#it was Rett's idea
reiikyun · 9 months
Imma be giving Pilot an updated design to accommodate for triple splashdown coming back
He's got enough subtle scars, he doesn't need to inflict anymore on himself with another strainful special
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incorrect-avantris · 13 days
Rett: This is a bad idea.
Pyke: Then why are you coming along?
Rett: Someone has to get your injured ass home.
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cripplecharacters · 2 years
What would be your most general suggestions in order to write a character with intellectual disability respectfully and accurately? It’s hard to find many first hand accounts of people with IDs writing about what they’d like to see in these characters.
Hi, thanks for your question!
I will try to give a few general dos and don’ts on how to make an ID character - the question is vague so I won't be too specific but I hope you find something here helpful! First of all: please keep in mind that ID people are very different from each other in both personality and how exactly their disability impacts them. Some people won't be able to perform any ADLs (short for activities of daily living; things like bathing, dressing, using the bathroom or eating by yourself), some will be able to do all of them and a lot will be somewhere in-between. That makes it more complicated to figure out what is accurate and what not because it just varies greatly between people. Even people similar ability levels can be completely different - they can have different verbality levels, different physical conditions, some of them could be very stubborn while others could be the complete opposite and give up very fast, you get the picture.
What to do while writing:
Seems very obvious but make sure they're an actual character and not just their disability - give them a personality, relationships, hobby etc.
Portray the common signs of ID - a lot of us struggle with things like planning (especially long-term), organizing, abstract reasoning, problem-solving or are just slower with understanding/doing things in general. It's fine for your character to need help and ask for help with those things! They don't need to compensate for it with savant-like abilities or some amazing feats, it's ok for them to just be a regular person who struggles in some or most areas and gets adequate help so they can function better.
A lot of people with ID struggle with understanding language that isn't clear or simplified. Very elaborate sentence structure or weird wording can make it hard or impossible for your character to correctly understand what is spoken to them so if you want your characters to communicate properly they should probably use more clear speech. That doesn't mean babytalk or only giving them the bare minimum - try looking at this simplified version of this article to get an idea of what I mean (both links lead to Wikipedia). Simpler sentence structure and more common words make things more accessible.
Give your character agency over their identity and feelings. We can struggle with understanding things, but it doesn't mean we can't be gay, trans or any other LGBTQ+ identity and it's not fair to question our ability to do so. A person with ID should be able to decide about things regarding themself. Even if your character requires 24/7 care, they (ideally) should be able to have a say in who will be their caregiver, for example.
Getting someone's high needs met is not infantilization, it's just care. A character that needs help with bathing themself isn't "bad representation" or being treated like a child just because of it.
Make sure you look up how ID works medically so you don't commit any basic medical misinformation (like having it start in adulthood). Specifically look out to not confuse brain injury symptoms with ID. ID also doesn't directly affect someone's life expectancy on its own.
Connected to the last point, but you might want to try and decide on the cause of why the character has ID just because it will probably make your job as a writer a bit easier with figuring out what specific symptoms they might be experiencing. Someone who has ID because they went through severe meningitis as a little child might have different symptoms than someone born with Rett Syndrome. There are a lot of conditions that cause ID, but the most common are Down Syndrome, FASD and Fragile X Syndrome.
Try to remember: people with intellectual disability can be anyone and be anywhere! You can write a sarcastic autistic princess with ID, a loud love interest with Angelman Syndrome or a shy goth classmate with CRS and none of these would be “forced”.
What to NOT do:
Avoid the “always happy” character trope (goes double or even triple for characters with Down Syndrome because that's where it's the most prevalent). This one is a real issue with how people see real life intellectually disabled people. A character with ID should be allowed to have a full range of emotions just like everyone else.
Don't use the mental age theory - it's an ableist and harmful concept that claims that people with ID are mentally X years old (X never being their actual age). A 40-year-old character who can't eat or bathe by themself is 40 years old, not 3.
Avoid having your character compensate for their ID with some specific type of intelligence ("they're not booksmart but they have high emotional intelligence!) because that's neither how this works or what is helpful when it comes to representation. Your character shouldn't have to be smart "in some way" to be treated with respect.
Don't make your character extremely violent or brutal, especially if they're also unaware of what they're doing (basically don't make your character Lennie from of Mice and Men). I feel like this one is mostly about the impact on how some people see ID people (especially ID men of color) by painting them as inherently violent which is not true. That's not to say your character can't get into a fight but just try to be aware of this trope, especially if your character is marginalized in other ways as well.
Most people who seek any advice regarding writing disabled characters will probably know that using the r-slur is a big no, but words like moron, imbecile, feeble-minded or idiot also come directly from outdated medical terminology regarding intellectual disability. Personally, I'm very much against using them without acknowledging their origin and they can be genuinely upsetting to read.
Sorry it came out so long! I tried to put together both very basic advice and some more complex points so hopefully as much people as possible can take something away from this. If you have any more specific questions feel free to send another ask. good luck with your writing ❤️ (heart emoji)
mod sasza
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tiredpinkpanda · 7 months
rett and wriggle abstraction comic
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I like the idea
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pyke-not-pike · 4 months
dumbest thing you've seen your crewmates do?
Hmm. That time Chuckles thought it would be a good idea to prank Rett while he was elbow deep in repairs is definitely up there.
Poor clown was cleaning whipped cream out of corners of the hanger for weeks.
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rustentidsmaskin · 7 months
Desember 1983: Blue Max (Synapse)
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Flyger-ess Max Chatsworth rapporterer til tjeneste, klar for et aldri så lite selvmordsoppdrag bak fiendens linjer!
Etter at Rule Britannia er ferdigspilt, og spilleren har satt seg ned fra stram giv akt, begynner et diagonalt scrollende skytespill (såkalt Zaxxon-perspektiv) satt til første verdenskrig, hvor man veksler mellom å duellere andre fly og å bombe bakkemål.
Fra nå av er det ingen musikk som spiller for Max, kun dronende propelldur og spredte drønn fra fiendens luftverskanoner.
Blue Max var et av de eldste actionspillene som føles litt episk, og som setter i gang historier i hodet som var litt mer storslåtte enn fortellingen om den gang symmetrofile romvesener beveget seg i sirlige rader ned mot bunnen av TV-skjermen.
Det er risikabel business å fly bak fiendens linjer, og særlig når Chatwsworth flyr lavt for å bombe eller duellere, er det gode sjanser for å bli skutt litt av tysk luftvern. Dette fører ikke til umiddelbar død, men til at en eller annen tilfeldig funksjon ved flyet blir dårligere - maskingeværet begynner å harke, bomber slutter å falle når de skal, bensin begynner å lekke, osv.
Disse skadene akkumulerer, til din trofaste Sopwith Camel er lite mer enn et skjelvende, marginalt flyvedyktig vrak!
Heldigvis har Max muligheten til å lande på allierte flyplasser hvor han kan tanke bensin og få skader reparert. Dette er imidlertid en risikabel manøver, siden lite gentleman-aktige fiendefly har mulighet til å bombe deg på bakken.
Blue Max er et spill som er rikt bestrødd med intense øyeblikk. Noen eksempler: et hovedmål dukker opp og du rekker SÅVIDT bort til det; et suicidalt fiendefly bråsnur mot deg midt i en duell og hamrer inn i deg; fienden bomber flyplassen mens tankingen tar for ALLTID; du er i ferd med å gå tom for rullebane men kan ikke ta av fordi du befinner deg i skyggen fra et fiendefly...
Følelsen av å såvidt klare å gli inn på en flyplass med et bensintomt fly er en av de beste spillopplevelsene man kan ha i desember 1983.
Litt som på ordentlig, har man kun ett liv til rådighet, noe som (litt som på ordentlig) tilfører et ekstra lag nerve.
Det isometriske perspektivet er litt småvrient å forholde seg til, spesielt i en tidsalder hvor vi ikke alle kommer rett fra Zaxxon-maskinen i den lokale spillehallen, noe som fører til en del frustrerende dødsfall ved innflyging og irriterende bom på hovedmål.
Det endelige målet for Max er fiendens hovedstad, hvor noen særskilt viktige bygninger må bombes til fillebiter. For å nå fram dit, må du ødelegge et visst antall hovedmål som enten blinker eller har en blinkende blink (blink) på seg. Hovedmålene kan være hva som helst (bro, bil, båt, fly, bygning...) og de dukker tilfeldig opp, så Max Chatsworth må ha øynene med seg til enhver tid.
Når du endelig kommer fram til hovedstaden, må du bombe fem kalkhvite senatsbygninger og overleve en kanossa-kanonade av antiluftvernsskyts fra høye bygninger på begge sider. Hvis du treffer alle målene og klarer å karre deg - sannsynligvis temmelig istykkerskutt - til nærmeste flyplass, har du offisielt vunnet spillet. Din belønning? En da capo av Rule Britannia, så klart.
Blue Max er et av de beste skytespillene på Commodore 64, ferdig snakket. Rett og slett frekt av Synapse å hamre det inn så tidlig i maskinens historie.
Computer + Video Games, desember 1983:
"If you like the idea of a game based on the Battle of Britain, then you´ll enjoy playing Blue Max." 8/10.
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iguessimfished · 7 months
Are you gonna redesign Rett?
Probably! I might just have an idea for the rest of the abstracted characters
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omiteo777 · 8 months
Ask The Post-Abstracted AU Characters + The Abstracted Beast AU Characters + My Other Socials…
*If anyone would like to ask any questions to the characters in these AU, you’re more than welcome to. Ask as many questions as you please.*
P.S. Had this idea from others who are doing it. I wish I could draw at the moment, but like I said, I need to improve first and see if I can be able to draw characters. Hopefully I can. If not, then there won’t be any fanart, sorry…
Here’s the list of characters to choose from:
—The Amazing Digital Circus Main Cast:
—The Amazing Digital Circus Abstracted Characters:
*I do not own the show or the names of the abstracted characters (really like these names). They both belong to their rightful owners, consisting of GLITCH, Gooseworx, and Sunnie_Daies (the names).*
***Here are my other socials to watch/follow, which are overall under the same usernames:
-Deviant-Art - Omiteo777
-Wattpad - Omiteo777
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heich0e · 6 months
Dear Liv,
LIV this is so overdue there have been multiple moments this week where I wanted to send you an ask! I’ve narrowed it down to three things for now.
1. I am trying to enter my Shakespeare era by reading his sonnets and Nr. 19 reminds me of your Vampire Matsuhana before makki turned mattsun. This is solely want I’m getting from the sonnet: begging time to spare his lover from aging. It gives me major human x vampire romance :(((
2. I started a webtoon called mafia nanny which made me think of your yakuza suna and then that reminded me that you once worked as a nanny hehehe. And then I had to think of which yakuza + single dad!blorbo I’d take a bullet for…methinks daichi…who would you pick?
3. A FORGET ME NOT MARCO SEQUEL?!?!? Is it an after happy ending fluff fic or does it contain more angst? :’)))))))
4. I LOVE U!!! (the best and most important part has to come last) and I hope you’re having a wonderful, restful weekend!! How are you gonna indulge yourself?
Yours truly,
Nana <333
PS concerning the Shakespeare thought, I have little to no idea what sonnet 19 actually means…so pls no judging…I know you’re a Shakespeare girly so I’m being very brave and vulnerable right now…
HELLO BEAUTIFUL NANA i hope you had a lovely relaxing weeekendddd!!
WHAT A MESSAGE!! here are my follow ups <3
OMG NANA SHAKESPEARE ERA!! QUEEN OF LITERATURE!! i honestly was never super super into the sonnets and mostly studied the plays, but i am familiar w sonnet 19 and this vampire matsuhana comment made me go CRAZY. i've always rly liked sonnet 19 because of how violently the passing of time is described... "Devouring time" is also just like a delicious series of words... like yeah time IS devouring.... that guy mighta been onto something. (also i had to double check this info bc i was sure i made it up but i'm p ReTT y sure this sonnet in particular is believed to be written from a female perspective!! which i just love!!)
MAFIA NANNY SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING I WOULD BE INTO MAYHAPS I WILL BE CHECKIN THAT ONE OUT!! also yes liv nanny arc was a very interesting season of my life heheh (choosing not to acknowledge the yakuza!suna reference for my own peace of mind xoxo) re: yakuza + single dad.... DAICHI IS AN ABSOLUTELY YUMMY THOUGHT. a few other men came to mind too.... kita.... geto.... dare i say wakatoshi??
YES I WAS SHOOK WHEN I FOUND THE NOTES!!! the sequel is set after the end of the manga when the corps (or what remains of them RIP) is returning back to paradis from marley.... there is also a huuuuuuge plot twist in that one but i dare not say more...
I LOVE U MOREEEEEEEEEEE!! i had a very relaxing weekend actually just kicking around the house!! i did do 5 loads of laundry though so i feel very accomplished <3 i hope you had a weekend full of treats n good sleep and nice weather where you are, sweet girl!! you deserve nothing less!!
ps - your shakespeare thought was wonderful and insightful and brilliant just like u
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sims-half-crazy · 1 year
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It was a warm spring day, foreshadowing the heat that would descend upon them that summer. The boys were home with chicken pox and suffering some major cabin fever. Lena and Gordon were napping as Lena's pregnancy was affecting the both of them. Lena spent most of her time with her head over the toilet. The boys felt bad for her, because who wanted to spend their days puking up their toenails? They played on the balcony outside; happy to be anywhere other than their room. "I'm just gonna hop up there and see if I can do it."
"I don't think that's a good idea, Rett."
"Look, I can just hold onto the rail and jump. See the rail doesn't move. It'll be fine."
"Would you stop! You're going to get in trouble. What if you get hurt?"
"Stop it, you big baby. I'm not going to get hurt. I never get hurt. Look, I can move like this and still sit perfectly fine."
"I think you should get down. You're scaring me. Please get down."
"Ok, I'll get down as soon as I prove to you that I can do it and not fall."
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electronickingdomfox · 7 months
0 to 5 is such a big swing! 🤣
Ah yes! Basically I went from "I ship this bc it's the only couple I've noticed, and it's fine too" (and when everyone talks about it, you already go into the series with some preconceived ideas) to
"I ship this bc I find the dynamic more interesting and conflicting." The two halves, the ying and yang, you know. It's actually the mold of so many romances in fiction, from Scarlett O'Hara/Rett Butler to Han Solo/Leia.
This is in relation to this poll: https://www.tumblr.com/electronickingdomfox/743406966758621184
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aces-to-apples · 1 year
Doubt i'll ever write up a proper post about it but when my m!hawke (blue, blood mage, goes by Rett) romances Merrill he fully embraces learning about Dalish beliefs and culture from her not only because he's a supportive dude who doesn't want to contribute to her feelings of alienation from her people but also because his vague andrastian upbringing has been completely obliterated by the end of act 2, and if he has to believe in something he wants it to be meaningful in some way. After All That Remains, when Merrill visits him, their brief exchange about it:
Merrill: Leandra is in a better place now.
Hawke: She's with the Maker.
Merrill: Or with Falon'din. You never know.
introduces him to the idea of humans maybe being looked after by elvhen gods, and thus the idea that while he's not elvhen that doesn't mean he can't learn about and honor them. He finds it more comforting and more meaningful to believe in a "friend to the dead", even one outside his scope and reach as a human, than a callous and unloving father in the "Maker." He listens and learns from Merrill's knowledge and wisdom as a former Keeper-to-be in the hopes of not only finding meaning for himself and connection for Merrill, but also so that any children they may one day have won't be distanced from their heritage for ignorance or lack of care on their (and his) part.
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ssart1 · 2 years
✨Commission Info✨
Hello! So I am finally taking the time to inform people that my commissions are OPEN!!
As an introduction: Hello! I’m Rett and I’m a full time college student and a Concept Artist that would love to help bring your ideas to life! I can do any type of concept art but I usually do Dnd art or character sheets for people.
Here is some examples of my work!
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Concept art and final piece for a single character is $45 dollars!
I do $30 for weapons +$ 5 every iteration
Full body-$35
Background- depends on how complex :)
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Things I will and will not do
I will not do
Heavy Gore
Fetish stuff
Anything I turn away
What I will do
Non sexual Furry art
Armor :)
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pyke-not-pike · 3 months
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if these asks are like said out loud or something, then how do you know we're saying Pyke and not Pike? Do you have subtitles on or something? Cuz if you do, please tell us how to turn them on.
Pyke is when you pronounce my name the correct way, like how it's spelled. Pike is when you pronounce it like Pee-kay, like those kids at the Prismatic Pathway did.
Live subtitles are a good idea though, maybe I should talk to Rett about engineering something that could do that...
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fallenraffe · 8 months
19. Fate's Demand by Aleatha Romig (2*)
<b>2 stars</b>
<b>MCs:</b> Rett + Emma
<b>POV:</b> single (Emma)
I don't hate the idea of these short prequels, but I've yet to find one that actually works for me. I've certainly read worse than this, but that doesn't mean this was any good either
and why must authors insist to cram in some smut, your page count is limited as is and here this was literally their first meeting, there's no need for the MMC to go down on the FMC before the first course.. like I know sex sells and all, but c'mon
I was excited for this duet, upon reading this prequel my excitement went📉📉📉
I've read shit prequels that ended up having a decent enough full book, so I'll still give this a chance, once I can drum up some of that interest again, but it ain't looking too good lmao
Rett seems like my kinda MMC, tho I could have done with less of the insta love/lust happening here, but Emma? ugh she was such a pushover with Rett, she barely put up any fight and I wasn't living for it.. my first impression of her was b a d, but here's hoping shell find her backbone in the actual duet, otherwise...
the story line sounds interesting, if a bit far fetched.. so all in all we had some good, some bad, I still intend to give the duet a read, I just dunno when
PS.: I was debating between this duet and kingdom come, last night I decided to go for this obvi, after this prequel tho I was gonna skip to kingdom come for now, however I just read a review of KC and apparently Greyson is in this duet and the reviewer felt like KC would've been more enjoyable after this duet, with more of a backstory on greyson, so I guess I'm gonna have to stick it out with the Devils Duet first after all
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umamami4 · 1 year
scene d'addio
Quando hai visto la chiamata avrai pensato: questa è matta. Si è vero un po' matta lo sono ma era da giorni che pensavo a come abbiamo chiuso in malo modo. Sicuramente sono riuscita a pensarla diversamente dopo aver sbollentato la rabbia, e ripercorrendo il tutto ho pensato che non meritavamo questo finale, senza una parola dolce ma solo con lacrime agli occhi. Era chiaro che i tuoi progetti non potevano includere anche me e non te ne faccio una colpa, avrei soltanto voluto che tu mi includessi nei tuoi pensieri e non essere bombardata in un colpo solo. Il pensiero di non rivolgerti più la parola o di eliminarti dalla mia vita è impossibile per me, ma perché così non sono abituata a fare nel rispetto di ciò che siamo stati e di quella parte di vita di cui te ne hai fatto parte. Questo per dirti che non ti ho chiamato con quale idea in testa, non metterti paura, ma per il semplice motivo di volerti sentire e sapere come stai. Probabilmente viaggiamo su rette parallele, ma per quanto può valere, ci siamo incontrati comunque in un punto incomprensibile da tutti se non da noi, nonostante le continue circostanze avverse. Ti ho amato, ti ho odiato, ti ho voluto e ti voglio bene per quello che sei dal primo giorno in cui mi dissi da ubriaco che quello era il letto in cui avremo fatto sesso, è che la vita è strana, un po' come noi, e ho imparato a prenderla come viene, il segreto sta proprio lì. Per questo non voglio che il rancore rovini i nostri ricordi, ho imparato ad accettare che si cambia, cambiano i progetti, cambiano le emozioni, cambiano i rapporti e tutti questi cambiamenti fanno si che ci si allontana, ma questo non ci obbliga a dimenticarci l’uno dell’altra e ad eliminarci dalle reciproche vite. Tutto questo avrei voluto dirtelo prima al telefono ma avevo bisogno di rompere il ghiaccio…. E quindi niente, ti volevo informare che se nel caso tu mi volessi sentire adesso ti risponderei ahaha.Sono qui a fare il tifo per te Ale
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