#it rides so well im not even shitting like it moves so fast and so strong I really do love it thank you for topmount downhill decks
gojover · 3 months
skating update: did downhill for the first time in 3 weeks (got rly sick) and i was hitting like every slide ever under the sun. pendys soon i know this.
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nessgasm · 18 days
"Just a naïve one arent ya?"
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Ive had brainrot of this man for the whole days.. also some karasu brainrot.
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the vice captain of the third division of the defense force, hoshina soshiro.
Or hoshina fuku taichō.
You were just a normal officer, serving also for the defense force and also in the third division.
You've always admired the vice captain from afar, well he has only greeted you once.... maybe thrice? We dont know.
The kaiju alarm has rang, waking the others up and moving quickly getting ready.
All of you moved fast to reach the vehicle in time. Others are now inside the vehicle, to reach where the kaiju is now attacking. You, also inside the vehicle and took a deep breath and exhale it, You look around inside the vehicle and it stops into the destination on where the kaiju is close, but not close enough to injure all of you inside the vehicle. All of you went outside the vehicle, readying you're guns
Pew pew.
There he was, wearing his armour, and also his double swords noticable,his closed eyes and the mask covering his mouth.
You grip ur gun tighter as the ground rumbles a little bit, due to the kaiju being hella big...
You prepare too shoot incoming kaijus, reloading freezing rounds to slow some of them up.
It was untill one attacked you from behind. As it attacked you, you managed to shoot it off and run away, hiding in a building gripping your bleeding shoulder.
Shit, those kaijus we're fast as fuck.
Your eyes slowly close due too the exhaustion from the blood lost.
But, you suddenly randomly woke up in a bed blah blah blah..
"Oh? Yer' awake! Didnt notice that." hoshina says with his signature smile and closed eyes of course...
Wait did you say hoshina?
He sits on the chair beside you as you look at him.
"Uhm.." you say letting out a sound, well not entirely a sound but you dont know if its a word.
He flicks your forehead
"Ow.." you rub the place where he flicked you're forehead
"You're just a naïve one arent ya?" He says, looking at you while laughing " we found you bleeding inside of a random crumbled building, Ya coulda' been injured more!" He says while crossing his hands.
"Im.. sorry vice captain i had no where to go.." you say while sighing and also sweat dropping
"No, no its fine! You could repay me because i saved yer' life." He says while smirking at you.
"What.. kind of repayment..?" You say, swallowing the saliva thats been building up inside ur mouth.
"You'll see." He says while smiling, striking you with his signature smile.
And thats how you ended up having your hands tied to ur back while riding your vice captain.. raw
"Yer' doing so well hm? Riding my cock like a fucking slut." He says, gripping your waist like hes holding on for dear life.
"Ah - ah- yes vice captain!" You say, tears welling up in you're eyes as the overstimulation consumes your body.
How many orgasms has it been? Two or three? Maybe even four.
You were slowly turning dizzy from the pleasure, no his pleasure That you were giving him.
He slowly makes his way into ur neck, feeling his warm breath.
He bites down a mark and it makes you arch your back and moan, he was still bouncing you up and down, like a fucking cocksleeve.
"I bet ya like this hm? Sugar?" He says, licking the mark, blood seeping from the mark.
"Y-yes Vice captai- AH!" you say, he moves ur body faster on his cock, there was a ring of white forming on it, due to the past orgasms.
Goddamn this man had a lot of stamina...
Well of course? What would you expect from the vice captain?
He pulls ur hair for a kiss, intertwining your tongues together, he was kissing you like a starved man.
While he was kissing you, his hands slowly made it into your clit, rubbing it in tight cirlces.
He breaks the kiss and opens his eyes. You saw his red eyes staring at yours.
"C-cant do it haaah..." you say feeling exhausted from bouncing on his cock.
"You can do it, just one more... one more.." he still kept rubbing circles on ur core, he was feeling you tightening on his shaft.
He felt good from all of this.
"C-coming!" You say.
"Come. Now." he says making you bounce more faster on him.
"Ngh- aahha!" You came, oh so deliciously on him,he soon followed after you.
You were both panting and huffing.
"Who said we were done yet?"
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Hes so ooc for me.. AGGGHHHHH
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dckweed · 5 months
NEXT THING YOU KNOW, gator tillman
in which gator tillman and his arranged bride figure out life and each other and what a real relationship means to them.
warnings: mentions and depictions of abuse, mentions of bruises, arranged marriages, romance, humor, dead parents, slow burn relationship (not completely but not not), basically we know the tillman men are asswipes so i 100% see Roy forcing gator into this kind of situation for money for his militia, eventual smut with kinks such as thigh riding, gun play, choking, spanking, lots of marking and possible spit play.
okay don't ask how i got this out so fast, im literally so fuckin obsesessed with this series right now.
series masterlist here, series playlist here.
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PART THREE: the weekend
“What in the hell did you put me up to?” Gator’s voice rings out across the barn a couple of hours later. You wince, hearing the anger swirling under the tense tone as his footsteps thunk closer to you across the wooden floor. You’re still facing Bubbles, trying to get her untacked but it’s not easy when you don’t have a step ladder, you didn’t check if there was one in the trailer when you left and you didn’t feel right going snooping around the Tillman barn, afraid it might get you in trouble. 
“It’s just a few days,” You roll your eyes, grateful that he can’t see you because something tells you that the Tillman didn’t take kindly to bratty behavior like eye rolling. Not married yet or not, you were pretty much belonged to Gator now in the eyes of society in Stark County, nobody would bat an eye if he reprimanded you for it. “And i put us up to it, genius.” 
“Well gee, Pearl, you could have fuckin’ consulted me first, dontcha think?” He’s right next you in the stall now, his much larger hands moving yours out of the way as he could actually see over the top of your horse to undo all of her stuff. “Why the hell would i want to spend my weekend babysitting my sisters?” 
You scoff, turning to face him with your hands on your hips. You roll your eyes again and you know he sees you as his eyes narrow. “Ya know what asshole, you’re fuckin’ right!” You say, not going to put up with any of his damn attitude. “I shoulda slid right off my horse, left your daddy right out there in the field and come find you just to ask if it was okay.” He opens his mouth to retaliate, or maybe to tell you off for cursing at him or getting cross with him. “I may be younger than you but i’m still an adult, Gator, i’m gonna be your wife not your fuckin’ kid, don’t ever expect me to wait and ask your fuckin’ permission to do shit unless it’s necessary. That isn’t how this is goin’ to work.” 
He doesn’t say anything but pulls the saddle off of the horse with a huff and you turn on your heel, leading her out of the stall and out to the trailer. Gator stands in the stall for a moment after you’ve gone, listening to the clip clop of the horses hooves as you guys go. He closes his eyes for a second, readjusting the weight of your heavy ass saddle before guiltily following you along. You weren’t wrong, he was being an asshole. He hated being wrong, and he hated apologizing even more but he couldn’t let you go around stomping your feet and being mad at him all damn weekend, something told him that probably wasn’t in his best interest. And besides, he did actually feel bad for snapping at you like that, you didn’t deserve it. He did like seeing you get all riled up like that though, the storm that started brewing in your eyes..it was a nice change from your normally friendly and people pleasing personality. He liked that you obviously knew how to stand up for yourself too.  
The door of the trailer was open by the time he had finally meandered his way out of the barn, and he can hear you getting the horse settled into it. He makes quick work of putting the saddle into the back of your Jeep, closing the door and making his way to the trailer. He watches you, one arm braced against the metal door as his eyes follow your movements. You pat your horse on her long nose and then turn around, hands on your hips as you step down onto the ground of the driveway. 
You’re staring up at him expectantly, chewing your plump bottom lip with your hands on your hips. It took all the will power he never knew he had not to put his thumb on your fucking mouth, stopping you from what you surely couldn’t have realized was a surprisingly sinful act. He licks his chapped lips, looking off to the side before sighing. “I’m sorry for bein’ an asshole.” He says quietly, brown eyes searching your face for any sort of reaction. “I shouldn’t have snapped at ya like that..” 
Your face softens and something close to a smile graces the corners of your mouth as you push his chest lightly, your hands no longer defensively on your hips. “Apology accepted.” You say, meaning it. You had forgiven him the moment you had snapped at him too, you knew he was just as new to this whole situation as you were, you guys were still learning one another, that wasn’t any excuse to be yelling at each other but it was a reason to never let it happen again without at least trying to talk first. “But i’m not sorry for snappin’ back at you. You deserved it.” 
He laughs, a genuine, hearty sound coming from his throat and brings a hand up to muss your hair as he helps you close up and lock the trailer. “Alright..suppose we better go get that lunch you were talkin’ about earlier and then go pack up your stuff for the weekend.” The sun was fully up now, and even though it was only nine thirty in the morning, and he had all of an hour and a half of sleep under his belt, he was ready for lunch with you, and he was ready to get his dad and his wife out of the fuckin’ house so he could maybe relax just a little bit, maybe get a few more hours of sleep..
After a small squabble about who’s going to drive the Jeep you’re pulling up to the curb of Gator’s favorite diner in town, and he’s letting out a breath of relieved air as he steps foot on the ground. 
“Oh stop bein’ so dramatic!” You laugh walking side by side with him up to the door of the busy diner. He had spent the whole ten minute drive with one hand braced on the back of your seat and the other braced on the dash, telling you to slow down or to not hit your brakes so damn hard or to stop taking corners so fast and sharp with a damn horse trailer attached to you. You rolled your eyes after every comment, but found them more and more endearing as you heard the actual fear in his voice. That wasn’t the first time a boy had been scared to be in your passenger seat before. 
“Stop bein’ such a bad fuckin’ driver!” He retaliates, brown eyes wide as he holds open the door of the diner for you, you cackle and duck under his arm, breathing in his cologne and the smell of that damn fruity ass vape that he keeps puffing on. “You’re a menace to the road, Pearl, i swear!” 
He hears you mocking him and pushes the back of your head gently as the two of you find an empty space in the busy restaurant, a booth in the back corner next to windows where the light shines in. He insists on taking the side of the booth that faces the rest of the diner, wanting to have a good view of any potential danger (though he doesn't tell you that). 
A friendly waitress sidles up to the table as the two of you settle, you giggling after he mutters something more about your driving. “Mornin’ Gator, miss.” She says, nodding at the two of you. She’s plump and motherly, her hair brown and curly. You can tell from the smile on her face that she clearly knows the boy across the table from you. “Coffee for you, hon?” 
“Yes Ma’am,” Gator nods, one of the friendliest looks you’d seen in your whole short time of knowing him on his face as he looked up at her, his brown eyes filled with warmth you hadn’t seen towards anyone before. “And..i’m feeling lunchy today, how about a patty melt and fries, please?” You realized he must come here pretty often if the waitress knew his coffee order, and he didn’t need a menu to order. 
“You got it Gator,” She says warmly, turning to you next. “And for your..friend?” 
“Fiance, actually.” He says before you have the chance to speak, you’re stunned for a moment and so is the woman. This is the first time anyone outside of your families and the people directly involved with the wedding planning had been told that you guys were technically engaged, your face flushes as the realization and the weight of the title actually being out in the open for the first time. 
You can tell that she wants to ask more questions by the furrow in her brow and the hesitation before she clears her throat, but she thankfully doesn’t pry any farther. “And for your fiance?” 
You give a sheepish smile, that quickly turns to a deep rooted frown when the friendly woman tells you that they don’t stock flavored coffee creamers, or serve iced coffee. “Dr. Pepper then,” You say, the smile returning back to your face as Gator makes a mental note to stop by the local coffee shop for you on the way back to the Augastine ranch. “And I’ll do chicken tenders, with fries please!” 
She gives a smile and says she’ll be back soon, as soon as she gone Gator cracks up laughing at you. “What?” You pout, and he only shakes his head at you, causing your pout to deepen. “It’s not nice to laugh at people, is there dirt on my face? Gator!” The way you whined his name struck a different kind of chord in him and he quickly stopped laughing, shaking his head as he situated himself in his seat. 
He knew most men would have found the whining annoying but it was clear you didn’t do it on purpose, and it sent a tingle down his spine when you said his name like that. “Flavored coffee creamer?” You roll your eyes and kick him under the table, which only makes him laugh more. 
You had to admit, you liked how young and happy it made his face look when he laughed, and you wished he would do more of it. 
A couple of hours tick by as the two of you sit in your cozy little booth in the diner, eating and bickering and laughing at each other as customers come and go around you. He was sweet in his own rugged, rough way, your own personal diamond in the rough. You didn’t mind, it just meant you could have fun chipping away at him and softening him up around the edges. The more you got to know him over the past week, the more you started to think that maybe this marriage thing wouldn’t be so horrible. You could both learn to love each other over the years, and who knows, maybe you would fall in love in the way that all those people in the movies did. You had always wanted a silver screen romance..
Gator pays for the both of you before you can even dig your credit card out of your stupid little purse, which causes you to pout. “Hey, I was the one that asked you to come eat!” You argued and boy just sighs, giving you a pointed look that clearly said to shut the fuck up. You pout but don’t push on the matter, letting him steal the Jeep keys off of the table top as you slide off of your fluffy, overstuffed bench. 
“Alright, lets go pick up your stuff for the weekend and drop your trailer off,” He had work tonight again and he was hoping to get a couple extra hours of sleep in before his father left. The nights were always longer when he was tired, but he wasn’t going to complain. Gator loved his job. 
You follow him through the crowded diner, staying right underfoot. You hadn’t realized before but people were staring at the two of you, it made your cheeks flush when eyes bored into you as you walked and nervously, you grab onto the back of his shirt. He stiffens beneath your touch, and cranes his neck to look at you, eyebrows furrowed under the brim of his hat. “People are staring.” You whisper, he purses his lips and looks around before shrugging as you get closer to the door. “Why are they staring?” You weren’t used to attention like that, and you were afraid that somehow it would get back to Boyd that you were here with Gator and you would somehow get in trouble for it, fiance or not. 
“Because i’m the Sheriff’s son, and this is the first time i’ve been out in public with my fiance.” He says, as if it wasn’t that big of a deal. “Sherry probably went and spread the word while we were eating, it’s no big deal Pearlie, the whole town was gonna find out one way or another.” He pushes the door of the diner open with one hand, and with the other he grabs your hand off the back of his shirt, using his grip to push you in front of him out the door. 
“I figured they would have done an announcement in the paper or somethin’ by now.” You mutter, hands in your pockets as you walk side by side to the jeep with him. You don’t argue when he opens the passenger side door for you, but you do give him a shit eating grin as you step up onto the running boards to climb in. 
“Yeah, well, they’re probably leaving that up to us too.” He mutters as he closes your door and quickly walks around the front end. You thought it was rather sweet of him, opening the doors for you, but you wouldn’t say anything, you didn’t want to freak him out. He wastes no time in pulling away from the diner, casually driving your car with one hand while the other rested on the gear shift on the center console. 
You studied his hand, how much bigger than the gear shift knob it was, you could barely fit your own around it but his smothered it, leaving no trace of it under his palm. His thick fingers tensing and untensing around it, as if he were squeezing it like a stress ball. You bite your lip, looking up as the car comes to a stop and he throws it in park. “What are we doing?” You ask, noticing him lifting his ass out of the seat out of the corner of his eye, shoving his hand in his pocket. 
“You ask a lot of questions, you know?” He quips, grabbing a twenty dollar bill out of his wallet holding it out towards you. You simply stare at it, and then lift your big ass, curious eyes to stare at him. He sighs, sagging against the seat. “Go in and get your damned flavored coffee, felt bad they didn’t have it at the diner..” 
You feel your cheeks start to flush, and though you were tempted to argue and tell him he didn’t need to stop, you felt yourself unbuckling your seatbelt because that was just too damn sweet. You start to get out of the car, grabbing your purse when he clicks his tongue at you, shoving his hand at you again. You decide it’s best not to argue, you don’t want to annoy him anymore than you clearly already do without meaning to, you take it, using the grip on his hand to pull him across the console. You kiss his cheek sweetly, pulling away with a smile. “Thank you..” You say, turning and jumping from the Jeep as quickly as you could without hurting yourself. 
Gator is stunned by the show of affection, his neck flushed red from the interaction. He shakes his head, fighting back the smile on his face by putting his vape to his mouth as he watches you happily skip into the fucking coffee shop. “She’s gonna be the death of me..” He grumbles to himself, running a hand down his face after breathing out the fruity flavored vape that he filled his lungs with. 
You’re grateful that he’s with you when you go home because you can sense Boyd’s mood before you can see him, the house is still and quiet, the girls off at school for the day, the nanny is not needed until this afternoon. You walk through the front door with Gator laughing about the way he had narrowly avoided a hoof to his head when he was walking with Bubbles, you giggle at him as he exaggerates the scene that you had had your back turned to, shaking your head as you start for the stairs. 
“Where have you been?” His voice is cold and sends a shiver down your spine. You stop in your tracks, one hand on the bannister and turn to face him. You don’t dare look at him, but you put a complacent smile on your face nonetheless. You can feel Gator behind you, his hands sliding into his pockets much like they were on the first time he had been to your so-called home. 
“I was on that ride with Roy,” You say, calling Gator’s father by his name, he tenses behind you at the mention of the man, and you’re tempted to glance up at him and offer him a comforting smile. “And we got to talking about the wedding and what not and how i would like his girls to be in it, and he thought it would be a great idea,” You’re starting to babble, and you begin to worry that your words aren’t making any sense because of the way that his face changes. “So now Gator and I are here to pack up a bag for me because we’re going to be watching his sisters while their parents are gone for the weekend..” 
“We stopped and got an early lunch first,” Gator steps in, you feel his hand on your lower back and it brings a sense of calmness to you for some strange reason. “She was hungry..sorry, i shoulda had her call you or somethin’ didn’t mean to make you worry, Sir..” 
Boyd is quiet for a long beat, his jaw ticking like it does when he’s angry and trying not to show it. You swallow back your fear knowing that you’re safe with Gator here. 
“When will you be back?” He narrows his cold eyes at you, they hold no emotion other than the contempt that you know he feels for you, and that makes you nervous for what you’ll endure when you come home Monday afternoon, but grateful for the time you’ll have away. 
“I’ll be back Monday afternoon, after his parents come home.” You say, tired of the conversation and no longer wanting to be involved. You turn and start heading up the stairs, knocking Gator’s hand from your back as you leave without being dismissed, something you’re sure you’ll hear about next week. “See you then.” 
Gator is quick to follow behind, giving your step father a friendly smile as he clambers up the stairs behind you. “What was that all about?” He asks in a hushed voice as he follows onto the second floor landing. 
You shake your head and walk past your sisters’ room and farther on to yours, locking the door behind you. You don’t notice the way Gator’s eyebrows pinch when he notices you’ve barricaded yourselves in the room by locking it. 
“He’s an asshole.” Is all you say, shrugging off the encounter before heading to your closet to find your suitcase. 
When you come out you see Gator with his hands in his pockets again, looking around your bedroom, the one area of the house that was completely and utterly you. Pink and red accents, white frilly lace..teddy bears and fluffy pillows and blankets..the room was so..you. He had gotten his attention caught to a smattering of photo frames on your big white dresser, all of them held you in them, smiling that big beautiful smile of yours (sometimes it would be reaching your eyes, lighting them up happily, but most times it wasn’t), all of them held different people, your sisters mostly, and whom he assumed was a friend from school, a tall brunette with killer legs in a bikini with her arms around you. There was another guy in the photo too that he tried not to be jealous of, but he had his arm around your waist and was grinning down at the two of you as you guys stood on a dock in front of a boat. He loved how happy you looked there in that moment, like your mind wasn’t laden with such heavy burdens like planning a wedding you were legally bound to, or dealing with a clearly tense situation with your step father. His favorite picture though, was one of you and an older woman, your mama, he assumed. You were laughing in the photo a mess of birthday cake frosting smeared across your cheek and some pink tinsel in your hair. The silver balloons behind you said ‘15’. 
“That’s my mama..” You said, sliding up behind him. He jumps, slightly scared. “That’s the only picture i have left of her..Boyd has all the rest, wont let me see ‘em. I think they’re up in the attic somewhere.” You sniff a little, trying not to cry as you turn away, hands on your hips. “Right, lets get this stuff together.” 
After about an hour or so you’ve stuffed the whole suitcase with more clothes than you really need for an entire weekend, Gator had lightened the mood by teasing you when you tried to hide your panties and bras as you packed them, telling you it’s not like he hadn’t seen any before, and he would be seeing yours for the foreseeable future, and then making you laugh at his genuine confusion at your array of shampoos and body washes in the your shower. 
“Oh no, don’t tell me you’re one of those 3 in 1 off the shelf at the grocery store kinda guys..” You laugh, looking at him looking at the four different bottles of soaps in his hands. “Please tell me you use something that costs more than ten dollars on your hair! It’s too pretty not to use cheap crap!” You hadn’t really meant to call his hair pretty out loud, but it really was pretty, you couldn’t deny it.
He doesn’t mention it though and instead looks up at you bewildered. “Are you tellin’ me you spent more than twenty dollars on all this crap combined?” He asks, completely in awe. “Oh my god Pearlie, please tell me you’re not gonna be breakin’ my bank on fuckin’ shampoo- it’s shampoo!” 
The two of you burst out in laughter after a moment and you deemed it best not to tell him how much you spent on hair care quite yet, afraid that he would have an aneurysm if you did. He’s gentlemanly enough to help you carry the suitcase back out to the Jeep. 
He even carries it into his daddy’s house for you, and up the stairs where he shows you his bedroom. He tosses the case unceremoniously onto his bed, where it bounces. You look around for a moment, eyebrows raised as you take in the scenery. It was messier than you had imagined, but it smelled so much like him and his damn vape that you couldn’t help but to take a deep breath of air. The room wasn’t too big, and his queen sized bed took up most of the space, the rest of it littered with his clothes on the floor and posters on the wall..you noticed some trophies on a shelf that you would have to ask about later. 
“It’s not much, and it’s usually not so messy..” He says, you think he might be a little embarrassed by the red flush of his cheeks. “I’m sorry you have to sleep in here with me, but it’s better than the couch or crashing on the floor in the girls’ room..” 
“I don’t mind, Gator..” You say, giving him a little smile as you turn to face him. “It’s a fuckin’ pig stye though.” You laugh and he follows suit, nodding along with you. You had a pretty good idea of what you would be doing to keep yourself busy while Jessica and Maude were at school tomorrow, or until they would come home this afternoon. 
The rest of the early afternoon was spent with Karen giving you a run down of the girls’ schedules and how to feed them and dress them. Something about the woman irritated you to your core, maybe it was the way she clearly held nothing but disdain for her step son, or maybe it as the way that she spoke to you like you were stupid and couldn’t possibly be capable of taking care of her children, either way, it made your eye start to twitch the more you thought about it. 
You were grateful when Roy seemed to have finally had enough of hanging around after he had dutifully packed their bags into his old chevy and got a little snappy with his wife, who quickly scurried out of the door. He gave you a friendly squeezed of your shoulder, his giant hand engulfing your shoulder, before mentioning something to Gator in hushed tones that seemed to only upset the boy as his voice turned tense and cold and his back stiffened like it did earlier in the day. 
The house was quiet once the door shut, creepily quiet once the old Chevy had meandered it’s way out of the gates of the house and down the road of the ranch. You stood in the doorway of the kitchen, not quite sure what to do with yourself as you kept your eyes on your fiance. He’s watching out the windows next to the door, his back muscles still tense. You wondered if he would be upset with you if you asked what his father had said, if you asked if he was okay. You decide against it though. “Gator?” You ask, your voice soft, small and quiet. He hums in response, hands on his hips as he glances back at you. “Shouldn’t we go pick up the girls?” You noticed it was nearing time for school for your own sisters  to be out, and while Gator’s went to a private christian school you figured they probably had the same start and out times as your sisters’ school. “It’s almost three..” 
“Yeah..” He runs a hand down his face, clearing his throat. “Yeah, let’s get going.” 
@ruth-barnes @justherebecausesafarisucks @daisy-is-a-writer @xxbookdrunkdemigodxx @girlwiththerubyslippers @keerygal @lilllbabyyy @boa-hemian @sweetdazequeen @emilyj444 @whisperingwillowxox @babyqnn @lou-la-lou @aestheticaltcow @finalmoondragon @boxofsmittens @pollyspocketdimension @kassy-munson @frostandflamesfanfic @mysticalstar30 @totally-bogus-timelady @nerdypinupcrystal @emmiecrush5-blog @witchcovenboys @starksbabie @marrowfrog00 @boop369 @lelenikki @xmalfoyweasleyx @girlwiththerubyslippers
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twola · 11 months
im just wondering if you could do a short story with arthur getting ‘jealous’ of you at a bar for flirting with other men? 👀 and he later makes you regret pissing him off? *wink wink*
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Learning The Hard Way
Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader Smut (18+), MDNI
➵ Fic Masterlist ➵ AO3 Link
In which Arthur needs to teach you a lesson.
CW: There’s a bit of back and forth in this one… that devolves into physicality. Obviously, I do not condone any type of domestic violence. So we’re gonna go with that this type of play is consensual.
Many thanks to my meowdy pardners - @verai-marcel, @shootybangbang, and @redwritr - for helping me shine this one shot until it gleams!
Your voice rings out in the night through the camp, where Lemoyne’s heavy humidity hangs low. “You ain’t my husband, you ain’t my daddy, you ain’t anyone to tell me how to do my job!”
“You listen here- ”
You burst out of the tent and stomp toward the lakeshore, away from the orange firelight glowing toward the center of camp. Fortunately, the night is loud enough, and your voice doesn’t jar the entire camp, drowned out by cicadas and the rumble of men drinking after dinner.
Not that you’re particularly concerned about making a scene. No, you couldn’t give a shit about that. Your temper flares and your boots slap against the muddy grown as you clench your fists, skirts swishing at the speed of your gait.
But even with your artificially elongated stride, the loud footsteps that follow you eventually catch up to you as you reach the wood line away from the glen. 
You’re yanked back by your elbow and turned around to come face to face with an equally aggravated outlaw, wrinkles set deeply in his frown as his eyes narrow under the brim of his dark hat.
“I’ll damn well tell you when you’re bein’ stupid about a job. Coulda got yourself picked up by the law on that last stage,” he hisses, and you scowl in return as you yank back your arm from his grip, “Ain’t no way you’re doing this one.” 
“No, Arthur. Just because we’re sleepin’ together doesn’t mean you can order me around like some little housewife.”
Arthur Morgan’s scowl deepens. “You ain’t comin’ on this job and that’s final.” 
“Fuck you.” You seethe, turning on your heel before he grabs at your arm again, yanking you backward.
“Get your ass back in that tent, you little-”
He doesn’t see the whip-fast arc of your other hand before it connects with his cheek. It sends his hat flying to the ground and he immediately lets go of your arm, reeling from the blow.
“It’s over. I’ll get my things out of your tent and back to my own. You ain’t gonna treat me like I’m some prissy little thing. I don’t need this and I don’t need you.” You enunciate the last word with venom in your tone, spinning on your heel again to walk in the other direction, along the wood line, skirting the edge of the camp toward where the horses are hitched.
You needed some kind of outlet to quell the hotness of your blood after the fight, and stomping around camp wasn't doing it.
Hiking your skirts, you hurry toward your spry little gelding, dapple coated and one boy you know you could always count on. He neighs softly as you untie his rein frm the hitching post. You run your hand through his black mane.
“C’mon now boy. Let’s get outta camp to blow off some steam, sound good?” 
As if he can understand you, he nudges against your shoulder with his nose and you laugh as you move to pull yourself up into his saddle. You tighten the strap on the holster mounted on his saddle, your repeater at the ready should you need it.
Without a look back, you guide him into the freshly-borne night, at a gallop before you even hit the main road.
But alas, breathless riding through Scarlett Meadows can quell your aggravation but so much. As the moon rises in the sky, you slow your gelding down upon the red-dirt path leading into Rhodes - the Parlour House in the distance is lit up, beckoning visitors with its warm glow.
A drink or two. That would certainly help you unwind. 
Laughter and music waft into the warm night as you slide down from your horse, hitching him to the post right outside the main porch. You straighten your skirts before tucking back stray hairs along your temple as you step onto the porch and push your way through the door.
Indeed, the saloon is full of people tonight gaily drinking away their wages. You weave your way through the crowd to the bar, where you order yourself a whiskey from the bartender, tossing him a few coins when he slides the glass to you.
The drink goes down far too quickly to alleviate your frustration. Barely takes the edge off. It’s not the first time you and Arthur have gone at it - but you know, you know you were right. You were robbing stages before Arthur was your bedmate, before you joined the gang. He’s just going to have to learn to give you your space to do your work.
Hell, no one ever told him not to go on a job. Damn double standards.
Though… you can’t lie to yourself too much. There is a corner of your heart that is warmed by the fact he’s concerned for you - that he wants you safe. No one has wanted that for years.
No. You were an outlaw first. And damned if Arthur Morgan makes you some camp filly to warm his bed.
“Why, ma’am, you look like you could use another drink.”
You turn your head toward the man. His cheeks are flushed with drink and the starched collar of his shirt is unbuttoned at the neck. A silken waistcoat. Probably a Gray or a Braithwaite cousin. Pomaded dark hair and a clean-shaven face. All of the trappings of a feckless rich boy who had never seen a hard day’s work in his life. 
Completely the opposite of Arthur. 
You give a smile, leaning on your elbow, “Suppose I could…”
He nods to the bartender immediately, and a glass of whiskey appears in front of you at the bar.
You sip at it slowly as he steps closer, his elbows nearly touching yours. A subtle air of fancy cologne; of bergamot and southern jasmine, wafts off of him as he begins to engage you in conversation. 
One drink turns into two. Turns into three.
The man’s arm wraps around your waist, landing on your hip, pulling you to near sit in his lap on the barstool. “Pretty little thing like you - we don’t get that much here out in Rhodes.”
You lean into him. Who knows where this could lead. Maybe you could have a little fun tonight. Maybe you could rob him after. Maybe he was just what you need to get a certain brooding outlaw out of your system.
“What do you say about headin’ upstairs for the night?” You whisper as you toy with the lapel of his waistcoat. The golden chain of his pocket watch glints under the lanterns. A sly smile creeps across your face.
He can barely contain himself, grinning from ear to ear, and leans in to nip at your jaw. You giggle in response. He helps you slide off of his lap and presses his lips to your ear, whispering things he wants to do to you all night as he squeezes your hip.
“Just you wait here, sweet thing - I’ll get us a room and we can continue on.”
You smile a roguish, knowing grin that betrays your intent as you return to the barstool. The bartender pushes another glass of whiskey in front of you, which you down quickly, sucking air between your teeth as it burns on the way down.
You tense up as you feel a body moving too close behind you, a man with a large frame leaning into the bar behind you, crowding you in.
The tang of tobacco and whiskey wafts into your nose before you’re yanked from your seat.
By the time you’ve regained your bearings and your footing as you’ve been dragged out the side door of the Parlour House, you recognize what’s going on.
Just like you recognize that black hat.
“Get off me, Arthur.” You yell but are fairly helpless to do anything but be dragged along the path to the empty stable.
The outlaw gruffly snorts in your direction, his large hand clamped on your upper arm. As you reach the stable, your shoulders slam against the wooden wall of the workroom he had cornered you into.
“Your goddamn mouth - I need to remind you who you belong to.” Arthur hisses, groping roughly at your breast with one hand. The other grasps at your skirts and starts hiking them upward. You’re forced face down on the workbench, Arthur’s hand across your back to hold you down, your bucking unable to move against his strength. You squawk indignantly as your bloomers are yanked down your thighs and puddle near your ankles.
“Sure as fuck, ain’t you-”
The loud smack of skin on skin cuts you off, and you yelp in painful surprise at the sting of his palm on the bare, pale skin of your behind.
“Wanna try again?”
Your ass throbs as he removes his large hand from your skin, but with his other placed down hard against the small of your back, you’re unable to move from where he has you pinned to the table.
“I said, sure as fuck ain’t you-agh!”
You cry out, louder, as he swings again, hitting you square across your rear with a searing smack.
“Honey, ain’t making me happy to do this, but you gotta learn your lesson, and seems like this is the only way to get through that thick head o’ yours.”
You hiss at him, glaring daggers. 
“Changed yer mind yet?”
“Fuck you.”
After the fifth blow, tears start to leak from your eyes as you clench your fingers on the table. You aren’t going to be able to ride for a week at this rate - your ass is red and hot, but you also can’t deny the moisture accumulating just below, starting to trickle down your inner thigh. Goddamnit.
“You belong to that man you were battin’ your eyes at?” He seethes behind you, and you growl in response, unwilling to give him satisfaction.
The eighth blow makes you cry out in pain, and Arthur falters. When he removes his hand from your rear, he slides his palm down to trail over your thigh for a moment. He pauses, pulling back up and rubbing his palm over your behind almost tenderly. But you know, you know, that he felt your slick as he swept his fingers across the backs of your thighs.
“Y’ready to stop all this nonsense?” Arthur drawls, softly, slowly, as if he were trying to calm a skittish horse. The circles he’s gently rubbing on your sore ass feel almost pleasant, and you don’t clench your fingers nearly as hard on the edge of the table. Your tears have stopped, leaving a drying trail down your cheeks.
You don’t respond - you can’t - because at that moment, he slips his hand down, down between your thighs to caress your glistening folds, and you gasp in surprised pleasure as he presses his knuckle against your clit. You widen your legs without thinking, giving him more access. 
“Think you are…” he rasps, and gently moves his fingers against you, placing one arm on the table next to you to lean over your frame. His large frame smothers yours, clothed hips brushing against yours gently.
You whine and shiver beneath him. You know you’ve already lost.
“What d’ya need, sweetheart?”
“I-I… agh- I need-” You stumble over your words, your knees shaking as he pushes that finger within your cunt, suckling on your earlobe as he leans further over you. You can feel his thickening cock against the back of your thigh as he gently presses his hips forward against you in time with the strokes of his finger.
Arthur presses a second finger inside you and a needy cry escapes your throat, your hand shooting forward to grab his, forcing your fingers through his free hand. His breath is warm against your ear and he chuckles, curling his fingers as you moan. God, his hands are so big, his fingers filling you so much better than your own.
“F -fuck …” you stutter out, pressing your hips back against his hand, “A-Arthur… I need you.”
The outlaw extricates his hand from between your legs and you whine in dismay at the loss. Strong hands encircle your waist and lift you from where you are laid out on the table, and through no small feat, he turns you and winds his hands under your thighs, guiding you to wrap your legs around his waist, your arms wound around his neck. 
It’s then that you look at him, for maybe the first time all day, caught drowning in the pools of his blue eyes. You can barely feel him stepping forward, carrying you, his hands firm under your thighs, careful not to touch the inflamed skin of your rear.
Your back is pressed against the wooden wall of the barn, but he doesn’t crowd you in at all. He leans in, and uncontrollably, you do too. When your mouths meet, you give a little sigh, opening your lips and permitting him to enter, his tongue pressing against yours as a rumble bubbles up from his chest.
“Shouldn’ta yelled at you,” he breathes against your lips, and as much as you can, you shake your head at him.
“Shouldn’ta run off,” you whisper in between kisses, the wet sounds of lips meeting nearly drowning out your low reply.
“Shouldn’ta hit you.” 
“You know I liked it.” You whisper with the hint of a smile ghosting across your lips.
“Little spitfire, you are.”
Arthur presses his hips forward into yours, and the long, full column of his cock in his pants presses against your bare folds, and you moan and throw your head back, gyrating your hips against him. He swears under his breath, one hand leaving your leg and furiously working the buttons of his fly as he retracts his hips just enough to work his pants open.
It's only a moment more before you feel the hot head of his cock press against your weeping opening, and he presses his lips to yours desperately as he juts his hips forward, greedily swallowing your moan as he quickly pushes himself inside you.
Your hands fly to his hair, fingers interlaced with honeyed locks, and his hand returns to your thigh as he starts to retract his hips and thrusts them upward in a slow rhythm, the wet noise of skin joining loud and stark in the night.
“ ‘M yours, Arthur.” You breathe as your eyes flutter with the slow, languorous rhythm he’s set. He leans in and takes your lips in a passionate kiss as he presses himself deeper within you.
“Was never a question,” he replies with a smirk, as he draws back enough that his forehead still leans against yours as he rolls his hips upward.
You frown slightly, but Arthur leans in for another kiss that steals your breath away. He’s a natural, of course, in the art of stealing. Your breath, your heart. Everything.
“You’re mine, Darlin’,” Arthur whispers against your lips, “You’re mine, ‘nd I’m yours.”
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uriekukistan · 2 months
jjk driving hc’s plsss (any characters) :3
heyyy answering this so i can go to bed with happy thoughts :D (tears still in my eyes as i write) um idk how to drive a car so pls keep that in mind
can't drive. no license.
yuuji doesn't need to drive when he runs so fast. gojo is a certified passenger princess. will demand aux and a stop for a fun drink geto also doesn't need to drive because he has a bunch of curses he can ride around on choso is 150 years old, he would probably freak out if you put him behind the wheel yuuta idk he just looks like he can't drive. but he'll give u money for gas if you drive him somewhere panda i think this is self explanatory he's a panda
no license but they drive anyway
mahito because he's a menace to society. horrible driver. runs people over and thinks its funny. sukuna is actually weirdly good, but he's an ass on purpose. rides ppl's tailpipe and then when he passes them he goes slow af. honestly gojo belongs here too, but only happened one time. he totaled the car. inumaki but he's actually good at it for some reason. if he just took the drivers test...but he wont. he doesn't even have a learner's permit.
can legally drive but they really shouldnt because they're a hazard
definitely shoko. it's kinda alarming that she's the one to have a license out of sashisu because she's a disaster on the road. has one of those things that hangs off of the rearview mirror nobara is the type to be looking around for stuff in the car while she's moving, like looking around in the backseat EYES ON THE ROAD. there's a lot of stuff in her car but it's not messy if that makes sense. she just likes to be prepared. ino is also a horrible driver. always hitting curbs n shit. definitely been in quite a few accidents, so his car is the most beat up looking thing you've ever seen. the inside is surprisingly clean tho
actually good responsible drivers
ichiji & nitta like we've seen it happen so it's possible tsumiki would be decent at driving as well, probably speeds a bit but within the normal everyone-does-that range. clean car with pastel detailing inside like seat cushions and steering wheel nanami is probably the best driver here, but i think we expected this utahime is also a pretty responsible driver, but she definitely gets major road rage probably maki, she also gets major road rage tho
drives like a grandpa
megumi i love you but you can at least drive the speed limit...also its not gonna distract u to put a little music on. at least his car is clean and he has one of those car air fresheners
sorry if this seems disorganized im genuinely ?:????F>>VF????? rn and also its like really late for me, i just needed to do something fun after that chapter....
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dowsinsanity · 6 months
hellooo, im new to tumblr and this is my first time asking someone for a request so i hope its okay😭
currently obsessed with cowboy james so like im thinking james wanted to take you over to his barn thingy to show you his horses. (and he named one after you, super cute) then you guys mess around there for a few hours and finally come home. but when you come home, james starts to randomly get intimate which gets pretty heated.
HII (im a shit bag and this have been rotting in the ask box for a month 🧍🏻) my excuse? Uni life🥰🥰
!!!: cream pie
So you meet this man in a bar where they had one of those mechanic bulls yk? And you go up and he is (but you don’t know that) starring at you, like he already founds you irresistible but now that you are on top of that thing and not. Falling. The way you move your hips has this man mesmerised. Once you win the bar owner gives you your own cowboy hat, and James by this point is already aching for you.
He is a gentleman, so he introduces himself and offers you a drink. After a couple whiskeys you agree to go to his barn next day.
The morning rises up as you prepare yourself to your kinda date w James, he picks you up, and after a couple songs singed along by the two of you on his truck, you arrive to his barn.
He walks you through it, shows you everything and then, he presents his horses to you, you didn’t like horses that much but one beautiful black one caught your attention…
-i like that one. You say while stroking the horse hair
You do?. He giggled a little. You know what you’re going to like the most?
Previously of you two meeting yesterday at the bar, James got his hands on a beautiful black purebred horse, although he really didn’t know how to named it. But then, he met you, at first he thought it was cringy as hell to name his horse after you, you were only a girl he met at a bar, what if this didn’t work out?, well, who cares?, your name fitted the animal perfectly so he wouldn’t regret it.
That horse name is yours. He said, w a big smile on his face
-You’re kidding. You shouted, you couldn’t believe him
Nope, im not. He came closer to you, and he bent a little to whisper something softly to you.
You know? I’ve been curious since last night about you riding that bull… are you that good of a cowgirl in bed?
You could feel him grinning against your ear as your whole body felt hot. He looked at you, both eyes meeting and with no hesitation he kissed you, at first softly to see you reaction, but once he was given the green light, he practically devoured you, he grabbed you and lifted you and took you to his bedroom (the house is near the barn okay?)
He rapidly took your clothes off and kissed and nipped all your body, you were impatient for him, but, even if he was desperate, he took his time with you, he made the time to kiss down your body and to face your core.
Someone is needy huh?. He said grinning
-shut up. You replied
As you wish. After saying that, he was bullying your pussy w his tongue and fingers, you were almost ashamed to say that you were going to cum that fast but it didn’t mattered at this point.
After you came, he gently kissed your thighs and started undressing himself. Your intentions were to suck him of but he stopped you.
I would love that honey but i might burst a minute into it and all i want is that pussy right now. He said as he lay down and guided you to get on top.
You started grinding your pussy on his leaking dick, he was grabbing your hips, “guiding” the movement, but you were the one in control.
F-fuck, i- please, put it in. He panted, struggling to get the words out
You did as he pleased and started taking all of him slowly, once it was all in, you were riding him fast, you could see in his face that he was getting close, but once you distracted, he already put you in all fours and was going hard on you.
It seems that the bull has been able to defeat the cowgirl, huh?. He whispered in your ear
You couldn’t care less about winning or losing, you two were just about to cum and you were at his mercy.
This pussy is taking me so well. He said panting. Might as well fill it, don’t you think?
A lot of yeses came out of your mouth as you came and felt his seed inside of you…
Did so good hun, but, you have to practice your cowgirl skills. He said
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italiansteebie · 1 year
Being followed around and getting recognized was something Eddie hated.
Sure, he was used to it but it didn’t make him hate it any less. So when this random pretty boy started talking to him like he was a random stranger on the street, it took him by surprise. And he has to admit he reacted in a… Not so great way. 
“Hey, man I-”
“Not right now.” He cut him off quickly and harshly. The guy flinched slightly, which did make Eddie feel the slightest bit guilty, but still didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. The guy frowned, “I was just going to ask if you knew the bus route I’m supposed to take to get downtown. You don’t have to be a douche about it.” The guy scoffed, turning to walk away. “Wait.” Eddie called, “Sorry, I just get a lot of people comin’ up to me… It gets annoying.” Pretty boy shrugged. “I mean. I get it, I guess. I have days where I don’t want anyone to talk to me either. Look, don’t worry about it. I’ll figure it out eventually.” Eddie sighed, the nonchalant way the guy was speaking to him, and the clueless look on his face, kind of hinted that this guy really had no Idea who he is. And yeah, that does sound pompous but… Oh well. 
Eddie thrust his hand out towards the guy, pulling another small flinch out of him, “Sorry. Uh. Im…” He quickly contemplated telling the pretty boy his real name. “I uh. I’m Eddie. Sorry for being a dick.” The guy flashed him a smile, “No worries, Eddie. I’m Steve.” Grabbing his hand and shaking it. Eddie looked at the map Steve was holding, “You’re going down town right?” Watching Steve nod in response. “Alright, you’re going to want to take bus 4, and your stop is going to be 112. It’s a bit of a ride, though. It may be faster to get a taxi.” Eddie suggested. Steve shrugged again, “I can’t afford the fare unfortunately, so the bus it is.” 
“Why don’t I drive you?” Steve looked surprised, Eddie did too, he had suggested it before he even thought about it. “Oh, uhm. You’d do that?” Steve looked apprehensive. Eddie shrugged, “Consider it me making up for being a douche earlier.” Steve giggled at that, and Eddie thought for a moment he had ascended into heaven. “My car is this way,” He gestured vaguely, grabbing Steve’s hand and leading him in the direction of his van. 
Eddie had never been embarrassed of the van before, but with this cute guy and his puffy hair, he got a little insecure. He had to admit, his van wasn’t the newest car, and it smelt a lot like weed. Like a lot. But Steve looked unfazed. The nonreaction extended to the interior of the van, even as it got ‘loud’ when they opened the doors. He watched as Steve hopped up and situated himself in the passenger seat. “Thanks for driving me!” He said, a bright smile on his face. 
“No problem, Steve-o!”
“Oh. We’re already at the nickname stage? You move fast.” Steve teased, pushing at Eddie’s shoulder gently. Eddie almost crashed the van, was Steve flirting with him? This cannot be happening. He doesn't even know about Eddie’s band. “Ahaha… Yeah.” He pushed out awkwardly, cringing at his own response. Steve faltered at this, “Hey, sorry. I shouldn’t have said that… I mean, who even knows if you like guys? Shit. I can get out, it’s alright.” Steve rambled. “Hey, no. It’s okay. I do, I mean it’s fine. I thought it was cute. You just make me nervous. It’s been a long time since I’ve met someone like you.” And that testimony made the smile creep back onto Steve’s face. “Well. I can’t say I’ve ever met anyone like you, Eddie.” He reached over and grabbed his hand. 
“You like music, Steve?” 
“I mean, who doesn't?” 
Eddie popped a Corroded Coffin CD into the car CD player, “This is Corroded Coffin’s newest album. They’re good, a little different though.” Steve nodded along as the first song started playing. The drums were a bit heavier than what Steve typically listened to but it was good, the guitar played the melody instead of a vocalist, which was also something Steve wasn’t used to. “They’re good, but I have to ask why they don’t have a singer?” Eddie shrugged. “I’ve… Heard they were never able to find one. Why? You sing?” “A little,” Steve hummed. “Don’t get me wrong, I like the lead guitarist, but lyrics can really expand a song, y’know?” Eddie nodded. “I heard they’re holding auditions for a singer today.” Steve smiled. “Yeah, that’s actually where I’m headed to. I have to admit I should’ve listened to them a little more before the audition but… Oh well.” Eddie choked at that, which earned a concerned look from Steve. “You okay?” Eddie nodded, “Yeah, just choked on my spit,” he breathed. 
The ride fell into a comfortable silence after that, sounds only coming from the radio and Eddie humming along with the band. They arrived at the venue, and before Steve got out of the car Eddie grabbed his hand. “Hey, you’re gonna do great. I hear the guitarist has a thing for guys like you.” Steve blushed, “Well I can only hope!” And with that he slid out of the van and walked through the venue doors. 
Auditions were dragging on for what seemed like forever, and Steev still hadn’t had his yet. Eddie felt like he was going to die from anticipation, and was about to call for a break when Steve poked his head into the audition room. “Hi, sorry. Were you guys ready for m- Eddie?” 
“What’s going on, Eddie? You know this guy?” Gareth said. 
Eddie shrugged, “Kind of. We drove here together. I was a douche, he was just trying to ask a question, so I gave him a ride.” Steve nodded in agreement with his summary. “Why didn’t you tell me? We even listened to your band on the way over!” Steve scolded. “I don’t know! I was just enjoying talking to someone who had no idea who I am!” Eddie groaned. Steve’s cheeks went red. “I can’t believe I admitted that I didn’t prepare for this to the guy who was holding the audition!” He slapped a hand over his face. “Well. I have no idea who you are. So! On with the audition! And, to make it fair. Eddie, go wait in the bathroom.” Gareth instructed, earning a pretty fierce side eye from Eddie. He got up begrudgingly, groaning and ultimately making a show of it.
Once he was gone, Gareth gestured to the open space, “Floors yours, kid.”
Steve sighed, deep breaths, he reminded himself. 
“Hello, I’m Steve. Harrington. Uh, Steve Harrington. Yeah, I’m 23 years old, I’ve been singing for a while, dive bars here and there, y’know… I’m uh. I’m going to sing an original song. I have others though… If you wanna hear something else…” He rambled, word vomit spewing out due to his nerves. 
He took a deep breath and let the song flow out of him, it was a blur as he sang, letting muscle memory take the reigns as he belted out. He opened his eyes as the song finished, breathing heavy, and he took a small bow. “Thanks for your time.” He began to walk out, following typical audition protocall. “Wait.” Gareth said. Steve turned, watching as Gareth and the other members, not including Eddie, of course, deliberated. “You were good. Sing this for me,” Gareth sang a short melody, which Steve repeated shortly after. He watched as the band nodded, small smiles forming on their faces. 
“Eddie! Come meet the new vocalist!” Gareth called. Steve fell to his knees, “You’re joking.” “Nope.” 
Eddie sauntered out, stopping short when he saw Steve still there. “Hey! You? Him? YEAH! Way to go Steve!” He cheered, running to hug him in celebration. They held each other for a moment before Eddie planted a quick kiss, again, acting before thinking. Steve paused, pulling away, before cracking a smile so big Eddie thought his face might split in half, and pulling Eddie back in for another smooch. The rest of the band behind them was clapping, congratulating Steve and moving to tell the other candidates that they’ve found their vocalist. 
“I’m so glad you were a dick to me this morning.”
Eddie smiled, “Me too.”
Sorry for another one of these, it's been locked in my brain
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sirtaehyunsalot · 1 year
What’s His Deal? (pt 1)
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pairing: Thomas Valles x fem!reader 💀
one-sidedish love, crack if you squint really hard
warnings: cursing, some racist remarks from white fam 🧍‍♀️, my horrible Spanish, lmk what else
word count: 988 💀💀
AN: im so embarrassed lmfao; i know this movie takes place in the 80s but i didn’t center it arnd that 1) bc i don't know shit about the 80s and 2) bc now u can visualize it in any time period you want. And if you’re not white then you can just act like you were adopted by the White family lmao
You reached into your locker and hung up your bag. Just when you were about to close your locker you heard 3 pairs of footsteps running in your direction. By the time you turned around to see what was happening, it was already too late as one of the boys plowed straight into you, causing you to fall backwards into your still open locker, dropping your things all over the floor and twisting your ankle in the process. Some people who witnessed the whole scene unfold were nearly peeing themselves laughing (you probably would have laughed too if it wasn't for the fact that you were the one experiencing this) and others were looking at you in surprise.
Today was your first day at school in McFarland, California. You already hated this place because it was hot, musty, dirty, noisy, and boring. You and your family had to move here after your dad lost his temper at one of his football players at your old school. Now here you were, in a town where almost everyone spoke Spanish, and roosters woke you up at the ass crack of dawn.
One of the running boys had stopped and turned around to see what had happened to you. When he saw you trying to get out of your locker he turned back around to push the guy that had bulldozed you into the locker.
“Look what you did, ese! Didn’t even bother to apologize” He exclaimed before walking towards you. “Here, lemme help you,” He pulled you up from your locker, closed the door, and started helping you pick up your things.
“Gracias,” You blurted out. You had no idea why you said “thank you” in Spanish, you already knew full well that he spoke English.
“You’re welcome,” He answered with a smile before walking away.
You thought that boy was kinda cute. But you knew a little bit better than to fall head over heels for a dude you had just met and didn't even know the name of just based on looks alone, but you still couldn't get your mind off of that boy. You thought about him so much that during first period you almost didn't hear the teacher telling you to introduce yourself as the new girl in class, which led to you standing in front of the classroom in silence for a good 10 seconds before you realized what you were supposed to be doing. You thought about him in class, at lunch, while you were waiting for your dad to pick you up from school, and even during the ride home.
“Hellooooo, (nameeee), earth to (nameeee),” your little sister Jamie called out to you from the backseat of your dad’s car.
“What do you want?” You sighed, slightly annoyed that she had interrupted your daydreaming session.
“Who’s that dude?”
“Why would I know anyone in McFarland? We’ve only been here for like 3 days”
“Because he’s really fast!”
You finally looked out of the window to see what this girl was talking about, and what you saw was honestly something out of a superhero movie. The guy that helped you earlier was running. Running as fast as the car you were in!
“But we’re going-” -you pause to check the speedometer- “12 miles an hour-! And he’s able to catch up to the car??”
“Like I said, really fast!”
“Oh, I know him! That’s Thomas Valles, he’s the one that gave me a tour around the school today,” said your other sister Julie, around the same age as you.
“Thomas?” you became flustered at the mention of his name.
“OOOO! (Name) likes him!! Dad!! Get closer, get closer! (Name) wants to be closer to her crush!!” Jamie screamed
“SHUT UP JAMIE! I don’t like him, it’s just that he helped me get myself together when I fell ass first into my locker after one of his ‘amigos’ mowed me down while running in the hallway,” you huffed in annoyance as you remembered all the people that were looking and laughing at you.
Unbeknownst to you however, Thomas had stopped running because he noticed your family stalking him and went to stand in front of your car (not the smartest move on his part.)
“Why are you following me, blanco.” he demanded rather than asked when your dad stopped the car.
“Do you know how fast you were going?” your dad questioned.
“What are you a cop?”
Your father was quite taken aback by Thomas’s reaction to this. The guy didn’t even seem fazed by the fact that he was going 12 miles an hour!
“You were running at 12mph, that's pretty fast, Valez,” your dad quipped
Thomas chose to ignore the fact that Mr. White had butchered his name. “Well I obviously don’t have a car, right?”
“Can I give you a ride..?”
“No, but you can stop following me.” Thomas replied before he turned around and continued running off to wherever he was going.
“What’s his deal?” Julie scoffed at the whole interaction. “We were only trying to be nice to him, is this how everyone acts in McFarland?”
“I know right?” Jamie agreed.
“In his defense, I think I would be pretty creeped out too if I was a Mexican boy being chased by a van full of random white people,” you half-joked.
Your family let out a loud laugh at your little joke and moved on to other topics soon after. Although, you on the other hand, were still thinking about Thomas for the rest of the way home. And during dinner. And while you were watching TV. And before bed. And even when you were in bed he still managed to creep back into your thoughts. You were also thinking about the question Julie asked during the ride home. “What’s his deal?” What was Thomas Valles’s deal? You had no idea, but you immediately knew that you wanted to find out.
This was wild 💀 lmao pt 2 will be coming soon shoot me an ask if you want to be in my taglist
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whoregaylorenzo · 10 months
do we have any idea what happened between mavio? oh fellow mavio lover please tell me you have an idea 🥺
oh bestie....*pats seat next to me* we're really in it now aren't we..😭😭
okay there's definitely better ppl to ask this since I've only been here for a few months but I'll tell you what I think I know
disclaimer: a lot of the gaps of my knowledge (so a lot) are filled in with dramatic exaggerations and my own headcanons so don't take it too seriously
1. maverick comes into motogp with one championship under his belt (moto3) and a third place in moto2, from what I've gathered he'd been seen as one of the real next talents, I'm not 100% sure of the timeline but I know I've heard vale mention him as well as marc as someone who could be quick/has a lot of talent
2. he starts off at suzuki (with aleix), gets some good results even a win and a couple podiums and after two years moves to yamaha in 2017 after coming 4th in the championship im 2016
3. he fucking wins his first two races with yamaha, talk about an entry to a team. oh and his teammate was valentino rossi. enough said.
4. mav having a grand time at yamaha, finishing 3rd and 4th and 3rd again (2017,18,19) in the championship. then shit starts going downwards.
5. in 2019, fabio arrives on the motogp stage with the petronas yamaha. he has an amazing first season, getting like 7 podiums and finishing 5th overall.
6. 2020 (ooh getting spicy) so there's a lot of very friendly interactions between mav and fabio from this time, it really seems like they were good buddies, n then preparing to be teammates in 2021, being excited about it!! looking at results tho - even though fabio only finished 8th that year, he won three races, meanwhile mav got one win plus two second places - both behind fabio...
7. so going into 2021 the situation is basically - fabio, boy wonder replacing motogp legend and maverick - not quite being able to fulfill the potential ppl said he had, getting this new teammate, a fast young guy - [threatening music starts playing]
7. and then the season starts off not too bad for mav with a win but after that - forget it. mav getting worse, fab winning and winning and winning. mav starts thinking yamaha have clearly moved on from him and are backing fabio, casting him aside a bit (in his perception, I can't really speak on what really happened I simply wasn't present in the fandom and I've not dove that deep yet), and then ofc it culminates in the whole debacle with mav just having enough of the frustration and doing sth rash, leading to the yamaha fallout and him leaving the team - well being fired really - and going to aprilia
8. as far as I know, it wasn't this alone that broke mavio? I think fabio said sth to the effect of he doesn't really care about mav leaving the team, and then there's a mav quote I think of him saying he's surprised to hear that from fabio
9. and then ofc there's fabio on that podcast this year answering the question "who's the rider you have the worst relationship with" with maverick.
IN CONCLUSION I think a culmination of fabio riding high on success, mav spiraling and lashing out, all that lead to the sorta icy relationship they have now....*sob*
anyway at the bottom of this I gotta add these tags from vic @distinguishedfifty to lighten the mood bc I simply love them uwkfjfkd
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if any motogp mutuals have more to add here or maybe wanna correct me on things pls feel free!!
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myveryownfanfiction · 4 months
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tags: @illiana-mystery
warnings: Swearing, ranting from reader
The noise from the water park was getting unbearable, even with the door to Owen's office closed. I dug my headphones out of my bag and plugged them in but even the music blasting from the laptop couldn't drown anything out. Groaning, I put my head on the desk. The little clock at the bottom of the exam kept ticking away, reminding me that I was taking an insane amount of time to complete it. There was a knock on the door before it opened. I pulled out my headphones as the person walked in.
"Whoa. Hey." Owen said. "No dying on the clock." I lifted my head and glared at him, propping my chin on the desk. "Oh. Its that bad then?" I nodded and he walked over to see the exam I was taking. "Yeah. No. Can't help with that. Like at all."
"That's ok." I said with a sigh, running my hands down my face. "Neither can I. I don't know what I need this for. It isn't even part of my actual degree or anything. I mean it is but not what I want to use the damn degree for." I leaned back in the chair and let it hit Owen in the stomach.
"Ow." he said, but not moving away. "How much more you have to go with this?"
"Like the exam or the class?" I asked, looking back at him. "Because both feel like forever."
"The exam." He said, leaning down as he righted the chair. Owen put his hand on the table next to the laptop and leaned closer. "Ok. Four more questions you can do this."
"No. I can't." I moaned, letting my head fall back against his arm that was braced against my chair. "It took me 40 minutes to get here! That's three questions Owen. Three fucking questions I'm not even sure are filled out correctly!" Owen put his hand on my shoulder and gently rubbed it.
"Have you talked to the teacher? Maybe get some extra help or something?" He said, eyes roaming over the computer screen still.
"Ha!" I laughed. Owen looked at me. "The teacher is shit. Talks at us instead of to us. Grades and corrects us but half the shit that we get wrong wasn't even fucking covered in the lessons. At all. And when she does answer our questions, it always goes back to check the lesson. Well I'm sorry but the crap you added to correct whatever it was I put down wasn't even there! Maybe don't dock points for shit you didn't even cover!" Owen squeezed my shoulder. "And then...and then...she expects you to remember all this crap so it isn't even written down anywhere except in the lessons cuz she's too lazy to compile it all and the students are too brain dead to do it themselves! So you have to spend twenty minutes to find the shit you need only to see it was the wrong shit to begin with!" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “I feel like I’m failing no matter what I do.”
“so why don’t you cheat?” Owen asked with a shrug. I gave him a look.
“I did. Copied and pasted from somewhere else. And she marked it wrong! Like she graded it to her standards and it was wrong!” Owen chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me. A kiss was pressed to my temple. “Owen I just can’t take this anymore. It’s driving me up a wall.”
“does how long you take on this matter?” He asked after a minute. I shook my head. “Come on. We’re going for a ride.” He pulled me up and started to drag me out of the office.
“Owen I’m not in the mood.” I groaned. He laughed and shook his head.
“not that kind of ride.” He said, smiling at me. “But I’m not opposed to one later.” I rolled my eyes. “No im talking about driving down the highway as fast as we can without getting caught. Top down. Radio blasting. Come on. You’ll love it.”
“alright. Alright.” I agreed as Owen grabbed his keys. “I do need to finish that exam eventually though.” Owen nodded before opening the car door for me. When he had gotten in, the car reved to life. He peeled out of the parking lot and headed out to the highway.
“so how much longer do you have this class?” He asked, glancing over at me. “Am I going to have to stay out of my office for months on end now?”
“no. Just today.” I sighed. “Just because of the exam. I didn’t have enough time to do that at home and it’s due by the end of the night. Thanks for that by the way. Not sure if I said it.” Owen nodded, reaching over to hold my hand.
“anytime. Just let me know when you need it.” He said, pulling my hand up to kiss it. “And I want you to know that anytime you need to vent again, well I’m here.” I nodded.
“thanks Owen.” I said softly. He nodded before gunning it down the highway, a smile on both our faces.
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starrycollesta · 2 years
Omg Im literally addicted to ur sub Eddie x femdom readers😅. Can u do one where u overstimulate him over and over as a punishment until he can’t cum anymore and he’s shaking and crying? Can you involve after care as well? Like cleaning him up and cuddling him and praising him? Tysm :D
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━━━━ PARING ! eddie munson x dom!reader
━━━━ WORDS ! 616
━━━━ SYNOPSIS ! you overstimulate you eddie until he's crying and shaking.
━━━━ INCLUDES ! dacryphilia, orgasm control, edging, dry orgasm, after care, praise kink, hand job, dom!reader, sub!eddie, mommy kink.
sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes | cross posted on AO3 | MASTERLIST | REQUEST ME !
gif is not mine.
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"Can you take it baby? can you take it like a champ?"
Eddie nodded vigorously, throwing his head back onto your shoulder and moaning. He laid in between your spread legs, naked. Your hand was wrapped around his dick, pulling orgasms from his over-exerted body.
You made Eddie keep orgasm for what felt like hours. This was his punishment for cumming without your permission when you were riding him earlier. Although, you couldn't really call it a "punishment," considering that he liked the feeling of being drained completely from cumming so much.
You kept pumping your hand up and down his length, painfully fast.
"Ah s-shit, mommy." Eddie stuttered out brokenly. You caught a glimpse of his red. His face was screwed up into a blissful expression, tears spilling from his dark eyes.
Wet slapping noises filled the room, along with Eddie's cries for you to slow down. He sounded so pretty like this. His sinful noises made you throb and forget what you were even punishing Eddie for.
"That's it baby. Take what your mommy gives you like a fucking champ. You sound so pretty." you praise him lovingly in his ear. He shivered at your words and at the things you were doing to his body.
Your hand would slow down sometimes then quickly fuck him through another orgasm. Your hand was burning at this point, but you ignored it. All you wanted to do was give Eddie pleasure with a dash of pain.
"Gonna...fucking...cum, ugh~!" Eddie squeaked out and bucked into your hand before you felt warm cum shoot onto your hand and arm. You could tell the more he came, the less cum that was produced for him. He was getting close for a dry orgasm.
You usually let Eddie get a breather after he came, but this time, you didn't. You continued to furiously hand fuck him, resulting in Eddie yelling a array of unintelligible words. You drew your hand back, spitting on it, then returned it to his convulsing member.
"I-I can't cum anymore, mommy. Shit, it's too much..." Eddie was shaking against you even more than before. His eyes hung low with exhaustion.
"Yes, you can Eddie. Cum for me, just once more. Do it for mommy." you encouraged him on, hand moving at a constant high speed. Eddie let out a loud curse, that followed up with a violent shake. Only a dribble of cum came out of his cock. He was so overstimulated and drained of cum, he came dry.
His head lolled on your shoulder, completely exhausted. You pet his hair lightly and moved some out of his sweaty face.
"You did so good Eddie. I'm so proud of you." you smiled and kissed his cheek softly, "Let's get you cleaned up, hmm?"
You gently moved from under him and set his head onto the mattress below you. You stood at the foot of the bed and admired your work. Eddie's eyes were closed; sleeping presumably, and his stomach had dried and fresh cum on his torso. You gave him one last smile and retreated into the bathroom for some towels to wash him up.
You came back to your boyfriend with the wet towels, and you carefully got on the bed, afraid he might be awoken. You gently wiped the cum off him and once you were done, you put the towels in the hamper and kissed Eddie's forehead.
Eddie opened his brown eyes, slowly. He looked so tired. He opened his mouth to speak but you put a finger up to stop him.
"It's ok Eddie. Go back to sleep. Mommy's got you."
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neville-is-my-husband · 9 months
Its ok
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summary: Every one expects Ron to have a high body count. But when y/n starts dating him she finds out that Ron is acually a virgin. And Ron wants y/n to change that.
Warnings: P in v. Flusterd Ron. Swering(Im sorry idk if thers more)
Not profread ups.
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Everyone expected ron to have had alot of sex with alot of girls. But little did they know that Ron was a virgin. Ron was scared to tell anyone cuss what Will they say? Every time a girl asked ron for sex he would just say "im not in the mood". So when y/n started dating ron she thougt it was wierd how Ron never would be even a little intimate with her.
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one day y/n decided she would make the move herself so when Ron was busy rambeling abt some quidditch stuff she took the change and straddled him and started kissing his neck.
"And then uh-i mm" Ron started stuttering.
"What is it Ronnie?" She asked. "Its just-i um"
"Ugh Come on Ronnie you never touch me Come on" y/n whined. All of a sudden rons face became redder than his hair(ik its orange but what ever) "what?" Y/n asked "its just that ummm....im a virgin a-and im scared im gonna do something wrong..." y/n was suprised she didnt expect ron to be a virgin. Every one wanted to have sex with him. "Oh im sorry..I didnt know" ...."y/n?" "Yea?""i want you to be my first." Y/ns heart was beating really fast. Y/n couldnt belive it her boyfriend Ron wealsey griffendoors prefect wanted HER to take HIS virginety. "I Mean umm like rhigt now??" " yes"
"But umm can we talk first?" Ron asked "sure" y/n answerd.
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After talking for a while (abt safe word and stuff) y/n had started kissing rons neck again. Ron wimperd and moaned every time y/n would kiss his sweet spot and y/n found it adoreble.
After some time of making out y/n pulled away to pull her shirt over her head."bloody hell" ron said and y/n could feel ron getting Hard instanly.
Ron proceeded to pull of his shirt and pants. Ron blushed when y/n told him how good he looked. Ron didnt. Even notice how y/n had taken her skirt of .y/n started grinding her hips against rons. "Bloody hell that feels so good" ron moaned. "Yea? You like it like this huh? being a pretty little mess under me?" "Fuck yea"
"Y/n please" ron whined "pls what" "please i wanna be inside you" and thats what happended. Y/n quickly pulled of her panties and unclapsed her bra. "Fucking hell your hot" ron said."mm thanks Ronnie " y/n said while pulling rons boxers of. Y/ns jaw dropped holy shit his cock looked good it was pink and dripping with pre cum and it was fucking huge.
"Y/n?" "...yes darling?" "Dont we like need to warm up?" Ron asked "oh yea" "umm well what do you want to do?" "Can you ride My face?"
Fuck y/n almost came by hearing those words.
Y/n quicky got up and hoverd over rons face. Ron moaned by the sight of her.
Y/n loverd her self slowly to not suffocate him.
Its was a little wierd at first but Ron quickly found out how to make y/n feel very nice.
Just as y/n was getting close she pulled of rons face.
"Wha-" rons question was interupted with a moan as you slowly slipped down on his cock.
It was a good stretch but not paniful.y/n quicky found a good pace and started riding ron.
The room was full of moans both rons and y/ns.
Soon y/n was cumming on rons cock she quickly got off of rons cock and him in her mouth"mmm fuck im cumming" ron moaned and then his load spilled down y/ns throat. They both layed down to catch their breath. Y/n moved over to ron and he wrapped his arms around her.
And then they fell asleep in eachothers arms.
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soylent-robot · 1 year
i entered a fugue state and did a review of the orks 10e index
orks are back! like actual mobs of orks and not a load of dinky mario karts! the changes to morale means ork mobs arent just going to bleed models anymore, and their stratagems are worth a dang now too. tldr im excited to throw down a vast tide of green and say "chew through that" again. the enhancement i really like is Follow Me Ladz for a flat +2" movement to any unit you like, even warbikers. the real tricky part will be deciding which character goes in which unit, because they all hand out some really good buffs but dont have any rules that let you wedge two leaders into one unit, outside of the regular boyz mob.
battlewagon is here for firing deck 22. you can shove all kinds of shooty nonsense in here, like burna boyz, flash gitz, lootas. theres also ferrying meganobz around of course. its own weapons are incidental, im thinking to just give it a deff rolla and let the riders handle the shooting. the trukk is the smaller transport option with a built in 6++ and firing deck 12, but has no assault ramp style rule like it used to. still it will be good for ferrying smaller units about.
beastsnagga boyz are fine with their 6+ FNP, theyre mainly here for bodyguarding the beastboss, who is an absolute monster. pack them in a hunta rig to get them in fast. the beastboss on squigosaur are pretty much daemon princes, theyre hard as nails with T10 and 3+/5++/4+++, and hand out charge re-rolls which is pretty good now the orks dont have that by default. mozrog is the same but doesnt hand out the charge re-roll, instead just beating the absolute shit out of anything he runs into. i prefer the charge re-roll aura tho. the painboss can only join beastsnagga boyz now, upgrades his unit's FNP to 5+, and once per battle can return D3 dead models to his unit. hes fine, but hes not the beastboss, so hes going to sit on the shelf. squighog boyz put out a respectable amount of damage 2 melee attacks and ignore all moving modifiers, alongside the boss's charge re-roll theyre going to get to where they want easily. theyre a surprising T7 as well, so tougher than they look. the squig riding nob is still a separate character for some reason but ignore that and put him in the unit for a bit of extra punch, and he can take follow me ladz for a further movement boost. hunta rigs are a good mix of anti monster/anti vehicle shooting and melee, and they can somehow pack 21 models inside, so thats two mobs of 9 or 10 beastsnagga boyz with their own beastboss each. the kill rig holds only 11 models and can hand out a strength buff, but the main thing here is the horrific wurrtower weapon, a S12 AP -3 damage D6 torrent bastard that you want to use overwatch on all the time.
the warboss goes in your mob of boyz or nobz, hands out a bonus to melee hit rolls, and kills shit. the warboss in mega armour goes in your mob of meganobz, hands out a bonus to melee hit rolls, and kills shit. hes here to kill shit and buff his unit with enhancements. dont forget about that epic challenge stratagem to kill specific shit!
the weirdboy has some kind of psychic shooting attack, but nevermind that, it can teleport its boyz mob around like some kind of monochrome cavalier. gagging for a plastic model, please GW. the wurrboy on the other hand joins beastsnagga boyz and messes with enemy battleshock tests, which is alright but not something the index is really focused on. his LAZER EYES got a substantial shooting buff however, going to D6 shots at S8 AP -3 D3.
both types of big mek hand out an invun against shooting to their unit, but no longer give it to the vehicle they ride in, and also hand out hit rerolls of 1 when shooting. the mega armour version has an unexpected medic type rule to return models to his unit, which is kinda crazy when that unit is meganobz. the non armour version handing a 5++ to a mob of 20 boyz will give a surprisingly hardy objective grabber. the shokk attack gun version goes with some lootas and blows shit up, but is probably too unreliable over taking the regular big mek for that 5++. basic meks are going to be stretched thin, because they can hand out a bonus to hit rolls for nearby vehicles (and i do mean nearby, only 3", so dont zoom off and leave them alone).
nobz have a lot of good melee attacks and are pretty tough if a warboss is leading them. give them all power klaws and big choppas and go to town. the nob with waaagh banner can call the waaagh for his unit only a second time in a battle, and is OC 5 when the waaagh is in play. unfortunately he doesnt get the benefits of similar elites characters like lieutenants and foetid virion, and will hog a whole character slot to himself without letting a warboss into his unit.
out of the four flyers, the dakkajet & wazbommer are still the ones worth looking at, with the dakkajet getting 18 shots when in rapid fire range with its 3 twin supa shootas (always give it the third one) that always get critical hits. itll never happen but that 36 hits is always a faint hope. the wazbommer meanwhile puts out a big pile of nasty blast attacks and can swap its grenades keyword out for a 4++.
boyz are some real good ladz in this index, i promise. theyre still T5, they dont bleed models to morale anymore, and if you start with a mob of 20 you can add 2 leaders to them, one of which must be a warboss. the other leader can add some great buffs to this big unit: a weirdboy gives you a teleporting hammer unit (though it might be difficult to find a place to teleport such a big unit to), a big mek or painboy to sit on an objective and be invincible with that 5++ against shooting or 5+ FNP, and the nob with waaagh banner to give the unit an extra waaagh (which also buff's the warboss's melee attacks again). you can really mix and match some powerful buffs into this unit.
gretchin generate CP for standing on objectives and they have OC2. youll always be taking at least one of these units to sit on your home objective, because free CP. zodgrod can join a unit and give them scouts 9" (yes 9") and some fun little buffs that make them a tiny bit harder to kill. when the waaagh is up, his unit becomes move 12", which can be a surprise objective grab.
hey burna boyz might be a real unit this time, right? overwatch is cool, yeah? they get full wound rerolls with their flamers against units on objectives, thats a thing right?
lootas need to sit still to fire good (bs 6+ with heavy, oof) but a mek can help with that. if they shoot a unit thats near an objective, they get full rerolls to hit however. their deffguns are pretty likely to remove whole marines with each hit when they do hit, but theyre hampered by having to bring along some dorks who dont have deffguns. stick them in the back with a regular big mek for that 5++.
tankbustas would be good with their D3 rokkit launchas and hit/wound bonus when shooting vehicles, but theyre locked into a unit of 5 with very specific equipment based on their ancient finecast kit. new plastic kit please!
boss snikrot hands out a once per game teleport to his unit of kommandos. he also stabs good, but hes got no special battleshock rules despite his killer reputation. kommandos themselves have a big dumb list of upgrades im going to ignore in favour of just giving them a breacha ram, a burna, and a distraction grot who can give out a 5++ against shooting once per game. with infiltrate and stealth they can grab objectives early and be hard to shift with the grot.
grotsnik is no longer a hindrance to moving around, and lets his unit fall back and charge, very useful. hes also handing out a 5+ FNP to a mob of 20 boyz, which is stupid and good. he also hits like a truck. the regular painboy also hands out 5+ FNP and can return D3 dead models to his unit once per battle. 
the deffkilla wartrike can join units of warbikes now, and its melee attack doesnt hit like a wet sponge anymore. 6 warbikes and the deffkilla is a big pile of tough wounds to deal with, and they auto advance 6" on top of moving 12". with the waaagh, ere we go and follow me ladz, this unit goes 14", auto advance 8", charge 2d6+2" and that sounds like an easy first turn charge to me. warbikers themselves are T6 with 3 wounds apiece, and put out a crazy amount of fire with their dakkaguns.
deffkoptas are stupid because rokkit launchas are stupid because they now fire d3 shots and have blast, and theyre still a flat 3 damage. goodbye marines.
flash gitz can get up to 4 shots each and hit on a 4+ if they stay still, with some slightly better than a heavy bolter guns. they really need badrukk with them, who hands out full hit rerolls when shooting.
meganobz tear shit apart with their pile of attacks at minimum damage 2, and they get devastating wounds during a waaagh. they can be joined by a big mek for a 4++ against shooting, useful cos they have no native invulnerable save, but you probably want to go with a warboss in mega armour for that bonus to their hit rolls. follow me ladz on their leader boosts them up to move 7", and with ere we go theyre surprisingly fast. attaching ghaz might actually be a downgrade since he provides lethal hits, which skips the opportunity to trigger devastating wounds during a waaagh.
im not sure what ghazghkull is doing this time. he wants to go in a unit of meganobz because he lost his wound-per-phase cap, but if he does that he cant ride in a battlewagon cos of his fat ass taking up 18 slots (19 including makari). hes move 5" and theres no way to speed him up or deep strike him outside of the ere we go strat. hes terrifying in melee yes but hes going to find it very hard to get there
in mario kart, the boomdakka snazzwagon vomits out a load of anti light infantry shooting, but orks wont struggle with that sort of target. the kustom boostablasta is a confused mix of close range torrent and long range shooting, neither of which is that exciting, but it does hand out a hit penalty to units it shoots. the megatrakk scrapjet gets free mortals when it charges, but its melee isnt as good as it used to be. it still puts out a nice amount of damage 3 rokkit attacks though, but needs mek support to hit. the rukkatrukk squigbuggy is still here, but its two launchas are consolidated into one, and its putting out 6+D6 shots instead of 3D6. its the only real source of indirect fire in the index tho so i think theyll still be a mainstay for pushing that damage around. the shokkjump dragsta is a sniper buggy now with a nasty precision gun that hits on a 3+(!) and it can still teleport so good luck avoiding getting your support characters exploded.
stormboyz max out at 10 models now, and luckily the nob can still get the power klaw despite the kit not having one. theyre fast with built in advance & charge, and theyre the only deep striking unit here, so theyll be useful for some late game objective grabbing as always. boss zagstruk allows his unit to re-roll charges on the turn they deep strike and hands out hit rerolls in melee. if youre taking a full unit of stormboyz intending to punch stuff hes pretty much vital to that enterprise, but not for the small mob of 5 objective grabbers.
i dont think deff dreads are tough enough to take. they dont hand out any cool buffs like the helbrutes, and any real anti-vehicle firepower is going to look at them and theyll vanish. killa kanz dont suffer from morale anymore but theyre merely okay. they have bs 4+ on their guns but they can also hand out mortal wounds to your own army if youre unlucky, and theyre not particularly tough or fast. gorkanauts and morkanauts are big dumb piles of wounds with good melee and okay firepower. the morkanaut no longer hands out a 5++ aura, sad face. it really depends on their cost if theyre good or not, because they need a lot of mek support to land their hits. the stompa is uh big. i respect anybody who fields one, good luck.
mek gunz! theyre fun and goofy and would sit at the back blasting shit, but none of them have indirect fire :( . bubblechukkas have 3 random profiles and i dont want to deal with that. mega kannons and traktor kannons are probably worth a look, especially the traktor's silly anti-fly 2+ and devastating wounds, slapping out up to 7 mortals per shot if something unluckly flies in their line of sight. they will fold like cardboard the moment something looks at them funny.
im not talking about the fortifications are you crazy.
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weskeyboy · 11 months
CONNOR X READER (part 2 will be smut)
Note: Im not bad with English I just type too fast
You hated androids..dear god how you hated them..they took so many things from you, they ruined what hope you had for the world, yet here you stand in front of an android at the cyberlife store..you were betraying your beliefs..everything you were taught to hate was slowly circling back.
"He is best suited for your needs Y/N, we promise, you are provided your money back if you are not hapoy with your purchase." The store employee reassured with the usual fake smile to help swoon in customers.
You say there stumped..you were sort of..afraid of getting him. But you knew you had no choice..things were getting too bad at the house, your depression was getting worse and being all alone didnt help, so with a sigh, you handed over your card to make the transaction. In a matter of seconds the machine stepped down from the platform. "Hello! I am your new android companion, please owner, what is my name?" He spoke in a greeting voice
You took a moment before gulping. "Connor." Was whispered out..you didn't want to waste anymore time in this place, so you left with your new android in a hurry, the car ride was silent.
"How may I assist you this evening?" He asked while you stepped out of the car, walking to the door to step inside. "I need..um.." you were very hesitant to speak to him. "The..garbage picked up. And..the clothes put away." You responded empty, Connor only gave a npd and started to rush to his tasks.
You were laying in your bed, you were worn out from even the simplest thing you had to do today, your frown visible on your face, you turned to the side to try and ger some rest when you awoke with a jolt, followed by a voice.
"I am finished with my tasks, may i assist you more?" Connor asked as you shook your head. "Im fine. " you replied all empty, Connors led turned yellow as he slowly walked over and kneeled beside her. "Could you please inform me how youre truly feeling at the moment?' He asked as you sighed a bit more pissed off. "Leave me alone. Find something to do." You mumbled, Connors light went back to blue as he stood up. "Very well then." Was replied as he walked out.
It was the next day
Actually, it was very early in the next day
The mail had been dropped through the slot as you were in the kitchen, stirring your cup of tea/coffee, once you hesrd the flap of the door move you spoke out. "Connor. Mail." You instructed, Connor had soon came over to pick them up. "Here you go Y/N, would you like me to gather and sypher them for you?" He asked as you sighed and nodded, leaning yourself over the counter, you had a bit of a headache.
Connor held the papers to his face and scanned them. "There seems to be a few topics. I have found 3 new recipes for food, 2new topics discussing the new modles of androids, and one regarding sexual intercourse with androids, are any of these following important to you?" He explained as you did a mental pause.
"...You have a romance feature?"
"Yes..all the more latest androids do."
"And..you didnt tell me?"
"I assumed that based on your judgment of androids you wouldnt want to know."
You stayed silent for a moment, a wave of sudden want washed over you..you didnt know how to process it..it was a stupid android, it doesnt feel shit for you." You then gulped.
"How..big is it?"
"How big do you want it to be?"
*pure silence*
Connors stupid perfect face stared at her..she stared back, your body temperature started to rise. You stepped closer to him, it felt like forever..but eventually you got to him.
"I mean..'
You started
"Its not exactly..wrong..right?"
She said as she stepped closer
"Correct, in fact, 68% of humans prefer having intercourse with androids."
You suddenly placed a hand on his chest, your eyes scanning his face..you never got a good look of him yet..but now that you were upclose..his eyes were so ge tke looking..like doe eyes..he had the most softest skin for an android, the freckles deplaying across his cheeks and nose, his neatly combed hair, it made you slip your hand inbrtween his jacket and shirt, your hand going up to his neck, gently holding it.
"I mean..fuck.."
You whispered, leaning up, face just inches away until you seemed to realize where you were..you snapped out of it and bavked away from him with wide eyes. Connor also seemed suprise. "Y/n, do not be afriad, it is normal." He explained, but it was too late, you suddenly ran past him and up the stairs, locking yourself in your room.
(Part 2 eventually)
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first-edition · 2 years
Bar Nights
You and ur friends go the bar for your birthday you meet a funny and drunk man waking up the next morning in his bed?
a request by a friend of mine so here you go. 
Sebastian Stan x reader
Minors dni
Cw- strong language, 18+ mentions and theme, alcohol consumption, 21+
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Your friend cheer as you down shot after shot even doing a body shot off the stripper that joined. “Fuck yeah!!” You scream over the music.
“Come on y/n the box is open!” Your friend says as you all run to the light up stage box. You get on and dance around you short dress exposing your panties for all to see. Someone gets up with you.
“Happy birthday!” He says “what?” You yell “Happy birthday!!” He repeats you giggle wrapping your arms around him “thank you you say and put the tiara you wear on him he smiles hands timing your waist dancing with you.
“I’m y/n!” You say running your hands through his hair “Sebastian” he says you smile
The rest of the night you two drank and danced and talked.
Sebastian pushes you against the home walls as his lips move from yours to you neck immediately finding a sweet spot. “Ah fuck!” You exclaim. His hand moves down your side and up your thigh to you panties as his fingers press your core. You gasp and smile as he pulls back and picks you up walking to the other room.
Light streams into the room exposing the scattered clothes and shoes on the floor. You and Sebastian continue to sleep in bed his arms firmly wrapped around your waist spooning you.
Your phone blasts your ringtone. You open your eyes reaching for your phone on the counter but don’t find it. Your vision adjusting your see you’re not in your best room. You sit up so fast almost giving you wiplash and the hurry out of the bed wrapping yourself in a blanket and grabbing your phone.
“Hello?!” You ask “y/n where are you you left with some guy!!” “No no I’m fine I just-“ seb groans and sits up but freezes when he sees you “I gotta go.” You reply and hang up holding the blanket closer to your body. He opens his eyes and sighs sitting up pushing his hair back but freezes when he sees you.
“Hi.” You both say at the same time.
“Hmm..” he says looking around the room and chuckles then back at you. “Y/n?” “Sebastian.” You reply his name he nods “happy birthday” he says “thank you 23 dosnt feel so old I guess.” You say and accidentally drop your head phone it hits your foot causing you too drop your blanket in pain exposing your self.
“Ah shit !” You call out scramble grabbing the blanket and your phone but slipping on your bra and falling “ah!” You exclaim.
Sebastian laughs “hey! Hey! No no no no you don’t get you laugh all you’re doing is..is sitting ther in bed..looking quite nice but still!” You say getting up wrapping the blanket around yourself.
“I gotta get home.” You say grabbing your articles of clothing “hey come on don’t you wanna stay a bit?” He says “no..not really.” You say “what? Really? Wait uh don’t you know who I am?” he asks you scoff
“What am I supposed to say yes what are you prince of England.” You say. “No but I- you really don’t know?” He says “no!” You reply pushing you hair back.
“Alright I’ll I’m leave you to get dressed he says getting up and pulling in his boxers and walking out. In confusion
After putting on your clothes you walk into the kitchen. Where he is on his phone
“hey. My rides here so. Yeah thank you for..everything” you say “ah wait I’m I was wondering..if I could just get your number maybe..stay in touch instead of just a one night stand I’d like to get to know you?” He says you smile and look down at your phone seeing your friends text that she’s here.
“No” you say and turn to walk off “hey what?” “Im sorry Sebastian you’re super nice and great! But I don’t date I’m not one for dating and it never ends well so I prefer to live the single life.” “Shit then okay see you around” he says as you begin to walk out
“I doubt it!” You call back finally leaving his house.
“Dude!!” Your friend laughs as you get in her car you smile and laugh your phone goes off “grabbed your number anyway. How’s dinner Monday work for you?” Sebastian texts you you scoff shaking your head.
“You really are desperate huh?”
“I have a good catch dont wanna let it go” he replies
“Fine! Dinner Monday I’m free after 5, I’ll send you my adress” you reply
“See yah”
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waifu-13 · 2 years
Calling it conflict
an- im back with some fluff babes. is this about a real person? yes. sorry it is fem reader. I try to be as inclusive as I can but in cases where I use songs I just follow the lyrics, im sorry. 
tw_ drugs, pet names, fast cars, just stupid rules 
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                                 { Pour another bottle to the floor, love}
Here you are lying on a random roof top, bottles pouring down to the ground below, the fluffy haired male laying next to you, you've only just met him but your connection is .hmm well get back to that one. 
                                { Pushin' for it, oh, you know I want some}
You turn your head to look at him. analyzing his lips and the blunt between  them 
“watcha looking at”? the fluffy haired boy asked he caught you staring,
“your lips” you says facing back up to the night sky.
 {Cause everything you do is screaming: More drugs It's kinda sad but it's awesome}
“you sure about that one?” you nod in response 
“want a hit? he offers holding the blunt out to you. you take it taking a long drag then slowly letting the smoke pour from your mouth to fade away into nothing. the blunt now passing between you two till there nothing but ash left. leaving you to think about how you got here, what decisions of the day lead you to this point at night. 
                      { Oh, we've lost it  Screeching off with no names}
flash backs from earlier today flood your mind how you went from leaning against a gas station wall with a drink in hand making small talk  to now laying next to the cutest boy you've meant. He’s not a complete Stanger you've seen him at different friends parties but now yall are actually talking on your own. 
“cmon its boring here, let me show you some real fun” he says holding his hand out for you to take it “ I didn't catch your name tho” you say in rebuttal 
“doesn't matter, now c'mon” you place your hand in his and follow him to his car getting in the passengers side. As soon as he got in the car you two were off in a flash. 
           {She said: Watch this With her hands in the rain}
Somewhere along your drive it started raining. I watch as she sticks her hand out the window to catch the raindrops on her fingers. She was gorgeous  just sitting there in the passengers side. 
     {Call it conflict, as you should And you ain't gonna stop this, stop this}        “so what's this feeling” she ask not even looking at me. i pause for a moment before answering 
“ call it conflict” I say moto toned moving my eyes from the road on to her.
                   {And you keep on falling, baby, figure it out}
 the both of them can feel the small spark that's formed through the small talk in this car ride to god knows where but their both enjoying their times.    
{We're pulling up to where you used to work at Well tell 'em that you're finished, yeah, you mean that}
we pull into a parking lot of my job? 
“do it, quit, c'mon, lets do some crazy shit” he says getting out of the car, I hope out following him  walking up my manger and quitting. I dont know why I picked to listen but the freedom i felt in the car ride was unreal.
                               {It's so illegal, but I like that}
Everything feels so right but so wrong i love it, I haven't felt so free with this nameless man, as were walking out of the store I stop before getting back in. 
“ your name, do I get it now?” 
“nope not yet little lady” he says with a smirk. you both get back in the car and hit the road.
  { Screeching off with no names And you keep on falling, baby, figure it out }
Which led us back here, light at night, two random liquor bottles dripping off the roof and ash laying around. but goddamn I've never seen a girl look so pretty in the moonlight. 
{Oh, we've lost it  She said, "Watch this" Call it conflict, please, call it conflict}      
“the name is matt little lady, can I catch yours now?”
“y/n.. matt a cute name it fits your face” she said it with a giggle but her face lit up. damn I swear I'm falling for a girl I just met.  I sure fucking hope she feels the same,
I watch his face as I say my name, matt is a cute name its fitting for him. fuck I think I'm falling for a guy I just met... I hope the feeling is mutual.                  
I look over to catch him look at my lips the same way i had been looking at his. so I think fuck it and lean in and kiss him.  he kisses back pulling me in closer to him making sure to keep us both stable. 
          { And you keep on falling, baby, figure it out}
we pull back lightly panting my body so close to his. I dont know how this will play out right now but for now lets just call it conflict. 
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