#it was so beautifully shot‚ just like their one minute diner date
cherylblossom · 1 year
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“I don’t want to forget about you, or about us.”
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The Same.
AN; Felt like writing. So I wrote this. You is short in this. You is still a bad b though dw. 
Pairing; Pre-serum!Steve x Short!Reader
Words; 1.6k
Warnings; None.
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Steve Rogers always felt out of place. There was simply no other way to describe it. 
He never made many friends during his childhood and certainly not through his teenage years. He could never hold a girl's attention for the right reasons like his good friend Bucky could. He was yet to have his first kiss, his first date, even his first time. 
Though it had taken him awhile, Steve had realised that everything would work out for him the way it was supposed to. If he was meant to be alone for the rest of his life, however long that may be, he would just have to suck it up. He wasn't mad or bitter and for the most part, he had spent his time either alone, with his mother at home before she passed or with Bucky when the latter wasn't out on one of his many, many dates. 
Bucky was with no doubt, his best friend. His only friend if he was being completely honest with himself. The two had met many years ago when both boys were still in single digit in age. Steve had, unfortunately, drawn the attention of a few older boys who seemed to want to knock him down a peg. Steve was no stranger to a fight, however, he was a stranger to someone swooping in and saving him. 
Though it had been a change for Steve, having someone who enjoyed dragging him places, he never minded it one bit. It would be hard for another to come along and take Bucky's place as he would always hold Bucky on a pedestal because for the first time in his life, someone who didn’t treat him like he was fragile, hung out with him willingly.
It was a chilly Tuesday morning when Steve had decided to take a trip to the newly opened diner three blocks from where he lived. He had made sure to wear a thick over jacket as well as a coat when he had left for the shop, having only just gotten over a cold he had been almost bed-ridden with. 
The bell chimed when he pushed the front door to the diner open. He was unsurprised to find that the air was thick with the scent of coffee. He slid in and frowned slightly when the shop was slightly empty. It was a fairy new shop and perhaps word of the mouth had not gotten around like the new owners had hoped. 
Steve took a seat at the nearest booth, resting his arms on the table in front of him as he politely waited for the woman who was making her round with the pot of coffee. He smiled politely when she came to a stop beside him and held out the glass pot. Steve nodded, gripping one of the mugs from the stand and allowing her to fill it up.  
He spent the next half an hour nursing his coffee in his hands, drinking at his own pace while taking in the outside world through the window beside him. Getting out the house had done him a lot of good and he felt almost like his usual self. 
For the first time since he had entered the diner, the door chimed as it was pushed open. For whatever reason, Steve found himself looking over his shoulder at whoever it was who had chosen that particular diner to visit. It was as he was about to return to his coffee that Steve's head shot back to look at the new comer. His brows were drawn high as he watched her move to a table across the isle from him. It wasn't as though he knew the woman. No, it was more the way she had sucked his attention in on the one feature he had noticed instantly. 
Steve was sure it was the first time in his life that he had ever been in the presence of a woman that was shorter than him. 
Shock was the first feeling he felt before he scolded himself. He didn't like it when people deemed it necessary to gawk and stare at him so he shouldn't be doing it to another person. He knew how it felt and he wasn't trying to make anyone feel as small as they were.
He snapped his eyes away from her form when she had met his gaze. Though he hated it, he felt his cheeks heat up at being caught. He cleared his throat, fiddling with his mug as he felt a sudden gaze on his person. He looked out the window, begging the ground to swallow him whole. 
Steve snapped his head to the old woman who was shaking the pot of coffee inches from his face. "Excuse me?"
"Would you like a refill?" The woman asked, using the pot to motion to his almost empty mug. 
"Oh, yes please." Steve smiled, politely. 
He slid his mug a little closer to her with his pointer finger. As she filled his mug up, Steve found himself looking around her and meeting the mystery woman's eyes. 
One of his brows shot up without his say so when he watched her almost mimic what he had surely done moments before. She snapped her eyes away, her own cheeks turning red as she stared down at her coffee as though it was the most interesting thing in the world to her. 
For the first time in his life, Steve Rogers smiled at the antics of a woman. 
He could almost hear Bucky's voice in his ear, demanding that he go talk to the 'pretty dame'. He would never deny that she wasn't pretty. She was very beautiful indeed and he'd be a fool to not admit it. Her skin was glowing and he could see that her eyes were framed by long lashes. 
For some unknown reason, a surge of determination filled ever fibre of his body. It had him on his feet, his coffee mug in his hand as he made his way to her booth before he could chicken out and run all the way back home; No doubt, wheezing. 
She looked up as he came to a stop beside the spot opposite her. "Hey... Hello, um... Do you mind if I?" His hand was motioning to the booth. 
"O-Of course." Her voice was beautifully sweet as she nodded, fiddling with her mug.
"Thank you." Steve said, placing his mug on the table and sliding into the booth. "I-I'm Steve... By the way."
She smiled once more, giving him her undivided attention. Again, something he wasn't used to. "I'm Y/N."
"Y/N..." Steve tested the name on his lips, smiling when he found it rolling off his tongue smoothly. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N."
For a good few minutes, the two sat in a slightly uncomfortable silence. It was clear to anyone who would look upon them that the both were desperate to pluck up the courage to start a conversation. Many times they had each went to open their mouths, finding their voices stuck and afraid to come forth. 
It was Y/N who broke the silence finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "How're you liking the place so far?" 
Steve frowned, not fully grasping what she was talking about. He eyed her for a moment before looking around the diner. He wanted to hit himself when he did look around, figuring out pretty quickly that she was talking about the diner. "Oh! It's nice... Quiet, which I like." 
"Me too." Y/N smiled. "I feel bad for saying that I was hoping it would be empty on my way here." 
"Why?" Steve asked before he could stop himself. 
"Oh, um... I don't like the attention." She admitted, shrugging slightly. "I mean, men can be rude." 
She had said it plainly, deciding that it was best not to beat around the bush. Y/N had expected Steve to take offense to what she had said. She had not been expecting him to chuckle and nod, agreeing with her words. 
"I know what you mean." Steve said. "I've seen some real swell dame's go off with some questionable guys." 
"You didn't stop them?" Y/N asked, tilting her head. "I'm sure they would've preferred someone like you." 
Steve coughed, looking slightly shocked by what she had said. "No, no... Definitely not. Dames don't like guys like me." 
"Guys like you?" 
"Guys they might step on. Guys that're shorter than they are." Steve found that the embarrassment he usually felt when admitting that to people was non existent.
"Oh... I know what that feels like." Y/N almost smiled sadly. Steve frowned once more, raising a brow as though asking her to go on. "Guys like their woman shorter than them... Not so short that they lose them in a small crowd. Or so I've been told." 
Steve felt a wave of anger fill him. Who had said that to her? Who would be as shallow as to say something like that out loud. How tall or how short someone was had nothing to do with anyone. It wasn't as though it's their fault. 
"I think you're perfect." Steve blurted out. It was Y/N's turn to raise a brow at the blonde. "I just mean... I just... Well, I noticed you when you came in. I'll admit, I was shocked that you were so small but not in a bad way... It's rare that I see someone shorter than me."  
"Thanks." Y/N smiled, genially smiled at him. "For what it's worth... I noticed you too." 
Steve, feeling that wave of braveness come back to him smiled brightly before he opened his mouth. "W-would you like to go for a walk? It's fine if y-"
"I'd like that." 
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mycupoffanfiction · 5 years
A Real Sweet Guy Part 4
A biker!Bucky x shy!Reader Series
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
The reader lives on the same street as Bucky, the leader of a biker gang, which everyone in her building is afraid of, except for her. When Bucky makes a simple act of kidness to the reader, she realises she was right to not be afraid of him.
Warnings: So much fluff, **Anxiety/slight panic**, little bit of a creepy dude. 99% of this is fluff/a little bit cheesy, sorry if it’s too cheesy.
Word count: Approx 5600 (oops)
Here is part 4! I’m so so so happy with this part. I did get carried away with it though. It is kiiinda cheesy in some parts, sorry if you don’t like it, but man I just want a squishy Bucky so much urgh. Please enjoy the fluff fest that this chapter is 💕
“Hey Gladys.” You automatically greeted her as you passed her on the pavement and immediately regretted it, squeezing your eyes shut. She grumbled something at you and as you passed by her, you felt a sharp whack to your back, right between your shoulder blades. You looked over your shoulder at her and she crossed her arms. “What is your problem?” You ask, feeling a little hurt that Gladys was obviously going to continue hitting you with a paper. She might be a piece of work, but you and Gladys had once seen eye to eye, you’d once been friendly enough to drink tea together and on occasion you’d help her out when you were around. But not since Bucky moved in, since your opinion differed from hers, it was enough for her to start disliking you too and as soon as you got friendly with him, you might as well have broken all of her old crockery from the way she was acting.
 “You are unbelievable.” She scoffed, turning to face you. “That man is dangerous. You’re putting us all in danger.” She growled. Seriously? We’re doing this all over again? “Bucky is as sweet as anything and you know it, else you wouldn’t have the guts to throw the paper at him if you were really as scared of him as you claim to be.” You called her out, turning to face her fully. “I don’t care what your problem is with me and Bucky, but whatever it is, mind your own goddamn business.” You frown, poking her sharply in the shoulder. “I got places to be, Gladys.” You spat out her name and stalk away from her in the opposite direction.
 Ascending the stairs up to your apartment, you let out a heavy sigh and trudge through the corridor to your flat. You pull out your keys and let yourself in and immediately go for a warm shower to alleviate the effects of the rough shift you had at work. Who knew working at a bookshop was so tiring?
 You were almost ready to leave your apartment again when your phone buzzed.
Hey doll, waiting downstairs for ya. The guys will meet us there xx
You smile to yourself and type out a reply, telling him you’ll be down in a few minutes. You finish up your makeup, take the last sip of coffee from your mug and get your boots and jacket on, grabbing your backpack and helmet on the way out. You completely ignored Gladys who was on her way back from somewhere when you bounded down the stairs into the lobby and you shot out of the front door to see Bucky leaning against his bike scrolling through something on his phone.
 Bucky was the picture of handsome. If you were to describe the most good looking man on earth to someone, you’d show them Bucky. His long hair was left down today, but it was tucked behind his ears. He wore his usual jacket, jeans and boots along with one of his usual flannel shirts which was a red and grey check one this time. You wondered how many flannel shirts he had, but they looked damn good on him. “Hey.” You squeak out, locking eyes with him. “Hey sweetheart.” Bucky shared a sweet smile with you as he pushed away from his bike, extending his arm to you for a hug and putting his phone away. You stepped forwards and let him embrace you, wrapping your arms around his middle and breathing in his woody, leather scent. “You alright, darlin’?” Bucky backed away a little and lifted your chin with his fingers to see your face. “Yeah, just had a bit of a long day.” You respond. “That’s alright, sweetheart. The show will be fun and I plan on taking you out to this sweet diner on the way home.” Bucky grinned, draping his arm over your shoulder and pressing a kiss to your temple. “That sounds perfect.” You smile at the idea of such a nice afternoon, out in the autumnal weather where the colours of the changing trees made things that much more cosy feeling to you, maybe you could cuddle up to Bucky later or things might even start to move further. You’d have to wait and see. “Let’s get going doll, it’ll take about half an hour to get there.” Bucky lifted his helmet and pushed his hair back one more time before putting it on and you did the same.
 Riding the motorbike was going to be different today and you hoped you still liked it as much after you arrived at the show since it was a much longer ride than you were used to. Bucky took you down some roads with much higher speed limits. You’d be lying if you said that didn’t make you nervous and you clutched to Bucky for dear life for the first five minutes of tearing down those roads. You relaxed quickly, knowing Bucky was being careful, he would slow down to go around bends and wouldn’t overtake cars or weave between them, he kept a respectable distance between you two and the cars around you. You felt safe and you trusted him, probably more than you had trusted other people before. Being a shy person and quite comfortable with your own company, it didn’t leave much room for relationships or friends, but Bucky seemed to fill that space beautifully.
 Bucky pulled up into a parking space, there were a few trucks around but the majority of vehicles were bikes, as expected. You climbed off the back and pulled your helmet off, your legs feeling quite jelly like from the ride, but you were quick to close the distance between you and Bucky in case you needed to hold onto him. “Where are we meeting the others?” You ask, tucking your helmet under one arm. “Should be a drink stall down near the entrance, we’re meeting them around there.” He replied, taking your helmet from you and leaving it on the top of his bike next to his. “You getting used to the bike now?” Bucky asked, his arm finding it’s way around your shoulders as you walked towards the entrance across the concrete. “Definitely, I didn’t almost fall over after getting off your bike this time.” You laughed, leaning your head against his arm to look up at him.
 You spot Wanda in the distance talking to a few people while she leans up against Steve’s chest and you wonder if they’ve admitted their feelings in the past two days or if they’re still dancing around each other. “They’re so into each other.” You sigh, nodding your head towards Wanda and Steve. “Tell me about it, doll. They act like they’re dating all the time, but they refuse to admit there are any feelings.” Bucky chuckles, shaking his head. “How long have they been doing that for?” You ask. “Pretty much since we met Wanda when she started working at the repair shop around two years ago.” Bucky smiled at the memory. “Is that how you met all of your friends?” Bucky scratches his stubble and hums. “A fair few of ‘em, yeah.”
 “(Y/n)!” Wanda suddenly spots you as you two get closer as she pushes away from Steve to greet you. Pulling you into a hug, you giggled and hugged her back, not quite realising you were on hugging terms with Wanda yet, but apparently you were wrong, not that you minded. “How are ya?” She asks, bumping Bucky out of the way to replace his arm around your shoulders with hers. You see Bucky grin at you both before moving away to greet the guys as you talk to Wanda.
 “Are you two a thing yet?” Wanda asks you quietly as you both sit off to the side, watching Bucky and Steve. “I’m not sure what we are Wanda, we’re definitely more than friends, but not quite dating.” You shrug, you were comfortable with that for now if that’s the pace Bucky wanted to take, but you knew you wanted something more with him. “You like him though, right?” Wanda elbows you in the ribs and you huff out a laugh. “Yeah, I do.” You nod, not even trying to hide your feelings from her. “And you and Steve?” You turn it around on her and she looks at you surprised. “I’ll let you in on something.” She quietens her voice even more. “I love the hell outta that man, I know he loves me too but he won’t admit it. I want him to admit it.” She sighs. “Maybe he just needs a push.” You think out loud and Wanda smirks at you. “I like the way you think, (Y/n). I’m glad we finally have another girl around for me to conspire with.” She laughs. “How are we going to get him to admit to it though?” Wanda turns serious again and you sigh. “I could try talking to him, if that doesn’t work he might need a reason to admit his feelings.” You twirl your hair between your fingers as you talk and Wanda hums in response, smiling deviously across at you.
 Wanda pulls you over to the group and Bucky immediately joins you at your side in fear of you feeling uncomfortable. You grip his hand as you’re introduced to everyone. There’s Sam, who appears to be quite extroverted and loud but so kind and friendly, although there seems to be a bit of a friendly feud between him and Bucky, but it all ends in laughter and pats on the back between the pair of them. Then there’s Thor and you wonder if that’s his real name or not, but if you thought Steve and Bucky were muscular and tall, Thor was a whole new level, but he is such a gentle giant and quite excitable. Next to Thor was his brother Loki, a polite and quiet individual who smiles a lot but says very little unless it’s to sass someone or make polite conversation with you or Wanda. And lastly was Peter, the youngest, he looks barely older than seventeen at most, but he seemed like a good kid who mostly stuck by Sam and Steve.
 You spent some time talking with the guys, but you mostly got pulled away either by Wanda or Bucky. Wanda was becoming a fast friend of yours and you couldn’t deny that you were loving the fact you two were getting close. It had been a long time since you had a female friend.
 After Bucky went off to find you both something to drink and Wanda left your side to go and greet an old friend, you were left with Steve and you knew now was your chance to see if you could get him to admit his feelings for Wanda. “You know, Wanda really likes you Steve.” You break the silence. He sighs and smiles down at you. “I know, I like her too.” He leans up against a wall and you stand in front of him, awkwardly digging your hands into your jacket pockets. “Why don’t you tell her?” You question, hoping you’re not pushing too much. “Honestly, (Y/n), I’m afraid to lose the friendship we have.” Steve looks down at his hands, playing with them a little. You take his hands in your and he looks up from his hands at you. “If you’ve both been in love with each other for as long as Wanda says you both have, you can only gain. If you leave it much longer, Wanda might feel like you don’t want her and move on.” You try to convince him and you let go of his hands, letting yours fall at your sides. Steve heaves and sigh and lets out a low hum. “You’re probably right, (Y/n).” Steve lets his head fall back against the wall. “Fuck it, you are right. I’ve gotta tell her.” He ran his hands down his face and took in a sharp breath. “Wait here for Buck, I’m gonna go and find Wanda.” He claps you on the shoulder and pushes away from the wall. “Thank you, (Y/n).” Steve says over his shoulder before walking away, leaving you alone. Well that was much easier than you expected.
 You take Steve’s spot and lean against the wall. You’re not even sure where Bucky went for drinks. You can’t see Steve after he waded through a crowd of people. None of the guys are around, at least not in sight. You pull out your phone, checking for messages, but there’s none. Bucky knows he’s supposed to meet you, Steve and Wanda back here, so there’s no need to worry.
 A cold breeze chills you and you shiver under your jacket, why didn’t you wear a jumper? That really wasn’t the smartest decision. You feel a little uneasy and when you look up from scrolling through your phone, you realise why. A pair of eyes are locked on you. A tall, lean looking guy wearing all black, the most smug look on his face. He had black hair that was long on top and was styled carefully. He looks at you hungrily through his dark eyes as they trail down and back up your body and you swallow uncomfortably at the way he’s looking at you. He starts walking towards you and you look around for a familiar face but you see none. “What do we have here?” His voice is deep and gravelly, but it’s not sweet like Bucky’s. “You fresh meat?” He asks, moving a bit closer. You don’t respond to him, you just scowl up at him, but you’re almost too afraid to open your mouth. “You’re a pretty little thing, ain’t ya? What are you doing all by yourself?” He shifts in his step and suddenly puts his hands on either side of you against the wall, trapping you. You start to feel panicked; you’re trapped between a wall and a guy who seems intent on making you uncomfortable. “I’m not alone.” You try to sound confident, but you’re more than intimidated at this point and you’re sure you just sound terrified. “I don’t see anyone but you, don’t lie to me.” He laughs darkly. He reaches up and takes hold of your chin between his fingers and thumb to make you look at him and you try to pull away from him but he doesn’t let you, only pushing you closer to the wall as he gets way too close to your body for comfort and you can feel his breath on your face. You can feel your chest squeeze with panic and you try to keep your breathing calm while your heart races.
 “Back off Rumlow.” Bucky’s voice comes from beside you, but its not his usual, gentle but deep tone. He sounds irritated, almost angry and you see him tense his shoulders as he approaches. “She with you, then? Or you just protecting the new blood?” Rumlow quirks an eyebrow as his fingers brush across your cheek and you squeeze your eyes shut, swallowing thickly. “She’s with me, asshole. Back off.” Bucky’s tone gets even deeper as he clutches the paper tray that supports the four cups of coffee he went to buy. “You his girl?” Rumlow runs his fingers down your neck and you gain some confidence, probably from your panicked state and reach forwards, pushing him back with all of your strength and he lets you push him back. “Feisty.” He chuckles. You join Bucky’s side, standing slightly behind him. You’re sure he’s noticed how you’re heaving from breath and shaking a little from the way he looked at you when you joined him. “She is my girl. Stay away from her. She ain’t for you to mess with, Rumlow.” Bucky snarled. Wait, you’re his girl? He’s just saying that to protect you though, right?
 Steve and Wanda come into view, holding hands and you look at them both. Wanda has Steve’s jacket draped over her shoulders and she looks so happy, but once they see the standoff between the two of you against Rumlow and how afraid you look, they rush over towards you. “There a problem?” Steve asks, his voice full of authority. As soon as Rumlow sees there’s more than just you and Bucky he backs away by a few steps. “No problem here.” Rumlow chuckles before backing away more and turning to disappear into the crowd.
 Bucky thrusts the coffees into Steve’s hand and turns to you. “You alright sweetheart?” His voice is soft again and you nod. “Did he hurt you?” He asks, looking you up and down with his concerned gaze as he rests his hands on your shoulders. “No, just scared me a bit.” You say shakily. Bucky pulled his glove off his metal hand and took your hand in his, letting you run your fingers over the smooth surface as you close your eyes, trying to breath in and out slowly. “You’re alright, doll.” Bucky reassures you. “Fucking Rumlow. I’m so sorry Buck, I shouldn’t have left her alone like that.” Steve steps up to the two of you, Wanda’s hand in his. “It’s okay.” You breathe out before Bucky can respond and you start to feel much calmer, the cold metal in your hand soothes you. Wanda moves to your side and pushes your hair out of your eyes. “Rumlow’s a dick, picks on anyone he thinks is new, especially girls. He did it to me once too, sweetie.” Wanda speaks quietly. “He touched you though, didn’t he?” Wanda asks, tucking your hair behind your ear. “Yeah, it’s okay though, I’m okay.” You’re not sure if your saying that to yourself or your friends but Wanda pulls you against her in a sideways hug and you let her hold you.
 “I noticed you get anxious.” Wanda says as the four of you perch on top of a wall, watching a bike race in the middle. Steve and Bucky are quite absorbed in the show while you and Wanda chat. “Yeah, I get panicked easily. I’m shy. I can manage when I’m running my shop because I can fake the confidence for a few hours, but it drains me. But conflict and situations like with that Rumlow guy set me off pretty badly.” You admit to her, warming up your hands on your coffee cup. “Y’know, I get anxious too.” Wanda rests her head on your shoulder as you watched the race, the rumble of bikes vibrated through your chest as you watched the bikes go by, one overtaking the other, the third weaving in and out of its position. “It gets easier.” Wanda continued. You let her talk to you about it for a while and you started to feel at ease. The comforting feeling of friends around you, Wanda talking to you about her own feelings and what makes her feel better while she rested against you and you against Bucky made you feel warm inside.
 Bucky’s arm snaked around your back, squeezing your middle while Wanda remained resting on your shoulder, her hand wrapping around your arm. Steve obviously started to feel left out when he scooted a little closer to Wanda and held her with one arm and the four of you watched the race, sharing the odd thing here and there, sipping your coffees and laughing at the odd joke one of you told.
 Eventually the races ended and Steve and Wanda left the two of you to do their own thing. You sat with Bucky as another show started, it was a competition about the best bikes in the show and while you didn’t care too much for the competition of it all, the pride and happiness the bikers shared for their bikes was nice to watch. Apart from Rumlow, you’d never seen a more tightly knit community of people, everyone was nice to everyone, except for the odd rival here and there.
 You and Bucky start walking down a section of the outdoor area across the grass when a stall in the distance catches his eye and Bucky takes your hand in his, pulling you along with him. “C’mon doll, love when these things are here.” He says to you, but you have no idea what he’s talking about. Being quite a bit shorter than Bucky, you can’t see above the crowd like he can so you keep quiet and wait and see what he’s so excited about. Bucky weaves through the crowd with you in tow until you reach a tattoo stand and he excitedly looks at you. “Don’t worry, I ain’t gonna make you get one, but I want to get one.” He grins. “It’s been a while, I think it’s about time I got a new one, doll.” Bucky speaks softly to you. “What are you gonna get?” You ask. “It’s a surprise, (Y/n).” He smiles and you giggle, knowing he’s probably doing it with you in mind.
 He talks to one of the tattoo artists and you sit nearby as he’s getting a stencil applied to his arm. The tattoo itself looks tiny from what you can see and you watch as the artist sets up their equipment to start. You wait for all of about ten minutes, watching the tattoo artist move the needle around on the spot on Bucky’s arm and then it’s finished.
 When it’s all cleaned up, before it gets wrapped up, Bucky insists on showing you and you walk over to see his arm. He twists it, pointing at the red patch at the side of his tattoo sleeve where he’s added a new piece and you giggle a little when you see it, grinning up at him as you inspect it. “What? Coffee is symbolic to me.” Bucky laughs as you smile at his new, line art tattoo of a mug of coffee. “Your girlfriend going to get anything?” The tattoo artist asks. “(Y/n), you gettin’ anything, sweetheart?” Bucky knows you’ll say no. You realise he didn’t even deny when you were called his girlfriend. He’s just being polite, right? “Actually, I would like to get one.” You respond and Bucky looks at you surprised. “You sure?” Bucky asks. “Absolutely, I told you it’d be spontaneous, didn’t I?” You grin up at him. “What are you gonna get?” Bucky asks as you move over to the stall to pay for the size of tattoo you want. “It’s a surprise, Bucky.” You repeat his own words and he laughs, kissing you cheek and sits off at the side while you talk to the artist.
 Getting a tattoo was quickly added to your list of things that were nowhere near as scary as you thought they’d be. It also didn’t hurt as much as you had imagined. It did hurt, and it was uncomfortable, but it wasn’t as bad as you had expected. You were however quite cold since you had to take your jacket off to have your tattoo done on the inside of your arm, just below your elbow crease on your forearm. It took a little longer than Bucky’s, mainly because there was some basic shading and by the time it was done, you were well and truly over your fear and were more excited than anything else to show it off. “Let me see, let me see.” Bucky comes over as your new tattoo gets wiped over and he peers over to see the new piece of art on your arm. It was a little stack of books with a mug sat on top. Bucky studies it for a moment and shares a grin with you. “See, coffee is symbolic.” He pokes you in the side.
 You both met back up with the whole group and you and Bucky showed off your new tattoos, to which Thor was ecstatic about since it was your first ever piece and everyone else in the crew had at least one. “You’re fitting in nicely, small one.” Thor’s voice boomed at you as you showed off your new ink. “Not that you needed a tattoo to fit in, dear. What Thor is trying to say is that you really are starting to become one of us.” Loki interrupted, patting your shoulder gently and flashing you a lovely smile. You felt so welcomed by them all, and you couldn’t be happier about it. Before all of this you had been quite lonely but since Bucky asked if you needed help that day when you bought far too much food than you could carry, your life had taken a turn for the better. It had barely been a full week, but you were coming close to people like you’d known them for months or years and it made your heart swell with happiness that they seemed to instantly accept and embrace you into their fold.
 You all made you way out of the show and down to the diner on your bikes. You and Peter were the only two ride sharing while everyone else had their own bikes and after the thrill from today, your interest in bikes and your new friends had you thinking about learning to ride yourself.
 It was close to seven o’clock when you all filed into the nearly empty diner. A blonde haired woman stood behind the counter and watched you all come in with a big smile on her face. “Hey, Pep.” Steve was the first to greet her, a chorus of hellos followed his. Her name was Pepper, according to her nametag. You were all squished into a large booth at the back of the diner and you found yourself squished in between Bucky and Thor. Opposite you was Steve, Wanda and Loki and Sam and Peter sat on the end on separate chairs.
 “So, when is (Y/n) going to become an official member of the crew, Buck?” Sam asked, everyone falling silent. “Whenever she wants.” Bucky shrugged, looking at you questioningly. “I wasn’t already part of your group?” You ask, confused. “Not officially.” Sam rolled his eyes playfully. “What makes it official? You gonna make me do some crazy dare or a challenge or something?” You ask. Thor chuckles and his giant hand is brought down onto your shoulder. “We’re not like those bikers, small one.” Thor claps you on the back and you lurch forwards and you see Steve stifle a laugh. “A biker ain’t a biker without a jacket, all we gotta do is get you one.” Steve speaks up. “But I’m not even a biker.” Leaning back on the seat, you shift about. “You don’t have to know how to ride a bike to be a biker, doll. You ride mine with me, think of it as being my co-pilot.” Bucky winks at you and you giggle. You’re Bucky’s co-pilot now, apparently, but you liked the title. “Since Buck is the leader, he gets to pick out your jacket.” Steve informs you. “That’s fine, I trust his taste. He always manages to look good.” You blurt out, but you instantly blush and look down, cursing to yourself for saying that out loud. A chorus of aww’s and a few laughs are shared while Bucky drapes his arm around your shoulders. “Do I, doll?” He drawls into your ear. “Didn’t know you thought I looked so good.” He chuckles. Bucky pulls you in close and you keep your line of sight low to avoid eye contact. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m flattered and for the record, I think you always look good too.” Bucky whispers in your ear and you blush furiously. If you weren’t bright red before, you certainly were now.
 Eventually the chatter about your verbal slip dies down when your food arrives and you all settle down to eat. Most of the group ordered pizza, including yourself since everyone told you how good the pizza here was and you wolfed down your food while talking to everyone about anything and everything. The conversation went in different directions, people talking about their parents, Wanda sharing stories of her brother Pietro and their adventures together and how she was going to get him to come along some time because she was sure you’d get along with him too. Sam was on a roll with jokes, most of which were responded to with groans and exasperated laughs, but the odd one landed Sam the reactions he was looking for with the whole table collapsing into laughter. Peter got himself tongue tied and was extremely clumsy with his words, even more so than you, which made you feel a little better about the times you embarrassed yourself in front of Bucky when Peter told the table about his slip ups with his crush, MJ.
 Eventually you all pay, although Bucky insists on paying for your meal, which you protest about three times before giving in to his chivalrous act, which in all honesty, you didn’t mind, you just wanted to be polite because you didn’t want Bucky to feel like he had to pay for you.
 Slowly making your way out of the diner, everyone says their goodbyes and you’re not the least bit surprised anymore when you receive hugs from everyone, including Loki who you had not expected to say goodbye to you that way. Wanda wrapped herself around you and squeezed tightly. “I never got to say it earlier but thank you. Steve finally spoke up about his feelings, we’re going on a date tomorrow night.” She says excitedly into your ear and you beam at her. “I’m so happy for you!” You squeal with delight. “Tell me how it goes.” You hold her by the shoulders and she nods enthusiastically. “I will, just give me your number first.” Wanda pokes you in the chest and you laugh. You pull out your phone to exchange numbers and she squeezes you one last time, pecking you on the cheek as she pulls away. “Have a good night, sweetie.” She grins at you before saying a quick goodbye to Bucky and making her way to her bike.
 “So, co-pilot.” Bucky guides you along to his bike, his arm taking its usual place around your shoulders. “How about we make a little stop on the way home? I’ve got one more thing to show you.” Bucky looks down at you, a smirk playing on his lips as you walk together. “You’re the pilot.” You nudge him grinning up at him and you both lock eyes for a moment. God he looks so handsome, even in the low evening light. “Let’s go then, sweetheart.” Bucky presses a kiss to your temple and you make your way to his bike and get ready to go.
 You hold onto Bucky as he drives you down the main road and then pulls off onto a little track at the side and you start to wonder where he’s taking you. After a short drive, he pulls up and stops his bike, waiting for you to get off. Taking off your helmet, you leave it on the bike seat and he takes your hand in his. Bucky leads you a few feet forwards to the brow of the hill, overlooking the town you both live in. “It’s beautiful.” You whisper as you both stop to admire the view. “Isn’t it?” Bucky pulls you close.
 “I know its early, probably too early to say this, but I gotta get it off my chest.” Bucky says, looking straight ahead. “I’m falling for you, (Y/n). God I think I’m in love with you and I wanna take this slow, whatever this is but I need you to know I’m crazy for you, sweetheart.” Bucky rushes it all out and he struggles to even look across at you properly. Bucky is falling for you and you thought you were weak since you were falling for him so fast, but you’re both just as mad for each other. “Please, say something, doll.” He breaks your train of thought and you feel bad for leaving him hanging while you internally screamed about his feelings for you. “Bucky,” You breathe out. You can’t quite find the words you’re looking for and you pause for a painfully long time. “I’m falling in love with you too.” You finally manage to get out. “I want to be with you. You make me feel so safe and protected, you’re always looking out for me, you understand me more than anyone I’ve ever met.” That was it, the list of things you’d been wanting to say suddenly came spilling out and you had to stop yourself before you blurted out even more. “We can take it as slow as you want. I can wait too, if you don’t want to right now either.” This is the most nervous you’ve ever seen, or rather heard Bucky. He takes in a deep breath and turns to face you, his face slightly illuminated from the glow of the moon. “Will you be my girl?” Bucky asks. You reach up and gently stroke his cheek with you thumb, brushing your fingers over his stubble. “I’d love to be.” You reply and before you can even stop yourself, your up on your toes, your face so close to his and you both slowly lean into one another. You lips gently touch and you feel his soft skin slowly push against yours. You begin to move against his lips, his arms hold you tightly around your middle and you rest your hands on his chest.
 You slowly part and you look up at him. All you feel is absolute bliss and awe, your stomach is fluttering with excitement and your heart is beating like mad, but you feel so at ease under his touch. He isn’t just any sweet guy anymore, he’s your sweet guy.
@shygirl-00 @scuzmunkie @ thechaoticargonaut@allonszassbutt@smashley816 @paintballkid711 @omlbarnes@jbb-bucky0310 @just-another-fangirl777  @booktease21 @meg-holland @swanlakemikey
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badboysdoitbetter · 5 years
The Evolution of Love [Mateo Guevara x Reader]
Pairing: Mateo Guevara x Reader [F]
Summary: Just a little blurb of how your relationship progresses through time, starting from the day you met, to marriage and beyond.
Requested: yes. “Just watched Point Blank and can’t get over Mateo💕 Could you please do a reader x Mateo major fluff-filled one shot. Can literally be about anything like meeting, dating, marrying, expecting child, etc. etc. Thank you lovely!”
Warning: Language, and some depictions of blood n stuff. vv awkward Mateo and reader :)
Word Count: 2,103
A/N: Hi, I’m back from the dead… Again? I got some inspiration to write again, but let’s see how long it lasts this time! P.S. @annamaggs16 I couldn’t choose which of these I liked best, so I did the 3 of them! Enjoy!
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How You Met :
“Abe? I’m here...” You knocked, gripping your medical bag tighter as you knocked on the door of the Guevara’s warehouse. You’d gotten a distraught voicemail from Abe barely ten minutes prior, and you barely needed to listen to understand that he was desperate for your help. 
Obviously, at first, you were confused because you and Abe weren’t even that close. In fact, the only time you’d met was when he showed up at the homeless shelter, where you worked as a doctor, bleeding from more places than you could count and begging you for help that was “off the records”.
Still, being the kind-hearted person you were, when an unknown number called your phone you didn’t hesitate to pick up, and when he told you to meet him all the way across town, you went thirty miles-per-hour past the speed limit to get to Abe as soon as you could.
The door slammed open as a hand pulled you inside, and within a matter of seconds, you could see the trail of blood leading to a body less than twenty feet away from you.
“Oh god, Abe what’s going–”
“Fix him. Please, (Y/N).” Opening your medical pack, you sat on the ground beside the man, your eyes showing a determination that somehow put Abe slightly at ease.
“I’ll try.”
✧ ✧ ✧
Nearly an hour later, you stroked the handsome strangers face, keeping an eye on his vitals as he slept. Your eyes drifted to your watch. Crap. You were definitely going to be late for work.
“Fuck,” The stranger winced, holding his chest in the place he’d been shot. “Abe?” Coughing, his eyes fluttering open, revealing two piercing blue orbs.
“Sorry, just me.” The stranger jolted up, trying to back away from you. “Hey–” You called, seeing that trying to move was only causing him more pain, “I’m not here to hurt you. Your brother called me in. Apparently, his little brother needed saving.” Letting out a sigh of relief, his body relaxed and he laid back down. 
“Thank you.”
“No problem. Happy to help–” Your words lingered in the air as you waited for him to tell you his name.
“Mateo. My name’s Mateo.”
“Well, Mateo, remember to take two of these every 6 hours.” You held up a bottle of extra-strength Tylenol, “Sorry, I’m not allowed to give out prescription pain medication where I work, since we get a lot of addicts, so this is the best I can do.” He chuckled, and when he smiled at you you thought your knees were about to go weak. 
You shook it off, and as you walked to the door, you turned around, speaking once more.
“I’m (Y/N), by the way. If you ever get yourself shot again, I wrote my number on the painkiller bottle. Use it.” As you were about to shut the door you heard him call out to you.
“I might just have to get shot again soon, then.”
He Asks You On A Date :
“Hello?” You couldn’t resist picking up the fifth unknown number call this week, and immediately, a robotic voice began to speak,
“Hello caller, you’ve been chosen for a complimentary stay at the Mariotte Hotel! To start, you’ll need to answer a few questions. What are the 16 digits of your credit card–” Hanging up, you rolled your eyes. These calls were getting out of hand… Maybe you needed to stop pining after some guy you met literally once before. He would call if he was interested, right?
For some reason, you kept hoping one of the unknown numbers would be Mateo calling to talk to you or– stop, (Y/N), he hasn’t called in two weeks, which means he probably won’t call at all.
Sighing, you made your way into the homeless shelter, preparing to treat hundreds of patients and attempting to get your mind off of Abe’s very attractive younger brother.
A few hours later, just as your work shift was finishing up, a voice called out to you.
“(Y/N)?” Turning around, you smiled.
“Hey, Mateo.”
“Um, hi. I wanted to say thank you for saving my life somehow, and I got to thinking… Fuck, I thought I’d be prepared for this but it’s a lot harder to do in person, um, would you, maybe wanna–” You could barely hear what he was saying, and you were about to tell him just this when he paused, seemingly calming himself down before saying, “Would you maybe want to go get something to eat? Abe told me what time your shift ended and–” Going back into his mumbling, you still managed to, albeit he said it quietly, hear what he was said loud and clear.
“What? Oh um, sure! It was nothing, really, I was just doing my job, and honestly, if this is your way of saying thank you, you really don’t need to do anything special.”
“Well, I was scared if I asked you on a date you wouldn’t say yes and I–”
“I needed an excuse to see you that didn’t involve me getting shot… Again. I, um, I couldn’t stop thinking–”
“Hey, Mateo.”
“About you after you left but–” 
You worked up the nerve and kissed him. It was soft, yes, but all your excitement was evident as you smiled into his lips. After the initial shock, Mateo kissed you back with just as much passion, pulling you towards him by your waist.
“You know,” You started, breaking away from his warm hold, “I would have said yes if you asked me on a date.”
“Really?” His blue orbs gazed into your (E/C) ones.
“Mhm,” Pecking his lips again, the two of you made your way to the exit of the shelter as you joked around, “You should have asked me sooner, though. At this point, I was waiting for you to get shot just so I could see you again…”
“Don’t worry, next time I get shot you’ll be the first one I call.”
“There won’t be a ‘next time’ if I can help it.”
“I’m glad.”
The Marriage Proposal :
You held a simple, black stainless steel ring in your hand.
Waiting for the right time, the right place, you knew you wanted to marry Mateo Guevara, and since he wasn’t the most “observant” person in the world, you decided you’d save yourself the trouble of hinting to him that you were ready to get married.
You’d planned it for weeks. First, you’d ask to go on a walk, “somehow” passing the warehouse where you’d first met. You’d remind him of the fateful day and confess that to Mateo you fell in love the minute you laid eyes on him. Then, you’d take him to the diner where you’d had your first date, and before time dessert rolled around, you’d ask the waiter to stick the simple little band in the top of the chocolate lava cake.
It would have been perfect… If it had actually happened.
✧ ✧ ✧
The day started out beautifully. On a conveniently placed day-off for the both of you, you woke up in your shared apartment, made a quick cup of coffee for yourself and your (hopefully) soon-to-be-fiance and “casually” suggested that the two of you should go on a walk. 
He outright refused. 
In retrospect, you shouldn’t have gotten mad. He was tired from working, and since he was trying his hardest not to do anything illegal, making good money meant lots of hours, multiple jobs, and rarely any days off to just chill. 
Although, being only human, you did get upset at the thought of your very hard to coordinate day-off going to waste. Bottom line, you raised your voice and so did he, but being the man he was, decided to leave the house to go cool off before he did something he’d regret. So there you stood, with no finance, a plan that had gone to crap, and a ring waiting for the right person.
What a shitshow.
✧ ✧ ✧
“Hey, Matty?” You shivered as you down beside him on the balcony, wrapping a blanket around the two of you.
“I’m sorry.” His eyebrows furrowed.
“Why? If anything I should be the one apologizing for being so fucking rude–”
“No,” Cutting him off, your emotions began to pour forth, “I should have known you were exhausted from working. I just wanted this day to be perfect so I could–” You stopped yourself. Shit. Of course, you’d almost let everything slip.
“So you could… (Y/N), what were you going to say?”
“Nothing, I, um–”
“Were you gonna break up with me? Is that why you wanted to hang out so bad? So you could tell me that I worked too much or don’t spend enough time with you? I know I work a bunch but I’m trying to take less shifts so I can see you more…”
“No, it’s nothing like that.”
“Then what is it? (Y/N), I thought things were going amazing, but if you don’t want to be with me why didn’t you just tell–”
“Marry me.”
“You heard me.” You pulled out the ring you’d bought, and he stared at it in awe.
“You… You mean it?” His eyes started to gloss, and as a dopey smile adorned his face, you whispered, 
“I do.” Chuckling, he gently placed his left hand into your empty one, allowing you to place the ring on his finger. It fit perfectly.
“Hey, that’s my line.”
Maybe the proposal didn’t go like you’d planned, but in your eyes, and Mateo’s, it was perfect.
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papa-rhys · 6 years
Rivals: Part 2 (AU Jacob Seed X f!Deputy)
Note: Here’s part two to the diner AU by @marymay-fairgrave !! I have one more part of this left after this one (bc this AU is a Godsend). Enjoy!
Summary: After a hard day’s work in their respective establishments, Rook and Jacob go on their date to the Spread Eagle for a chance to unwind.
Word count: 1681
Warnings: None that I can think of!
| Part 1 |  | Find more of my stuff here! |  | Spare any change? |
Rook throws her apron over the hook on the back of the storeroom door before flipping the light switch off and pulling the door shut. It’s closing time and any minute now, Jacob will show up in the doorway to whisk her away on a romantic date. Well, maybe Rook is getting a little ahead of herself. It’s only a few drinks at the Spread Eagle – hardly a candle-lit dinner at the Ritz. But she’d had chemistry with Jacob for a long time, now, so she’ll be glad of the company, no matter where they go.
She grabs her keys from behind the counter just as Jacob enters the shop. “You ready to go, darlin’?” he asks, standing in the middle of the shop floor with his hands stuffed to the bottom of his jacket pockets.
“Yeah,” Rook smiles, looking around the room. “I think I remembered everythin’.”
“Great,” Jacob beams. “We can take my truck.”
Rook watches out the passenger window as the truck nears Fall’s End; her favourite place in the entire county, filled with happy people and good beer – just the way a small town should be.
“Looks like some folks had the same idea,” Jacob says, looking at the 10+ parked cars that sit outside the bar as he pulls up.
“You still wanna go in?” Rook asks, watching Jacob as he nervously surveys the cluster of vehicles. “I know you ain’t too good with crowds. We can go somewhere else if you want?”
He keeps looking out the window at the cars. “Nah, I’m good. I said I’d take you out for a drink, so that’s what I’m gonna do. Besides, my shrink says I gotta practice uncomfortable situations.”
“There’s other bars –“
“But you like this one,” he says, recalling a conversation she’d had with him months ago, in which she’d cooed over the fairy lights that hang over the porch of the bar and praised the Fairgrave family for being so inviting and hospitable.
Slightly shocked, but equally pleased that he remembered that conversation, Rook smiles. “Okay, but if you wanna leave at any point, then just let me know, alright?”
Jacob pulls his gaze away from the parked cars to look at Rook, finding her looking back at him with a concerned look across her face. Her features are beautifully lit up by the fairy lights that she loves oh-so-much and a warmth floods into Jacob’s chest as he looks at her. He looks at her until the concerned look is replaced with a smile – a smile that he returns for a moment before opening his door and hopping out of the truck. Rook does the same, planting her feet firmly onto the asphalt and shoving the truck door shut.
Inside the bar, the air is warm from the number of bodies that fill the space. The lights are dim and the bar is filled with smoke that rises to the ceiling and swims around the light fixtures. People are everywhere; all drinking various brands of beer and laughing with their friends and colleagues, and even Rook is a little overwhelmed by the lack of breathing room.
“I ain’t seen this place so busy since Mrs Fairgrave had her baby shower back when she was expectin’ Drew,” Rook remarks to Jacob as the two of them inch their way through the bustling crowd. “And that was fuckin’ years ago,” she adds.
They reach the bar and are greeted by Mary May – the oldest child of the Fairgrave family; although Rook doesn’t see much of a child in front of her anymore. “Hey, Mary,” Rook smiles, watching Mary May pop the cap off a beer bottle and hand it over the bar to a customer. “Where’s your pops?”
“Howdy, Rook. Daddy’s out pickin’ up some extra beer glasses. We had no idea it was gonna get so busy. I’m coverin’ for him until he gets back.”
“Well you look like a natural,” Rook says. “I’ll have a bottle of Beaver whenever you get the chance, doll.” She looks to Jacob and it takes him a few moments to realise that they’re waiting for his order. He’s blatantly struggling, but Rook thinks he seemed pretty adamant on drinking here, so she decides not to bother bringing the subject up again.
“Oh, right,” he says, jolting forward with the force of the realisation. “I’ll have a shot of McHelen.” Mary May nods and reaches up to the top shelf for a bottle of scotch. Jacob looks around the room, nervously; a bead of sweat forming on his brow. “Actually, darlin’, I’ll just take the whole bottle.”
“Are you – are you sure?” Mary May asks. Jacob nods and she places the bottle on the bar.
“You doin’ okay?” Rook asks Jacob, placing her hand on his back.
“Yeah,” he says – although he flinches at her touch. “But maybe we should sit outside?”
“Yeah, sure,” Rook agrees as Jacob pulls out his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans. “You got find us a table and I’ll bring the drinks out. We’ll take those to go, Mary,” she says as Jacob hands her a handful of bills and begins pushing his way towards the exit.
Mary May pulls up a tray from behind the bar and begins loading the bottles onto it, accompanied by two glasses. “I don’t think he’ll be usin’ a glass with the state he’s in, but I’ll give him one anyway,” she says, pushing the tray towards Rook.
“He’s just havin’ a rough time with the crowds,” Rook tells her, handing over the bills. “You keep the change for yourself, sweetheart. Don’t let your pops see a single penny of it.” She picks up the tray as Mary May looks down at the notes with a smile. “And you tell him from me that he better be payin’ you a fair wage if he’s gonna be workin’ you to the bone like this,” Rook adds with a smile.
Mary May grins. “Thanks, Rook,” she says, turning to the cash register as Rook squeezes through the crowd with the tray of drinks.
Outside, the night air is cool and the only sound – other than the muffled music and voices from inside – is the sound of the crickets chirping away in the nearby field. Rook finds Jacob sat at a table for two at the end of the porch and wanders over, setting the tray of drinks down on the table.
“You’re a star,” Jacob tells her as he pulls the stop out of the bottle of scotch and swigs it straight from the bottle.
“You best go easy on that stuff,” she chuckles. “That’s a big-ass bottle and now the Fairgraves think I hang around with alcoholics.”
Jacob swallows a gulp and sets the bottle down on the table again, resting his arm on the table and keeping his hand wrapped around the bottom of the bottle. “Wasn’t your pops an alcoholic?” he asks. Rook looks down at her beer bottle. “Ah shit, I’m sorry,” Jacob says, raising a hand to his face. “Scotch makes me stupid.”
“You’ve only just taken a swig of it,” Rook chuckles.
“Yeah you’re right. I’m plenty stupid without it.”
“I think you’re a lot of things, but I don’t reckon you’re stupid.”
The two look at each other for a moment, caught up in each other’s smile.
“So,” Rook starts, shaking her head and freeing herself from her trance. “Does your family know about our little out of hours meet-up?”
“John knows. He figured it out after he watched us through the diner window when I stopped by for the ketchup. You know what he’s like; always starin’ at someone.”
“Oh, he’s gonna tell everyone,” Rook smiles.
“Yup, most likely,” Jacob agrees, smiling into his bottle of scotch as he takes a sip.
“I’ll look forward to the whole town knowin’ about it by tomorrow mornin’.”
“You might not have to wait that long,” Jacob says, nodding towards Nick and Kim Rye, who walk towards the bar hand-in-hand; Nick’s coat draped over Kim’s shoulders to protect her from the evening chill.
“There’s the county’s new power couple,” Nick bellows happily as they approach the table.
“Hey, Kim,” Rook nods.
“What’s goin’ on?” Kim asks, a puzzled look on her face. “Am I missing something?”
“Haven’t you heard?” Jacob smiles. “Me ‘n’ Rook are gunnin’ for your place as the county’s newest newly-weds.”
Nick looks back and forth between Rook and Jacob; rendered speechless for a full 10 seconds before Rook puts him out of his misery. “He’s joking,” she says. “Oh God, Nick, he’s joking.”
Nick breathes a sigh of relief as the others share a chuckle at his expense, but although it’s all fun and games, Rook can’t help but like the sound of Jacob referring to the two of them as a pair – two halves of a whole, so to speak. And the fact that a relationship between the two of them has crossed his mind sends her gut fluttering.
“We should head inside,” Kim says, tugging at Nick’s arm. “We could only get a babysitter for two hours, so we best make the most of it.”
The two couples say their goodbyes and wish each other a nice evening before the Ryes head inside, leaving Jacob and Rook in peace.
“They’re a nice couple,” Jacob says, raising his bottle to his lips. “Even if Nick doesn’t know good mac ‘n’ cheese when he sees it.”
“Actually, I’ve seen your mac ‘n’ cheese first hand and I think Nick was being pretty generous with that review.”
“Oh, really? When have you ever been in my kitchen?”
“I get around,” Rook shrugs. “I wouldn’t be a very good rival if I didn’t spy on you guys from time-to-time.”
“And you think you could do better?”
“Better than a bowl of undercooked pasta vegetatin’ in luke-warm water? Hell yeah, I could.”
“You wanna make a wager?” Jacob asks, leaning forward in his seat.
“Sure thing.”
“Alright,” Jacob says, rising to his feet.
“What’re you doin’” Rook asks as Jacob grabs hold of her hand and pulls her out of her chair.
“We’re gonna see if you can cook.”
“That’s rich comin’ from someone who grills salad,” she giggles, stepping off the porch and following him to the truck; her hand still held in his. 
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wine-anon · 7 years
can you do spot x reader where the reader goes with jack to tell spot ab the strike, and spot and the reader flirt back and forth, and it ends with spot asking her out for a date?
a/n: I haven’t had a Spot request for a while, nor have I written or him in a while. Thanks for the request! Tbh when writing this, I looked up a picture of Tommy Bracco to get his eye colour and such correct, but got caught staring at his eyes because they’re overly beautiful, wtf? Also, see if you can pick up on my Easter egg to one of my other writings.
Warning: my sucky flirting skills, seriously they’re awful, don’t flirt with me ever.
“Alright, who’ll take Brooklyn?” Jack’s question made everyone look in any direction but him, “c’mon, Brooklyn? Spot Conlon’s turf. Finch, you telling me your scared of turf?”
“I ain’t scared of no turf,” the boy shot up to protest but slowly sat down again, “but that Spot Conlon gets me all jittery.”
“I’ll take Brooklyn,” the newsies heads all snapped to you, where you sat in the back corner of Jacobi’s.
“You’ll take Brooklyn?” Mike asked a concerned look on his face.
“I mean, how bad can this Spot guy be?” 
Protests rung out across the diner before a girl, you soon found out to be named Katherine, ran in and told you all that she could get you all into the paper. It was finally decided that Jack, Davey and yourself would go to Brooklyn to talk to Spot Conlon, obviously Les went with you because Davey was adamant to not have him leave his side.
After lunch the four of you made started your trek across the Brooklyn Bridge. The journey was arduous and only worsened once you got into Brooklyn territory, you were watched from every street corner and alley by Spot’s birds. The feeling of being watched was unsettling as you reached the front doors of the Brooklyn Lodging House. 
Once inside, the four of you were escorted to their common area. You were told to sit and wait on a busted up couch in the centre of the room.
“This is all quite dramatic, ain’t it?” you said once you were alone. Jack mumbled something about Spot always doing this whilst Davey and Les nodded in agreeance. 
You waited in bated silence for five minutes before the door opened again. You raised your eyebrow at the two boys that entered the room. They took point on either side of the armchair across from you and the others. From the doorway another boy entered, he was considerably shorter than the two other boys but he was stocky and well-built. His shirt had no sleeves leaving his branch-like biceps on display. Now that you noticed, none of them had sleeves which was strange.
The boy sat down in the armchair and the door behind him was shut behind him. Now that you could see his face clearly, you were stuck by just how gorgeous he was. His hair was tucked neatly under his cap, as most newsies did, including you. You took in his face, his deep brown eyes drew you in and caught your breath in your throat, thick eyelashes framing them beautifully. His jaw could cut glass and his cheekbones could cut you if you were to touch them. A small smirk presented itself on his pink lips and you found yourself licking your own as you both stared at each other.
Jack coughed loudly which broke you out of your trance, you blushed when Jack raised his eyebrow at you and shook his head with a smile. The boy, who you assumed was Spot Conlon, turned to Jack after throwing you a quick wink.
“Why ya’ here, Jack” he asked, his accent was thick and his voice deep, you almost melted on the spot.
“We’s organising a strike,” Jack spoke with an authority that you’d never heard before, “and we want to know if Brooklyn is in?”
“And what is you striking against?” Spot had an air of power and command around him that you’d be honest, was really enticing.
“We’re striking against the papes,” Davey chimed in, though not as confidently as Jack, “we want fairness. The papes price has risen and that’s not okay, we’re not going to be walked over by Pulitzer.”
“That’s great, kid,” Spot stared down Davey, like a lion would watch it’s prey. Waiting for a break of confidence. 
Nervously, Les gripped your hand from his seat next to you. You held his shaking hand tightly and comforted him as best as you could.
“So what do ya’ want from me?” Spot looked at your hand that was intertwined with Les’ instead of the other boys which made you slightly nervous.
“We want you to support us so that we can get backed by the other newsies around New York,” Jack said, pulling Spot’s attention back to him.
“How do I know that you won’t bounce at the first sign of trouble?” the question caught the two boys off-guard, so you decided to intervene.
“Because we’re fighting for a good cause, and we ain’t backing down,” Spot looked you in the face and smirked once again.
“Is that so,” he spoke with amusement and intrigue, “and what is your name, beautiful?”
“(y/n),” you decided to not waste any time, he was cute and flirting with you, so what could go wrong?
“Gorgeous name for a gorgeous person,” the grin on his face grew.
“Why thank you, handsome,” he seemed pleased with the name and so you knew you’d found your in, “did you lift something heavy before you walked in here? Your arms look so strong.”
“You think so?” you were surprised that your flirting was actually working, usually it was abysmal, at least that’s what Romeo and Race would always say.
“I’ll be honest, beautiful,” he continued, “when I first walked in here, I was pretty wary. But afta’ seeing your face, I thought I walked into a museum.”
“How’s that?” you were genuinely curious as to where this line was going.
“‘Cause you are a masterpiece to look at,” his words caught you off-guard and you blushed deep red.
“I could say the same about you,” that was all you could get out, he was intimidatingly handsome.
“Think I could take you out sometime?” another thing that shocked you. He wanted to take you out, on an actual date. Your heartbeat sped up and you smiled sweetly at him. 
Unbeknownst to you, Spot was nervous beyond belief. The King of Brooklyn rarely got nervous, but you were beautiful, radiant and down-right spectacular to look at. He didn’t want to mess this up, he genuinely wanted to get to know you. The way you talked made his heart race and when you smiled at him, he felt like he was going to faint.
“I’d love to,” your response shocked everyone in the room, the boys by your side looked at you with wide eyes, “maybe after you help us win this strike.”
“You drive a hard bargain, sugar,” Spot wanted to help you and come at your beckon-call but he knew he couldn’t logistically do that, “if you can show me that you won’t crumble at the sight of trouble, then and only then, will I support you. But I need to see that you mean it.”
Jack clenched his fist but agreed to the terms, whilst you and Les sat in silence.  Jack and Davey spoke in hushed tones to the side and Spot simply stared at you, without a care.
“Thank you or seeing us, Spot,” Jack said as he stood from the couch. Davey and Les following his lead in shaking Spot’s hand and heading to the door to be escorted back out to the street.
You sat still for a moment before getting to your feet and looking Spot in the eye. You had no clue what to say. You’d never felt this strongly about someone in a positive way before, you didn’t even know what to do. You nervously stuck your hand to shake his. He gripped your hand and shook it gently, you both stared into each other’s eyes before you coughed and pulled away awkwardly.
“Look, (y/n),” he spoke quietly and with far less confidence than before, “I wish I could help you guys, but you need to understand that it’s not what’s best for my newsies.”
“I know, Spot,” you reassured him with a small smile, “I get it, you gotta look out for these kids and I gotta look out for mine. You better be ready for that date though, because I promise you that we will win this.”
“I hold you to that, sugar,” he winked and you walked past him towards the door.
“See ya’ round, Spot,” with that you walked out of the room to find your friends. 
“See ya’, (y/n),” he spoke to thin air long after you were gone.
“What about Brooklyn?”
“I’d say they were definitely impressed,” Jack replied, “don’t you think Davey?”“Oh, definitely,” Davey spoke whilst both of them eyed you off to the side. You replied with a shrug.
“What can I say? Spot loved what we had to say,” you spoke with a smirk.
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Movie Review! 🎥
Movie Title: Seven
Genre: Mystery
The story of the film Seven is about two detectives, a rookie and a veteran, who are on a desperate pursuit for a killer who based his murders on the Seven Deadly Sins. The two detectives, David Mills (Brad Pitt) and William Somerset (Morgan Freeman), work on a case trying to figure out who is behind the killings. Somerset, the older detective, is retiring and lost his belief in the good of humanity. While Mills, the younger detective, believes that people are still genuinely good. In an unnamed city in the United States, where it rains most of the time, a serial killer exists murdering his victims gruesomely according to the Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Lust, Pride, Wrath, and Envy. Each victim murdered accordingly and uniquely to their own sin: An obese man forced to eat until his stomach ruptured (gluttony), a defense lawyer forced to cut off his own flesh (greed), a man named Victor whose hands had been cut off, and the skin stitched back together, tied to his bed and left with an IV to provide enough nutrients to keep him barely alive (sloth), a prostitute who was raped and killed by a man that was held gunpoint and forced to put a deadly strap-on by the killer (lust), a model who was found on her bed with a bottle of sleeping pills glued into her hand and a phone on the other, and her nose had been cut off from her face, she had a choice to call for help and live her entire life disfigured or choose the sleeping pills to put her life out of misery, she chose the latter (pride). The killer, who is known by the name of John Doe, wants to make a world a better place. He plans seven gruesome, horrifying, uniquely murders for each sin. He knows that he is wrong for killing, but he is using himself as an example to shine light on the seven deadly sins.
I would like to mention the acting that was done by the main cast. They did a really great job of portraying their roles and they played their part very well. It was beautifully done in my opinion. First, Brad Pitt, he was so perfect for the role of David Mills, a young, amateur, first day on the job kind of detective who wants to prove that he’s capable of doing anything to excel at his job. But at the same time, an arrogant, hot-headed, and an impatient detective who always get carried away by his emotions. Brad Pitt is an excellent actor and I think that portraying David Mills was a piece of cake for him and he did a wonderful job at it. The second actor that I would like to talk about is Morgan Freeman. Freeman, who played the role of Detective Lt. William Somerset, looked like it was natural for him to portray the character. Detective Somerset is the opposite of David Mills. Somerset is a retiring police, patient man, and understanding unlike Mills. Third is Kevin Spacey. Spacey played the role of the main antagonist who is known by the name of John Doe. John Doe is a serial killer who targets people who he thinks represents one of the seven deadly sins. Spacey really has the charisma of a killer because of his acting skills. He looks creepy and insane and I think that he is perfect for the role of the main antagonist. And lastly, Gwyneth Paltrow, she has the least screen time out of all the main characters. She played the role of Tracy Mills, the wife of David Mills. At first I thought “what does she have to do with the story?” But at the climax part of the movie she played an important role to David Mills and her being the wife of David Mills, added drama to the movie. Every main cast did a great job but in my opinion there are flaws like there’s not enough character development for John Doe. I didn’t even get to know his real name. There’s less screen time for a main character like Tracy Mills. They should give her more screen time so the viewers would develop an attachment to her so that killing her right at the end of the movie would have left more impact for the viewers.
The story of the movie is something. It’s not like every murder-mystery movie when the killer will show up at the end of the movie and it turns out that the killer is someone close to the main protagonist, no it’s not like that. It’s different. The film started slow and it continued to build up until the end of the movie. The ending, in my humble opinion, is really the most memorable and iconic part of the movie up to this date. We did not get any big twists until the ending. We only learned that the killer kills someone who represents the seven deadly sins, and that Tracy is pregnant during the whole span of the movie. I don’t think we have other twists until the ending. Like I said the movie started slow. It was like the first few minutes of the movie is like a generic mystery movie. Investigating the first crime scene, Introducing characters, letting the characters each other know who they are, eating at a house, eating at the diner, investigating again and many more. Then it continued to build up. There were chasing scenes, shooting at each other scenes, and disturbing scenes like the “sloth scene” and “pride scene”. We also learned who the killer is, what the killer looks like halfway through the movie. John Doe surrendered himself to the police and it was a bold move I must say, but why? Why would a serial killer surrender if he only killed five victims of the seven deadly sins? Where are the other two, Envy and Wrath? It turns out it was all part of the plan. This is where the real plot twist came. After he turned himself in, he offered to take the two detectives to the final two victims and confess to the murders. The detectives followed Doe and it turned out that the last two victims were Mills, and Doe, himself. Doe taunted Mills that he was envious of his life with Tracy, and Tracy died because of this. Doe killed the pregnant Tracy and made a man deliver a box with her head in it. Mills shot Doe because of this making them the last two victims. Envy for Doe and wrath for Mills. I think that the twist was very emotional especially when Mills said the line “What’s in the box? What’s in the fucking box?” It showed that he truly loved Tracy and learning that she’s pregnant made him more wrathful towards Doe. Seeing Doe and Mills being the last victim of the seven deadly sins were unexpected until the end of the movie in my opinion. This just shows how beautifully the movie is paced and done.
Seven is undoubtedly one of the darkest movies of all time. The scenes are dark, figuratively and literally. Most of the time it is raining until the last scene where they went to an isolated place, the crime scenes are disturbing for some people like when they found the “sloth victim” who looked lifeless but turned out to be alive despite looking like a corpse, the “pride victim” whose face has been mutilated by Doe and the “gluttony victim” who was forced to eat until his stomach burst. The effects were beautifully done for a 1995 film. The prosthetics looks real up to this date. The gun fights sounded like a real gunfight. Overall I think the effects were perfect and it aged well.
Overall, the film Seven is definitely a superb film. It’s a must watch film with your family, friends or a loved one. It’s a cult classic, it aged well and it has a great atmosphere for a mystery movie. The suspense of them finding who the real killer is was well done. The movie was beautifully paced. The story is very unique. The tying of the Seven Deadly Sins to the murders was well thought-out. The actors were great, the setting is wonderfully placed, and the effects were beautiful for a 1995 film. And of course, the twist at the end of the movie will leave everyone emotional and disturbed at the same time. I would recommend everyone to watch it if you want a film that is classic, story-driven, and at the same time unique for its genre. 5 out of 5 stars overall for the movie.
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lansdellicious · 6 years
But we didn’t even have tea!
It’s funny how we discover things. While Sarah’s daughter (an aspiring foodie at 11) was looking for somewhere to have her family dinner for her birthday, we stumbled across the menu for the Gypsy Tea Room online. We knew the place existed but had never considered it a place for fine dining, tricked by the name. Silly Chris, didn’t your mother tell you to never judge a book by its cover? The menu promised a variety of taste that you would never expect based on the name of the place. As some members of the family are a little less adventurous with their palates, we decided against it for a large family meal but resolved to go there for a date night. 
A couple of things stood out right away. One, they give you your own balsamic vinegar and olive oil to make a dip for your bread, which is a nice touch. Tiny, but nice. Second, the wine list is both expansive and impressive but be careful - the by-the-glass wines are all on one page and are easily missed, nmaking for a couple of anxious minutes where I thought I was going to be on mono water all night. The horror.
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That’s some selection. I might not be a seafood lover, but I can recognise when a dish is impressive and many of these meet that description. Sarah went with the tuna tataki and the lamb curry, I went with the daily special of smoked pork cavatelli, and (surprise surprise) the Thai red curry braised beef. I actually had a hard time choosing between that and onion baiji (not how I am used to seeing it spelled) as a starter and the tenderloin for an entrée, but red curry is a strong draw and smoked pork anything is perhaps even stronger. Bacon is basically smoked pork, after all!
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I was not familiar with cavatelli, thinking instead of cavatappi which is a curly macaroni relative. Cavatelli is basically a little pasta pellet, which was a really good choice as a vessel for the sauce. Sadly the pasta was just too al dente, almost to the point of being crunchy in spots. I am used to pasta being chewier than I would like, so I could overlook that. The pork and its accompanying sauce though were just kind of...there. Not bad, actually pretty good, but with nothing at all to make it stand out one way or another. Is it unfair to expect the extraordinary from a special? Perhaps. What I did expect though was for it to be more than just...there. 
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When it comes to Thai, it is very hard to disappoint me. The flavour profiles of cocounut milk, lemongrass, Thai basil and galangal are all among my favourites, and Thai chilies light my fire in more ways than one. Red curry is my absolute favourite dish on the planet, so I was excited to try this at an upscale restaurant.
This was not red curry. The braised beef was actually beef cheek, not a cut of which I am fond, and the only resemblance this bore to red curry was the toasted shredded coconut. It was a tasty dish, but it tasted nothing like any Thai dish I have had before or since. Getting excited about one thing and getting another is a recipe for disappointment, and to top it all off the almost complete lack of sauce left me with a lump of plain white rice at the end. Not what we want in a dish like this that should be assaulting my tastebuds in the nicest way possible. Even the citrus sautée was so faint as to be not worth mentioning.
Sarah fared much better than I did.
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This is an absolute work of art. Replace the tuna with any meat and I probably would have ordered it myself based on on the menu, but having seen it I would have felt bad eating it much like Sarah did. As she is not the biggest mango fan (I know, I don’t get it either) she didn’t enjoy eating it as much as we both enjoyed looking at it. Not that it wasn’t very good, just not to her taste. This one comes recommended.
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Of the things we ordered, this was without a doubt the favourite dish either of us tried. Lamb curry is one of those dishes that it easy to do well but very difficult to do very well. This was easily the best lamb curry I have had, Indian restaurants included. Sure they were a little stingy on the naan, but everything else here is delicious and beautifully presented. The nestling of the chili between the rice and the curry might seem small, but it allowed the diner to essentially set their own spice level. I would just have mashed them all in there, but Sarah’s palate is not quite as flammable as mine is. Nonetheless this dish is highly recommended and is probably what I would have if we go back.
Despite a crippling headache on my part, we could not leave on that note. When the dessert menu featured an apple bread pudding with ginger ice cream, that decision became easy.
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This was...divine might be a little strong, but it was the best part of my meal and challenged the lamb curry for the best overall. Bread pudding might be done to death, but the addition of apple to both the pudding and as a nice thinly-sliced garnish really kicked it up. The oats on the bottom were perfectly toasted and adding a much-needed crunch to the dish, plus the toasted sweetness worked with the subtle sweet of the pudding.The ice cream could have stood a little more ginger flavour, but that was the only gripe. 
I found the whole meal very hard to rate overall. I will give almost any place a second shot, and Gypsy Tea Room definitely was not bad enough to be disqualified from that. Heck it wasn’t even bad at all, but it was disappointing. That disappointment wasn’t due to the quality of the food though, more due to expectations and descriptions, so armed with that knowledge it’s possible I won’t be disappointed next time. I think then that I will recommend you visit, but that you ask questions before ordering. I found the wait staff to be very knowledgeable and willing to help and answer questions, so don’t be shy on that front. Then again, the price tag at Gypsy Tea Room is higher than most places we have been, so when it comes to value we’re taking a hit there too. Be warned: this is not a budget-friendly dining option. If the rest of the menu is more like the lamb than the beef, that price is justified. 
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