#anyways Merry Christmas :3
ta-loca-kimixd · 2 years
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I’m late to the party (like always but-)
Happy Holidays :D!! Hope everyone enjoyed this day and hope next year will be better
And well if you don’t celebrate hope you at least had a chill weekend <3
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tizzymcwizzy · 9 months
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MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! i have another marichat holiday themed piece for y'all :D (imagine this is stuffed in ur stocking or smth (along with some tiny candy canes))
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expelliarmus · 9 months
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jackshiccup · 9 months
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poeticsapphicism · 11 months
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if this photo really existed in the barbieverse barbie and gloria would 100% use it as their family christmas card trust me on this
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queerofthedagger · 9 months
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—Jennifer Nettles | Hamilton
For @kairenn-n <3
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hysteriafossil · 9 months
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ummmm i didnt like the new episode but!! i got to make this so it doesnt matter
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me + my mum collaborated on the christmas cake this year (she baked + i decorated) + we went for a starry night sort of theme :))
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
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So you did believe! Nothing wrong with that.
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lifeonmvrs · 9 months
happy holidays from attorney matt murdock (who is definitely not daredevil)
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[Image Description: a half-body digital drawing of matt murdock from the daredevil comics. he is wearing a red sweater with white text that reads “i’m not daredevil”, a diadem with devil horns on his head, and black glasses. he’s standing with open arms and a cheerful expression while holding a white cane decorated to look as a candy cane with a little plant at the top end. at the right, there’s a bubble text reading “happy holidays, people!”. the background is a solid red with an ugly sweater pink pattern with crosses and devil horns hands. /end ID]
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drewbs · 9 months
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gerry “my mom owns a bookstore so spell this shit properly” keay says merry chri(s)tmas
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sunyandmony · 9 months
@cozyreplicace !!! It is I, your secret Santa!!! :3
Hope you're enjoying Christmas and that you'll have a great new year!!!<3🎉
And to everyone else happy holidays too!! ✨
I listened to this and a version made by •IsDumb_Keirī• a lot making the ss check it out if you want to!!:>
Gift under cut 👀
Word count: 3,832 words
Time taken: 1-2 weeks:')
“One to 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 see….”
Even while they were trying their best, not one day passed where they wouldn’t mess something up when they saw just who had passed by their coffee shop yet again. And that someone was you.
Since moving to this new neighborhood,you have passed by their little coffee shop every single day. And they were head over heels just watching you from afar. Sun's crush was more than obvious, as every time he saw you and was doing something, he'd immediately freeze. He once was making an order, in the middle of pouring milk into the drink, when you came into view. His eyes widened like he saw a ghost, and he literally ignored the woman in front of him shouting for him to stop pouring milk in her drink.
The moment you were gone, he was back to normal like it never happened. He immediately got to cleaning and re-did the order for the woman. And then another day passed.
It only got worse the very first time you walked through that door. Everything about you was bright, from your manners, to your aura, and even to your looks. When you approached them they were immediately stuck in place. Both Sun and Moon. Sun had completely forgotten his job for a moment as he stared at you. Moon wasn’t staring as openly as his partner, yet his thoughts still ran a mile a second.
Both snapped out of their trance once you started speaking, placing your order and walking away to sit down at one of the tables near the windows, which had a great view outside. Moon was more than determined to explore these new feelings while he could. Sun on the other hand would completely go all in just for a spec of attention from you.
And not long afterwards that Moon bought your order, thanking you for visiting their shop and stumbling away just as quickly as he came. You were a little oblivious to that as you searched through your backpack to find your phone. And immediately got to scrolling through your media. Even so their staring did not stop, Moon from the back ever so often peeking while Sun obviously couldn't concentrate on anything, just your presence alone doing this to them.
They didn't want to admit it though, not when they barely knew you. And they weren't going to judge you only by your looks, because that's not how it works, not even to them.
And so, sooner than later, they approached you. Sun was the one to ask if you could give him your phone number to hang out sometimes. And without hesitation or even a single second spent thinking, you did. It wasn't that he didn't want it, it's just how easily he got it from you. You didn't give any mind to him when he all bubbly and excitedly over measure started to stumble away and back behind the counter. In any case he wasn't weird to you, but rather nice.
You did come here quite a lot, and got to have small talks with them. And by this point, they were very nice and actually more normal and chill then your coworkers who kept on making fun of you for liking them in the first place or even hanging out with them. Did that stop you? In no fucking way. You were gonna hang out with sentient animatronics. And no one will stop you. Not your parents, not your friend, not your coworkers and especially not your boss.
When you were young you didn't have many friends as everyone thought of you as ‘weird’, only a single person that tolerated you enough but not quite a friend either. But if these two were going to be your friends, you sure as heck will do anything in your being to keep this friendship going!
And back to the present, it went so well that you became best friends with both of them. Moon was a bit of a challenge, but not hard enough to stop you, that's for sure. And you soon became a daily, early morning customer that they talked with. And you noticed that as time went on, Sun stopped stumbling over his words. He said something having to do with his programming, though you doubt it, but didn't say a single thing. Moon also stopped being so off-to-the-side and opened himself up a little more to the idea, hanging out with you and having small talks seemed to do just fine with him.
If it wasn't for the fact they were so sentient, you would've thought they were yet another fazbear cheap product, but they were far from that. They weren't programmed with feelings, but they developed them. And the sentience that came along. You had yet to discover what else they're hiding beside the obvious.
Moon's love and affection seemed to be represented more by intimate touches and words of affirmation from you. He is very quiet but at least responds and will listen to you ramble for hours just to hear the soft melody of your voice. He wouldn't mind his circuits frying just a little to hear your sweet voice sing for him. He did hear you once singing along to something, not a lullaby but rather a soft song nonetheless. You had something going on that he genuinely couldn't get his eyes off. Though you did notice that when he can't say anything back, he just looks to the side and covers his face with his nightcap, which is kinda cute. The gesture, not the nightcap sadly, as it doesn't quite fit the theme of a coffee shop. But you didn't mind it, after all you weren't the one who designed them.
Sun is an energetic fella to say the least, he is always upbeat and ready for your arrival. He had the loudest voice you had yet to hear, pointing out everything new about yourself from day to day, and what changed or maybe what should be changed. It wasn't annoying, and it actually helped you a lot. He gives you daily advice and tips, and it is certainly welcomed. He had a weird way to show his affection, being all touchy and feely with you.. The touching wasn't unwelcome either though, as it seemed the both of you were just as touch starved. Though you did have your moments with him in silence, those are always cut short whatsoever and he has to leave you alone. Again.
.. Was it bad to think about them so much nowadays even after leaving the coffee shop? Like, they were certainly not that bad to think and daydream about but.. Were you seriously doing that on two animatronics that might not even share the feeling back? Yeah. And heck if anyone will stop you.
This was much different than a teenager crush in high school. This was real, and not on the internet. And you would be more than willing to make them realize what you feel. Even if it'll take years. And here you are though, wondering just how these two stole your heart without even doing anything more than being nice to you.
And today was yet another day, a weekend for once. Where you didn't have to work. And so, you get up and dress yourself before going out and straight to the coffee shop, which is just a corner away from your house. You're however immediately greeted by Sun hugging you and talking your brain out. It wasn't that bad at least when he set you down to lead you to your usual seat. He took your order and sat himself down in front of you while Moon prepared your drink for you in the back.
Sun just keeps on rumbling every second you are there, remarking how the kiddos are such messes and leave trash behind themselves at times when they shouldn't. Despite knowing the rules too. You weren't listening to him all that much despite being known to be a good listener. You were just staring out the window and daydreaming while he spoke in the background to fill the silence. It was nice to know he didn't mind you doing so. Not that he would.
Meanwhile your order is set down in front of you as Moon settles to lean over the seat behind Sun, mocking him and joining the discussion with his own little additions to Sun's stories.
At one point you swore Moon said something about Sun having a crush, which immediately made you perk up just at the mention. “A crush?! Who's the lucky one?” You piped up with your own question, the silence settling in as you stared at Sun, to which he immediately shrunk in his seat, rays retracting in his face plate. There was the faint noise of motors and fans working overtime as Moon excused themselves and helped Sun up, walking away with him and looking back to you with an apologetic smile before going in the back and out of view.
Later on Moon did come out of the back, but alone instead and settled in the same weird position on the seat in front of you, reassuring you Sun is okay and just needs a brief break.
Did you pass some boundaries? It seemed like so.. Maybe apologizing when he's ready will be better than bothering him at the moment. After all it's not your business to poke in. Yet you did what you did and you can't turn back time, just try making your future better and not let this friendship fall apart..
And so, Moon keeps you company while you're still there, be it through the silence or listening to you talking and adding his own opinions on the subjects. It did keep up your mood, and after a while you left, leaving yet another unasked for tip behind as you could feel eyes watching you. Felt like so for a while until the coffee shop was out of sight.
Once gotten home to change into something nicer for wear, you settle outside in your front yard at a table you bought and stare at the sky, the clouds moving ever so slowly over the horizon as the wind passes through the leaves and branches of the trees amongst the streets. The faint sound of chirping birds rings in your ears as you lay back, completely drowning yourself in your thoughts without even noticing that time still passes by as well.
You close your eyes, legs swinging back and forth unconsciously as you still cannot stop thinking about those two. Especially Sun at the moment, and how you might've invaded his privacy by asking what you did. He trusted you, and you ruined it right before your eyes. He probably feels more hurt than you. Not that you could know, since you didn't wanna push it further and go ask him that.
And so, this afternoon you didn't go back, deciding to just stay inside for today and focus on your work instead. Something to blur out the events of the day, and yet it doesn't seem to work. Only weighing you down more. They did not call you the whole time, only getting a message from Moon by evening saying that tomorrow you didn't have to come if you don't wanna. You sent back nothing, just staring at the screen of your phone in the empty silence of your living room.
They were both worried about you, even if it hasn't been more than a day. You were always the one to start a conversation topic in their message group, and then you went silent. Not only for one day, but for several days. You did pass by the coffee shop as is, but did not dare look at the building and hurry past it. Did you feel so bad that you thought you needed to give them that much time?
With a lot of confidence, finally, Sun sends a message to you asking if you're free Friday afternoon for a short talk together at the park. He didn't mention about what, and so you just said ‘alright’ and waited till Friday arrived before checking the time and going out on your way.
Once passing by the bakery and a few trinkets shops you finally arrive in the park, which is big. All around trees of all shapes and sizes, casting a shadow over benches and other adults and kids playing around or having a picnic of their own while you walked by towards the middle of the huge park, where a monumental fountain stood, water shooting upwards and back down as you sat yourself onto the cold edge, hand reaching out and immediately getting wet as the water lands on your forearm.
A chuckle leaves your throat at that, while you were an adult you couldn't help it. Your inner child is still there and alive, it seems. Birds continue to chirp all around as you wait for Sun to arrive. Which did not take that long once you saw the towering figure sit down next to you. Neither of you looked at the other for a while, mostly just enjoying the wild life in this place while you could.
The silence however is interrupted by a slightly off cough from Sun's voice box. He turns to look at you while you're still distracted by the running water in the fountain. “Firefly?.. I wanted to say, or well, perhaps ask:Are you avoiding us on purpose?” It sounded more awkward than he intended it to be, but it's already too late to take it back now. Your movements froze and your arm dropped back to your side. “Yeah… Look, I just thought you're mad- And I wouldn't be angry if you still are! But I wanted to give you some time first to chill down and all that jazz-” A brief explanation did it all.
With a reluctant voice in the back of your head, telling you not to, you turn anyway to face him. A white, milky void meets your eyes as you once again remember that he doesn't have any pupils. And so it was hard to tell if he's looking at you or through you. Though you doubted he would look through, and rather at you when you try speaking with him. “Ah.. But you didn't have to, I wasn't actually mad! Oh, no no no! I was just a little embarrassed is all!” He confesses, waving off your worries. Though it did not help with the gut twisting inside your stomach, telling you that something was wrong aside from what he is saying to you.
“Look, if you're trying to be nice just to ease my nerves. I've dealt with worse. So I'll ask once: Are you telling the truth or not?” You empathize your words, looking him in the eyes with as much courage and force as you have gathered till now.
He goes completely stiff, as if you've asked him a question that he needed to answer for a million dollars. “Well… That's not the case, at least not now! And-.... And yes, I am telling the truth!! I would never lie to you!” He empathized ‘never’ with a slight change of his tone before he went back to normal…
While you tried to believe him, and did. It was quite obvious that he's avoiding telling you something else, a detail that might be important. Even so, you let it slip past you. “I believe you, Sun, I do… But are you sure there's nothing you're not saying?” Again. And this time he quickly nods. “Yes! Yes yes yes! I am not missing anything, little ol’ Sunny wouldn't do that!” His voice betrays the way he looks at you once the silence settles in.
. . .
It's been about two days since, and everything went back to normal. Or so you thought. Not that you noticed how Moon was a little more adamant towards Sun to take more rest (thinking about it, do they even need to rest?). Today was no exception, the bickering starting again. You haven't even noticed when they went silent, as you have been staring out the window and spacing out. For more than one reason, that is-
And to say the looks they gave you didn't make you raise an eyebrow was a huge understatement..
“What are you two up to now?” You broke the silence, seeing as Sun immediately perked up like a cat getting called out by its owner. While it was a bit funny, you had to focus. The dramatic Moon gasps, now leaning with his back over the seat and looking at you from an odd angle no human could maintain. “Ah, starlight! How could you think we are up to anything?! We are just merely having fun!” There he goes again, the acting and the off voice… Yeah, they're up to something.
“Right… ‘Fun’.. And what is that supposed to mean in your terms?” Your eyes narrow at him suspiciously. You were gonna play along if he felt like he wanted to be a ‘drama queen’ today. He, once again gasps, but this time a little louder as he rotates his torso to face you properly(noting that his lower body wasn't moving along, so it was very disturbing to look at..) “Mhmm… Good question, starlight~... Just harmless fun, what else? Sunny here is easy to annoy, ya know?” He points out, his finger poking one of Sun's rays, to which the solar bot immediately shoves his hand away with a huff and a playful smirk forming on his face. Sun didn't seem annoyed though, maybe just a little bothered, but nonetheless having fun.
For once, you chuckle. “Fine, just don't blame me if you poke his eyes the next time you do it.” You add, getting up from your seat and leaving the money for your breakfast behind, running to not be late for work. That was.. Surely an experience.
The moment you left, both let out a sigh, Moon of relief that you believed them and Sun of pure exhaustion as he slammed his head against the table, ignoring how the object had zero time to adjust to the sudden weight. He was embarrassed. He didn't know why, but he was and it was tiring to keep a straight face while talking to you. It was either his crush getting worse or the fact that more awful customers came by here this week. Could even be both at this point. He wouldn't know.
Moon sat down next to the solar bot, a hand running through his rays. That usually does it for comfort, and as expected Sun does relax a little, but still doesn't seem like he wants to move. “Sunny?” The lunar bot gently taps the other bot’s shoulder. Sun responds with a grunt, straightening again and leaning against Moon's shoulder. Both say nothing about it, the silence speaking for itself.
He did not know at this point what's wrong with himself, he was just trying to become better friends with you after the little mishap. Yet it was him who seemed to slip away little by little while Moon was less obvious than him. His counterpart was always better at this, at hiding it. Though what good does that do? None. It only makes it more awkward than anything else. But even so, Sun never let his feelings drag him down. He will say it, be it tomorrow, the next day after or heck even a week later! It was better sooner than later…
When he thought everything would go better, this wasn't what he meant or even hoped for…
The next few days went a little better than he expected, and his courage actually gathered up. Though today you didn't come by for breakfast, neither for lunch or dinner or even a drink… All of a sudden to be gone, not even seen outside once, was hitting him in the back of his head. He gathers himself even so, you are strong. You can do anything. You'll be fine.. Right?
The day passes and the shop closes for the night. Still no sight. Maybe he was being a little irrational and selfish wanting to see you every day. But he couldn't quite help it.
The next day was about the same as the other. And the next, and the next and so on for, this time, about a few weeks. No sight of you by anyone they knew was connected to you in any way. It was getting worse and worse than they'd like to admit. Not that they would, since anyone they could tell this to was probably countries away from where they are right now. And not that either party had time to contact the other about anything..
Talking about time, it was once again time to open back up. They've been waiting with open arms and fresh food and drinks for you every day since, as the police said to not get involved any more and that they'll find you themselves. The both were honestly just feeling bad and useless for not helping out nonetheless. Humans were much different than them and honestly not all that good to depend on, but… They couldn't really do much as their programming was very much so strict that it kept them from intervening with anything outside their work.
And once more, they were alone again to ache after a person that maybe will never come back again… And it hurts, it hurts really bad deep in their very cores, but it can't be helped by anything, not even the daily girl that came by to always say ‘hi’ before going to school, and it was honestly affecting their work as well. It was noticed by almost everyone they saw, even if not daily, and no one could offer any consolation to them as they didn't really know what was truly wrong with them.
It was more than enough to make Sun more anxious around people that looked a little similar to you and always think of the worst if anything happened. Moon was no better than his solar counterpart…
They haven't gotten any news for months on end, and at this point they were just giving up and trying to focus on their work unless they wanted to get decommissioned as some particular others did… The future held a dark promise to them, every single time and this once it didn't change. It felt like every single person they interacted with got cursed by something..
And so, they work and work and work till their machinery is gonna be out of oil and gears to turn, and their last thoughts will get erased as many others knew it would. It was primal knowledge.. And it hurts..A lot…
It's al͓̽way͓̽s watc͕͗ͤ̕̕hỉ͔͖̜͌ng…. It n̤̮e̶v̶e̶r͜͡ lẹ̿͋̒̕f̵͖̜̉ͅt….
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starflungwaddledee · 9 months
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🎄 merry christmas! 🔔
it's christmas day here, so a heads up that though i'll be entirely offline for the rest of today, i'll be interacting with a lot more @hoshinokaabi-secretsanta posts (and posting some extras of my own) over the next few days!
just from what i've caught everyone has done such incredible work and worked so hard (mods as well) to make this such a wonderful event for everybody involved, what an amazing community! i'm looking forward to going through everyone's gifts and finding some new folks to follow and i truly hope this event runs again in the future!!
i hope you all have a wonderful holiday however you celebrate, as well as if you don't. plushie magolor is wishing you the best of vibes! lots of love and well wishes to everyone! ~ starflung
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iffasart · 9 months
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Have this little christmas chetney while i finish a proyect.
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obsessedwithgale · 9 months
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colourfulmes · 9 months
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Happy Holidays! ✨
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