met a man..seems like it was someone new and one lyric makes me think of the sun quote he said about her and just the vibe he instantly fell for her which is what the song was about. Either way..I love that she has a song about their friendship!!! But for me it reminds too much of a Train song and how she sang Drops of Jupiter during Speak Now, while my sister said Jump Then Fall..so I kinda see both now. I don't really have any complaints about the original songs except maybe a few didn't have a lot of power in her voice and the emotion of the songs. I feel like I usually watch the tour version of songs in this album though like Enchanted and Haunted or Dear John so maybe that's why.
yeah I've seen people it would be more fitting on red/1989/lover/midnights which I disagree with, it's not like classic speak now to me but it is speak now adjacent (similarly to mr perfectly fine being more poppy than fearless but still having those fearless roots). plus I think the fun of vault songs is that we can get songs that maybe don't quite have the same sound as the main album!
I think the video is so fun and I love that she brought back people from that era! also after a lot of the recent videos being so cgi heavy it makes a nice change to have it be in a real setting and have a more cinematic feel.
when I was listening to when emma falls in love I was like I need some dates here to know whether this is about andrew haha, I do think it's possible since I think the vault songs can act similarly to the fearless platinum tracks being ones that were written later but still within the era
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dadswithipads · 1 year
As I do with most pieces of media I'm interested in, at the moment I will be reacting. Now I've already seen the movie and the TV show but it's been a couple years since I fully watched the movie scene for scene so.
Ew. Sry straighties. She just like 9 y/o me fr. Ethans voice crack. "High school brotherhood" i feel nostalgic for the beginning of High School. Even though mine was sh!t cause of a certain thing that happened in 2020. Okay Ethan says tomorrow but it's like raining outside and it's supposed to be August I'm presuming if school starts that next day? I don't remember his sister's name but frfr.
If they're starting out high school they're just now reaching teenager. Why is she going out alone. She gonna get k!dna££ed. One of my biggest fears. OMG RED HERRING. wtf was that dialogue. Nvm a cringy teen on 2010s internet would say that. Bro just d!ed. Him gagging lmao. Ew the socks. Wtf.
Oh yes, Twilight. Those girls walking in the hallway watching the movie on their phone remind me of when me and my friend in 8th grade just watch Netflix while we were running the mile. The actress is from Degrassi and plays Manny Santos💜 . Awwwwwwww the old phones. Theme song be kicking. Two nuggets and some fries???? And egg. Nice. The high school looks like a camp Lodge. Ah yes. Benny and his projection to be straight. Overly so. Hey yo it's Canadian Corbin Bleu. What kind of student is just wearing sunglasses and a suit indoors.
What is the logo for the coffee on the cup look like a ball s@ck??? Aww they sweet tho. Ethan being caught up and wanting to you know have a reputation and Benny just being goofy and fun. Its just such a entertaining and sweet dynamic. Feels very queer too. As it is. RORY!!!!!!
Why do they both dislike him? He's such a cutie. Benny shut up. KDKDIEJS9SKWOSIS THAT LINE. K but they're obviously lesbians. That Dynamic just from appearance at the beginning is reminding me of Jennifer's Body. Frfrrfrr. Benny lmao. Aw Rory. Rory saying "Think she'll tuck you in tonight?" LMAO. WLW AND MLM. this is such a nerd convo omg. Bro the closet. Spicy today. Blue looks so good with light blonde hair. Slay Rory.
Yeah no drama club is that emo! The pipeline is there but it's not at the same time. Me and corbin bleu frfr. Awww Rory. Nvm corbin bleu. Frfr. Slayy the mom is always right. Emo music slayy moment Ethan. I don't mean to be the basic white girl but that's all I can say right now is slay. It is a curse. What the frick Benny. That kid is me growinf up fr. Kiss kiss kisss kissss. Erica being taller than Sarah.
Corbin clue. I am too online I'm just expecting the vine thud sound effect to play anytime something happenes.😭😭. Cassie! THATS HER ACTRESS' NAME. He is cute. But erica still a lesbian for that one. Amen Sarah smack that man. Yo that a euphemism?
No way this is outside of his house. LMAO. thud. I know the show likes to show that he has feelings for her or whatever but I really think it's just a weird Crush thing and I feel like they would be way better suited with a brother-sistered anyway for real. Sarah and Ethan would work way better for that. Benny just a goof like Rory but they banish him. Wtf.😭. Justice for Rory. Benny bro stop. Green phone case. GREEN PHONE CASE. 😃. "Im next door" Benny is the girl next door. I don't like the song but antihero by Taylor Swift is stuck in my head right now so I'm going to listen to that and I'll be right back.
Back now. Aw. Benny and Ethan are so close. Like he saw Ethan was upset and immediately dropped everything. Ugh. Slay power gay. Benny YOU the one weirding her out. "She smells funny". Hello if you were me writing this I'd have the grandma like break all her bones doing dance to Revolution when they come back. 😭. Cuz I'm queer it's okay I'm allowed to say this but this boy is raised by his grandma you think he's not gay. He is.
Poor kid. Slay this teen slang. What i like in a show/franchise. I like when it's not talking down to the audience but at the same time it's not like explicit explicit cuz that kind of explicitness gets really annoying for me I like when there's just you know casual stuff you know like stuff that exists in the real world stuff that people talk about not overdramatic look drugs look sex in teen media. Cause her calling him a p£rv is like something that exists but is simple enough to imply understanding about the world.
A publicity stunt only that revolves around you two. LMAO. Benny my son. Me looking for my cats. Aw. They can't run any faster lmao. "Skinny guy coming through". Me fr.
*In Ron Howard voice* "Hey that's the name of the show". Benny being on email mainly is so. Refreshing idk. Its fun to think about. Sarah in her Draculaura era. Corbin Clue could AT LEAST try harder to be interested come on now.
I should just realized the Edward knockoff is also Peter from Degrassi not just Manny's actress. Love Canada. Wtf. Benny lmao. Sorry but that line felt like the opening to a gay pron.
Grandma wake up. Slay bethan hand contact. The bed that easy to move?. "Ryan Seacrest"??????????? Ethan gay fr🌈🌈🌈🌈.
He says notice sign with the restricted area authorized employees only. Lmao?? Aww Ethan smiling after Benny being a goof. That photo id of Rory is so... sophisticated?
RORY MY SON! Aww. Mathletes event lmao? He looks so good in blue. Rory is such a good part of this franchise. Benny sounds like this guy at my school that is like such a gross kid. But its okay cause its Benny and it's different. This is my son. Awwww the eye contact between them here.
Freshmen can't drive lmao. The car looked like it was getting pushed. Sarah save your gf slay. Lmao her "I 💗 boys that sparkle" shirt. Alcohol reference. Gross Benny. Gay reference. Ethana gay panic lmao. Benny too. Awwwwww them dancing. Aww Rory "A wicked hickey" bro no💀. I'm so Gen Z I once again thought there was going to be a thud sound effect after that. Jessie sounds like a nerd. He is so nasally.
Erica lmao. The music too. He he referred to them as girls. That is a queer thing to do. They are queer. Thud. Jessie sounds like a NERD Holy sh!t. Rory my son. Slay Ethan plot. The FX skhahahhahaha. These nerds. Benny. Said. "Wick'" as in Wicked. 😃. Ok.
Bruh the mom just inplied😃... Ok. "Rap music" my son listens to emo music and rap what a bisexual. RORY! love him in blue. No asthma. Lmao. "The big V". "What-what?" 😭😭😭😭 this man. CHURCH. AKDKKDHSHS. That Canadian came in during his "about". I sound like Lucille I'm squealing. Not even laughing just. "AH HAHAH". "Zing" my guy😭.
Dam bro didnt even get a line. Thats so raven. Wiki mention ayy. The looks like such emos. Just in the graveyard in all black with sunglasses lmao. Gross. "Out" was also said slipping that Canadian accent. Drugs lmao. Pretty vague. WOAH WHAT. I hate to Compulsive heterosexuality. Brought his vision right now is just him being a visual learner come on now.
Awww super rory. Gay implied. Ooh Sarah done fell in love. Gross. Rory listens to metal. Amen. Lmao. Aww bethan. Awww thats sweet. 8 year old girls rule the world lmao. Lmao the grandma. Irish dancing lmao. LMAO THE BURN. Bro. Cmon now. Awww she miss her GF.
Why the book just leave? Jessie is gay. He dating corbin cleu. "What a cool show" LMAO. That is illegal Ethan. Ewwwwww what the frick Benny. Smh. It's okay he just want to kiss the female to see if he liked it or not. He still in love with Ethan tho. RORY! Dam she grabbing her a$$. Lmao the cgi. The slow mo omg. Aww bethan moment. Aww. Bro is Ethan crying. Jessie is gay. BENNY! Him yelling "Courage" to go save Ethan. Aww.
Slay Sarah saved by females. Lol Rory and Erica matching. Gay and gay.
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thatrandombystander · 2 years
hows that guillermo pinoccio
It's a weird movie honestly. (Weirdness enhanced by being the one single person in the cinema during the showing)
I don't regret seeing it, but I also have some mixed thoughts and wasn't blown away by it, y'know? I feel like some of it didn't quite click with me, and I'd like to see some video essayists pull it apart and analyse it to help me appreciate it and/or figure out what didn't quite work
I purposefully avoided looking too much into the movie before I watched it so I didn't know too much about what to expect. I'm also not familiar with Pinocchio as an actual story beyond Disney's animated version and don't know anything about other adaptations over the last century
As always if you ask my opinion on anything, I'll give you an essay. Like, I'm putting this under a read more because it's genuinely almost 1500 words even after I edited out some paragraphs ✌
The stop-motion animation was excellent, and I'm going to need to have a look for any behind-the-scenes clips.
Every now and then I'd start to forget that it's stop-motion, but then there'd be these little imperfections that would pull me back to go "whoa this is all done by hand!". For other films the temporarily loss of immersion would be an issue, but I think stop-motion as a medium really benefits from reminding you that it's stop-motion just so you can appreciate the artistry of it.
All the character designs were great, but I was especially 😮🤩 with the Wood Sprite (equivalent to the Blue Fairy from the Disney version) and her sister Death (yes Death)
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There was also scenes with a water and ocean in them that I refuse to believe was stop-motion. Maybe some parts like sea foam and whatever were, but doing the whole thing in stop-motion would have been insane, so I'm guessing that they animated the characters and later composited in some computer animated water? (Not a complaint, just an observation.)
One downside I did notice was how the background of scenes were very still. In a computer animated film you would have like, movement of the wind rustling the trees and grass and all the little touches of movement to help things feel alive. In a stop-motion film, that would be SO MUCH work, so I suppose that's just a limitation of the medium.
Another downside is that not every character had the same level of expressiveness? There was one scene where Pinocchio was having a narratively touching conversation with a relatively minor character) and I couldn't help but wish that the other chara had more range of expressions. His face was quite rigid. Again, limitation of the medium in making face plates/heads for him.
But that's just me nitpicking things that stood out to me, quite impressed and enjoyed the visuals.
I forgot this movie was partially a musical when I went in lol. It was fine. There's not too many song and I think they were mostly all in the first half? That or my surprise at their inclusion just made the songs in the portion really stick out to me and by the time we got to the 2nd half I was just used to them. Don't really have any other particular thoughts about the music.
The voice acting was all good, Ewan McGregor in particular as the Sebastian J. Cricket (Jiminy Cricket) stands out to me because he sounded like he was having fun with the role.
Also Wikipedia is telling me that CATE BLANCHETT voiced Spazzatura the monkey which?? Are you really telling me they brought Blanchett along to spend 90% of her time just making monkey growls and whimpers and other such noises??????? Wild.
Surface Story
(some spoilers from here on out I guess?)
The film generally follows the same narrative beats as the Disney animated film, with a notable exception. Pinocchio wakes up/comes alive, gets sent to school but instead joins a shady circus.
Instead of leaving the circus and ending up in that carnival place that turns you into a donkey, Pinocchio ends up in uhh the Italian equivalent of a Hitler youth training camp (remember, this film is set in fascist Italy). This doesn't come out of nowhere, it was definitely build up to it but still. Wild.
After that, we end up in the belly of the giant fish (Monstro in Disney, but I think unnamed in this one), papa Geppetto is in there, time to escape. The ending is quite different from the Disney version tho.
I think personally I would have preferred if they had strayed from these narrative points a bit more? But I guess that's just me not quite connecting to the original Pinocchio story that much, so I didn't fully connect to an adaptation of it.
Narrative Themes
Perhaps the key theme of the film is obedience and blind obedience. From, Wikipedia:
"The original book sought the domestication of a child's soul in a way that del Toro perceives as blind obedience, del Toro identified Pinocchio's virtue to be the act of disobeying, assuming that while the book seems to favor that kids should obey their parents and be good, his movie focuses more on discovering yourself and decide what commandments given to you are acceptable or not."
The film definitely does explore this. Pinocchio being told he should obey his father/Geppetto, obey the circus ringmaster, obey the fascist government and be ready and willing to go war. He defies all these authorities in different ways, and in a way inspires a couple other characters being abused by authority to stand up against the people who have been controlling them.
(Geppetto also has some growth and comes to love Pinocchio for who he is, rather than rejecting him for not matching the obedient son Geppetto expected/wished him to be)
So yes, the film very much had a theme of avoiding blind obedience, and I liked this as a theme and I feel like a literally puppet character in fascist Italy is a great choice for this, but I something about how it was presented didn't quit click for me to turn it from decent to great. Again, might just be me, but I feel the film script might have benefited from another round of editing or a little extra runtime to cement things. Although I imagine that would be super costly with stop-motion.
This is the point of this ramble where I'd walked off to do something and have come back 2 hours later so I've lost a lot of steam and forgot about what I was gonna talk about?
Uhhhh what else.
Sometimes it felt like a kid's film, but other time it didn't? I think I went in expecting a more mature movie and was a little disappointed due to my incorrect expectations, but I think the film is more in line with a more mature kids movie like Coraline and I'd have enjoyed it more if I'd gone in with that expectation.
There was a point in the film where the solution to a problem was to have Pinocchio tell enough lies that his nose got big enough that it helped solve the problem. I liked that because I've always felt that the whole "Pinocchio's nose grows when he tells lies" never really did anything for the narrative's he's in outside of telling kids that it's immoral to lie. Actually thinking about that now, I'd say having this be a solution also ties into the rejecting blind obedience theme
Uhhhhh and now I'm completely running out of steam. My verdict is that I enjoyed the movie and loved the visuals and animation, but I wasn't blown away by the rest of it. It's a strange movie so it's not necessarily something I'd recommend to everyone to watch unless I know your media tastes. Stop-motion animation fans would definitely enjoy it tho, and I'm super looking forward to the gif sets that are gonna be on this site when the film releases digitally on Netflix in 2 weeks.
Speaking of Netflix, I'm hearing that they seem to be wanting to push this film into getting considered for the Best Picture award at the Oscars. I don't think it's got much chance at that, but I would like it up there for best animated work.
Well uh, thanks for reading if you've made it this far. No idea if it would be available near you in cinemas right now because it seems to be extremely limited runs with no marketing. Otherwise it's scheduled to hit Netflix on December 9 if you want to watch it on there (or somewhere else online I guess 🏴‍☠️)
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sitpwgs · 2 months
Hi! This is part 2. Wow I just watched the video of him singing since I had a chance and was pretty impressed. His voice was low and Stars is such a hard song to sing so I guess I'm not worried anymore, that he can't pull off the role because of singing. We will see how it goes but hopefully I can watch the proshot of Merrily first lol.
Speaking of pro shots, I also heard about the Bonnie and Clyde one and would love to watch Jeremy in that so hopefully I will at some point but I'm not sure when. Like I'm worried If I rent it, my sister and I won't have time to watch or she will be tired idk. I also don't know whatever happened to the Waitress one either. Btw, for your vibes, my instinct was to go with Les Mis cuz it reminds me of you. Not just because of your name either, but because how much you love it..but your vibes also match with Waitress too! It just makes sense.
Anyway I was able to find an Aaron Sweeney bootleg and a Jeremy Little Shop one so maybe I will watch them this week. After some digging, I guess it's alright or easy to find but I was more interested in ones currently still on Broadway and I'm not sure they will be available yet. However there might be a Gatsby video out there since I think I saw it giffed. I didn't have a chance to watch the Lempicka one yet either or listen to the Gatsby cast album yet, but I'm listening later today and will share my thoughts. Also I just found a copy of the book the other day so maybe I will finally read it! I need to get back into reading again as a better distraction haha. Instead I listened to The Notebook, Illinoise and Water For Elephants. Suffs is fine..I listened to it twice and it has some catchy songs but wasn't into the story or anything and found it slightly hard to follow, but it was also the only original musical the season so I guess that's something. I don't really have too many thoughts about it but people always like different things. Like I love the Outsiders based on the story and music but I know a lot of people absolutely hate it for winning best musical. I would hope you would like it but if you didnt, that's also okay. I think what I loved about the Notebook and The Outsiders is that they feel almost totally separate from the movie to me now, in a good way. Like I love both, and I was using the movie to follow the story listening to the songs, but i wasn't like..this is exactly like the movie..they truly offered something a little different and the songs matched the stories. What are your favorite songs from the Notebook? Also, what did you think of the casting choices and how the parts were swapped with their races with the old couple? At first my sister and I were confused but then they said that was the point. Also are you an Ingrid Michaelson fan? I found out she has an album coming out next month too. If you wanna share more about what watching the show is like, with the rain scene maybe, I would love that too!
I am not as familiar with the Water for Elephants movie..but listening almost made me wanna watch it again to see if it was similar or different. I only watched it once so I couldn't really remember much about it. I'm a fan of Izzy Mccalla, Grant Gustin and Paul Alexander Nolan so I enjoyed it. I'd say it did have parts of a more Broadway sound with some of the circus stuff and in general talk singing dialogue in the show. My sister and I noticed that 3 and a half shows had to do with an affair from the women being taken and we thought that was funny. The Notebook, Gatsby and Water for Elephants lol. Anyway you might like it if you wanna give it a listen. I liked Illinoise but also couldn't get much of the story and it felt like listening or imitating Sufjan so I'm sure it's better to watch since I couldn't get much of the story. Hell's Kitchen I was able to follow some or most of the story and am a fan of the singing and performers too, like Shoshana Bean so it's maybe worth a listen. We also said how there was a mix of stories that were teen and adult, and also a lot they were looking back on the past. That could be cuz a lot of them are based on books though lol.
Omg of course I've watched the Spring Awakening bootleg haha. Sometimes I just pick a few songs to listen to, that's why instead of the whole thing or watching but I love it so much! I love that there's nothing else quite like it. I think the only thing I really compare it to is like Next to Normal, and that could be biased. One because of Aaron and Jonathan who are similar performers to me, and two because these were the first musicals I learned about that werent based on anything and also the first bootlegs I watched lol. I think a performance of the show would be so cool so i'm sorry you didn't like the show! What was so wrong with it if you don't mind saying?
Also happy anniversary to Speak Now TV! I might be a day late but still. How does the album hold up for you and what's your opinion of the vault songs? Idk if we ever talked about it. I haven't really been into Taylor as much but I forgot to mention that she sang Castles Crumbling with Hayley Williams about a week ago and it made me nostalgic for my show. Hayley Williams also posted about it being 1 year and Taylor didn't lol. She also sang Mary's Song! But too bad it was only part of it. I haven't been guessing surprise songs as much but I actually guessed that she would sing a song from debut and mash it up with a song from Red..which was right, but just the wrong songs lol. She also sang a I Can See You and Mine mashup which actually sound a bit similar in the beginning of the songs. It's too bad she already played it instead of doing something to celebrate it. I'm guessing she will be singing Last Kiss tomorrow cuz of July 9th and i am putting it here so I can be right for once! Idk if it will be on guitar or piano cuz it could go either way. I also think she might sing the whole song instead of mashing it up..and maybe she will sing Timeless again since she seems to be in a romantic mood. I just noticed they sort of rhyme so they could be almost mashed up lol but I think that's all I'm gonna guess for now haha. I hope I'm right! I haven't got around to listening to those albums yet but I will next week. I am spending another week on Broadway stuff with Gatsby, a musical cast album called The Violet Hour that Jeremy and other Broadway people sing on, and possibly Lempicka after I watch it this weekend. That also reminds me I need to watch Hazbin Hotel too, which he is a part of. I usually only listen to three ish albums a week so ya. What have you been listening to? Sorry this got kinda long again too but I hope you have an awesome week!!! I hope you enjoy my long messages but you can always take time replying. I guess I missed talking to you! 🩷
🩷 i'm so sorry for the awkward delay in replying! my friend showed up early to get me for the basketball game we went to tonight </3 although honestly... if i hadn't been distracted (buying oh mary tickets) i definitely would've had time to answer the rest of this ask before i left. in the time it took for me to answer that last ask and start answering this one i bought tickets to see the thursday oh mary 5pm matinee. bailey loves me and is putting up with me and my nonsense. i also have a packed schedule now. oh well!
i was also impressed when i heard him sing! i was like oh! okay! i am really, really excited for the merrily proshot and i hope it does not take years for it to be released. but at least it's been filmed!
i haven't gotten around to watching it yet but i do need to! loveeee bonnie & clyde! i was listening to the west end cast recording earlier! you could always wait to rent until you know you have time! i did laugh about the les mis thing; i was definitely expecting it to win and was pleasantly surprised when waitress won! waitress is one of my favorites though (obviously) so i am quite pleased with that result.
a lot of the songs on the notebook took a while to grow on me! my days is obviously a favorite, so is iron in the fridge, but there are just so many that really get to me (i always cry when i listen to it). i think it was a bit odd! i remember being like ?????? when i saw it and also when i heard the casting announcement and a lot of the audience was like ??????? but! they are all such good actors. and i am! i love ingrid michaelson's music! the chain is one of my favorite songs of all time. very excited for her album! oh gosh the rain scene is done SO well!! i will elaborate on this after i've seen it again but i remember being SO impressed with it!
i will give water for elephants a listen soon! my friend saw it and liked it but didn't love it :( i think the big sell of illinoise is that it's dance heavy ( i heard it's more like vignettes rather than a cohesive plot of a show ) so i really hope we get a bootleg and that it tours someday!
oh gosh there was so much that went wrong with the production i saw! i have a lot of ... thoughts on that theatre and their artistic direction. i love love loved the revival, and i think the direction + staging + double casting added a lot of complexity to the show. and so i think seeing anything after that would've been a disappointment, but i think my mediocre show experience was really down to two things: 1) a bad show + 2) a bad audience. i think shows do themselves a disservice when they treat their audience like they're stupid. everyone knows that the songs in spring awakening are about ... what they're about. we do not need it spelt out for us. the set didn't do it any favors (it was very bare/minimal — wooden chairs, some trees, and two big rocks that the actors kept tripping over). the casket in the left behind scene was a chair and it was very ... odd. the costumes weren't very great, but the one thing i will not understand is the choice to put wendla and moritz in grim reaper sims-esque outfits (i get why i just think they were very off putting and also jarring in comparison to everything else). a lot of the reviews said the wendla and moritz were terrible; we had an understudy moritz (who admittedly also wasn't great) but i really don't think the wendla was bad at all — she just didn't come off as naive/innocent as i feel like wendla starts off being, but she wasn't like that terrible. the moritz and martha were the saving grace of this show; very clearly talented, out-acted and out-sung everyone else. just very, very good in a very, very mediocre production of spring awakening. a lot of the actors chose (or were told to?) riff as much as they could, which ... well could is a stretch, but also spring awakening is not a show you riff through. and audience etiquette was just absolutely horrid, like why are you laughing at the most inappropriate scenes? why are you hooting and hollering like it's a sports game? it was just ... so deeply terrible. i hate to say it but i understand why one of our local reviewers called it a two dimensional one note show.
happy (incredibly belated) speak now taylor's version anniversary to you too! i haven't actually listened to taylor much lately, but i think the album holds up fine and my favorite vault songs from it still haven't changed (foolish one, castles crumbling, timeless). i still think red has the best vault, and then i would say fearless, then speak now, then 1989. what about you? i really wish she had sung mary's song in full :/ same with a place in this world. i think the mashups are a fun concept, but i don't think i like them all that much — i'd rather hear the songs in full, and i think sometimes they're mashups just for the sake of having a mashup vs. something that has a clear theme + is thought out. if you could hear her do any two mashups (one on piano, and one on guitar), what would you choose?
i haven't really been listening to a whole lot! i listened to the new clairo album today and loved it (i love clairo, so i wasn't shocked that i loved it), and have still been mostly looping brat! aside from that i haven't really been listening to much!
i love your long messages! i always love chatting with you, even if it takes me a while to reply — i usually do read your messages at they come in and then it takes me a while to reply over time but i love it! speaking of, did you know our one year anniversary is coming up? july 14th!! i can't believe we've been chatting for almost a YEAR! happy one year, my friend! 🤍 i hope you're having a good july so far! any fun plans for your weekend or week? sending love!
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draganwhorror · 8 months
1)Do you know if your parents were contemplating naming you something else? What was the name?
2)Do you like your name?
3)If you could change your name, would you? And what would you change it to?
12) Do you have any pets? What kind and what are their names?
14) What time of day is your favorite?
18) Would you rather travel by plane or ferry/cruise?
25)Name a song that makes you happy and wanna dance.
26)Name a song that reminds you of someone.
31)Name a fictional character you’ve had a crush on.
32)What do you like to snack on at the movie theater?
33)If you could switch places with a character from a show or movie for a week, who would you choose? Why?
35)Favorite TV series?
36)What’s a TV series you wasted your time watching because it was so terrible?
55) What’s your biggest regret?
62)If you could say one thing to your past self, what would you tell them?
63)What’s something you want to tell your followers who might be going through a rough time?
64)Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
65)What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Yeah, my dad wanted to name my sister Jennifer when he found out my mom was having twins. He also wanted to name me Jessica. But my mom hated the name, and she insisted on getting to name me. She also refused to tell anyone what she was choosing until it was already on the birth certificate. So my name was almost Jessica.
As a kid, I didn't really like my name. I grew up in a small town where I was the only person with my name, and after Aladdin came out, the Princess nickname was constant and annoying. Especially as I got older (I was 7 when the movie came out). Now, though, I'm okay with my name. I've had more celebrities tell me it's a pretty name than anyone else. haha
I wouldn't change it now. Back in the day, though, I contemplated going by my middle name, and I had thoughts of changing it to something more basic. But, ultimately, I'm glad I didn't.
12. I have 3 cats. My oldest is Mistress Stormageddon, Dark Lord(ess) of All. She's turning 10 this year. Then I have two 3-year old siblings. Luthair, the tuxedo, and Traces, the gray floofy one. They were named after characters in a fantasy series I'm obsessed with.
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14. My favorite time of day is probably late at night. I've always been a night owl and am usually up until 2-3 AM.
18. Plane. I have a serious fear of the water/ocean and don't think I could handle a ferry or a cruise.
25. A song that makes me happy and wanna dance... I'd have to say, honestly, it's probably Footloose. haha
26. A song that reminds me of someone... I'd have to go with Meet You There by Simple Plan. Reminds me of my grandma who has been gone for 17 years now. :(
31. I've had a crush on Fox Mulder since I was 9 years old. So pretty!
32. I always get nachos when I go to the movies. I have a slight obsession with nachos.
33. If I could switch places with someone from a TV show or movie, I'd have to say I'd want to be Willow from Buffy. I adore Alyson Hannigan. And Willow was my favorite character.
35. My favorite TV series is 100% The X-Files. Started watching when I was 9. Been a fan ever since. 30 years now.
36. I have to go with Lost, which is one of my favorites. It started off so strong and was so good, but as it went on, it got more and more convoluted, and that ending just frustrated me to no end. I felt let down, like I had wasted all that time watching and getting invested, only for it to end badly.
55. My biggest regret is probably being stupid and staying with someone who was abusive for 9 years. Mostly verbal, but occasionally physical. Definitely the biggest regret I have.
62. If I could tell my past self anything, it would probably be...don't let your mom control your entire life and try to make you do what she wants. Your desires and hopes and dreams matter too, and you shouldn't be made to feel guilty for what you wanna do.
63. I'd tell them not to give up. Trust me, I know how hard it can be when you hit a rough patch. Just...keep going. Seriously. Don't give up.
64. I'd like to think so, but at the same time, I don't know. I feel like sometimes bad things will happen to try and make you persevere and work through the challenge to come out a better version of yourself. Or something like that.
65. I'm a sucker for Moose Tracks. Best flavor of ice cream, hands down.
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