#it was simple yet took me hours to finish xD
ta-loca-kimixd · 2 years
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I’m late to the party (like always but-)
Happy Holidays :D!! Hope everyone enjoyed this day and hope next year will be better
And well if you don’t celebrate hope you at least had a chill weekend <3
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Myyy loveeeee, i just read the Heethan imagine withe period on the Bed. What would heethan do if we got a period stain in public? (It happend to me in 8the grade, i didnr go to school for 3 days cuse i was sooo embaressed XD)
Love youuuu❤️🫶🏼
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“Sorry about that babe…”
Warnings: Some minor fluff, reader has her period unexpectedly, public humiliation, think that's it really.
Hope you guys enjoy this Drabble. Ngl I think this happens to the best of us, so my dear @lisaaannna, you aren’t alone in this.
Thank you for taking the time and reading my stories and drabbles. To show your support, please consider donating into my ko-fi account ♥️
“Pretty baby! Are you ready?” 
“Coming down!” 
Responding to Heeseung’s call, you make your way down the stairs hastily, phone in hand, and a soft smile on your face to greet him with. “Sorry, babe.” 
“No worries, are you okay?” His voice published a sense of concern after noting that you took a bit longer in getting ready, yet you weren’t elaborately dressed or decorated. Donning a simple sundress with subtle low heeled sandals, you nod in reassurance as he receives you in front of the last step. Quietly, you inform him of the false arrival of your time of the month. “Yeah I’m fine, I had some minor cramping and figured it was…you know– but it ended up being a false alarm. It will probably hit later this week.” 
Raising his hand, he delicately cups your cheek and stares intently into your eyes. “You sure you feel okay going out today?” 
Eagerly, you nod once more as you give your answer, expressing an adorning look from his affectionate sense of concern. “Yes, I’m fine. I’m excited!” 
His eyes shift low as he gives a single nod with a faint smirk. Taking you by the hand, he kisses your forehead and leads you out the door. The group had planned well ahead of time for this day to come, the opening of a new theme park. Everything had been coordinated months ago, and the tickets had all been pre-bought to secure everyone’s attendance at the festive opening of the new resort. It wasn’t a day that you could possibly give up, not after waiting for so long, especially since you had been looking forward to going with Heeseung, considering you both had yet to attend such a fun-filled event. Though he displayed his usual reserved and stoic countenance, he was just as eager to take you out. Any moment where he found himself spending an entire day doing everything with you, became the highlight of his life. Even though he prefers to stay at home with you, he realizes that taking you out on recreational dates was something you desired and appreciated, and he was happy to oblige so long as you met his demands to remain by his side, never to stray off, and to not associate with anyone. All of which was non-negotiable of course, yet you didn’t mind. 
The drive was long, nearly three hours. You and the crew headed out first thing in the morning to avoid traffic, and just as planned, you all arrived at perfect timing. Parking wasn’t an issue, the lines were short, and everyone was able to dip into the food stands before the area became too crowded. Taking a map, H/Nl suggests starting at Harry Potter’s World, and migrating to all the other regions from there on. 
The clock strikes noon and everyone had already been having a blast. Exploring the mapped out regions, hopping on one ride after another, you and Heeseung partook on the park’s more thrilling rides. You swore, this man was not afraid of anything, for even the most intimidating roller coasters had barely caused him to blink an eye when reaching the peak of its enthralling feature. You couldn’t say the same for yourself since you had grabbed onto his arm and buried your face into his bicep at the start of every ride. Nevertheless, you both were having a great time. 
“Anyone else hungry?” One of the boys vocalizes, to which everyone agreed and opted to go back to the food stands to grab lunch. Finishing up, you guys went back into exploring the remainder of the themed regions in the park, walking from one area to the next. The resort became overbearing as more people started to show up, causing the park to become overcrowded. Still, everyone was determined to explore the rest of the area, and so, you all headed towards the next themed region. While walking, you held hands with Heeseung, often glancing over to take in the sight of him sipping on his rather large drink. You chuckled as he puckered his lips around the straw, and were about to ask him if he was having a good time when unexpectedly, you felt a familiar sense that leaked its way out and started to flow from in between your thighs. 
A sudden rush of warm liquid that dispensed all too quickly, and even though you came prepared with the necessities to contain it, there wasn’t a restroom station nearby for you to tend to the matter. It wouldn’t have made a difference anyhow, much to your despair, since the flow was constant and already dripping down your legs. In a sudden notion, you reached out and grabbed onto Heeseungs arm while your steps came to a halt. He was in mid step when he felt you abruptly grab onto his arm. Turning half way around, he notices the wide eyed stare you dispelled onto the ground, along with the quiet burst of short gasps that escaped your lips. Something was wrong, and he didn’t need to stare at your face long for him to see it. Just as he was about to ask, a crimson trail making its way down your leg catches his eye, in plain sight for the world to see. Moving the slightest bit didn’t help, the movement caused the blood to seep out faster, you were helplessly frozen and didn’t know what to do. 
A large group from behind walks in your direction, and you begin to dread the humiliation that was forthcoming once they take notice of the stains in your dress, and the bright red coating of your legs with the blood pooling in the heel of your sandals. If that wasn’t bad enough, the crew that you came along with turned around after noticing that you and Heeseung were behind, and began to retract their steps to see what was up. A string of individuals and couples pass by and take notice, already making whispering comments that drowns you in a whirlpool of embarrassment. Trapped in between the oncoming crowds, you closed your eyes as your lips began to quiver, when suddenly you felt a cold splash hit you. 
Gasping at the brusque sensation, you look around to find that you were covered from the waist down in red fluid, one that was not leaking out from in between your legs. The ends of your hair had become drenched from the splash, and you look up to see Heeseung standing before you with his cup in hand, completely emptied. The scent of a cherry flavored punch hits your nostrils, you stood confused and stunned upon realizing that he had poured his entire jumbo sized beverage all over you. “Sorry about that babe.” 
You uttered your soft whimpers, trying to formulate words but nothing came out. H/N and Jake arrive with the rest of the group behind them, all in shock at the sight of what looked to be a freak accident. 
“Oh my gosh! Y/N! Are you okay? What happened?” 
H/N assesses the damage, and takes note of the empty cup in Heeseung’s hand, with hints of the juicy residue decorating the rim and dripping on the sides of the container. The plastic lid and straw lay pitifully by your feet, and you remain in shock as you feel yourself bleeding out. 
“My fault, I spilled my drink on her by accident when she asked for a sip.” Heeseung nonchalantly tells the group as he tosses the cup into a nearby trash bin. “Let me take you home, yeah? We should get this off before it ruins your dress.” Taking you by the hand, he walks you to exit the theme park and leads you back to his car. Everyone looked and stared for a moment, remarking how there must have been an incident that resulted in someone obviously spilling their drink on you. Thanks to the red coloring of the juice, every one you had walked passed on your way to the exit wasn't able to notice the blood that continuously dripped from beneath your dress. Opening the door for you, Heeseung sits you down, not at all concerned about the juice–or the blood getting on the seats. “Don’t worry about that babe, that can be taken out.” 
As if he read your mind, he comforts you by expressing his lack of concern for the stain and instead looks at you, flaring a soft smirk. “Seatbelt, beautiful.” 
He gently shuts the door and walks around to the driver’s seat. Starting the car, he doesn’t say a word and acts completely neutral, leaving no hints of intention in explaining the reasoning behind his actions, even though by now it became obvious to you. With your eyes becoming shiny from the tears that were forming, you felt overwhelmed by his quick reaction in saving you from the humiliation that was knocking at your door. But it wasn't just his instinctive reaction, it was the careful and considerate measure of preparations that came along with it.
You had to hear him say it. You had to hear him tell you in his own words why he did it. Why he got cherry flavored punch in a large size, knowing full well that he didn't like fountain drinks because they were too sweet for his liking, especially flavors with red coloring because they contained the most sugar. Yet he had purchased it and took minimal sips as he carried it along, stating that he didn't mind holding onto it even though you offered to take it off his hands, especially when you felt how cold his skin had become from single handedly carrying it during the lengthy walk. You had to hear him tell you...because it was moments like this that reminded you why you fall for this man every day, despite suffering his abrasive sense of love and affection, all drafted by the heavy flaws of obsession, possessiveness.
“Hmm?” he looks up, slightly raising a brow as he maintains that soft and gentle smirk. “Yes baby?”
“Did you…was that because…”
“What are you trying to say pretty?”
Looking at him with glistening eyes, a single tear escapes your ducts and travels down your cheek. 
“Oh you must be sad because I spilled my drink on you. I’m sorry about that, I had a moment of clumsiness.” Putting the car in reverse, he smoothly backs the car out of the parking space, and maintains his focus on the road as he switches back over to drive. “Tell you what kiddo…” 
Heading towards the main exit, he keeps his eyes on the road as he vocals out his resolve. 
“Why don’t I make it up to you by taking you home, and while you clean yourself up, I’ll get your favorite pastries and make you some tea, and we can sit in and watch some movies. Hmm?” 
You softly smiled as the downpour of tears took over your expression. You quietly mouthed out “thank you” and watched as he let out a faint chuckle while staring down at the steering wheel, waiting at a red light with an expression on his face that was most melancholy.
“For what? It was my fault that we had to leave early, the least I can do is spoil you for the rest of the evening…and tomorrow…maybe even for the next few days.” Looking back into your eyes, he nearly whispers as he raises a hand, and gently drags his finger up along your cheek, collecting the tear drop against his knuckle. “At least let me take care of you for a little while…to make up for my dumb mistake.”
Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️  ☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
Take you home ²
𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞...
>𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷
Summary: Jake can’t accept that this has been done to you, the thought torments him, and all he wants is revenge, and he gets it.
Words: 4,2k
Genre: Angst / Fluff
Warnings: Swearing, insulting
A/n: Well, hi.
So, this one has taken on some dimensions again, they weren’t planned, about 3k. Now, it is a bit more. Actually, the whole thing should not be quite so extensive, but well, once Jake starts, he doesn’t stop.
Thank you alls so much for the support in part one, I was really surprised. And thank you very much for wishing Part Two, which means a lot to me. ❤️
So, that’s a bit more related to alternative two of part one. Actually, it was supposed to get a little darker and generally the plan was different. The ending should be different and longer, but I think it’s good as it is now.
I hope you’ll like it.
And apologize for the mistakes.
(I think I wanted to say more but I forgot xD)
Anyway, have fun, stay healthy and take care of yourselves.❤️🌹🎭
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There lies the hacker now, in the early morning hours, not even the sun has risen already, wide awake, full of emotions and agitated.
In his arms, you, fortunately asleep, deep and firm.
He also wanted to sleep, he has been trying for two hours but it doesn’t work. And how should he? After the past hours it is practically impossible to sleep.
The only reason you sleep is probably the effort you had to experience. Your body was finished after the shower. You were still shivering from the adrenaline, agitated and yet so terribly tired.
So now he lies here, doesn’t know what to do with himself, doesn’t know how to react, how to feel. TThe pure fear that lay in your voice when the call came suddenly, gives him goose bumps again, crawling all over his body.
This fearful tone of your voice won’t let it go.
What if he hadn’t been there in time? If he hadn’t been able to save you in time? If it took him a minute longer? If something had gone wrong?
He can’t even imagine what could have happened. At this horrible imagination in his head, he pinches his eyes tightly. Try to remove the images from his head that make him sick, he would like to vomit, so horrible is the thought of it. He shakes his head, tries to drive away the thoughts, but they don’t go away. His fingernails drill deep and firmly into the skin of his palms. It hurts, it’s uncomfortable, and if he still squeezes even harder, he’ll start bleeding, but he has no control over it. In his mind, the worst scenarios circle and he can only imagine, if even he feel so bad now, how bad did you feel in this moment?
He controls himself to be quiet, exhorts himself to loosen up again so as not to wake you. You need sleep. You deserve sleep. But these pictures, these fucking pictures, they're not going away. The imagination that someone would touch you- NO!
The hacker opens his eyes wide! He must not go in this direction, he must look straight out and make sure that you get your revenge, as you deserve! That he protects your honor, that he makes everyone see what happens when someone wants to do something bad to you.
He’s Jake, one of the best hackers in the world and now he’s gonna show what he’s capable of.
His breath is so heavy, so full of anger and hatred, so full of negativity that he would like to hit the next wall.
He bites his lower lip when he thinks about leaving you here alone. He needs to be in his study. He just has to find out who this guy was. That bastard.
Just really reluctant, actually he would just like to lie here with you, but he has to, he's winds cautiously out of your embrace.
He can’t lie here and wait, he has to do something. Now!
Even if he feels weird with it, he opens the laptop that is in his bedroom and directs it so that he can see your sleeping shape. He will simply connect the laptop to his PC to keep an eye on you. As soon as you get restless or wake up, he could be with you right away.
That’s how he’s gonna do it.
He gives you a final and gentle kiss on the forehead before going to his study.
After he has prepared his work setup and everything is ready, he wastes no time and immediately gets to work. Quickly scan the data of the man who was tracking you.
Everything that had ever happened in his life, the hacker would find out now. And of course, the most important information is quickly obtained.
Date of birth
All bank accounts
His social security number
Where he grew up
As what he works
What friends he has
With whom he is friends
His pets
On what elementary school he went
On what high school he went
Who his parents are
The siblings
All information about each individual family member
And at the very end, the police certificate of conduct with all the information who are important for him. And that’s more interesting than he thought. The further he read the information from the police, the more his emotional state changes.
It starts with drug abuse
Bodily injury in two cases
Gun possession
Domestic violence against his ex girlfriend
The list is shockingly long: a two-year stay in a prison, probation and community service.
The further Jake read, the more worried he is that he couldn’t have been there in time with bad luck. But he’s all the happier he could save you.
At the same time, he’s thinking about telling you who the guy is, because he doesn’t know how you’re gonna take this information. But he would worry more about that later.
As he glances at the laptop’s camera, a smile creeps up on his lips. Meanwhile, you are lying on his side of the bed, your arms are tightly wrapped around his pillow and your head is pressing into the soft fabric, as if you were looking for his proximity in your sleep.
How perfect can a person be? How perfect is this beautiful being lying in his bed? Immediately the tingling starts in his stomach, as always when it comes to you.
He’s so terribly in love. So insanely strong.
Again, he begins to regret that it has not progressed further between you. Everyone knows that he loves you, and everyone knows that you love him. And yet you both have not yet managed to finally do what you both so much want. But the fear of destroying everything is so great. You two spend so much time with each other, become best friends, best friends who feel more for each other than just friendship.
In addition, his fear of putting you in danger is added. He is not a simple man, no one who prefers a regular daily life, no fixed working hours, no fixed income, even if he earns more than most others. As a hacker you have one or the other possibility. Nevertheless, he is still wanted by the government. Not as strong, and the danger is not as great as it was a few months ago, but it still exists.
But last night’s incident somehow inspired him to think, and he feels different when he thinks about it. He wants you, he wants you with everything you have, he wants you by his side. He always wants to protect you, he always wants to be there for you, he wants you by his side, he doesn’t want to live alone in this apartment anymore. He doesn’t want to be alone anymore, he needs you, he has always done it and he will always need you, he wants you so bad!
This incident clearly shows that life is always uncertain, and this incident shows him that he is lying to himself. He wants to be able to say that you’re a couple, he wants it so badly. So fucking urgent.
"I want to share my life with you," the hacker murmurs, driving through his face with his hands. Now his thoughts have drifted in another direction again, but you’re just sitting in every corner of his mind. You are the biggest and most important part of his life and that since the first time you met.
But now something else is more important. After that, he can think of you a lot, but now revenge counts.
He breathes in and out again before turning back to the screens and begins to gather more information.
About half an hour later, he releases himself from his cramped posture. The further he delves into the life of the man, the more aggressive he becomes.
This guy’s not a petty criminal, the way he thought he was, this guy’s got dirt on him through and through.
And the further he reads, the more he wonders why this guy is on the loose and not in a maximum security prison.
From organized crime to gang activities. Drug dealing, counterfeit money, prositution. All the shit every gang is involved in.
Disgusting chat histories, images, threats of other people, extort protection money. And the hacker just assumed the guy is just a disgusting bastard. But he thought wrong.
And yet, it’s actually only good for him, really very good, because Jake has now a lot more options than he thought.
He thinks hard about how to proceed. How best to tackle this whole situation, so that he has the best chance of success.
But what’s also positive for is the fact that this guy really doesn’t deserve anything other than what the hacker’s up to.
To destroy a person’s whole life is actually nothing that he would do; he simply cannot reconcile this with his morality. Even if it’s about you, but now he’s not just doing it for you, he’s doing it for everyone. This is a favor he does to the whole society.
Oh and he’ll do it with pleasure.
Meanwhile, he has gained access to the man’s laptop and can take a closer look at the living room. He also got lucky and found some camera shots taken by a bakery that is on the street where you were being followed.
Unfortunately, it has no sound and yet it is more than enough. He saved the recording and censored you on it.You don’t have to be broadcast in video format all over the world.
But it is still clear that he's persecutes you. It is more bad than quite recognizable on the videos that he is angry and that he shouts something, but when you see the video, everything is explained by itself.
That was number one on his list.
Let's continue with point two.
And point two is a summary of all the information he could find that could even remotely involve anything criminal.
And this is a really long list, he can prove everything, he can prove every single point. With all the information that will help.
Videos, chats, pictures, recording of conversations. Locations, meeting places, other names.
Because his plan has changed, and it’s not just about destroying this man anymore, it’s about destroying all the criminals around him.
Point two, finish! Now, point three, and that’s the confrontation with the man.
The most important information is in front of him as he puts on his headset and leans back relaxed.
The recording program runs as soon as he turns on his microphone. The recording is automatically converted into the computer voice and then sent as a video along with his sign, the eye, as a gift to his new friend.
He puts one leg over the other and folds his arms in front of his chest.
"Hello Ted, my identity doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you’ve made some serious mistakes, and about this, I will teach you now."
And send.
Soon the man’s cell phone will start ringing, and it will only stop when he gets up and then listens to the hacker’s nice message on his laptop, which will breaking his little world in which he lives.
But it’s his own fault.
A look at the camera of his own laptop tells him that you still sleep quietly and calmly, which makes him happy. -
The ringing of the mobile phone and the terrible ringtone of the persecutor annoy the hacker so slowly. He didn’t think it would be that long before Ted wake up. But when it finally happens and a door is opened, a slightly arrogant grin appears on Jake’s face.
It’s Showtime.
"What the hell?" grumbles the sleepy guy as Jake makes the video file pop up.
The eye flickers on the screen and Ted skeptically approaches it.
He pulls back his desk chair and sits down.
"What the fuck?" he hisses angrily and pushes a button on the keyboard.
"Hello Ted, my identity doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you’ve made some serious mistakes, and about this, I will teach you now."
Amused and eager, Jake follows the course of the situation.
Ted becomes more and more hectic, the more facts the computer voice enumerates. He probably didn’t expect this to ever come to light. He wildly presses all the buttons he can find, tries to turn off the laptop but he has absolutely no control over it.
At the very end, after all the crimes have been enumerated, the computer voice informs him that he has video footage of his nocturnal activity.
"That was a big mistake, Ted, and it’s time you understood that you understand how unimportant you are in this world"
After Jake has decided to leave Ted alone, with the knowing that he can now say goodbye to his life as he knows it, he move on to point 4.
And point 4 involves sending all the information to everyone who can do something with it. But don't worry, that’s not the finale.
The finale will be something special.
Everything collected is sent first to the police in Duskwood. He doesn’t think much will happen, but the police will certainly not be the agency that will take care of Ted, in the end.
After the police, Jake sends the information to his place of work. He won’t be needing the job in a few hours anyway even longer.
Then his sister gets an e-mail with everything there is about her brother. Because Jake found out that poor girl always had to take care of him. Had to pick him out of the cell at night, had to pick him up of the hospital one or the other time and things like that. Among other things, good Ted broke into her apartment once, but this was not reported to the police. Jake saw in a chat that Ted promised to stop doing criminal things. This didn’t work out that way. The hacker feel sorry for the sister, she certainly doesn’t deserve it and yet this is about more than just that.
And after all the important people have received the information, he finally go to the final, which the hacker is most looking forward to before he can finally return to you.
Back to you, to his bed where you lie, this day can’t be more beautiful, can it?
Well, the morning show on TV sounds good, doesn’t it? The channel is littered with scandals and really unscrupulous means of getting attention.
No one will be angry with him if the actual broadcast is interrupted for a few minutes to do something good. And to appease his vengeance. All he has to do is fade in everything, play the video and the rest would come by itself. The spread on the Internet. The information is forwarded to other authorities like the State Police Authorities as it is about more than just the pursuit after revenge for his love. Gang crime is not liked by the state.
So then, curtain up, the final begins.
About half an hour later, now it is shortly before 9  in the morning, the whole took longer than he had expected, he sinks back on the soft mattress. Satisfaction spreads and seeing you sleep so peacefully also makes him tired.
Carefully he pulls the blanket over himself and then grabs again around your body to bring you back into his arms. He hides his head in your neck bend and a few moments he falls asleep with a smile on his face.
He couldn’t stop himself from posting some things on Ted’s Instagram page for his personal feeling. Pictures that Ted prefers not to watch for the Internet, but Jake doesn’t care; in a few hours, Ted will never have access to the Internet again. Hopefully Ted makes friends in prison fast, or it won’t be so funny for him.
Well, don’t mess with the hacker’s love.
When you open your eyes, Jake still lies peacefully asleep beside you.
His hair stands wildly off his head and he has put his arms protective around you. Immediately a feeling of home spreads within you and you smile.
His body nestles warm against yours and you wish you could always wake up like that.
Bu, if you didn’t have to use the bathroom.
Carefully peel out from under his arms without waking him.
With leaving Jake’s arms and getting out of bed, the first pictures of last night immediately come back into your head. A few moments you stare at the wall before you shake your head. You don’t want to think about it. Actually, you never want to have to think about it again, you just want to forget it, focus on everything that’s more important now. And this is you, your feeling that you don’t want to get involved in this situation, you don’t want to leave room for this man. You don’t want him to have room in your life, and you don’t want to investigate any further. Actually, you don’t want to know who this guy is. You just want to focus on how lucky you were, that everything went well, that Jake saved you, and that nothing happened to you.
You want to focus on Jake! And most importantly, that you finally want to be with him! He was there to save you right away. He was ready to help you immediately, he protected you, especially the way he protected you. The way he sounded, as if he was doing everything he could to save you. And this irrational fear that this could not work with you two, it’s bullshit! You want him with everything he has and you don’t want to be just friends anymore. You long for his lips, for his kisses that don’t just go on your forehead or cheek. You want to finally be able to say that you are a couple, you want him so badly, so damn badly.
Like a miracle cure, the thought of Jake really distracts you. You didn’t even know where your thoughts went, it just happened. But it always is, it’s just in every corner of your mind.
After you left the bathroom, you turned on the coffee machine. You’d stay awake and pass the time until Jake wakes up and you could have some breakfast. While the coffee is cooking, you drop down on the small sofa in the hacker’s living room and decide to pass the time with a little bit TV.
You switch through the channels looking for something interesting but don’t really find something you like.
When the Coffee machine gives you confirmation that the hot drink is ready, you quickly jump up and leave the remote control there.
While you prepare your coffee, you listen to an advertisement about an electronic toothbrush and then one about the latest vacuum cleaner.
With your cup you go back and then put a thin blanket from the sofa around your legs.
The News Show that you sometimes see starts broadcasting.
And you really expected a lot, really a lot, but you never expected what was actually going on.
While the news announcer reports on a gang crime, a picture is displayed. There’s a man to be seen, and you’re a thousand percent sure that’s the man who chased you yesterday.
Silently and with your mouth open you are listening as a whole gang was arrested, warehouses and factories were stormed. Drugs and counterfeit money were confiscated and in the end, how a hacker uncovered all this.
During the narration about hacking another channel and the materials shown there such as images and video, your heart begins to beat faster and faster.
And when it is shown what was published there, you put your hand infront your mouth in shock.
"Oh my-" you watch the camera shots where you can clearly see the street, which is only a few streets away from your apartment.
And then you see a censored shadow running, a few moments later a man.
You and the man who was now identified as Ted.
That was Jake, you know it!
You don’t know how to react. While the pictures and videos scare you, since this man met you yesterday, you feel moved to tears on the other side. When the hell did he do that?
Did he do it because of you?
Where does he get so much information? Sure, he’s a hacker but THAT?
When the news anchor finally ends her post with the words "This man will probably never see the light of day again" and "The whole Internet speaks about this man and the victim who was persecuted by him. When you see this, we wish you all well!"
You have the feeling that you are breathing again for the first time. Like you’ve been holding your breath all this time without noticing.
You stutter at things, try to explain, sort out and understand your feelings. But somehow, just like last night, it’s too unreal.
"You shouldn’t know that in this way"
Startled you turn around as Jake’s sleepy voice appears behind you.
He's leaning in the door frame and yawns once.
With an open mouth you stare at him, "Did you-?" but you break off immediately because you have no idea what to say.
"Is everything okay? Shouldn’t I have do that? I wanted to tell you myself but now it’s too late. I wanted to teach you gently," explains the hacker, and his gaze slowly turns into a worried one.
"Did you- I mean- you were -" you stutter, can’t bring out a normal sentence. Point you to the TV, to you and back to Jake.
"I’m sorry, MC, I didn’t mean to hurt you or anything," he explains straight away." It was just, I don’t know, I was so mad! I still am! This disgusting bastard was following you, he-"quickly breaks off. His hands are clenched into fists, his eyebrows pulled together and his breath accelerated. However, he doesn’t want to remind you unnecessarily, even if that didn’t work out so well through the news. He really has to hold back from screaming completely and somehow making sure that Ted gets more than what he already has.
"No Jake, I-I" you just can’t find the right words and before you know it, you threw yourself awkwardly over the sofa, rolled over it and stood two steps later directly in front of Jake. Without control, you reach into his neck with one hand and pull his head down towards you. Not quite gently your lips hit on his.
And just as quickly as the kiss came about, you finish it as quickly.
"Oh, um, I... so.. I-" you laugh nervously, still holding his head. "Um, sorry?"
Jake also laughs nervously.
"I shouldn’t have done that," a little embarrassed, you let go of his neck and kick a few steps away from him.
"No, no, everything was fine, I thought it was great, so I mean-" a slight redness adorns Jake’s cheeks.
"Sorry" you mumble with a much too high voice and try yourself on a grin that probably looks like you’re in pain. Jake makes an waving off hand move, then it’s quiet between you for a moment. You chew on the inside of your cheek and let your foot slide across the floor in a semicircle, "Did you..- Did you say you thought it was great?" You ask as unimpressed as possible, as if it were a question about the weather.
Jake’s eyes grow big, "Did you find it bad?"
"No, no, of course not!" you assure him quickly." It was great, I would do it again and again."
You sigh.
Smiling, you put one hand to your forehead and look back at the hacker. Jake smiles too, and then you start laughing out loud. Until you have to hold your stomach and the first tears run out of your eyes.
"We’re so ridiculous," you chuckle, shaking your head over you two.
"Do you think?" Jake asks, grinning, "I find us great together"
"Me too" you agree and look back at him.
"Jake I-"
"MC I-"
At the same time you start to speak and then both of you are immediately silent to let the other go first.
"Do you first" you offer and he returns it to you.
"No, I’m fine, say what you wanted to say," you confirm.
"I can wait, you start"
You’re twisting her eyes again.
However, Jake understands this wrong and at the same time the magic words leave your lips "I love you"
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And thank you @a-d-alison your submission gave me a lot of motivation🤭❤️
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chocolate-parfait · 3 years
Yay, askbox is open! I hope that means requests too, if not please ignore this and sorry. But could I request another angst? Could I please ask for headcannons for Dazai (and the others could be either Theo, Vincent, Leo, Comte, Will or Arthot, you can choose two, 'cause I can't XD) who find their S/Os suicide note? You can take it wherever you want from there. Thank you so much, love your works <3 Have a grwat day!
Hi @robin-the-enby !! I'm happy to see you in my inbox again, and although this took me embarrassingly long (my procrastination tendencies and school got the better of me :,)), I'm more than happy to provide something that will help with your coping! Despite it all, I hope that you'll get better soon and hang on a while longer. I'm sure this prolonged pandemic has had negative effects on most people's mental health, but remember that we'll get through this in one way or the other! Stay strong and keep fighting, if it gets too much don't hesitate to take a break and go easy on yourself❤
Halfway through I realized I was writing scenarios instead of simple headcanons ,, I was too engrossed in writing to realize it oops 🧍‍♀️ 🧍‍♀️ 🧍‍♀️
Finding MC'S suicide note - Ikevamp headcanons (Dazai, Arthur & Leonardo)
(TW; suicide / mentions of self-harm / major character death / blood)
(CW; slight and inaccurate spoilers for Dazai's past)
For those who'd like to avoid specific contents, this is what I wrote for each suitor:
Dazai - MC is unconscious and bleeding, I didn't specify whether they survive or not
Arthur - MC is stopped before they can do anything, survives
Leonardo - MC isn't stopped in time, dies
It was as if history was repeating itself. The message, the bloodied sheets and the unconscious body. The only different thing was perhaps.... him. It was a him that had experienced true happiness, a him that had learned forgiveness, a him that knew better than retort to suicide as a way of repentance. And yet... was it not enough? Dazai's mind swirled with the pungent thoughts of his own fate as he ran with your body in his arms. He ran, and ran, and ran, passing by a seemingly endless succession of hallways and wooden doors.
Never before did he wish your room was closer to Arthur's, as he felt your body grow colder and his clothes dampen with blood with each step forward. And yet the stars that were now adorning the night sky's black cape, seemed to be offering their compassion to him, for when Dazai burst into the writer's room he saw him sitting at his desk, completely sober and still functioning in the middle of the night.
Arthur slightly turned in his chair, and as he was about to comment with displeasure how rude it was of the man to come into his room completely unannounced, his mouth was left agape and eyes wide open, wordlessly staring at your limp and seemingly unmoving body as the smell of blood hit his nostrils in mere seconds.
"What in the Heavens happened-?!" Arthur abruptly stood up, leaving his half-finished manuscript forgotten on the table, rushing closer to check your pulse. The two novelists had never liked each other, a difference in life choices maybe, but it surely was not a hate that could surpass even the most perilous of situations, particularly because you were an outsider to their rivalry. As such, Arthur did not hesitate to put to good use all his medical knowledge, carefully rushing through every step to avoid the worst.
Seconds slowly transformed into hours, although Dazai was convinced time had stopped ever since the moment he had found you on your bed, utterly frozen in a state of unconsciousness with a crumpled letter of apologies laying on the bloodied sheets. The only thing that perhaps gave him the slightest hint to time’s passing was the way he could feel the blood on his chest and hands grow drier as the night morphed into the day.
As the first rays of light poked from behind the thick curtain of the doctor’s room, Dazai sat by his bed, right next to you, silent and outwardly calm, although dazed in the raging storm inside his heart.
Perhaps this was what Destiny itself had decided for him. Perhaps it was wrong of him to blame casualty instead of himself. His old, stupid self, who hadn’t learnt a single thing from past mistakes. But as his fellow vampire’s warm hand came to rest on his shoulder, Dazai decided to delay all judgment about his negligence until the Gods determined your fate.
Staring at the familiar handwriting, Arthur felt his whole body grow numb, as if someone had thrown him in the darkest depths of the ocean, leaving him to suffocate under the overwhelming weight of the waters above.
He had noticed the worsening of your symptoms, but he had never imagined you'd go to these lengths. He had gravely underestimated your condition, and he could already hear the old ghosts of his past laughing at him, pointing their fingers while mocking him. But now, he had no time to worry about his own lack of foresight; his priority was getting to you in time, so that all could be fixed, hopefully.
Scanning the writing on your tear-stained note, his brain started listing all the possible places where you could've gone with a speed that would leave speechless even Sherlock Holmes himself. The writing was hurried and scrambled, meaning that it was a sudden decision. The city was too far away and bustling with people that could interfere, so it was an unlikely location. As he was running around the mansion in search of you, he passed in front of the terrace on the last floor; there, he saw your clothes swirling in the wind, and your figure standing on the stone railing.
He almost crashed against the glass door as he launched himself forward with extreme speed. You were there, looking down and slightly trembling. You were scared, as it was normal, but if death frightened you so, then what pain would be so strong to push you in its embrace? To drive you away from his warm arms and into the eternal darkness? Was such a painful experience worth the possible relief?
"MC!!!" Arthur shouted out of instinct with his whole lungs, like a volcano erupting in all its fury. A few steps later and you were falling backwards, your back colliding with his chest as he harshly pulled you to him. It all happened so fast that you didn't even have the time to turn your head and look at him. Now that you were on the ground, safely locked in his embrace, everything slowly sank in.
His voice came out choked and trembling. "W-what were you thinking-?!" He was trying so hard to hold everything back; the tears, the sobs, the anger in his voice. He was angry at himself, and you were not the target of his resentment, but he realized that it could be easily misunderstood by someone in your situation. Taking a deep breath and turning you around, he stared deeply into your pained eyes, softening his iron-like grip on your forearms.
His voice now steadier yet gentle with affection and worry added:"Love, I'm sorry for not noticing all of this sooner. I'm sorry for not helping you enough. Still, I want to be of some use to you, I want to be there for you.” A sharp breath interrupted his speech, maybe from him, you or perhaps both of you. “…So please, please rely on me; whenever you feel like you can't do it anymore, whenever you feel like you have enough of life, give me the chance to help you."
Seconds later, you burst into tears, sobbing confused "I'm sorry"s in the crook of his neck. Arthur slowly caressed your hair soothingly, as his heart continued to painfully hammer against his chest. He knew this was not going to be an easy nor a short journey; it was going to take time, and it would be hard, but he wouldn't give up on you no matter what. Through thick and thin, the way you did for him, he was going to support you the whole way.
"I love you more than anything in the world, MC." he added at last, hugging you tightly.
The deafening sound of crickets did not reach the man’s ears. He couldn’t hear anything but the fast pumping of his own blood in his veins. A heartbeat that had never and would never stop; stronger than anyone else’s, but also alone. The sound of his heart was utterly lonely, the only one under the white gazebo, now shrouded in the darkness of the night.
How much he would give not to hear it anymore, to put an end to it right then and there. But he couldn’t. And as Fate loved torturing him endlessly, he was now once more deprived of a person he loved. But this time was different than the countless others before. He thought he had gotten used to the company offered by Death herself, and it had been long ever since tears burned within his eyes, as if made of fire.
Between his arms laid a lifeless body, utterly still and deprived of any warmth. It seemed like mere moments had passed when Leonardo was contentedly caressing your hair as a tired yet relaxed sigh fell from a pair crimson lips, which whispered some loving words before blooming into a smile. Now, they were pale and slightly agape, a cold frown sculpted onto the body’s face. Perhaps he had gotten so used to the passage of time that he did not pay it more mind. Perhaps all his memories took place too long ago, and perhaps things had changed considerably from those happy moments you shared.
Leonardo’s expression subconsciously mimicked your own, one that would remain in his mind for who knows how long, and he did not dare to move away, sitting there with you for the very last moments of his eternally long life. He tried not to think about the way his heart lurched in his chest like a ship at sea during a storm when he found your note. Your handwriting, calm and precise as if it was a decision you had made long ago; where was his mind wandering off to while you were deciding to seal your own fate?
Silently strangling all those whirling thoughts in his head until they died down, leaving him in a deathly silence, he lovingly bid you farewell with a final kiss to your lips.
“Hopefully, we’ll meet in another life.”
“Next time, I won’t let this happen again”
Suffering was human, but he had learnt all too well how contagious pain could be. And yet, he now found himself isolated in his grievance, for you weren’t with him anymore.
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angelanimedesaray · 4 years
hey i saw your requests are open and i have the BIGGEST dad levi brainrot rn, can i request Levi and Reader in a long term relationship, reader’s sibling has a newborn kid and reader takes care of the kid and Levi sees how motherly reader is being, how would he react? i’m curious about what you think!
AN:  Ohhhhhh I love some Dad!Levi, I’ve got at least two or three fic ideas with eventual Dad!Levi, so it’ll be good to dip my toe into the waters a little earlier than I otherwise would have :D  I had these two little short scenes almost immediately come to mind when I read this and while I was at work, and its the first thing I started to do when I got home :D  Thank you for the request--I don’t get many <3
Plus, I think everyone needs some happy fluff after the two story whammies I just delivered XD
Fanfic One-Shot Request is below the cut.
~*~Different Kinds of Gifts~*~
*Levi’s POV*
He was midway through his day, finished with his daily cleaning routine (besides his own room) and finished with helping with morning training.  He was giving himself a bit of a break, and by break, he meant he was going to spend a few hours in his office doing paperwork.
When he opened the door to his office, he was met with an unexpected sight.
It wasn’t the same office that he used to have--once the two of you had solidified your relationship as a serious one and started practically living with one another, Erwin had moved the two of you into a larger space that was more like a small apartment than a simple office and bedroom.  The main front room was still his office, but it doubled as a living room as well, with a couch, fireplace, bookshelves, and lounge chairs taking up a portion of the room off to the side, though Levi’s desk and workspace was still center, and a straight shot from the front door with nothing in the way.  Instead of one branched off room there were three--the bedroom, of course, off to the right, as well as a washroom and a small private kitchen whose doorways were along the left wall.
Practically the lap of luxury by Scout standards.
However, right now the little sanctuary you two shared was occupied by more than just you.
Levi paused just in front of the doorway, his hand still on the doorknob and the door hovering open just a crack as he processed the sight in front of him.
You were sitting on your usual spot on the couch, somewhere he actually knew to look for you whenever he needed to find you.  However, in your arms was a small, carefully wrapped bundle, tiny arms hanging free and moving involuntarily around in the air, coming to curious stops whenever they collided with your chest, neck, or chin, little fingers curling instinctively against the human being they found.  A small face of soft and not-yet defined features was peeking out from the bundle, the cloth wrapped around its head like a snugly fitting cloak, and its eyes were open, staring widely at your face as you peered down at the babe with a soft smile, a mouth that could probably be covered by the pad of his finger working as if it was trying to copy the sounds you were making as you spoke softly to the little one.
For a moment, Levi was just...confused.  What were you doing with a baby in his office?  Where had the baby even come from?  He was pretty sure that whole thing about storks coming to deliver swaddled babies to expecting parents was an out for parents who weren’t ready to have the babies talk.
He was pretty sure.  The sudden appearance of a baby in your arms made him doubt for a couple of moments.
With the initial surprise passing, Levi shut the door behind him much more quietly than he initially would have, though you had already looked up by now to see him entering the room, that soft smile still on your face.
“Hey--didn’t expect to see you for a couple more hours, at least,” you said, as if it wasn’t noteworthy that you had a baby in your arms.
“Paperwork--what’s with the...”
Levi was dismissive about why /he/ was here, considering he was much more interested in why the /baby/ was here.  You only chuckled at his confusion, though, one of your fingers brushing against the baby’s little cheek and making the baby try and look to see what touched them, eyes following the finger as it traced lazy circles in the air in front of the baby’s face.
“You know how my sister had her baby the other week?” you said pointedly, and the pieces clicked into his mind.  Ah, /that’s/ what was going on.  Babysitting.
“I thought their boy already had a reputation for his lungs,” Levi said wryly, moving over to his desk and taking off his jacket, draping it carefully over the back of the chair for the time being until he was ready to put it back on and get back to work /outside/ his office.
“Oh, believe me, he does--he came here screaming and crying and people kept checking in to see what the hell was going on,” you said with a chuckle.  “But we got pretty well acquainted.  He seems to like me, now.  Don’t tell my sister, though--she’ll want to know what my secret is.”
“What is your secret?  They were having a rough time getting him to quiet down,” Levi remarked as he took a seat, remembering the tired circles under your sisters eyes the last time he’d seen her and how she’d been running through an exhaustive list of what they’d already tried to calm their newborn son down.
You shrugged.  “There is none.  I guess I just have a gift for it,” you said with a twinkle in your eye, turning your attention back to the newborn as he seemed to be burying his face in your chest.  “Hey, that’s not going to give you any food, I’m not your Momma!  Where’s that bottle.”
“Hey, hands off, those are mine,” he grumbled at the baby as he pulled a stack of papers towards him.  You shot him a look which he returned with the ghost of a smile flickering across his face, a bit of amusement in his eyes as he kept track of your movement through the office and apartment as you sought out the bottle to feed him.
Levi’s attention turned back to the paperwork he was planning on doing once his curiosity had been satiated, a relative silence falling over the room.  For the most part.  There was the occasional noise from the baby that got to eagerly suck on the warm milk after you’d disappeared briefly into the kitchen to heat up the milk.  You walked in slow, directionless lines around the room, wandering around to keep the baby entertained and in motion while you fed him, and a few minutes afterwards when you burped him (Making sure there was no mess left behind, of course), and as you simply hummed or talked to him, finger brushing against his lips, or his ears, or his cheeks, just giving him little reassuring touches until one of his hands curled around your fingers.  The smile you had when that happened was heart-melting, even if you had prompted it by letting your finger brush against the baby’s tiny hand, and it might have been a reflex more than anything else.
It wasn’t long before the baby was sleeping, but instead of laying him down on, say, the bed in the bedroom, you simply brought out a crescent moon pillow from the stash in the bedroom your sister had apparently given you while you were babysitting, and sat on the couch.  There you cradled the baby closely to you, mostly laying him on the pillow so he was securely held to you and you wouldn’t have to keep a hold of him with your arms, though they rested around him along the rim of the pillow.  Once he was safe and secure, you leaned your head back and closed your eyes, letting out a soft sigh and slipping off into a light sleep, something Levi could tell by the sound of your breathing.
The entire time, his attention kept getting drawn off the paperwork in front of him, watching you out of the corner of his eyes so you wouldn’t catch him, gaze following you as you paced around the room, watching how you interacted with the baby that seemed so content in your arms.  Now that you were asleep, he gazed more openly, even putting the pen down for a few moments with his arms lying loosely in front of him on the table, a small smile curling across his lips as he watched you and the baby sleeping soundly, the peaceful silence in the room somehow warmer than the sun outside.
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A few days later, and the sight of you with your sister’s baby still hadn’t left his mind.
Currently, the image was plaguing him as the two of you stole some time for yourselves, the door to the apartment/office locked, with you sitting properly on the couch and Levi stretched out along the couch, his head in your lap as you gently threaded your fingers through his hair in a relaxing, soothing manner, allowing him to relax and stew in his own thoughts as he gazed up at you.
He was thinking about that peaceful moment when he’d watched you after you’d fallen asleep with the baby situated securely within your arms on the pillow.  He thought about that warm smile and the bright look in your eyes, how quickly the baby had taken a liking to you, how you’d said you had a gift for it.  He was looking at you in the present, but his mind was projecting an image that had been slowly solidifying in his mind since that day, of what it would be like, what it would feel like.
“What if we had a baby?”
You blinked, thrown off by his sudden question as you looked down at him in your lap, your hand pausing halfway through his hair.  “What?”
His cheeks colored with a light blush as he realized he’d just blurted that out loud without any context or explanation, just dropped it on you without warning.  “Not right now, there’s too much risk, but...eventually.  What if we had a baby?  When this is over?”
Your eyes were wide with surprise, lips moving without words coming out as if you were seeking for the right thing to say.  Suddenly, he got worried he’d somehow said the wrong thing, that he’d simply assumed, that he’d let his little fantasies run away with him without stopping to see what you thought about it.
“Unless...you don’t want kids,” he said, quickly trying to retreat and take back his blurted out question, already mentally kicking himself for springing this on you.
“No, I...I think I do, some day, I just...wasn’t expecting to be talking about it right now.  Honestly, I thought I was going to be the one to bring it up, not you,” you said with a slight laugh, hand running much more tenderly and intentionally this time through his hair to soothe him and any worries your hesitation had caused him.  “I do.  I’d love to have a child with you one day, Levi,” you promised him quietly.
Levi took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, closing his eyes to conjure up that mental image of you holding a child you’d had with him, that same warm look in your eyes--no, warmer.  Sparkling.  Like they were right now as you promised to have a child with him.
“One day...” he agreed in a low murmur.
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Levi Tags:  @clary-quinn @humanitys-hottestsoldier @whalerus @sunny-flo @thirstyforsometea @hauntedhousecat @peaches-and-clouds
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3laxx · 3 years
Built to Last - Chapter 1
Amity hadn't dreamed to spend her summer like this. She had just graduated from a prestigious private school and had hoped she could escape to her own little adventure until her scholarship at the college starts, but instead, her parents decide to pimp up her résumé and make her a supervisor at their newest little project, a mansion in the middle of nature. She would rather be anywhere else, yet as she meets Luz Noceda, she finds construction work very interesting, all of a sudden. And that's totally not due to the fact that Luz is all her gay dreams coming true.
Heya people! I'm back with a new story!
One of my bigger projects at the moment and one of the reasons why I haven't been uploading for over a month xD I started working in my new job! Also got my first paycheck already! And I've been writing A LOT ever since the start of September! So yeah, this is kind of inspired by my work and I've written quite a bit for this already. It's basically just Luz being hot, Amity being gay, and a lot of mad blushes x)
Ao3 / FF.net
As Amity’s car came to a stop, she sighed, before pulling the handbrake and looking up to the mansion that was standing in front of her.
Or rather, the structural work she could see. While the shape of the mansion was already erected, with the base and all the walls out of sturdy concrete standing, there was still a lot to do.
Her parents had decided to build a giant new mansion in the middle of a huge land they had purchased, full of forest and beautiful scenery, and it was on her to oversee the construction.
It wasn’t that Amity had any idea how construction worked.
Her parents were on a business trip, like almost all her life long, and her siblings were in the middle of their studies, and focusing on this was of the utmost importance in the Blight household.
Amity was twenty now and had just graduated from an expensive private school her parents had sent her to, to enable a scholarship at a very renowned university.
So, essentially, her summer had been meant to be free and be spent by maybe relaxing for once, maybe even traveling a little, but since her mother detested holes in her résumé, she had to be kept busy somehow.
This meant that her position in overseeing the progress on their new mansion project was registered as “construction project management” and she was required to at least show up once a day and stay for a few hours.
She knew exactly what her parents' plan was.
They believed workers worked twice as fast and neatly when the customer was standing right behind them and monitoring their progress personally.
In short, her parents believed in intimidation.
It really wasn’t Amity’s style to be a fearmonger and do nothing more than to annoy the workers and create tension in their workspace. It was an issue of trust, that Amity had in the companies her parents had hired, but her parents didn’t and she couldn’t understand why.
After years of being monitored down to the littlest detail, she knew out of experience that someone breathing down her neck wasn’t something that helped along with productivity, quality, or speed.
But her parents had put her name on the project, it was all over everyone’s plans and she was an official member of the board overseeing this construction.
It wasn’t mandatory for her to show up to the site in her job description, nor was it mandatory for her to oversee any progress. But her parents had made sure to let her know what they expected of her before they had left. Amity hated that she was so intimidated by her parents to fulfill their wishes even if they weren’t here, even if she wasn’t sure if they were still on the same continent, but she was and so she had driven up here every single day and seen the mansion be built up completely in a matter of a month. Well, construction had already started when she had still been in school, so she hadn’t seen all of it.
Her parents had done that, of course.
Sighing, she got out of the car and headed up to the mansion, located on a little hill, towering above the giant property. It was a holiday getaway, her parents had insisted, even if she believed it was more to house some high-ranking guests, maybe some politicians her parents paid, to get in their good graces.
She mostly had that theory because she couldn’t remember the last time her parents had taken a genuine break from their work. Granted, sometimes they traveled to some holiday homes or some luxury hotels, but even these were sprinkled by meeting someone, having a friendly round of golf to discuss business and such things.
Her parents never acted without their business in the back of their heads.
Shaking her head, Amity freed her thoughts of her parents. She didn’t want to think of them. Coming in a few months she would move far away from them, actually near where they were building this mansion right now, and start her studies. And then she would only have to deal with them whenever they cooked up another business thing and roped Amity in, or at family holidays to keep the illusion of a happy family. She was just glad her siblings would be there with her.
Today, the interior design team would start.
The structural work was done, as far as it went, as were all the systems in place like heating, water, and gas.
Now, they had commissioned a fairly small local company building luxury interiors to do all the decorating in the entire house with floors, walls, ceilings, doing all the interior design of the sanitary rooms and kitchen, as well as all built-in furniture and whatever else Amity could think of.
It wasn’t that Amity knew what was necessary for the installation of everything, but she had self-taught quite a lot of theory through videos online due to a personal interest of hers and at least had an idea of what they were talking about.
Not that she let them in on that.
Whenever she had been there overseeing construction of the structural work, she had done her best to make herself appear as clueless as she could without sounding dumb, so they would be able to relax a little more.
If someone was looking over your shoulder who had no idea what you were doing anyway, it’d always feel more relaxed.
She hoped to at least relieve some of the intended intimidation meant by her parents.
Approaching the estate, she already saw some of her colleagues looking in her direction, some of the actual project managers, and a new site manager that she didn’t know yet. She had long black hair and a relatively tall statue, as well as a rigid posture. She was wearing a suit, too.
Did someone tell her Amity was coming?
If so, and she had decided to wear a suit just for her, that’d be embarrassing.
She appeared to acknowledge her arrival but turned back to another site engineer that Amity hadn’t had the pleasure of being introduced to yet. She looked very similar to the other one, only that her hair was really long, gray, and in a rather messy ponytail.
She also wore work pants and a simple shirt with the name of the company printed on the back and, smaller, on the chest. Amity immediately recognized the symbol on the woman’s chest as the one printed on the van next to them as well, which was a stylized owl, and read Clawthorne Sisters beneath it.
Amity had been excited for them to arrive. Now that the concrete was in place, all the drywall installations were finished and all the necessary cables and pipes were installed, the interesting part would begin. Making everything look like a home, instead of a palace of concrete and ugly pipes.
Or, well…
A house. Make it look like a house, instead of a skeleton. This mansion would never become home to anybody.
Finally arriving at the front door, Amity greeted all the project managers, engineers, and architects she already knew, who didn’t show up every day but had only come here to oversee the start of the interior design, before turning to the tall woman with a clipboard and strikingly green eyes.
“Good morning, my name is Amity Blight.”, she started and held out a hand to the woman, whose eyebrows shot up at the mention of her last name. Apparently, nobody had told her that she would be coming and Amity felt relief flooding her veins when she realized that this site manager had not dressed up for her.
“Lilith Clawthorne, it’s my pleasure.”, she greeted back and they shook hands, before she turned to the other, an equally tall woman next to her.
“This is Edalyn Clawthorne, site engineer and master mechanic of our company. You may direct any questions you have about plans, time management and schedules at me, and any technical questions at her.”, Amity nodded to that and shook the other woman’s hand as well. They seemed to be the sisters after which the company was named.
“Alright, good to know.”, she said but didn’t continue any further, so she just listened to the project managers talk for a while, before looking around and finding the master mechanic missing.
The site manager seemed to notice this.
“If you like, Miss Blight, we can head inside and oversee the progress since this morning.”
To that, Amity nodded, although a feeling of dread pooled in her stomach.
This meant producing the stress her parents wanted. They had explicitly instructed the project managers to inform their workers not to address them or interrupt their tour in any way.
In Amity’s experience, this had always resulted in tensions.
But Ms. Clawthorne was already heading inside and everyone else stepped back to let Amity in first, so she followed.
Just after the door, they each took a helmet from a prepared stand and put it on, since there would be overhead installation going on and the Clawthorne Sisters company had insisted on everyone, without exception, to wear a helmet. That had just made them all the more attractive to Amity, while she already held them in high regard judging from their portfolio and versatility in interior design and luxury decorations.
As expected, the conversations between some workers installing a floor in the entrance area quickly died out and they hunched over, focusing on their task ahead. They stopped as Ms. Clawthorne began explaining how these natural floorboards would be imported for them, ground and finished to feel natural yet soft, while Amity began looking around.
There were a lot of new faces around here since the Clawthorne Sisters had brought all their workers and replaced the construction crew almost completely, safe for a few left-over workers who cleaned up the last of their work and deconstructed some equipment they had used.
Amity mostly noted how young most of them were.
The entrance area was manned by two boys, maybe even younger than her, who were doing some of the easier tasks, managing wires to be hidden by the floorboards by tying them together and treating some sealed pipes. Down the hallway she saw a girl, around her age, managing some wires in the walls and making sure everything was neat and orderly for the wall decorations to be installed on top.
Taking a few steps away from the planning team, she peeked into the main lobby and saw three more people, two boys, and a girl, rearranging some supplies and equipment they had brought to be stashed in the wide space and not be in anyone’s way, looking just a bit older than her.
“Huh…”, she felt herself mumbling, before turning back and feeling all eyes on her as she returned to the group, immediately feeling a blush rising.
“Is everything to your expectations, Miss Blight?”, Ms. Clawthorne asked and she was quick to nod.
“Oh, yes, everything is alright!”, she was quick to assure, but the piercing eyes of the site manager quickly realized there was a question forming, so Amity seized the opportunity, “Just… I’ve seen a lot of workers my age. Do you usually employ younger workers?” To her surprise, Ms. Clawthorne smiled at that, something she hadn’t expected to see today when she had seen the slight scowl she always seemed to wear on her lips.
“We’ve had a few workers leaving the company for their retirement lately, and my sister and I strongly agree to encourage and support the younger generations to get an education in handicrafts. We have assembled a strong team of young employees and trainees for our company and they’ve proven to be very reliable, you can be assured.”
Amity nodded at that and quickly jumped in to reassure that her question wasn’t meant as a critique or concern.
“Oh, I wasn’t worrying! I think that’s very progressive.”, she quickly said and earned a nod from Ms. Clawthorne, giving her the feeling that she had just risen in her respect before the group continued walking through the mansion. Ms. Clawthorne pointed out a few things, explained some others, and they gradually lost more and more project managers and architects to discuss plans in more detail, until just Ms. Clawthorne and Amity were left to walk through the upper level, talking about some decoration elements that would be installed up here in the master bedroom, their conversation having turned rather relaxed and almost amicable after they left all the workers and other project planners behind and had some time to get to know each other better.
Until someone came stomping up the stairs rather loudly.
Ms. Clawthorne, Lilith, as she had assured her, immediately stiffened up and Amity turned to locate the commotion, seeing a tall girl her age come barreling up the stairs with some boards on her shoulder, a wide grin on her face with white teeth that shone against her dark skin in the contrast, as she jogged up the last few steps.
The girl turned, the boards swinging around, and suddenly, Amity saw the boards coming her way, right at the height of her face.
Seemingly just before impact, the girl gave the boards a nudge while Amity was already ducking her head, and a cheerful voice that sounded like it was laughing a lot in her life, sounded.
“Whoops! Duck!”, she exclaimed and the boards went right over Amity’s head, bonking her helmet, before she dared to look up again, watching the girl stopping right in front of her, still turned sideways not to have the boards that she was balancing on her shoulder trying to decapitate Amity again.
“Woah there, that was almost bad! You good?”, the girl chuckled, her not-so-scrawny shoulders shaking in delight, before giving Amity’s helmet a knock with her knuckles. Her ears were almost ringing from the knocking and she ducked her head again, only then did the girl let off, “That’s what the helmets are for!”
Amity managed a nod but the girl was already walking past her, whistling a happy tune, while waving her hand back at them.
“Sorry again!”, she called, before rounding the corner and apparently finding a coworker of hers with which she began talking, her voice carrying away the further she went.
The young Blight was embarrassed to admit that she had stared after her toned forearms and biceps, her slim calves, and her back long after she had vanished behind a wall.
Slowly, Amity could relax her shoulders again and straightened back up, adjusting her helmet, and turning back to Ms. Clawthorne. To claim she was furious was probably an understatement.
Her entire face with a rather fair skin tone was flaming while she looked after where the girl had gone and she was shaking in anger.
Turning away from Amity, probably to shield her from her voice, she yelled after the girl, raising her fist.
“LUZ NOCEDA, COME BACK HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!”, she yelled and Amity couldn’t deny she had flinched before the melodic voice with the slightest Spanish accent called back.
“Just a moment, Lily! Be right there!”, she faintly called, but Amity couldn’t focus. All she could think about was her name that she had just learned, and she swore she wouldn’t forget it.
Luz Noceda.
“You wanted to talk to me?”, the girl, Luz, grinned as she came back, this time without boards, and propped her hands upon her waist. Only now, Amity could get a proper look at her.
She felt her heart speeding up when she took in her whole appearance. Luz was wearing worn-out safety shoes, some loose-fitting shorts, and a dark pullover with the company’s logo printed on her chest with the sleeves pushed up to her elbows, as well as a toolbelt and a helmet on her brown, sweaty, and very messy hair.
Her face was cute and looked like she was a lot of fun to be around, her brown eyes sparkling with joy about something she had just experienced, maybe a joke with a coworker, judging from the volume at which she had been laughing downstairs and down the hall.
Well, Amity had known she was gay, but that gay?
Gulping, she took in the girl in front of her that was about half a head taller than her, then she flinched at Ms. Clawthorne’s voice winning in volume again.
“Luz Noceda! First of all, workplace safety! You know exactly to check your way when carrying big loads. And second of all, you apologize immediately! Do you know who-”
Luz seemingly shrunk more and more with each word her boss was yelling at her, and since she couldn’t bear watching that bubbliness being suppressed like this, Amity acted unthinkingly and cut into her tirade, holding out her hand.
“I’m Amity. Pleasure to meet you.”, she quickly exclaimed, a little louder than planned to interrupt Ms. Clawthorne, but her speaking up had an immediate effect.
The older woman next to her gulped the rest of her sentence and switched her gaze from Luz down to Amity, staring silently.
In contrary to her boss, Luz was apparently delighted. Immediately, her shoulders straightened again and she took Amity’s hand after taking off her glove, grinning.
“Luz. Sorry for slamming the boards on your head, I’ll take better care next time. You the architect’s intern or something?”, she replied while shaking Amity’s hand and she giggled, shaking her head, paying Ms. Clawthorne no mind while she started getting angry again, ready to make Luz three heads shorter.
“No, I’m-… Doesn’t matter.”, she laughed, waving it off, “A-And, uh, don’t worry about the boards, that’s why we wear helmets.”
Luz gave her the finger guns and clicked with her tongue, before pulling on her glove again.
“Alright then, have a lot of fun planning or whatever you guys do, I’ll do more interesting stuff.”
She winked and Amity could’ve sworn she was flirting with her. Which completely distracted her from the fact that Ms. Clawthorne’s eyelid was already twitching in uncontrolled rage.
While Luz sauntered off, Amity caught the attention of her boss again, eager not to let her be too mad at her employee. Trying a careful approach to change the topic, she softly clapped her hands together, winning back Ms. Clawthorne’s attention.
“So… I believe we haven’t talked about the bathrooms yet, am I correct?”, she inquired and Ms. Clawthorne immediately switched back to her polite way, nodding stiffly.
“Yes, Miss Blight, right this way.”, she offered Amity to walk ahead and led her down the same hallway Luz had gone, and she couldn’t stop herself from peeking inside the room Luz and a coworker of hers were preparing to work on, catching a glimpse of Luz’s toned calves flexing when she stood on her tiptoes to mark something on the wall.
Unfortunately, the door went by quickly and she couldn’t see much more of her when she had already walked past, before having to turn back to the topics her parents wanted her to discuss. Which was a lot drier planning and listening and trying to visualize complicated construction plans.
It really wasn’t that Amity wasn’t interested in learning all of this. She loved hearing about construction projects and planning where to put elements to create a harmonizing room.
But now that she had seen Luz?
Well, it wasn’t that Amity was overly starved of seeing attractive people. There were a lot of attractive people in her close environment, some of her friends for example and she couldn’t deny that most of her family’s acquaintances were fairly good-looking as well.
But something about Luz had fascinated her.
The way she moved, the way she was covered in dust and sweat and had still smelled kind of good. The way her eyes were sparkling and how she was so comfortable in her own skin, walking through her life as if she was exactly in the place where she wanted to be.
Amity was fascinated by the honest and self-assured way she was moving, behaving, and acting.
And, well, there was the fact that Luz was just ridiculously attractive to her.
She sure as hell wouldn’t forget the way her white teeth shone against her dark skin and how her muscles moved and-
“I’m afraid I must ask you to excuse me, Miss Blight.”, a firm voice suddenly interrupted her thinking and she looked up from the plan Ms. Clawthorne had spread on a nearby table, only then hearing the ringing of a phone. Mutely nodding, Amity took a step back to grant her some privacy and tried to look back at the plan, making some sense of what she saw. It was some kind of cover for the bathtub, she believed. Or was it for the sinks?
Internally groaning, she shook her head to herself. If she hadn’t spent dreaming about Luz the entire time she would have an idea of what Ms. Clawthorne had been explaining to her and she’d be able to work out what the plan was about.
But, as luck would have it, she got off her phone and turned to her with an apologetic face.
“I’m very sorry, Miss Blight, but I’ll have to cut our tour short here. Some of my workers have started laser measuring the walls downstairs and I’m afraid I have to join them and the architect to work out the plans for that. Do you need me to bring you back to the front door?”
Her chance!
Quickly, Amity shook her head and smiled.
“Oh, no thanks! I will look around a bit more and get back to you before I leave, thank you.”, she excused the woman and without missing a beat, the site manager nodded and left her to her own devices.
It wasn’t that Amity had wanted her to go, but now she could maybe sneak a peek at the attractive worker, Luz, again…?
Tempted to slap herself, she furrowed her eyebrows.
Spying on workers?
How shameful. She shouldn’t do that.
Humming, Amity turned to wander out of the bathroom-to-be and down the hallway again, hearing voices getting louder the closer she drew to the room where she had seen Luz starting her work. But instead of spotting the ridiculously attractive girl, she was met by her rather sturdy coworker with slightly chubby cheeks, a kind face, and dark hair, along with the dark-skinned boy she had seen in the entrance hall already. They both talked quieter when they noticed her wandering past and Amity picked up her pace to be out of their hair as quickly as possible again.
She wondered where Luz had gone.
Maybe she had gone downstairs again to get more boards?
Amity decided that checking it out wouldn’t hurt, so she walked downstairs, past some more surprisingly young workers and some of the management board nodding to her politely, before stepping out of the entrance area again into the fresh air and breathing through.
Behind her, the work was picking up and she began hearing a drill hammering into some concrete, as well as a saw somewhere around the mansion, but she didn’t think much of it, the air was feeling way too nice after walking through the dusty construction site.
Wait a minute…
She had seen Luz carrying up boards from below. Maybe she had cut them to length?
More out of curiosity than anything, Amity stepped off the porch and rounded the mansion, peeking around a corner, only to spot the very same girl she had found herself losing her concentration to upstairs, standing by some trestle legs on which she had placed boards, cutting them with a circular saw. She looked very concentrated and was wearing some ear protection now, as well as some glasses to protect herself from the saw dust.
Amity clenched her hand around the corner of the house when she felt her heart speeding up, licking her lips when she saw how Luz was leaning forward a bit more, the muscles on her elbow coming out.
She wasn’t overly muscular or anything, and Amity didn’t like bodybuilder types anyway, but it showed that Luz had worked in this field for quite some time already, and with being on constructions like this one, she probably got all the workout she needed just by working.
Humming, Amity finally decided to stop being a creep and pretend to be on her phone like a normal human, pulling it out to pretend and tap on it a little while walking out from the corner.
She did her best to appear busy on her phone, but Luz didn’t even acknowledge her.
Better for her, because she could keep staring.
Out of the corner of her eyes, Amity could see the saw dust covering Luz’s forearms, giving them a slight sheet of dust, and she wished she could be closer to watch her cutting those boards in more detail.
But this was getting really creepy. She should stop.
Shaking her head, Amity groaned and looked up to the sky, before shooting Luz one last glance and walking back to the entrance area, putting her phone away.
Maybe she could talk to her someday. Or just listen to her again.
Grumbling to herself, Amity did one last tour of the whole house, waiting and hoping for her confidence to build up again to talk to the cute girl, but when she had walked past Ms. Clawthorne a second time, she supposed she had to wave that wish goodbye.
Bidding her goodbyes to all the members of the project management board, she walked back to her car and sat in the driver’s seat, defeated.
Now she had had the chance to have normal conversations here, the entire mansion was full of young workers instead of moody old men, and she had blown it. She could only hope Luz would be there tomorrow.
Sending a last, longing gaze to the now-abandoned saw sitting on the trestle legs, she started her car and put it in reverse.
Either this had been it or she would have another chance tomorrow.
For now, this was enough for her. But this evening she would deeply regret leaving without having tried anything because when she lied down to sleep, the pictures of an unfairly attractive girl working at the site wouldn’t leave her mind alone.
“LUZ NOCEDA!”, a voice yelled from downstairs just before the evening and the young woman currently handling the last of the wires listened up.
“Oh, that sounded like Lilith.”, she noted and Willow snorted.
“Ya think?”, she asked and Luz grumbled when she got up, shooting Willow a look.
“I don’t need your sass right now, Willow.”, she shot back at her friend who just snickered, shaking her head before going back to drilling holes into the boards for tomorrow.
“COME DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!”, made both of them flinch, causing Luz to duck her head.
“You better go, she sounds seriously angry.”, Willow shooed Luz with a handwave, putting her drill into position again.
Luz quickly made her way out of the room and down the hallway towards the stairs, where she already saw Lilith standing at the base of them.
Gulping, she made her way down and Lilith glared at her, making her grimace.
“Uh, yes?”, she sheepishly responded, already scared of what she had done wrong when Lilith turned and waved her to follow. Oh, this was bad.
If she didn’t want to scold her in front of everyone, she was going to get the harshest yelling she had ever gotten. Lilith led her outside, before turning back to the young woman and holding out her finger, her face uncharacteristically red.
“Do you have any idea what you did today?!”, she hissed and Luz pulled up her shoulders, eyes wide.
“Did-… Did I, uh, what did I do?”, she carefully asked, but that only seemed to explode Lilith’s rage.
“You embarrassed us IN FRONT OF OUR CUSTOMER!!”, she finally yelled and Luz could already feel all eyes on her while her coworkers gathered on the windows to watch where the yelling had come from.
“O-Our customer?”, Luz ducked her head more when Lilith got redder.
“YOU SLAMMED BOARDS ON HER HEAD, YOU IDIOT!!”, she screamed and Luz’s heart dropped into her pants. So that fancy-dressed had been because she had been the customer.
She had… She had bonked boards on her head and then knocked on her helmet. On their… On their million-dollar assignment customer.
Gulping, Luz sunk into herself more. She had absolutely blown their assignment, hadn’t she? She had just lost the company a couple Million dollars, she had gotten all of her coworkers fired, she’d pay compensation for the rest of her life, she would-
“You’re lucky she wasn’t hurt!! This could’ve gone very differently! I don’t know what kind of guardian angel you blackmailed to look over you, but if this had been Odalia Blight you would’ve been dead and the company along with you!!”, Lilith got closer to her and her screaming suddenly dropped to a very dangerous whisper, “If this hadn’t been the daughter of our customer, I would’ve killed you on the spot. You’re lucky she’s a lot nicer than her mother.”
Gulping, Luz leaned back a little.
“I-I’m not fired…?”, she tried and Lilith finally found back to her normally pale skin color, adjusting her suit.
“Your mother and my sister would have my head if I fired you. Also, Miss Blight was very forgiving and didn’t cancel our assignment, yet. We’re allowed to continue working for now. Until that’s not clear, though, you better not step too far away from the hanging tree, because I will personally put the hangman’s noose around your neck if the Blights terminate that job. Is that understood?”, Lilith got dangerously close again and Luz gulped, rubbing her neck.
“Very graphically understood.”, she mumbled and Lilith glared at her one more time, before straightening back up and walking back to the construction site.
“If you speak to her again, it will be an absolute emergency and you will do so politely and with some respect and dignity. And now clear up your things, we’ll leave at five sharp and if you’re late you’ll sleep here.”
Grumbling, Luz patted her chest to attempt and soothe her beating heart, before running a hand through her dusty hair and shaking it out. This had been shorter than she had anticipated.
Once again rubbing over her neck, she then followed Lilith inside and sighed. She was looking forward to the days where the jobs would be mundane enough for Lilith to stay in the office and let Eda handle the coordination. Having Eda as her superior instead of Lilith was absolutely preferable.
Well, if she was lucky, she would have to focus on work so much she wouldn’t even have time to acknowledge Miss Blight anymore. Maybe she also wouldn’t come back tomorrow, after all, the rich and wealthy had other things to worry about, right?
Especially their customers, who were paying for this giant mansion.
Humming, she entered the building again and ignored all her coworkers looking at her, before starting to pack up the tools she had used and collecting her personal stuff, like her gloves and jacket.
Willow shot her a sympathetic glance and Luz clapped on her shoulder to reassure her that she was okay for now, then they all gathered around their bus to be taken back to the company so they could end the day.
The whole evening, though, Luz fretted going to work the next day, fearing the possible encounter with the Blight girl. Hopefully, she wouldn’t show up so Luz wouldn’t risk her head, her financial stability, and her dignity for all eternity.
Let me know what you think! <3
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nekokoaa · 5 years
Soft (Part 2 to Stare) - Bakugo x Reader
Character: Bakugo Katsuki
Word Count: 8K
This took me a while to write and I don’t know why lol this was for celebrating reaching 1700 followers but now we’re at 2500 FOLLOWERS (!!!), so I present to you guys part two to Stare. Stare is one of my proudest works and also is my most popular. I’m not expecting Soft to live up to the same popularity as Stare but I had a lot of fun writing this and that’s all that matters! XD
For Soft, this is Bakugo’s first date, first crush and I really wanted to show the inner turmoil within him. It’s not as simple for him to accept that he has a crush (he can’t even fully believe that you like him lol), he finds it distracting and unnecessary, but he can’t help how he feels. It’s going to feel like he’s going back and forth. One minute he likes you, the next he’s distant and it’s all necessary for him to grow. This is just a little incite of what I was thinking as I was writing this.
Thank you guys so much for this! I love all of you guys!!!
Please read Stare first before reading this!! >>>>>>Stare<<<<<<
You, with the voice of an angel, the beauty of the stars, and a smile like the sun. It was as if you were Aphrodite herself. It left him obsessed and wanting more.
Bakugo woke up that morning with the sun in his face and his mother’s deafening voice piercing the walls of his room. She was screaming something about breakfast but as usual, everything was muffled when his mind was full of you.
He thought of the events of yesterday as if it were a dream. Your forever bright smile that actually shined on him, your cheeks a soft red hue when you asked him out, and your dainty wrist in his large hand felt as soft as the cushions on his bed that propped his head up as he stared at his white ceiling above his head. Rays of light were piercing through the thin curtains of his window. Like freckles, spots of light glowed upon his cheeks and if it wasn’t for his date today, he would’ve remained in bed and soaked up all the warmth the sun had to offer. Sometimes he wondered if this was how you would feel if you were next to him.
With the sun upon his skin, he could almost imagine you beside him, glowing in presence and sparkling like a soaring comet. You tore through the darkest blankets of his skies, igniting it with a warmth he never thought he would ever feel before. And then you would stroke his arm, sending a wave of excitement to his nerves, your mouth would slowly widen into a smile and it was like he was watching the sun peek from the horizon to welcome a new day. It would look as if you were laughing for no apparent reason and your legs would begin to tangle with his just as Bakugo’s stomach would flip. You would look glorious in the light like you were in your natural element, the way how your skin shimmered with the sun left Bakugo speechless. All he wanted to do was just trap you within his arms and never let you go.
“Katsuki!” And in an instant, you were gone from his mind. You disappeared from his side and what was left was sparkles parading upon his bed as a figment of his imagination. His mother’s voice sounded once again, threatening to come up to his room and pull him out of bed. Bakugo could tell his mother was standing on the foot of the staircase because of how loud she sounded, she probably had with one slipper on the first step and a spatula in her hand, waving frantically in the air. Her eyes were probably sharp through blond furrowed brows, so pointy that anyone who meet her gaze would instantly combust into cuts.
“Alright! Alright!” Bakugo yelled back before sucking his teeth. He had to get up anyway. If he remembered correctly, he was picking you up at twelve. So, he had about two hours to get ready.
Before his mother could physically drag him to the table for breakfast, Bakugo was able to finish his morning duties and also get dressed for his date. When he stepped into his dining room, a neatly traditional Japanese breakfast was upon it. And he was glad to see one of his favorites, Tamagoyaki, as a part of the dishes. He liked them spicy, as strange as that was. But not only did he step into today’s breakfast, but also the bewildered stares of his parents. Their widened eyes followed their son until he entered the kitchen and returned on him when he emerged with a carton of orange juice. They weren’t particularly looking at his face but rather his clothes that seemed all too new and never before worn. Bakugo had dug into the deepest part of his closet for them. Black and orange were Bakugo’s favorite colors and his clothes consisted of them although it was mostly black. He was sporting a black shirt with a graphic symbol of a skull spewing fire out of its eyes and mouth. Straight cut black pants that hugged his legs and hips, giving the illusion that his legs were long, and his bomber jacket was black with orange stripes running down his shoulders and arms.
Clearly, Bakugo’s parents never seen their son dress so well on a Saturday morning even if he was going to hang out with Kirishima.
“A-Are you going out today, Katsuki?” His father, Masaru, was the first to ask when Bakugo sat at the table. He grabbed his chopsticks, contemplating on whether to answer his father’s question truthfully or not. He hadn’t mention to his parents about his date today or about you. And he wasn’t sure if he wanted to let them know.
“Yeah I am,” he grumbled, sticking a piece of tamagoyaki in his mouth.
“With Kirishima?” His mother, Mitsuki, decided to dig more information out of her son. She placed a cup of coffee down for her husband before sitting and he quietly thanked her and hummed softly when he took a sip. Bakugo lifted his eyes from his plate to look at his mother who stared at him and eagerly waited for his answer.
“Nah,” he hoped they would leave it at that, but he knew his mother liked to pry herself in his business.
“Oh, then who?” She had a small smile on her face when she ate a piece of tamagoyaki. She also liked them spicy. Masaru avoided them.
Bakugo groaned and he let out a heavy sigh that seemed to knock Mitsuki’s smile right out of her face. Before she had a chance to open her mouth and complain about his attitude, Bakugo answered quickly.
“It’s ____. I’m going out with ____.”
His parents seemed to freeze as soon as your name left their son’s lips. They looked to one another and then back at him, their eyes as wide as it could be with their mouths slightly apart. Mitsuki’s surprised expression soon turned into one of anger and she abruptly stood up, reached over the table and pulled his cheek.
“Why didn’t you tell us you had a date today!? Look how dirty your face is! Do you want her to run away?!”
“W-What is wrong with you, ya old hag!?”
“Don’t speak to me that way!”
“G-Guys…” stammered Masaru, but the two carried on with their shouting match.
“Did you take a shower?! Brush your teeth?!”
“Course, I did!”
“Hey brat,” Bakugo finished tying his laces to his sneakers when Mitsuki approached him at the front door. She was calmer than just a few moments ago. In fact, she looked quite serious. Bakugo didn’t really think much of it. He stood up from the ground and buried his hands within his pockets, his body, hunched, and slightly facing away from her because he expected to hear a lecture from her mouth. But instead, she thrusted two small pieces of paper, tickets, into his chest that he caught before they fell to the floor.
“Here, if she likes you even more after today then take her to this,” Bakugo glanced at the tickets, and he made a small grunt before he stuffed them in his pockets.
“Sure,” he muttered and was about to leave before Mitsuki stopped him by the shoulder. She looked into his eyes that were identical to hers and a soft, yet confident smile came to her.
“Show her a good time, Katsuki,” she said, and they shared a moment of silence, looking at one another from mother to son. Bakugo nodded and he left his house and turned the corner on route to your house.
Every step closer to your house had the butterflies fluttering wildly within his stomach and chest. His hands became clammy while they were stuffed within his jacket’s pockets and he started to fiddle with the tickets that sat within them. He wasn’t sure what to expect from this date. Hell, he was even shocked that you agreed to it. All this time he thought that you were afraid of him, but your distance really meant that you shared the same feelings as him. Bakugo couldn’t believe it.
Even as he approached your doorstep with potential words and different scenarios flooding his mind, he still felt as if he were in a dream, lightheaded, while walking through a set of clouds. Is this really how it felt when you like someone? Like the urge to see them again as soon as you seperate seized every sensible piece of your rationality? Or the image of your beloved would play within your mind like a song upon repeat, the melody of their laugh would crescendo into the most beautiful of smiles.
Bakugo sighed and ran a hand through his hair. With that same hand, he rang your doorbell, fidgeting slightly as he waited for someone, hopefully you, to come to the door. It was about a few seconds until finally the door opened and you peeked your head from behind it.
“H-Hi, Bakugo,” you greeted him with a nervous smile and fully stepped out from behind the door. Bakugo blinked once he saw what you were wearing, his jaw slightly dropped as he scanned you over. He looked over you only once—no twice—fuck—a third time. Shit, you were beautiful. “You’re here.”
He froze in place at the sight of you. Your clothes were simple, yet it accentuated your shape. How could you look so gorgeous with a pair of jean shorts and a white buttoned top with lace as its short sleeves. You were a pure angel, a complete contrast to his devilish appearance and here he was, already tainting you by being in your presence. Were you wearing make up? It was light. Bakugo could tell your blemishes had vanished and your lips were a nude to your skin tone. He was fine with or without, it made no difference to your beauty to him.
“Hey,” was all he managed to say in his stupor. Your smile widened, and you called something out within your house before you locked your door.
The walk to the arcade was a silent one. Bakugo didn’t have the courage to talk. He wasn’t the most talkative person, he only spoke when it was important and when he did, it was usually at the top of his lungs. But being on this date, he had no reason to raise the volume and he also didn’t know as much about you other than the small habits you tend to do. Because of this, he came to question his reason for liking you. He questioned if it was his teenage urges acting as a dictator to his rationality. Maybe it truly was because he was attractive to your looks.
He glanced at you and he caught you staring at him. You jumped when your eyes met and looked away, a blush blossoming on your cheeks like you were caught doing something shameful. Bakugo found himself doing the same thing as he didn’t expect your eyes would be on him. ‘This is stupid!’ He shouted in his head. A simple stare had reduced him to a coward—a puddle on the side of the road for no one to step in but you. He couldn’t believe how much he was wrapped around your finger, if only you had known, you would’ve used it to your advantage if you had the courage.
Warmed cheeks and sealed lips carried on until you had reached the arcade. The arcade was bustling with teenagers and children with their parents which made sense for a Saturday. Bakugo was buying some tokens at the counter after he aggressively denied your request to pay your share. After all, what kind of a man would he be if he let you pay on the first date? So, you were standing awkwardly to the side, surveying the games while you waited for Bakugo to return. And when he did, he had golden coins in his hand, and a small smirk was on his face when he gestured towards multiple arcade machines with his free hand.
“Alright. Pick which one you want to lose in first,” Bakugo wished he could’ve recorded your face when he said that. You looked so offended that he barked out a laugh after.
“Or how about I give you the honors since you’re so confident?” You raised an eyebrow, a frown on your beautiful lips.
His smirk grew wider. “Are you sure? I don’t wanna make you cry on the first—”
“Just pick!” You pushed him ahead of you and you followed him through the crowds until he stopped in front of an arcade machine. It was on top of a small platform and in front of two screens were two suspended guns. The banner hanging above the machine was the title. Call of Duty, it read. There were already some children playing on it, the guns snuggled to their chests and fingers wrapped around the trigger. They shot at animated Zombies that threw themselves at the screen with their busted mouths bubbling with blood and mucus. The counter on the corner of the screen was skyrocketing into the thousands the more they took down.
“Ever played this?” Bakugo spoke like he was taunting you and turned to face you.
“Of course,” you simply said and folded your arms across your chest and glared at him. You were hoping he wasn’t bringing you to the ‘manliest’ game in the arcade believing you didn’t know how to play because of your gender. You wanted to destroy the confidence in his eyes.
“Ready to lose?” He teased and stepped up on the platform once the children were done. They stuck around to watch with a glimmer of excitement in their eyes. You followed after Bakugo, holding your glare, and taking his hand when he held it out to help you up. You would’ve thanked him if you weren’t too busy mentally preparing to beat his ass.
“What level?”
“Medium. I’ll give you a handicap.”
“Don’t even,” there was a scroll trigger on the gun and you quickly pressed ‘Hard difficulty’. It made him chuckle after he shrugged off his jacket and hung it on the iron rails behind him. He grabbed his gun and went into a stance. His back was slightly hunched with the gun clutched to his body while he pointed it at the screen. Your eyes wandered to his arms. So toned, they were, as he was mindlessly flexing them. Your face grew hot and suddenly started to feel very bashful. You looked away, and when you did, started to notice that the game already began. The score on Bakugo’s screen was climbing and you panicked. You quickly pulled the trigger against the zombies that were coming at you. 500 points for body shots. 2000 points for headshots. You were aiming for headshots.
It was quiet between you two with only the thunderous sounds of rapid fire and the gaggled groans of fallen dead. The rest of the arcade sounds were reduced to background noise. Even the children who watched on with random shouts of excitement at the scores and making funny movements (that only seemed to possess children) were cast away in that same category. Nothing existed except you, Bakugo, and a crowd of zombies.
It was almost as if you assimilated into the game and was one with their universe. You defended the town from them like it was your destiny, like it was what you trained for and you felt the phantom pain on the side of your neck whenever a zombie would slip through and take a bite out of you. Your HP would drop but it didn’t stop you from shooting. You could feel yourself start to shake, your palms grew sweaty, and you started to hyperventilate until you caught yourself from becoming too absorbed in the virtual world. It was honestly the most exhilarating thing you had experienced.
By the time the game ended, you grinned at Bakugo with your hand on your hip and your gun holster up against your shoulder. He looked at you with eyes as wide as it could be and his mouth so open it would’ve fell upon the floor. The children’s faces mirrored his in disbelief at your score. 51,500 points for you and 18,500 points for Bakugo.
You: 1
Bakugo: 0
Bakugo couldn’t believe you beat him at Call of Duty. He used to play Zombies with Kirishima and the boys at home and he would always be the last person standing to finish up the round. His boys cheered for him for saving the round every time and he would feel so proud of himself for doing so. He was confident in his skills, which made him confident in beating you. But he was clearly outmatched and when he questioned your skills, you smiled and said that this was your go-to game in arcades. He set himself up for failure right from the start.
“Alright! You’re good, I’ll give you that,” he grumbled those last words. “But the next one is mine!”
“Sure, and since you lost, I’ll give you the honors to pick again,” you stressed out the word ‘lost’ and it made Bakugo grimace. You laughed, and that grimace quickly turned into his stomach doing flips. You had him on an invisible leash that you didn’t know about. His body already conditioned to react to anything he found cute or beautiful about you. It was ridiculous, he thought.
“Whatever,” Bakugo dug his hands in his pockets. He didn’t mean to make himself sound like a sore loser and he didn’t like the frown that appeared on your face after. But he was tied between the feeling of accepting defeat and accepting his feelings for you. It was scary having a crush. He could feel himself changing and doing things he wouldn’t normally do. Instead of having fun at the arcade, he could’ve been training his body or quirk. He didn’t have time to waste if he wanted to be number one hero and that meant these feelings for you had to go. All Might didn’t get to where he was by being focused on girls.
“Bakugo,” he felt a gentle touch on his arm and it pulled him away from his thoughts. He glanced at you and you were looking at him. It was the second time he seen you so worried, the last time was after karaoke and he had yet to find out what made you worried. Was it him? You were a normally happy person, like an airhead almost. You tried to look at things on the bright side even in the darkest of situations. It was similar to Deku who always annoyed Bakugo with his optimism but when it came to you, he didn’t seem to mind. “I didn’t mean to tease you like that. I’m sorry.”
He didn’t deserve your apology. You weren’t to blame, yet he pulled his arm out of your grip and the small gasp that sounded from you pained his heart. “I found the next game,” Bakugo stated without looking at you and walked ahead. You lingered in the same spot for a moment before you quickly joined him.
The next game Bakugo picked was Basketball hoops which you were a little surprised about. There were two baskets and it was being separated by a tall metal gate that also caged around it to prevent the balls from flying out. Bakugo stood in front of it and pulled a miniature basketball out of the pile. He was already adding the tokens in before he turned towards you.
“Ever played this one?” He threw the basketball towards you and it nearly slipped from your hands when you caught it.
“Not exactly,” you smiled nervously.
“It’s simple. You just throw the ball into the hoop and you gain points. Person with the most points at the end wins.”
“Sounds simple.” You snorted, words melting in sarcasm as you watched Bakugo spin the ball with the tips of his fingers before trapping it within them once again. He was oddly an expert at it, but you decided not to ask about his experience. The game counted down from ten and Bakugo positioned the ball slightly over his head with his elbows tucked in. You tried to mimic Bakugo’s stance as not to reveal that you had no idea what you were doing. A short beep sounded the start of the game and Bakugo rolled his hand the ball was tucked in and it shot into the air in a perfect arch before it swished into the basket. It bumped against the gate before falling back within the pile of its brothers. And soon you continuously heard the sound of swooshing as he consecutively made the shot every time.
You panicked once again. This time with no confidence that you could catch up to Bakugo’s points. You shot the ball towards the basket, inelegantly when compared to Bakugo’s form. Your elbow was out, and you thrusted your entire arm forward rather than shooting with your wrist. The ball slammed against the gate, making it jingle as it fell straight into the pile. You didn’t have time to think about your form. You started flinging balls in the air and prayed that one of them make it. Instead, they bounced against the iron rim with knotted rope. Some were fortunate not to suffer the blow of the iron rim and just fell directly back into their pile. The less unfortunate ones bounced back in retaliation towards your head, missing you completely and left to stray the arcade floors alone.
Bakugo’s points were climbing. It was unreachable now, so you abandoned the goal of winning to ending the game with at least a point. The swift swooshes of the basket whipped through the air and it was attracting a small crowd of children and curious adults around Bakugo. It was almost inhuman how he was scoring, and he had yet to miss.
“Amazing!” You heard a girl behind you say and you were damn well sure it wasn’t towards you.
It wasn’t that you gave up, but you kept the basketball in your hands and looked to your left at Bakugo. Your eyes had fallen on his face, his eyes and lips relaxed, almost serene-like. You wouldn’t say he looked one in his element, but he was definitely comfortable with what he was doing.
The beeps that signified the end of the game sounded from the machines and Bakugo’s score was a whopping 500 points, 10 points for every basket made. Your score was a disgrace. You didn’t even count it as a score because you didn’t make any. You weren’t on the board as embarrassing as you had to admit, but basketball just wasn’t your best sport.
“Where’d you learn how to do that?” You felt the need to ask, not in disbelief of his skills but in curiosity.
“I have a hoop in my room,” he replied. He didn’t want to let you know that he uses it when he needed to calm down. Usually after an argument with his mother, he would fling balls relentlessly at his hoop in frustration. His father had gifted it to him when he found out about his habit of blowing up small holes in the walls of his bedroom when he was heated. It helped significantly to control his anger and he even found himself shooting hoops whenever he was bored.
“Would you—Idon’tknow—maybe, teach me next time? Maybe?” Next time? What made you so confident that there was going to be a next time? In fact, you weren’t. You were testing out the waters, shooting hints at Bakugo to see if he was even interested in another date after today or even if he just wanted to hang out. You closed into yourself when you asked, your posture curved forward as if to hide yourself from him. You bit the bottom of your lip and couldn’t stop your cheeks from warming up. You were trying to be as bold as you could, as confident as you imagined yourself to be when you fantasize about this date last night. It was easier to dream that you were a confident, strong girl who knew what she wanted in this world and faced issues head on and didn’t get flustered by the mysterious feelings of a crush. But you knew the world in your head was a vast utopia, a world filled with desires that didn’t seem tangible in reality. Still, you urged yourself to try, because trying was a step closer to tangibility.
“Maybe,” he shrugged.
You: 1
Bakugo: 1
Bakugo wasn’t prepared for your question. He was still deciding whether to give in to his emotions or not and that sheepish expression on your face didn’t make it any easier. He was convinced it coerced him into responding in agreement to another date. He didn’t have the heart to deny that face or perhaps his heart didn’t want to.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets in habit, looking away when he did, his voice was so small that he nearly couldn’t hear it over the sounds of the blaring game machines in the vicinity. At first glance, anyone would believe he was upset but if they peered into his face, they would spot the flushed skin of his cheeks and nose and possibly his ears. He was hiding his feelings within, though, even if he was lying to himself, his body revealed all truths.
The last game would decide it all and you were ready. Because you gave Bakugo the right to pick twice, it was up to you to pick the final game. You guided Bakugo to the corner of the arcade, it was away from the valley of machines but not too far where you couldn’t hear them. The games at this corner were more traditional; darts, board games, air hockey, any game that didn’t need to be attached to a machine to work was there, including table tennis which was where you were pulling him towards. You wouldn’t say you were an expert at table tennis, but it was a sport you were decent in. Bakugo already had good hand-to-eye coordination so you knew this choice would make it a fair final game.
“Final game. You sure about this?” It was like the mellow Bakugo had retreated, and the bold and brash one came loose. The grin returned as it split across his face in a crooked slant from cheek to cheek. He looked the best when he was smirking, his eyes narrowed slightly with a glint of mischief—almost like it was melting with sin.
“Wouldn’t you want to end this with something fun?” You returned his smile with a question, but it looked more innocent than his. You were starting to notice the vast differences between you and Bakugo, not only in style but even in personality. It was odd that you two were attracted to each other. You didn’t believe in the saying, ‘opposites attract’, but you had to admit there was some truth behind it.
“Look, I just hope you’re ready to sing for me again.”
Again? “I’m surprised you haven’t learned from last time about being too cocky.”
“Only thing I learned is to not go easy on you.”
Your eyes rolled. “Oh please, do not pull that crap on me now. I won fair and square. And what do you mean ‘Again’? What made you think I was singing for you the first time?”
You had expected to hear another one of Bakugo’s boastful remarks, but you were delighted by his smile instead. It was far from a soft one and was closely associated with the last one that held mischief. It was a smile that knew the ups and downs and ins and outs of your mind without barely even knowing you. How was that possible? You didn’t know. But you did know Bakugo had a very perceptive character even if his brass personality didn’t make him seem so.
If only you also knew he was bluffing, then you wouldn’t have blushed the way you did, confirming his suspicions about how you acted during karaoke. It was nice for him to know that those stolen glances at him weren’t all for show.
You didn’t realize how intense table tennis was. You knew where it derived from held some tension during its matches. Watching the US Opens, French Opens, and other major tennis tournaments with your family often had you near the edge of your seat. You would see the crowds snapping their heads from right to left at the speed of the ball before erupting into cheers once the ball fell out. Your father would jump out of his seat, a fist wringing in the air, as a point was added to the score of his favorite player and the umpire would call to settle down the crowd, but the excitement erupted to where silence couldn’t be an option. But soon, the crowd knew the match wouldn’t continue unless they settled, and they hushed each other until all that sounded was the ball bouncing to and from the green synthetic surface and into the player’s hand. This memory, you recalled, was like you were reliving it except you and Bakugo were the players with the onlookers being the patrons of the arcade.
The sound around you were muffled against your eardrums, nothing but the base of your heart resounding in rhythmic beats and the tennis ball slamming against your paddle, releasing a loud ‘pock!’ before bouncing back onto the table court and into Bakugo’s side. He moved like lightning, the arm of his muscles tensing at the exact moment the ball touched his paddle. A grunt had left him as he returned the ball onto your side and a thunderous sound erupted from the impact. You returned it just as swiftly.
It was match point for Bakugo and you could tell he was swinging harder, faster. He wanted to end this game as desperate as you wanted it to continue.
“Shit!” He hissed when you returned the ball and it hit the table in an odd angle but managed to fly past his paddle. You evened out the score and it was your turn to serve. Two more scores and you would be the winner, but you knew Bakugo wasn’t going to make it easy for you.
The first ball you served hit the table and managed to slip past him. Or was he?
Bakugo chuckled darkly, one that rattled your core when it reached your ears. You allowed it to frazzle you and your next serve was easily deflected and the ball zoomed past you, evening the score yet again.
“I’m not going down that fucking easy,” he declared, and you wordlessly picked up another ball to serve.
The score went from even to either you or Bakugo having the advantage to even again. It continued for as many times until you had lost count. The tension grew to unbearable heights, the patrons were ‘ooo-ing’ and ‘ahh-ing’, some urging for your win and others for Bakugo’s, but you didn’t let their cheers distract you and neither did he. A faint sweetness lingered in the vicinity and it could only be coming from the sweat that shined Bakugo’s skin. An aroma that reminded you of being in the training room and whenever it was Bakugo’s turn to spar, your nose would be blessed by that scent while the others, specifically the boys would secretly tease him for it, too afraid to openly do it unless they wanted to face his wrath.
The ball flew from your side to Bakugo’s side repeatedly and it was about a minute until the ball zipped past you and Bakugo yelled in victory as well as his fans.
“One more fucking point!” He roared and raised his racket in the air, confidence spewing from his body language like he already won. All you did was glare at him, ignoring the reassurance from your encouragers but you didn’t understand why they treated you like you lost when clearly the game was still on. They were underestimating you, them and Bakugo, and you knew you had to prove them wrong. You tightened the ball in your hands and licked the sweat off your lips. Bakugo had a terrifying smirk on his face when he went into his stance, gripping his racket until the veins in his arms started pulsating.
You served the ball and hit it with all your might.
Bakugo had been wondering what brought him back to sitting on the couches in one of the karaoke venues again. A much smaller room than the one he was in on that day he went with the class, it still held in resemblance, though, the atmosphere of it was nearly suffocating. He was without his boys, without a distraction from you, the beautiful girl who was scrolling through the list of songs with a remote, humming softly when lingered on a title before continuing on. Another glance around the room had him questioning his reason for being here. Hadn’t he lost? Clearly, you weren’t going to reward him for losing, right? Although, he had paid for a 30-minute rental for a venue, so he suppose that was his punishment. It nearly put a dent in his wallet.
“So, you’re gonna sing for me anyway.” Whether it was a question or a statement, you still flashed a smile at him when you stopped at the title you were searching for. It was startling how just a simple curve of your lips could make his heart stop, his breath hitch, and make him all want to drop what he was doing just to feel them slobbering over his. He was a fool, a fool desperately yearning for the girl sitting right beside him, your leg barely brushing his and sending his mind in a flurry of emotions.
Fuck. Get a hold of yourself. He rehashed in his head repeatedly. It didn’t help that the only other presence in the room was you.
“No,” you drawled, reaching to swipe two microphones from the table in front of you. “I want you to sing with me.”
“Hell no,” he abruptly said, pushing the microphone away when you pressed it against his lap. “I don’t fucking sing.”
“A bet is a bet,” you reminded him, and he let out a groan, “besides you’re not really singing. You’re, like, slow rapping.”
“Are you stupid? And what the fuck is slow rapping anyway?”
“I don’t know I made it up. It’s like rapping but it’s slow!” You giggled, and like a reflex, his stomach flipped. You still tossed the microphone at him and as reluctant as he was, he followed you when you pulled him by the arm to stand up, not allowing himself to be drag because he held too much pride within himself to be dragged by the likes of anyone. You had missed his grumble when he confirmed your stupidity, and when you had questioned him with a hum, he remained silent, gripping the microphone in hand to relay his frustrations upon it.
He found himself standing in the middle of the room facing the tv while you were in front of him, gleaming up at him with a smile as the television’s light splashed against your back. Once again, you didn’t seem to need the lyrics because when you started the song, you remained facing him, tossing the remote where you were sitting and bringing the microphone close to your lips. He felt jealousy creeping behind his shoulder at the inanimate object (that held no soul) that had the privilege of touching what he desired. He wondered adamantly how foolish his feelings were going to make him?
The song had started with the melody of a distorted accordion mixed with electronic sound effects that these popular pop music writers loved to add in their tracks. Bakugo was a stranger to this kind of music as his go-to-genre was rock, metal, and sometimes even rap so when you were swaying side to side at the peppy beat that swirled itself into the existing melody, he could only watch as he waited for your voice.
“I'm a motherfuckin' train wreck. I don't wanna be too much,” and there it was, hitting him like a smooth wave slamming into the rocky side of a mountain, carrying his previous frustration into the endless ocean to never resurface again. Once your voice had reached his eardrums, it had placed him under your spell, one he wished would never break as chills walked his skin like they scavenged for mysteries of their birth. Velvet melted from your mouth, sweetness formed into honey and kissed your voice box, blessing it with the gift to open heaven’s gate with a single note.
“But I don't wanna miss your touch. And you don't seem to give a fuck,” his lips had adversely failed him when he fought to keep them from upturning into a smirk, more specifically at the arousing feeling of you cursing. The chills continued to pry around his back and shoulders and the upper part of his arm where you had gently caressed him for a moment, eyes moving to hold his benevolent stare that he blissfully wasn’t aware he was making.
When the beat of the song picked up and greeted the chorus, you had pulled away from him, turning around until your back faced him, your eyes still on him with your head turned to look behind you, a playful smile curling on your lips. Without doubt, a fire was lit from within him.
“You ain't my boyfriend. And I ain't your girlfriend. But you don't want me to see nobody else. And I don't want you to see nobody,” you bounced your body with the beat, the voice of the original singer echoing the last words of the lyrics or otherwise singing with you. You meant to stroll back to Bakugo once you turned around, but he already closed the distance between you two, eyes somewhat wide and searching within yours for any meaning between those lyrics to be true. “But you ain't my boyfriend. And I ain't your girlfriend. But you don't want me to touch nobody else. Baby, we ain't gotta tell nobody…”
The search for the truth in your eyes nearly made Bakugo miss his line. He started out shaky, startled at how fast it came when the screen prompted for the second singer to start. It oddly reminded him of Deku when he pitifully struggled to sing with Uraraka, so he quickly found his rhythm to avoid the same embarrassment, his singing, that was mostly him talking but elongating his words, sonorous in pitch yet rough at the edges.
“I…I promise the way we fight make me honestly feel like we just in lo—the fuck are these lyrics?” He abruptly growled, his voice caught between ire and mortification when he read the sappy lines that made you blush. You squeezed his arm to urge him to continue, already missing a few lines with how fast the song was going. It wasn’t like he had a choice, he sucked his teeth before bitterly singing through gritted teeth. “I lose my mind when it comes to you. I take time with the ones I choose. And I don't want to smile if it ain't from you, yeah.”
Your voice returned for the chorus soon after his part was done, and he never felt so relieved to hear your voice. He didn’t have a clue how you were so comfortable singing, yet it was hard for you to speak in class whenever you were answering a question. You were bold, daring, confidence spelled within your eyes and shyness was nothing more than a distant relative. You let the music guide you, boldness encouraging you to guide Bakugo’s unoccupied hand to your waist as you danced, his touch barely even felt through your clothes as fear had struck him. Even with consent, he questioned within himself if this was okay. Though, the ghostly feel of the arch of your waist to your hips under his palm had abolished all uncertainty. He was a teenage boy, after all.
He was careful not to move his hand anywhere you didn’t place it but even that was hard whenever you would move your body to the song, sometimes his hand would fall lower towards your hip and he would quickly return it to your waist, so he wouldn’t lose the privilege of touching you.
But when you moved closer to his body until your shirts were caressing, your bright eyes inhabited a world in which he wanted to be a part of, his fingers curled slightly into the newly founded lace sewed into the sides of your shirt, a detail he missed earlier when he was stunned by your beauty. His grip on his microphone went loose against his fingertips and threaten to fall, his face was so close to yours and if it weren’t for the microphone against your lips, Bakugo would’ve closed the gap between you urged by the yearn he felt to touch them.
The two of you were now sharing one microphone, eyes locked onto each other’s, unwavering as they embodied the passion of want.
“If you were my boyfriend…” You sang softly, your vocals sweet and heavy.
“And you were my girlfriend…” Bakugo spoke, his voice harboring that same softness of yours which was foreign to him. He was no longer able to sing, and the song carried on with no vocals as you too were rendered speechless by how thick with warmth his words sounded. There was no indication that the two of you were going to continue the song nor did you encourage him to. The melody was left as background noise as you became trapped in Bakugo’s gaze. How they fidgeted about on your face, taking in your irises, the shape of your nose, the blemishes upon your cheeks and your forehead, the shape of your cheekbones, your chin, and lastly your lips. Gradually, they were moving closer to Bakugo’s just as the microphone was slipping away from between.
If only it wasn’t for the raging scream of Bakugo’s phone trapped within the constraints of his jacket’s pocket, he would’ve already felt the soft press of your lips against his. He had never turned so fast, so dramatically before in his life. He was already digging through his pocket, fingers already mindlessly tapping at the screen once he pulled his phone out and you swore his hands were going to ignite into an explosive if it weren’t translated into the roar that came out of his mouth.
“What!” The person on the other end was no other than his mother who was informing him about coming home at a respectable time. The rage he used to answer his phone was hammered back at him with that same force. You could hear his mother’s screech that certainly reminded you of Bakugo’s, just more feminine.
The heated moment between you two ended with Bakugo screaming into his phone with a colorful combination of profanities you have never even thought of and you were surprised that his mother was worse in her usage of language, even threatening to ‘come down over there’ if he didn’t show some respect.
“Bakugo, this was fun, thanks for coming with me,” You smiled softly to the short grunt that came from Bakugo after. He was walking slightly ahead of you, hands in his pockets like usual with his head slightly down. He was wearing his black earphones but only his ear that was away from you had them in while the other earbud hung loosely near his chest. He hasn’t been able to look at you since you two left the karaoke booth and he thought himself a fool that he couldn’t stare at you for more than two seconds without feeling embarrassed about what had happened. Bakugo handled embarrassment the same exact way he handled every emotion that didn’t fit his tough exterior, it fuel his anger and he turned into a grumpy mess, silent yet aching to explode if someone were to speak to him. Though he could never do that to you. No matter how much his anger seemed to tip over, he couldn’t imagine you being at the end of it.
The walk back to your house was as silent as the walk to the arcade. Bakugo wasn’t really sure what to say, whether to question you about what had happened before that untimely interruption or just leave it up in the air. Did you actually like him…? Like how he liked you? Or was he imagining everything, misreading the signs like an idiot hoping the girl he liked actually liked him back? You were a nice girl without a doubt. Bakugo could see that every time he would watch you train with the girls or when you would give up the last dessert to Mina during lunch time or when you would feed the stray cat at the back of the school or when you would always, always greet him with a smile in the mornings if you were to cross paths with him and then Bakugo would think he was special until you would do the same for Deku shortly after. You were a nice girl indeed so for all he knew, you could’ve been hanging out with him out of the kindness of your heart, giving him all this attention because you were too nice to say no to a date. Then again, it didn’t explain what happened in the booth because that was all you and you were—dare he say it—flirting.
Bakugo stopped walking, turning halfway to look at you. You blinked, wondering why he stopped and was now staring at you, mouth slightly open like he wanted to say something.
“Something on your mind?” You asked him, cocking your head to the side slightly, but he simply stayed staring for what felt like an eternity and it made your cheeks burn.
When Bakugo realized he was just repeating the question he wanted to ask in his head without saying it was when he swiftly turned his back to you and continued to walk. “…Just hurry up… it’s getting dark,” but it was only around 4pm and Bakugo didn’t know that it was capable for him to feel so stupid, first, losing his ability to speak as soon as he looked at you and second, instantly regretting his words as the sun was still wide awake in the skies.
But I don’t want this to end, was what you wanted to say but you found your words stuck in your throat, afraid that Bakugo might not feel the same as you.
“Um… thank you for walking me home. Today was really fun,” you said when you reached your front door and turned to Bakugo. You told him that repeatedly throughout the walk, you really had no other way to express how happy you were. You felt that a hug would’ve been too uncomfortable for him as you’ve never seen Bakugo express any affection physically. “I kind of wish it didn’t end…”
“Ah—well, you know, time.” What the fuck was he saying? He growled under his breath, frustrated that not only was he losing his thoughts to you but his language.
Oddly enough to him, you understood and chuckled. Fuck the butterflies in his stomach. “I know. There’s just not enough of it… I guess I’ll see you Monday, then?”
“Yeah,” you waited for him to leave but he stayed staring at your face. Perhaps even longer than he did before, and you saw him aggressively move his hand within his pocket like he was fumbling with something. He spoke your name softly because he thought he had lost your attention, but he in fact had it because he was all you could focus on the entirety of the date. “You had fun, right?” He knew you had said it multiple times, but he wanted to ask because he couldn’t believe it himself.
“Yeah, of course, it was the best Saturday I had in a while,” Bakugo felt like you had to have been lying but that wide smile held all the truth in the world.
“Then—this,” Bakugo pulled a small piece of paper out of his pocket and gave it to you. “You wanna go with me next Saturday?”
You took a good look at what he gave you, nearly dropping it when you read out the words. “Di-Disneyland?! I—yes! Yes, I wanna go with you!” you clutched your ticket to your chest. Desperate to calm your beating heart, you wanted to fan your heated cheeks but instead you tucked the loose strands of your hair behind your ear, realizing that Bakugo could very well be asking you out on another date. “A-As another date…?”
“Sure.” He grumbled, looking away from you for a moment and returning his hands to his pockets. “Then Saturday, I’ll text you the details.”
You nodded frantically at him with one of those large smiles he loved, and he said his goodbye and left your doorstep. You glanced at the ticket in your hands and jumped excitedly on the balls of your feet. It was hard to believe that Bakugo invited you to Disneyland. You didn’t think he was interested in that kind of stuff but there was a little part of you that wanted to believe he was going just for you. Oh, you so wanted to be right!
Before you knew it, you heard a call of your name and Bakugo was already back in front of you. He quickly leaned forward, and it felt as fast as it came. You saw a glimpse of his red cheeks hidden behind a frown and furrowed brows. “For today. See you Monday,” he quickly said before he turned around and left, leaving you stunned on your doorstep. Of all the things that happened today, the least thing you expected was Bakugo Katsuki kissing you on your cheek.
Bakugo stormed out of there as fast as he could, fingers touching his lips as he realized what he had done. He just acted. He felt like he couldn’t leave without doing something to finish off this day but—Bakugo groaned loudly, throwing his hands up in frustration—he didn’t even stay to see your reaction if you liked it or not. What if he arrives home and you text him to cancel the date because you felt uncomfortable about what he did? He was stupid, utterly stupid! He should’ve read the mood instead of acting on his urges.
He continued to berate himself in his head until he finally convinced himself that you liked it because who wouldn’t like a kiss from him especially since he was taking you to Disneyland.
Later that night when he was lounging on his bed, you texted him to once again thank him for today and that you looked forward to Saturday. Bakugo grinned to himself and replied ‘same’ before shutting his phone and closing his eyes. He thought he would be able to put his thoughts about you to rest but he couldn’t help but try to relive the events of today. Especially the feeling of your cheek against his lips.
As he expected, your cheeks were the softest thing he ever felt. The last thing he recalled was hoping to sleep and suddenly wake up to it being next Saturday.
Part three - Slumber - coming soon!
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Why Did It Have to be Him? pt. 4 (Aizawa x Reader)
a/n: sorry this got delayed :( this was supposed to be uploaded a lot earlier but then my laptop is basically dead at this point huhuhu legit waited for 30mins just for the chrome to stop lagging T.T welp... thank quirks for company laptops XD
that being said... here is part 4 for our Daddyzawa! <3
ps. i had to put an age for this fic :3 so you are 17 as the rest are 16 xD
Warnings: Student-Teacher relationship, Age-gap, Cursing, Not so subtle flirting
Link: Part 1, Part 2, part 3, part 5
Materlist for my other fics :) here
All aboard the Aizawa-train!: @yukiimanic​ @leeeah-loooser​
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A few days have passed and you were now fully settled in your dorm. There wasn’t much to it but Aizawa managed to persuade you to buy new sheets and curtains to match. You weren’t exactly sure why but you complied nonetheless.
Monochromatic that’s how you liked things. Since he gave you full control as to what colors you could choose, you simply went for black.Of course, you made sure that a pop of color would add life to your room. A few trinkets here and there, your room looked good to go. Simplicity is key, that’s what you kept reminding yourself.
But it was rather ironic how your “love life” wasn’t as simple. It was much easier to see him back in your house. Now that you were living only a mere block away from the teacher’s dorm, it only made things much harder. Though, you understood, it was still frustrating not being able to see him as much as you wanted.
While doing your assignments, your phone rang. Not bothering to see who the caller was, you picked it up. Slowly, the corners of your mouth turned upwards. Right on schedule.
“Not disturbing anything, am I?” He asked. In the background, you could hear the keyboard’s soft tapping.
“Nope. I’m just about finished here.” Gathering your books and papers, you neatly stacked and put them away. Looking at the time, there was still 45 minutes before curfew starts. “I am hungry though, so I might have to run to the nearest convenient store~”
“Isn’t the fridge stacked with snacks, though?” The typing sounds had stopped and you heard a soft grunt.
“It is but they don’t have those juice packs I like.” There was some risk to this but you wanted to see him. It was hard enough that all you could do inside the classroom was to sit and stare at him. “Of course, I’m not implying anything. I do plan on leaving in about 5 minutes or so.”
“Do as you please, (Y/N).” He let out a soft chuckle before hanging up the call.
Grabbing your sweatshirt and wallet, you silently exited your room. Thankfully, the majority of rooms had their lights on. And, technically, it wasn’t curfew so you could still manage to buy a few snacks the dorm’s fridge had to offer. Shaking your head, you knew you couldn’t fool yourself.
Ever since the kiss, he became even more intoxicating. His musky scent and how you felt his arms wrapping around your small stature (compared to his at least) was addicting. It was a picture hard to forget, him straddling you in the comforts of your bed. The strands of his soft hair caging you from the outside world. Or maybe it was how his hot breath brushed your cheeks that made things even more irresistible? Closing the doors to the building, you were met with the row of streetlights. Each of them casting enough light to ensure safety to those who would walk the streets at this time of night. Of course, everyone knew this area was safe, afterall, only an idiot villain would dare attack near UA.
A little further and you could see the neon sign of the convenience store. Near the entrance, a man caught your eye. He was wearing an all black ensemble and his grayish pale skin made him look unreal. Yet, the all too familiar bun caused your heart to race.
Upon seeing your figure approaching his, he could feel the smirk forming on his mouth. It had only been a few hours since he last saw you but it was inside classroom settings. The secret glances you two would give each other was fun but he somehow wanted more. When you passed by him, he could make out the faint smell of your lingering body lotion. Very stimulating to the senses.
Trailing behind you, his eyes began to linger all over your back. Sure, you had a sweatshirt on but in his eyes you looked too good not to hug. When you turned towards the small aisle for chips, he glanced at the ceiling. The cameras were on the other side of the store. As you were choosing what junk to munch on, he leaned forward and rested his head on your shoulder.
Jumping at the sudden sensation of his warmth radiating on your cheek, all the heat travelled upwards as your eyes met his. The dullness to them now replaced with a hint of playfulness. His calloused hand began to brush yours. Slowly making their way up before he let go to grab a bag for himself.
Once again, your stomach felt all the butterflies going crazy with his touch. Chewing on your lower lip, you let out a shaky sigh as he lifted his head. Slowly walking away without looking back.
Such a tease.
Two can play that little game, you thought.
Aizawa made his way towards the refreshments. Searching for the perfect drink to pair with his chips, he settled for a can of beer. It wasn’t allowed but he could easily sneak it in knowing it was almost curfew. In his peripheral version, he could see you choosing as well. Following your hands, he saw how you had just chosen a can of soda.
“Got everything you need?” He asked.
“Not yet. I need some chocolate.” Pulling him towards the aisle with chocolates, you saw your target. The one you had been craving for a week now. Scanning the area, you saw how the coast was clear and it was your turn to make your move. “Hey, can you hold these for a sec?”
Handing him your stuff, you turned around and began to tug on the hems of your sweatshirt. His eyebrows jumped at your small actions. When you began to strip off your sweatshirt. The heavy material lifted your undershirt quite a bit. A bit of your skin got exposed to the coldness the store had to offer.
The coldness had no effect on Aizawa. Instead, he felt heat growing in his system. His mouth suddenly felt dry. His finger twitched and his jaw clenched. The hold he had on the goods tightened. Upon seeing you bend down to grab a bar of chocolate, the neckline of your shirt was big enough to expose the black strap of your bra.
‘Behave, Shota.’ His mind scolded him. ‘This is the only line you should NOT cross. At least not yet.’
Through your peripheral vision, you could see just how much your plan had worked. His squinted eyes only gave away his deposition. Flicking your hair just as you faced him, you caught a hold of his stare and blinked innocently.
“What’s wrong,” You took a step forward as you got a hold of your things. “Shota?”
His eyebrow jerked and his mouth was now a desert. Not wanting for things to get out of hand, he walked past you and made his way to the counter. Every ounce of his concentration focused on not pinning you against the wall and giving the cashier a show. Biting the corner of his tongue he paid for his purchase and waited outside as you paid for yours.
“You okay, sensei?” The last word was rather breathy, just as you intended it to be. Seeing him controlling himself was rather fun. He was struggling and the signs were very subtle. The only thing giving him away were his twitching eyes and furrowed brows.
Grabbing the bag of food from you, he led the way back to campus grounds. His eyes scanning the area and taking note of the small cameras set up on the street lights. The both of you were now approaching a blind spot. Letting out a rather long sigh, he held on to your wrist and pulled you into the dimly lit area.
“Be quiet.” Aizawa instructed.
Your eyes widened as you began to realize what he was planning on doing. The cameras would surely pick all of that up but then again, if he knew the area well then it should be fine. Heart now racing, you chewed on your inner cheek as the both of you were now approaching the blind spot. The small alcove one of the buildings had.
Things were now a blur.
The small squeak that escaped your mouth as your back hit the wall was immediately muted when his lips crashed into yours. Literally taking your breath away, you eased into the kiss. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled the elastic band from his hair. On your tiptoes, you leaned on to his torso for support. Your knees were now barely functioning.
Knowing what was running through your thoughts, he bent down a little. His hands held tracing whatever curves your body had to offer. When you began to nibble on his lip, his hand grabbed your knee pit and lifted you. More than happy that you instantly clung your legs around his waist.
Tugging on his hair, he accidentally let out a small groan. Feeling your soft lips making their way towards his neck sent was enough for him to tighten his hold on you. The sucking sensation that followed made his member twitch and his pants tighten. A chill ran down his spine when your tongue trailed its way up to his jaw.
“Fuck...” He growled once your noses were touching once more. Running his tongue across your lip, you parted your mouth to give him entry. Tugging on your lower lip, he went back in with a much more long and thorough kiss. When he parted his lips from yours, his hot citrusy breath brushed your face. “Don’t tease me unless you know what you want, kitten.”
“Oops.” You brushed your nose against his. Your heavy lidded eyes hazy with need. The way he gave you a pet name hit differently. “My bad~”
The tips of his lips began to travel down your neck. Using his nose to move the neckline of your shirt, he licked a patch of your skin before biting on to it. The small moan echoing in his ears made curious. What other sounds could he make you do if he were given the chance?
‘This isn’t the right place, Shota.’ Once again his thoughts managed to save him from moving any further.
Pecking your lips once more, he put you down and patted your head. Despite the dimness, he could still see how flushed you were. Fixing himself, he looked at his watch and gestured that it was time to head back.
“Just in time for curfew~” You teased. “I won’t get in trouble now, right?”
“(Y/N).” He brushed his fingers with yours. The short contact the both of you shared was something his body still yearned for. “You are aware that you're still 17 right?”
“Yes.” Your step still had a certain hop to them. “And I’m aware that my birthday is coming up.”
“I’m not implying anything.” He handed your bag of food. Now giving a safe distance between you two. “I just want us to be careful. You’re still young.”
“Are you doubting?” The slight sadness in your voice was something you couldn’t hold back. “If it clears things up, I really am serious about you. I was shocked but elated that you were more than willing to try if things would work out. But, if you really don’t want to do this then I’ll back out. At least it’s still early and won’t hurt as much.”
“I never said I didn’t want to do it.” He stated. “What happened back there, I almost got carried away. I wouldn’t want you to regret this or… us.”
“Us?” The smile on your face was rather adorable for him. You felt your cheeks heating up at the confirmation that there really is something between you two and that it wasn’t just you carrying the feelings.
Lifting the corners of his mouth, he patted your head once more before picking his pace up. Ready to head back to the teacher’s dorms.
“Wait for my call later,” He glanced at you over his shoulder. A smirk on his face. “Kitten.”
“That I will, Aizawa-sensei.” You replied with a huge smile on your face.
Running back to the dorms, you carefully opened the doors. Making sure that no one was around, you snuck across the hall and took the stairs. The dimly lit hallway towards your room made things easier.
Moments later, you were now munching on chips. Your phone rang and for the rest of the night, till one of you finally caved in to slumber, Aizawa and you spent it on talking about whatever topics came to your mind.
At the end of call, both of you agreed that convenience stores would now be a recurring thing.
- - - - -
if you want to be tagged in part 5 :) feel free to leave a comment :)
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piracytheorist · 4 years
A Kiss for Good Luck (11/16)
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Summary: So this is the story of one born lucky, and one born unlucky. Fate will keep making them cross paths, but is it to bring them together, or to test them? Captain Swan AU.
A/N: I wrote a short epilogue for the end, so chapter count and total word count has gone up again! XD
Rating: T (make sure you’re okay with the warnings on AO3)
Word count for this chapter: 3.7k (51k in total) AO3
Read from the beginning: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter 11: Emma Swan and Killian Jones, May 19th – May 25th 2016
When they pull apart, the strap on Killian's bag breaks and he hustles to keep it from dropping to the floor. Emma quickly finds an empty luggage cart that looks forgotten and brings it to him.
“It's not that heavy,” he says. “But thank you.”
As they start rolling it towards the exit Emma says, “You got my message?”
“Aye. Everything all right?”
“My car broke down. We'll need to take the subway-”
They both turn at the sound. Emma's face breaks into a slight smile as she recognizes Jefferson and his daughter Grace, two neighbors from her block. They had gone on a weekend trip and offer Emma and Killian a ride home.
“That was lucky,” Killian comments to her as they get in the car.
Emma takes the week off work; she meant it when she said she wants things to go slow, but there's so many actual things she wants to do with Killian.
As in, spend her time on.
Killian is still reserved; the broken bag strap and the feeling of jet lag as soon as he steps into Emma's apartment are not signs he considers good.
Maybe that will help more in encouraging him to go slow. He needs that time, but it's still not the easiest thing.
Conversation flows as naturally as it did in their video calls. When they finally decide to call it a night at three in the morning, Killian jokes about how they're finally getting sleepy at the same time.
Emma offers to take the couch and let him sleep in her bed, but Killian isn't having it.
He doesn't tell her he has the bad feeling he'll break it the first time he sits on it.
Emma takes him for late breakfast at her favourite coffee shop – the one she met Ruby at, in fact – and they eat in comfortable silence. It's not easy for either of them to admit that the previous night they spent about an hour each, lying in their respective beds and looking at the door separating them, with a little voice in their heads telling them to go knock on it.
They exit the coffee shop and Killian notices how Emma, at first on his left side, swaps so she can walk on his right side. Following her, he looks more at her relaxed hand on her side than on the road – she's the one who knows the city, either way. He's so surprised when she reaches to take his hand in hers that he doesn't wrap his fingers around hers until she looks at him and smiles.
Emma nearly teasingly asks him why he thought she swapped sides.
That night, Emma lies in her bed, still feeling guilty she didn't insist that Killian should be sleeping there, and still looking at the door separating them, as if it would give her the courage to go to him. Would he be asleep already? Would he even be jet-lagged?
Feeling alert, she jumps up when she hears soft noises from the other side. She runs to the door and puts her ear on it; the sound of the tap being turned on, then off, then a glass being put down.
She pulls away, quickly runs her fingers through her hair, and opens the door.
Killian looks at her, almost guiltily. “I... got thirsty,” he says. “Did I wake you up?”
“With the running water? Hardly. It's just... you know, we were doing things all day and I still feel a little restless.”
He rubs his forehead. “I was rolling around until I decided to come get some water. I don't think I'll be sleeping early tonight.”
If only there was another reason for that.
“Water won't get you through the night. You need something stronger.”
He swallows hard. “Swan.”
“I'm just talking about hot chocolate,” she says casually, hoping her panic didn't show. Not that she didn't have the instinctual thought to add some rum to it; she'll have to settle for cinnamon, and get used to it for now. “Cinnamon?”
Killian can't lie, he feels a little nervous. One ought to, he thinks, when being welcomed as a guest somewhere. But Emma didn't intend to make a joke about his rehab, nor did she try to get him to drink, though she had the perfect opportunity to.
Since he lost his hand, he's found himself wearing his prosthetic hook over it more and more, only exposing his arm in the presence of his family or when he had to for check-ups and security reasons. It feels special that he's sitting on Emma's couch now, with his stump out in the open, casually watching her as she moves around her kitchen preparing their chocolates.
She hasn't even commented on it. She saw it at some point during their video calls, but didn't react nor ask anything about it.
“I put less sugar in yours,” she says as she gives him the cup, “for your 'bitter' tooth.”
He smirks at her.
“But if you change your mind...” she points at a bag of marshmallows over on the kitchen counter, then sits next to him.
It's warm enough for a t-shirt and shorts, but the warmth from the cup feels comfortable, cozy. Homey.
“Would you mind, if I shared something?” he says.
She shakes her head, a soft smile on her face.
“I never told you about this.” He raises his left arm. “How come you never asked?”
“It's your business. If you wanted to talk about it... I mean, I'm here, if you want now.”
“I lost it nearly five years ago. It was-” A lump forms in his throat, and he looks down. Bloody damn, it still hurts.
“It's okay. Don't pressure yourself.”
“You remember I told you I went through a dark phase? Losing my hand was the start. And it's... connected to so many negative thoughts that I wanted hidden and tucked away. I rarely let people see it, even with- with that woman I was with, I never took the brace off fully.”
And he lets Emma see it. She breathes out slowly.
“So I just... wanted to thank you for your discretion. It means a lot to me, to be myself without having to worry about someone's nosy looks.”
“I know nosiness. I think sometimes we carry our pain on our faces too, and that can attract a similar, kind of way, nosiness.”
He finally looks at her.
“Prison teaches you a few things,” she admits.
“I've got to give it to you,” he says. “I don't know where I'd be now if I had gone in jail for that time for breaking and entering.” He purses his lips. “I'd probably still be in there. But you...” He points around her flat; he didn't know bail bonds agents make that much money, and she still gets to travel to Europe at least once every year.
“I started with a yellow Bug, don't forget,” she points out. “After a few too close hits, you just start going with what you have, you know?”
He does, very well so.
They finish their chocolates, and Emma takes his cup to put it on the coffee table with hers; she then sits back on the couch, and they just look at each other in the soft light from across the kitchen.
They don't take their eyes off each other when Emma wraps her fingers around his. She moves forward and captures his lips in hers, and he sighs at the way the chocolate tastes from her; it's the sweetest flavour and he can't complain. Besides, it's not just his lips that respond to that taste.
He turns a bit to the side, disguising his effort to hide his excitement as a way to wrap his other arm around her middle.
Emma holds his face, breathing hard into his mouth when their lips pull apart. She's damn near to push him back and climb astride him. His hand is on the small of her back and moves, dragging her shirt up a bit and she sighs at the touch of his fingers on her skin.
They pull away together, though still keeping close. Her hands go to wrap around his neck now, and he lowers his hand again, now resting on the fabric over her hips.
“Not ready yet,” she whispers.
He leaves one small kiss on the corner of her lips. A consolation, a tease, or a thank-you? She moves a bit, opening her eyes to look at him.
Holy hell, the way he just looks at her.
Look, look, look. She's too emotional and horny to remember why there's something haunting about that word.
She kisses him again, short but soft, then she moves again, settling her head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around her, hand resting on her shoulder, left arm resting on his lap.
She moves her hand slowly, giving him time, allowing him to see; he doesn't stop, doesn't move. Her hand rests over his blunted wrist, and she can feel him exhale deep. He leaves a soft kiss on her hair, and she has to close her eyes to stop the tears before they fall.
Maybe it's just her idea that something warm and wet seems to land on the crown of her head.
Killian shakes her awake about two hours later.
“Hey, love,” he tells her, and she straightens up lazily. “I think we might need to lie a bit more comfortably.”
He nearly shivers in his sleepiness; did he say too much?
“I think I hear your bed calling for you,” he says teasingly. There. That should do.
“Hmm,” she mumbles and presses her forehead on his shoulder, softly patting his other shoulder with her hand. “Goodnight,” she says. She stands up, grunting softly, then gives him one last look before she walks through her door, leaving it ajar.
Suddenly feeling sleepy but not sore from sleeping seated up with Emma's head on his shoulder, he lies down on the couch and looks at his left arm.
The way she touched it, held it... bloody hell, he'll start crying again. It was all he didn't know he needed. He wasn't sure what to expect in his days here, but he certainly didn't expect to feel that wonderful, so carefree, so loving and loved.
He loves her, and he's certain he feels her love. All from a simple touch, and not the one his body asked for, but the one Emma's soul offered.
Her soul. Her beautiful, wounded, caring soul.
Once again, he feels the spark of hope in his heart, the one that makes him want to put himself together again, to make himself worthy of such devotion.
He can only wish Emma already sees herself worthy of the same.
The days go by, quick but fulfilling. They still sleep in separate beds but they don't shy away from kisses. The feeling of that night carries over when they cuddle on the couch to watch each other's favourite films; Killian's right arm wraps around Emma's shoulders, and her hand reaches over to hold his left wrist.
They talk mostly about everything, allowing almost every thought out in the open, even about how they plan to continue. Maybe Emma will visit him in the summer, midway through her trip to Norway and/or back.
And, Killian thinks.
Maybe they can organize a vacation together.
“It's a shame there's really no middle for us to meet. Except Iceland, I guess,” Emma jokes.
There's one thing no-one comments on, even though it's the first time it happens for them both; usually, it was either stepping on poop or finding money on the street for, well, years at a time. It's the first time in their lives that both things may happen in the same day.
It's Killian's last morning in town; tonight he'll have to board a plane and hope his life won't fall apart again. Maybe third time's the charm.
They're walking down along a beach when they see a very young couple, probably teenagers even, run hand in hand to dive into the water, giggling as they do so. Killian turns to Emma and asks,
“I've been curious.”
“When was your first kiss?”
Emma huffs. First kiss in what way? “It's, uh... I guess you could say when I was eleven years old. It was in a game of spin the bottle, though I never got that boy's name.”
“That's a very specific memory.”
“Well, the whole thing kinda stuck with me. That was the luckiest day of my life.”
“How so?”
She smiles softly. “Ingrid adopted me.”
After a short pause, Killian says, “Spin the bottle, you said?” Then he stops walking. “When you were eleven?”
Emma turns to him, oblivious to his racing mind. “Yeah. Why?”
He's sure he must be looking at her like an idiot.
He is.
“Where were you living then?”
“Uh, still here. I was already living with Ingrid-”
“Emma, my first kiss was in a game of spin the bottle. In the summer of 1995, I was in Boston, I visited a friend's birthday party... and I kissed a blonde girl whom I never talked to.”
Emma's eyes widen. She shakes her head, but amusement bubbles in her, especially seeing Killian's face light up as well. “No way.”
Killian just huffs a laugh.
“You were my first kiss?!” Emma says, unable to contain her smile. “Oh my God! What were the chances?”
“Of all people!”
Emma shakes her head again and continues walking. “It would be crazy, but, since you lived in London first, you wouldn't happen to have been dressed as a pirate on Halloween of 2000, would you?”
For one single second, Killian is glad for all the difficult years that led to him being able to construct a cool, indifferent exterior.  For half that second, it hits him how that was the day he considered his luckiest, when he got out of Silver's house and was moved to Nemo's... and it wasn't much later than that that Emma started getting into trouble, as she told him once.
He just shrugs. “No. Not much of a Halloween fan,” he says, struggling to keep his voice normal. He mentally screams at himself as Emma's brows furrow. What kind of an answer was that?! he thinks.
Could it really be?
“You'd wish you were that pirate boy,” Emma says in a teasing tone. “He was so shy but just the way he looked at me has stayed with me.”
“What were you dressed as?” he asks.
She flinches a bit, still awkward at the memory, but smiling. “A zombie princess.”
This time, not even the sight of the sea can calm his racing thoughts.
After the first time they met, Emma got adopted and Killian went through the worst time of his life. After the second, it was Killian's life who started going for the better while Emma struggled.
And then... then after they met in the concert, things were already bad for him, and probably good for her, and it switched. Immediately after they met, he thinks, as he remembers Emma's still cracked phone screen.
Emma notices how lost in thought he is, and maybe it wasn't as good an idea as she thought, to confess so much.
“Was that weird?” she says, breaking him out of his thoughts.
“That we kissed when we were little.”
Killian wants to slap himself; her nearly worried face is little punishment for him right now. “No, no, no. I just...” The alternative thought that is also truth comes at him at the right moment. “I just thought that, today we will have one last kiss. For a little while, at least.”
Emma relaxes. “It doesn't have to be too long,” she says. “We can meet often and take it slow at the same time.”
Emma smiles, and Killian uses it as an excuse to keep her walking and her eyes hopefully away from his face. Words cannot describe how much he wants to both stop taking things slow and stop things entirely.
If it is true, if they've somehow been doing this to each other... he can't keep taking good things away from her.
And he's terrified to think that if she knows, she'll think the same.
He focuses on Emma and on making sure she doesn't get suspicious. He can act happy for a few more hours and pretend it's just that he'll miss her that gets him down, and not that he fears he'll have to stay away from her for good.
Despite his efforts, Emma notices his distress, but is none the wiser about the reasons. Is it because he felt weird about their first – very first – kiss, because he doesn't want to leave, or because he can't wait to?
She knows he's hiding something, and though she feels she knows him better than she'd know anyone else after just their few months of knowing each other, she can't read his mind.
Despite how much he can't seem to stop talking.
Killian tries to distract his thoughts by talking, and talking, and talking. It's halfway into the evening that he thinks it's as if he's compensating for later, for when he won't be able to tell her anything... because he'll have to cut himself out of her life.
On their ride to the airport, he allows the small heartbreak at the thought that he has to leave her. Emma is focused on the road and he looks outside his window. Used to the cars back home, he's thrown off at how he can't hold her hand when she's the one driving.
Emma keeps her eyes on the road, hands gripping hard on the wheel. Occasionally she throws glances at Killian, wishing the wheel was on the other side so they could hold hands.
Her worries disappear when they arrive one hour before his flight and he stays with her, talks to her and holds her until she has to practically push him to the airport checkpoint fifteen minutes before his gate opens.
“It's a big airport,” she tells him.
“But you know it well, and you said my gate is very close.” He gives her that smile again that makes her melt.
“It's your flight to miss.” She leans towards him. “I wouldn't mind having you stay longer.”
He lets out a short laugh and kisses her, and she can't help feeling a deep longing in his kiss; with his departure so soon, it doesn't feel out of place, and she reciprocates, wrapping her arms around his waist.
“I'll miss you,” he says.
“Call me when you arrive,” Emma says. “No matter the time, I will have WiFi on.”
She smiles, but she sees the reserved one he gives her back. He gives her one last, short kiss, then he turns for the surprisingly empty queue for the checkpoint.
His back at her, he finally crumbles and allows himself to think. He started out lucky, she unlucky. It swapped when they met at that birthday party when they were eleven, then at that Halloween party when they were seventeen.
Then... when was it? When did they meet again?
It must have been in New York City, before Milah was killed. Was Emma there? She told him once how she was very lucky to get the job she has now and to reunite with her adoptive mother only four years ago. Those same years that he spent mourning Milah and despairing over Gold not paying for his crime.
Then it was when they met at the concert. And all these days... they've been both lucky and unlucky.  It's like with them being together, their luck didn't know which one to choose to bless.
Every time they met, their luck swapped. And especially for him, that meant that someone he loved died. He was lucky this time, between the concert and coming here, so it's no doubt that when he goes back, he'll be unlucky once again.
And Nemo...
Killian drops his head. Is this a punishment for allowing himself to fall in love again? But it's been a cycle of change since... since they were born? They were born very close to each other, weren't they?
As slow as he took his steps, there was no queue in front of him and he's crossed the belt barrier corridor in seconds. He picks up a basket for his backpack and notices a twenty dollar bill lying in the basket underneath.
Killian looks at the security guard in front of him. He just shrugs at him, smiling slightly.
“Find a penny...” the guard says.
Killian's gaze freezes at the bill.
No. He wasn't supposed to be lucky this time.
How does it work? If it's not just them meeting, or travelling to each other's countries, then what determines where the luck will go?
He looks back at Emma, who's still standing where he left her. She appears confused, then she makes a 'what' gesture with her hand.
“Are you alright, sir?”
He turns to look at the guard, who's now looking at him worried.
Of course he'd be worried, instead of annoyed at him, as well as the people behind him in the queue.
He's lucky, after a meeting with Emma. How-
He's ducking under the belt barrier before his thought is even complete.
It was not just them meeting.
It was the one thing they shared every time – a kiss.
How could he forget? The thing that has haunted him since Milah died – that before she did, the last person he'd kissed was a stranger who had been just as drunk as him. Drunk enough to not remember him, and not recognize him when she met him again.
Emma is still confused when he reaches her, but he immediately leans down to leave one single long kiss on her lips.
“Just this last one,” he says.
“For now,” Emma says softly.
Killian just nods, then turns away before he's tempted to say 'For good luck'. The less she knows about it, the better.
He doesn't turn around to look at her this time, certain that she'll see the despair on his face if he does.
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Relax For Once
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A/N: Heeeyyy! I had an idea to work with and thanks to @shellygurumi​ who suggested WinTeam, this fanfic was born XD It’s just a little something that I wanted to get out but nonetheless, I hope you guys like it <3
Summary: Team had exams coming and despite Win wanting to help him study, he forbade it and Win finds himself worrying about his boyfriend until he finally gets the push he needs to do something about his concern. 
Word Count: 1811
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It has been quite awhile since Win had seen or even heard anything from Team. He knew that Team had some final exams coming, but that didn’t stop the concern racing through his veins since Team had denied his asking to help the freshman study. That had been a week ago and Win had just about had it with waiting, obviously sick of not knowing how his boyfriend was holding up. 
Bouncing the tip of his pen against the simple white table that he and the group he was with was using to study on, Win found himself dozing off to the thought of his boyfriend, not noticing the way Dean was shooting him a look, his gaze filled with a little bit of irritation yet still having a glimmer of concern. Dean knew that Win hadn’t heard from Team for a little over a week, him being in the same boat since Pharm was studying for exams too, but the only difference of their situations was that Dean still got to see Pharm, his boyfriend making time for him during the dinner hours so that they could eat together.
“Win, if you’re going to daydream, maybe you shouldn’t be here,” Dean sighed, keeping his voice semi-quiet since he didn’t want to disturb the rest of his fellow students around them. Shaking out of said daydream, Win turned his attention to Dean, who was now more concerned than he was irritated, bumping their shoulders together to display what his face or tone couldn’t. Catching onto this, Win let his pen drop to the open notebook below and rubbed his face, glancing at the clock that read it was almost dinner time and Team would most likely be eating soon, if he hadn't already. Following Win’s eyes towards the clock, Dean rolled his eyes and kicked Win’s ankle, nodding towards the door with an exasperated expression on his face. “Go before you stare a hole in the wall. I don’t think he would mind if you stopped in for a little visit.”
“If you say so...I’ll be going now!” Win practically shouted, getting shushed and glares by the students around them for his loud voice. Snickering softly into his hand as Win gave an apologetic wai to everyone around him, Win glared at the smirk on Dean’s face before he collected all his notebooks and shoved them in his bag, not worrying about the condition he’ll probably find them in later when he had to study again. Throwing the bag over his shoulder and throwing his arm over Dean’s shoulder in a half hug, Win quickly fled the scene, evading the slap Dean sent his way as he escaped the room, swiftly making his way out of the business faculty building, heading towards his motorbike. “I hope he hasn’t eaten yet...it would be nice to have a meal together after so long.”
Pulling on his helmet as he started the engine on his bike, Win made sure his bag was secure around his body before he revved the bike up and tore out of the parking lot, making the familiar path towards the dorms, where he knew Team was most likely holed up in. Knowing that he was probably breaking many speed limits with how fast he was going, Win found that he obviously didn’t care, only slowing down once he reached the dormitory, slipping into a parking spot and halting the engine and pulling the key out, stuffing it into his pockets as he jogged towards the building. Giving a wai to the keeper behind the desk as he entered, Win quickly entered the elevator and pushed the button up to Team’s floor. 
Stepping out to complete silence, something Win wasn’t so familiar with since there were usually parties all over the floor at the times he visited his boyfriend, Win strolled through the halls until he finally made it to Team’s room. Taking in a deep breath, Win gently knocked on the wooden door with his knuckles, stepping back in wait and not moving until a good few minutes had passed and his boyfriend had not opened the door. Letting out a concerned hum, Win slipped his keys out and looked for the familiar one, a spare key to Team’s dorm that was given to him on their first anniversary. 
“Team? Baby, are you here?” Win called out softly upon entering his boyfriend’s dorm room, glancing around in the slight darkness until he noticed a lump at the desk. Letting out a fond breath through his nose, Win toed his shoes off and left them next to Team’s, shutting the door behind him as he dropped his bag on the other’s bed, trying his best to be quiet as he reached Team. The freshman had passed out at his desk, his notes somewhat crinkled from being used so much in the past week. Reaching his hand out, Win placed it on Team’s back and rubbed gently, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his hair. “Team, you’re going to be sore sleeping like that. Get up, yeah?”
“Hmph...Hia…?” Hearing the grumbled tone come out of Team’s lips as he began to wake up, Win couldn’t stop the snort of laughter slipping out as he observed his boyfriend a bit more now that he was awake. Dried drool stuck to his cheek along with one of his notecards, but Win felt his grin leave when he noticed the dark circles staining the sensitive skin under his boyfriend’s eyes. When was the last time he got some decent sleep? Reaching out for the older man, Team wrapped his arms around Win’s waist and tugged him closer, nuzzling his face into his stomach, clenching Win’s shirt with tight fists as he finally got the warmth and comfort he had been wanting since he forbade Win from helping him study. “I missed you, Hia...but why are you here? Didn’t you have a study session with P’Dean?”
Shaking his head softly as his boyfriend grew more concerned of him instead of himself, Win pushed him back a little and pulled the notecard off his face, placing beside the others on Team’s desk. Blinking as he became aware of this, Team let go of Win and wiped at his face, wiping away the evidence of him falling asleep before he stood up, a yawn contracting him that made Win even more convinced that his boyfriend hadn’t been sleeping that great. Noticing the look Win was sending his way, Team fought for something to say but found that nothing came to mind, his mind still heavily laced with fatigue. Reaching out, Win brushed his fingers through Team’s hair and sighed, scratching lightly as a small smile etched onto his face when Team leaned into his touch. 
“Go take a shower. I’ll get things together for dinner...I can tell you haven’t eaten. So go,” Win ordered, playfully pulling on the soft strands until Team whined, but for once didn’t protest his demand, showing just how tired he truly was. Watching as his boyfriend disappeared into the bathroom, the door closing behind him and the sound of the shower starting up, Win shook his head and glanced down at Team’s desk, frowning when he noticed how many notes the boy had. Making a mental note to convince Team to let him help next time, Win cleaned the desktop off and organized everything, putting it in a neat pile in the middle of the desk. “Okay...that’s done. Now let’s see what Team has in there to make for dinner.”
Stalking out of the shower when he was sure he had gotten all the soap out of his hair, Team muffled a yawn with the towel around his neck as he stepped out of the bathroom, the scent of something delicious cooking catching his noses as his stomach growled in protest of him not eating earlier. Biting his lip as he thought about this, Team trudged towards the kitchen and could only stop and stare when he noticed his boyfriend cooking, obviously done as he divided their dinner onto two plates. Noticing that he wasn’t alone anymore, Win turned around and sighed when he noticed that Team wasn’t dressed yet. Seeing the look Win was sending him, Team peered down at himself and blushed, making a new journey back to his dresser, pulling out a fresh pair of pajama bottoms and a muscle tank.
“Dinner smells good...thanks for making it, Hia…” Team whispered once he was dressed and sat at the table, Win taking care of the damp towels for him so that he could eat. Dismissing his thanks with a soft shake of his head, Win sat down across from him and began to eat, letting the sound of their silverware clinking against the plates be the only thing making noise in the room. Finishing up quite fast, Team let out a contented sigh as his stomach bulged out a little, a good sign to show he was full. Snickering softly at the look of his boyfriend, Win took care of their plates and washed them, not noticing Team was falling asleep again until he was next to him once more, gently shaking his shoulder. “I’m tired, Hia…”
“I can see that. Come on, stand up and let’s get some rest, okay? I can tell you haven’t been sleeping well,” Win gently scolded, wrapping his arm around Team’s waist as he stood, making a slow walk towards the bed until he had reached it. Flopping onto it quite ungracefully, Team wiggled around until his head was on the pillow, the sheet being pulled over him by his boyfriend. Turning off the desk lamp and bathing the room into slight darkness, the only light coming from the quarter moon outside. Slipping into the free side of the bed, Win didn’t have much time to get under the sheets before Team’s arms were around his waist and the younger male buried his face into Win’s neck. “Shit, Team. Let me get under the sheets before you tackle me!”
Grumbling something illegible that Win couldn’t understand, Team only snuggled closer to his boyfriend, his body growing heavy as the thing he had been missing was finally here and his mind could fully shut off. Noticing the way Team seemed to melt into him, Win only sighed fondly and wrapped his arms around the other, holding him close as their legs tangled together, his fingers threading into Team’s damp hair, scratching it the way Win knew he liked. Not having to wait long to see Team pass out, Win only brought him closer and pressed a kiss to his forehead, letting his own eyes flutter shut as he joined his boyfriend into a peaceful slumber, the thing they both wanted finally there in each other’s arms.
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natural sweetener
Pairing: Lee Donghyuck x Reader
Genre: tsp of fluff, tsp of angst
Tags: unrequited!au, domestic!a
Warnings: none
day 21 of 30 days with NCT
Synopsis: in which baking brings you back to him
// there's a room in my heart with the memories we made // (x)
A cup of packed brown sugar. Three-quarters cup of granulated sugar. Shortening. Vanilla extract. Eggs. Your hands went about in a thoughtless blur, adding all the ingredients into the large mixing bowl. On went the handheld mixer to a medium speed and you watched as the dough began to take on a beautiful mocha shade. Beautiful mocha shade. Just like Donghyuck. A tired smile spread across your lips as thoughts of the boy you cared much too much for began to invade your mind yet again. You had been doing so well, too.
The first time you met Haechan was late at night. Well, not late persay, but still quite late to be baking. 
He had knocked, one, two, three times on the sturdy wood of your front door before waiting patiently for you to answer. Both he and a couple other of his friends had moved in a couple weeks ago, but other than the first batch of cookies you had welcomed them briefly with, there were seldom other times you ran into them. You remembered well the astonishment on your face when he explained his dilemma because who in their right mind would want to bake cookies at 8:30 in the evening? 
Nevertheless, you led him inside, towards your freshly cleaned kitchen. How many? you asked. 
I have no idea, Donghyuck chuckled in response. They just told me we needed eggs and that we didn’t have any. My two options were going 4 blocks to the convenience store, or coming to you. And I remember you made these really, really good chocolate chip cookies when we first moved in... he paused to look hopefully at you. So… I was kind of hoping you would know…? 
A shy grin appeared on your lips when he mentioned the welcome gift you had brought them. You liked them? 
You kidding? Donghyuck scoffed, leaning slightly against your stove. They were GONE within the first 10 hours you brought them.
All three dozen of them? 
All three dozen. He watched, as you bent down in front of him, cheeks warm as you fumbled about, searching your refrigerator for the eggs. Donghyuck was a simple type of attractive. That moment you first opened the door, a different type of thrill ran through your body, much different than what you had felt with other guys. He had greeted you with a kind smile, an oversized shirt, a head of messy hair, and a pair of glasses perched on the edge of his nose. A triumphant ‘aha’ came from your lips when you finally found the eggs and you shoved the thoughts of him from the forefront of your mind. You turned towards your neighbor, producing the carton of a dozen eggs in front of you. 
How many cookies are you planning on making?
Uhmmm… enough for 4 grown men? 
So... You pulled out 2 eggs, a giant, mischievous grin slowly spreading across your cheeks. Assuming you’re putting like 3 and a half cups of chocolate chips… I think 2 eggs will suffice.
The electronic whirring of the machine in your hand did little to block out the onslaught of memories the two of you had shared. Ghosts of his infectious laugh rang through your ears as you switched the mixer off. Into a separate bowl went the 2 and a quarter cups of flour. A teaspoon of salt. Another teaspoon of baking soda. You gave it a quick whisk and poured a portion of the dry ingredients into the sugar - egg - extract - combination. More tears trickled down your chin and into the mixing bowl as you remembered the way his eyes turned into small crescent moons when he laughed, when he smiled, when he got excited. 
Y/N! Donghyuck ran into your kitchen, his spare key in one hand and a clear container of cookies in the other. He stopped a mere few inches away from you, holding out the container, sounding out of breath but more than excited. I actually think I did it this time. I added a tiny bit less baking soda and salt this time and took them out between nine to ten minutes… so I think I got it. 
Since that fateful night a couple months ago, your handsome neighbor had been coming every weekend in the late evening, never failing to produce for you a dozen, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. The first weekend had been tough and you had a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with Donghyuck adding a tablespoon of both salt and baking soda instead of a teaspoon. But you finished the cookie anyways, forcing a smile to your lips so to soften the blow when you told him… awesome first try! Although… something’s not quite right.
Somewhere between those first couple of taste tests, you began to look forward to each of his weekly visits. Perhaps it was the way Donghyuck’s smile seemed to make the dim incandescent bulbs in your kitchen shine a little bit brighter. Perhaps it was the way he’d watch you carefully as you explained carefully what your process was and how he could better his cookies. Perhaps it was in the way he laughed, a sound of pure joy, when you got flour on your shirt, when you tossed flour on his shirt. Perhaps it was the way the happiness you felt around him mirrored through his body language.
This batch was different. You could tell the moment you bit into them. They were the perfect amount of sweet, not too much shortening, just enough chocolate. A pleased hum left your lips and you smiled, throwing your arms excitedly around your handsome neighbor. Donghyuck laughed in surprise, wasting no time in wrapping his arms around you as well. These are perfect, you mumbled. And a part of you knew it wasn’t just the cookies you were talking about. 
But now, a year later, you glared into the dough. Albeit the crumbly appearance, this was what they were supposed to look like. Into the dough went 3 cups - give or take - of a mixture of chocolate chunks and chocolate chips. You rinsed your hands, drying them thoroughly before kneading the chunks into the dough. Your anguish turned into bitter wistfulness as you recalled the way his visits became more and more infrequent until he stopped coming altogether. 
What had Johnny - one of his roommates - said? Donghyuck had met a girl. Another girl. A prettier girl. A different girl. A better girl.  
You rolled the dough out into balls, angrily wiping the tears from your face. What else had Johnny said? 
Oh, right. Slipping the tray of dough balls into the preheated over, a stifled sob made its way past your lips. 
Donghyuck baked for her, too. 
a/n: let me know if you want my recipe for chocolate chip cookies XD
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thenamesseven · 4 years
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Plot: Living with the Seven Deathly sins was difficult but it was definitely worth it because of him, your favorite sin, Kim Taehyung.
A/N: Ahhh I know I was supposed to upload A Hell of a Boyfriend today buuut my friend requested this a month ago and I wanted to focus on finishing it today so she could finally read it! Hope you guys enjoy it too ^^
Word count: 4.3k
Warnings: Smut, Jungkook being a bit....Violent xD
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Living with the Seven Deadly Sins wasn't easy, no matter how epic or intimidating that sounded, sharing your home with them was as having seven teenagers as roommates. It wasn't until you found them, that you realized how much parents suffered when their kids started having this kind of behaviour. 
You honestly weren't sure how you've managed to survive so many years besides them, any ordinary person would have ran away as soon as they realized who they were dealing with but, oh well, when have you ever been normal? Besides, leaving their shitty traits aside, all seven of them were good friends, they were loyal and people you could trust blindly.  
It was moments like the one you were in, when you doubted if all the headaches they gave you were really worth it. 
"For the love of God Jimin, I didn't say Namjoon's outfit looked better than yours!"
It all had started with Namjoon and Jimin getting ready for some kind of event they had tonight. After praising Jimin's choice of clothing for ten minutes straight he had finally been convinced that he looked good in what he was wearing but, as soon as Namjoon had walked into the room wearing a tuxedo, his Envy had appeared because apparently, you had whistled at the sight of him. 
That's all it took for Jimin to change his mind about his outfit, claiming that, since you found Namjoon's more appealing, he would have to look for something better than his so you could be even more stunned. 
"You didn't need to say it" Namjoon scoffed, eyes glued to the mirror as his fingers skillfully fixed the buttons on his jacket's sleeves. You rolled your eyes at him, his attitude wouldn't definitely help in this situation. Pride was the most annoying sin to deal with, especially when he got involved with Jimin's envy. 
"He is right, you didn't even have to praise him" Jimin agreed with a small pout, leaving you speechless, what the hell was that supposed to mean? You had praised him before because if you wouldn't have, Jimin would have never gotten dressed "I could see it in your eyes" He added as if you weren't confused enough. 
Frustrated, you let out another sigh as your eyes followed Jimin into your walk in closet and Namjoon out of the bedroom since he was finally ready to leave. They would be late though, because Jimin wouldn't leave until he finds an outfit better than Namjoon's, which means he would change another thousand times.
Tiredly, you laid down on the bed beside Yoongi, who was peacefully napping, cuddled up against the stupidly large amount of pillows he had there. Curious, you turned your head to look at his sleeping face, smiling a little when you saw how calm and relaxed he seemed to be there. How he hadn't been woken up by the previous argument was a mystery to you but well, he was Yoongi after all, Sloth was meant to be lazy twenty four hours a day, no matter what the situation was. 
Without holding back the childish urge to poke his cheek, you gently pressed your finger against his skin, earning a quiet humming from his lips "Yoongles" You whispered, being loud enough for him to hear you perfectly. The male frowned, obviously disliking your interaction with him but now that he had moved, you knew he was listening to you "Tell Jimin his outfit it's also good" 
Yoongi laid on his side, facing the wall and keeping his chubby cheeks away from your hands, dodging any future attempts of waking him up with the same technique you just used “It is awesome” He mumbled quietly, nuzzling his face deeper into the pillow.
“You didn’t even open your eyes” Jimin whined and although you were starting to get kind of annoyed at his complaining, you had to admit that he was kind of right on that one. Yoongi hadn’t even glanced at him, it was obvious he had just said those words so you would leave him alone “Don’t care anyways, I have to find something better!" Jimin exclaimed frustrated, Yoongi already started snoring quietly beside you.
You were about to say something to Jimin, anything that would stop his whining but Jungkook was faster and more effective without any doubts. 
"I swear to God Jimin! If you don't shut the fuck up I'll barge in your room and punch you!" 
Jungkook's words made Jimin go pale, his mouth instantly closing as he turned away from you to face his wardrobe. You, on the other hand, were biting your lip as hard as you could to avoid laughing at him. 
Having heard Jungkook's scream, Jin made his way down the hall to the bedroom, poking his head inside. His eyes first inspected the younger male, watching for a few seconds how he picked up shirts just to discard them and throw them away without sparing them a second glance. But then, as he kept shoving a bunch of chips into his mouth, his eyes were dragged to you and curiosity sparked in his eyes when he realized you were holding back your laughter.
"What's so funny?" 
Fucking Jin. 
Jimin instantly turned around, eyes landing on your guilty yet slightly red face, before betrayal flashed in his features. Discarding you like one of his shirts, he grabbed a bunch of clothes and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door loud enough behind him to let the rest of people in the building know he was mad. 
"Good job Jin" You sighed, standing up from the bed, rolling your eyes as you walked towards the door "Now if he whines again and Jungkook punches him, it will be your fault"
Jin shrugged, stepping aside so you could walk out of the room "Want some?" He asked, turning the bag of chips in your direction. 
You shook your head "You never get tired of eating?" You asked, genuinely amazed by how much food he could consume in a day. 
"He will ruin us all" Hoseok or Greed muttered as he walked into the bathroom "I'm tired of using MY money to pay for your food"
"Oh shut up, you eat too" Jin scoffed walking away, rolling his eyes. 
You turned around, willing to go into your room where none of their drama would get in your way when you walked into a hard, broad chest. Hands instantly flew to your forearms, keeping you in your place, rescuing your poor butt from landing on the hard cold floor of the apartment. 
"Easy there baby" You didn't have to look up to know who was standing in front of you, his deep voice was enough to know Lust, also known as Kim Taehyung had been the one that saved you "You good?" He asked amused, hands still on you as his eyes scanned your surprised face. 
Your relationship with Taehyung was complicated. You were dating but you also weren't at the same time, the two of you knew the way to each other's bed way too well, the guys were also aware of the affairs that had taken place in your rooms. You were also exclusive, none of you were allowed to see anybody else since, as Taehyung liked to say, you were his as much as he was yours. 
I mean, whose panties wouldn't drop if THE Kim Taehyung said that? 
Feelings were complicated with him though. Taehyung, as you've learned with time, was attracted to people by sexual impulses, he was the personification of Lust after all, so his nature was mostly attracted to sexual satisfaction. Love had been an unknown or taboo word in his dictionary until you came around and even though the possibility of being something more than casual lovers had been mentioned, you were well aware that Taehyung was still a bit scared of what relationships might imply. 
Keeping things simple despite being complicated was your best option. The two of you had been doing well so far, why ruin it with tags and status? The two of you knew better than that. 
"This house is just…Chaotic, I swear one of these days I'll either explode or kill someone" You muttered to him, who only chuckled at your expected response. He had been living long enough with the guys to get used to their behaviour but he was sure it had to be a little tiring for a human. 
"Now you get how I feel right?" Jungkook suddenly intervened, popping his head out of his room to look at you "The hypocrisy in this household is unbelievable" He scoffed, obviously irritated. 
"What are you even talking about now?" You exclaimed frowning, not really getting why he was mad with you. 
"I do something that's a little violent and you all call me aggressive but you threaten to kill one of us and it's cute" Taehyung snorted at his brother's words, not like he disagreed though, he kind of had a point there
"Nobody said I'm cute?"
"Tell that to your whipped ass boyfriend" Jungkook exclaimed as if it was the most obvious thing in the entire universe, putting the spotlight straight on Tae. 
"I mean, technically, you are worse than her" Namjoon joined the two of you, still waiting for Jimin to get dressed. "(Y/N) hasn't killed any of us yet"
"I haven't either" Jungkook crossed his arms on his chest defensively "Your point?"
"Last night you threw the remote control at Hoseok because he walked by the television when you were playing video games" Namjoon said getting competitive, ready to slam Jungkook into the next dimension with his facts "We could count that as a murder attempt"
"I was playing Overwatch! And he stumbled over the cables! I thought he would disconnect the console" Jungkook said ready to debate, it was impossible to win Namjoon though, he knew he was walking straight into a lost battle. 
"Are we going to ignore how none of them freaked out at the word boyfriend?" Hoseok pointed out from the other end of the hall, sharing a new bag of chips with Jin. 
"That's called character development" Jin said, a teasing smirk on his lips "Now either (Y/N) gets accidentally pregnant or Tae asks her to marry him" You opened your mouth to say something but you knew that would only make everything worse. 
"We can't afford any of those right now" Hoseok frowned, looking at the two of you as if he truly believed Jin had discovered your plans.
The older scoffed besides him "With all the money you've got saved up? They could have an entire army of babies and get married as many times as they wanted"
"Not happening, my money is untouchable" Hoseok finished the conversation, disinterested now that wasting money was mentioned. 
"Aaaand that's our cue to go" Taehyung announced, resting his hands on your shoulders and gently pushing you deeper into the corridor, towards his room in order to walk away from the chaotic mess your roommates were.
The two of you walked into his bedroom, their never ending snickering becoming background muffled noise as soon as Taehyung closed the door, shutting the two of you out of the disaster that was taking place outside. 
Tiredly, you plopped down onto his bed, falling face first down onto the mattress, instantly burying your face against his pillow. His manly yet delicate scent welcomed you and a smile made its way up to your lips when you sniffed the new cologne he had been using. 
"That was…" Taehyung started off, breaking the silence between the two of you as he approached his bed. 
"Intense? Stressing?” You asked, finishing his sentence, a smile tugging onto your lips when you heard his deep chuckle. 
"I was going to say entertaining but yeah, I guess you could also describe it that way" He replied laying besides you, his back pressed down against the mattress as he extended both of his arms, placing one of them across your stomach. 
"I'm probably going to sound a bit rude here but sometimes I can't wait for the day we move out to our own place" You mumbled turning your head to look at him, obliging to his subtle order when he gently pushed your body closer to him, making you lay on your side so you could keep your chest pressed against his side. "And not wake up because Jungkook is about to murder somebody or because Jimin is getting all whiny again" 
"Or eat whatever we want without being afraid of Jin eating it before us" Taehyung said chuckling, turning on his side too, so he could be face to face with you. 
"Or nap as much as I want without Yoongi getting grumpy because I stole his favorite napping place….Like the entire house is his favorite napping place!" Your sudden frustrated exclamation made Taehyung chuckle, his arms instantly coming to your rescue and holding you in order to comfort the frustration out of you. 
"I'm so sorry about it" He said, attempting to sound honest without laughing about it anymore "We'll just have to keep saving up for a little more, we're almost there babygirl"
You nodded quietly, unable to keep complaining when Taehyung inched himself closer to you body, pressing himself up against you as he casually buried his face into your neck. Dating Taehyung, the personification of Lust, made you learn he never did anything innocently, every gesture, every caress and every touch, no matter how innocent or insignificant they seemed, always led to the intimacy he craved.
It was never the wrong time, you were never in the wrong place. Taehyung always got what he wanted because let’s be honest, who were you to say no to him? You were always a sucker for him and the attention he gave you, Tae was a deathly seducer whose weapons were sweet words and lovely embraces, there was no human alive that would ever resist the temptation he represented.
“Do you know what it would also mean, right?” Before you could do something, Taehyung applied enough force onto your body to press your back down against the bed, lowering his body so his chest would still be against yours without letting his entire weight crush you. You hummed in response, signaling for him to keep talking in that hushed, husky voice you loved so much “You could walk around in just one of my shirts without worrying about the rest of the guys showing up” He gently pressed his lips underneath your ear, right where he knew one of your weak spots was. Your breath got slightly shaky, heart pounding and sending rushes of blood through your veins mixed with excitement and anticipation “I could also take you whenever and wherever I want” Another kiss sent shivers down your spine when his lips moved lower on your neck “On the kitchen counter” His lips caressed your skin again “On our couch, on the floor, in the shower….Everywhere” Every time he named a new location, another kiss would sent waves of teasing pleasure through your body. “And last but not least” He moved back, your body silently complaining when the warmth of his breath abandoned your skin but you instantly relaxed when he positioned them back against yours, rubbing them against your parted lips gently, slowly, in such a sensual way that he almost made you whine “I could finally make you get as loud as I want you to, because baby, I love the sounds you make when I make you feel good”
“Taehyung” His name came out as a breathy moan, caressing his lips in the softest of ways yet, he refused to kiss you, he wanted to tease you for a little longer.
Humming, he leaned back to look at you, eyes scanning your face with a glint of amusement and need in his eyes “Hmm, what is it baby?” He asked quietly, thumb finding its way to your lips, running it along your lower one “What do you want?” Taehyung smirked as one of his hands moved down your cheek to your neck, fingers caressing your collarbone as they slowly made their way down on your body.
“You know what I-”
Your words got stuck in your throat when he touched the small wet patch that had appeared in your underwear, the smirk that pulled the corners of his lips up said it all, he was more than satisfied by how fast he had managed to turn you on. Cocky bastard. “My oh my, what do we have here?” Taehyung chuckled when your cheeks turned red, his face lowering until his lips landed back on your neck “I haven’t even touched you and you’re like this?” His fingers pressed on your clothed clit, sending waves of pleasure through your body, making your toes curl as he chuckled “If we-”
Jimin’s shriek echoed in the apartment, making you and Taehyung jump startled, and the stomping sound that followed, made you guess he had kept whining and Jungkook had finally had enough of it. You couldn’t blame him though, patience was needed, a requirement when dealing with Jimin and poor Jungkook had none of it, you didn’t know how haven’t they killed each other yet.
“This is why we need to move out asap” Taehyung’s sigh made you chuckle, amused while he shook his head tiredly.
“I thought we were already used to that background noise” You muttered smirking, biting your lip to not laugh even more since he seemed to be really bothered by it.
“How am I supposed to get in the mood knowing Jungkook is about to strangle Jimin?” His words definitely made you laugh this time, the situation was too much for you to keep a straight face. 
If there was a sight that Taehyung liked more than your naked body underneath his, it definitely was your face when you laughed. The way your eyes glinted with happiness and how your white teeth blinded him, the joyful sound of your laughter was the most wonderful melody for his ears and it never failed to make him laugh too.
Your cheerfulness was contagious, that’s one of things he loved the most about you.
Jimin shouted for help, Jin actually started shouting too but since you were too familiar with the chaos going on in there, you simply laughed more “GUYS, SHUT UP!” Taehyung suddenly exclaimed “GOD I’M TRYING TO GET SOME ACTION AND YOU’RE OUT THERE MURDERING EACH OTHER”
A sudden silence flooded the apartment, you simply buried your head into Taehyung’s neck to avoid laughing too loud. Your body shook underneath him and it all got worse when you got to hear the guys whisper-arguing with each other.
“If somebody else shouts one more time….Even Jungkook will be scared shitless of me” Taehyung threatened, you didn’t need to look up at him to know he was also fighting to keep himself serious, struggling to keep the laughter out of his voice so the guys wouldn’t think he was joking around.
“Can (Y/N) evaluate my new outf-”
“Jimin she’s fucking naked, do you think she can?” 
“See!? You all get her attention but I don’t! It’s just not fair!”
At this point you were howling with laughter, unable to keep it in anymore as Jimin walked away, complaining about something else, totally forgetting about his outfit issue. Taehyung started laughing as soon as he heard his brother’s steps getting further, keeping his arms around your body as he buried his face against the pillow.
“Should I help him out?” You asked quietly, running your hands up and down his back as he started taking deep breaths, calming himself down before he ran out of breath after laughing so much “I kind of feel bad for him” 
“Oh shut up, there’s a bigger problem here that you need to solve”
Without a warning, Taehyung subtly moved his hips against you, reminding you of the things you had been doing before another fight had unleashed outside of your bedroom. His switch had been flipped once again and he was back to business in no time. His hand slid underneath your shirt, running his big palm across your smooth stomach, fingertips caressing the hem of your bra.
“I can’t believe you even considered leaving me here, aaaaall alone, love” His kisses turned open-mouthed, playful licks wetting your skin while his teeth scratched it gently. With Taehyung doing all those things to you, it was pretty easy to quickly forget about Jimin and his problems, you’ll help him out when you weren’t that busy.
“I’m sorry” You apologized, almost breathless as he pulled your shirt up, getting rid of it and tossing it down onto the floor, sighing shakily when his hands moved up to cup both of your covered breasts.
“You better be” He said teasingly, winking at you, eyes moving down to his own hands that were already undoing the straps of your bra, willing to get you naked as soon as possible “If we had more time...You’re lucky I’m not willing to get the risk of getting interrupted again” Your heart started pounding harder when his lips left small, teasing kisses on your chest, inching closer and closer to your breasts. 
However, before Taehyung’s hands touched them, giving in into your needy whimpers, he leaned back enough to be able to turn your body around, making you lay down on your stomach. Your insides melted when his warm breath caressed the back part of your neck, turning your skin into goosebumps, filling your body with anticipation.
“You’re such a tease” You groaned, giggling when he roughly pulled your pants and panties down until they were around your ankles, not discarding them completely. Taehyung gripped your hair, gently pulling it back so your face would be closer to his, allowing him to leave a couple of gentle pecks on your skin.
“You love it” He answered, lowering his crotch down against you, teeth biting down onto your neck, stealing a moan out of you.
“I hate it” You replied quietly, gripping the bed sheets when you heard the zip of his pants rolling down.
“Oh, you do?” You heard him smile, a shiver running down your spine knowing what was about to come “Let’s see how much you actually hate it”
Taehyung didn’t waste any more time in foreplay, he didn’t even take his own time to tease you and push his way in little by little like he always did. Maybe it was because Jimin’s interruption had really pissed him off or because your teasing had really worked him up, whatever it was, it prevented him from being gentle with you.
He slid himself into you easily, your wetness acting as lubricant, making it painless and much pleasant for him to thrust all the way in. The both of you moaned in unison, your voice way louder than his, when your inner walls clenched around him, trying to get more, pulling him in deeper but Taehyung knew he needed a few seconds before moving if he didn’t want to end this too fast. You felt one of his hands running up your back, arm slowly sliding around your neck as he pulled you back against him.
“Yeah, you do sound like you hate it so so much” He whispered huskily, a smirk still present in his lips as he left teasing kisses on your cheek that were far from innocent in this context.
You opened your mouth to say something, ready to give him another one of those smartass comments that he hated so much but Taehyung used his position to his advantage and started moving once again, keeping the words stuck in your throat, the only sound leaving your lips were moans and whines that gave away how much you were enjoying this.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” He asked, resting his forehead on your shoulder, hand coming back down onto the mattress so he wouldn’t lose his balance while moving.
There was nothing else you could do, Taehyung always won this battle between the two of you. With your head resting against his shoulder, you took what he gave you, body rocking upwards every single time his hips came back down to crash against yours. Swears left your lips, praises left his and multiple kisses were exchanged between the two of you.
Unfortunately, all good things come to an end and despite Taehyung being the human representation of Lust, he wasn’t gifted with endless stamina. You knew the two of you were about to jump over the edge when his thrusts started stuttering, when his pace became too fast and irregular, always hitting the right spots for you even though he had stopped thinking long ago to act on his instincts.
Your voices got more high pitched and his name became a mantra you repeated over and over again as the orgasm shook you to the core. Legs shaking and body tensing uncontrollably underneath him seconds before he went through the same blissful feeling.
As soon as he was done, Taehyung rested his whole weight onto you but you were too spaced out to even complain about it, smiling when his hair tickled you. “Still alive?” You asked jokingly, breathing in sync with him.
“Barely” He replied quietly, burying his face into your neck, placing small affectionate kisses on there. “Although, I think I have enough strength to make you mine one more time in the shower”
“I mean, I can’t really say no to th-”
“Are you guys done? I really need (Y/N)’s opinion!” Jimin’s whined were back and with that…
Jungkook’s fury too.
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juuls · 4 years
Pinned: Writing Updates
Hiya folks! ^_^ With this new pinned post feature, I figured it would be a good spot to put updates on how my writing is going (or not). As most of you know, mental and physical illness and recovery keep me from writing either quickly or easily, and I know that bothers or puts off some of you. Believe me, I feel guilty a lot of the time I’m not writing, but I know that nobody wants me to feel like this is a job, that I should enjoy what I do, and I try my best to just relax and let the writing come to me. It has always been a grueling task for me, and my words fight me, but I choose to see this as a labour of love. Thank you, everyone, for your support (and for holding up my fragile, rebuilding, self-confidence/ego :P). Managing chronic pain and illnesses along with fairly rapid-cycling Bipolar II makes things a bit messy, but I keep pushing because writing (and you amazing readers) means so much to me. 💜
UPDATE September 4th: see below “Read More”
Previous update, August 21st: Still only about 2400 words into chapter 28 of Cross, and I deleted Hurricane due to reasons but will be working on it bit by bit to instead post it as a single-chapter fic later on when people aren’t so busy anymore. Means I can focus on Cross though, which is all people want from me anyway. S’all good! Looking forward to moving that story along anyway.
Still have @grlie-girl’s Mansom fic, which is an MTH-adjacent fic. But then that’s it! Then I’ll start back up on Deliverance, my Stuckony kidfic, and keep moving Cross along. :) I’ve also been doing quite a lot of brainstorming for my original fiction series, which will be a combo SciFi-Fantasy series with magic and tech both, along with an eventual triad relationship! I’m really excited for it, even if it takes me decades more to write. xD
Works in Progress:
Hanging From a Cross of Iron: Fem!Tony Stuckony, time travel and soulmate AU. Just posted chapter 27 on July 19th! Yay! I’m about 2400 words into chapter 28 and I’m forging ahead as mental and physical health allows. But I think... maybe before the end of August? Thank you, everyone, for your kindness and patience!
Stony MTH fic for @ishipallthings: Fem!Tony Stony, Pacific Rim AU. Natasha Stark/Steve Rogers (Earth-3490) Get Together fic. @sparkly-angell is awesome and helping me by being a soundboard and beta. 5-15k. Will post it all together at a later date instead of chapter by chapter.
Deliverance: Stuckony kid fic, post-Avengers but in the alternate timeline that occurs after Avengers: Endgame. Have not forgotten about this, but it dropped in priority once I sorta over-committed myself to MTH, whoops. I’ll be back to this, though. :)
Gift fic for @grlie-girl, Mansom: (Marta/Ransom) from Knives Out. Dirty, filthy, femme!Domme Sugar Mama post-canon oneshot. I may need a second account to post this pile of filthy hot lava. ;)
Recently Finished Works:
Thread Work: Stuckony wingfic featuring Tony’s sister Darcy, written for MTH.
Ten Days: PepperStuckony bodyguard AU written for MTH for @tehroserose and @astudyinsolitude-writes.
Bad: a ShockStuckony get-together, meddling matchmaker Darcy fic, written for MTH.
I will try to keep this up to date but sometimes I’ll forget. Check back occasionally to see if I’m any closer to updating! I love all of my readers and commenters, and am so blessed to have you choose to read my work. Thank you so much. So so much. I’m sorry for the wait, but I’m a comeback kid, I promise. Sending love, and be safe and healthy and good to those around you.
Love, <3 Juulna
UPDATE September 4th: I’m going to put up a separate post, probably, but what’s going on is this... I obviously have Bipolar II and have learned to ride the ups and downs pretty well in recent years, even if some things still surprise me on occasion. But what I’ve never been able to properly treat or learn to deal with is anxiety. I’ve always had GAD (general anxiety) but it’s been untreated since I had so much other shitty health to focus on. Prioritization, right? And I needed all my faculties to not end up dead at the hands or by the gun of my ex. Then, after I left, I was making strides in recovering from the severe abuse and trauma at my ex-husband’s hands, sharp tongue, and actions from July 2017 until... well, it’s still an ongoing process, but this whole year, part of 2019 too, has been a lot better on the healing front. The strides I was making helped me focus on things other than my anxiety, but after dealing with those things, the anxiety started crawling insistently in.
Didn’t help that I finally felt up to checking out what was going on in the world more often. And it’s been good for me, it has... in that I’ve become better educated in the awfulness of the world, which has allowed me to call out racists, ‘Truthers’, and other asshole bigots who remind me of my ex. The downside of all that is that I am way over-empathetic and am appalled at the absolute.... *makes incoherent helpless noises*... just, appalled at EVERYTHING. And I am afraid. And worried. And angry. And a slew of other words that I’m sure every one of you get. You’re all intelligent; you know what’s going on in the world.
And sometimes I devolve into apathy, sometimes sleepless nights (I get about 16-20 hours of sleep a WEEK right now, which should be in the 40-60 hour range, frankly), increased pain on top of the fuckton I’m already in, worsening migraines, dizziness, and the intrusive thoughts of my bipolar depression keep telling me there’s an easy way out of this all. That’s when I knew I needed to do something. So sitting down with my loving father and my caring psychotherapist, I put together a list of my symptoms, what I wanted to tackle most, what I was willing to let go, how all of it interacted (cocktail medications, which I’m already on, can be dangerous and deadly), and then put together a proposal for my doctor, who’s been my family practitioner for two decades.
When you hit the point of panic attacks weekly, and not being able to sleep, even with a double dose of your sleep medication... when you don’t want to watch the things that bring you some modicum of joy for fear of aspects reminding you about the real world... when you wish you simply didn’t exist anymore... you need help. I needed help, and I won’t shy away from discussing that in a public setting, for the simple fact that someone who reads this might need to hear that it’s not the end all be all, not the end of the line, not the end of your life. So with the support of my father and my therapist, who I spoke to last night and this morning, respectively, in advance of my doctor’s appoint this afternoon... My doctor listened attentively to me and gave me permission to go on benzodiazepines again. I will be taking one daily, the one that doesn’t have nearly as great a spike of effect, but lasts longer and steadier, and will also be taking the other, spikier one, as the equivalent of a rescue inhaler for the next panic attack.
I’m not trying to hide from what’s going on in the world. But there is a line I need to learn to respect in how much news I look for, how I consume it, and how I let myself run away with myself at any injustice I see. And fuck, there is a lot. I will still be keeping abreast of the news, still educating myself, still engaging in discussions with people I trust to be kind to my mental state as best they can in the situation, and other things. This will simply make it so I don’t devolve into an incoherent mess of a breakdown/panic attack, and most importantly it will keep me from suicide. It’s never been much of a threat for me, but lately...? Let’s just say I am a bit more concerned than usual.
Gotta love brains, eh? Mental illness sucks. But this is one way I can take control. Other ways include the Nutrisystem diet I recently started, going for regular walks with my pupper and dad, reading 42 Sci-Fi/Fantasy books and counting in 2020, breathing exercises, removing harmful elements from my life even if that pains me in the moment... I’m making progress in other areas.
But what does this mean for my writing? Well. Good question. The last few times I took the stronger of these two medications (on a more daily, vs rescue, basis), well, I didn’t write hardly at all. I have hopes for being able to write during this, with the more steady medication, but I also have to feel happy to write, and the state of the world isn’t going to give me much opportunity to feel that for months yet, if not years (go and goddamn vote)... so yeah. But I realized that I don’t put myself first in big ways like this. And this time I need to. If the writing happens, that’s wonderful. If it doesn’t? Well, I’ll settle for less anxiety and not being dead, and I hope that that’s okay with y’all. I know it’s frustrating when a favourite author takes ages to update, and I’ve always been fairly guilty of that... but you all know that I ALWAYS come back. That’s what I do. I love this community, this fandom, my beta, my readers... you make it all worth coming back to.
So please, all I ask is that you be patient with me. I’m experiencing a pretty severe mental health crisis and not holding on too solidly. But I’m thinking of you. Thinking of all of you, and just how much I appreciate you.
With love,
Juulna / Meg
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@juravern replied to your post
I’ve like never spoken to you before and also I haven’t rewatched AoU since I first saw it in the theatre but I don’t necessarily disagree with anything you said LOL. How they killed Jarvis off and didn’t even give Tony screentime on his feelings about that, I disliked it even back then when I couldn’t articulate what else I didn’t like about the whole movie.
I’m a simple person who has trouble pinpointing what I didn’t like in a movie if I just finished watching its cool action scenes XD, but I say that Infinity War was still okay compared to Endgame. Endgame truly sucked and I’d read you ranting about it if you wrote it.
they put what’s left of Jarvis into the Vision! and then never deal with that!
as for Endgame: you’re in luck, because I watched it for the first time last week, but also out of luck, because I really liked it! It helps that, because I was expecting to never watch it before that week, I didn’t avoid spoilers when it came out and was forewarned for most of the stuff that might have bothered me more (Natasha’s death and how badly all the Thor stuff punched down stand out). 
I wish I had been spoiled about Hawkeye, though. I’m sure someone else has written about the racial implications of his plotline before he rejoins the main storyline, as an Asian woman I’m too tired to explain why you can’t just have your white guy kill a bunch of unnamed people of color as an easily brushed past turn to the dark side. Also I’m pretty sure the yakuza don’t use samurai swords.
But, zooming out a little, I should probably talk about Infinity War first.
Infinity War is also a movie that I watched for the first time last week. I skipped it when it first came out because I correctly guessed that there were too many characters to do them all justice, and because usually I would see this sort of movie with my dad, who had trouble keeping the characters straight in Age of Ultron, and would be totally lost. He’s the reason why I finally watched both movies last week--he kept talking about how he wanted to watch WandaVision but needed to catch up first, and refused to let me spoil him on stuff, so we watched the movies and he finally learned about the Snap.
(I’m glad we waited, because throughout both movies I had to pause and explain stuff to him. And both of us despise people who talk at the theater.)
So: Infinity War is juggling way too many characters, and is basically wall-to-wall overstuffed action scenes. (Overstuffed action scenes are also a problem with Age of Ultron.) And then, at the end of the movie, they kill off every character they don’t have room for in Endgame, and it makes Endgame a much better movie.
There isn’t time in a movie like that to deal with Wanda’s guilt and grief, so she gets snapped, and that arc is left for WandaVision. Peter Parker can’t have a five year gap yet, so he gets snapped. T’Challa would want his story to be about Wakanda losing half of everybody, so he gets snapped. The Guardians of the Galaxy won’t mesh well with the Avengers unless they’re forced to, so everyone except Rocket and Nebula are snapped. Et cetera, et cetera. You can and probably should interrogate some of their choices, but the act of wiping the table clean is the best remedy for the problem where they’re expected to write a crossover including every living character.
Also, remember when I was talking about overstuffed action sequences? Endgame doesn’t have any of that until the very end of the movie. When it comes, it’s the most overstuffed action scene of all time, and there’s a lot of moments in that fight that just don’t work, but there’s like... two whole hours of not that. 
And then, on top of that, Endgame delivers on the nostalgia factor. The reason that I’m doing this rewatch is how much I enjoyed the time heist part of the movie. It made me want to watch the first Avengers, it made me want to watch Guardians of the Galaxy, it made me want to watch Thor: the Dark World, a movie which is not very good! I just watched it!
(Also ever since Guardians 2, I’ve loved Nebula as a character, and especially her relationship with Gamora. The fact that she was such a huge character in Endgame took me by surprise in the best way.)
Stuff I didn’t like: Traveling back to the forties is a really bad ending for Steve. By the time they were on that cliff, I wanted Clint to die so bad and the fact he didn’t still bugs me. You would think that all ten of the time heisters would be fleshed out, but for some reason Rhodey is noticeably missing a character arc. (Hint: it’s because he’s the only POC in that group.) It makes no sense for Pepper to wear a suit, it only happens because they were criticized for not having enough female heroes. 
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starcharmfunzies · 4 years
spoilers My thoughts on KHMoM
Although I’m not done with the game yet I already finished the story, and with 30 hours of game time under my belt I think it’s enough to share my thoughts on it, both good and bad:
At first I thought Kairi’s narration would come to a close with her retelling the memories of her heart to someone (Ienzo, Ansem the Wise, etc), but it’s obvious by the fact that she mentions things there’s no way she could know of that the narration is more likely for us the players. This took me out of it a little because it couldn’t fit with MoM’s story; yes they were searching Kairi’s heart and it would have made sense if it was only Kairi’s perspective, but a lot of it has no place in her memory at all. It was just the franchise’s recap, and anybody else could have been narrating. Chirithy could have been a better option since he may actually know a lot more than Kairi does.
Alyson Stoner does a good job voice acting, but she’s not good at voicing Kairi. Her narration sounds more like Xion than Kairi, so you can tell she’s not able to separate them like Jesse does with Ven and Roxas. Alyson’s hoarse raspy voice in the narration gives Xion vibes, but idk if she was directed to do so because in KH3 her Kairi actually sounds a little more high pitched than she does in the narration of MoM.
Although the mapping of some songs could have been better I immensely enjoyed most of the songs in the game. I played in Proud mode and it felt balanced, challenging and fun.
The memory tracks were fun as well since the slight difference in gameplay, and I liked how they adapted it to boss battles as well.
Mickey changing outfits depending on what team you’re using is nice. I especially appreciate his look with the black coat it looks so silly I love it xD
I can’t believe there are 6 songs for Neverland plus Ruler or the Sky’s theme and “Neverland Sky” did not make the final cut goshdangit.
I’m genuinely surprised there were no Pirates of the Caribbean tracks. Probably something to do with copyright.
Seeing Aqua fly was lovely she looks so graceful and pretty I loved it QwQ
I appreciated that One Winged Angel made it, it was a pleasant surprise xD
Original Simple and Clean was nice but I was kinda hoping we’d have at least one of the remixed versions. Oh well.
It was so strange being able to interrupt Aqua’s animations to have her attack or jump because of how I used I was to having to wait for all her animations in BbS xD I mean it was nice! But it felt weird like ‘woah I can do that???’ Crazy stuff.
To this date KH3D is one of the games I like the least of the franchise and after playing the songs I realized how much I don’t like its soundtrack either xD Only songs I can actually hum from memory is All for One. For me most of the Disney world songs are pretty meh.
I can see what they were going for adding the extra Disney songs of Circle of Life, Beauty and the Beast and A Whole New World but because they can be kinda slow songs I don’t feel like they fit so good for a rhythm game? Specially Beauty and the Beast I did not like as much.
Seeing Elsa being shoved on the back of the box felt so shameless from Disney’s part you can tell they had Square at gun point and told them to have her there. That and also that Arendelle’s song was Let it Go instead of the actual world song like the rest of KH3′s Disney worlds.
VS Battles online are fun, I like ‘em c:
In the final battle it felt so wrong that Sora was the one to fight Xehanort instead of Kairi. It felt like a slap to the face after Kairi was so hyped as protagonist for this story. You wanna include Sora in this fight? Have Kairi fight with the Kingdom Key instead of Destiny’s Embrace, that way Kairi gets to fight Xehanort while also letting the players know that Sora is there helping her.
Seeing the flashback of her being taken by student Xehanort was hella interesting and creepy but in a cool way. I liked it.
I... don’t know how to feel about the fictional world. I’m still taking it all in xD but I’m open to it.
The way Kairi and Riku were so excited to see each other was hella cute ngl <3
I was kinda hoping Nameless Star would be Strelitzia, but it really seems like she’s Yozora’s gf. That’s fine I can live with that, she’s nice and I like her.
I can understand the logic of why Kairi did not go with Riku. Really, I do. But it felt like another slap to the face xD Like damn this poor girl barely got the spotlight before Riku went away with it again.
Kairi is gonna be Aqua’s student!! I’m actually really looking forward to this and I hope we get to see more of their interactions c:
Mickey trying to run off after Riku and having Donald and Goofy tackle him was so funny like bro who the hell are you kidding? You went off on your own to do shit without telling anyone all the way back from KH1.
“But Master Yen Sid, he’s all alone in a world we know nothing about!” That didn’t stop you before from taking your sweet time to rescue Aqua did it??? 💢💢💢
See? I told you guys there wouldn’t be any new Ven dialogue :’v
The final credits with everyone flying with Sora that one moment where it was him, Roxas and Ven just made me go 😍😍😍😍😍 !!
Yen Sid asking Donald and Goofy to tell everyone to stop their respective searches was such a relief Terra, Aqua and Ven can finally get out of the Realm of Darkness after a year of searching there QwQ
The setup for the next entry in the franchise got me definitely excited! I’ll be looking forward to anything new Nomura releases, and I’ll be on the lookout for KH’s 20th anniversary in 2022 c:
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jyiori · 5 years
Arcana Fan Fiction | Khayalan Alnazar x Adrian Devorak It’s been a stressful time... but I got inspired to write by some very awesome folks. Thank you for letting me borrow Adrian again, @lazyvoyager  ♥ Thank you lots for the advice and support, Sketchy  ♥ And thank all three of you for always putting up with me and my shenanigans xD What’s with me and Lemons? They’re so hard to write!
Gentle was the sunlight that trickled into the room through the half-open window, warming up the bed ever so slightly. The lanky figure stirred from his deep slumber, raising an arm to shield his eyes that were still unused to the light. Having rubbed the sleep from his eyes, Adrian blinked several times and stared blearily at the trail of light illuminating the ceiling. It should be… …Monday, and the clinic should be closed today, and he could probably afford a couple more winks… …wait.
The young doctor sat up suddenly, more alert now. Contrary to popular norms, Adrian Devorak likes Mondays. He hastily discarded his rumpled clothes after washing up, putting on a fresh set before running a comb through his stubborn locks. A small smile sneaked its way onto his face as he bustled about the room, adding some throw pillows on the bed and extra blankets for good measure.
Once satisfied with the layout, he hummed softly to himself as he makes his way to the kitchen. The house stood silent as the other occupants were definitely peacefully snoozing, enjoying the day off to its full extent. With a simple snap of his fingers, Adrian lighted the fire and brought the water in the kettle to a steady boil. He set to work and brewed a pot of black coffee, filled another pot with the yuzu mixture, setting them aside for his parents. Deciding to check on the clinic’s herb supply, he rummaged through drawers and located the list of required ingredients scrawled onto parchment in his father’s almost illegible handwriting. Even the long list could not put a damper on his mood that day. Strapping a sturdy leather bag over his shoulder, he left the house in an almost jubilant mood.
Without much prompting, his thoughts once again drifted towards a certain violet-eyed dancer named Khayalan Alnazar. Ever since that fateful night and heart-racing confession, things have sort of… fallen into place. At first, they only managed to steal precious moments together at awkward hours, since Adrian worked during the day while his lover worked during the night. However, they fell into a steady routine as they both had their Mondays off, planning to always spend the day together after Khayalan wakes up in the afternoons. It was a routine that they both have come to enjoy and look forward to very much, and the young doctor went about his day quietly buzzing with anticipation of the time to come.
As the young Devorak finished restocking most of the required ingredients on the list, the sun was already high up in the sky. The freckled doctor checked his list one last time before stopping at the Alnazars’ shop. He knocks politely, tense shoulders relaxing a little upon hearing a warm, welcoming voice, “Please, do come in!”
“Adrian! You’re earlier than usual,” commented the owner of the voice from behind the counter. Adrian colours slightly at the remark, shyly meeting the kind brown eyes of Ayda Alnazar. She offered him a cheerful smile as she received his shopping list, eyebrows furrowing in sudden concentration trying to decipher Julian’s chicken-scrawl. Swiftly and with practiced ease, she weighed and measured the medicinal herbs and wrapped them up in brown paper and handwritten labels for him.
“Will Khayal be staying over at yours tonight? Another reading session?” she begins, conversationally. The woman didn’t give him a proper chance to answer before continuing in the same breath, “He hasn’t returned since last evening! Perhaps he had an additional performance scheduled. Please be a dear and let us know if he doesn’t show up at your place?”
Concern settles on Adrian’s face, rooting itself deeply in his brows. He left the shop shortly after, passing up on Ayda’s offer of tea for the wait. The sky darkened with clouds like the way his good mood was dampened, and he allowed himself a sigh as he trudges through the marketplace back home to the clinic. And yet… it only takes a few minutes before his good spirits came back in full swing, as a familiar voice makes itself heard over the buzzing of the crowd. He stopped in his tracks, locating his favourite person almost instantly, unsurprisingly surrounded by an adoring crowd that was following him around like a flock of sheep. Fondly, Adrian studies Khayalan’s face from across the distance, a tinge of worry marring his happiness as he notes his beloved’s rather worn-out expression. However, the pronounced tiredness was wiped out almost instantly by a beaming smile as the younger man notices Adrian’s presence. In a few quick strides, they were together at last.
“Hey. You came to get me~”
Linking their hands together with ease, Khayalan brings Adrian’s fingers to his lips in a smooth motion and pressed a long and hard kiss to the back of his hand, lingering a few seconds to flutter his eyelashes at his flustered partner, whose was gradually turning into a brilliant shade of red. The crowd that was previously following the performer giggled and gawked openly, undeterred by and unheeding Khayalan’s exaggerated dismissive hand gesture to shoo them away.
“Everyone, please. It’s my day off – you’ll have me again in a few nights.”
Giving them a charming wink, he sidled closer to the doctor and kissed him on his flaming cheek. Squealing with delight and amid peals of laughter, the small crowd dispersed amicably. Left alone at last, the couple started strolling through the marketplace, hand-in-hand. Letting out a soft sigh he didn’t realize he had been holding back, Khayalan spoke quietly so that only Adrian could hear. “I missed you.”
Just when Adrian thought his face couldn’t get any redder. He smiled in reply, squeezing Khayalan’s hand lightly in return. “You’re tired. Was there an encore performance? …maybe you should rest for the rest of the day.” The disgusted face Khayalan made at the mention of rest made the doctor shake with laughter.
They took their time to catch up properly on their week, just enjoying each other’s company and the bustle of life in the marketplace. Stopping in front of their favourite book stall, they had a grand time just showing and trying to outdo each other on ridiculous book titles of the local and foreign literature. The stall owner just looked on at their antics amusedly, a paternal smile on his face. He liked these young ones, especially since they were regulars and sometimes brought him small gifts of appreciation. When they finally decided on a book, they made a mad dash for shelter to the Devorak household before the clouds started to empty themselves rapidly, sending torrents of rain cascading onto all of Vesuvia.
Dinner was always a joyful occasion at the Devorak household, filled with plenty of laughter, wonderful company and great food. Khayalan never once felt out-of-place as he dined with Rhys, Adrian and their fathers. It was almost as if he was part of the family, although the same could be same of the Devoraks when they dined with the Alnazars. After dinner, the couple retired early to Adrian’s room with the book-of-the-day, an interesting find titled, “Unique Leeches and Where to Find Them”, which Julian expressed an eager interest in borrowing later on. Adrian was quietly pleased when Khayalan marvelled over the amount of blankets and pillows on the bed, praising his efforts earnestly. The flustered doctor shifts his gaze to the floor as Khayalan cast his pants aside before getting comfortable on the bed, patting the space between his legs invitingly. It was always sort of awkward at first, but it had become routine to them for quite some time now, their favourite reading pose. Adrian settles himself into a comfortable position as they both started reading together, laughing at the strange descriptions of leeches and unthinkable locations.
It seem all too soon when Khayalan stopped giving comments and fell uncharacteristically silent, and right when Adrian turned back to look, a gentle snore confirmed his thoughts. Smiling wryly, Adrian continued reading the rest of the chapter on his own, although the quirky facts about leeches no longer seemed as interesting as before. Lulled by Khayalan’s steady breathing and the slow rise and fall of his chest, Adrian lets the book fall from his hands and slowly starts to drift away–
His eyes snapped open at the soft voice, and he listened patiently for Khayalan to continue. What he did not expect, however, was a low and sensuous groan that made blood rush immediately to his face.
What was that? The doctor blinked in confusion, his face burning up as the sound unintentionally echoed itself in his mind. With all senses on high alert, Adrian stiffened as he felt it then. Something. Something was slowly awakening from its peaceful slumber, gently nudging his lower back with dogged persistency. Behind him, another strained moan escapes Khayalan’s lips as he shifts slightly under Adrian’s weight, imperceptibly raising his hips for more contact. “Adrian, please…”
When he sighs, hot breath warms the top of Adrian’s head. Yet the poor man was already combust, he burned as if his entire body was on fire. Something at the back of his mind whispered urgently to him, that he probably could use an extremely cold shower right now – if only just to clear his head. As Adrian tries to sit up with utmost care not to disturb his sleeping partner, his movements only succeeded in prompting the legs already locked around his waist to clench themselves tighter. Lying back down on Khayalan’s chest with the air of a resigned man, he squeezes his eyes shut and wills himself to wait it out until the steady grip on his waist loosened. Beads of sweat forming on his brow, Adrian clasps his hands together in a desperate effort not to do anything untoward.
An errant foot inadvertently brushing across his sensitive spot led to his undoing. Even as he bit his lip in vain, Adrian left out a half-strangled moan that promptly woke a dazed Khayalan from the throes of a passion-filled dream.
“Hnn.. …?” groggily, Khayalan’s searching hands reaches out for his beloved without much thought, locating his broad shoulders and tracing a path from his collarbone to his jaw. The amount of heat radiating from his lover’s body, the sweat trickling down his face and the ragged panting worried him a little. “Adrian? Are you alri–” Khayalan abruptly cut himself off upon realizing his own arousal painfully pressed against Adrian’s lower back, pining for more action. Coming to his senses, he released the tight hold he had on the poor man’s waist abruptly. Adrian let out an audible whimper as Khayalan’s leg wandering leg brushed over his privates yet again, sitting upright the moment he was freed. A sudden fear seized Khayalan the very same time a desire to bolt flashed through Adrian’s mind, but thankfully – thankfully for the both of them, Khayalan was faster. Locking his beloved in a bone-crushing embrace, Khayalan starts mumbling incoherent apologies in Adrian’s ear, he’s sorry, so sorry, he promises it will never happen again –
“Never?” Adrian’s voice, much calmer than before, intercepted Khayalan mid-speech.
There was silence when Khayalan tried to process the thought. He let go at that point, sitting back on his heels with his head drooping like a sinner repenting in church.
“Khayal. It is okay to want things,” explained Adrian patiently as he turned around to face the sorry-looking person, even as a warm blush slowly crept back on his own face. “How would I ever know what you want, if you don’t just… tell me?”
“How would you ever know – if I wanted very much, the same thing?”
It was not easy, never easy to be truly honest about their desires. But that night, they took it a step closer and reached out for each other… lips locking together with want and desperate need, that had been ignored for far too long. Finally, at long last – they lose themselves to each other in a night of raw passion. It just felt so right, so natural… the way their bodies melded into each other, giving, receiving… Working away the long pent-up frustration and unsatisfied desires, they cling to each other with reckless abandon. Upon reaching eventual release together, they stayed in each other’s arms for a long moment with a sweet promise of so much more in the future to come.
Entirely spent, Khayalan passed out into a deep sleep with a contented smile on his face. Shaking his head disapprovingly, Adrian carefully wipes down his beloved with a wet towel, his face flushing as he traces the blemishes on Khayalan’s bronze body with gentle fingers. The marks of their passionate lovemaking would probably be much more pronounced in the morning, but that’s a worry for yet another day. When he finally slipped under the fresh sheets into his lover’s embrace, Adrian Devorak’s final lingering thought was that he wished Mondays could last forever.
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