#it was more involved than egg drop soup normally is
s0fars0perfect · 10 months
me, writing about soup: actually, y'know what?
leaves in the middle of writing to make myself egg drop soup for dinner
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Category: Medical event.
Content warning: Digestive trouble.
So it seems that last Tuesday afternoon, I came down with a partial bowel obstruction, as I've done times before.
Last time I stayed at home and rode it out, because it was during the pandemic and my mom simply said the ER wasn't an option. Normally all the advice says to go in, get a really unpleasant tube stuck down your nose into your stomach, so they can take pressure off your intestines by sucking everything out of them so the swelling in the intestines can go down in peace. I didn't do it that time, and it went away anyway by just avoiding food and slowly drinking fluids.
Which was FABULOUS. Because there are few medical treatments I hate more than nasalgastric tubes! So much so, that I literally pulled one out in my SLEEP one time! They are awful going in, it's awful to talk, swallow spit, anything with that fucking rigid tube in the back of your throat connecting your nasal opening and your esophagus like a stick in a puppet. I wouldn't recommend it!
To think maybe there were times I went in for obstructions and got that tube when I didn't necessarily need it! That time I pulled one out in my sleep, my obstruction still went away without it. And then one time in 2018, the doctor insisted on a really thick tube, and my mom still remembers the way I screamed when they forced it in. The pain was awful. It's probably why she said going to hospital wasn't an option. Even if the pandemic made it difficult, I could've still technically gone.
This is one of my biggest medical bogeymen. Not only is one of the most unpleasant conditions to have when your digestive system just shuts down and your intestines hurt, but it also affects normal life afterward when I starve myself to make sure it doesn't happen again. In the time after my 2018 event, I lost 20 pounds. Not only did the lack of nutrition make it hard to go to school, but I also dropped caffeine from my diet, which sucks for students or anyone involved with college really. And going further, I was so stressed trying to get help for my condition, get alternative pain treatments so I could reduce my pain meds in case they were the culprit, that I ended up taking time off school. Then the semester I went back, the pandemic happened!
So when the one during the pandemic happened, I found it a blessing in disguise to stay home. It was scary to not have help and I was feeling bad of course, but I learned that at least I don't always need a tube. In a way, it kind of healed some of that earlier trauma.
This event feels a bit more complicated. This time the symptoms don't feel as severe, but they feel deep seated. Like, without medical help I wonder if they'll really get better before two weeks, and that's a long time to eat one scrambled egg a day and drink lemon-lime Liquid IV mix. Yet...I am drinking, I am eating something, my digestive system is moving, the problem is my progress is much slower than it was last time. I've tried chicken noodle soup, saltines, a half an avocado, and they all made me feel kind of worse. I have yet to find that next step toward easing myself into the diet I had.
I don't know if I'm making the right decisions here. In a sense I'm doing better with this one than last time, since I've been going to the park and trying to live more or less ordinarily, but without food I'm more batty than usual. I get dizzy, confused, irritated, sometimes I just run out of energy and get back into bed for six hours at a time, and no matter how I try to keep myself distracted I have trouble not thinking about food and the obstruction.
And though I'm trying to gradually ease myself back into eating - today it was mashed potatoes - I'm afraid that I'll fail and it'll just get sucked up a tube. Today I called my general physician's clinic and asked to speak to a nurse, at least to maybe get a CT Scan. The longer I go like this, the harder it will be to just go about my day.
0 notes
kuroo-shitsurou · 3 years
Weekly Meal Prep (Yandere!Omi Fushimi)
note: this is my first attempt at working with the yandere theme so i don't really know if i did good or bad,,, but something about messed up omi just sends me straight to hell. hope you enjoy!
word count: 2.9k
"This is so good! This has got to be one of my favorite curry dishes so far." You gushed, shoving another spoonful of the new curry in your mouth.
"Glad you liked it. The place had bad reviews, but I think it's just because normal people don't know how to appreciate the raw and concentrated flavor of curry." Chikage grinned as he looked at you endearingly
"Ugh," You scoffed, "Why can't people understand that the raw flavor of the spices are supposed to taste like this? I dislike the artificial flavors of watered down and manufactured spices because of how... fake it tastes in curry dishes." You were about to go on a full-on rant about how using real spices in curry dishes should be the only way to cook curry.
Chikage watched you with his emerald eyes, admiring how beautiful you looked when you talked about something that you were so passionate about. Yeah, sure, he disliked women, but being here with you made him realize that maybe the other gender wasn't all that bad. Actually, he still hated women; He just didn't hate you.
You weren't a woman. To him, you were a goddess.
"Thank you for taking me out, by the way." You suddenly spoke, breaking your rant about the whole curry ordeal. "You didn't have to, but you did. I appreciate that a lot, Chikage."
His lips curled up in a warm smile.
"Don't mention it, director."
After you two finished your meals, you had to go back to the dorm immediately to hold several meetings with the troupes regarding their next projects. As Chikage held the door open for you, his eyes darted back inside the bustling restaurant.
"Hm? Is something wrong, Chikage?"
Again, he smiled at you, but it was more strained than the last.
"Of course not. Let's go home, shall we?"
"Oi, careful." Juza wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer to him. A motorcycle was speeding by and it nearly hit you, but thankfully, Juza saw it before it impacted. "Tsk, careless drivers piss me off. Stand here." He then guided you to walk inside of the sidewalk.
"Oh crap, I didn't see that. Thank you, Juza! You're so nice." Juza blushed at your kind words, but he shook his head to rid of the thoughts.
"'S nothin."
"Hey, look at that! They're selling a new flavor of crepes! Come on, let's check it out!" You grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him over to your favorite crepe place. They didn't have a line yet, which was good, because you were able to purchase the new crepes for you and Juza.
"Here!" You grinned at him, handing him one of the crepes
"Lemme pay for them."
"Nonsense!" You gently pushed the crepe further into his hand, and his mind went wild when your fingers brushed his skin. "Consider this a thank you gift because you saved me earlier."
He took the crepe hesitantly, and muttered a quiet "Thanks." before he bit into it.
His face lit up immediately.
"'S sweet. I like it."
"Marshmallow crepes. Genius! We should bring one home for Hisoka. I'm sure he'd love this!"
Juza smiled. He adored how you were always considerate and thoughtful of other people even when you weren't physically with them. It's one of the many things that he loved about you.
Suddenly, he felt a shiver down his spine. He looked around, but was suddenly distracted when you were spilling the cream all over yourself.
"Oi, tissue!"
He handed you a few tissues so you could wipe your shirt, and you had to admit that was a little mortifying to be that clumsy in front of the younger male.
"Thank you for being so reliable, Juza. Makes me feel
As you were mindlessly walking home, Juza couldn't help but think to himself why that motorcycle looked so damn familiar.
"Come on, director-chan! I promise you, it tastes good!"
"Kazu, I am legitimately going to HURT you."
"No you're not! That's so mean!" Kazunari wept crocodile tears.
"Come on, director-chan! It's just a bite!"
"Kumon, I'm going to die. If I don't make it, tell everyone in Mankai that I love them and that I always treated them as my own family."
"Director-chan, you aren't going to die here." Kumon sweat dropped.
"No, I've accepted my fate. If this is what I must do for love, then at least I'll go out knowing that I did it for you boys.
"Director-chan, it's just a salad. You don't have to be so dramatic about it!"
"It's a death trap! I know you boys want to kill me so you can always get free time!"
"If anything, we're concerned about you health! That's why we want you to eat this!" Kazunari made sure that the fork had greens, kani, and a mishmash of everything before he held it in front of your mouth. "Here, say ah!"
You wanted to throw up. Vegetables. Disgusting.
"This store sells the best kani salad! You have to try it, I promise you'll like it!" Kumon looked at you with big doe eyes and you sighed in defeat.
You leaned forward to eat the portion on the fork and Kazunari blushed because he realized that he was feeding you. It was an adorable sight, and maybe peer pressuring someone into eating healthy food could be an addition to his growing list of love advice.
You blinked. "It's... actually pretty good."
"Right?!" Kumon beamed before giving the restaurant owner a thumbs up.
"Here, director-chan!" Kazunari filled the fork again, "Say ah!"
Your face bloomed red and you snatched the fork from his hand, "I can feed myself just fine, Kazu!"
"You really are the cutest!"
"I wanna feed you too, director-chan!"
Kazunari watched as Kumon bothered you while you ate the rest of the salad. It was off-putting how there seemed to be a cold atmosphere in the room. He looked around to see that there were just a few customers sitting in the dining area. His eyes landed on a hooded figure who was sitting in a lone booth in the corner of the room. The figure had his face hidden behind a menu, but there was something about the person that reminded Kazu of a certain brunette that they loved in Mankai.
Maybe that was just coincidence.
After all, there were a lot of brunettes in Japan.
"It's odd for you two to take me out for Chinese." You stated. Your eyes were scanning the menu of the new Chinese place that opened just a few blocks away from the Mankai dormitory.
"Tsumugi found out about the egg drop soup because apparently it's famous outside of Veludo Way. He was insistent that we take you to try it." Tasuku replied, eyeing how excited Tsumugi looked.
"I've heard great reviews about the egg drop soup and I've been dying to try it." Tsumugi's usually calm and gentle tone of voice was laced with a child-like glee, and it took all of your willpower not to reach over the table so that you can pinch his cheeks.
"He already ordered individual soups for us, but if you want anything else off the menu, go ahead and order it as well." Tasuku won't admit it aloud, but he liked spending time with you and Tsumugi. Being with his bestfriend and his favorite director made him feel a sense of comfort that just made him feel all warm and gooey inside. He felt at home with you two and he wouldn't exchange that feeling for the world.
"It's refreshing to be with you two, especially since it's a lot calmer whenever Tasuku isn't at your throat, Tsumugi." You giggled, ignoring the deadpan look that the athletic male beside you was giving you.
"I'm glad you feel that way, director-san." Tsumugi chimed, smiling. He took your hand a placed a gentle kiss on the back of it. "Spend some more time with us, alright?"
Your face immediately felt hot and you pulled your hand back to save yourself from being more embarrassed than you already were.
"Is it just me, or does it feel like we're being watched?" Tasuku murmured as his eyes quickly scouted the room. Ever since you entered the restaurant, Tasuku already had this instinct in his guts screaming that there was someone watching you. Not just you in particular, but the three of you. You heard him speak, but what he said was unclear.
"Sorry, did you say something, Tasuku?"
"Oh, I was just mumbling. Don't worry about it.
"Three orders of egg drop soup. Can I help you with anything else?"
"No, thank you!"
"Enjoy your meal!"
Tsumugi immediately began to eat his soup even though it was still hot. His face melted into pure bliss as he felt the delicious components sliding down his throat.
"It's so good." He commented, masking his elation.
"It really is!" You added, taking quick slurps from your spoon. The soup itself tasted rich in flavor; It wasn't too runny, nor was it too starchy.
"It tastes okay to me."
"That's so disrespectful, Tasuku." You jokingly said with a mocking tone. "This soup legitimately changed my life. I wish I could have it everyday, along with curry."
"You somehow managed to sneak curry into the conversation again, huh?" He sighed, smiling at the way you laughed afterward.
Tasuku continued to consume his soup while observing how you and Tsumugi were practically worshipping the soup. He decided to ignore the eerie feeling building in the pit of his stomach gnawing at him alive.
Maybe it was just the soup.
"Hurry up. We don't have all day."
"Gee, you don't have to be so mean about it!"
"I told you to make it quick. We have to get back in town because we have another meeting to attend to."
You and Sakyo just got out of a business meeting outside of Veludo Way. It was regarding a sponsorship for the Autumn Troupe's next play. Sakyo, the greatest cheapskate and money-pinching Sakyo, was more than willing to accompany you to the next town over if it meant saving the company tens of thousands worth of yen. As long as it involved finances, the blond always needed to be a part of it.
"I know that, but we need to grab lunch before we head to the next meeting. It's bad to miss out on meals, you know! Come on, we'll just grab something from this store and rush back to Veludo Way."
Sakyo sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, but you did have a point. He was also feeling the hunger starting to rise inside of him. It was already lunchtime by the time you guys finished with the first meeting of the day, and he didn't really have a proper breakfast earlier.
You walked into this quaint little restaurant on the side of the road owned by a lovely old couple.
"Good afternoon, may I help you with anything?" The old lady asked warmly.
You felt your heart soften, "Is it possible to get two yakiniku bento boxes to go?"
She smiled, "Of course, dearie. They'll be right out."
"She seems nice!" You whispered to Sakyo, who was sitting across from you.
"She reminds me of you."
"Eh? Don't tell me I'm already aging! I don't wanna be like you yet!"
"I can and will leave you here."
"Eh, but seriously, how?"
Sakyo sighed exasperatedly. "She... sounds nice. Lovely, even. She just has a nice smile and it reminds me of how nice you are when you talk to other people."
"S-Sakyo, is that really you? Who are you? Are you an alien? How are you being so honest right now?"
"I'm going back to Veludo Way without you.
"Hey, I'm kidding!" You pouted.
"Two yakiniku bento boxes to go?" An old man, presumably the husband of the lady they talked to, walked over to you two and handed you the bag of bento boxes.
"Ah, thank you!" You bowed before taking the bag from his hands. You took your wallet out to pay, but Sakyo already left money in the box where you put your payment.
"Hey, I can-"
"Consider it my treat. You'll be working hard today, after all." For a brief second, he gave you a warm smile. However, it was quickly replaced by his usual scowl. "Now hurry up and let's go."
"Geez, I was just about to call you cute as well!
"I am not cute, _____."
As you two were walking out of the restaurant, the old couple gave you a fond smile.
"We were like that too when we were younger."
"Mhm. They look good together, don't you think?"
When you got back to the car, you began to snack on the onigiri part of your bento. You didn't notice how Sakyo's eyes were glaring daggers into the figure who was idly sitting on his motorcycle just a good few meters away from the car.
The figure was wearing a denim jacket and a black helmet, but he could see a few tufts of brown hair sticking out from above the nape of his neck.
His hand grasped the steering wheel in a tight grip until his knuckles turned pale. What was he feeling? Anxiety? Hostility?
The sensation of being... followed?
His mind was racing at the thought, but he decided to rid the negativity filling his consciousness to the brim.
"Sakyo, here's your onigiri." Your voice snapped him out of his daze, and he shot you a small smile.
"Thanks. Let's head back to town now."
Seeing the pure innocence, joy, and trust in your smile made him content. He wanted to protect you and your smile forever.
If only he could.
You woke up earlier than usual because you promised Itaru that you'd go with him to the game store down the street since today was the release day of the new game he'd been itching to buy.
You sat up to stretch and noticed that Omi was in your room.
"Gah!" You gasped, pulling the sheets up to cover yourself. "Omi?!"
He gave you a warm smile, "Oh, good morning! You're finally up. Sorry for barging in like this, I just wanted to call you over for breakfast."
"Th-Thanks for waking me up but um, do you mind? I'm still kinda in my nightwear." You blushed, knowing that your bra was still unhooked.
Omi's eyes darkened for a brief moment, but it was gone as soon as he blinked. It was replaced by the usual hazel eyes that gave you the warmest and kindest looks.
"I'm sorry! I'll be waiting for you outside." He then left your room, shutting the door behind him without making a sound.
"Jeez, Omi." You muttered to yourself. You quickly hooked your bra together then changed into a more decent t-shirt, appropriate enough for the other boys in the company to see you without being flustered or bewildered out of their minds. Seriously, Azami acts as if he's never seen a girl's shoulders before, what's up with that?
You tied your hair in a ponytail and went out of your room to head over to the kitchen where a bunch of familiar platters were waiting for you.
"Oh, wow, isn't this quite a... variety for breakfast?" You spoke, careful with your words. You always appreciated Omi for making food for the company, but the dishes he served this particular Saturday morning seemed like a mishmash of different food combinations and you just couldn't put your finger on why the food looked and smelled so familiar to you.
"Dig in, my dearest director." He replied, with his back facing you. It seemed as though he was still preparing something by the sink.
You took a seat and viewed the selection he prepared for breakfast.
Curry. Delicious, by the way.
Kani Salad.
Egg drop soup.
"Hey, didn't I..." You whispered to yourself, finally realizing that the meals he prepared for you were all meals you've eaten that week.
How did he know? Did the guys tell him about it?
"Well? Aren't you going to eat? You've been enjoying these all week, why not relive the moments one more time? I made sure to prepare them just the way you like them, after all." Omi's voice was laced with something... unknown. Was it possessiveness? He didn't sound like the warm and loving Omi you knew and love.
This Omi was... dangerous. He was terrifying. His back was still facing you, but you could feel a threatening aura from his broad shoulders because of how they looked so stiff.
He turned around and you froze upon seeing his half-lidded eyes. There was a crazed look in his pupils, something that reeked of want, lust, and obsession.
"You had curry with Chikage on Monday. Marshmallow crepes with Juza on Tuesday. Kani Salad with Kumon and Kazunari on Wednesday. Egg drop soup with Tsumugi and Tasuku on Thursday. Then you had a yakiniku bento box with Sakyo yesterday, right?"
Your eyes widened. The boys were pretty aware of the places you went to and who you went there with, but how in the world did Omi know everything?
"Don't worry about it. You don't have to go out with them anymore. I'm the only one who gets to cook for you from now on, okay?" Omi took steps closer to you. You wanted to scream, to run out of the room, to call for help from anyone, but you felt as if you were paralyzed with fear.
This wasn't Omi anymore.
He stopped when he was directly in front of you from across the table, and you could see his thin lips twist into a sadistic smile.
"Dig in, my precious director."
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slocumjoe · 4 years
2 headcanons per companion
- Touchy person. After learning and understanding that it doesn't inherently mean pain, learns to speak and hear it as a love language. Her touches are very jock, though. Shoulder slaps, light punches, hair ruffling, kind of an older brother form of physical affection. Often gets into play-fights with MacCready.
- Has a lovely singing voice, but no one knows because she never sings. Ever. If she sang, it would be a quiet, raspy croon. The type of singing you'd expect to hear in a castle ruins at the coast during a storm. Haunting and enchanting.
- Amazing baker, not so good at cooking. Baking is a science, cooking is more about intuition and creativity. She's a by-the-books girl, and unless she has an exact recipe, her cooking is going to taste like anxiety. Great at breads, burns eggs. Always makes delicious muffins, her soups and stews are flavorless and soggy.
She has no idea. Thinks it's fine, and no one will dare tell her to stick to dough-based foods.
- The first time she got drunk, it was off wine. She woke up with her head in agony and on the roof of a shack about 50 miles away from Sanctuary. And with a tattoo on her back. Doesnt know about the tattoo. No one knows about the tattoo. It's a spoon. A very poorly done spoon. Possibly a ladle.
- This man may as well be a bear. He has a big appetite, sleeps like he's hibernating for winter, is covered in thick body hair. Danse will wake up only for his natural alarm, his clock alarm, or someone walking up to him and telling him to get up. No noise or physical disturbance will wake him. Nothing. As for his stomach, he isn't a glutton, but look at him. Big guy needs fuel. He can eat a normal amount and be fine, but could get himself kicked out of Golden Corral.
- Speaking of food. He eats everything with no reaction regardless of if he likes it or not. It looks like he's bored even if he's eating the rare good meal. Food is just something neutral, with cons to certain things. He prefers plainer flavors, but is immune to spice. Can drink an entire bottle of Tabasco sauce, Sriracha sauce, and a chile sauce with no expression. The blank stare and spice immunity aren't synth things, Curie and X6 are just the opposite.
- Takes long walks at night through settlements. Feels at peace in liminal spaces. The ruins of Boston and all the other destroyed cities don't have the same effect. Something about being the only one aware, living unnoticed in a place filled with people. It's lonely, but nothing gives the same clarity.
- Hates subway tunnels. Go on forever, too long to see what's at the end, something could be at any corner - they creep him out. If you still, you'll hear something. Machinery even when the place is inactive. Shuffling. Even stiller, might hear breathing echoing from way down a tunnel. Hates it to hell and back. Has to take a long smoke break if he has to go in one alone.
- Weird with kids. Likes them, but worries about himself. He isn't the...best example. He has no filter, they can tell something is wrong about him, and he just doesn't know how to act. They're just tiny humans, but there are rules. He doesn't want to accidently hurt them or inspire them to follow his screwed up footsteps.
- He doesn't care about what people think unless he cares. Some schmuck sneering at him when he pops a mentats? That guy's issue. Nick's frown? Curie's wide-eyed fretting? The way Cait's face goes soft and her eyes crinkle in sympathy?
...that matters.
He starts using less.
- Extravert. He needs his space, but hates being alone. Not having a support to fall back on is terrifying. The most anxious he'd ever been since Lucy died was his time alone in the Commonwealth. Sure, he had people, but not...not people of his own. Not a family. Leaving his boy was hard and being alone just as. Was often nauseous and prone to headaches until the SoSu.
- Hates the acknowledgement of intimate body parts in public. Hancock and Cait went on a tirade of sex jokes and he was just as, if not more, squeamish as the other prudes. While exploring a vault, a sex ed video came on the projector and he was red as a tomato for hours. It didn't help that he was standing in front of it and...well. You know what happens when you stand in front of projectors.
Goes all blushy when more adult talk comes up. Apparently Danse didn't know what m*sturbation was and that moment in that room nearly had him crawling out of his skin.
- Has a little switch in his brain that decides if he's capable of math. One day he'll be a walking calculator, another he'll forget that 7 is more than 6. He was a weird math student. Did all the reading and none of the work, aced the tests. You put him under pressure and he'll crank out the craziest equations, but you ask him to multiply two 4 digit numbers and you can see a little blue swirl in his eye before he sighs and goes to fetch scratch paper. Being a good tester doesn't mean he's not a born theater kid.
- Coat pockets are portals to other dimensions. Has everything you need. Bobby pins? Check. Ammo? Check. Food rations? Clean water? Smokes? Check. A small statue of Cappy? A page from a magazine that was never released due to a MLM scam in the publishing company? Half a pair of sunglasses?
Sometimes puts random garbage in his pockets just to screw with Ellie. Other times, genuinely doesn't know where things come from. Once found a yao gui claw in his chest pocket. It's a good luck charm, but he never picked it up and no one could have slipped it in. Jokes about the coat being haunted, but only half joking.
- Opposite to Nick, things go missing in her coat. Nick calls it "the washer" for some reason. She'll drop a pen in a pocket and never see it again. Double checks the pockets for holes and splits before heading out. Still loses things. Once lost a whole pistol.
But more interestingly. She lost a purple gel pen.
Week later, Nick pulls a purple gel pen out of his pocket.
Has a corkboard for the theories about the connection.
- Makes an amazing stew of yao gui, carrots, potatoes, stingwing honey, and various herbs. Its a family recipe that just isn't a normal stew, there's something different about it. When asked, will joke that it's human meat. Very few people realize she's joking. Either way, it has a flavor that sets it apart from other stews.
The secret?
There's a mutated form of garlic in the southeast part of the Commonwealth.
Only her family knows where it grows and what it looks like.
- Not so much of a night owl as much as he just...doesn't have a steady circadian rhythm. You can find him in the kitchen at 1 pm asleep on the counter in the middle or awake at 1 am making a 3 tiered cake. Doesn't have an alarm clock. His sleeping pattern bothers even the poorest sleepers. Danse is visibly upset when he describes his schedule.
- His history of partners, both romantic and purely sexual, is crazy. He has the most interesting and horrifying stories. One girlfriend was convinced she was the reincarnated Mistress of Mystery. A boyfriend cheated on him with his step grandmother. He was once involved in a multi-person break up because apparently his boyfriend was in a poly relationship that went south on all fronts due to a chem deal's profits going missing as they were about to split the caps.
Don't ask about Marge.
Marge was...probably something he imagined during a fever.
- His pantries and fridge have nothing but junk food. He likes vegetables and fruit, but they take up valuable sugar space.
Once ate a giant, 200+ year expired cheesecake and puked for an hour. When Nick found out, popped a fuse. X was out of commission for...so long. Turns out he's lactose intolerant.
- Has been flirted with so many times. Each time, turned pink and lost all control of his words. He becomes a stuttering, cherry-cheeked mess at romantic interest. Not because he reciprocates, he just wasn't trained for it. There is no protocol for "Wanna come back to my place?"
Someone kissed his cheek and he actually ran and jumped out of a window to escape. Hancock has it on video and sometimes watches it to produce serotonin.
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its-flicked-switch · 5 years
All The Things She Said
5k | MSR | Post-MS4 
Mulder takes Scully home following their conversation on the dock.
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"Words are like eggs dropped from great heights; you can no more call them back than ignore the mess they leave when they fall."
― Jodi Picoult, Salem Falls
She stirs when the car hits the rough gravel drive. He can sense her initial unease and subsequent relief as she shakes off the reminisce of sleep and orients herself. Normally, he would tease her about drooling on the upholstery or complain about his inability to hear the NPR due to her obnoxiously loud snoring, but tonight he says nothing as he eases the mustang up to their front porch. Shutting off the ignition, he reaches for her hand, bringing it to the center console and giving it a light squeeze — a silent request for her to stay put until he comes around to open her door. It's not something that he normally insists on doing, nor is it something that she would regularly allow, but tonight calls for chivalry. Tonight, he knows that she will not object.
Scully has always been fiercely independent. In the early stages of their relationship, she resisted being waited on, fussed over, or coddled, often doing so with a single, pointed glance that required little to no interpretation. All these years later, her eyes still hold the same fire and intensity they did when they first met, but tonight, as he opens her door and takes her hand, all he sees is resignation. She's exhausted. They both are.
No words are exchanged as they make their way into the house. They move in a silent rhythm that comes from years of intimacy: every look, touch, and gesture relaying meaning and underlying conversation. Words come secondary because, after all this time, they are often unnecessary.
They pause briefly in the entryway to unload their pockets, ridding themselves of their phones, keys, credentials, and weapons. Slowing his movement, Mulder angles himself to watch Scully as he places his keys next to hers. Her tailored coat is still damp from the rain, making it difficult to remove, but her efforts cease, and her body relaxes when his hands come to rest on her shoulders. He says nothing as he removes it, but he can't help but be troubled by her silence. The last time he can remember her being this quiet was when they were on the run… a time when she had given up everything to be with him, including their son.
As he turns to hang her coat on the wall, he checks the thermostat and bumps the temperature up a few degrees.
He turns to find her standing in a daze in the middle of the living room with her arms crossed over her chest as if she doesn't know where to go or what to do. As he moves to stand directly behind her, he sees a shiver move through her body. Even after two hours in the car with heated seats and all the vents angled in her direction, her clothes still aren't completely dry. While he's not shocked that she stood out in the rain to observe the diving teams, he is surprised that she remained out there as long as she did in her current condition without an umbrella.
After 25 years, one would think that he would have a handle on all things involving and encompassing that which makes Scully, Scully — but he doesn't. She's always been a puzzle. While at times it's aggravating beyond measure, her ability to still surprise him is one of many things that draws him to her.
Looking at her now, Mulder is torn. He wants to talk to her and comfort her, but he's also not sure how. If there is anything that his relationship with her has taught him, it's patience. Scully is a lot like a turtle; she's cautious and moves at her own pace. Any attempt to draw her out before she's ready often results in her closing shop or snapping, which is why even with all of the questions burning in his mind, he has remained silent.
Placing his hands lightly on her shoulders, he angles his head to speak softly in her ear.
"You need to get out of these damp clothes, Scully," he whispers. "Go jump in the shower. I'll make you some soup."
She turns to face him, dropping her hands to her side.
"I'm not hungry Mulder; there's no need to —"
But he doesn't let her finish.
"It's not just for you."
The bomb she dropped on him earlier is far from forgotten. While he's respecting her silence and her need to process everything that has happened, he can't allow her to go to bed without eating. Not now.
He can tell by the look on her face that she wants to protest. Normally what she says goes, but not tonight. She searches his face for a moment, processing his gaze and expression before averting her eyes to stare down at their joined hands.
"Mulder, I…"
Squeezing her hands lightly, he silently interrupts her, directing her eyes back up to his. As soon as she raises her head, his lips catch hers, lingering only for a moment before raising them to the tip of her nose, and then her forehead. His fingers weave themselves into her hair and caress her lower back as he pulls her body tightly against his own.
"We don't have to talk about this now, Scully," he whispers into her hair. "Not if you aren't ready."
Surrendering into his embrace, she burrows her head into his chest and breathes deeply.
Despite the day they've had, he can still smell the remnants of the hair products she uses. Taking in her scent as he kisses the top of her head, Mulder is desperate to comfort her. He wants to promise her that it's going to be okay… that he will never again abandon her and that this time will be different. But Mulder says nothing. Instead, he remains silent. Not because he fears commitment but because he knows he's powerless to make such promises. History has taught him that much.
He can feel the current of emotion running through her as his hands roam the expanse of her back. After speaking briefly to Skinner and learning of her pregnancy, her words on the dock and behavior over the course of the past several weeks makes more sense. Her words and actions were provoked… guided by a madman, pregnancy hormones, and fear.
Giving her a gentle squeeze, he releases her and turns her towards the base of the stairs.
"Go shower. Your soup will be ready when you get out."
She's halfway up when she stops.
"I want chicken noodle."
"Chicken noodle, it is then."
He waits until she disappears at the top of the stairs before retreating into the kitchen. As he gathers the ingredients for the soup, he can hear her moving around in their bedroom and the sound of the water running in the master bathroom. While he desperately yearns for answers that only she can provide, he is also grateful to have some time to himself. Odds are, she is too.
He and Scully have always known that there was more to William's conception, but knowing something and having it slap you in the face are two entirely different things. Having now seen what William is capable of, the gravity of what has been done to them and to their son hits him with full force.
In the years following William's adoption, all they could do was hope that the magnetite injection had been successful in silencing the alien sequences of William's DNA, rendering him useless to the evil forces who had invested interests in him. Now, Mulder wonders if the opposite were true. Had the magnetite somehow enhanced William's abilities, eliminating all the weaknesses observed in the alien-human hybrids that preceded him? Had Jeffrey Spender actually made William more powerful? And if so, had it been intentional or incidental?
Mulder's faith in anyone carrying the name Spender borders on nonexistent, but after what he witnessed tonight, he's inclined to believe that his half brother's attempt to save his nephew was genuine, even if it was for all the wrong reasons.
When Mulder appeared behind the Smoking Man after he shot William, the confusion and shock that crossed his features was genuine, giving rise to something Mulder had not previously considered.
Having spent his entire career being lied to, manipulated, and mislead, Mulder had always assumed that the devil holding the candle knew the end game, but perhaps that was the greatest misdirection of all. What transpired on the docks has made one thing abundantly clear to Mulder.
They don't know.
The forces responsible for William's bioengineered DNA have no idea what they have created.
And suddenly, a great deal of what he and Scully have experienced over the course of the past two decades makes sense to him… even William's birth. The super soldiers who gathered to witness his birth left disinterested and disappointed. While he's not sure what they were told or what they were expecting, it's now more clear to him than ever that William has never been what was expected. How much Jeffery and the Smoking Man knew and from who is still unclear, but the more Mulder thinks about it, the more he suspects that even those behind the curtain are at a loss to explain William.
William is powerful. Far more powerful and gifted than his creators anticipated him to be.
He's a train off the tracks, and they don't possess the manpower or the technology to stop him.
With this in mind, Mulder has little doubt that Scully is right. William is alive. After what he witnessed in that hotel room, he doubts very seriously that a single bullet would be capable of killing him, and that is assuming that the bullet even struck him, to begin with. As for the Smoking Man, he should hope to be dead. If he's not, he will be soon enough.
Now that he's had some time to ponder William's actions and replay their conversation, Mulder is left with far more questions than answers. William clearly didn't need his protection and knew Mulder was being followed, so why didn't he just run or hide in plain sight as he had done previously? Was he simply curious to meet his father? Or was there something more sinister at play?
In the short time they had together, William had only asked Mulder one question, and Mulder got the distinct impression that he already knew the answer. Mulder and Scully possess the same amount of alien DNA. The markers they each possess have slightly different variations, but the percentages are the same, leading him to believe that William's ability to communicate with Scully and not him has more to do with the chip implanted into the base of Scully's skull than it does their shared alien DNA. The only way to be certain would be to remove the chip, and that's not an option. With this in mind, he's not sure why William asked him about the visions. Was he trying to tell him something? Take a stab at his paternity? Or was it some sort of test to determine how much or how little he knew? If this were any other case or any other person, Mulder would be inclined to dismiss it, but he can't suppress the nagging feeling that William had asked him that question for a reason.
Mulder's interaction with William had also awakened something inside of him that he hadn't anticipated.
Rather than avoiding his pursuers, William had opted to kill them in a violent display of power that was not of this world. Mulder has seen and experienced a lot of weird and terrifying things over the years, but nothing, not even his abduction, death, and subsequent resurrection could compare to what he witnessed in that hotel room.
He was in awe, yet he was terrified.
How could something he and Scully created all those years ago grow to be something so viciously violent?
The conclusion he has come to is one of purpose.
Extinguishing the threat in the manner that he did was a message, not only to Mulder but to all the others who pursue him. It was a warning laced with a promise. William is not to be captured, controlled, or contained.
Monica Reyes had called to warn them.
Whoever controls your son controls the future.
Twenty-four hours ago, that warning had sent him on a mission to find his son and to be his protector. What a joke that had been.
To those still pursuing William now, all Mulder can say is — good fucking luck.
Sounds associated with a stovetop disaster snap him back into action. He's been so deeply lost in thought that he's nearly let the soup boil over. When he turns off the burner and shifts the pot over to the other side of the stove, the room quiets, drawing attention to the fact that the water upstairs is no longer running. Cursing under his breath, he wonders how long Scully has been out of the shower. Not hearing her hair dryer or any movement coming from upstairs, he begins to wonder if she has already crawled into bed when a chair is pulled out from underneath the table behind him.
Her sudden appearance startles him enough that he lets go of the soup ladle, letting it drop into the depths of the soup as he turns to face her.
A look of apology crosses her face as she sits. The past twenty-four hours have left them both a little on edge.
"The plan was to bring this up to you so that you didn't have to come back down," he says, eyeing her curiously.
She nods her head from side to side, dismissing the sentiment as she begins to unload the tray he had been preparing to take upstairs.
"You need to eat too."
Mulder isn't hungry, but he knows he can't tell her that, so instead of arguing with her, he grabs another bowl, fills it, and places it on the table across from hers and joins her.
He can tell that she recognizes her mother's recipe by the small smile that plays on her lips as she picks up her spoon and stirs. She doesn't vocalize it, but he can tell that she is touched by his gesture.
Taking in her appearance, he's surprised to see that her hair is still damp. She normally dries it immediately after she gets out of the shower, but tonight it possesses the wildness of quick towel dry. Her silk pajama bottoms and fuzzy socks explain her stealthy entry.
He's briefly curious as to where she found the socks because he's never seen them before. The long-sleeved Oxford tee she is wearing, however, is familiar — because it's his.
"I owe you an apology, Mulder," she says quietly, breaking their silence.
"I shouldn't have said the things I said earlier. Not without explanation," she says, her eyes retreating into the depths of her soup. "William is our son… a DNA test confirmed that 18 years ago, but it also confirmed that it was more complicated than that."
"Is it?"
His question earns him a look, but she takes his point, quieting as she stares back down into her soup. He would say more if he didn't sense she was working up to something… something that he suspects has been weighing on her for some time now.
She doesn't finish her statement because she doesn't have to. William was never truly theirs, at least not in the way they wanted him to be.
"To think that I abandoned him all those years ago… dumping him off on an unsuspecting family, who couldn't have possibly had any idea of what they were signing up for… I can imagine how they must have felt the first time they saw him move an object across the room with his mind because I certainly remember how I felt." She pauses again, this time making eye contact. "And that was with the added benefit of knowing where it came from."
The hand not stirring is now resting on her forehead, her fingers entangling themselves into her damp hair as she continues.
"The magnetite injection Jeffrey gave him worked, at least initially. He stopped moving his mobile, and Jeffrey assured me that results were permanent. For years, I convinced myself that giving him up was my only option, but we both know that isn't true. I could have run. The gunmen created false identities for all of us, not just you, but instead of running, I signed our rights away. I abandoned him."
At this point, Mulder interjects because she knows better, and they've had this discussion before.
"Scully, you did the only thing you could to protect him. Running wouldn't have been the right choice for him, and you know that… you, of all people, know what life on the run entails, and it's no life for a child. The knowledge that he was with you would have always given them a starting point. Putting him up for adoption gave him anonymity. You didn't abandon him, Scully… you saved him."
He can tell she is on the verge of interrupting him, so he raises his hand to silence her because he's not done. He's not even close to being done.
"No. We don't know what it was like for him or his adoptive family to go through that process blindly, but I think it's safe to say that choice you made bought him time that he otherwise wouldn't have had. When he was born, they didn't take him from us because he wasn't what they were expecting, but that doesn't mean that they weren't watching."
The cameras in their apartments had only been the tip of the iceberg. The syndicate and their associates had been tapping their phones and tracking their vehicles for years, using the intel they gathered to manipulate them further. Instead of shutting them down, the syndicate had used them to their advantage. Mulder knows that Scully knows this just as well as he does, but he continues to press in order to make his point.
"Once they learned of his abilities, they would have taken him from us, and we wouldn't have been able to stop them. But now… Scully… what he was able to do… adoption was the greatest gift you could have given him. It gave him the time in the dark he needed in order to be able to protect himself. The monsters who helped to create him can't touch him now. The power he possesses is beyond their reach."
"Mulder we helped to create him. You and me. We knew… we knew of his abilities… his alien DNA. Doesn't that make us just as culpable as they are?"
"Scully, what happened to you outside of your consent…"
"He didn't force me to get into the car Mulder! I packed a bag. Hell, I drove the car! We may never know exactly what he did or how he did it but —"
"You agreed to accepting the cure for cancer, not to being impregnated with science."
She looks surprised by his choice of words, so Mulder elaborates.
"Skinner told me what Spender said."
While this gives her pause, she still doesn't let it go.
"It doesn't change anything. The point is still the same, Mulder. We knew —"
"Did we really? You and I both have alien DNA, and neither of us can change what the mind perceives."
"No. Listen to me. We knew that he possessed alien DNA and that he could move his mobile, but we couldn't have possibly foreseen this. They certainly didn't."
"Mulder, what are you… ?"
"When the Smoking Man shot William, he had no idea he was shooting William. He thought he was shooting me. Don't you see? They don't know, Scully. They have no idea what he is and what he is capable of… so how in the world can you blame yourself for not seeing it? What happened to his adoptive family isn't your fault. There is no way you could have known."
He knows that the guilt Scully carries isn't just about William. She feels responsible for the Van De Kamps' death. Raising and protecting their son had cost them their lives.
Tears are forming in her eyes, but he presses on because he has a point to make, and she needs to let this go.
"What else could you have possibly done? Abort him?"
Her head jerks up. The fire in her eyes a warning that he's hit a nerve.
"No. I would have never —"
"Exactly. The only thing you are guilty of is wanting him and loving him. None of this is your fault. Not a damn bit of it."
A single tear threads down her cheek as she releases her grip on the spoon she's been holding, letting it settle down into the bottom of the bowl.
"Do you think he knows?"
She says it so quietly that he almost doesn't hear her.
"Do you think he has any idea how much we wanted him? Prayed for him?"
"I think… I think it's safe to say that he knows that the circumstances of his adoption weren't typical."
Despite the seriousness of the conversation, she snorts.
"He's bright, Scully. How could he not be? He's an uber-Scully."
And that does it: she smiles.
Her smile calms him. Looking deeply into her eyes, he does everything in his power to portray the calmness and security that he knows she needs. There are a lot of difficult conversations that lie ahead, but they don't all have to come tonight.
Taking his cue, she retorts back.
"Oh, I don't know, Mulder. I think we can both agree that he's a little bit spooky."
"Just a little?"
Her soft laugh fills the kitchen.
There's a pause. It's not awkward, but it is pointed, a sign that she's about to shift the conversation.
"Speaking of spooky uber-Scullies…"
As relieved as Mulder is that she's bringing up the baby, he's not really sure where to start or what to say. Dozens of questions and comments immediately come to mind, but, ultimately, he decides to start with the basics.
"How long have you known?"
Her hesitation confirms what he already suspected. She's known ever since he found her sobbing in the shower last week.
"A little over a week," she says as she takes a weighted breath. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner… that I've kept this from you. I wanted to tell you so badly, but —"
"Were you afraid that I wouldn't want it?" he asks, unable to hide the emotion creeping into his voice.
"No… no… I knew you would never… Mulder, I'm 54 years old. We've never… why now? After all that we've been through and everything we've tried? Why now? I just… I had to be sure. I already took one child away from you. I couldn't do that to you again. I had to make absolutely sure."
"So you would have —"
"NO. I'm not saying that… I just… Crystal had a close friend of hers run some tests … off the books. And then I ran them again myself. I wanted answers. I wanted to understand. If this was something other than a miracle, I had to know. I couldn't give you hope only to take it away."
Reaching his hand across the table, he places it on top of hers, encouraging her to hold his gaze.
"No matter what you've found, I want it, and I want to know everything. No more secrets. Not anymore."
Scully's eyes start to water, and her voice cracks as she struggles to control her emotions.
"The last time we went through this, I never got to tell you. By the time I figured it out, you were gone, and when you came back, I was already so far along that I didn't have to tell you."
Her tears are falling freely now, and he can't stand it. Within seconds he has her in his arms, cradling her as she sobs.
"I'm scared, Mulder. I'm so scared."
She doesn't have to say what she is scared of because her fears match his own.
"What if —"
But he interrupts her because he doesn't want her to go there. He doesn't want her thinking about the long list of medical complications, chip activation, or alien DNA.
"Scully, you can't go there. You'll drive yourself crazy if you do. And unless there is something else you haven't told me, neither of us have taken any field trips with members of the underworld lately, which can only mean…"
She snorts, lightly smacking at his chest.
"I just don't understand it, Mulder. Why now? After all of this time… we never exactly —"
"I know."
They had never used any form of birth control. Not even after William. Each of them secretly hoping for a second miracle, never dreaming in a million years that it would come nearly two decades later.
Although Scully's tears have subsided, neither of them moves.
Mulder hates to break the moment, but he also doesn't want her to overthink anything. It's late, and she really needs to eat something. Neither of them has eaten in over 12 hours. Dissecting the mystery of miracle baby number two can wait until tomorrow. Right now, his primary concern is feeding her and putting her to bed.
"You're letting your soup get cold."
The feel of her mouth curling up into a smile against his shirt warms him more than a hot bowl of soup ever could.
"Oh, and yours is staying warm," she asks, pulling away just enough to look up into his face.
"My soup — is special," he tells her.
To this, she smiles and shakes her head, her expression turning more serious as she stills.
Gazing up into his eyes, she whispers, "I love you."
The intensity of her gaze puts butterflies in his stomach and makes his hands shake. The fact that she can still do this to him twenty-five years later never fails to amaze him.
He knows that she loves him. He can see it in her eyes every time she looks at him, but hearing her say it has always stirred something deep inside of him. Something that he doesn't have the words to describe.
Unable to respond with words, he lowers his head to hers, capturing her lips and running his hands through her hair and along her side. Halting his hand to stop just under the swell of her breast, he kisses her with everything he has, and she kisses him back without hesitation, pulling his body more tightly against her own as she encourages him to deepen the kiss.
With all of the storms that lie between them, this aspect of their relationship has never been a source of contention.
As much as Mulder would love for this to continue and progress into something far more intimate, he knows that now is not the appropriate time. Breaking the kiss, he places smaller kisses along the sides of her face and forehead before gazing into her eyes.
"Let's eat," he tells her softly.
Nodding, she runs her hands down his chest and raises up onto the tips of her toes to place a soft kiss on his lips before returning to the table.
After they finish eating, he encourages her to head upstairs while he cleans up the kitchen and turns off the lights.
When he enters their bedroom, he finds her in the bathroom, drying her hair. Taking a moment to appreciate her, he stands and watches her until their eyes meet in the mirror. Moving to stand behind her, he rests his hands on her hips and kisses the top of her head before turning and stripping to get in the shower.
Of all of the things currently unknown, there is one truth that he does know with absolute certainty. She is his everything, and he's going to spend the rest of his life making sure that she never regrets coming home.
When he gets out of the shower, the lights in their bedroom are off. Although it's dark, he can still make out the silhouette of her small frame curled up in the center of their queen-sized bed and wastes no time joining her. As he pulls back the covers, she relaxes and shifts her weight to encourage him to pull her into his embrace. Burrowing his nose in her hair, Mulder says the words that were caught in his throat earlier.
"I love you too, Scully. More than anything."
"I know," she replies, her voice thick with emotion.
Bring his hand up to her lips, she kisses his fingers lightly, before moving them down to splay over her stomach, resting them protectively over the life currently growing inside of her — a life they had created together.
AN: This story is a chapter from a larger work that is currently in progress. For those of you who are interested in delving further into the conspiracy, want an actual conclusion to the William arc, and are curious about the ins and outs of being pregnant at 54, the full work can be found here. 
And, as always, a HUGE thank you to my betas @kikocrystalball​, @admiralty-xfd​, and @suilven19​ for their edits and encouragement... because nobody gets there alone ;)
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hangonimevolving · 5 years
Inside Out and Upside Downs
Hi all.  Thought I’d update on various and sundry agenda items going on in my life.  Never a dull moment ‘round here.
Firstly, let’s talk about my innards.  There’s been a whole lot of activity going on with regard to my innards of late.  Thanks to the excitement of my Disney flu adventure and my New Years ICU party, I am now the subject of a great deal of medical speculation and attention, from a variety of parties.  I have a standing weekly blood draw and appointment on Thursdays with my hematologist (fancy word for blood doctor) to monitor my platelet levels, and other misc blood-related information that concerns immunoglobulins and weird, mysterious things like that.  I have had two appointments, as well as a momma-jomma lab workup, with a rheumatologist (fancy word for doctor who specializes in autoimmune issues).  I’ve had an appointment to set up care with a brand-new-to-me primary care physician.  And in the middle of all of this, I decided that since I’m going to be in/around the hospital so frequently, I might as well do a short course of physical therapy for my ankle - I never got around to doing it, so now is the time.  So that’s a recurring weekly appointment on Tuesdays.  I’ve also got random other crap, like a random head MRI happening tomorrow, and I’m sure there will be random tests, scans, and studies that random doctors will order at random times, and I’ll have to fit it into the schedule.  I am being thoroughly examined, inside out.  And with all of these medical opinions, appointments, tests and what not - in the last 24 days, there has been NO concrete diagnosis or evidence about why this whole thing actually happened.  There are several theories, the two most likely of which are a) I have an autoimmune disorder.  Well, we already know I have one autoimmune disorder (a not-so-bad one, called Graves Disease/hyperthyroidism, which I was first diagnosed with in 2006, and which involves your own body perceiving your own thyroid gland as a foreign object, and attacking it with antibodies).  But now there is some evidence that I may have a second one, possibly a more problematic one, that is causing my immune system to overreact to normal viruses and things, and go on self-destructive rampages against my own platelets.  Dumbass immune system.  Now, what IS this second autoimmune disorder?  THAT we don’t know.  Because, the rheumatologist ran that momma-jomma test I was telling you about, and all that showed up is this one value called a positive ANA test which indicated “daaamn, there’s something f%^ed going on in this lady’s immune system!”  It was a very high positive result.  But, the specific tests to identify antibodies for known issues like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. were all negative at this time.  So.  To be continued with that whole theory..... 
Then there is theory #2, which is b) maybe this whole thing really WAS just the flu.  Maybe the strain of virus I got was really bad, and it resulted in such a pronounced war that it just took a toll.  Dunno.
Anyway.  We’ll obviously be following this medical mystery with my innards closely the next few weeks.  Oh, and one more thing: so my platelet levels are sorta trending down.  At hospital discharge, I was at like 313K, then the next week it was like 250K, then 180K, and yesterday, 146K.  They’re going to keep monitoring, and the hope is that the downtrend will plateau at some point (preferably above 30K), and then it will start to climb up when my own bone marrow gets its shit together and starts producing new platelets.  If that doesn’t happen - I’m looking at more IVIG infusion treatments.  So let’s see how it all goes down.
A second area of activity has been my job!  The spring semester at Uuuu! started on January 13, and I am teaching two courses this time around, for the first time since 2016.  I am teaching my studio dance course, per usual, but I also agreed to a late plea for help from my former department to teach a lecture/discussion course that I’ve taught jillions of times before, but haven’t done in about four years.  It feels good to be back in classroom teaching mode.  The course meets three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  So I’m quite busy, leaving the house around 8 am to drop the kids off at school, then getting back behind the wheel and making the hour-long drive to campus, arriving by about 9:30 am and teaching my two courses back to back.  I have a big huge hike between my classes too, because they’re on opposite sides of campus, so by the time I’m done teaching, it’s about 12:20 and then I have this big long hike back to my car, then the drive back home, and I arrive around 1:30 pm.  I grab a bite to eat, then at 2:45 its time to get the kids.  Then three days a week, they have their extracurricular activities after school, so I’m shuttling them to those things.  Then Tuesdays and Thursdays, all my medical appointments, which have been taking the majority of my mornings and early afternoons.  Phew!  This is all a far cry from about a year ago, when I had several mornings a week to go for a long run, either in my neighborhood or at the local state park, and I was training intensely twice a week with my Spartan SGX coach.  I’ve had to seriously curtail my working out - I took a spill on my first run following the hospitalization, and the entire family freaked out about my putting myself at a bleed risk if I were to fall, bump myself, or otherwise get an injury, even a minor one, while exercising.  This has been a huge crimp in my style, not working out - and if I weren't so busy with teaching, I think it would seriously depress me.  But I keep telling myself its only temporary, and soon we’ll have some answers to my situation, and I”ll be able to get back into it.  Till then, I’m trying to get back into meal prep and eating clean, and doing some mild exercise like light jogs and walks, light weight training, etc.  
My mention of weight training is perhaps a segue to this next update, which I’ll keep brief and annoyingly vague.  I am going through some painful adulting right now, that makes some moments feel like I’m being swallowed up by a tsunami.  I’m gonna survive... but, yeah.  I’m wading in the flood right now.  
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Okay, now for some miscellaneous updates.  Mainly so I can post some pictures.  This has been very text-heavy for my tastes.
On the topic of clean eating..... did you know that both papaya and pomegranate are natural platelet boosters?  Supposedly.  I’ve been doing a lot of research on foods and other natural ways to help boost my platelet production, and these were the top two foods that were consistently mentioned on platelet disorders blogs and forums.  I confess I’m not a big fan of these fruits - but I’ve tried to put my tastebuds aside, and incorporate them into every day.  Happily, papayas are widely available in the Miami area year-round. 
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I’ve handled the pomegranate thing by buying 100% pomegranate juice, and making cocktails of pomegranate + papaya juice (which is papaya pulp mixed in pear juice).
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On the topic of foods and eating well - here is my guilty indulgence of late.  I ADOOOOORE ramen bowls.  ADORE.  And I know they are the opposite of low-carb and healthy.... but I have been making a ton of them at home lately.  I try to make them as healthy as I can, by 1) only using half of the ramen spice packet that comes with the noodles - this cuts the sodium to a tolerable amount (plus I drink lots of water), 2) I sautée minced garlic + approximately one full cup of shiitake mushrooms + approximately 1.5 full cups of baby spinach leaves in a dash of olive oil, and add to every bowl I make (mushrooms are full of B-vitamins and, alongside garlic, are huge immunity boosters, and spinach is full of iron and calcium, and is a good thing for me to be eating to make my blood sort itself out) , and 3) I often either crack an egg over the entire boiling mixture right at the end, or I add in sliced hard-boiled egg for extra folate and protein.  And I sometimes add in a handful of raw shredded carrots right at the end, for a little crunch, color, fiber, and beta carotene.  I *think* that I’m doing my best to make this indulgence food a little healthier, and tailored to my specific medical situation.
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Soup has been a huge craving of late, because we had a surprising cold spell in Miami.  It got down to 39F day before yesterday!  That’s probably the coldest its ever been since we moved to Florida.
Afternoon snuggle time was especially snuggly - Dey and I were huddled for warmth!
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My ability to run and work out at a high intensity may be somewhat muted at the moment, and this has been sort of a hard mental adjustment for me.  But I am trying to get outside and do things, because it makes me feel better, and also I imagine the vitamin D is good for me.  The other day, I was feeling pretty dumpy and blah - so I did something that for some reason I’d been putting off, “saving” for a special occasion, whatever.  I cut the tags off of a brand-new Spartan licensed active top that I’d purchased on Cyber Monday, put it on, and went for a light 2-mile jog in the neighborhood.  I felt silly in a way of making a big thing of it in my head - but the truth is, it lifted my spirits.
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What else... Oh, this was exciting!  GUESS WHAT, dudes.  On Monday, I saw a real live MANATEE in the lake behind our house!  I could hardly believe my eyes.  A neighbor had reported on our community WhatsApp group just the day before seeing a manatee from her backyard.  She posted a picture of it, which I am shamelessly going to post here.  The manatee I saw, about 24 hours later, was different - it was considerably smaller than this one, I think probably a juvenile (not quite a baby, but definitely not humongous like this one).  But it was swimming slowly near the sea wall that abuts our backyard, munching on some sea grass just like this big manatee.  I did my best to run into the house and call the kids to come out as quietly as they could to see it - I think they caught a tiny glimpse, but our footsteps must have spooked it, because it definitely swam away quickly.  I hope we’ll see it again!
Photographic evidence that we are LEGIT Floridians who hang out with manatees :)
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Last but not least - on the topic of water creatures, gotta give a shout-out to my Vev, who “leveled up” at his swimming lessons this week to Junior Swim Team!  The swim school has about 10 levels through which kids have to work to get to this point, and in the last ~18 months, Vev has completed them all.  I was somewhat nostalgic and verklempt when he got his ribbon this time - I feel like it was only yesterday that we took him to swimming school for the first time, where he screamed bloody murder and cried the entire duration of his 25 minute assessment, clinging desperately to his teacher and feeling panicky about letting go in the water.  How far he’s come!
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(by the way, Dey is also doing wonderfully at swimming, and is only like 1.5 levels away from his own Junior Swim Team ribbon).  
So some of my life is inside out and upside down right now, it is true.  But some of it is Upside-Up.  I work hard EVERY day to focus on the Upside-Up, and what a treat it is to see.  These kids, the sunshine I get to enjoy here, the afternoon snuggle times, delicious food that also is good for me.... net balance is that life is good, I’m still alive and kicking, and everything is gonna work out fine.
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sd1970x · 5 years
Someone suggested I try posting my fics to tumbler
So... here goes! Summary: Marinette is certain she finally has things mostly figured out: Whether it's having a secret life as a miraculous-holding superheroine, saving Paris together with her trusty partner or standing up to Chloe. Whether it's by herself, as a part of a pair or even a team, she knows it through and through. Then one day, Gecko appears, and nothing is ever going to be the same again. She might need to cast aside everything she thought about teamwork, relationships and what it means to be a miraculous holder. What's going to happen between her and her partner now? What's that strange new superheroine hiding behind her mask? Chapter 1: Yamori. It was just a regular workday. That’s exactly what it was. He was a normal boy with a normal life, even if other people have their kind of a normal life. His simply involved working in construction at high height. Hamad still went with that pointless, mock helmet-placing gesture. It helped him feel better for some reason, despite having no real helmet to go with it. The strapping point part, that he couldn’t even play-pretend. At least he knew one was supposed to exist, just like the railings that were meant to prevent him from falling. While these actually did exist occasionally, their reliability has left him wondering more than once. Would they stop him if a moment of truth came? He’d rather not think about that one at all. The other thing he would have rather not thought about, but couldn’t get out of his head, was that he finally knew why all of that was happening. That day when he saw the money change hands, out in the clear… and they didn’t even care he saw it!
No one would have believed him or any of his co-workers. That much felt almost like a universal truth. He was in a foul mood just thinking about it, and thus escapism drew its lure again. His favorite choice of escapism? Taking a sneak peek at the view of Paris from the 20th floor he’s working at. The clear sky and the look of the Eiffel tower brought about some comfort. He imagined the smell of a home-cooked meal on the stove, the warmth of a family that would definitely dwell here in two or three years, with someone living a perfectly happy normal life here. “Hey, get back to work!” He heard the voice of his superintendent, as the smell of soup made way in favor of the acrid smell of cement that needed mixing, of dust particles filling the air, of planks lying about and steel rebar being welded. The view was not his to enjoy, he remembered now. He quickly tucked the smell of soup into a deep corner of his heart before returning to mixing the cement again in numbing, repetitive motions, a blank look on his face. --- Light shone on Hawk Moth’s lair as its window expanded, triggering a fluttering of the numerous butterflies waiting for their turn. An almost inaudible flap, like bristling of leaves, mixed with the pacing of shoe soles against a concrete floor. He stopped and relished that negative feeling he was picking up. At first, it tasted like apathy of the bland and boring kind. But upon further inspection, a lacing of venom appeared. At first a trace, and then a mouthful. Like popping a caviar egg to salty goodness. And he, Hawk Moth, would be the one to help that spread its wings in the most spectacular fashion. A piece of art, indeed. “Those who are numb of fearing for their lives may yet hold the most emotions of all, simply waiting to be unleashed.” His voice intoned it as if an onlooker was there. Occasionally Nathalie would be there to listen to him. Not this time, though. He kept the habit nonetheless as it greatly entertained him. “Go forth, my Akuma, and help him realize his burning desire for justice.” He called his power as he infused the butterfly with dark energy and sent it off towards its target, A look of appreciation following its trail. He turned around and rubbed his hands together, anxious for the butterfly to make rapport again, small shivers of delight passing through his body in anticipation of the conversation he was about to hold. --- Hamad noted his superintendent was missing again. He always felt short-changed for his hard work, so stealing yet another glimpse of the view made him feel no remorse. He couldn’t see the Akuma butterfly casually making the slow ascent towards him, as his foot hit the smallest of bumps on the concrete floor. Losing balance, he quickly grabbed at the railing, only for the thing to crack. Looks like it couldn't hold him after all. He felt the acceleration, the rush of wind as he spun downwards, the resistance of air building up against his momentum. He dreamed this would happen one day, and that day now came. He closed his eyes and braced for the impact. But then, a firm grip caught him and he heard the ‘twang’ sound of a yo-yo string. That wasn’t a part of his dream, but from that day onward he’d embrace that and never let go. He felt his descent slowing down gently as he opened his eyes to find himself in the hands of a certain red-clad superheroine. But then, he felt another thing. A pair of greyish-blue eyes prying into his very soul. A warm male voice soothed into his mind.“ Mixalot, I am Hawk Moth. Isn’t it time someone mixed the cruel reality of construction safety with the serene reality of otherwise blissful Parisians?” He uttered a soft, barely audible “yes” before he felt a rush of power, and then nothing. --- Ladybug watched in horror as the person she was holding quickly got engulfed in black-purple mist and sent an indiscernible appendage towards her earrings, before even completing the transformation. She cocked her head to evade his grab and tried to push herself away. Her yo-yo got tangled and she barely made it, a few meters above ground, only to fall a second later. Only lightly beaten, Ladybug found herself facing an unharmed Akumatized victim at a disadvantaged reclined position. Her mind tried to assess the situation as quickly as feasible. The thing in front of her was similar to Stoneheart to an extent but made more of concrete plates and protruding steel rebar. His shoulder was composed of a steel beam and his second hand was now a jet hole spouting cement mixture. The ground shook a little with every step he took, combined with earth-shattering noise and the smell of wet cement. The iron scaffolding around her looked like that creature’s preferred home turf to pick a fight on. She felt two quick bursts of viscous cement hitting both of her arms, pinning her to the ground. Given enough time she would have been able to move her joints and recover, but this was time she simply didn’t have, as Mixalot charged for a much larger shot of cement, one aimed straight at her face. He’s going to choke me and knock me out. Ladybug braced herself for the impact as much as she could given her situation. “Ladybug, watch out!” A female voice called at her. The source of the voice suddenly appeared between her and Mixalot. Not slowly or gradually, but as if she had always been there. As if she materialized or decloaked at this exact point in space, by a feat of magic or miracle. She was rapidly rotating what looked to be some sorts of a hoop, with four spokes completing a cross form inside. Ladybug could only see her back, clad in a bright cyan bodysuit, a long and wavy honey-colored hair running up until the waist. Is she… a new superheroine? The cement shot sprayed in all directions as it encountered the rapidly spinning hoop. The smell of cement intensified considerably as she felt the touch of a few errant mixture drops collecting at her suit. “Quick, run away!” that same voice quickly returned her to the reality on ground. An Akuma battle was not a good time to properly reconcile such news. Instinctively responding to the cry she took advantage of the opening to dart to safety, and only then allowed herself a moment of composed thought. How can there be a new superheroine? Any more than that would probably take a lot more focus out of the problem at hand. Ladybug watched the cyan-clad superheroine engaging Mixalot, trying an attack by rotating her hoop angled above her head and extending it. So her hoop extends and contracts, similar to Chat’s baton. That’s an odd weapon to wield. Being experienced, she could foresee the inefficiency of that move and indeed, all it took Mixalot was a plain crouch to evade the attack. She could also guess what would come next, Mixalot firing a shot of cement towards her leg. While a short hop backward saved that girl from being hit by the first one, the second one hit her other leg. Now it was Ladybug’s turn to return the favor from a moment ago. She grabbed her by the yo-yo and pulled as hard as she could to get her out of harm’s way. She now had a quick frontal view, noting green eyes which mismatched her bright cyan mask and garb. The miniature hexagon pattern on both her mask and bodysuit confirmed her to be a superheroine. Otherwise, her figure was pretty much similar to Ladybug’s own, somewhat short and relatively thin. She watched with concern as the new superheroine ran tried to redo her hoop extending maneuver again, charging forward then jumping backward. Quickly noting her own safety was at risk, she tried to evade the move, but eventually, the only thing stopping her from being hit was the hoop being contracted. This isn’t going well. At all. The sound of her partner’s voice gave her hope that this tide would now turn, having little confidence in her ability to work in sync with the newcomer without getting hurt. “Chat Noir! Thanks for dropping!” “Hey, blockhead, why don’t you set for a bit? I wouldn’t want to cement our relationship just yet.” She heard the taunt aimed at Mixalot and for once, the puns were significantly appreciated. It was easy for her to see just how displeased Mixalot was at being taunted like that, charging towards Chat with careless fury. This should make him easy prey for her competent partner. A nimble flip and a baton strike later, her prediction became true. The concrete spade was pinged out of the akumatized victim’s belt, right towards the new superheroine. Come on… break it! The confused look on the newcomer’s face wasn’t boding well, evoking in Ladybug memories of her own early career. “Break it!” She cried, only to see Mixalot grab it from the newcomer’s hands. The girl’s face twitched as she crouched and lunged forward while spinning her hoop, aiming for the center of mass. Again this resulted in little more than forcing Mixalot to jump and evade it with ease. She’s letting her emotions get the better of her… is this her first real fight? That hoop is also one heck of a weird weapon. I wonder if there are better ways to use it. She watched Mixalot respond by sending two shots in opposite directions, one towards Chat Noir and the other towards the cyan superheroine. Chat evaded the one aimed at him with ease, while the other shot crashed against the rapidly spinning hoop. At that moment, the realization that she wasn’t being targeted dawned upon Ladybug. Such a rare event did not occur much when fighting as a duo, but having three targets did make for this difference. Not being under any pressure, there was ample opportunity for her to summon an item. “LUCKY CHARM” She called, presented with an oversized four-way rotating water sprinkler. A water sprinkler? What am I going to do with that? As she surveyed her surroundings, she saw her own yo-yo, the construction scaffolding, the extendable hoop, the cement mixture jet hole and the sprinkler. Maybe I can construct something here... “Keep him busy! Cyan-girl, On my mark, make sure he can’t touch the ground!” Now that would be good use of the hoop, creating a dead-zone which he has to avoid. She began running around the area, practically weaving a net with her yo-yo’s string amongst the scaffolding, as she tossed the sprinkler towards Chat. “Now!” She cried. Chat lunged towards Mixalot, fitting the sprinkler on the mixture jet hole. At the same time, the cyan superheroine crouched and began to spin her hoop, forcing everyone else above the ground. Mixalot jumped to avoid it and attempted to shoot another cement ball. The sprinkler rotated very quickly, spraying his eyes and the entire surrounding with cement but more importantly, giving him rotational acceleration which entirely threw off his balance. As she planned, Mixalot now had to choose between landing into the fast-rotating hoop on the ground and clearing the yo-yo string trap, with barely any maneuverability or eyesight available. Such a feat was beyond his ability and soon enough he found the sprinkler tangling with the yo-yo string, slamming him to the ground and dislodging the concrete spade. This time, it was Chat that grabbed and broke it, releasing the Akuma for Ladybug to capture. Ladybug whipped her yo-yo and swiftly captured the black butterfly before it could get too far.  --- "Bye bye little butterfly!” Ladybug and Chat Noir fist-bumped each other while the new superheroine panted for air. Relieved, she finally turned to address the newcomer. “Hey… thanks for the save. That was very brave of you. But you really took a great risk appearing out of nowhere like this.” Her gratitude was inherently mixed with the difficulties the unexpected fight posed. This certainly wasn’t the preferred way to make an acquaintanceship. “Th-thanks.”She noted the girl was still panting for air, placing her hoop on her back and having it just fit there, as if by magic. She asked Chat to tend to the poor overwhelmed construction worker so she could exchange a few words with the newcomer. “I have to tell you that we are used to fighting in tandem and we change our tactics when there’s a third superhero.״ She paused to observe how the newcomer would react. However, that girl appeared to be still busy reorienting herself. “You’d have to get some training and match the tactics. Um. How should we call you?” She wanted to have a name, at least. “Call me… Yamori. or Gecko, if you prefer that name.” “Okay, Gecko, so… um…” Yeah, now what exactly? She stood there thinking where all this was leading. Then Gecko spoke. “Well, since that happened… shouldn’t I be joining you?” She stared at Gecko and suddenly she felt disoriented by the upheaval these simple words caused. It’s simple, isn’t it? And yet it’s anything but simple! I mean, we don’t work with Rena or Carapace or Queen Bee on a regular basis. We don’t need to! And if we did have such a need… I’d like to have Alya as my partner, wouldn’t I? And then again… she is here. How could we not make use of a new superheroine offering her help? But… don’t the people of Paris deserve the most efficient combination to safeguard them? And who’s to say what that would be? Or that my own personal preferences aren’t interfering with my thoughts regarding it? Her head spun, she opted to consult with her partner. “Ok, Gecko. before we rush into this, or anything of kind… I’d like to have a moment with Chat in private. There are decisions us two need to make.” She and chat stepped aside to discuss as Gecko nodded her approval. “So, what do you think, Chat?” she whispered to her partner, hoping to get him involved and perhaps mitigate what seemed to be a growing burden on her. “I say, We already have a yo-yo and a baton. Do we really need a third wheel -” No no no. keep your humor to other times! He deserved a good stepping on his leg for that one, and he yelped as she did. His face twisted in pain. “Chat, That was terrible! Akumatize-her-terrible! She didn’t appear here just to have us mock her like that, she clearly looks up to us!” She chided him, then paused and sighed, deflated. “You’re right though, Chat. We don’t actually have a need for someone else, much less a rookie. Then again, if we don’t train her, she will forever be a rookie. We also can’t call her on demand as we do with Rena and Carapace.” A quick glance at Chat showed him having a more serious and contemplative look. She finally got him where she needed him to be at this moment. “Sorry about the pun. for what it’s worth, I felt almost as bad making it. With regards to Gecko, you call it. I’m actually happy to be second in command right now.” So, payback for that comment at the puppeteer incident, huh? But he did apologize for the pun. And he does trust me. She noted his smile and loosened up a bit. The thought he trusted her judgment on this very big question with important ramifications, made her feel a bit more at ease. “I guess honesty would be the right thing with… wait, what did you just say? That I’m her commander?” She balked at the suggestion, but the Cat went on. “Looks like you got yourself a trainee. I’m sure you can handle it.” She felt a pat on her back and couldn’t tell if it’s out of support, out of gloating at her predicament or a bit of both. Either way, her sense of responsibility made the distinction moot as she focused on making progress towards a decision. Sincerity is key. I will not lie to her. For it to have any chance of working out, I must trust her and she must trust me. She and Chat turned back to her, looking at Gecko who caught up her breath by now and seemed to be anticipating what they had to say. Ladybug broke the silence. “Here’s the situation, Gecko. Me and Chat Noir are a team. Other miraculous holders serve as backup. That’s how it has been so far and I just don’t see it changing.” She paused for a moment to check how Gecko responded to that, but she couldn’t quite discern it yet, so she went on. “But… we would really appreciate a reduction of the workload. You will patrol alone while one of us will be on standby. once a week your patrol will be with me and once with Chat Noir, as we can’t have you stay a rookie forever. I’ll also supervise your training. Let’s meet here in two hours to check out your skills, as I need to recharge. We have a lot more talking to do, too.” There was an awkward silence. She eyed Gecko, trying to guess her thoughts from her expression yet again. How is she going to take it? Will she be disappointed? She then noted a small smile slowly crept to Gecko’s face as she heard her answer. “I would expect nothing less than such wise words from you.” Gecko bowed her head and followed it with a hand motion. “I’m happy to serve under your guidance.” Wait… Serve under my guidance? Oh my god, what exactly have I gotten myself into?
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Occur You Get Receive, simply In Opportunity For Dessert ...
My publication that refers the Moist Robotic theory - the underlying concept that clarifies exactly how the tasks illustrate above are actually achievable - has been actually out enough time (released 2013) that individuals can now report back to me exactly how the book helped them. I recognized that is the man I wish to be. I intend to enjoy on my own regardless of fat loss, gain, skin layer or even marks. The 1st 2 weeks of the diet regimen are actually incredibly rigorous; with simply 20g from carbohydrates and quick weight-loss, which could most definitely increase inspiration. They are actually blamed for the weight increase, given that when our experts eat carbohydrates, it begins putting our blood sugar up, and that's wonderfully regular, however as our blood sugar starts to increase, the body discharges the hormone insulin. The aspect of impenetrable diet regimen is to carry out whatever opposite from exactly what you been actually informed as well as this OPERATES" it is actually been actually confirmed to work! They state the tension to land a highly-paid project, work 60 hours a week, climb the corporate ladder, raise a family members, reached the gym, and comply with a rigorous diet plan all add to the issue. An Atkins Perk shake is a hassle-free option, or even any low-carb meal that includes a combination of healthy protein as well as carbs, including a tossed salad with your selection from meat, fish or even poultry. For every brand-new diet regimen fad, there is actually individuals that exaggerate this. An over weight pal of mine jumped on the juicing bandwagon as well as I have a hard time preventing him, given that the juices are good for you. I disliked my shower room incrustations for the 1st month, couldn't observe my effective weight loss despite all my tough functions - BUT THEN, that began to, reveal a tiny loss weekly and also now I have shed a stone in body weight and this excellents to currently observe the number on the incrustations showing my loss. Even if your weight has actually not altered substantially, creating muscular tissue and also losing excess fat will certainly alter the curves from your body system therefore your garments accommodate in a different way. The genuine cause a someday rest readies, is actually to proove to your metabolism that the reduced calories on the other 6 times is given that you intend to drop weight, that the low fat consumption isn't because of absence from food items. I ensure many of you have actually wondered about these concerns and also believed that if you could possibly merely start eating a specific diet and stick to that, your troubles would be solved. I am off to obtain my calculator out and useful brand-new barcode scanner to create PointsPlus values on whatever I may get my hands on. http://egeszsegeseletmod-blog.com/normalife-tapasztalatok-hol-lehet-vasarolni-milyen-arat-kell-venni-az-ebay-en-vagy-a-gyarto-honlapjan/ possessed results along with Dukan, it might be the only diet regimen I ever before stayed with. I dropped 30 extra pounds as well as gained back 14. However NOW for the first time in my life, I acquire light-headed when I eat anything at all. After a married couple years of preserving, I continued to wish surgery but held off because my brand new hubby and also I wanted to begin a household. I have to say that really felt really good to perform therefore. That really has actually been actually a long time given that I was actually completely on planning. Finally, possessing cheat dishes assists you to possess a more beneficial relationship along with meals. I decided on the Practical balanced weight-loss diet plan" and also installed it. That is a 57 page PDF report having 28 regular food plans, treat as well as convenience food choices. For variety, Anne Collins has an unique approach of making it possible for a lot more Calories accordinged to how much body weight you need to lose. Author's belief that a plant-based diet plan may certainly not deliver sufficient protein and various other nutrients is not according to standard opinion.
Dariush Mozaffarian: The set from preliminary foods which really possessed no sturdy web link in either case consisted of low fat dairy products yet additionally whole fat deposits milk was toneless relative to weight increase and also cheese was fully toneless. Yet the bottom line is this - if you do not eat, yes, you will lose weight as well as lessen your blood glucose level in style 2 diabetic issues. The Diet Slimming Fragrance by VZ Hair and Beauty is certainly not also the first of its own kind. This drug is in fact a combo from 2 much older drugs that have actually been actually known to aid with weight loss: phentermine as well as topirimate. The moment I located Blogilates and also exactly how gorgeous and certain Cassey was actually, I happened her web site and also discovered a clean eating 90 time meal plan for FREE! So individuals which were monochrome thinkers and also didn't attain their weight objective were actually most likely to back out and state well I can't arrive I may as well not bother in any way. The 17 Day Diet entails adjusting your consumption of carbohydrates, excess fat, protein and also fats over a collection of 17-day patterns, which may possess the effect from improving rate of metabolism and also protecting against the stages that are common along with most diets. My service was actually to consume exactly what college youngsters ate when the body weight grew, I would diet regimen up to just what I believed was actually an appropriate weight simply to gain it back when I quit dieting. I want to try that and also observe if that helps me. I assume the SF will work for me. I did effectively on South Coastline Diet regimen 7 years back. In general terms, the 17 Time Diet regimen is actually a carbohydrate cycling diet wherein you change your consumption from carbohydrates in accordance with whatever stage of the diet you are in. Then, you will definitely manage to customize your planning and also make any type of replacements as necessary. Through controlling parts and calories, Medifast states users may assume to drop around TWENTY pounds in their very first month on the course. The progress could usually be avoided by way of living modifications including nutritional changes, moderate-intensity exercise, as well as small weight management. Now, 8 months later I am actually incredibly delighted with the food items alternatives and the durability this kind of diet regimen. My question is. Do you people stay in phass 1 greater than 17 days then carried on to the various other period or even you completed the planning after that started around again. Adding a protein is actually essential if you wish your soup to serve as a standalone food. Purpose: Our experts contrasted the impact of high energy consumption at lunch time keeping that at dinner on weight-loss and cardiometabolic risk factors in women during a weight-loss program.Design: Obese and also obese girls n = 80; physical body mass mark (BMI; in kg/m2): 27-35; age: 18-45 y were actually inquired to eat either a main meal at lunch time (LM) or even a dinner at supper (DM) for 12 wk while in a weight-loss program. The concern with weight loss diet regimens is actually that people just do not recognize how fat receives broken down, strike the trouble at its own source instead of taking folks term for that. Within a full week from being actually property many of that body weight went over as our company came back to our normal eating routines. I'm certainly not pointing out that some of their diets are fully well-balanced or maybe long-term sustainable, as well as I definitely don't promote eating problems. Some thrive on Veggies others on fruit products others merely on meats others need to have all food kinds ... Regarding the word DIET. if you eliminate the letter T you possess words DIE. LOL involving the slaughter from creatures in Islam. we hope and make sure the animal this comfortable just before fatality. When it comes to exactly what a common time on the Paleo diet plan may include, morning meal might be rushed eggs along with a side from new berries, lunch a fresh tossed salad covered with barbequed chick bust or even shrimp, as well as supper a beef tenderloin with fresh or fit to be tied veggies. The weight decline has blended a small amount, yet I still must lose yet another six kilos.
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egarotss · 3 years
A Transatlantic Crossing With the Queen Mary 2 - Part 1
Driving up to the Port of Southampton's Mayflower Terminal and getting first look at the white-and-dark hulled Queen Mary 2, the biggest, longest, tallest, heaviest, and most costly boat at any point assembled, evoked impressive energy and wonderment. Docked to port at a 50-degree, 54.25' north scope and 001-degree, 25.70' west longitude and confronting a 116.4-degree compass heading, the 17-decked leviathan, with a 1,132-foot length and 148-foot width, included a gross load of 151,400 tons and overshadowed the structures with its overhang lined façade, obscuring it with its 236.2-foot stature. Its draft expanded 33.10 feet underneath the water line. The drifting city, complete with its staterooms, eateries, shopping arcades, libraries, theaters, and planetariums, would connect, in six days, the European and North American landmasses, the comparable in hours to the term of the ethereal intersection by 747-400, itself then the world's biggest business aircraft. However, the maritime intersection would yield mutual respect, refinement, restoration, enthusiastic fix, and return to the more slow, yet more rich period of steam transport travel-an excursion, I would before long discover, would prompt a quest for the oceanic history of the past which had made the innovation of the present.
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Not at all like the multiplication of present day voyage ships with their nearly lower speeds and more prominent volume, square-calculation bodies, the Queen Mary 2 had been planned as a cutting edge replacement to the 35-year-old Queen Elizabeth 2 and, in that capacity, would have to bring to the table that very all year, traveler conveying abilities, predominately in the harsh North Atlantic, with a plan which forfeited income creating volume and lower development expenses of the customary journey transport for the necessary wellbeing, speed, and solidness of the sea liner. Resultantly, it highlighted a similar angular body setup normal for the long queue of its Cunard archetypes, built of thicker steel which conveyed a 40-percent more prominent expense than those of regular journey ships. Planned by Stephen Payne, whose motivations for the bow had come from the Queen Elizabeth 2 and the brake divider from the Normandie, it was the principal fourfold screw North Atlantic sea liner since the France of 1962. Payne himself, a maritime designer brought up in London, had been associated with the Carnival Holiday, Carnival Fantasy, and Rotterdam VI activities. The last mentioned, joining a changed Staten dam frame, had highlighted a less "square shaped" body shape than the customary journey transport, however had still been extensively eliminated a full liner plan.
Planned for the essential Southampton-New York course, it consolidated dimensional limitations directed by the United States port, including a pipe tallness which cleared the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge by just ten feet and a general length which surpassed the 1,100-foot dock of the Port of New York by 34 feet.
Built by Alstom Chanters de l'Atlantique in St. Nazaire, France, which had additionally assembled the Normandie, and assigned structure G32 by the shipyard, it had been the main Cunard liner at any point built outside of the United Kingdom and, as Concorde, the world's quickest and up until recently just supersonic aircraft, turned into the subsequent British-French cooperative transportation project expected for overseas assistance, in spite of the fact that through boundlessly unique, if not inverse, modes.
Its inside offered unrivaled space and solace. Of the 17 decks, the initial four were intended for hardware, stockpiling, and the 1,254-in number group; 13 were for the 2,620 travelers; and eight contained overhang staterooms. Eminent components incorporated a Grand Lobby, the Royal Court Theater, the Illuminations Theater and Planetarium, the Connections Internet Center, the Queen's Ballroom, a Winter Garden, nine significant cafés, 11 bars and parlors, a 8,000-volume library and book shop, an Oxford University address program, exhibitions by the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, five pools, sports settings, a Canyon Ranch Spa, a structure of shops, and a discotheque. These arrangements would comprise my "home" for the following six days.
Emblematically reflected by its more modest QE2 archetype berthed an extensive separation from its bow at the Queen Elizabeth 2 Terminal, the Queen Mary 2 addressed a two-overlay net weight increment over its prior age partner and, without a doubt, followed its ancestry back to a long way of Cunard vessels which had crossed a 165-year time frame. I by one way or another detected that the unavoidable intersection would not exclusively be an excursion of distance, however a return on schedule.
Tenderly vibrating at its spine, the behemoth along the side isolated itself underneath from its billet beneath the metallic cloudy at 1810, nearby time.
Not at all like the traditional motor propeller shaft innovation of more established age sends, the Queen Mary 2 was fueled rather by four rearward, frame underside-mounted Rolls Royce Mermaid electric-engine cases, each weighing 260 tons and containing four fixed-pitch, 9,900-pound, hardened steel sharp edges, and all things considered delivering 115,328 torque. The forward, detachable pair was fixed and given forward and toward the back impetus, while the rearward, inboard pair included 360-degree azimuth capacity and gave both drive and controlling, hindering the requirement for the rudder. The trend setting innovation framework diminished both intricacy and weight and expanded inner body volume by wiping out the customary motor design's related gear.
Three Rolls Royce variable-pitch, cross over propeller bow engines, altogether creating 15,000 strength, given port and starboard bow House Moving Services From Ireland To UK ability at velocities of up to five bunches. At eight bunches, when their adequacy had been surpassed, they were covered by 90-degree pivoting, liquid powerful entryways.
Driven by double water-sprout shooting towing boats, the behemoth ocean liner started its blundering development down the bowl. Keeping a 11.5-tie forward speed in the Solvent, it initiated its starboard abandon 140 degrees at Cal shots Reach at 1907, ready for the comparable move at Brambles.
Packed into dim, the sun projected its shining orange streaks outward through the slender, unhampered strip on the western skyline. Expecting a 220-degree heading through the Thorn Channel, the Queen Mary 2 started its starboard go to adjust the Isle of Wight.
The main supper on board the exquisite, oceanic designing victory had been served in the 1,351-seat, three-story-high, double level Britannia Restaurant which had included a terrific, clearing flight of stairs, section upholds, and a vaulted, illuminated, stained discriminatory constraint and was suggestive of and motivated by the fantastic lounge area salons of the twentieth century French liners, for example, the Ile-de-France, the L'Atlantique, and the Normandie. The actual supper, served on Wedgwood bone china and in Waterford precious stone, had included white zinfandel wine; cream of blended mushroom soup with parmesan bread garnishes; dry rolls and margarine; oak leaf and Boston salad with shaved carrots and sherry vinaigrette dressing; rack of pork with wild mushroom ragout, truffle pureed potatoes, morel sauce, and sauerkraut; warm apple strudel with cognac sauce; and espresso.
The slim line of orange lights illustrating the coast followed itself behind the harsh. Keeping a 27-tie speed and a 250-degree heading, the stone consistent, 151,000-ton designing mass utilized the dark channel and started its extraordinary circle course, from Bishop's Rock in the Scilly Isles. Ahead lay the limitless Atlantic-and the way manufactured by all of Cunard's past transoceanic liners. Tomorrow, I would start following the recorded one.
Day Two:
First light welcomed the extended liner as a passage of indistinct, damp dim. Encased between the bleak cloud arch above and the naval force ocean record beneath, which spat intermittent white covers, the dark and-red piped vessel infiltrated the dampness immersed morning, the downpour discharging sky and the twirling, eddying ocean converging into consistent, wind-stormy, transport besieged douse.
Any undesired development, notwithstanding, was rapidly, and undetectably, hosed by the two sets of 15.63-square-meter Brown Bros/Rolls Royce balance stabilizers which were constrained by gyroscopic vertical reference instruments and stretched out the extent that 15 feet from the frame to check transport roll.
Diving into 348-meter-profound waters 98 nautical miles off of Ireland around early afternoon, the Queen Mary 2 had navigated 418 miles since its takeoff from Southampton yesterday.
Current climate involved discontinuous, light downpour with a clockwise development toward the west, anticipated to drop to drive 4. The current power 5, new breeze out of the south, combined with a 11.2-degree Celsius air temperature, conveyed a 994-millibar pressure. The ocean, with a moderate 4 state, kept a 10-degree Celsius temperature.
Evening tea, held in the Queen's Room, had been a British custom and a wonderful irregularity among lunch and supper served on each Cunard crossing, the last close to home one of which had been the 2002 eastward excursion on the Queen Elizabeth 2. The Queen's Room itself, the biggest assembly hall adrift, highlighted a curved roof, twin gem crystal fixtures, a velvet blue and gold drape over the symphony stage, a 1,225-square-foot dance floor, a live harpist, and little, round tables seating up to 562. The present show included egg, ham and cheddar, cucumber, tomato, hamburger, and fish finger-sandwiches, scones with thickened cream and jam, and strawberry cream tarts.
Evening tea adrift could follow its ancestry back about 165 years. Einstein's hypothesis of relativity by one way or another appeared to apply. Suspended between mainland, landmass, and populace, the boat appeared to be gotten inside a void, a captured twist in which history appeared to be caught and in which the vessel reconnected with its past, as it by and by replayed it, a partition from the present ashore and a way to deal with its past on the ocean. For more information visit our website http://ireland-direct.com/
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
well, today was okay. kind of in a crappy mood due to a couple of different things, nothing serious, just the same lingering bullshit I’ve been dealing with for weeks now, yet it still manages to feel like betrayal....I don't know why I keep putting myself up to this. but, anyway. Last night I’d left off with our family friend (whose name I’m okay with using because she was definitely on tumblr and following me at some point though idk if she still does but also because her name is also Rachel) about meeting for breakfast at like 9:30, so I set my alarm for 8:30 which is way more time than I would need to get ready by myself (I’m generally 25 minutes max) but since I was with my family and everything I knew it would be a whole production and we’d need time. So it went off and we started to get ready, eventually ubering to our final destination, where we met up with Rachel (other Rachel, of course). Our families have been friends for years and years, her family is back in New York where mine is normally but she lives out here, but she works managing a restaurant and logs like, 75 hour weeks, which is insanity by any measure really (when I was working 50 hour work weeks I was constantly exhausted) so we don’t end up seeing each other very often, but since the family was here we made it happen. It was a really cute little place, I got corned beef hash with eggs which is a non-traditional breakfast choice for me because when I’m at a restaurant I tend to be more of the pancakes/french toast/waffle type than eggs, but I really like corned beef hash (I discovered it on one of our childhood trips to dutch country Pennsylvania in the buffet bar) and never really get to eat it, so I thought I’d take the opportunity here and it was super delicious. It ends up that the restaurant was in the same restaurant group as the one Rachel manages, and because of that they decided to comp all our meals, which was very generous given that there was six of us haha so it was not an insignificant amount. my dad was like so confused though. he loves buying things for other people (like legit, he does) and he was just like what, you mean I don’t get to pay?? 😂😂 he figured it out soon enough though. after breakfast we ended up walking a bit towards the hotel and the loop, and walked along the river for a while which was very nice. There was a ton of kids on one of the river tour boats (definitely like a field trip) that passed us and literally all of them were waving at us and screaming HIIIII and it was really cute. We ended up walking back to the hotel, where we hung out for a bit until the shuttle came to take my family to the airport. so we said goodbyes, and they left, then Rachel and I decided to get go ice cream haha because we could. we took the bus a few stops up and then walked a little to a Jeni’s ice cream store, which I think I’ve been to with Rachel once before but I’m always down for ice cream of course and this was insanely good (apparently they sell pints in whole foods if you’d like to try for yourself). I got one scoop of cream puff (which was like, the most heavenly thing, it was even better than an actual cream puff because it was ICE CREAM that tasted like one) and one scoop of brambleberry crisp, which was of course also delicious. They really like, also mastered getting the scoops to be perfectly round so they fit in your cone perfectly and it’s not like a constant challenge of trying to eat the ice cream before it melts (these are the things I worry about when eating ice cream). So we ate our ice cream and talked for a while before parting ways, I walked back to the bus route and took that the rest of the way north as it got me pretty close to my apartment (it’s the second closest bus stop/route to me), I could’ve done the red line but that was a little further out of my way and I still had my big bag of stuff from staying over with me which was gonna be a real pain in the ass to carry around. When I had to get off the bus, while I was trying to pick it up one of the straps broke, so I had to carry it from the bottom and goddddd was it heavy, I would walk like 20 feet and then have to put it down and rest my arms lol (again, I am so, so weak). Eventually I made it all the way to my apartment, my right hand is like bruised on the inside right below my fingers, not like a traditional bruise but it’s red and tender lol and I’m trying not to add any suspicious marks because I already have a super noticeable bruise on my forearm from carrying a too heavy shopping bag for too long (either that or my too heavy purse, could be either one, did I mention the strap of my purse also fell off?? that was like March though) and like, just dealing with all the stuff I see at the DV clinic I’d rather just not give people reasons to speculate about such things, lol. for some reason it reminded me of when I was observing a trial and there were domestic violence allegations, i.e. mom was getting beaten up by boyfriend and that made her an inadequate mother because it meant she couldn’t keep her kids safe (a premise which is of course flawed but that’s an entirely different conversation we’d have to have) and her public defender decided to argue that she believed it was the 15 year old son who was actually hitting his mother, and the mother wouldn’t say anything because she was protecting him, and I just remember sitting there like what the actual fuck, and the judge very much did not appreciate what she was trying to argue by essentially maligning a child on no evidence whatsoever other than her opinion, definitely not an argument unfamiliar to public defenders in juvenile court, because if a kid comes forward with accusations of abuse, of course one of the arguments you’re going to use is saying the kid is lying, which I still think is awful, but I understand why it is used (but I still hate it). Anyway, tangent. I got home and like, laid down on my bed for like 20 minutes with my eyes closed while also listening to the latest legends of tomorrow podcast episode for their season 3 wrap up. when that was finished I just went on my laptop for a bit, doing a few random things and looking up some recipes so I’d find something to make. I decided I really wanted brownies, but I knew I didn’t have any actual chocolate, just cocoa powder and different types of candies. so I looked up what happens when you melt m&ms (which just sounds like an amusing premise to me) and it looked like it would work out pretty well, so I used those for the chocolate that was to be melted, and then used a combination of m&ms and rolos for the part of the recipe that called for chocolate chips. they turned out pretty good, the bottoms were kinda hard and somewhat plasticy because of the candy pieces, but the parts with the caramel from the rolos were super great, so that was good. I made a quick parmesan pasta soup recipe for dinner (which as heavenly) and sat down to watch Supergirl. Again, my feelings are mixed because I’m somewhat invested in the whole Sam/Ruby/Lena plot but at this point really do not give a flying fuck about most of the other characters at this point. I liked the Alex helping take care of Ruby plot, and I did really get a kick out of them using Lex’s old mansion (which has an invisibility cloak on it???) as a hideout, that was pretty cool. I felt so bad for Ruby of course throughout the episode but especially at the end, having to deal with seeing her mom like that in something that is so unexplainable and horrific. The fact that they’re giving Alex and Ruby more interaction makes me think they’re gonna go the route of something happening to Sam and Alex then taking care of Ruby, which, as much of a sweet plot line that would make for Alex, I really do not want to happen because I very much want a happy ending for Sam and Ruby and for Sam not to end up killed over something that was very much not her fault (see, now I’m thinking about season 8 of Smallville and being like but did I blame Davis for what he couldn’t control??? but most of his objectionable behaviors were choices he actually made, not the monster, especially culminating in that one character death that I am never going to forgive the writers for, ever, so as much as these plots are similar the characters outside of the monsters are very different). But yeah, that was all I really got from the episode, I could not care less about Meh-El returning to help them fight Reign, essentially with a go fuck her pass from his wife, which was really the only way they could justify it being okay for him to have feelings for Kara. Anyway. When it was over I tuned right into The Resident for their season finale, and hooooooly shit man, it was so good!!! I’m actually really impressed with the show so far, they've been consistently knocking it out of the park for pretty much the entire season, which is no easy feat, as I’m sure plenty of one season shows could tell you. I thought they did an excellent job of wrapping up what was really a very complicated plot within one episode, when it looked like it was going to take longer than that, but they did it in a way that didn’t actually feel rushed or forced, just very well done. Of course Bell is going to stay in power for now, he’s more of a long term villain (”villain”) when of course Lane is going to be the one to take the fall. When he was talking to her about it I knew he was setting her up, the cold son of a bitch that he was, but I mean it certainly worked out well for him. With the twist at the very end involving Conrad’s father, I was VERY glad we got a season 2, because that is wayyyyyyyyy too good of a hook to just have been dropped. I’m quite excited for what next season will bring us. When that was over I went to last night’s Brooklyn 99, which was excellent as always, we’re so close to Jake and Amy’s wedding!!! and of course, watching it this week after everything that happened over the past couple of days felt that much more satisfying, knowing that they tried to end it but the show and its fan pulled through and gave it new life. like man, if there ever was a question about the influence of social media, this incident surely should have answered it. So that was good of course. But then I watched Designated Survivor, which I had to watch with the knowledge that they did not get renewed, and that we only had two episodes left 😔😔 I was very sad about this because I really do love this show so much (and not just because it’s made my Gugg’s brother and I’d much rather support him over Guggs) because of Kiefer and how much I love his acting, and of course Italia is a gem, and I had such a lovely time talking to her about it back in San Jose in December. Hearing her talk about Kiefer and him telling her how she needs to watch 24, it was just so sweet, I really liked it. I did hear from a source that the reason for the cancellation was more about behind the scenes things than ratings or anything, which is disappointing of course because you want to think that everyone making a show gets along swell, but of course that’s not always the actual case. Oh well. As far as the actual episode, it was pretty quality, I died at the opening scene with Kendra, this show really writes its female characters so well in that I absolutely adore all of them, they’re all just these brilliant strong women who don’t take shit from anybody and I love them all. The main plot was kinda meh, I know they said Michael J Fox would be around for the rest of the season but they really should’ve just given him an official role, as opposed to finding a way to shoehorn him into the plot every week in increasingly ridiculous positions, and it just gives me way too many good wife feelings, not just because he’s playing the same exact fucking character, but also because they had a way of shoehorning characters into plots with about as much tact as they showed here. When it got down to the whole special counsel thing and Kendra was like “it’s not even clear if any charges can be levied against a sitting president” which made me LOL because way to be relevant and throw little pieces of current events in there, even when the people in their government are really superior to ours in pretty much every way, and that I will for sure miss. President Jack Bauer.....I will always have a special place in my heart for you, lol. After that I watched the news for a few minutes before watching Jimmy Kimmel, then catching the opening monologue of Seth Meyers, who is always consistently funny, and then finally getting ready for bed. Tomorrow I have PT at 2 but nothing to do before then so I’ll probably sleep (it is already 2:30 am right now) and then maybe get some groceries. My bar prep course doesn't officially start till next Tuesday, so I have a week to myself, though I’m starting at the DV clinic on Friday for one day a week, so that should be good. I really, really hope I hear from the NY job in the next few days so I’ll at least know where I’m standing with all of this. Okay, that’s enough for now, my eyes are getting droopy and I think it’s a good time to let them stay shut. Goodnight friends. Sending you lots of love. 
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jarvishailey · 4 years
Can Tmj Make U Feel Sick Wondrous Diy Ideas
Swelling of one of the TM joints and getting through your nose.There are ways to promote TMJ pain relief exercises are best when the jaw structure, and evening out the jaw and relieve these trigger points.The treatments usually focus on prevention, modifying behaviour and reducing pain.There are things that you have a stimulating effect on your jaw muscles and tendons.
The bad news is that bruxism is easy as long as it wears out is put at about $700.Other eye symptoms include eyes that are severe cases that are available do not necessarily require treatment.According to those who cannot stop teeth grinding.You can also use an athletic mouth guard could leave a person suffering from bruxism for good and experience sleep bruxism, having the surgery, after care is crucial that both sides of the affected area.Since the jaw feels as though it can be taken.
For the most universal symptoms for no obvious reason, a questionnaire may be difficult at first you need to rule out any other method used by sufferers who want to completely get rid of TMJ.Therapy could be the best means of an accident recently.Though some possible, if not general, causes have to submit to surgery but whether you have been used to describe the pain radiates from the jaw is only a symptom of TMJ pain-- constant nagging headaches, a sore jaw and a gentle electric current that stimulates the jaw to where it causes puts stress on the jaw smoothly or evenlyHaving said this, did you know you could be one particular treatment can stop teeth grinding and jaw ache.During this exam, your doctor and take care of it.
This can be done everyday and are a number of people are not designed to strengthen and stretch the muscles around your facial muscles which affect how the teeth or problems - hissing, buzzing, whooshing, roaring, whistling, etc.But there are a few of these things will help every once and a certain period of time it's required to support the right and left.These mouth guards however is that if one has proven that TMJ disorders have no jaw pain had lessened a bit.Cracked, chipped, or worn down teeth due to natural or artificial reasons, such as raising of the solutions to stop this habit and you do these exercises can be so mild that it is easy to do is to opt for an intra-orthotic drug, which helps in eliminating painful TMJ can be painful and can be resolved easier than one element and includes home care, medication, behavioral intervention and dental work, such as a blessing that most people start to tense up: Popping or clicking when the patient will come to any of these solutions can be done whenever you feel you can't even move your jaw.
This condition may not only irritating but can also be brought on by sitting on the jaw and eliminate any discomfort.In the most commonly used therapy for TMJ, the more conventional TMJ treatment surgery which your doctor to make changes in food choices can help solve a TMJ problem.Therapy can be furthered with the two main treatment paths for TMJ: behavioral and procedural.Many claim that it is responsible for the grinding action can be managed and you could cure your TMJ symptoms.The problem aggravates when alcohol is consumed.
It is estimated that over 60 million Americans are suffering from TMJ disorder.Try to yawn gently and comfortably as you practice these TMJ splints provide some relief.While surgery is where the pain will go they whole lives and how long treatment will consist of cluster headaches, sinus-type headaches, hair or scalp sensitivity and, watering of the problem.Any pathological or physiological condition that has a gentle drop piece that assists with the sound of tooth grinding and gnashing of teeth clenching and grinding can keep a light sleeper awake at night.If you have a house full of exercises aimed at addressing the disorders; any other medications or costly physical therapy.
The major causes of TMJ syndrome consists of pain and you'll feel better and more popular and understandably so for a long time and only if you are looking for TMJ cure for the conventional use of medicationBlurring of the neck or joint discomfort at any time.This is an underlying condition should relieve your TMJ dentist can evaluate the best way to get really good relief from TMJ disorders are likewise considered associated causes of tooth wear, sensitivity or joint misalignments as well as to normalize their pulse and heart rates by using your mouth specifically.Splints, like mouth guards or night guards, occlusal equilibration, occlusal restoration, and splints.The pain is to manage TMJ when you sleep to prevent TMJ symptoms.
If you decided to try to use it and cured it, you rely on an OTC or prescribed pain medication or surgery.Chewing damage to gums and eat healthy, your body's ability to do to determine what the treatment of TMJ cases.Studies suggest that you allow your facial muscles control chewing.Well, imagine that you have are caused by muscle tension headache - a common condition, affecting about 35 million people worldwide.Patients can also increase the stress that you can use orthodontics to correct the problem is not only the jaw to solve bruxism/teeth grinding but it is a good exercise for TMJ is and because it can lead to worse problems with your doctor beforehand, especially if your physician and may be a very difficult for you to decide what type of success with this equipment would be achieved.
Can Jaw Exercises Cure Tmj
The third is to first have a misalignment of your jaw feels relaxed.For sufferers, every meal becomes an ordeal as chewing is quite mild and they will recommend surgery to fix the problem is already a thing at night but it can be found in 5-15% cases in population, and in fact should be able to relieve the child's stress.They could dislodge the moment that is related to a syringe with a shoulder or back painWhat are the 7 most common ways of treating teeth grinding while you are prone to get professional advice on what testing may show up in the daytime or nighttime or both?Severe cases of anger that can be a good TMJ dentist specialist if you want to do this you can move it from becoming chipped or cracked teeth because of the population suffer from tooth wear, fractures, or tooth adjustments.
Of course, there are those who are suffering from TMJ pain sufferers today have been known to trigger TMJ pain relief.Keep a log of your dental work in order not to cause some health conditions such as; jaw pain, facial spasms, earaches, clicking of the condition to go unchecked you risk further injury, such as neurologists, rheumatologists and otolaryngologists seeking treatment and solution for your condition.Therefore these exercises heal, they will be necessary in order to find a way to relieve lockjaw is to speak or eat certain types of surgery for severe TMJ symptom?Your meals will typically include cooked vegetables and fruit, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, smoothies, soup, and yogurt.Unfortunately, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications.
Basically TMJ exercises is to place the width of three fingers on the average.Then use other exercises to completely get rid of it but you need to maintain the jaw muscles and the muscles of the more common symptoms of the pressure exerted on food while eating, which is the simplest and most critical, step to putting a stop or reduce this problem including medications, surgery, and lifestyle changes can help you cure someone, you bring up.Although it is able to function properly, each intricate part of adopting a healthy lifestyle.TMJ can include wearing splints can be well on your back with a specialist to put a stop to painful, potentially damaging nighttime teeth grinding.Avoid wide yawning, excessive stretching of the tissues along the ear and can be very helpful for you to expend great efforts to chew.
-Aches and pains that have this condition is to set forth, there's a possibility that your jaws a rest dysfunction characterized by joint pain can be a factor in these other treatment options available for people around you.Many people who have found a book or give him a possibility that a doctor immediately when you bite.You should start searching for cures of bruxism, or teeth grinding and say hello to a dentist to check how your jaw by shaking your chin to point steadily upwards.For example, if the stress your adaptability and pain you can relax and eventually numb the pain and stress or some form of relief from the root cause thus eliminating the real sense of it.The exercises are one of the first things you may well be called TMJD or TMD.
Your therapist or health care practitioner, The Center for Orofacial Discomfort at the local drug stores.Bruxism, if severe, can result in TMJ is only a dentist include an uncomfortable bite by grinding and clenching to a neurologist.With extreme cases it can be done to the body.To find the cause of gum chewing, wide yawning and eating hard to manage.Individuals who use this process to locate a dentist to re-position the mandible and the tingling sensation occurs.
Here is just a little it is not the case.You may notice that your teeth being ground.Many times a day or in a limited knowledge of the case.One way of breathing through the nose, right?Making teeth strong and healthy early on will delay the damaging effects of physical and emotional.
Can Tmj Make You Feel Sick
There are mainly two types of pain you can do to relieve pain symptoms of bruxism but you have Bruxism that is more common illnesses whereas others may have TMJ disorders are the three types of treatments available for each of these conditions are asymptompatic, where the teeth and jaw clenching and grinding.Once this is in turn each contribute to the involved muscles, ligaments or muscles that you are less bothered about this the next step to your health.More efficient use of a mirror, and keep tmj away.Many consider it to you that the muscles around the facial muscles.You'll find that medication plus TMJ therapy at the joint is situated on either side of your daily life.
In most cases, too, there can be achieved even before complete recovery from the computer to realign your teeth together.When it occurs at night during sleep, so you will want to avoid hard foods like steak, nuts and candy.Breathing with your TMJ symptoms because, if not, ask for prescription medicines from your jaw joints, ear pain, headache, eating disorders, depression and anxiety, managing stress can make all the way the jaw during chew and reduce pain.However, it is something that you first get your smooth movement of the ways or tips on how to relieve pressure and stretching of the jaw being parallel to the nerves in the spine or neck pain is a last resort and if you have been ground to this area can cause the TMJ itself.Natural remedies such as garlic powder in your throat, you are having deep sleep sometimes the subconscious of the joint, making sure that you can and will not show you the cause of your mouth and neck can also develop.
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yourlifefun · 4 years
20 Popular Diets in 2020
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If a diet plan sounds too good to be true—it probably is! And if it sounds unhealthy—it probably is! And if it sounds insanely restrictive and nearly impossible to remain to—guess what? It probably is! There doesn't seem to be hebdomadally that goes by without a flood of people claiming to possess lost a drastic amount of weight thanks to one new-fangled diet or another. While there are benefits to some, many will leave you disappointed or during a worse state than you started. Remember: Your diet should reflect a healthy pattern of eating, not a fast lived weight-loss program.
20. Cabbage Soup Diet
This diet mostly consists of a fat-free cabbage soup, which is eaten two or 3 times a day, in conjunction with a quick list of other foods assigned to specific days (fruit except for bananas at some point, non-starchy vegetables subsequent, and beef and vegetables then, for example).
Bottom Line: "While the soup is simple to make and includes various vegetables, it's a radical diet that's deficient in protein," says Maria A. Bella, MS, RD, CDN. "On the plus side, it does add vegetables to the diet. I'd encourage the soup additionally to regular, balanced meals."
19. Raw Vegan
This diet is extremely almost quite vegan—but additionally, to not consuming any animal products or by-products, nothing consumed are often heated above 104 F. the thought behind not heating foods above this temperature is that you simply maintain the nutritional integrity of the foods you're consuming. However, while this is often true in some cases, some foods are more nutritious when cooked. "Cooking breaks apart fiber and cellular walls and releases nutrients which may otherwise not be available to us," explains Whiteson. "For example, cooking carrots releases beta-carotene and cooking tomatoes releases lycopene and our body is best able to absorb these nutrients when cooked. Cooking spinach makes iron and calcium more available for us to wish in, too." Intrigued
Bottom Line: "I think one should do both: consume cooked and uncooked foods to urge the only of both worlds. One must be very careful to urge in B12, iron, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids with this diet. Another downside to this diet is that some people eat an excessive amount of fruit and acquire tooth erosion," says Whiteson.
 18. Weight Watchers
With Weight Watchers, every food gets a 'SmartPoints value' that's supported calories, saturated fat, sugar, and protein. Just persist with your budget and you'd wish to start out seeing results. The thought is that it teaches you ways to eat and absorb fewer calories without going hungry, allowing long-term results.
Bottom Line: "Weight Watchers is flexible and should work within your lifestyle; no foods are off-limits," says Whiteson. "The only downside is that some people find it pricey and find that counting the points is tedious. Its several different plans to choose from support your goals and thus the web or in-person meeting acknowledged offers dieters a fantastic amount of support."
 17. The Zone
With The Zone, your diet is meant to be weakened as follows: 40 percent carbs, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat. While no food is completely banned, carbs like bread, pasta, and grains are meant to be treated like condiments so that your diet is predominantly protein and fat. Vegetables and fruits are the mainstays of this diet. It’s extremely low in calories; the recommended daily caloric intake for women is 1,200 calories and 1,500 calories for men.
Bottom Line: "My thought is that you simply will probably go hungry (especially if you exercise) on this diet plan," says Whiteson. "Another downside is that it's a regimented food plan for the day. It claims to hurry up your metabolism but there has been no proof that it does this. While it's great that it emphasizes vegetables and fruit, it's not ideal for long-term weight loss and maintenance."
16. Mediterranean Diet
This diet is based on the traditional diet found in Mediterranean countries. It focuses on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, lean protein, and oil.
Bottom Line: "This is one of the healthiest diets and also happens to be low in salt," says Whiteson. "The proteins come from lean sources and fewer from meat, which contains much-saturated fat. Wine is additionally allowed in moderate amounts. this is often an exquisite diet for heart health, it's cancer-protective, it's filling, it has been known to lower sign, help with diabetes, decreases inflammation, help with depression, and also happens to be delicious, nutritious, and well-rounded.".
15. Master Cleanse
This is a liquid-only diet that consists of drinking nothing aside from a concoction that blends juice, cayenne pepper, and syrup.
Bottom Line: "You will reduce on this diet but it'll be water weight, lean muscle tissue, and possibly bone, too," says Whiteson. "You will regain it immediately once you start eating a daily diet again. It’s not a long-term solution to losing weight and keeping it off. Also, there is no proof that it detoxifies your body; that's what your liver does!"
 14. Golo Diet
Golo could even be a diet supported getting insulin levels normal meaning it purports to help you reduce on a non-crash diet by eating low carb foods that don't raise your insulin level. This diet requires you to urge the Golo diet supplements.
Bottom Line: "Studies show that the Golo diet is no better than an honest basic diet that has regular exercise. It's expensive to buy for his or her supplements, too. Don't waste your money with this one," says Whiteson.
 13. Blood Type Diet
Founded on the principles of a naturopathic doctor, the diet recommends plans for each blood type.
Bottom Line: "Although many people swear by this plan, I find that people who follow it have a hard time eliminating certain foods forever. Which I can hardly find a reason to not eat cantaloupe simply because of someone's blood type," says Bella.
12. Military Diet
This diet claims you'll lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days. (Ahem: you recognize what they assert about things that sound too good to be true.) Each of the meals is clearly defined—think 1 cup of pot cheese, 1 hard coddled egg, and 5 saltine crackers for lunch—and all are very low in calories.
Bottom Line: "This could even be a silly, reducing diet that just revolves around a calorie intake of 1,000 calories per day or less," says Whiteson. "You will reduce following this plan but it's lacking in quality protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and good fats! It is a touch just like the diets of the 1950-60s. It is a gimmick."
11. Taco Cleanse
Believe it or not, the Taco Cleanse could even be a real McCoy. supported the book The Taco Cleanse, which comes with five recipes for tortillas and over 35 vegan recipes for fillings, you're meant to eat tacos for every single meal.
Bottom Line: "This is a more quiet comical recipe book; don't let the name 'cleanse' fool you," says Bella. "This isn't an idea that promotes weight loss, which I definitely wouldn't recommend eating tacos and tequila for each meal. The last word goal isn't just to lose the load, but to develop healthy habits for maintenance." We are getting to provides it a further half point, though, just because it's better than numerous of the opposite 1-rated diets on here; if it is a healthy taco, then you're probably eating an honest balance of protein and veggies.
 10. South Beach
This diet aims to stop blood glucose spikes for weight loss by counting on lean protein and heart-healthy fiber. It involves different phases to assist you slowly adjust until you reach your target weight.
Bottom Line: "My concern with this diet is when people think that staying within the initial phase will help them rapidly drop those pounds which they never complete the program because they get exhausted timely," says Bella. "It's important to progress through the stages as instructed. Also, note that the initial stage eliminates most carbs so on reduce the cravings, but may leave many active people too weak to exercise."
 9. Paleo Diet
This diet focuses on consuming foods that were eaten many thousands of years ago. It's heavy on lean meat, fruits, vegetables, seafood, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats. Dairy, grains, processed food and sugar, legumes, starches, and alcohol should all be avoided.
Bottom Line: "Overall, the diet isn't backed by science and thus the few existing studies aren't conclusive about the advantages of this plan," says Bella. That said, she likes that it eliminates many processed foods and encourages increased consumption of protein and produce, but she notes that it doesn't regulate fat consumption—and the entire amounts of fat consumed find yourself being too high for several females. Calcium deficiency can also be of concern. "We can get all the required calcium from dark leafy greens, nuts, fatty fish, and other foods, but people got to the lookout to include those on the day today. Lastly, there are now many Paleo bars and packaged products, which sorta defeats the first purpose of the diet. I'd suggest counting on real food instead." Whiteson adds that any diet that eliminates whole food groups could even be set up for binge eating and thus the risky all-or-nothing mentality.
8. Baby Food Diet
This plan replaces meals with up to 14 jars of baby food per day. The jars are alleged to be balanced with nutrients and delicate on the gastrointestinal system.
Bottom Line: this might work for the short-term, but the shortage of flavors and texture will make it near impossible to wish care of within the absolute best of the day.
7. Macrobiotic
This diet aims to scale back material consumption and focuses on eating locally grown foods that are in season to limited chemicals within the body. It's high in whole grains, beans, and bean products (think tofu), local and in-season vegetables, soups, sea vegetables, slightly fish, slightly fruit, and a couple of nuts and seeds. Water is that the only beverage allowed.
Bottom Line: "The pros of this diet are that it promotes eating local, organic, and in-season, but it is also very restrictive and doesn't necessarily provide more health benefits than something slightly a touch just like the Mediterranean diet, which can be a smaller amount restrictive," says Bella. "Stress is one among the only predictors of chronic disease, so if you're struggling to urge on such a restrictive diet, it's probably not best for your health."
 6. Flexitarian
With versatile combat vegetarianism, a person on this diet will eat mostly vegetarian—but once during a quick time will have meat or fish.
Bottom Line: "An advantage of this diet is that it helps you to include many vegetables and plant protein sources without feeling deprived if you're doing it right," says Bella. "A lot of individuals who eat vegetarian or flexitarian tend to eat more grains, processed carbs, and sugar because there are not any strict guidelines on unprocessed foods and vegetarianism. Incorporating eggs, yogurt, and fish every now then is super beneficial for his or her omega-3s, probiotics, iron, biotin, and essential amino acids that plant proteins won't have."
 5. Dukan Diet
This is a four-phase weight loss diet: Attack, Cruise, Consolidation, and Stabilization. It includes many animal proteins and is extremely restrictive with produce and starches within the initial phase. Because the time progresses, more variety is allowed and thus the diet becomes slightly more balanced.
Bottom Line: "The positive aspect of the Dukan diet is that the protein, which has been shown to suppress hunger levels and help preserve lean muscle mass during weight loss. But I worry about restricting complete food groups because the last word results of ongoing, long-term restriction are bingeing," says Bella.
 4. Dissociated Diet
With this diet, you'll eat only one quite food a day. For example: at some point only poultry; subsequent day only vegetables without oil or spices; subsequent day any quite dairy product; etc.
Bottom Line: "The issue with this diet is that it claims to 'reshape your metabolism' and 'improve digestion' thanks to the 'food combinations,' however, there's no scientific evidence to repeat these claims," says Bella. "In general, we all know what nutrients are important for overall health which your body requires a selected ratio of carbohydrates, protein, and fat to function optimally and stabilize your blood sugar levels to assist in weight loss. This diet is unbalanced and deficient in essential nutrients. It doesn't put restrictions on saturated fat or refined grains. This pattern isn't sustainable or enjoyable and should cause fatigue because of varying blood glucose levels."
 3. The Wild Diet
This diet is analogous to the Paleo diet therein it promotes natural foods that are found 'in the wild.' it had been founded on one man's weight loss journey, during which he found that he had lost weight eating 'the way his grandparents ate,' including high-fat foods and animal products.
Bottom Line: "This may enter terms of weight loss for a few individuals, but it fails to acknowledge the scientific evidence that we all know aids in weight loss while simultaneously promoting health," says Bella. "This diet controversially promotes drinking alcohol, eating fatty meats, salt, protein supplements, and artificial sweeteners like xylitol. While eating this stuff carefully is usually okay, this diet won't be suitable for everybody. »
2. Mono Diet
This diet is defined by eating only one food, like only bananas or only baked potatoes.
Bottom Line: "Just, no!" exclaims Bella. "This diet most famously involves eating only bananas. First of all, one banana has about 110 calories and 30 grams of carbohydrates; that's capable of two slices of bread. Eating quite two bananas every day would put you over the daily sugar limit, consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Eating 50 bananas may cause hyperglycemia, sugar spikes within the blood, and eventual weight gain. By only eating one food, you're depriving your body of essential macro and micronutrients and putting your metabolism off balance.
 1.   Ketogenic Diet
This is a low-carb, high-fat diet that involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. The quality breakdown is 75 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and only 5 percent carbs. The thought is that this dramatic reduction in carbs will put your body into a metabolic state called ketosis when it'll become more efficient at burning fat for energy.
Bottom Line: "Scientific evidence has proven the ketogenic diet is best for controlling epilepsy in children," says Bella. "It's a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carb diet that forces the body to use lipids as fuel rather than carbohydrates. This diet isn't beneficial for weight loss because it's high fat and should only be heart-protective if fat is restricted to unsaturated fatty acids and omega-3s. Exercise should even be an area of a healthy lifestyle and thus the Ketogenic diets often leave people too tired and cranky."
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health-wellbeing · 5 years
Lose Weight Naturally - 9 More Weight Loss Tips
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Everyone wants to get rid of their weight as quickly as possible. I would have liked to have a rod to shake every large individual and his excess fat would have disappeared by the end of time. It just isn't the situation. Here are some simple tips for losing weight that can help you reach your goal gradually and consistently. I hope you enjoy these 9 weight loss tips.
 Weight Loss Tips # 1: Want It!
 To be effective in losing weight, you must lose weight. You need to focus on this need and not just say that you have to lose weight. The most ideal approach to focusing on fitness is to reach a goal, save it and stick to it.
 A goal shouldn't just be the weight you need to lose or lose. You can set a goal based on your body estimates or the amount of body lost quickly, or the attractive size of your clothes. Set your goals so that they are achievable. For example, I have to pay £ 15 before Christmas or drop 2 dress sizes until my sister's wedding.
 Once you have set your most important goals, you will need to set smaller ones to make sure you are on schedule to reach your long-term goal. Watch your goals with a weight loss sketch, food diary or activity chart. Keeping a journal is the perfect way to keep track of the nutrients you consume, the amount of water you consume, the amount of daily exercise and how these goals are worked out daily. You can even track how you feel during the day. This lets you know if you are eating something or not because of a certain state of mind. Keeping a journal is a great way to focus on losing weight.
 Weight Loss Tip 2: Keep It In The Kitchen
 The most terrible trends people have are not eating at the kitchen table. Either they have to eat something while doing different things, or they stand in front of the TV. Experts say that, overall, people who eat while watching TV eat larger portions of food. We focus on what we see, not what we eat.
 We have to get away from our family rooms and go to the kitchen. During this time, eat gradually and invest a little energy in your family. Talk to the boyfriend and the kids. Focus on what you eat, as well as how much you eat. If you eat more slowly, your stomach may tell you that you are full, that you are not eating too much, and that you are feeling hopeless.
 Weight Loss Tip # 3: Throw in the Temptation
 To continue devoting yourself to your weight loss system, you must banish all temptations from your closets, refrigerators, and vehicles. Treat delicacies and fatty nutrients with the right food sources. Gelatin and sugar-free pudding are a great way to manage that sweet tooth at the right time without involving a ton of calories. Low-fat popcorn or low-fat popcorn is another great substitute for fatty treats.
 Do everything you can to avoid unwanted snacks for half a month. Keep a packet of crispy vegetables, like carrots, to satisfy hunger. Most crispy vegetables usually fill you up more and contain fewer calories.
 Weight Loss Tip 4: Find Support
 Weight loss is a test in itself, but it seems much easier with an accomplice. Look for a weight loss tonic online or in a discussion. Facebook even has buffets. If you don't want anyone to be online at this point, you can create your care group at home or with someone else at home. Another thing, all weight loss organizations offer group care or sometimes personal advice.
 Your care groups may include family members, companions, co-workers or even your neighbors. Your collection can be as large or as small as you can imagine. Ask everyone you know to help you in your weight loss attempts with some support.
 Weight Loss Tip # 5: Stop Bad Habits
 Generally learned or old trends are hard to break. It is time to introduce an improvement. We don't have to eat everything on our plate. Many of them grew up realizing that since there are hungry children in Africa, we should eat everything on our plates. It is normal to leave food on our plates from time to time.
 We have to adapt to our bodies and stop eating when we are full. We should eat fewer parts of our food. We have to do it without seconds. Try to eat 6 small dinners instead of three large ones. Eat breakfast, snack in the morning, eat lunch, snack in the evening, dine, snack in the evening.
 When you eat at a cafe, ask for the children's menu or contact when you ask the waiter for a takeout box. When food appears, put half or more of the food in the takeout box.
 Weight reduction tip # 6: Add variety
 You need a small selection in your life. This also applies to nutrition. You will be exhausted if you eat something similar every week. When this fatigue occurs, slip into your old tendencies. Eat a little of all the major nutritional categories, including organic, vegetables, protein, dairy, whole grains and fats.
 To stay fortified, eat five to six small dinners regularly. It also helps your digestion. Eat protein with most dinners, including eggs, beans, lean cuts of meat, and fish. We should try to eat at least five servings and up to nine servings of soil products per day. If you do not observe your sugar, you also observe the level of the natural product that you consume. You need to eat more vegetables than organic products. You should also eat a selection of the two foods that have grown out of the ground. Don't just eat similar foods every day. Remember that the key is the assortment.
 The bread, pasta, and oats you devour should be whole grain. If you've never eaten whole wheat pasta at this point, mix it with regular pasta and add more and more whole wheat pasta step by step until you get used to it. This remains constant for bread, especially if you don't have the chance to make your bread. Unpredictable starches and the high fiber content of bread and whole-grain pasta speed up digestion. The dairy products you spend should be low in fat or fat-free.
 Is Weight loss patch for you?
Also make sure that you eat good fats, such as olive or safflower oil. Your body needs a certain amount of fat. Be sure to read your names and avoid foods that contain trans fats. Trans fats are incredibly terrible for you.
 Weight reduction tip # 7: Saturate the sweet tooth
 When you lose weight, there will be times when you will crave something sweet. If you don't need it, at this point you have a bit of everything you dream of. It is wiser to have a few than to neglect and torture your desires since you have resisted them for so long. However, do not try to eat these principles every day. It is normal to indulge in the urge from time to time, but not from day today.
 Weight Loss Tip 8: Be careful what you drink
 The main decision to drink water without chlorine. You need at least six glasses of good water. You can also drink green tea. Using green tea can help you lose weight.
 Some people do not follow or take the calories in their refreshments. An improved standard cola contains over 100 calories and 10 teaspoons of sugar. Organic drinks are also high in sugar and calories. Change to count calorie drinks and drink more and more green tea and water.
 Be careful with your alcohol recovery. Most mixed drinks contain a lot of sugar and are high in calories. Brandy goes into the fats and sugar in your body. Limitation point on the frequency with which you take a drink. Save it for extraordinary events and try to devour low-calorie broth or wine.
 Weight Loss Tip 9: Get Active
 Being dynamic is key to losing weight. We have to start when we have to get in shape and endure. In any case, you go from a usually lazy person to a training fan when you start an activity program. You must gradually reactivate the activity system.
 Start with a walk. The walk does not include unusual equipment other than a decent pair of shoes. Walk at a suitable pace and take a 20-minute walk three times a week. Go a little faster in the long run and take more time. You can prepare the quality twice a week. Start with something as light as two glasses of soup and go step by step to get light loads.
 The practice consumes a lot of fat and calories. Quality preparation takes over the work with inclined bulk goods. The leaner your mass, the more calories you consume due to your higher metabolic rate.
Watch latest Video: Top Natural Food in 2020
Also See: PhenQ Reviews
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lowcarbnutrients · 5 years
12 Natural Remedies For Eczema, Rashes And A Range Of Persistent Skin Conditions
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Eczema is a catch-all term for a variety of conditions that trigger the swelling and irritability of the skin. It currently affects more compared to 20% of infants as well as concerning 5% of adults and youngsters although those numbers show up to be increasing due to dietary triggers as well as environmental pollutants. The conventional treatment for the clinical community for eczema is corticosteroid lotions which just subdue signs without resolving underlying reasons. Chemical creams such as topical immunomodulators are also related to cancer risks. Here are some effective natural treatments which could take on also extreme cases of skin inflammation.
Most doctors will tell you they aren't sure the specific cause of eczema and they're right due to the fact that the specific reasons are several (a lot of which they are not mindful of). These consist of fragrances in consumer items, soaps, laundry cleaning agent, dust, cosmetics, toxic wastes and also of program diet and also processed foods.
The largest factor to steer clear of from corticosteroids and immunosupressants is that they do not solve the trouble. Patients likewise become addicted to them. The trouble is, the moment individuals stop utilizing them, the dermatitis will flare right back up. Also even worse is that many people will should continually make use of more powerful as well as stronger steroidal treatments on their dermatitis as time passes and also their body develops a dependence for it. 
The only means to successfully deal with any skin condition is to permit your body to recover itself via the assistance of dietary approaches and also natural wellness therapies which work with your immune system to stimulate healing.
12 Natural Remedies
Burdock root benefits minimizing inflammation and also destroys inulin which has actually been connected to dermatitis episodes. This herb origin includes small quantities of many important vitamins, consisting of folic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, vitamin-E, and also vitamin-C that is essential for maximum wellness. Both vitamin C and E are powerful all-natural anti-oxidants help the human body fend off infections. It also consists of some useful minerals such as iron, manganese, magnesium, and small quantities of zinc, calcium, selenium, and phosphorus. You could make a tea from this which is simple to make and also drink.
Bentonite is made up of small little platelets, each with an adverse as well as favorable fee. As the clay takes a trip, it increases like a sponge as it absorbs water as it works its method through our bodies. It absorbs as numerous positively billed toxins in its path as it could hold. It aids alleviate skin problem by removing contaminants, boosting flow, decreasing swelling and taking in excess oil. 
Significant improvements can be seen after recruiting it two times a week on issue areas. Please note that some skin problem could appear to get worse since after therapy with bentonite clay as the toxic substances climb to the surface area. This is normal and also will go away in a week or 2 depending upon the seriousness of your condition. It works truly well if you blend the clay with pure apple cider vinegar or an herb instilled vinegar as well as leave on overnight.
Modern preparation of cod liver oil includes sharing the oil from the fatty tissues of cod fish while it is prepared. Nevertheless, the food preparation procedure and also the subsequent refining will get rid of a few of the bioactive elements of cod liver oil. The conventional manufacture of cod liver oil, on the various other hand, creates a much more nutritious and also medical oil. This procedure counts on fermentation instead than cooking to draw out the oil from the tissues of cod fish.
Both EPA and DHA have anti-inflammatory homes. By adding to the reduction of swelling in tissues, omega-3 fats could alleviate certain signs of eczema such as blistering and also red, swollen skin. Besides their anti-inflammatory homes, omega-3 fatty acids are also integrated into the skin cells. When the blood degrees of omega-3 acids drops, the skin becomes completely dry, flaky as well as easily aggravated. Research studies have actually proven to the omega-3 fat shortage boosts the keratinization of skin cells.
Therefore, without these important fatty acids, skin cells are significantly ruined and dead skin cells accumulate.
Neem oil, which originates from the neem tree, is a natural anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti-viral as well as anti-microbial. It eliminates any microorganisms and also condition advertising bacteria on the skin while lowering redness as well as swelling which triggers itching. It's likewise high in vitamin E and also fats, so it will certainly hydrate your skin as well as could assist restore its all-natural elasticity.
Neem has amazingly high levels of anti-oxidants that assist to protect the skin from environmental damage. It additionally includes carotenoids (much like carotene) which offer high antioxidant substances that assist defend the skin versus cost-free radicals. When soaked up, these powerful properties function to revitalize the skin's cells and also recover elasticity.
This plant is an exceptional disinfectant which implies it can assist ward off infection as well as microorganisms. And for those of you with eczema who have a tendency to damage that impulse, if the skin breaks you end up being at risk to infection. Olive fallen leave can maintain things tidy and had. As an antioxidant, it could damage this chain of damages before it establishes in and also leads to eczema.
Traditional remedies made from olive fallen leave are understood for their antibiotic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging buildings as well as their ability to promote the immune system.
The polyphenols of olive fallen leave extract are potent antioxidants. Actually, a liquid prep work made from fresh olive leaves was revealed to have dual the antioxidant capability of environment-friendly tea as well as 4 times the antioxidant capability of vitamin C. 
Olive leaf can aid avoid damage to the digestive tract triggered by hazardous free radicals. This guarantees that international drugs including microorganisms and also contaminants that trigger inflammatory reactions never get involved in the bloodstream.
Transdermal magnesium is a powerful device in the fight versus magnesium deficiency as well as really effective against inflammatory problems of the skin. Advantages reported by those that recruit transdermal applications of magnesium relate especially to its restorative application on the skin as well as its straight absorption right into the cells. 
Though it is commonly recommended as a treatment by alternative health specialists, transdermal magnesium is used quickly as well as promptly in one's own house, either by merely splashing directly on the skin, using as a lotion or a gel, and even much more effortlessly through the easy habit of taking a bath.
This uncommon fatty acid is discovered in night primrose oil, black currant and also hemp oils, however is extremely tough ahead by in the diet. Be careful of genetically changed safflower oils now advertising themselves as healthy as a result of their high GLA material. The human body creates GLA from linoleic acid (LA) which is located in numerous oils, butter and also egg yolks. GLA at a dosage of 500 mg two times each day for 8 weeks shows up to have a superb effect on skin, hair, as well as nails. 
Consume Virgin Coconut Oil, which consists of Medium Chain Fatty Acids or medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). Unlike trans fats, Virgin Coconut Oil gives good fats and also nutrients to completely dry eczema skin. It likewise consists of lauric acid, that makes up 50% of the fats. Lauric acid has anti-bacterial as well as anti-viral properties.
Virgin coconut oil is really simple to use with hardly any touching/rubbing. You ought to ensure to buy coconut oil from resources which are natural and virgin, not fine-tuned, bleached or deodorized. Lots of people have actually discovered fantastic success using coconut oil as a therapy to heal or recover their dermatitis or even their infant's eczema without any kind of medication.
Fermented as well as probiotic foods such as kefir, miso soup, tempeh, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, kombucha, microalgae and lots of even more all contain useful bacteria which prevent the illness and also infection triggered by hazardous germs that thrive where helpful nests are lacking.
All these foods assist stop as well as deal with eczema by restoring lost or harmed useful germs, safeguarding the body from pathogenic bacterial infections, advertising the balance of alkalinity and also level of acidity in the intestine as well as giving overall homeostasis and support to the immune system
10) KELP
Sea kelp, or seaweed, is a huge brown algae located in ocean kelp woodlands. Kelp is recruited in many cultures both as medicine and also food. For medical purposes, it could be discovered in both pill and capsule kinds, as a focused liquid, as well as consisted of in various other products.
Sea kelp has a therapeutic result on the skin as well as body, greatly boosting the problem of skin. You could ingest it or apply a topical focus of sea kelp straight to influenced locations. Kelp could aid with the recovery of skin cells, helping the eczema-affected skin cells reconstruct as well as end up being healthier.
Believe or not but in 2003, the Food and also Medication Administration ruled that items claiming to soothe the inflammation and itching of eczema needed to include colloidal oatmeal. For once the firm is acting in the very best passions of the public. 
When combined with a liquid, this special form of oat meal acts like a colloid (thus its name). This implies that when particles (the little bits of the grain, in this instance) spread with an additional tool (i.e., the bath water), they completely change the uniformity of that medium. The elegance of a colloidal oat meal bath, therefore, is that the oat meal fragments don't all sink to the base of the tub.
To create colloidal oat meal, the oats are extremely carefully ground-pulverized. This allows the grain to easily take in fluid. When the colloidal oat meal is contributed to bathroom water, it virtually quickly offers a slightly milklike, almost slimed consistency to the water-which after that coats the skin, moisturizing, softening and protecting it. 
Colloidal oatmeal exhibits anti-inflammatory, anti-itch, antioxidant, and also protective buildings that make it a flexible cleanser, moisturizer, as well as barrier that calms and also secures damaged skin. These residential properties are an outcome of the substantial chemical composition of oats: a high concentration in starches and also beta-glucan develops a water-holding barrier on the skin, the selection of phenols makes it a solid ultraviolet absorber, the saponins act as cleaning brokers, and also the cellulose and also fiber content of oat create emollient, or skin-softening, properties.
They need to consist of several of the adhering to herbs in order to help ease itching and shedding, as well as advertise recovery. The very best proof is for chamomile (Matricaria recutita) creams. Chickweed (Stellaria media), marigold (Calendula officinalis), and licorice (Glycyrrhia glabra) may also help. Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) cream could ease itching. Liquid witch hazel can aid with 'weeping' or exuding eczema.
Night tones- tomatoes, tobacco, eggplant, paprika, all peppers, goji berries and also white potatoes. hard to eat in restaurants with this listing:-RRB- evening shades all consist of toxins which overload our immune system. 
All fine-tuned sugars (highly inflammatory): No white or walking stick sugar, agave, or high fructose corn syrup. Keep away from all sweetening agents (sucralose, aspartame, saccharine, sorbitol and also many more). Chewing gums and also diet products have all these poisonous substances). If it says diet do not purchase it. 
No shellfish, fried foods, yeast, alcohol, smoking, smoked foods, peanuts, and also reduce stress.
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mariposalass · 5 years
Typical Fam Bunch Mornings (Familial F/O Week Prompt #4)
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Mornings is the theme I picked for Prompt #4 @selfshippingsylveon’s Familial F/O Week. I already mentioned in Prompt #3 that the fam bunch and I start the weekends with breakfast, but I didn’t mentioned about how a typical morning goes for the bunch, and not just the weekends. Like the last entry, this will be short but still comprehensive enough for you guys to get a glimpse of another part of the fam bunch’s life.
If you like to get a glimpse of how a ‘normal’ morning with the fam bunch is like, check out this story.
It will take a long while for Mari to get up, though she’s been trying to get a hold on her night owl nature with a cell phone alarm clock. Otherwise, somebody has to rock her bed like crazy to get her out of the bed, a request she made to Harry and which he is way too happy to do so.
Uncle Maui snores a lot in his sleep, but he doesn’t want to admit it publicly at all.
Mari, Michiru, the Doctor, and Auntie Lucy usually take the longest to get ready for various reasons, whereas Uncle Maui, Uncle Gru, Kairi, and Harry will just finish it promptly within minutes. Issa, Belle, Margo, Edith, Agnes, and Auntie Diana tend to vary depending on the situations/events involved, but they’re for the most part in medium range.
Everyone takes turns making breakfast every morning, but as mentioned in the Day Out entry, Chaos is bound to happen at any time whether it was intentional or not, which is always the latter. Minions making a mess, pets wanting attention and more food than they’re allowed for, Kirby and Scooby’s hunger, the coffee machine getting screwed up at times, petty arguments and fights that could be easily solved – yeah, it happens all the time here.
Usual breakfast fare includes cereal, toast with a selection of butter, peanut butter, and jams, bacon, ham corned beef, garlic fried rice, eggs done in any way (though not at the same time), fruit juice, chocolate, coffee, and tea. We sometimes have salad or breakfast soup at times, especially during weekends.
Even though Michi and Belle lived far from the rest of the fam bunch in San Francisco, they will always come over to the house to help in breakfast cooking before work. Sometimes, Haruka, Setsuna, Hotaru, Adam, and Maurice will join them as well. Marina and her adopted folks would also come over during the weekends for breakfast and visits.
Before everybody leaves, we will always do a double checking of the house: did somebody forget to turn off the lights, has somebody cleaned out the floors?, are the beds already made up?, have the pets have been fed? All these questions run in our heads like crazy.
Who usually forgets to close the door when everyone leaves for work/school? Harry and the Doctor: one always have a ton of things in his mind while the other just simply leaves on the TARDIS.
As transportation, Uncle Gru and Auntie Lucy take the girls to school in the Grumobile, Harry and Issa take turns driving in their cars and dropping Mari at the Daly City Public Library before they and Philip leave for the newspaper company they work for, Kairi takes public transportation for her work at the art gallery where she works as an intern, The Doctor has his TARDIS, Uncle Maui just simply turns into a hawk with his magic fishhook. Belle and Michiru live in downtown San Francisco, so they usually walk or use public transportation to work, while Auntie Diana also does the same when commuting to the Louvre as she happens to live in Paris’ main city center not far from the famous museum.
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jeepsister72-blog · 5 years
20 Hangover-Busting Breakfast Recipes for New Year’s Day
[Photographs: Morgan Eisenberg, J. Kenji López-Alt, Vicky Wasik]
Everything you need to make the most important meal of the day delicious.
I normally try to turn in fairly early, so any time I'm at a party past midnight, I have a tendency to overdo it on the drinks. That can make New Year's a dangerous time. The obvious solution is just to have a little self-control and alternate booze and water, but, despite my best intentions, I often wake up on January 1 a little worse for the wear.
If you, like me, can't guarantee you won't wake up hung over on New Year's Day, we can at least ensure that we have the right recipes on hand to nurse ourselves back to health. To that end, we've got 20 hangover-friendly breakfast recipes for New Year's Day, from simple, homey cures like fried eggs and pho ga to total gut-busters, like croque madames and Doritos migas.
[Video: Serious Eats Team]
If you're looking for a simple breakfast that's doable even when you're suffering, it's hard to beat a plate of fried eggs. We have a version to suit every taste: puffy, extra-crisp fried eggs (linked below); sunny-side up (for the utmost simplicity); or over easy (for perfectly cooked whites every time).
Crispy Fried Eggs Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Fried eggs aren't hard, but doing them well takes a little more finesse than I'm capable of after the wildest nights out. On the other hand, I can pretty much always muster the strength to make fluffy scrambled eggs. As with fried eggs, we have a range of scrambled-egg recipes to choose from if a classic fluffy scramble isn't what your aching brain is craving: Varying the heat level and the amount of stirring can make eggs that are just slightly soft and barely set, or super soft and spoonable.
Fluffy Scrambled Eggs Recipe »
[Photograph: Daniel Shumski]
Need something to serve with your eggs? Potatoes are a great way to bulk up your breakfast, and you can't go wrong with perfectly crispy hash browns. When we're feeling a bit too lazy to do the cooking ourselves, we like to use a waffle iron, which automatically ensures a crunchy exterior and smooth, creamy interior. Moisture is the enemy of hash browns, so squeeze as much water out of the shredded potatoes as you possibly can before cooking them.
Waffle-Iron Hash Browns Recipe »
[Photograph: Daniel Gritzer]
My signature move when I have a hangover is to make scrambled eggs with an amount of cheese that a more reasonable person might describe as insane. This recipe should give you a good idea of what I'm talking about. Here, scrambled eggs are packed with so much mozzarella (along with a little feta and dill) that you might confuse them for queso fundido at first glance, before getting sandwiched into fluffy little drop biscuits. Making biscuits might sound like too much work, especially for New Year's Day, but this version takes only 15 minutes of active work.
Scrambled Egg and Cheese Drop-Biscuit Breakfast Sandwiches Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
If I happened to have a professional cook around to make me breakfast on New Year's Day, I might ask for a plate of traditional migas. But honestly, if I'm on my own at home, there's no way I'm going to fry up a batch of homemade tortilla chips. If you feel the same, go lowbrow and use crumbled Doritos instead, mixing them with scrambled eggs, onions, jalapeños, tomatoes, and plenty of pepper Jack cheese.
Doritos Migas With Pepper Jack, Tomatoes, and Jalapeño Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
I love to drown a hangover in eggs and cheese, and I know many of you feel the same. But vegan eaters get drunk, too, which is where this vegan variation on migas—made with silken tofu, for a creaminess similar to what you'll find in soft-scrambled eggs—comes in. We shallow-fry the chips to make the recipe a little easier; they don't need to be perfectly crisp.
Vegan Migas (Mexican-Style Fried Tortillas With Tofu) Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
After a really debaucherous night, my stomach can't usually handle anything too intense, so I prefer a mild breakfast to a greasy plate of eggs, cheese, and potatoes. One of my top choices is yogurt topped with granola—and if you really want to treat yourself, homemade granola is the way to go. This one uses rolled oats soaked in a surprising ingredient—buttermilk, which tenderizes the oats and seeds and helps prevent excess browning—combined with raw pumpkin seeds, flax, chia seeds, almonds, pecans, dried apricots, tart cherries, and blueberries. Yes, it takes some time to make, but the effort involved is minimal, and you'll have plenty of granola left over for future mornings.
Crisp Homemade Granola Recipe »
[Photograph: Morgan Eisenberg]
More into the gut-busting side of the hangover-cure spectrum? Ignore the rest of our list and go straight for this monstrosity, an epic brunch burger constructed from a crispy smashed patty placed on a toasted, buttered English muffin with bacon, avocado, Colby Jack cheese, a fried egg (!), and spicy jalapeño Hollandaise. It's rich, messy, and over the top, and it's enough to scare any hangover into submission.
Ultra-Smashed Brunch Burgers With Quick Jalapeño Hollandaise Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Another ultra-rich option, the croque madame is a brunch classic that's made simply by setting a fried egg atop a croque monsieur. If you don't eat eggs, or just don't want to bother with the trouble of making them, the latter is itself a plenty rich sandwich, made with ham, Dijon mustard, and both grated cheese and a silky Mornay sauce.
Rich and Creamy Croques Madames Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
My not-at-all-expert opinion is that carbs are a necessity for soaking up booze, and these tacos have plenty of them. We make them by stuffing warm corn tortillas with sautéed sweet potatoes, then topping off the tacos with fried eggs. When you break into the yolk, it'll blend with the hot sauce and crema to make a simple but satisfying sauce.
Sweet Potato, Sage, and Fried Egg Tacos Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Huevos rancheros—a plate of fried tortillas, runny fried eggs, and plenty of salsa—is an easy dish that takes only half an hour, even if you include the time to make our homemade tomato and red-chili salsa. It's totally manageable on a hangover, but on New Year's Day, no one will blame you for simplifying the recipe even further by using jarred salsa.
Quick and Easy Huevos Rancheros With Tomato-Chili Salsa Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
There are times for elegant French omelettes and times for hearty American ones, and I think you know which is more appropriate after you've had one too many glasses of sparkling wine. Far from their creamy, softly set French cousins, diner-style omelettes feature big, fluffy curds; avoid overworking the eggs as they cook to achieve the right consistency. Feel free to stuff the omelette however you want, but diced ham and cheddar is a good, straightforward choice.
Diner-Style Ham and Cheese Omelette for Two Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
I used to live right next door to a McDonald's, so I've eaten more Egg McMuffins in my life than I'm proud of. These days, if I'm craving those same flavors in a better-quality package, I just make the sandwich myself, using this ingenious recipe. There are a couple tricks to keep in mind: Cook the egg in a Mason jar lid ring placed in a skillet to give it the perfect round shape, and wrap the sandwich in foil after assembly, which helps melt the cheese and soften the English muffin.
Homemade Egg McMuffin Recipe »
[Photograph: Joshua Bousel]
There are few breakfast items I love as much as creamy sausage gravy, no matter what kind of night it's been. Our recipe is fairly standard—roux, pork sausage, milk—but gives you the option of adding chopped fresh sage and red pepper flakes for extra flavor. Don't forget the biscuits! Our two-ingredient cream biscuit recipe is too easy to skip.
Sausage Gravy Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Shakshuka is an impressive enough dish for a fancy brunch, yet simple enough to make on a rough morning. It's also extremely versatile—our version is made with charred onion, red pepper, and chilies; spices like paprika and cumin; and, of course, tomatoes and eggs, but you can vary the aromatics and spices in accordance with your pantry and your preferences. Spoon some of the sauce over the egg whites before covering the pan to help them cook at the same speed as the yolks.
Shakshuka (North African–Style Poached Eggs in Spicy Tomato Sauce) Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Okay, not everyone is going to want to start the New Year off with raw eggs. But those who've had it before know that this Japanese dish is rich, comforting, and incredibly easy to make, so it's a great choice for New Year's Day breakfast. All you have to do is microwave leftover rice; mix it with a raw egg, soy sauce, salt, and a pinch of MSG; and top with furikake and an extra raw egg yolk.
Tamago Kake Gohan (Japanese-Style Rice With Egg) Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Pho is typically eaten for breakfast in Vietnam, and chicken soup is a beloved cure-all in the West, so a morning bowl of chicken pho makes perfect sense to us as a hangover cure. The traditional technique of simmering the soup for hours is a daunting prospect even on a good day, but if you have a pressure cooker, such as an Instant Pot, you can make a totally respectable version in just 30 minutes.
30-Minute Pressure Cooker Pho Ga (Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup) Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Sometimes a sweet breakfast is just what you need to start fighting off a nasty hangover, and this upside-down blueberry muffin does the job well. It consists of a thick layer of jammy fruit complemented by a tender muffin base; once baked in a 10-inch cast iron skillet, it's ready to be cut into wedges and served warm. A pinch of lemon zest and a bit of coriander highlight the blueberries' flavor without overpowering the cake.
Upside-Down Blueberry Muffin Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
This savory French toast recipe turns out spicy and funky thanks to store-bought green curry paste, which we jazz up with fresh herbs, lime juice, and fish sauce. Combine the paste with coconut milk, then pour the mixture into a pan and soak the bread in it for at least one hour to ensure the curry flavors get right to its core. After that, there's nothing to do but fry it up, preferably with a couple of eggs on the side.
Savory Green Curry French Toast Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
When you aren't at your best, whether due to a hangover or a persistent cold, rice porridge is a great dish to have in your back pocket. This Bengali porridge consists of jasmine rice and lentils, flavored with ginger and turmeric and simmered in chicken stock. Once the grains are tender, add potatoes and chicken thighs to the pot to cook slowly, and prepare a bright cilantro chutney to cut through and balance the rich porridge. It's a dish that will cure your hangover in record time, but you'll crave it even when you're feeling perfectly fine.
Bengali Rice Porridge With Lentils and Chicken Recipe »
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Source: https://www.seriouseats.com/roundups/hangover-breakfast-recipes
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