#it was a fun lil writing exercise nonetheless i hope people actually read this or else this whole thing would look kinda sad
sonicboomseason3 · 2 years
I have an episode idea!
Ok so basically it’s about Shadow deciding to participate in a game show for some reason (my guess either for ego inflating reasons or a prize of some sort like a large sum of money or an ancient mech), but he doesn’t have anyone to fill out his local edgelord duties for him while he’s gone, he can’t have Sonic fill in for him, heavens no, he thinks Tails is like 3 and too young for the job, Sticks is too insane, Amy too pink I guess? And Knuckles is Knuckles. So who does he ask? Silver the hedgehog (and possibly Mephiles too), hilarity ensues.
ALKSDJLAJLFSJALJ HEY THIS COULD ACTUALLY BE AN IDEA i have some thoughts on how to expand upon this concept...... and so i created what you see below instead of making bullet points like a normal person
(takes place sometime after this post and this post)
. . .
"...and because I'm getting paid below minimum wage at my job, I applied for Veggies Gone Edgy," Shadow finished explaining to his audience.
Team Sonic was baffled. Shadow was standing in front of them, wearing sunglasses and yet another Hawaiian shirt and looking as self-assured as ever despite...everything he had just said. Veggies Gone Edgy? Seriously? That one game show hosted by Comedy Chimp where contestants make weapons out of celery sticks and asparagus and kick each other's butts with them?
"Who're you and what've you done with Shadow?!" Sticks demanded to know, brandishing her boomerang threateningly. The Shadow she knew would never resort to using pea shooters! He would just use regular shooters! "Which android are you?!"
One of Sonic's hands shot out to block her from tackling Shadow. He wasn't in the mood to watch one of his team members die. "Shadow, all I asked was why you were wearing that, and that didn't answer anything."
"It's part of the dress code." Shadow raised his sunglasses to rest upon his brow. "The theme for this episode is summer fun."
Sonic nodded slowly, absorbing the information. Forgive him if he was having a hard time reconciling summer and fun with Shadow the Hedgehog. "Okaaaay... and why are you doing this when you don't have to?"
"I told you, you daft idiot. I'm underpaid."
"I think what Sonic meant," Amy interrupted, "was that you don't actually need any more money. You can afford anything you want with what you currently have. You don't have to pay rent or anything, since you live in a cave."
"That's the great thing about living in nature!" Knuckles grinned before holding up a hand. "High five!"
Shadow smacked it away. Knuckles decided that counted.
"Fine, you got me. The truth is, I'm participating because Infinite, that pathetic, grungy, loser mutt who wears that freak mask to hide his ugly mug, applied in a futile attempt to prove himself as a bigger edgelord than me. I'm going to show him who's boss."
The others had no words.
"But because I'm going to be busy being edgy on set, I won't be around to be edgy around the village. Which is a problem," Shadow mused aloud. "Who else will be around to walk around hating everything? That's why I've called you all here."
"You want one of us to fill in for you?" Tails felt like he was picking up on what Shadow was putting down. "I don't think that's--"
Shadow snorted before he could finish. "Chaos, no. I don't need to even consider it for half a second to know none of you fools can measure up to my presence. I called you all here precisely so I could rub in why you're no good."
"Have you ever thought of considering why your attitude is no good?" Amy hissed.
"Never. For starters, you." He pointed a rude finger at her. "Your color palette is the least edgy thing I've ever seen. You're better off masquerading as a pony in some cartoon about friendship."
"Excuse me?!"
He redirected his attention towards Sticks. "You're not it because I don't need people saying that my substitute swims in the local landfill for sport."
Sticks sighed wistfully. "None of you will ever get it..."
"You, fox, are out of the question." Shadow looked down his nose at Tails. "You're 6 months old."
"I thought you said I was 3."
"So, you admit it."
Tails blinked. "Huh?"
"You admit you're 3."
"What? No. I'm just saying you think I'm--"
"You admit you're 3 months old."
"Three months? Nonono, hold on, when did--"
"As for the echidna..." Shadow trailed off as he peered at Knuckles, who smiled somewhat bashfully under his unreadable gaze. After a brief staring contest, the black hedgehog sighed and quickly moved on to the team's leader. "Last but not least, Sonic, you seem like the best option, but..."
"...But...?" Sonic prompted.
"I don't like you."
Sonic resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "I saw that coming."
"And people confuse us to be each other enough already," Shadow added. "I don't know why, considering we look nothing alike."
Sonic nodded, a gesture that indicated surprisingly genuine agreement. "Yeah, that's always been annoying. That's a pretty valid reason, actually."
"Speak for yourself." Tails was still pretty put out over how Shadow was under the impression that he was aging backwards. Which was literally impossible, by the way. "If none of us are good enough for you, then who is?"
"No one is. Don't ask stupid questions," Shadow replied. "I know when to settle for less when I have to, though, so I have no choice but to ask someone outside of our usual circle."
Before anyone could ask him to explain himself, he starts making a beeline for the door.
Amy's eyes followed his retreating form. "Where are you going?"
"To destroy the world."
Team Sonic spent no more than 2 seconds freaking out over this blunt admission and getting their weapons out before a portal opened above them and dropped a familiar face in between them and Shadow, who stopped walking as soon as he heard the sound behind him. Still, he didn't turn around.
"Shadow the Hedgehog!" Silver glared, skipping all pleasantries. "I'm from a future where you destroyed the world and I somehow still exist even though my planet doesn't! I plan on stopping you, no matter what!"
"Ah, just the one I was looking for."
He faltered slightly at those unexpected words, but he refused to drop his battle stance completely. "Excuse me?"
"I need you to fill in for my edginess while I'm off participating in a game show." Shadow finally turned around to look him in the eye. "It's imperative that you succeed."
"Wh... Okay, I don't understand a word of what you just said, but why would I help you when you destroyed my world?!" Silver shouted.
"Do this, and your world will be safe."
"Shadow, you did not just create a whole timeline where you destroyed the world only so you could summon Silver here to act like you." Sonic was the first to break the stunned silence that befell his entire group. He couldn't believe this... Actually, never mind, he could. Shadow would do this. He would. "You really couldn't pick someone from the village in our time?"
"Do you think I can rely on any of those nitwits?" Shadow shot back.
"Do you think you can rely on Silver?" Sonic paused before turning to the newcomer. "No offense."
"None taken, but if this will really save the future..." Silver took a deep breath. Shadow wanted him to act edgy, did he? He still didn't get why, but he had a feeling that he shouldn't ask for more context. The Hawaiian shirt was already a red flag by itself. Lowering his voice in a poor attempt at emulating Shadow's own, he exclaimed, "It's no use!"
Sticks could detect any lame, overused meme from a mile away. "You're not funny," she told him, though her words were mainly aimed at the author who had just made him say such things.
"Ah, sorry..."
"We'll work on it. You just need to be in the correct mindset first." Shadow grabbed his soon-to-be replacement by the arm. "I'm taking you to get a dye job. I'm sure it'll help with everything else."
Before anyone could protest, the two of them teleported away in a flash of blue light.
Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Sticks turned to face Knuckles.
"The more we interact with Shadow, the more I feel embarrassed to know him."
The others found that they shared the sentiment.
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over-a-new-leaf · 4 years
self-care 101 (covid-19 period)
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Since we’ve rolled round to another May bank holiday, I thought it’d be nice to share some tips with you. As a homebody, and someone who will do absolutely ANYTHING to avoid one specific boring activity, I’ve racked up quite a long list over the past few years. Obviously, I’m no professional - but I find these help. There’s no specific chronological order to these - just pick and choose as you like!
Get out of bed!
Or lie in if you need to. Whatever makes you feel good
Start off the day with some yoga or meditation, or basic stretches
Or pray for a bit if you’re religious
Make your bed: tuck your sheets in, rearrange your pillows, etc.
Brush your hair and tie it up nicely
Pick out a cute outfit - could even be your favourite PJs - and lay it out
Go take a soothing shower, or a bubble bath
Use a bath bomb, get some nice candles if you feel like it
Put on some nice music to relax to
Try out a new hairstyle or style your hair the way you would if you had somewhere to be!
Slap on some makeup, why not? :) 
Floss your teeth, or maybe use that teeth whitening formula you never picked up again after using it for the first time
Pick out a recipe for a hair mask or face mask and put it on
Before doing any of these, make sure they suit your hair & skin type
E.g. if you have frizzy and dry hair, use a moisturising and rejuvenating mask vs if you have sleek, straight hair - use a volume-enhancing mask. Same goes for your skin - evaluate whether you have dry skin, oily skin or combination 
Stick to the recommended leave in time! It can be extremely difficult to get out later otherwise
Or make your own mask! There’s tons of recipes on YouTube and Google :)
Make yourself a nice breakfast
Breakfast smoothies are amazing! A really simple recipe I use contains a few spoonfuls of oats, handful of fruits (e.g. blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, grapes), honey / sugar by taste and yogurt.
Or a nice bowl of your favourite cereal
Avocado toast - there are so many different varieties of this online, and I bet you’ll find that you like.
A fruit salad!
Eggs done the way you like
A full English if you’re feeling ambitious
Workout for an hour or so
This doesn’t have to be really equipment intense or challenging if you don’t want it to be
Some YouTubers I recommend: Chloe Ting, Emi Wong, Fitness Blender, MadFit, Blogilates, Yoga with Adrienne, etc. 
Don’t over exert yourself. Take longer than the recommended break time between exercises if you need to
Grab a new book, or a book you just enjoy reading
You can browse through Spotify for any playlists to listen to while reading - or use a playlist of songs you like
Listen to some music you like
Or discover some new music using Spotify’s ‘Discover’ feature
Preferably something that lifts your mood!
Pick out a recipe you’ve been meaning to try and just make it!
Dance around the house to some music
This can also be a sort-of-workout!
You can try learning a routine
TikTok dances are so stupidly fun
Maybe get a friend on vid-call and learn a dance with them
Make some TikToks
Or duet some on the app!
Get out a new bottle of wine - it’ll make you feel boujie ;)
Or your drink of choice - I’m not big into alc so I usually love a cool mint lemonade or iced coffee
Sit outside if the weather is nice
Or even if it’s rainy! I particularly love rainy days
Go for a walk around your neighbourhood
Do some grocery shopping! It can be surprisingly fun when you’re in no rush - plus, that’s a task off your future to-do list
Go meet a friend - stand at least 2m away and have a chat
Or text/ call your family / friends
Houseparty is great to use because it’s got games that you can play together if you’re not big on talking
Watch that TV series / movie you’ve been trying to get round to
Play with your pet, if you have one!
Do a cute lil photoshoot
Put on a nice outfit and take some nice pictures using the timer
Pictures with your pet
Or take pictures of your surroundings when outside
Or of the new dish you’ve impulsively made
Grab a pretty notebook
Start a bullet journal
Or a diary!
Do some journalling using journal prompts online
One really simple activity I really like is writing out 3 things that made my day :)
If you’re a poet or writer - write write write!
Maybe take the first step towards starting a blog (like I did last week, aha)
Play a musical instrument 
Or pick up something you haven’t played in a while
Try learning some basic chords online
Or just play your favourite music if you’re a professional
Sing along to your music!
Search up some online webinars and virtual events to attend
Lots of professional webinars on LinkedIn, even Facebook at times
Live museum and art gallery tours on Google!
Try some meditation
Headspace is a great freemium app, among others
Use a guided meditation from YouTube
Create a Pinterest account and start making boards
These can be pretty pictures
Or things you’ll have in your future house
Workout routines
Even more self-care recommendations
There’s this activity where you put your playlist on shuffle and draw what comes to your mind when you hear each song
Or just search up an image online and draw it
Doodle in your bullet journal / book if you have one
Embroider/ stitch some of your old clothes
Plenty of tutorials online!
You can stitch in some cute images :)
Try a new podcast 
There are so many to explore on Spotify under the Podcasts section
Or watch something on YouTube
Learn something new if you feel like it
Pick up a subject area of interest and search it up on YouTube
You’ll get so many results!
Reorganise your house / room
Put on some music to jam along to while doing this!
Or just tidy all those papers off the desk
Reorganise your drawers
Fold your clothes
Dust any surfaces - super satisfying!
Maybe spice up your furniture placement
Try moving things around - be careful not to strain yourself
Do some laundry maybe
Yawn, but can be satisfying once you’ve done it!
Purge your wardrobe of any old clothes
You can donate them to charities
Or sell them on apps like Depop
Do some online shopping
Be careful not to spend too much though! :)
Download a photoprint app and get some pictures printed
There’s a lot of apps that offer you __ amount of free prints with delivery costs - not a bad deal!
You can finally make a photowall / collage
Try some scrapbooking 
Get out some old newspapers and magazines and cut out any pictures of words that particularly catch your eye
Make pretty lil collages or spreads with them
Reorganise your digital folders
E.g. bookmarks on Chrome
Saved folders on Insta
Email folders
To Do lists
Give them pretty names so you’re more likely to use them in future
Catch up on some much needed sleep 
Afternoon cat naps are actually lovely!
Make yourself some tea or coffee and just sit by the window with some music
Cliché and niche, but makes you feel calmer!
Try some chai recipes online if you’re into relatively milky tea or trying out new recipes
I’m not a big fan of chai ^ which is surprising as an Indian, but my family and friends love it soo
Do something with your family / roommates
Movie night!
Group dinners (even better - themed dinners!)
Or a fine dining wine night (bonus points if you dress up!)
Board games night
Or just games night e.g. charades, Headbandz, Psych (app)
DnD - never tried it but sm people have recommended it!
Make some TikToks
Sit around and chat
This is random but you can make PPTs about things you like and present them to each other - good for shit n giggles :) 
Play an old online game e.g. Fireboy and Watergirl!
Create each other in the Sims 
Organise some friendly competitions :)
Truth or Dare? 
Look at star sign stuff with them - whether you believe or not, it’s an interesting thing to do nonetheless
Do Enneagram tests - extremely interesting and scarily accurate from my personal experience
Experimental cocktails maybe!
Some DIY arts and crafts!
Pitch a tent outside
Or make a pillow fort inside
Speaking of which - pillow fights!
Karaoke night
Or set up your own club - make a playlist, get some strobe lights or turn off the lights and get everyone to switch on their phone flash and just dance around. Get some drinks if you want as well!
Have a BBQ - great to do especially in the afternoons or early evenings!
Have a date night if it’s just the two of you :)
Have a picnic outside
Text someone something nice!
Win-win for the sender and the recipient :)
Great chance to reconnect with someone
Cleanse your devices & social media profiles
Change your profile pictures, bios
Archive / delete some pictures (we’re all guilty of this)
Maybe restart your account if you haven’t used it in too long, have too many random followers or just want to start afresh
Check your phone storage and delete stuff accordingly
Change your wallpaper / theme
Back up old pictures and delete them off your device 
And that’s my list for now! I might add to it later if something comes to me but I hope you guys enjoy this! :) 
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