#it says a lot abt the fic 👀
Imagine if Y/n and tom blyth played Anya and Dimitri from Anastasia. 😍⁉️
Anastasia || Tom Blyth x actress!reader
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A/n: IM SO INLOVE W UR IDEA. also, if u haven’t already seen Anastasia? wtf r u doing? WATCH IT RN. guys you’re gonna have to imagine a lot bc of the pics 😭 but dw I wrote whos supposed to be who so it’ll make more sense!!! p.s should I do a fic where tom x actress!reader is in bridgerton?? 👀 send requests if u have any ideas.
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Liked by y/n_y/l/n, y/l/nupdates, and 297,484 others
Y/n and Tom spotted out in London today!! CAN WE TALK ABT HER HAIR OMG??? ITS RED?! AHHHHH
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↘️ y/n_y/l/n_fp: IM STILL IN SHOCK 😮
user037: what hair colour can she not pull off. lets be real here 🤷🏻‍♀️
user88: they’re still together? even after the rumours of her cheating on Tom w her co-star? 💀
↘️ y/n_y/l/n_fp: they’re called rumours for a reason babes x
↘️ user643: y/n ate in that movie
↘️ user017: it’s so good 😭
↘️ user03: she was so cringe in that movie 😐
↘️ user94: if it was so cringe, why should she be nominated for an Emmy then? 😃
user55: maybe it’s for her upcoming film that she talked about in an interview?
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Liked by madelyncline, rachelzegler, y/n_y/l/n, tomblyth and 14,307,583 others
it’s been announced that ‘it couple’ Y/n Y/l/n and Tom Blyth will be playing Anya and Dimitri in Lockshin’s upcoming live action adaptation of Anastasia! Lockshin says to expect release dates soon.
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y/n_y/l/n: yayayyayayaa
madelyncline: I’m so excited @y/n_y/l/n 😆
↘️ y/n_y/l/n: ME TOO!
user927: ya’ll I’ve been waiting for them to do a live action movie of Anastasia. Just can’t believe y/n and Tom will be in it 😭
user73: finally they’re in a movie together, can’t wait to see their chemistry even more on screen!
user84: with Michael Lockshin directing and Y/n and Tom as the main characters, I just KNOW this movie is gonna be so good.
user42: y/n and tom are so anya and dimitri coded 🥹
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Am I the Asshole for totally refusing to read my friends fanfics?
(👀👀👀 <- to recognize)
So me and my friend are both 15 (she is a few month older, I'm aroace and she isn't sure abt her sexuality yet, if that matters) so I'm not sure if this is just pretty teenager drama but yeah.
So this friend, I'll call her C, was the one who got me into like fandoms and fanfics and stuff and because we are in a lot of the same fandoms I often beta-read her fics before she uploads them to Ao3. And after she uploads them I usually leave a small comment on it to support her.
Now comes the problem: I am personally very uncomfortable with smut fics and I HAVE told her so repeatedly. She writes some occasionally and wants me to proof-read but I tell her I don't feel comfortable doing so. She then goes on about how she will have to find someone else to read it and how that is such a pain for her to do because god knows why.
Recently however, she just sends me the fics she wants me to proofread and doesn't tell me that they are smut. So I'll be halfway through correcting them and suddenly those two characters she likes are going at it. Every single time it happened it was so fucking upsetting and she just asks me to finish correcting it because I already started so she wouldnt have to look for anyone else. So by now I just refuse to proof-read her fics or read them after she publishes it, which is noticeable cause my comments are missing. This in turn makes her upset because I am not supporting her.
She then complained to our two mutual friends abt this and they are divided as well. One of them, who already knew C before we all met each other, was on C's side and claimed that I am not letting her cope. Cope with what? I don't know. The other one supports me, so our entire friend group is a bit strained now.
Sorry if I became a bit rant-y (is that the right way to say that?) or if I made some typos while writing this. I'm kinda upset still.
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hotchs-big-hands · 8 months
dbf & corruption link Hotch with plus-sized reader who didn’t think he would ever be interested in HER and is so naive about it omfg the gif u reposted fuckkk I can’t stop thinking about it
Okay I didn't realise I was gonna turn this into a whole fic JWFJEKFKDKFKRK (I'm writing this midway through the fic rn whoops 🫣)
Reader is early 20s and lives at home with her dad. I cba writing too much abt it in the plot sorry lol
Dbf!Aaron Hotchner x plus-size fem!reader|Minors dni NSFW|5.9K words
Warning(s): SMUT, Corruption kink, fingerfucking, sir/daddy kink 👀, almost getting caught
(d/n) = dad's name
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It wasn't often you met your dad's friends, they only really managed a few meet ups a year with how busy people's lives were these days. And so when your dad approached you to inform you he was attending a meal out with said friends you were happy for him. But you didn't expect him to offer you to join him.
"My buddies have been wondering how you're getting on," he had said, standing in the doorway of your bedroom. "You should come along, sunny. The guys are bringing along their partners but eh, you know me. As big of a bachelor as one can be."
You rolled your eyes with a chuckle, but within your stomach you felt it coiling with anxiety. And you knew he could tell from the change of expression on his face.
"Hey... you don't actually have to come along if you're not comfortable. I know you don't really, uh, enjoy these sorts of things."
"No, no! I'll come along. Um, I just don't really remember any of your friends by name." You said quickly. He chuckled and shook his head, and you knew if he was closer he would have ruffled your hair affectionately.
"Fair enough, sunny. That's a relief actually, given that I already booked for you to come along as well."
With a gasp, you thumped your dad lightly.
"Dude!" You cried, making him laugh and step back a little.
"Well, we're aiming to meet up around seven tonight so be sure to be ready by half six." He grinned at you and you felt yourself returning the expression. It was nice seeing your dad looking a lot happier these days.
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By the time you were dressed up ready for the meal that night you were inwardly panicking. Had you overdressed? Underdressed? Why did it even matter what his friends thought? Oh god, having to eat in front of his friends?! Needless to say, you were an absolute mess. Your dad grabbed one of your hands to squeeze it comfortingly as the two of you sat in the back of a taxi on the way to the restaurant and your lips curled up slightly in appreciation. It would be okay. There was no need to panic.
The ride was all too short to calm your nerves and at this point you felt jittery. It was too late to back out now though, and you quickly climbed out of the taxi when your dad walked around to open your door for you, mumbling a quick thanks and smoothing out the skirt of your pretty dress. You hadn't gone with anything flashy, opting to wear a mid-thigh length white dress that was covered in tiny blue flowers with a dropped neckline, some pretty knee-high socks and white sneakers. It made you feel good, your large curves complimented your outfit and you felt less inclined to shy away right now. With a quick adjustment of the strap of your bag, you followed your dad into the restaurant.
Oh... it was certainly more posh than you anticipated. Had your dad's friends always been this fancy?! Those coils of anxiety only tightened more as your dad spoke to the waiter about the booking. And then you were both escorted to a large table where six other people were already seated.
"Well look who it is! (D/n), you're looking well!" One of the men exclaimed cheerfully. You vaguely recognised the faces around the table, but not enough to know them by name. The man's eyes flicked to you and his eyes widened. "Goodness! Is that your little one?! You're all grown up!"
Your cheeks felt hot as you quickly sat down beside your dad, smiling shyly at the outspoken friend.
"Yeah, it's me. I don't think you guys have seen me since I was... eleven?" You conversed quietly. One of the wives of a different friend leaned forward, eyes sparkling.
"You look gorgeous, sweetie!"
Beside you, your dad could feel you trembling slightly and chuckled, waving his friends off.
"Alright, alright let the girl be."
As the attention drifted from you and the conversations changed to the mundane of friends catching up after a long time, your eyes drifted around the table. Your brows slightly pulled together. There was an empty seat next to you on your left. You gently nudged your dad, who turned to you.
"What's up, sunny?" He asked quietly. You offered a quick smile of reassurance.
"Um, is there meant to be someone else here?"
His eyes flicked to the empty chair, then back to you.
"Ohhh right yes! You remember Mr Hotchner, right? He's running a little late but he should be here soon."
No, you didn't quite remember Mr Hotchner. It had been years since you'd heard anything surrounding that name. All you knew was he had a very involved job that took him all over the country. As you sat deep in thought your dad's voice cut through as he made a humming noise, mouth full of beer. You glanced at him, noting he was looking over your shoulder at someone. But before you could turn you heard the chair next to you slide on the polished floor and shuffle as someone sat down in it. A wave of an alluring cologne flooded your senses and you slowly turned back to facing the table, heart racing. Then you heard him.
"I'm sorry I'm late, we just got back from a case. Barely had time to freshen up at home before coming here." Mr Hotchner spoke smoothly, voice deep and sensually gentle. You dared to glance next to you and you clenched your pillowy thighs together. Fucking christ, he was sexy! With the corner of his mouth turned upwards, the man oozed assurance and control as he greeted his friends around the table. Your eyes couldn't stop wandering over his features, the scattered beauty marks on his mature skin, the eyebags under his dark eyes, the prominent slope of his nose that you quickly had to move on from to not let your mind wander too much... His hair was short with a few stray wisps flopping onto his forehead and you could have sworn you could spot a few streaks of grey in it too.
And then he turned to look at you and your father. He raised a brow, feigning surprise.
"Oh hello, Mr (L/n). It's been a very long time since I saw you last. And this must be..." his eyes drifted to you, his lips twitching.
"(Y/n), sir." You managed to say, feeling hot and flustered. You dad chortled.
"My lovely sunny is here to humor her old man! Don't spook her."
"Spook me?" You squeaked. Mr Hotchner chuckled and shook his head.
"He's referring to me profiling people as part of my job. It tends to freak people out." He explained to you in that delicious voice of his. "And please, call me Aaron. Calling me sir makes me feel old."
Aaron didn't look even the slightest bit annoyed, his smirk only growing as his eyes travelled up and down your figure. You shivered.
"I- I see... Could you tell me more about this, um, profiling stuff? I don't really know what you do for a living." You admitted. Aaron had ordered a bourbon, taking hold of the glass and sipping some of the deep orange coloured liquid and setting the glass down again.
"Oh? Well, seeing as you're curious..."
You barely remembered the meal you had ordered, more engrossed in the conversation you were having with this man. He was so fascinating, passionate and when the topic of his son came up his smile softened and he pulled his wallet out to show you a photo of the cute boy. That... hm. You didn't want to think about the fact that he had already been through something as involved as having a child with someone. There was no place for you to be thinking about this man any more than a daughter of his best friend should.
But here you were, spending the night chatting to the man effortlessly whilst your heart fluttered. It was only when your dad tapped you on the shoulder that you realised the evening was coming to an end.
"Hey sunny, I know you're having a great chat with Aaron there but it's time to get going." He said with a chuckle. Your eyes widened slightly and you scowled, shoving him with your shoulder.
"Say less dad, I beg." You shot back quickly, cheeks flushing as you followed along with him pushing away from the table and standing up. Your hands smoothed out your dress, making sure all was in place again and you shuffled closer to standing next to your dad. It was when Aaron rose up slowly from his own seat with an air of grace that you realised you had to crane your neck a bit to look him in the face. The corner of his mouth twitched at the slight widening of your eyes when he straightened up and you dipped your head quickly.
"Don't worry, I'll be sure to try see you again. Although, I'm not certain on when that would be." He spoke, eyes focused on you. Your dad reached forward to shake his hand, seemingly oblivious to what was happening.
"Whenever you're back in town Aaron, you're free to come visit, my pleasure." He shook firmly, but Aaron was barely focussed. With an unwavering eye contact, his smirk widened. You could feel your legs trembling slightly under his fiery gaze.
"Oh, the pleasure is mine."
When their hands dropped, Aaron turned to you and offered to shake your hand as well, his hand smothering yours when you hesitantly reached out to take it. He gazed down at you, his thick lashes framing his gorgeous brown eyes.
"Until next time, (Y/n)." He said quietly and then turned around and walked away. Your dad raised a brow at you as you watched the older man retreat but merely chuckled once under his breath.
"Come on you, taxi's on its way." Your dad pulled you from your daze and you blinked, cheeks feeling warm for being caught staring. With a huff, you slapped your dad's shoulder when you noticed the growing grin on his face.
"Yeah, yeah. Shut up."
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Over the next couple months, you saw Aaron briefly as he passed by in between cases. Each time, no matter for how short of a time, he would stop to chat and get to know you a little more. And every time you felt your crush grow stronger and stronger. But suddenly, he stopped showing up. You never heard from him, not a peep. Humiliatingly, when you idly asked your father if he had heard from the man he showed you the communications he had had from the last time Aaron had been in town to now. To say the least it left you feeling crushed and stupid.
Another month flew by after that before you saw Mr Hotchner again. For the first couple weeks you were secretly hopeful he would show up again, checking up every time you returned from work. But he never showed. And it... well, it didn't feel good to miss someone you had only met properly once and had a couple smaller conversations after that with. Maybe he knew you had a stupid crush on him and was put off from showing up. He had no reason to want someone like you, after all. By the sixth week since you'd seen the man last you'd forced yourself to move on from being hopeful.
And then when you returned home from work one evening you noticed an unfamiliar car parked at the end of the driveway. Tired, you paid it no mind and trudged up to the front door and let yourself in with your key. You shuffled into the house and locked the door behind you, then made a move to enter the living room.
"Hey, dad? I'm home." You called out. There was a scuffle of feet and the very same man appeared with a grin.
"Ah, there you are! We have a guest over, as you probably could tell." He said cheerily and you chuckled.
"Mhm, well I'll just go and change upstairs. Be back in a sec."
With a ruffle of your hair from your dad, you rushed upstairs and decided to take a shower to wash the exhaustion of the day away. After you'd dumped your bag on your bed, you grabbed your towel and a fresh set of lounging clothes to lay out on your bed and made your way to the bathroom which was down the hall. Avoiding looking in the large vanity mirror, you stripped and stepped under the warm water of the shower once you'd switched it on.
"Mmh.." you groaned as the water sprayed down your achy muscles. For a moment, you simply stood there with your eyes closed as you basked in the soothing sensation. A moment later you lathered your plush body with your favourite soaps, taking care to glide your hands over your every curve. Idly, you thought of him, of those hands of his. You switched the water to cold.
Feeling clean and relaxed, you stepped out of the shower and wrapped your towel around yourself. Now all there was to do was return to your bedroom. As you crossed the hall, you heard the tap of footsteps making their way up the staircase. As sneakily as you could, you peeked to see who was ascending and a little squeak escaped you against your will. Still just as devastatingly handsome as the last time you saw him, Mr Hotchner was gaining closer and closer to your location and with a quick jump of action you scurried the rest of the way to your room and all but slammed your door shut.
Your chest heaved, adrenaline pumped through you and shakily you towelled yourself off and redressed in the fresh clothing. Maybe it was better if you changed, you thought as you looked down at the slightly more fitted tank top and shorts you were sporting now.
"No, don't be ridiculous." You mumbled to yourself and after hanging your towel up to dry you forced your legs to move towards your bedroom door and back out to the hallway. It was when you made it to the top of the stairs he called out to you.
"Oh, (Y/n). I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were exiting the bathroom earlier." Aaron said smoothly, startling you to spin on your axel towards him. Shit, had he seen you?!
"Um, it's fine. No harm done." You mumbled in response, shifting your weight from one hip to the other under his dark gaze. His brow twitched.
Much to your dismay, he was by your side quicker than you realised and the two of you descended down to find your dad. With every step, the back of Aaron's hand would brush against the side of your arm accidentally, causing goosebumps to spring up across your skin. What were you to say to this man now?
"It's...it's been a while since you were last in town." You said finally, internally wincing and wishing you'd stayed quiet. The man beside you hummed.
"Had an onslaught of back-to-back cases. This is the first time my team and I have been able to catch a break. And... well, we won't get into it just yet." Aaron responded, his exhaustion barely suppressed behind his words. You wanted answers, to know why he showed up now or all times. Of what he wouldn't get into. Instead, you made a barely audible noise in response.
Glancing at the man you realised he was full on frowning now and you cleared your throat, chest aching.
"Oh! I see you found her then, huh?" The sound of your dad's voice startled you and you quickly stepped away from the older man beside you. Rounding the corner, your dad appeared wearing a jacket and shoes over his clothes, confusing you.
"Dad? Where are you going?" You asked.
"Just going to the store to grab some food."
Aaron frowned and stepped forward, stuffing his hand into his pocket to grab his wallet.
"Here, let me head to the store or at least pay for the inconvenience." He said but your dad huffed and straightened out his jacket.
"No, you're our guest, Aaron. Now grab yourself a drink and relax, buddy."
Shaking his head but smiling, Aaron reluctantly stuffed his wallet away and raised his hands in defeat.
"Next time is on me, (D/n)."
"Deal." Your dad grinned, then he shifted his focus to you. "You be a good host now, got it?"
You grimaced.
"I mean I don't mind going, he's here to see you anyway so.."
"Nonsense, I'm here to visit both of you." The man beside you said, of which your dad chuckled.
"Well there you go, he said it himself. Now I'm going out so we're not waiting too late having dinner."
You scoffed at his words but inwardly your heart was pounding. He was seriously leaving you home alone with Mr Hotchner?! Your eyes flitted to the man, who was seemingly paying attention to your father as he moved towards the front door. It was only when you heard the slam of the door that it truly sunk in; you were home alone with the man you'd grown an embarrassingly big crush on while simultaneously feeling an unjustified anger towards.
On shaky legs, you shuffled towards the kitchen to grab a drink and calm your nerves. Just as you grabbed a glass from the cupboard he spoke.
"Are you alright?" Aaron's voice startled you once again and automatically your hand let go of the glass cup, a crash following as it smashed into glistening, sharp shards. You'd barely gasped when Aaron appeared crouched before you, picking larger shards up immediately.
"I'm sorry." He uttered, snapping you out of your startled trance. You crouched down as well as you shook your head vigorously.
"No, it's okay. It's my fault-"
You looked up and froze, realising your faces were far closer than you'd anticipated. He was frowning, then he straightened up rapidly to dump the shards of glass in his hands in the trashcan.
"Please, leave the clean up to me. I was the one who startled you. Besides, you haven't got shoes on right now. So, can you hop up on the counter top?" He asked you, his tone more firm than you'd heard before. It made your lower lip jut out. You made a noise of acknowledgement, straightened up and braced your palms on the counter top behind you to help yourself onto it. Aaron had turned back to you by this point, a wash of satisfaction traced over his more alert expression at the sight of you safely away from the shards on the ground.
"Vacuum?" He simply said. You winced.
"O-oh.. um, it's in the storage under the staircase."
With a nod, Aaron swiftly left the room, his footsteps echoing through the house. God, could you feel anymore embarrassed than you did already in that moment? He had to clean up after you because you were incapable of functioning around him. You wished you had a crush on someone nearer your age, at least they wouldn't find you so childish as you suspected Aaron did. With your head hanging low you didn't even notice him re-enter the room, not until he padded towards you carefully and set the vacuum down.
"Hey... it's alright, just an accident. I didn't mean to scare you." He said softly. You sniffled and shook your head.
"S'fine. I'm okay." You mumbled. He paused for a moment, then placed a hand on your knee.
"I'll just quickly clean this mess up, alright sweetheart? I'll be with you as soon as I can."
Your head shot up at the pet name, wet eyes wide as you studied his face. The corner of his mouth twitched upwards, despite the concerned furrow in his brow.
"There you are. Just sit tight, don't want any glass to hurt you."
You watched as Aaron set up the vacuum cleaner and, crouched again, he hastily but thoroughly removed the debris from the floor. When he was satisfied, he unplugged the machine and lifted it up, the muscles in his arms bulging in his neat dress shirt. Your eyes followed him, but dropped away when he glanced your way.
"Um thanks, Mr Hotchner." You uttered and made a move to slide off the counter top. And then one of his long legs pressed against your shin, willing you to stay in place.
"Ah, ah, ah wait there." He muttered.
You quivered and shuffled back onto the counter top properly. What on earth..? You watched him leave again, swinging your legs nervously. Surely he had got rid of all the glass, right? You were unable to ponder for long when Aaron returned again, eyes on you as he approached. Your brows creased.
"Um I'm sure I can move, right? You got all the glass."
He hummed, stopping in front of you now, gaze still unwavering.
"Can't be too careful now, can we?" He said with a little smirk. You swallowed thickly.
"May I talk to you about something?"
Your eyes trailed over his face, noting on an emotion you hadn't spotted upon first inspection. Slowly, you shook your head.
"Um yes, you can, Mr Hotchner."
He puffed air out of his nose.
"You don't need to be so formal with me, (Y/n)."
You dropped your gaze.
"Sorry, can't help it." You managed to say, feeling shy and silly. He leaned one hip against the counter beside you, crossing his arms against his broad chest.
"Don't apologise, sweetheart." He shifted his weight, now a little closer still to you. His scent enveloped you, it was soothing. "I... wanted to apologise for disappearing for a long time." He finally said. You shuddered.
"Um, it's okay-"
The sound of him clearing his throat silenced you and rendered you unable to do anything more than stare wide-eyed at him. He hummed and raised a brow.
"Sweetheart, you do know I can tell when someone is lying, right?"
"Mr Hotchner, sir I- I'm not lying, It's okay-"
Aaron moved suddenly, caging you in by placing his hands either side of your wide, plump hips and stared you down.
"Tsk. Don't be naughty by doubling down on lying." He gazed through his thick lashes now, leaning his face closer to yours. His scent overwhelmed you now and you bit back a whimper. "Come now, I upset you and I want to make things right."
You squeezed your eyes shut and gripped onto your shorts tightly, balling the fabric up in your tight fits.
"F-fine. I just... why did you stop visiting all of a sudden?" You wrinkled your nose a little and huffed. "God, I sound like a fucking weird-"
"No. Allow me to explain."
You exhaled quietly, not expecting him to cut you off like that. He sighed and lifted his hands up to rub his face.
"I... well, I had to distance myself from you. Not because I don't enjoy seeing you, it's more the opposite. I have feelings for you which I most certainly should not have, not as a friend of your father." He said, fumbling his thumb and pointer finger together.
You froze.
Was this really happening? Your heart felt like it was racing, your stomach coiling as you stared at him.
"I- Mr Hotchner, you..."
Aaron grimaced and shifted his weight, ready to step back from you.
"I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. I knew this was a bad idea to tell you, but I just thought you should know why I had started avoiding you." He said sincerely, then dropped his arms and turned his body.
You didn't know why you did it, but your hand shot out and you grabbed his shirt.
"-No! Don't- don't go!"
Aaron's breath hitched from your outburst, but he also didn't try to pull away from your touch either.
You felt warm, dropping your gaze whilst your fingers messed with the expensive fabric of his shirt.
"I- I don't want you to leave. You didn't make me uncomfortable." You mumbled. The man waited for you to continue speaking as you opened your mouth and closed it a few times. "I, um, I just wasn't expecting you to say you were interested in me."
Your eyes flicked to his face and you sucked your lower lip between your teeth at the furrowed expression on his face.
"You thought I wasn't interested in you?" Aaron's brows raised and he stepped a little closer towards you. "Sweetheart, I don't tend to talk to people outside of my close circle much at all, and, admittedly, I don't often visit people very often. But I just had to see you again."
His confession made you feel strange in a way you couldn't pinpoint on. Not necessarily bad, but a little unsure. Your eyes met his beautiful dark brown ones.
"Mr Hotchner, I don't see why you-"
"Call me that one more time and you'll be calling me sir instead." He cut you off sternly and you gasped. His left hand moved to rest on the counter just barely brushing against the outer side of your thigh and he leaned towards you, his face almost close enough for the two of you to kiss.
"I want you, sweetheart. I've spent the last few months trying to clear you from my thoughts," He paused to let out a small sigh. "However, you remain embedded within the foundations of my mind and I've come to accept this wholly. But just tell me if you don't want this and I will never bring this to you again, I promise."
Your eyes trailed over his face, tracing the creases and lines of age and you longed to feel them under your fingertips. You grabbed onto his arm.
"I-I want this... please. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you too." You confessed with a shy smile. Aaron chuckled through an exhale of relief and he began to close the gap between your lips and his.
"I was hoping you'd say that."
Desperately, you pressed your lips to his and moved your hands to grip onto his broad shoulders. Responding to you, Aaron's hands moved to grab onto the squish of your hips, digging into them as he pulled you ever closer towards him. Now chest to chest, you whined against his mouth and instinctively, your legs parted enough for him to slip between.
All too soon, you parted for oxygen, your chest heaving and straining under your lounging tee. Aaron brushed his nose against yours sensually, his thumbs stroking your hips.
"I estimate your father will be gone for forty-five minutes at most." He murmured and you whimpered.
"Y-yes, maybe..."
"Sweet girl, I want to make sure you know how I feel, truly."
Your hands tightened their grip on the shirt.
He chuckled, pressing a light kiss to your lips.
"If you'll let me, sweet girl, I want to pleasure you. We'll have to be quick though, at least this time round."
This time, this time. You felt light headed in the best way.
"W-what do you wanna do?" You hesitantly asked him. Aaron slid his hands to the expanse of your thighs with a hum.
"You don't know how much I wanted to slip my hand up your dress that night we met to touch your pretty pussy, sweetheart- "
"M-Mr Hotchner!" You squeaked, cheeks flushing from the dirty confession. A deep rumble reverberated through him and one of his hands lightly slapped your thigh. You jolted, but he held you in place.
"That's it, little girl. I don't want to hear any other title other than 'sir' from you now until I say so, is that clear?"
You nodded. Another slap, slightly closer to your inner thigh. You gasped out.
"Y-yes sir!"
Satisfied, Aaron hummed and grabbed onto your thighs and, with a hint of a smile, he pulled you closer to the edge and spread your legs wider. You yelped, hands grasping onto any part of him you could to steady yourself and he chuckled whilst pressing his lips to the corner of your mouth.
"Mhm, gonna let me take a look, sweetheart?" He murmured against your skin, fingers dancing along the waistband of your shorts. You whimpered.
"I-I-" Fuck, you didn't know what to even say. You'd done minimal things with others before, but they were underwhelming experiences and you preferred to close that chapter of your life. But here you were, sprawled out on the kitchen counter with your father's friend who was more than twice your age, trying to process what he had asked you.
Aaron brushed his nose against yours, bringing you from your racing thoughts.
"Aww, don't know what you want, sweet girl? It's alright, let daddy help you." He cooed. Almost immediately, your body spasmed with the way he addressed himself and he huffed out a quiet laugh. "You like that, huh? Like the thought of calling me daddy?"
You whimpered, hips rolling against his with need.
"Uh-huh, I do."
"Say it then, I want to hear it. Then I'll give you anything you want."
Your eyes widened at the commanding tone he used. Your pussy twitched.
"I- I do, daddy. Wanna call you daddy really badly."
"Mhmm.." Aaron pressed his lips to yours again and your hands gripped his shirt again. You could feel the prominent bulge in his pants against your clothed slit now, subconsciously grinding yourself against it. With a low growl, Aaron pulled his lips from yours sharply and his hands grasped your thighs to pin you in place. You whined, trying to push back and feel the friction against your pussy again.
"Behave, little girl. Now lift your butt up for me." He commanded you and, desperate for his touch, you propped yourself up on your elbows to raise your ass from the counter top. You vaguely heard him call you a good girl before he slipped his finger tips into the band of your shorts and, with a swift pull, he removed them. You squeaked, automatically closing your legs but Aaron growled, tugging your plush thighs apart again. Your chest heaved, arousal flaring within you as you realised he was staring directly at your panties. His mouth twitched.
"Pretty panties on such a pretty girl."
You whimpered when he let go of your right thigh to slide his thick fingers over a wet patch on the crotch of fabric. Your hips bucked, you hadn't realised just how pent up you were.
"D-daddy- please!" You pleaded and he cooed at you with a smirk.
"Want daddy to play with your little pussy, huh? We'll have to be quick if you wanna cum."
You nodded eagerly, grinding your hips against his fingers eagerly.
"Mmh- yes, sir!"
"Good girl. Hold your legs spread for me."
Hooking your hands underneath your knees, you trembled as Aaron moved his right hand to pull your panties to the side, revealing your slick, puffy pussy to him. He hummed in approval, ghosting his fingers over your folds and gathering some of your juices on the tips.
"You're so wet, sweetheart. Is this all for me?" He asked softly. You wiggled your hips a little.
"Y-yeah, daddy~ only for you..."
Aaron groaned as he parted your folds to reveal your hooded clit and dripping entrance.
"Next time I want to eat you out, sweet girl. You're fucking divine looking." He rumbled, swiping his thumb over your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your hips bucked immediately, Aaron hummed. "Gonna fingerfuck you this time, that sound nice, huh?"
"Mmmh, yeah daddy, need it!" You whimpered, at this point just desperate for anything. Aaron kissed you roughly, the sounds of both yours and his lips moving against one another made you squirm. But you gasped out when he slipped his thick middle finger into your entrance, taking you by surprise. And with a smug grunt, Aaron slid his tongue against yours to deepen the messy kiss. One finger became two, sliding in and out of your sopping wet hole and stretching you around the two digits.
The edge of his palm massaged your throbbing, little clit as he curled the fingers upwards inside you, searching for the spot that would have your toes curling. A sudden burning pleasure spread through your lower abdomen and you moaned against Aaron's mouth. You felt his lips curl into a smile, smug as he began to thrust the two fingers up inside you in an unbreaking movement. You heard it then, the messy, gushing sound of your pussy squelching in time with the rapid thrusts and you bucked up into it, feeling the burning pleasure begin to build up. You couldn't kiss back anymore, mouth fallen open now with every whimper and cry as the thrusts increased in speed. Aaron bit down onto your lower lip, then pulled away with a wet kiss.
"You're fucking clenching around daddy's fingers so well, sweetheart. You close, huh? You gonna cum for me?" He coaxed you, the hand that had originally been holding your panties to the side now pressed down on your plush stomach, leveraging his other hand's movement. You sobbed and writhed, eyes fluttering as you struggled to keep them open.
"G-gonna cu-um! Wanna cum, daddy!"
With a grunt, Aaron's fingers moved blindingly fast, your pussy's squelches echoing in the kitchen along with your wails. He pressed his lips to your neck.
"Fucking cum for me, sweetheart. Come on, that's a good girl. Cum." He growled at you. And as your pussy began to flutter and clench around his fingers he ripped them from your hole and instead brushed them over your almost neglected clit. It was almost instantaneous then, the arch of your back, the roll of your eyes, moaning brokenly as you cummed hard.
And then you heard the keys jingling in the lock of the front door.
"Fuck-" Aaron hissed, pulling his hand away and quickly grabbing your shorts so you could pull them back on again. You were shaking, struggling to pull the garment of clothing back on so you could slip off the counter top. You heard running water, spying Aaron washing his hands and when you met his gaze the two of you giggled, adrenaline pumping through your veins.
"G-go up to the bathroom!" You whispered, gesturing to the prominent bulge in his crotch area. He huffed, but grinned and pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
"We'll continue this another time, sweetheart." He whispered. He rushed off out of sight and, whilst on still shaky legs, you turned to wipe down the kitchen top just in time for your father to enter the room.
"Ah, you getting a head start with clearing up ready to eat?" Your dad greeted you and you bit your lip to hold back a giggle.
"Mhm, don't you know it."
Needless to say, Mr Hotchner ended up staying too late to drive home that night.
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Not my best work I gotta say but 😔😔 hope yawl like it anyway SKSKSKSK
Gonna move the taglist to the comment section I think but yeah if you'd like to be tagged in future works lemme know!
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sugar-omi · 4 months
good lord I was trying to study but out of nowhere I know where🩸this came into my mind:
having a night in at ur grown up house w cove derek and baxter (only dating cove) and everyone gets wasted asf so they sleep over and late at night the other two can hear u and cove in ur bedroom 👀 ykwim?
the smut and angst potential of them getting off to listening to u two from their respective guest rooms and the irony of both ur guests doing it omggggggg 🫣
in the morning neither of them can properly look at u two out of shame and u and cove r just embarrassed cause u think it’s just cause they heard u (and ofc ur only half right)
these ideas fr come to me at the worst time lol
I AM SCREAMING. YOU'RE SO BRILLIANT I CAN'T.... derek would really try not to, but i feel like it'd end up seeping into his dreams and he just can't resist. and baxterrrr omg... he'd be so embarrassed n ashamed, i dont think he'd be able to sleep the rest of the night at all, even once you n cove are done... pls you sent this at the perfect time bc i was about to start writing n i cannot focus until i write this now, i must have this in a fic.. n ik it isn't what you're talking about, but this is also so good n i instantly thought abt this scenario. i will take ANY chance for derek n baxter to fall in love or into bed LOL
tags : NSFW, baxter x derek, one night stand (UNLESS), you and cove drink, auralism*, oral (derek receiving), top/dom baxter, bottom derek, derek has a crush on you/MC, baxter has a thing for both of you or maybe he's just a kinky bastard
*to be aroused by sound. (can be compared with voyeurism)
synopsis : baxter and derek are staying with you for an extended vacation (much needed for both of them.) and while you two have been considerate and lovely hosts, you're a bit loud... not that it's a problem. quite the opposite actually..
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imagine baxter is pouring himself a glass of wine, unable to get your and cove's muffled moans out of his head.
he's generous with his pouring, since everyone already had a lot to drink during dinner, being reserved is unnecessary.
baxter tips back his cup, licking his lips, savoring the sweet taste of this wine, humming at the taste. not bad..
he's checking the label, wanting to remember the brand so he can add it to his shelves at home.
baxter looks up, tired eyes wide at the sudden guest. he's met with derek's wide eyes, equally tired..
baxter gives a lopsided smile, trying to be friendly with his new friend. he gestures to the barstools across from him, "care to join me?"
derek rubs his neck shyly, "ah, i wouldn't want to impose. i just came for some water.."
baxter shakes his head, leaning back on the island, taking a sip of his wine. if he knew he'd have company, he wouldn't have poured so much at once.
he licks his lips, trying not to eye his glass to see if it looks like an reasonable amount of wine. trying to preserve his put together image is fruitless anyway, baxter is a hot mess walking and you could probably smell his issues all the way from france.
"nonsense, i wouldn't mind company. the best conversations are best shared under the stars, i'd say. although, i won't blame if you're going bak to bed." baxter laughs to himself humorlessly. "probably a better idea than getting drunk again."
derek laughs, "well, if you don't mind the company then.." and goes about grabbing some water before sitting across from baxter, trying to be quiet when he drags out the barstool.
there's a stretch of silence between them, the two of them sipping their drinks and baxter plays off his awkwardness by admiring the photo collage in the hallway, visible through the wide doorway.
baxter turns back to derek, who's holding his water with both hands, dozily looking into the glass. he looks up and is surprised to meet baxter's sharp gaze, but plays it off with a smile.
baxter speaks lazily, his movements languished and his bones heavy. he's feeling warm from the wine, and a bit chatty. "couldn't sleep either, huh?"
derek laughs, "that obvious?"
baxter shrugs, speaking around the lip of his wineglass. "i figured we're in the same boat."
derek stills, his cheeks slowly filling red, and he looks up, trying to figure out if he's trying to say he also heard you and cove doing... it. the other night.
baxter bounces his eyebrows, and that makes derek flush brightly, looking down. "y-yeah, i guess we are.."
he laughs, covering his mouth to muffle the noise.
derek seems to relax a bit at his amusement, and eventually they relax a bit more, and baxter goes on to tell derek more of his wedding horror stories when he asks.
they're laughing, trying to muffle the sound with their hands when they get too loud, and baxter is leaned over the counter, rambling to derek as softly as possible.
baxter signs and shakes his head, a smile still on his lips as he takes another sip. he's definitely getting buzzed again.
and at some point baxter even sits next to him and derek seems to greatly enjoy baxter's open laughter and his wide gestures as he narrates his stories, even throwing up his own chaotic stories about what it was like growing up with his brothers.
"hey.." derek calls, and baxter hums curiously in response. "does that taste good?"
baxter raises his brow but tips his glass towards derek. "it is. it has notes of peach and honey... wanna try?"
derek glances between baxter's eyes and the wine, nodding, taking the glass from his hands and taking a long sip...
baxter's eyes are stuck on derek's lips, his eyes following how his throat bobs when he swallows and his tongue dashes out to lick the wine running down the corner of his lips..
baxter snaps his eyes back towards derek's, who's already looking back at him.
the silence seems long, and the distance between derek and baxter's lips seems even longer, and he feels antsy even though they're both leaning in, their lips meeting in the middle in a soft kiss.
derek deepens the kiss, leaning into baxter, and humming into the kiss when baxter starts rubbing his thigh, his fingers sliding down th fabric of his sweatpants until he's touching his inner thigh, dangerously close to his bulge..
a moan echoes, and baxter and derek break apart, panting and their lips wet and swollen. then they hear it again, and some muffled talking.
they look into each others eyes, unable to move. they're both wide awake now, both because of that hot kiss and the sounds of cove's deep, and futile muffled moans.
their chests rise and fall, tension in the air, mingling with something else...
derek speaks first, taking baxter's hand before he can pull away. "do you... should we go to your room?"
baxter blinks owlishly, shocked and flustered. but really fucking turned on.
"yes, yeah, yeah okay.." he stumbles his words, totally knocked off his feet by the way derek looks at him, his green eyes deep with lust, and the whole turn of events.
derek leads him down the hall, and baxter is grateful he didn't somehow knock over the barstool or the flower vase in the hall.
they walk past your shared bedroom, baxter's designated room for his stay, at the end of the hall.
baxter tries to ignore the way his cock throb when he hears cove curse and growl, "fuck, you're so warm..." he tries not to think about it, but the idea of what you two are getting up to, how you both look and sound, what you're doing to each other...
he's trying not to let his mind run away with him but he's admittedly, a weak man. and so is derek, if the way he clutches his hand tighter and all but shoves baxter through the door and closes the door a bit louder than he should.
you and cove always drown out all other forms of life when you're together, and baxter doubts it's much different in the bedroom, if not "worse."
derek pushes baxter to sit on the bed, standing over him, his legs on either side of baxter's lap and he pulls off his shirt, throwing it on the floor.
baxter licks his lips, his hands sliding up derek's waist and stomach, his body thick and toned with muscles... "goddamn..." baxter exhales, all but drooling at the sight.
derek laughs shyly, lifting his arm to rub his neck (a nervous tick baxter has come to realize) and the muscles in his arm stretches and flex. baxter has a distant thought about derek being able to manhandle him...
"is this okay?" derek asks, suddenly shy now.
baxter nods, leaning in to kiss along derek's bronze stomach, his lips trailing down his happy trail to his bulge. "more than okay.."
baxter tugs on derek's sweatpants, looking up at him. "let me know if you want to stop..."
he tugs down derek's pants and underwear, letting his cock spring free. baxter strokes his cock to full mast, and derek holds onto baxter's hand for support, his other hand coming up to muffle his moan.
baxter wraps his lips around derek's flushed tip, sucking and circling his tongue over the head.
"b-baxter..." derek gasps, his thighs shaking.
baxter takes him deeper down his throat, keeping eye contact as he swallows around his cock, reaching down to palm his own bulge through his satin pajamas.
he groans, the vibrations sending shivers up derek's spine and derek mumbles, his fingers finding their way to baxter's hair, clinging onto the already messy locks.
baxter tears his hand away from his hard-on, to undo the buttons on his pajama shirt, the buttons slipping through his fingers until his shirt is wide open.
"mhm-!" baxter startles, gripping onto derek's thighs, his hips bucking up into his warm mouth.
derek moans shakily, "oh f- i'm sorry. sorry.." he babbles, pushing back baxter's fringe, his thighs twitching and his muscles clenching under baxter's hands.
baxter hums around derek's length, patting his thigh. his tongue drags along the underside of his cock, baxter's lips pulling off him with a pop, his lips wet and puffy.
baxter's sharp, lustful eyes meeting derek's equally horny gaze. derek's flushed cheeks are a feast for baxter's eyes, he can't wait to have him in bed..
"do you.. wanna go further?" baxter asks, his hand making obscene wet noises from all the pre-cum and spit, as he strokes derek's cock in his fist.
derek nods, his throat bobbing as he tries not to fall to his knees or cry out and alert you and cove to what they're doing in here.. "yes, please.."
baxter pulls away, standing up to tug off the rest of his clothes while derek tugs off his pants, almost tripping when the leg gets stuck on his ankle but baxter ignores it since he's not very elegant either, the wine still buzzing through him.
he throws his clothes on the floor, all but throwing himself into the bed with derek, straddling his lap as he captures his lips in a kiss, his tongue slipping past derek's lips, guiding his tongue to move with his own.
derek grips baxter's waist, his hands pulling him down to grind him into his lap, their cocks sliding together.
baxter breaks the kiss, his lips falling to derek's neck...
"cove- cove- cove!" your cry is heard through the wall, followed by muffled moans and whimpers.
"ah!" derek moans, his fingrs digging into the plush of baxter's hips when he bites down on his neck.
"oh- sorry. did i hurt you?" he worries, kissing the area soothingly. he didn't expect you to.. cry out so loudly. not that you aren't allowed to be loud in your own home, or anything like that. he just didn't think you'd sound so hot.
he's trying not to think about if he wishes it was his name on your lips, or what cove is doing to make you call his name so loudly and lewdly...
derek shakes his head, or tries too with baxter under his chin. "i mean, it hurt but.. it wasn't bad..." derek admits shyly.
baxter smiles, pulling off his neck to kiss his lips again, smiling too much to kiss properly but they have all night for that anyway...
he leans over the edge of the bed for his bag, fumbling through the open inner pocket for a condom and lube.
it's not that baxter planned to get laid on this trip, it's just bad to be unprepared.
"do you want to be on top?" baxter inquires, pointing the condom at derek.
he flushes, licking his lips and glancing off to the side. "um.. if you don't mind, you can be on top..."
baxter raises his brows, a blush high on his cheeks.
ohh derek really is interesting.
"not at all." baxter purrs, fixing their position so one of derek's legs is on his shoulder, and the other over his thigh.
he slowly sinks one, then two, then three digits into derek's hole, scissoring his fingers and rubbing derek's thigh soothingly. he's such a mess just from his fingers alone, derek's face half buried in the pillow and his hips bucking up and his thighs shaking.
"that's-" derek pants, swallowing thickly. "that's enough... put it in.. please..." he gasps, peeking at baxter through his lashes.
"fuck..." baxter curses, his stomach dipping with lust.
he fumbles, trying to open the condom but his fingers are covered in lube and he ends up ripping it with his teeth impatiently. baxter rolls it over his length, leaning over to pull derek into a kiss as he sinks into him.
"hmmn!" derek mewls into the kiss, his arms coming to lock around baxter's neck.
baxter slams his hips into derek, a loud slap sounding through the room from baxter's hips meeting his ass. baxter breaks the kiss, hissing.
that was definitely too loud, but it's also been so long since he's been with someone, and derek is so charming, that he's not sure he cares..
derek moans, trying to stifle it by biting his lips.
they pant, letting derek adjust to his length and for them to catch their breath, baxter feels like the air has been knocked out of him with how derek's hot walls are wrapped around him, his hole clenching and flutter around him, trying to take him deeper.
"mn, y/n-" cove voice is muffled, keeping them from hearing the rest of his sentence. although it was probably cut short, if the deep groan they hear through the wall is anything to go by.
baxter pants, "i'm.. i'mma start moving..." he gasps, moving so he's sitting up again, his hand pushing derek's knee up towards his chest.
derek covers his mouth with his hand, baxter's cock dragging so slowly against his walls, his eyes rolling and fluttering shut when his tip bumps against a sensitive spot in his walls, dangerously close to his prostate..
"harder!- ha- oh fuck!" you curse and moan unabashedly loud, followed by your bed frame thumping against the wall.
it quiets down to some creaking, with dull thumps every now and then.
baxter picks up the pace of his thrusts, spurred on by all your sounds from the other room and derek's lewd expressions.
derek whimpers, his moans and cries barely muffled by his hand and when baxter's hips slam into his repeatedly, he can't hold onto his barrage of moans and whines, babbling nonsense.
baxter leans over him, forcing his legs against his chest so he can whisper in derek's ear, stuffing his fingers down derek's throat, his middle and ring fingers pressing on his tongue.
"shh, darling. they'll hear us..." baxter purrs, although he laughs and nods his head to the side, "although, i think being quiet is a bit useless for all of us at this point."
derek whimpers around baxter's fingers, drool pooling in his mouth. he closes his lips around the digits and sucks, swallowing, dragging his tongue along baxter's fingers seductively..
"god." baxter grunts, his face scrunching up in pleasure.
his hips thrust up into derek's g-spot, his thrusts shallow as they both get closer and closer to finishing.
baxter pulls his fingers from derek's lips, a string of spit connecting derek's lips to the digits before it breaks, his hand slipping between their bodies to stroke derek's weeping cock, pre-cum pooling along the valley of his abs...
baxter captures derek in a sloppy kiss, neither of them really trying to hold back their sounds anymore. and from the sounds of it, you and cove aren't worried about being quiet either, your moans more frequent and totally unrestrained.
"i'm gonna-" derek pants, his nails dragging down baxter's shoulder.
"go ahead. cum. cum for me." baxter growls, his hand abusing derek's sensitive tip, making short strokes.
derek's legs shake on either side of him, his eyes rolling as he cums into baxter's hand. baxter groans, his hips stuttering as derek clenched around him, filling the condom.
they melt into each other, their chests rising and falling, and their heavy breathing match.
baxter turns his head to the side, seeing the sky turn from night to early morning..
"i'll.." he pants, pushing himself off derek's chest. "i'll run a bath... wanna join me?"
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obsessive-evie · 5 months
kate or hvl head cannons 👀??
they're so underrated...
my wife Kate first
I don’t care what anyone has to say she’s a bottom no one can tell me otherwise
Okay my girl can def still top, like you’re telling me she isn’t a munch?? That nose is built for it baby cmon now
going back to my fic, she definitely gets embarrassed when you go down on her, or fuck her in general. For example covering her face, holding back noises, lots of nerves, etc. tries not to squirm or seem too desperate when you’re using your hands
But when she TOPS oh baby she doesn’t stop until you make her. Like after a good win she would feast like there’s no tomorrow and be super cocky abt it
More with that she isn’t public abt your sex lives with your friends, but if anyone brings it up she just smirks. FOR EXAMPLE (you, Kate, and some of the other Iowa girls are just hanging out at one of your apartments drinking n stuff, nothing crazy, but the topic of the scratch marks on Kate’s back gets brought up, and she says nothing. Just smiles, poking her tongue into her lower lip slightly before raising her beer bottle back to her lips. Her silence makes the rest of the girls tease you and jeer at your poor attempt of hiding in your girlfriends shoulder)
talks when she’s nervous 🤷‍♀️
Likes to wine and dine you before sex(literally), is overall very respectful, constantly checking in during it, very kind and lots of praise. Like obsessed with you physically
Would be happy to lay on your thighs and hips for the rest of her life, 100% a thigh and ass kind of girl, loves leaving hickeys on them and just resting on them after giving you head
Despite how soft she is she total likes bites and scratches, specifically on her shoulders because they mean she was going down on you
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dizscreams · 1 year
Anika Kayoko Headcanons!
bc my girl needs more love on this app 😔
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When it comes to Anika I feel like she likes a partner who’s a little more confident and not afraid to express themself! But even if she has a more quiet and reserved partner she’ll love them regardless and help to get them out of their shell
She seems very observant so I feel like she could definitely tell you liked her and I think she’s a pretty bold person. So she spent a week just hanging out with you to see if she caught on to your signals right and after that week was over that’s when she confessed. Idk if that makes sense but yeah 😭
I see her with someone who’s more nerdy and smart kinda deal so definitely lots of study dates!!
She was really excited when you agreed to meet her friends! She likes dragging you to their hangouts and makes sure to tell you that you’re always welcome to hang out with them
Her love language is physical touch. argue with the wall idc idc she was always touching Mindy some way in that movie. I also see her as a words of affirmation person
She owns heart shaped sunglasses and even though she lives in nyc she wears them even when it’s slightly sunny outside. And I’m not just saying this because the lana del ray song inspired me to do so 😊 (lowkey feel like I could make a whole fic abt this 👀)
Speaking of Lana del ray she most definitely got Ethan into listening to her music and I say this because they’re both just so lana del ray coded
She takes pride in her style and her taste when it comes to fashion. I feel like she would inspire and help her partner when it comes to that kinda stuff too! I know she’d probably love giving anyone who agrees to one a little makeover
She loves giving compliments! She’s your personal hype woman 100% whenever you’re feeling down she’s with you with in a matter of seconds to help you feel better
A big skin care person. Her and her partner are doing face masks and watching movies almost every weekend
She likes going out but if her partner isn’t into it she’ll stay home for them ofc! She’d definitely like trying to push you to do things you normally wouldn’t do but she’s not overly bossy with it and she would never make you do something you’re uncomfortable with
LOVESS PLANNING DATES! She comes up with a new one everytime. Her favorite one she did was a picnic date in the park.
I feel like she’s the type of person who never learned to ride a bike. I’m not sure why I just think that and you def tease her for it 😭
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these are all over the place but I hope you like them! :)
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pe0ple3ater · 3 months
hello hello! 🖤 I don’t know what your policy is abt new anons but I’m just here to say that I love your blog especially mean Roier and ur etoiles content and also I was researching spider sex for a fic and wanted to share some findings
male spiders have 2 dicks (not exactly dicks but equivalent)
some female spiders appreciate bondage and oral
cannibalism is not only expected but sometimes encouraged and deliberate by male spiders during sex
a frequent practice is for the male spiders to plug up the females to keep their sperm in and other males out
Also, of course, female spiders get fucked a lot. As a practice. As many different mates as they can find when they’re not being picky
👀👀cellbit and roier are always on my mind I want that cat gangbanged and stuffed but do with that what you will
-Sin anon (if I may)
This is all like. Very important infomation that you've given me. Welcome, by the way, to my fucked up little echo chamber. Anyone is welcome, any new anons. I love you all.
"some female spiders appreciate bondage and oral"
Changed my brain chemistry, first of all I'm sorry some female spiders appreciate WHAT? Nature is beautiful. I love science. Roier's instincts know this fact, he's eager to please. Luckily Cellbit is more than willing to comply with is wants. Roier's favorite activity is tying Cellbit down and sucking his dick until Cellbit' is crying and shaking under him.
On the flip side, Roier begging Cellbit to do the same to him. Cellbit loves oral, especially loves eating Roier out. So he's happy to help.
"cannibalism is not only expected but sometimes encouraged and deliberate by male spiders during sex"
Jesus christ. Imagine with me for a moment, Roier catching sight of Cellbit's teeth while they're fucking and his brain just goes fucking crazy. He's begging Cellbit to bite him, to take chunks of flesh. They always end up with Roier under Cellbit, Cellbit firmly seated on his strap, and multiple chunks of flesh from Roier's neck and biceps missing. Their both covered in blood and Cellbit has never been happier in his life because Roier looks so fucking beautiful under him, covered in blood. He taste fantastic, it makes Cellbit a little dizzy. Roier can cum just from the feeling of Cellbit's teeth ripping through his skin, and Cellbit knows Roier is his soulmate.
I know we're all here for the horny, but I am an angst writer through and through so. After they do this for the first time, Cellbit freaks out. Roier is perfectly fine, healing and regen pots work wonders, but Cellbit can't stop thinking of himself as a monster. Someone willling and happy to rip apart the man he loves, how disgusting can one person be? And yet Roier is holding him, petting his hair, telling him that it's okay, that it was perfect.
"a frequent practice is for the male spiders to plug up the females to keep their sperm in and other males out"
FUCK CATBIT TILL HE'S FULL!! I'm not too personally into pregnancy, but Roier is the most jealous and possessive man ever when it comes to Cellbit. If someone is looking at his kitten with a little too much heat in their eyes, rest assured that Roier is going to fuck Cellbit over and over again and keep him nice and plugged up so that he can't go running to anyone else, mumbling about getting Cellbit pregnant so that everyone knows who he belongs to.
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dyketectivecomics · 2 months
hey, i have a question, how would you write Cassie and Jinny's relationship?
would jinny be on young justice, will it be long distance, what would their dynamic be?
My gut instinct was to say that I’d probably want to focus on them in those first/awkward stages of dating? Half the fun of reading for me sometimes is just enjoying the journey of two idiots figuring things out. Sometimes ya just want some sickly sweet fluff!
But the more that I think abt Cassie having a fraught history dating Kon/Tim, the metas abt comphet & okay also CassieRose visits my mind a LOT, not rent-free just as a surprise guest atm… also Jinny still on the heels of finding her last gf cheating & when we last saw her doin the road-trip thing with her friend (now kinda-sister???)
I’m like 👀 there’s some messy potential here AND I LOVE IT
But to circle back & try to answer in mostly the same order:
If DC were to give me the reins to write a run today, I’d def want to know what Outsiders is gonna do with Jinny first & make sure I’m not stepping on too many toes obvsly. I rlly hope that they’re picking up on the road trip from the end of her Special, but the premise isn’t leaving me super hopeful that there’s any editors left at DC to pay attention to that kind of thing 🙃 also there’s speculation rn abt a new YJ book with a diff cast so I don’t think either of them are gonna be part of YJ here pretty soon 😅
For fic writing tho, the beauty is that we can Licherally do whatever we want, so I can be as canon-compliant or noncompliant as possible so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ in that respect it’s a matter of when I would want that potential fic to take place (or ig what setting 👀 YJ college au request in my inbox I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOUUUU)
Long distance I think doesn’t really factor when one of the pair is able to fly so uh 😅 change in setting would have to be more of a factor to consider that? (Again, college AU I might consider it for its conflict potential 🤔) (also what qualifies as long distance bc I’ve got a friend who’s dating a guy that’s like 3hrs away, but that’s Texas distance so it’s nbd for them to see each other on weekends but I know some ppl would consider Not Living in the Same City as long distance so aksjsks) idk, distance just isn’t a big deal to me in Gen tho too. Like, You Find A Way to make it work or you don’t and that’s where delicious Conflict™️ can take root lol
And ahh dynamic… that age-old question… who’s Red/Blue, the Grump/Sunshine, who falls first vs who falls harder, god there’s so many things to consider. I do think I fall back on thinking of them as the Opposite Worlds Attract kinda dynamic (wait no, now I’m thinking of night at the museum and zom made that gemhex, not wonderhex I’m 😭😭😭)
It’s FINE, there’s not much new under the sun 😂 but yea, wonderhex is something I love a lot, would love an excuse to write for them 👀👀👀 I just need a nudge 👀
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sothischickshe · 2 months
I was tagged by @bourbon-ontherocks (ty! 💛💛💛) to answer 20 questions for writers:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The only fandom I've ever published fic for is good girls
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bringing down the neighbourhood
waiting for someone who needs me🧞
What a sight to see🧛🏻
(a) time to kill
yourself and others
I'm not sure the middle 3 would def be there were it not for the anon kudos bombing but w/e it's nice having some single chapter fics in the top 5 🤘
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! 🥺🥺🥺
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A time to refrain (from embracing) methinks!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Both installments of the Are you afraid or is it true series are pretty fluffy. Maybe the second part (Through the park and by the tree) wins out? 🤔
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not generally. There was someone in the gg fandom leaving mean bookmark notes tho 🙄🗑️
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. What are the kinds? 👀
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't, and I don't imagine I would?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, not that I'm aware of. It could be interesting to see how it would go!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes actually, as kids me and a friend co-wrote a tortall 'verse crackfic.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Ooof. Maybe spuffy? That met me at a very formative time of my life, and I didn't expect it to become so canon (as opposed to like under a spell etc) and I think that experience really reshaped my brain 🤯🤯🤯 but fundamentally faves questions are immoral thus this is a very rude question.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I hope I'll finish all of them, and do intend to! I'm not sure I'll ever write the hilarious abortion fic tho.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Mm, a love of language/interesting prose. A love of brevity/somewhat chiselled sentences. A love of editing/willingness to improve. Interesting stories. Dialogue, tho brio get little bc theyre annoying. Characterisation!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Well I violently dislike plot. I don't feel super strong on creating original characters. I'm slow! I'd rather let things be confusing than beat readers over the head with info, which I think can be detrimental. I wouldnt say my descriptions are super strong, though I think they've improved a lil. Sometimes there's too much internal monologue at a go which breaks up the pacing of an eg dialogue scene (though again think that's improved somewhat). My love of planning and love of pantsing are at constant war lol, I get grumpiest abt stuff not having been established earlier and thus needing to state things which couldve been well demonstrated. Blocking, sometimes. I love short stories and oneshots but I'm apparently prone to writing long fics & continuing things into series which I consider a real weakness, lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not against it in principle, I've read a lot of books which contain a lot of eg French or Spanish (often untranslated). We've got access to Google translate or w/e right? I do appreciate it when translations are provided bc lazy (and I think Ao3 does poss let you do hyperlinked superscript?). I feel the same way abt it in fic as in other media I think -- if you're happy for it to be a bonus to those that understand and everyone else needs to work to figure it out, I concur. If you think it needs to be understood, then providing translations (even if just as notes @ the end) makes sense.
But I also think pls don't write it via Google translate... If u don't speak the language/don't have someone who can help u translate it, don't write dodgy shite Spanish or w/e 🙈 not everything needs to be literal dialogue u can just say 'he explained to his grandmother abt the change in plans' or w/e I swear
...o wait I'm guessing the q meant me as a writer not reader 🤦 I don't think I've done much of it? Altho I do always seem to imply that every character speaks French, a language I don't really speak so who the hell knows 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Published for: good girls. Wrote for hmmm I guess tortall books maybe? 🧓🤷🏼‍♀️
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ooof, immoral question! Let's say upon your ignorance (and the gray despair) of your ugly life tho bc every time I remember I wrote a fic where rio & Dean swap bodies I giggle 😂 there's so much abt this fic which is very funny to specifically me teehee
Tagging🔖🔖🔖🔖🔖: @hereliesbb @nakedmonkey @nottonyharrison @inyoursheets @bensonstablers @blizabrth @delicatelingon & U right in the middle of your forehead if u wanna play 😚🎯
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
Would you write top Usopp? I’d rlly love to see that! Maybe a shy dense reader (she) that he’s been flirting with until he finally went “y’know what? Fuck it” and just kisses her! Or anything you’d have in mind! (I love angst with happy ending, soo 👀 👉👈)
(Lil vent: I only ever see ppl writing him as a bottom and, while I don’t judge, I just rlly don’t/ can’t see that. Yeah, he’s anxious and can be a scaredy-cat, but he’s grown and when it matters he’s super brave and confident. I feel like ppl babyfy him a lot… so I’d love to see a top Usopp being all the confident and flirty for once! It’s kinda unfair how they babyfy him so much… anyway! I’m so sorry abt this impromptu vent!! Ik it was stupid, I just been thinking abt this a whole lot! Sorry again)
Anon, I love your beautiful mind. Your wish is my command, because your wish is also my wish. We are of one mind right now. I have written some Usopp for you, with some angst, and fluff, and some smut, and guess what? He's not a bottom! So there's that.
(I refuse to accept as Usopp as bottom so you and I can stand together on this hill. I'll make room. Usopp is courageous, and trustworthy. He knows how skilled he is, and isn't shy at all in my opinion! He just gets scared and honestly rightfully so! The situations they get into are absolutely bonkers. Not everyone is as fearless as Luffy. Never worry about ranting to me!! We can rant together)
hehe ANYWAY here is the fic. I could rant for three more paragraphs if you let me. Please enjoy the Usopp meal kiss kiss xoxo
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WORD COUNT: 1.7k (I could have easily written another 1k but thought i should stop while i was ahead)
A (BADLY WRITTEN) SUMMARY: Usopp doesn't understand why y/n can't just grasp the concept of him being into her??? So he makes a move because life is short.
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There wasn’t a target in all the seas that he couldn’t hit. No matter how far, no matter how fast. That was the guarantee. His legacy. Sniper King, Usopp the legend of East Blue.
However, with you, it was like flinging cotton balls as ammunition; not enough force, always falling too short, nothing stuck. 
It was true that you always laughed at his jokes, crinkling your button nose, chubby cheeks partially concealing your eyes. It was true that whenever he called your name, you whipped your head in his direction, never ignored him; not even once. It was true that sometimes he’d brush the back of his hand against yours, and sometimes–maybe once or twice, your pinkies had entwined as silence fell between you; an understanding of shaky possibilities.
It was also true that you never once answered truthfully when he asked you if you had a crush. Did he know them? It was also true that he called you pretty, funny, amazing and you had taken it all in stride with a quiet laugh, stating that he was too kind; too sweet. 
He wanted to be more than sweet. He wanted to be enticing, alluring. He wanted you to see him and feel fire wrap itself around your legs, and over your hips until you were consumed by nothing but thoughts of him. He wanted you to dream of him the way he dreamed of you at night; dream of his lips the way he dreamed of yours–their taste, their shape, the way his name would tumble out in an imaginary ecstasy.
Night after night, he struggled with himself. He’d run scenarios in his mind, wondering what else he could do, what else he could say. It bothered him enough to go to Sanji, risking humiliation. Sanji had laughed, before clapping one hand on his shoulder. Some people are like flowers, he had said as they shared a glass of wine. Sometimes they need a little extra push, a little bit more care, before they can bloom.
Usopp wanted to see you bloom. He wanted your petals to open up, to reveal the tender pink inside, like cherry trees in spring. He wanted to be the breeze that shakes your branches, scattering the essence of you everywhere to carry it with him wherever he went.
He smelled you in the ocean breeze as you stood on the deck, observing the sea as you often did. You turn to him and smile, hand outstretched to him. He doesn’t have the strength to deny you. He walks towards you, heart hammering loudly between his ribs. It seeks to escape, to run away from the scene. Usopp brings a hand up to calm it, he rubs a quick circle over his chest. He murmurs a quiet promise to himself. Today, he wouldn’t let you escape. Today, he’d make you understand.
You both look out at the ocean, watch the sun sink lower into the horizon. Orange ink spills in the skies, washes away and blends in with dusty blue. 
“Beautiful isn’t it?” you ask him, tilting your head up at him. He looks down at you with lips slightly parted. As if he couldn’t breathe enough. His dark brown eyes, deep and soulful, watch you and it feels as if he sees deeper than skin; deeper than flesh, sinews and bone. You swallow, trying to ignore the steady increase in body heat.
“Yeah,” he says, tearing his eyes away from you with the last shred of his will. He places an elbow on the railing of the Thousand Sunny to glance at the sunset casually. It was beautiful for sure, but the sight of your skin glowing was far more than that; far more than words he could ever utter. 
He should, though, shouldn’t he?
He swallows the nerves, they tangle in his throat. He hears you talking about something or the other; more than likely whatever shenanigans Luffy had gotten up to that day. He laughs just at the thought of it, your story barely registering. All he could do was stare at your moving lips, the way the corners of your mouth would curl up, the tiny flash of white teeth; he remembers at the most inopportune moment, he is aware, of his last dream where you sank your teeth into his shoulders to keep from crying out.
His hands shake, he feels pleasurable heat at the bottom of his belly. If he didn’t hold you tonight, if he didn’t kiss you until he was out of breath, he was as good as dead. He says your name, cutting off your speech. You blink at him, wondering when he had become so rude. You don’t get the chance to question him. His mouth is on yours, tightly pressed as one arm wraps around your waist. He pulls you in closer, fingers clutching at the fabric of your shirt; desperate to keep you close. His other hand buries in your hair, grabbing handfuls of it, bringing your mouth closer to his.
You feel your body freeze, adrenaline shooting bullseyes at every nerve. Bang, Bang, Bang! And at the source of the hit, warmth blooms; ink on paper, spreading heated fingers over your skin. 
He presses his tongue against your bottom lip, and feels the chapped skin. It doesn’t bother him. He just thinks he should kiss you more properly; tenderly, to make up for it. He has you in his embrace, tongue pushing past your lips. He claims yours for the taking, moaning softly as he sucks on it. When you come up for air, you are breathless; a small shiver rattles your senses.
“I like you so much,” he confesses against the baby hairs on your temple. He kisses your cheeks, brushes his plush lips against the shell of one ear. “I want you.” You don’t trust yourself to answer. Your legs feel weak, so you clasp fistfuls of his vest. He looks down at you through his curly lashes, his ragged breathing splashing against your mouth. He takes your silence as an answer, and envelopes your small hand in his large one to lead you away from the deck.
It is fortune’s grace that you meet no one on the way to his bedroom. He pushes the door open with too much force, and it slams against the opposing wall. The noise startles you, so he apologizes quickly as he closes it, ears heating up with embarrassment. 
He tries to forget his slip up by pulling you into his embrace again, kissing you with abandon. You were in his room; you, the elusive you. It was more than he could have ever hoped. He had dreamed, yes, time and time again but those were fantasy; a cheap copy of the real you. His imagination could not compare to the softness of the inside of your mouth, the meatiness of your hips that he gripped tightly enough to bruise. You whimper as he bites on your bottom lip, tugs on it with a strength you didn’t know he possessed.
Your tongue is in his mouth again when he picks you up by the ass, long brown fingers digging into your glutes. You moan, arms wrapping around his neck as you both fall back on the bed. His weight on your body is arousing. You can’t get past the idea of how domineering it feels, as if he could pin you down and you’d be too weak to resist. He was an incredible marksman. You knew this, but wondered if he was a mind reader as well. His fingers wrap around your wrists, and he pins them over your head, his free hand snaking under your shirt, pressing flat against your belly at an excruciatingly slow pace. His callouses palms, the roughness of his skin makes you shiver.
“Usopp,” you breathe, barely able to utter the syllables. Your legs move despite your will, rubbing together as if that would stop the slickness in your panties from spreading. You don't have the courage to ask for it, so you blush instead. The sight of you biting your lip, sinking in your shoulders as if you wanted to hide shouldn’t entice him; it shouldn’t make the throbbing erection in his pants any more worse but it does. He feels it twitch, feels the need to force you to look at him. So he leaves your skin alone to grab your chin between thumb and index finger. He pulls your chin upwards, watches you until you make eye contact.
You can barely stand to look at him. Sweat drops cling to his cinnamon skin, and as your fingers twitch you remember how warm he always feels. A heat floods your belly, oozing downwards. You feel yourself become wetter the longer he stares at you. 
“I want you to look at me,” he says as he lets go of your chin. His hand travels down the center of your breasts, fingers dancing lightly over your belly. Your breathing comes in short bursts; soft pants filling up the empty room. “Make sure you keep looking at me.”
His fingers brush along the inside of your thighs. You feel them ease under the skirt. You try not to close your eyes, they flutter briefly as he finds your heated cunt. You mutter something unintelligible, maybe his name? He doesn’t quite catch it but it makes him smile to see you falling apart so easily. He discovers the elastic of your panties with two fingers, pushes it aside to gently play with your wet folds.
You’re tethered to his gaze; dark, warm and hypnotizing. You lose yourself, sink into it, as if drowning at the deep end of a pool. Was breathing even necessary when his fingers so easily slipped inside of you? You cry out at the feel of them curving; searching. You bite your lip, before you gasp, panting. He never stops watching you, even as he picks up the pace, taking the hint from your moving hips. You were art in motion; a cascade of colors; a mixed medium of sound and touch. He was a mere consumer, delirious; his only desire was to have whatever you could possibly give him.
You cry out his name, and he feels a wish fulfilled. He buries his face in your neck, his curls brushing your cheek. 
“Perfect,” he mumbled against your neck, nipping the skin he found until little purple bruises showed up. He feels like an imposter. He wishes he could leave something better; the shape slightly different, anything to add to your beauty. “You’re so perfect.” Your moans ignite his passion, your fingers are under his shirt, running sharp nails down his back. “Let’s not stop here. Give me more. I want more.”
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metacrisisdoctor · 1 year
wanna know something crazy? you know that horrible short story that jenny colgan wrote with rose and tentoo, where she's super mean to him and he takes the name corin because rose doesn't think he's actually the doctor blah blah?
well, i was doing a lot of research the other day about tentoorose things and how involved or not involved rtd has been, what his opinions are on these things etc.
the first thing i did was go onto the big finish insta and find if he had liked the tentoo and jackie audio posts, which he had.
these audios are fantastic, nuanced and in character. they perfectly align with everything rtd has said abt tentoorose.
and he commented this onto the posts about it. keep in mind they asked for his permission to make those.
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now, back to "the turning of the tide" and here is the conversation about that story:
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so, while this is is all jokey since rtd is a sweetheart, it actually blows my mind that jenny colgan wrote that story KNOWING it would not only upset fans, but also upset russell himself. i just cannot believe it. she also said that she loved what big finish did but wanted to "go another way" 😑 i don't consider this story canon since it goes against big finish and the comics, and esp now that i know rtd has no part in it and jenny knows he wouldn't approve- but i wish i understood why she wrote it like that since she has said v kind things about tentoorose before. ah, well. that story can be put in the bin with all bad ooc fics imo :)
last but certainly not least, rtd did not like any of the posts about empire of the wolf on the titan comics page, probably because he doesn't follow them. however, he has liked multiple insta comments about mia and her being the doctor and rose's daughter so is aware of it - and approves of the idea.
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we all know rtd has said rose and tentoo are happy, and in all my searching for crumbs i have found nothing that goes against that or that he has changed his mind or approves of the idea of tentoo not being the doctor.
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he also liked tentoorose art from last valentine's day, and in 2020 he said this abt journey's end:
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see how he never calls tentoo anything but the doctor? see how he says that he used the original idea of tentoo being dangerous and used it for ten? because they're the same guy, which was the entire point on multiple levels.
i made this sort of rtd tentoo guide because i am pretty sure he will bring tentoo and rose back somehow now that he's showrunner again and i thought sharing would be cool for anyone else who wants to speculate how things may shake out 🙉👀💗
rtd has always said that he considered the deleted tardis coral scene canon and hoped to bring them back and put it back in, so let's see if he does it now that he has the chance!
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the-bi-space-ace · 2 months
hi hello i am currently a ghost on here but i absolutely need to know abt Stealing the Pauldron because I have a sneaking suspicion i know exactly what that might be and i would go insane for it omg pls
(for the wip ask game :D)
Okay alright okay hi hello. This one is a lot of fun and I am incredibly intrigued by what you think this one might be 👀
It’s all random dialogue rn so I’ll give you my favorite little exchange so far.
“You’re a menace. You have a sneaky evil genius hidden somewhere under all that feigned innocence.” - Crosshair
“Thought you’d have that figured out by now.” - Echo
I love this idea. Genuinely this one makes me so happy. I had a thought one day about how maybe the 212th & 501st had a little competition with each other and tried to steal (what is currently) a pouldron from each other. There’s a little get together every so often where shenanigans occur and the 212th have successfully kept it for awhile now.
POINT IS the batch gets invited bc they invite Echo and he BEGS them all to go. The batch gives in because of Echo’s signature ‘tooka eyes’ that they can’t say no to.
Let’s just say a lot of silliness and sneakiness occurs in this fic and it ends in a batch dance party on their ship bc I love dance parties.
I’m working on it every so often so it won’t be finished super soon but it will be posted! Eventually! I love it so much and want everyone to read it so bad 🩶
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moonstruckme · 4 months
HI!!!! Don’t mind me spending a few nights going through all your fics and consuming every single one 👀. God the way your write the marauders never fails to have me giggling and kicking my feet underneath the covers. You just write each of them like they’ve been bathed in sunlight and like someone took a picture of them at their happiest while also completely sticking to their characters it’s insane. If your requests are still open for poly!marauders, I wanted to request one with ADHD reader? Who’s kind of shy and a bit insecure abt how they look (chubby, beauty, etc) and an introvert but is super sunshine like when they feel comfortable and safe? Sorry I know that’s a lot and really specific so if you choose to only write a part of one of those or a mix of some of them (or choose not to write it period) I don’t mind at all!! I just wanted to say that my Valentine’s was very well spent discovering your blog and just binging all your works ❤️😌.
You’re so so kind, thank you for reading! I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying my stuff. My requests are closed for the moment, but I’ll let you know when they open back up again my love <3
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your saul/ftm reader fic gives me life and i’m OBSESSED
do you have any more sleazy chaser saul at all🙏
TYSM!!!! im glad you like it 💖💖
i do have some ideas abt chaser saul 👀 so i hc he’s bi but i think he has a lot of little bit of internalized homophobia so i think he’d be into trans men bc it’d be easier for him to rationalize. like he seems like a very “it’s not gay it’s not gay pussy is pussy” type of dude. so when he learns about trans men he’s fascinated bc to him it’s fucking dudes but without the guilt.
if ur physically smaller than him he ABSOLUTELY gets off on the power imbalance btw (especially if you work for him too). like he has a lot of pent up feelings about his attraction to men so he’d definitely be rougher and meaner towards them (consensually ofc) bc he just kinda lets his instincts take over. he’s not thinking about trying to be sexy and suave he just needs to fuck nasty. he’d be growling, biting, leaving bruises, pulling hair. just a fuckin ANIMAL about it. he’d love cumming inside you or on your face because he loves the feeling of marking you as his and using you as a cumdump. (also he loves going down on you after cumming inside bc he’s gross and loves you all sloppy and overstimulated). humiliation and degradation really get him going so if ur into that he’s gonna be AWFUL to you.
if you haven’t had top surgery he’d be obsessed with your tits and would grope them/suck on them constantly. if you have he’d probably still be into your chest but he’d say some bullshit like “what a shame. i bet you had such a nice rack before.”
maybe he’d want you to top eventually but he’d have to really trust you before that. like you come into work one day and he says he got something for you and it’s a strap and he’s giving you the most pathetic puppy dog eyes when he asks you to do it. if you take him up on it he’d be a whining whimpering mess and he’d beg so sweetly for it 🥺 he’d probably cry a little when he cums too bc oh no it’s so good and he’s never felt like this before and he loves getting his hole filled what a slut
hope this is what u wanted >:3
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figbian · 1 month
fe3h frat au??? 👀
hiiiii okay so i answered a little about this here but to summarize:
sylvain's in a frat, felix isn't. its basically a college au but also a modern childhood friends au. theres this rlly great quote in this sylvix fic that says, "Even strangers were easier to anticipate sometimes. Knowing someone for so much of your life created in you the delusion of thinking you understood them. All the shit you took for granted grew in like dense seagrass, obscuring the other person from view." i think thats a lot abt whats going on this fic and what ive been thinking about.
heres another snippet :-3
felix remembered that sylvain had taught ingrid how to drive. her older brothers had begged off the duty to glenn, who then—well. it was left to sylvain. felix was not sure ingrid and sylvain even had a conversation about it. they spent several weeks where she drove herself home from school in sylvain's car while sylvain fiddled with the radio and gently reminded her about things like street signs and speed limits. sometimes felix sat in the backseat and fumed, jealous and stricken with grief: he had always fought with ingrid about who glenn would teach to drive first. to think she’d go on with the ritual made felix mad, but not always mad enough to walk home. sylvain had promised to pick her up for her driver’s test and had gotten distracted—typical sylvain no-show, busy in some girl’s bed. ingrid hadn’t spoken to him for a week and one of her brothers—anders, maybe—drove her to the next one. felix remembered that too.
ive been thinking a lot lately about my childhood friends & my cousins, and the ways that maps onto the so-called "faerghus four" (plus dedue!), and the ways that you change with age but expect that you still know someone, and what happens when the way someone is struggling is completely unexpected but youve been there & saw every reason of why they are the way the are?
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reel-fear · 1 year
Any shockbee headcanons you haven't shared here? 👀
GOSH,,, theres probably a few considering how obsessed with them I am and I certainly will never quite be done talking abt them KJNDSFKJGNSFDGKJNDFGSD.
I'm not sure if this is a hc or more speculating on a possible au but I think if Shockwave had told Bee who he was before things went all fucky with Wasp and such Bee would've been shocked yes but I don't think Bee would've wanted to turn him in. I think at first he very much would've underestimated how big of a deal dating a secret con would be and would just kind of treat it like a cool forbidden romance which would end with both side happily singing together. If you've ever heard "We See The Light"from something rotten yeah thats how Bee imagines it I think.
More on speculating on that idea I wish we had more fics exploring the idea of a world where in boot camp Shockwave came clean bc I think Bee being kinda ignorant in his understanding of the cons would be an interesting idea to explore. Bee tells him to just join the autobots bc they are the "good guys" and doesnt realize how tasteless that is. He insists the autobots would react better to Shockwave being a con than is likely bc Shockwaves 'not like the other cons' idk I think it would be interesting drama-
Bumblebee in boot camp was very prone to letting his insecurities and his inner fears make a fool of himself in their relationship. I think if Longarm started to get in good will with almost any other mech Bee would've started PANICKING thinking it would most certainly be the perfect excuse for Longarm to drop him like a piece of trash and ditch him. Which leads to him purposely doing dumb stuff to impress Longarm and try to keep his relationship a float. Sometimes its funny, sometimes its tiring and Shockwave was prolly relieved to see Bee go through a bit of development with not being so insecure bc yeah Bee kinda lets them get to him sometimes-
Bee has a HUGE tendency in boot camp to give into peer pressure and then drag Longarm into it. Ironhide brought vodka into the barracks? Well quick Longarm we have to drink it too otherwise we're chicken! Shockwave finds it somewhat endearing bc it leads to him doing things he never would have otherwise and its fun to be reckless sometimes but also Bee please put the fireworks away this isn't worth street cred-
Bee is very openly affectionate in front of others, Shockwave rarely stops him bc they are very touch starved and I think I've said this before but if the cons/autobots ever made a Warrior cats style 'its illegal to date people on the opposite faction' law punishable by death they would die first-
Bee has undiagnosed dyslexia, Longarm quickly becomes his proof reader for reports and boot camp assignments.
Bee has a ton of posters, decorations and strange things in his room, Longarm has those set ups people make fun of for being the pinnacle of single men having no decorations or furniture.
Longarm keeps a diary type book full of reports on day to day activities just for himself, Bee has started several diaries and uses them for a few days before ditching them.
As far as Shockwave is concerned every joke is funny as long as Bee is the one saying it and nobody agrees but Bee loves it.
Shockwave fidgets and moves his antlers a lot when he is thinking, he denies this but Bee has noticed it a lot. He's pretty much memeorized most of Longarm's fidgets and general way he acts
Bc of this I think if Shockwave were to meet Bee and just pretend he was unrelated to Longarm n such Bee would actually piece the truth out himself bc he was never observent in class, but he could stare at his wonderful boyfriend Longarm for hours...
Autism and ADHD love they have <3 their brains just click together a lot of the time and Bee helps Longarm unlearn his constant need to mask.
These are all the ones I can think of rn, really trying to avoid treading over ground I already touched on KJDNSFGKJDNFSGKJNFDGSD, EITHER WAY, I hope u like hearing me spill more brain thoughts-
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