#it was extremely obvious that she's not a nice person and I don't understand why everyone else didn't see it?
running-in-the-dark · 30 days
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acourtofthought · 2 months
What would you say are the top 3 (or 5) strongest clues that say Elucien/Gwynriel are gonna happen? The ones that really feel so solid to you.
Ooooh, this is a good question.
For Gwynriel:
That Gwyn is the only character to treat Az's shadows as being separate from himself. It' like a guy who begins dating a girl who has children but he never pays attention to them versus the guy who goes out of his way to get to know the children, proving that he understands the girl and her children are a packaged deal.
That Az is not looking as Gwyn as someone in need of his protection. I'm sure there will be some of that in their book, mates always look out for one another, but there is a big difference between "we can do this together" versus, "I'll do it for you so you don't get hurt".
That Gwyn seems to have a bloodthirsty side to her personality, just as Az does. He can torture in a symphony of pain which means he has chosen to finesse his craft. He's not "let's get this over as quick as possible because I don't like it," it's, "I'm going to draw this out nice and slow and make it hurt in ways you never dreamed." I think he feels guilty about his enjoyment of it afterward because he thinks it makes him a bad person but I think he gets satisfaction from the actual act. Someone like Gwyn who was excited over the thought of the Valkyries cracking skulls and skewering their enemies is well matched for his brutality.
That Gwyn and Az seem to prefer a smaller group of friends over being extremely social, the life of the party. Neither seems to mind their alone time.
For Elucien, there are so many:
That Elain and Lucien share important core values. They are quick to apologize for failing others, they both prefer to avoid violence, they both enjoy being social and engaging with others. There will never be a time where they have to check up on one another, "I'm sorry, is this too overwhelming for you? We can head home if you need".
That Lucien has been loyal to Elain and only Elain ever since he found out who she was to him. No, he did not instantly love her but he chose to respect their bond while he took the time to learn about her whereas he could have easily continued his rakish ways especially after learning she was engaged to someone else. Loyalty to the FMC is sexy.
That Lucien was the one to meet Elain's father and live in the human lands. These are two enormous parts of Elain's past, things that mattered a great deal to her and it will only ever be Lucien who has insider knowledge of who her father was and what being human is about.
That SJM retconned Lucien's father so he'd have the power of the sun in his veins and had Elain constantly by the sunniest windows, as if any bit of darkness was abhorrent, claiming that she needs Sunshine.
That Elain has not yet touched or truly gotten to know Lucien. If the author wanted us to see why they were poorly matched, she would have shown them interacting. She would have shown that despite their best efforts to acknowledge their bond, they were just not fitting. Instead, she has Elain keeping Lucien at a distance book after book and I will never believe the answer to that puzzle is because "she doesn't like him," "she's clearly not interested." An author would more likely prevent two mates from interacting in a major way because she knows there is something there. She knows characters like Elain and Lucien need to remain apart because their chemistry will be obvious the second they start really talking.
Because Elain can hear Lucien's heart and because she is the most beautiful female he'd ever seen. Because he knew she needed fresh air when every single other person in the IC just accepted her being cooped up in her room for weeks. There is a connection between Elucien that is never going away and it would ruin any other romance for either character. No matter what Elain might share with someone else, Lucien is always going to hold a piece of her that the other cannot touch.
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maochira · 2 months
Synopsis: For some reason, your brother thinks you and Ohma are dating. And you decide to take this chance to mess with him.
Tags: gn!Raian's older sibling!reader, reader is about Ohma's age, overprotective lil bro!Raian, mentions/descriptions of jealous Karura, lots of chaos, based on this ask I sent to @yellowelectroslime and the reblogs, @aneenasevla asked for this to be a fic and I am here to serve
Your younger brother has been behaving a little odd lately. Sure, he's always been weirdly overprotective over you while insisting on having a harsh rivalry with you at the same time, but his actions in recent times are... new.
The moment you are in a 10-meter radius of Ohma, Raian becomes tense. It always seems like half of his attention is on you and the other half is on Ohma.
No matter how much you think about it, you're never quite able to figure out a reason that makes sense. Your brother's aggressive and often irrational personality doesn't make it much easier. It's nothing you could address directly either because Raian is never honest about his feelings when it comes to something that concerns you. He'd rather find excuses or act as if you didn't say anything at all.
He has never even admitted how overprotective he is over you, no matter how many of the Kure Clan members have teased him about it and pointed it out.
You promised your brother to accompany him on a mission today. But you were so busy training with Ohma, you lost track of time and Raian ended up going without you. It's not like he needs your help anyway. It just would have been nice to spend time together as siblings - like you used to when you were younger.
You find yourself feeling guilty and knocking at your brother's door to apologize.
"You're just a tiny bit too late, you know?" Raian hisses while he opens the door. Even before he saw who knocked, he knew it could only be you. Who else would come to his room voluntarily?
"I'm sorry", you immediately apologize. "I forgot-"
"Yeah yeah I get it you were too busy making out with your boyfriend." Raian rolls his eyes while leaning against the doorframe. "I got the job done so don't worry about that."
The mention of "boyfriend" made your eyes widen a bit. This is the moment you realize why Raian has been acting so odd lately: He thinks you and Ohma are a couple.
Your reaction seems to prove Raian's suspicion - although he couldn't be more wrong. A condescending grin forms on his lips as he begins to speak again. "You really think I didn't notice what's going on between you and Ohma?"
It takes a lot of effort for you to hold back your own grin. "Oh? What do you think is going on between Ohma and me?"
A short huff escapes Raian. "It's so obvious that you're dating. Why didn't you simply tell me about it?" His expression begins to darken. "Don't you trust me?"
"Raian, come on-"
He quickly interrupts you. "Whatever. I figured it out on my own anyway."
Without giving you the chance to respond Raian shuts the door. You stand there for a few more seconds, wondering what to do now.
Every other person would clear up the misunderstanding. But not you. To you, this is the perfect opportunity to mess with your brother.
The next day when you meet up with Ohma to train, you immediately tell him what happened and that he should pretend to be your boyfriend. While Ohma doesn't completely understand why you want him to do that, he sees this as a chance to hopefully get Karura to understand he's not her boyfriend or future husband.
For the next two weeks, you and Ohma have your fun fake-dating and laughing about Raian's reactions in secret. It's hilarious to see your brother getting angry over something that's not even real.
Karura on the other side is extremely jealous of you. She's passive-aggressive whenever she talks to you and sees you as a rival now. Unfortunately for Ohma, she keeps accusing him of cheating on her and tells you to stay away from him. Occasionally you get death threats from her and just to be extra careful you don't accept any food from her - who knows if she poisoned it?
"Maybe it's time to drop our lie." Ohma suggests as you finish today's training. "I don't want Karura to end up hurting you." While he says it with a slight chuckle, you also know he's serious.
"Eh, I'm way stronger than her so that's not an issue. I know she'd never attack me anyway." You respond with a shrug, although you still agree with Ohma's suggestion. "But yes, we should tell them. I think if we keep this up any longer the other clan members are going to think we're a couple as well."
Ohma nods in agreement and leans his back against the wall. "Alright. It was your idea, so you have to be the one to tell Raian the truth."
Simply imagining a scenario like that causes you to groan in frustration. Ohma is right, it was your idea. And also, Raian is your brother. If Ohma told him the truth things would end up a lot worse than you intended when you started messing with Raian.
After leaving the training grounds you spot Raian on your way home, so you decide right now is the best moment to tell him. As long as you're outside, he hopefully won't yell too loud.
"Yo, lil bro!" You call out and walk into your brother's direction.
"Don't call me that." He hisses and crosses his arms in front of his chest.
He's always hated being called your little brother. To him, it sounds as if you were above him. Raian prefers the term "younger brother" because it only points out the age difference. And besides, he's taller than you, because for some reason the youngest siblings are always the tallest.
"Do you have a moment to talk? There's something important I wanna tell you."
Raian raises an eyebrow, slightly intrigued but not wanting to show it too much. "Shoot."
"Ohma and I aren't dating." You reply rather bluntly.
For a few moments, Raian only stares back at you. He's confused and goes through all the things that would prove you and Ohma being a couple.
Since your brother doesn't say anything in response, you decide to continue.
"When you first told me you knew Ohma was my boyfriend, I was confused but thought it'd be fun for us to pretend to mess with you."
The grin on your face is quickly wiped away when Raian suddenly grabs your collar and steps closer to tower over you. "You son of a bitch! Why would you do that?!"
Being called "son of a bitch" by your brother sure is ironic, but right now isn't the moment to point that out. Instead, you begin to smirk again because there's no way you're letting your little brother have the upper hand right now. It was you who messed with him in the first place, and it should be you who gets the last word in this.
"It was funny. Seeing how my little brother gets all overprotective just because he thought I had a boyfriend. And you always pretend to not care that much about me."
"Shut up!" Raian yells right into your face before letting you go. "I am NOT overprotective! I was just... whatever, that's unimportant by now anyways! Thank god you're not actually dating him."
There's so much more you could respond, but Raian sees Ohma walking by and immediately calls his name, then challenges him to a fight.
You being you, you immediately say you'll join as well.
If you liked this, please remember to reblog with fun tags or any type of feedback! It's the best way to support me and my writing!
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samiswifey · 9 months
Just Talk To Each Other
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Pairing: Sam Carpenter x fem!reader
Warning: none
Summary: since the last ghostface attack Sam continued her therapy and met you there. As the weeks passed by you guys grew close and feeling definitely grew between you guys. However neither of you were ready to say anything in fear of losing the other.
It was six in the morning and you and Sam were both up early eating breakfast and making light conversation. Neither of you couldn't sleep for some reason, so you both decided to wake up make breakfast and just talk.
The conversation wasn't deep or super meaningful but it was calming and nice to just be around each other. You both have been through pretty similar things and it was comforting to be around somebody who understands what you've been through. Although neither you nor Sam would ever admit it really you both like that you got each other without having to say anything. It was nice.
"Your birthday is Saturday. Have any plans on what you would like to do?" Sam asked.
You shook your head as you frowned a little. "My birthday has never been celebrated. My mom was always too high or drunk to remember and my father hated my birthday because it reminds him of the day his life was ruined and refused to even celebrate it." You told her. "So I never celebrate my birthday. It comes and goes without much of a thought from me."
That made Sam extremely sad to hear and she couldn't help but feel bad for you. "If you could have your dream birthday celebration what would it be?" She asked. You thought for a moment before answering. "Dinner with friends at my favorite restaurant, ice cream at that new shop that opened up and then watching my favorite movie." You said. "I know it's not much or huge but it's what I've always wanted. A day focused on me, doing what I want."
Sam immediately kept that in her mind because she was going to make your birthday the best day ever! She was going to hopefully change it so that you now look forward to it every year. She's going to change your life.
"Don't forget I have therapy today. So I'll be back later than usual." You said.
Sam nodded but knotted her eyebrows together. "Why would I forget that?" She asked. You chuckled a little. "Because you have a million things on your plate and you tend to forget things. Also I know how you freak out when I'm not home on time." You said.
Sam wouldn't admit that you were about that but you were. However nobody can really blame her considering everything she's been through the last two years. It was understandable that she would be worried if you're not home on time.
"So how are things going with the sisters? Any attacks recently?" Beverly asked.
You frowned at her obvious dig at Sam's killer bloodline. "Sam wouldn't hurt me or anyone. Those rumors aren't true." You snapped. Beverly laughed as she narrowed her eyes at you. "Y/N I just don't get how you can trust someone like Sam who's father was a killer. If I was you I'd keep my guard up around psycho girl." She said.
You were growing increasingly angry at the girl. "Sam isn't psycho and she wouldn't hurt me. In fact she's the only person in this city that I know for a fact I can trust." You said strongly. Beverly laughed at that and quickly turned to face you.
"Y/N don't you find it strange how everyone who's been around her always winds up dead. Everywhere she goes ghostface comes back decides to going on a killing spree. Amber, Ritchie and his family all dead after they met Samantha. Anika dead after she met Sam and her sister, along with kids she used to babysit all got seriously injured because of her!" She fired. "You are next if you continue being around the daughter of a killer."
The anger in your eyes grew but immediately disappeared when you looked passed Beverly and noticed Sam standing there. "Sam."
Sam was tense as she held a paper bag in her hand and glanced between you and Beverly. "I just wanted to drop off your lunch since you forget it this morning." She spoke softly. You slowly approached her and took her hand. "Thank you Sammy. You're amazing." You said honestly. Sam relaxed when you said that and smiled a little. "We'll talk later." She said. You nodded at that. "Ok."
After Sam left you unloaded on Beverly in a very quiet but sturn way and told her to watch her mouth when it comes to Sam. That she didn't know the girl or what happened and she can't talk about things that she doesn't even know the truth about. She knows Reddit forms and the rumors, she doesn't know the truth like you do so she in less words should shut up.
Leaving the sandwich shop Sam immediately put her hands in her pockets. She was taking what Beverly said to heart right now because they girl wasn't wrong. People who come in contact with her do get hurt, they do get killed and it haunts her. She knows her father being ghostface ruins everyone's first impression of her. People don't trust her because they think she'll be just like her father, when that's never been the case. She's nothing like him and she really wished people would understand that.
Sitting alone Sam couldn't help but think about Beverly's words. They haven't left her head. However she's not trying that hard to not think of them. Everything said was true and she knew that but she tried not to believe it because she knew herself. At least she thinks she does.
"Sam what are you doing here?" Tara asked when she saw her sister.
Sam shrugged, with her hands still in her pockets. "I, uh, wanted to see you. See how your day has been." She said quickly. Tara knew it was more but didn't push her sister to tell her, so she just let it go for now. "Things are fine. I have a pretty big project due next week so I'll be spending the night at Mindy's so we can work together." She said. Sam nodded as her eyes looked all over. "Uh before that do you think you could help me?"
Tara was shaking her head as she watched Sam try (and fail) at making a cake. She didn't understand how Sam could be such a great cook but completely failed when it comes to baking. It really doesn't make any sense.
"Sam, I love you, but buy a cake!" Tara says. "You can order it today and have it ready by Saturday."
Sam pouted but agreed because that was a much easier idea then her trying to do this. "I guess you're right." She mumbles. Tara looks at her and stepped closer. "You never bake. After the cake you made for my birthday you swore off baking." She said. "So what made you change your mind now?"
Sam played with her fingers while completely avoiding eye contact with her younger sister. "I wanted to do something nice for Y/N's birthday. I wanted her to know that she's special to me." She said. "Do something for her."
Tara knew what her sister was saying without saying it. She knew because she was the same way with Amber, but unlike you, Amber didn't appreciate it.
"I haven't known Y/N long but I do think that whatever you do she'll love." She says.
Sam sighs as she continued playing with her fingers. "I know, but she told me what she wants. She told me how she wants a day about her and doing things she likes. So I'm trying to do that for her." She said. "I just want her to know that she's not ignored."
Saturday came fast then expected and you found yourself wide awake in your room just wondering what today was going to bring you. Your birthday usually never felt any different from any other day of the year, but today it did. You could feel it in your heart that today was going to be different.
"Y/N are you up? I have something for you?" Sam said through the door.
You sat up and held a pillow close to you to protect yourself, for some reason. "Yeah I'm up." You called out. The door opened slowly and Sam came in holding a stack of pancakes in her hand. "First, happy birthday! And two, I've made pancakes because I know they're your favorite." She said softly. "I hope you like it."
You smiled as you took the plate from her. "Sammy this is great. Thank you so much." You said. Sam stood off to the side as she fiddled with her nails. "So what did you want to do? What are your plans?" She asked.
You shrugged as you cut up the pancakes. "I was thinking of getting take out and watching this movie I found. Nothing big." You said. Sam nodded as she looks at you. "Any thing else?" She questions. You felt confused by her question. "What else would we do?" You asked. "I mean, yes it's my birthday, but it's still just another day. Nothing special," you added.
Sam sits down at the edge of the bed. "Well, what have you been wanting to do that you haven't done?" She asked. You thought about it for a while because there was a lot you haven't done. "I would like to go to the museum. I never have been to one because my parents wouldn't let me and I have always wanted to go." Yo said. Sam smiles "done."
Standing at the entrance of the museum you couldn't believe that you were here. You thought it was all talk until you and crew actually arrived at the museum. You wanted to pay but they wouldn't let you. In fact Tara took your card and kept it on her so you couldn't pay for anything. Today was about you and they were all treating you to everything today.
Walking inside the group split up. They all went different directions, leaving you and Sam alone together. You smiled at her and took her hand as you led her towards the art section of the museum. Since you were an art major in college you loved learning about art. It was something you enjoyed doing in your free time.
As you two looked at the art on the walls you talked to Sam about everything you had learned about certain pictures. You told her what you remembered and she lit up as you explained things to her. It made your heart go crazy over the fact that she was obviously enjoying what you were telling her. People usually didn't care what you said, so having Sam actually care made you really happy.
Walking around slowly you and Sam held hands as you looked at everything. You guys made conversation about what you saw. You liked listening to Sam talk and it made you really happy that she was enjoying something that you liked. Her joy wasn't fake or forced and that was another positive about her. She was great.
Spending most of the day at the museum was an absolute dream come true for you! It was everything you imagined and more. Even though it was a very last minute plan Sam made every moment perfect. It was great.
Leaving the museum you and Sam were still holding hands as the group walked back to the car. Today has been great and you've only done two things. It was heartwarming that Sam would do this for you and you couldn't help but think about what you'd do to make it up to her because she really deserves this.
"Sam don't forget the cake!" Mindy blurted out, but quickly covered her mouth when everyone looked at her with harsh glares.
You looked at everyone. "What cake?" You asked. Sam was glaring at Mindy through the rearview mirror before looking at you. "I had a cake made three days ago for your birthday. It was supposed to be a surprise." She said. You smiled at her and took her hand. "I really appreciate that but I would have taken a box cake." You said.
"Oh Sam can't back. That's why she ordered one." Tara said easily, which made everyone laugh.
Sam rolls her eyes but smiled at you. "So would you mind picking up the cake first before we get food?" She asked. You shook your head. "Absolutely not."
Arriving at the cake shop Sam quickly gave the name of the order and waited with you as they went to go get the order. You looked at her. "Thank you for doing this. I really, really appreciate it." You said kindly. Sam smiled at you. "Don't mention it." She says. Things were quiet as you both locked eyes together, and it slowly felt like gravity was pulling you guys together. Neither of you stopped until you met in the middle and shared a kiss. It was quick and you both pulled away before things could go forward. Nothing was said as you both stood in silence together.
With the cake in hand you and Sam left in awkward silence as you got back in the car. You still sat next to her but neither of you said anything as she drove back home. You could really cut the tension with a knife but you both didn't know what to do. How do you talk about this? What do you say?
"Can we eat cake first before eating dinner?" Tara asked.
"Yeah I really want cake right now." Mindy added.
Sam speared you a quick glance before looking at the ground. "Only if it's ok with Y/N. It is her birthday and her cake." She said. Both Tara and Mindy looked at you, begging you to eat cake first. You sighed but smiled a little. "Go ahead. Have cake." You said easily. They both thanked you before running off to cut the cake.
After the cake had been cut and the food had been served the group gathered around the tv to watch the movie that you rented. It was a small indie film that had just been released to streaming and you were excited to watch. However things with Sam were still tense and you sat wondering if she was mad at you.
As the movie went on you just couldn't focus. Your mind was else where, wondering if Sam hated you. She has really talked much since the cake shpo and you were worried that she now hated you because of what happened. She must hate you for the kiss in the shop. Feeling overwhelmed you quickly excused yourself and left. You ran to the bathroom and locked yourself inside. You had to think.
"Ok what's going on?" Chad asked.
"Yeah you and Y/N have been acting weird since the cake shop." Tara pointed out. "So spill Sam."
Sam avoided eye contact with everyone as the played with her hands. "Uh... Well... We kissed. It was quick, very quick but we kissed." She said. They all looked at her and held back the burst of excitement they wanted to yell because they could tell that Sam was sad. "Then what's wrong?" Mindy asked. Sam frowned "I... Don't know. We didn't talk but things got so tense between us and I don't know what to do." She says. Chad, Tara and Mindy looked at her. "Talk to her Sam!"
Sitting alone you were trying to think of a way to talk to Sam and move past this. You hated the tension and you wanted to go back to how you were. However before you could think there was a soft tap on the door.
"Y/N can we talk?"
Slowly opening the door you were face with brown eyes staring right at you. "What did you want to talk about?" You asked softly. Sam closed her eyes for a second before opening them. It was taking all her strength to say what she was about to say.
"I like you Y/N. I've liked you for a while now but I never knew how to tell you. I'm not good with talking about my feelings, so sometimes I'll just react on them. I did that tonight because I couldn't hold back anymore. I just really-"
You cut her off by kissing her again. This time it was longer and filled with more passion as you poured everything you felt for her into that kiss. Since the moment you met Sam you liked her. She was beautiful, strong and had a great sense of humor. When you were alone you guys grew close. She knew things about you that nobody else did. You liked Sam.
Pulling away you smiled at her. "I like you to Sam. I always have." You said. Sam smiled and hugged you. "I'm really glad to hear that." She says. You laughed as you pulled away and smiled at her. Today has been one of the most amazing days ever and it's all thanks to Sam Carpenter.
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wilcze-kudly · 21 days
Bolin and Fawning
So, I've wanted to make a post elaborating on Bolin and his people-pleasing tendencies for a while now. Since I incorporate this aspect of his character into most of my fics and I belive it is the key to understanding a lot of his behaviours during the show.
There's no way you can't interpret Mako and Bolin's childhood as traumatic. Having a parent killed in front of one is bad enough, however the continued strain and fear of their childhood spent on the streets likely would've caused complex trauma and lasting psychological effects.
Mako: [Defensive and angrily.] No! You don't know what you're talking about. I just ran numbers for them and stuff. We were orphans out on the street; I did what I had to do to survive and protect my little brother. Korra :[Frontal shot; sympathetically.] I'm sorry. It must have been really hard. [Pauses; carefully.] Can I ask what happened to your parents? Mako :[Close side shot; sighs.] They were mugged, by a firebender. He cut them down right in front of me. I was eight.
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Mako : Why? He got paid. You didn't see any pro-benders crying for us when mom and dad died, and we got dumped on the street. Life is hard. You either hustle or get hustled.
For Mako, the way his childhood affected him is pretty obvious. He puts up a tough exterior, as he is the person who usually confronts the danger and protects Bolin both physically and emotionally (to some extent).
Bolin is less obvious.
In fact, he sometimes seems like his difficult childhood barely affected him at all. He's upbeat, cheerful and jovial... the complete oposite of what one would assume someone suffering from horrific trauma would.
Bolin tries extremely hard to make himself palatable to others. He is a people pleaser, through and through.
And this reaction would make sense, when you remember Bolin's circumstances throughout a huge part of his childhood.
He was a small child, completely dependent on his brother, surrounded by dangerous and horrible people. Shady Shin was more than willing to attack the boys at the drop of the hat, depite them having been working for the triple threats for a while. Him and his brother had to scrape and beg for money and food. Their lives were at the mercy of complete strangers.
Why wouldn't Bolin be wary of other people's emotions, when pissing someone off could mean the literal death of him and his brother.
His trauma manifests in a way very in line of the fawning response, one of the four trauma response.
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Let's go through some signs of fawning:
Looking to others to see how you feel in a relationship or situation
Bolin has spent his entire childhood looking to Mako for advice and guidance. This is a pattern that has kept them both safe and relatively comfortable throughout all their hardships.
It's only natural that Bolin would still continue this pattern into their late teens. He reaches out to Mako for advice.
Bolin: So, what do you think of Korra, in a "girlfriend" sort of way? Mako : She's great! But I think it makes more sense for me to go for Asami. Bolin: [Slightly annoyed.] I was talking about a girlfriend for me! Leave some ladies for the rest of us!
Or he takes Mako's advice even if he initially disagrees. Mako holds incredible sway over Bolin, even deep into their adulthood.
Mako: So, you and Opal seemed to hit it off dinner. I think she's really into you. Bolin: Yeah, I know. She's sweet and pretty and super nice. Too bad she's not my type. Mako: Right, I forgot. Your type is dumb mover star or psycho ice princess. Bolin: [Spits out his toothpaste.] You know, that really hurts a little bit. Right ... [Presses a fist to his chest.] here. [Looks at mirror, adjusting his hair.] Maybe you're right, bro. Maybe Opal is Bolin material. Thanks. [Flirts with his reflection.] Yeah!
He also reaches out to Mako in times of distress, like when he was having trouble with Eska. Which doesn't surprise me, the brothers are still, to some extent, stuck in the same place they were as children. Bolin as the small child under Mako's protection, despite them both being almost grown men. When Mako starts rejecting Bolin's pleas for help, dealing with his own problems at the time, Bolin starts looking for someone to fill a similar role in Varrick. Which is a terribke idea because Varrick is evil.
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Feeling like one has no identity or authentic self
Bolin is a performer in many ways. As a probender, a mover star and simply as a person. He bases his perception of himself on how people percieve him and around the people who are close to him. Team Avatar is a huge part of his own identity and he is terrified and dismayed when his friends start growing as people while he stagnates.
Bolin: I guess I just miss my friends. Everything is going so well for me, but it feels empty without everyone around. Korra's gone, Mako's in jail, you're doing ... business-lady stuff. Team Avatar's fallen apart.
Bolin hasn't yet "found himself". He flits from passion to passion, from career to career. He's not sure of who he is, and what he is supposed to do in life. He's carefully crafted a pleasant persona, and now he has difficulty telling what is part of that persona and what is truly him.
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Constantly trying to please other people, whether through flattery, affection, or catering to the demands of others
Where do I start. This is one of Bolin's defining characteristics. I don't think he even realises what he's doing, bue is very good at catering to people.
Varrick: Look how these people love you, kid! They're eating that cornball spiel right out of your hand. Bolin: The trick is, whenever I get confused, I just say "Republic City" or "fans", and then everyone cheers. Varrick: I think I just figured out your true calling.
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It doesn't even feel very manipulative, more like a puppy that learnt that performing certain trick will get them a treat. To Bolin, subconsciously, pleasing others is a survival strategy.
At the first sign of conflict, the first instinct is to “appease” the angry person
This behaviour can be seen in multiple situations. The most stark examples of this are his relationships with Eska and Kuvira.
Bolin immediately began appeasing Eska, letting her abuse slide, basically being her slave and practically bendig over backwards to keep her from terrorising him. He's still terrified of her years later in B4.
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Bolin and Kuvira's relationship, while not romantic, follows a very similar pattern as the one with Eska. Very little has changed since that. I find it absolutely heartwrenching how Bolin did his best to accomodate Kuvira, that he stuck by her when everyone he knew was telling him she was bad news, all while she was manipulating and using him.
Kuvira: [Menacingly.] Your loyalty seems to be wavering. Bolin: [Panicked.] No--no, I'm totally on your side, completely, one-hundred-percent loyal.
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Ignoring one's own beliefs, needs, preferences, thoughts, and feelings to please others
This once again, goes back to Kuvira as the most obvious example. There are other ones, such as Bolin only getting with Opal because Mako suggested it, and his role as Nuktuk. But Bolin's scenes with Kuvira really highlight his tendency to minimise his own needs and feelings in order to please someone.
Bolin: I'm just not sure about this whole "Empire" thing. It seems pretty aggressive. And what was that part about the crushing? Kuvira: That was just some ... tough rhetoric to let people know that we mean business. Believe me, [Puts a hand on his shoulder.] conflict is the last thing I want. Will you help me make history, Bolin? Bolin: [Doubts for a moment.] I'll stand by you. Kuvira :Thank you.
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Trouble setting healthy boundaries in relationships
This loops back to Eska, but I think Bolin just has issues with boundaries in general. He struggles with setting boundaries with his romantic partners of course, but he also struggles with this when it comes to Mako. Granted, it is also probably because Mako himself subconsciously doesn't want Bolin to set those boundaries. The bros falling out of their typical codependent state must be terrifying for them, since it's what kept them alive for so long.
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Bolin probably has very little understanding of boundaries, since his own were probably disrespected so much when he was growing up.
Okay that's enough of me rambling about best boy for now. Apologies if this is poorly phrased I really wanted to get this out before i go to bed tonight and im really sleepy.
There's a lot more I wanna touch on with Bolin, and this serves as more of a compilation of notes about his behaviours. A jumping off point, if you could call it that. If there's a specific point you want me to elaborate on, please feel free to ask! I'd be glad to ramble.
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witchthewriter · 8 months
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𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @klausssluvv.
𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑫𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒌 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔! You said you were poly and your blog is about submissive men and I just ... went for it. I was in the Teen Wolf fandom and Sterek was a most popular ship. I can see Derek being bisexual, and Stiles being pansexual.
You and Derek work because he would be protective, almost possessive over you. He's adventurous but does have a grumpy old-man aura.
You would work with Stiles because he's funny, out there, EXTREMELY adventurous and wild. Oh and very chaotic.
It was a shock to both men. (Oh and this is after Stiles has graduated from Beacon Hills). But you pushed them both into a room and told them how you felt
They were shocked but ... there was tension between them. For a long time, there had been. And it took them a while to process this. To understand what it meant.
But they agreed. And even though Derek was the Alpha of his own pack, you're definitely the one in charge in this relationship. And Stiles? Well Stiles is just happy to be desired
Derek is extremely protective over the both of you - he tries to hide it with Stiles, but is open about it with you.
"Y/n, I cannot risk you being there. Please, just stay home where it's safe." Derek walks up to you, kissing your forehead then turns to your side, where Stiles is standing.
"Don't-" but the tall werewolf is cut off by Stiles' lips.
"It'll be fine, don't worry," you say, holding onto both of their arms. They nod and Derek turns to leave. When he's out the door, your eyes flick to Stiles.
"So, you driving or am I, loverboy?"
He looked at you with a stoney face, arms crossed. But within seconds he broke.
"Derek is going to kill me."
"Aw, come on handsome. He would before, but not now... I think."
It's pretty obvious that you have a lot of nicknames for Stiles, and he doesn't mind them in the slightest. They actually give him butterflies. But you only have one pet name for Derek, and no one else is allowed to hear it but him.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Soldier, Poet, King by the Oh Hellos (because the three of you represent each trope: Soldier = You, Poet = Stiles, King = Derek
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
"Shut Up” (Derek) x “Make Me” (Stiles) x “Just Kiss Already.” (You) 
The Chaotic (You) x The Dumbass (Stiles) x The Voice of Reason (Derek)
Moon (Derek)  x Eclipse (You) x Sun (Stiles)
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Everyone Knew About Your Feelings But You (And Derek and Stiles...)
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Derek loves your gutsiness. Your unrelenting nature. Nothing can stand in your way, and no one can tell you no. Even though he hates when you don't listen to him, he knows he cannot control a thing that you do.
Stiles loves how you love so fiercely, and your loyalty. It makes him feel full. Like there's someone who loves just as strongly as he does. And it makes him feel complete.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Is Allison, which was a bit of a shock since she has such a strong moral compass. She always pulls you up because your plans don't include saving everyone in Beacon Hills (I mean - they aren't that nice, so why save all of them?) But Allison reminds you that you're the good guys.
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix of Lydia, Malia, and Erica. All three of these young women have a wildness, a chaotic part of themselves. They know the nature of life, and sometimes you cannot always save everyone. They aren't set on morals, but they are passionate.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
Ironically, it's a cat. Who despises Derek, and loves Stiles. She may look like a prissy princess, and she is sometimes, but because you're her main person, she loves to cuddle with you.
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑬𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒕! You remind me a lot of Rosalie, and who better to ship you with than Emmett? I think he would make you laugh - helping you forget all the terrible things in life. He's very adventurous too and would help you break out of your shell
Knows a lot more than you realise. Sometimes you think he isn't listening, but he absolutely adores you and wants to listen to every word you say, but hates coming off as a lovesick puppy (although that's exactly what he is)
Talks to you about sports a lot (like a whole fucking lot). He just gets so excited
Likes to scare hug you. Like run up behind you and pick you up and swing you around.
Emmett loves giving you knives as presents. But they're actually really old and expensive. Oh, and extremely beautiful with intricate details.
You guys are chaos personified and fun is a common theme in your relationship. You're so close with each other, knowing things that no one else does.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Feral Love by Chelsea Wolfe
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Teases Them (Emmett) x About To End Them (You)
Overthinking This (You) x Not Thinking At All (Emmett)
Menace To Society (You) x Their Sidekick Who Loves The Chaos (Emmett)
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Emmett loves that you understand his mind and his decisions. That he won't be chastised because you both come to the same conclusions. He feels less alone in the world, and he didn't even know that he felt that way. It's like the universe dropped you into his life ...
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Bella; you welcomed her into the family and love having her around. She stands up to Edward (who you always thought was a bit of a bore and tried your best not to let him read your mind). You two have similar interests, and become sisters very quickly. If you aren't with Emmett, you're usually with Bella.
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix of Rosalie, Bella and Emmett. I think you're chaotic but intimidating. You know not to trust everyone, and you don't. However, you do have a passion, or this fight within you - you know you deserve all the good in the world.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
(I'm assuming you would become a vampire so-)
You couldn't have a warm-blooded animal like a dog or a cat because ... well... ya know. But you still liked animals and it made you sad that you couldn't have a family pet. So Emmett, with the help of the other family members (notably the most responsible ones) created and installed a home aquarium/fish tank! Filled with colourful fish and sea creatures.
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟎𝟎
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝑴𝒖𝒑𝒓𝒉𝒚! He was known as the antihero, the one who was on the outside,. but as time went by, he became a part of the core group. He sees your intelligence, and I can imagine him watching you from afar, trying to figure you out.
Understands the mental illnesses that you have. Maybe not all of them, but he gets how they can affect you. Because he himself has PTSD and god, probably many other things. But there's no one to diagnose.
He has a plan for you when you're really overwhelmed. He's even written it down and stuck it to the wall of where you live, in case you're in a panic attack and cannot think
Loves how feisty you can be, he sometimes thinks, 'fuck, we could have ruled the world together.'
Murphy knows you're the one for him, there will be no one else if you leave him, if this doesn't work out etc. He's set on marrying you.
Always defends you no matter what - even if he disagrees with you, he won't say so until you're alone together. (Also he never raises his voice or yells or gets heated during arguments).
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
More Alike Than Different
Murphy Not Believing You Could Ever Love Him Back But You Do
Always Picking Fights (You) x Ready To Fight As Well But Grumbles About It (Murphy)
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
 Rivals to Friends to Forced Proximity to Lovers
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Your badassness which is really your fierce personality. It's the way you don't let people cross you, you don't let others treat you like shit. Because hey, you're the last of humanity, you survived, and nothing will get in your way.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Octavia and Raven; a group of daughters of the moon. You all have a dark side, which is why you can all relate to each other. And then there's this notion that neurodivergent people somehow find other neurodivergent people - like magnets. You keep each other from going to the extreme, from going too far and losing a part of yourselves.
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix of Murphy, Octavia and Raven. Rebellious, stand-offish and blunt. You let people know what you're thinking. Unique, you aren't like neurotypicals, which means your brain functions differently (I can relate!!). And I think Murphy, Octavia and Raven can relate as well. They definitely have neurodivergent minds.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
How had he survived? You had no idea. None at all. But the sweet dog had somehow ... imprinted on you. Or rather, chose you. Like a familiar, he had saved you from rogues who tried to capture you. And when you told Murphy, he actually wanted to thank the dog somehow. And that's how it started, from there you couldn't shake him off. He was yours.
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ystrike1 · 2 years
The Neighbor in Room 203 Disappeared Leaving a Key Behind - By Parasite Garden (7.5/10)
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Well, this is everything I don't like in a shiny package. The art is gorgeous. The guy is gorgeous. He is the highlight. His design is both cute and mature. That combination makes him scarier. It's also unique. I know this is someone else's golden goose. I know I'm not the only one who is tired of big men with black hair and red eyes. Give this a read if you like bad endings. You know what kind of bad I mean.
Ms. Neighbor is a weirdo. She lives in constant shame and she's madly in love with her neighbor. She's a stalker with some morals. She doesn't want to hurt her crush. She desperately wants to know more about him. Her needs make her cross certain lines. She digs through his garbage sometimes.
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Nagi is cool. He's handsome and nice too, but he's not very popular. He's a normal guy, not an idol. Stalking him is not an acceptable thing to do. Neighbor is 100% miserable and she regrets every creepy thing she does.
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She explodes with guilt. Nagi invites her over to tea. Neighbor has gone too far, and she knows it. She's been sending tea to his home, and leaving letters every day. She wants to stop before she gets too obsessed.
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Nagi doesn't want her to stop. He's worse. His nice personality is also fake. He doesn't feel regret. He doesn't feel guilty about what he's doing. He's not particularly lonely like Neighbor. His obsession seems to be mostly sexual...which is a minus point for me but whatever this is a oneshot. He has dolls shaped like her. They're very expensive and he's broken two of them so far with his...enthusiasm...
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He thinks she understands him, but it's fairly obvious that their stalking habits are wildly different. Nagi wants to uproot Neighbor from her life and kidnap her. Neighbor wanted to date him, and when she sees the dolls she hates his guts. No hesitation. Her love vanishes. That's another minus point for me. Why establish how weird Neighbor is if you aren't going to lean into it? Oh well. Neighbor is an unwilling kidnapping victim even though she was obsessed with Nagi for a long time.
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Nagi has been doing this for a long time. He's been waiting for the right moment. When they became neighbors he acted like her ideal guy. A normal, extremely handsome guy. What single woman could resist? Also Nagi is a skilled stalker who uses computers and disguises to get the job done. Neighbor didn't know she had a stalker. She thought she was the freak.
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Nagi has been stalking Neighbor for too long. He thinks of her as a doll now. She's his beloved treasure that he wants to play with. He wants to play with her every day. Every second. His whole life is all about following her around. Her stalking was a confession to him. He basically thinks they are already a couple.
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Also his obsession with dolls grew over time. He's so... enthusiastic and horny at his point. He'd be fine with a wife-doll made of her skin. She decides to suffer in order to survive. He's too unhinged to care about her life. He wants to live with her. He's tired of just following. He wants all of her.
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Nagi is an extremely depraved man. He runs a private blog. A small group of super fans have been watching him masturbate to Neighbor. His stalking is their entertainment. When they have sex he films it for his fans. He wants to show her off, because she's the prettiest doll.
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He doesn't care about her feelings in the slightest. He doesn't use a condom. He uses drugs and he is excited to have a family with her.
He locks her in the luggage bag he stores his dolls in, and he moves out of his apartment. It is heavily implied that he is going to move to a foreign country with her. She might even be dead in the box, but I don't think so. Neighbor is willing to debase herself to live, and he really wants her to have his kids.
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ARI *slams palm on table* i WOULD LIKE TO KNOW. YOUR JJK CHASE ATLANTIC THOUGHTS PLEASE. (i agree very geto very gojo very megs)
SEL. take a seat we’re gonna be here for a while. here r some snacks for u while u read <33 🍦🥪🥤
but okokokok so these are my general assignments!!!!! pls let me know what u think…
gojo; heaven and back, ozone, obsessive, vibes
geto; swim, triggered, hold your breath, moonlight
megumi; roxanne, august
FIRST OFFFF heaven and back…… obvious gojo pick. sue me but it rly is so Him. so pretty and angelic and high and mighty………. but also kinda melancholic?? the way he flirts w godhood…. yeah. the chorus makes me think of him so bad sel. and the instrumental in general.. hhhh…. T_T
and then!! ozone!!! star and space symbolism aside…. its just so pretty and soft n hypnotic. and the lyrics GOD the lyrics sel…. the angst of it all. the same person that i need is the one i’m running from // i don't know why……….. oh, no, you don't understand // i neglected you again (explodes) 
as for obsessive and vibes….. no pun intended but both of these just have gojo vibes to me. Extreme gojo vibes. they feel so warm and nice 🥺☹️ n make me smile sm!! i can see the edits in my head 
BUT ALSOO the lyrics in vibes……….
oh, she says i’m out of her league // i don't think so // i’m not ready to leave, but i should go
and i’m ready if you're ready to go // just say the word, just say the word // please say the word
let this feeling slide // and girl, i’m yours tonight 
HEAVY on the last one im a big advocate of satoru ”im yours” gojo <33
(also sel…. i just finished reading col 2 and im gonna write a whole bible for it BUT for some reason these lyrics just make me think of col!reader and gojo…… idk why exactly its just such a lovely song and it makes me think of like. gojo being w someone hes comfy with!!!! after hes started letting his guard down more…. can i imply that it’s alright to let me in? // just give me time PSJFJD THEY MAKE ME INSANEEE)
but okok gojo aside. cracks knuckles….. Sugu Time
ive assigned him angsty songs but also some that r very soft bc to me he just has that contrast yknow…. teen sugu is the softest boy in the world to me but obv breakdown sugu is angsty and cult leader geto is just Twisted. and i love them all!!!!
swim…… its just. mesmerizing and pretty but also just a lil twisted to me… i feel like it can work for a lot of different versions of sugu. you picked a dance with the devil and you lucked out……… world is on my shoulders // keep your body open……. i’m exorcising demons, got ’em running ’round the block now???? its HIM.
AND AND….. triggered. this one is mostly just the overall vibe and the way it sounds but like… idk. i can just SEE the edits in my head yknow……. geto during his deterioration…. the moment he just snaps. and then his acceptance afterwards…. patience is a virtue // and i’m all out of time right now…….. tell me u see the vision
angsty songs aside i had to give him smth soft because soft sugu is real to me. so we have hold your breath…. obv emphasis on teen sugu here but i just think he loves so gently…. hold your breath // we’ll be just fine….. the smoke’s building in my lungs // well, goddamn, i’ve gotta have you…….. 😔😔😔
and finally the biggest sugu song of them all imo!!!! (and also my fave :3) is moonlight. i just adore it soo much its so lovely…. and above all else sugu is so unbelievably mooncoded to me. which is weird bc canonically hes suncoded. but hes also such a moon character……. and the ocean!! any kind of mention of drowning/waves/etc just makes my brain go ”suguru” 
the lyrics are just. so so SO sugu like;
we’re diving through the bottom of the ocean // swimming through a bottle of emotions, girl
you’re hanging for a good time // something that'll make you stay
caught up in your own small world // well, i might wanna see it then // call it hesitation, girl
we’re running in the moonlight // could you show me the way again?
and then FINALLY we have gumi ….. to me hes just such a softie. so both these songs are soft and a little sad bc hes also a sad boy.
roxanne is sooo pretty and the lyrics make me think of him!! in particular college!gumi (ur influence)……. i don't ever wanna let you down // no, i just wanna kiss your lips in the rain // you know i’ll pull you closer if you start to drown…… hes cute.
as for august gumi is just SUCH an autumn boy. so ofc i had to give it to him. but its also just a pretty song for a very pretty boy!! the vibes are very Him :’3 and some of the lyrics too… you said you wanted to ride away from everything // keep pedaling, we're on our way out // i never said we should try to be anything…. yeah.
OK IM DONE 😭😭 as u can see jjk x chase atlantic is a concept im extremely normal abt. BUT SEL PLSPLSPLS……. lemme know ur own thoughts 🎤🎤🎤 recs 🎤🎤🎤🎤 anything 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤
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rikebe · 10 months
Hi! I was wondering as to why you think Akihiro would be more dependent on attention than Bobby (based on your ship meme)? Anyway I really love your x-men art! /gen /pos
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OOOH this is a fun one!
as you can see i put akihiro so far on the left he almost falls of. i just really see him as someone who really, really needs positive attention. pretty easy to understand why too, since textually he essentially didn't have any positive relationships with anyone after he was a small child (and even before that his adoptive mother couldn't stand being around him because of his mutation and he got bullied for being mixed), and you can really see the way he, even if he'd never say it, craves positive attention by the way he interacts with the handful of people he has kind feelings for.
he builds a relationship with johnny and becomes his friend, presumably for ulterior motives but he sticks around for much longer than he needs to, talks to him on the phone and is just like.. his pal for a while. he didn't need to do that, and since it's pretty clear to me he had romantic feelings for johnny of some sort it it's pretty obvious why he'd be eager to spend more time with him. what's also of note is that akihiro pretends to be a much nicer, more sympathetic version of himself around johnny. yes, to manipulate him, but also because that is a version of him that johnny could easy like or even love. he's essentially roleplaying the fantasy of being the kind of person nice old johnny could love, and he keeps coming back to that well of positive attention.
the other standout to me is his relationship with donna, the cop lady he fixates on in D:DW. akihiro becomes obsessed with the idea that donna is "like him", someone unsympathetic and cold to the idea of killing, and he latches onto her in the hope that she could be that person who loves and understands him as he is. it's also pretty telling to me that he's aware of this "difference" between him and other people, and that he obviously feels that there's a wall between him and "normal" people.
then there's his relationship with his sisters, people he sticks around for without standing to gain anything from it other than... well, people he loves and who love him. laura and gabby are the only people that love akihiro unconditionally, that keep him around fully aware of all the dark nasty ugly parts of his past, who can relate to him due to their similar upbringings. he craves this love and attention from them, and that's why he seems to mellow out when he's around them. their love is a motivator to be better, rather than to pretend that he's better.
so while i don't think akihiro is necessarily super clingy or even always acts on this, because it's mostly a subconscious thing for him, he definitely deeply desires attention and love and acceptance, since he's, you know, human, and was abnormally deprived of all of these things most of his childhood and adult live. bobby is also someone who knows what kind of a nasty boy he is/used to be (i don't see a reality where they date without akihiro having worked through a lot of his baggage) and still chooses to love him and accept him, and i just think he'd really relish in positive attention from a partner where the cards are fully on the table. no lying and no manipulation, just the reality of who both of them are.
as for bobby i definitely think he really LIKES attention as he's very insecure about a lot of things, and he also really struggles with accepting himself as he is and presenting a false version of himself, it's just not as extreme as akihiro.
on a less analytical note akihiro is just a massive diva and loves being the center of attention. remember when he died that one (no, the first time, not that other time) time and made it all of new york's problem? yeah. bobby's just a lot less vain so he can handle not having the spotlight better LMFAO
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
Before, I thought everyone was being harsh towards June, but now I've come to realize June is, rightfully, unhinged meanwhile everyone else around her is acting normally. I used to think Rita and Moira were being harsh and not understanding that her trauma just reads differently than theirs, but nah... June is a little nuts and its okay.
I get it though. Her showing signs of feeling bad for Serena and being upset with Luke despite them being on the same page on her in particular... its really fucking odd. She went from both of them agreeing to kill her the next time they see her and having passionate sex to really confirm it (lol), to being upset Luke is doing what he can to make that happen even slightly... but I get it.
Regardless, she's consistently the most unhinged person in the room. Its interesting how trauma affects people differently. However, I cannot stress this enough... I get it. If I was her, I would wanna move to New Bethlehem too if it meant seeing my baby. As a viewer, I'm just also able to see the whole situation and recognize how insane that is. You gotta be extremely desperate and naive to trust Gilead. Especially since Lawrence can't seem to make an promises to June besides "we'll let you see Hannah sometimes."
It was nice seeing June have a moment of clarity and reminding Serena and the audience that they're not friends and she never forgave her. Last episode had people acting kinda delusional about their possible friendship, so this was a nice reminder of reality. She can feel bad for her and her child, while also feeling not much for her. Both are possible.
Anyway, its good that June has the support system around her. She's not well. Idk if they can stop her, but its good to have them. Luke is right... there's no way they can take a kidnapped baby, Nichole, back to Gilead... There's no way... June's idea of them going back as a family isn't logical at all...
Also, the idea that June, someone forced into sex slavery, abandoned her child... To even believe that... despite all the obvious evidence that that's not what happened... June is unwell.
It made me so sad hearing Luke say "we're never gonna be enough for you, are we?" because I really don't think they will be. Its not that Luke and everyone has let go of Hannah and their lost loved ones... its just... acceptance. What can they really do? They are regular people trying to navigate through life the best they can... they literally cannot do all the things June wants them to do. Its not possible.
The end was the perfect ending for this episode and I hope it works out... With everything I just said, I think Hannah coming back will the only thing that'll help June. Like I said, she's unwell. Has been this entire time. Idk why it was this episode that made it click for me? Either way, I hope this changes everything and it actually happens.
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abybweisse · 1 year
I'm not understanding the queen finding out that Claudia being romantically involved with Undertaker AKA Cedric K. Ross was a bad thing. Were they not in the same society class?
Undertaker's social status
They were not in the same class at all, since Undertaker is a reaper and therefore completely outside the Victorian class system. If he tried to fake being in the upper class, let alone a noble, he would have to dress as he does for the Weston arc.
You'd think that undertakers would be respected in Victorian society, considering how much people typically paid for their services, but they were not. Quite the opposite. Undertakers were considered one of the lowest positions, simply because they were dealing with dead bodies, which was considered somewhat dignified but extremely gross and dangerous. Many resented undertakers because of the high costs of funeral services, but that wasn't really the undertakers' fault. People had come to expect lavish services because it was fashionable... and that is a demand for expensive goods and services, not price gouging.
If you want to point a finger at the person who made lavish funerals so darn fashionable? Point at Queen Victoria. She set the goal, other affluent people made it trend, and the lower classes tried their best to achieve similar results.
Anyway, Undertaker wasn't truly in the same class as the Phantomhives, even if he put on a nice suit and fashionable hat and fancy tie.
But that's not the main reason why the queen wouldn't approve of them being together. John Brown (if no one else) would have informed her that Undertaker is a grim reaper, and the queen wouldn't have approved of that. If you ever watched s2 of the anime, notice that Claude convinces Alois that Sebastian was the one to destroy his village (when it was really Hannah). A possible parallel in manga canon would be that John Brown has Queen Victoria convinced that Undertaker had something to do with Prince Albert's death... or any other number of scenarios that the queen has accepted as fact. Maybe the queen thinks Undertaker collected Albert's soul (even though he wasn't an active reaper by then). Or perhaps she blames Undertaker for what another reaper has done simply because she thinks of him as a representative of the entire reaper organization, and he was unable to retrieve Albert's soul/revive him. Ok, this is getting into major crack theory territory now.
But I do believe that Queen Victoria knows Undertaker is a grim reaper, and that she specifically doesn't want her watchdog to get involved with such entities. Let alone to have children with one. And I believe that it has something to do with whatever John Brown has made her believe. I just don't have the details about that... yet.
I also don't know for sure what Cedric's last name is, but considering Cedric of Rotherwood from Ivanhoe, I tend to think it'll turn out to be more like Rosewood or Rosedale, not Ross. And, based on William T. Spears' "T" coming from a staff nickname for him -- Takaeda, meaning "high branches", a reference to his death scythe -- I think Cedric's "K" might come from an un-divulged (for obvious reasons) staff nickname for Undertaker -- Kama, simply meaning "scythe".
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lemonboii · 2 months
My name Tag at work days "Ask me my Probouns"
I have my reasons that only a few currently understand and accept as to why it says that.
Whenever someone does asky what my pronouns are I simply reply with "Yes."
I then proceed to explain why after their face is filled with obvious confusion. I let others decide how they view me.
Originally I identified as Non-Binary bit eventually came to the conclusion through one of my favorite punk rock/metal artists from Canada that just like them I am agender.
My pronouns don't matter to me, I let others decide how they view me. I am fully aware that I tend to present as more masculine than anything else in most situations especially at work.
However I have let people know that I am extremely appreciative and feel "pretty" when referred to using She/Her pronouns as well as getting a slight jolt of serotonin and euphoria when someone uses They/Them pronouns.
He/Him is something I've become accustomed to my entire life and do not reject or gain practically anything from.
I don't mind how people refer to me as personally I do not have any sense of identity with any pronoun
Only a handful of people in my life truly accept and understand this about me, but regardless I remain unbothered no matter how people refer to me as
I do however feel as though any pronoun fits my identity regardless.
I don't exactly understand why I felt the need to post this but it does feel nice to restate it. I know Monty (the one being I know who would understand and accept this fact about me) won't ever see this but somehow it does feel somewhat satisfying to pour it out here.
I definitely feel more complete as an entity and living being than I have ever before in my life, currently. I know that I still have more to discover about myself and the progress/growth will continue.
Even though I may be plagued by cancer until I have gotten full answers, seen more specialists/doctors and gotten some definitive answers I still feel as though I am finally my truest self.
It no linger matters that I may be dying or that I am romantically alone, I am me and that is enough.
I will die finally knowing who I was all along.
I will die as Matthew Elias Rosas, Eli, Lemon Boii. A being of love in the purest form possible without any expectation of reciprocation of anything in return.
I am a being of true love. I am finally who I tried to be my entire life.
I can finally die content.
I have officially achieved my goal.
Let's see what happens next, stay tuned everyone 🍋
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defiedlife · 2 months
tarot headcanon prompts @helhund asked: the fish ; the bear // for aventurine!
the fish: the fish becomes lost without clear goals and intentions. forever swimming in life’s current…is/was your muse lost? what are their intentions and motivations to keep moving forward?
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Aventurine has been extremely lost for a long time. He's always found some way to keep moving forward and keep persisting despite everything life has thrown at him, but that's really all he's been doing—fighting to continue on, but with no real understanding of why he even wants to continue when it seems almost impossible some days.
All the guilt, sorrows, regret, and pain take their toll on him on a daily basis. Each time he's able to take another step forward, it's because someone else has given him a reason to do so, and that's his only real source of direction. He leans on others for this far more than he'll readily admit, even if it's in the most simple or subtle of ways:
Buttering up a new client for work could give him the motivation to go out for a nice fancy dinner with them, or he'll see Ratio doing research on something and inadvertently pick up a new interest if it catches his attention. Maybe he'll notice Topaz is running low on treats for Numby and stop by a store before or after work the next day, then remember he needs something for himself too. With the exception of dangerous gambles and games of chance, in his eyes, his goals and needs always, always come second to those around him.
His biggest reasons for continuing on in spite of it all are, in fact, the people around him. Even when he had no one else, he still had the promise he made to his sister all those years ago. When his only other comfort was that the blood on his hands wasn't his, he kept going for her, to honor her memory—to protect himself and keep the Avgin alive.
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the bear: after a long winter, the bear arises from deep slumber…when has your muse been on the cusp of new directions and personal transformations? how did this affect them?
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The progression of 2.1's story and its conclusion from Aventurine's pov are the obvious answer here, but since what's next for him is still somewhat up in the air, I'd like to talk about something else for now.
By the end of his trial (which imo was really just a formal private meeting that looked like a trial so that Diamond and Jade could say they dealt with him appropriately if asked), Jade basically agreed to do everything she could to help him if he'll work for the IPC in return—which he more or less agreed to himself the second he said he wanted to talk to Diamond.
And with that all established, she told him to go pick clothes that he likes and choose a new identity for himself. We don't get to see or hear his response to this, as the scene ends a few seconds later, but even with him gambling on the outcome of working for Diamond, I doubt he expected "pick the clothes that you like" to be part of the deal. It's a minor detail in the grand scheme of his fate (more on that later bc tbh it deserves its own post), but it's also immediately giving him a form of freedom that he'd never had before.
He'd never been able to just...go shopping and get what he wants, no matter the price, with no concern for his own safety. To him, it was such a newfound luxury that he probably hardly knew how to handle himself at first. With Diamond and Jade supporting him, I imagine he was given the equivalent of the company black card in order to remake himself—new clothes (including some custom tailored pieces) and accessories, a whole array of skincare and makeup products, a hair stylist appointment to fix up his hair, official documents for his new identity, enough food that he shan't go hungry, even a whole home to himself and his choice of furnishings for it; probably a nice but standard apartment at first and then later one of the cloud-top mansions (akin to luxury penthouses, imo) on Pier Point once he fully became a Stoneheart.
This was a major turning point for him, because although he's still beholden to Diamond, it automatically made his circumstances vastly better by comparison. It was a chaotic whirlwind of an experience to go from slave to prisoner to pampered employee, and as long as he does his job, he'll never want for money or lack worldly comforts ever again. This is why he's loyal to the IPC—or more accurately, to Diamond (and Jade, by extension) specifically.
The tragic truth underneath all this newfound glitz and glamour, however, is that at the end of the day, it doesn't mean much to him. Sure, he's still extremely grateful, and he recognizes that, on a surface level, his life is vastly better than it used to be.
But he's got no one to share it with; no real reason to just sit back and enjoy it once in a while. Putting on fancy clothes and sipping expensive wine won't change the fact that he used to have manacles around his wrists, not jeweled bracelets. Using skincare products and makeup to minimize or hide any scars won't erase the memory of the injuries. Bathing in the finest perfumed bubblebath and soaking in hot water for hours can't truly wash away the blood on his hands.
And so he gambles with himself and his newfound wealth, chasing the temporary highs and lows and hoping that one day, he'll learn what true happiness feels like.
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nikethestatue · 2 years
I fall in love with elain in ACOMAF when she tells cassian ‘’ it was not nesta’s neglect alone that is to blame. We were scared, and had received no training, and everything had been taken, and we failed her. Both of us.
For me the fact that she accepted her mistake in front of fae was so brave of her. I fall in love with her in that chapter she wanted to help feyre she knows she did wrong and wants to repay feyre because she gave and gave for years
Putting that a side we learn that it was not fear that keep nesta from helping but her hate. She hated his dad so much that it was eating her alive and I have forgive and understand nesta it must had been really hard for her to move on from that hate. We learn on acosf that nesta feels guilty and that she loves feyre
Now with elain we know it was not hate but actually fear. She said “we were scared” the tremblin fawn and fanged beast. Elain was so scared that the fear probably paralyzed her from helping feyre, this is just what I think is the reason elain didn’t help feyre (fear) of all of them elain was more scared of the fae. I also think elain was scared of killing any living creature she probably was scared of haunting. I think is amazing to see she went from I dont know how to get my hand dirty to let me kill the king of hybern our lovely fawn is showing her fanged beast side
Maybe it was no fear this is just what i think is the reason she didn’t help. I think one of the biggest question in acotar is: why Feyre sister didn’t help her? Anyway what do you believe it was elain reasons? Of course they main guilty are their parents but I really wanna hear elain side
Love ur blog it has an amazing energy ❤️
Thank you! I appreciate that.
So I think that it's fairly simple--while Nesta was angry, especially at her father (her resentment of Feyre has never been well explained, so I don't want to tackle that), I think in Elain's case, it was a matter of simple...acceptance? She is obviously not an angry person, so I think that she basically just accepted her new reality. We all do. I am not sure how deeply SJM thought of this, but from my personal experience--I've lived in a lot of countries, and in various conditions. There were times when we were extremely poor and ate nothing but beans and there were times where we were well off. And as you begin to exist in whatever the situation is, you begin to adapt. And I think that's what Elain is about--adaptability. I can see her not thinking that she needed to help, because that was Feyre's 'job' and her job was taking care of the house. Feyre was 'the hunter' and Elain was 'the gatherer' -- obviously someone had to tend to the house, cook and clean and patch clothes and get water from the well and keep the fire going and do laundry and everything else. She and Nesta did that. The father couldn't, so everything fell on their shoulders.
It's very very obvious reading ACOTAR that SJM herself has never been hungry or poor. She comes from a nice, well-off, privileged background and notions of what true poverty is and what it takes to survive EVERY DAY are very removed from her. So she took the most basic of acts that she was familiar with--hunting--and basically made that the only 'important' action that the heroine could do. Something 'active' and of course something that led to the development of the rest of the story. But in reality, Feyre resented her sisters because she had to go and hunt, though of course they still did a ton of work at home. But that's the problem with the first person narrative. You only see one side of the coin.
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blog-of-hubris · 8 months
Hi there! So my ask might be a tad off basis but i just wanted to know your thoughts on Gojo's relationship dynamic with characters such as Shoko, Nanami, Ijichi and Utahime?
I know alot of people even ship him with some of these characters and that's fine too! But for me realistically looking at thing i don't think he would have been the ideal person for any of them. Not that he doesn't care about them, it's just not something he himself would be open about. I guess romance really was off charts for him, cept maybe that unique relationship he had with Geto, but even that is too complex and special to be put into a lovers category. What do you think? Sorry if this is loaded!
Hey Anon,
Thanks for the question! It is definitely loaded (but I like that). I am not sure how to answer your question 100%, but I assume you are asking how I feel about Gojo's connection to the characters you listed and its execution.
Tbh, Nanami and Shoko are probably the only people on this list that I have actually thought about Gojo's connection to. I will say, each of these characters you listed are connected to Gojo's time as a student. They have a unique perspective on him as a person vs. him as a jujutsu sorcerer.
To make this easier for you to read, I'll give each character a little section to discuss.
For Shoko, I think this dynamic is obvious given the Hidden Inventory arc, but I think it is extremely overlooked by the fans. She is looked at as the useless third with Geto and Gojo by some people, but I don't see it that way. Shoko feels like a bridge and a clear mind to me. I use the moment with Geto after he killed his parents as an example. She completely read through Geto's motives and feelings. She was somewhat condescending in her response to him, because she is a character whose mind sees things from a “clear” perspective.
For Gojo, this provides him with someone he can be sentimental with, but also someone he can confide in due to her being the third in their class. Shoko truly knows Gojo, the Gojo that didn't feel separated from humanity. She had first-hand experience watching him become “the strongest”, and she also seemed like one of the few people who could truly understand his ideals. (The “Dream” Gojo told her about).
Nanami and Gojo's dynamic is interesting to me because of their attitudes towards each other. As we know, Nanami had a hard time respecting Gojo, and we know now it's because of how selfish Gojo was with jujutsu. I love this. The thing that makes these two awesome for me is how Gojo knows that Nanami is a responsible person and trusts him. He is another person who knew Gojo when he was young, but he left the jujutsu world for some time. When he decided to come back, he called Gojo. I'm sure Nanami has principle Yaga's number, so why call Gojo?
I think this goes to show that Nanami knew in his soul that Gojo is a good person, no matter how strong his ego is. Nanami knows things have to change in the jujutsu world, but he respects rules. Gojo will trample on those rules if he needs to. I think Nanami does respect this, because there needs to be people in the world who push the boundaries. Gojo did this perfectly, hence their ability to get along.
I don't have too much to say on Ijichi. He's a side character that adds some flavor to the overall system of Jujutsu to me. As a manager, seeing his perspective on their side of the battlefield is nice, but I think his connection to Gojo is just being someone he knows he can trust. It is truly that simple. As another person who knew Gojo from his student days, I think Ijichi is just someone who fits Gojo's comfort zone. I
(I must admit, I love that Gojo having trust in Ijichi was something that made Ijichi more confident in himself)
I'm gonna be honest here.. I shipped Utahime and Gojo because I found their dynamic cute. She clearly dislikes him, but I feel like they are very similar when it comes to their students. They care a lot. I personally don't see any deep dynamic between the two of them, but I could see there being some teasing from Gojo to Utahime. Gojo seems like the type to never say how he truly feels, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was willing to be in a romantic relationship with her, but I digress, lol.
I think Utahime is simply a role player, like most of the JJK cast. She is a cog in the story, being a character who knew past Gojo and, like Ijichi, falls into his comfort zone. You could even add Mei Mei and Yaga to this list, of course with Yaga there is more to discuss as Gojo's sensei.
Each of these characters represent a perspective on Gojo's life, and he respects them. He may have felt that they didn't truly understand him once he became the strongest, but they were there for him in his adolescence, so he could never dismiss them.
I hope I answered your ask properly!! If not, let me know and I can clarify!
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crimsonbreeze · 8 months
I recently finished watching Suits for the first time.
I know I'm late to the party but it just never seemed like the kind of thing I would be into while it was airing so I never bothered to watch it. Even this time around when I started it, I went in expecting to find it boring and/or annoying and not even get through the first episode. I don't think I've ever been more wrong about how I would feel about a piece of media lol. I LOVED it. Couldn't get enough. Zipped through the first three seasons.
Aaand then it all started to go downhill from there. I'd already heard that the show really took a downturn later on but that's the case with most long running shows so I didn't think too much of it. But this feels different from other shows.
The plotlines just got more and more ridiculous with every season. The way the characters would react in certain situations that just seemed so OOC, the way they kept wrapping up storylines that left me with a complete lack of any closure (not all of them but a bunch of them). I mean that happens in other shows too but in those cases, I feel like it's usually because it seems like most shows have run out of story to tell. With Suits, they had plenty more story to tell but they didn't focus on expanding what they already had and instead kept trying to bring in new angles and plots while they left other stuff hanging in the balance and I just can't understand why??? SO much wasted potential....
Read about my stupid complaints under the cut. Or don't I just needed to vent a little. I'm gonna go search for gifs of my favorite scenes and rewatch the show now lol.
1.I feel like Mike needed an arc where he was in therapy (no not those five minute conversations he had with the prison social worker). Seriously Mike had a lot of unresolved issues that I don't think he ever worked through.
2. The weird "No homo bro" thing the show kept doing with Mike and Harvey. They're not gay. We get it. Just let them be supportive of each other and be loyal to each other the way they were in the earlier seasons. The weird one sided way Harvey was always missing Mike in the later seasons really soured their relationship for me which sucks cause they were what got me hooked on the show in the first place.
3. I really don't like what they did with Harvey in the later seasons. He comes off as helpless and weak far too often. Constantly asking people for favors and needing other people to come up with ideas to get him out a problem. Too often, I found myself missing the Harvey Specter that would solve other peoples problems.
4. The extremely unsatisfying way that Harvey and Donna finally got together. They're story was done so poorly that even though it was obvious they were meant to end up together, by the time it happened, all I could feel towards the ship was irritation. After all those weird moments and pseudo love confessions, their relationship just comes off mentally codependent in a really unhealthy way. Particularly in contrast to how well Mike and Rachel's story was done. They managed to salvage it with some nice scenes in the last season but it just felt like too little too late.
5. In the earlier seasons they made a point to show that Harvey might dabble in the grey area but that he had integrity and had lines he wouldn't cross. Him hiring Mike was supposed to be something of an exception. By the end of the series, Harvey and most of the other characters are doing illegal things on pretty much every case. I mean really, Faye proved to be a pretty bad person as season 9 went on but they all hated her from the getgo just because she wanted to make sure they weren't breaking the law.
6. Lastly, I waited nine freaking season for a flashback scene of Harvey in the mailroom. I wanted an episode of when Harvey met Jessica. Seriously why did we never get that? After all the snide comments multiple people made to Jessica about the mailroom boy... How did Harvey end up as a mail clerk in a law firm in the first place? We see he has a degree from NYU so what happened? I need to know. Jessica paid for Harvey to go to law school but was that her idea or his? What made Harvey want to be a lawyer in the first place? Could he not get a job after college? Was he still in college and working at the firm part time? What made Jessica choose Harvey? Cause she sticks with him until the end the exact way Harvey sticks with Mike. How did their bond begin? This is the mystery that gets to me so much more than the can opener and I will be forever bitter that I never got this backstory.
Anyways, TLDR: I am obsessed with this show and even after nine seasons, I need more and am sad that I can't have any.
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