#foods that cause inflammation
lewis12lewi-blog · 2 months
Foods That Cause Inflammation - You Must Avoid:
Inflammation is a natural response in our bodies, but chronic inflammation, often fueled by our diet, can lead to serious health issues that lead to joint discomfort and joint pain. This video explores the foods known to trigger inflammation and offers insights into crafting an anti-inflammatory diet.
Foods That Cause Inflammation - You Must Avoid:
1 Red and Processed Meats: Deli meats, sausages, and bacon, laden with saturated fats, can prompt immune cells to release inflammatory proteins. 2 Refined Carbohydrates: Foods like white bread and pasta, devoid of fiber, can spike inflammation levels. 3 Sugar-Sweetened Foods: Sugary treats and beverages can disrupt insulin processing, fostering inflammation and chronic disease risk. 4 Processed Foods: Packed with additives, microwave meals, and flavored yogurts can aggravate the immune system, fueling inflammation. 5 Fried Foods: French fries and fried chicken, cooked in omega-6 rich oils, can aggravate inflammation levels.
Foods That Might Cause Inflammation: 1 Dairy: While dairy's impact on inflammation varies, some individuals may experience inflammatory responses, particularly with milk allergies or osteoarthritis. 2 Gluten: For those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, gluten can trigger inflammation, though its impact on others remains unclear. 3 Sulfites: Found in red wine, sulfites may prompt an inflammatory reaction in some individuals but offer antioxidant benefits for others.
Foods That Don't Cause Inflammation: 1 Onions and Garlic: Rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, onions and garlic can help mitigate inflammation. 2 Dark Leafy Greens: Kale and spinach, abundant in vitamins and antioxidants, offer protection against pro-inflammatory molecules. 3 Fruits: Berries, packed with antioxidants, combat inflammation and offer protective benefits against certain types of arthritis. 4 Nuts: Almonds and walnuts, rich in healthy fats, serve as anti-inflammatory substitutes for red meat. 5 Dark Chocolate: The polyphenols in dark chocolate counter inflammation, contributing to overall health benefits.
Who Needs to Pay Attention to Inflammatory Foods? Individuals with a history of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, or those with a family predisposition to such conditions, should be mindful of their inflammatory food intake.
Long-term inflammation, often fueled by dietary choices, poses significant health risks - learn more about natural anti inflammatory diet recipes. 
By avoiding inflammatory foods and embracing an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and healthy fats, individuals can mitigate inflammation and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Foods That CAUSE Inflammation - You Must Stay Away From This Bad Foods
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chr0n1c-ag0ny · 8 months
ok, I have zero reasoning for this other than projecting but...Tachihara has Erythromelalgia (aka Hell on earth). I don't know why, it just feels right (I like projecting my pain and suffering on my favorite characters)
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nyc40z · 11 months
vegan non inflammatory diet🤟🏿
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uncrossedrhyme · 2 years
Meat and Eggs are Health Foods. Ignore Technocratic Misanthropy.
Meat and Eggs are Health Foods. Ignore Technocratic Misanthropy.
Since early 2020, cardiovascular disease has killed almost twice the amount of people as the SARS-Cov-2 virus, and poor cardiovascular health increases the chance of mortality from that virus by 10.5%. Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death globally, killing almost 20 million people per year, and rates and resultant mortality continue to rise. We often associate “fatty foods”,…
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drsameepsohoni · 9 months
Which Foods Cause Joint Pain?
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Here Know, Which Foods Cause Joint Pain? Know, What Are The 5 Worst Foods to Eat If You Have Arthritis? List of Foods That Cause Inflammation. Foods to Avoid If You Have Arthritis. What Vegetables Are Bad for Arthritis?
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
Fight Inflammation With These 7 Everyday Spices Found in Your Kitchen
Do you feel a burning sensation in your stomach? Have you considered that it might be caused by your recent diet? The food you eat can have a quick impact on your body, and deep-fried, processed foods and sugary beverages can all cause inflammation. Some of us turn to carbonated drinks to ease inflammation, but unfortunately, they do not help. However, certain foods have anti-inflammatory…
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ceyhanmedya · 1 year
What is Gallbladder Inflammation (Cholecystitis)? What are the symptoms?
New Post has been published on https://bankakredin.com/what-is-gallbladder-inflammation-cholecystitis-what-are-the-symptoms/
What is Gallbladder Inflammation (Cholecystitis)? What are the symptoms?
The gallbladder is an important organ that has an effect on the absorption of various minerals and vitamins in terms of homeostasis (body internal balance) and storage of digestive secretions. Located in the lower-posterior region of the liver, this structure is about 10 cm long and acts as a kind of sac. Its main task is to store the bile produced in the liver. 
Bile contains liquids that are alkaline, which aid digestion and especially facilitate fat digestion. As long as the pH value of the bile fluid and the ratio of the substances it contains are within certain limits, the individual can perform a healthy digestive function. When these ratios are in abnormal changes, diseases occur. Among these, the most common diseases are inflammation of the gallbladder, i.e. cholecystitis.
What is the Role of the Gallbladder and its Secretion?
The bile produced in the liver and discharged into the bladder via the bile ducts is yellow-green in color. The gallbladder has two main functions in the body. The main task of the gallbladder is to store the bile secretion as much as its capacity. It neutralizes the acidic enzymes coming from the stomach with its alkaline structure and makes the first part of the intestine (duodenum) ready for digestion. 
This secretion, which is discharged from the liver into the pouch, is necessary for the conversion of large fatty food particles into small pieces before they are absorbed. In addition, bile contains breakdown products of hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygen to the blood. Bile salts, bile acids, sodium, chlorine, calcium, bicarbonate and water constitute the content of bile, apart from bilirubin and cholesterol, which are the breakdown products of hemoglobin. This secretion, which is stored in the gallbladder,
Why Is The Gallbladder Inflamed?
Since the gallbladder acts as a depot, it must release the secretion in its contents into the duodenum at regular intervals. Bile secretion is transmitted to the duodenum through the cystic duct. The most common cause of gallbladder inflammation is the formation of stones in the gallbladder. In the case of gallstone formation, which is referred to as cholelithiasis in the literature, obstruction occurs in the cystic duct due to stones. 
When the content of the bile secretion under normal conditions changes, the secretion may acquire a mud-like structure and form stones ranging in size from millimeters to centimeters. These stones, which block the duct, cause the secretion to accumulate in the bile ducts. After a while, the bile may become clogged and swollen; it may even reach the level of explosion in advanced cases.
This condition, which starts with abnormal values ​​in the body, results in death at a rate of 3% according to studies. However, stone formation is not the only cause for inflammation. Tumors in the gallbladder and its periphery, infections caused by bacteria or viruses, immunosuppressive diseases such as HIV positivity, pathologies such as obstruction or folding in the cystic duct other than stone formation, and interruption of blood flow to the gallbladder may also cause inflammation.
Important Factors That May Cause Gallbladder Inflammation
Inflammation of the gallbladder is a condition that is more common in women, as the disease progresses, the level of pain intensifies and causes comorbid results in the body. Various risk factors can increase the likelihood of developing the disease in individuals. The main risk factors can be listed as follows:
Age:  Conditions that may cause inflammation occur more frequently in advancing ages.
Gender:  Cases are more common in women due to sex hormones.
Sedentary life:  As in many anomalies, a sedentary life may be a risk factor in gallbladder inflammation.
Nutrition:  Inflammation cases are more common especially in the diet where fatty foods are overdone.
Genetics:  Since the defense cells of the person and the codes of the immune system are in the DNA structure, genetic factors can cause inflammation in the body.
Environment:  According to studies, the environment and habits are important for gallbladder inflammation. The cases are more common in cold countries such as America, where fast food habits are consumed or fatty foods are consumed frequently.
What are the Symptoms of Gallbladder Inflammation?
Understanding the successive symptoms in the body is important for diagnosing cholecystitis. Because the inflammation first manifests itself in the hemogram values, and then reveals the definitive diagnosis with various pathologies. The most common symptoms that patients complain about when applying to health institutions can be listed as follows:
Widespread pain in the upper-right abdomen
Indigestion, especially after a fatty meal
Vomiting after meals
decreased appetite
Significant stiffness in the area of ​​pain
Significant change in stool color
Increased inflammation in blood values ​​(sepsis), hole in the sac (perforation) caused by the inability of the gallbladder to discharge the secretion in advanced cases, peritonitis seen with the spread of inflammation around the abdomen, inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), bile or cystic duct detected by imaging methods Stone formation confirms the diagnosis of acute inflammation. 
These symptoms seen in patients with gallbladder inflammation are reflected in blood values ​​as increased bilirubin (jaundice), increase in leukocytes, which are defense cells, a serious increase in inflammation value (CRP) and ALT and AST values, which are liver function tests.
Since conditions such as obstructive jaundice, sepsis, yellowing of the skin of patients with perforation, fever, nausea, vomiting, and chills indicate acute inflammation, promptness in treatment saves time for the patient.
Gallbladder Inflammation Treatment Methods
After patients apply to health institutions, all examinations are performed in the light of the findings. After the diagnosis with blood values ​​and imaging methods, a treatment plan is drawn according to the patient’s condition. First of all, the patient is kept under the control of a physician for a while, and during this period, his eating habits are controlled; When necessary, oral feeding is interrupted. In cases with obstruction in the canal, antibiotic treatment is started according to the size of the stone and the course of the inflammation. 
Reducing the patient’s pain and relieving inflammation is a priority. The most common treatment method in patients with cholelithiasis or severely disseminated gallbladder inflammation is removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopic surgery. Physician who performs the procedure with the help of stick-like tools through the holes of 1-1.5 cm in the abdomen, monitors the operation from the screen on which the operation area is projected. This procedure, which is performed with the closed surgical method instead of deep and large incisions in the body, is more comfortable for both the physician and the patients.
Is It Possible to Prevent Gallbladder Inflammation?
In order to prevent diseases directly or indirectly related to the digestive system, the first goal should be to change the lifestyle. It is important for individuals to stay within a healthy weight target in order to maintain the internal balance of the body. Having a normal cholesterol level is essential for not being diagnosed with acute cholecystitis and maintaining a healthy life. 
Therefore, in order to avoid gallbladder and other digestive problems, cholesterol level should be kept at a normal level, and if necessary, medication should be started under the control of a physician. Many of the things that should be done before the treatment of the cases are also the precautions to be taken to avoid the disease.
After Gallbladder Inflammation Treatment
After the gallbladder is removed, bile secretion is directly released into the duodenum without being stored, and the digestion process continues as before the treatment.
The patient, who is diagnosed with cholecystitis and is in the post-treatment period, should continue his life with a lower fat diet. Compliance with the diet program in which the fat ratio is minimized, prepared for the patient in the company of expert dietitians, facilitates the post-treatment process. 
Exercise programs should also be included in new routines with physician control and expert guidance. As long as the person whose gallbladder is removed follows the recommendations, he can adapt to his life in a short time without any problems.
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So I would like to make a post about food allergies given the information I've been taught by my allergist regarding my food allergies.
The difference between food allergy, sensitivity, and intolerance.
Allergy. This is the classic anaphylaxis.
Sensitivity. This is caused by allergies, but the risk here isn't anaphylaxis. It's inflammation in gut that can cause fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, generalized ick feeling.
Intolerance. Your body is literally unable to process the food. It lacks the ability to, which means the food causes inflammation in the gut, causing similar symptoms as sensitivity.
Sensitivities will show up on an allergy test. Intolerance has to take a different test specific for that type of intolerance.
I mention this because I see a lot of fake claiming food allergies that's like "Yeah but I cross contaminated the food with eggs and that didn't kill her. She must be lying." Yeah food sensitivities can be pretty mild. Where if you give them an egg salad, they're gonna be having a bad day. But if you rub egg on their burger, they may not even notice.
Also like there's a lot of medical conditions that can affect a person's diet. They may have stomach issues that means they can't eat a lot of acidic foods, and if saying "Hey, I'm allergic to pineapple" gets you to not put pineapple juice in their drink because it'll cause a flare-up. I'm all for people doing whatever they need to make sure their health is taken seriously. Even if it's outright lying because food allergies is the only fucking thing people seem to take seriously in this world.
Anyways take people's "I can't eat this food" seriously. And don't fake claim them if they go "I can't eat this food but I'm not at risk if there's cross contamination"
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taiyeoki · 5 months
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↳ Kashimo + Reader
Genre . Smut
Warning . 🔞Minors do not interact | Contains breeding/impregnation, face fucking, nipple play, fingering, cancelled orgasm
Synopsis . Kashimo doesn't always show vulnerable emotions but when a man comes around fancying you, his wife, that wall comes crashing down with the simplest jealousy. Now he just wants to fuck you till tomorrow. Maybe putting a baby in you will make sure you're his.
A/N . This was supposed to be finished way sooner but I got too caught up with some other work, causing me to sleep at 4-5am for weeks straight and it physically affected me so I got body ache and inflammation. Turns out I got covid. And then afterwards, which is currently, I'm focusing a lot on art lmao.
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You had no plans today but to lay around on the couch all day long. Kashimo didn't mind since he's used to the woman staying at home during his time period anyway. The only difference now though is that you weren't even doing any chores. He never forced you to do them though, but seeing you sprawled out on the couch with a bag of chips next to you had him pushing you to get up.
Which is why you were here now, going into stores around the city. No way is Kashimo Hajime going to let his wife laze around all day. He cared about his wife's wellbeing and he knew the negative effects of being cooped up at home. However, this time he wasn't one bit pleased at all. He just regrets taking you out in the first place.
Your husband held a scowl on his face. He always looked fierce to begin with but this was different. You could feel his stare boring holes into the back of your head.
Going to the counter to order takeaways, the cashier held a rather innocent looking expression. The bright smile and friendly service wasn't fooling Kashimo though. He knew the cash register's true intentions weren't just to serve you.
"That'll be $15.70 ma'am," the man's smile widened in an attempt to be 'friendly'. It felt so disgustingly fake to your husband though. You replied with a polite "thank you," as you took your food, smiling in return but Kashimo saw how he purposely brushed his hand onto yours when serving you your order. He knew that you were too kind for your own good so it wasn't your fault for reciprocating the polite gesture but it pissed him off how anyone would try to fancy his wife.
Unfortunately for him, the cashier initiated a little conversation with you.
"I hope you enjoy your food. You've got great taste based on what you ordered. As expected from a woman such as yourself," his eyes darkened with intent staring at your frame, the smile he held wasn't going to fool Kashimo though.
"Do you come here often? I would love to help serve you again," his tongue darts out to lick his lips, almost as if he's moistening his lips to prolong more conversation.
"Oh, thank you. I guess I'm starting to become a usual customer here huh?" Chuckling, you replied noticing that you do come here more often than you think, appreciative of his kind offer.
"Great! That gives me even more reason to come to work," he laughs a bit at his joke but keeps his eyes on you. It was even more apparent now that he's leaning closer to you, close enough that he could take in your sweet scent which was supposed to be reserved for Kashimo only.
"Aren't you here to do your job? Or are you being paid to flirt with customers?" A smooth, velvety voice cuts in. Kashimo swiftly moves in front of you before you can pay for the food. He wasn't going to let this man touch you a second time, dropping the cash on the cashier's hands without even an inch of being near him so he wouldn't have to touch this 'thing'.
"T-thank you. You must be—"
"Her husband," Kashimo scoffed, a smug smile tugged on his lips handsomely. His agile movements snaked his arms around your waist, wrapping you right next to him to show who exactly you belong to.
Kashimo's presence only made the man look smaller than he was with your husband's dominating height towering over him. At least he wasn't dumb knowing how much more muscular your husband is compared to the guy working behind the counter trying to flirt with a married woman. His eyes zero in on Kashimo's strong hold on the small of your back and it was clear how possessive he got. You aren't bothered, leaning into Kashimo to envelope yourself in his comforting scent. The sight only made the man nervous with fear. He knew you were taken seeing from the beautiful blue ring that decorated your soft finger, both you and Kashimo having matching rings. Just by the looks of it he could tell how expensive it must've been and yet he still had the confidence to try and sway you— right in front of your husband too, who surely made more money than him with his part-time cashier job.
"Come on hun, let's go," Kashimo glances softly at you and his tone is gentle. Much different compared to this stranger who's just grateful that your husband decided to stay civil for the sake of his wife. He wears the look of horror when Kashimo turns around to face him once more.
"We'll be leaving now. I wouldn't expect a guy like you to be keeping their job for long if this is how you work."
Arriving home only meant that you had to deal with the little ordeal that happened, inquiring Kashimo about it. "What was that about? You didn't have to be rude you know."
Your beloved husband only scoffed when you reminded him of what happened. Seeing the sour expression on his face told you how annoyed he was, plus the deep scowl on his lips presented how pissed he was too. He pushes you against the kitchen counter, caging you between his strong arms as his lips latch onto your neck, kissing aggressively. You whine softly from how rough he's being, sucking on your supple skin creating hickeys everywhere while your fingers intertwine with his cyan locks. Your breaths are labored, he knows your body better than you do. He knows your sweet spots and your favourite positions, how you like it done and the perfect pace to do it.
Letting go, his saliva connects to your now bruised skin and he admires it.
"Pretty little mark. Should give you more don't you think?"
"Hajime, were you jealous?" You teased, giggling but your smirk is taken away when you feel his rough hand unclasp your bra, the other pulling your shirt up right above your breasts. Your sensitive skin exposed to the cold air causes your nipples to harden more than it needs to. Seeing this has blood rushing down to his cock as he flicks and tugs on your erect nipple, twisting it with the perfect pressure of his thumb and playing with your tits. Your head tips back with a moan, holding onto the kitchen counter for support while your husband ravages your body as he please.
Suddenly you feel his hot breath against your sensitive mounds. His lips wrap around your hardened nipple, sucking sensually producing lewd sounds from the wetness of your skin. His right hand continues to give attention to your left breast while he sucks on the other. You could feel Kashimo's calloused hand massaging your chest, the roughness of his thumb causing more friction against you as he twists and presses your nipple. God— his hands are too good. The man is skilled in pleasing you, he knows the perfect amount of pressure needed to have you over the edge.
Kashimo's free hand pushes your panties down, rubbing your already wet folds to get you prepped. He pushes a prodding finger against your walls, curling his finger just enough to hit the right spot. The sensation of his long finger abusing your sweet spot while his thumb circles your clit has you instinctively opening your legs further for more. Both his hands working you and his mouth sucking and lapping on your erect mounds already has you feeling like you're about to explode.
Your thighs shook in excitement as Kashimo's fingers slid inside of your already drenched cunt, and you moaned loudly, fingers scraping on the table under you with how your body is attacked by all this pleasure. Kashimo could feel your walls tighten around his digits. He knew whenever you needed to cum but as cruel as he is, Kashimo removes himself from your pussy, walls aching to release the familiar buildup in your abdomen.
You whined from the loss of sensation, feeling empty without him. "Hajime, why'd you st—"
He cuts you off, putting his pussy drenched finger inside of your mouth. "Lick it clean," His smooth, husky voice demanded. You couldn't deny how that turned you on more, sucking and lapping on your own juices off of his finger, making erotic sounds from it.
"There you go, see? Not so hard being a good little slut now right?"
He was enjoying the sight of your pretty lips wrapping his fingers, tasting yourself from it. Now his head was full of perverted thoughts on how you would look if you had your lips wrap his dick instead. If he had you sucking and choking on his fat cock.
Kashimo removes his finger from your mouth, too impatient to have you gagging on his dick. He kept his cyan eyes down on you while he licked his own fingers clean and it made you feel small and honestly inferior, submissive to him.
"Kneel down."
He had a mix of dominance and lust, greed hinted at the edge of his voice. You did as he said, kneeling down for your knees to take the weight while your face is in front of his crotch. Kashimo cupped his hand around the growing tent of his pants, rubbing it as his veins throbbed from the blood rushing south to his erection. "Go on. You know what to do," Kashimo had a smug smirk decorating his lips, eyeing down on you in front of him.
You gulped knowing what he wanted, the thought of his dick springing out of its restraints has you dripping wetter than before. Your hands pulled down on his pants slowly, earning a grunt from him at how you were taking your time in this. "Shit hun, stop teasing already," he grabbed a fistful of your hair and you moaned softly from how good it felt, forcing you to do as he say, rushing you more. Kashimo's left with his boxers on but you wanted to prolong your teasing. The tip of your tongue lapped at his clothed bulge leaving a damp spot, receiving labored breaths of sigh from him.
You continued your ministrations, licking his clothed shaft with the tip of your tongue like a needy slut until you yelped when he gently yanked on your hair, "what'd I say about teasing huh?" Your little fun of taking control was instantly stripped away when he forced you to stop. Pulling down the last of his restraints, his thick cock sprung out, tip leaking with precum.
Scrambling on your knees obediently, humiliation washed over you with your husband still gently grasping your hair. Kashimo's fingertip taps on his cock, smearing the pre-cum around the tip and then on your face.
"Pretty face would look better with my cock fucking into your mouth yeah?" He muses, moist tip rubbing up against your soft lips wanting to enter and just violate your face. You're practically drooling, tongue sticking out and he places his shaft flat onto it. You drag your tongue underneath him in a long and slow pace earning a low moan.
Your husband smoothly slides in his cock deep into your mouth, unprepared by his size even though you've already been married for years. You gagged a bit before adjusting to his length, drooling a bit onto his shaft and gripping on his thigh. His cock pushes through your lips, hitting the back of your throat while you try to breathe through your nose.
"Y'know you pissed me off. Just wanted to make me jealous huh?"
You couldn't respond. Cock deep in your mouth, you could only muffle in denial. It was true though, you didn't mean to make him jealous. What started off with you teasing him about it turned into him face fucking you. His smoothly styled cyan hair falls out of place, bangs sticking onto his face from the sweat forming on his forehead and his buns turning messy.
"Shouldn't my wife apologize? Use your big girl words and say you're sorry," the room resonates with his groans, his girth making it hard to breathe as you try and say sorry.
"Mmph- soh-wee—"
It was all you could say after all with a meaty cock in your mouth, nose brushing against his hair as he keeps you in place with the firm grip he has on your locks. A sadistic smirk curled onto Kashimo's lips as he watches, beginning to quicken up the pace. You hate and love how determined Kashimo is, once he sets his goal on something he'll do whatever it takes to achieve it. At this moment though, he's determined to have his wife deepthroating him.
The friction of each thrust has his dick tattooed in a darker red, grunting at the wet cave that's going to send him to heaven. His movements get sloppier and grow desperate, balls slapping against your chin with each thrust.
"Ah— fuck!" With a final thrust he spurts all his cum down your throat, pushing you right against him to keep you in place as his little cumdump and making sure to leave none behind. "Swallow," he demands, hot seed slides down your throat as you try and swallow while his dick is still in your mouth.
With a huff, Kashimo lets go of your abused throat to let you breathe. Gasping for air, your hand rubs your sore neck but you could see how his dick still stays standing despite how satisfied he was with jizzing in his wife's mouth.
Looking up at him, your husband's lips held the seductive smirk, palming on his wet, still-hard cock in front of you. Standing on his full height, he grabs your waist and pulls you up, laying your belly side on the kitchen counter behind you.
"You want this? Your pussy's drooling for my cock but you're not speaking clearly enough. I'm gonna need my little slut to speak. We can't have my wife suffering now can we?"
"Please.." you pleaded, his firm hand spanks your ass receiving a whine.
Kashimo slides inside with ease from how wet you were from your cancelled orgasm, cock stretching out your plush walls as your thighs shook in excitement. Moaning against your sleeve, you start fucking yourself on his dick. Kashimo doesn't hesitate in helping you, picking up the pace and fucking hard into your drenched cunt. You could feel every inch of his dick, pussy memorizing every pretty vein on him, how it feels like you two were made just for each other while his tip easily abuses your sensitive spot.
Your body glistens with sweat, shoulders littered with hickeys with Kashimo leaving bite marks on you, his teeth biting on your skin just hard enough to draw out pleasure without hurting you. You moaned as his fingers rubbed your clit in circles
Kashimo gets the perfect view of where your bodies are connected, every thrust from your squelching cunt creating a white ring of both your arousals. Your trembling legs were proof of how much you were enjoying it, toes curling and fingers gripping the smooth surface of the table with a muffled squeal.
"Fuck- gonna cum inside, gonna make you pregnant,"
He claws against your waist, the euphoria of him filling you up while your hardened nipples rubbed against the counter from each thrust's friction. Your mouth hung open but no noises escaped your pretty swollen lips. Kashimo loved the idea that his cock was making you feel so good that your brain couldn't even react to it all the while his tip kisses your womb with every push, hitting you in your fucked-out state.
"Can't even speak now? Wanna be a mommy huh? You like that idea?"
You tried reaching back to grab his arm, whimpering to signal that you were about to cum with the familiar coil tightening in your abdomen. Your husband leans down to give you kisses though they were more possessive than caring, giving sloppy french kisses with more tongue than lips. The sweat forming at your skin caused you to slide against the counter with every thrust, trying to grab on to anything for support.
The thought of your belly round with a baby and your fuller breasts being sensitive was enough for Kashimo to cum.
Teeth sinking into your neck to muffle his groans, his hot cum spilled inside of you making sure to paint every inch of your walls white. Spurts of his load fills your belly and he stays there cockwarming until it softens, pulling out.
Your husband's digits went down to spread your lower lips, watching how his cum oozed out of you. He curls his fingers to scoop up his orgasm and pushes it back into you, making sure his beloved wife is full of his hot seed.
"Sorry hun, I got too rough didn't I? I was just jealous but I'll make it up to you. I just love you so much," he plants a tender kiss on your back, massaging your sore hips.
Giggling at how he peppers soft kisses all over you, you reassure him. "It's okay, I had fun."
Chuckling, Kashimo nuzzles into your neck, still rubbing your sore flesh and promising to give you a full body massage.
"But hey, you'll make me such a happy daddy."
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prettygirlmjmjmj · 7 months
Understanding your cycle and the four phases
The female body has four cycle and at each cycle what your body needs will be very different. I'm going to talk about four factors you might want to consider for each phase; what kind of exercise/movement you should try to do, what foods to eat more of or avoid, what your energy levels may be like and self care for that phase. I hope this helps you understand a bit more about what is going on in each phase ands what you can do to help your hormones and body!
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Menstruation (Day 1 - 6)
This phase is the easiest to spot as you physically get your period. Your uterus is shedding its lining and your cervix position is low and will feel hard.
what kind of exercise/movement is best to do? This is a good period for rest days and slow movement. Outdoor walks, stretching, slower-paced yoga and bodyweight strength exercises will help you get some movement/exercise in without causing more pain or discomfort for you.
what foods should you try to eat more of or avoid? Try to avoid fatty and salty foods. Vegetables, fruits and herbs like kale, beets, mushrooms, collard and hearty greens, sweet potatoes, root vegetables, dark coloured berries (cranberries, blueberries, blackberries), concord grapes, watermelon, red raspberry leaf, nettle and turmeric will help your body in this phase. Grains, nuts and seeds like buckwheat, wild rice, pumpkin seeds, flax, chestnuts, and peanuts are good to eat more of in this phase. Proteins like kidney beans, adzuki beans, duck, pork, shellfish, sardines, red meat and liver should also be included in more meals. Some examples of meals to have would be stews, warm soups and stir-fries.
what are your energy levels like? your energy is normally fairly low at this point, so try to prioritise sleep and rest. Try and make sure your schedule is fairly light at this point, lots of targets and deadlines may be somewhat overwhelming or stressful.
what kind of self care should you do and not do? Try to avoid exfoliating and waxing, your skin may be dehydrated and sensitive. Focus on getting more moisture and hydration, avoid harsh products. Try hydrating masks and focus on reducing inflammation. Try putting together a period package, journaling and reading more. Get plenty of sleep during this phase.
Follicular (Day 6 - 14)
This phase is when oestrogen and testosterone levels start to rise. The pituitary gland releases FSH and your energy, mood and libido rise!
what kind of exercise/movement is best to do? Now is a great time for more high-energy movement and exercise! Try activities like , hiking, running, swimming and Pilates as you have much more energy and will likely be prepared to exercise for longer.
what foods should you try to eat more of or avoid? Try and eat more veggies, fruits and herbs such as artichoke, broccoli, sprouts, carrots, lettuces, green peas, string beans, zucchini, rhubarb, parsley, avocado, citruses, pomegranate, plums, cherries, nettle and basil. Grains and seeds such as oats, barley, rye, wheat, pumpkin, flax, Brazil nuts and cashes will help during this phase. Protein-wise try to eat more lentils, split peas, black eyed peas, poultry, trout and shellfish. Meals that may be good during this period are oatmeal/overnight oats, tahini bowls, blueberry banana muffins and avocado salad.
what are your energy levels like? Your energy levels have risen so your brains ability to problem solve and plan. Creativity will be sparking during this period! Now is a great time to start new projects, brainstorm, dream big, plan for the week and do the things you love.
what kind of self care should you do and not do? Your skin has improved hydration, hyaluronic acid production. Now is a good time to try out new products as your skin will be at it's best and use gentle exfoliants to keep your pores clean. Focus on nourishment and treatment for your skin. Now is a good time to exfoliate your skin and use products to really emphasise your skins glow.
Ovulatory (Day 15 - 17)
This is the phase when your fertility is highest and your oestrogen levels are dropping of while your testosterone rises. You'll have a lot more energy and often a high libido.
what kind of exercise/movement is best to do? Try high-energy, high-intensity workouts like weightlifting, cardio such as spin or HIIT and longer hikes with more effort involved.
what foods should you try to eat more of or avoid? Try to eat more vegetables, fruits and herbs such as Brussel sprouts, red bell pepper, aubergine, spinach, tomato, chard, asparagus, scallions, chives, coconut, fig, strawberry, raspberry, apricot, persimmons, guava, dandelion root, burdock root and turmeric. Grains and seeds such as quinoa, pumpkin, flax, pistachio, pecan and almond will help during this phase. Try to eat more proteins such as lentils, salmon, eggs, tuna, shrimp and lamb. Meals that may be good are a fresh fruit or pasta salad, smoothies and broth-based soups.
what are your energy levels like? energy is typically very high at this point so now is a good time to socialise and get high-energy projects done! Be open to new experiences and things, make the most out of this high-energy period.
what kind of self care should you do or not do? Your skin will get oily in the next phase so find some way of deep cleansing (getting a facial etc) and try to keep pores nice and clean with toners and serums. Focus on hydration, nourishment and restorative products for your skin. Your cell turnover is at it's best, so exfoliation should be minimal and gentle during this period. Take long baths or showers and take the time to care for yourself.
Luteal phase (Day 18 - 28)
During this phase you get a surge of progesterone, but if your body confirms you aren't pregnant than then all hormones begin to decrease. Mood changes are fairly common during this period.
what kind of exercise/movement is best to do? as your energy drops so should the intensity and impact, so return back to slower and steadier workouts such as walking or hiking, yoga (you could try a slightly more challenging yoga workout), light Pilates that aren't too fast paced and stretching to help with pain or aches.
what foods should you try to eat more of or avoid? Try to eat more vegetables, fruits and herbs such as cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, collard and mustard greens, onion, parsnip, pumpkin, radish, squash, potato, sweet potato, apple, dates, peaches, pear, burdock root, dandelion root, red raspberry leaf and ginger. Some examples of grains and seeds that may help are brown rice, millet, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pine nuts and walnuts. Proteins to eat are chickpeas, turkeys, salmon, cod, halibut and beef.
what are your energy levels like? energy levels may be low/lower than previous cycles, so take the time to engage in creative and relaxing activities such as reading or painting to help with stress relief and to distract yourself.
what kind of self care should you do or not do? try to use gentle skincare products like foaming cleansers or clay masks. Spot treatments may be necessary during this period especially. Focus on skincare as breakouts are very common during this period and avoid trying out new products or any super strong products that may worsen your skin. Make sure to take care of yourself during this period and take things nice and slowly.
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Remember this is in no way a one size fits all, the amount the phases last for will greatly vary as will how you feel, but these are a guide on how you may be able to help understand your cycle. All my love mj.
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theambitiouswoman · 9 months
GUT HEALTH: How it Affects Your body 🍽️🤍✨
Having a healthy gut is important because it plays a central role in the overall functioning of your body. The state of a healthy or unhealthy gut affects all of these things:
Digestion and Nutrient Absorption: The gut's main role is to break down food and absorb important nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. When the gut is healthy, it digests food effectively and maximizes nutrient absorption. When it is not, it can result in digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea, as well as nutrient deficiencies.
Immune System Support: About 70% of our immune cells are located in the gut. A balanced gut supports a strong immune response, helping the body fend off illnesses and reduce the risk of infections.
Emotions and Mood: The gut and brain are intricately connected through the gut-brain axis. The gut produces many neurotransmitters, including serotonin, which regulates your mood. An imbalanced gut can influence mental health, leading to issues like anxiety, depression, and even cognitive impairments.
Hormonal Balance: The gut plays a role in the production and modulation of certain hormones. This can impact various bodily functions, from stress responses to reproductive health.
Weight Management: The gut microbiome can influence metabolism, appetite, and fat storage. An imbalanced gut can lead to weight gain and metabolic disorders.
Protection Against Chronic Diseases: Poor gut health has been linked to a higher risk of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer.
Detoxification: The gut plays a role in eliminating waste products and toxins from the body.
Inflammation Regulation: A healthy gut can help regulate inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation, often resulting from an imbalanced gut is a root cause of many diseases.
Skin Health: There's a connection between gut health and skin conditions. Issues like acne, eczema, and rosacea can be influenced by the state of the gut. An unhealthy gut can lead to inflammation, which may manifest as skin issues.
Barrier Function: The gut lining acts as a barrier, preventing harmful substances from entering the bloodstream. A compromised gut lining, often referred to as "leaky gut," can allow toxins and pathogens to enter the bloodstream leading to various health issues.
Production of Vital Compounds: Your gut produces essential compounds, like short-chain fatty acids, which has a lot of positive effects on health from reducing inflammation to supporting brain function.
Sleep Function: The gut produces neurotransmitters and hormones that regulate sleep, such as serotonin and melatonin. An unhealthy gut can disrupt sleep patterns.
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thestoryofella · 28 days
summary: after spending a day on the beach to take a break from London's constant noise, you end up sunburnt to a crisp. In an attempt to avoid Sirius's teasing, you desperately try to stay hidden. However, when you're finally forced to ask for help, you're reminded of the importance of choosing love over embarrassment.
warnings: fluff, swearing.
sirius black x reader ✿ 1275 words
After getting tired of the near-constant noise in London and the lack of scenery, you planned a solitary beach day to do nothing but read, lounge, and enjoy the nearly ice-cold pineapple you’d prepped the night before. You sprawled out under the sun from sunrise to near sunset, only dipping in the splashing, cold water when you woke up from a snoozy nap spent on a beach towel. Once the sun nearly set and you’d finished the book you packed for the day, you packed up your things and started the journey home.
When you reached the bus station to return to central London, you realized the issue, catching your reflection in the large, circular mirror near the bus driver. You had gotten burnt to a crisp during your beach day, and Sirius would never let you live it down.
Before you left in the morning, Sirius, ever the caring partner, had packed face sunscreen, body sunscreen, and aloe vera into your oversized tote bag. He had even checked if you had applied some in the morning before you rushed out the door. You, torn between the desire to lounge on the beach and the fear of missing the bus, had lied to him before planting a quick kiss on his cheek and dashing to the station. 
Now, you deeply regret not listening to him. In addition to your current appearance, your skin is inflamed, hot, scaly, and hurts to the touch. When you pressed down on your irritated skin, your fingers left an unmistakable mark associated with a severe sunburn. 
“Perfect,” you sarcastically muttered to yourself. 
When you finally stopped at the station closest to yours and Sirius’s shared flat, you walked quickly to get home, eager to shower with cold water and hopefully reduce the inflammation your sunburn caused. The plan was simple: you’d get home, dash to the shower, avoid Sirius for the rest of the night, and then what? After some consideration, you decide you’ll have to sleep with a paper bag over your head and in pajamas best suited for a nun. 
Once you reach your shared flat, you can hear Sirius inside cooking dinner. The low sizzle of sautéing vegetables and gentle humming is his giveaway. Quickly unlocking the door and tiptoeing inside, you sneak past the kitchen without detection until a creaking floorboard gives you away. 
Your heart lurches into your stomach. It’s no use being this sneaky over a sunburn, but you wanted to avoid Sirius’s teasing for as long as possible–even though you sometimes secretly loved it.
Sirius’s head turns to look at you, but you do not turn to face him. “Hi, dollface,” he says. You hear the words come out of his mouth, and you really want to turn around and greet him with a hug, but you are determined to avoid detection. 
You suck in a quick breath before tumbling out the words, “I gotta go hop in the shower before dinner, love you!” With that said, you run to the bathroom, your feet smacking down on the floorboards with each step before loudly closing the door. 
Great, that wasn’t suspicious at all, you think to yourself. You have the urge to facepalm your forehead before remembering the searing pain that would follow.
You hopped in the shower, sighing in relief when the cold water hit your inflamed back. Showering after days spent at the beach was the best. 
When you finally finished showering, you had devised a regimen to defeat your sunburn and hopefully avoid pain. You put thick lotion on every area of your sunburnt skin, planning to top it off with a layer of aloe vera gel for added measure. 
Things were going swimmingly. You’d lotioned every irritated limb and your unusually puffy cheeks–resembling a hamster with too much food in their mouth. That was until you tried to lotion your back and realized that your short arms and the searing pain of trying to stretch them due to sunburn would not make applying products easy. 
“No, no, no!” You exasperatedly muttered. You must swallow your pride to take care of your severely sunburnt back. The issue wasn’t that Sirius would be mean per se, but he would undoubtedly tease you before dotingly helping you. Plus, you really didn’t want him to know you had lied to him this morning, evading his attempts to prevent this in the first place. 
Defeat clouded your brain. Swallowing your pride, you peeked out the bathroom door before feebly calling, “Siri, can you help me quickly.” It wasn’t even a second later that you heard him set down plates and footsteps approaching your location. 
Now, face-to-face with your raven-haired boyfriend, you offered him a coy smile that silently said, please don’t be mad at me. His eyes slowly took in the sight of your sunburnt face. Unbeknownst to him, your back looked a lot worse. 
You stood in silence for only a second before he reacted exactly how you thought he would. He let a bellowing laugh escape his mouth before pressing a smiling kiss to your inflamed forehead. “What the hell happened to you? You look like a tomato!”
You were sure you did at this point. The combination of inflamed skin, paired with your now red cheeks from Sirius’s affectionate teasing, was sure to have reddened your skin. Honestly, you were surprised you didn’t look more like a beet. 
You playfully shoved his shoulder before cracking the door wide enough for him to sneak in. “Can you please just help me put some lotion and aloe vera on my back?” You tried to sound stern, but a smile still graced your lips. 
He let another laugh escape his mouth upon observing your sunburnt back. “I thought I packed your sunscreen, and you said you put some on before leaving.” 
You huffed in response, crossing your arms over your chest. “I know; I was just so eager to get to the beach and forgot to put some on,” you complained, slightly whining. 
“You know what I always tell you?” He asks.
“No,” you lied. You knew exactly what he was going to say. 
“Sirius knows best!” He nearly sings out before pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder. 
“Sirius,” you whined out, not wanting to be reminded of your unfortunate errors. He usually knew best, but you would never in a million years admit that to him. 
“Okay, okay,” He laughs, holding his hands up in mock defense before gently lathering both lotion and aloe vera gel onto your inflamed back. 
You nearly sigh at the relief but hold your tongue, a feeble attempt to humble his enormous ego. Instead, you opt for a simple “thank you,” turning around to envelop his torso in a tight hug. He responds by kissing your forehead, not wanting to press his hands into your irritated back.
♡ ♡ ♡
By the end of the evening, you were honestly sure you had managed to avoid most of Sirius’s teasing. After he had helped you with your back earlier, you two had enjoyed dinner together and were currently cuddled up in bed, about to fall asleep. 
Leaning over to kiss under your ear–possibly the only part of your skin protected from the sun’s wrath–Sirius wrapped his arms around your waist and whispered, “Goodnight, tomato.”
You rolled your eyes, letting a noticeable sigh escape your lips. You felt Sirius’s chest move with gentle laughter as he delighted in your feigned annoyance. 
You truly were never going to live this down. But you realized you were willing to put up with it if it meant you could stay wrapped in Sirius’s arms forever.
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drsameepsohoni · 9 months
Which Foods Cause Joint Pain?
Know, Which Foods Cause Joint Pain? What Are The 5 Worst Foods to Eat If You Have Arthritis? Are Tomatoes Bad for Arthritis? What Vegetables Are Bad for Arthritis? Are Bananas Bad for Arthritis?
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cosmicintro · 1 year
Astro observations: Health aspects from the 6th house 💫
6th house in Aries: Be mindful of strong reactions, impulses and emotions as these could trigger high blood pressure, stress or unwanted headaches. Possible problems associated with the adrenal glands if health is not good. The person could be nearsighted/farsighted. Teeth issues and sensitive gums are common with this placement. 
6th house in Taurus: Be careful with ‘burnout’ and try to keep a healthy work-life balance. The individual is prone to respiratory conditions, jaw and neck pain/problems, weight gain (associated with thyroid issues). Thyroid disease. Problems with your voice or throat. Take it easy and follow a rhythm that honors your needs. 
6th house in Gemini: Allergies, infections, asthma, cough, breathing issues. Arms, hands and fingers might be sensitive. Anxiety and nervousness caused by too many unorganized/unwanted thoughts. Be careful with hand, arm and/or shoulder injuries. 
6th house in Cancer: Sensitive breasts/chest area. Inflammation associated with water/fluid retention. Pay close attention to your salt and fat consumption. Intolerance to different ingredients. It is vital for individuals with this placement to express their emotions as this can feel like a detox process for a 6th house cancer.
6th house in Leo: Hear what your heart is telling you. Don’t let stress or anger take you 'over the edge'. Similar to Aries in this house, it is common for the native to suffer from high blood pressure if a balanced lifestyle is not followed; a healthy diet will help this native tremendously. Be careful with hernias and your spine. Back pain/injuries. Spend more time outside. 
6th house in Virgo: Food sensitivities. Problems with digestion. Pay attention to sugar, fats, starches and the way your body reacts to them. Pancreatitis. Bloating associated with food intolerances. Meditation is recommended to calm an active mind and a healthy relationship with food will help with digestive issues. 
6th house in Libra: Lumbar pain. Problems with the lower back. Sensitivity to salt. Kidney stones. Insulin resistance. Diabetes. Partnerships have a big influence in your life; stress or strong (negative) emotions resulting from these relationships can have a big impact in your health. 
6th house in Scorpio: Constipation. Bladder/Urinary tract infections. Issues with libido/sex hormones. Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder; can cause pain or/and a burning sensation when peeing). Problems with the colon and elimination systems. Let go of any guilt/shame around your sexuality and keep a healthy relationship with your needs. 
6th house in Sagittarius: Issues associated with the pituitary gland. Hip mobility problems, pain or injuries. Obesity. For optimal liver health, alcohol and stress levels need to be monitored and, if possible, reduced to a minimum. Yoga can help ease stiffness around the hips and thighs. 
6th house in Capricorn: Knee pain. Injuries/procedures can cause significant scarring. Hair loss or scalp issues. Arthritis and joint pain. If your body is telling you to slow down, honor it and rest. Movement in every way is beneficial for the native. Be careful with your bones. 
6th house in Aquarius: Varicose veins. Frequent cramps. Arteries and veins might need to be monitored closely, as the native is prone to circulation problems. Calf pain. Stress, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia. Be careful with addictions. Stay hydrated. 
6th house in Pisces: Problems with the lymphatic system. Feet pain, inflammation, discomfort, injuries. Plantar fasciitis. Be careful with falls. Sleep problems, nightmares. Sadness that can lead into deep depression. Time alone is necessary. Make sure you’re getting the hours of sleep that your body requires to work harmoniously. 
Stay tuned for more! :)
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lexithevalkyrie · 10 months
Fat tip number 5 (pt 2): what type of fat should I eat?
Although there are many types of fat in foods such as: saturated fats, trans fat, mono saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, and omega-3. The most important of the fats that we will be learning about are trans fat, saturated fat, and polyunsaturated fat. Now, why is this important, you may ask? Well, my piggies, this is a defining factor to whether or not you will be eating to an early grave.
Starting with the death piggies, the best fat you can enjoy and ensure your arteries get clogged up is to eat a bunch of trans fat and saturated fats. Starting with the best heart stopper of all: trans fats are well known for causing clogged blood vessels, heart complications, increased chance of insulin resistance, and inflammation. Some foods with trans fats include: fried food, cakes, ice cream, pizza, and microwave popcorn. Ya know, the process junk.
Saturated fats are much easier to find in everyday food, mainly comprised of animal fat, you only need to eat 25g of Saturated fat daily to be moderately healthy, to put this onto perspective on how easy it is to go above 25g... one apple fritter contains roughly 20-25g of Saturated fat, so just eating 2 will be above the recommended amount. Now this will only increase the rate of obesity but it will not kill you as fast compared to trans fat.
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Now for some good and healthy fat! This is actually fairly straightforward, stay away from the unhealthy fats mentioned above and eat more veggies and meat. This will improve your overall health, and when eaten in excess, it will grow more subcutaneous fat which is very beneficial for you fatties!
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reality-detective · 6 months
🔥Discover the Ancient Secret to Banish Acid Reflux for Good!🌿
🤔Ever wondered how our ancestors tackled acid reflux naturally?
✅Coriander seeds have been a trusted remedy for centuries!
Here’s why…
🍽Common Causes of Acid Reflux :
• Overeating
• High-fat or spicy foods
• Alcohol & caffeine
• Smoking
• Stress
🔬Science Behind Coriander Seeds & Acid Reflux :
– Coriander seeds are packed with antioxidants & bioactive compounds that :
• Neutralize stomach acid
• Promote healthy digestion
• Reduce inflammation
• Relax gastrointestinal muscles
📋Daily To-Do List for Balanced Acid pH :
1. Drink warm water with lemon in the morning
2. Eat smaller, more frequent meals
3. Limit trigger foods & beverages
4. Exercise regularly
5. Manage stress through mindfulness.
- Natural Remedies 🤔
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