#it took me fiveever
grapecaseschoices · 2 years
fic title: lightning strikes twice
The way my brain wants to make this a Kendis fic so bad, but I shan't. I SHAN'T. This is why it took me fiveever to answer because that's all I could think of.
I think it would be something inspired by Lightning Field by Sneaker Pimps.
If it would be a fandom fic, it would probably be a Exile the Game fic. But if it’s strictly original, I believe it would have to do be something political and fantasy. Maybe something with a prophecy and/or a character who is cursed. I’m tempted to just make it the concept of one of the IFs I’ve back-burnered:
Basically there are three born to a prophecy: 1. Thought to be the hero but isn’t. 2. The actual hero 3. The third regulated to the ‘villain’ (this is very loose explanation because I never delved more than thatw erwq).
I feel the story could be easily about 1 or 3. I think it’d be more interesting as 1 here the lightning striking ‘twice’ would be either the ‘luck’ of the prophecy originally thought for them and then again as a burn when it’s NOT, OR the luck/obligation vs choosing the destiny (sort of the lightning happening to her paralleled with her being the lightning - the light of choice but also the power of her doing what she gotta). 
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cecidesent-blog · 5 years
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8) How does your character feel about religion?
To put it simply, Guts and religion do not mix. It’s like oil and water. He lived in a time where God’s name was thrown around to justify every horrible thing that happened, or every horrible thing that someone did. People cry out the same religious rhetoric, and they put their faith in something that Guts views as deplorable. He does believe that God exists, but that doesn’t mean he has any faith in Him. Firstly, in the world of Berserk, God is portrayed as a rather sinister being made up of the collective darkness from the consciousness of the human race. THE IDEA OF EVIL. The Godhand, as the name implies, are the five “angels” that carry out God’s will, altering fate / causality to achieve what God desires. Guts was a sacrifice to the Godhand and the apostles that remain in the darkest depths of hell, and ever since that accursed event, the idea of God has turned into something he heavily dislikes. Humans use religion and God to justify the massacre of hundreds, the most despicable and shallow human beings seem to believe in God... So Guts associates the two of them together. 
Father Mozgus was one such example, a priest that had a band of torturers to do his bidding, brutally torturing and murdering people for “blasphemy”, when they only wanted to avoid starving to death. Guts can’t believe that any benevolent being would allow the world to be the way it is, and the fact that GOD is allowing all of this? Just makes Guts despise religion in its entirety.
27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality?
Guts has never seen himself as handsome or attractive. He’s heavily scarred from battles he’s experienced since he was six years old, some are more faded than others, while others are quite gruesome due to the severity of the wound. Guts doesn’t feel truly safe without any sort of armor on, he primarily wears the Berserker armor ( it’s a double edged sword, it grants him power, but every time he uses it, he gradually loses his five senses, as well as his sanity ), and he rarely takes it off, unless Schierke / Farnese insists on him removing it to address the wounds he sustains during their battles against the supernatural every night. Underneath, Guts usually wears thin ( but usually warm ) linens that make it easy for him to move around, with bandages covering the entirety of his body, with the exception of his feet and digits. He’s never been one for anything fancy and he prefers simple clothing, as opposed to the fancy attire that nobles wear. 
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
His greatest strength and weakness has to be his ANGER. While his wrath can be utilized in killing and destroying anything that gets in his way, particularly demons, it also blinds him from the things / people that matter the most to him. Guts’ anger is brutal, it’s wild, it’s a raging flame that consumes anything it touches... And when he lets loose, he can barely distinguish friend from foe. Ire is an emotion that blurs his judgement, he becomes so fixated on what he hates, that he forgets about the things that matter the most to him. Guts only realizes what he has when he’s away from them, as many other people do. Though he has become a lot calmer with age, he’s still susceptible to having outbursts of anger if he’s pushed enough.
Also, Guts does not know when to quit. He’s extremely obstinate and sometimes he overestimates himself and the limits his body can go to when he was human. Even when he’s aware that his injuries are still susceptible to reopening, he still pushes himself to fight when he is no condition to do so. This proves to be his undoing because he’s further weakening himself when he should be resting, and when his fatigue eventually catches up to him, it will be detrimental for him and the rest of the group he has to protect. 
30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive?
Not only is Guts wrathful, but he’s extremely vindictive and he can hold grudges that will last for years. He rarely forgets when people have slighted him, and he always seeks to spite them in return, depending on the severity of what they have done. Guts holds onto memories of the people that he’s lost, and the bittersweet moments that occurred before he and his comrades from the Band of the Hawk, were offered to the apostles and the Godhand as sacrifices. He cannot forget nor FORGIVE how Griffith sacrificed his comrades without a second thought, and how Griffith sexually assaulted Casca right in front of Guts’ eyes after he was pinned down by apostles. For three solid years, Guts was trying to find a way to reach the Godhand in order to kill Griffith especially... Though his hatred has spread into any form of demons / horrific creatures that represent themselves as evil. Guts can forgive, but it’s extremely difficult for him to do so, and it all depends on what someone has done to him / someone he cares deeply for. 
32. How does your character react to stress situations? Defensively? Aggressively? Evasively?
It depends on the situation. In battles against humans, he usually feels calm and collected without any real sense of urgency. There are very few people that can match his inhuman amount of strength, and he can cleave through armor and flesh like a hot knife through butter with his sword, Dragonslayer. However, in fights with apostles / large supernatural presences, he definitely feels more of a sense of urgency and stress, especially when he has to protect the people he cares for. Guts is easily agitated in these scenarios, he vents his frustrations out through isolating and distracting himself at times, usually until he’s calm enough to rationally think about how to solve the problem at hand. It’s a combination of aggressiveness and evasiveness at first, but then he meets everything head on instead of running away like he used to.
42. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
Primarily, Guts wants peace. He wants peace, not only for himself, but for the new group that has been with him for months on end. Killing Griffith has become secondary, a thought that comes up every now and then, but he primarily focuses on the people he cares for the most. Once, having Griffith’s head on a pike was the main thing he focused on... He was consumed by this desire, so much so that he isolated himself from people, surrounding himself in his wrath and hatred, being cruel and aggressive towards others so they won’t get in his way of slaughtering the man he despises the most. However, the urge to kill was put to rest for a while, and now more than anything, he wants to have a tranquil calm... A place he can rest, if only for a bit. Guts has become tired of constantly fighting every night for his own life, as well as the others. As he describes it, his sword has become heavy with the responsibility he has of helping the others survive every night. Having a place where he and the others could rest? It would be perfect.
@helseira + @warphantasm​
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tswwwit · 3 years
12k and the end is finally in sight! Goddamn this is a big chapter.
I always knew it was going to be large by dint of the conversations that go on, but damn do those kinda things take up SO many words. Also included: Me gently lying down on the floor to stare blankly into space while trying to write some of the scenes.
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🤔 Ori!Kaiba for my boi, Critias and papo!
Send me a 🤔 to hear what thoughts are going through my muse’s head right NOW. (alternatively, send me a  🤔 + topic to hear my muses thoughts regarding your chosen topic.)
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If that thing shows his face to me again, I'm not going to be so nice. Dartz has done enough damage taking my company from me, I don't need any imposters! There's only one Seto Kaiba! The fakes will get what they deserve.
Heh. I should burn all his clothes. I bet that would be a fate worse than death for that fool.
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That was strange. It must've been a hologram glitch, but where did it fly off to? And that voice, was it really coming from--? No, what am I thinking? Whoever programmed this hologram must've given it a voice.
'Couldn't resist the taste of the poison...' I bet I know what that means. Someone's trying to convince me that card is poison. Do they honestly think I'll give up my strategy just because a cheap hologram told me to? What a joke.
... What's this weird feeling I have? Ngh... I should get back to Mokuba.
Papo Set:
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I shouldn't be holding this stupid rock. All it does is glow! It must react to body heat, like a mood ring. Would Set think a mood ring was 'magic'? Apparently he's from ancient Egypt, he doesn't know the science behind it. Hah! I should tell him that it's a mood ring. See how he reacts to being told that his 'magic' got duped by a cheap gift-shop trinket.
... What am I thinking? If he's all in my head, there's no point to tricking him. Am I so sick that I enjoy talking to myself? ... Gh, if I keep thinking about what Set is, it’ll distract me from my goals. I can't trust him anyway... Yes, that's right. I have to focus.
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husbandits · 5 years
I am so in love with ur blog (name especially)) Can I please have headcanon for John and Arthur? His wife is pregnant and one day they find out it's a twins. How would he act? What would he feel? How would he raise them?
ha, thank you! i think the original name i had on this blog was like like arthur-moegon or smth
i'm pretty certain there wasn't really a way to tell if you were having twins back then, other than maybe how big the woman was getting, until the actual birth, so i focused mostly on that
he's already very anxious about having another kid
after everything he messed up with jack though, he's determined to do things right this time
so he hovers over you a bit, not wanting to miss something, or make you think he's abandoning you
when you start showing he's eager to feel, and press kisses to you
ends up sticking his foot in his mouth on the regular when you start getting notably bigger than he remembers abigail getting
you have a sneaking suspicion as to why you're growing so much, but you don't really think to tell him for most of the pregnancy
it completely slips your mind the last few months, as you get more and more preoccupied with dealing with your own issues
not until you start having contractions and your water breaks just as you make your way back to your cot to sit
john, who's been hovering and for the past two weeks is quick to catch your distress
he's been urging you to rest for a while, but when you actually do, pale faced and panting for breath, he panics
calls for miss grimshaw, rushing over to sit with you, only to realize he doens't know what to do
it isn't until she pushes him out of the way, helping you up and onto the cot in a nearby tent that john listens to your soothing, the way your hand squeezes his back
still he's nervous. paces around just outside, wincing at your every groan
if there was anyway for him to help he would, he just feels absolutely helpless to do anything
so when susan calls him over to hold the baby, when he can hear it's cries, he starts to calm down
you're through the worst of it, he tells himself
at least, he does until she realizes there's another little one in three, and has you start pushing again
in a second all the stress on his shoulders doubles
two kids, two little mouths to provide for
two opportunities to fuck everything up, all over again
it isn't until you've finished delivering the second child that he realizes he's standing there, panicking. not helping. again
with an apology he moves over to you, newborn still carefully held in his arms
sees the twin you have pressed to your chest and something in his throat closes up again
you just smile
reach out for him, exhausted, and give him a reassuring squeeze
everything will work out fine, you're sure of it
he's very excited when he finds out that you're having a baby
arthur's wanted kids for so long, he's already got plans for every little milestone of their life
this is after the end of the game, when the two of you live in a farmhouse out by yourselves, so he has absolutely nothing to distract him from his family
he goes in to town to see if he can find any books to help him figure all this out
from the start he's a bit of a mess, hovering over you and making sure you're okay, that you have enough to eat, that you're not in any sort of discomfort
saving for all sorts of things the baby might need, making toys and a crib
haranguing himself when it's not quite stable enough
he goes a little overboard preparing honestly, but he's so cute when he does it
and it's reassuring to know that everything's taken care of, as your body swells and it gets harder to keep up with all the housework
when you start going into labour, arthur panics
it's just the two of you at home, so he doesn't have anyone to help you other than himself
trying to remember when he helped your dairy cow give birth the other month, arthur has you get up on the bed, feet spread apart so it'll be easier to push
reminds you to breathe, wishes he could hold your hand as he gets down to try to help
after the first one, when you both think you're done, he holds the baby carefully, looking it (him?) over carefully and trying not to get caught up in staring
he tells you to keep your legs up, you still have to deliver the afterbirth, but it should be easier
except when you keep pushing there's not sign of the placenta, not yet at least
when the second kid crowns, he realizes what's going on
he gives a hum of surprise, and reaches to squeeze your knee, before having you start pushing again
it's a good thing arthur overprepared, because as it turns out you'll be needing twice the supplies
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dredshirtroberts · 5 years
I am freaking adorable in just my undies and an apron btw. You’re welcome to have a crush on me uwu. 
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moon-lit-heroine · 6 years
Fresh Blood (closed rp w/ atpapasrighthand)
     A gloved thumb stroked over the page of the infernal bible as she listened to the footfalls echo down the hall. Ghouls, Siblings of Sin, and clergy members alike had vacated the sanctuary, leaving the large female ghoul alone with her thoughts. She was new to this congregation, to the whole aspect of what she was and where she was. Time had seemed to slow down drastically since she was summoned and bound to her deceased master. Now, she was a free ghoul who had found her way to the church of Satan. 
     As she gathered her things, she stood and adjusted her mask. This thing was a pain in the ass and she had a mind to take it off when she was alone. It did help her to keep control of her urges though. It helped hide her horns and her tail and her claws under wraps. It also helped keep some of the stares away from her. Only some of them. It wouldn’t help with her sheer size. The ghoulette stood nearly as tall as the Aether ghoul and almost twice as muscular. The clothing the clergy had chosen for her barely fit without ripping at the seams.
     The ghoul looked at her new loafers, mindful of the tiny kitten heels. This wasn’t the kind of attire she’d worn in life... or even in servitude. It was odd being crammed into what this conjuration thought was acceptable. But if it gave her a home free of judgement and ridicule, she’d take it. 
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honeybearloco · 4 years
i need ideas for a new @ related to khh bc my mind is BLANK pleathe help a bitch out 🥺 ily and i hope you’re having/had a good day 💗💗
it took me fiveever to come up with the one i have but i’ll try to help you out. also I have absolutely no clue if these are taken or not so sorry in advance
blooculture ( you can make the l’s capital i’s )
groovykisses ( groovykissez )
punchjello ( punchmello )
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stillebesat · 5 years
"I miss you... I miss the King" a sigh "Apparently, it's the same for me" creativitwins fluff/angst?
I Miss The King (Part ½)
First the AngstWarnings: Weapons, Fighting, Injuries, Blood, Death Talk
 Wait. What?
Remus staggered back, left arm aching from where Roman’s sword had hit his shield. “It is?” He breathed, unable to mask his surprise as he used his battleaxe to block the blade swinging for his head. 
But Remus had only said that to throw Princey off his groove. He hadn’t expected Roman to–to—to agree! 
Why would the Passionately Perfect Prince miss being the King? Miss Dark Dingy Duke Remus being a part of him? 
Roman raised an eyebrow, twirling his sword expertly in his hand as he circled Remus, ignoring the cheers and jeers of the crowd surrounding the sand pit they’d been tossed into a la Gladiator style. “Believe me, I didn’t want to. I don’t like you Remus. What you–” He gestured with his weapon. “Represent about us.”
The worst parts. 
Like he had been given a freaking choice about how they’d been separated. Remus snarled and struck, swiping at Princey’s legs with the battleaxe. “Like you’re so perfect.” He hissed. “You and your stupid swelled head! I’m glad!” He swung again. “GLAD that you took the Ego.” He jumped, avoiding Roman’s sword striking for his knee, and pressed in his attack, using his shield to keep his other half at bay. “It leaves me very comfortable in my skin, Princey.” 
Comfortable with being considered the lesser half because he didn’t fit the stereotypical look for Royalty. It didn’t matter. He was fine with who he was now. Comfortable with being the dark side of the King. He wouldn’t have survived so long in this Gladiator pit against opponent after opponent if it weren’t for those darker attributes keeping him alive. So yes. He was comfortable being himself. He had to be. 
“If you’re sooo comfortable.” Roman growled, wiping blood from his cheek from where Remus had hit him with the edge of his shield. “Then why bring up that you miss being him?!” He darted forward, blade flashing under the burning sun. “You can’t say that you don’t feel it, Remus. Feel that emptiness that nothing can fill.”
So what if he did? It wasn’t like they could fix it. This. THIS separation was permanent. They couldn’t fix it. Not this time. 
“Because I’m EVIL, IDIOT! IT’S WHAT I DO!” Remus yelled, ignoring the wetness that flooded his eyes. Things had been going so well for them before—before—before—-He snarled dropping the shield to use both hands to swing his axe full force at his other half, pressing his attack. “AND. YOU. ARE. A. SOFT. SENT. A. MEN. TAL. FOOL!” He snarled, kicking sand up in a cloud to blind Roman because evil doesn’t ever fight fair. It wasn’t in his nature. 
And it was all Roman’s fault. If he had only listened to that sense of something being wrong then they wouldn’t have been in this mess. They could have been WHOLE. 
He kicked out, catching Roman in the chest and sent him staggering backwards into the wooden wall of the pit that had been Remus’s home for the past fiveever. 
His other half gasped out, ducking down and away from the wall just as Remus’s battleaxe dug deep into the wood where his head had been. 
It had been such a simple plan. Distract the Prince and live just a little bit longer. Throw him off his groove. Say a few trite words, toss sand in the idiot’s face while he was momentarily distracted and walla! Remus would be able to live another day in this hellhole as his other half perished in a pool of blood, leaving him the last remaining link to their long gone Kingdom.
Remus stiffened as the cool metal of Roman’s sword pressed against his neck before he could pull his axe free from the wall.
The bad guy always loses. 
“Let go.” The Prince commanded, the edge of his sword digging a little deeper into his skin, not yet drawing blood. But very close to it.  
Remus closed his eyes, fingers reluctantly pulling free from the handle as his mind raced for any solution, any trick, that could possibly save him as Roman forced him away from the wall, moving him back to the center of the sand pit where his death would be best viewed by the roaring crowd around them.
His shield out of reach, his axe stuck deep in the wood, the sword right at his throat.
You tried. You failed. Time to accept the consequences. 
He exhaled, forcing a smile on his face as he snapped his eyes open, lifting his chin high. “Come on, Princey.” He said, meeting his other half’s princely eyes as they stopped in the center of the ring.. “Do it already. One swift swing and you’ll be free of your Darkness.”  
Remus had known the odds for his survival weren’t good when Roman had stepped into the ring. Had known that this would be the most likely outcome.
Still. For once. He’d hoped to have something well…good…work out in his favor. To be the victor. To be the best for once. 
But it looked like Roman would be the last remaining link to everything and one they had once represented. Not him.
It never was him. 
The Prince’s fingers went white on the handle, his eyes flashing as the roar of the crowd reached glass shattering levels. “I don’t like you, Remus.” He said as he pulled the sword back, twisting it as he positioned the point to pierce him in the heart. 
Remus smirked, dropping his eyes to the blade.  “No one does, Ro.” He whispered as Roman surged forward.
 And no one ever would. 
Now The Fluff (Part 2)
Send me 2 Sentences and I’ll Continue them Like They’re a Fanfic. 
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slywrites · 4 years
hey....chapter 16 is finally out now.... go read it here 
it’s long and took me fiveever to write so let me know what y’all think lol
I’m going to be writing some other fics and get them posted as this chapter was a lot for me (like in a good way so much happens lol) I’ll hope to have some consistent uploads throughout the month 
i updated my bio with what I’m working on in case y’all are interested to see whats going on 
love y’all <3
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lenavonschweetz · 4 years
OH MY GOD LENA ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I LAST VISITED YOUR BLOG IM GONNA READ EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW - also thank you so much *again* for writing Let's Play Pretend for me!
Finn!!!!  HELLO LUV, I’m so happy to hear from you!!!
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Thank you for the fun request!!! As much as it fought me, I loved writing it! I’m so sorry it took fiveEVER but I just didn’t feel what I was writing for so long and I didn’t want to just churn out some filler for you, ya know? 💜
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forgive me for asking but I big adore your bfdi rarepairs and I was wondering if you had any other headcannons? (PS I'd die for you 💕💝💓💞❤️♥️💟💗❣️💖)
this took FIVEever to answer im sorry ghfg i wanted to do this ask justice i love you
under cut bc i, lost my mind theres alot
in one way or another p much everyone is dating
(doylian explanation:) because im a hopeless multishipper
(watsonian explanation:) mostly bc flower has a hand in about every pie so they’re all connected by proxy
also everyone has a crush on loser. like, everyone. even loser has a crush on loser.
flowers hopelessly in love with a new person every day and usually understands relationships like a middle school cartoon character does. youre my boyfriend now, that means we share candy bars sometimes and worship the ground the other walks on. sometimes she Forgets she was dating someone. oh hi eraser, what do you mean youre breaking up with me? we were dating? since when?? oh YEAH, yeah of course no hard feelings, see you around
golf ball makes her fall apart like wet paper though, all she wants is to…. impress her with math and physical prowess? she doesn’t know what to do w that feeling
so she carries stuff around like “golf ball hey, hey golf ball, do you see how im carrying an entire recovery center around? look golf ball i tore your door off your hinges, look, i made an entire robot, love me”
golf ball’s 1) big aromantic and 2) not impressed, but i mean, flower did just take the derivative of a complex fraction, and she can recite the first forty digits of pi, so she can’t be that bad. so she kinda melts a little. lets flower hang out while she’s doing Statistics™, lets flower buy her coffee and carry things for her
flower holds gb up to reach things. gb insists it isn’t helpful. flower insists it is.
tennis ball and flower are the two main members of I Have A Huge Crush On Golf Ball Anonymous. meetings are on wednesdays, see you there
the tb/gb/flower group text is a mess, flower wakes up to find 500 texts back and forth of tb and gb working out a tough math problem (why did they use the group text instead of just texting each other?), then tb and gb check their phones later to find 60 from flower correcting something they already corrected themselves (she didnt notice that part). golf ball goes afk with a “ok stop texting me flower” like twice a day and flower goes “ok! (ten more texts about everything on her mind).” 
gb and flower both take their coffee black, so flower’s pretty sure theyre soulmates (snowball has that too, but iced, so she thinks it’s probably not soulmate love….right?)
she was sure they were soulmates already, because gb is just,, so pretty, so nice,,,,, pretty voice,,
gb yells at her for something and on the inside, flower’s just like hyperventilating “she said mY NAME”
braceletty supports flower and her unrequited adoration for and support of someone completely out of her league. she knows the feeling
flower knows robots, a little, and so sometimes she uploads playlists or pictures onto tv or robot flower to make golf ball suffer
gb: “tv, show the results” tv: “now playing: for the love of my life, from flower”gb, screaming:
they were on the same team in season 1, and flower’s been hopeless pretty much ever since
the announcer crusher breaking when it hit gb is significant, idk if she made it to Not Hurt GB or if she put it There Specifically to crush gb because Feelings, but i love it and pretend it’s significant
gb knows how flower feels and begrudgingly accepts that flower’s That Friend Who Just Showed Up One Day And Won’t Leave
half my mind says “it works out, happy ever after” the other half says “gb breaks her heart and it isnt always ok for flower, angst, one-sided crush, no reciprocation, ever” and i love both
tennis ball. loves snowball. always has. like. wow tough,,,big, , but he never dwells on it, since, like, seriously? snowball??
and then one day snowball’s watching tennis ball’s team doing something and like, tennis ball smiles or something, and everything inside him goes “oh SHIT, that’s him, that’s, the one”
he’s furious (WHY HIM he’s a NERD he has no ARMS he’s WEAK) but it all ends up working out
idk how, i only like, understand one sided crushing, or established relationships
theyre that couple gazing into each other’s eyes while their food gets cold, like not so much pda as much as just being obnoxiously sweet together. mushy gushy. they’re liable to use the entire existing vocabulary of pet names, from “asshole” to “darling, my love,” every time they address each other
flower, self-proclaimed best friend to snowball, thought this was what she wanted for him, to have a nice relationship with someone cool, but once he got into one she became that friend gagging loudly every time sb and tb start doing mushy gushy things, solely to tick off snowball
it doesnt work he’s too busy looking at tb’s eyes
while sb was In Denial and flower was Working Things Out, they’d both yell “NERDS” at gb and tb to try and feel better
golf ball got it. tb was confused, he knows he’s a nerd, what gives?
when youre really close with someone made of snow or ice, you start to associate being very cold with being happy and loved. flower and tennis ball suffer. gb finds out tb’s taking colder and colder showers and is convinced snowball’s corrupted him somehow
in general, gb’s convinced snowball’s done Something to tb, but she has no idea a) what it might be, or b) how snowball of all people could be smart enough to do something evil. but she’s sure tb wouldn’t be dating snowball, snowball!!!! if he wasn’t brainwashed somehow
snowball gets rly sweet and borderline gentlemanly (in a sort of rough, tough-guy jock kind of way) with tb though, and tb’s melting every single day
ive also got uhhh LolliSawBag bc im a mess
lollipop and saw were already friends, so when it started to turn into Feelings they were just like Oh Okay Cool!
lollipop, normally, is like a ten year old boy at heart; spitballs and pulls their crush’s braids, gives them a note says “get the fuck out of my town,” she just generally reacts negatively to any feelings
saw was harboring a bit of a crush on barf bag already and so when she saw lollipop tripping bb and teasing her and stuff, she was like, OH
has A Talk with lollipop
has A Talk with bb
figures it out, they all hold hands and are happy
bb is the strongest one, can carry both her gfs on her shoulders at once
lollipop, once she gets past the ‘FUCK, FEELINGS, NO, ANYTHING BUT THIS’ stage, spoils her partners rotten. she gets or makes them gifts for any occasion, even though most of the stuff she gives is super unhelpful and weird. “thanks, lolli, for the…. the automatic peanut butter spreader, i really appreciate it. a great gift for The First Day Of Summer, thanks.”
i,,,m on low battery but holy shit i love, bfdi and smooshing characters together making kissing noises
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1-800-bitchcraft · 6 years
can I get a ship with an Evan character? I am 5'3 with long dirty blonde hair with greenish-blue eyes. I am a bit shy when I meet new people but when I am around them enough I get more comfortable and I come out of my shell more. I love movies, listening to music. I have a great sense of humor and I love being sarcastic. I also love animals. I'm a simple person, it doesn't take a lot to make me happy.
I ship you with kit walker! And sry this took fiveever to do! One of kits favorite things to do with you is go to the movies, seeing as how you love them so much. He’d also love dancing with you every night to one of your favorite songs. Ofc kit loves animals bc he loves everything, including you. I see kit as a simple person so both of you make each other extremely happy! Thank you love! Ships are open! Requests are closed! 💛💜
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thclcstgirl · 6 years
faultedleader B)
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Do I Follow Them?: Heather is actually the first Bellamy I ever followed. I’ll follow her anywhere. Why Did I Follow Them?: BECAUSE BELLAMY. Paired with fantastic writing and I was new to the community and while being totally intimidating she was also totally sweet from what I could see, and I took the plunge. Do We Role Play?: UHM DUH. Do I Want To Role Play With Them: Always and fiveever An AU Idea For Our Muses: Honestly nothing really comes to mind for Fox? We’ve got a fair share of spread out ideas. But I’m always open to more, maybe one of those ‘apartment meet’ au’s that float around or something in my single!mama Fox verse. *wiggles eyebrows at everyone because I could ALWAYS do with more in my single!mama Fox verse with her sweet little boy Quinn and her deceased loml Mbege come at me peeps) A Song For Our Muses: omg. I’m awful at this. Pls hold ...................... OOH this one always makes me think of Fox&Bell tbh CLICK Do I Ship Our Muses?: In some verses, yes. What I Think About The Mun: Heather is completely amazing. She’s sweet and an amazing writer and such a good friend and I’m so pleased that she returned to us in the 100 rpc even though we don’t deserve her Overall Opinion: A++++++++ AMAZING WONDERFUL PERSON WITH AN AMAZING WONDERFUL CHARACTER Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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eranmslingby · 7 years
Aladdin! (For the Disney meme? You can choose to be the peasant or the royal. Any character of yours is a okay with me!)
Aladdin: One muse is a peasent who wants nothing more than to live the royal life. The other is a princess/prince wanting to gay away from it all. Matt scurried about the markets of the village. Running from and angry merchant he had plucked an apple off of. His sly smile in place as he wasn't looking where he was going. Coming to a halt when he nearly ran into a pedestrian. A slew of curses flying out of his mouth. Before looking upon the woman's face. "Well I am deeply sorry ma'am." @thebeautifulimmortal //sorry it took me fiveever to reply!!
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brushwithdanger · 5 years
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ROUTE START: “ Ah, my dear... you seem quite lost. Might I be of assistance? ” ROUTE SWITCH: “ My pleasure, love. Have a wonderful night. ”
MENU INTERFACE, POKE A: He cocks his brow. “ Whatever is it that you seek? ” MENU INTERFACE, POKE B: A slight smile. “ If you are to keep that up, I might return the pleasure... ” MENU INTERFACE, POKE (REPEATEDLY):  Your hand is caught before the third invasion of his privacy, brought to hover before pink lips. You gaze upwards, but all he does is smirk down at you, his breath warm along your skin.  MENU INTERFACE, POKE MAX ♥: At last, he kisses your knuckles, chuckling as he pulls away. “ An apt taste of your own medicine, if I do say so myself... and a delicious taste of you, in my case... ”
COMPLETED SCENE, +♥: How quickly night falls, his silver irises a beacon amidst dark hair and darker skies. Despite the chill of their hue, you feel nothing but warmth. His arms wrap 'round yours, following the enveloping of his blazer around your body. The silken lining, both comfortable and heated by the body that once donned it, is enticing to fall into. You fret for him --- he'd been so averse to tolerating the temperature! --- but the gentle palm soon residing upon your cheek pleads to the contrary, and the kiss atop your head proves his insulation would suffice --- “ As long as you'd be so kind as to keep me... company, tonight. ”  COMPLETED SCENE, -♥: Quite the gentleman --- he bequeaths upon you his jacket in this harsh weather. Though you worry, he quickly dismisses the notion of weakness. And true to his word, he remains... oddly guarded, even from your touch, to which he seems to conveniently turn from come every attempt. Arriving at your home, he is quick to request his jacket --- and relinquish it you do. Before you can offer him a cup of tea to brave the chill with, he spirals upon his heel, one arm effortlessly slipped into sleeve. You watch the tail of his coat as it vanishes into the night, sighing.
GIFT (NEUTRAL): “ You are much too kind, ” he smiles, a gentle lowering of his lids contrasting the soft rise of his lips.  “ You needn’t spend a dime; all I ask is for your time. ” GIFT (DISLIKED):  His lids fall indeed, but the twinge in his lips falls far from reminiscent of the usual affinity that wrinkles his visage.  “ Your gift is... appreciated, ” he claims, setting it down.  “ Come, I wish to spend what time we have together; material items matter little. ”   GIFT (LIKED):   How his ears fidget, pink at the tips --- a gentle hue mirrored within chiseled cheeks. His hair is gently toyed with, sent to hide behind said ears, as a small smile fights against his desire to speak. “ I... you didn't have to, ” he manages with a whisper, fingers as gentle upon the wrapping as it was on your skin. To his heart it presses. “ You know me all too well, my love. ” GIFT: (THEIR BIRTHDAY): Narrow features expand and warm, pointed ears off-kilter as they ascend with his lids.  “ You needn’t... ” he trails, fins brushed behind his ears.  “ ...I’m surprised you knew. ” His gaze falls.  “ I... I myself did not. ” Silence befalls you and him both, before an obscured eye flickers away, hand cradling the unopened gift. “ T... Thank you. ”
tagged by: @sqvidbeaked thank u!! tagging: if u see this, u. this took fiveever
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