#it takes me ages to fall asleep when theyre here cause they move so much (she cant help that though so i dont mind)
lunarsapphism · 1 year
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junipedia · 4 years
Hunting season
Dull. This day feels dull. I mean that’s how Oregon weather usually is, grey thick clouds layered over the sky like a weighted blanket threatening to fall with water at any moment. Heavy underbrush making the already crowded  woods feel even more claustrophobic. Sneakers seeming to sink further into the wet moss with every step like the woods itself was trying to reclaim you. The snap of a twin you'd hear every once and awhile filling your imagination with every reason besides a rational one as to what it could have been. As unsettling as the woods here are, they bring a sense of comfort and peace like even if something was watching you out there it had no fowl intent with you. Night on the other hand was when those vicious creators came out to prowl. Those snaps of trees turning into something that could be hunting you, chasing you. The paths you thought you knew so well turning into a maze of inkyblack darkness that's reaching out for you…
    The snapping sound was louder today than it usually was. My face pointed towards the tops of the dying trees, half expecting to see something looking back at me but just being met with a flock of geese flying overhead. The snapping started up suddenly, whipping my face back down to eye level trying to see through the thick ferns and weeds. It sounded like a bulldozer headed straight for me. “Oh my fucking god, Athena” i let out the heaviest sigh of relife once I saw the fluffy tail zig-zagging around. I stood upright and rubbed my face, someone must have let her out after I had already left. The only way back to the house was the way I had come. Which was a steep forgotten road that always seemed to stay a bit to be taken care of for being abandoned. Athena rushed past me hitting the breaks when she got to the bottom of the hill. She stopped though her always wagging tail stopping and dropping in between her legs. I stopped. She only ever did that if she was scared or was seeing something she didn't like. I just stood and watched her. If there truly was a threat there she would let me know, show some sign that the area was suddenly dangerous. it couldn't have been a person because if that was the case she would have started barking. In less than a minute her tail was back up and she was trotting away like she was only seconds ago.
“That's a big dog” perched between the underbrush a person sat hunched over making intense eye contact with the canine. He dealt with big dogs but he'd usually know about them beforehand. Well, it wasn't like he DIDN'T know about Athena. He'd been out here watching this family for a while now. He didn't have any tv or media so he liked watching the family's he was camped near for however long he was staying. He'd been in these woods for a while playing cat and mouse with the hunting dogs that the people on this hill owned. Watching this family was the only source of entertainment. He thought it was funny how they argued almost exactly how his family would have, the only reason it was different was that instead of these parents holding it against each other they would sweep it under the carpet only to let it bubble over and resurface in later conversations. The oldest was the most fun to watch. Seeing how each day she drove herself into the ground trying to be the best for everyone just to let them down like she had feared. He thought her name was ironic because it held so much truth, she was just a scared little bunny adopted by wolves trying to also just be a wolf. He stared back at the dog waiting for it to do something. He'd actually grown fond of the pooch so it brought a sliver of warmth when she didn't bark or snarl at him.
    “Athena!” I walked to join her, giving her a scratch behind the ears. She wasn't acting strange anymore meaning whatever had spooked her must have left before i could see it.
Walking away I popped my knuckles against the opposing hand.
Pop crackle snap
I stopped, those were cracking joints but. Not my joints. I turned back in the direction id came from. Athena was already long gone from the house so if something was there I'd have to see for myself. I raised my hand up near my face pressing down on one of my fingers until it let out a loud pop. I waited but sure enough a louder crack came from in front of me somewhere. Hesitantly taking steps forward i'd let out a pop only for it to be followed by a louder more aggressive one. I crouched down thinking it could have been in the trees. I brought my hand to my chin and turned it, letting out a chorus of snaps. 
Silence. A slow breath escaped me from relief that is until a grotesque song of crunches and bones grinding together. I turn my heaad my eyes meeting with wide crazed one frantically trying to focus on me but the spastic movemts of its shoulders and neck making it hard to look at one thing. I couldn't even make a noise, i knew there was a homeless camp near my house but i had never actually seen any of them. It grabbed my shoulders so tight it was painful. My back hitting the ground causing the air to slip out of my lungs. Its shoulders were still rapidly moving as it pressed its hand around its jaw covering my mouth. My hands shot up and tried to push at its face and chest. I didn't know what to do. It was on me weighing me to the ground. The hoodie it had on covering its body type hiding how strong it could really be. There was nothing i could do, it was obviously stronger than me. 
Something must have switched in my brain to say “move idiot if you don't you'll probably die in these woods” I opened my mouth as wide as i could, biting down on the top of its hand. Blood seeping into my teeth and gums. The strong taste of iron filled my mouth as I heard the crunch of the bone I had hit. A mixture of saliva and blood pooling out of my mouth all around and down my chin. It didn't move, didn't even flinch.
Bears trap
He panicked. What else was he going to do, his tics had ever reacted that badly before to someone else's. He held her down, his hand almost covered half her face. He tried to tilt his head to look at her but it just came off as more jerks and pulls from his muscles`just like a bunny” he thought, if he moved his hand just right it could break her in just an instinct. Just like that she’d be gone. His thoughts were interrupted by the crunching of his hand. He watched her try and basically chew her way away from him. “The bunni thinks she's a wolf now” he watched her for a second again before taking his other hand and picking up a good sized rock.
    “This is it” I watched him raise the rock, tightly closing my eyes. The only thing I felt was an extreme headache before I just went numb and limp.
      “Why is it so cold” was my first thought when I started coming again. Sitting up the familiar sound of a tent zipper opening caught my attention. I tried to sit up and  got trapped in the thin sleeping bag I had been in.This was the first time I had seen him at least somewhat up right. He was at least a foot taller than me, leaning into the tent like he was the one cautious of me. He crawled into the tent looking at me, his eyes not as crazed as before but still holding a feeling that at any moment this bomb could go off. He didn't speak as he inched closer and closer. He then reached his hand out. His finger shook as I leaned back but was trapped by the tent. A hot pain running through my back as he touched my forehead where the rock must have hit me. The mask covering his mouth hid what emotion he was truly portraying at the moment. The hand he touched my head with was bandaged, reminding me of the bite I had given him. I raised my hand and wiped my mouth, sticky red blood still coming off meaning that it really hadn't been all that long since all that had happened but just long enough to get dark and colder outside. I opened my mouth but didn't even get a chance to speak before he beat me to it “just dont just dont yell” it took me back to hear him. 
This obviously isn't an adult just by the voice. His voice was raspy and almost menacing.  Even if he was my age he was still just a kid. We didn't say anything for a while, just analyzing each other like it was a mutual agreement that we would let each other realize what was actually happening before doing anything rash. Yeah, he may have basically kidnapped me but that didn't mean I had to be a dick to him. I don't know how long we stared at each other, it could have been hours or only minutes but after that he crawled further into the tent and simply laid down. Almost like he was just watching me to see if i would do anything to try and leave or get away from him. The only thing keeping the tent illuminated was a small battery operated lantern that was barely bright enough to light up the small tent. He sat up again and looked at me just to turn the lanter off. I could hear him shifting around, maybe to take his mask off. We just laid in silence for what felt like forever. “Aren't you cold” even though I was staying quiet it sounded like I was yelling in the small tent. There was no answer for a moment just the sound of him moving around again. I thought maybe he was asleep before I heard a deep inhale. “no” there was a long silence again before he spoke ”are y-you cold cold?” i hesitated before answering “yeah….i guess i am pretty cold”.
 Again there was silence before he moved. I felt him come closer to me before feeling one of his arms touch me. This wasn't right. Not even twelve hours ago he had been the one to bash me over the head with a rock to take me to whatever kinda temporary camp this was. He must have read the room because he stopped and waited. I really took a moment to think about what was happening. Everything was happening way too fast but at the same time the little I've seen of him has shown me that even if he is my age he's clearly unstable. If I didn't let him do what he wanted he could blow at any moment and I really don't know what he's capable of.
He waited for another moment before moving towards me again. He stiffly wrapped his arms around me, even though it was awkward and uncomfortable the warmth he gave off was a nice change from the harsh forest cold.my mind must have just fallen unconscious at some point because the next thing i knew the tent was lit with the dull sunlight that was managing to come through the overlay of clouds. He wasn't next to me anymore but the smell of smoke burned my nose as I could hear the sound of fire crackling and snapping outside the tent.I slowly unzipped the front and peaked out. He was sitting with his back to the tent facing the homemade fire pit that he had made.
Toby hated the fire. He hated all the pain that it has caused him but it was something that he simply couldn't avoid. One of the things he liked about the fire now was that he could tame it, control when it grew and when it withered away. He looked down at his bandaged hand. He hadn't slept last night, he was too nervous to make even the slightest movement just in case it would wake her. The warmth she had given off was...new. “Why did you let me hold you?” he spoke down into his hands, the zipper making him turn around to face her.
They both froze like deer in the headlights again.
No mask. He wasn't wearing his mask right now. He looked so normal. He just stared at me for a while and I stared back at him.  Him turning back towards the fire was enough for me to snap back out of it. He poked the fire with a stick, moving a few blackened sticks around to stir up the fire causing embers to rise up into the early overcasted sky. I scurried around him and sat on the opposite side of the fire, watching him through the flames. His eyes shot up at mine like he suddenly felt my eyes on him. His stare was so intense i wouldn't say lifeless no, there was something buried deep behind those eyes doing something to him. I looked back down into the fire, what was there to talk about? Did he even want to talk? I just want to go home.
“Were you cold l-last last night?” I looked at him furrowing my eyebrows together. ‘This man bashes me in the head with a rock but is worried I was too cold?’ I shifted my weight, pulling my legs closer to myself. “I was fine.” There was a long silence after that before either of us even thought to move. He was the first one to move, getting up and grabbing something from the tent. “Where are you going?” he actually seemed shocked that I asked “getting more fire-wood” the moment he said that my eyes snapped back towards the fire. This could be my chance to run.
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the-angry-pixie · 4 years
Just a buttload of questions
I was tagged by the lovely @jessiohhh. Thank you chickadee. Took me forever to finish, but I got there. :D 
Apparently this is to help you get to know your tumblr peeps better. 
Gonna put most of these under a cut to save y’alls dashes.
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? I guess if I had to choose it would be black. I don’t know why. A good black ballpoint is a lovely thing to have.
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? Depends what stage of my life I am in. I want to retire to the country but otherwise wanna live in the city.
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? To sew and make clothes. Gosh how different my life (and my wardrobe) would be if I could fix clothes, alter clothes, MAKE clothes. I want this skill so much!
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? Don’t drink coffee. My tea has half a sugar. I worked my way all the way down from two sugars and I’m proud. :)
5. What was your favourite book as a child? My Dad used to read me Enid Blyton books when I was little. My favourite series was probably The Naughtiest Girl in the School series.
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? Definitely showers. I want to like baths, but whenever I take one I just feel sweaty and gross.
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? A fairy. I’ve been obsessed with fairies since I was little.
8. Paper or electronic books? Probably electronic books. Easier to read and travel. 
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? Gosh I don’t know. I literally sat here thinking about it for a couple of minutes and I can’t pick a favourite. I guess by default it falls to the item that I wear the MOST which would be my black combat boots. I wear them almost constantly.
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? Nah I tend to think Laura is a bit boring. I like my middle name Eileen though.
11. Who is a mentor to you? I’m kind of without one at the moment. Thats just the situation my current life is in right now. 
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for? I would like to be “Author Famous”. Like have soooooo much money, and dedicated fans who like my work. But nobody recognises me in the street. 
13. Are you a restless sleeper? Yes.
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? No, not in the conventional sense.
15. Which element best represents you? I wish I was earth but I would say probably water. Can be dangerous or calm. Flexible. 
16. Who do you want to be closer to? Hmmm I feel bad that I’m not closer to my godson. But ya see, he’s an annoying lil shit. At least the stage he’s going through right now is really obnoxious. So spending time with him is just... not fun.
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? All my Canada friends.
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. I’ve talked about early childhood memories on here a lot. I don’t want to repeat a story so lemme think a moment..... I remember being obsessed with pressing buttons when I was younger. I mean, most kids are. But you see my family lived on a dairy farm, and in the dairy where we milked the cows and stored the milk there was like... a WALL OF BUTTONS. And levers, and switches and other doo-dads. And like... I just wanted to press them all. But I wasn’t allowed. Obviously. Only at certain times during the day would my father call me over and lift me up so I could press one particular button. So yeah, I remember that. “Helping” my Dad in the dairy and being excited whenever I got to press the buttons. I never even got old enough to learn what the buttons did before we moved off our farm. :(
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? Hmmm, probably escargot. Snails. They were delicious.
20. What are you most thankful for? My newborn nephew.
21. Do you like spicy food? Yes. But spicy food does not like me.
22. Have you ever met someone famous? Yeah last year I was working on a feature film that had a Disney starlet working on it.
23. Do you keep a diary or journal? No way. Too hard. The only time I keep journals is for really important stuff that needs documentation. Like a medical journal when I’m sick. Or an anxiety journal when my GAD gets real bad.
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? Pen I guess.
25. What is your star sign? Libra
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? Bit of both. If you can get a mouthful with both then thats like... bliss.
27. What would you want your legacy to be? Do I need to want it to be anything? Cause I don’t. Like I don’t really care all that much. Maybe I will later in life.
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? I dont think its accurate to say I like reading when I literally never do it anymore. Except for fanfic. I listen to audiobooks a bit. I just finished listening to The Stand by Stephen King.
29. How do you show someone you love them? Cuddles, I’m a cuddler.
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? Yes.
31. What are you afraid of? Wasted potential and never really getting where I want to get.
32. What is your favourite scent? That smell after a sun shower. Everything is wet and the sun is making it evaporate into the atmosphere. Love that smell.
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? Not to be cheeky but like, context is a thing. Depends on the context.
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? Not terribly different. I would still work. I guess I would travel a lot more. Since that is something that I would love to do but can’t because I don’t have the funds.
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? Theyre both the same level of scary to me. Yes, I suffer from an irrational fear of pool sharks. So I guess I would go ocean because at least with the ocean you have the surf waves to make it fun.
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? Look around to see if someone had dropped it, then if there was no one, pocket it.
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Yes. Last time I went camping there was a meteor shower. Wait, do they count as shooting stars? If not then no.
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? Compassion.
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? I want to get a bunch of babies-breath flowers tattooed in the middle of my back. Its so specific because I plan my tattoos for a long time before I get them.
40. What can you hear now? The fish tank filter at my brothers house.
41. Where do you feel the safest? In my bedroom. In my bed. Laptop and phone and kitty nearby.
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? My fear of relationships and emotional intimacy.
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? I honestly don’t know. There are a lot of cool places (but like, usually only if youre in the upperclass). Ancient Greece maybe? Jane Austen era? Woodstock? I can’t decide.
44. What is your most used emoji? This lil dude. 🙃 I prefer it to the regular smiley face.
45. Describe yourself using one word. eclectic
46. What do you regret the most? Not having my mental health issues diagnosed at an earlier age.
47. Last movie you saw? In the cinemas? A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood back in January (actually got my wallet out and looked at my ticket stubs). Just in general - I watched The Florida Project last night with my bro.
48. Last tv show you watched? My Little Pony. Been watching episodes to help me fall asleep.
49. Invent a word and it’s meaning. Derp-a-derp. My bro and I have been saying that over the last few days when we can’t remember the word we are trying to say. Like “go get me the derp-a-derp” or “what was I saying about the derp-a-derp”. Its a good placeholder.
Annnnnd imma taaaaaaag.... like I said, this is a long one so no pressure (it took me like a week to get through all the questions).... anyway I tag @hichie, @thepragmaticrebel, @heavensdick and @serendipitous-magic.
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angrylizardjacket · 6 years
when i said it i thought it was true [3] {Ben Hardy}
A/N: 2973 words. Fake Dating AU.
[part 1] [part 2]
Roger Taylor has barely spoken two words to you since the start of filming, and it’s caused you so much anxiety. Were you disappointing? Did you not look or act accurate enough? Sometimes you catch him watching you when you’re with Ben, the two of you in costume, and he just looks... pensive. 
Brian’s nice enough, soft spoken and always kind when he speaks to you, actually mentions that seeing you and Ben together makes him a bit nostalgic, and you’re not quite sure what to make of it. 
The day you see the real Amanda, the woman you’re playing, you feel like you’re about to pass out. It’s as if you’ve got a direct look into your future, she could be your mother, though her hair’s just a little lighter than yours, hence the wigs they keep putting you in. She’s incredibly beautiful for her age, but that’s not the most striking thing about her. She cries the first time she sees Rami in costume, and she doesn’t speak to Roger. 
The moment she meets you, she has to take almost a full minute, hand covering her mouth as she looks you over. It’s like a test, and all you can do is stand there awkwardly in full costume, watching as she tears up a little.
“What do you think?” Brian asks with a proud smile, and she lets out an incredulous laugh. “It’s a little uncanny, isn’t it?” Nodding, she approaches you, smiling brightly and greeting you warmly. 
“Feels like I’ve gone back in time.” She’s surprisingly soft spoken, and she tugs at your collar, straightening it, before she rests her hands on your shoulders. “I’m flattered they’ve got you playing me, dear.” She tells you, and you think you might cry.
She only stays on set for about a week, the week you’re filming on the Garden Lodge set. The two of you are talking before filming starts for the day, you’re trying to glean any information you can that would help bring depth to your character, and Ben joins you. It’s the first time she’s seen him in full costume, and when he presses a kiss to your temple in greeting, her voice dies in her throat. Ben looks confused, concerned as she has to excuse herself.
It keeps happening, something about seeing the two of you in costume, together and sweet, it’s something she can’t stomach. She can talk to Ben normally, even when in costume, but the moment you arrive, and he smiles at you like he does, she feels her heart in her throat.
“I loved Roger, perhaps to my detriment.” She admits, taking a long sip of wine. She’d invited you out to dinner with her before she has to fly back to her family. “And I know what they’re saying in the movie, but he never really loved me.”
When you go to Ben with this information, he’s quiet, before he admits that Roger told him that when they were younger, their relationship was far from the sanitised version that was being presented in the film. 
They’d been together for years, and there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that she loved him, and he took her for granted, always assumed she’d be there when he got back from trips and tours, he’d even proposed to her, and yet he’d do any pretty young girl while he was away because he knew he could get away with it. He’d cheated on her, and lied to her, and strung her along because it was easier than letting go. 
Roger Taylor can’t bring himself to speak to you; you’re the spitting image of his biggest fault. Perhaps the way they’ve got it in the movie is his attempt at an apology, not that she’d accept. 
Something about your relationship with Ben changes after that. It doesn’t feel like a performance, the way it used to, it feels more grounded. Neither of you are sure how to deal with the new information, but when the cast go out for dinner together, he’s got a hand on your knee under the table, and when you’re hanging out in his trailer between scenes, you let yourself fall asleep against him where you’re watching Netflix. The two of you go out with some of the others for the night, and he kisses you as you’re leaving the club together, his hands holding your face so softly, the kiss so surprisingly tender that you don’t even hear the click of the paparazzi’s camera from where they’re hiding around the corner of the building, and when you see the kiss on instagram the next day, you don’t think you care.
“Have you seen my nice, black blouse?” You called, elbow deep in a pile of clean washing on a Saturday morning.
“Which one?” Ben calls back from the shower, and you frown at the clothes before you; you really had meant to fold them sooner.
“The nice nice one, the one I wear for callbacks, you know the one I’m talking about.” And you move to rifle through the closet again, glaring at each piece of clothing as you flip past it.
“You sure it’s here?” The shower shuts off while you’re eyeing off a perfectly fine cream shirt that could serve as a decent replacement if you came to it. “Are you sure it’s not at your place?” He asks, stepping out of his adjoining bathroom wearing only a towel.
“No, I’m pretty sure I came back here after my last callback.” You mused, and you could hear him getting changed behind you as you tried to recall the last time you’d found yourself in the shirt in question.
“This would be easier if you just lived here.” He muses, letting the statement hang in the air. After a beat, you turn to look at him, brow creased as you considered his words. “If you want to, you can.” He offered, standing there in just a pair of jeans, his hair still damp. It might be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
“Are you serious?” Voice quietly hopeful, your expression brightens as he nods, grinning. Blouse forgotten, you cross the room in a few paces, throwing your arms around him. “Really really?”
“‘course I am.” He doesn’t tell you he loves you, but it’s there in the tone, in the way he kisses you, and it’s there when he spends the next twenty minutes helping you look for your shirt, though when you admit you don’t need it for a few days, he suggests breaking in the bed to fill the time.
“It’s the same bed.” You laugh as he flops back on it, coaxing you over.
“Yeah, but it’s ours.”
The wrap party for Bohemian Rhapsody is... a lot. It’s a bit overwhelming; you’re by Ben’s side and everyone wants to talk to him, congratulate him, and they want to talk to you, tell you how beautiful you look. Everyone is everywhere at all times, and the only constant is Ben. 
His arm is around your waist when the two of you are standing by the bar, he’s chatting to someone who’s name you’ve forgotten, though you’re pretty sure he’s the second assistant director or something, and you’re trying to communicate to the bartender what you want over the music, leaning over the bar. The moment the bartender finally nods in recognition and scurries off to get your drink, Ben turns, sees your eyes shining bright in the light of bar, and he forgets what he’s saying, just for a moment. The guy he’s talking to leaves, pulled away by someone in the crowd, and you turn, smiling brightly, confusion creasing your brow when you see Ben watching you.
“What?” The bar is in a terrible location, far too close to the band they’ve got set up, but Ben can read your lips well enough in the bar’s fluorescent lights. He shrugs, doesn’t even attempt to answer as the band, not ten feet away, blast their way through a guitar solo. They’re mostly playing classic rock, a few Queen songs here and there of course, and they’re not bad, they’re just loud. 
With your drink in one hand, you take his without thinking, weaving through the crowd, his fingers linked with yours. When you find the door to the courtyard, which is significantly quieter, you feel like you can breathe again. The air outside is cool, and you drop Ben’s hand now that you’re not likely to lose him in the crowd, and the two of you find seats to the side by a tall table. 
“You don’t have to stay with me all night.” You tell him, resting your head on your arms, watching as he lights up a cigarette. It was a filthy habit, but damn if it didn’t make him look a hot. Hotter. 
“I know that, dude,” he pauses, taking a draft and looking, watching all the people talking and laughing and bopping along to the music, “I like your company.” He says it easily but it still has you grinning, and when he catches sight, he grins in return.
He doesn’t leave your side. Not for the rest of the night. 
Photographs are being take all night, and when you look back on them, you see you and Ben sitting side by side, his arm around you as you lean into him, laughing, and he grins at something off camera. You see the cast together for a group shot, all smiling brightly, most a little tipsy, and you’re holding Ben’s hand, your linked fingers just visible in a gap between Allen and Lucy. You see the two of you in the background of a shot of Rami looking absolutely ecstatic; you’re fixing Ben’s hair, and he’s giving you such a soft, endeared look that you hadn’t noticed at the time. If you crop it enough to make it your phone background, you don’t feel the need to call attention to it; for reasons you can’t quite articulate, it makes your heart warm.
It’s strange, and the thing that terrifies you is that it doesn’t feel like acting. It’s that grey area you keep finding yourself in, where it feels so familiar, and it’s like swimming upstream to remember that it’s all fake. 
The two of you don’t even share a kiss, not even when you’re both tipsy, not even when you lean in to murmur something in his ear, and his answer brings his lips inches from yours. You want to kiss him, to forget that it’s all fake, but he sees you hesitate, and presses a gentle kiss to your cheek. Lips twisting in to a sad smile, you look out at the crowd of coworkers around you, dancing where the band had been replaced with a DJ, and you take another sip of your drink.
You’ve passed tipsy and dived straight into being drunk by the time you’re ready to head home, or well, back to your hotel room, but that required a taxi. Ben’s not much better off, and when you tug him into the back seat with you, he doesn’t argue. He’s the one who tells the driver the hotel they’ve got you all set up in, and you just lean against him, eyes fluttering closed, contentment filling you as he wraps his arm around you. 
“I don’t have any makeup wipes!” You gasp into the silence of the hotel elevator. It feels like the most natural thing in the world to head to his room, your arm tucked into his to keep you from swaying in place in the elevator. It might also be that Ben refused to let you be by yourself after you almost face planted getting out of the taxi.
“I’ve got some in case of emergencies.” He assured, fidgeting with his key card before the elevator comes to a stop.
“See, this is why I love you.” The words come so easily that neither of even catch at first as you make your way down the hall. Ben slows once your words have sunk in, and you both realise what you’d said. “I didn’t mean it like that, I’m sorry.” Voice quiet, there’s a sudden sinking sensation in your chest that dampens the whole night for you, but he doesn’t say anything, just opens the door and starts rummaging through his suitcase for the wipes once he’s inside. Once he tosses them to you, he follows it quickly with an oversized shirt to sleep in. 
There’s a solid five minute argument about who would sleep on the sofa, both of you trying to give the other one the bed. It takes you yanking a pillow from the bed, laying on the sofa and refusing to move for Ben to concede defeat. The sofa, however, is the single most uncomfortable piece of furniture you’ve ever had the misfortune of trying to sleep on. Sucking up your pride, you clutch the pillow to your chest as you make your way to the edge of the bed. He’s turned away from you, engrossed in his phone.
“Ben?” You ask, and he looks over his shoulder at you, eyebrows raised in question. “The sofa is really uncomfy.” You pouted. With a grin, he shifted, making room for you.
“Holy shit.” Ben looks like he’s just seen a ghost. The two of you are in a nice restaurant in the city, it’s not five stars or anything like that, actually it happened to be your favourite little hole-in-the-wall restaurant with surprisingly good food and excellent service, and you were treating yourselves to a night out before Ben had to step outside to take a call. You didn’t begrudge him, that’s just how life was for the two of you. “Holy shit.” He repeated, and you looked up from your meal with raised eyebrows. 
“What’s up?” You ask, and to see the smile spreading slowly over his face has your heart warming. When he meets your eyes, he’s beaming.
“I think I’m going to be in X-Men.” He said quietly, and your fork fell from your hand, clattering against your plate.
“Holy shit.” You echoed, and he laughed a little, taking your hand when you offered it to him, squeezing gently. 
The stars seem to shine a little brighter as Ben beams up at them, your hand in his as the two of you walk home. Sure, there’s paperwork, nondisclosure agreements, rehearsals, and a few months until filming actually begins, but Ben’s landed a role in a high-budget action movie, and you’ve never been prouder. 
He spends the next few weeks in countless meetings, almost constantly in and out of phone calls with his manager and various producers, and when he’s not filming with Eastenders, he was usually training. He’s barely home, though neither of you are home a lot, you’re busy with your own projects, but when you see each other, he’s elated. You haven’t seen him this excited or motivated about a project before. 
Sometimes you miss him. Of course you miss him, you love him after all, he’s your boyfriend and your housemate, and you tell him all of this over dinner and he looks like he wants to say something, like he wants to freeze this moment in time forever, to bottle it up if he could.  You’re so proud, and you love him so much, and it’s the most beautiful thing in the world to watch those two parts of you coming together over a microwave dinner.
In the weeks leading up to filming, things change, and you feel like you never see him anymore. It’s not like before, then you were just busy, now he’s all over the country, in meetings and fittings and workshops. He calls, but your bed is so empty and sometimes you just want to come home to him and he’s not there, and he won’t be home until the end of the week. Things are still good and bright when you see each other - he’s always eager to make up for lost time - and you never once doubt how much he cares about you, but you feel... out of sync. 
The two of you had fallen asleep not facing each other, but you wake with his arm draped across you, and it feels so familiar, so right, that it stings when you actually come to and realise where you are. 
It’s been years since you’d woken up next to him, and you’d forgotten how pretty he is in his sleep. Part of you thinks that’s a good thing, that if you start to remember now you might keep dwelling. Another part of you urges you to go back to sleep; pretend or not, you should savour this moment you’ve missed so dearly. That’s the part that wins.
You expect when you wake again, for him to already be up and moving, as far away from you as possible, but instead you hear a sleep-rough greeting in your ear, and feel his chest firm against your back, his arm still around you where you’ve tucked yourself against him.
It’s not pretend, it feels like history repeating itself, and so you let yourself forget it’s fake for the moment, lean into him just a little and give a sleepy greeting back. Your heart already aches knowing how lonely you’ll feel once either of you move.
“I forgot how nice you smell.” He murmured, and that’s when you feel your heart already beginning to break. Instead of letting yourself crumble, your link your fingers with his hand where it’s slung over your waist.
“I forgot how warm you are; you’re like a furnace.” And you hear him laugh at that as he leans into you too, and let yourself bask in the moment.
the rat pack: @hotspacedeacon @strangeandwonderfulconcepts @itssaje @d-r-e-a-m-catchme ​ @callumidiot @rockandrollandshit @bohorap @pietrorunsforme @sweetfierceimagines @itsjackothy @mhftrs @sherlockiantheatrenerd @softbenhardy @multifandomgirlrandomstuff @virtualsheepeat @smile-nine @i-padfootblack-things @deaconsroger @spookyfrances @holyurlbatman @your-idiotic-excellency
(crossed out means it wouldn’t tag; i’ll try again for the next part, lemme know if you wanna be tagged xx)
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cowboyguts-moved · 6 years
tell me about your new ocs ^^
so any and all artwork i show you is done by @shit-stains (: 
everyone listed is from a made up oregon beach town called Mystic Overhang infamous for its creepy bottomless lakes and a cliff that leans over the pacific called Mystic Overhang. the town is full of mysterious happenings and unexplained missing persons and something downright evil is going on under their noses..but more on that another time ha ha. the story takes place in 1989. and i just realized this is basically just IT but i didn’t exactly mean for that…they definitely are not plagued by a killer clown.
Church Shelton (my oc) is 17/18. His mom had him too young and didn’t want to have to raised him, frankly, so she ended up leaving him on the stairs of a synagogue. His biological family is Jewish even though Church doesn’t grow up with religion and didn’t even know he was Jewish, because Josiah (Jo), tristan’s oc, was about 2 years old when he and his mom came by and saw a baby crying on the steps and the boy wanted to keep him and name him Church because he thought it was a regular christian church and… it’s cute. And through a ton of convincing and considerations, his mom agrees to care for Church and adopt him. Its a simplistic way of putting it, but there’s a lot that goes into it. He and Jo grow up as brothers and Jo takes such good care of him (: sometimes he has to be a parent to Church even though he’s only two years older, especially when their mom gets UHHH murdered during a robbery in their own house… ……….and they come home and find her at about 12 and 10 years old and Jo makes the decision that they’re not going to tell anyone and risk him living with his father and Church being placed in foster care. so they run away and become street kids for 4 years. When they’re older, 14 and 16, they get caught for stealing when they weren’t careful enough and the social workers put them in foster care, seeing as Jo’s dad is very unfit. They stay there until Jo aged out at 18 and got guardianship of Church after getting them a place to live, that’s a long complex process as well… and was obligated to care for him and provide income and stuff and they live together, just them two in a trailer, for awhile.
Church’s whole thing is that he loves to read and write. He reads so many books and he’s not great at first and is in remedial classes, but then he advances a shit ton with how hard he tries and how much he wants his love for English to succeed. Uh he has narcolepsy!!! Meaning he has a lot of daytime sleepiness, falls asleep frequently in the day and has bad insomnia at night and this hinders him a lot. In some cases his narcolepsy comes with cataplexy, this is when he has muscle weakness/paralysis caused by strong emotion like excitement and laugher. His brother Jo helps him a lot through that. I theorize that it happened because of a natural immune issue he has, which was most prevalent when they were living on the streets. 
Church is really funny and sweet and sarcastic. He’s such a cute boy and everyone in their town LOVES him just cause he’s so charming. he gets really cynical and depressed sometimes and can be mean when he wants to be, however and it’s his biggest downfall. He’s a bit of pyro he loves to set shit on fire. Oh, and he has a southern accent (: he loves to eat too, he’s always down for snacks. He’s bisexual but he doesn’t really call it that, he doesn’t take much note of his own sexuality, he does what he does. He works at an amusement park most of the time and has to put up with Jo constantly coming to his work when he gets lonely and riding the roller coaster he’s operating. Then when he graduates he goes to University of Oregon and has a bit of a big depressive self destructive path he follows and ends up overdosing on drugs on what of his partying nights, he self harms by being uncaring and his many intrusive thoughts about his mother dying and his huge fear of not seeing the world and being too dumb and poor to get an opportunity to really live. He’s put in the hospital and goes to rehab and Jo is there with him every step of the way. He’s so sweet and caring and worries about him but Church is a little belligerent sometimes. He wants to get better and be better for everyone and himself, and he does through a long emotional school break. He doesn’t end up going to his previous college again but he transfers and gets in the Columbia in new york for his English degree (: he lives in an apartment with his boyfriend Mason. 
Church is white, 5′7 and he’s stout and chubby. He’s got green eyes, freckles, a piggy nose, big sunburnt cheeks, and auburn hair, mostly shaved into a curly mohawk. and he got a fat ass and killer thighs. 
His beautiful big dumb brother Jo Shelton (tristan’s oc) has a story that is obviously parallel to church’s, but i think it’s important to mention that he’s kinda slow, slow thinkin’ and a bit hyper…and an asshole to everyone but the ones he really loves like church, he’s as sweet as he can be with him. he loves working on cars and he has a beautiful truck that he put a lot of work into..that is until he crashed it horribly while drunk driving after he got into a fight with church when church was in the hospital recovering from his overdose. and he got mild temporary brain damage… so…and then had to spend 6 months in jail for a DUI. that really fuck him up for a good while! and that’s a huge dent in their lives.
but anyway lol… he also loves to meet chicks and do speed dating.. and he hooks up with a wide variety of girls, he’s not picky at all and doesn’t believe in types, he just loves dominant women. he does have one important stable girlfriend for awhile named Rosa that he met at his grocery store job! he spilled spaghetti sauce on her white shoes (: and they were truly in love and dated for 3 years until it became dangerous for her to be with him because one of her weird ass fuckinnnn dangerous ex boyfriends got out of prison and she didnt think he would be safe if they remained together and it’s devastating for him and hinder him for a good while. he kinda fills that void by becoming a big brother figure to church’s biological sister Jude, who is 12 and in need of good old fashion josiah guidance. jo has that natural dumb dad vibe to him. (by the way..church’s mother reenters church’s life very briefly and that’s why jude and church meet and jude eventually lives locally to the boys because she moves in with Her real dad.) Later jo works at a mechanic shop and his ultimate goal is to open his own! uh also haha important detail..jo struggles with his sexuality and on the low meets up with dudes in alleys and lets them smash cause he’s a big bottom so. and he has sorta of thing for someone he met in the mess of foster care, just one of the kids he hung out with in passing, and his names Riley and they meet up later on when they’re older and fuck around a bit.
jo is 6′3 and he has golden honey hair and blue eyes and he’s freckly and has some beauty marks on his face. he’s pretty darn hairy..and he kinda smells. he’s a real country bo. he’s super skinny and hes got huuuge hands!
here’s jo and church (:
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Mason Uley (mine), Church’s boyfriend, doesn’t meet church until he’s 22 and Mason is 13, and is a rich boy who’s siblings all died in one way or another…JDBSJD he’s the only child left and he is very neglected by his parents because of their coldness and grief and little regard for caring for their last kid. They’re never home and they ignore him completely which leaves him in search for attention in all sorts of wrong ways and he acts out. He does motocross at the local track. He loves rap music and is very embarrassing about it considering he’s very white..he loves flexin’ with that name brand clothing and shoes and wears skate shirts even though he doesnt skate which is a big smelly whatever but in general he’s a big poser. but its fine because we love him and its apart of his charm. He has a slight limp because at 13 he shattered his ankle and it never healed right. He loves Church very much and they’re SUPERR gross and lovey, their dynamic is so adorable, as you can imagine his goofy ass and church’s more dry sarcasm. He wants to be an architect and goes to college for that at Columbia later. He’s smart and has a very dry kind of humor and he hates Jo until he’s forced not to because of their mutual love for Church. He’s 1000% gay. He has blond hair and he looks like a 90s heart throb and Jo affectionately calls him “faggot” more than his name.
i dont have a Current drawing of mason all i got are old ones that tristan doesnt really like l o l
Okay……….. and then there’s Lewis. he’s 18. His full name is Aloysius St. Lawrence (AL oh wish iss) (mine), and he grew up in a deeply religious cult in northern California where many Horrible things happened to him that I’ll spare the details on but he’s a very traumatized boy and i thinkg about the complexity of him trying to come to grips with it and learning how to live with the immense pain he was dealt with! so. it’s really fun.
he was born with a sorta Purpose, his dads family started this commune, and the dad wasnt at fault, he’s not malicious he’s really sweet and a bit slow and is often mistreated, he’s forced to have relations with lewis’ mom, who was sort of a nomadic runaway girl perfect for procreation after she got caught in the entanglement of this commune business in california. theyre both really young when they have lewis and his twin sister, lewis being prime because he’s the Male. lewis grew up believing all kids in the commune were his siblings and so he never realized the one girl he’d see all the time was his biological sister. so bascially they take lewis from the mom, say he’s not only her child but the communities child, just how it is with all kids, and she betrays the commune in a way i havent figured out and goes beserk because obviously everyone there is insane and shes exiled and lewis, all the while has no idea shes his mother. so great childhood… full of hard labor and sleeping in a room with rows of beds and dreaming about a woman and not knowing why, not knowing its because shes your mom (: haha
In 6th grade he’s finally allowed to go to a school with other boys because before this he was homeschooled and his world was reduced to the confinements of his commune. He goes to a spooky and prestigious boarding school in southern Oregon and wears a uniform. The place is really huge and brick and creepy but it feels like paradise with this freedom he finally gets to some extent and he’s learning how to function as a regular boy, although he finds it kind of impossible. 
CHRIS!!!!! Is his roommate at this boarding school in 6th grade. Chris is a very goofy lovesick boy who believes heavily in the energies of the earth and charging his crystals his hippie mother gave him and he paints his nails black and pushes the rules of the dress code every single day and tends to break it completely. He’s a punk who loves to piss adults off. He was forced to go there by his very strict abusive father and there he meets sweet sweet Lewis (:
Lewis has never had a friend like Chris and he doesn’t know how to successfully keep one and it’s a really stressful emotional cycle of enduring the weekends at the commune and coming back to school and to Chris amongst all the happy boys that lead mostly normal lives. Chris sort of realizes that he has feelings for boys in this time and has strange urges to hold Lewis’ hand and kiss him and stuff, but he refuses to truly acknowledge his feelings about who he is.  but he does, in fact, hold his hand and Lewis lets him and they’ll just hang out for hours in their room holding hands and talking about silly stuff. They come to be really close and mean a lot to each other, chris invite him over to his house on the weekends and lewis sneaks off with him, risking being punished because he didn’t go back with one of the Father’s or Brother’s of his commune. Chris and lewis are very adorable and they play with makeup together in chris’s room and eat snacks and explore mystic overhang and chris teaches him about the ways of modern life. in 7th grade they grow apart when they don’t share a room or anymore and Chris gets involved with different people, starts smoking weed and eventually gets with a guy in 8th grade hhhh… and Lewis focuses really hard in class and it’s sorta the end of that. 
When chris gets expelled in 8th grade they don’t see each other anymore, the only departing thing being chris’s journal that he gave to lewis before he was escorted off the premises, and in it is filled with entries about him. this journal was taken and destroyed at his commune by one of the Fathers when it was found, though :/ so yes, Lewis goes back to the commune because they plan on keeping him homeschooled for high school but there’s a group of 5 kids and 3 men from the commune that are heading to Nebraska around the time he’s 16, and they force lewis to be the 6th child that accompanies them in their trip. once there, he’s kept in a creepy abandoned house, hardly set up for living in and he’s living with these other children, like an odd family that has to function around one another, him being the oldest of “siblings”. he finds out eventually that they’re there for a weird ritual/sacrifice thing.. probably the most horror-ish horror element i developed for him thus far, its frankly insane and disturbing and theres a lot of layers and rituals they must do and humiliating tasks they must do all for a Grander godly purpose. the sole purpose of it is to reach ultimate redemption in heaven after a sinful life ahahahaa.. so basically the whole time they’re there, they’re trying to accumulate sin by being unloving, disciplinary, neglectful, …uhh…and lewis kept in a dark room, only candles and daylight light the house and they’re severely mistreated and malnourished. Lewis runs away at 18…but, through constant mistreatments of his body he ends up having gangrene in his left leg and has to have it amputated above the knee by a doctor he meets whom he has to give a Favor to as payment because he doesnt have money. and he gets a real shitty wooden prosthetic that isn’t comfortable at all and its not healing right, it’s a bit botched actually.. and he has crutches and that’s how he gets around. He goes back to Oregon to the town Mystic Overhang that Chris is from because remembers the town name vaguely, not even who said it or when he heard it, but he goes there because he doesn’t know many towns, so he decides to settle there and he makes a living prostituting for awhile at an area called Mouth’s Edge. he sees Chris again when Chris pays him for a bj l o l. and Chris recognizes him even though chris is coked out of his mind because he had a really rough night and got his shit kicked in by his dad… and Lewis almost shits himself because someone from his past is back and he’s really paranoid and weird about it cause he just blew one of his only friends he used to have. and he wants Chris to fuck off, but eventually Chris keeps coming back just to talk to him and see what he’s been up to and stuff, cause he still feels this familiar need to protect Lewis that he had back in middle school. He’s very consistent about seeing him and does every single night even when Lewis is working. lewis’ love for him comes gradually, even through chris is in love with him pretty much instantly. It takes a long time for Lewis to want to be touched and held but he lets people do it anyway, including chris, it’s an unhealthy thing he obviously needs therapy ha ha. they don’t officially date until an entire year later
lewis is very sweet boy he’s shy and he has trouble making eye contact. He’s really smart and loves to paint! That’s what he wants to do with life. He’s not gay per se, he doesn’t really feel much romantically unless someone, anyone is kind to him and patient and reeeeeeeally really consistent or else he would probably never fall in love, but any gender has the potential with him. He loves 40s-80s music so much and dances to it really dorky when he thinks no one is looking and Chris has sooooo many records. he loves to rollerskate! and he’s really good at it. he’s pretty damn masculine, more so than chris. and he’s strong (: and he wears ugly clothes that he finds in dumpsters. eventually he gets enrolled in college for art and sees a therapist he grows to love like a dad to be honest.. lewis he dyes his hair a lot (: it’s naturally golden but at first when he’s prostituting its short and purple and then grows out very long and then he cuts it a lil and dyes it pink..orange..etc etc. he’s a hard worker and he gets a job at the Junkyard where he meets his best friend Cody (: 
This is Lewis :) he’s white, 5′4 and he’s soft but strong and handsome and he’s got golden eyes and hair and he’s sweet n freckly.
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Chris Russell (tristan’s) is 19… chris is greek and pakistani from his dad and white italian from his mom. he grew up an only child with them in an upper middle class environment because his dad … i don’t even know the legit title but he buys and sells properties for a fancy shmancy company. his mom is just a kindergarten teacher and that’s not a killer wage but. he’s very close to his mom he loves her to pieces, she’s a big stoner hippie (:. his dad on the other hand has always been really disciplinary and cold towards Chris, his dad is straight up abusive though, so there’s no excuses being made for him, but at first he didn’t do it just because he felt like it. he was just raised learning that it was the only effective way to discipline your kid and that it was the dynamic that Worked the best. Chris is a little problem child though, and not so much when he was a kid! he was so sweet and all he wanted to do was wear his mom’s makeup and clothes. he wore clips in his curly hair and pretty skirts and he loved music and being a mama’s boy and he loved her cooking. he loved reading and writing. but he was still abused by his dad, especially for his natural femininity. and as Chris got older he was such a rebel. he’s a mouthy, snarky, blunt little shit that never behaved or was cowered into doing things as his dad wanted. it wasn’t like he wasn’t afraid to get hit or anything but he didn’t show it and constantly provoked it. that’s in his teen years though especially
chris goes in and out of depression and mania constantly after middle school. he’s doing drugs, just weed at first but he’s always always high and he’s a big loner until he meets his Boys in 10th grade (: mikael ben and kylo. his parents divorce when he’s 15. he tries to convince himself he’s not gay and he gets with a girl but the ordeal is humiliating and she spreads the rumor that he was so bad at fingering her and touching her boobies that he must be Gay and so he retaliates by making photo copies of her nude pictures and spreading them. chris has questionable morality. you GOTTA know that about him.. he has problems and he can straight up not be a good person sometimes but overall he really is one and we be loving him or whatever. and he evens out in his 20′s and 30′s so it’s fine. HFSFSS but yeah! after awhile it’s sorta easy just to come out, and then he gets cocky and his gayness bleeds through everything he does. he starts dressing more effeminate again and he fucks around with a lotta guys and is really stupid about his recklessness. he gets into cocaine and gets so fucked up he doesn’t know who he’s banging half the time he just parties and is a big smelly butthead. and around the AIDS crisis no less… dumb ass. by some miracle he doesn’t catch anything or get anything so… this all happens, the worst of it anyway, when he’s 18 and stuff after he has this weird hook up relationship with Mikael his friend and our other OC hsdhbsd. and then he kinda just Takes himself off it after he bumps into Lewis again and goes through his withdrawals and smokes a ton of weed, i mean he’ll never quit that, its fine.
he loves to skateboard! he loves reading and writing. he aces his english classes and was in AP his whole life in that subject. he’s a big debater and critical thinker in those classes and the teachers love him and hate him for that. he writes in his journals constantly and he wants to be a writer someday.. he loves drag. he has a whole persona. her name is Crystal Balls. he’s really fuckin good at it too, he’s good at makeup and tucking and dressing up and caring for his wigs. he’s a big major faggot. he’s a top! even though everyone in the world does not think he is (: he’s a big top. and he can be masculine when he wants. he has masculine body language and a manly voice and he’s a big stoner skater but he can turn on that faggotry whenever he wants and its especially apparent in his Crystal persona. he plays piano and is very good at it (: he’s bipolar clinically but does not take meds (:  he self harms as a result of his polarizing emotions and his home life. he’s the horniest emo anyone will ever meet and legit is addicted to feel-good stuff and has a really addictive personality in general. so weed, food, sex, Lewis, etc. he’s really insecure and he thinks he is BUTT ugly but high key he’s the hottest OC either of us have like he’s just gorgeous that’s all there is to it. and he’ll go back and forth from Damn im fuckin hot to holy fuck i look like my dad i want to wear a ski mask everywhere. its mostly the latter though (: he hates his dad and hates that he looks so much like him. the only thing he likes about himself is his big dick and his legs that are straight up chick legs
here’s chris heh
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Cody Glorymoon (mine), Lewis���  best friend, is 20 and she’s very pretty and she has delicate features but she’s big tomboy and works for her dad at the junkyard. she’s a ginger and she’s very tall and slim and she’s a little rough and cynical but she’s super soft and loving and smart.  and she cares for lewis so much that she’s a little in love with him at one point and it hurts her to be that way because she’s having her own sexuality and identity crisis and shes knows they can’t be together. she hates chris…because the girl chris used to date and spread her nudes was her sister and she’s extremely protective of her sister because they grew up very close and had traumatic experiences being put through frequent pageant shows and training as little girls? their mom was a piece of shit and eventually dumped them on their dad who previously was kept away from them. she also, in general, just doesn’t like chris and his personality. he’s a huge douche to her. until she softens for him in later years when she sees him a lot because he’s her best friend’s boyfriend. chris actually needs her help pretending to be his girlfriend in order to please his dad and keep him off his back so he can see lewis on the low… and she does it because she’s the only girl he knows that tolerates him enough and would do it for him and she comes over for dinner and other events hsdfjsdf its really funny watching chris pretend to like her. they grow closer this way and become real friends even though they always have this love/hate dynamic.
heres cody and cody giving lewis a smoochie 
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here’s some gay and lesbian solidarity between chris and cody
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Mikael Taylor (tristan’s) is 19 and one of the boys in Chris and Lewis’s friend group. He’s a foster kid who has really long hair and smokes too much weed because if he doesn’t his adhd gets the best of him. He and church have an on and off thing for quite a while until they break up and church moves away and gets with mason, although mikael is sort of crazy in love with church whether he likes to admit it or not, he’s always sorta waiting for him and mason to be Done even though it takes a long ass time, he really misses his opportunity with him the beginning. He likes to fuck and be with all kinds of different people, though, and commitment is definitely a fear of his (hence the on and off thing with church). He’s really sweet though and he loves lewis to death. Hes funny and outgoing and cool and Everyone likes him. Everyone. He’s got a cool septum piercing and one of those gum piercings right under the lip as well. He’s also huge gauged ears and he wears a beanie and hawaiian shirts with dad shorts and socks and sandals (which are like the only shoes he owns). He’s half native american and half caucasian, he sleeps a lot and he has a huge thing for milfs. (chris and ben’s moms especially)
mikael is 6′4, and pretty lean and has got some muscles. he’s got sharper features and he has green eyes and gross facial hair wispies
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Benjamin Jacobs (tristan’s) is 19 and is another one of the boys from the friend group. He’s a big, heavy jock who really enjoys theatre and foootball. He’s from up north, so he has an accent thats quite strong and pretty cliche. He’s got pretty short blonde hair and freckles spread across his soft cheeks. He’s quite angry most of the time and he can be very loud, especially with chris whenever chris is being himself and annoying the shit out of him. He does have a temper but he tries his best to control it around lewis. Oh yeah and he also loves lewis a lot (: he lives in a really nice suburban neighborhood and his home is loudly occupied with his mother, dawn, who is your classic 80’s rhode island mom complete with the big poofy curls and the hoop earrings, and his two brothers and one sister. He has a man cave which is the entire home basement that he and the boys all hang out in 24/7, filled with beanbags a television, a pool table and a blow up doll named Patrisha that chris drew a penis on. Again, he hates chris. ALSO he’s in love with kylo’s sister named Leslies and he pines for her 24/7
ben is big chubby and blond, he’s 6′1 and hes so hot i think he’s so hot bro. he’s juicy he’s a thick quarterback with blue eyes
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Kylo Cavillo (tristan’s) is the last member of the boys group. Kylo is a sweet Hispanic boy with vitiligo who has a hard time expressing himself. He’s very excitable and he falls in love with people very easily… he has this weird crush/obsession with chris that’s not talked about within the group much but it can be more than obvious at times even though he denies that he’s gay. He and lewis get along very well and he loves him a lot, they both were deprived of a lot of the modern things like certain tv shows and games and phrases and ways of doing things so they’re able to bond on that fact. Kylo lives at home with his mother and father, who is a big part of the Mystic Overhang Tiburón’s (a gang) and he owns their family restaurant called El Baño HHHDSF which kylo comes to take over himself when he’s older. He has three sisters and he is the youngest of all siblings, so he grew up with girls his entire life and definitely has some femininity to him. He’s very sweet and innocent, though, and means well with all his endeavors. He likes to grease his jet black hair back and wear gold chains with his baseball jerseys and blue jeans. OH he also has epileptic seizures and it’s very scary but mikael knows well how to deal and handle them when they happen because he has experience both with his foster siblings and kylo himself because mikael knew him the longest!
and here’s mister kylo, he is very small about 5′1 and skinny, he has big pretty expressive brown eyes and lil cute mustache and unibrow (:
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princeseanadam · 6 years
Time for some questions that my friend has asked that im gonna post and make you sit through cause now i have a ton more content. at some point it gets a little hectic with a ton less questions being asked and more of just ideas being thrown around. i would like to thank my lovely friend  for that cause she helped me come up with literally everything here.
Why Linda?
linda because it started as a joke with my friend and i have no impulse control
what how tall are all of the characters?
I don’t have exact measurements but I do have an order of heights that my friend helped me do. I’ll show you like this
Logan,Patton (same height)
how did Virgil and Patton meet?
they met in high school. They all basically went to the same high school (not logan though)
I meant Virgil and Logan..
they met in college, well what Virgil went to of collage. He only stayed for a little while before dropping out to focus on YouTube but he still stayed in touch with logan
Who proposed to who?
Logan did. It was… Simple but sweet. He did so in private, after a nice dinner and a walk in the park at night (cliche but hey it worked). He was considerate enough to not propose in public cause he didn’t want Virgil to be pressured into saying yes by others watching him.
Who said I love you first?
Virgil. He thought logan was asleep when he said it, Logan was very much not asleep.  He said I love you back and terrified Virgil cause “shitshitshit he heard me ohmygodohmygod” now they say it at least once a day (usually before Logan goes to work or before hanging up on the phone)
What was their biggest fight?
They don’t fight very often mostly because Virgil hates confrontation and Logan would much rather talk it out and come to a compromise but it’d probably be when Virgil wanted to dropout of college. Logan didn’t quite understand why and that lead to an argument about his future and YouTube careers and such. Eventually when they managed to calm the fuck down and actually talk about the stress he was under and how unhappy Virgil was they did come to the conclusion it would be better if he did leave collage
Who asked who out?
Logan. It was quite obvious how much Virgil liked him but logan also realised that Virgil would never make the first move so logan took it upon himself to ask him on a date to an art museum
who kissed who first?
Virgil did this time! Logan had leaned in one night and then paused to make sure Virgil actually wanted to be kissed and then Virgil closed the space. So technically he kissed logan first and gets very embarrass when he brings it up “technically you kissed me Virgil” “YOU LEANED IN FIRST”
And it’s pointed out that they want children eventually, correct?Would they adopt a kid, surrogate mother, ect.?
Adopt. Logan was adopted and would very much like to help a kid like him out as well
How old? Also boy or girl?
Girl. Virgil wants a daughter. And their open to any age but probably younger than 3
Any plans for when this would occur?
In a few years at least. They still think theyre too young to take care of a child and not financially stable enough to warrant taking in a child
What would her name be
Rosie I don’t have a reason for that one I just like it
what’s Patton and Romans relationship like?
Very sweet…after a while. Romans a little hesitant at first. He knows he likes Patton. From the first time they hang out he had a small crush. But he’s scared of rushing into things again. He does go a bit faster than what he normally would since they are old friends though. After they do warm up to each other Roman very much becomes dependant on him and is very affectionate and full of love
How do Roman and Virgil interact?
At first, very awkwardly. Virgil doesn’t still have a crush on him but he does remember Roman saying he’s straight being his first heartbreak. Patton eventually drags them into hanging out enough times for them to fall into a dynamic like we see in the videos. Joking insults, playful arguments about Disney films, joking around in general. They also speak fluent meme and vine reference towards each other cause none of the others get it
“Virgil you want a drink?”
“Yeah. Yeet it”
*throws water bottle to him across the room*
So, Patton is adorable. When he gets angry, how do the others react?
Well the thing with Patton is when he gets mad it never lasts long before the frustration crumbles into sadness. So at the first sign of angry Patton they all brace themselves for the wave of emotions. They’ve learned that you have to listen to him when he’s mad, then comfort and work it out when he’s sad afterwards. He only ever gets mad when people aren’t listening to him though (not every time more like he’s trying to express a concern, or an idea and people keep ignoring him or talking over him until he snaps) that being said at first Virgil handles it the best but once Roman got closer to him he learned pretty quick
How did everyone feel meeting thomas?
Initially, confusion. Why did Roman have a child? Where was the mother? Roman is so young? But after a little bit they all loved him. Patton was the only one to love first ask questions later though. More of “oh a baby! What’s his name can I hold him” and then after a little bit he started asking the how questions. Patton was the first to meet him, then logan and Virgil together. Logan was the first one to start asking the questions everyone was thinking other than the big one (what happened to the mother)
Will Linda ever return?
I don’t have any specific plans for that to happen at the moment. But it’d be in her best interest to stay away cause now she has 4 more people ready to kick her ass at any moment. However i do think that in the future thomas would want to meet her
As Thomas grows, what will Roman tell him?
The truth. When he’s young he kind of accepts that he has two dad’s and the thought doesn’t cross his mind. Its when he gets in school he starts asking questions. Thomas don’t get it at first but if he grows up being told the same thing about his mother, eventually he’ll understand (im speaking from experience here actually. I think it was best that mom told me the truth at a young age and kept reinforcing the idea )
So who kissed who first between Patton and Roman?
Patton kissed Roman on the cheek first, which lead to roman kissing Patton on the forehead regularly. But when it does come down to it Patton pecked Roman on the lips as a kiss goodnight after a date. Which, in turn, lead to roman immediately pulling him back in for a real kiss
Have they ;) yet?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it depends on your definition I guess. It’s hard (hehe) to get someone to take care of thomas and when they do they’re usually on a date, or too exhausted to do anything but get a nice nap in. but a blowjob or hand job has happened before
Alright. And if they have, when did Virge and Logan?
Honeymoon. Virgil wanted to wait until they were married to go all the way. I know it’s cliche but he was honestly just nervous about exposing himself and doing something with someone just to have them leave. He didn’t want to be so vulnerable with someone who wouldn’t stay
So, any of them have pets
Roman used to have a cat but then Patton and him got more serious, they were thinking about moving in together and we’ll Patton is allergic so he gave him to emilie
Will they ever get a dog
Patton really wants one (or 50) but Roman is worried about getting one that might be too energetic and potentially hurting or knocking Thomas over. When thomas is older though romans open to the idea
how did Logan and Virgil meet (more specifically)
They sat beside each other one day in an astrology class, Virgil accidently drank Logan’s coffee instead of his own cause he was t i r e d and Logan was like “yknow what? Keep it.” and Virgil was like “oh no I’m sorry can I buy you a new one?” they exchanged numbers and the next morning Virgil texted him asking what kind he wanted. Eventually they alternated getting each other coffee every morning and then that evolved to hanging out after classes
When did Logan decide to propose?
Logan’s mom told him never to marry  someone if you haven’t seen them at their most vulnerable point. He saw him at one of his worst beakdowns and realised he still loved him just as much as when virgil was at his best. That’s when he just… knew(i got a small fix about the exact moment tell me if youd wanna see that)
Have they ever broken up?
Who is the little spoon?
Every part of me wants to tell you logan. Every. single. damn. part. of me… but in my heart I know it’s Virgil
(after some discussion about pets, a lot of backtracking and some discussion this is what we’ve got)
they get a hairless cat and Virgil is salty until it crawls into his jacket and starts purring. But like, simease cats (spelling is 100% wrong) actually like being dressed. So it would crawl into his jacket and look up at him and then make that cat noise that melts people’s hearts, then starts purring. Logan walks in to see the cat on Virgil’s chest, zipped into the hoodie. Both of them asleep.That was his phones background for months
what’s the cats name?
Bobbi (bobberta for long )
Virgil does the baby voice when he /thinks/ no one is around. Logan has a thirty minute video of him calling her baby and cooing as she just climbed into his jacket and laid there And then Roman and Patton saw it, and then he lost all “street cred” and Logan posts a 2 minute clip of it on his Twitter and people who follow him cause they know he’s married to Virgil see it, fandom goes wild, logan almost had to sleep on the couch (Virgil wasn’t actually mad he was just embarrassed)
Bonus, now his fans know he actually really loves the cat.
Virgil in videos : my stupid ugly bitch of a cat Bobbi
Virgil in that specific video: hey baby ya want in my jacket? Here ya go girl see sweetie pie I love you :) I love you a whole bunch aww
Oh, and Bobbi freaking knows. She’s so cocky. Especially when Logan wants to cuddle and it’s just “but she just got comfortable…and now she’s asleep…” And then she opens one eye at Logan
Logan: Virgil sweetie please come to bed it’s late
Virgil, laying on his stomach with Bobbi asleep on his back in his hood: are you even seeing this? You want me to move????? No fuck off babe
Oh, and some nights, she just climbs into Virgil’s arms… seemingly always before Logan gets back from brushing his teeth. Virgil is just happily asleep, and the cat looks so smug in h i s  s p o t
Even more insulting is that Logan’s the one who cleans the litter box
So, Roman. I love him. How old is he?
I have no clue XD in the song that it’s based on it says"5 years from now" and if were assuming this happened in his senior year them that would probably but him around 24S
o how did he react when he found out Linda was pregnant?
Excitmant. For 2 seconds. Before he realised that they were young and he didn’t think the child was his and just.. Fear… and bad thoughts but he didn’t tell her that. He stuck by her side the entire time until she finally gave birth to this beautiful baby
So, who gives Thomas ‘the talk?
Oh good Lord all of them at once
How does that go?
Bad.It’s a disaster It starts with just roman and then Patton tries to help and then the others come over and try to help and in the end it’s Logan who makes it somewhat understandable. Thomas is just so confused until Logan makes it clear. All of them sitting there like “well uh it’s when a boy and a girl well uh it doesn't have to be a boy and a girl Its like two people”
Remy" or a person and a machine"
Everyone: “R E M Y NO”
“But toys…and it could be three” Dee is no help
They end up kicking them out of the room after 5 minutes. And Virgil is just so awkward. Logan is very to the point. Patton is trying to sugar coat it. And then Roman is trying to say it’s all about love and romance without saying too much about what happens
Logan: so most commonly a penis-
Patton: AHH NO NOT THAT WORD uhh a boys parts..
Logan: but not only boys have penisis Patton
Logan:It’s the correct term Patton. Would you prefer for me to call it a dic-
Roman:Penis is fine!
Thomas dosent learn anything until Logan is like “okay Patton Virgil get out. Me and Roman will handle this”
Patton: but I’m his dad!
Logan: yeah so is roman. You two keep getting in each others way and confusing him. Now shoo.
And Thomas just listening to Logan, and asking questions. The two get closer because he was the only one to handle it correctly
Joan years later: so which one of your dads gave you the talk
Thomas: my uncle did cause everyone else was scared and confused
How does Thomas hear about Sex?
Deceit >:3
Oh god, what did he do?
Tons of inappropriate jokes. Patton is always S H O C K ED he would make such jokes in front of a child l. Virgil smacks him when he does it and if it goes too far he doesn’t hold back
*while explaining it* Deceit: so its when you take your dic-
*gets bitch slapped by Virgil*
Remy is just laughing so hard
Oh god deceit taught Thomas his first cuss word and Patton like tackles him
he dropped an f bomb at dinner and Roman choked on his water
thomas:Hey dad I learned a new word today!
roman:Oh really what was it?
roman:*chokes on salad*
Thomas: de and remy!
Patton, pulling out a baseball bat: in just gonna talk to them
Roman: Patton no
patton:I’m just gonna talk to them
patton:*getting in his car* I’m just gonna talk to them
what does Linda do after she leaves?
drugs probably
What would happen if Thomas met her?
well she'd probably try and play it off like she did nothing wrong and it was roman who left her and then she'd get her ass kicked by remy who was there for all of it.okay not like physical violence but definitely getting cussed out and yelled at for an hour.  i dont think thomas would tell her to stay out of his life, but i do think remy would tell her to stay the fuck away. And  imagine patton cursing her out. like no one's ever heard him cuss till linda comes along
patton: “thomas will you please leave the room”
patton: “okay listen here you little bitch”
What would Roman say to her?
roman wont even look at her. she hurt him really bad.. he’d just ask her to leave and if she even takes a step towards him everyone else would instantly feel like they are ready to fight. And then after she leaves Roman just breaks down. logans the only civil one who asks her sternly yet calmly to leave cause everyone else is just glaring a cursing. when she leaves everyone just huddles around roman, comforting him. thomas would cry too.. probably just with all the tension and how roman would cry he'd probably feel partly responsible (if this did happen he'd be in his late teens) And Patton just cuddles Roman. And for days Thomas is just refusing to look anyone in the eye.my poor boys.. patton would be going around doing damage control and trying to clean up the emotional mess linda made. And even Dee is careful around Roman. remy is definitely the one to actually grow and tell her to “stay the fuck away from my family” with his voice d r i p p i n g with venom. The damage she did was awful. remy thomas dee roman and patton take it hardest. virgil and logan did not grasp the reality of the situation till it was right in front of them. I think, besides Roman, Thomas takes it the hardest. He refuses to show most people his eyes for weeks..
patton: you haven't looked us in the eyes for weeks thomas are you okay?
thomas: i don't like my eyes.. you said i have /her/ eyes.. i don't like them
patton: hey no no no. you have /your/ eyes. when we look in them we don't think about her. we think about you and how happy and full of life they are. those are your eyes and we love them so much.  
and he just breaks down sobbing
 On a lighter headcanon dee is transgender. and he lives with remy but i haven't decided whether or not to have them together
Remy being asexual. but also he's not sex repulsed and has, out of curiosity, had dee eat him out cause did i mention dee has a split tongue? well yeah that did happen mostly cause it was joke my friend made t me like “damn what that tongue do!! even your asexual as would try that” and i was like “HEY BUDDY I FEEL CALLED OUT”
Well does Talyn come into the au any time soon
i have spent literally hours trying to find a way to work them in that would make sense and that i enjoy and could make work and haven't found a way yet but i am working on it
.So, like the hairless Bobbi and Thomas
Thomas is not very high on the cats favorites list. I mean he’s above Logan but also he tries to pick it up when it doesn't want to But like, she’s fine with him. The one time she tried to scratch him, to everyone's surprise, Virgil was the one to get onto herBobbi: *hiss and tries to scratch*
Virgil *picking her up and taking her away* bobbi! Bad kitty! We do not do that! Bad!
And then locks her in his room for the rest of the visit. Everyone is just so surprised, and Logan is hurt “You never stopped her from attacking me” and Thomas is just sad because the kitty is gone
"You’re a grown ass man Logan this is a child"
And Dee gives Thomas a stuffed cat before he starts crying.
And Roman is laughing so hard
Thomas: on the floor pouting
And like, he just goes home snuggling the stuffed animal, and everyone is so confused because no one was paying attention. Thomas loves it, not just because it’s a cat, but his uncle Dee gave him it
Dee /totally didn’t/ crybwhen he was called uncle dee
. All of them cried when Thomas started calling them uncle and Patton cried at "daddy Patton"
Even Logan got choked up. Patton sobbed. Then Roman came in and saw Patton hugging a tiny and confused Thomas. It took over an hour to get Patton to l e t  h i m  g o
And Thomas hugged Logan’s leg when he called him uncle, thinking he made him sad because he’d never seen him like that.
Roman: hey I’m back with the groceries help me pack them in- what are you doing
Patton, crying: Thomas say it again!
Thomas : daddy Patton
Roman had to bring all of them in himself
 Okay so..Idea: Thomas caught a frog and tried to kiss it while Roman was like "SHIT NO DON’T DO THAT NONONO”
And Thomas is like" but you said kissing frogs turn them into princes"
R:“That’s only magical frogs”
T:“How do I know if the frogs are magical”
P:“They have to be talking frogs”
T:“Oh..okay” and puts down the poor little thing
 Roman and Linda were engaged. She’s old his ring to a pawn shop, for drugs probably.He proposed after he found out she was pregnant. He knew she was cheating on him but thought maybe this would make her stay: deceit finds it in a pawn shop. Anyway deceits in there for unknown reasons and he sees it and of course it’s like engraved so he /knows/ it’s romans. And Roman is just so sad. He starts crying. Remy's ready to hunt down Linda and murder her like the least she could do was leave him the damn ring. Roman wants to get rid of it but the others aren’t so sure
Maybe Patton turns it into a bracelet. That’s the thing about Patton. He wants to turn something ugly into something beautiful. Maybe when Thomas is older they give it to him. Just like with the eye thing, so they associate the bracelet/ring with him instead of linda
God speaking of the eyes can you imagine Roman talking about Linda and saying “and she had the most beautiful big brown eyes…” and  looking over at thomas as he says that.This is when he’s a tiny baby and she had just left. and Patton is just sad. Cause you know he’s telling him about it like pattons holding Thomas and its late at night and Patton just quietly asks “tell me about her? His mom?” and Roman just quietly nods and talks for an hour and Patton listening to each and every word. He starts with all the good things like her laugh and her eyes but eventually he starts telling him about the fights, the cheating, the drinking… And Patton is there for him. He stays up with him all night..And Patton hugs him. Patton gets Virgil and Logan to take Thomas the next day so he and Roman can have a day to themselves since they had a very emotional night and are tired.
Virgil doesn’t know what to do with the smol boi. Logan doesn't know either mate..
Bonus points if this is the first time they take care of the baby
Logan probably gets the camera and records Virgil being a disaster with the baby and virgil's like"STOP RECORDING AND HELP ASSHOLE" while like changing a diaper or something
Virgil kind of just…pats his head when Thomas gets sad, but it sort of worksVirgil : *holding Thomas* Oh no don’t cry please not again uh uh *pat pat* did… Did it work?
Thomas: ……..*starts fucking screeching harder*
Virgil: S H I T!
logan looks up what to do and helps.of course, when Thomas is about three, Virgil is great with him
So, Patton and Roman’s wedding?
Patton wears a blue suit, Roman wears a white one. They don’t have a lot of money so they try and keep it simple and small, but Roman of course still tries to still make it special for Patton. Roman is a nervous wreck, patton's excited. All of their friends are there, patton's family too (a lot of children and family. Patton's family takes up 73% of the crowd. Romans family doesn't come (other than like picani) Patton walks down the isle, Virgil and Logan are groomsmen because Remy and deceit are not to be trusted (which they are like “yeah that’s fair” ) the wedding goes good, Thomas is probably like.. 5 or 6 at this point. Thomas is so happy. He’s just so happy for His dad’s he doesn’t know what to do. He’s bouncy and happy and giggly and eats a lot of cake. Roman is so happy. Patton cried happy tears and won’t let go of Roman for like a week. Honeymoon while Thomas stays with Virgil and logan
later Thomas had to ask why daddy patton has bruises all over his neck. Patton “got attacked my a bear” cause he panicked and that’s what he said. Thomas cried and threw away a stuffed bear. Patton and Roman had to do damage control.
Thomas realises this like 10 years later just sitting there having a conversation and “oh yeah my dad once told me he was attacked by a… Bear… OH MY GOD THEY WERE HICKEYS!!”
*Joan just dying* “I  C R I E D!! I THREW AWAY MY STUFFED BEAR J O A N !!!!” And that’s the story of how Thomas got enrolled in therapy
Ngl it took deceit and Remy a good 10 minutes to recover from hearing the bear excuse.
And Virgil just walked out of the room, laughing. Logan just quietly telling Roman “I could’ve thought of at least 20 better excuses” as patton’s just in the floor with Thomas like “NONONONONONO ITS OKAY IM OKAY DONT CRY” And Thomas hugging him so tightly for a five year old
“ it bit you!” while pointing at a bite dee and Remy and deceit actually *C R Y I N G* from laughter while Patton just blushing and trying to excuse it
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