#it updates every Tuesday Thursday *did I stutter.*
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uh ohhhhhhhhh. got yourself cornered there huh?
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emocka · 1 year
Bedroom wedding
It was the biggest event of the year. Your wedding with Xiao from 6breeze.
But hell rained down. Your cake was destroyed from the fans, the venue destroyed from the stampede, your dress ruined because the jealous Xiao fans dumped red wine down it, the police arresting every single fan of sixth breeze, a small fire that burned the wedding gifts. You were crying Xiao screaming bloody murder at the people who were getting arrested, he friends trying to calm him down, the officator confessing what he had done.
So how did it end up like this?
- a week before the wedding-
'X-xiao?' You stuttered quietly.
'Yes?' He smiled as he looked over at you.
'My viewers have been b-bugging me to get a special g-guest on s-stream.' You said very anxious and nervous.
You were a vtuber. A very popular one. You little character was a cute human wearing a very adorable butterfly jacket.The character had a small septum piercing and a spider bite piercing. A pair of butterfly wings attached to your character. They were black and teal.
Xiao choose the colors off the wings awhile back when you choose to update your look.
He also drew the current models hairstyle.
'When?' He asked.
You looked at him surprised. You thought he'd reject the offer.
'Is tomorrow ok?' You asked.
He nodded.
He knew this was coming. It why he drew up a design as well. He had it set up too.
His avatar wore a giant black Hoodie, hair the same color as his, the avatar had cat ear with piercing going through them.
The next day came Xiao was in the shared room setting up his model. He got it set next to yours. He had another motion capture camera next to yours.
You were very nervous your stutter getting worse. Xiao started up the stream.
He whispered in your ear. You nodded calming down.
'Hi guys!'
He smiled as the stream went into a frenzy.
You were adding the finishing touches to you wedding dress. You were a seamstress when not streaming. You made your wedding dress by hand. Same with the brides maid dresses. Hand made.
Xiao knocked on the door.
'Yes?' You said. You had your days were the stutter didn't show up.
He entered the room.
'Hey I have some seats reserved for wangshu if you would like to have a date night.' He said scrolling through his phone. 'After that we can go to the new desert shop that just opened up.'
He looked up. God you looked so beautiful. Pin cushion on your wrist tongue slightly poking out revealing a tongue piercing. Your tongue peiricng glittering in the light. It had a small butterfly stopper something Xiao got for your anniversary. It was a matching one to his ear piercing.
You looked up.
'Sounds great...ow' you poked your finger.
Great seamstress bad habit of sewing with out looking.
'Put that down. Come on let's get going.' He said. You nodded putting everything away.
The date was nice. It was relaxing. You were able to iron out a few details.
You looked lumine. Something had happened and you were in full panic mode.
'B-b-b-but th-th-they said it would b-b-be here' You stuttered out. 'I-i-i need the arch h-here!'
'Its ok. I have kaveh working on something. The wedding is this Saturday. He says he'll have it done by Friday. All he asks is that you be patient. Hell do it free. Think of it as a gift.'
You nodded.
'Hey I know this a a multi million mora private wedding you'll pull this off. Besides what the worse that can happen? A few late guests.' She said patting your shoulder.
Oh how wrong she was.
You stared at the venue door. You weren't picky you really weren't, but you had a very very bad feeling. So you demanded extra security for Saturday. The wedding planner tried her best to assure you that it would be ok. After some convincing you dropped the subject.
Xiao ripped the wedding planner a new one that fateful day.
You gasped. The arch was pretty. Kaveh smiled.
'From your reaction I take it you love it' He said. 'I looked at the original one and changed the design a bit.'
'Thank you' You said. 'I'll pay you.'
'Please don't. Think of this as a wedding gift.' He said smiling.
'But you had to rush to make it' You started but he cut you off.
'Please dont.' He said.
Friday evening
That night you and Xiao were at the hotel across the street from the venue. Your wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses in the changing room at the venue.
You stared at the building the feeling getting worse. Xiao was in the shower.
'Why won't it go away?' You asked quietly.
'Why won't what go away?' Xiao asked causing you to jump. 'Sorry.'
'Its f-fine' you said averting your eyes.
Xiao was out of the shower towel around his waist. His hair was still dripping.
You hid behind your hands.
'Youve seen it so many times' Xiao said small smile appearing. 'Why do you hide everytime?'
'I-i don't know' your voice muffled by your hands.
Xiao just smiled walking over to you. Wrapping his arms around your body he looked at the building.
'What feeling were you talking about' He asked.
'I asked for more security on Thursday. Wedding planner said not to worry about what they have is plenty. ' You said looking up at him. 'I have a bad feeling that this wedding is going to end in a disaster. We spent so much money on it. Lumine agreed with me on the security when I texted her.'
Xiao nodded pulling away.
'Ill see what I can do. Go shower.' He kissed the top of your head. 'And wear this.'
He gave you something. You looked at it then him.
Xiao was a man with very few demands but he knew what he wanted and when he wanted it.
You smiled.
'Ok.' You said closing the curtains heading for the bathroom.
It was the big.
You woke up first. You didn't have to be up till ten and it was currently seven thirty. Xiao sensing you awake woke up as well.
'What's wrong?' He asked pulling you close.
'The feelings back' you said sitting up slowly.
Xiao followed the action pulling you into his lap.
'I'll take care of it' He said.
You nodded.
'Lets sleep a little more' He said kissing your cheek.
You smiled at the thought.
'Huh?!' Your mom was here? You never gave her an invitation. 'But she threw me out at sixteen. I haven't spoken to her in over ten years! Who fucking spilled! I haven't spoken to my family in ten fucking years! Who fucking told her'
You were mad. No one answering lumine leaving to kick your mom out. The other girls scrambling to figure out how.
The make up artist made a face before she turned you to face her.
You kept silent lumine returning holding what looked like an invite.
'She says she bribed the mail man for this. Turns out she lives next to me.' Lumine said.
You made a noise. The make up artist looked at you smiling.
'And done. What do you think?' She asked holding up the hand mirror.
You had turquoise eye shadow, the wings small but big enough to suit your face nicely. The inner eye lid had a nice green.
'Wait...did you color match my fiance hair to do my makeup?' You asked.
She nodded.
'Thanks.' You said.
She smiled back as you handed her the check.
'Have a lovely day and heres to a long and happy marriage.
With that she left. Lumine approached you.
'Come on love, let's get you in the dress. Everyone else is waiting for you.' She smiled.
'Lumine. Your the best maid of honor' you said.
'Aw thanks love come on' She said pulling you up.
You looked around the room. A strange noise coming from outside. The whole room dead silent. The officator not talking.
'Xiao...somethings not right' you said.
Xiao nodded. He had called for extra security but he felt the same.
You both looked out the window just in time for something to shatter it. A girl climbed through. Suddenly windows started breaking more girls climbing through even boys. You looked on in horror then heard a Crack. Looking at the door you cursed yourself quietly as the door broke.
This was a private wedding. Yes it was the main event of the year but it was private. Only your fellow classmates from teyvat university were allowed.
'XIAO NO! YOUR MINE' a girl shrieked running towards you.
More followed.
Suddenly the whole building was over run by 6th breeze fans. Your guests scattered around trying to handle everything. You looked over at the gift table. Some fan had set it on fire. You looked at the cake just in time to see someone knock it over. Fans grabbing bottles of wine. They ran toward you opening them. Xiao was suddenly carried off. You watched as the fans dumped the wine on you. You were in shock you just let them.
Aether, kazuha, kazuha fiancee rin, lumine, tighnari, and ganyu were on their phones calling for the police. Itto was trying to put the fire out with kuki and yan fei. Zhongli was prying girls off Xiao with venti scaramouche and cyno. Dehya was tackling the girls who had dumped red wine on your dress.
All of your guests were trying to get the entire thing under control.
You started crying the banquet of flowers falling from your hands so you could cover your face.
It went dead silent everyone looking at your shaking figure. You fell to the ground.
There you sat on the ground.
'I have something to confess.' The officator said. 'I- in my excitement- may have leaked the location and time'
You sobbed harder.
It was ruined. Three and a half million mora down the drain. Three and a half million mora you couldn't get back. All because some dumb ass decided to leak the location.
Soon the police arrived. They came in big numbers having been told what the situation was and how bad it was. Without a glance they started handcuffing the fans. Xiao had managed to escape the girls and run to your side. He tried his best to comfort you. Your wedding planner next to him.
He stood up and looked at her.
'Thanks to you trying to convince my fiancee that it was safe we now have no wedding ceremony! If you had just shut up and done something about her feelings we wouldn't be in this situation!' He began.
The wedding planner trying to utter an explanation but he wasn't having it. 'Don't you start I have her word. Next time someone says something you listen. And you!'
He turned to face the fans. Aether kazuha scaramouche, heizou and venti trying to calm him down.
'You are all insane! Your my fans?! Last I checked they don't make my fiancee cry! They don't destroy a wedding ceremony, they don't ruin a dress my fiancee spent two years working on. You will be hearing from my lawyers and you will be paying the damages.'
Xiao bent down scooping you up.
'Wedding is off. Someone call the cleaners tell them I'll pay them double if they can clean up this mess. I'll triple it if its too much.' He said walking away with you in his arms.
You were still crying. Xiao did his best to calm you down. He walked across the street to the hotel.
You were in the middle of the bathroom Xiao undoing the dress. It was stained from all the red wine.
'There we go' He said undoing the zipper. The dress fell off your body slowly. Xiao prepped the shower as you stood there.
The only thing that could be salvage was the garter. It was white with a turquoise flower sewn on it.
You removed it dropping it next to the dress. Xiao stared at you. You were a mess. Eyes red, make up running hair in a loose messy bun. You smelled of wine.
'Come here love' He said.
You approached him slowly. He hugged you.
'Let get you out of these and in the shower' you nodded doing as said while he stripped down.
You stood under the shower head crying quietly. Xiao hugging you trying his best to comfort you.
That night you slept breathing uneven. Xiao scrolling on his phone one hand one your back.
New of the wedding made it, news of your face being revealed to be the famous blind butterfly vtuber, news of your agency cutting ties with you due the incident, news of Xiao loosing his cool.
So he went of social media calling out his 'fans' the wedding planners company, the vtuber agency.
*I want to give a very big FUCK YOU to the people involved in today's disasters. Thanks to you I now have an inconsolable fiancee who won't stop crying. She not only lost her dream wedding but has also lost her vtubing career. Her streaming days are now over because you couldn't keep the picture off the internet. The officator is stupid for having leaked the location of my private wedding. The wedding planner for not listening to my baby girl. I'm beyond pissed. You don't crash a private event. You definitely don't pour wine down someone's significant other. That dress was coming in at a million mora. Trust me she had an official dress designer take a look at it. That was two years of work down the drain. Two year of work only for me to see her in it for an hour. You will be paying for the damages. You will make an apology to my fiancee and it better be a sincere apology. I'm canceling the meet and greet as a punishment to those who caused this disaster.*
He watched as the media went wild. 6th breeze sharing his post. The guests reposting it. Fans pleading begging him to not cancel the meet and greet. The vtuber agency you were signed with responding to the post stating you had broken an agreement in your contract. Xiao called bs doing what he could to save your favorite thing in the world.
Eventually he went to sleep pulling your figure close.
Morning came and you had your dress on the hanger.
Xiao had woken up because your side was cold. He sat up spotting you on the ground. You had several bottles of cleaner next to you. You were dabbing at the red stain trying to get it out. Tears stained your cheeks a bunch of tissues surrounding you all red. But the damage was to big for you to clean.
Xiao slipped off the bed quielty approaching you. He sat next to you grabbing a tissue to help you. You thanked him quietly. He just nodded and started dabbing at the dress.
After a few hours you threw your hands up in frustration.
'I don't even know if the dry cleaners can save this. I had the dress design in my art book for years! Now it's ruined.' You said.
'They can try. I know you spent two years sewing the dress together. I know you spent long hours working on it.' Xiao cupped your cheek. 'Come on let take it to them and see if they can save it'
You nodded standing up with him. Together you managed to get the dress off the hanger and in packed neatly in a duffel bag.
The dry cleaner lady smiled when she saw the dress.
'Yes my time to shine.' She said. 'I can clean this. It'll be a couple days. But I can get this cleaned off and looking like it just came off the shelf.'
Xiao nodded sighing in relief. You were in the car scared to come in.
'Leave me you number and I'll call when it's done.' She said.
Xiao did as told then left. He walked up to the car and entered.
'She says she can rescue the dress.' He heard you sigh in relief. 'Would you...like to get something to eat?'
You guys haven't eaten in the last 24 hours.
Yes full twenty-four hours of no food.
'Please' you said.
'What sounds good?' He asked looking at you.
'Good hunter' you looked back at him.
He nodded starting the car.
You were in just a shirt when Xiao asked the question.
'Hey y/n' Xiao voice came from behind you. 'What if...we just got married here?'
'Huh?' You looked up from the book.
Xiao was in his shorts shirtless.
'What if we just got married in this room. My dad can officiate. We could have our guests in this room.' He said sitting next to you. 'No fancy dresses, no fancy building. Just us my dad and our college friends.'
You thought about it before nodding.
'I'll send a mass text to everyone. Come in what their wearing. Call zhongli.' You said grabbing your phone.
Lumine almost took the door off its hinges with scaramouche behind her. She was literally in her pj's scaramouche fully dressed in everyday clothes, aether right behind her, kazuha and his fiancee rin followed. Soon all the teyvat university students were here waiting.
Zhongli arrived smiling. Making sure everyone was settled he began.
'You may kiss the bride.' Zhongli said.
Xiao happily kissed you. Everyone clapping. He pulled away hugging you.
'Alright! Let reserve the Celestia building for a party! Lumine smiled.
'Are you kidding me?! You spent last night drinking heavily and suddenly your hang over is gone!' Aether said looking at her 'now your planning parties!'
'Joy killer!' She said pointing at him.
'We may be adults but that doesn't mean I cant kick your ass' Aether said launching himself at his sister.
You giggled as the twins fought.
'DONT FORGET YOUR VISIONS!' Lumine shouted as she tackled aether to the ground.
True to lumines word she reserved the Celestia building.
That night you guys celebrated your marriage. Everyone in casual clothes. Xiao had his arms around you. You were hiding in the corner smiling, watching everyone interact.
Cyno playing tcg with dehya, tighnari nilou and albedo discussing something, Jean Lisa kaeya and diluc talking, aether holding venti in a headlock to prevent him from emptying out the bar tap, lumine talking to zhongli who had nahidas hand ei right behind him. Childe trying to flirt with lumine.
Xiao leaned in close.
'While this is great I have a surprise for you' He said pulling his phone out.
You watched as he showed you a transaction. The name sounded familiar.
'Wait! Xiao did you?' You asked looking at him.
He nodded.
'I purchased your model just so you could keep it.' He kissed your cheek 'I argued with the agency for a bit before they agreed to let me buy it. This is my gift to you.'
You started tearing up thanking him profusely. He just smiled nuzzling your cheek.
You guy did redo the wedding this time with heavy security. Were you going over the top? Maybe.
You had guards at every single window, door, and bathroom.
Did your guests think you were going overboard? Nope. All guest brought their visions.
6th breeze fans had apologized, payed the damages.
Your dress was saved and you tipped the cleaner a big one as a thanks.
For the flower toss you just walked over to kazuha fiancee and handed it to her. Xiao did the same with the garter he gave it to kazuha.
You looked at the crowd.
Venti got drunk discovering his limit, he also got aether and Xiao drunk as well. Lumine was having too much fun with scaramouche. Childe trying his darn best to presuade an unsuspecting razor for a fight. Kaveh and alhaitham were doing....things in a private closet. Barbara was helping Bennett who once again fell on his butt because of a rock. Zhongli was holding nahidas hand keeping ei away from the kitchen. Cyno was playing tcg with dehya Candice and tighnari trying to keep the peace between the two players. Nilou albedo and diluc having a discussion.
Everyone had smiles on their faces happy and at peace.
Your fellow vtubers came along in their vtuber forms as well. You had signed a new contact with a brand new agency hence the new vtuber friends.
You smiled as PRETTY HAVØC came on watching people dance. Xiao stumbled over to you barely missing the chair.
'I'm so happy we managed to get the dream wedding' He said slurring his words. 'But im going to kill that idiot'
You giggled patting his cheek.
Yea this was better. But not as good as getting married in a hotel room. Everyone in their everyday clothes, pajamas, bathing suits (that was dehya having a spa day that morning she just jumped in her car).
'I think I liked the wedding we held in the hotel room.' You said to him.
Xiao looked out at the crowd agreeing.
'Lets start this marriage off with our friends' He said sitting up leaning over to kiss you.
You looked at Xiao test in hand. It was positive.
'This is real?' He asked looking at the test.
You nodded.
'How long?' He asked.
'Possibly a month and a half' you said fearing the worse.
You watched as he stared at the test before wrapping his arms around you.
'Thank you' He whispered.
You smiled into his chest.
You had a little girl months later. Her name was guizhong.
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5sosxqueen · 2 years
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Ashton Sick From Stress
~Part 1~ , Part 2 >
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What is this? 😅 Sometimes, I wonder what was going through my mind while I was writing these stories back then.
Warnings: Minor depictions of illness, migraines
Written in 2018
Published (Wattpad) - Jan 29, 2018
Word Count: 1511
Updates are every Tuesday and Thursday
Also Available on Wattpad and AO3!!!
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Part 1:
Ashton's POV:
     For the past couple of months of our tour we have been busy almost nonstop. We have had constant meetings, signings, sound checks, rehearsals, recording sessions, interviews, anything you name we've had to do in the past 2 months. Our band is seriously exhausted. We are all stressed to the max. So when I woke up this morning to achy muscles I wasn't too surprised, as we had a concert last night, but even still I don't normally get this achy and stiff from a concert. Practically all of my muscles were really tight and stiff.
     We have a couple days off and we are at a hotel for a week so, thankfully, I can rest. I was brought out of my thoughts when Calum said "Hey guys I'm going to head down to the gym. Anyone care to join me?" After he said that my mind instantly was in a warm, bubbly, Jacuzzi that was waiting for me downstairs.
     "I'll go! I need a bit of exercise once in a while." Michael said jumping off the couch in our room.
     "Same here. I'll meet you guys there." Luke had just gotten up so he wanted to eat something and brush his teeth.
     "Ash?" Michael's voice bringing me out of my happy trance.
     "Huh? Oh sorry. I think I'm going to relax in the jacuzzi for a bit... I'm really achy from last night." Of course they didn't think anything of it since being the drummer is the most strenuous job in the band. At least that's how I often feel, this being one of those times.
     Michael and Calum went ahead while I got my swim trunks on and grabbed my water bottle, and a towel. This hotel was really nice the swimming pool and jacuzzi are inside, so I didn't have to worry about sunglasses or sunscreen. The only downside of this hotel is that there are no elevators, that we have seen anyways. It only has two floor though so it's not so bad. I started the climb dome the stairs and I noticed not even a full flight down I became very short winded. Again odd, but nothing serious... Hopefully. If I ended up needing, anything the guys are just a 10 step walk from the jacuzzi so I wouldn't have had very far to go.
     By the time I reached it I felt strangely exhausted. A little relaxing did me good though. All of the achy and tense muscles I had we're gone, thankfully and I had only spent a total of 20 minutes in there.
     When I got out I looked in the weight room and noticed that Luke joined Cal and Michael at some point. Although I felt a bit better, I started to notice some pain in my chest and with the breathing problem I was experiencing 30 minutes prior, I didn't want to risk walking back to our hotel room alone. I was starting to also get quite shaky and a tad wobbly on my feet. 'Ya I need help...' "Michael... C-can you help me g-get back to the r-room?" 'That's odd why am I stuttering?' I questioned myself. I wasn't expecting that at all. I knew I was shaking.
     "Uh, sure. Are you alright Ashton? I did notice the stuttering- Whoa!" I suddenly fell and felt arms around me. "Ya... I'll take that as a no... Of course I'll help you out buddy. You need to lay down anyways, by the looks of it." Michael quickly picked me up and went up the status back into our room. He wasted no time in laying me down onto one of the beds. "So what's going on exactly? I know you mentioned something earlier about being sore. Do you think you are getting sick?" Michael kind of rambled.
     "I'm not sure. Probably... If I'm being honest, the Jacuzzi did help the aches and tightness in my muscles, but as soon as I got out I noticed I was shaky and having some chest pains." I watched as pure terror etched it way onto Michael's face.
     "Ashton.... Anything else?" He asked.
     "I was having shortness of breath when I was going down the stairs. That was one of the reasons I wanted your help." I addmited, only succeeding in making his worry skyrocket all the more. "... And I'm starting to get a fucking headache on top of everything... Fucking hell man." I exclaimed suddenly forcing myself into a sitting position with a hand on my head.
     "Ashton, I really don't like these symptoms... Maybe we should take you to a doctor." He started to pull out his phone to call the others and let them know what's going on, but I stopped him.
     "No! I'm going to try taking a nap and we will see how I feel when I wake up. If I am any worse we will go." He agreed to the plan. "Could you, maybe, make me something small to eat? That could be adding onto, or even causing all of this."
     "Sure. I'll also bring back some meds for you. I don't fully know what to give you though." He said, somewhat sadly.
     "Just get me something for my head. I'm not feeling sick or anything so it shouldn't be the flu." He nodded and felt my forehead to see if there was any warmth. I quickly reminded him that I was just in a hot Jacuzzi and that could really alter a body temp.
     "That's true... Now I will be back. Try not to fall asleep just yet Ash." I nodded tiredly. Even sitting up and leaning against the headboard my eyes felt really heavy. I was fighting to stay awake.
Michael's POV:
     'I am really worried about Ash. Chest pains aren't something to fuck around with and he should know that. He asked me to leave it alone for now and I will try my best.' There were plenty of times that I found myself contemplating calling Luke and Calum, but I ultimately decided against it. I finished putting together some Bacon and eggs in the kitchenette we had and swiftly brought over to Ash. "Oh Ash.." I muttered under my breath upon noticing his long deep breaths. He fell asleep. I set the plate of food down and gently shook his shoulder. "Ash I have some food for you bud." I watched his eyes open and he winded and grabbed his head. "Sorry. Do you have a migraine now?" He nodded, a tear falling from his hazel eyes. I wiped it away and closed the curtains, before grabbing a couple of my Excedrin migraine meds. "Here Ash. You were only asleep for 20 minutes. I'm shocked you have a migraine now." I whispered so I wouldn't hurt his head again.
     "Ya, me too." Wincing at even his own voice.
     "Will you be ok alone while I go downstairs to let the others know what's going on?" He nodded as he took the plate of food in his hands and began to eat. "Ok I'll be back." I said before turning and walking out of the room. I practically ran down the stairs and into the weight room. "Guys Ash isn't feeling too well."
     "What do you mean? What's going on with him?" Luke asked quickly concerned for his band mate.
     "Ya what's going on Michael. Is he ok?" Calum questioned.
     "Define ok... Ha sorry. When he came in here and got me earlier he ended up falling over. I just managed to catch him, luckily, but he told me that he was having chest pains and shortness of breath, along with the muscle aches from earlier. He had developed a headache and after sleeping for about 20 minutes, it was a migraine. He's eating right now so that's a plus I suppose, but I'm still really worried about him. I tried to get him to agree to go to the doctor, but he denied and said that if, after a nap, he isn't feeling better he will go." I unknowingly rambled on.
     "It could be from stress. We've all had so much on our plate the past couple months, I'm honestly surprised none of us had gotten sick sooner." Luke said. That made a lot of sense. I hadn't thought of that. "But even still, I agree that we should take him to the doctors."
     "So do I. Even if it is just stress, it seems pretty serious, but we will have to wait it out for now and let him sleep. If he thinks it'll help that's in him." Calum stated.
     We all decided to head back to the room. I waited while they grabbed there stuff from the lockers. Once they came out we headed back to the room. I looked to the bad and noticed that Ash had finished his food and fell asleep.
     We all sat down on the couch and watch football on low volume. We chatted amongst ourselves for a while until we heard it...
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call-me-nerdy · 5 years
Felix doesn't have "Vacations"
Felinette November Day 4; Vacation
It's late, sorry.
So I had a vague idea of what to do, but it went off the rails real quick. I'm not proud of the ending, but I'll live.
I couldn't finish this yesterday because of well, school. So I'll probably do a double update one of these days to catch up on schedule.
Felix Agreste is endearing.
Semestral break crept up on Felix like a fox stalking an unsuspecting prey; slow and steady before pouncing on him with a hectic onslaught of extracurricular activities on his schedule.
Felix would say he was merely inconvenienced by the numerous 'hobbies' his mother had requested him to partake in, but that didn't mean he wasn't overwhelmed by her overeager plans.
The timetable was light in his hands, though it honestly seemed to weigh him down with every task that was printed on the pristine, white paper. Felix scanned the letters in disdain, a faint throbbing started to grow at the back of his head.
A modeling gig on Monday, followed by a violin recital on Tuesday. Wednesday entails a whole day rehearsal with the local Chamber Orchestra, and we are set to perform on Friday at night. I have to assist with the fencing classes on Thursday, and another modeling event on Friday afternoon before the performance. Add my daily study sessions and the projects I have to finish into the mix, and I'm positive that this is impossible to achieve.
Felix bit back a groan. He knew how awfully ambitious his mother could get, but even he had to admit that this was edging on to overkill at this point. The thought of Monday alone l was enough to drown his mind with poisonous dread– draining Felix of the motivation that he tried desperately to keep. It didn't help that these kinds of events were already preplanned appointments, locking Felix out of any opportunity to just *ditch* them in favor of laying on his bed with an absurd amount of sweets. Felix pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering words of frustration under his breath.
"Grumpy today, aren't we. What's on your mind?" The familiar voice rang clear, the scent of freshly baked bread tickled his nose. Felix looked up to meet cheeky, bluebell eyes staring back. Marinette smiled at him, a tray of freshly baked croissants in her hands.
Felix inhaled the aroma, savoring the phantom taste of croissants on his tongue. He sighed, reaching out for a croissant. "Keen-eyed as ever, Dupain-Cheng." Felix quickly retracted his arm when Marinette slapped it away.
"Not until you tell me why you're grumbling over there." She set the tray on the table, and with a swift movement, plopped down on the seat in front of Felix.
"My mother gave me my schedule for the week today. And because it's semestral break, she took extra care to make my vacation, and I quote, productive." Felix emphasized his point with air quotes, handing the paper to Marinette. "And as much as it is a nuisance, her overeager involvement in my extracurricular activities is barely an uncommon occurence."
Marinette winced, "Wow. This is overkill. Is this even a vacation anymore?"
"It's an eyesore." Felix grumbled, taking a croissant from the tray. The pastry broke easily in his mouth. Flaky and crisp, it melted into raw happiness on his tongue.
Marinette giggled, "Well, best of luck to you. I bet you can't even survive 'til next week without me." she challenged.
Felix clicked his tongue, "Oh, please. I may have a hectic schedule, but it's still a vacation from seeing you tripping on air every five minutes." he rolled his eyes, taking another bite of his croissant.
Marinette stuck out her tongue, "Maybe so. But admit it, you can't live without me for a whole week." she said as she took a croissant for herself
"Keep on dreaming, Dupain-Cheng. I can survive very well without your cheeky comments." Felix scoffed, only to recieve Marinette's smug smirk in return.
"We'll see, Agreste." She giggled, "We'll see."
Marinette didn't like liars. In fact, she openly despised them.
Perhaps her hatred for untruths stemmed from her strong sense of justice; a trait that, although it was already prominent in her life before Ladybug, was carefully nurtured and encouraged by Tikki to the point that it was nearly a fault. Marinette wouldn't have it any other way.
Yes, she may lie on a semi-regular basis, but it was only always when she needed to get away to transform into Paris' superhero, Ladybug. Marinette hated lying almost as she hated liars themselves. And so when she came to the conclusion that she loved teasing Felix Agreste, who was she to deny the truth? Denying it would've made her as bad as Lila Rossi, and Marinette absolutely refused to be likened to that witch.
She couldn't help herself. Felix was the stereotypical 'Ice King' at surface level: cold, reserved, and refused to show any weakness at all costs. So seeing his pale cheeks rapidly color a shade of pink, and him trying so desperately and failing to fight the flush everytime that she jested and poked fun at his little quirks, – It was not only hilarious, but outright endearing.
Felix Agreste is endearing.
Last week was no different.
Felix arrived earlier than usual at the bakery. Hell, she had only woken up about thirty minutes prior to her Papa announcing that a friend was asking for her downstairs. Marinette scrambled to make herself presentable, and went downstairs rather chaotically with a few fresh bruises on her ankles. Armed with a tray of freshly baked croissants, she scurried to their usual table only to see Felix looking awfully grumpy in his seat — well, grumpier than he usually was. Marinette may be a sometimes most of the time, tripping over her feet and bumping into random objects. But make no mistake, that despite all her shortcomings, she was observant. Observant enough to notice the frustration that shaped Felix's frown and his troubled countenance as he bit down on his lip. She had noticed his narrowed eyes, scrunched up nose and the way his fists tightly clenched the paper he glared at so furiously.
And so she greeted him heartily, hiding her concern when she asked why he looked so glum.
Apparently, his mother had filled his whole week with events. A photoshoot here, a rehearsal there, it all seemed so taxing. Felix had claimed that his mother was merely 'overeager', and that he had survived such schedules multiple times in his past. Marinette would've voiced her opinion of his mother expecting too much from him, but she ultimately decided to bite back her assumptions until after she had actually met Ms. Agreste. Instead, she did the best she could to lift his spirits with a few innocent jokes.
When he left, she made sure to give him a bag full of sweet pastries to lighten his mood. She knew how that boy loved sugar.
She continued to send some pastries to him everyday, with little cheeky notes sneakily attached to the inside of the paper bags. Macarons, pain au chocolats, croissants, cookies and even straight up chocolate arrived to his doorstep every morning. Yes, every morning. Marinette had forced herself to wake up every Seven AM just to make the poor boy some sweets. Tikki teased her about it for hours.
Maman and Papa are rubbing off on her.
Nevertheless, she just wished that Felix wouldn't get hospitalized over exhaustion. Actually, Marinette prayed that he would be alive on their next Sunday Afternoon meetup.
Which was today.
Felix entered the bakery with a subtle skip in his step, gray eyes frantically scanning the whole room in search of something.
Of someone.
When Felix finally met her gaze, Marinette could've sworn that *relief* flickered in his eyes.
The boy walked hastily to their table, sitting across Marinette,
"A bit enthusiastic today, are you?Welcome back." Marinette handed him a cup of hot chocolate.
He took the cup, and nodded. Now that was strange, Marinette thought. She was so used to him having witty comebacks for her every bite. Why was Felix acting so bashful?
"Thank you for the pastries." He finally said, his voice was slow and uncertain.
"You're welcome! It's no problem at all!"
He was silent again.
"Hey, Fé. Is something wrong?" Marinette asked him gently. Her worry grew every second that Felix maintained his averted gaze.
She frowned. Did he have a fever? If he did, then he shouldn't have come here! Marinette reached over the table to put her hand on Felix's forehead.
Felix drew back in surprise, pink started to appear on the skin of his neck up to his cheeks.
"Do you have a fever, Fé?
Felix forced a scoff, "I... am perfectly fine, Dupain-Cheng."
She deadpanned, "It doesn't look like it."
"W-well, I am." Did Felix just stutter?
"Then why weren't you answering me?" Marinette frowned. Felix being unsure of himself was strange.
A guilty look flashed on Felix's expression, "... My apologies, Marinette. I was simply... panicked because of our previous conversation."
Marinette's eyes widened, "Oh my God."
"Yes, I– what?"
"You actually used my name!" She squealed, a grin stretching across her lips.
"I..." He trailed off, the pink on his skin grew a few shades darker.
Marinette gaped. Felix Agreste; Resident Salt King, honor student, overachiever, sharp-tongued, cool and collected Felix Agreste, was right in front of her with no witty comeback, as red as a tomato, avoiding her eyes and pouting? In what world?!
Then it hit her.
Felix was pouting.
She cackled. Uncontrollably cackled.
Oh my gosh, that's adorable.
"Pfft, Ahaha! Y-you should see your f-face!" Marinette wheezed, clutching her stomach in laughter.
Felix sat in front of her, his face was all red.
She gasped for breath, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Marinette wiped a tear. She cleared her throat, "Why were you worried?"
Felix took a deep breath, "Through a number of contemplations, as well as evidence of a few peculiar moments in the week, I have deducted that you were correct in your prediction." Felix sped through his sentence.
"Uhm, what?" Marinette could barely understand his overly convoluted words; he was more verbose than usual, an air of uncharacteristic awkwardness surrounded him.
"AllthroughouttheweekIfeltthattherewasalwayssomethinglackinginmyeverydaylifeIhadnoonetotalktoandgivemewittyremarksandthiscausedmetobescoldedsomanytimesbecauseIkeptspacingoutand—" Marinette's eyes widened.
"Felix, slow down!"
Marinette stood up and pinched his cheek.
"Felix! Calm. Down!" She cried. Felix snapped out of his wordy breakdown.
"Apologies." Felix cleared his throat.
He was worried about a previous conversation they had? She was correct in her predictions? What in the world–
Oh. Marinette thought back on their last meetup.
"Wait. Are you saying that you missed me?" Marinette couldn't stop the glee that bubbled frantically in her chest.
Felix looked at his hands, "I... If that is the term, t-then I suppose so."
Marinette almost squealed.
"Oh my Kw- that was adorable." She gushed, pinching Felix's cheeks once more.
"Hmmpf–" His face glowed scarlet at this point, Felix his flustered expression behind cupped hands.
Felix Agreste is endearing, and Marinette couldn't understand why anyone would think otherwise.
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xfanfics · 4 years
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Destiel Fic Rec List Part 7
Last Updated in October 2014. Posted in May 2020 for posterity.  Listed in no particular order - the total rec list will have ~250 fics. Header graphic used with permission.
This part of the list contains: 39 fics.
Other Destiel Rec Lists: [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7].
Bare Your Throat and Have Me by highermagic E | 4k | AU, PWP,  a/b/o
Castiel and Dean have only been mated for a few months, but Dean knows how this goes by now.
Deterioration by highermagic E | 33k | Hot,  AU, Cop!Dean, Mystery
Dean has a gift – he can see things. Things that others wouldn't see, motive and calm control between the splatters of blood and fractured mirrors. He solves crimes others simply can't. When bodies are piling up all around him, Dean starts to feel as though he's drowning in it, falling under the weight of his own helpless observations, until he finds something unbreakable. Unwavering. Castiel – if only the man was as good for him as he appears.
Try Something Tuesday by almaasi E | 48k | Fluff, Teacher AU, Librarian Cas
Human AU. Dean Winchester teaches a third-grade class. He's new to this whole ‘bisexual’ thing - but by pure happenstance, he meets Castiel: a particularly dapper male librarian who moonlights as a substitute teacher. Dean's curious and Castiel is willing, so why the hell not? Except, fate never intended it to be one-time-only.
Angel-Cuffed by Luciel89 E | 15k | CANON!verse
Dean wakes up to find himself handcuffed to his angel. Both are annoyed, Sam finds it hilarious and awkward situations await them. But the longer they're tied together, the more things between them start to change...
The Bet List ❤ by StevieCas M | 55k | Fluff,  AU, Underage, wing!kink
"That bet list was the worst thing you've ever come up with, Gabe. If it wasn't for it, I would never have thought about such things. It's bad enough being an earthbound angel, it's bad enough being considered a weirdo even by angel standards. Did I have to be gay as well? Do I even represent a minority or is it just me out there?
I love the world of this fic--and Dean and Cas' relationship dynamic is perfect.    
Ad Astra ❤ by nhixxie T | 17k | Angst
One day Cas says, "Stars died for you, Dean Winchester", against ruffled hair perched atop sun kissed skin and sleepy eyes. Dean stirs, moving to spread his palms against the contour of Cas’ back, tips of fingers languidly strumming the indentations of his spine. One, two, three, four, he counts, the closest he could get to scientifically studying the anatomy of the human body. "Is this some physics crap again?" He frowns with eyes closed. Cas smiles softly. "Far from it. "Dean’s fingers play at the base of his back, ninth thoracic vertebrae, Cas notes. "Then tell me all about it.”
Read it and weep. If this were published, I would buy it.    
Sensitive by nevergotwings E | 1k | wing!kink
Curiosity sparks when Dean gets the urge to touch Castiel's wings.
An Exercise in 'Worthless' ❤ by beastofthesky
M | 26k | AU, Tattoos
"I mean, you’re–" He gestures at Cas, in his neat oxford shirt and nice pants. “–and I’m a high school dropout who tattoos for a living." Wherein Dean makes a hefty living as a tattoo artist who owns the space next to Gabriel's cafe. Sam attends the local university. When Gabe's cousin comes to live with him while starting grad school at Sam's university, Dean thinks for sure that all his negative karma's coming to bite him in the ass because Cas clearly has a thing for Sam. No one would ever choose him over Sam. That's just logic.
Perfection everywhere. Dean's lack of self-worth is explored, and there are tattoos.    
Of ties and wings by perpetuallycaffinated E | 4k | Hot,  PWP, wing!kink
Jealousy, ties and and impatient angel. Also, wings.
pie | by perpetuallycaffinated E | 3k | Hot,  PWP
Dean uses pie to eat out Castiel. That's pretty much it.
I Say, But I Mean by inplayruns T | 4k | Coffee Shop AU
Dean runs a bed & breakfast. Cas works in a coffeeshop.
Heavenly Delights by TamrynEradani T | 2k | Fluff, Coffee Shop AU
Gabriel owns Heavenly Delights, the coffee shop Cas works at and on the day before Thanksgiving, Cas sees someone looking down so he brings him a hot chocolate, and Gabriel conspires to get them together.
New Eyes by ozzutly E | 1k | Canon!Verse
Dean sees Castiel's true form. He decides he likes it.
Resonance by definitely_indecisive G | 1k | Canon!Verse, Soul Bond
The battered and abused presence had poked warily out, almost as if expecting harm. He let his grace drift forward to meet the soul instantly, putting off all of the warmth he could muster. The presence seemed to stutter for a second, before melding itself into Castiel's grace. He allowed the soul to do so, cradling it with his core. He could feel the tiredness and abuse from the poor thing, yet also the amazing light it gave off as it started to slowly heal because of his grace. He could tell this was the most unique soul he had ever met, and that he wouldn't forget the feeling of the presence for all of millennia.
My Roots Take Flight by KismetJeska M | 125k | Reverse!verse, s4 AU
After forty years in Hell, Dean’s more than willing to accept the offer: become a guardian angel and earn his freedom. But his new ward seems destined to hunt alongside Sam, and there are secrets in Heaven that the angels don’t want found out. Dean’s going to have to choose between his duty and the people he loves- and to work out just where Castiel fits in.
Angel Airlines by dancingloki E | 19k | Hot, Airline AU
Dean is an airline pilot with a raging hard-on for his head flight attendant. Fluffy fluffy fluff.
El Tango de Amor by literaryoblivion E | 16k | AU, Fluff,  Angst,
Every Tuesday and Thursday, Dean leaves, is gone for two to three hours, and comes home sweaty and exhausted to the apartment he and his brother Sam share. Sam had asked him where he went once, and Dean had said he was working out, which technically wasn’t a lie. What he was doing was definitely giving him a workout, just not in the traditional sense. In all actuality though, Dean was leaving every Tuesday and Thursday for a dance class. A dance class taught by a one Castiel Novak.
Ugly Sweater!Verse ❤ ❤ by nerdylittledude E | 193k  | Canon!verse,Fluff,  Post s5
If they really go back and think about it... it all started with a tree. A Christmas tree, that is. Castiel is human now, and the apocalypse is not only over, it's been averted. Sam's away at NYU, finally finishing law school, and Dean's stuck in what is probably the most awkward situation of his life. He's not exactly sure how he ended up sharing a flat with Cas in Media, Pennsylvania, but he does know the curious would-be angel is sort of derailing his plans for a life of decadence and booze. Cas is trying to make the best of his humanity by exploring human holidays. Dean can't exactly complain because he's pretty much the reason Cas got his wings clipped in the first place. Dean didn't actually want to fall in love, but how was he supposed to know it would all start with a goddamn tree?
 My favorite fic ever. I don't know how many times I've read it. There is switching, fluff, angst, and slow building romance. I will rec this forever.    
More Than Alien Mojo by remivel
E | 29k | Men in Black AU, Fluff,
Dean was one of Men in Black's best agents. In fact, he's been knee deep in extraterrestrial crap his whole life, and he's gone through more apocalypses than he could care to remember. He thought he's seen it all-- until he and his partner, Sam, were sent out to a routine meteorite crash inspection. What was supposed to be a meteorite turned out to be a golden spaceship, and instead of hitchhiking intergalactic pathogens, it was an alien that took the form of a human male. A very naked human male. Soon, they discovered that this alien named 'Castiel' was a refugee from a war-torn galaxy.The first of his kind to ever venture to Earth, Castiel agreed to share information about his galaxy and his race in exchange for his relocation on Earth. The only catch was: since Castiel was a new alien species, nobody knew what he was capable of, whether he was as harmless as E.T., or as dangerous as the Predator. And it was Dean's job to keep an eye on him and assess just how much of a threat Castiel could be, and if necessary, eliminate him. It wasn't a job Dean was looking forward to doing. Especially since he couldn't seem to keep his eyes off him, naked or not.
Come On With the Rain by remivel E | 36k | High School AU, dubcon
When Castiel was 15, his life changed. In one tragic instant, he lost his parents, and he was forced to live with his Uncle Bobby in Lawrence, Kansas. There he met the Winchester boys, Sam and Dean, who were living next door. He thought Sam was pleasant, and Dean, well, Dean was special. Three years passed and Castiel’s relationship with the boys developed in an unexpected way. Sam became his best friend. But Dean was a different story. Dean was not Castiel’s friend. He was a neighbor, a classmate, the brother of Castiel’s best friend, and the guy who worked part time at his uncle’s salvage yard. That was all. But on the rare times that Dean asked Castiel for help, Castiel couldn’t find it in him to turn him down. Because this was Dean. And the answer would never be “no” when it came to Dean.
Crossroads State by Mercy M | 51k | AU
Castiel has a nice predictable structured life teaching high school, even if he happens to be overqualified for it. Then this guy moves in around the corner and literally knocks him on his ass.
Heart of Glass by omphalos E | 17k | Canon!Verse
He's the one who was punished, severely, because of his feelings for Dean, but who still gave up everything for him in the end. Surely there should exist between them a better level of comprehension than this.
Domesticated by kototyph E | 15k | AU
Being the only angel in the entire Pacific Northwest can be tiring, even if these days Castiel spends more of his time shoveling manure than fighting off the hordes of hell. It's an occupational hazard, unfortunately; he earns most of his living rehabilitating wild animals a few miles outside Spokane. Wild animals like Dean, for instance— a mountain lion who's entirely too smart for his own good. There's a man in Castiel's dreams named Dean too, but that part's just a huge coincidence.
Excite by perpetuallycaffinated E | 3k | Crack, wing!kink
"Sam Winchester, I am going to carnally worship your brother whether you are in this room or not.
Snapshots 'Verse ❤ by highermagic E | 60k [WIP] | AU, Wing!kink, a/b/o, omega!dean
A series of one-shots following the meeting, courting and eventual love between an Angel doctor named Castiel and an Angel teacher by the name of Dean.
Less of a WIP, more of a series of one-shots. Rowan's worldbuilding is lovely, and the sex is perfect as usual. EDIT: Apparently this has been removed.
Angel's Wild ❤ by riseofthefallenone E | 389k | AU, H/C, Wing!kink
But that’s the whole reason he’s here, isn’t it? He’s not out here hunting Humans. He’s not even hunting deer, or bears, or anything else that featured in Bambi. He’s out here, freezing his nuts off every night, because he’s hunting Angels. Sometimes Dean wishes that Angels were like how they’re described in the Bible. How people from time too old for him to care much about thought Angels were messengers and warriors of God, protectors of Humans. He knows that how they’re really described in the Bible is actually pretty terrifying, but at least they were told by God that they’re supposed to love Humans, right? That’s a thousand times better than what Angels really turned out to be.
Perfection. Go read it now.    
Sharing Hands by almaasi E | 6k | Hot, Canon!Verse
Dean feels something strange when he touches himself, and realises Cas has been using him as a vessel ever since he came back from Purgatory.
The Good Samaritan Rule by manic_intent E | 6k | AU, wing!kink
Written for deancaskink: "Dean and Castiel are both angels and brothers-in-arms. During a battle, Cas's wings get hurt and [it's] up to Dean to help him out. In the process, Cas finds out how sensitive his wings are and well Dean is Dean no matter what his form [is], so this leads to lovely first time sex." God never made humans. Instead, he made the angels in his image, and on the sixth day he made the is him, and gave them free will.
How (thanks to Gabriel) Dean and Castiel (accidentally) raised each other (and Sam) ❤ by Vera_Dragonmuse E | 69k | AU, Sam/Gabriel
In which, Gabriel meddles with the time line and Castiel becomes Dean's angel rather sooner than intended.
Out of the Deep ❤ by riseofthefallenone E | 488k | AU, h/c
Stay away from the light-beds. Stay in the deep. It is the first thing hatchlings are taught the moment their fans unfurl and they can swim without their parents to buoy them along. It is the first rule, the first law. It is the beginning of every boogey-monster bedtime story told when they settle against the cliffs to sleep. Castiel should have listened better.
It's long, but worth it.    
Feathers by brightly_lit M | 90k | Angst, Wing!kink, D/s
In an alternate season 5 scenario, Dean, Sam, and twenty of their closest hunter friends stopped the apocalypse by closing the gates to heaven, hell, and purgatory. Now working with his former hunter buddies at Ellen's security company, Dean doesn't know what to make of his weird new coworker who always wears a trenchcoat and leaves behind feathers everywhere he goes. He especially doesn't know that, cut off from the power of heaven, the constantly falling feathers mean his new friend is dying. "Creation cried out against the injustice of a righteous man in hell. I answered its cry.
Vita Nuova ❤ by wordaccordingtofangirls M | 61k | Teacher AU
AU. Dean Winchester takes a job as a teaching assistant to get his little brother into a prestigious academy. He doesn't quite expect such long nights and snobby kids, but the real surprise is professor Castiel Novak: or falling in love with him, that is.
Like a Parched Land by twoskeletons E | 8k | reverse!verse
Written for the following prompt: "Reverse!verse: Castiel is the Righteous Man and Dean is the angel who drags his ass out of Hell." This is an AU version of episodes 5x01 through 5x03.
The Cabin by bookkbaby E | 16k | Canon!Verse, Wing!kink
For an angel, the building of a Nest is sacred. Dean doesn't understand. Written for the 2013 DCBB.
Pies and Prejudice by linoresearch E | 97k | AU
Dean didn’t even want to enter this damn competition. He was happy with his life, more or less. It might not look like much from the outside, or to a younger brother headed towards a big time law career, but it wasn’t so bad that Dean needed to scrabble around for any opportunity to make a change – particularly not one as stupid as this. He’s going to throttle Sam the next time he sees him, for getting him involved in this ridiculous Bake-Off TV show. It’s bad enough that Dean has to cook in front of people he doesn’t know; he now has to go through the humiliation of being judged on it too. Its humiliation piled on humiliation, and to make matters worse Dean has to play nice with all the other suckers involved, like that rich dick-bag Castiel Novak. God, he hates that guy, and he hates that someone so awful has such a frustratingly fine ass. Written for the Dean/Castiel Big Bang 2013
The Breath of All Things ❤ by KismetJeska T | 65k | AU, H/C Angst,
Dean Winchester was twenty-six years old when a car accident killed his father and left him paralysed from the waist down. A year and a half later, Dean is in a wheelchair and lives in a care home in Kansas, where he spends his days waiting to die. It's only when Castiel Novak starts volunteering at the care home that Dean starts to wonder if a changed life always equals a ruined one.
So angsty, and so, so perfect.    
All the Way ❤ by cadignan E | 81k | College AU
Castiel spends the first two weeks of college in much the same way he spent the previous years: alone with his books. He’s fine with it—he enrolled in college to learn, after all. Then in his first chemistry lab, he has the bad luck of being paired with snide, good-for-nothing Ruby, and the further misfortune of sitting behind Dean Winchester, the world’s most beautiful distraction. Ruby catches Castiel staring at Dean and makes him an offer.
Destiel, Actually by Bloodism E | 15k | Crack Fluff,
Picture your typical rom-com cliché. Now picture Dean stuck in that rom-com cliché. With Castiel. Because that's what happening to him - a crazy whirlwind of your typical-and-not-so-typical cliché's. He's playing the main lead in all of them and Castiel's his counterpart. Of course, the culprit is obvious. Gabe's enjoying himself too much, lying back on his favourite cloud with a tub of salted popcorn. It was about time someone kicked the two knuckleheads into gear.
Suburban War by squeemonster E | 100k | High School AU
Moving to Lawrence with his family is the most significant event of Dean Winchester's life. It brings a stability he's never known, and the only thing to have more of a profound impact on him is Castiel Novak: the two boys become fast friends the day they meet. But as Dean grows older, he dreams for something beyond the monotony and constraints of suburbia, and he is haunted by the inexplicable feeling that he was born for something more than what this life offers. As he struggles to reconcile the person he yearns to be with what his family and friends expect of him, a fateful choice exposes just how fragile his life in the suburbs is, and possibly risks losing the best friend he's ever had.
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hmss113ovenson · 2 years
Wednesday, 02/02/2022  - Asynchronous 
 As I opened my eyes, I got off my bed with a deep breath. Immediately, I gargled and picked up the kettle to heat water for my energen. In my asynchronous class, we read a short story about this girl who settled for less, after then, another asynchronous class after another. We have 4 classes every Monday and Wednesday and our last subject would be ma’am rf’s where it is also asynchronous however we met as a class to continue planning on our upcoming culminating, and the meeting ended. I put my laptop on sleep mode and my life outside my room began; I played with my dogs and finished my undone laundry. And as the moon rises, my eyes start to stutter.
Thursday, 02/03/2022 
What happened this day, I cannot vividly remember what had happened on this day. The feeling of forgetting my memories day by day is sad as I cannot recall if I had happy moments, sad moments, or little moments that I wish I had written a journal on that day.
Friday, 02/04/2022 - Reminisce 
 On this day, I woke up really early– but not for academic reasons. Today we travel from Naga to Legazpi to go for a little “liwaliw”. Today as we travel my auntie (with the same age as mine), we did a little reminiscing of our little past when they used to go here every Christmas, summer, and whenever they can. A lot of vivid memories from when we were little, it's just beautiful looking back and thinking that, that little me there wouldn't know that I am thinking about her. That's what we did the rest of the afternoon; “reminiscing”. And when the night arrived I started to check my laptop once again to finish that proposal that's due on Monday. 
Saturday, 02/05/2022 - Breath 
 Today I breathe as we get ready for a very exciting activity! Swimmingggg. It's a swimming dayyyyy… when was the last time? I don't even know what water feels like, haha. There’s so much food I love it here! It was a long day, a very happy day. 
Sunday, 02/06/2022 - Knock off
Today is the day we go home but nevertheless, a lot had happened this day as well. I woke up a little late, nine something in the morning, and aaa waking up with a smile on my face feels so good. Not thinking about academics feels so refreshing even though tomorrow is again another day to face my laptop the whole day. Still, anyway, that's okay I guess. Today is going home day but before we get home, we visit a lot of places where I've been, where we've been before and I am happy for those places that are still functioning and innovating and renovating. It didn't die when the pandemic struck the world and that is a relief, at least.
Monday, 02/07/2022 - Beginning 
 Today, as usual, is a new week, another week to sit on the chair for hours. I woke up hearing the call of meca in messenger because it was already past 7:30. Good thing I heard meca’s call at 7:46 am, not bad I guess. The two last subjects were synchronous because we had to cope with the lessons that we missed last week. After the day, we had dinner at a Korean restaurant— I forgot the name. Anyway, after dinner, we went to starbucks to end the night. 
Thursday, 02/17/2022 - Trying 
 It's always like this when you're almost there and almost giving as well but won't give up because you're almost there– today I woke up very early in the morning. I messaged one of my subject teachers to ask if I'm still allowed  to take the quiz that I missed last tuesday because of my unwell condition lately, thankfully she still allowed me to take the quiz. Today, I was able to attend only one of my synchronous classes in the afternoon only due to this challenging event that I am facing right now. Nonetheless, I was still able to respond to the messages of some of my classmates regarding our grouping and gave them updates on the committee I was assigned to because I was too scared that I would become a dumbbell to them. After writing this journal, I will start writing my PC1 in my HMSS113 subject since I didn't have the time to finish it in the past few days because I've been sleeping due to tiredness. I've made it this far, and so, I won't give up right now; I won't let myself down and pass my very last sem in high school.
Wednesday, 02/23/2022 
Idk I just received an email with survey for the upcoming limited blended learning? Right now I don't really know what to feel about this because I'm clearly just waiting for the day that finally ends this school year. Maybe I'm a little excited as well because after years, we're finally going to school again, but still I don't really know. Today I woke up at 7 in the morning and it was asynchronous until– actually we didn't have any synchronous class today. I have quite a missing list and I wanted to finish them all today, but what I'm editing is eating all my time to finish and answer my other tasks from other subjects and I am frustingly wanting to finish this video already. I've been editing this  for 2 days now. Right now it's currently 5:19 pm, and we don't have any internet connection since 3pm i think and i am so stressed about it, the fact that i can't edit the video yet, i can't answer my other requirements, oh my. I have some realization right now (same time as 5:24). I want to be part of this blended learning already. I'm so tired of facing this laptop or cellphone every single day and needing to check my messenger, email, google classroom, or any other social media that has been part of my everyday life.
February 25, 2022 - Productive 
 I've had so much fun today (in a way) I've been super productive since early in the morning. And at 1 pm I tried to finish some of my school work as much as I could. After academics, I finished the book that I was reading entitled “Ugly Love” by Colleen Hoover; I gave the book 1 out of 5 hehe I didn’t really like it. 
Saturday, 02/26/2022 
Nothing I've done nothing today but eat :(( i'm really sad since I actually have a plan today (i listed the things I need to do yesterday) turns out I cannot do anything because when I woke up it was brownout and it was super hot! I planned to finish all of my missing requirements but wasn't able to do so. As much as possible I try to avoid my very long time habit of doing things at night or more like at midnight– I'm trying to be productive every day in the daytime so that i'm able to improve myself on certain things such as finishing my requirements on time, making my bed, feeding my dog, taking a bath in the morning and so many other things that I want to be upside down. It’s 10:15 pm right now, I’m rearranging some of my school stuff on my computer.
Sunday, 02/27/2022 
Hi? Today I woke up at 10 am because my grandmother and I ate at mama sara for lunch. I ordered cordonsilog, and I think hers was humbadobosilog? Not really sure about the name. We went home after that, I spent the rest of the afternoon reading “November 9: A Novel'' by Colleen Hoover– as you can see i'm on my COHO phase right now trying to read all her books after I didn't really do anything, I just cooked my dinner then proceed to my new current read which is “Confess” by Colleen Hoover and im 50% done with it. 
Monday, 02/28/2022 
 Today is the last day of February, can you imagine? Anyway, I woke up at 7 in the morning and waited for my first class to start, HMSS113– which I loved the lesson because i'm really a fan of reading memoirs, nonfiction, real-life etcetera than fiction, I mean do read fiction like what i'm reading right now the confess one but I don't know I like the other genre more. After the discussion, I went out of my room with my dog to feed her, and after feeding her, I provided myself too for lunch– well, advanced lunch and after, while I wait for our next class, which is APPL114, I’ll try to finish this current read of mine. It's already 11:50 as of the moment of writing this. And btw I did finish the book. After I finished the book, I saw my Instagram full of messages from our group– my friends, we’re four actually, all girls. We were talking about my 18th birthday in April and that before my birthday we still need to go out and that's on the 3rd week of march I guess. We ate chowking for dinner, and after that, I washed the dishes and returned to my room to do the night routine.
0 notes
hypnofur1 · 6 years
Captivated in Kansas City (Ch.1)
By Hypnofur
Tuesday at 11:30
Hudson Dark had performed before sold out crowds for over twenty three years. At no time during any of those performances had he in any way shape or form flubbed a word, or even misspoke. He was always so eloquent and confident. It was the root of his talent in fact. But now, as he sat across from the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, he found himself completely tongue tied
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“It’s the house I live in with my parents” the man in his mid forties told the beautiful woman in front of him. “No, I don’t. I mean, they lived there, we lived there. But now we don’t…” Hudson stammered, for the first time since his teens.
Hailey was trying to look like she wasn’t embarrassed for him. She had seen this before with men. God, she had seen it too many times. She had learned how to be nice about it, but it never became not awkward. Men always became stuttering piles of jelly around her.
“Was this property your child hood home, Mr.Dark?” she asked politely, trying to throw him a lifeline.
“Well, not even. My parents purchased it about twenty years ago. My father died shortly after that, and my mother passed away about five years ago. I only lived here for a year or so after college. Then I got my own place, right away.” He said, trying desperately to make this woman think he didn’t live with his parents for any longer than what was considered normal.
“I see, well, I am sorry for your loss” Hailey said.
“It’s better that she’s dead” Hudson said, before he immediately realized how that sounded. What was wrong with him?!! This had never happened. “I mean, it was a long illness. She’s at peace now” he said, trying desperately to recover.
“Well, Brookside has seen huge growth in the property values over the last ten years.” Hailey said, getting back to business. “We’ve sold six homes in that neighborhood already this year.”
Hudson couldn’t believe she smelled so good too. What was her perfume? It was intoxicating. She was intoxicating.
Hailey was getting annoyed. He was just staring with that lovestruck puppy dog look she had seen so many times since Junior High. She prodded the conversation along “I’d love to see the house?”
Hudson pulled himself together, and arrangements were made for her to come out on the following Thursday. He shook her hand professionally and the meeting ended. By the time he walked out of the door of her Real Estate office, a plan was already forming in Hudson’s mind.
“Fuck!” Hudson yelled to himself from inside the house. He watched as a Mercedes SL 500 pulled up his driveway. Yes, the beautiful Hailey was inside, but so was some other guy. He was driving. Hudson was fuming. He figured she would come alone. Who was this guy? Was he going to come in too? That would ruin the entire plan that Hudson had spent the last forty-eight hours carefully concocting. Then he saw the man lean over and give Hailey a kiss on the cheek before only she got out of the car. Hudson’s spirits lifted as he realized that the man was going to stay in the driveway at the very least. He was quite pleased to see the car pull away from the house at the same moment Hailey was ringing the doorbell.
Hudson’s stomach flip flopped, the plan was on!
“Hi Hailey, come on in, it’s open!” Hudson yelled. He knew she would be able to hear him through the glass storm door. The actual front door was left wide open. Hailey entered the house through the living room.
“I’ll be right with you, I’m just changing my shirt. I spilled my lunch on it” Hudson lied from behind the door the down stairs bedroom he was in.
“No problem.” Hailey answered as she looked around the house, judging the bones and envisioning how it could be remodeled and updated. “I’ve had a clumsy morning myself. I drove up on to the curb at The Filling Station Coffee. I damaged my tire. My husband had to give me a ride here. He just went to go check on the car. It’s down the road, he’ll be back in fifteen minutes or so.” She said.
Hudson cursed under his breath. That was not a lot of time. Should he abort? Maybe this whole stupid thing wasn’t meant to be.
“Are you a hypnotist?” he head Hailey ask. She had clearly seen the posters and show memorabilia that filled the house. Of course she did. She was meant to.
“I am, yes” he said, still through the door. He resolved he was going to do this. He could make it work in a shortened time frame. He just needed her to take the bait…
“This piece is beautiful, is it one of those things that musician’s keep time with?” Hailey asked, trying to make conversation as she wondered how long it was going to take this guy to change his shirt.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Hudson celebrated to himself. The three hours he had spent carefully lighting the metronome so that her eyes would be drawn to it had paid off. This was going to work.
“Why yes it is. It is called a metronome. That one is especially precious. It was made by the finest Belgian craftsmen. They are known for making exquisite pieces. The weight on the tip of the pendulam rod is actually encrusted with 24 carrot diamonds. That is why it sparkles like that as the metronome ticks back and forth… back and forth.
Hailey noticed he was right. Her husband’s gifts over the last few years had taught her a lot about diamonds, and she could see from the way those stones caught the light that they were at least 24 carrot.
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Hudson continued speaking from the other room. “ I use it in my therapy work. The beauty of a metronome is that not only does it give the subject a motion to follow with their eyes, but the rhythmic sound of the clicks also keeps a perfect, hypnotic beat. The subjects listen to the sound of the metronome as it keeps the perfect beat. This is a special beat. A beat of sleep. The subject focuses on the metronome as it swings back and forth, back and forth. They notice the brilliant twinkle of the beautiful diamonds as the metronome swings back and forth, back and forth. They follow the swinging motion with their eyes, but don’t look away. Never look away. Listening to the beat. The beat is so powerful, because it is the same beat as sleep. Listen to the beat as you follow the swinging motion.” Hudson said to her, slowly changing the POV of his words from that of the theoretical subject, directly to Hailey. By this point, he had slowly and quietly come out of the bedroom and had silently move to the doorway of the room she was in.
He was both delighted and aroused by the sight of Hailey standing in the center of the room, completely transfixed on the swinging metronome in front of her. He could tell it was working.
“With every click of the beat, you begin to notice your eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Heavier and heavier with each click of the beat. Every time you hear the beat, your eyelids feel heavier and heavier. Very good, you are following my instructions and hearing the metronome go back and forth, back and forth. The twinkling lights of the diamond beginning to blur in between the slow blinks of your heavy eyes.”
Hudson noticed her beautiful blue eyes slowly blinking as he suggested. He knew how he wanted to pull her under, there was really only one way…
“Isn’t it pleasant… to sleep…. to sleep… deeper and deeper in sleep.” he said, copying the cadence and tone of his all time favorite movie hypnosis scene, from the “Hypnotic Eye”. In fact, this whole induction, putting her under by focusing on a hypnotic device while he was in another room inducing her was all inspired by the “Hypnotic Eye”. It had been one of Hudson’s greatest fantasies for almost 20 years, since he first found the clip on the internet.
Now he had done it, he had induced the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in the same way that Anton had done it in that movie. Her head was slumped down and she was deep in hypnotic slumber. He felt like a king. He wanted to take her right there, he had never been so hard in his life.
But of course, his victory was short lived, as he heard the Mercedes pull up in the driveway. The husband was back. Hudson held his breath for a moment, so nervous that he may come in. Much to the hypnotist’s joy, he saw the husband pull out an iphone and start checking it. It seemed he was going to be waiting in the car. That bought some time. Not as much as Hudson had originally hoped for, but enough to keep the game alive….
About ten minutes later, Hailey smiled as got into the Mercedes. She gave Henry a kiss on the cheek. “You are the cutest Uber driver in Kansas City.” She joked.
“We Uber drivers don’t accept tips, so you’ll have to buy me lunch instead” Henry quipped to his wife as he backed out of the driveway. “How was the appointment?” he asked.
“Fantastic!” Hailey said exuberantly. “The house is amazing, so much potential. The client is fantastic too. I’m so excited about this transaction!” she oozed.
That surprised Henry a bit. He knew she had been wanting to do less residential work, and more commercial/retail kind of stuff. However, he didn’t pay that weird twist much mind. He was starving, and wanted to get a table at Bella Napoli for lunch.
Thursday evening
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“Hey, we don’t have anything tomorrow night, right?” Hailey asked Henry as he was brushing his teeth. She was on their bed, surfing on her laptop. They were always together in the same room when they were home at the same time. They truly enjoyed one another’s company.
“No, I don’t think so. Why?” Henry asked.
“I have a tip on a property that is potentially going to be hitting the in the Power and Light District. It’s one of the venues that hasn’t been updated in the area. It’s a comedy club. Anyway, I was thinking it might be a perfect opportunity for the right investor.”
“And who might be the right investor?” Henry said with a smile.
“Well, he’d have to be handsome…” Hailey said. “And good with wireless technology….”
Henry laughed as he looked in her eyes. God she was gorgeous. Even just sitting there on the bed, she was so beautiful. The slightest look she gave him could get him instantly hard. She noticed now was one of those times. She smiled at him and nodded, as if to say “now is a fine time”.
Henry crawled onto the bed and kissed her. She kissed him back. They both laboriously took off her panties. It wasn’t smooth or easy. He lifted up her skirt a bit, and stuck himself inside her. She gasped a bit, and he started bucking. He came within about 30 seconds.
He instantly apologized. She smiled and kissed him, telling him it “was nice”. He dismounted and laid next to her in the bed, pulling his boxers back up as she got her panties back on. Then they continued their conversation about the property and the plans to check it out on Friday night. This was very typical for the couple.
Friday night
They had a great dinner at Yardhouse, the best of the restaurants in that area. Of course, the young twenty something male waiters were completely infatuated and flustered with Hailey there. Henry and his wife were quite used to this, though it always made them uncomfortable. Hailey hated being the center of attention in a room, despite the fact that she usually was.
After the meal, they strolled around the building a bit, checking it out in detail. Hailey had a fine eye for architecture, and Henry only had eyes for her, so he was perfectly happy watching her do whatever interested her.
It was an older building, probably built in the 1930’s. It needed a tremendous amount of work, but had good bones. There were apartments on the second and third floor, and a theater that was now being used as a comedy club on the ground level. As the couple got around to the entrance, Hailey grabbed Henry’s arm.
“That’s my client!” she said excitedly as she pointed at the poster on the wall.
“Hudson the Hypnotist?” Henry asked.
“Yes, that’s him, the one from the other day in Brookside. Wow, that’s so cool. I can’t believe he is performing tonight. Let’s go watch!” she said excitedly.
Henry was a little taken aback by her sudden exuberance, but he was fine with it. The evening was free. They purchased their tickets and went inside. As they waited for the show to begin, Hailey started going on and on about how much hypnosis had always fascinated her. Henry was quite surprised to hear this, as it had never come up in conversation before, despite her new claims of a lifelong passion for it.
The show began and Hudson came out. He was a very average looking middle aged guy. Balding, slightly pudgy. He explained what hypnosis was, and how it worked. Henry noticed Hailey was on the edge of her seat during this explanation. Hudson then asked for volunteers. It was at this point that Henry became absolutely shocked. Hailey gave him a kiss on the cheek, and then left her seat, heading for the stage.
While Henry had been previously in the dark about Hailey’s interest in hypnotism, he was well aware of her disinterest in being in the spotlight. He couldn’t believe she was going up on stage. This was like her number one fear. What was going on?
Henry could hear the murmers in the crowd as Hailey was taking the stage amongst a bunch of slacker looking twenty somethings. Hudson the Hypnotist of course had his eyes glued to the gorgeous blonde as she took a seat on the stage with her brilliant smile. Henry noticed there wasn’t a hint of nervousness or self consciousness in his wife, even as the dorky guy in the Blink 182 sweatshirt next to her gawked and stared. In fact, Hudson had a hard time getting the attention of the volunteers on stage back to him. Hailey was that distractingly beautiful.
She stuck out like a sore thumb on that stage. Her clothes spoke of wealth, while the t-shirt and jeans of the rest of the volunteers spoke of the awkward years after college. For his part, Hudson knew that he had to regain control of this situation. As a very experienced performer, he knew how to do just that. The spacy, new age music played, and Hudson expertly induced his volunteers into a deep trance. Removing the two or three fakers that were easy to spot, Hudson was left with ten deeply hypnotized volunteers on stage. Not that it mattered, as the show would clearly just be about one of those ten. Most eyes were on Hailey, who was now slumped over onto Mr. Blink 182.
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Hudson went through all the standard routines, making the volunteers feel like they were freezing cold, having them talk to Martians, and the whole someone farted routine. Henry was shocked to see his beautiful wife up there on stage, clearly, actually hypnotized. There is no way she would have been going along with this if she hadn’t been.
Henry’s stomach was turning. It was unnerving to see his wife in front of all these people, clearly not in control of herself. His stomach knotted a little more as Hudson asked the crowd if they want to “spice this show up”. Of course, the loud applause confirmed they wanted exactly that. That’s when the hypnotist started describing to the people on stage that they were watching a very sexy porno that was playing in the back of the room. He started saying it was the sexiest porno that they had ever seen, and that they would get so, so turned on watching it.
Henry knew for a fact that Hailey had never watched a porno. She had told him in the past that porno’s creeped her out. And sure enough, as soon as Hudson said this, Henry saw Hailey get all jittery, and try to look away from the back of the room. Hudson noticed it too, and he started saying “the film is too interesting to ignore. Even if you don’t think you want to watch it, the sounds and the visuals are just too interesting. You can’t resist checking it out..”
That was enough to get Hailey to sort of peek over with one eye. Just for a second, then she looked away again. But in another brief moment, she looked towards the screen with one eye again. Then two. Then she watched for a moment. Henry was shocked. Soon she didn’t look nervous, or creeped out by it. She had a look that Henry had never seen before. She had this incredible look of erotic interest on her face as she slowly licked her lips. Then her hand touched her neck. She squirmed a bit in her seat. Henry had never seen it before, but it was the single most beautiful, sexy site he had ever seen. He had never seen Hailey so overtly turned on, so sexual. In fact, he had never seen Hailey turned on at all…
Six years earlier
Breaking into the real estate game had certainly proven to be more difficult than Hailey had intended. In fact, as she sat there, locked in a steam room, she actually had decided to quit real estate and get a job at a retail store or something. She hadn’t realized that the steam room would lock like that.  Her cell phone was getting no service for some weird reason. She was trapped until someone came into the house. The problem with that, was that her showing wasn’t for another 24 hours. She had come to the empty mansion in the hills a day early to do a dry run. Frankly, she was starting to freak out.
That’s when she heard someone in the house. It took a lot for her to decide to alert the other person to her captive presence. Being alone with some stranger in a house when her phone wasn’t working was not a safe idea. However, she was getting really scared being trapped in there. She was finding she was kind of claustrophobic. She finally yelled for a help and a man responded. She had really hoped it was a woman…
“I’m stuck in here and my cell phone isn’t working” she said through the steam room walls.
“Yeah, that’s why I am here. There is a small tower at the base of the hill that provides services to these homes. I overloaded it. I saw your car and came to alert you. I’m really very sorry.” The man said. His voice sounded kind at least.
“Do you do work on the tower?” she asked.
“Well, kind of.” He said.
Ok, she thought, I’m trapped here with a not so good cell tower repair guy. “Can you let me out?” she asked. She heard him trying the door.
He jiggled it and jiggled it, but it just wouldn’t work. “I’m sorry miss, but the door isn’t working. I could go and try to find some tools or something.” He said.
“You don’t have any with you?” she asked in almost a panic. She was really freaking out now that she knew she was really trapped in that room. The teak walls seemed to be closing in on her.
“No, not on me. Umm, I could go drive for some help?” he said. He could tell this lady was losing it.
“NO!” she blurted out. “Please don’t leave!” she heard herself say. She had never had a panic attack like this before.
“It’s ok Miss, I’ll stay with you until help arrives or they fix the tower. My name is Henry.” He said.
And so from there, they started talking. Hailey calmed down. They actually talked for hours and hours. They laughed a lot. They really hit it off. In fact, they started falling for each other.
However, there were two things that were not divulged in those hours of conversation. Hailey did not reveal that she was drop dead gorgeous, and Henry did not reveal that he sold his first wireless amplification company for 30 million dollars, and had since started building another, even more successful amplification system. (The testing of which had blown the tower).
Hailey’s beauty and Henry’s money had always been the most attractive thing about each. Both were fairly shy in their own right. Hailey had been turning down men’s advances for as long as she could remember, and Henry had only been attractive to women once they found he was rich.
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But when that steam room finally got opened, and Hailey looked at Henry for the first time, he could tell she liked him for who he was. It didn’t matter to her that he was a little bit scrawny, and clearly about fifteen years older than her. She had gotten to know his kind spirit. He stayed with her, laughed with her, and helped her before he knew what she looked like. This was the first man ever that got to know her for more than just her looks. Hailey knew full well that she benefited from her unique beauty, but for the most part had always seen it more as curse.
Henry’s jaw hit the floor when he saw her. She was clearly the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in real life. Or on tv or in a movie for that matter. The locksmith that had opened the door thought so too. Henry, couldn’t believe his luck, until he looked down and saw a wedding band on her finger. His heart fell…
“It’s not real!” she said quickly as she saw him notice it. “I just wear it to keep from having guys…” she started.
“Will you have dinner with me tomorrow night?” Henry blurted out.
“Yes!” Hailey said with a smile.
Henry knew that she had mistakenly assumed he was a cell tower repair guy. He had carefully not lied about that during their conversation through the steam room wall, but had also not corrected the assumption. In fact, it wasn’t until he picked her up the next day in his Ferrari that she started realizing he was more than he seemed.
Dinner that night was not in Kansas City, it was in Paris. Six month later, they were married.
Their love was true, and their love was pure. People of course accused Hailey of being a gold digger. That wasn’t the case. She certainly benefitted from the trappings of wealth, but she truly loved Henry, and he loved her. The suggestion that Henry only was with her for the sex couldn’t have been more off base. In fact, the sex wasn’t that great.
Hailey had always been self-conscious about her looks, ironically. Every guy had wanted to jump in the sack with her for as long as she could remember. That made her a little uncomfortable about the whole concept of sex. She wanted to enjoy it more, she just couldn’t really relax and get into it. She always wondered if she was living up to the fantasy, the expectation. Henry, for his part, was a shy man that never felt comfortable with the ladies. He knew he wasn’t much of a lover, and he always wondered if he could live up to the type of lover Hailey deserved. Their mutual insecurities always made their love making tepid at best.
Friday Night
Henry had never been able to drive Hailey wild with lust as this hypnotist had done on stage in front of him as the participants on stage got “really, really into the porno”. Henry had never been more aroused than he was watching his beautiful wife respond to the erotic, hypnotic commands of the maestro. He was jealous, but also rock hard as he watched it.
After the “watch the porno” bit, Hudson carefully segway’d into a “you are in a porno” bit. He told the participants that they were starring in a porno with the sexiest person they have ever seen, and that this person was on their chair and they were to basically fuck the chair. The people on stage were in such a state of arousal at that point from watching the imagined porno that they got right into it, Hailey included.
However, Hudson sensed an opportunity for both a laugh, and a little something for later. He smiled widely to the crowd, and then put his hand on Bethanny’s shoulder. “And to the woman I am touching right now. You’ll find that the sexiest, most irresistible man you have ever seen or known is… Hudson the Hypnotist!”
The crowd went wild! There was laughter and cheers. Hudson played it off to the crowd like a raunchy showman would. “Can you blame me?” he yelled loudly. “I mean, seriously.. can you blame me!?”
Henry could blame him! And he couldn’t believe that Hudson had said that to her. He also couldn’t believe how Hailey was moving. Her hips were slowly and sensually rolling with a sexual fluidity he had never seen. Her head was tilted back she was grinding on the chair, she was clearly lost in a sexual bliss. It was like nothing he had ever seen, and she looked even hotter than he had imagined while doing it. Part of him wanted to stop this, as it was wrong on so many levels, but he had a raging boner that he was quite sure could be seen through his khakis. He couldn’t exactly stand up and approach the stage like that.
Hudson of course knew who Hailey was with that night. He paid careful notice to the fact that the husband hadn’t stormed the stage when Hudson had told her that he was her new sexiest man alive. The feeling of power over the subjects on stage, and the awareness that Hailey thought that she was currently fucking him on that chair, emboldened the middle age hypnotist. Again, he put his hand on her shoulder, “and to the woman I am touching right now. Not only is Hudson the Hypnotist the sexiest, most irresistible man you have ever seen, but he also has the biggest, most powerful, most perfect cock you have ever come across in your life! And that cock is fucking you now! Fucking you now and making you cum! Hudson the Hypnotist is a sexual god who is fucking you and making you cum like no man has ever done!” he said, to less cheers. Some people in the crowd could see he was going too far, but the majority of the group was so turned on by watching the beautiful Hailey orgasm on the chair that they couldn’t laugh or applaud or anything. They were completely transfixed by the scene in front of them.
Henry was horrified, but his heart was beating a million miles a minute. He was so angry, scared, and turned on. There was nowhere else for the performance to go after Hailey’s show stopping orgasm. Hudson got all the parictipants back in line in to their chairs and dropped them into a deep sleep. He told them they would awake refreshed and happy. He also told them that they would find the experience of being hypnotized by him one of the most wonderful of their lives, and that they would desperately want to be hypnotized by him again in the future. With that, he made a joke to the audience about “job security”
When Hailey heard the phrase “…and wake”, her eyes fluttered open. Her hand instinctively ran through her thick blonde hair as she sat up. Her blue eyes took a second to focus with the bright stage lights in front of her, but she soon saw Hudson looking back at her. It was like a jolt of electricity went through her as she lost her breath for a moment. “He’s so gorgeous” she thought, before immediately chiding herself for being attracted to a man that is not her husband. Unaware of the post hypnotic suggestions that were driving this, she found herself quite surprised at her intense attraction to Hudson. She had never gotten like that over a guy before. They always threw themselves at her, but she had never been so magnetically drawn to a man before.
She smiled at him demurely as she walked by him while exiting the stage. She desperately hoped that was not the last time he would hypnotize her. She had loved the experience so much. Stepping down back into the audience, she could feel most of the eyes in the room on her. She was used to that. As per usual, it made her feel uneasy and nervous. As per usual, she focused on Henry to calm her down. However, this time she noticed that Henry looked uneasy and nervous. He was pale and clammy.
“Babe, what’s up?” she said to him. Henry didn’t know what to say. How could he tell her that she was just up on stage acting like a total slut? What would she do if she knew she had just given every single guy in this room a massive boner as she acted more sexual on stage than she ever, ever had with him in the bedroom? Henry panicked.
For the first time ever, he lied to his wife. “Nothing. Nothing’s up. That was really funny. How are you? How are you feeling?” he said, putting on his best game face.
“Oh my god, it was amazing!” she gushed. “I loved being hypnotized by Hudson!” she almost squealed.
Henry looked around and noticed the room was still very much focused on Hailey. He knew he should get her out of there before she realized the state she had the men in. “Do you want to go get some desert or something?” he asked. Hailey never passed up desert. If other women knew how much she indulged in sweets with that body, they’d hate her even more.
Hailey leaned in close and whispered in her husband’s ear. “I’d rather go home. I need you inside of me.” It was the first time she had ever said anything like that to him.
Henry, who was of course so horny already after watching that show, didn’t need to be asked twice. He raced his beautiful wife home and up to their bed. Within minutes, he was thrusting himself inside her. Ramming as hard as he could. He didn’t last long, having been so turned on by the show. However much to his surprise, Hailey actually orgasmed. She had never orgasmed during their love making before.
Henry loved the sounds she made beneath him. He loved the feel of her convulsing in his arms. What a wonderful experience. He knew her mindset was largely due to the hypnotism. He was actually grateful for Hudson’s hypnotic hijinks. In fact, he wondered if the performer could help him experience this sort of sexual intimacy with his wife again. He decided he needed to pay Hudson a visit.
What Henry didn’t know, was that for the first time in her marriage, Hailey was thinking of another man during sex. She was thinking of Hudson. Sexy, powerful, hypnotic Hudson. The sexual god with the biggest, most powerful cock she had ever come across in her life.
Trouble was ahead….
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ifishouldvanish · 6 years
Spin Me a Tale (2/?)
SUMMARY: Every two weeks, Belle tunes into her favorite book review podcast, Spin Me a Tale. Little does she know, that the man behind it is none other than the terribly shy library guest she’s been harboring a crush on: Mr Gold. Prompted by @wayamy27narf. RATING: T WORDS: 2,648 A/N: I’m just throwing in the towel here as far as getting this to display nicely on mobile with the shitty new update.
[Part One] [Read on AO3]
Belle let out a heavy sigh, nudging what remained of her pancakes around in the lake of syrup on her plate.
“Maybe he's like, mute or something.” Ruby shrugged. “You should try signing to him. See if he signs back.”
Belle's eyes swept up from her plate to where Ruby was standing on the other side of the counter. “Last time I tried to sign, I asked an eighty-six year old woman if she needed a penis instead of a pen!” she whined.
Ruby burst into laughter, but cut herself off when she noticed the unamused look on her friend’s face. “Sorry! I'm sorry! But now you know I gotta ask–”
“Yes!” Belle cried, dropping her fork and throwing her hands over her face. “She said yes!”
“Oh my God,” Ruby threw her head back and laughed again. “Okay, okay,” she settled down and shook her head. “So you just need to practice some more! You work at a library– check out a few books!”
“I don't think he's mute.” Belle said. “When the school does early release and he comes in with the little boy, he talks to him!” she explained, throwing her hands up in the air. “I've seen it!”
“Huh.” Ruby shrugged, taking her plate away. “Well, you've got me there.”
Belle gasped and sat upright, slapping her palms on the bartop. “The boy! That's it, Ruby–” she pointed, “That's how I get through to him! Through his son!”
Ruby arched a brow. “Sounds a little creepy, Belle. Not gonna lie. Now I'm just picturing you kidnapping the kid and leaving him a ransom note.” she snickered and took on a menacing voice, “if you ever wanna see your son again, you'll go on a date with me...”
Belle rolled her eyes. “Not like that!” she huffed. “We have a bunch of kids’ after school programs coming up! I can personally hand him a flyer for one, and maybe, if I'm lucky, his son will be interested, and they'll come, and…”
“He can continue to stutter and hide from you?” Ruby finished for her.
Belle narrowed her eyes. “No. See– the energy at the library is way different in the evening. It's… less busy, less noisy, less bright. It's…” she leaned over the counter and sighed, “romantic.”
“Hm…” Ruby tilted her head and wrinkled her nose. “Not the word I'd use to describe a bunch of five to ten year-olds fighting over crayons or who gets to sit in the bean bag chair during story time… but you do you.” she said, sliding Belle's check across the counter.
“Yeah well– some of us are trying to be optimistic here, Ruby.” she grumbled and began digging her wallet out of her purse.
“He’s coming in today?”
“Mhm.” Belle looked up at her and bit back a smile. “...Every other Tuesday.”
Belle's lunch break had technically ended twenty minutes ago, but other having a few new books to catalog into the system, it was a slow day. She had a stack of flyers for the next family event ready and waiting to be handed out, and as long as she got the new books processed in by four o'clock, her extended lunch would be a secret a safely kept between her and The Weaver.
“...his moral ambiguity is what I feel makes him such a compelling character– one whose journey toward redemption is paralleled at several points in the novel by one of the other characters–”
The doorbell chimed and Belle looked up from the book she'd been following along with. She scoot forward in her seat, peering around the circulation desk, and there he was.
Her man.
Mr Gold.
Sure, he might not know he was her man yet, but one of these days… one of these days they'd have an actual conversation, and she'd invite him out for coffee, and they'd talk about books until sundown, and he'd ask to see her again, and then they could fall in love for real.
He turned around to use the drop-off bin and Belle helped herself to a long, appreciative look at his rear, her lips pressed together as she admired the view.
She wouldn't dare admit it to Ruby– after all, she had a reputation for looking beyond outward appearances to uphold– but she appreciated the man's derrière almost as much as she did his timid smiles, gentle demeanor, and taste in literature.
Oh, it was a cute butt. Round, pert, tight little thing. Her fingers practically twitched with the urge to reach out and touch it.
Well, squeeze, if she was perfectly honest with herself. There was no way a simple touch would suffice. No, no– she longed to give it a nice, sweet caress. A tight squeeze. A bite.
Okay, maybe not a bite.
Oh, who was she kidding? She’d totally take a bite out of that thing.
It was unfair, really. It was just a butt. What business did it have being so–
Something touched Belle's shoulder and she jumped, tearing her earbuds out. She spun around in her seat and found Mrs Potts with her hands on her hips and a haughty look on her face.
“Head in the clouds again, I see…” she tutted.
“Uh– N-no.” Belle blurted, belatedly rushing to pause the podcast on her phone. She turned straight ahead and corrected her posture, doing her best impression of somebody who definitely hadn’t just been caught ogling a guest.
The two of them did their best to act casual as Mr Gold hitched across the lobby– both offering polite, innocent smiles as he passed the circulation desk. Belle gave a small wave, and for one beautiful second, their eyes met and he smiled back. He disappeared among the shelves and she let out a sigh.
Mrs Potts leaned over Belle’s shoulder and cleared her throat. “I understand we all have our own little vices to help us get through the day with our sanity in tact, Miss French– just so long as we get our work done on time. Is that clear?”
Belle swallowed hard. “Yes, Mrs Potts.” she said, reaching out and patting a hand on the cart full of books still waiting to be processed. “You know, I was just um, finishing up my lunch break.”
With a skeptical little hum, the woman walked off and Belle eased her shoulders.
An hour later, she was distracted again.
It wasn't her fault that Mr Gold had seated himself at one of the reading tables across the lobby where she could see him. Whatever he was reading, it must have been good because he was hunched over the table with keen interest. A cascade of soft, brown hair was catching the light overhead just so. He had his lips pressed together, tongue periodically poking out to wet them. And then there were his hands.
He was so gentle, the way he handled his books. The delicate way he flipped each page; It was like he was caressing a lover, Belle thought.
She'd like to be caressed.
He ought to spread her pages and read her.
Mr Gold's focus lifted away from his book then. He looked around the library, blinking as he returned to reality– and if Belle hadn't been enjoying the view of his Adam's apple so much, she'd have had the mind to look away sooner.
Their eyes met, only this time it was mortifying. His eyes widened and Belle darted her gaze up to the inspirational posters on the wall, pretending to read them. She counted to five and turned back to her computer screen, tucking her hair behind her ear.
After clicking and typing a few nothings into the database program for appearances, her eyes stealthily drifted back to Mr Gold. Checking him out from afar was all well and good, but she was on a mission today.
He'd closed his book and was skimming the back covers of the others he had piled beside him.
That was her cue.
Belle plucked one of the flyers off the stack on her desk and stood up, taking a second to smooth out her skirt before heading over.
“Uh…” she cleared her throat. “Mr Gold?”
He looked up at her from his book, brows raised expectantly.
“Um… I just wanted to give you this.” she said, holding out the flyer.
He blinked and shifted in his seat, his eyes snapping down to read the headline. Knitting his brows together, he tilted his head and glanced back up at her. His lips parted, and a hand came up to rub at the collar of his shirt.
“I-I know the flyer says Mommy and Me, but it's actually a family thing that's open to all parents and guardians regardless of gender?” she explained, cringing at the way her voice cracked on the last few words. “I um... I tried to convince the director to let us call it something more inclusive, but they said it didn't have the same ring to it?”
He wrinkled his nose and a smile began to tug at the corners of his mouth. He squashed it though– pressing his lips together and shaking his head.
God, he probably thought she was so stupid. Why was everything she was saying coming out as a question?
Belle was about to initiate her exit strategy, but then he touched his fingers to his lips. It seemed he was thinking. That he was going to do something. Say something?
He reached out to accept the flyer from her, but paused, wet his lips, and nodded first.
“It’s next Thursday at six,” Belle continued, feeling her heart begin to race. This was it. This was her chance. “And well… I’ll be there. Because um– well, I love kids, and uh, it’d be really great to see you and Bae there?”
His smile widened at the mention of the boy's name, and he skimmed over the flyer a second time.
“The kids always have a lot of fun and it's um…” Belle trailed off, her momentum slipping already, and started wringing her hands over her belly. “Well, we do all sorts of things, but basically it's all about helping parents and children communicate and understand each other better by creating transformative works together based off of classic folk tales? The um, the idea is that it can often be easier for children to express themselves through stories than plain conversation?”
The corners of his mouth pinched downwards and he hiked his brows. “Hm.”
Belle smiled and relaxed her shoulders, breathing a sigh of relief.
A hm!
A hm was good!
She could work with a hm!
“It's uh… a great way to meet other parents, too.” she added.
He uttered another sound– a resigned little groan– and looked back down at his book, rubbing his thumb along the corners of the pages.
Damn it.
Belle squeezed her eyes shut, feeling her cheeks grow hot. She only meant to convey her own desire to get to know him, but instead she probably made it sound like some kind of bizarre mixer for single parents. He probably thought she pitied him now. Oh, look at the poor, lonely man reading by himself– if only he were to get out more, he might meet somebody!
Sure, she hoped he had friends and wasn’t lonely– but her intentions at the moment weren’t quite so noble. No, no. The only person she was interested in setting him up with was herself.
But regardless, if this was going to go anywhere, she needed to keep talking to him.
“I mean–” she shook her head, “not that you like, would have to talk to anybody. At all. I didn't mean meet people as in meet people. You don't have to meet anyone if you don't want to?”
Mr Gold looked back up at her again, leaning closer and tilting his head.
Yes, yes. Good save.
“Because I take it you're… I mean I think you're a…”
No, no. Backpedal. Reroute.
Belle squared her shoulders and took a deep breath. “I have a lot of respect for single parents and the idea that you– that they need to find and settle down with another person to give their child a more traditional family is just…”
She tucked her hair behind her ears and threw a quick glance over her shoulder to dodge his gaze. Her hands were trembling and she could feel her armpits starting to sweat and itch. Hell, everything was starting to sweat. But he was actually looking at her this time instead of turning away and hiding behind his hair– and quite frankly, she wasn't prepared for it. His eyes were so warm and brown and soulful and sexy and good grief, she needed to get away before she did something stupid. Like confess that she was practically in love with him. Or tell him how much she liked his butt and wanted to bite it, apparently.
“I mean, it's really offensive, isn't it?” she chuckled awkwardly, already taking half a step back. “...heh.”
He scoffed and placed the flyer on the table, nodding in agreement. The corner of his mouth curled into one of those crooked smirks of his, and Belle’s heart pounded in her throat.
“Anyway, uh, no pressure or anything– bye!” she finished quickly, giving a little wave and spinning on her heels. She made a beeline for the front desk and sat back down with a huff, immediately grabbing her hand sanitizer so she could clean the yucky, clammy, sweaty feeling from her palms.
Biting butts.
Was that even a thing?
Well, of course it was. Everything was a thing. But why?
Oh, God.
She was like a voracious lioness, wasn't she? Lying in wait, ready to pounce on and sink her fangs into the succulent rump of a gazelle. Or a cute little zebra. Or a painfully shy silver fox with good taste in books.
“Still finishing our lunch break, are we?” Mrs Potts asked, coming over and making a point of examining one of the books still waiting to be processed in. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Get me transferred to another library branch and put me out of my misery.” Belle groaned, slouching in her seat.
Mrs Potts gave her an appraising look. “You know…” she leaned in and beckoned Belle closer, her eyes brimming with mischief.
Skeptical, Belle rolled her eyes, but she could humor the woman.
“Back in my day,” she whispered, “if a girl wanted to get a boy's attention, she might accidentally drop something so he could pick it up for her.”
Belle pulled back and narrowed her eyes, managing a polite smile. “With all due respect, Mrs Potts– this isn’t the seventh grade.”
“Well.” She huffed in offense and brushed some imaginary dirt off of her dress. “It was only a suggestion. But by all means– keep soliciting him like a used car salesman. Seems to be working out well for you.” she muttered, bustling back to her office.
At a loss for words, Belle watched the woman waddle off with her mouth hanging open.
‘Accidentally’ drop something?
She was 21st century woman! She didn’t need to partake in foolish games like that! Feigning clumsiness to make herself seem less intimidating to a man? Pandering to some innate male desire to feel useful!?
Absolutely insulting, is what it was! Degrading!
She shook her head and popped her earbuds back in, putting her podcast back on. The Weaver’s velvety voice filled her ears again, and as she finally began cataloging the new acquisitions, Belle couldn't help wondering if his butt was half as nice as Mr Gold's.
Probably not.
A butt like that was a rare and beautiful thing.
But oh, goodness. A man with The Weaver's sexy accent, and Mr Gold's perfect little tush? A girl could dream.
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oh-so-scenarios · 7 years
Not A Bad Thing ~ Part Eight
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Fairy-tale & AU Series Index
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Word Count: 3.4K
****Trigger Warning: Mentions of bullying and suicide****
Errors. Please excuse and ignore them.
***A/N: This chapter is SOOO SHORT. 
This is a FILLER chapter y’all. I don’t like how this chapter came out. lol I lowkey feel dead inside. Like a dead inside emotionless typing machine. :\
{Update days: Tuesdays, Thursday or Saturdays}
I sat there at the table with Y/N, who was teasing me. There was music blasting around us as the others celebrated, yet when I’m looking at her, it’s almost like the music was muffled. She has my full attention. Those deep eyes staring at me. The way her nose crinkles when she laughs, and how never fails to make my heart beat rapidly.
I took a deep breath, almost overwhelmed by the swelling of my heart.
“I don’t like crazy romantic stuff like that. I don’t want to be a damsel in distress that needs to be saved.” She said, raising an eyebrow at me.
I glanced down at my hand which held hers. I looked back up to see her gazing at me, waiting for a reply.
“If anything I’m the damsel,” I stated, “You saved me.”
I watched as she leaned away, almost cringing at my words. My eyes didn’t move from hers despite this.
“Why are you getting so intense all of a sudden?” She giggled. Though it’s been some months now, it still feels like I don’t know much about Y/N. The desire to be close to her is strong. When the pack goes for runs, she’s all that’s on my mind.
Yixing told me we should try to grow closer before mating season begins, or else things will become awkward.
I smirked before grabbing the bottom of the chair she sat in, sliding it closer to me so that we were close to each other. Y/N held in her laughter, clearly teasing me.
“You play around too much,” I whispered into her ear.
After winking at me she whispered, “What are you going to do about it, loverboy?”
I kissed her, pulling her close. Her warmth is always so comforting. I was trying to convey my feelings to her through this kiss. Through every touch and smile.  But my lips couldn’t say the words.
I love you.
I broke the kiss hesitantly. She went on about how my brothers are going to tease us and I quickly brushed it off.
Though it wasn’t long before we were interrupted by Eun Ji who said Y/N’s parents were here. I was just as shocked as she was. Though she still left to greet them.
The moment she left the room, I ran over to the speakers, shutting off the music. I ignored the whines of those around me.
“Y/N’s parents are here. Everyone get yourself together.” I voiced.
“Wait, her parents? That’s cool! They could tell you more about her!” Chanyeol said from the couch with his mate beside him.
“I don’t think you understand, this is a big deal! I need to make a good impression, so everyone be on your best behavior.” I exclaimed.
A cheeky smile made it’s way onto Baekhyun’s face, “I’m always on my best behavior.”
This only made me a glare as I saw Y/N enter the room followed by two people. The resemblance between her and her mother were uncanny. Though there were traces of her dad in her face. The woman’s eyes scanned the room with a kind smile.
“Ooo,” Her mother chimed, “which one of these attractive men is dating my daughter.”
I cleared my throat stepping forward with my best smile. I was nervous, but I tried my best not to show it.
Should I go for a hug? No that’s seems too forward. But a handshake is stiff right? My body before I could think, I stretched my hand out.
“Nice to meet you ma’am. I’m Oh Sehun.”
I watched as both of Y/N’s eyes fluttered and they flinched back. The reaction made my heart jump and a weird feeling of darkness washed over me as I watched their horrified expressions.
“Y/N,” Her mother said, glaring at me. I almost took a step back. Her gaze was too strong. I could almost feel the guys behind me becoming alert. The depressing vibes that were coming off of Y/N also left me alert.
Tears began to well in Y/N’s eyes, and my gaze moved back to her mother who called out Y/N’s name once more.
“It’s not the same Oh Sehun is it? Please tell me I’m wrong.” She mumbled.
My brows furrowed. What? Her parents know me?
I looked at Y/N who was almost sobbing her eyes out. My heart tightened as Junmyeon stepped in to figure out the conflict. I stretched my arms out to comfort her but was shocked when her father stepped forward.
“Don’t touch her!” His voice whipped through the air, leaving everyone frazzled. He moved Y/N behind him as if protecting her from me.
Can they sense I'm a wolf or something?
Her mother said something, but I didn’t hear it quite well. I was lost in my thoughts. Before I knew it, her parents were pulling her away.
Yixing and Junmyeon were trying to calm her parents down, while I stood there stunned by the situation.
“Please, just listen to what I have to say! He’s not like that anymore!” Y/N yelled, trying to get her parents to listen.
Not like that anymore? What?
Her father began to tug on her arm more so I stepped in, trying to stop him. My pleas weren’t met kindly. Her mother walked towards me, her chin high up. Though she was shorter than me, it felt like I was being looked down on. Her steps were slow and it almost felt like she was making fun of me.
Her eyes were full of hatred. She glared at me, and tears were welling up in her eyes.
“You and your rich friends bullied my daughter in middle school and the early years of high school, to the point that we had to move to a different country so she could start over.”
Can a person’s heart drop to their stomach? It felt like my blood was freezing over in my veins and my heart was pounding in my ear due to the lack of blood circulating.
There was a high pitch ringing in my ears and my vision blurred for a short moment.
“What?” My voice came out quiet and fragile. When I looked at Y/N, she was looking down. So what her mom is saying is true? How?
“You basically destroyed my daughter’s confidence, passion, brightness, and smile. You don’t know the pain we went through to get her even close to who she used to be.” Her voice trembled as she choked back tears.
Middle school?
Like a vision, Y/N’s eyes flashed in my mind. The constant look of fear in Y/N’s eyes were panning through my thoughts. From when I met her at the banquet till the time she began to relax around me. And just like that, it clicked.I was no longer seeing just her eyes. But I was seeing Y/N, a young Y/N, in middle school crying her eyes out.
My thoughts were broken through like shattered glass as Y/N’s mother stabbed at my chest with her finger.
“I don’t know what you did to change her mind about you, but that surely won’t happen with me. You don’t deserve to be in her presence let alone deserve her love.” She snarled. She quickly turned around and left, Y/N and her father following behind them. I heard the front door slam and my brain was rattling.
I placed both hands on my head, trying to gather my thoughts about what just happened. My mind was blanking and I stared at a certain spot of the carpet.
“Sehun,” Junmyeon called, making me jump.
“What was Y/n’s mother talking about? Is that where you know Y/N from? You did something to her in middle school?”
I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. As if frustrated, Eun Ji rushed past me, bringing all attention onto her.
“I knew it! My gut was screaming that was her but I didn’t want to believe it.” She muttered as she rushed off. I stared at Eun Ji back as she disappeared into the hallway. My eyes darted to the guys who looked at me for answers. I looked back towards the now empty hallway before chasing after Eun Ji. I could hear the footsteps of the guys following me.
“Eun Ji! Eun Ji! Wait what are you talking about?” I yelled after her, catching a glimpse of her back as she opened the door to the basement. She didn’t even bother to turn around. I followed her down the stairs to the small lobby of the basement.
“Which room has your old school stuff?” She questioned, eyes darting between the few creme colored doors.
“The one of the left.” The voice came from behind me. It was Yixing who looked just as confused as I was. Eun Ji ran into the room and instantly began tearing through boxes. All of us gathered into the storage room filled with dust covered items, accompanied by spider webs and the creatures stuck in them.
“Eun Ji!” I finally yelled. She jumped, shaken by my change in volume,”What is going on? Stop what you’re doing and tell me what is happening? You know Y/N? Where from? Give me answers!”
“Lens freak! Sehun, Lens freak!” She yelled back, “The girl we used to mess with in middle school? Remember? The small quiet girl who always had that camera with her?”
I staggered back, it was like being hit with a brick.
My face scrunched up, “That was Y/N?”
Eun Ji turned back around and started to search through the boxes.
“I remember!” Jongin spoke dully, “I remember! Cause that one time we put paint in her locker!”
“We also put her camera in the toilet…” Baekhyun’s voice trailed off.
Eun Ji finally pulled something out of a box and began flipping through the pages. As I stepped closer to her, I realized that it was a yearbook from our second year of middle school.
“There!” She exclaimed pointing to something. I walked over setting my eyes on a yearbook photo. Though she looked very different, the name under the picture was Y/N.
I gawked at Eun Ji. She stared back at me, and I could see tears welling up in her eyes.
“W-we were awful people.” She stuttered, “I think we ruined her and as if it was some sick joke, she became your mate and had to hang around all of us.”
I strolled through the hallway, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Jongin walking beside me. I ignored the glances and the waves from girls who stood by their lockers. While we turned the hallway my eyes spotted her, and instantly an irritation was bubbling up inside me.
“Ugh, it’s her.” I groaned and stopped walking. Baekhyun chuckled, setting his eyes on the girl who stood at the locker, looking through it.
“What about her bothers you so much,” Baekhyun asked, “You’ve never even spoken to her, but the moment you laid eyes on her. You hated her.”
I shook my head, trying to find words to explain.
“I don’t know dude. It’s just something about her irritates me, deep down to my soul.”
Jongin laughed, “Your soul? You mean your nonexistent wolf?”
I elbowed him in the rib, “Shut up. Just because you’ve all had your first transformations doesn’t mean you get to step on me. It’ll happen sooner or later.”
“Whatever dude. But what about that girl? Let me help you out?” Jongin chuckled. Before I could stop him he walked towards the girl who had left her locker and was now approaching us with books in her hands. Jongin walked past her, bumping her so hard her books fell to the ground.
She bent down to pick up, and Jongin turned to me with a wide smile. He raised his eyebrows at me before beckoning me to do something.
I walked forward and set my foot on her Algebra textbook, “Oh no. Look what we have here.”
“Can you take your foot off my textbook?” She asked, looking up at me. The moment we made eye contact, I felt something pulse through me. In the heat of the moment, I kicked her book away from her. She glared up at me, and I glared back.
“What are you looking at, freak?” I hissed. With that I walked past her, stepping on her notebook in the process.
Jongin chased me down, a confused look on his face, “Bro, what was that? I bumped into her so you could help her with her books, and have a chance to talk to her!”
“I don’t like her in that way. She bugs me, plus this is way more fun” I answered.
I leaned against the wall as we all stood in the lobby area of the basement. My eyes were closed
“So why did you mess with her in the first place?” Yixing asked, “I mean what valid reason did you have to dislike her so much?”
I shook my head, “I can’t explain it, but every time I saw her, I was bothered! I don’t know! But I can’t even find traces of that feeling now! When I first saw her at the banquet it was the opposite of what I felt back then!”
“So you would look at her, and get angry? But then she ends up being your mate? That doesn’t make sense, Sehun.” Junmyeon challenged.
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” I finally opened my eyes, “It didn’t really make sense to me either.”
I noticed Eun Ji standing in the far corner of the place, tears running down her cheeks. Her arms were crossed and she looked off at the wall blankly.
“God.” She choked, putting her hand over her mouth, “I’m...I’m kind of relieved.”
My brows furrowed as I stared at her. I pushed myself off the wall, walking closer to her. I ignored Minseok who called out my name. He was trying to tell me something, but I wasn’t listening.
Eun Ji who now mumbling something, looked up at me, a new batch of tears in her eyes.
I narrowed my eyes at her, “What are you talking about? You’re relieved? Are you that messed u-”
“No! No! Listen! Remember how our second year of high school, I had that huge breakdown? That’s when my mom sent me to that dumb therapy group?” Her bloodshot eyes held bad memories but I didn’t say anything. I simply nodded, remembering the attitude and personality change she went through after that.
The girl who was once an intense bully had become someone who learned a new way to let go of the fear she had.
“Well...one day, weeks after Y/N stopped coming to school...I heard rumors that really shook me up. I didn’t say anything because that was also around the time you had your first transformation and you were an emotional mess. But the rumors I was hearing is what triggered my break down.”
I stood at my locker, picking things out. It was after school and I’m ready to head to volleyball. I had my bag with my uniform in it on the floor next to me.
After packing more things into my volleyball bag, I closed the locker and headed to the gym, ready for practice.
“Wow, you dare to show your face?” A voice said behind me. I spun around to see the captain of the team, along with a few other players.
I smiled at her, nervously. I’m confused. What the hell are they talking about?
“Oh what you didn’t hear or are you just playing stupid?” She hissed.
“Jenny, I’m sorry but I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I tried my best to keep my voice polite, I didn’t want to offend an upperclassman.”
If she wasn’t older than me I would have given her a mouthful.
“That girl you used to bully, lens freak-”
I chuckled without humor, “I don’t bully her.”
“No,” Jenny spoke sternly, “You bully her. I don’t know what else to call it. You and Sehun are always on her case. She walks around in fear of bumping into you! No wonder she did what she did!”
I scoffed, “What did she do? Go tell the principal? I haven’t seen her at school in weeks.”
“That’s cause, from what I’ve heard, she killed herself.”
“What?” I almost shouted, “That’s not funny!”
“Is death something to joke about? She’s disappeared, and teachers are acting like she never existed! Her family has moved out of the house. What else could have happened? I guess you and Sehun just took it too far huh?”
She shrugged but the gesture didn’t feel casual, “Everyone is keeping it on the low out of respect of Y/N, but damn I thought you should know so you don’t walk around smiling. Like at least have some shame. Or maybe you really are a monster like everyone said.”
“What the fuck?” I growled, “Why did you keep something like that from me? How did none of us hear about it?”
Eun Ji rolled her eyes, “Come on, be real. Your grandfather is this big powerful man. Either everyone was scared to tell you, or he made them keep their mouths shut.”
“So what, did you ever follow up? Or did you just tuck this deep inside of you?” I exclaimed, “If you had a feeling you should have said something? No wonder she wanted nothing to do with me. I showed up every day with a smile, she probably felt like I was taunting her.” I put my hands on my head my eyes stinging to the point that it was painful.
The tears welling in my eyes blurred my vision.
“Yes, Minseok...I will be home soon. Mrs. Lee made me stay after school to do makeup for a test. Bye.”
I hung up the phone, shoving it into the pocket of my jeans. I walked down the empty hallways. The life that once filled the hallways were gone. The emptiness of the place reminds me of my mother.
Well...of her absence. My father died when I was young and a few years later...my mother ran off. She couldn’t handle us as young wolves and all that. My grandfather was the one to take care of us, since then things have been going well.
I turned the corner, lost in my thoughts. I heard a locker slam and it seemed that the fuzz in my vision was gone.
“Oh Lens freak!” I shouted.
She stood and looked at me with wide eyes, those same eyes that annoy me.
“Listen Sehun, not today. Any day but today.” She said with a trembling voice.
I walked closer to her, “You don’t want to play with me?”
“Don’t you understand!” The change in her voice scared me. She was yelling now. Her voice echoed through the hallway as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks
“You and your friends have ruined me! Yet you can still walk up to me with that stupid smile on your face.”
“Hey freak calm down, they’re just jokes.”
“Just jokes huh? Well, your jokes aren’t funny. I’m not laughing. When will you learn that your ‘jokes’ affect people? Take that entitled stick out of your butt.”
“It’s fun messing with you,” I answered, stepping even closer. We now stood about one foot apart. Though she stared on with a blank face, I 
“Well find a new punching bag..” She snarled walking past me. She stopped mid stride and turned on her heels to face me.
“By the way, fuck you.” She choked back tears, “You have no idea the damage your ‘jokes’ have done.”
“That was the last time you spoke to her?” Minseok asked.
“Yes and she just disappeared. I never asked about it. I practically forgot her face after 3 weeks…” I trailed off.
We sat there in silence for some time. I squeeze my eyes shut, attempting to hide my tears from the others. I ruined her. The scars that are keeping her from opening up were my fault.
I wordlessly walked out of the room, and up the stairs and to my room. My phone was dead, and I wasn’t going to call Y/N right away. I need to think. The tight feeling in my chest wasn’t the same pleasant one from earlier.
What a sick joke of a romance.
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5sosxqueen · 2 years
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< Part 1 , < Part 2 , < Part 3 , ~Part 4~
I just found out that my favorite video editing app now supports gifs! Yay. The drop shadows aren't as prominent, but I can live with that.
Warnings: feeding tube insertion, gagging, crying, self hate/consciousness
Written in 2018
Published (Wattpad) - Feb 03, 2018
Word Count: 1470
Updates are every Tuesday and Thursday
Also Available on Wattpad and AO3!!!
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Part 4:
Calum's POV:
     "So do you have your answer?" Luke as soon as the camera was out of his mouth.
      "I do... Unfortunately it looks like you have something called Zenker's Diverticulum. It is the outpouching of the weakened areas of the esophagus which usually leads to difficulty swallowing and regurgitation. It often causes the choking as well, but that is why you've been vomiting."
      "So what can you do to stop this? Is it curable?" Ashton asked.
      "It is not curable, treatable yes. We will need to insert something called a nasogastic feeding tube." Our jaws hit the floor upon hearing that. Poor Luke started bawling again. I can understand. If I were in his shoes I would be crying too.
     "What is that?" I asked.
      "It is a tube that is inserted through the nose, down the esophagus, and down to the stomach." I nodded and tightened my grip on Luke's hand. Ash hugged him as he cried. He did not like the sound of that.
      "Wh-when w-will I be g-get-ting th-th-this done-n?" Luke stuttered out, his face pressed against Ash's chest.
      "I'm sorry Luke... It has to be done tonight. You need to be able to eat something soon. I don't want you to end up losing weight from this." He looked up at her with his lower lip quivering and his eyes were bloodshot.
     "How long will I have it in for?" Luke asked pitifully.
     "It will depend on your body. It could be permanent or you could work out the muscles and gain the strength back." This earned a very teary eyed Luke looking down at his feet. "Ok sweetie I'm going to grab the tube and equipment I will be needing to do this I'll be right back." With that she turned and walked out of the room. The doctor came back in with a small cart that had everything she needed. She put some glove on and went to work. She elevated the bed for Luke. "Ok you're going to need to relax honey. I will be explaining this step by step so you guys know how to do this. If it's ok with him, you guys are ok to record. Only if it's ok with him though!" Luke nodded and gave us a quick thumbs up before completely relaxing yet again. We could all tell he was nervous.
     "Ok first what you want to do is measure the amount of tube it takes to get from the nose to the earlobe. Then you want to measure from the earlobe to the sternum. You should mark the spot directly under the sternum with some tape. This will be the amount you will be inserting." She was explaining as she was doing it so we could clearly see the process. Luke's eyes were comically wide and he was death gripping the bed sheets. "We need to give it a bit of a curl, so what you need to do is tighly wrap a couple inches of the tube around your pointer finger. Then take some water solvent lubricant and coat the tube about 2-3 inches with it. Ok honey get ready this won't be comfortable..." He freaked out a bit after hearing that. He knows now that when she says something won't be comfortable, it's true. "Have him bend his neck back and begin the insertion with the curve pointing downward. Slowly push the tube in and guide it along the floor of the nasal passage, down toward the ear until you've reached the nasal pharynx. Sweetie you need to swallow some water for me. Just small sips at a time. With each swallow push the tube down a couple of inches." Luke gagged a few times. "Sorry bud. I'll go a bit slower. Just continue small sips for me. Gagging during this process is normal just go a bit slower and be careful not to move your hand around too much. Almost done honey. You're doing so well, especially with this being your first insert. Continue this until you get down to the mark you made with the tape." She quickly reached the mark she had made. "Anchor the tube down to the cheek. Can you talk to me Luke? Anything is fine, even if it's another question." She grabbed a large, empty, syringe and started to lightly pull some of Luke's stomach acid into the tube.
     "Will this effect my career...?" He solemnly asked her, clearly uncomfortable for the time being.
     "What do you do for a living honey?" She was clueless, but she was somewhat above the age group that our music tends to attract. She secured the tube onto Luke's face and finished the procedure. "Done." She said with a small smile.
     "I'm the lead singer for our band 5 Seconds of Summer. We are an extremely popular band. I'm really worried about how our fans would take this... What if they think I'm ugly now? What if they think I'm gross? What if they-" we all cut him off there.
     "Luke if I know our fans, they would never see you as a disgusting freak, or gross, or ugly. They will support you and us NO MATTER WHAT..." Ashton explained, holding both of Luke's hands and, now standing beside him. "If you decide it's too much and want to stop singing even... We will do whatever you are comfortable with." I noticed a tear fall from his eye after the said Luke could stop singing. None of us wanted that outcome, but if it came into play, we would support him.
      "Of course not. I won't quit the band because of this and we will not stop performing because of this!" He exclaimed pointing at the tube that was running through him.
     "You will need to get used to the tube first and will need to talk to a couple specialists who can help with vocal abilities with the tube inserted, but you will most likely still be able to sing." We all were ecstatic.
     "Good!" I stated. I was really happy to here that. "Can we do a twitcam?" I asked the doctor kindly. We all looked at her waiting for her answer.
     "I'm sorry? What is a twitcam?" She asked slightly dumbfounded.
     "It's a live video feed to our fans. I want to show them the tube so they aren't surprised." Luke explained.
     "Ok. Go ahead. I will be leaving now. You are free to go. Here is the equipment necessary to do some changes, along with the food. I gave him his first dose of it already. You will need to replace the tube every 3 days." We nodded and Michael took the bag. She nodded and left us to it.
     Ashton quietly set up the twitcam on his phone. He stepped away from Luke. Michael and I followed him to the other side of the room. "Hey guys, so we want to explain what's going on. As you can see we are in hospital. Luke has had quite a rough couple days. He hasn't been able to swallow anything and what he has been able to swallow... Has ended up in a bin. He was choking every time he tried to eat so we came here and we found out that he needed something called a nasogastric feeding tube." We walked back over to Luke and turned the camera to point on him. He waved.
     "I'm so sorry guys..." He put his hand to his eyes and shamefully cried.
     "Hey Luke, none of that bud." Michael shushed him. The fans blew up the comments section. 'Aww Luke, babe, don't cry! We still love you!' 'Luke you will always be amazing in our eyes... Tube or no tube...' 'I love you.' There was nothing but support just like we had said. "Luke look." He pointed out to Luke that there was absolutely nothing to be worried about.
     "Thank you guys so much for your support. I love you all too so much. You have no idea how worried I was... I couldn't help but think you all would hate me now, or think I'm a monster, or freak, or gross, or-" Luke confessed. Once again earning a rush of supportive comments.
Luke's POV:
     I couldn't have been anymore thankful to our fans. None of them cared about the tube or thought I was ugly, causing all of my negative thoughts to go down the drain.
     I ended up seeing a vocal doctor and I was told I can still sing. It took a couple of weeks to be able to especially with me still not fully used to the tube. I was told that I will need it for the rest of my life. It'll take a while to fully get over, but I know I'll be ok.
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nashvilletonihon · 5 years
Trial By Fire
So I had to update this intro a little bit considering I started writing this post like, 2 weeks ago...It’s the end of desk-warming season here and I’m patting out the butt shaped imprint I have worn into my chair over the last month and am finally getting back in the classroom. (At Kumihama anyway.) For those of you unfamiliar with the Japanese educational system, the brand new school year just started and we welcomed those bright eyed and bushy tailed 一年生 ichinensei (first year students) as they make their high school debut. 
It seems only appropriate then that I just recently finished a whirlwind week long side gig playing tour guide to my mom and sister as they came to visit Japan for the first time ever. Being able to show them around my town, introduce them to my co-workers, friends and the people who have been so influential while working on creating a new life, sharing the history, my favorite foods and secret spots was so incredibly gratifying in the most selfish way. That being said, there is an added level of stress and anxiety to hosting friends and family while living and working in a foreign country. Especially one that doesn’t speak English as it’s first language. Unlike if I was living in the U.K., Ireland, Canada or some other English speaking country, I couldn’t leave my mom and sister alone anywhere. I couldn’t tell them to meet Jacob and I at a certain train station, restaurant or temple for fear of them getting lost and not being able to find them for hours. I couldn’t hand them a menu to let them choose what food to eat or suggest they casually peruse a shop or convenience store because they would have no idea what anything was. (Heck, I don’t know what everything is.) Having to be ‘’on’’ all the time is completely exhausting and honestly, by day number 3 I was about ready to choke my little sister out as I screamed ‘’JUST FIGURE IT OUT LIKE I DO’’ over and over again.
One thing I’ve noticed the most about being a foreigner in Japan is that, like most adult experiences I’ve had, it’s all trial by fire. Of course people will go out of their way to help you, don’t get me wrong. The myths about Japanese politeness are all true, but they’re also just as likely to sit back and watch you struggle. It’s all about balance I guess... Just when you think you’re getting the hang of things (and maybe a little too big for your britches) Japan laughs and knocks you back down again. A prime example would have to be what I now and will forever refer to as, The Parking Incident. As I mentioned, my mom and sister were in the country a few weeks ago, so here’s a very brief look at our schedule: (trust me, it’s pertinent to the story...)
Sunday - They arrive!! Monday - Drive on up to Tango (Where I live.) Tuesday - Tango Wednesday - Drive on down to Kyoto City/Uji (Where Jacob lives.) Thursday - Kyoto City Friday - Nara Saturday - Osaka
The reason our schedule is important to the next bit of my story is because while we booked my mom and sister a hotel room in Kyoto City, Jacob and I stayed at our apartment in Uji. (Don’t worry, I still live in Tango. It’s my future ‘’new’’ apartment.) In a moment of immense clarity and ‘’good thinking’’ on my part, I decided to leave my car at the pay-per-day parking lot next to Ogura Station in Uji, which is about an 8 minute walk from our apartment. Since Jacob and I would be taking the train to and from the city, my car could just chill there for the 4 days I wouldn’t need it. At ¥600 a day (or roughly $5.37 USD) it was a gosh darn STEAL. Now let’s fast forward to Sunday after my mom and sister left. Jacob and I are going to Costco because, PIZZA, (and other stuff too I guess). We’re laughing and having a great time despite the rain that’s starting to fall when I ask Jacob to tell me which number spot I had parked in. His first response if 6. I punch in the number and the machine says I owe ¥600. I tell him that can’t be right because I’ve been there for longer than a day. He then proceeds to tell me it was actually 5. So I press 5 and I swear to the gods above, if I had been drinking something when I saw the price I would have done a spit take. ¥13,400 ($119.97 USD). I shake my head and stutter ‘’That...that can’t be right. Are you sure it’s 5???’’ trying not to let the immense amount of panic I am now feeling rise up and take control. Jacob checked again and it was, indeed, number 5. I did the quick mental math and, while I’m no genius, I should only owe ¥2400. ¥600 a day X 4 days = ¥2400. I certainly shouldn’t owe as much as the tiny green machine was telling me I did. So Jacob and I decide to divide and conquer. We check every sign and piece of paper once, twice, three times in search of ANY kind of information that could be in red to highlight it’s more important than the rest. When none are to be found, we both agree it’s a good idea to call the help number and neither one of us are surprised when no one on the other end speaks English. In the worst and most rudimentary broken Japanese Jacob tries to explain the situation while also asking if there is anything that can be done. We have no idea why it’s so much and are begging to understand. After 20 minutes of this, the man on the other end of the line just keeps repeating one phrase which we later figure out loosely translates to ‘’Your loss.’’  Not satisfied with that answer, I decide to call my friend, and Prefectural Advisor, Leah. She’s parked in these types of lots before so I knew she would be familiar with them. After explaining the situation, I send her a photo of the largest sign at the front of the lot. 30 second later she informs me that in small writing underneath the daily fee it states ‘’If here for more than 48 hours, the charge will be ¥600 every 20 minutes.’’ I’m not exaggerating when I say that I literally dry heaved. For a little over 2 days my car had been charged almost $6 every 20 minutes until it reached a whopping $120. Tears spring to my eyes as I hang up the phone and tell Jacob the news. I’m going to have to pay all of it to get my car out... 
The best part about all of this is that the machine only takes ¥1,000 or roughly 10 dollar bills and coins. Neither Jacob nor I have that much money on us in the bills needed. Gritting my teeth I march toward the nearest convenience store to use their ATM while Jacob walks to his bank across the street. As I furiously punch buttons on the ATM, I silently curse Japan. I curse the language that I cannot speak, the words I cannot read, the culture I cannot understand. I curse  myself for thinking I had it all figured out without a moment’s hesitation at the thought that maybe ¥600 a day was a little too good to be true. I mean, where in America do you find that type of price without some kind of catch??? I snatch the money from the machine and stalk back outside, down the street and back to the parking meter. A few moments later Jacob is next to me helping feed bills into the slot. With about ¥8,000 left we run out of ¥1,000 bills. I’m so mad I almost punch the machine. At this point it’s raining and I’m honestly wondering if things can get any worse. Jacob tells me it’s going to be ok and runs off to get more ¥1,000 notes. I stand there fuming and jamming what little amount of coins I have in my wallet into the meter until Jacob come back, sweaty and out of breath, with more money clutched in one hand and a 鯛焼き taiyaki (a fish shaped pastry with any number of fillings inside (but mine was chocolate)) held in the other. He smiles and hands me the 鯛焼き before putting the final 1,000 yens into the machine. (There are many reasons why I love that man but the fact that even in the face of what seems like an impossible situation, he still thinks to bring me a sweet treat is definitely near the top.)
We get into the car and quietly share the 鯛焼き while I try not to pout on the way to COSTCO. Having to pay that much money was absolutely awful no question, but the worst part about the entire ordeal was not being able to explain the situation to the help desk worker over the phone. It was the immense feeling of utter helplessness that frustrated me the most. And it’s not just this one isolated situation either. That feeling of helplessness is ever present and all consuming. The things I took for granted while living in America, such as being able to schedule my own appointments, go to have my tires and oil changed, mail a gosh dern letter, are all MONUMENTAL accomplishments over here. Jacob and I talk about this all the time. It’s the one thing we wish people would understand more when it comes to asking about our lives over here. EVERYTHING. IS. SO. FREAKING. DIFFICULT. No, we can’t just ‘‘call the help number and speak to someone about our issue’‘. No we can’t just ‘‘walk into a health clinic and request to be seen.’‘ Hell, we can’t even check the labels on the dang food at the grocery store because it’s much more than just a simple task. It’s mentally preparing yourself to translate, reorder the words and be able to communicate your problem or question correctly. It’s hoping and praying the person you’re speaking to doesn’t use complicated words or phrases you are’t used to hearing that often. (Spoiler alert: They ALWAYS do.) It’s trying your best to meet them halfway and falling embarrassingly short every. single. time. It’s terrifying and frustrating and upsetting. You feel like a child who can’t do the most basic of tasks for themselves and it’s humiliating. You truly have to put your pride aside and swallow that bitterest of pills in order to just...survive. 
I’ll step down off my soapbox now and say that I guess the biggest thing I’d want someone reading this post to take away from it, is this: Be kind to those people who are not from your home country. Be kind to the immigrants and the visitors who are there either trying to make a living or just simply enjoying themselves but who may not be able to speak your country’s mother tongue. They’re doing the best they can. Be patient. Be helpful. Be courteous. As a woman living and working in a country not her own, the smallest of kindnesses can make a world of difference. Japan may be one trial by fire after the next, but I refuse to crack under the pressure. 
 がんばっります。(I will do my best.)
じゃあまた (See you!)
- レイチェル (Rachel)
Oh hey!! Just like at the end of a Marvel movie, here’s a post credits scene consisting of photos showcasing my mom and sister’s time in Japan!!
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On their way into 東大寺 Todaiji Temple in 奈良 Nara the deer city.
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Elizabeth greatly enjoyed the 鹿 shika (deer). This photo was taken not long after one bit her in the butt because she wasn’t feeding it cookies fast enough. 
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My American and Japanese family met for the first time. It was magical. Please ignore Japanese Christoph Waltz in the left hand side of this photo.
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One of my favorite places in 奈良 Nara, 春日大社 Kasuga-taisha (the stone lantern temple) is full of beautiful bronze and stone lanterns surrounded by lush, green foliage. 
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If you can’t tell by my enormous grin, I was beyond excited to have these gorgeous people all together in the same place.  
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