#it ruined my morning but i pulled myself back up and was compelled to draw this instead
nintendonut1 · 5 months
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notapaladin · 3 years
so say you’ll stay with me tonight
Because Acatl deserves to be in love, and I felt like cheering myself up by writing fluffy smut.
Also on AO3!
Tizoc is—regrettably—still Emperor today. Acatl’s trying very hard not to let it bother him, but it’s hard not to when the man is coming up with plans for a grand new renovation of the Great Temple and he doesn’t dare bring up all the excellent magical reasons why it may not be a wonderful idea. (Aside from the risk of exposing Coyolxauhqui’s prison to moonlight if the support scaffolding is driven too deep, all the wards will have to be remade and thousands of sacrifices procured, and there’s always the chance of the boundaries weakening with their largest anchor disrupted. Instead of bringing any of this up, Quenami—whose actual job this is—is smugly thinking only of his own prestige, which doesn’t help either the Fifth World or Acatl’s mood. Acamapichtli, of course, remains just this side of useless.)
It’s late by the time they get out of that meeting, and all he can think is that he does not want to spend one more second within the palace walls. He wants his own house, and his own mat, and his—
Well. He wants Teomitl.
In general he doesn’t want to be alone, but in specific he wants Teomitl—wants to wrap his arms around him, hold him close, kiss that soft and smiling mouth. They haven’t put words on what they are to each other, they’ve made no promises, but Acatl knows his own heart well enough to tell when so, so much of it has been given over to someone else. His (lover? friend?) is somewhere in the palace, but he hasn’t seen him all day and he’s seriously debating the idea of going to look for him. Of finding him wherever he’s been spending his time, pulling him aside, telling him…
I want you.
I missed you.
Come home with me.
The idea of that makes his face heat. They’ve stolen plenty of time together, but never has Teomitl spent the night at his house. (He doesn’t count that time after Axayacatl’s death. He’d been asleep for that, and also still so deep in denial that he wouldn’t have been able to find his way out with a tall ladder.) To do that now would be...well. His eyes have been opened, and he’s fairly sure they wouldn’t be spending too much time sleeping.
He jolts; he’s been so lost in thought that he didn’t even hear those impatient, beloved footfalls approaching from behind. Something in his heart clicks and settles into warm contentment as he turns around. “Teomitl,” he says, and adds—because it’s the truth—“I was just thinking about you.”
Teomitl doesn’t quite blush, but his smile goes measurably warmer around the edges. He looks good all in red and white, with gold earflares and a simple gold lip plug that draws Acatl’s eye to the curve of his lower lip. “And I was just looking for you. Are you all done for the day?”
“...Unless some emergency beckons, yes.” He really hopes it doesn’t. Duality, just give him one night.
“I’m glad.” And Teomitl draws closer to walk in step with him, their hands almost brushing. “Heading home?”
He nods, and then takes a breath. “Walk with me?”
Teomitl beams, and somehow he falls even deeper in love. “Of course.”
They’re quiet for a while. Part of him is still on a low boil after spending so much time with Acamapichtli and Quenami, and he doesn’t want to ruin this pleasant stillness by unleashing his fury. Besides, walls in the palace always have ears, and he’s sure it would get back to Tizoc somehow. So instead he walks in silence, feeling the warmth of Teomitl’s body in step with his, and he thinks oh, this is nice. (It could be nicer. They could be holding hands. But they have to be discreet, still, and so he can’t risk it.)
(Gods, he wants to see Teomitl crowned.)
It’s not until they leave the palace that Teomitl says, “So. Tizoc’s still going ahead with his...refurbishment.”
Acatl grimaces. “Indeed.”
“Didn’t listen to any of the reasons why he shouldn’t.”
He bites his lip. “...I…”
Teomitl turns to look at him; at first he’s frowning, but then understanding dawns. “...I see.” He looks like he wants to say something else—probably something angry—but all he does is sigh, shaking his head. “I tried too, you know, but he’s only thinking of his legacy and not what it might do to us. It’s probably for the best that you didn’t say anything; he’d think we were conspiring against him.”
Acatl considers this. Looks at him.
Teomitl looks mildly offended. “I did say I’d give him time.”
“You did.” And he slides his fingers against the back of Teomitl’s hand to show he’s not upset, nor holding a grudge. He’d meant it, after all, when he’d said there was no need for apologies between them. It has the desired effect, because Teomitl’s eyes grow warm and bright.
And then he leans in and murmurs, “Unless you’d rather I not.”
“Teomitl,” he huffs, but he can’t be mad. Teomitl’s smiling, after all, and it’s the one that means he’s not entirely serious—that says yes, he might still kill his own brother on Acatl’s orders, but it’s far more important to him that Acatl has asked him not to. “Please don’t.” After a moment’s thought he adds, “At least warn me and Mihmatini first when you do.”
Now Teomitl’s really smiling, though it’s somewhat rueful. “I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else. You know that.”
“I do.” He angles himself as he walks, so that they’re nearly touching, and lets the tenderness he feels color his voice. I trust your words. I trust you. I know you, my heart. And he’s suddenly more than mildly annoyed that they’re still in the Sacred Precinct, because the way Teomitl looks now—softly pleased, eyes shining—desperately makes him wish he could kiss him right here. If he were braver, he thinks he might even risk it; he knows where the shadows of the temple gates will hide them from prying eyes, and he knows how sweetly Teomitl presses against him when he’s pleased.
Though he says nothing, it must show on his face, because Teomitl takes advantage of the camouflage provided by their billowing cloaks to firmly lace their fingers together. His voice lowers, rich with promise. “We should eat dinner before we reach your place, shouldn’t we? Unless you want to cook. I hope you are; we’ll need our energy.”
He knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’s blushing. “I. Um.”
“...I leave a pot of stew on the hearth in the morning.” It’s a habit he’s gotten into since Tizoc’s begun these building preparations; they often go long enough that he’s ravenous by the time they’re over, and utterly unwilling to expend any more brainpower on exactly how to fill his stomach. It’s hard to overcook stew, after all. “Though I don’t know if it will be to your taste—”
Teomitl smiles at him. “Acatl. You know my feelings on your cooking.”
He finds himself smiling back. “I still think you flatter me far too much.”
Teomitl pokes his side teasingly. “And I think you underestimate the effects of a meal made with care and devotion by a man I trust above all others in the Empire. I’d eat what you made if it came out as charcoal.”
“Well, hopefully this won’t be that bad.” Honesty compels him to add, “It may be a bit spicy. I wasn’t expecting company when I put it all together.”
Teomitl huffs, “I can handle spice!”
He makes a mental note to serve plenty of flatbread on the side.
It’s not far to his home, and the stew—mostly beans and corn, with a long-simmering and very tough haunch of dog from an earlier sacrifice thrown in to cook until tender—is just about done when he takes it off the fire. Teomitl clearly wants to help, but after a moment’s searching forces him to realize he has no idea where Acatl keeps anything, he takes himself out to the courtyard with a terribly put-upon sigh. It’s adorable. Acatl wants to kiss his cheek.
So when he sets down their bowls, he does. Teomitl promptly blushes, which is so terribly endearing that Acatl has to kiss him again. On the mouth this time, which turns long and lingering before Teomitl slowly pulls away. “Mmhm. Not that I’m complaining, but what prompted this?”
He really only needs one hand to eat, so he’s free to settle the other at Teomitl’s waist and revel in the way the man nestles against his side. (It’s no longer surprising that Teomitl is so tactile, but it will always—always—be delightful.) “...I missed you.”
Because he had. Every time Tizoc had opened his mouth, he’d thought you are unworthy of your crown. Every time Quenami had worn that supercilious smirk of his, he’d thought Teomitl would never let you get away with that. He’d felt himself alone, and he’d wanted his lover by his side. Now that he is, there’s something going soft and warm in Acatl’s chest. They’d definitely be kissing again if it wasn’t for the stew, which he knows won’t be nearly as good cold.
Teomitl presses a kiss to his cheek, which makes him blush in turn, but then he’s applying himself to his dinner. Acatl waits as he takes the first spoonful.
To give him credit, his beloved doesn’t flinch. But he does turn red, and when Acatl hands him a piece of plain flatbread he shoves it into his mouth as though his life depends on it. When he can talk again, his voice is a little rough. “That’s—not bad.” And then, ruefully, “I should have expected that.”
“Mm.” He thinks briefly of seeing whether there’s anything else he could serve, but he knows Teomitl will turn it down. Even now, his lover thinks his own limits are mere suggestions.
It’s a quiet meal. Teomitl settles more firmly against him as they eat, one hand resting lightly on his thigh, and the promise of it makes him shiver. I won’t be suggesting he go home tonight, he thinks, and knows it for the truth. The silence between them feels good—feels comfortable—but though he doesn’t want to spoil it, there’s something he knows he has to say.
The sun is setting, bathing them in twilight. Their bowls are scraped clean, even Teomitl’s. (With the aid, Acatl can’t help but notice, of several cups of water and all of the flatbread.) Teomitl himself is resting his head on his shoulder, looking utterly content with his lot in life. Warm, calloused fingers are tracing slow circles on his thigh. Even the air feels peaceful, with just enough of a breeze to keep them cool but not enough to raise the dust. As Acatl takes a deep breath, he realizes he’s not afraid. Maybe he should be—maybe this is too much, he’s moving too quickly—but he isn’t. Not with his man by his side.
“I love you,” he whispers, and it comes out so quietly that at first he doesn’t think Teomitl’s heard him.
Then Teomitl smiles, soft as the dawn, and breathes, “I love you, too.”
Then they’re kissing again, and this time it’s much less sweet. There is some restraint—while Teomitl’s not precisely shy, he’s well aware of Acatl’s vows—but it’s the easiest and most natural thing in the world to be tumbled backwards on the mat, to have strong hands buried in his hair, to feel the heat and the faintest suggestion of teeth in each press of Teomitl’s mouth down his throat. And yet, for all that, there’s still a gentleness to it, because he’s loved. And better than that, he’s respected. If he asked Teomitl to stop, he knows he would.
He doesn’t think he’s going to ask Teomitl to stop. He arches into another kiss, letting his head fall back, and breathes, “We should...nnh…” Words fail him, because there’s a featherlight press of lips to his collarbone and it’s a lovely little spark of pleasure.
He shivers in anticipation, seeing the warmth in his lover’s eyes. “Let’s go inside.” He swallows. “If you want to continue this.”
Teomitl pulls back a little to look at him. The smile on his face turns teasing. “Oh, I do. But it’s getting late, and you should sleep.”
He’s suddenly very, very aware of his lover’s weight on him—of the way they’re touching, pressed together from very nearly the waist downwards, and how the building heat in his blood is moving with purpose. He shifts, rolling his hips a fraction, and feels Teomitl twitch in response. “I’m not that tired.”
Teomitl grins, all wicked hope. “Want me to help you with that?”
He sucks in a breath. I took vows, comes his first thought. But it’s followed fast by a second, stronger one—I don’t care. So instead of answering in words, he pulls Teomitl into a hungry, searing kiss.
He’s honestly not entirely clear on how they manage to get inside. While he’d be glad to kiss Teomitl forever, his lover is the sort of impatient man who comes up with plans; they’re barely on his sleeping mat before Teomitl’s scattering their cloaks and working at the knots to their loincloths, letting his hands roam shamelessly over every inch of bare skin. Acatl’s not idle; though he might kill something for a light so he could at least see the unveiled glory that is his naked lover, he’s free to map out the lay of the land with his palms.
And gods, but Teomitl melts into each touch. If he were the jaguar Acatl sometimes thinks of him as, he might even be purring. Experimentally he draws his nails down Teomitl’s back, and is rewarded when he moans into their kiss. “Mmm…”
Then there are warm, calloused fingers trailing down his chest, and he can’t quite muster up the ability to feel smug anymore when they find one nipple and start toying with it. “Oh, gods,” he gasps—he hadn’t thought he’d be sensitive there, but Teomitl is very effectively proving him wrong. He’s been half-hard since the moment his loincloth hit the floor, and Teomitl’s hands are getting him the rest of the way there. It’s even better when Teomitl moves to straddle him, half so they can grind against each other and half so his free hand can skate down the plane of his stomach.
Their eyes meet, and Acatl feels himself flush at the look in Teomitl’s eyes, the one that says without words that there’s nowhere else he’d rather be. When he speaks, his voice is soft. “You feel perfect.”
“Flatterer...mmm…” That one hand is sliding lower, shameless, and he wriggles a little to press their cocks together. He wishes again for light, but smoothing his hands over the solid muscles of his lover’s back and down over his frankly glorious ass will have to do. Teomitl must enjoy it, because his whole body trembles—and then Acatl’s being kissed, long and slow, and he arches with an utterly wanton groan.
“Love you,” Teomitl breathes when they pull apart. “Tell me how you want me to please you.” Acatl has to blush a little at that—it’s hardly as though Teomitl ought to need instruction, when he’s so hard against him—but well, he is asking. He’s owed an answer.
Still, saying it out loud makes him squirm. “...Touch me.” He rolls his hips, and his lover’s eyes spark fire. He doesn’t need to say anything else; Teomitl takes him in hand, and the friction that had been merely good builds into something he can fall into, something that sends pleasure coiling through his veins.
“Like this?” Teomitl’s setting a steady pace, fingers rippling; he needs his other hand to brace himself on the mat, bringing him in range to punctuate his words with a hungry mouth on Acatl’s collarbone. It scatters Acatl’s thoughts to the four winds; helpless, he scratches down Teomitl’s back again, and this time the vibrations of his lover’s moan sinks into his skin.
More, he thinks, and yes. He barely recognizes his own voice when it leaves his mouth. “Nngh, yes—no, wait, wait, I want to—” It’s not a want but a physical need, bone-deep, that has him working his hand between them to wrap around both their cocks at once. Teomitl’s roughly the same size but a little thicker, all rock-hard heat under his palm, and when he squeezes it pulls the most amazingly wrecked noise out of him.
“Oh,” Teomitl gasps. In the darkness, his eyes are wide with stunned hunger; his hips shudder, rocking in unconscious little circles like he’s not sure whether he should be letting Acatl set the pace or not.
“Have to feel you,” he pants. All that stroking had been pleasurable, yes, but he needs to feel it properly when Teomitl falls apart against him, under his hand, sliding past his own cock with each thrust. He wonders, briefly, how it would feel with Teomitl inside him—but then Teomitl’s hand leaves his shaft to slide lower, and the first purposeful caress to his balls makes him whine.
“Hah.” It’s more of a gasp than anything else; even the attempt at a self-satisfied smirk is erased in the next instant, because Acatl leans in to nip at his throat and grinds his hips up, a firm stroke making their cocks pulse in his grip. “Gods, keep doing that—”
“Mmm,” he hums against his lover’s skin. “Is this how you like it?” There aren’t words for the feelings coursing through him, lust and the mounting lightning of his own pleasure mingling with a fierce joy that he’s the one doing this for Teomitl, that it’s his mouth and hands that are pulling such sweet sounds from his lover. A little more, he thinks. A little more. I need to see your face.
He gets his wish a moment later; no doubt Teomitl has a warrior’s stamina, but it can’t last against the way Acatl’s handling him. He gets increasingly vocal as he nears his peak, wordless cries ringing in the night air as Acatl bites at his shoulder. When he mouths a red mark into the thin skin at his collarbone, Teomitl nearly sobs. “Yes—yes, gods, Acatl—” Then he’s coming, hard and fast and all at once, spilling himself over their hands and bodies, and his voice cracks into a desperate keen.
It’s perfect. He’s still unfulfilled, but he almost doesn’t care. Almost. After a moment where Teomitl’s catching his breath and he thinks he might have to seek his own pleasure, his lover is grinning hot and hungrily down at him and oh gods, now that he’s not distracted by what Acatl’s doing with him he proves merciless. He settles back on his haunches, freeing both hands to squeeze and stroke and pump Acatl’s throbbing flesh, and all Acatl can do is take it. “Nnnh, Teomitl, please…”
“That’s it,” Teomitl breathes, and if it wasn’t so awestruck it would be a royal order. It feels like a royal order, feels like the words of the gods themselves when he growls, “Come for me, Acatl-tzin.”
He does. He can’t do anything else. It’s shattering knife-edge pleasure that pulls all his thoughts out of his head; for a small eternity, he can’t even feel his own limbs, lost in the white-hot spasms of his own release. Awareness filters back in slowly; there’s Teomitl slowly petting his thighs, there’s his hands settling at his lover’s hips. And there, shining in the darkness, is Teomitl’s tender gaze.
“...Duality,” he manages breathlessly. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this, but thank You. Thank You for this gift.
“We made a mess,” Teomitl murmurs—and then, with a downright wicked smirk, drags his fingers through it and slowly licks them clean.
Spent as he is, it still makes Acatl’s cock twitch. He has to close his eyes lest he do something that...well, something that seems like a very good idea, to be honest, but his body is letting him know he’d regret it later. He’s not that young anymore. “Teomitl.”
“You taste good.” It’s almost—almost—innocent.
He draws in a shuddering breath. “I need to recover, damn you. Give me a moment before you do things like that!”
“I just wanted to clean us up, but you’re right.” Teomitl kisses him again, slowly, and he can taste himself on his lips. “I won’t tease, love.”
Love. He smiles at that, feeling his face warm. “You’d better not, after being so concerned about my sleep schedule.” It comes out as more of a mumble than anything else; he’s forgotten how draining orgasms can be, especially on a full stomach after a long day. Sleep really is sounding very tempting.
“Mmm.” It’s a warm, utterly contented hum. Even when Teomitl pulls away to clean them both up properly with a cotton towel, he doesn’t go far; indeed, the cleanup itself is slow and tender and interspersed with long, gentle kisses.
Acatl responds as best he can, but he really is very tired. When Teomitl slides his arms around him, it’s all he can do to nuzzle into his chest. “Mmhm.” He feels boneless. Weightless. Teomitl is stroking his hair, and he never wants it to stop. “Teomitl...”
Teomitl’s arms loosen. “I…” he begins.
He knows what Teomitl’s going to say—I should go, I shouldn’t be here in the morning. He knows he’s not going to let that happen. Not after the night they’ve shared; not after the love they’ve shared. “Stay.”
Teomitl stays.
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xxsovereignsarayaxx · 5 years
Elizabeth Mikealson - What If? (Chapter 2)
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Authors Note: Dedicated to my wife and best friend! @evilispretty-dead​evilispretty-dead who helped me write this chapter! Love you darling! <3 Check out my other works or continue the story here. Word Count: 3020 Warnings: Implied sex. (Make sure to wrap it before you tap it kiddo’s. Vampires can’t procreate but we lil humans can.)
After the long and passionate kiss Elijah checks me all over for any visible marks but thank god for vampire healing. 
"Don't worry I'm fine no need to fuss." I say to him, truth be told I was hurting my chest rose and fell as my breathing intensifies. 
"Vervain is dangerous my dear, I apologize that you were hurt." He says to me as his hand caresses my check, I lean into his touch and smile. 
"Darling you had a stake impaled in your chest." I tease. Elijah let's out a small chuckle as he picks himself from the floor, his once neat pristine suit was ruined by the gaping hole from the makeshift stake. 
He then offers out a hand for me to stand with him, my fingers interlaced with his and we made our way outside. "I don't know about you but I'm parched. A bite to eat, a shower and change of clean clothes should do the trick." I add we made our way towards the car and I headed towards the drivers seat. 
"Elizabeth I'm fine to drive us." Elijah starts. 
"Elijah Mikelason! You are in no fit position to drive get in the passenger side please." I interrupt him starting firm but my tone changed towards the end. With that he fishes the keys from his pocket and shows them to me. 
"Thank you." I tell him and take the keys from him, with that I get seated in the drivers side and Elijah walks round the passenger side and gets in. 
"Just please don't crash the car." He says as he looks over at while I'm fiddling around the seat getting it into the right position so I could reach the pedals. I flash Elijah a smile 
"No promises." I tease and wink at him. I lean in and kiss his soft lips, nipping at his lower lip.
I started the engine and gave it a few revs and I pulled out and sped off down the road. Smiling at the power of the car as it zipped down the road. I could feel Elijah's hand on my lap, grabbing my inner thigh every time I sped up. "Your tense" I tease him. 
"No your driving makes me tense." He mumbled as he grips my leg a little harder. 
"I am a perfectly adequate driver thank you very much." I say sarcastically. I speed the car up a little more just to see the reaction from my tense husband, I looked at him in a very flirtatious way and happy with the result I saw. 
"Elizabeth eyes on the road." He says to me while gritting his teeth, his tone of voice went right through me and it was a voice that could make me weak at the knees. 
"Yes Elijah." I respond to him sweetly. I looked back on the road and started to apply the brake so I could make the bend easy. 
"Good girl." He says to me and as soon as I reached the apex I applied pressure to the accelerator once again. His hand relaxed in my lap and he started to draw patterns on my leg making me bite my lower lip. 
"So where are we off to?" I ask him nervously. 
"There is a B&B just outside Mystic Falls so keep on this road and we will come across it soon." My husband replies with a huff. And with that being said I simply nodded to him and put my foot down to reach our destination.
About an hour of driving we arrived at the B&B, pulling the car into the small car park bringing it to a halt. We both got out of the car Elijah grabbing the large bag that contained some of our spare clothes and made our way inside, to which we see a man behind the reception desk. Elijah approached the man to book a room for a few days. "I would like a room." He says to the man. 
"Just for you?" The man replies in a bored tone, the man wasn't really listening to a word Elijah was saying as he was too busy looking me up and down. 
"No for two." Elijah replies in a cold and merciless tone. The man is taken back and swallows quickly, his heartbeat starts to quicken. 
"O..of c..c..course." The man stutters as he fumbles around to find the keys to the room. By now I could tell that Elijah was extremely angry, due to the fact he almost pulled the poor human over the desk. 
"Tell me what you were thinking"  Elijah compels the man. 
"I would love to show her a good time, I would make sure she couldn't remember her own name by the time I'm finished." 
I blushed at Elijah's actions and I was taken back by what the human had said disgusted really, but Elijah was furious with him. In order to soothe the situation I walked over to my husband and placed a hand on his broad should and rubbed it in circles to try and calm him down. 
"Easy now." I whispered to him. 
I gently took the room key from Elijah and started heading up the room, I knew that my husband wanted to have the final say so I left him to it. 
"Well you wont get to." I hear Elijah say to the man and followed closely behind me. 
Once we arrived at the room I didn't even get chance to even say a word as Elijah dropped the bag and had pinned me to the door kissing me and looking deep into my eyes, his emotion was anger, lust and hunger all rolled into one. 
"That pig won't touch you." He growls as he kisses and nips my neck. 
His hands were roaming every inch of my body. He parted my legs with his knee and lifted me up onto his hip. Using every chance he could to grind into me. I was in pure bliss and the actions from Elijah right now were him blowing off steam. The rough and carefree Elijah. The side that excited me to no end. 
"You are mine." He growled in my ear. As his lips returned to mine biting them every second possible. As I kissed him back I ran my fingers through his hair tugging on the loose stands to pull him back into a deep and passionate kiss. 
"I am yours, always and forever" I whisper in his ear. 
The next morning we had set off to Richmond and in all the years me and Elijah have been married we have only been there a handful of times, I really enjoyed coming on the far but few occasions. After the events of what happened the night before, both myself and Elijah were in good spirits, Elijah once again behind the steering wheel of the black Porsche. 
"I wish we had time to actually do some sight-seeing for a change, not just be here on business." I say to him. 
"Well maybe if it were under different circumstances, in the future I'll bring you back here and we can do all the things you want to do. How does that sound?" I smile at him and gently caress his arm. 
"Sounds perfect". "Why not get some sleep? We've still got a hour or so on our journey and well I think you've earned it." Elijah smirks at me. 
I look at him and see the smile on his face, I lean over and peck his cheek and snuggled down in the comfy leather seats and nodded of, the steady sounds of Elijah's breathing and the sounds of the engine send me into a peaceful state.
We arrive in Richmond around mid-morning and we walked through the streets of the city hand in hand. My phone in my bag started to vibrate. I come to a halt and started to root around my bag to find my phone. 
"Would it be easier if you decided to sort that monstrosity you call your bag out." Elijah mocks me. 
"Lijah, I have all of my necessitates it doesn't need sorting." I reply. 
After a few short moments I answer the call and put it on speakerphone. 
"Penelope your on speakerphone. I trust you have my information?" I ask. 
"Is your super hot husband with you?" She asks soundly playful. 
"Focus." I warn her. 
"I'm going to take that as a big fat yes! But you need to head over that internet cafe, the one with the UV windows seems like Rose and her traveling companion are there now." Penelope tells me. 
"Thank you sweet pea." I say to her.
"Later Momma." She replies and ends the call. 
"Penelope is a little much isn't she?" Elijah says. 
"What can I say? She learned from the best." I tease. 
I chucked my phone back into my handbag and we carried on walking towards the cafe outside across the street was a street musician. Elijah reaches into his coat pocket and donates a $100 bill and takes a handful of the silver coins letting the coins fall into one hand and repeating the process while we overheard the conversation.
"Here's what I don't get. Elijah moved around during the day, which means the originals knew the secret of the day ring. Now why would Klaus want to lift the curse of the sun and the moon?"
"To keep the werewolves from lifting it. If a vampire breaks the sun curse then the werewolves are stuck with the curse of the moon forever and vice versa."
"But werewolves are extinct."
"True. I've never seen one but rumor has it..."
"Not such a rumor."
"Mystic Falls? God, I've got to visit this place. It sounds awesome."
"Seems like that their at an impasse" I whisper to him smiling. 
Elijah is still fiddling with the coins the sweet sound of the metal falling was a pleasant sound. He nods at me and plants a kiss onto of my head. He is watching and listening for the right opportunity to strike.  
"Awesome doesn't even begin to describe it. Can we stop the curse from being broken at all?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, if we make the moonstone useless, would it stop the curse from being broken?"
"Well, yeah, probably, but why would you want to do that?"
"Tell me how."
"You think I'm gonna help you figure out how to do something that will piss off an original? And keeping them from walking in the sun?"
"You want to walk in the sun? I can make that happen if you help us."
It seemed that Elijah had heard enough and with no effort he threw the coins directly at the windows of the cafe and the satisfying sound of the glass shattering and then hitting the sidewalk was music to my ears. Following the sounds of skin burning vampires and their screams. 
Quickly after we left and walked in the opposite direction of the cafe. After walking for about 5 minutes we arrived at another cafe where headed inside and took some seat in a booth towards the back. 
"They seem to have no clue what the moonstone is for." I say. 
"Well it was a rumor Niklaus had made up." Elijah replies. 
A waitress arrived at the table. "Hi, what can I get you?" She asks. 
"Two teas please." I say to her. She nodded and walked away. 
"We need to track down this 'Slater' he seems to know far too much about you." I tell him. 
"Agreed. Would you be able to find his location?" Elijah replies. 
"Shouldn't be too hard, I'll send Penelope a message." 
Elizabeth: I need you to find the address for Slater.
Penelope: I'll see what I can do. I'll call you when I find something.
While I was texting our drinks had arrived, Elijah had poured into two teacups. 
"How long do you think it will take for an address?" Elijah asks. 
"Shouldn't be too long, she is a whiz when it comes down to things like this." I say to him with a smile, swirling the liquid gently around my cup. 
"I'm curious how did you meet her?" Elijah replies bringing the cup to his lips to take a sip. 
"Well do you remember when we had that vacation in Florida? I met her in the spa. We had booked the same treatments one day and we really seemed to hit it off. It wasn't until after I turned her I knew about her connections." I finish dunking the small biscuits into my beverage, I was always a fan of those small coffee shop biscuits and often swiped Elijah's. Elijah almost chokes on his tea. 
"I'm sorry but you turned her?" He asks nervously. 
"Lijah, relax shes who she is nothing will change that, but shes good at the tasks I send her. Keeps her head down and I only really send her pink fluffy stationary as a token of gratitude if she really does a great job." I tell him. 
"I take it that is why I find 'Pink fluffy unicorn pen' in my credit card statements sometimes?" Elijah teases. 
I let out a small chuckle. My phone once again starts to vibrate and I answer the phone, not putting it on speaker this time. 
"Do you know how many Slater's are in Richmond?" She shouts down the phone. I squint and pull the phone away from my ear. 
"I'm guessing there's a few?" I tease. 
"Yes! But do you know how on 'Star Trek' when Captain Kirk asked McCoy to do something totally impossible, and McCoy says, Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor not a miracle worker?" Penelope says. 
"No? But I have the feeling your going to get to the point? And tell me not to expect miracles?" I reply to her raising my eyebrow. 
"No, I'm saying I'm not a Doctor, I've already texted you the address, bye." She says excitedly. 
I let out another small chuckle and show Elijah the address. With that we finish up on our drinks and head off to our next port of call.
"Now this is an apartment building complex I could live in." I whisper to my husband as we stand in the elevator full of humans heading up to the top floor. 
"It is quite nice, however I am still fond of our home in New Orleans." Elijah mumbles. 
His arm is around my waist, and his chest is raising and falling quite quickly seems being pressed up against one another isn't doing either of us any favors. 
When it was finally time for us to get out, I stride up to the front door about to knock when Elijah grabs hold of my wrist and pulls me into his chest, he brings his lips towards mine and as we connect it sends sparks throughout my body, instant memories of the night before play into my mind. My free hand starts to make its way into his neatened hair giving me something to hold onto as he plants kisses down my neck. Elijah was never one to show this amount of lust in public so me being pressed up towards him in the elevator really set him off. It was at that moment I felt the graze of his fangs on my neck. I slowly pushed him 
"Elijah not here please." I gasp. Elijah suddenly realises this is going a bit too far and breaks away, recomposing himself he brings me in for a hug and kisses me on the forehead. 
"Forgive me." He mumbles in my hair. 
"Don't worry, even the great Elijah Mikealson is allowed push things too far once in a while. " I reply to him softly. 
Recomposed once again were hand in hand as we made our way to the front door for Slater and I knock. A few moments pass and the door opens to reveal Slater looking a bit confused. 
"Elijah?" He stutters. 
"May we come in?" He asks. 
Slater nods and opens the door fully so we can enter, Elijah being the gentleman he is let me walk in first. 
"What a lovely home you have here, I was just saying to Elijah how I could live in a place like this." I announce smiling at him. 
I left the two men talking and I decided to have a snoop around. Framed certificates hung on the wall. This guy had like twenty-five qualifications I suppose each to their own when they are a vampire. 
"Very nicely done." I heard my husband say from the other room. 
I returned back towards to the two males. 
"Thanks, I have a degree in theater. How can you compel me? A vampire can't compel another vampire." Slater asks. 
"You see Elijah is a special vampire." I tell him. I plant a small kiss on his cheek. 
"What? Because your an original?" Salter replies. 
"Hmm, now I want you take this and drive it through your heart." Elijah compels him. 
"But that will kill me forever." Slater says. 
"Oh he knows that sweetheart, now be a good boy and do what is asked of you." I tell him. With that Slater takes the stake from Elijah and drives it through his heart. His body collapses to the floor and he starts to turn grey and veins appear on his face. 
"Was that really necessary? A new voice entered the room. It was Jonas the male witch in our possession. 
"It had to be done. He delivered his message. Won't be long now." Elijah tells him. 
The room stayed quite, before I made my way back over to where his desk was. I quickly looked in the drawers to see if I could find the password to unlock the laptop. Surely enough I typed it in and wiped the hard drive clean, now we couldn't have them being one step ahead of us. After that I returned to Elijah's side to which we departed and went our separate ways.                      
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creampuffqueen · 5 years
Worlds of Fire and Darkness | Chapter Eleven (Nysa)
Read this on Ao3! (Here) Comments and asks are always appreciated <3
Nysa comes to the realization that things are very different in Orynth compared to in the Wastes.
The sunlight filtering in through the sheer curtains of my suite was what woke me. For a moment I just laid there, under the crisp sheets with sun in my eyes, trying to remember what exactly was going on. This was not my bed, that much was obvious. My bed didn't have an obnoxiously green duvet or more down-filled pillows than one knew what to do with. This bed, it smelled not of the Wastes, but-
Ah. That was what was different. In my own bed, in my own home, I did not wake up with the scent of Caeda lingering in my nostrils. I shifted slightly, and sure enough, my skin brushed against his beneath the silk sheets. His warmth had me gravitating towards him, and I curled against him with my head on his chest. The movement must have awoken him, as he shifted beneath my hands with a sharp breath.
I listened to his heart beat as he stretched next to me, letting the rhythm of it lull me into a little doze. It only lasted for a moment, because I felt warm hands on my back and my eyes fluttered open again.
"Morning." Caeda's rough voice had me burying my face in his chest to hide my grin. I never understood what it was about his voice in the morning that had me grinning like a little girl, but it was embarrassing enough to have me hiding my face.
I glanced up, into his dark eyes that still looked a little bleary. "Morning." I chirped back.
Instead of speaking he just threaded his fingers through my hair, gently, almost reverently. I let him stroke my head as I listened to his soft breaths, his heart thumping in his chest. I could have laid there forever, and I would have. However, Caeda slowly sat up against the plush pillows and glanced down at me.
"What time is it?" I asked, not wanting to look away from his face to see the clock against the wall. It was almost as if he could sense what I was thinking, and a smirk appeared on his face. I wish I could say it marred his handsome features, but it only served to make him look better. It was like he could sense that thought, too.
"You'd think with it only being springtime the sun would be out later," Caeda mused. "But it's just barely seven o' clock and it looks like it's nearly noon out there."
"Waking up early is good for you." I snorted, finally sitting myself up. I didn't bother pulling the blankets over my naked body, and it was my turn to smirk as a flash of ravenous hunger danced across his normally placid features.
"And," I breathed, crawling over a few inches to rest my hands on his knees, "If it's so early there may be some time for... other activities."
Caeda took my hand and kissed it, pupils dilating as he took in the sight before him. If my head had still been against his chest I knew I would hear his heart thumping erratically and his breath rattling his lungs. It was a thought that had me crawling closer, so my hands were resting by his hips and his chin was at my head. I was close enough to scent myself on him, from the night before.
"You make a compelling argument, don't you." He chuckled. I titled my head, suddenly very aware of my own heart beating frantically inside my chest.
"It's because I'm right." I breathed. Caeda chuckled, the sound reverberating in my bones. He tugged me the rest of the way forward, my knees coming to sit outside his hips and my hands finding purchase on his shoulders. I was hovering above his lap, and it would be so easy to just drop down and-
Before I could act he moved forward, pinning me gently to the bed with a smirk all over his face. I didn't even have time to make a snide remark before he captured me in a kiss and what I was going to say flew completely from my mind.
A good morning tumble in the sheets was the best way to wake up, I concluded about an hour later. I was laying atop the sheets, most of which had been nearly ripped off the bed. Caeda was beside me, trailing lazy fingers through my hair again. I absolutely could have fallen asleep again, had the clock on the wall not chimed eight. Had I been in the Wastes I would have already been up for hours, but I couldn't help but wish for more time to just... lay there.
With a sigh, I pulled myself upright and crawled off the bed, not bothering to even stand up straight as I trudged to the bathing room. While the water ran in the bathtub I fished around in one of my suitcases, looking for something suitable to wear. And I sensed, rather than saw or heard, Caeda getting off the bed himself and coming to peer over my shoulder at all my various clothes.
"You should get yourself ready." I said, still looking through my belongings. "When I get out of the bath you should be dressed."
"You're not my mother." Caeda protested. He'd do it, though. Out of all his siblings, he was the most responsible. And of course, he just so happened to do most everything I asked him to, despite his objections.
I hummed in response, not deigning to answer. I selected a comfortable tunic and leggings, deciding to save the nicer clothes for the evening. I laid the garments out on the bed and made to walk back into the bathroom. But, before I did, I pulled Caeda in for one last, lingering kiss. When I pulled away he was grinning without abandon, his pointed canines near gleaming in the morning light. His smile was like a physical blow to my chest, but in a good way, making me not bother to hide my own returning grin.
"Go get dressed." I murmured, before his tender kiss had me pulling him back under the sheets for the second time this morning. Seeming to sense that, he just smirked at me and went to fetch his clothes. I turned away and hurried into the bathing room.
I laid in the tub for a while, just relaxing in the warm water and scrubbing my hair until it was shining like the moon. I pulled myself out when I saw my fingers getting wrinkled, and combed out my hair while it continued to drip-drip-drip onto the tile floor. I toweled the rest of the way off and went back to the bedroom. Sure enough, Caeda was gone, the only proof he'd been there his lingering scent. I got dressed and decided to spare whatever poor maid had to clean up the mess Caeda and I'd made by stripping the bedsheets then and there.
My stomach was starting to growl, but I finished my task and even tidied up some more before I finally gave in and walked out of my suite in search of breakfast. The palace of Orynth was mighty during the night, but in the daytime it was downright glorious. The entire place gleamed, unlike the usual stone castles I was used to. The shimmering made me wonder what the Rifthold palace would have been like if it still had a glass castle atop it.
The problem of this palace, though: It was so massive I had absolutely no clue how to navigate it. All the rooms beside mine seemed to have nobody in them, so there was no one to ask for directions. I didn't know where Caeda's room was because we'd gone directly back to mine from the drawing room. The events from last night were hazy at best, and I couldn't remember exactly where I'd gone. This had me wandering around aimlessly for a good amount of time, trying to find any kind of mark that I recalled from the night before.
I thanked all the gods that I finally stumbled upon a maid, a little slip of a woman with blazing red hair tied in a knot above her head. The poor girl looked terrified to be approached by a witch, though I couldn't blame her. I was pretty scary, even in simple clothes with my hair still wet from my bath. She gave me the directions I needed to the dining hall, where she said breakfast was kept hot until ten o' clock.
With her instructions I felt a little less lost, and even found the dining room with minimal cursing over dead-end passages. Strangely enough, the hall was abandoned save for the platters of food waiting on a side table. Perhaps everyone was still asleep. Or maybe everyone was already up. Whatever the case, I was alone with my breakfast as I sat down with a plate filled high with a sample of nearly everything. In the Witch Kingdom, most meals were usually some sort of cooked game. In Terrasen, it seemed breakfast was made up of all foods from the grains category. There were about five different types of toasted bread available.
I found myself enjoying the silence as I ate, so at odds with what I was used to back home. In fact, nearly everything in Orynth was at odds with what I was used to. It was strange, yet nice, in a way. I contemplated this as I popped various berries in my mouth.
The door creaked open, catching me unaware with a whole sausage link stuffed in my mouth. I looked up, praying it wasn't somebody I would feel the need to fight. As it happens, it was someone I often felt the need to fight: My older sister.
Aris padded into the dining room quietly, her dark hair dry and luscious and plaited back expertly. Her thick-rimmed glasses were resting at the end of her nose, looking as if they'd fall off when she next moved her head. And as usual, she was completely and utterly engrossed in a book.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy reading. But sometimes I wondered if it was an addiction my sister was suffering from. Because no one in their right mind would read enough to ruin their eyesight, and then deny healing so they could wear glasses. Sometimes I wondered if my sister was insane.
She didn't bother with talking to me, not that I was bothered by it. It was honestly in our best interests to avoid conversation as much as possible, especially after spending way too much time in close quarters with each other. She put her book down (a miracle) and served herself some tea and biscuits before sitting down herself. And then she started reading again.
I focused on finishing my food quickly, so I wouldn't end up saying something I would regret. Already I was biting my tongue to not comment on her not being able to even put her book down to eat breakfast. I polished off my eggs and the other sausage I'd taken, (much more lady-like, might I add) and was draining the last of my tea when the door opened again. I didn't even have to look up to see who it was, because their scent gave it away almost instantly- Princess Lyria.
Lyria looked like a living flame as she flounced inside the room, her golden hair as glittering as the palace she lived in. She wove around the table laden with food, plucking bits up here and there and depositing them on her plate. And with a final dramatic twirl she plopped her plate down right next to mine and sank into the plush chair with a girly sigh.
"Are you always this perky in the mornings?" I asked dryly. Even after my morning pick-me-up in bed with Caeda, I was still slightly drowsy, and I knew I would be for likely the rest of the morning. But the Crown Princess of Terrasen seemed as though she'd been awake for hours, being productive or something.
"I am a delight in the mornings." Lyria declared, tossing a strawberry in the air and catching it in her mouth just for emphasis. Her pointed canines cut the berry completely in half, and I couldn't help but grin with wicked amusement.
"Watch this." I demanded, snapping my iron teeth down with a crook of my jaw. Now it was Lyria's turn to grin. I grabbed a handful of blueberries off her plate and threw them at the ceiling, then letting them all fall perfectly at my open mouth before slicing them all perfectly with my new additions. Five blueberries found a new home in my gut. Lyria gave a small applaud to my show.
Before I knew it, we were tossing berries and other pieces of food into each other's mouths just for the fun of it, seeing who could make it further. I couldn't keep the smile off my face; I hadn't had this much fun at breakfast in years.
But of course, Aris had to ruin the fun.
"Could you two stop?" She snapped after removing a bit of eggs from the tablecloth in front of her. "Aren't you supposed to be, like, princesses or something?"
"Who said princesses couldn't have some fun with each other?" Lyria joked. Aris shot her a glare, and Lyria shrugged it off. I sighed dramatically before draping myself over Aris's chair with a pout on my face.
"Why don't you ever have fun, sister dear. Why do you just sit around and be boring all day?"
Aris snarled, glowering at me over the rims of her glasses. Before she could raise a hand to smack me, or send some random object to hit me across the face, I danced out of the way with a flourish, which only served to make her more angry.
She snapped her book shut, something she hardly ever did. And she stood up. I cheered and clapped at her, egging her on. I didn't really understand what made pissing Aris off so fun, but I wasn't about to question it. I caught Lyria leaning against another chair out of the corner of my eye, ready to watch the show unfold.
I flashed my iron teeth at my older sister, who just snapped hers down in return. I circled her slightly, curling and uncurling my fists as I imagined smashing her stupid glasses into her face.
But, our blood-spilling was interrupted by the door opening again. Rygan stood in the entrance of the dining room, looking mildly concerned with the state he saw everyone in. His wavy hair was frizzy and he had dark circles under his eyes, like he had hardly slept. Aris relaxed when she saw him, going as far as to retract her iron teeth back into the slits in her gums. After a few moments, I begrudgingly did the same.
"That's right, it would be rude to spill blood in a dining room that isn't your own." Rygan snorted. He made his way over to the food, diffusing the tension in the room with every step he took. I knew Rygan didn't often think very highly of himself, especially when it came to healing and all the like, but he was one of the best peace-makers I knew. Because not even Amelie, Aris's best friend, could calm her down when she wanted a go at me, but Rygan always could. It was like his own special magic that wasn't truly magic but just as powerful. Powerful enough that Aris and I sat down.
Rygan made his way to an empty seat, and Lyria sat across from him. I watched as Aris opened her book back up.
"Ry, do you know if Sam's up yet?" Lyria asked. At the question, Rygan's head snapped up from looking at his plate, and though it was hard to tell with his darker skin, I almost could have sworn I saw a blush.
"Why would I know?" He yelped.
"Uh, because you're his friend and you probably passed his room on the way here. What did you think I meant?" Lyria snorted.
"Oh, yeah, uh-"
"Take your time." I drawled.
"He's not up. I don't think. No. Not sure." He finally spat out. Lyria rolled her eyes at his strange display, but didn't say anything else. The princess instead stretched her arms above her head and popped some of her joints.
"Well, that was a good breakfast, Aris you should learn to lighten up a bit, and I'm off to train. Do you want to come, Nysa?"
"I cannot deny someone who sees my sister as I do. Of course I'm going to train with you." If Aris heard our comments she pretended she didn't; or perhaps she was too engrossed in her book to even hear. Either way, she didn't react, not even when I stuck my tongue out at her on my way out of the dining room.
Lyria strode quickly through the castle, with the confidence of someone who has had years to master the confusing twists and turns of Orynth Palace. I stopped trying to remember which passages she took after about five minutes and instead just followed her out to one of the courtyards.
The yard was surrounded by trees and stone walls, and I couldn't help but notice the amount of singed grass and burn marks across the trees. Against one of the less-burned trees was a weapons rack, mostly filled with swords and the occasional spear or knife. Lyria made her way over to the weapons and selected a sword of simple make, the iron gleaming slightly when she angled it at the sun.
"Take what you want." She said. "I've never sparred with a witch before, you know. Or a raw-magic wielder."
"Well, if you've never battled a witch, that explains why you didn't know: I don't need a weapon. My own body is weapon enough."
"We'll see." Lyria purred, shifting into a fighting stance. I grinned and positioned myself as well.
I had only just gotten my feet underneath me when the princess charged, Fae speed sending her hurtling towards me. I deftly leaped out of the way, but Lyria only pivoted and came at me again. I dodged, snapping out my teeth and flicking out my nails as I did so. The princess managed to get behind me enough to shove me with her shoulder, but I turned and slashed at her before the shove could take me out. My nails didn't connect with her, that I made sure of, but the princess barely stifled a yelp as she jumped back to avoid the blow.
I grinned, the wild song of combat singing in my blood, heightening every sense as I skillfully dodged and slashed and ducked, leaping and rolling and swiping to my heart's content. From the feral gleam in Lyria's pine-green eyes I could tell she felt the same. The princess was incredible, masterful simply with a sword and her fists, and neither of us had used a drop of magic yet.
That thought sent a surge of energy coursing through my veins, excitement running rampant through my whole body. Magic. I could use it. I sidestepped a sword jab from Lyria and sent my nails flying for her, but she darted out of the way.
"There they are!" A sudden voice nearly got my arm chopped off, had the sword not been capped and I hadn't had the same witch senses I did. I whirled around to see who the hell was trying to distract me-
Of course. Of damn course it would be a Lochan. Folas stood by the edge of the courtyard, with Caeda and Dalias standing near by. Lyria turned to see what the commotion was, and she nearly dropped her sword with surprise. I was amazed she didn't boil herself up with the force of her blush, the kind that turned even the tips of her ears and her neck bright red.
"Don't stop because of us, you two were doing great." Folas said. I caught Caeda's eye and he gave an almost imperceptible nod and grin. On one hand I was appalled he thought I needed his approval, but another part of me glowed with the praise. I leaned against the nearest tree while Lyria looked like she was about to combust on the spot. It was a miracle nothing had caught fire yet.
"If you're going to spend the rest of the day sputtering over a pretty male, then you should at least have the decency to do it from the sidelines so the rest of use can use the yard." I drawled. Lyria whipped her head around so fast I nearly got whiplash from just watching her and shot me a look of pure flame. I just grinned and nodded.
"I'll spar with you, Nysa." Caeda offered, ever the gentleman. He strolled over and selected a weapon, a training sword similar to Lyria's. Gods, Fae and their weapons. I wondered if they ever realized that they themselves were weapons. Oh well.
I adjusted my stance again, watching as Lyria was dragged off the training ground by Folas. Caeda paced in front of me, his Fae stillness making it so his footfalls hardly made a sound. I shifted from one foot to the other, testing my weight on each side. I wasn't injured, nor was I tired in the slightest. This would be fun.
I made the first move this time, lunging for Caeda with my hands outstretched and my teeth bared. He shifted to the side, but I had anticipated that and pivoted right before I reached him so I was aimed again at his throat. This time he ducked low and came up to my side, sword held steady in his broad hands. I kicked out at his feet, nearly barreling into him, making him stumble as he avoided my claws. I rolled and came up behind him, tackling him to the ground and shoving his sword out of his hands.
Caeda rolled atop me deftly, pinning me to the grassy floor. I was able to move my foot enough to step on his toes, and his cry of pain was enough for me to shove him upwards and off of me, and I surged to my feet. Caeda was back up almost as quickly, hands curled into fists and his dark hair messy. I feinted left and struck out right, but ended up tripping on my own feet. I caught myself on him before I could eat dirt and shoved him away before he grabbed me.
Kick. Slash. Duck. Roll. The moves repeated themselves as we circled the yard over and over again, never allowing the other to take the upper hand for long. I was quicker than him, but only barely, only because I was smaller, but it was enough for me to utilize. I slipped out of his grip again with a well-placed push, and he stumbled right into my arms, where I pushed him again to the ground.
I leaped on top of him, pinning his feet with my own and his hands with my own. I realized I didn't have enough limbs to hold a weapon to his throat, but that was quickly resolved by simply opening my mouth and showing off my iron teeth.
"You win." He coughed from beneath me. I sat up, releasing his arms and legs. Both of us were breathing raggedly, and I could feel my hair frizzing up from the sweat and heat as I sat there. But despite this, I couldn't help but think just how handsome Caeda Lochan looked, with dirt on his face and his hair mussed, sitting beneath me. I didn't think twice as I leaned in and kissed him.
It only took him a moment to melt against my mouth, and we both pretended to ignore Lyria's "Ewww" and Folas's "Get a room".
Yes, I decided. Orynth was very much different from the Witch Kingdom. And this case, it was most definitely not a bad thing.
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kenzieam · 6 years
Good Morning, Baby (Bucky X Lev)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Rating: M (smut, mild language)
Genre: Fluffy sweet and smut
@captstefanbrandt @iammarylastar @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @notimetoblog @captain-ariel-barnes @jaamesbbarnes @lancefvcker @bitsandbobsandstuff @softlybarnes @lovelybbarnes @buckitybarnes @bucky-plums-barnes  @moonbeambucky @badassbaker @citylights221 @empress-of-boujee  @shynara51 @diinofayce @casestudy-mw  @jewels2876 @damnaged-princess @everythingisoverrated @allmyfanficfaves @melgoodwin @clarabella960 @curvybihufflepuff  @angryschnauzer @wowspideyholland @sergeantwhitewolf @smilexcaptainx @plaidcat4815 @shirukitsune
Bucky and Lev learn whether they're having a boy or a girl......
I wake up slowly, warm and comfortable and content.  
Since reconciling with Bucky almost five months ago and moving home, each day has been more of the same, pure peace and happiness.  
A familiar weight rests on my lower abdomen, which just a few days ago began to protrude and hint of the baby growing inside.  
I raise my head and can't help but smile sleepily. Every morning I wake to this, and I don't think I will ever tire of it. 
Bucky lays curled on his side against me, his lips touching my bare shoulder as I lay on my back. He's still asleep, face relaxed, long lashes dusting his cheeks. His breath is warm on my skin, each exhale gentle. His hand rests on my belly, protective and cherishing, covering the new bump. He's drawn to it like a moth to flame, it seems whenever I'm near him lately he is compelled to touch it, wrap his arms around me from behind and press gentle kisses to my throat as his large, powerful hands tenderly cradle my belly.
Not even Clint, who confessed to me one night when we were still in middle school that Nat was the only one for him and that he couldn't wait to start a family with her was this excited for his child. Of course, at the time Nat was pregnant I was still hiding in Seattle, and missed seeing Clint's reaction to a growing bump but I highly doubt anyone could match Bucky's innocent bliss.  
He shifts next to me, sighing sharply, starting to wake and his hand traces a slow circle on my belly before stopping, the thumb stroking back and forth.  
"Good morning," I murmur quietly, reaching down to curl my fingers into his hair, seeking the baby-soft strands at the nape of his neck. Bucky arches against me with a feline purr and his hand moves to grip my hip, pulling me closer to him as he sighs again before raising his head, fixing me with a sleepy smile.  
"Good morning, baby," he husks, voice sleep-scratchy and unbelievably sexy. He presses a lingering kiss to my belly, closing his eyes. "Good morning, peanut."
The technician at our first ultrasound pointed at the amorphous blob on the screen and gifted it with the moniker 'Peanut' and it's stuck ever since; Bucky even joking that 'Peanut Barnes' has a certain ring to it when it comes time to fill out the birth certificate and I'm still not sure if he's serious.  
"Sleep well?" He asks, turning his unbelievable blue eyes back to me, eyes I can only hope our little one inherits.  
"Mmmm-hmmm,” I snuggle back into my pillow and Bucky scoots higher, burrowing into my hair. His lips touch the sensitive skin behind my ear and he chuckles lowly when I shiver in response.  
“Good,” he sighs. “I love you, Levi.”
This might seem a little over the top to the casual observer, this sticky sweet sappiness, but it’s not. For five years Bucky and I, who’d previously rarely ever spent a day apart, were separated, both by emotions and geography, only brought together by my dying mother’s final actions; gifting me her house and asking me to move home again.  
I’d first run to Seattle to escape. What had started as a knock-down, drag-out fight with Bucky had turned into a break-up, then a break-down when, a week later, I’d found him drunk at a party, wedged between the thighs of another girl. I’d been a whirlwind of frenetic action that following week, transferring to Washington State and flying across the damn country, completely shutting out Bucky and any attempts to hear him out, to try and work out what had gone wrong.  
I’d wasted those five years.  
Sure, I’d poured my complete, almost maniacal attention into school, taking extra and summer courses and finishing my four-year degree in just over two and a half years, and getting head-hunted to the most prestigious firm in the city, but I’d been miserable, lacking my other half.    
Bucky and I had first connected in kindergarten, where the little boy who’d just moved in across the street that I hadn’t been allowed to go over and introduce myself to yet, (his parents are too busy unpacking, give them space Mom ordered) turned out to be a sweet little blue-eyed angel who offered me his blanket at nap-time. I’d suggested we share and we’d been joined at the hip ever since; the best of friends for years before either of us acted on our burgeoning feelings, sharing our first kiss while playing hooky in grade eight.  
Broken by Bucky’s betrayal, not considering his own pain until years later, when I learned the horrors I’d left him with when I’d ran away, I’d lingering on the west coast, forgoing family in favour of nurturing my pain, missing the birth of my niece, the party to celebrate the first big contract my friend Steve and Bucky had landed with their new construction company, the get-togethers and birthdays and daily intimacy that had been such a large part of my childhood.  
Forever marked by this, Bucky and I clung to each other, knowing how painful it was to be apart, not willing to ever go through that again, and, although we still fought; I was too stubborn for my own good, and Bucky was stubborn enough in return to not back down, we had resolved to never go to bed angry, never fall asleep without a kiss, never wake up without telling the other you loved them.  
I turn my head and press my lips to the tender skin on Bucky’s temple, inhale his intoxicating scent. “I love you, too.”
He nuzzles closer and his hand begins to gently rub circles on my belly again. After a moment he raises his head and rests his chin on my shoulder, nibbling gently along my jaw-line, grinning when I shiver.
“What time is the ultrasound?” He murmurs.
“Eleven, can you still make it?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for anything.”  
“You don’t need to stay at the site?”
“Nah, Steve’s got it today, I just need to stop by this morning for an hour or so.” He pauses, looking pensive. “Do you think we’ll be able to find out today?”
“Boy or girl? You want to know? No surprise?”
Bucky shakes his head. “I can’t wait, I’ve wanted this since the tenth grade.”
“Wanted what?” I tease, knowing full well what he means.  
“You and me, having a baby. Watching you grow, knowing it’s my child, our child inside you.” He drops his head into the crook of my neck and I feel him shudder faintly. “With..... her, there was no excitement, just my..... duty, my responsibility, knowing every single second that it wasn’t you.”
I don’t want to fall back down that rabbit hole today, and in fact I’d be happy if Bucky was able to completely let go of it, he’d suffered enough, for what I now knew was a drunken mistake, a cruel trick on her part to toy with her ex, not caring about how it would affect the man she chose as her victim. What should have been the joyous day of his son’s birth was instead forever tainted by the realization that he wasn’t the father, that he’d wasted and wanted so much.... for nothing.  
“Don’t,” I murmur softly, stroking the back of his head. “Don’t let any of that ruin today. It’s the past. It deserves to be forgotten.” I don’t say anything more, don’t voice the thoughts that claw as insidiously at my mind as they do Bucky’s; that we could have had so much, made up and started our life together forever, five years ago, without Alicia Howard’s involvement.  
How many children would we have by now? What year anniversary would we be celebrating? Would Bucky be stroking my new bump for the third, the fourth time? Bid his third or fourth little Peanut a good morning as our other children woke and ran giggling into the bedroom?  
He moves closer, murmuring my name, his voice a plea to assuage his freshened pain. His lips touch mine, and his anguished moan tears at my heart. An almost-whimper claws from his throat when I cup the back of his neck and return the kiss, pressing back and caressing his bottom lip with my tongue; he meets my advance, tongue tangling with mine as he gently rolls to lay partially on top of me. Pulling back he strokes my hair back from my forehead with soft fingers and gazes down at me with a look I’ll never tire of; unconditional love, endless devotion before dropping his head again, capturing my mouth with new fever.  
His touch is urgent as he nudges underneath my camisole, his skin hot as it brushes mine, sending shivers through me and his thumb strokes the soft skin on the underside of my breast as he cups it in his large, calloused palm.  
“Bucky-” I moan as he begins to nibble and mouth at my throat, pushing this thick thigh between mine and grinding his rapidly-hardening bulge against me. He groans at the friction, hips stuttering for a beat. His other hand drops down, tugging at my underwear and the hungry noise he makes when his fingertips glide through my folds nearly undoes me.  
Within moments he’s yanked away his boxer briefs and my underwear and is pushing inside me, groaning long and low in his chest, a shudder running through his entire body.
“Fuck... baby,” he already sounds wrecked, his voice shaking.  
I hook my leg around his hip to pull him deeper, relishing the delicious stretch, the unbelievable feeling of fullness, the whimper it draws from my man. His spine arches sharply, thrusting deep, bottoming out inside me and he captures my mouth as I cry out, swallowing my moans and rumbling in answer, his lips growing more demanding as his hips snap harder against me.
He’s starting to shake; raw sounds growling low in his chest and I know he’s close, and so am I, there’s something so profoundly visceral and erotic about this, feeling him so deep, knowing it’s me bringing him such blissful release and I’m already arching against him, crying out his name as I climax when his hand reaches between us, rubbing where our bodies join, and his touch throws me into a second, simultaneous orgasm as he joins me, groaning in release, body shuddering against mine.  
He almost sobs my name, burrowing his face into my throat, his body continuing to tremble and jolt with aftershocks as he pulses and throbs inside me before he collapses, panting. As he rolls off of me, withdrawing from my body I moan at the loss, want him hard and driving inside me again but the sound of his cell phone interrupts us.
He’s too wrecked to answer, but as the ringing ends he reaches for it and taps the screen.
“Steve.” He murmurs, then sets it aside, rolling onto his side to face me.  His hand is gentle as he strokes my cheek.
“I have to go,” he sounds resigned.  
“It’s okay.”
He leans forward and kisses my nose teasingly, grinning widely as I giggle before growing serious again, pressing his lips to mine in a mind-blowing kiss, a tangible reminder of how deeply he loves me.  
He pulls away with a sigh, rests his forehead to mine for a moment. “I’ll be back by ten, then I’ll shower and we’ll go.”
“And find out.” I grin back. I was ambivalent before, but Bucky’s enthusiasm has converted me, and I want to know the sex now too.  
“And find out.” He repeats, eyes blazing with innocent excitement; his smile a thousand-watt’s bright.
Then he’s rolling out of bed with a sigh, gifting me with a view of his incredible ass as he disappears into the bathroom. I’ve almost drowsed back to sleep when his gentle kiss wakes me again, his lips a whisper against my forehead.  
“Bye, babe.”
“This gel might be a little cold,” the technician warns, squirting some of the hateful stuff onto my exposed belly.  
Bucky sits anxiously beside me, his hand holding mine, knee bouncing. I squeeze his hand reassuringly and he squeezes back, smiling.  
“You’d like to know the sex?” She asks.
Bucky nods, clearing his throat nervously. “Yeah.”
She smiles in return. A picture appears on the monitor and the technician begins to explain, pointing out different areas that honestly all look the same to me and, judging by Bucky’s frown, him too.  
“Everything is looking good so far,” the tech mutters, eyes still on the screen, fingers flying over the keyboard. She frowns. “Measurements are running quite small though-”
“Is that a problem? Is there something wrong?” Bucky’s deep voice holds a hint of fear.  
“Just let me...... Ooohhhh.” The technician turns to us with a bright smile and, seeing our confusion at not being able to interpret the same greyish blurs, gestures to the screen.  
“Congratulations.” Her finger traces along one curve and what I belatedly realize is a spine, the moves the wand along my belly and points to another. “You’re having twins.”
Bucky gasps beside me, a breathless exhale as his fingers tighten on mine and, for a long moment, I’m speechless. It was always a possibility, in the back of my mind, conceiving twins when I myself am a twin, but I’d been too excited to just be pregnant with Bucky’s baby to think much beyond that.  
And now there were two.
“They’re measuring small for a single baby, but perfectly on schedule for twins.” The technician continues.
“How... how did that not show before?” Bucky stutters, voicing my thoughts.  
“You’ve only had the first dating ultrasound?” She glances at my file. “At approximately four weeks? That’s why. It’s very difficult to detect twins before the thirteen to fourteen week mark. But I can certainly try and determine the sexes if you still want?”
Bucky glances at me, looking shell-shocked, but as I grin at him the beginnings of a wide smile form on his face and he nods at the tech.
“Okay,” she’s quiet for a moment. “Twin A is being a little shy, so I’ll try B.... and they’re not bashful!... B is a little girl.” She jolts slightly in surprised at Bucky’s joyous whoop and resumes her search as Bucky crushes his lips to mine in an exuberant kiss, laughing against my mouth, tears of happiness beginning to streak down his cheeks. Seeing his reaction only sweetens my own bliss and I’m crying too, reaching up to cup his cheek.  
The tech pauses, clears her throat to get our attention when we get stuck just gazing at each other. She smiles warmly and continues. “Twin A is co-operating now, and I can say with confidence that it’s a boy. So one of each.”
Bucky’s smile can’t get any wider and for a long moment, he just rests his forehead to mine and we cry. Dimly I register the technician wiping my belly clean then leaving to give us some privacy.
“Baby,” his voice is breaking even as he’s smiling. “Twins... I can’t... Thank you.”
It should be me thanking him, “Bucky, I-”
“Thank you,” he repeats fiercely, his tears wetting my skin. “For giving me another chance. I don’t deserve this, I don’t deserve you-”
“Yes, you do.” I murmur back. “We deserve this.” I pull Bucky down even closer to me and his arms tighten almost painfully; despite my words, he’s still trembling. After a long beat he seems to relax, accepting my words and when he lifts his head again, there’s nothing but pure joy and excitement radiating from his incredible blue eyes, eyes I hope both of our children inherit.  
His smile lights up my entire life.
“So, you had the ultrasound today?” Steve asks, leaning back in an Adirondack chair, his girlfriend, Mia, in his lap, who, despite the newness of the relationship, just fits, with Steve and with all of us, and I know she’s the one.  
We’re seated in a similar way, Bucky leaning back in the chair and me between his legs, my back to his chest, legs draped over his massive thighs. His hand lazily but protectively cups my belly while the other holds a bottle of beer. I sip at a flavoured water and lean back into his strength, my head nuzzled into his throat, letting him have the moment.  
Clint, hearing the conversation, wanders over, a half-asleep Lou draped over his forearm. Sam is helping their daughter Zoë cut up her hamburger while Wanda stands with Nat, grinning down at her four month old son, Evan, held securely in Nat’s arms, but they both look over with interest when they hear Steve’s question.
Clint is throwing another barbecue in his backyard, but it’s private this time, family only. All the men clutch beer bottles in their hands, as do Mia and Wanda, but I sip at flavoured water and catch Nat doing the same; she and Clint haven’t said anything yet, but it looks like there’s another little Barton on the way.  
“Yeah,” Bucky replies easily, seemingly comfortable with everyone’s attention on him. I curl my fingers into the soft fabric of his t-shirt, against his rock-hard abs and grin covertly when he shivers, head-butting me softly in gentle reproof.  
“And?” Steve grins, taking another gulp of beer. “Boy or girl? You were going to find out right?”
“Should we tell them?” Bucky teases, asking me mock-seriously, as if we hadn’t already decided to.  
I pretend to think about it, chewing my bottom lip and hear Clint groan in frustration.  
“Which one?” He demands, unable to hold back a grin. “Do I have a niece or a nephew to spoil?”
I nod at Bucky and he presses a quick peck to my lips before turning his head again to answer. “A girl.”
The family explodes, startling Lou who begins to whimper, quieting quickly again however as Clint tucks her against his chest. He strides towards us, slamming Bucky’s fist and ruffling my hair with a laugh.
“Looks like you’re flying solo for a bit longer, Evan.” Wanda grins, chucking her babbling son under the chin.
“AND.....” I declare, drawing out the word and waiting for everyone to quiet back down. I feel Bucky tighten his arm around me in anticipation, hear his quiet chuckle.  
The family falls silent, eyeing me curiously, wondering if I’m about to announce something patently ridiculous, like I’ve been permanently altered by my time in Seattle and we’re going to name our daughter something unforgivably hipster, like Aspen, or Fountain, perhaps Nightingale.  
Everyone’s breath is being held and even Lou, now awake, peeks out from under her daddy’s chin to look at me.
I grin one last time at Bucky and he beams back, resting his cheek to mine as I crow triumphantly.
“AND.... a boy!”
There’s a half-second of stunned silence, but Steve’s deep voice breaks it. “You mean... twins?”
At Bucky’s nod, face nearly splitting with his proud papa grin, the family explodes again.
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aabowling99 · 2 years
How to train your dragon book of resurgence
I grew up hearing the stories of how Vikings used to tame and ride dragons and how they were everywhere till they disappeared.
No one knows where they went, this story is not about them no it’s about me when I was younger and so let me tell you the story of how I brought the dragons back.
It was a hot summer morning in the month of July, my uncle had just passed away me and my older black haired muscular and very gifted brother Matthew were supposed to pack up my things and move them to storage.
So there we were my brother in his letterman jacket and me and my scrappy toothpick like body in my brown hoodie.
Looking at every inch of my uncle's house I felt like a waste, my uncle was always the guy I saw as more of a father to me than my actual father.
The reason for this was made clear to everyone. My father is a big football fan and wants his sons to be football stars, my brother was on the road to becoming one but me being as weak and scrawny as I am, I could only be a waterboy if I was lucky.
We got close to finishing and I don’t know what compelled me to but I was about to open a medium sized wooden chest we found in the closet that has no business being there.
I can’t fully explain it but I felt as if whatever was in that chest I was meant to have, however before I got to open it and look inside my brother told me to finish up quickly for our "dear old dad" had come to pick us up.
“Oh, grate a truck ride with the man who’s embarrassed of having a shrimp like me as a son “I thought in my head.
My dad was a big and intimidating man with black hair just like my brother I don’t know what compiled me to ask this but I asked if I could have the wooden chest, my dad looks at me for asking the question and he spoke in such a passive aggressive tone “if you can get it in the truck on your own I won’t Care that you keep it.”
I was happy as I walked around collecting stuff to lift the wooden chest into the truck, after a while of tinkering there was a thud and I was ecstatic to see that my machine actually did it and got the chest into the truck, my father seemed almost barely impressed by me.
When we got home my lovely mother with her fair-skin in her summer dress, while her blonde hair tied up neatly into a bun was excited to tell us that we were going on a vacation to Bermuda.
My brother and father were excited to be pampered by lovely ladies in swim suits, I myself was more curious to see the Bermuda triangle and to see all the plant life.
While everyone else was packing their bags I had to finish what I started and got a similar machine to help me pull the wooden chest to my room.
When I got the chest in my room I was too excited to wait for after we came back from vacation and I opened the chest, I felt a wave of curiosity come over me.
After looking through some stuff that I thought was junk I found an old journal, it was written in old letters, the letters were written in Nordic ruins and there was a greatly detailed drawing of some kind of creators.
When it was time to go my dad yelled up the stairs "BOY IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR SCRAWNY ASS DOWN HERE WE'RE LEAVING YOU BEHIND!" I quickly got my stuff in a random bag I found then went to my door as I looked back at the journal and decided to pack it as well and ran down the stairs.
In the car ride on the way to the airport my brother and my dad were obnoxiously talking about a football game that they were going to miss because of this vacation, my latched onto my neck and gave me a rough nuggie then exclaimed "shrimp you should think about working out more so your at least a little useful" I got really annoyed and whispered under my breath "and you should think about reading more so you'll have an actual future" when I looked up at the rear view mirror I could see my mom's eyes looking back at me and my brother then said loudly "you boys better be playing nice back there".
After a long and exhaustingly painful 3 hour plane ride sitting next to my meat head of a brother we finally arrived at our hotel, the next day when I was wondering what I could do my mom came up to and said "I saw an interesting boat ride you might want to check out they are going over the Bermuda triangle" I nodded to tell her silently that I would check it out "but" she continued "your taking your brother with you" all my hope in enjoying something alone was snatched away from me, I looked up at my mom with a are you serous expression she looked and sighed putting her hand on my shoulder "look Connor I know you aren't exactly...close with Mathew but can please do this for me?" she smiled at me weakly making me just sigh in defeat then look up at her and say "ok only for mom".
Later after my mom convinced my brother to go by saying that there will be pretty girls there we made our way to the doc's where people were introducing themselves.
When we finally showed up the "captain" introduced himself "hello everyone I'm glad you decided to take a our tour to the Bermuda triangle i am your caption yarrow and this is daughter Elaine if you have any questions or concerns take it up with her I can't be bothered to deal with them" the depressed looking man gestured over to an exotic looking buttie she had that hair was the most perfect shade of almond brown and her skin was the color of mocha and I could not even look at her eyes without my heart skipping a beat but other than that she looked to be around my age, when I looked over at my brother I saw his usual grin that any normal person would only describe as a "I want" face.
Elaine walked up in front of her father in such a way that they look like they have done this before "I am so happy to see so many lovely new faces and that you'll all have a wonderful time on the trip" her voice was trying to sound light and sweet her smile was obviously forced but she stopped smiling moments later.
I looked around and over heard 2 people talking one a guy with dark-skin and the other a really energetic girl, I walked over to the two people and cleared my throat making them stop talking and look at me "hi I'm Connor what are your names" I looked at them with a shy like expression then the boy spoke up "hi my name is Michael and this excited girl is my friend Christina but she goes by Christin" the girl just waved at me then checked the tool box she brought with her to make sure she had everything "what are you guys doing here" I asked trying to sound polite "well I'm here to study the Bermuda triangle and Christin is here to study what happens to the ship when we go over the Bermuda triangle" Michael said smiling at me.
From what I could tell Michael was studying to be an archeologist he clearly lifted weights and ware cargo pants with a matching tan shirt, Christin she was a pail skinned girl who had oil marks on her checks who never seemed to want to hold still and seemed to also be a mechanic in training, she had long dirty blond hair that was accompanied by the bright orange headband she always wares even more perplexing then that’s she wear blue jeans a black tank top and a purple hoodie tied around her waist I did not think much of it do to her seeming like a layer back person.
I can recall how everyone was talking how Michael sounded so worried as he said “oh I hope noting goes wrong” and how Christin tried to make him feel better by franticly walking around him saying “don’t worry man everything’s going to super super smooth and super super fast!” to witch Michael replayed “oh I hope not to fast.” It was at that moment I found out my dream girl Elaine was scary as she told everyone “lesson up this ship may be my dad’s but I am the true caption I have never had an accident or lost some one in all my time of this tour ad I don’t intend to brake that streak so leave your worries at the doc!” My brother was very combative and tended to make things harder for everyone, so I was not surprised to see him clear his throat then scream "I know what else you can leave at the doc!" then he winked at Elaine, to my surprise Elaine came down to my brother and started touching his muscles "oh such a big strong man I think your right I should cook for you and clean for you" it made me sick until she slammed some rope into his chest and said "that's what I would say if I actually care about what you have to say and thank you so much for volunteering to help me with the sails" than she went up onto the ship and giggled, that was not the only odd thing that happened that day but I’m getting ahead of myself the point is Michael was a bit more at ease after that.
It was not long before the "caption" said loudly "Elaine get the passengers on bored I'm too tired to” and just like that Elaine screamed out "all aboard or we're leaving you behind!" as soon as she finishes we got on board then we were off.
The ocean was beautiful and it was so quiet I waited for my brother to fell asleep, soon we were far enough away for the hotel to be a dot in the distance to take out the journal I had found before the trip as I was reading I heard Michael say “that’s an interesting old Nordic book you know how to read it?” I turned to Mikel with a dash and exclaimed to him “I do not know how to read it, why do you ask?”
Michael was more than happy to explain how he had studied the ancient Nordic writings and Michael wanted to help me read it. “Heck yes go For it!” I exclaimed excitedly and it did not take Michael to show me all the times the journal said clear as day the word dragon.
Me and Michael would have discussed the contents of the journal more if not for us hear Christin yelling “hey hey you guys what’s that moving in the water” we all shoot from out sets as quick as a wipe if I had to describe it in a few words I would say it looked like the water was dancing it was elegant and beautiful yet not even caption cored did not know what is was.
We would have stayed there for hours if it did not dive under water right before the sea turned violent and without a second warning a vortex in the water formed and was pulling us in.
Captain Yarrow was panicking as he tried to stop the ship from being pulled in, meanwhile Elaine was barking orders saying how if we want to survive and not meet a watery death we need to help by pitching the sails.
My brother should have just kept his mouth shut because by the time he said "I don’t take orders doll-face" I knew he would regret it and I was right, because not long after he said that Elaine grabbed his arm and flipped him on his back and exclaimed in a powerful authoritative voice “call me doll-face again and I’ll really show you who’s in charge now get helping!” Without a second thought we all did our part.
All the sudden a reach from Christian's tool box that she brought with her came flying at my face then blackness, when I came to we had our ship impaled on a giant stalagmite but we clearly did not drown on the contrary we had seemed to be in some kind of underground cavern teaming full of life.
I hear the others arguing about what to do. They were going back and forth. I remember Christin saying with her eyes full of excitement “hey guy guy we should totally go down there and explore!” Elaine was quick to give a firm “no we don’t know where we are or what is down there we should stay and wait for help!” but my brother Matthew was not the kind to wait for others to help him so he said out of anger “wait wait I’m not some little kid who needs my mommy to save them I’m going to go find a way out of here any of you with me!” I don’t know why I had already come to expect this, but Christin said she would join him. She seemed excited to explore this cavern and just like that they grabbed all the rope they could and used it to climb down to the cavern floor below.
They were out of sight within a few seconds, me and Elaine for some reason Michael had decided to study the journal and remain on the impaled ship with the mute caption yarrow.
It was just me and Elaine by the time we climbed down to stop them they were long gone we did not know what to do till Elaine said “let's follow their footprints they could not have gotten too far" I agreed with Elaine we did not get to far before I to found myself in tumble down a cliff to some underground river that’s when I saw it.
A scaled light faded dark blue in color, It had two coral shaped horns and a relatively long snout.
I also noted It had three small fins set on its long neck and Its wings have wavy white patterns all over it, It also had a large fin like tail the odd thing was Instead of legs, the creature had two front flippers only one thought occurred to me it could only be only one thing and that was a dragon.
Its tail was waged under a large rock it looked so scared its eyes were full of sadness, I knew the only thing could do was to help it and so in that moment I push, and I shoved with all my might, to my surprise I managed to get the rock to roll in to the water near river.
The dragon was so thankful she let me pet her head and she liked my head wound and it seemed to be healed almost instantly. She would have stayed with me if not for a snap sound. It was Elaine, I knew she had found me but sadly my new dragon friend was shy and got scared needless to say she fled, as she fled she was gliding over the nearby river it was beautiful as sight I will never forget.
I would have gone after it if not for Elaine saying, “come on let’s go!” I had to follow her I could not leave her alone, but it was not to long before it was clear she was full of determination and anger and was not going to run out anytime soon.
As we kept looking for my brother and Christin Elaine suddenly stopped and she said she had an odd feeling something was watching us, just then crack something has stepped on a twig and Elaine sprung into action she jumped into the tall grass by the time I had caught up with her and see what happened, the fight was over I saw her standing there proud with her foot on the snout of a Dragon with a indigo blue ll, dark blue, purple and stone gray body its face was similar though rounder and not very thick, It possessed a rounded horn atop its noses and a ledge under its chin, It had rounded spines that went from it head down to it’s tail, It’s back formed a hump shape, the look on its face I could tell it was scared.
Something triggered in me and for the first time I let myself be heard. I told Elaine “it’s scared it ain't us no harm we're in its home after all you have no right to do that to it now take your foot off and apologize now!” Elaine was shocked and I do not blame her I was shocked to she let out a sigh and said “fine !” She took her foot off the dragon's snout and said “sorry be more careful in the further.” She pets the dragon's snout and the dragon smiled and licked her hand and walked off almost puppy.
I smirked and said with a cheeky grin “See it was not trying to hurt us it was just being curious, a little kindness can go a long way!” Elaine just rolled her eyes and started walking away. I could tell she was a bit annoyed that I just told her off, shortly after I heard her scream I ran to her and saw her covered in a pollen type mitral "you help me get this stuff off!" Elaine yelled at me I just looked at her and said "you can change when we get back to the ship" Elaine's expression changed and she calmed down "yeah your right let's keep trying to find the other two" I nodded and we kept going to find my brother and Christin but in the meantime I did I noticed lining the eddies of the cavern were large blue tented dragon-like stone status it was clear they were old do to amount of light blue luminescent moss growing on the back of the statues they seemed to have been made of small stones and were clearly carved with great care I could tell every feather on their body’s from there pairs of short horns that protrude from random spots along their head and back there their mouth was.
In an odd way to me they kind of resembled gargoyles they often made me feel uneasy, to say the least, they seemed as if they could come to life at any moment and attack without a seconds warning, as you can imagine a part of me was relieved to hear the faint sound of music in the destine a part of me knew it could only be Christin.
In my mind, I thought ‘who else but Christin would be playing music down here of all things in a place like this.’ Me and elaine ran to the sound of the music ask for what we saw it was a sight we will never forget we saw christen dancing and unknowingly dogging the attacks of what I could only describe as a blue metallic magnetic dragon with the inside of its mouth glowing with a cyan glow light along its back were sharp spikes. At first I thought Christin was crazy but then I realized the dragon was slowing down in an odd way. Christin was actually beating a dragon just by dancing. I couldn't believe it but there it was right in front of me. I would have let them dance for longer if not for Elaine yelling over the music “what do you think you're doing, turn that racket off and get back to the ship!” After that, oh boy was Christen annoyed? She and Elaine soon were having an argument but at the time I was too busy in my own mind to stop it.
I was thinking of all the things that had happened today and how I stood up to Elaine about her hurting the dragon the thought that if I can do that to a beautiful girl like her why can’t I do the same to my brother I had made my mind up then and there that I would give my brother a peace of my mind next time I see him.
Little did I know that Soon enough I would get my wish as me and the others heard a boom we of course ran to that direction, much to nobody’s surprise we saw my brother goating a purple body with darker blue stripes across its back, It's head is dark green and it possesses two lilac colored wings with specks of white, Its legs are dark petunia with dark purple stripes and its tail has hints of greyish green, It has a small horn at the end of its snout and the head crest it had almost made it look like it was wearing a crown. It clearly was not too bright but pretty hot headed as it kept trying to ram into my brother and he keeped dodging it.
Of course I couldn’t just stand there any longer so I made a loud noise to scare it away from it hoping to use the dragon's lack of intelligence against it, to my surprise it ran and before my brother could go after it I tackled him and actually managed to knock him down both me and him were breathless.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING! THAT CREATURE DID NOTHING TO YOU!" I screamed at Mathew making him look at me with shock then rage "DID TO ME! THAT CREATURE CLEARLY CHALLENGED ME! IT DUG ITS CLAWS INTO THE GROUND AND SNORTED IF THAT THING ACTS ANYTHING LIKE A BULL, YOU KNOW FULL WELL I DON'T BACK DOWN FROM CHALLENGES BECAUSE INCASE YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN THAT'S HOW WE DO THINGS IN THIS FAMILY!" At first I was angry but I'm beyond pissed. My face contorted into a scowl "IN THIS FAMILY! YOU DON'T EVEN WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE ME IN THIS FAMILY! YOUR DADS FAVORITE IM JUST DADS DISAPPOINTMENT DADS JOKE! HE WOULD NEVER TALK ABOUT ME LIKE HER DOES ABOUT YOU TO ANYONE!" then I saw something that shocked me to my core my brother got even more mad but it was different this time normally he would look like he was annoyed, indignant or even frustrated but this time he looked more furious, appalled and jealous "YEAH I MIGHT BE DADS FAVORITE BUT IT ISN'T ALL SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS I HAVE SO MUCH EXPECTATION AND PRESSURE TO BE EVERYTHING DAD WANTS! I WOULD RATHER BE YOU THEN HAVE TO DEAL WITH ALL DADS EXPECTATIONS AND TELLING ME THAT I CAN BE BETTER THAT I CAN DO BETTER!" Mathew yelled which made me stop for a moment "you want to be like me?" I asked confused and looking at him for an explanation "yes I do dad I'd always telling me I can be better I can do better that I can be everything he wanted to be'' he said with a sour tone in his voice "I wanted to be like you so that dad would be proud of me for once" I got off of my brother and just looked at him "you do?" He asked "yeah but now I see we both have it rough so how about we start acting like real brothers'' I held out my hand and gave Mathew the first smile in a long time, Mathew took my hand and helped me help to pull him up then we actually hugged we looked around at the group "let's go back to the ship now" Elaine said in a annoyed tone trying to wipe the pollen off of herself.
After much backtracking We finally got back to the ship but to our dismay we were followed by a large creature some might even say hefty, its body was also stubby with a stocky build yet a short stature, with rather small wings, also it has dark blue bumpy skin, It also was covered with spikes all over and Its lower jaw can split in two, with a tongue on each jaw.
It was attracted to the smell of pollen that was on Elaine.
Caption yarrow looked down from the ship to see his beloved daughter in danger he knew he had to make a choice to stay in his mind set or finally for the first time in some time actually do something.
He grabbed a plank of wood wrapped cloth around it and using his lighter lit the cloth on fire and jumped down in front of the creature loudly exclaiming “get away from my little girl you overgrown cactus!”
I thought that they would be eaten for sure but then Michael ran in front of them. He said with a look of intelligence in his eyes.
“Don’t worry, sure they don’t want to hurt anyone I’ll show you.”
Michael scraped off a fist full of pollen and walked to the dragon who watched with curiosity. It almost seemed surprised when Michael nealt down holding out the hand of pollen to the dragon almost as an offering. The dragon with all but a moment's hesitation begrudgingly licked the pollen out of his hand. Michael smiled and said
“See told you" Michael said to us then turned back to the dragon and put its hand on its snout "hey big guy can you give us a hand we need to find a way out.”
The rest of us were speechless. I ran to him and asked “how did you know it wouldn’t attack you? These creatures are nothing like what we know.”
Mickel handed me my book back “It was all in here, they aren't just creatures, these are all dragons just like the story’s told of.”
None of us could believe that we met real dragons. Just when we thought Michael was done supring us he hopped on the back of the dragon he had just befriended. He exclaimed with a confident tone. “Everyone pack up what you need and we will get out of hear.”
Of course we did what he said none of us would argue with him, he was on the back of a dragon.
After we all had packed our supplies and some of us getting new clothes and showering, we hopped onto the back of the dragon with Michael and what we saw next would change our life’s forever. We just didn’t know it.
We wanted the dragon to take us to the way out it did but what we found was a giant water fall and a reservoir of water we all got off the dragon to marvel at it but without a moment's hesitation michael yelled.
“Stay out of the water that’s most likely we’re the alpha lives.”
Mathew, being as stubborn as he is, threw a large rock into the water and turned away he then exclaimed
“Some alpha I bet it is a shrimp I could take it on.”
But to us we saw a long necked transparent blue creature with Britney bioluminescence dots going down its neck, it’s snout was long and almost formed a point you could see it’s teeth producing from its bottom jaw that opened to reveal that it held a second row of retractable teeth and that it's jaw split into two different halves it’s horns almost formed what looked like a crown and along it’s back were large bone plates used for cutting into the water. This mighty creature let out a blood curdling roar the dragon Micheal had tamed ran away Mathew almost did to as the mighty creature threw back its head ready to strake mathew down when all the sudden several blast of fire, rock and acid shoot at the king.
To our surprise it what all the dragons we had befriended Micheal dragon didn’t run out of fear he ran to get help we all quickly got on the backs of our dragons and made sure the captain got on his daughters and flew out we thought it was over we couldn’t have been more wrong as just when we broke throw the water we heard a loud kakakoom!
The king busted out of the water behind us it’s long narrow transparent blue tinted body sparkled in the sunlight so much you could see its organs, it’s large mighty wings that had lines if glowing blue spots that looked like eyes fully on display for all of us and everyone at the beach far away to see.
We knew we had to do something or the king would devour us all so I made a plan based on a tacktick my brother had used many times in his games called man hunt. It was simple the others would maneuver around it because while it may be bigger but it sure was not as agile and that part worked out well for us but it was devour us as the others kept it distracted waiting for my signal, I had to be smart while my brother was tackling the head so the logical answer is that because it's always under water it's wings would have to be thin so that they didn't get caught and so it could move around faster and easier when I noticed it's lungs speeding up I knew this was my chance.
I made my move using my dragons acid i shoot its wings burning a whole through them bringing the giant behemoth dragon crashing down but just before it hot the water it let off a blast of its own of boiling hot water, the water hit my dragon splashing the water outwards some of it hitting my cheek then rolling down my neck burning me I quickly wiped away the water realizing that my new friend had got disoriented I thought I would have been finished if it hadn't have been for my brother headbutting my dragon and me up into the air as the splash from the dragon can be heard below it took only a few seconds and my dragon friend was fine again.
All of us agreed its time to go back to the main land as my brother told me "hey shrimp don't be so reckless that my job" then he punched me in the arm. Later as we landed on the beach my dad and mother were waiting for me and my brother at first my dad praised my brother not noticing I was there but then my mom nudged him saying “Victor I think it’s time you told him.”
My father let out a sigh came to me and crouched down putting his hand on my solder and for the first time having a smile towards me and said “Look son I know your not as strong as your brother and I don’t tell you this often but I’m proud of you I know that in the future your going to do great things heck you already have and I couldn’t be more proud I love you son never forget that.”
I would have been glad to have left this there but then Something none of us expected or could have predicted. Thousands of dragons rising from the home the king had left forming a vortex as for the first time in who knows how long they were free to see the world agine.
It was at that moment I knew my life would never be the same and with my new friends by my side our story was only
Just beginning.
The end?
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taikoturtle · 7 years
Either "Bitch better have my money" or "Zero fucks given. Next please" for the five word prompts.
Pairing: Trimberly
“Bitch better have my money”
read it on AO3
Trini’s sneakers pound against the pavement as she scours the entire school grounds at the end of the day. Her eyes scan the passing areas acutely but fail to yield the results she’s seeking. Fingers fly across her phone’s screen as fast as her feet are carrying her across campus.
[Trini 2:44]
zack, you better b at school today
She checks his usual stomping grounds: the secluded utility shed near the football stadium, the bathrooms on the farthest outskirts near the chemistry labs, and the outside area at the back of the school. Each place is emptier than the last causing Trini’s scowl to deepen with every strike out.
[Trini 2:48]
this is really important where tf are you
Slowing to a stop near the flagpole out front, Trini sucks in gulps of fresh air to catch her breath. It’s quite possibly the worst day for their truant friend to be elusive, but Trini’s always had shitty luck so she can’t exactly blame him. After becoming a Power Ranger he has steadily upped his attendance, but the bar is set pretty low when you’re starting from completely absent all of the time.
Her phone buzzes and she whips it up to read whatever excuse he has cooked up for her.
[Zack 2:52]
was taking a dump. can’t a guy get a break?
[Trini 2:52]
you’re so gross why are we friends
[Zack 2:53]
you tell me crazy girl
Her lips crack into a smile before she shakes her head and remembers the urgency.
[Trini 2:53]are you at school today?
[Zack 2:54]
you’re lucky I was feeling studious today
[Trini 2:54]
studious my ass. fridays are pizza day at school
[Zack 2:54]
potato potato
[Trini 2:55]
[Zack 2:55]
that was way less effective through text
[Trini 2:55]
whatever just come to the flagpole now and bring the money you owe me
[Zack 2:56]
sooo about that…
As soon as she reads his last text, Trini feels her blood pressure rising like a bubbling volcano. A couple of weeks ago she had lent him some cash to take a girl out on a date. Partly because it was satisfying to see him beg so desperately because he really liked this chick, but mainly because she was happy that he was happy. Honestly, she would have lent him the money regardless simply because he’s her friend, but the groveling really was a nice touch.
[Trini 2:57]
It’s their code for when shit is real, and now is the time to cash in on that debt because Trini has a date of her own—with none other than Kimberly Hart.  
Yes, the Kimberly Hart.
The very girl who she’s been pining for ever since they stumbled across the power coins on that fateful night that changed their lives forever. The very girl who she initially despised when she had first transferred because of ignorant stereotypes that shaped how Trini thought Kimberly was as a person without even getting to know her first.
The very girl who stole her heart after she realized just how wrong she was.
And one would think that when a girl tricks you and pulls you down off a seemingly bottomless cliff, the friendship would be over before it even started, but such was not the case with Kimberly. Maybe Trini’s just a glutton for punishment but something inside her that day compelled her to come back, and it certainly wasn’t Jason’s mildly rousing speech—all she knows for sure is that she fell into more than just that ravine.
Trini doesn’t do emotions very well. Anger maybe, sarcasm most definitely, but love? As far as she’s concerned, love is as foreign to her as advanced physics. She loves her family, but it’s a delicate and complicated love that’s riddled with frustrations, so navigating the complex feelings she harbors towards Kimberly is a treacherous endeavor to say the least.
But it’s worth it—it’s always worth it.
She’s always worth it.
Trini had finally mustered up the courage today, fueled by Billy and Jason’s supportive encouragement and inspiring pep talk, to ask Kimberly out on a date. It was the most nerve-wracking moment of her teenage life, standing so closely beside Kimberly as she unfolded the tiny note that Trini slipped into her locker that morning.
Passing notes is kind of their thing, so it only seemed fitting that she asked her to dinner with a note. She even tried to draw a picture of a pterodactyl and a sabre toothed tiger but Kimberly ruined the moment by asking why she scribbled a pigeon and a dog on the paper. Trini knows she’s no Michelangelo, but come on.
Despite Trini’s apparently poor fine arts skills, Kimberly beamed at her and breathed out a relieved “finally!” before pulling her into a warm, inviting hug. Kimberly always gives amazing hugs too, the kind where her arms wrap fully around Trini’s body, not too tight but just close enough to make her feel safe, to feel enveloped by affection.
They’re the kind of hugs you never want to end, but time waits for no one and the school bell rang so they had to go their separate ways. Trini still felt the lingering warmth from Kimberly and her body hummed with vibrating excitement, eager for the day to end so they can go on their date.
It wasn’t until her next class when Trini opened her wallet to determine where they would go later that night did her heart plummet into her stomach.
It was empty.
Sure, insisting to pay for the whole bill is an antiquated notion, but Trini doesn’t care—she wants to treat Kimberly on their first date, to really make her feel as special as she makes Trini feel, but how is she going to do that with no money whatsoever? There’s no way she’s going to have Kimberly pay for the entire dinner when the date was Trini’s idea to begin with.
Which is why Zack needs to get his ass over to the flagpole before she kicks it so hard he won’t have anything left to sit on.
“Bitch better have my money,” Trini mumbles under her breath as she crosses her arms, her foot tapping the ground impatiently.
Her phone buzzes again but before she can glance at its contents an arm slings around her shoulders out of the blue and startles her.
“Here you are!” Kimberly exclaims as she leans heavily into Trini with a broad smile on her face. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”
“Sorry, I had uh… stuff I had to do after school,” Trini replies vaguely with her gaze averted downward.
Trini feels Kimberly tense up, the air thick with silence before her voice tentatively asks, “Are we still on for tonight?”
“Yes!” The word blurts out louder than intended and a blush overtakes Trini’s chagrined expression.
“Oookay, cool. I was just checking,” Kimberly responds quietly. “I mean, if you’re having second thoughts or like, you don’t feel like going out tonight I totally understand. The last thing I want is for you to regret anything or force you into something you’re not ready for or–”
“Hey, no no, stop.” Trini turns swiftly to face Kimberly and shakes her head earnestly. “Believe me, I do want this–” her hands motion back and forth between them animatedly “–I had something I needed to take care of first before we leave, really.”
The tension in Kimberly’s thin expression releases as she exhales, the worry and anxiety leaving her body upon hearing her words. “Sorry, I’m a little nervous I guess.”
“Aw, I make you nervous?” Trini grins smugly which garners a playful slap on the arm from Kimberly. Her pocket buzzes again, but Trini disregards it in favor of paying attention to the situation at hand.
“Seriously though, I haven’t really put myself out there since the whole Ty Flemming thing and I just don’t want…” Kimberly pauses, her eyes shifting left and right, heavy with the pain of her past and searching for the right words to continue.
…to get hurt is what Trini thinks to herself, because behind all of the confidence and bravado, romance is still very much a sore point for Kimberly. She knows she’s made mistakes and if you ask her what compelled her to do it, even she has no idea, but the repercussions of her actions still echo to this day and they’re impossible to escape.
Trini throws her arms around Kimberly and pulls her back into a close embrace. Her hugs may not be as good as Kimberly’s, but damn it she can try. She’d hug away Kimberly’s ghosts if she could, but life doesn’t work that way and it’s never that simple, so Trini offers her truest self and hopes it’s enough to keep the demons at bay.
Smiling softly in the crook of Kimberly’s neck, Trini breathes out barely above a whisper.“For what it’s worth, I think you’re pretty cool.”
A choked laugh escapes Kimberly’s lips and her grip around the smaller Ranger tightens. “Thanks.”
Trini ignores the questioning looks that the other students are conspicuously throwing their way because they don’t matter–nothing else matters right now besides the fact that Kimberly is in her arms and that they fit together as if it were meant to be and everything feels absolutely perfect.
The moment ruined, Trini’s brow furrows upon hearing her name being shouted in the distance and both girls turn to seek the source of the noise.
Kimberly squints to get a better look and her mouth parts open slightly in confusion. “Is that… Zack?”
True to her observation, Zack is barrelling towards them at full speed from across campus like a charging bull, his arms furiously pumping at his side and long legs putting in work. If his attendance at school wasn’t so poor, Trini could picture him on the basketball team or track and field.
He closes the gap in an impressively short amount of time, coming to a halt several feet away. Doubled over with his hands on his thighs as he heaves in and out haggardly, Zack angles his head up and stares at Trini incredulously.
“This is your SOS?”
Sweat drips down the sides of his face and Trini nods seriously. “Yeah.”
Zack straightens up and lets out an exhausted laugh. “Oh this is great.”
“Dude, you can laugh about it later. Do you have it?”
He shakes his head, “Nope.”
“What?!” Trini nearly shrieks and Kimberly flinches out of reflex, taken aback by her unusually loud outburst. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Why’d you even run over here to begin with if you didn’t have my money?”
Zack shrugs casually with a shit-eating grin still plastered on his face, “You stopped responding to my texts.”
“What money?” Kimberly inquires, her head tilting to the side curiously.
“Oh, Trini didn’t tell you?” Zack starts, amusement twinkling in his eyes. “She’s fresh out of cash, which I’m assuming she needed for whatever she’s doing tonight, which, by the looks of it, might be you–OW!”
Trini cuts him off with a swift punch to the chest mixed with a little Ranger strength for good measure.
Kimberly snorts humorously and looks at Trini. “Is this what was bothering you?”
Too ashamed from being exposed, Trini could only stare at the ground and nod her head dumbly.
“You’re adorable.” Kimberly links their hands together and gives her a little tug. “You don’t have to pay for me.”
“But I wanted to!” Trini protests with exasperation. “Besides, I asked you out on a date. That’s just messed up that you have to pay when I was the one who proposed it.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry,” Kimberly says nonchalantly with a cheerful smile, “tonight’s on me.”
Zack smirks, “That’s not the only thing that’ll be on you tonight.”
Trini punches him again, her face as red as a tomato, as Kimberly’s bright laughter rings in the air.
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fayvie · 7 years
NEEHU Monday: Ignorance is Bliss
Monday began with the absolute strangest feeling in the air. A stagnant feeling like everyone was waiting to exhale. It felt so quiet, and I almost was afraid to look at my phone, because I knew that all I’d see was messages over Skype and Discord about people leaving or preparing to leave, and I didn’t want to deal with that yet. At the same time, because I booked my flight to leave early Tuesday, I relished the comfort of my bed, and the knowledge that I had one more day with many of my friends, and at least a few hours with others before they had to leave.
I was in no hurry to dress up today, unlike the rest, so I hung around in pajamas and set up in the living room with my laptop, starting to catch up on tumblr and process my thoughts on the weekend (and start my recaps!). It was very therapeutic to me, immediately re-living those moments and experiences a second time made it feel like it had never ended. I guess I’m still doing that now, in a way. I realize the recaps are so painfully self-indulgent, but they really do act as a form of con aftercare for many of us, being able to look back and genuinely appreciate how special all of these moments were to all of us. That being said, I completely respect and understand those who choose not to write about it, and keep those moments private and treasured in their own way. All the power to you!
Eventually @sebsteerpike ended up at my doorstep once more, beginning the unloading of all his luggage into my room. Since @travisthehypnotizedpuppy would be leaving today, a bed opened up, and we decided to squish in more people to help save money. We cuddled on the couch for a while, we kissed, he pulled my hair, we just enjoyed each other's company so much, and nothing about the repetition felt dull.
He had to get his room cleared out before check-out, but I was sooo comfortably half napping on his chest at one point, so he hypnotized me to feel as though the pillows he placed would have the same feeling. I suddenly had no issues dozing off once more (until abrupt knocking at the door, when @sebsteerpike’s room key malfunctioned and I had to get up to let him back in. How dare he ruin my nap with my seb-pillows.)
We caught wind that a large group of people were leaving shortly, but still hanging out in the lobby. Many people were going to a munch to spend the afternoon with people for the last time before going home, but at this point I felt so socially burnt out (and ill) that the idea of staying in and relaxing was much more compelling. Regardless, we ran downstairs to say our goodbyes to so many awesome people. I felt the uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach that reminded me that the con was ending, but I pushed it down and put on the biggest smile I had. I realized how many people I was so happy to meet and see, and really wished I had more time to spend with (as every con ever goes). 
I had such a blast rooming and hanging out with @travisthehypnotizedpuppy, and it sucked that he had to go home on Monday instead of getting stuck with the rest of us. We’ve been friends for coming up to 4 years now, and we’ve only hung out in person twice, and this time we had way more opportunity to chill, chat, and slap eachother once in a while.
As a sidenote, I hope to do a separate post after these are over to properly address the people who really deserve mention that I can’t fit into these posts!
Back to my room, I flopped back into the comfort of as many pillows as I could horde. Seb and I were joined by @sex-obsessed-lesbian, @meltinggoldanddippingthingsinit, @hypnokittencalico, and @enscenic, and we all reminisced over the highlights of the weekend, discussed travel plans, and just chatted about things in general. It was a nice chance to hang out without the pressure of actually “doing something” being a thing. I used this time to write, for the most part. As people started peeling off to go to the airport, it started to hit me that people’s flights were getting cancelled from the impending weather. I felt horrible for those stuck at the airport, or halfway home without a plan B, and somehow in my fractionation-addled brain, it never even occurred to me what impact it could have on flights actually scheduled on the day of Storm Stella. More on that later!
In hindsight, @sebsteerpike and myself legitimately did spend nearly all of the day on that couch, and it was absolutely perfect. It was just about dinner time so we started plotting out what we’d do, and I was really looking forward to a quieter, intimate sit-down meal with Seb and @enscenic. We ended up on a barbeque restaurant not far off of the hotel, and the whole ambiance of the strip mall containing the restaurant felt slightly ghost-towny, signs up on doors “We will be closed tomorrow due to the Storm. We apologize for the inconvenience”. Did I get it yet? Nope? Oh well, maybe later.
Dinner was awesome. I hadn’t had the time I wanted to really sit down with @enscenic yet, so it was nice to just chat and compare stories from the convention. @sebsteerpike was an absolute gentleman and picked up the tab as we made our way back with 3 boxes of leftovers.
My flight was at 6am the next morning. It finally occurred to me to check to see if it was delayed at all. No e-mails regarding changes, but I looked up the code and found that the flight was cancelled. Well fiddlesticks. 2.5 hours on the phone and some vodka later, I found myself speaking to someone that could help and managed to change my flights to the same thing, one day later. I was venting about the whole process via Skype in some of the post-NEEHU conversations, and freaking out about the hotel situation, as we now had 5 adults stuck and no confirmation on getting a room. This is when @tennfan2 came to the rescue and helped me find a hotel where we could split our group into sane numbers and not turn on each other halfway through the snowstorm. Thank you again for your calm heroics when I was frantic and going a bit nuts, I appreciate it so so much!
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t happy when I found out that @sebsteerpike and the group driving back to Chicago wouldn’t be able to leave the next morning due to highways being blocked off. I know it’s selfish, but it meant I got an EXTRA-extra day. We took this moment to celebrate the fact that 5 friendly hypno-kinksters would be stuck in Connecticut during a snowstorm, and the reality that it was working out pretty well for all of us, all things considered. I’m really relieved that my work was understanding and covered for me not being able to be back in time, woohoo unintentionally extended vacation!
I know this post has been a whole lot of things that probably aren’t interesting to anyone but me, so I will happily go into a bit of a sexy tangent that took place near the end of the night. Unfortunately it’s been long enough now that the exact details have been lost to time, but some moments really stood out.
@sebsteerpike and myself were spooning in bed, and my hypno-egg was turned on ahead of me, on the nightstand. I was watching it glowing, shifting, drawing my attention in with every colour. I remember dropping into trance and feeling so good and horny. I remember straddling him and kissing him as much as possible, my hair falling in both of our faces. I vividly remember the incredibly erotic combination of his hand in my hair, pulling my roots back which made me incredibly fuzzy, and the sharp pain of him slapping the opposite cheek, both sensations making me feel like an absolute puddle. Ever since then, I catch myself desperately craving that combination, daydreaming about it very often.
After some more fun, we fell asleep so easily (or at least I did, I was out too fast to really tell), resting up as much as possible before the Dawn of SNOHU.
Next up: SNOHU! Hypno Scouts Lightning Rounds, and deep relationship conversations and cuddles.
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aeyemenethes-blog · 7 years
Lathbora viran Chapter 7
Here is the next instalment in my Solas fanfiction.  It can also be found at AO3 at: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10213937/chapters/23678211
No one spoke as we huddled around a roaring campfires. Less than a week passed since the events that transpired at Redcliff Castle when wresting the mages from Tevinter control. Roasted bear smoked out the fresh pine and earth scent of the Hinterlands drawing an ache in my stomach, and I turned an eye toward the rack Varric was tending. I pinched the bridge of my nose letting out a staggered sigh and glanced to where the Herald sat lost in thought by the fire. A dark frown pressed across her full lips, and there was a tension on her brows.
Redcliff affected her greatly when she came out of the portal that Magister Alexius sent her through, but she didn’t speak about what transpired. It changed her, aged her, whatever happened and I felt compelled to talk her through the events. There was a shift as a shadow of the newcomer crossed over the camp to sit down next to Ellana. My lip curled at the young Tevinter mage leaning closer to the Herald to speak in hushed tones. My ears pricked, catching stray words of the conversation. He tried to console her, reassuring her that they fixed the future and she didn’t need to worry. It would not come to pass, and that her companions retained no memories of the dark future he and Ellana diverted.
Another sigh left me and I stood, walking over to the mounts. The horses ripped out tender stalks of grass snorting when I approached and shifted nervous around me; the reins tied to tree branches kept them from running. I rummaged through my saddlebags checking all the compartments to make sure everything was in its correct place.
“Perhaps I should call you ‘Sighs’ instead of Chuckles.” Varric commented, stopping next to me holding out a wooden plate laden with bear meat.
Taking the plate, I raised one eyebrow, throwing him a sideways glance. “Wouldn’t that ruin the aesthetics of your storytelling, Varric?”
“How so?” The dwarf asked between mouthfuls of his own dinner.
I chuckled in a flat tone. “Your books are satire, and you make no exceptions in painting your mockery, including colourful nicknames. Indeed, giving me such an accurate name might chafe your audience.”
Varric opened his mouth to speak then his jaw dropped, staying wide for several moments. It was a wonder nothing flew inside to choke him. At least he swallowed his food first. After a minute or two, he closed it as if being pulled back into our world.
“You ready my books, Chuckles?” He let out a stuttered laugh clearly not believing the notion as true.
I shrugged and shifted most of my weight onto my right leg, kneading a cramp out of my left thigh. “It occupies the time between missions.”
Someone cleared their throat and we both jumped, my heart in my chest. Letting out a slow breath, I forced my body to relax, clasping my hands behind my back.
“Ellana.” I breathed.
Varric whistled but I refused to let my facial features give away my actual feelings.
The Herald’s eyes fell to the dwarf and she wrung her hands out. “Varric, can I have a moment alone with Solas?”
Please don’t leave me alone with her.
“Sure, Herald.” Varric winked at me then walked back to the campfire humming a tune to himself.
For a fleeting moment, Ellana just stared at me, her thoughts lost somewhere deep in the Void. I noted the deep purple bags just beneath her lower eyelids and the shadows of the firelight casting over a face so sleep deprived and haggard. Frowning myself, I shuffled through various dialogue I could use to open conversation.
“So we have gained the mages. Excellent. They should be able to seal the Breach.” I shifted my weight from one foot to the other not wanting to bring back the nightmares that plagued her, but knew the necessity of doing so. “You are certain you experienced time travel?”
I know you did… do not lie to me.
Ellana’s brow furrowed but I nudged further.
“Could it have been an illusion? A trick of the Fade?”
She worked her jaw silently for a few moments and I saw glimpses of questions and pain reflecting from her eyes. Then she found her voice. “I’ve been to the Fade before; I’d know.”
“What an amazing gift. It is vital that the Inquisition succeed to avoid the future you witnessed.” I remembered to furrow my brow for added effect.
Another fenedhis reminder giving Corypheus my orb was a mistake. Venatori… assassination… red lyrium… again. Corruption.
Interest peaked in her narrowing gaze. “Most people have trouble wrapping their heads around the idea.”
A ghost of a smile touched my lips. “I’m not most people.”
Her eyes dropped to stare at her feet mulling over my words perhaps. The way her shoulders sagged a fraction as if pressed suggesting she weighed her options on telling me the whole story. I waited for her to arrive to a conclusion she was satisfied with.
When she spoke, her tone expressed a heavy weariness that I bit my tongue to keep from reacting to. “I appreciate you talking with me about it, and not being most people.”
She smiled, though it didn’t reach her eyes. It tugged at my heartstrings.
Something light… to make her laugh. What would Varric say in this situation?
I fumbled and spoke the first thing to enter my mind. “If you wish me to speak of Orlesian fashion I maybe at a loss. Magical surprises I can handle, speaking of which you should ready yourself.”
Why does everything turn dark for me?
“For?” Ellana sighed and began wringing her hands again.
I twitched my brow dropping my hands at my side, speaking as if it was obvious. “This Elder One. You have now interfered with his plans twice; first at the Temple of Sacred Ashes and now again at Redcliff. A being who aspires to godhood is unlikely to ignore such an affront.”
Ellana nodded, a sad darkness settling over her features as she turned her gaze back to the center of camp. If she slept tonight the nightmare at Redcliff would plague her because it was all that occupied her mind. It needed to stop or it would consume her, possibly kill her.
You need to let this pass, Lethallan. This future will never exist now.
Going back to repacking my saddlebags, I pinched the bridge of my nose to think. Turning around with a pouch of dry herbs in one fist and my wooden tankard in the other, I made confident strides back to the campfire. Tonight, I would enter the Fade again to dream walk into Ellana’s nightmares to shape them, heal her so that she might have a peaceful night’s rest.
. . .
With the arrival of the mages, Haven grew in activities and headaches. Around the Herald, all the arguments between the mages and everyone else – especially the templars – ceased. The moment Ellana left, however, the mages resumed throwing their bulk around.
I felt the tension rising as some newer mages came scouting about my hut, one day, probably seeking supplies to pilfer or maybe wanting to claim my quarters. It was only after I placed locking wards on my front door did I feel satisfied enough to poke around Haven. All around the village, I felt closed in with the press of too many bodies and loud minds.
As I meandered toward where Cullen trained the Inquisition’s Forces, I noticed a mage growling at Cassandra. Again. The first time this happened the Herald intervened. Now, I felt compelled to step in for the Seeker. There was movement that caught my eye to see the scruffy Warden – the Herald recruited – approach first. He whispered to the mage, his hand casually grazing the hilt of his sword as he did so. The mage snarled, swiping a hand through the air before stomping away.
Cassandra turned to Warden – Blackwall was his name – and they began speaking with heads bowed. I shifted my gaze feeling as if I was suddenly invading a private meeting and decided to grab the leather scraps from Harrit for rewrapping my staff. The Iron Bull nodded toward me with his lieutenant Cremisus standing beside him watching me with narrowed eyes. I responded with a likewise nod and, with the scraps in hand, I made my way back to my hut.
A group of mages examined my door and I groaned, bracing for my confrontation.
“Did you create the ward on this door?” One of the mages asked as she noticed my approaching.
Sweeping passed them, I skewed the ward to unlock the door. “Of course, this is my hut, after all.”
A second mage stepped up to press his hand against the threshold of my door, a haughty demeanor in his eyes. “I’ve seen none but you enter here these past few weeks, Knife-ear. Given Haven’s modest holdings, Enchanter Sulen requires all mages to bunk four to a hut.”
I purposely affixed my dispassionate mask on and shrugged my shoulders, blocking entryway with a casual slant of my staff. “As I’ve said, this is my hut; set aside for my use when the Inquisition was founded here. Your Enchanter holds no power over a mage that never lived in a Circle.”
I watched the mage’s face mottle a deep fascinating shade that would make plums jealous. He clenched his fists at his sides and shifted his beady gaze from me to my crudely fashioned my staff. Maybe he sought to snap it in half as if that could prevent me from accessing my magic. He stayed his hand from action which was best outcome and I resigned to watch a small ripple of the Fade clinging to his form. I shifted my look to a bored one and slowly began to shut the door.
“I do wish you luck in finding your temporary quarters as long as they aren’t mine.”
The dry click and the look on their dumb-founded faces brought a wonderful satisfaction to the morning’s start.
It barely lasted an hour when a loud thumping against my door shattered my meditation. The Wolf snarled inside but I fought the urge to disembowel whoever disturbed me. That course of action was brutish and ill-advised especially if the Herald stood on the other side. Unlikely given the anger behind the pounding.
When it started a second time, I uncurled myself from my cross-legged position, pulled my tunic over my chest and opened the door. Garish winter sun blinded me from high in the sky, and I quickly looked down at the auburn haired mage – in elaborate silk robes - surrounded by the three others who I brushed off that morning. Though I didn’t get a closer look before, I recognized the human as the same man who railed on Cassandra earlier. His spicy green eyes snapped at mine, venom clouding them, possibly his mind too. I sighed and pressed two fingers against my temple.
“Enchanter Sulen, I presume.” I acknowledged with a slight dip of my head. “How may I help you?”
The man’s square jaw clenched and unclenched, working through the simmering anger. “These three told me that you refuse to share your hut despite an order that was given, mage. I demand an explanation.”
I raised an eyebrow, but allowed that sole emotion to show. “As I told your fellow mages here, I am not of the Circle and was assigned these quarters by the Inquisition before an alliance was made with the Rebel Mages.”
“You’re a mage!” Sulen shouted, his face flushing deeper than his robes. “As such, you are bound to--”
“I am a member of the Inquisition and willingly placed myself in the midst of Chantry forces before your Rebellion decided we were a worthy enough cause to lend your support.” I kept my voice calm despite the heat against the back of my eyelids.
Why are they trying to force me into belonging now. When it would be convenient for them?
Enchanter Sulen huffed and punched his fist against my door. “If the Tevinter Alexius hadn’t forced Senior Enchanter Fiona to indenture us we would’ve joined sooner. You have an obligation to accommodate your fellow mages as a mage--”
The Wolf snapped.
“I am under no such obligations.” I answered in a flat tone. “I was there and I witnessed the Inquisition needing to risk the life of their Herald to correct your fatal mistake. Afterward, you were allowed an alliance alongside the Inquisition. We are not the same.”
The mage flushed redder than a tomato if that was even possible, and he screamed loud enough that Adan stuck his head out the window of his hut. “You know nothing of our suffering, apostate. How dare you call yourself a mage! You should be ashamed.”
A bemused smirk lit my faced despite the thumping that beat against my temples. As if one can choose to be a mage, I thought. My fist clutched the brass knob. “Your prisons have been torn down to alleviate your suffering. Now, you must make your own bed as I have.”
I closed the door, placing a ward to lock it from being opened or damaged, and did not react when the Enchanter began his pounding again.
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‘I was addicted to love and toxic relationships’
Life coach Michelle Zelli spent 40 years going from one painful, toxic relationship to another before finally realising she was addicted to love – this is her story. Join Michelle on a self-development workshop this Saturday
In my 30s, having carved a life and reputation as a strong, successful woman, few people knew the truth: an off-the-scale addiction to love and toxic relationships was ruining my life.
Only later in my 40s, after much heartbreak, relentless self attack and diligent therapeutic research I became consciously aware of destructive deep wounding and scars that were causing it – I was being silently sabotaged by the legacy of my chaotic start in life. Love addiction – going from relationship to relationship, intoxicated by the high of early romance – was yet another way to beat myself up, destroying any semblance of my self-esteem. A vicious cycle of intense love, obsession, destruction and craziness had begun.
I cannot recall a time I was not ‘madly in love’ or ‘madly in pain’
Back then, of course, love addiction was unknown. Like so many women, I simply assumed I was wired wrongly and the fault was all mine. I just chose the wrong guy and couldn’t do relationships.
The roots of my love addiction
I was born to a hard drinking, hard living Prize Fighter and his glamorous Playboy Bunny. Unbeknown to me, their toxic but passionately exciting and highly volatile union became an invisible blue print for my own romantic encounters in years to come.
They soon realised they were not ideal parents and gave me up for adoption.
By the age of two I was legally handed over to a couple within the family and there the real trouble began.
The stories surrounding my adoption vary widely from ‘You were starved and left in the cold to die’ to ‘You came with a six bedroom house and monthly payments.’  Neither, from my little person’s perspective, felt ideal or loving. I was an unwanted lodger and an obligation, it was a tough upbringing devoid of love, affection, protection or care.
But you don’t need to have a dark story to suffer a lifetime of fractured relationships, what feels like a constantly broken heart and shattered dreams. Love addiction can result from much lighter and less obviously wounded beginnings.
The impact of early relationships
My first relationship was at school, with a tearaway who’s mane of rock star hair and affected swagger induced my first obsession.
Looking back at the carnage and cruelty he dished out to my young, already broken heart, is a dismal reminder of what I believed I was worth. He broke every rule in the ‘nice boy’ book but I was desperate to feel loved and kept returning for more. With every bounce back I let him know I would suck up whatever he dished out.
I ran the cycle over and over, trapped in a toxic cocktail of destruction and hope.
This pattern became my norm. I came to normalise the not-normal treatment I was getting in the relationship. What else did I know?
Sobbing for hours, I felt bereft and alone in my misery. Then, buoyed by false optimism, when he’d return, I would think: ‘It will be different this time.’ I ran the cycle over and over, bemused and trapped in a toxic cocktail of destruction and hope.
Throughout my teens, twenties and thirties I jumped from one relationship to another.  I can’t recall a time I was not ‘madly in love’ or ‘madly in pain’ but I did my best to contain the inner hysteria which ruled my life.
I had a well-worn list of ways I self-medicated the pain and avoided deep despair such as sex, drugs, work, sugar, exercise, learning, TV, food …. you name it, I tried it. I cycled through the list in such a way that few people had any idea I was an addict.  After all, if you only do something for a few weeks and move on, you can easily look like a high achiever! But out of control behaviour- whether it’s drugs, sex, love or eating –  is designed to protect you from the pain.
Wind forward forty years, I met my real father and had a breakdown as a lifetime of internal turmoil and stagnant emotion poured out, rendering me fit for nothing. This unexpected tsunami, and subsequent melt down, highlighted the importance of understanding my life’s purpose. My inner workings were complex but I vowed to become an expert in this condition we call being human.
Discovering a path for healing
Years of therapy, with dozens of well-meaning professionals, proved largely ineffective and I felt compelled to take my healing further afield.
Eventually I created my own coaching processes which are spiritual and psychological and run deep, but are also directive and with clear goals. I spent years creating the work I needed for myself, which is now my signature work helping others.
At 42, I quit my Board Level Blue Chip role, with only faith to guide me. I vowed to people around the world who could help change my patterns and quash my inner demons. Jumping on a plane and heading for America I sought out people with extraordinary reputations that could help me. Wyatt Webb, therapist to Oprah Winfrey and other Hollywood stars took me under his wing as both a client and a mentoree.
My purpose soon unfurled like a magic carpet. As I healed, my life was reinvented. Within a few years I built a thriving coaching practice purely on reputation and referral. Clients came from around the world as word spread fast.
By magnifying the best parts of our new partner, we  unconsciously edit out the bad so our fantasy can be sustained
When your man picker is broken it can feel like the end of the world, or at least the beginning of your destiny as the local crazy cat lady.  But love addiction can be overcome. Though I see an increasing number of smart, sassy and fabulous single women shutting down to the possibility of a loving and healthy relationship, I’m living proof it doesn’t have to be your destiny.
Understanding what love addiction is
Understandably the term love addiction turns people off before they’ve had a chance to look at the symptoms and the often devastating impact to their lives. This destructive and painful pattern leads to catastrophic endings, celibate decades and a deep mistrust of the opposite sex. Understanding love addiction can provide a light at the end of this dark, derailing tunnel.
Unlike sex addiction, love addiction is not listed as a recognised Psychological Disorder by the medical profession in the U.K. or America. Instead it’s become a generalised heading for a common set of behaviours to help us understand an all too common dilemma when embarking on a romantic expedition.
Love addicts have a deep, often unconscious, yearning to feel lovable
Love addicts have a deep, often unconscious, yearning to feel lovable, understood and connected to another human at the deepest level. For many people the early part of a relationship – those goosebump, butterly- inducing ‘in love’ feelings – is an exciting time of growth and emotional nourishment.
For the love addict, however, meeting a potential Mister Right can be the start of a pattern of imploding, self hatred and sheer, off the scale fantasy. We are most terrified by the intimacy involved in relationships; of letting people see who we really are, so we shy away from the very thing we want most in life.
Why you’re always attracting the same type of man
For 15 years I have practised dynamic psycho-spiritual coaching with hundreds of clients. My own self professed love addiction took me around the world to learn about this underrated disabler from the inside out. Which in turn has led me to help women understand their proclivity for love-rats, narcissists and man-boys. It can feel as though an invisible force is at work, magnetically drawing the same type of men towards you, albeit in different guises.
Love addicts often find themselves in a cycle of short lived romance and candlelight,
I see successful women a crumble into a hole of self-doubt, self-loathing and disrespect under a cloud of love addiction in the early stages of obsessing about their new lover if he pulls away. This is alternating with the high, induced upon receiving a ‘Good morning gorgeous’ text from our new love interest, whilst flying amongst the stars when your new beau makes you feel special and adored.
Love addicts often find themselves in a cycle of short lived romance and candlelight, big dreams and Disneyesque wishes. All too often the fairy tale comes crashing down. Within a few months well worn dreams dissolve as old, familiar behaviours burst love bubbles and pee on romantic parades – she gets needy, he pulls away. She finds someone else to comfort the pain, and it all starts again.
Love addicts magnify the best parts of our new partner and carefully, unconsciously edit out the bad, to ensure their fantasy can be sustained. It isn’t easy to keep the promo alive and kicking but we have an array of strategies to eek out the life span of this dangerous attachment.
The turning point that led to change
Just when I thought I was out of the woods, at 45, a grand finale of a heart, mind and body blow came in the form of a smart, sexy Jack the Lad type.
We met online and instantly connected with a myriad of things in common. He noticed the slightest things and never failed to make me feel appreciated, adorable and smart.
Within a few messages I was ‘fizzing’ at the thought of our pending date. We met in the swanky bar at The Mandarin Oriental Hotel, drank and drooled our way through a magnetic attraction and an intense eight hour date.
To this day I get misty eyed recalling the impact when he touched the inside of my knee – my eyelids closed, I melted. He knew he had me.
I remember looking at myself in the mirror in the luxurious ladies loo and mouthing to my reflection ‘This is your last irresponsible love affair’ and it really was!
The eighteen month rollercoaster of a relationship brought highs and lows which made my previous relationships seem balanced.  Oh my, the sex was cosmic, the connection other worldly and well, the fighting…. I truly channelled my inner banshee.
I became the old insecure, obsessive, crazy addict. He matched me at ever step. We eventually parted after months of taking chunks out of each other. It took everything I had, and a little bit more, to extricate myself. I spent months pining for the way he would make me feel and revelled in the memories of the fantasy we shared.
Like all addictions, we’re never cured, we simply understand how to manage ourselves and our old habits
Many more years were spent working with world experts to dig through the romantic rubble to fully understand how the hell I had fallen foul of my old demons yet again. Today I thank my last Jack The Lad for making ‘love’ so painful that I was forced to take action, get help and abstain until I could trust myself.
This catastrophic heartbreak gave me the final shift I needed to go where I had never been before! Soon I found my way to Pia Mellody’s work – she’s known as a leading world expert in love addiction and at that time was head clinician at a well known rehab in Arizona. Mellody is also the author of many books about love addiction including the global bestseller Facing Love Addiction: Giving Yourself the Power to Change the Way You Love.
The list of ‘gurus’ that helped me was long and expensive but I was determined to stick to my pledge.
I absorbed a myriad of processes, first for my own betterment and soon to practice professionally, using my own experiences to light the way. I now consider myself a master curator, ensuring clients receive the right process at exactly the right time for them to illuminate their emotional patterns and ignite their healing.
Getting help for love addiction
SLAA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous) provides a safe place to go and meet like minded people, to understand more about their wounds in a group setting based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. I was lucky as already having a successful coach I was able to jump on that plane, and seek out world experts to illuminate and eliminate old patterns. Like all addictions, we’re never cured, we simply understand how to manage ourselves and our old habits which, given half a chance, will quickly reel us back in.
by Healthista Expert
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