#it was like all dreams super weird and made no sense. like i was in this GIANT obnormous building and was in the elevator
bunnihearted · 25 days
#ughhhh i had a very very unpleasant nightmare and now i just feel awful :<#it was like all dreams super weird and made no sense. like i was in this GIANT obnormous building and was in the elevator#and suddenly i was in a large room where u like went to be accpted to get a job there???#someone told me to change my outfit so this room could get accepted bc it was too revealing#then a man - the big shot - came in and the leader of the room introduced us one by lne#but when it came to me he asked the two of us to introduce ourselves#but when it got to me he said 'now it's eden's turn' & i was like haha im eden but u already know that ;3#he just forcefully moved the convo along and asked me (and no one else) 3 questions#the last one was like 'if u werent here (at work) where would u be?' i hesitated for a moment and he said that if i hesitate too long#it doesnt look good. 'i'll give u one last chance. if u werent at work you would still be here in this place. with your family.#'we will be your family now. that's your answer. do you want to be part of this family?'#it all had an eerie tone to it but i just said 'yes i do. i really want to be part of the family'#and whoosh i was accepted and 'hired' to the very mysterious omnious building (the building was like miles long and big. like an entire city#anyway... this was just odd but then the thing that fucked me up for today#i dreamt of my two old 'friends' first there were just many moments where we talked and did things etc#but then came a part where // tw for SA // i was raped and then....#they both chose to leave me and abandon me after#like they in the middle of the night made sure to bring me home. they werent completely heartless haha....#and i in the nightmare felt safe. like i thought i could count on them#then the next day they were gone and they had also unfollowed and blocked me on all the apps#hmmm... yeah so both of those two things were just so horrible to dream about#and now i just feel like.. yeah. checks out. that's very similar to reality skskks :'))#i feel so lonely and like.. unworthy of care or love or support. ugh not a nice dream to start the day
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transthatfag · 2 years
dreams are fuckin WEIRD.
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luveline · 7 months
omg jade for a miguel x spider girl what if they’re spending the night together and she’s sleep talking and miguel is like ???? i sleep talk and it’s silly sometimes 😆
Miguel latches the door lock gently. Your snores echo in the silence of his apartment, huffing things that tell him you're laying on your back before he sees you. You've kicked the sheets down to the bottom of the bed, and your pyjama shorts are falling off of one hip and tucked too high on one leg, exposing the expanse of your thigh. Alarm clock light shines champagne on your skin and the graphic printed on your shirt, the super powered puppy dog you love so much barking one of his catchphrases: Chāojí wāngwāng!
He scrubs at his face. Things are rough lately. He hoped you'd be awake still to talk to, even if it was about nothing at all. He just wanted to hear your voice. 
My own fault, he thinks, walking quietly to the dresser to change into his own pyjamas. They match yours. If anyone ever saw them he's not sure how he'd feel, but they were a necessary purchase at the time. You'd been morose about something, and matching made you happy.
Miguel changes and combs his hair haphazardly. He sprays some deodorant in want of a shower he's too tired for before he crosses back to the end of the bed, taking the blanket into his hands. He shakes it out over you, covering you once again. Then he rounds the bed and climbs in next to you, hooking his arm around you to drag you firmly into his side. 
“Couldn't wait up for me?” he whispers, shifting to get comfortable in the mess of pillows you insisted on. You lift your head like you might kiss him, and for a selfish second he hopes you're awake, but then you breathe out another snore. 
You're heavy when you sleep. He makes sure you're not about to suffocate on his chest and encourages your arm into a more comfortable position. Your chest half on his chest and side, your face in his neck, you look like a rom-com couple from one of your under the desk movies, but Miguel's far less comfortable. He'd wanted to be close to you, but he's wondering if he should've just spooned you. 
“Miguel,” you say, your voice a croak in the dark.
He chuckles in surprise. “What?” he whispers. 
You mumble. He brushes a hand up your face to draw your head back, thumb on your cheek. Your eyes stay closed. 
What the… 
“Hello?” he whispers. 
You don't answer. Perhaps you'd woken for a split second and sensed him, or perhaps you're having a dream. You love to tell him about your dreams in the mornings, occasionally shaking him awake to tell him before you forget. He's always pissed to begin with, endeared by the end, pissed again when he sees the time. 
He closes his eyes and decides he'll miss you by himself for a bit. 
Your voice comes in a muffled squishing atop his chest, “It's his car.” 
He blinks. “That so?” 
“For the commute.” Your whispering turns intense, “He has to drive there, Miguel.” 
Well, in whatever dream you're having, you're talking to him. He quite likes knowing that. “Where's he going, cariño?” he asks, picking the spot on your forehead a moment before he kisses it fondly. 
You make this sound that he only ever hears when you're tired and he's touching you in ticklish places, a gurgle of a laugh as you nuzzle into his chest. “Stop…” you say playfully. 
This is ridiculous. 
Miguel's getting jealous of dream Miguel. Who does that guy think he is? You laugh, say something completely unintelligible, and jolt up hard enough to startle him. 
“Ah!” you say, eyes finally opening, blinking down at him with a slowness that almost looks painful. “...Miguel?” 
“What is wrong with you?” 
“We were… uh…” You blink at him some more, your arm shaking with fatigue where you anchor yourself on the mattress. He slides a hand under your armpit to hold you up. “I think I was dreaming.” 
“You were talking to me.” 
“I was?” You lean down into your hand, rubbing your eyes. 
“Are you okay?” he asks.
“Yeah, I'm just… that was so weird…” You seem strangely unsettled. Miguel helps you onto your back but keeps an arm behind you so he can hold you. You're content to be held, pushing one leg over the other, speaking into his chest. “You were tickling me.” 
“Sorry,” he finds himself saying, giving you a pat. “I won't do it anymore, cariño. You can go back to sleep.” 
“Thanks, Miguel,” you mumble. 
He waits for you to doze off, but your heart seems to be beating too quickly. Maybe dream Miguel drove you both off a cliff. “You want me to kiss you?” he asks. 
“Yeah,” you mumble, tipping your head up. 
He kisses your forehead. A long, slow press of the lips with no end in sight. Invigorated by your contended sigh, he kisses you again, again, these lazy gentle mouthings that barely count as kisses at all as he tugs the blanket up to cover your collar. You make a sound like a hiccup caught in your throat and before he knows it, you're sleeping again. You sleep soundly for the rest of the night, or he thinks so. He falls asleep not long after you with his lips still pressed to your forehead, so there's no way to know for sure. 
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silvermarley · 23 days
i know its a tad weird, but... do you think muzan would be ok with period sex? its technically free blood... and reader wont have cramps during it
You’re all good! I mean demon + free blood?? Sorry it’s super late 🙏🏻
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Period Sex
Muzan x Reader
Warnings: blood obv, a bit rough?, cunnilingus, fem! body parts, minor degradation, established relationship, unprotected sex
WC: 2.1k
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Demons have an unquenchable thirst for blood. They typically don’t care about their human victims, as they’re only a mere blood bank to them. The same is said about the infamous and overwhelmingly powerful king of all demons, Muzan Kibutsuji.
But, he has a unique situation that has taken hold of him for the past few days. You see, he’s not ignorant of the human body, but there’s something he didn’t know about. Mortal women bleed once a month, as their bodies ready themselves for eventual pregnancy.
Muzan’s situation is unique because of his lover. A human woman, one which he couldn’t kill. One that he found himself seeking out, and the person who makes his cold heart(s) beat. It was obvious that since he was a demon, he would seek out any blood he can get. You knew that. So when it was your time of the month, you would make up some excuse to be left alone for the duration of your period. That was your plan every month.
Eventually, the demon king saw the pattern in the times you would ask to be alone. It made his teeth clench just thinking about why that would be. You were a loyal partner, of course, but that fact didn’t come up in his mind when it would start to go over reasons as to why he had to go days, if not a week without you. Who would dare to impose on my relationship, he thought. You were his. He has the right to be with you everyday, so why? Why must you insist on taking.. vacations, as he called it, so often?
For the time away, you would suffer through your period. The cramps, bleeding, and aches.. all of it. Not only were you unsure of what Muzan would do if he knew about this, but you also didn’t want to bother him with your vulnerable and emotional side. In the end, he’s a man-eating demon. It had been long enough for you to understand that he wouldn’t dream of killing you, no matter how angry he felt. But just the thought of him knowing about your period was quite frightening.
Muzan isn’t a very patient man, unfortunately. He wanted to know why you kept leaving and distancing every time. Why you were keeping something from him.
You had your own room, and you didn’t really use it until the time came. You much preferred to spend your nights with him. But in this case, it wasn’t possible.
He knew where you went monthly, considering nothing in the infinity castle gets past him. And now, he was heading there in search for answers. As he got closer to the room, he caught the scent of blood. Your blood?
In a matter of seconds after his keen sense of smell caught that scent, he was sliding open the door to your room. You jumped upon seeing him, not know what to do now that he was here.
“Are you injured?” He asked after a pause. His eyes glowed at the smell, even in the dimly lit space.
His eyes scanned over your form, covered in a blanket and your face, showing many emotions. Confusion, fear, and above all pain. Not pain from any injury, like he was thinking. At your silence, he was about to seethe in anger at who would be brainless enough to lay a hand on you. Until you spoke up.
“No..” your voice was slightly shaky. You had no idea how he would react if you told him about your dilemma.
Heavy footsteps are heard as he walks over to you. “Then?” His arms cross skeptically. “What aren’t you telling me, Y/N?” Muzan’s voice was firm, yet you could tell this was his way of checking on you.
You sigh. This was inevitable. You couldn’t hide this for all eternity, anyways. “I’m not hurt.. I’m on my period.”
His eyebrows furrow curiously. Right.. he likely didn’t know that about you.
“Every month, I..” you calm yourself, only stopping your words to whince at the pain in your stomach. “..bleed. It’s something women go through.”
“Every month..? How come I smell your blood, but i have yet to see it?” He kneels by you to inspect your body. Most of which was still covered.
He wasn’t reacting badly so far, which came as a surprise. Turns out his restraint is much better than you thought. Now, it was just embarrassing to explain it.
“Because I bleed from down there..” you began to mumble, face heating up slightly at how you couldn’t bring yourself to say the actual thing you’re referring to.
His ruby colored eyes glowed once more, this time for a different reason. Before you could protest, he lifted the blanket from your body to see your bloodied lower region. He couldn’t stop the groan leaving his chest as the scent got more prominent. You noticed his grip on the blanket tightened.
“And you thought to hide this from me?” His gaze then returns to your face.
You nod hesitantly. “It’s just.. I didn’t know how you would react. And I didn’t want you to deal with it..”
“Deal with the blood?” He shakes his head in disbelief. “Do you know who I am? What I am?” You felt a cold finger trail from your jaw to your collarbone.
“I-I know.. but the blood isn’t all of it. It also causes stomach cramps and mood swings.” You stutter, yet you felt little to no fear right now due to the look in his eyes. It wasn’t of murderous intent.
His hand trails down further to your stomach and he rests it there. “..Is it hurting now?” He questions, and when you nod again, he inquires more about it. He inhales. “It’s hard to resist the scent of your blood. Especially after hearing where it’s coming from..”
Warmth spread across your cheeks at the comment. You didn’t know where he was going with this.
“I think I know how to assist you with the pain.” This would be a sweet thing to hear, if it weren’t for the sinister smirk on his face.
He begins pushing the blanket completely off your body. After it was successfully moved to the side, he took in the view. He was getting hungrier by the minute. Drool fell from his lips a little at the sight. He needed to taste it. And he wasn’t one to play with his meals.
Muzan pulls down your shorts, tossing it aside to see the mess that is your panties. He groaned again, unable to stop himself from licking a stripe on your clothed core, tasting your sweet blood through the fabric. You gasped, feeling much more sensitive than normal, but also hot due to his boldness.
He rips your sad excuse for underwear and dove right into what he’s been craving ever since he smelled your sweet blood. He’s no stranger to pleasuring you with only his tongue. But god, this felt so good. So different. Like he was trying to devour you whole. Like he’s parched and the only thing that can quench it is the mess between your thighs.
The demon’s tongue moved languidly at first, to savor the taste of both your arousal and the tempting red liquid. But the muscle moved quicker with time, desperately needing to taste all of you. You writhed and grabbed onto the only thing keeping your mind in reality, his wild and now unkempt black locks.
Your needy tugs to his hair only made his movements more determined. The heat in your lower stomach was rising at a rapid pace not even you could keep up with. The area that was previously aching with pain was now flooding with pleasure. Muzan’s nails dug into your upper thighs as he feasted on everything you were giving him. The pain shouldn’t have felt so good, but with the drag of his demonic tongue, god it did.
Your orgasm hit you like a flash, as your arched into his head and stuttered his name loudly. The growl he let out was low and heavy. He licked up your mixed juices while you twitched and shook.
He then lifted himself from you. His pupils were blown wide and his lower face was messy. “Divine, just as I thought.” He murmurs, “Your essence is sweet, and mixed with your blood..” he takes in a breath, and trails off.
You caught your breath, which was knocked out of you for a moment. Before you had time to respond, he’s making his next move. You glanced down as he sat up, noticing his prominent erection in his dress pants. It made you wonder how it would feel inside you now that you were on your cycle. You were sensitive already, but this time it was enhanced surely.
His sharp teeth nearly shined as he grinned darkly at you. “Your blood is irresistible.. and I can’t wait to see such delectable essence on my cock.”
His grin widens a bit more at seeing the you bite your lip with replenished need. You two have been intimate many times before, but this felt like so much more. With this, he could have claim every part of you, in your weakest state. In your most vulnerable time. And that thought alone has been driving him wild since he tasted you.
You barely even noticed when he took off his pants and vest, leaving his formal shirt slightly unbuttoned as he was too desperate to be inside you. Having said that, you also failed to notice when he was now hovering over you and positioning himself at your entrance. You feel his warm breath on your neck as he carefully plunged in. There was a mutual groan shared as he pushes in, inch by inch.
The mix of slick and blood made it easier to stuff you full of his cock. When he bottomed out, he couldn’t resist biting your shoulder. You whined from both pain and pleasure, as he laps up more of your sweetness. The taste of it on his tongue caused him to begin thrusting. “Always such a good little human, hm?” He rasps.
You let out a strangled moan at the sheer power of his thrusts in an attempt at a response. Your mind couldn’t even think about the pain in your abdomen with how good he was making you feel. His head pulls back to watch your lewd expressions. It was always his favorite. Just seeing how much of a mess he can make of you gets him going.
Even as such an individual as mighty as Muzan, he still falls into the irresistible pleasure he gets from you. The feelings he once was unfamiliar with, came easily when he met you.
His nails dig into your hips this time as with each thrust he pulls you to him, only increasing how deep he hit. Your whines echoed off the walls of your room, mixing with the slaps of skin. A faint but audible set of groans and grunts can also be heard from the man above you. Only you could drag these uncontrollable noises from the king himself.
The demon threw his head back, gripping under your thighs to bring them to your chest. That served to make him go even deeper than you thought possible. Your body was trembling under him, and the feeling of getting close came creeping up on you. The tightening of your pussy made his noises turn into something more animalistic. “Make a beautiful mess on my cock. I know you want to.” He coos breathily, his alluring eyes staring at your face.
And you were more than happy to follow as he said. Body twitching and ecstasy taking over, you came hard. Your mind was effectively taken over by the intensity of it all. A deep growl came out of his mouth as you convulsed and nearly milked him for all he’s worth. He felt close, and quicker than normal. The circumstances played a big part in speeding up his gratification in indulging in you.
You could barely keep your eyes open as he relentlessly thrusted, overstimulation making you shake pathetically. He reveled in your form and the sensation. After a few more harsh thrusts, he gives a final one that fills you with his cum. “That’s it,” he moans huskily, “Take it all..”
When he spilled all he could into you, he pulled out and let his dick lay on your stomach. He looked down at the fluids connecting it to your messy cunt. A sight he could get used to.
Though, he’s no weak man by any means. It wasn’t long before his stamina allowed him to become hard again. A desire-filled smirk was plastered on his face. “You should know that I am far from done.”
As his lover, you definitely knew that. But as a human, you weren’t sure how far he would take it this time. The king wasn’t going to give you time to think about that, however.
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Hello!! How are you?? I'm sorry for the difficult week... and thank you very much for answering me, I'm simply delighted! And don't worry, your writing hasn't been affected, it's still great! If she hasn't gotten better! And I'm glad you like the requests... I think they're silly🥹
But get better! And if you don't mind, I have one more request🤭 I imagine something where maybe Rhys went out and left the reader at home, but maybe, some of the boys, Cass or Az, stayed at the house, and they didn't know they weren't alone , so what, they end up attacking the reader thinking she is an enemy? And Rhys senses her fear of the bond and goes to help her? I imagine Rhys super angry, and protective of the reader, taking care of her and being cute...
(I read your recent Azriel story which was based on a movie, just amazing! I loved it!)
Rhysand x f!Reader.
Warnings; abuse, a bit angst.
Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy this too!!! I really enjoy your requests.
Being the High Lord’s mate could be very beneficial when you strolled around Velaris, most faeries didn’t even dare to look at you while others like most store owners gave you the best products they had, not because they fear Rhys, they do it because they love him. If you could take all the hate for him from the court of nightmares and multiply it by one million, then you would have the love for him from Velaris. You and Rhys knew that your whole life would change now so you decided to take things slow so you can adjust better and that is the reason you haven’t moved in together yet. Rhys would come over to your house most nights while the rest you would stay with him at the house of wind, recently though you both started searching for your dream house, a place that would represent both you and him and hopefully the rest of the family you will create.
You woke up in your mate’s arms with your head on his chest and your legs tangled, you loved mornings like this so much. You pressed your body harder into his warmth and glanced up, he was awake too with a smirk on his face and those violet eyes staring back at you. The sun was hitting his eyes in a way that they sparkled and his whole face looked even more sharp.
“Good morning beautiful” his deep morning voice sent shivers down your spine.
“Good morning handsome” you replied and kissed his naked chest.
“I have to go to the day court today, me and Helion have some matters to discuss” he informed you and rubbed your back.
“But today we were supposed to go see the house by the Sidra” you frowned.
“I know but this is urgent” his voice softer than before, a silent plea for you to understand him.
“Okay…” you nodded and pressed yet another kiss on his chest.
“I will take Cassian with me so if you need anything find Azriel” he said as he rolled you on the bed next to him and got up.
“Okay I want to stay in bed for a little longer, I will ask Azriel to fly me home later” you smiled and pulled the blanket higher. Rhys chuckled and started getting ready.
“I’m leaving… don’t miss me much” your mate smiled and leaned over you to give you a soft kiss.
“I’ll survive” you teased him, and he scowled playfully before giving you another kiss and hurrying off.
You rolled over to his side and pressed your face on his pillow, his musky scent of cinnamon and cedar still there. You sighed in content and closed your eyes. Sleep came over easily and a few hours later you felt well rested, so you got ready for the day.
You wore a pair of leggings and threw one of Rhysand’s shirts on, the need to feel him around you growing as you inhaled his scent again. You strolled around the house to find Azriel, you couldn’t see his shadows anywhere. Weird. You thought and kept looking.
Azriel was sitting in his office trying to put some mission reports in order when he heard light footsteps. He glanced around and ordered his shadows to find out who was in the house. They didn’t come back, and this made him tense, he knew that Rhysand and Cassian were at the day court, Amren was doing some research so she spent all day in her apartment and Mor was in the court of nightmares handling some issues with her father. No one else could enter the house without him knowing. The shadowsinger reached for his dagger and cursed when he remembered that he placed all of them in his room in order to clean them. He got up and walked out, walking quietly as a cat down the hall and ready to pounce on the stranger. When he located where the stranger was, he jumped on him, sending both of them on the ground and in one swift motion he manoeuvred himself so he could bang the victim’s head on the ground, when he did a feminine groan filled the silence and he glanced down. The hair looked familiar, and he rolled the female on her back, a gasp leaving him when he noticed it was you.
You were unconscious with blood streaming down your forehead.
“Oh no no no” he cried out and picked you up hurrying off to find Madja.
You woke up with a terrible headache and pains around your whole body. You squinted and noticed an unfamiliar ceiling and then it hit you. As you were walking around the house of wind Azriel jumped on you from behind sending you face-first to the floor and then he banged your head against it. You were too busy playing with his shadows to even realise that someone was behind you. You groaned and tried to sit up when rough arms pushed you back down.
“Hey it’s okay…. you’re okay… you need to rest” it was Azriel who spoke, and you looked at him. His eyes were red, his face swollen and his hair a tangled mess.
“I’m so sorry y/n I didn’t know that Rhys left you in the house”.
“It’s okay Az, you didn’t mean it. It’s not your fault I should’ve shouted your name since I was looking for you. You had no way to know that I was still in there.” You croaked and caressed his scarred palm.
“I feel terrible, and I deserve everything that Rhysand will do to me when he gets here. Please don’t stop him.” His voice was soft.
“No, it’s not your fault and I won’t let Rhysand hurt you” you said and squeezed his hand.
You could feel Rhys frantically pulling the bond and before you had a chance to pull back to reassure him that you’re okay the door almost snapped in half as someone forcibly pushed it open and your mate burst in. He was standing there frozen, his eyes wide as he scanned your form, and his power flowing out of him and suffocating everything. You shivered as you felt it, the power was raw and primal and it felt like the night came, like the sun would run and hide in fear. A low growl left his throat, and he marched closer picking Azriel by his shirt’s collar and pushing him against the wall.
“You fucker” he yelled and pushed him harder. “I’m going to fucking end you”.
“Rhys… baby it’s okay. He didn’t mean it it’s my fault” Rhysand didn’t budge. “Please baby he didn’t know I was there” you tried to get up almost falling on your knees by the pain and dizziness. This snapped your mate out of trance, and he rushed to you helping you back into the bed.
“Stay” he ordered and turned to go back to Azriel. You managed to grab his arm and pull him back to you.
“It’s okay y/n I deserve it” Azriel said and nodded.
“No you don’t, shut up and go. I’m fine. Everything is fine” you said and tightened your grip on Rhysand.
Azriel bowed his head and left, you made a mental note to find him again and reassure him that everything is okay. Your heart couldn’t stand seeing guilt tearing him apart.
“What happened? I felt your fear down the bond and then Azriel reached through his mind and told me he hurt you” Rhysand said as he cupped your jaw.
“I was walking around the house trying to find him and I got distracted by his shadows… I was playing with them and Azriel jumped on me, he didn’t know it was me though.” You explained.
Rhysand shook his head a low growl leaving him. “It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have let you in the house alone.”
“No, it’s just an unfortunate event, its no one’s fault” you whispered and caressed his arm.
Rhysand took you home and spend the rest days taking care of you, he wouldn’t let you get out of bed and even when you needed to use the bathroom, he would pick you up carry you there and wait outside to take you back to bed.
“Baby I’m okay. Everything healed I want to go out today.” You whined and he smiled sweetly.
“Okay, get dressed I have to show you something” he said and got up.
He picked you up, his wings emerging from darkness and shoot to the sky, after a few minutes you landed next to the Sidra. You looked around and you jaw dropped when you saw the big estate there. It was made from stone and marbles, with a huge garden and the biggest windows and balconies you had ever seen.
“Rhys this is beautiful” you exclaimed.
“This is our home. You will be safe here and we can finally start our family.”  He smiled and wrapped his arms around you from behind.
“Our family” you whispered and leaned back into him.
Requests are open but delayed!
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maxsimagination · 5 months
𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝗺𝘆 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹 - 𝗹.𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘇𝗲
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warnings: fluff, kisses
it was the day of the finals for the women's champions league and i was super nervous. it was barça versus lyon and i had been selected to be in the starting eleven. i could never have imagined that i would ever be here, soccer was my dream when i was a kid, and now here i was. 21 years old, almost 22, and already playing a finals match.
from the moment i signed with barça, i knew this club was it for me. it was everything i had ever imagined and more. my teammates were amazing and they felt more like family than anything.
lucy was the first person i met at barça, she showed me around and introduced me to the rest of the team. we got along like a house on fire, the whole team was rooting for us when we finally got together. that was almost a year ago, and to say that lucy was nervous because of the age gap was an understatement.
it was a laughable matter to me because i had assured her that her age only made her that much more attractive to me. along with her abs. she had grinned down at me with a cocky expression in response to my words.
all these thoughts flowed through my mind as we drove to training. ona and kiera met us when me and lucy walked in together, exchanging fist bumps and hugs. there was an air about the team, something like confidence but with a hint of nerves. i must have been the only player that was actually freaking out, i was still new and much younger than some of the other girls.
i knew soccer but this is the finals we were talking about. lucy must have been able to sense the tension in me, because she came closer to my side and wrapped a hand around my waist.
"we can do it, you can do it." she whispered in my ear. it was like our mantra, a chant we whispered when we were nervous. i smiled up at her, so thankful i had her by my side. "thank you, luce." "okay lovebirds, let's go!" ona yelled out, herding is out of the changing rooms.
i just laughed at her antics and walked out with them. we got going immediately, jonatan had us going hard, but not too hard as to wear us out for the game in a couple of hours.
we had just gotten to the stadium we'd be playing at, there was no one in the stands at all, they'd cleared it for an hour so we could warm up in peace. everyone else had their own pre-game rituals but the only one that i took on was laps around the field. i had my airpods and my music so it was a perfect fit.
i took off around the track, music blasting in my ears. it was a calming sensation, just running with nothing else going on around you. it helped me focus.
i kept running, until it was almost too much, finishing my warmup and stopped over by lucy, who was sitting on a soccer ball and fiddling with her water bottle. and she called me weird. "hey. you ready to crush lyon?" "fuck yea." she stood up to tower over me and the whole team was ordered off to the change rooms.
the fans were starting to trickle into their seats, and soon it was a full house. every seat booked out. my nerves were at an all time high.
everyone was almost ready and i put on my lucky boots, lucy had gotten them for me for my birthday last year and i'd won every game in them since. finally everyone lined up in the tunnel, ready to run out.
a hand on my back that i knew was my girlfriend, reassured me that we could do it. we could hear the commentators announce our team, and we started jogging out onto the field. everyone made it out and we all got into positions. the starting whistle was blown and we were off.
it was half time, and the score was 1-0 to barça. with me and kiera in the mid field and lucy and ona defending, we were almost impossible to get through. kiera had gotten the ball from lyon, racing up the field and passing it to me. i took off and weaved my way towards the goal. their goalkeeper saw me coming and i knew i didn't have a clear shot.
kiera was there so i shot it back over to her, she kicked it forward but it hit a defender, ellie carpenter. she managed to get it away from the goal, but not far enough. i got it back again and booted it straight towards the net and it went in.
first goal of the game and i was elated. i ran down the field, straight for lucy, who caught me when i jumped towards her. we were now getting ready to head back out there for the last half. lyon was getting more aggressive, violent even. the weren't afraid to push, shove, trip or pull.
they tried everything to score a goal and eventually they succeeded. it was wendie renard who kicked it in, assisted by vicki bècho. i was getting pissed off now too. we just needed one more goal and we were in the lead.
it was the 60th minute of the game and i had the ball, racing down the field again. i was so close, and i had a clear shot, but just as i was about to kick, there was a shooting pain in my left leg. i fell to the floor and turned to see selma bacha run off with the ball.
she had sunk her cleats into my leg on purpose. the medics came running on to inspect the damage and what needed to be done. lucy was right by my side the second i went down.
eventually they helped me off the field and subbed patri on so they could ice my leg properly. i sat on the sidelines for a solid 15 minutes and did warmups to make sure i could go back on. they called aitana off so she could get a rest and i ran back on.
my teammates all gave me high fives as i ran past, happy i was back on. we only had another 15 left in the game before it went to extra time so i was desperate to score another goal.
we were so close to getting the ball back and when we did it was alexia, our captain, who was streaking up the field. not surprisingly, lucy was close behind her, and so were me and kiera. alexia couldn't get a clear shot so she passed it to me then to kiera. i moved further back on the field in case it rebounded again.
kiera still had the ball and was trying to play it around the lyon defenders, but they weren't easy to break. she kicked it back to lucy who took the chance to score and shot it straight into the net. 
i was overjoyed and ran back up the field to where lucy was, screaming "that's my girl!" and just in time too, the last minute ticked over and the ref called it game over, we won. i slammed into lucy and she almost lost her balance but held onto me anyway.
i was probably more happy than she was, based off of my reaction. she had saved the game and scored the game-winning goal. all of our other teammates ran to us, including the ones on the sidelines and we all had a group hug.
it was the best experience ever, winning the champions league and scoring a goal in the final game. and i did it with lucy by my side.
the ride home was amazing, everyone was so happy and lucy had the happiest expression i'd seen. we made it back to our hotel for the night and everyone immediately went to their own rooms, they were that tired. i refused and tagged along with lucy to her room so we could celebrate together.
we were comfortable together, lying on the bed in each others arms. i had drifted off into my own world just thinking of the huge accomplishment both me and her had achieved.
"what are you thinking of over there?" lucy's voice cut through my daydream. "you." i had a cheeky grin on my face to tease the older woman more. "oh really?" her eyes were sparking with desire as she turned on her side to face me. i shrank underneath her intense gaze.
"what about me, love?" i couldn't even get any words out, my throat had gone dry. lucy took things into her own hands and leaned forward to kiss me. it turned into an heated make out, our tongues battling against the other. she won that match and i opened my mouth to deepen the kiss. when we pulled apart, she only uttered one thing before diving back in.
"that's my girl."
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tapwater118 · 7 days
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Has anyone ever heard of “Battle for Dream Island” (1990) before? Really obscure NES game, doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page (or hell, even a mention in one).
From what little I can find about it on the internet, Battle for Dream Island was an NES game released on January 1st, 1990, apparently made entirely by a pair of independent American developers. Never made all that many sales, but eventually it garnered a rather niche following on an obscure gaming forum, though it had long since dissipated. Unfortunately, seemingly nothing from the forum threads was archived, so all I have to go on are a few vague threads titles from a navigation page.
I, rather cliched like, bought this BfDI cartridge from a sleazy old guy at a flea market (along with Puzznic and Wario’s Woods for a bargain deal). I dumped the ROM and booted it up on an emulator to take some screencaps.
Upon pressing start, you are prompted to “Choose Contestant,” and have a choice between any of 20 playable characters (who are all everyday objects, for some reason). Each contestant has their own stats, and while you can feel the difference while playing, the overall impact of character choice is pretty negligible. (Also some of these guys don’t even have arms?? Weird design choice but okay.)
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Two screencaps of the character select screen. I went with Pin for my first playthrough cause idk she seemed kinda cute. I’m almost sure the stats are “Strength,” “Speed,” “Jump,” and “Skill.”
(Continued under cut)
While touting itself as a game show, BfDI is essentially a glorified minigame collection. The gameplay loop is as follows: You and the 19 other contestants play a minigame (referred to as “challenges”) to earn points based on how well you do (though I’m fairly certain the computer contestants just get a random amount of points for each challenge). Most of the challenges are various platforming segments, though some others fall more into puzzle game territory.
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Two of the challenges. The green “Win Tokens” can be collected for bonus points. LEFT: A horizontal platformer level. The grey wall in the middle of the screencap moves up and down. RIGHT: A challenge about climbing ladders while avoiding “acid spitballs.” The game pauses to scroll vertically a la Super Mario Bros. 2.
After each challenge, this speaker thing shows up (pretty sure he’s supposed to be like a game show host?) and tallies up everyone’s score. The contestant with the least score gets “eliminated” and removed from the game.
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The results screen. Leafy did rather poor on the last challenge, so she’s out of the game.
The game continues like this until you lose (have the least amount of points) and get booted to the game over screen, or until you are the last one left, in which case you win Dream Island! (Though of course in reality you just get booted back to the title screen. No Dream Island for you.)
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The victory screen, with the gates to Dream Island in sight. Feels more like the gates to hell given how Pin’s staring at me.
It’s a fairly easy game for NES standards (I won on my first try). Took me about 80 minutes on my first playthrough, though subsequent ones could take less than an hour as I knew what I was doing. The brevity and the fact it saves your high score gives BfDI a nice sense of replayability (though this is probably best done sporadically, as the challenges tend to get a bit samey after a couple of back-to-back playthroughs).
So yeah, just wanted to share this in case anybody else has heard of it. I’ll probably rip the sprites and upload them sometime later cause it doesn’t look like anybody’s done that yet.
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jxckchxmpi0n · 9 months
Hi there. I was wondering if you could do a Spider-Man Ethan x fem!reader where the reader has feelings for Spider-Man and doesn’t know its her friend Ethan who she also grew up having a crush on. Every night the her and Spider-Man talk and hang out on the roof of her apartment. One of the nights there is so much tension that they end up doing the famous Spider-Man kiss. Feelings on both ends are confessed, but Ethan refuses to fully take off his mask. But then one night Spider-Man is extremely injured and loses a lot of blood. So the reader ends up patching him up and has to remove his mask to reveal that it’s her friend Ethan that she’s always had feelings for. Then it can end spicy from there with whatever you’re comfortable writing.
Thank you 😊
OMG! 🕸🕷 I love this idea - ugh, I'm gonna have so much fun writing this ahhhhhh hope you enjoy love 🌼
Two Hearts
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Summary : You have a crush on your best friend Ethan- but growing close with Spiderman, and also sharing those same feelings leaves you confused. A rough night for Spiderman ends up revealing secrets.
Word count: 3.0k
Warning: Angst, fluff, swearing, blood, mentions of death, slight NSFW.
I love how much music affects my writing. Listened to "hopeless romantic soft mix" while writing this. Made me kick my feet and giggle!! ALSO, THIS IS THE LONGEST FIC I HAVE WRITTEN ANNNDDD OH MY GOS I AM SO IN LOVE
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There was a new superhero in town, and boy did that 'Spiderman' have all the girls' hearts. He sure had yours, but he will never be Ethan- Ethan was your best friend. He has been by your side since you could remember.
Any person that would see you together thought you were dating, but you weren't. The thought of telling Ethan you liked him - oh boy. That would be the last thing you would do. HE GIVES YOU BUTTERFLIES!!! he makes your stomach turn, and those chocolate brown eyes always make you want to grab his face and smother him in kisses.
Your little daydreams got carried away sometimes, staring off into space when you hang out with him. "y/n, you there?" Shaking the thoughts away, you nod. He then just continues on about science.
But this Spiderman, saving people, helping the elder, oh what a dream he seemed very sweet and always helped no matter how minor the "crime" was.
Not knowing who he was drove New York crazy the secret identity was smart and cool, but it really started to pick up in the school halls.
How old was he?
Was 'he' he or 'she'?
How did they become super?
You were always talking about the latest crime fight Spiderman had done, digging into conspiracies, which always made Ethan laugh.
Lately, you haven't been able to hang out with Ethan as much as he signed up for active work at the police station with his dad. Most nights, he would be busy with his dad doing simple desk work and / or join him in a ride along. So, being on your own was the new daily.
It started a few weeks ago. Slowly, you noticed webs around your neighborhood buildings. 'Maybe Spiderman came through.' he was always around this part of town, so it made sense.
As the school days died down and the city got louder at night, you would relax on the rooftop of your apartment. Being so high in the sky, being able to see over it, was refreshing. Turning your music off, you'd listen to the sounds around you as your mind filled with thoughts. Homework would also fill the gap.
It wasn't until the second week of being on the rooftop that something wild happened. As you sat playing music going over your English notes, right across the street, Spiderman stood watching you. He didn't want to seem like a creep - well, standing in a head-to-toe body suit watching from a rooftop seemed weird, but he kept it lowkey.
He liked seeing you in such peace, sitting looking down at the people who roamed the streets, or how you would lay on your back looking at the sky. You were so beautiful in his eyes. He was so drawn to you, he couldn't just stay away.
Before he realized what he was doing, his arm straightened out activating his webs. Putting his full body weight in the web, he swung over he landed on the opposite side of the roof near you. Why was he so nervous, you don't know who he is! What if this ends up bad! wait, you don't know who he is! this is perfect.
"Why do you sit up here?" he spoke before he could process. The sudden voice made you jump and yelp a little. Looking around, you saw him. He stood a few feet away from you.
'Spiderman, oh my gosh, it's Spiderman,' you thought, your mind racing with so many questions. 'Why is he up here?' 'is this fake' ?Did I fall asleep again?'
"What? are- this- I- Are you really here?" he couldn't help but laugh at your comment and walked closer. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears.
"Well, duh," he tried to sound smooth, but his voice ended up cracking while he sat in front of you. You laughed as he tried to buff up his look.
"So? Why are you sitting up here?" he tilted his head to the side in a questioning way. The spider eyes on the mask opening and closing softly.
"It's peaceful up here, I get to see the city, and no one else comes up here so it's like the perfect place to escape for a little" your heart ached, you wished Ethan wasn't always so busy so you could take him up here.
He hummed, satisfied with your answer. 'How was he just so calm sitting here with me, like this is normal?'
"I'm sorry, as much as I think this is cool - uh, what are you doing here? Don't you have some crime to fight?" You threw some fake punches his way, laughing to ease your awkwardness.
"I mean, yeah, but it's a slow day, and I just saw you hanging out here. I've actually seen you here a lot the past few weeks, so you know, I just thought I'd see what you do. " he was blushing so hard under the mask, and his body was warm. 'Don't sound like a perv!'
"Do you do this a lot? spy on people?" Your voice is playful and light.
"Me? Well, psh No, I-I haven't done this before. Is it weird - oh, did I make you uncomfortable?!" As he spoke, his voice started to hold some panic.
"What - no, you didn't- NO this is cool! It's cool. I swear, I mean, you're Spiderman, like how wouldn't this be cool."
He felt a little better knowing it didn't make you uncomfortable. Hours had passed, and you talked about what it's like to fight crime and how he got his powers.
This soon became a regular occurrence. Every other night, he would show up and tell you the star crime of the day. You would bring extra drinks and food and give some to him. He would always turn around, or you would close your eyes when he ate/drank.
The feelings you had for him grew into an actual crush, now that you knew him - somewhat you felt like you could trust him.
After a few months, things started to change. He would tease you as you would do the same. Playful touching, whispering as he was inches away from your face. He grew so comfortable around you that he would sit shoulder to shoulder with you.
The smell of his calonge would fill your nose, a sense of familiar came to mind. The tension between you two could be cut by a knife, long shared glances, his body pressed into yours when he would give you his web shooters and show how to use them.
"Would you ever feel comfortable enough to take your mask off?" You sat on the edge of the rooftop with him right next to you, your hands resting near one another. The city lights shined on your face as he looked at you, a soft blush rose to your cheeks.
"Uh, maybe. I'm just scared. " he looked away, not wanting to face you.
"You don't have to be scared," you hand reached for his face, pulling it to face you. Even if you can't see his eyes, you knew they were looking right back at you. "You have my trust, and I promise not to break it," your voice was stern, yet like butter to his ears. His gloved hand went to yours, holding it closer to his face, leaning into your touch, the warmth of your hand seeping into his suit.
"It's getting pretty late; I should get going." Your hand fell from his face, and he nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow?" You were already walking towards the door with your bag over your shoulder.
"Yeah, of course!" he smiled under the mask matching the one you wore. Turning around, you could hear the web shooters, meaning he was leaving, but to your surprise, he hung over the door by his web. Looking up, your eyes followed it to the billboard.
"Only a little." He couldn't trust his own voice. He was nervous. 'Did she understand?'
The sound of cars honking and people shouting started to drown out as you stepped closer. 'Was he sure about this?' Your hands got closer to his neck, finding the edge of the mask. "Are you sure?" concerned you asking, pressured him.
"Yes, please." it almost sounded like a whine.
Pulling the mask over his chin past his lips; you stopped right before his nose. Your heart was beating very fast, feeling it in your throat, the butterflies in your stomach, it was driving you insane.
You could see he was blushing, some moles on his face near his lips. His lips, they looked so soft, and your hands held both sides of his face like he was going to get away. Your right hand let go though, reaching to trace his lips; they were soft, but also chapped. Both of your breaths were picking up.
"Please y/n," His voice whining again.
Pulling you out of your trance, you leaned in, "You're so beautiful."
Your lips clashed with his, inhaling his scent. This was heaven. The kiss was rough, the tension finally catching up. Teeth brushing each other sightly, you could feel his head pushing into yours. He wanted more, and so did you. Your lungs were burning gasping for air, but you didn't want to pull away, no, not yet. 'What if this is the only time I can kiss him, feel him?'
He was the first to pull away gasping for air. He just kissed you after wanting to for so long. "I'd like to do that again sometime." he was smiling so wide, being able to see it made your heart do flips.
"You know where to find me." Leaning in again, you kissed his cheek.
Taking the edge of the mask again, you pulled it back down towards his neck and tucking it in. "I'll see you tomorrow." Your hands dropped from his face, and you walked past him into the door.
Hours have passed, sitting on your bed acting like a little schoolgirl, giggling and kicking your feet. Who wouldn't you just kissed spiderman!
Looking at the clock, it was near one am. Sleep was catching up. So, you started your normal night routine. Finding some old extra oversized t-shirt, you slipped it on, and it landed on your mid-thigh barley coving much. You had shorts on but night shorts that were very short.
As you were done in the bathroom, you walked back into your room and felt a cold breeze. Looking around, you saw your window was open. An overwhelming feeling flooded your body as you knew you had closed it earlier. Getting closer, you hear a noise out of the darkness. Spiderman sat up, holding his side. He didn't look good.
"Help me," his body collapsed halfway in your window. your heart sunk at seeing him like this. Running to him, you grabbed him the best you could and pulled him in.
"What did you get yourself into, bug boy?" he sat against your wall, one arm trying to hold himself up and the other holding his abdomen.
"It's not that bad, I-" he removed his hand to show you the deep cut. it ran from lower chest to the middle of his stomach, "Okay, maybe it's a little bad." Every word was broken up by him groaning or wheezing.
"I'll be back." Running out of your room, you grabbed the first aid kit in the hallway. "I don't have much, so we have to make this work."
Before you started to clean the cut, you looked at his face. The mask was beat up pretty bad. He had a tear in it, running from his ear to chin. After tonight, you don't think this suit would survive.
"Can you move?" Your voice was low. The last thing you need is your parents finding Spiderman in your room.
"I'll try," he tried to push himself up, his head spinning. Standing with him, you saw him stumble, catching him. You guided him to your bed. As soon as he sat down, the pain was too much to bear. His body went limp.
"Hey! bug boy! hey, can you hear me?" You sat next to him, patting his face over and over and hoping to wake him up. His eyes would open and close after a few seconds, "You got to stay with me!"
"I'm tired." he was barely auditable.
As you looked at him, an idea came to your mind, "I'm sorry," putting a hand over his mouth and taking your other hand, you pressed down on the cut. He yelled into your hand in pain, his eyes tearing up under the mask. 'fuck'
The most you could do right now is clean the wounds and patch him up. He was awake but laid there quietly. You were so focused on making sure the wounds were thoroughly cleaned that you didn't realize one of his hands laid on your thigh, gripping it every time you wiped the cuts.
"You're okay." You tried your best to comfort him, and not much could be said though truthfully.
Once you checked over his entire body for more wounds, you moved up to his face. the mask was resting weirdly, "I finished everything else, but if you don't want me to clean -" As you spoke, his hand that wasn't on your thigh reached for the mask ripping it off.
Your jaw dropped.
"I-" before he could fully speak, you flung your body into his. He winced out in pain as he felt you on him, yet he felt better.
Your eyes were watering at this point, seeing Spiderman - no seeing Ethan like this ripped your heart apart. "I had my theories- but fuck bug boy why?!" you pulled away making eye contact. He could see the tear stains running down your rosy cheeks.
"Don't cry pretty, girl, please don't cry. I'm okay - kind of, " he chuckled, hoping it helped ease the tension. His hand cupped your face, his finger halfway in your hair, his thumb resting on your cheek moving side to side wiping the tears.
"You're an idiot you know that?" You hit his shoulder, pushing him back a little. He made a face like it hurt but only smiled. Looking at you through his lashes, blood sprayed on his face, scars you haven't seen before. His eyes softened as he saw your face red and stained, crying, pouting.
"I'm hoping to be your idiot though." his thumb still ran across your cheek, slowly moving down to trace your lips. He hasn't stopped thinking about kissing you. Even when he was dying, the need for you was strong.
He was just looking at your lips at this point. He looked at you like he was starving. The hunger for you grew stronger after that kiss. Noticing the change in how he looked at you, a laugh escaped you. "For almost dying, you sure are a teenage boy with your thoughts"
Your voice pulled him back, snapping his eyes up to yours he smiled. "That obvious?" Your hand had gone to his wrist rubbing circles into his skin as he did the same to your face.
Your head went forward, forehead to forehead. A sweet little moment between you two. "Don't die. I know what you do is dangerous, but I don't think I can handle seeing you crawl into my room like this again." he nodded his head, yours moving with his.
You felt far away from him too far, using what strength he had left he pulled you into his lap, straddling him, your breath hitched.
"I won't, I promise." his hand left your thigh holding out his pinky. It was cheeky, yes, but he would.
Both of your breaths were heavy, and the tension in the room was filled again. It's like he knew because he would lean in to ghost over your lips, yet pull away. 'asshole'
"Kiss me already," your voice was laced with annoyance.
Pulling you in from the back of your head, your lips crashed together, and it felt different. This kiss was hungry. It was needy. His hands went over the curves of your body, trailing under the t-shirt, gripping the back of your back, pulling you towards him if possible.
Your hands were tangled in his hair, the curls all broken apart, pulling it softly, earning a moan from him.
Your body was thinking faster than your mind, rocking back and forth on him. The feeling of his body tensing, pulling away to kiss your jaw, then your neck. Your head fell back, giving him more access. His lips were soft against your skin, his teeth grazing your skin as he left love bites, both of you, a moaning mess.
"Ethan" moaning out his name was something you both dreamed of "we- shouldn't- not- not now-" your words kept getting broken up from the feeling of him sucking your neck, and how his hands gripped your hips moving you more.
"Why?" he voice was muffled from being in your neck. He knew it wasn't the right time since he was so beaten up. His hands loosed up on your hips, and a whine could be heard from you. That didn't stop him from peppering your neck and face with kisses thought.
"Fine. We'll stop, but next time, I won't quit as easily. " he pulled his face out of your neck so he could look at you. Your face was red, with a smirk on it.
"Let's just lay here then," you crawled off of his lap. You laid down, following you, and he pulled you so close that you were basically on top of him again.
"I'm fine with that." he looked down, kissing the top of your head before sleep took over his body.
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imhidingfromschool · 4 months
Professor- Nanami
WC: 3,329
TW: uhhhh n/sfw? use of words like doll and good girl? idk, kinda public, prof/student relationship
AN: This was a request I did on my wattpad, it isn’t proof read 😋
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His warm hand slides up my shirt, warming my icy skin. I can barely hold in a moan as he grinds against my throbbing heat. His gentle eyes stare at me with such love that I can't help but give myself to him.
"[Y/N]?? Hello are you with us [Y/N]?" Your teacher Nanami Kento calls out, snapping you from your not so innocent day dream.
Your face burns red, no way you just had some weird sex fantasy about your teacher...mid-class?! You stand up from your seat and grab your text book, preparing to read.
"No, no need to read [Y/N], you just seemed...distracted. I have a low tolerance for daydreamers." He says causing your blush to deepen. You immediately sit back down, hearing some of your classmates snicker.
When the bell finally rings you begin to pack up your bag. Of course with your shitty luck you spill your pencil case and end up staying later than your other classmates.
Finally when you get your stuff together you head towards the door. You can't even make eye contact with your teacher, the embarrassment is too much to bare.
"Wait [Y/N] come here for a moment please." You hear Mr. Nanami call out. You stop in your tracks and slowly turn around. You mentally prepared yourself for the scolding you were about to receive.
"Yes sir?" You ask, still avoiding eye contact with him.
"I was just wondering if everything's alright? You've seem to be spacing out more and more often in class. I'm just worried about you." He says while placing a gentle hand onto your shoulder.
Honestly you were shocked, Nanami Kento was famous for his harsh punishments. You once heard a rumor that he kicked a student out of his class for dropping a pencil!
You stare into his warm eyes, they're so different from his normal piercingly cold ones. Fuck, this man has no idea what he's doing to you. If it wasn't so taboo you would have already made a move. You're both adults so what does it matter?
No! That's only the horny talking, you know you can't hit on your teacher! You think to yourself, trying to snap yourself out of your lewd thoughts.
"Ah I'm sorry sir, recently my parents have been going through a divorce and things have just been weird. Especially with my father, we've never been especially close." You say to him, technically it wasn't a lie, you and your father had always had a...strained relationship to say the least.
"Okay, just let me know if you need anything." He says and you quickly thank him before scurrying out of the room.
Your friend is waiting for you outside with a smirk plastered across her face.
"So how was getting chewed out by the infamous Nanami Kento. I'm sure that crushed your little crush on him." She says with a wink that causes your blush to return.
You made the mistake of telling your friend about your crush on your Professor. She constantly teases you about it.
"Actually he was super sweet and understanding. He said that I could go to him if I needed anything." You say with a soft smile, thinking back on his warm touch.
Later that night when you finally get to your dorm your friend plops right down onto her bed and passes out.
You envied her carefree nature, she was naturally so smart. You sat down at your desk and opened your textbook to your assigned homework. You sighed, your one little not so innocent day dream set you back way farther than you thought.
You were already struggling but now it felt like everything was in a different language! Nothing was making sense and your grades were already slipping.
You tapped your head against your desk, you needed to start getting more serious. Grades would be sent home soon and your dad would not be okay with any of these.
Slowly you open your lap top and start your intense study session. You watch several youtube videos and read several articles. After all of that you still felt like you only understood a fraction of the lesson.
Unfortunately the sun had already begun to rise. Panic immediately sets in as you realize you went the whole night without sleeping.
The next few weeks are a blur of trying to improve your grades but miserably failing. You try to ask your roommate for help but she's terrible at explaining.
"Just do it! I don't get what you don't understand [Y/N], just go through these four steps!" She insists but it never gets through your thick skull.
Finally the day has arrived, the day you have been dreading for the last few weeks. The day that your grades get released to your parents.
You knew your mother wouldn't care, she was always so supportive. She knew you were doing your best and that was enough for her.
On the other hand your father was cruel, always has been and probably always will be. He would send you harsh messages, and scream at you for the slightest failures. If it wasn't first then it was last to him.
Shockingly enough it had been two days since grades had been released and nothing. No messages, missed calls, or even voicemails. Maybe he had missed it, either way you were relieved. Until it happened.
Your phone lights up with a message from none other than your father. You stare down in horror, you know the worst is about to happen.
I'm not just disgusted; I'm questioning how someone I raised could sink so low. You've not only let me down; you've shattered any pride I had in being your parent. It's shameful to be associated with the poor decisions you're making. Your recent behavior is beyond disappointing; it's utterly shameful. Your choices not only reflect a profound lack of character but also make me question the values I thought I had instilled in you. Frankly, associating with someone displaying such a flagrant disregard for decency is nothing short of humiliating.
[Your Father]
You stare down at the message in shock, he didn't even bother to use your name. You quickly run into a nearby classroom, trying to hide the tears that have begun to well up in your eyes.
You collapse, leaning against the wall and falling to the floor. Tears begin to pour out of your eyes as you reread the message. After that paragraph he continued to send more harsh messages, messages that you couldn't even repeat out loud.
Your eyes shoot up to the door to your left. You thought you had stumbled into an unused classroom but you realized a little too late that you're in your math professors room.
"[Y/N]?" You hear a familiar voice call out. Your eyes widen in horror, it's Mr. Nanami.
Quickly you scramble to your feet. You try to wipe away your tears but there's no hiding the red rim around your eyes and puffy face.
"Ah I'm sorry, I didn't realize this was your classroom Sir." You say with a quick bow, swiftly walking towards the door.
"Wait-" He says, grabbing your wrist gently and spinning you around. You fall forward into his chest from the quick movement.
Your face irrupts into flames from the close proximity and you slowly take a step back. His face is unreadable and the two of you just stand there in silence for a moment.
Finally he breaks the silence."Are you okay?" He says slowly reaching for your face, rubbing a stray tear away with his thumb. Your eyes widen in shock, the man in front of you who is known for being cruel is being so unbelievably gentle.
"Mr. Nanami-"
That one noise was enough to send you reeling. It was like you lost all control of your body as the grief washed back over you. Your head falls against his chest and he quickly wraps his arms around you.
"[Y/N] what's going on? Talk to me please." He says while rubbing circles into your back. It takes you a second to catch your breath and realize who arms you're in.
"Omg I'm sniff so sorry Mr. sniff Nanami!" You speak out between sobs, trying to pull yourself together.
"Don't worry [Y/N] you're safe, let it out." He says, pulling you back into the safety of his arms. You sob into his arms while he gently caresses your hair, the size difference between you two being incredibly present.
"Good girl, just like that." The innocent words caused your face to engulf into flames, your tears beginning to slow.
Eventually your sob comes to a complete stop and you slowly step away, begrudgingly leaving the warmth of his arms.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Nanami it's just some family issues, I really shouldn't have reacted like this, I'm so sorry." You begin to apologize profusely, embarrassment kicking in.
"It's really no problem [Y/N], I'm here whenever you need." He says with the softest smile ever. Your heart nearly skips a beat before you scurry away.
Over the next couple of weeks you avoid Nanami like the plague. Quickly leaving class as soon as the bell rings. The embarrassment from your pathetic actions have truly stared to get to you.
Unfortunately today you couldn't rush out as fast as usual. You were taking a math exam when the bell rang, and you hadn't finished.
"Ah, sorry, Mr. Nanami I didn't finish." You say with an adorable pout.
"I'm staying after school today, if you'd like the come finish it later." He says, glancing up from his desk briefly to address you.
"That would be great, thank you Mr. Nanami!" You say with an enthusiastic smile, trying to ignore your pounding heart.
Finally the time has come, your last period has ended and it's time to head back to your math room.
Your heart is practically leaping out of your chest, just you and Nanami, alone together. Considering the fact that there's also a near by basketball game the school will be practically empty.
knock knock
"Hello Professor? It's me [Y/N], I'm here to finish my test." You say sheepishly, the door slowly opens and you're met with Nanami gazing down at you.
The two of you just stare at each other for a long moment before Nanami clears his throat, stepping aside. You thank him before heading inside and sitting at your usual desk.
He gives you your test back and the two of you sit in comfortable silence as you work through the unanswered questions.
"Shit" You huff under your breath. You couldn't remember the equation you had to use for this specific word problem.
The way it was worded was similar to another equation. You knew it wasn't that but you just couldn't for the life of you remember what it was.
"Hm?" Nanami hums out, standing over your shoulder, watching your struggle against mathematics. You startle slightly, you hadn't even heard him stand up.
"Use the Pendulum Formula." He whispers as if someone else was in the room, someone waiting to bust through the door and yell at him for giving away answers.
You look over your shoulder, making eye contact with him. He was so close you could practically feel his breath on your face.
The tension was so thick you could practically taste it. His eyes on your lips and yours on his, you knew it was wrong, but was it really that bad?
Within seconds his lips are attached on yours. Your arms fly up, desperately grabbing at his hair, pulling him impossibly closer.
You don't even notice as he picks you up off of your chair, seating you on his desk. Your to focused on him, and the taste of his sweet lips.
Neither of you could get enough, your legs wrapping around his waist, him grinding against your clothed pussy.
Begrudgingly the two of you pull apart, gasping for air. His head falls onto your shoulder, arms tightening around your figure, you were so small compared to him, practically caged between his arms.
"W..We should stop." He huffs out, but you knew that was the last thing he wanted, you could tell from the large bulge rubbing against your inner thighs. He wanted this just as badly, if not more than you did.
"I know, but I really don't want to." You say, tightening your grip on his hair and pulling him back into a sloppy kiss.
His hands roam your body, sliding his warm hands under your shirt, sending shivers down your spine.
His hands take little time making their way up to your breasts, pulling your bra down but not off. Leaving your breasts exposed to the cold air, your nipples immediately hardening.
You don't just sit there idly while he toys with you, you're making quick work of his belt. Quickly undoing it and unzipping his pants.
You slide your hand inside, against his clothed heat, still being protected by his underwear.
The two of you pull away from each other once more, though this time it's for the sole purpose of undressing. Immediately you reach for the hem of your shirt, yanking it up and over, leaving your perky nipples on complete display.
He groans at the sight, barely being able to focus on the small buttons that line his shirt. You take pity on the man and help him out.
Your breath nearly gets stuck in your throat as you watch him take off his shirt, teasingly slow. His chiseled body on complete display all for you.
Gently he clears his desk, gently pushing you down on the now cleared area. He hovers over you, so large you can't even tell that he's still standing.
He starts with your lips leaving feather light kisses down to your jaw, your throat, and your collarbone. When he gets to your breasts he pauses for a moment before kitten licking your right nipple.
Your legs squeeze around his waist at the feeling, letting out a moan that sounded more like a squeak. His right hand comes up, sliding across your thigh all the way up to your left nipple, making sure it's receiving the same attention.
It was heavenly, but it wasn't what you wanted, no needed what you needed was him, all of him.
"P-Please Nanami, I w-wanna feel you." You barely manage to squeak out, moaning in between syllables.
He unlatches from your chest with a pop before moving back up to kiss you. The kiss only momentarily distracted you from his quick fingers.
You felt your belt loosen and your pants unbutton and in what felt like a mere second you were just in your panties.
He pulls back to take a look at you, completely flushed with you bra unceremoniously pull down, your arm placed on your forehead and you pretty pink panties with a noticeable wet spot.
Fuck he could almost cum just from the sight of you. You watch his every move, desperate for him to touch you, anywhere at this point.
He wanted to take his time, he wanted to make love to you, show you that he really did care about you and this wasn't just some one night stand, but after seeing you so desperate for him he knew that'd have to wait for another day.
Swiftly he slides his underwear down, allowing his dick to spring free, practically slapping his stomach. The tip was flushed red, precum practically drowning out.
Carefully and slowly he aligns himself with your entrance, practically teasing you as he slides himself through your folds a few times, mixing both of your fluids together, creating plenty of slick.
You reach up, wrapping you arms around his neck, pulling him down into a passionate kiss as he slowly, painstakingly slowly enters you.
The two of you pant and mewl into the kiss, both completely blissed out from the feeling. Your warm velvety walls are sucking him in so nicely, you're so fucking tight he can barely handle it, and fuck he fills you up so nicely, the stretch feeling more pleasurable than you could've imagined.
The two of you take a moment to catch your breath before he begins to move, but it's not enough. He's going to slow, to sensual, what you need is for him to fuck you, have you seeing stars.
"M-More, fffffuckkk, Nanami harder please." You moan out, squeezing around him.
"F-Fuck, whatever you say Doll." He says and the nickname only causes your heart to flutter and your pussy to beg for more.
Oh and does he deliver. He grabs either side of your hips, holding you securely in place as he pounds into you. When he finds your prostate he practically abuses the squishy area.
He's groaning and huffing above you, trying his absolute hardest to hold out, to not cum on the spot from your warm walls.
As he feels his release approaching one of his hands snake down to rub at your throbbing flit. Your legs wrap around him, somehow even tighter as you let out a whiny moan, pleasure hitting you.
"F-Fuck, I'm almost there." He groans out and he can tell you are too, he can tell by the pulsations, your pussy practically sucking him in deeper.
Without any warning he pulls out and you whine, your hole grasping at nothing. The empty feeling making you whine out in disagreement.
He doesn't make you wait long though, plunging two fingers inside of you. Mercilessly fingering you and practically abusing your clit with his skilled younger.
He has you cumming in mere minutes, but the two of you aren't done yet, no he still hasn't cum. Without even letting you catch your breath after you intense orgasm he pulls your practically limp body off of his desk and onto the floor.
You sit down, staring at him with glazed eyes. Your mouth practically watering at the sight of his dick, it's practically crying for your help.
You spare little time, wrapping your soft delicate fingers around the base and gently licking the tip. He groans, "fuck please, don't tease me."
You smile at his politeness and decide to listen, taking him in your mouth. He's huge and you're practically choking but it's exhilarating. Your heart is racing and your pussy is dripping from excitement.
Your hollowing your cheeks, humming on his dick, swirling your tongue around the tip. You're giving this man the sloppiest fucking head ever and he's enjoying every minute.
Gently intertwining his fingers into your hair and practically fucking your throat with his cock. "Fuck just like that, who's my good girl? You're doing so good for me baby."
When he starts to twitch in the back of your throat you know he's close. That only encourages you to speed up, bobbing your head up and down, staring up at him through tears, not breaking eye contact for even a second.
That was the last straw, he felt something snap and he was gone, shooting warm streams of milky white cum down your throat. You're practically choking on his cock but that doesn't stop him from holding you in place.
"You can take it for me, I know you can, you take me so well princess." He groans out as you work him through his orgasm.
Finally he releases your hair and you slide him out of your throat with a pop. Quickly he leans down to pull you up and into a tight hug.
You return without hesitation, leaning your head on his chest, but he wasn't done. No this was just the beginning.
He gives you a moment to regain your composure before he's bending you over his desk, ass out and ready to be fucked.
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bambisnc · 4 months
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birthday surprise ₊˚.
pairing : taehyun x reader genre : flufffff w a cute wrapping of crack <3 cw/tw : ty panics a lil bit + beomgyu is made to do labour /j + minor swearing + use of caps wc : 783 w (wrote this in one sitting a day before my bio prac hehe) notes : HO LEE SHIT i'm having exams still but ugh how could i not write a lil soemthing for tyun my lil boba eyed bee eff's birfhday 😍🫶 (posting this as soon as it's 00.00 on 5th by my timezone)
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when you act super distant with taehyun around a week before his birthday, he’s confused. about your behavior, of course but also his own. he's not like this, he's the rational one, the one with the braincell so why is he overthinking this so much? you're probably just planning something for his special day, he knows that but.. he can't help but feel paranoid.. what if he’s just being conceited in thinking so? what if something's seriously wrong??
then just 3 days before the awaited day you call him up sounding all worried - saying there's an emergency and you have to leave asap and he's left reeling with shock. what do you mean an emergency?? is there a problem at work or at your uni? or worse, did something happen to someone in your family-? he can’t focus at all, practice, meetings with the manager, even his sleep is completely consumed by thoughts of you (though that’s.. not really new~)
and then it's finally the eve of the much, much awaited day. he really wasn't expecting anything, opting instead for an early night. his members were seemingly busy with a "project", which was highly suspicious and should’ve immediately raised alarm, is what he would say if you asked him later and you know, he would've caught onto it right then but busy schedules added to the constant worry about all the upcoming events and ofc you had dulled his senses considerably
but at 11.51 sharp, as if on cue, he hears his shrill ringtone from where it is kept next to his bed. it's beomgyu.
“taehyun, dude”, he says, “there's um,.. an issue. uh, yeah no it's a huge problem. we need everyone in the practice room like right now.” by now of course, taehyun did feel pretty sure of the fact that his members had something planned.. i mean “an issue at the practice room”? c'mon that was a classic, he'd literally used that same line on yeonjun's birthday last year. he’s about to let beomgyu know of this but then he hears their manager in the background.. shit okay, maybe there's actually something wrong? briefly affirming that he’ll be there, he haphazardly dresses and makes his way to the practice room...
...only to find the room dark, as he opens the door and walks in, extremely wary of his surroundings. making his way to the light switches he soon discovers emptiness. the room was completely empty. what the fuck.
he honestly felt so dazed, he couldn't help but just sit himself on the couch, somewhere between wondering if this was a dream and if not wondering why his members chose to inflict such weird pranks (?) upon him. he remains there for a good 45 ish minutes before he hears the unmistakable sound of footsteps and people, whispering in a way that was not quiet at all.
"shit why're the lights already on??" "oh yeah i called taehyun and told him to come down!!" "what. beomgyu we haven't set up anything. the cake is literally in my hands right now. you're literally holding the decorations??" "oh. huh." "gyu holy shit how could you not know????" "I SWEAR TO GOD." "guys shut up we can still salvage this if we just-"
and taehyun finds himself face to face with a shocked huening kai, an extremely guilty-looking beomgyu, you with so much disappointment adorning your face that one would think this was your surprise party being ruined and rather furious looking soobin and yeonjun.
i'm sure you can picture how the rest of the "surprise" party went. taehyun making some colorful, weirdly specific yet affectionate threats to everyone, you especially - having him worrying over nothing for a whole week, how could you?! he discovers that their manager had been persuaded by all of you to record a little audio clip you could play over call, just to make taehyun a little extra worried and a little less suspicious. well. at least, that definitely worked out huh?
but later when he has his arm around you as you cut the cake into delicate slices and beomgyu attempts to decorate the whole room single handedly, as was chosen to be his punishment, with the rest of his members, offering birthday wishes, sharing past anecdotes of various such mishaps (and it is undoubtable that there were a lot), laughing and playing about, he can't help but think maybe he prefers this more than he would a "perfect" surprise.
next year though, as he tells each of you multiple times, he'd rather it not be a surprise at all. with a smile that quite clearly said that it was very much not up for debate.
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[check out my masterlist for more <3]
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kradogsrats · 2 months
I'd Do Anything (... But I Won't Do That)
This started out kind of weird and petty but then turned into an actual thing about the relationship of Viren's character arc(s) to the Arc 2 "I'll do anything for you" theme, because that's actually pretty important for the context of how both Callum and Claudia will have to confront the same conflict.
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Pictured: Do NOT take a shot every time we get a callback to this line, you will die.
Basically, the petty part is that I think evaluating Viren's Arc 1 decisions through the "I will do anything for my family" lens is... disingenuous is too strong a word, but maybe simplistic? The "Viren doesn't reveal/offer the egg to save Harrow's life because he's too preoccupied with hanging on to his own power" take has never sat right with me because the real core problem of Viren is a lot more complex than just "he's lying (to himself)," it's a whole pattern of denying his own agency in doubling down on his mistakes. He'll make one bad/selfish decision, and it becomes a cascade of subsequent actions that he sees as being unavoidable, but that aren't necessarily even informed by the same reasoning or values as the initial decision. Like everything else in Viren's dream, Kpp'Ar's take that his choices are all oriented toward power is both accurate and not necessarily as literal as it seems.
Because, like... Viren's not actually a manipulator or even much of a planner—he's a very skilled opportunist. That's why all his choices wind up being based entirely on the context of past choices, and frequently make no sense when you look at them from a "hey buddy, where exactly do you think you're going with this" angle. It also contributes to why he's so desperate for control all the time, in that he acts primarily in a reactive way rather than proactively, which is always an inherently less secure position.
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Pictured: The kind of statement that definitely always leads to things going super well.
Even taking the egg in the first place is a reactive decision—not that he doesn't make a choice there, or that he doesn't choose power over the threat he believes the egg poses, but he did actually walk all the way up the Storm Spire, fight five or six Dragonguard, and get kicked down a flight of stairs with the intent of destroying it. He didn't argue with Harrow about destroying it while secretly planning to take it for himself. He only even thinks of it as a weapon because Tiadrin planted the idea in his mind—as an opportunist, the temptation to leave an avenue to power open rather than close it off is what he can't resist. He sat on Sarai's last breath for ten years waiting for a chance to weaponize it to maximum effect, he can sit (figuratively... or literally, I'm not gonna stop him) on the egg for as long as it takes for an appropriate use it to appear. Tiadrin even specifically encourages that he not "waste" it, both specifically by destroying it now, and implicitly by using it too quickly and foolishly.
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Pictured: Smart mom, dumb ass.
Tiadrin's angle, of course, is that the longer Viren hangs on to the egg without actually using it, the higher the chance it can be recovered. She doesn't know that Viren will leave things in a state where the assumption is that the egg was destroyed, meaning no one will think to try recovering it, but that's not really her fault and it still pays off.
The gamble Viren makes, on the other hand, is that the opportunities the egg affords will be worth the risk of it somehow falling back into Xadian hands. If the egg returns to Xadia alive, he's back to square "his name will be vengeance" in the game of We Killed the Dragon King. So yeah, you could say Viren values keeping the egg over Harrow's life, but in doing that he's actually operating largely on the exact same values and beliefs that made him argue for destroying it in the first place. It's just that his prior choice of risking humanity's security for the sake of potentially world-altering power has backfired in the context of an immediate and direct threat to Harrow's life. Really, the entire rest of s1 and s2 are him doubling down specifically on keeping the egg from returning to Xadia while also milking the opportunities coming from that course—e.g. the egg cannot go back to Xadia, therefore Callum and Ezran cannot return to Katolis either with or without it (knowing their goal is to return it to Xadia, which it will be difficult to stop them from doing once Ezran is king), and that means someone has to take the throne. If the egg can't be recovered, their only hope is a decisive first strike against Xadia, so someone has to mobilize the Pentarchy immediately. None of them are things he planned in the sense of "well, if Harrow dies then I can get his sons out of the way and make myself king, and then conquer Xadia." It's all reactive to the situation with the egg. You could argue that he'd do the same things if the egg wasn't a factor, like it's possible he's always been kind of lying in wait to push Harrow's sons aside and seize the throne... but if that was the case, he'd really do much better to make a bid for regent like any normal evil advisor would.
Anyway, all of that does still undermine the statement that he'd do "anything" for his family (which includes Harrow), and it is ultimately because of that initial choice he made to take the opportunity of power over the certainty of securing humanity's future. It's just not as simple as, "Viren says he would do anything for his family, but he won't sacrifice his own power and ambition." In the wake of his critical failure to prioritize humanity in destroying the egg, he's making choices that do prioritize humanity (from within his worldview that Xadia is an existential threat barely held at bay)... but they're still bad choices because they're all reactive to that original bad choice. It's not that he's working at cross-purposes to what he says his goals are, it's that he genuinely thinks digging his hole deeper will somehow work out positively, or at least better than the alternative would.
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Pictured: Another statement that for sure indicates you're doing totally great.
Really though, I don't think you can (or are supposed to) look at the trifecta of self-individuals-world and point to one that Viren—or really any character outside of Callum, Rayla, and Claudia—puts at the top. Part of the whole point here is that elevating one of those at the expense of the others is never going to be the right choice all of the time. Obviously always putting yourself first is shitty, but we get multiple examples of over-prioritizing one of the other two as being self-destructive and dangerous. Consistency isn't supposed to be positive, here—a core part of this arc is likely to be Callum grappling with that, and that's without even looking at what's going on with Claudia.
The other thing is that "I will do anything for my family"-Viren is actually on some level a different character than Arc 1 Viren, such that evaluating one based on the context of the other doesn't actually make sense. We don't get even a hint of the "I would do anything for my family" in the series until s4, after Viren has died and been revived. Yeah, we had it earlier in the novels, but in there it's really about Claudia and her relationship with Viren, not Viren's values or actions. Arc 1 Viren and Arc 2 Viren inform each other as characters, but most of the point is the ways they aren't the same. And while Arc 2 Viren is understandably preoccupied with the concept of sacrificing for family—given that he's been stripped of everything that was in his life except Claudia, who went to terrible lengths on his behalf—Arc 1 Viren is actually quite consistent with how he's laid out in his Tales of Xadia character sheet:
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Like, check out those Liberty and Glory statements—not even close to the same ballpark as Callum's "I value those close to me more than anyone or anything" Devotion and "I'm beholden to my inner circle, not some silly kingdom" Liberty, but quite accurate as the through-line on his s1-s3 actions. There's nothing in there about family, because Arc 1 Viren isn't actually meant to be associated with "I will do anything for my family," and he's not lying to himself by not acting consistently with it in Arc 1.
Arc 2 Viren is then a kind of emotional reboot back to a particular point earlier in his life—not necessarily the point before he first did any dark magic at all, but before he did his ill-defined "anything" to save Soren, which is implied in multiple places to be the point where he started in on a spiral that had tangible and fairly rapid effects on his personality and outlook. That's further emphasized by the contents of his dream in s5—seeing him behave in a genuinely loving and joyful way with Soren is shocking, and immediately raises the question of what the fuck happened and why.
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Pictured: Healthy coping mechanisms.
Part of what still distinguishes Viren's "I will do anything for my family; however dangerous, however vile" from Callum's developing "I would do anything for you" is that Viren is always deliberately addressing the "things that are so unforgivable, you will never forgive yourself" facet while Callum leaves it implicit because he doesn't really understand and/or want to acknowledge that yet (and also Rayla would probably twist his nose again, which fucking hurts). In how Viren describes it to Terry, he is using that up-front acknowledgement to then essentially abdicate any emotional responsibility for... well, anything at all. The entire "however dangerous, however vile" mantra is another way of denying his own agency, because if he'll do anything, then he doesn't actually have to go through the difficult emotional process of making those decisions and dealing with the aftermath.
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Pictured: H-healthy coping mechanisms?
Terry correctly pegs this questionable excuse for philosophy as "not having feelings," and generally not the best approach, because it will do things like lead to a default state of emotional unavailability to your children—oh, wait. I think it's not unlikely that Viren's emotional distancing from what "I will do anything for my family" meant contributed a lot to the degradation of it as his core value and his ensuing Arc 1 state. A lot of what's going on in his s5 dream is that he's being confronted with the consequences of "I will do anything for my family," specifically. He's being forced through an emotional speedrun of what it has cost him and everyone around him, and what has he got to show for it? Claudia, corrupted beyond recognition, proudly repeating his own words back to him.
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Pictured: Whatever the opposite of daddy issues is.
Because the whole point of Viren's "I will do anything for my family" in Arc 2 is the challenge of whether he would/will do it all again. If he holds to that value the same way he did before, he'll do whatever it takes to save Claudia—however dangerous, however vile. Most of Viren's moral and emotional stuff has been based on his self-serving resignation to having "no choice." He's so tragically trapped in a chain of spiraling consequences he can never break... except oh wait, he totally can. S5 is all about Viren recognizing the dark magic feedback loop and that he has the agency to break it, and his best and only chance to avoid doing further harm to Claudia is to not be willing to destroy himself that way again, even it it means his death will cause her terrible emotional pain.
We'll see how that works out. Because let's be real: Claudia's gonna Claudia, regardless. However it goes, there's an important narrative precedent being set for both breaking free from dark magic/Aaravos and evaluating the "I will do anything for you" impulse in a more nuanced way.
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cluelylikesporn · 5 months
Hii so this is somewhat my first time doing a request so I’m sorry if it sucks or sum 😭😭 Could you do Mike schmidt x babysitter! reader? Where Abby teases the reader in front of Mike for having a crush on him? srry if it doesn’t make sense or sound like sum interesting I just thought it would be cute 😭
RAHHH first of all thank you for your suggestion!!
second, its legit so cute wtff😭 dont even say it sucks
Im a lazy cunt😭
word count:
mike shmidt x babysitter!reader !!
gender neutral reader (correct me if i fuck it up)
mentions of y/n. literally once.
word count: 637
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mike walked inside after his first shift at freddy’s, slightly rattled by the dream he had.. but glad to be home to finally get some freaking sleep.
when the door opened, he was BLESSED by the sight of you. abbys babysitter. if he had maybe a drop of self respect or confidence he could ask you out, maybe even date. but lets be honest hes a complete wuss and his best excuse is “not wanting to ruin the thing they had now” which was an occasional awkward exchange of the same 5 phrases such as “hello, good morning, how are you? im ok. how are you? good, hows abby? good. good.” and then a super awkward silence. but in the recent days, when he still worked at the mall he and you actually had nice conversations that didnt feel forced. mike had hope yet.
“hey, y/n.” he said as he put his keys down, observing abby as she swung her feet in excitement from the table, watching you as you made her pancakes.
“hi mike !” you say, turning to him slightly and cracking a smile before you looked away to put the pancakes on a plate and pass them to abby. luckily you looked away when you did because your eye contact was enough to make mike look like a tomato. “i hope you dont mind i made pancakes, if you want some, theres a little more i was gonna put away !” you said, reaching for a plate. “im ok, thanks. and dont worry about it.” he said, sitting next to abby who was looking between him and you, plotting an evil, DEVIOUS, horrid plan with a grin comparable to the cheshire cat. mike gave abby a terrified look as he began regretting even MENTIONING the idea of you in a romantic way to abby. he began mouthing pleads of her to show an ounce of mercy but she already turned to you and began to open her mouth.
“are you busy this weekend?” abby said while making direct eye contact with mike and snarfing down pancakes.
“uhm.. i dont think so? my only plans from now and the unforeseeable future is watching you so if your asking to hang out chances are ill be with you already, weirdo.” you said, as you begin washing up the dishes used to cook.
“not for me, silly! for mike!" she says innocently, batting her eyes and grinning like a madman to me.
god, ive never been more terrified by a fucking 10 year old. trying to brush off the comment of a date to a child, you piece together a response.
"uhh, if im babysitting you.. and its a weekend.. mike would be there too..!" you said awkwardly, trying to just scrub a damn pan.
"but, what if i was at a friends house?" abby added
"then i wouldnt be there." you say.
"but mikes so lonely..! he has so friends-" abby begins, before mike puts his hand on her mouth.
"abby, stop being weird- what the hell!" he says before being interrupted by abby licking his freaking hand.
"thats so unhygienic, dont do that." he says as abby giggles evilly, and you begin to speak.
"well if mikes sooo lonely, he can.. i don't know... just maybe.. ask? if i wanna hang out? because id.. say yes?" you say, looking at mike.
he blessed the skies above that you were actually confronting and he didn't have to face the awkward rejection that haunted him.
the kitchen was finally quiet for a moment, until abby break the silence.
"do it, do it, do it." she chants silently.
"would you.. wanna go out.. with me.?" mike said silently and awkwardly, cursing himself in his head for being so nervous when she literally confirmed she was down.
"sure, mike schmidt."
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xuchiya · 20 days
"My super-natural love" || yunho x female reader : san x female reader
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genre: supernatural words: 2312 note: i'm planning it to be my mini-series hehe but i'm still thinking about it. THIS IS ORGINALLY FROM MY DREAM :>
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 Choi San and the rest of his 99’s friends were here in the school, which shocked me since this is the first time I saw all of them complete and interested in this event ever since the school interacted with the venue-coordinator of the event. Even if Choi San is more than just a crush, my heart could not comprehend the thought of him approaching a girl, yet I woke myself up that if he knows or not, that I like him then there’s nothing i can do.
It is what it is then. So I accepted that he’ll approach pretty and more elegant girls and not me.
I sigh, thumping the pencil on my paper as I reviewed for my final exams until I felt Yeosang’s presence and so is Yunho. I looked up and smiled at them. I may not be friends with San but I’m good friends with these two.
“You know, you should approach him. He likes it when girls do the first move, it’s a point for him.” Yunho said and I scoffed, “Just tell me straight in the face he doesn’t like me or I’m not his type.”
Yeosang shakes his head, “Oh no no, you are indeed his type so shut up and listen as we say. He likes you.” I shake my head, looking towards the door to see Madam Shaine signalling to climb up first since the first batch are now taking the exams. 
I took my bag, “Well I'd rather keep this than tell it to him.” 
They both shrug towards each other as they watch me walk away at the same time, San came over to our spot, his eyes were lingering before he engaged himself in a conversation with the others.
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“You can’t swim?” I nodded, twirling the pen in my hand. As weird as it sounds and different ability as all the others I met, mine has to do with levitation. Mind control too. I barely used my mind control as it felt too dark and too deep of a magic.
“When I was kid, I almost drowned and at the same time, I discovered I could levitate. So it’s like a trauma and the best day combines.” Yunho chuckles, sprinkle me from his water bottle which I kick him in the leg playfully. They started opening up their past and how they discovered their powers. We would laugh and pull a shocked face whenever they told us about a traumatizing or scary experience.
Unbeknownst to my knowledge, San and Mingi exchange places. Yunho saw the whole thing happening, kept his patience trying his best to keep the conversation between us alive until San cut in.
“Are you coming to the event?” A deep voice spoke beside me, I looked to my side to see San leaning close to my side. I cleared my throat, nodding, “Yeah some of my friends are coming and this could be our last event for super-natural.”
He sat even closer, his cologne nudging my nostrils and his heat was not helping the thumping of my heart. I look over to see Yeosang smirking at me. I shake my head as San and I converse in a simple conversation.
 “San, is Joana coming? She must be excited for the up-coming event… She looks forward to your confession.” Mingi teased which led to everyone teasing him excluding you and Yunho– who was observing me on the side. My throat tightens into thought of him being actually in a relationship or whatever their status is. I moved more to my left, where Yunho is. 
Yunho sensed my presence and made more space to lean on him, I thanked him quietly as I (did my best) listening to their conversation. I am being careful and placing a distance between me and San, knowing he had someone already in his arms and I do not want to be the cause of their fight or worse— their break-up. I rather be hurt than seeing people hurt.
I really should stop being delusional with all the bare minimum.
I was pulled to sit in their area when we were about to take our finals before going to the event. I shook my head and sat a few chairs away from them.
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  When I get to the super-natural event for gifted children, lines of different brands of cars align outside and thousands of murmurs of voices overlap one another and the deep bass of the music inside the venue can be heard.
I was lost since I wasn’t able to listen to the professor's instruction a while ago inside the school perimeters and now I have to suffer the consequences until I see one of my old friends— Jongho. His eyes lit up and grabbed and interloop our arms together, “Where have you been?!” 
“I was lost but what happened?” He gave me a letter, a dried flower taped to the back with my name neatly cursive in a gold lettering, an envelope sealed in a crest for Jeong’s. My eyebrow furrowed,“Yunho? Wait we were supposed to give letters?” 
“Apparently yes but in this tradition. If you really want to pursue someone, you really go to make an effort on the letter given to that person.” He looks at the envelope and then smiles, “Looks like Yunho-hyung likes you.”
My heart thump to my chest and at the same time, my hopes fell to my feet that the mere chances of San is already down to zero. Maybe it is time to let go and move on to this crush I had in San; maybe have a way with Yunho, besides the whole time I was going nuts in every interaction with San— he was a witness. Yunho has been patient with all of my tantrums and sadness over his friend whilst keeping his feelings to the side. 
   “I’ll give him a chance.” The envelope has a location where you could meet the person who gave you the letter. If you do not show up on the said location it means you have rejected it. But Jongho is persistent since his sister will be receiving her first confession— mind you she is 3 years older to Jongho and a year ahead of all of us.
  The place seems like an old ancient temple of the Myth Gods. Uneven and short stairs then unexpected cobblestone pillars reaching the ceiling as a support and then a few people scattered talking much quieter than the ones we passed by a while ago. When we reached the said location, Jongho walked towards the mini bridge and to both sides of the bridge there are stairs. I looked over it and saw a few people down in the pool. The Aphrodite pool. It is said to be deep and no person can come up unless love has been confessed and to the other side of the mini bridge made my heart soar when I made eye contact with Yunho, who was leaning against his harley davidson vrsc in his all black outfit. His slint eyes were staring already in mine, compared to his puppy eyes back at school.
“Oh~” Jongho snapped his fingers, I furrowed my eyebrows only to notice that he placed me in a spaghetti strap ruffle faint pink dress and a white princess shoes, I smiled at him.
“Goodluck noona!”
It was a completely different Yunho that I am seeing right now. My throat tightens when Jongho hands me the envelope and leads me downstairs, towards Yunho. He smiles gently, reaching for my hand. With a small hesitation, I placed my hand on top of his, with his inhuman strength, he placed me on top of his motorbike.
He leans against me while nudging me to open the letter, “Go on tulip.” My cheeks flaring from the unexpected nickname but oblige to his request. 
    "Amor difficilis esse potest, sicut facile esse potest, tamen hic sum a principio te amans, et amare te difficile erit nisi oculis meis occurras."
  I look at him with confusion, “Since when Yunho? I– It must be hard for you to know that I gush over you friend—” He shakes his head, taking my hand to his large ones, his full finger ring cold against my sweaty palms, “Summer break. I just realize it over that time, can’t get you out of my head, how adorable you look whenever you want to spend time in Discord and then you’ll rant about the most random thing in these world, or how you would “flex” about your collection and the way you would cry whenever you remember you remember that you gave away this stuff bunny to your cousin because they also fell in love with it how you fell in love with it too.”
My heart was beyond the moon. His observation on the little things triggers my heart, his sweetness and consideration. My head is fighting me for being blind when Yunho could be the person I am with from the beginning instead of being a hopeless romantic or hoping to be with San.
“YOU!” A voice roared out of nowhere, interrupting my conversation with Yunho. We both look for the voice, we were both greeted with a panicking Jongho which is unusual, I took Jongho’s shaking hands in mine, squeezing it, “Hey hey~ What’s happening?”
“I– I told her that you like Yunho now but she—” A scream left my lips when a force gripped my entire body and pulled me up in the air and faced the raging woman. Her hair was literally floating like snakes and her eyes were in the shade of red like the aura she was giving.
“You dare set foot on this territory after claiming my Sannie?! You thick faced bitch!” SHe roared in my face, I wiggle out not liking each second it tightness, “I never claimed him nor ever been with him. He is just a friend—”
“I do not care! Lies! Lies! For your punishment, face your worst fears~!” My eyes widened in fear when she took me to the pool. Few people were there but they all pushed themselves out when they saw us approaching, “Noona ! This is unacceptable! Punishment for a mere misunderstanding is not gonna solve anything!”
“Shut up!” Joana swing Jongho away when he tried to approach her. My eyes widened when his body crashed onto one of the pillars, “Jongho!”
“Joana stop! She did not do anything!” Yunho yells, Jongho pleading with his sister to let me go even with his weak state. Mingi and Yeosang helping the youngest but Joana’s anger was blinding her. With a few spells chanted by her, the pool suddenly changed into a different color and I could feel the energy within the water change, I squirm out of the force but it only tightens.
“Use it” I shake my head, looking at Yeosang. He had the look of ‘Do it’ but I was stubborn. I have promised myself I would never use my second ability to someone, whether in this situation or different– never, “She’s going to drown you in the pool of agony vengeance!” 
I saw Yeosang walk towards San, gripping his collar, “Control your girlfriend! She’s gonna kill someone innocent!” San remove Yeosang’s grip, eyes glued to you and Joana the whole time. He walks towards them, “Joana, let her go please. She’s my friend's girlfriend, nothing more.”
Joana’s head snapped to him, “Friend?! I can smell her scent on you! Are those friends?!” He shakes his head, “We have to use the utility bus from our school and it is clamped up, no space or seats available okay?”
“Excuses!” I cried out this time, tears streaming down my cheeks. My lungs were crushing inside me making it hard to breathe each passing minute. My head was losing oxygen, eyes blurry from the lack of air. Joana glances at the state you were in and smirks, leaning you close to her, “San is only mine.”
She said those words before I felt my whole body free from her tight grip and my body fell into the water. It made a huge splash causing everyone to panic. Yunho removed his coat and leather sash, his shoes and socks before jumping in the water.
Diving in and swimming as fast as he could but to his dismay, the water became too dense for to swim. His heart was beating loudly in his chest as your lifeless body slowly sunk down deeper and deeper in the depths of Aprhodite’s agony, his heart was full and ready to pursue you and he could see the changes in your body language when you were considering moving on and giving him a chance but it all took away from him from a small understanding.
A figure swam past him in great speed, he halted when he saw the black haired male grabbing you in his arms before swimming back to the surface, Yunho knowing who he was and swam up after.
San places you down on the ground, pale and barely breathing. San was breathing heavily, hands shaking before yelling out, “Call an ambulance! She’s barely breathing.”
Yunho pushes himself out of the water taking San’s place, he leans down to grab your hand which was cold, “Hey tulip~ hold on okay? Help is coming!” He knew he had to do CPR while waiting but with his inhuman strength he might hurt you so he called on Seonghwa to do it.
Yunho watches to the side as his hyung saves you before it is too late. He glances at San who was watching Seonghwa too, his eyes swirling in different emotions, yet Yunho kept his cool and picking a fight with his friend won’t solve anything. Certainly, it won't remove the anger he has towards his friend for hurting you; Yunho is great friends with San for a very long time and he rather would want to maintain an understanding relationship with San than destroying it.
So, both boys were left with small hope in their hands.
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42 notes · View notes
annika-thelostlove · 10 months
The art of paper folding - Brian Wilcox x fem!reader
Word count/ 4015
Preview/ But You, for whatever reason that led to it, you were assigned the seat on the other side of him. You are always anxious with stress. You think that maybe this guy who has a reputation for being a smartass will bring too much attention to your side of the classroom. You're a little glad Sally would probably take most of his attention, though. Those types of pretty girls probably have it bad sometimes dealing with boys like brian, you think.
Author note/ its finally completed! Its the most high school romantic idiocy I can put in a oneshot. This is lightly based on my own high school experience. The guy who I thought liked me back really did make me an origami heart. Soon after, he said something super mean to me, and my little 15 yr old heart never forgave him.
Warnings/ super fluffy, and not well edited
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Brian is the type of guy in school who always talks shit. It's like he can't help it. Things fall out of his mouth unguarded. He is 17, but he still gets worked up over things like he is still in elementary school. In his new math class in the new year of school, he purposely sits next to the popular girl Sally because he thought it would be fun, but she doesn't tolerate his shit one bit.
But You, for whatever reason that led to it, you were assigned the seat on the other side of him. You are always anxious with stress. You think that maybe this guy who has a reputation for being a smartass will bring too much attention to your side of the classroom. You're a little glad Sally would probably take most of his attention, though. Those types of pretty girls probably have it bad sometimes dealing with boys like brian, you think.
Brian is a guy you've only heard about through another friend because he's "someone's annoying brother that dyes his own hair black cos he thinks it's edgy. He also doesn't wash it often to keep the cheap box colour for longer. Hence, the sticky looking locks. He confidently sticks to wearing black and oversized clothes that hide his 30-pound body." Says the people who talk about him.
So the best course of action is to keep your head down, and don't get involved with either of Brian or Sally.
But then, as the year goes by, whenever Brian is bored at being ignored by Sally, he will turn his greasy head to you and give you a little poke. The first few times sent your nerves up, you were so scared of what he would say to you. Will he say something mean? Point out your pimples? Say your teeth look crooked? That you have a mustache you should shave it? Horrible horrible little scenarios in your mind. But Brian, for the last few months, only asks you funny dumb questions just to avoid actually learning in class. It makes your heart laugh a little in relief.
Brian is sarcastic and complains a lot. He has too many theories and tells stories exclusively comprised of sound effects and explosions made with his mouth. He smells like deep fry oil that you grow to like so much because it reminds you of hashbrowns in the morning. It's gotten pathetic how many things you notice about him. You even love that buck tooth of his making its way out of his little mouth.
Some days, he enjoys telling you how corporations pay commercials to trick people into thinking that you're the bad guy. You listen to him so intently, and the more you do, the things about him begin to make more sense to you.
Brian is not a bad person. Not like what people say. Really, really not. He is actually kind of great.
He's just a little distracted at school, that's all.
You share with him your own little jokes under your breath during class now. And by some miracle, he finds you funny. A fierce blush would bloom up you collar at his laughter.
You hope that it makes him feel special. No one else has really thought of you to be very funny. You've told him some weird things, like: "Last night I had a dream about Dwayne Johnson as a centaur," and he would get detention from laughing too hard.
At times he would still try to get Sallys attention, but most days he spends his time leaving silly doodles at the edge of your notebooks.
Today, Brian has been folding paper in class again. He watched a YouTube video on how to make an origami heart last week. For whatever reason, he's been so invested in getting it perfect.
He was trying to show off his progress, so he made one in your class. Looking over at Sally's desk, he watched her pack her notebook away, getting ready to leave. Brian then redirects his attention to you. You were still finishing writing your notes down, then packing away your pens.
In a second, he decides to slip the heart shaped paper, between the pages of your notebook without much thought of why. The class then packs up and files out to go home.
You can't believe it, it just can't be.
Brian's heart origami was in your notebook. You had just got home and pulled out your notes, currently staring at the red piece of folded paper. Did he slip it inside? Maybe it was just an accident. It might have fallen. Fallen perfectly, between the pages. That must be it. It didn't mean anything.
You rub your face in confusion. Your heart is not neutral about this at all. Even if it was an innocent mistake. Your heart thumps in the possibility. That maybe. Brian Wilcox gave you this heart on purpose.
But, no. He doesn't see you like that. You're just his friend.
The heart origami sits so innocently on your book, and you picture him making it step by step. His eyes looking up at you, after another doodle he's finished on your book. The way he's smiles, holding back his laughter with shining eyes.
You don't know, but maybe, maybe. Brian could like you…more than as a friend.
The thought echoes around in your quiet bedroom.
Later when a group project comes up, Brian without hesitation jumps to join a group of boys in the class and leaves you with Sally.
Sally is popular, and very beautiful, but it was the first time you really tried to talk to her. It turns out she's incredibly insightful and a good listener. Its nice for someone to give you their attention like that. Which is funny in a way, it makes you feel kinda special, because Sally doesn't even give Brian the time of day. So in your curiosity, you ask her about that.
"I just hate getting the attention of a class clown, when what I really need is to focus in class" she rolls her eyes as she says it. She takes a glance at Brian's group. "..but I notice that Brian and you have become quite the pair, I think it's pretty cool, Brian is so behaved when he's with you".
Blood rushes to your face. "Oh haha, no, no, were not that close..."
But at that moment, the group of boys with Brian began to get loud and rowdy. They've been loudly debating about the best kind of place to take a date out. They've begun to joke and laugh at how Brian works at Mickeys, mocking him how hilarious it could be for a first date. You saw that he was laughing along with them, but you could see it was irritating him.
"Ohhh noooo! A girl would NEVER ask for another date. Can you imagine making her order at the counter? How embarrassing"
"And then brian asks for the kids' meal?!" laughter from the boys.
"Noooo! Brian would use his employee discounts on the combos! That's just so sad!" More laughter. And it just irked you until you spoke up.
"We'll I think it could be fun for a date?" You say interrupting the loud conversation. It was a numbing silence for a fraction of a second before Brian spoke.
"Well, it's because your standards are low since you can't even seem to find a boyfriend." Came a quick response from Brian's mouth. The boys gasped and blew up with sudden laughter.
Regrets flash across Brian's face instantly when he sees you speechless, with hurt written on your brow, but you're fighting against it. Sally puts her hand on your arm, worried about you. The boys don't seem to notice anything wrong. But Brian notices.
He didn't realize what he said. He was just so annoyed and wanted someone else to be teased instead of him.
You feel hot, and your skin is prickly. That was really mean. It hurt. You weren't so sure why. Because what he said was true. But it hurt because it came from him.
Your thoughts flashed back to the origami heart that you've been keeping in your bedside table, it actually means nothing to him. And all the other hearts that he must have made this week and before. All just folded paper and nothing more.
But you swallow the feeling down somehow and focus back on your partner and the project for the rest of the class.
But that night, in your bed, under the covers, frustrated tears fall into your pillow.
Am I ugly? No one has ever wanted me. No one has ever seen me. Aren't I good enough for anyone?
Brian wouldn't ever see you in that way. You hate it, hate him. Hate yourself. He made you feel like you mattered to him, but you must have made it all up in your head, a boy has never been nice to you until Brian, so you didn't know any better. He won't ever see you that way.
The next week at school you try to act like you always have, havung a better understanding now that Brian is simply the way he is. So you become a little distant. He notices of course. He's been thinking about what he said over and over. And hates himself, he's never liked saying sorry in all his life. But now he's scared for the first time that he might be losing you if he dosent act. You won't even look at his eyes anymore. Like you find it too painful to do so.
During lunch break, he finds you, he asks, unsure how to converse naturally.
"Hey, how's your project with Sally going?" He says. Then you realize 'he must have never stopped liking Sally even from the start of the year. It was so obvious, why didn't I see it?'
"It's going well, actually. we're almost done. Did you want to tag along bri? We're gonna be at the library after school to finish up." You think maybe you can help him get Sally to see that he's a really nice guy.
Brain seems nervous but says yes straight away. He must really like her, you think.
After school, once you all meet up and finish off studying at the library, you insist on going home first and leave to catch your bus. Brian tries to ask you to hang out longer. But Sally lets you go and wants to speak to brian alone. Sally seems like she has something serious to tell him.
You smile a little in sadness, its working out well, it seems.
Brian Pov
She left me here with sally. Avoiding me again. I watch as her back disappears out the front doors. Then Sally hits me on the arm.
"Ow! What's your problem?"
"What did I do to you?"
"Not what you've done to me! But to her!! all year, you've been making googly eyes at her, and the other day, you treat her like crap! You need to fix this and apologize, and then leave her alone if you're only going to hurt her feelings because of your ignorant attitude."
"I don't know what you mean"
"I see everything brian, like how you doodle on her notebooks, and talk quietly to her, how you giggle under your breath at her jokes. You honestly can't be more obvious how you treat her special, but then you turn on her so quickly like that. It's such a dick move. An asshole move"
He puts his face in his hands in shame. "God, I AM an asshole!!" Brian is on the brink of breaking down."Do you think she hates me now? I messed up so badly."
"Tell her you're sorry face to face. Whatever she does to you after that is up to her. Though since we're talking about her, she will probably forgive you. But if you want to finally tell her you like her, this might be your best chance "
Brian blushes red, "w-what, I don't like her like that-"
"Why do you bother lying, brian?"
"It really isn't- ughh."
Brian quickly rushes after where you left. And found you sitting at the bus shelter, he looks at the digital sign it says your bus arrives in 20 mins
He looks down at you, and you're already looking at him sheepishly. You've been caught.
"Your bus isn't even here till another 20 mins!" Brian almost yells, but he's playfully scolding you like you normally do. You look down and smile. Brian loves that, your little shy grin.
"How did it go with Sally?" You ask hopefully.
"Good. But I don't want to talk about that. I need to tell you some stuff. Uh, the first one is that..I said something the other day. I just-"
"It's okay, I get it, I overreacted-"
"No, you didnt- Wait. It wasn't that. My point is i'm sorry for what i said, I think I hurt you. It's not cool of me. I'm always battling my asshole-ary every day, you know that. But you didn't deserve it. So I'm sorry"
"You are, forgiven." And you give him a small closed lip smile.
"Oh really? Already? Well, and, um, the 2nd thing is. There's something I have to ask you-" Your bus comes and stops loudly in front of them. Brian is flustered. You are conflicted, there's only one bus every hour for this route, you should take this bus. But you want to wait for Brian to finish.
"Um, Brian, think I should take this bus"
"Oh, yeah of course! Tomorrow then!"
"Ok, see ya bri"
As you climb up the door to pay and look back at Brian, the bus then pulls away, and you miss his sad little frown and his green eyes following you as your image fades down the street.
The next day in class, Brian pulls out another origami heart he worked on last night and slides it over to you. The teacher notices it and warns everyone about passing notes in class. You grab the note and see what it says.
"Good morning beautiful! Plz open me" you frown at being called beautiful. Glancing over at him, he smirks.
Nervous, you open it carefully. Inside it says something that makes her heart race and break at the same time.
"Let's go to Mickeys tonight, it's my treat" then you hear a snickering from a few desks away, it was one of his boys looking over at you.
You go to Mickeys, you think he's just asked you out as a friend, but he seems to be as nervous as you are, but you dont want to get your hopes up.
After having your meal in awkward silence, he asks you as casually as he can muster.
"So, I was thinking, do you want a second date?"
"Huh? D-date?"
"Y-you know, we went to Mickeys-- like you said! This is like, a date for you"
"…are you..like- just- teasing me? Hahaah…like you're mocking me? You rascal" You laugh nervously, voice trembling all over the place. Trying to hide the sudden emotions that came with realizing what this was all about. He just wanted to humor you.
"Huh? What? No? He laughs. Mickeys is like, your standard right? For like- like a date?"
"Well, no-"
"And-and, I mean I- we hadn't hung out like together yet.. as friends, and like you haven't been on a date before…I thought maybe..i could, be someone you-"
"So you're… helping me?" You laugh comes out jumpy and strange sounding "Oh, wooow,..I um, thanks man. That's just so, thoughtful of you" and you uncharacteristically lean over to punch his arm, you cringe for the fifth time. And he rubs the spot you bumped him.
"But, um, you know I think that maybe we should go on dates with people we actually have feelings for, don't you think? But, thanks for the offer" you shrug and try to laugh it off, but it feels too loud and fake in your ears.
"So no...date?" He looks kind of paler than usual.
You start to gather your trash. "I just realized i need to get home, sorry I can't stay much longer Bri. This was…fun. Bye!" Practically running away.
You don't understand what had just happened. You don't understand Brian at all. Was he that experienced in dating that he could give you a trial of it? That he felt pitty for you?
Your whole body felt hot from embarrassment. And a hard lump has been stuck in your throat ever since you received his little note in class. You practically speed walk all the way home sobbing into your Hoodie.
"Good for you."
"Huh?" Sally is talking to you, Brian is late for your class it seems.
"I got…some tea, from a little bird, or something like that. That you rejected Brian"
"When did I do that?"
"Uh, didn't you go to Mickeys with him the other day?"
"I did." Has he gone and told everyone about it?
"I'm sorry, but I can't pretend that i didn't know. It just happened to be the same day he left a voice message on my phone, and I connected the dots that it was about you. " This made you sad without realizing it. They've been talking?
"Oh, he did?" But you guess it's good that they're getting to know each other.
"Don't look so sad! It wasn't like that, that boy sounded mad over the phone, he was mad at first. Saying stuff on the message like 'you were wrong about everything!' And that 'he was dumb.' But then he just..started crying. Well it sounded like crying. You didn't do that to him?" You stare a Sally perplexed at what it all meant.
"Explain please"
Sally looked at you for a moment and seemed ro realize something then began waving her hands 'no' at you "Ooooooh, wait no, I think you should talk to him about it, i've said too much"
"No, say it please! I'm tired of him playing with me."
"Ughhh, well he..he thought that you liked him, so…and I thought you did too! But then when you clearly don't, which is okay…he's just. It's just sad. He's going through it right now."
"But I don't know why he would be so upset, it's not like he likes me? He likes..someone else."
"You…think so? Huh. Well, I think it's best if you talk to him about this"
"It's best if two of you talk"
Then, at that moment, Brian walks in late to class and rushes over to his seat between you and Sally.
"You're tardy, Mr Wilcox, which is actually a first. Take your seat."
He acting stiff and can barely look at you.
Normally, you could get his attention and whisper things to him comfortably, but right now, he's so distant that you just decided to message him on your phone.
R U working tonight?
No Thurs
Ok, do u wna study w me n Sally tonight?
No that's ok u guys can just work on ur project together
Oh ok
And that went on for the rest of the lesson. His cold shoulder. Bothered by this you messing him again.
Ur being weird, is this about the other day? I appreciated ur idea, but I just didn't want ppl to confuse our friendship.
Yeah like you giving me dating 'experience' without having an actual bf
She didn't reply after that message out of frustration. Why is he acting like he has no idea what he's been doing to you?
Nevermind Brian
You know what? I can get a boyfriend anytime if I want.
You hear a sharp gasp quickly after sending your last text. "Hey." He tries to tap your shoulder, but the teacher tells him off right away.
You give him the cold shoulder for the rest of the day. He looks over at you desperately for the rest of that week.
Thursday comes by. You come to visit Mickeys with Warren, a guy you sometimes talk to in your IT class. You told Warren that there's a guy you like and want to see if he would feel anything if he saw you with someone else. It was stupid, you know it. You promised to buy him a Mickeys meal if he helped you.
You and Warren order at the counter, a sullen Brian takes your order, and you still haven't talked to one another since. And it's eating him inside, and now you're here with someone else? He disappeared to the back once your order was placed.
You receive your burgers and sit down at your table to eat. It was a normal, peaceful few moments until Brian came sprinting out of the kitchen to stop you from eating
"NO, no stop!"
"What! Brian, what's wrong??"
"No, just- don't eat that- I-" You stare at him lost for words, shame written on his face.
"I'm sorr- I just thought -" his face was crumbling, and the shame was turning into sadness. His eyes are glassy with emotion. He buried his face in his hands, defeated. "Never mind, it all makes sense."
"What does?"
"Why you won't like me."
Long silence came after what he said, only broken by Warren slowly getting up to walk away and saying that hes gonna use the bathroom. But either of you actually notice.
"…why I 'won't like you?' Why would that matter, Brian? Why? You like someone, that's who that matters."
"YES, I do. And it DOES."
"I-im an asshole sometimes. But I know that you know that already, so that can't be the reason. And I'm not much to look at, but. But I've never cared if anyone liked how I looked. It never mattered to me so much before. But I wish I was more, like conventionally appealing. But i mean, that can't be why, you're not that kind of person- but is that why? Or, or- no. Or it's simply because I'm me. Because I'm Brian, the type of asshole that defiles a fucking burger???"
"Brian, please, it's hard for me to understand…"
"I put a LOOGIE in your patty"
"Excuse me????" Not the words you were expecting.
"It was meant for him!!"
"Are you somehow, jealous??"
"And why??"
"Because I like you, and you hate me!"
A painful silence fills the restaurant. Looking around, Brian catches his manager, looking at him disapprovingly. But Brian mouths to him, "just resolving an issue"
"Ok, but lower your voice"
Brian sighs, putting his attention back to you. Sitting there still stunned at his confession. "Let me take that burger back. I'll make you a new one"
"No." You make a mad grab at the box, but Brian had the same thought as you. He now had the other side of the box in his hand.
"Give it!"
"Let go, brian"
"What's the problem!?"
You rip it out of his clasp, open the box, and proceed to scuff the burger down your throat.
"What are you doing?? No!! Why did you do that? I had my saliva in that???"
"Do you think I would do that if I didn't like you?"
A hundred emotions pass through Brian's face in the silence that came after that bizarre display.
"You… like me?"
"Was me eating your foul burger not clear enough?"
"Well no. But. You…like me?"
"I have, like always"
"...me?" His eyes are glassy looking at you in something that looks like hope.
But instead of saying anymore to reassure his low self-esteem just how much you think a he's great guy, you start to cry. And you don't have a clue why. Just that you're so happy he finally knows.
"I really like you too. Like always" and just like in a movie, he reaches out with a finger and gently wipes a tear off your cheek.
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girlcrushart · 4 months
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I really enjoyed Dakota Johnson on SNL the other week. I thought she was very good and funny and also omfg so hot. The one thing I was a little disappointed about was that she seemed kinda normal? A thing I've always loved about her is that she seems like a total weirdo. She's often super awkward, says the wrong thing, doesn't play by the rules (or seems unaware that there are rules). I've just always found her so refreshing bc she doesn't act like a typical hollywood starlet. And then on SNL, where you kinda have full licence to be a total weirdo, she struck me as more normal than usual. Turns out, I think she's really just an excellent actor and most of what she brought on SNL was acting—so she was weird when the character called for it or whatever, but we didn't get much of Dakota herself there. Apparently, what I love most when it comes to Dakota Johnson is when she does interviews and is just herself. So last night when I watched her on Seth Meyers I got the Dakota I was looking for! Awkward, weird, quirky, flirty in a way that Seth was clearly having a hard time coping with, and even saying things she probably shouldn't have said about her experience being on the very last episode of The Office. She was amazing! Oh, and on top of all that, this is the outfit she wore. And like, honestly, I find Dakota Johnson sexy as fuck due to her personality, and her mannerisms and her sense of humour more than anything, and yes she is a beautiful woman. But omfggg tho that outfit! SO hot. And she knew it. She even called it out! Not pictured here is how at the back it's basically a g-string, and that transparent mesh over her ass. She even made a comment about her ass cheeks hanging out, which resulted in some hysterical banter with Seth. She was so fantastic and I had dreams about her in that outfit (and out of that outfit) and I woke up with her on my mind and even tho oftentimes the girls I post are somewhat arbitrary in terms of who I post exactly when, Dakota Johnson is most definitely today's girlcrushart guardian.
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svcredveins · 3 months
An introduction to myself!
So first things first, I’m 22 and female. Was so unsure to post on here since I’ve created this account three years ago to share my heartbeat. I have also a huge passion of mine - to become a Porsche factory driver in the coming future.
So bear with clips here and there, I do feel weird though doing this to the public but hey, we’re all heart lovers right?
Anyway, reason is to actually just check up on myself every once in awhile and see how my little lady is doing and appreciate her. I’ve struggled with a lot of things in my life with responsibilities to my own health and with this motivation to check up on myself. I definitely need to workout. And since becoming a Porsche factory driver is my dream, as a sim racer, I need to workout anyway because once I get my pedals and foldable rig, I have to workout because my little arms and legs will not bode well after 20 minutes of driving haha. For now I’m just on a controller.
So with this account made, I must be more aware of myself and even not just physically, but mentally too. Even though this is to the world, seeing others share their heartbeats is a reminder to myself to appreciate how our bodies were made and on how fascinating the human body is and what it’s capabile of. Also with the idea of more self acceptance for myself that I am living and breathing human being with a heartbeat and that it’s okay to fail. This alone will help me go a long way with that mindset for my sim racing as well! Hehe. Sorry. I love my racing. But! There’s also something to add on to that.
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The dream
I’ve always been the type of girl to love speed. Anything that gets my heart racing (pun intended) I enjoy. The sheer thrill of going over the edge and that is where I found my biggest passion - sports car racing. The adrenaline, the awareness of knowing your putting your body over the edge, the unknown of what will happen when battling against another driver...I love that feeling and racing gives me that feeling and it bugs me everyday knowing that I am currently unable to race due to money, however, that is my dream and I strive to achieve it!
You need to be so fit for and that includes being aware of your breathing and heart rate. But oh to go so fast around a track over 200kmh feeling like everything around you is going by slowly. Heart pounding, breathing heavily, heavy focus on one goal - to win...yes! Give me my Porsche GT3 Cup, GT3 R, and 963! Let’s go!
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Two passions intertwined
So since I was a little girl, I’ve also had those rare occasions where I felt my heartbeat. It’s always interested me feeling the “lub dub” in my chest. These things just began to intertwine for me and it’s actually perfect because since I love the sense of speed and adrenaline with it, my dream job is to be a cardiothorasic surgeon and that makes a lot of money’s worth to get into sports car racing which is definitely expensive as ever! So that will indefinitely support my biggest passion. Two passions in one? Crazy right?! I’m very excited for my future, despite my personal mental issues, but I am a huge dreamer so that’s my goal. I’m trying to work through it!
I’m aiming to get a stemoscope and a pulse oximeter. I would love to record my little lady working hard during my sim racing sessions! I just need the proper equipment to do it with a chest monitor strap.
Thank you for reading this far if you have. As you can tell I am super passionate about both!
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Fun fact about me, I also do editing! I do photo and video edits and have been doing it for about 8 years. Time has flown by quickly!
The photo above is the Porsche 963 behind the human heart, portraying my passion for Porsche and the strong desire to become their factory driver.
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My heart
I’ll try to say some info about my little lady.
She is a strong one with fire in her arteries. After getting an annual medical checkup about a year ago, my doctor remarked that I have a strong heart which was actually comforting to hear from her not gonna lie, knowing that my little lady is a strong and healthy one!
Strong and healthy speaks loudly about my passion for Porsche and racing for them as a factor driver, and that’s actually really heartwarming thinking about it because of how much of a passionate type person I am so it’s remarkable how she beats so strong and confident! I cherish that.
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Cardiophilia intentions
I’m more on the light hearted (no pun intended) side of the cardiophilia. I just enjoy the functionality of the heart, and being fascinated with it, but I don’t mind some dark cardiopheila. It does, however, have limits. A lot of limits.
I have done a fanfic back in 2018 where I guess you could call it more on the dark side, but I do not involve myself physically in any of that, nor do I condone it. I’ll definitely write dark cardiophilia in some sort of form in books which I have in the past, as I’ve mentioned earlier, so anything else, I keep my little lady all out of harms way and treat her nicely. No resus, pressure, or poking. I do breathholds at times though, but other than that, I have one little heart so I must treat her well as she should be treated.
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