#it rewrite prologue
northern-passage · 1 month
a little update.. what i'm working on/prologue changes so far:
no prologue! it’s chapter 1 now
removed the option to leave clementine behind. you have to take them with you :3c
removed height options (sorry!)
in general, edited the cc to flow better
combat preferences have been adjusted-- all still the same but i've made it more obvious how each specialty works mechanically which will hopefully make fights more intuitive to win (or lose, if you want)
genderlocked the sibling. officially a Sister
edited a LOT of dialogue; hopefully it's an improvement and feels more natural
restructured the wraith fight so that it's consistent with the fight in blackwater. with the changes made to the combat preferences this should make the combat system overall cohesive now <- i'm still working on this currently but i am HOPING to finish it by the end of this month.
i have pretty much rewritten the entire prologue. wasn't my plan at the start but here we are... so things are quite different. but also the same. i also streamlined a lot of the choices & branches and cut/combined ones that i felt were just excessive.
i plan to update once i've finished making & importing these changes, and i will probably limit the demo to chapter 1 (previously the prologue) until i get through and edit chapter 2 (previously chapter 1) because i really don't want to have the demo be inconsistent for however long it takes me to get through the next edits. hopefully this will not take that long, and then i'll put chapter 2 & and part 1/what's already been published of chapter 3 back up. and then!!! i will move on to finishing chapter 3.
i know this probably isn't the update you all were hoping for but i'm excited for the next steps with tnp :-)
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whitecatindisguise · 5 months
tails taken in forces as well my beloved 🫶 asking you about it 👀🍵
Okay, so.
Sonic gets killedcaptured by Eggman, Tails goes MIA, Rouge finds out Sonic is alive on the Death Egg, they rescue him, yadda yadda, we all know the drill.
And of course, once Sonic is free he's looking for his little brother. He's not there, but his friends tell him he's just been over somewhere else, doing his best to help and no, he can't contact him right now because he's spying/going undercover whatever and him calling Tails would jeopardize the mission and of course he wants to talk to him but he understands it's important and it's not like they would lie to him, especially right after escaping Eggman, riGhT?
Well, fast forward to the final battle.
Of course, Sonic is still kind antsy because he still haven't seen Tails and they keep telling him Tails is still on the mission whenever he asks and then he gets pulled into helping the Resistance and the thought kinda slips his mind with everything going on and plot twists happening at every occasion (Chaos, Shadow, Metal and Zavok weren't real but clones created by Infinite? like, who would have guessed!) and before he knows it the Resistance is making their final stand, Infinite defeated, Mobius saved from being burnt-slash-hit by the sun and if only they could find Eggman-
Suddenly a huge hologram of the man himself appears on the sky. Figures he turned tail and ran like a coward he was, probably only appearing for his usual "you might have won this time, but next time it'll be my victory" routine.
But Sonic isn't ready for what the man says. He is ready, when Eggman's hologram switches to a video recording. He's not ready when he sees Tails, his little brother. Bloodied. Bruised. Fur stuck together, some patches missing entirely. Forced to his knees. Shock collar clipped around his neck. Arms, legs, even his tails chained together so he wouldn't escape.
Amy lets out a strangled gasp behind Sonic and he turns, staring right at her. In her eyes, in all of his friends' eyes he can see it.
They knew. They knew and they have been lying to him.
Maybe they didn't know Eggman had him, the shock and terror is genuine, but they fucking knew Tails wasn't with them. They knew he was missing and they didn't do anything!
"Your turn, Sonic," Eggman says, his hologram once more switching with the recording, but it doesn't take away the image of his little brother broken by the same man now staring down at him.
Sonic looks up at the hologram, flames burning in his eyes. He's gonna find him. He's gonna drag the man from whatever hole he buried himself in this time and he's going to make damn sure he never tries to mess with his family again!
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kithj · 2 months
trying to trick myself into writing tnp again by editing and rewriting chunks of the first few chapters
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taintedsoul-if · 8 months
Hiya how's it going? Anyways I finished earlier than expected with the rewrite so I'm just going to leave this here.
Once again.... there are grammatical errors so don't come at me. 😂. So it's the first chapter.... plus intro which is the prologue. Anyways I won't continue blabbering. I hope y'all enjoy it. See ya!
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I haven’t done a @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt in a while, but I’ve been neck deep in SOLE work trying to finish a draft by September and
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I saw this and thought “You know, I’ve never written out how Agau told Beth about her powers…”
So that’s what I did! It barely squeaks under 1,000 words at 940 but hey—that counts.
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The knock on the door startles her, but she doesn’t fall off the bed, so Beth keeps sticking glow-in-the-dark stars to her ceiling.
“Come in!”
She doesn’t have to ask or look to know who it is. The scientists never knock, so it will be Connor here to accompany her to breakfast. They didn’t eat together yesterday, but yesterday was her birthday. That means she got to make her own schedule, and she never sets a start time for her birthday schedules. It’s better to wake up without an alarm, even if she never wakes up more than an hour past the usual start time anyway.
As the door opens, she sticks the final star into place and admires her work. She had thought long and hard about what she wanted her present to be this year, and the sticky stars had won out. Fifteen is a satisfying number, and she wanted to celebrate with something just as beautiful.
So she had spent hours yesterday examining every star, organizing them by size, and running through iterations of display to decide which one she wanted to put up. The last thing before going to bed last night had been to line them up in order of placement and keep her lamp on all night to charge them. She hadn’t slept well, but it’s the first day back to her studies after her birthday. There shouldn’t be anything too intense today.
“Very thorough,” a feminine voice compliments.
That isn’t Connor Millard. Beth turns to see a figure that she associates with pictures and screen displays standing in her room: Dr. Barbara Agau.
Scrambling off the bed, Beth fixes her hair and hastens to meet her. She can’t help but be conscious of her appearance in comparison to Dr. Agau, who looks even more perfect in person than she does in her photos. Her hair is slicked back and captured in a bun, her clothes are pressed and clean, and her makeup is subtle but perfect. Beth, on the other hand, abounds in tangles and wrinkles.
“I—thank you,” she says, looking up at Dr. Agau.
“I trust you are hungry enough for breakfast?”
Dr. Agau turns without waiting for her answer, and begins to leave. Beth hurries to catch up, taking the wordless walk to review the lessons she has been taught on how to engage with her superiors. They should be easy: she has practiced silence and timing and general manners on every scientist who engages with her. But she’s never had to engage with the head of Agau Laboratories. The sudden change makes her heart twist in her chest.
Familiar anxiety creeps its way through her entire body. She barely tastes her food. Dr. Agau doesn’t select anything for herself, but seems to know exactly what Beth is prescribed to eat on all non-birthday mornings, and arranges it herself. She does fill two cups of water, though, and hands them to Beth to carry to their table.
“I understand it was your birthday yesterday,” she says as they sit.
“Yeah!” Beth says with a smile.
“Yes,” Dr. Agau agrees, a random note of reproach in her voice. As Beth is trying to figure out where she went wrong, she continues, “I had hoped to discuss things with you then, but my flight was delayed.”
Beth only partially understands this explanation. She knows what a plane is, of course, but she didn’t know Dr. Agau had been riding one. Beth had thought she would be where she always assumes the doctor is: overseeing her SOLE Project from her office, one of the currently restricted areas.
“Regardless, I am back now, and eager to bring you up to date on your role in the Project.”
Beth abandons her spoon and sits up a little straighter. She knows that Dr. agau is working on saving the world, but she never knew she would have a role in it. She simply understood herself to be here, at home, while Dr. Agau worked. There was promise of understanding when she was older, but Beth never expected it to happen the day after she got older.
Dr. Agau has paused long enough that Beth decides this is one of those predetermined places for her to respond.
“What do you need me to do?”
This is the correct response, as evidenced by the way Dr. Agau smiles at her.
“Now that my work preparing the world for your arrival is sufficiently in place, I have returned here to personally oversee your work strengthening your hydrokinetic abilities.”
Beth hardly got a word of that, and it must show on her face, because Dr. Agau sets her cup down and tries again.
“You spend hours in this facility’s recreational pools. You require strict time limits on your morning showers so that you do not fall behind in your studies. You frequently use the water coolers installed in every room, the ones we had to teach you to use from a young age to preclude your constant requests for water.”
Dr. Agau doesn’t recite Beth’s behavior with judgment or shame, but neither does she sound proud. She simply lists facts, none of which Beth can deny.
“You are intrinsically linked to the water, Beth. I designed you this way, so that you would use your abilities to help me and my Project.”
Beth hears the truth behind the doctor’s words: So that you help me save the world. She still doesn’t understand how, but the idea is so exciting that she couldn’t reject the doctor’s high expectations even if she wanted to.
“How do we start?”
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mummer · 2 years
someone found several different wip drafts of the affc prologue in grrm's collection at the cushing library and in one of them rosey is the POV and she's in love with alleras and wants to be a maester too im going insane we could have had it all????????
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high-fantasy-sw · 5 months
A long time ago, in a great sea far, far away, there was a great and powerful Republic, to which belonged many island nations. This ocean was as vast and dark as the night sky, and the islands in it were as numerous and beautiful as the stars, and so it was known as the Galactic Archipelago. Many peoples and tribes called the Galactic Archipelago home, and for a thousand generations, there was peace.
This peace was kept, in part, by the Jedi Order, a noble order of monks of whom it was believed could use magical powers. In truth, the Jedi were indeed blessed with a great gift: they were smiled upon by the Force, which governed and ruled all living things in glorious harmony, and because of this high favor, the Jedi did in fact have abilities that could be called miraculous. They were known as great peacekeepers in the Republic, a reputation they earned through their wise and just balance of diplomacy, their miraculous abilities, and their legendary weapons: lightsabers, beautiful swords inlaid with Kyber Crystals- sacred gemstones that, by the will of the Force, caused the blades to burn with a holy radiance, the color of the flames determined by the color of the crystal.
However, despite the fervor the Jedi poured into preserving peace in the Galactic Archipelago, there were some who would delight to see its ruin. At the forefront of these enemies were the Sith, an ancient clan of dark warriors who were themselves a twisted parody of the Jedi. They, too, possessed supernatural powers, but their abilities flowed from their greedy, selfish dealings with the Dark powers that opposed the Light of the Force. And like the Jedi, the Sith too used lightsabers, but they had corrupted their Kyber Crystals, twisting and distorting the sacred gemstones until their blades blazed only one color: bloody, crimson red alone, not like the beautiful prismatic hues of the Jedi’s.
But to the comfort of the Republic, the Jedi had fought nobly for her people for centuries, until at last the Sith were thought to be no more. For millennia, the Galactic Archipelago had known nothing but peace and prosperity.
How quickly that all would change.
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encrucijada · 1 year
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i just woke up to go to class. have the opening of chap1 of i'll never fall asleep
[ transcript below! ]
The Sun was in Adam’s dreams.
Warning Mechanism
He woke up choking on manifested light, stuck in his throat and airway like phlegm. It illuminated the bathroom when he spit it out on the sink, it made him aware of how early it still was. Adam coughed, head bowed before the mirror, trying to breathe again, before remembering to look himself in it and count his fingers to make sure he was truly awake and not stuck in one of those fake-out nightmarish loops.
The light was the idea of it, so it was yellow the way yellow was when imagined. Like egg yolk and candlelight and a sunny afternoon. It illuminated Adam’s face below his chin and highlighted every crease of tiredness. He opened his mouth and looked at the remains of light between his teeth, on his tongue, underneath his tongue, and decided to just swallow them.
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solradguy · 5 months
if sol dragon installs, and someone cuts his tail off, when he uninstalls dragon would the cut off tail disappear or would it still be like on the ground?
That's a REALLY good question, actually. I'm not sure if there's enough data to figure this out, but we can try.
The amount of characters we know can install is really low: Sol/HOS, Dizzy, and Ky. I'm considering an "install" anything where a character goes from looking mostly human to either entirely changing form or gaining at least partially transformed Gear-like physical aspects.
Of those three characters, only two of them have ever been shown getting significantly hurt.
Sol gets his gut ripped open in Begin by a Gear bear and Ky's been shot full of bullets in Xrd Sign. In both those cases they heal really fast but there's a lot of action going on in those scenes besides that so there isn't much attention spent on what happens when they heal. They don't show Ky's body possibly pushing the bullets out of him Wolverine-style and Sol's wounds were mostly described as "like watching a recording play in reverse" when they healed in earlier parts of Begin.
Later on in the scene with Sol and the Gear bear, he rips one of the tentacles off its back and then kills it by punching it over and over faster than it can regenerate. Sol installs for the first time a bit earlier in this scene too. The bear possibly installed (as opposed to just growing tentacles without entering an actual power-up state) because it didn't have the tentacles at the start of the fight and only grew them after it fell into a big pit trying to kill Sol and Viidia.
The carnage from this scene isn't described as dissolving even after the bear is killed, just that its body stopped regenerating and that Sol's body was so exhausted it also stopped healing his wounds. The bear isn't described as growing new tentacles after Sol rips one off either.
So, based on all this, I think it might be safe to say that:
Sol's cut off tail would remain after he returned to his human form
He probably would grow a new one pretty quickly (<1 hour?) if he was given time and had the energy to
It is possible to kill a Gear after it installs and its corpse wouldn't dissolve after it died. Though, Sol is the only confirmed Flame of Corruption Gear and he could explode in a ball of fire or something. It might be different for him but from what we know of other Gears I'm not 100% it would be. The intensity of his install is based on his emotions and if he's dead then there are no emotions lol
This is all speculation. Gear biology is a frustrating enigma....
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compacflt · 10 months
took my two week break from opening any top gun-related word document. Was very relaxing. now starting to edit & repost chapters, in anticipation of printing out my final copy
every year-old typo i encounter makes me want to end it all i swear to GODDDD
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coeluvr · 1 year
Oh by the way chapter 2 has been finished writing and now is in editing, I've been overwhelmed with real life so I haven't picked the beta testers yet but I will probably be messaging people in the next few days so that's that
As always I'm excited and nervous about the new chapter but mainly excited 🥰 it has 33k words and I just hope the feedback my editor gives me doesn't make me go over 35k 🫠 That would feel like too much to me but yay for content!
Thank you for your support and patience! 💗
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camzverse · 6 months
i think im gonna make a sb rewrite fic.... Giggles
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 8 months
When do you plan on writing more about the lab au?
I'm. not sure honestly.
The WORLDBUILDING is actually the main focus of the au rather than the storyline, so writing for it in a story is. pretty hard.
however, I should actually find a way to show off all the cool biology stuff me and a friend (THANK YOU IVAN) are coming up with for the patients.
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catman-draws · 2 years
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Chapter 6- Page 3
First- Previous- Next
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eccentrcks · 5 months
You know it’s serious when the prelude has some serious angst and action.
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aparticularbandit · 8 months
and another chapter of dr1 end rewrite fic into the fic backlog.
which makes for twelve chapters roughed out so far (and a slot for a remnants chapter that i'm waiting to write until post-dr2).
at this point, i think i'm going to write the first unlocked memory before continuing further, but. we'll see when i get back to writing.
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